PAGE 28 S MA R T SU PPOR T SE R V IC E S (S H E F F IE L D) L T D About Smart Support Services (Sheffield) Ltd We are now firmly established as one of the most responsive providers of payroll and managed direct payment accounts in Sheffield and have yet again proved ourselves in 2015 by holding all package prices; increasing our range and adding extra services at no charge. We pride ourselves in being able to not only deliver on Recognised Provider Standards—but to also understand our clients and to be able to navigate the systems in place that ensure people’s care needs are met and they are safe. Many years of experience in the care sector along with transparency, an eye for detail and excellent customer service mean that we never stop in our quest to provide services that do Staniforth (Director) & Daniel Kidd more for the employers and employees Ashley(Payroll & Accounts Manager) we serve at the lowest possible price— so that our local authority can also get best value when we are chosen as your payroll provider. How to contact us Phone “We can call you back” 07758209512 Text (none–urgent enquiries only) 07758209512 Email Enquiries: Time sheet submissions: Post Smart Support Services (Sheffield) Ltd, 109 Burngreave Road, Sheffield, S3 9DF Fax 0114 3273197 • Comprehensive Packages & Tailored Service Options for Direct Payment Clients; Personal Assistants and Home & Community Workers for Residents of Sheffield • Official HMRC PAYE Agent • RTI Ready • Enhanced Recognition Payroll Software • Effective 06/04/2015 until 05/10/2015 PAGE 2 F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 Contents Item Page 3 How to access our services 3 How to use this booklet 4 Payroll with payments information 5 Payroll without payments information 6 Payroll optional extras information 7 Standing order (all services) 10 11-12 Your details (payroll-related services only) 13 Data collection (all services) 14 Feedback form (all services) 15 Managed accounts only section 16-20 Employer’s Liability Insurance Provider Advertisement 21 Recognised Providers information (all services) 22 Useful information for employers and employees Payroll service agreement Acceptable ID to work in the UK information (payroll services) PAGE 27 Group 2a - Trusted Government/State Issued Documents Why Smart Support Services (Sheffield) Ltd is the right payroll service Payroll service order form S MA R T SU PPOR T SE R V IC E S (S H E F F IE L D) L T D Old style paper Driving License UK Certified copy of Birth Certificate (UK & Channel Islands) - issued within 12 months of date of birth Marriage/Civil Partnership Certificate (UK) HM Forces ID card (UK) Fire Arms Licence (UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man) Group 2b - Financial/Social History Documents 23-24 25 26-27 About us 28 How to contact us 28 Mortgage Statement (UK or EEA) (issued in the last 12 months) Bank/Building Society Statement (UK or EEA) (less than 3 months) Bank/Building Society Account Opening Confirmation Letter (UK) Credit Card Statement (UK or EEA)* (less than 3 months) Financial Statement - e.g. pension, endowment, ISA (issued in the last 12 months) P45/P60 Statement UK - (issued in the last 12 months) Council Tax Statement (UK) Work Permit/Visa (UK) (UK Residence Permit) Letter of Sponsorship from future employment provider (Non-UK/Non-EEA only – valid only for applicants residing outside of the UK at time of application) Utility Bill Benefit Statement - e.g. Child Allowance, Pension (less than 3 months) A document from Central/ Local Government/ Government Agency/ Local Authority giving entitlement (UK & Channel Islands)*- e.g. from the Department for Work and Pensions, the Employment Service , Customs & Revenue, Job Centre, Job Centre Plus, Social Security EU National ID Card Cards carrying the PASS accreditation logo (UK) Letter from Head Teacher or College Principal (16-19 year olds in full time education - only used in exceptional circumstances when all other documents have been exhausted) Please note: If a document in the list of Valid Identity Documents is; denoted with * – it should be less than three months old denoted with ** – it should be issued within the past 12 months not denoted – it can be more than 12 months old PAGE 26 F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 Acceptable Identification to work in the UK Route One 3 documents from group 1, or 2 documents from group 1 and 1 document from group 2, or 1 document from group 1 and 2 documents from group 2. If the applicant has satisfied this route, then the CRB ID checking process is complete. If the applicant cannot produce a Group 1 document then go to Route Two. Route Two If the applicant fails to provide you with ID from the above options, you then need to go to Route 2 – which is an external ID check. You need to purchase the basic (not enhanced) DBS checking service from Smart Support Services (Sheffield) Ltd to do this.. Anyone who fails to be authenticated by this, needs to then follow Route 3: Route Three Provide a certified copy of a birth certificate (UK and Channel Islands) and 4 further documents from Group 2 comprising of 1 document from Group 2a & 3 further documents from group 2a or 2b. If you cannot establish the applicant’s ID using one of the three routes a fingerprint test will need to be completed with the police and a paper application completed. This will require attendance by the applicant at a Police Station at an appointed time, and may delay into the overall process. Valid ID Documents Group 1 – Primary Trusted Identity Credentials Current valid Passport Photo card Driving License (Non UK) Adoption Certificate (UK) Biometric Residence Permit (UK) Current Driving Licence (UK) (full or provisional) Isle of Man /Channel Islands; Photo card only (a photo card is only valid if the individual presents it with the associated counterpart licence; except Jersey) Original Birth Certificate (UK) - issued within 12 months of date of birth; Full or short form acceptable including those issued by UK authorities overseas, such as Embassies, High Commissions and HM Forces S MA R T SU PPOR T SE R V IC E S (S H E F F IE L D) L T D DE S C RI PT I ON S PAGE 3 Why having Smart Support Services (Sheffield) as your payroll and managed account agent is an excellent choice Payroll and Managed Accounts is all we do and because our service is tailored for people who receive Direct Payments; we are more aware of the expectations of our clients. Choosing us for any payroll package means that you get the following included: A home set-up as an employer/employees including support with Employer’s Insurance (currently Sheffield postal codes only) Contracts of employment (standard or zero hours) Information on checking ID for eligibility to work in the UK Electronic or paper time-sheet options The choice of 4-weekly or monthly payments Pay-slips / other PAYE documents sent either by post to staff via their employer, or electronically to staff email All RTI data processed & sent to HMRC Excellent value & customer service Customer-only web-site resource and your own email How to get Smart Support Services (Sheffield) Ltd to be your payroll agent or managed account provider If you receive a direct payment or are being assessed for support—just ask your Social Worker or Care-Coordinator to refer you or to arrange a transfer of your current payroll services provider over to us. If you are a private customer you can either follow the instructions on page 4 or contact us directly. PAGE 4 F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 S MA R T SU PPOR T SE R V IC E S (S H E F F IE L D) L T D PAGE 25 Service Agreement Terms & Conditions (payroll-services) How to use this booklet If you do not need payroll-related services and just need a managed account for your Direct Payment, go to pages 16-20, as the information below is about payroll-related packages. By signing the application form in this booklet, or being party to the com- Pages 5, 6 & 7 describe our payroll packages & options. First of all you need to know that because we will come out to see you to set up your services - we can complete this for you when we do this. However if you want to do this yourself here is how: First choose if you want us to pay wages and taxes or whether you are able to do this yourself. Packages on page 5 make payments and packages on page 6 do not. Choose just one of the packages you require on pages 11 and 12—selecting the number of PAs that you have. If you want some services that are not included in the package you require you can add what you require on page 12. More information about optional extras is on page 7. Complete your details on pages 13-16 and post , fax or email it to us. Our contact details are on page 24—the very last page. pletion of an F8; you are accepting our terms. This service has Recognised Provider Status and meets the Money Management Protocol Agreement as prescribed by Sheffield City Council. Business hours are Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm and Friday 9am3:30pm excluding bank holidays and we are normally contactable until 30 minutes prior to close. Direct Payments can only be used as per the support plan unless we are told otherwise by the Local Authority. Without notification or provision of Social/Health Care payments or client contributions (assessed or voluntary); we cannot provide the service & are not responsible for periods where these or information on them is lacking. We have a refund policy if the annually paid-for service is closed down before it runs its 12 month course. Bad debtors are exempt from this. The annual service will be re-invoiced and subsequently renewed automatically each year once paid for. If the service is closed or transferred; we will offer support by post, phone or email for no charge to achieve this. In the set-up meeting your staff should be present along with the employer unless completing online forms &/or bring/send-in ID. You must order the service for the number of staff who will at any one time be on the books (e.g. 1 permanent + 1 cover = 2 staff). We are not liable for the actions of others, individuals, organisations & entities nor they of ours. We have a complaints policy; please ask us for this if it is required. Complaints about providers or the Local Authority need to be directed to them. Issues between staff and their employers can be avoided or resolved using the information in the employment contract and by contacting ACAS. Information is provided on our members-only website resource. We operate under Data Protection Law. All funds in Direct Payment Accounts that we operate are protected from our business activities. We reserve the right to review services and terms; you will be notified. We can process informal (voluntary) contributions that are written on the support plan and set up by your Planner , Health or Social Worker. PAGE 24 F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 Contracts of Employment Contracts provide the full details of current legislation and are a legal requirement for employment. You can use the ones we provide at no cost or you can download a “Written Statement” from the link off our support pages. You can update contracts as well. Full guidance is online using either the ACAS or WWW.Gov link from our pages. Ensuring your staff can work in the UK It is vital that you use the ID check guidance we provide if you are not purchasing this service. Employers Liability Insurance (ELI) ELI is a must and it can be purchased either from a specialist or your home insurer may provide cover. You choose who to use and what policy to purchase. We can help to set this up at no cost to our customers and can supply brochures that providers of ELI send to us. Claiming back PA expenses (managed accounts) If your support plan has a budget for this then the receipts or chitty need to be submitted with the time sheet along with who to reimburse (and account details). If there is no budget then see below. Claiming back PA expenses (payroll only service) Your PA cannot be expected to pay for doing their job. This includes things like travel during work; admission for activities, and paying to eat and drink if they don’t want to during work. Full guidance is on our support site and basic advice (for none-travel expenses) is: either provide a float and ask for receipts and the change, or upon receiving receipts or a chitty - reimburse your PA. For travel—you can reimburse bus tickets and passes or pay up to 45ppm for logged car use during work hours (not getting to or from work). If you pay less than 45ppm then your PA can claim tax relief on the difference in a P87 (which can also be used for some other expenses & is on our site). Client Contributions to Care You may have to pay towards your care. Use the standing order from this brochure (or a paying in book for Basic Post Office Accounts) to do this. We can accept informal (voluntary) contributions too. These must be written on the support plan and set up by your Planner , Health or Social Worker. S MA R T SU PPOR T SE R V IC E S (S H E F F IE L D) L T D PAGE 5 Payroll with Payments Packages We pay wages in all three options on this page and packages 1 & 2 provide either 4-weekly or monthly wages along with taxes/all deductions and up to 39 other invoices that need paying - as part of your support plan, over a 12 month period. Details about Optional Extras are on page 7. “FULL Payroll Package” (Package 1) Managed Account (formal payments received; invoices; wages & HMRC PAYE; ENICs, & other statutory deductions paid, also audit copies to the client) DBS check (enhanced) carried out & renewed each year ID Checks on staff 13 return post-paid envelopes for time-sheets. Both an annual fee and a 4-weekly payment are required. “STANDARD Payroll with Payments Package” (Package 2) A Managed Account (formal payments received; invoices; wages & HMRC PAYE; ENICs, & other statutory deductions paid) A 4-weekly payment is required for this service. * We can now process informal (voluntary) client contributions. As well as assessed contributions. We can only set these up if written in the support plan and we have been given a copy of the support plan for our home-set-up; otherwise it is the responsibility of your support planner. PAGE 6 F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 Payroll without Payments Packages We do not pay wages in the options on this page. This is a payslip and tax advice service. You will receive information on how much to pay staff and HMRC. Staff will receive a pay slip. Details about optional extras are on page 7 “ FULL Payroll Advice Package” (Package 3) Payroll produced and RTI sent to HMRC Pay-slips emailed/posted to the employer All other Tax advice emailed/posted to the employer DBS check (enhanced) carried out & renewed each year ID checks on staff 13 return post-paid envelopes for time-sheets to be posted The employer/client manages the Direct Payment and makes all the payments An annual fee is required in advance for this service. “STANDARD Payroll Advice Service” (Package 4) Payroll produced with RTI sent to HMRC Pay slips and P32 emailed/posted to employer The employer/client manages the Direct Payment and makes all the payments An annual fee is required in advance for this service. S MA R T SU PPOR T SE R V IC E S (S H E F F IE L D) L T D PAGE 23 Useful information for Employers and Employees Being an employer or working as a PA under the employment of the person for whom you care for the first time can seem daunting. If you have internet access you can find most of what you need—if you know what questions to ask. In this section we hope to help you with what you need to know and where you need to go. Online sources of information As our customer you have access to an exclusive on-line service. Go to /members and enter the password provided by us. You will find links to free statutory advisory bodies and support with employment issues. We will be launching a forum for people to share their ideas and to create a knowledge base. Free email address We will email timesheets, payslips & useful documents for employers & employees to their own exclusive email that we provide. Specific questions We hope that everything you may ask has already been provided in this employer pack; but if not—and you can’t find what you require online—or you are not online; you can call us during opening hours with your question. You can also email us at Starting employment documents If your PA does not have a P45 they can either complete the online form at or the paper P46 we provide. We can pay staff when we have a start up document, the contract, their bank details, the confirmation of funds and any Client Care Contribution due and the support plan. Time sheets These are legal documents & must be correct. You will be shown how to fill yours in and left an example. If you need extra copies of paper ones, these are on our customer site or you can get in touch to order some at no charge. If you are not filling them in correctly; when you receive your copies back they may include further guidance. PAGE 22 F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 S MA R T SU PPOR T SE R V IC E S (S H E F F IE L D) L T D Payroll Optional Extras What is the Recognised Provider List? The Recognised Provider List (RPL) is a tool set up, monitored and updated by Sheffield City Council. It will allow adults in Sheffield who are looking for packages of care and support to choose from a list of providers who adhere to a clear quality framework. The RPL aims to ensure that customers receive good quality services from providers. In order to gain Recognised Provider status and the quality mark, providers must meet the following quality standards: Packages of care and support are clear and transparent and based on a clear agreement with the customer The conduct of all employees and volunteers is at all times considerate and respectful A Safeguarding Adults policy and procedure is in place and meets all requirements A Confidentiality policy and procedure is in place and abides by the Data Protection Act 1984 and 1998 Health & Safety legislation is complied with as well as all relevant codes of practice or other authoritative guidance Employment practices take account of current legislation, including, without limitation, equal opportunities legislation Insurance is sufficient for the delivery of packages of care and support Quality assurance systems follow clear standards, are regularly monitored, carefully managed and reviewed on an on-going basis Packages of care and support are consistently delivered under the standards listed above. Organisational policies, procedures and insurance levels of providers who are on the RPL have been assessed to ensure that the providers meet the required quality standards. Smart Support Services (Sheffield) Ltd’s Payroll & related services have Recognised Provider status. PAGE 7 If you want to design your own package for payroll with or without the payments being made - simply select your package and add on any of the services on this page. DBS (enhanced) check Check your staff against the Disclosure & Barring Service for any criminal offences that may affect whether they are suitable to work for you. ID checks for staff We carry this out for you to make sure that your staff are legally allowed to work un the UK. 13 post-paid stamped addressed envelopes To send your completed time-sheets to us. Copies of the audits sent to the employer/client These will be sent to you every quarter—or whenever Sheffield City Council request them Pay-slips posted to staff (to their own home address) The standard (postal) service sends pay-slips to the employer to distribute to staff. Extra invoices over the allowance in Package 1 Package 1 includes paying up to 39 other invoices as part of your plan 9roughly 3 regular providers). We can pay any extra invoices for you. Community Support - Companionship Club Do you want to meet new friends? Do you want to enjoy getting out into your community for a day on a regular basis? Do you want to do this with the support of experienced & fully trained staff? Do you want to do all this but you can’t afford hourly rates of care? You can... ...with Abbeyfield Grange Community Support’s Companionship Club We match up our members with their interests and support needs so that each club we run can do what its members want to do and can do. We use public transport to get around We plan and organise our activities together. Members can take part as often as they wish. Companionship Club runs weekdays from 10:30am to 3:30pm. It costs £37.50 per session plus any costs for travel, lunch and any activity/entrance fees. We accept referrals via Social & Health Services as well as privately and by people who manage their own Direct Payment. You can find out more or make an enquiry either by visiting our website; emailing, or calling us: Phone: 0114 3273197 / Mobile: 07899871164 Email: Mark Bates Ltd are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, .R.N.: 308390 F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 PAGE 20 Please Complete the Details Below Managed Account Services only Client Full Name Care First Number Address (first line) City Post Code Mobile & Landline Email Social or Health Representative Name and Phone Number If this is a transfer of service who currently runs it? Bank Account For potential contributions—where do you keep your money? Post Office Current /Standard Account Post Office Card Account Acceptance of Terms & Agreement (both parties must sign) Sign (client /rep) & date Name if not the client Sign (Social/Health Services) & date Name & position Your email Some services include free email provision. The login page is online at: Passwords are sent separately. Your email address is: Write down the service you are ordering here. S MA R T SU PPOR T SE R V IC E S (S H E F F IE L D) L T D PAGE 9 Leave this page blank. Overleaf is a standing order that you may require to send to your bank in order to make regular payments. F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 PAGE 10 F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 Service Agreement Terms & Conditions—Managed Accounts Standing Order for regular payments—All Services This standing order can be used to pay your care contributions. Your bank may have their own procedures. If you only have a Basic Post Office Account; we can order a paying in book for you to pay at the Post Office into the account that we manage. By signing the application form in this booklet, or being party to the comple From (address): Date: To The Manager: Dear Sir / Madam, Please set up a standing order, referenced as “ to pay £ “, SORT CODE: , ACCOUNT NUMBER: Into account: Bank: Smart Support Services Sort Code: Ltd, Client Account, , Account Code: I would like this to start on every 4 weeks from my account until further notice. Yours sincerely (signed) (print name) (date) PAGE 19 tion of an F8; you are accepting our terms. This service has Recognised Provider Status and meets the Money Management Protocol Agreement as prescribed by Sheffield City Council. Business hours are Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm and Friday 9am3:30pm excluding bank holidays and we are normally contactable until 30 minutes prior to close. Direct Payments can only be used as per the support plan unless we are told otherwise by the Local Authority. Packages can not be combined with any other of our services in order to create a differently priced service than the package suggest. Without notification or provision of Social/Health Care payments or client contributions (assessed or voluntary); we cannot provide the service & are not responsible for periods where these or information on them is lacking. We have a refund policy if the annually paid-for service is closed down before it runs its 12 month course. Bad debtors are exempt from this. The annual service will be re-invoiced and subsequently renewed automatically each year once paid for. If the service is closed or transferred; we will offer support by post, phone or email for no charge to achieve this. We are not liable for the actions of others, individuals, organisations & entities nor they of ours. We have a complaints policy; please ask us for this if it is required. Complaints about providers or the Local Authority need to be directed to them. We operate under Data Protection Law. All funds in Direct Payment Accounts that we operate are protected from our business activities. We reserve the right to review services and terms; you will be notified. Remember to complete the forms on pages 10, 14, 15 & 20 PAGE 18 F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 Services & Descriptions Below is a table showing the name of the service we provide; what each one provides & the price for 12 months. To order a Managed Account Service from us either get in touch, or: Complete the order form on page 20 and data collection forms. Then remove pages 9 to 20 and send them to us S MA R T SU PPOR T SE R V IC E S (S H E F F IE L D) L T D PAGE 11 Payroll Services Order Form Choose only one from the four payroll packages on the next two pages. If you want any extras, these are in Table 5. FULL Payroll with Payments Package (Package 1) Number of Staff Annual advanced fee (£) 1 £497.20 2 £692.28 3 £841.08 4 £1016.40 Select STANDARD Payroll with Payments Package (Package 2) Monitoring & Support Service This is a service that provides a home set-up and support with organising your own Direct Payment. We are available for support for 6 months whilst you get the hang of running your own Direct Payment. The £150 is a one-off fee. Purchase 5 Account This is only for a support plan that has things that need buying (not services being provided). We will create an account to receive the funds and then arrange for up to 5 items on the support plan to be paid for. How do you know how many invoices there will be? Your service providers will be able to tell you how many invoices they will send over the year. Your Support Planner can help—we can too, as we often know who does what regarding invoicing. Number of Staff Annual advanced fee (£) 1 £379.80 2 £439.80 3 £470.80 4 £530.80 Select FULL Payroll Advice Service (Package 3) Number of Staff Annual advance fee (£) 1 271.00 2 466.00 3 651.00 4 836.00 Select F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 PAGE 12 F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 STANDARD Payroll Advice Service (Package 4) PAGE 17 Managed Accounts (only) Section Number of Staff Annual advance fee (£) Select 1 130.00 2 210.00 How to use this section of the brochure 3 280.00 4 350.00 Read the explanations of how we price our services, then choose just one of the packages. If you are unsure you can phone us—or ask your Support Planner, Health, or Social Worker to get in touch with us. Our contact details are on the very last page of the brochure. The next 4 pages are not payroll services. (These Managed Accounts pay invoices only) What’s the difference between the packages? 1. Optional Extras (Table 5) 2. Description Fee Tick or number required 3. DBS (enhanced) check £89 each ID checks on staff (includes a basic DBS check) £70 each 13 post-paid stamped addressed envelopes £26 per year Audits sent to the Direct Payment Client £30 per year Pay-slips posted to individual staff addresses £26 each per year Every invoice over the 39 included in package 1 £6.50 each First of all: the difference is based on the number of invoices that will need paying over 12 months. Secondly: you may need a home visit to set you up. If you are going to pay towards your care voluntarily and no-one else is setting this up; you need a home-set up. More information about contributions is at the bottom of this page. Finally: you may want to receive copies of the statements that we send to Sheffield City Council. Some packages include an emailed copy of these, however you can have a postal set for an additional fee. The difference between voluntary & assessed contributions Assessed contributions... ...are what you have to pay by law towards your care costs. These will not be written on a support plan and you may or may not know your contribution at the stage when you are choosing our service. Your assessment often comes after the support plan is passed. Voluntary contributions... ...are often discussed when you are planning your support. For example you may decide to pay towards your travel costs using a disability benefit. Your Support Plan MUST declare any voluntary contribution and you MUST declare it when having a full financial assessment. PAGE 16 F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 Notes—payroll only services Use this space to jot down notes, or to provide your PA details. We will remove this page but return it once it has been scanned into our system Your email We provide all employers and their PAs with a secure email address for them to send, receive and store timesheets; payslips, & other payroll or service information The login page is online at: Your email address is: We will give you your password separately. PAGE 13 F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 Payroll-related Services order: Please Complete the Details Below Enter all staff names, numbers and emails on p16 Client Full Name Care First Number Employer’s Name Address (first line) City Post Code Mobile & Landline Email Employers National Insurance Number Social or Health Representative 1st pay period starts 1st pay date will be Pay frequency (circle one below) 4-weekly monthly Preferred time sheet type & submission method (circle your choice) Excel Spread-Sheet (does all the maths for you—emailed) Word Document (emailed) Paper If this is a transfer of payroll service who currently runs it? For potential assessed contributions—where do you keep your money? Bank Account Post Office Current /Standard Account Post Office Card Account Acceptance of Terms & Agreement (both parties must sign) Sign (client /rep) & date Name if not the client Sign (Social/Health Services) & date Name & position S MA R T SU PPOR T SE R V IC E S (S H E F F IE L D) L T D PAGE 14 F OR A L L TE LE PH ON E E N QUI R IE S C AL L : 07758 209 512 PAGE 15 Data Collection—All Services Customer Feedback—All Services As Recognised Providers of our services; we are asked by Sheffield City Council to provide them with information on our customers. Please complete, detach and send this questionnaire in with your application. Please let us know what you think of our services by completing this questionnaire and sending it in with correspondence or by posting it anonymously. Did you choose us because we are a Recognised Provider? Age Male Female 18-29 Yes 30-39 Pakistani Indian Chinese Black or British African Black or British - Caribbean Other Black/ African Caribbean 40-49 Other Asian 50-59 Black Caribbean Somali Other African 60-69 White and Asian White and Black African White and Black Caribbean 70-79 Yemeni Other Arab 80-89 English/ Welsh/ Scottish/ N Irish/British Other White Ethnic My emails & calls or messages I leave are dealt with in acceptable time. Strongly disagree Ethnicity (mark one) Bangladeshi 90+ No Strongly disagree No comment Disability (mark only the one that has the biggest affect on your life) Mental health Physical Older person Sensory impairment Learning disability Other No disability No comment Strongly agree A fair bit is missing About 50/50 Mostly Strongly agree They didn’t help too much Agree Yes & they were helpful Yes & they were very helpful I felt I was treated with respect. Disagree Generally Yes I recognised this Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Prices are reasonable compared to others. Strongly disagree Other Ethnic Mostly A member of staff explained the information in the booklet to me. Strongly disagree Other Mixed About 50/50 The booklet provides the information I need. Strongly disagree Other Black Often not Disagree 50/50 Overall—the service is better than others I have experienced / or I would recommend them to other people. Strongly disagree Disagree 50/50 Agree Strongly agree What service package did you have from us? _______________________________________________________________
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