December Newsletter 2014.pages

Newsletter #3
December 2014
Western Reserve Rughookers Chapter 119 of the Association of Traditional Hooking Artists Early Bird Gets The Worm Registration Form | Ali Strebel Workshop|
President’s Message
7th Annual 2015 Hook In Mark your
May 30, 2015
Federated Family
Life Center
Chagrin Falls, OH
Member Registration Begins Dec. 4th
Non-­‐Member Registration Begins Dec. 15th
As we head into the new year, please make note that our January guild meeting will be on the 8th of January instead of the 1st of January. Remember too, if there are SNOW concerns on a meeting day, check the school closings, and if Kenston is listed, our meeting will be cancelled. I want to thank all of those who made a monetary donation to Women's Safe at our December meeting, and to our treasurer Diane, for making sure it was processed and delivered in a timely fashion. I am sure it will be greatly appreciated. I would also like to thank Judi Sadler for her help coordinating our Secret Sister program. We had very positive comments from those who participated. Win Grossman will conduct the 15 minute lecture in January and has asked those who wish to participate to bring a 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inch squishable ball. What a great way to improve our hand health! Kate Porter did an outstanding job in December advising interested members to the Oine points of needle punch. It appears that these mini lectures are a hit. I've saved a very special announcement until this last paragraph. We have a new guild vice-­‐president!!! Sue Skehan has graciously volunteered to Oill our vacancy and the Board is looking forward to working with her. Welcome
aboard Sue! Happy Holidays, Donna Mixner
Newsletter #3
December 2014
Thank you! Guild Store
Don’t forget that we have linen, red dot, and rug tape for sale in the back of our meeting room. Place your order at the beginning of a meeting and pick it up at the end. Items for Sale Remember to send me any items you would like listed for sale and they will be added here. Pictures are always welcome!
From Diane Green, Treasurer During our December meeting,our members voted to make a cash donation to Women Safe in Chardon. We collected $378. Thank you for your generous donation.
Message from Loopdeeloo Rugs Dear Rug Hooking Friends, Loopdeeloo Rugs will not be taking orders or creating new patterns for the calendar year 2015. I am putting the business on hold for this time period in order to pursue a couple of other endeavors. I will take orders through the end of December 2014 so if there is a pattern you have been thinking about hooking, perhaps in a camp next year, give me a call or send me an email to place your order. You can Oine my whole catalog here: Thanks so much for all your support over the years, Kate Porter -­‐-­‐ Katherine Porter 10400 Wilder Road Chardon OH 44024 phone 440-­‐286-­‐4356 cell 440-­‐321-­‐2176 email
Newsletter #3
November 2014
Early Bird Gets the Worm
Pictures from the December Meeting The Early Bird Gets the Work Hook In is on May 30th. We are in need of 8” or 10” mats for the tables with a bird theme. Please remember to label your mat. We would great if every member could make 1 mat. Multiple mats are appreciated and always welcome! Celia Esala can be contacted about the mats at See Registration Form on Next Page!
Newsletter #4
November 2014
Invite you to our 7th Annual Hook-In and Fiber Art Show
The Old Tattered
Julie Thomas
The Early Bird Gets the Worm
Woolie Gardyn
Ramona Cann
Saturday, May 30, 2015
10:00 am--3:00 pm
Heavens to Betsy
Betsy Reed
(Doors will open at 9:30 am to register pieces for the fiber art show)
Breezy Ridge Rugs
Angela Jones
Federated Church Family Life Center
16349 Chillicothe Road, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
Beach Girl Rugs LLC
Marcye Gough
$25.00 Per person: Includes lunch, beverage and delicious snacks.
Goat Hill Designs
Gail Dufresne
Enjoy Door Prizes, Raffle Items and a Silent Auction of fabulous gift baskets
M arianna Halassy
Fiber Art
Marianna Halassy
(Raffle items: Hooked Rug, New Rowenta Commercial Steamer, and Hooked Door Stocking)
Registration deadline is April 22, 2015
Complete the form below and send it with your check for $25 made payable to
Crow s on the Ledge WRRH. Mail registration to Shirley Hairston, 12190 Country Oaks Tr., Chardon, OH
Donna Bennett
44024. Questions? Contact Shirley at
Rugs and Pugs
Lauren Fuqua
Folk Art Priitives
Alice Fraizer
P.Graham Dunn
Hook engraving
IMPORTANT: Mail bottom portion and keep this top portion to remember what you
ordered for lunch (circle your choice on both portions) No refunds: You may sell or gift
your space for the hook-in and classes, but we need your alternate's name for registration
purposes and your substitute will eat the lunch you ordered.
Meal Choices:
1. Grilled turkey with smoked Gouda on multigrain with basil mayo, broccoli and fruit salad on side.
2. Ham with cheddar on half croissant with honey mustard, broccoli and fruit salad on side.
3. Chicken salad on half croissant with broccoli and fruit salad on side.
4. Roast beef on baguette with horseradish sauce, broccoli and fruit salad on side.
5. Vegetarian Quinoa salad on a bed of kale with a roll and fruit salad.
(Please Print)
E-Mail:_________________________________ Phone:_________________________________
Circle Meal choice: 1
5 (Circle the top portion and keep so you remember what you ordered for lunch)
Circle your choice of class: (Class fee is in addition to the registration fee)
____10 AM Class: Two hour Punch Needle Lamb Ornament -$50
(Taught by Angela Jones of Breezy Ridge Rugs, Angela will have punch needles to use)
_____1 PM Class: One hour Wool Appliqué Key Fob-$20 (Taught by Donna Bennett of Crows on the Ledge)
(Include cost of class with $25 registration fee. Make check payable to WRRH. Mail to Shirley Hairston)
__Check if you will be bringing a piece to display in the fiber art show. Approximate size of piece._____________
(One auction ticket for those who bring a piece to show)
Committee use only: Date Pd.
Check No. ___________ Amount Pd._________Meal No. _______
Class AM PM
Newsletter #4
November 2014
"ALI STREBEL WORKSHOP" "Beyond the Basics” March 6-­‐7, 2015, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Registration Fee: $90.00 payable to WRRH when signing up. Supply Fee: $73.00 payable to Ali Strebel at the beginning of class. Minimum No. of Students: 12 Maximum No. of Students: 18 Registration Deadline: December 4, 2014 Cancellation Due to Attendance: January 1, 2015 Students need to bring: frame, scissors, cutter, #8 blade, hook, sewing needles, pins, thread, large eye tapestry needle, and 6-­‐8 wool swatches (6” x 16”) in reds and pinks. For further information contact Donna Mixner at ——————————————————————————————————————————————
Ali Strebel “Beyond the Basics” Workshop Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Cash: ______ Check Number: __________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________ _____ I will help clean-­‐up after class on Friday. ____ I will help clean-­‐up after class on Saturday. Return this form with payment to Donna Mixner