PENZANCE & DISTRICT CANINE SOCIETY President: Mrs J Pryer Schedule of All Rosette Unbenched 100 CLASS MEMBERS LIMITED SHOW to be judged on the Group System (Held under Kennel Club Limited Rules & Show Regulations) CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE WINNERS ARE NOT ELIGLIBLE FOR ENTRY Only undocked dogs & legally docked dogs may be entered for exhibition at this show. All judges at this show agree to abide by the following statement: “In assessing dogs, judges must penalise any features or exaggerations which they consider would be detrimental to the health, soundness & well-being of the dog.” at Penzance Leisure Centre, St Clare, Penzance. TR18 3QW on Sunday 17th May, 2015 Show opens: 9.00 am Judging commences: 10.00 am No admittance before 9.00 am due to Health & Safety PENZANCE JUNIOR & OPEN STAKES 1 ST – £10 2ND - £5 3RD - £3 4TH – £2 in each class Guarantors to the Kennel Club: Mr N J Roberts, (Chairman), Trevena Barton, Breage, Helston, Cornwall. TR13 9ND Mrs K Sainsbury, (Secretary), Tresilva, 8 Barton Meadow, Truro, Cornwall. TR1 3NJ Tel: 01872 279226 Mr T Langford, (Treasurer), The Handy Shop, Stithney, Helston, Cornwall. TR13 0RW Honorary Veterinary Surgeon: Rosdean Veterinary Practice, Coombe Road, Penzance. TR18 3HU Tel: 01736 362215 Show Secretary: Mr N J Roberts Trevena Barton, Breage, Helston, Cornwall. TR13 9ND Tel: 01736 762517 N.B. - ALL EXHIBITORS MUST BE FULLY PAID-UP MEMBERS ENTRIES CLOSE: Wednesday, 22nd April, 2015 th Qualifying date for entries: Wednesday, 15 April, 2015 OFFICERS & COMMITTEE OF PENZANCE & DISTRICT CANINE SOCIETY Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Committee: Mr N J Roberts Vice Chairman: Mr T Allen Mrs K Sainsbury Asst Secretary: Mrs S Greenwood Mr T Langford President: Mrs J Pryer Mesdames: L Barstad, C Ede, P Hosking, A Hutchinson, A Nicholls & M McLean Messrs: M James & Dr R Sainsbury Life Members: Mrs C Ede, Mrs V Newbury, Mr G & Mrs I Osborne, & Mrs P M F Williams ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Perpetual Cups Best In Show – The Clesek Trophy presented by Mr & Mrs P Trehair Reserve Best In Show –The Boscolla Cup presented by Mr & Mrs R Sainsbury Best Puppy In Show – The Gwythan Cup presented by Mr N J Roberts Best Veteran In Show – presented by Mrs D Whipp WILL THE 2014 WINNERS PLEASE RETURN ALL CUPS AND TROPHIES TO THE CUP STEWARD: Mrs L Barstad – Tel: 01736 360749 – or to the Show Secretary ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++The Society are offering rosettes for: Best In Show, Reserve Best In Show, Best & Reserve Best Puppy In Show rd th rd th Best, Reserve Best, 3 & 4 in Group, Best, Reserve Best, 3 & 4 in Puppy Group st th Best Of Breed, Best AVNSC, Best Puppy In Breed, Best Veteran & 1 to 4 in all classes Donations of Class Rosettes are acknowledged with the relevant breed/classes CASH PRIZE OF £10 TO THE BEST IN SHOW WINNER st nd rd th PENZANCE JUNIOR & OPEN STAKES: 1 - £10, 2 - £5, 3 - £3 & 4 - £2 in each class ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Society holds Ringcraft classes every WEDNESDAY at Marazion Community Hall, Gwallon Lane, Marazion, Cornwall, TR17 0HW starting at 7.30 pm ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ The Society is pleased to extend a warm welcome to all exhibitors and we hope you enjoy the day ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Exhibit numbers must be displayed on all crates/cages ABOUT OUR JUDGES (In alphabetical order) MRS JULIE CADWELL – JUBIWELL Our first breed was the lovely Labrador to start a family pet but we soon got hooked on the showing and working bug. We were introduced to the Sussex Spaniels in the late 1980’s and we had our first Sussex in 1990. We have to this day tried to achieve a fit and active breed with the ability to work and also near to the breed standard, not easy with the small gene pool of the Sussex. We have also owned Clumbers, a GSP and a Cocker Spaniel. We have made up and bred one full Champion through the field trial minor breeds and several Show Champions in the Sussex Spaniels, one full Champion in Clumber Spaniels and over 50 minor breed field trial placings with Sussex and Clumbers. MRS AMANDA CARTER – AFILADOR I breed and show Ibizan Hounds and Hamiltonstovare under the Afilador affix which I hold with my husband Nick. I had a successful show career as a junior handler handling Akitas, Whippets, Yorkshire Terriers and Poodles but then had a break to train as a veterinary nurse. I returned to showing 15 years ago when I married Nick, a veterinary Surgeon with whom I was working. I chose Ibizan Hounds as my main breed but have handled and had great success with Sloughis, Manchester Terriers and ETT’s to name but a few. I am often seen in the ring with a variety of breeds as I am always happy to handle for others. I have an active interest in junior handling and a passion of mine is encouraging the next generation. I am looking forward to judging at Penzance & DCS Members Limited Show MR GARY PLUMMER - TETSIKARMA My wife Karen and I got our first Tibetan Terrier nine years ago as a pet, If only I’d known how that little girl was going to take over my life. Nine years on we now have four of the little people, including two from our first Tetsikarma home bred litter born in January 2012. We are very proud of these two youngsters having won Dorset top puppy 2012 with the boy “Hector” and a best puppy in show at Poole Canine with our girl “Lola”, also achieving numerous group placings at Open Shows and countless placings at Champ Shows. We can be seen at some show or other every weekend. I took my first breed seminar in October 2012 in Tibetan Terriers and passed the basic exam on my first attempt. I am on the C list of the TTBOC and TTA. This is now my first year judging and I love every second of my time with my furry friends. I hope you enjoy your day as much as I know I will. MISS ALISON GREEN – RUZUNA +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CLASSIFICATION All classes for Dog or Bitch unless otherwise stated – To be judged on the Group System SPECIAL VETERANS RING 2 Class 1 AV Special Veteran – 7 to 9 years JUDGE: MRS A CARTER - AFILADOR RING 3 Class 2 AV Special Veteran – 10 years & over JUDGE: MISS A GREEN - RUZUNA RING 1 – BEST VETERAN IN SHOW will now be judged by MRS J CADWELL – JUBIWELL ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RING 1 - To follow Best Veteran Irish Setter English Setter Labrador Golden Retriever Flat-coated Retriever English Springer Spaniel Welsh Springer Spaniel Cocker Spaniel Pointer AV Gundog AVNSC Gundog GUNDOGS 3. Graduate 5. Open 6. Open 7. Junior 10. Open 11. Graduate 13. Graduate 15. Open 16. Open 17. Puppy 18. Graduate JUDGE: MRS J CADWELL - JUBIWELL 4. Open 8. Graduate 9. Open 12. Open 14. Open 19. Open Best in Group, Reserve Best In Group & Best Puppy In Group will now be judged. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RING 2 - To follow Best Veteran HOUNDS Dachshund Miniature Long Haired 20. Dachshund Standard Long Haired 21. Dachshund Miniature Smooth Haired 22. Dachshund Standard Wire Haired 24. Whippet 25. Saluki 27. Afghan 28. AV Hound 29. AVNSC Hound 30. JUDGE: Open Open Graduate Open Graduate Open Open Puppy Graduate MRS A CARTER - AFILADOR 23. Open 26. Open 31. Open Best in Group, Reserve Best In Group & Best Puppy In Group will now be judged. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RING 2 - To follow Hounds Parson Russell Terrier SBT Manchester Terrier Border Terrier Bull Terrier AV Terrier AVNSC Terrier TERRIERS 32. Open 33. Graduate 35. Graduate 37. Graduate 39. Open 40. Puppy 41. Graduate JUDGE: MRS A CARTER - AFILADOR 34. Open 36. Open 38. Open 42. Open Best in Group, Reserve Best In Group & Best Puppy In Group will now be judged. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RING 3 - To follow Best Veteran Great Dane WORKING 43. Open JUDGE: MISS A GREEN - RUZUNA Boxer Rottweiler Dobermann Siberian Husky AV Working AVNSC Working 44. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Junior Open Open Open Puppy Graduate 45. Graduate 46. Open 52. Open Best in Group, Reserve Best In Group & Best Puppy In Group will now be judged. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RING 3 - To follow Working Bearded Collie Samoyed Shetland Sheepdog Rough Collie Polish Lowland Australian Shepherd Dog Briard BSD – Tervueren Welsh Corgi – Pembroke German Shepherd Dog AV Pastoral AVNSC Pastoral PASTORAL 53. Graduate 55. Open 56. Graduate 58. Open 59. Open 60. Graduate 62. Open 63. Graduate 65. Open 66. Open 67. Puppy 68. Graduate JUDGE: MISS A GREEN - RUZUNA 54. Open 57. Open 61. Open 64. Open 69. Open Best in Group, Reserve Best In Group & Best Puppy In Group will now be judged. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RING 4 – To follow Best Veteran Pekingese Pomeranian Chihuahua - Long Coat Chihuahua - Smooth Coat Chinese Crested Griffon Bruxellois Pug Affenpinscher Bichon Frise Papillon Japanese Chin CKCS AV Toy AVNSC Toy TOYS JUDGE: 70. Graduate 72. Open 73. Open 74. Open 75. Open 76. Open 77. Graduate 79. Open 80. Open 81. Graduate 83. Open 84. Junior 87. Puppy 88. Graduate MR G PLUMMER - TETSIKARMA 71. Open 78. Open 82. Open 85. Graduate 86. Open 89. Open Best in Group, Reserve Best In Group & Best Puppy In Group will now be judged. RING 4 – To follow Toys Miniature Schnauzer Miniature Poodle Standard Poodle Tibetan Spaniel Chow Chow Shih Tzu AV Utility AVNSC Utility UTILITY JUDGE: MR G PLUMMER - TETSIKARMA 90. Open 91. Open 92. Open 93. Open 94. Open 95. Open 96. Puppy 97. Graduate 98. Open Best in Group, Reserve Best In Group & Best Puppy In Group will now be judged. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Best In Show – Reserve Best In Show Best Puppy In Show – Reserve Best Puppy In Show JUDGE: MRS J CADWELL - JUBIWELL BEST IN SHOW TO RECEIVE A CASH PRIZE OF £10 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MONETARY STAKES CLASSES TO BE JUDGED BY: Mrs J Cadwell Class 99: Penzance Junior Stakes Sponsored by the Penzance & DCS Class 100: Penzance Open Stakes Sponsored by the Penzance & DCS 1st - £10 2nd - £5 3rd - £3 4th - £2 & rosettes down to 7th place +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IMPORTANT! It is imperative that all fouling is removed immediately Note – KENNEL CLUB RULE F9 requires any person in charge of a dog to remove immediately any fouling and/or grooming waste caused by their dog. There will be Committee members and Dog Wardens checking this and also: DOGS IN CARS: Remedial action will be taken in the event of dogs left in cars being found in a distressed condition in accordance with Kennel Club guidelines ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DEFINITIONS OF CLASSES In the following definitions, a Challenge Certificate includes any show award that counts towards the title of Champion under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club. Wins at Championship Shows in breed classes where Challenge Certificates are not on offer shall be counted as wins at Open Shows. In the case of a dog owned in partnership and entered in Members’ classes or competing for Members’ Specials each partner must be at the time of entry a member of the Society. In estimating the number of awards won, all wins up to and including the seventh day before the date of closing of entries shall be counted when entering for any class i.e. Wednesday 15th April, 2015. Wins in Variety classes do not count for entry in Breed classes but when entering in Variety classes, wins in both Breed and Variety classes must be counted. A first prize does not include a Special Prize of whatever value. A dog is not eligible for entry in Variety classes unless also entered and subsequently exhibited in a breed class where such a class is provided for which it is eligible. Exemptions from this regulation are:1: A puppy, unless a class for dogs under twelve months of age for which it is eligible is provided for the breed. 2: A dog in Any Variety Field Trial or Working Trial class. 3: A dog in Any Variety Veteran class. 5: As provided in Kennel Club definitions of classes. 6: A dog which is withdrawn from exhibition in breed classes as a result of the appointment of an emergency Judge. If an exhibitor reports before the judging of a class or classes that a dog has been entered which is ineligible, the exhibitor may choose one of the following options:1: Withdrawal – The dog may be withdrawn from competition subject to the conditions of Regulations 9(j) and 20. 2: Transfer: a) If a dog is ineligible for a class or classes as regards its breed, colour, sex, weight or height the Show Secretary shall transfer it to the equivalent class or classes for the correct breed, colour, sex, weight or height or, in the event of there being no equivalent class, Minor Puppy and Puppy excepted, to the Open class for the correct breed, colour, sex, weight or height. b) For an exhibit entered incorrectly in a Minor Puppy class, Puppy class or Junior class, which is over age but under twelve calendar months of age, eighteen calendar months of age or twenty-four calendar months of age respectively, the Show Secretary shall transfer the exhibit to the Puppy class, Junior class or Yearling class to the Open class for the correct breed, colour, sex, weight or height and in the event of there being no Puppy, Junior Or Yearling class to the Open class for the correct breed, colour, sex, weight or height. c) For any reason other than the above, the Show Secretary shall transfer it to the Open class for the correct breed, colour, sex, weight or height. d) If an exhibit arrives late and misses a class, even if it is the only class in which the dog is entered, the dog may not be transferred to any other class. e) KENNEL CLUB CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE WINNERS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THIS SHOW PUPPY – For dogs of six and not exceeding twelve calendar months of age on the first day of the show. JUNIOR – For dogs of six and not exceeding eighteen calendar months of age on the first day of the show. GRADUATE – For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or four or more First Prizes at Championship Shows in Graduate, Post Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes, whether restricted or not where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed. OPEN – For all dogs of the breeds for which the class is provided and eligible for entry at the show. SPECIAL VETERAN – 7 to 9 years - For dogs of not less than seven years of age and has not attained its tenth birthday on the first day of the show. SPECIAL VETERAN – 10 years & over - For dogs of not less than ten years of age on the first day of the show ANY VARIETY NOT SEPARATELY CLASSIFIED – For breeds of dog for which no separate breed classes are scheduled. RULES AND REGULATIONS 1: The show will open at 9.00 am. 2: Dogs will be received at any time but it is the exhibitors responsibility to ensure that exhibits are available for judging when required. 3: Judging will commence at 10.00 am. 4: The show will be unbenched. Exhibits may be removed from the show after their judging has been completed. The show will close half an hour after all judging has been completed. 5: The use of cooking stoves in the proximity of the tenting and benching areas is forbidden except as authorised by the Show Management. 6: Entry fees: Members - £3.00 - Stakes Class - £3 Membership: Single £4.00 - Joint £5.00 – Junior £1.50 – Due 1st January annually. Catalogues - £2.75 prepaid with entries Advertisements - £5 full page & £2.50 half a page. 7: Prize money: £10 for BIS – Stakes classes: 1st- £10, 2nd- £5, 3rd- £3, 4th- £2 presented by Penzance & DCS 8: The Committee reserves to itself the right to refuse entries. 9: Puppies under six calendar months of age on the first day of the show are not eligible for exhibition. 10: The mating of bitches within the precincts of the Show is forbidden. 11: BEST PUPPY IN SHOW – From the 1st January, 2015, and for a period of two years the Kennel Club Show Regulations which stipulate that dogs must be entered and exhibited in a breed class before exhibiting in an Any Variety Class/Stakes and that only unbeaten dogs are eligible to compete in the Group or best in show competitions are suspended. (Please refer to the FAQs on the Kennel Club website for further information.) Where a Best Puppy in Show competition is scheduled the Best Puppy in Show is a puppy which has competed and is unbeaten by any other puppy exhibited at the same show. A puppy is a dog of six and not exceeding twelve calendar months of age on the first day of the Show. Where the Best of Breed or Best in Show is a puppy it should automatically be awarded Best Puppy in Breed and Best Puppy in Show respectively. Similarly, if the Reserve Best of Breed, Reserve Best of Group, or Reserve Best in Show is a puppy which has only been beaten by an adult dog, it will also automatically be Best Puppy in Breed and Best Puppy in Show respectively. Consequently, selection of Best Puppy in Breed and Best Puppy in Show must follow the selection of Best of Breed and Best in Show respectively. a) 1: Best Puppy in Show must be selected from puppies which have been judged and which are unbeaten by any other puppy. 2: Best Puppy in Show must be selected from the Best Puppy in Group winners provided they are unbeaten by any other puppy. b) Puppies which become eligible for Best Puppy in Group and Best Puppy in Show may be withdrawn from all other competition, other than breed classes and Best Puppy in breed, prior to the competition for Best Puppy in Group and Best Puppy in Show in order to remain unbeaten. A puppy beaten in competition for Best Puppy in Group and Best Puppy in Show may subsequently be exhibited in all competition for which it was previously eligible. The dog declared Best Puppy in Show, however, must not compete in any subsequent competition. Puppies may be withdrawn from Any Variety (Av) classes when judged before breed classes. c) Proviso – For the purpose of this regulation, dogs beaten in competition for Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Brace and Team or a Special award confined to one breed will not be considered to be a beaten dog. 12: BEST IN SHOW – From the 1st January, 2015, and for a period of two years the Kennel Club Show Regulations which stipulate that dogs must be entered and exhibited in a breed class before exhibiting in an Any Variety Class/Stakes and that only unbeaten dogs are eligible to compete in the Group or best in show competitions are suspended. (Please refer to the FAQs on the Kennel Club website for further information.) The dog declared Best in Show is a dog which has competed and is unbeaten by any other dog exhibited at the same Show. Best in Show must be selected from all unbeaten winning dogs. Reserve Best in Show must be selected from the dogs beaten only by the dog declared Best in Show. Dogs which become eligible for Best in Show may be withdrawn from all other competition other than breed classes and Best of Breed prior to the competition for Best in Show as appropriate in order to remain unbeaten. A dog beaten in competition for Best in Show may subsequently be exhibited in all competition for which it was previously eligible. The dogs declared Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show however, must not compete in any subsequent competition. Dogs may be withdrawn from AV classes when judged before breed classes. PROVISO: For the purposes of this regulation, dogs beaten in competition for Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Progeny, Brace and Team or a Special Award confined to a single breed, will not be considered to be a beaten dog. 13: Exhibits will not be admitted to Best in Show competition after a period of ten minutes has elapsed since the announcement that exhibits are required for judging, unless they have been unavoidably delayed by previous judging not being completed on time, and then only with special permission of the Show management. 14: No modification will be made to this schedule except by permission of the General Committee of the Kennel Club, which will be followed by advertisement in the Canine Press wherever possible. 15: All exhibitors must be familiar with Kennel Club Regulations F (Annex B) Regulations for the Preparation of Dogs for Exhibition 16: All dogs resident outside the UK must be issued with a Kennel Club Authority to Compete number before entry to the show/event can be made. All overseas entries without an Authority to Compete number will be returned to the. exhibitor/competitor. 17: Dogs in Cars on Hot Days: Your dog is vulnerable and at risk during hot weather and the Kennel Club offers the following guidance to help guide you through the do’s and don’ts travelling to and whilst at KC licensed events. When travelling to a show please take a moment to consider whether the route to the show is on a busy holiday route, and leave earlier to avoid increased time in traffic jams. If your vehicle is not air-conditioned seriously consider whether travelling to the show is a good idea at all. The vehicle should be as fully ventilated as possible, and plenty of stops should be taken, with lots of water available to drink. Ensure your dog is not sitting in full sunlight. There should be plenty of free flowing air around the dog. When at the show, never leave your dog in the vehicle. Keep the dog in the shade – take your own shade, for example, a large umbrella and always have plenty of water available to drink so your dog stays well hydrated. Avoid your dog taking part in unnecessary exertion, or from standing in exposed sunlight for extended lengths of time. Remember, if you feel hot your dog is very likely to feel hotter and dehydrated, and this could lead to dire results. Please look after your dogs welfare. WARNING: IF YOUR DOG IS FOUND TO BE AT RISK FORCIBLE ENTRY TO YOUR VEHICLE MAY BE NECESSARY WITHOUT LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED. Anyone whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to ensure the needs of their dog(s) are met, and should not put as dog’s health and welfare at risk by any action, default, omission or otherwise. Breach of Kennel Club regulations in this respect may be referred to the General Committee for disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations. Right to refuse entries. Exhibitors/Competitors are reminded that show societies have the right under Kennel Club Regulations to refuse any entry. 18: Not for Competition. Not for Competition entries will be accepted. Details of each dog so entered must be recorded on the entry form and must be Kennel Club registered. 19: Exhibit numbers must be displayed on all cages and crates. 20: Except when securely benched or caged Dogs must be on a lead for the duration of the show including the exercise area. 21: Exhibitors who bring children to the venue will be held totally responsible for any damage the Children do whilst at the show. In case of Fire, please leave the building in an orderly manner & assemble in the car park. SOFT CRATES The Kennel Club has asked that we draw attention to the potential health & safety implications concerning the use of soft crates as in its view, they do not offer sufficient protection to dogs. They have asked that we point out that dogs should not be left unattended in soft crates. There have been instances where dogs have escaped from soft crates which have not been securely fastened to benches, or that have been left at ringside. We therefore ask that if you use soft crates, you do not leave the dogs unattended, either in the hall, or in an open car in the car park. Exhibit numbers must be displayed on all crates/cages Printed by: DRS Dog Show Printing, Woodbriar, Hounster Hill, Millbrook, Cornwall. PL10 1AJ Tel: 01752 823106 Download from: DIRECTIONS TO THE VENUE: Take the A30 towards Penzance. At the end of the final short carriageway (at the TESCO roundabout) take the second exit towards Lands End. Cross the first small roundabout and at the second roundabout, take the first left – signed LEISURE CENTRE. Continue up the slight hill, passing Nancealvearne School, the Fire Station and the Council Offices – all on the right. Immediately over the brow of the hill, turn RIGHT down the fairly narrow drive, marked PENZANCE LEISURE CENTRE – this is your venue. PARKING In order to allow regular Patrons of the Leisure Centre to have use of the Centre Car Park, could exhibitors PLEASE first drop off their dogs, etc., if possible and then make use of the overflow parking around the Council Offices – see diagram. MANY THANKS IN ANTICIPATION OF YOUR COOPERATION Parking for disabled visitors displaying Blue Badge is available next to the venue PLEASE NOTE: EXHIBITORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR PERSONAL EFFECTS AND ALSO FOR THE BEHAVIOUR OF THEIR CHILDREN
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