SCHOLARSHIP PAGE Watch out for scams. Please check out the article on Federal Trade Commission website for great information. There are a number of sites on which to search for scholarships. A few are: , , We also have scholarships listed on Naviance. Check out the scholarship link under the college tab. Abbott & Fenner Business Consultants Scholarship Program $1000 scholarship award. Submit essay on topic that appears on scholarship page of web site. For information see: AES ENGINEERS SCHOLARSHIP $500 award - applicant is not required to be taking Engineering courses to be eligible. Award based on GPA and applicant’s character. Essay required. Information available: American College Foundation Visionary Scholarship – All high school students are eligible. See American Heritage Federal Credit Union (annual) must be member of American Heritage Federal Credit Union. Fifteen $1,000 community scholarships awarded. Information: 215 969-0777 Ext. 2920. See website: American Legion - Scholarship and Financial Aid Information. Information on aid to veterans' dependents and members of the American Legion family. or American Legion High School Oratorical Contest Sponsored by Pennsylvania American Legion. Also essay contest, Drum Corps scholarship, and others. Scholarship awards. Information available: call 717 730-9100 or Anna M. Vincent Scholarship Fund (annual) - Applicants must be residents of Philadelphia county, or the 5-county Philadelphia area, or the counties of Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester in NJ. Evaluation of applicant based one-third on ability, one-third on financial need, and one-third on work history. Information available: 215 553-3208 or apply online at: Ann’s Choice Named and Special Scholarships Awards: $500-$5,000. Six different scholarships with various requirements. See your Guidance Counselor. ASHE American Society of Highway Engineers Delaware Valley Section Scholarship Program Suggest applicants be planning on majoring in Civil Engineering . Information available: Aspiring Pennsylvania Attorneys Scholarship – Law oriented degree. Requires a mi nimum 3.0 GPA and letters of recommendation. Aviation Scholarship Program - applicants must be PA residents interested in aviation technology, aviation management. Information available: AXA Achievement Scholarship (annual) - U.S. News Media Group and AXA Equitable Life Insurance Co. award total of $670,000 in scholarships. One $10,000 scholarship awarded in each of the 50 states, plus wendy DC and Puerto Rico. Possible internship with AXA Equitable. Applicants must demonstrate "drive & determination to reach goals, the ability to succeed in a college environment, and respect for self, family and community. Information available: B Davis Scholarship Visit website for information on this $1,000 scholarship. Big Sun Scholarships All student athletes eligible for this $500 award. Information available: Big 33 Scholarship Foundation Available to students enrolled in a public or private school in Ohio or PA. Includes nursing, waste management, and general scholarships. Apply online. See website: Boston University Trustee Scholarship Competition Four-year, full tuition scholarship Information available: Bucks County Community College Scholarship Opportunities A number of scholarships are available. For details go to: Buick Achievers Scholarship Program 100 scholarships each up to $25,000 per year, 1000 scholarships each at $2,000. Applicants should be planning to major in a field of study that focuses on Engineering, Technology, Design, or Business, with an interest in the automotive industry. Funded by the BM Foundation. Information available: Burger King Scholars Program $50,000, $25,000, $5,000 or $1,000 awards available. Applications available online Sept.15 - Feb. 2 Eligibility criteria on website: or Cabrini College Catholic High School student $3000 scholarship. A non-need based award to students attending a Catholic high school. Contact Admissions Office 800 848-1003 or Chalfont Lions Club - Candidate must live in Chalfont Borough or New Britain Township, demonstrate financial need and be in goo academic standing. City of Philadelphia City Scholarship Program (annual) Student and parents must be residents of City of Philadelphia throughout continuation of scholarship award . Scholarship may be used at colleges in Philadelphia five-county area. Minimum of 3.0 required. Based on academics, leadership, and financial need. 50 students selected each year. Applications and contact information available in College Counseling Center. Clarence Schock Foundation Awards $1,000 per year for 4 years to students attending Cheyney, Kutztown, Millersville, Shippensburg, or West Chester Universities: or awards $2,000 per year for 4 years to students attending Elizabethtown College. Information Clyde M. McGeary Scholarship Fund Awards scholarships to students enrolled in a PA higher education program leading to a degree in art education. 717 236-5040 Coca-Cola Scholarship (annual) 250 awards presented annually with 50 scholarships for $20,000 and 200 scholarships for $10,000. Leadership, commitment to community, academic achievement. Deadlline: Oct. 31. See web site for specific details Colgate-Palmolive Hispanic Scholarship Fund "Make the U" scholarship program Grand Prize winner is awarded a $15,000 Educational Grant, 10 Second Prize winners receive $2,500 Education Grant. Information available at or 877 473-4636 Columbus Citizens Foundation Scholarships For Italian-American students who demonstrate financial need and academic excellence and will enter Penn State University or Bowling Green State University. Awards up to $10,000 annually toward college. Information: 212-249-9923 Ext. 231 or: CORE Scholarships (College Opportunity Resources for Education) Scholarships for students who reside in Philadelphia for select PA colleges and universities. Information available: Crown & Caliber Entrepreneur's Scholarship One $1,000 scholarship offered based on student's entrepreneurial abilities. Question: If given a baudget of $1,000 to initiate a startup that could rapidly threatean major organizations, what startup would you propose? Crown & Caliber will present the top submissions to a team of venture capitalists who will provide their opinions on the pros & cons of each business plan. Finalists will be featured on for voting on the winner. Information: Scroll to bottom of page and click scholarships Danenberger Memorial Fund Award: $2,000. Candidate must live in Upper Southampton, be ranked in the upper third of the class, and will be required to complete 5 hours of community service by September 1st. David Nelson Memorial Fund – Students having a parent or guardian that was an organ donor. Award - $1,000. Delaware Valley Engineering Society – Intending on majoring in engineering. Award - $1,000. Delaware Valley Mensa Foundation Scholarship Awards from $300 - $1000 based on essay describing applicant's career, vocational or academic goals. For information see Drexel University offers a number of special interest scholarships. Please go to for details. Some listed there are: The Eagles Fly for Leukemia Scholarship Performing Arts Scholarship Scholarship for students majoring in mechanical engineering and one for business, plus many more! Dunkin Donuts Annual Regional Scholarship Program Up to 25 $1,000 scholarships. Recipients selected on basis of "well-rounded" character: positive academic record, demonstrated leadership, commitment to school and community activities, and experience in a work environment. Online application at: Information available: 610 397-1058. Eastern PA Youth Soccer Association Awarded to seniors attending public or non-public high schools within the Eastern PA Youth Scholarship Assoc. Information available: 215 6577727 or go to Programs and Camps and click college scholarship "FIRE" FREEDOM IN ACADEMIA Student Essay Contest Awarded by the Foundatin for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) Write an in-depth essay explaining why free speech and First Amendment rights are crucial to higher education and how abuses of these rights harm the college experience. Deadline early Nov. Information available: or 215 717 3473 Fireside Catholic Publishing $1,000 prize for essay on "How Your Religious Education Influenced Your Life" Only one student per school may participate - essay due mid-December. Information available: 800 676-3264 Ext. 114 or: First Freedom Student Competition – a national essay and video contest. Both essay and video awards are $2500 each. For topic, guidelines and registration First Trust Samuel A. Green Scholarship Program (see Samuel A. Green) (annual) The Foundation for Enhancing Communities offers several scholarships. GCFP Scholarship Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania Ten $1,000 scholarships awarded to students who plan to study horticulture, landscape architecture, conservation, forestry, botany, agronomy, environmental control, city planning, land management and/or related subjects. Vist Gates Millennium Scholars Must be African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American or Hispanic American. GPA of 3.3. Also must have significant financial need (meet the Federal Pell Grant eligibility criteria) and demonstrated leadership skills. Applications due in January. Visit website: GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarships Rewards up to 20 students each year with $10,000 per year renewable for up to four years. Applicants must demonstrate that they exhibit the values of Ronald Reagan: leadership, drive, integrity and citizenship. Nominations required plus an essay. Information available by e-mail: or or phone 1-855-670-4787. Goddard School Anthony A. Martino Memorial Scholarship (AAMMS) $10,000 scholarship open to any junior or senior in high school who graduated from a Goddard School Pre-Kindergarten and/or Kindergarten program. Information available at or: 215 328-9868. Hilltown Township Civic Association Scholarship (annual) Must be resident of Hilltown Township, Bucks County. Four $1,000 awards. Horatio Alger Association Scholarship Program (annual) Must have financial need and have exhibited integrity and perseverance in overcoming personal adversity. Awards range from $2,500 to $20,000. Deadline end of October. Information available: 866 7639228 or: Horsham Lions Club (annual) Must be resident of Horsham Township, Montgomery County, PA Several acadamic college scholarships awarded. Information available: 215 8301443 or: Hughesian Free School Trust (annual) Awards grants for undergraduate studies to financially needy students who are LEGAL residents of Buckingham Township. Information available: Deborah Fraser 215 598-3712 John McKee Scholarships (annual) College or vocational training scholarships for high school seniors who are fatherless, in need of financial assistance, and native to the five county Philadelphia area. Preference given to those planning a career in the U.S. Navy. Awards begin at $2,500 for 1st year, then grow in increments of $1,000 up to $5,500 in 4th year ($16,000 maximum) total). SAT required. Applicatons are due before Feb. 1 and are available in College Counseling Center. Also see: John G. Williams Scholarship Foundation Provides financial assistance for promising persons who lack the resources to pursue higher education. Information available: 717 763 1333 or Joseph L and Vivian E. Steele Music Scholarship Fund Provides scholarships to students of serious classical music in the fields of composition, composition/teaching, performance and performance/teaching. 717 236-5040 Katherine G. Ryan Scholarship - Award varies. Candidates must live in Bucks County and Rank in the upper 5th of the class. click on “About us/Executive Leadership” section KFC Colonel's Scholars Program (annual) Online application available until Feb. 10. Program to assist students with financial need - awards up to $5,000 per year. Must have GPA of 2.75 and plan to enroll in a public, in-state college or university. Complete application online at: or call: 866-KFC-7240 Kids' Chance of PA Scholarships Open to children of workers who have been seriously injured or killed in PA work-related injuries. 484 945-2104 Kohl's Cares Scholarship Program (annual) Nominees are eligible for $1,000 to $5,000 scholarship awards. Forms available at any participating Kohl's Store or online at: Phone: 262 703-6312. La Salle University Music Ministry Scholarship Scholarship money ($2,500 to $10,000) available for instrumentalists such as keyboardist, guitarist, flautist, violinist, etc., to work with La Salle's Campus Ministry program to provide music at weekly Sunday liturgy as well as special liturgies during the year. Information available: or 215 9511048. M.Verna Butterer Scholarship/Loan – Combination of scholarship and intereste free loan to Bucks County residents. Must have financial need. The Maguire Scholars’ Program – Must demonstrate financial need and have a GPA of 3.0. For additional details and participating colleges see your counselor or go to A. Marlyn Moyer, Jr. Scholarship Foundation (annual) Must be resident of Bucks County. Must be academically qualified, have record of involvement in community, church and/or other activities, financial need. Six to eight awards from $2,500 to 5,000. Sponsored by Lower Bucks Chamber of Commerce. Click services and resources and then partners and links Martin J. Mitchell Scholarship Fund Open to a child of an employee or former employee of Iron Age Corp. who displays academic promise and participates in extracurricular and community activities. 412 787-4100 Mayor Joseph DiGirolamo Scholarship Foundation - Must be a resident of Bensalem. Awards: Five $2,000 scholarships Must demonstrate leadership, citizenship and academic ability. Mervyn Sluizer Jr. Scholarship Award (annual) Provides scholarships to Boy Scouts and former Boy Scouts residing in 8-county Philadelphia area. Must have attained the rank of Eagle. Information available: 215 563-6417, Ext. 119 or: Michael Havener Community Service Scholarship – Must reside in New Britain. $500 award. National Commission for Cooperative Education (annual)Offers 195 merit co-op scholarships at the 10 NCCE WACE Partner Colleges and Universities. Applicants must be accepted at one of the following schools: Clarkson University, Drexel University, Johnson & Wales University, Kettering University, Rochester Institute of Technology, SUNY Oswego, University of Cincinnati, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, University of Toledo, and Wentworth Institute of Technology. Information and application available: 978-934-1870 National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Young Entrepreneur Award - Scholarship recognizes students who have demonstrated entrepreneurial spirit / initiative. Must have an established business. To apply see: or call 202 314 2042. National Federation of the Blind and The National Fedration of the Blind of Pennsylvania Scholarships available to blind or visually impaired students. Information available: 215 988-0888 or National Italian American Scholarship Foundation (NIAF) Applicants must be of ITALIAN DESCENT with at least one ancestor who has emigrated from Italy, or a student of any ethnic background majoring or minoring in the Italian language, Italian studies, Italian-American studies, or a related field. NIAF scholarship recipients selected based on academic merit - must have a GPA of 3.5 to apply. More than 100 annual scholarships ranging from $2,000 to $12,000. Information available: 202 9393118 or: The National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) in Washington, DC has many scholarships available to high school seniors. Please review the information below to see if you are interested. National scholarship link: Navmar Applied Sciences Scholarship – Engineering major and resident of Bucks County. $1500 award. Neducsin Spirit of Manayunk Scholarship Fund Provides three partial scholarships - applicant must be a resident of zip codes 19127 or 19128. Must document community service to Manayunk and be outstanding student. Information available: 215 4834800 or: Application available online. New Britain Township Republican Club Scholarship – Must live in the boundaries of New Britain Twp., have a min. 3.2 GPA and participate in community and school service. Requires a nomination. $750 award. click news/info and then merit scholarship North Penn Area Scholarship Fund Association (annual) Must reside within North Penn School District. Awards range from $500 to $2,000. Must rank in top half of class. Awards also based on financial need, school and community service. See website: Northampton Township Republican Committee “Excellence in Government & Citizenship” Award: $1,000. Candidate must live in Northampton Township. Nursing Scholarships – Order Sons of Italy in America Grand Lodge of PA Scholarships available to members or children of members. Visit Partnership for Access to Higher Education (PATH) Offers qualifying students additional financial aid via educational grants. A participating PATH organization nominates student who must be a State Grant recipient and have a federal student loan; student should demonstrate financial need for a PATH grant 800 692-7392 or PARX Casino Scholarship - Awards: two $1500 schoalrships Patterson Scholarship Best-selling author James Patterson's initiative. Several college specific scholarships are available. click ‘about James’ Pennsylvania Professional Fire Fighters Association Applicants must be children of active members or children of members who have died in the line of duty. Information available: 507 9311682 or Pennsylvania School Public Relations Association Scholarship Three $500 one-year scholarships for students planning a career in a communications field - must have a 3.0 GPA. Awards announced late March. Visit for more information. Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers (Valley Forge Chapter) Scholarship program open to students who either live in, or attend high school in Montgomery County and plan on pursuing an engineering degree. Applicants will be competing for two 5-year scholarships to Drexel, or a 4-year scholarship to Temple. Cash awards also will be made by the PSPE. Applications due early January. Pennsylvania Society of Professional WEngineers – Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union Scholarship (PSECU) Applicants must be PSECU member, or family of a member, or living in household of a member. Check eligibility at Information available: Platt Caddie Scholarship (annual) Awards range from $200 to $7000 for golf caddies - must have been a regular caddie for at least one year at a Golf Association of Philadelphia (GAP) member club. Information available: 610 687-2340 Ext. 21 Apply online at Prudential Spirit of Community Awards In conjunction with National Association of Secondary School Principals. Awards for students who have taken part in community service activities. Student applies by early Nov., faculty certification two weeks later. Information available: 877-5258491 or or Reagan Foundation Scholarships – several scholarships are available. Go to for additional information. Robertson Scholars Program (Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill) (annual) four-year scholarship of #140,000 awarded to 15 scholars. Criteria: behavior grounded in strong ethical principles, superior academic achievement, intellectual curiosity, demonstrated leadership, active commitment to helping others and to community service, courage and collaborative spirit . Ron Brown Scholarship (annual) must be highly motivated African-American and academically talented. Awards $10,000 per year for 4 years at any 4 year college in the U.S. 2 deadlines: Nov. 1 to have application information forwarded to additional scholarship providers, and Jan. 9 to be considered for the Ron Brown Scholar program ONLY. Applications available on website. Check website or Phone: 434-964-1588. Ronald McDonald House Charities RMHC/Scholars awards two $5,000 and thirteen $1,000 scholarships. RMHC/African American Future Achievers awards two $5,000 and thirteen $1,000 scholarships to studnts of African/American or Black Caribbean heritage. RMHC/HACER (Hispanic American Commitment to Education Resources) awards two $5,000, thirteen $1,000 scholarships to students of HIspanic/Latino heritage., and RMHC/ASIA awards scholarships to Asian-Pacific students. Phone # 855-670-4787 or: To apply online: Rosemont College Cornelian Scholarship Awarded to two Catholic high school seniors annually. Covers 100% of tuition and fees for 4 years. Must have 3.5 /4.0 GPA, 1100 (Crit. Reading & Math) or 24 ACT, essay required, plus letter of recommendation. Information available: 610 527-0200 or SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) (annual) Must intend to earn a degree in engineering or a related science. Deadline Dec. 1. Saber System Inc, STEM Scholarship Awards: Five $1500 scholarships. Candidates must live in Warrington Saint Joseph’s University has a variety of scholarships. Go to: Saint MIchael's College, Colchester, VT Edmundite Scholarship (worth $20,000 over 4 years) awarded to a Catholic high school graduate who is admitted to St. Michael's College. Information available: 802 SMC 8000. Samuel A. Green Firstrust Bank Scholarship Program (annual) Open to high school seniors planning to attend a 4-year college or university. Awards a total of $70,000 in scholarships. Requires either a 250- word essay or a video presentation. Applications available or at Firstrust banking offices. 800 220-BANK Scholarship Fund of the Union League Open to students from Greater Philadelphia Siemens Foundation Competition in Math, Science and Technology. College scholarships granted for original projects - prizes varying from $1,000 to $100,000. Entries due Oct. 1. Information available at or SMART Scholarships SMART program for scholarships of $25,000 - $41,000 for students pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering and math. 300 scholarships awarded. Deadline: Dec. 1. Information http// Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarships (annual) Must be U.S. citizen of Italian descent. Mail address: Sons of Italy Foundation, National Leadership Grant Competition, 219 E. St. NW, Washington, DC. 20002. See web site for specific details Soroptimist International - Candidates must be femail, live in Bucks County or be nominated by a Soroptimist member Southampton Day Scholarship – Candidates must live in Southampton and participated in two community service projects outside of the school. St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY Two Foreigh Language Scholarships available. Must have proficiency in French or Spanish, minimum 1000 SAT, or 22 ACT composite score. Winners receive $3,000 annually if they complete two foreign language courses during first year at Fisher, and maintain a 3.0 GPA. Information available: 585-385-8064, or 800 4444640, or The Stephen Philips Memorial Scholarship Fund Open to students entering accredited college or university in the U.S. and are permanent residents of New England or Mid-Atlantic States. 978 744 2111 or Student Award Search Aid formerly the B. Davis Scholarship Information available: Scholarship information and search - Southampton Basketball Scholarship - Present or past member of Southampton Basketball Assoc. Must submit a college acceptance letter as funds are awarded to the institution. The award is based primarily on the essay but academic achievement, activities, community service and recommendations will be considered. See counselor for application. Award is $1,000. Student Website listing various scholarships including SunTrust Off to College Scholarship Sweepstake $1,000 scholarship. Eligibility not based on GPA or financial need. Apply online Enter mid-September. One winner every 2 weeks from October to May. First drawing end of October. visit Susanna DeLaurentis Charitable Foundation Awards 10 or more $1,000 scholarships to college-bound seniors with superior academic and extra-curricular achievements who contend with a chronic disease or other serious challenge to physical or mental health. Information available 215 6359405 or: Templeton Press Scholarships for Civics-Minded Seniors Two scholarships each with prize of $5,000. Applicants write essay or compose a video response to excerpts from book "New Threats to Freedom". Sample topics: The Loss of the Freedom to Fail" or "Campus Censorship in Academia" . Information available: Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund - Awards more than 2000 merit scholarships to students attending the 47 member public Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). Information available: 212 573-8888 or Union League Scholarship See "Scholarship Fund of the Union League". U.S. News Media Group Scholarships - see AXA Equitable Life Insurance above. United Way Scholarships Available to affiliated union members and their families. 800 2423770 or University of the Sciences' Mayes College of Healthcare Business and Policy Business competition open to all sophomore, junior & senior students. Scholarships & cash prizes in excess of $10,000. Winning team to develop the best Healthy Lifestyles campaign using social media. Selected presentations to be made in November. Information available: Warminster Rotary Club Scholarship - A scholarship will be awarded to a deserving senior attending college or other post secondary educational institution. In addition Giaimo Family/Giuseppe’s Restaurant will award four additional scholarships. Please see the guidance office for details or visit Warrington Cares Employee Charity (WEEC) Candidates must live in Warrington. Go to Warrington Lions Club - Awards: Two $1,000 scholarships. Candidates must live in Warrington. Warrington Rotary Club Community Scholarship – Award: $500 - $1000. Candidates must live adjacent to or in Warrington Township and be active in community service. Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship Awards. Must be planning a career in government or militaty service. Scholarship awards range from $1,000 - $5,000. Information available on website: or: 215 949-8841. Deadline Jan. 15. Wendy's High School Heisman Scholarship Award Honors high School students who excel in academics, athletics, and student leadership. Must have at least a B average. Applications due by Oct. 2. Information available: William Dale Murphy Scholarship Fund Open to seniors who are dependents of a Conrail employee 412 893-728 The Wilmot E. Fleming - Eugene C. Fish Scholarship Reserved for a qualifying resident of PA 215 9498841 or visit Youth Volunteer Scholarship Award - $1,500 award. Over the past two years a students must have a GPA of 3.5 or greater and have completes 50 hours of volunteer work. Application can be found at
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