?0 | SECTION | THEPROVINCE.COM SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2015 MISSION COMPLETED: REIMAGINE FOOD Mary Sheridan @maryinvancity A fresh take on chicken parmigiana from The Charles Bar. Last week, we asked you to reinvent the meal. From vegan variations to decadent additions to classic dishes, your creative culinary concoctions had us wishing they were more readily available. Twitter handles are in blue and Instagram in brown. Mark Ambrosio @mambrosio81 My “bouquet” for my date Chrystina Lumanta @clumanta Homemade Hamburger Helper Melvy Gunawan @melphee Flourless pizza with cauliflower crust Grant Snow @chefsbackpocket Pulled pork and four cheese mac Sangamitra Guha @sanguha Pad Thai reimagined by using spaghetti squash Izabella Sere @izzysere Banana cream pie but in crepe form Jessie Lehaiil First-time Gastroposter Reimagining butter chicken Rebecca Jobse @beccasfoodfest Avocado on rice crackers (toast is too mainstream) Jennifer Prochazka @flyingfatties Cauliflower pizza Christel Tam @christeltam Nutella bun Cathy Lau @cat_meow_meow Experimenting before barbecue season Deanna Duguid @ay sontespli Leftover seven-layer dip on a pesto wrap Roanna Young @roannay Soft boiled egg in bacon and deep-fried in batter Purnima Rao @pooh.kitchen Steamed asparagus with a Parmigiano crisp Taylor Kare @taylorkare Toast box from Soho Tea Room Nyan Phyo @funkbaby91 Coffee-rubbed pan-seared steak Thor Kofoed @thorstormlord Me reimagining how pizza was made Eunice Bae @eunicebaebae Blueberry yogurt cheesecake in a jar Spencer Williams @djspencermusic Breakfast nachos from Red Wagon Café Trudy Tran @trudytran A new take on a childhood favourite, cereal and milk: replace the milk with Greek yogurt. SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2015 | THEPROVINCE.COM | SECTION | ?0 Elaine Nessman @enessman Not your every day grilled cheese Sharon Lee @thehungrysharebear Ice cream made from fermented black bean Get your food pics & ideas published in The Province Be the first to find out about new missions YOUR NEXT MISSION: BE BITTER ABOUT IT Shirley Quinn @travellingquinn Twist on a classic: truffle mac and cheese Po On Yeung @poymeetsworld Mac and cheese in stick form with truffle cheese Of the four major tastes, bitter always seems to get a bad rap. But if you’re willing to give bitter foods a chance, they will reward you with a world of complex and sophisticated tastes like fernet in a cocktail, dark chocolate in your favourite dessert or a frisée salad. This week, we want you to show us how you take this challenge to the bitter end. Photo of Brussels sprouts by Gastroposter Angie Wright Eric Hamilton @fotoauthor Amber Johnston @zutzjohnston Reimagined Mexican: deconstructed taco Stacia Lau @stacialau I like reheating the canned fruit cocktail My version of poached eggs: broil a layer of brie cheese on top of toasted gluten-free bread made with white cheddar and green onions. Then top it with the poached eggs. Crunchy and delicious! Mariz Reroma @marizmerize It’s my first veggie pasta dish Frankie Mior @fmior Turkey lettuce wraps reimagined Vicki Tsang @vickit925 I got pretzel buns Maggie Chilton @maxwell_designs I tried a new twist on fish and chips Ashley Lockyer @ashcarmen Almond-crusted Texas-French toast GASTROPOST IT Whatever you eat in order to complete the mission, the important part is sharing it with the Gastropost community. There are several ways to do that: Follow us on Instagram and tag a photo with #gastropost Post a photo through Twitter and tag it with #gastropost Post directly to our website Visit gastropost.com to see what your fellow Gastroposters have been eating. gastropost.com Suzanne Bailuk @shoezannie A twist on a classic: peas and carrots GayLani Lumanog @gaylani Baked mussels with dynamite sauce Vince Fan @band_aidplus Philly cheese steak-style poutine Ruveen Stogryn @ruveenstogryn I love making a meal out of a baked potato Janice Wong @justanother_fooddiary Popcorn with honey and peanut butter DON’T HESITATE TO GET IN TOUCH WITH US. WE’D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU. Email us at vancouver@gastropost.com Or contact us through Twitter at @GastropostVAN Follow us on Instagram at @GastropostVAN
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