Dracut High School String Orchestra Italian Feast

Dracut High School String Orchestra
Italian Feast
When: Thursday, April 16, 2015
7:00 PM
Where: Four Oaks Country Club, 1 Clubhouse Lane, Dracut
Cost: $25.00 per person if purchased by March 31, 2015
Tickets purchased after this date are $30.00 per person
Italian Style Family Dinner
Entertainment provided by the Dracut High School String Orchestra
Raffle table to benefit the Dracut High School Performing Arts Boosters
** Business Casual dress for guests is recommended.
There will be a seating plan for dinner. We will be pleased to accommodate seating requests if
possible. Please indicate on the form below other guests that you wish to be seated with.
Complete the form below, detach and return with your check made payable to: “DHS
Performing Arts Boosters” by Thursday, April 9, 2015.
Mail to: Laurie Bazarian
10 Carle Drive
Dracut, MA 01826
Contact Laurie with any questions:
978 453-3139 or slbazarian@comcast.net
-----------------------------------------------------------------Name: _________________________________________
Phone #:__________________
Number of tickets: _____ @ $25 each = ____________ (by March 31 st)
Number of tickets: _____ @ $30 each = ____________ (between April 1 st & 9th )
Name of Student: _______________________________________
Special seating notes: