BELMONT BULLETIN I S S U E T WO , M A R C H 2 015 IN THIS ISSUE: • Belmont Connect – new way to engage with the City •C ity of Belmont Community Race Day 18 April •C all for nominations for 2015 Pioneers Lunch •S eniors Club Development Day C reating opportunities OPPORTUNITY NEWS MAYOR’S MESSAGE Residents will now be aware the whole process of Local Government reform has been put on hold. The City of Belmont Council unanimously voted to formally withdraw from the Perth Metropolitan Local Government reform process at a Special Council Meeting held on 17 February. As a result the merger between the City of Belmont and the Shire of Kalamunda will no longer go ahead. Our Council consistently opposed forced amalgamation. Now this chapter has come to a close, we can continue to East Ward focus on delivering the best outcomes for our community. There is a lot happening in the City of Belmont over the next few months. Celebrate autumn by attending the 2015 Autumn River Festival on Sunday, 29 March. A whole host of free activities will be on offer including come-andtry kayaks, water ski spectacle, stage entertainment and not to forget the famous Kailis fish and chips! The festival is a great opportunity to spend a relaxed Sunday by our very own riverfront with friends and family. Whether you are a regular cyclist or even just enjoy the odd bike ride, you might like to join in the celebrations for Bikeweek and come along to our annual Belmont Bike to Work Breakfast on 20 March. This is a great way to help promote the benefits of cycling with other cyclists within the City. Entries are now open for the 2014 Belmont Art and Photographic Awards and Exhibition. I look forward to seeing what will no doubt be another fantastic display of local talent again this year. Experience the thrill of thoroughbred racing at the City of Belmont Community Race Day at Ascot Racecourse on 18 April. Perth Racing and City of Belmont Council present what will be a great family fun day for residents and business owners of the City. Cr. Phil Marks, Mayor City of Belmont WARD BOUNDARIES Cr. Phil Marks (Mayor) Ph: 9277 4919 M: 0417 998 229 N Cr. Margie Bass Ph/Fax: 9277 9504 M: 0423 768 760 Cr. Bernie Ryan Ph: 9277 4529 M: 0418 941 328 West Ward Cr Robert Rossi JP (Deputy Mayor) Ph: 9361 6696 Cr. Paul Hitt Ph/Fax: 9478 6260 Cr. Lauren Cayoun Ph: 9361 0719 M: 0416 380 633 Cr. Patrick Gardner M: 0423 105 032 Cr. Steve Wolff M: 0401 822 553 South Ward Cr. Janet Powell Ph/Fax: 9277 3915 M: 0407 277 391 We welcome active participation in our Local Government and open dialogue on Council activities. 2 BELMONTCONNECT THE NEW WAY TO ENGAGE WITH THE CITY CONNECT WITH US! Now there is even more opportunity for our community to interact Belmont Connect provides a meeting place for community with us and find out what’s going on in the City of Belmont. discussion and participation, allowing you to share your ideas with us on important issues to help us with We want you to be involved in decisions that affect you. If you live, work, visit or study in the City of Belmont, then share your decision making. ideas and comment on issues that interest you. SIGN UP FOR BELMONT CONNECT VISIT OUR WEBSITE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK THE BASE @ BELMONT FOLLOW US ON TWITTER #BelmontCouncil PIONEERS LUNCHEON 2015 – CALL FOR NOMINATIONS To recognise our older residents’ contribution to the City, the City of Belmont will host its annual Pioneers Luncheon in June 2015. An invitation is extended to anyone who currently resides in the district and has done so for 50 years or more. If you believe you qualify, we would like to hear from you. Please write to the City (details below) stating your residential history, including the year you arrived in Belmont and contact details of a referee who can verify these details. Please ensure you include your name, address, phone number and any other relevant contact details. Your details will then be added to our Pioneers database, once accepted. Pioneers who have attended in previous years do not need to reapply, as we already have your details on our database. Applications must be received by Friday, 10 April 2015 to qualify for the 2015 Pioneers Luncheon. Please write to: Shervaun Steenson Executive Assistant City of Belmont Locked Bag 379 Cloverdale WA 6985 For more information contact the City on 9477 7202. 3 KIDZ FEST ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL FAMILY EVENT Faulkner Park was transformed into a fantasy land for more than 5,000 people who enjoyed the City’s FREE Kidz Fest last month. With a huge variety of free activities and entertainment, special prizes and giveaways, children were also able to explore four different ‘lands’ including Fun Land, Sports Land, Adventure Land and Food Land. City of Belmont Mayor, Cr Phil Marks said the event is one of the most popular on the City’s calendar and the City is fortunate to hold it in a magnificent venue such as Faulkner Park. The atmosphere was fantastic and kids, big and small, all had a great day out judging by the smiles on everyone’s faces. The City takes pride in hosting quality community events and we always appreciate the community’s support in attending them. The City of Belmont appreciates the generous support of its major sponsor Lotterywest, as well as Belmont Forum Shopping Centre and Perth Airport and extends its thanks to all. ON THE ROADS Here you can find a list of the current and upcoming road and drainage works within the City of Belmont. Find out what is happening and where. ROAD DRAINAGE AND FOOTPATH WORKS Location Abernethy Road Section Description of Works Chilver Street Road Modification Armitt Street and Osbourn Place Road Rehabilitation Osbourn Place Green Street to Cul-de-sac Road Rehabilitation Compton Place Green Street to Cul-de-sac Road Rehabilitation Urquhart Place Armitt Street to Cul-de-sac Road Rehabilitation Green Street Kanowna Avenue East Second Street and First Street Road Rehabilitation Alexander Road and Wright Street Upgrading Footpath Stanton Road Moreing Street and Lyall Street Road Rehabilitation Acton Avenue Alexander Road to 221 Acton Avenue Upgrading Footpath Belmont Avenue Help us to improve our services by providing feedback. Share your comments, suggestions and report problems spotted via our website or call the Technical Services Department of 9477 7118. 4 STANTON ROAD RECONSTRUCTION As part of the 2014/2015 Works Programme, funding has been allocated to upgrade the section of road in Stanton Road between Moreing Street and Lyall Street. Work will commence next month. The work being carried out will involve reconstructing the road, minor drainage upgrade and a pram ramp upgrade at the Moreing Street intersection. Stanton Road was named after P.S. Stanton who was the secretary of the Belmont Park Roads Board between 1927 and 1948. Stanton Road was formerly known as Alexandra Street. COMMUNITY WELLBEING 2015 BELMONT ART AND PHOTOGRAPHIC AWARDS AND EXHIBITION Entries have opened for the 2015 Belmont Art and Photographic Awards and Exhibition. Entry forms are available from the City of Belmont Civic Centre, Belmont Forum Shopping Centre Customer Service or online at Return your completed entry form and payment to the City of Belmont Civic Centre by Thursday, 18 June 2015. The exhibition will be open at the Belmont Forum Shopping Centre from Monday, 20 July to Saturday, 1 August 2015. SENIORS’ CLUB DEVELOPMENT DAY The City of Belmont will host a Seniors’ Club development day on Thursday, 7 May 2015 from 10:30am to 3pm at the Belmont Sports and Recreation Club, corner Abernethy Road and Keane Street Cloverdale. Enjoy a fun day of leisure activities and learn about clubs in the community. Morning tea and lunch provided. Please RSVP your attendance to the City’s Community Wellbeing Assistant Nikki Owen, by Friday 24 April 2015 on 9477 7454 or email for catering purposes. Are you part of a sporting club, community group or business that supports seniors to get active? Showcase your group through a display and meet potential new members at the City of Belmont’s Club Development Day. That Face by Alyce Goddard, winner 2014 City of Belmont Acquisitive Art Award. SPORTING AND CULTURAL DONATIONS The City is proud of its high achievers and wishes to congratulate the following sporting donation recipients who have excelled in their sport: Josephine Beecroft – National Indoor Netball Championships, Sydney Kristofah Charlie – National Indoor Netball Championships, Sydney Pani Taipeti – National Indoor Netball Championships, Sydney Halla Harding – Under 12s Perth COUNTUSIN – CREATING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES TOGETHER Calling for participants for Round 9. The CountUSin team are looking for the next group of residents who are willing to make their health a priority. CountUSin is a low cost physical activity and healthy eating program for the City of Belmont residents. This program is designed to increase awareness and access to health and wellbeing programs. This is a 10-week program that includes a three month full access membership, weekly exercise groups run by your Mentor and fortnightly cooking classes, all for the low cost of $10.75 per week. Soccer Club, Sweden Are you representing the State in a national or international sporting competition or cultural endeavour? If so, the City would like to support you in your athletic or cultural pursuits. For guidelines and an application form please visit the lifestyle section of the City’s website or contact Community Wellbeing on 9477 7454. To find out if you are eligible, call the City’s Healthy Communities Project Officer on 9477 7438 or email 5 LIBRARY AND MUSEUM WHAT’S ON LIBRARY AND MUSEUM PUBLIC HOLIDAY CLOSURES EASTER AND ANZAC DAY Library: Friday, 3 April Good Friday Closed Saturday, 4 April Easter Saturday Closed Sunday, 5 April Easter Sunday Closed Monday, 6 April Easter Monday Closed Monday, 27 April ANZAC Day Closed Museum: Monday, 6 April Easter Monday Monday, 27 April ANZAC Day Closed Closed PERSON OF INTEREST Wednesday, 22 April 2015 6:30pm to 7:30pm (Light refreshments from 6pm) World War I and its aftermath from 1918 to 1939 Local historian Elton Brown will talk about the end of World War I and the redrawing of European and Middle Eastern maps. There will also be discussion on the subsequent collapse of Germany’s economy and the causes for the outbreak of World War II. Book now as places are limited. PERSON OF INTEREST Thursday, 21 May 2015 6:30pm to 7:30pm (Light refreshments from 6pm) Psychopaths and Offenders Profiles Professor Hall will speak about his experience as a psychologist at Fremantle Prison. Professor Hall is a Clinical Psychologist and the current Academic Chair of Criminology and Legal Studies in the School of Law at Murdoch University. Book now as places are limited. 6 Start something new in 2015 at your Library, a meeting place like no other. APRIL SCHOOL HOLIDAYS BELMONT INTEREST GROUP (B.I.G.) Saturday, 4 April to Saturday, 18 April 2015 Monday (Monthly) 2pm to 3pm Suitable for adults of all ages. Visit the Library during the April school holidays to expand your child’s power of imagination. Activities include Storytime, LEGO building competitions, plus new art and craft experiences. Visit the Library to collect a flier or go to the City of Belmont website for a full list of activities. Come along and join the fun! Be inspired by a diverse program of guest speakers and performers every third Monday of the month. Light refreshments are provided. No bookings required for these FREE events. LIBRARY AND MUSEUM AT THE AUTUMN RIVER FESTIVAL Sunday, 29 March 2015 11am to 3pm Garvey Park, Fauntleroy Avenue, Ascot Look out for the Library and Museum marquee and collect a free raffle ticket for the Library and Museum hamper prize draw. Play old fashioned games such as hop scotch or talk on the string telephone. Try your luck at knuckle bones or pick-up sticks and see who in the family can win. Free balloons for children. B.I.G. Monday, 16 March 2015 Eric McCrum is a retired scientist and life member of the WA Naturalist’s Club and member of the WA Wildflower Society. His informative slide show presentation will cover flora and fauna of the Pilbara Region. Eric regularly features on local radio to discuss nature and science topics. HOMEWORK CLUB AND YOURTUTOR Every Thursday during school term 4pm to 6pm Would you like a quiet and comfortable place to meet friends and complete your homework studies? New students aged 12 to 18 years can collect a registration form from the library. Adult tutors are present to assist with homework queries and library staff will be available to help students get started with Yourtutor. This free online tutoring service is available to all Library members using the Library’s free computers. You can also bring your own digital device and log on using the Library’s free Wi-Fi. MUSEUM FREE ONLINE COMPUTER TUTORIALS AND LESSONS AT Need some basic training on how to use computers? Or would you like to brush up on your knowledge of Apps, Androids, Google or MYOB? Library card holders have access to free technology training tutorials and lessons examining Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Androids, Google and lots more via a secure and very simple process. Open the City of Belmont website, click on the Ruth Faulkner Library link, look for the Useful links icon and select link. Click on Library Logins to get started. Phone the Library on 9477 7150 for further enquiries. SPECIAL EXHIBITION: INSIDE HILL 60: A HOME’S TRANSFORMATION THROUGH CONFLICT AND COMPASSION Part of the 2015 National Trust Heritage Festival April to May 2015 During Museum Opening Hours Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 2pm to 5pm. Groups by appointment. On the calm banks of the Swan River, behind the bustling Great Eastern Highway, a small, curious landmark bears the name ‘Hill 60.’ The famous battle of Hill 60 was the last major assault of the horrific Gallipoli Campaign, so how did this quaint building take on such a dark name? The building and its lands have seen some fascinating changes over the years; it has evolved from a fashionable family home to a Milliner’s mansion, to a convent for the St John of God sisters and a place of rest and repose. Belmont Museum invites you to an exciting new exhibition, exploring this stately home’s transformation through time. Do you have any memories or photos of Hill 60 you’d like to share? Please contact the Curator on 9477 7450. INSIDE HILL 60 Q&A PANEL Tuesday, 5 May 2015 Belmont Museum 6:30pm to 7:30pm Light refreshments from 6pm. The Museum will remain open until 8:30pm. HOME LIBRARY DELIVERY SERVICE The Library Home Delivery Service is an extension of the City of Belmont Ruth Faulkner Public Library. City of Belmont residents who are housebound through illness or disability and therefore unable to visit the library can apply for the free library service. SWAN CUDDLY FARM ANIMALS Thursday, 30 April 2015 10am to 10:30am for parents and children aged up to 2 years 10:30am to 11:30am for parents and children aged 2+ years This is a special Tiny Tots Story Time event. Enjoy learning about baby farm animals. Young children have the opportunity to handle, touch and experience cute and cuddly farm animals in a safe environment located in the park area adjacent to the Library. If you require further information regarding Library and Museum events or would like to make a booking for Library or Museum events please contact the Library on 9477 7150 or email or visit the Library at 215 Wright Street, Cloverdale. Click on the Library’s Quick Links at for details about activities and dates. ‘Inside Hill 60’ is Belmont Museum’s latest exhibition on a unique riverside landmark. It was once an elegant family home, a socialite party pad, even a convent and hospital where nuns cared for the sick and dying. This special Q&A Panel is an opportunity to hear about the evolution of Hill 60 from the family members, historians and researchers who have investigated the many stories of conflict and compassion that lie within its walls. Afterwards enjoy a night stroll through the Belmont Museum to visit the exhibition. Book now as places are limited. Phone the Belmont Museum on 9477 7450 or the Ruth Faulkner Public Library on 9477 7150. Email BIKEWEEK SPECIAL Did you know that several champion cyclists lived in the City of Belmont? Ron Cleary, Ray Furfaro and John McGrath lived close to one another and used to train and race together from the 1950s onwards. Some of their amazing individual achievements include winning the 57 mile Hills Tour, riding a bike from Sydney to Perth (on dirt tracks before the bitumen highway existed) and competing in six-day competitions, where cyclists would ride 24 hours a day for 6 days and nights. Ride into Belmont Museum today to see Ron Cleary’s bicycle on display and other fantastic sports memorabilia! If you’d like to share your own local history story or make a donation, please contact the Curator on 9477 7450 or or visit the Belmont Museum during opening hours. The Belmont Museum is open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2pm to 5pm. 7 PARKS & ENVIRONMENT CITY WORKING TO IMPROVE URBAN FOREST March 21 has been declared International Day of Forests by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the City of Belmont is keen to share their message about the importance of forests in our urban environment. The UFS’s overall objective is to retain and enhance the City’s urban forest, with an initial target to “replace lost canopy to a coverage which meets and exceeds that of the baseline year of 2001”. More and more emphasis is being placed on trees within the urban environment which are just as important as their counterparts in natural forests. The retention and enhancement of the urban forest will not only add to the urban liveability of the City, but sets the precursor for healthy communities for decades to come. International Day of Forests – ‘Forests | Climate | Change’ aims to highlight how forests and climate change are linked. Forests and trees sustain and protect us in invaluable and often irreplaceable ways. They provide clean air, clean water, habitat for most of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity, and can even assist us financially through reducing power bills and improving our quality of life. To promote the benefits of trees to its community, the Council has endorsed an Urban Forest Strategy (UFS). The presence of green spaces also improves our quality of life and can make us healthier mentally and physically. Globally and locally, through the retention of forests, we can mitigate or potentially prevent the risk of catastrophic events as a result of climate change. The City is drafting a Canopy Plan which will focus on operational tasks for retaining, enhancing and managing our urban forest. BEYOND GARDENS FOODSCAPING SEMINAR 10am to 1pm Saturday, 28 March 2015 City of Belmont Civic Centre, 215 Wright Street, Cloverdale Sponsored by the Water Corporation. To celebrate 2015 Earth Hour’s ‘Aussie Farming & Foods’ theme the City will host a Beyond Gardens workshop on growing healthy nutritious food at home. Learn more about food-scaping including introduction of bushfoods into backyards. Bookings are essential – please register at or call 1300 369 833. Light refreshments provided. 8 Each year the City invites people to apply for verge/street trees and promotes the care and retention of trees located on private and public lands. To see what else the City is doing for its urban forest you can visit or phone the City’s Parks and Environment Department on 9477 7257. CITY OF BELMONT COMMUNITY RACE DAY 18 APRIL Experience the thrill of thoroughbred racing when the City of Belmont and Perth Racing present the City of Belmont Community Race Day on Saturday 18 April at Ascot Racecourse. The racing industry is an important part of the City and we are proud to partner with Perth Racing for the benefit of the community. Gates open 11am. Residents and business owners will receive free general admission on the day, upon proof of residency. As a bonus, if you have a ‘City of Belmont Opportunity Card’ you can receive additional benefits such as: • Purchase a table of four in the Terrace Restaurant and receive a free bottle of house wine, with the compliments of Perth Racing. Bookings are essential and Opportunity Card must be presented upon arrival. $57 per member or $70 per non-member. Terrace Restaurant is located on the first floor of the Grandstand and offers a superb buffet menu selection as well as panoramic views of the course. • For Members and their guests, purchase a table of six in the Flying Colours Restaurant and receive a free bottle of premium wine, selected by Perth Racing’s Sommelier, with their compliments. $82 per member or $95 per non-member. Experience premium dining with a specially designed five course menu. • Purchase a hamburger at any public outlet and receive a free Schweppes soft drink. There will be a great line up of entertainment to complement the eight race program and children can enjoy a petting zoo, pony rides and face painting – all provided courtesy of Perth Racing. ASCOT/RIVERVALE RESTORATION PROJECT With the support of the Western Australian Government State NRM Program, the City has recently completed a restoration project along the Ascot and Rivervale foreshore that has resulted in establishment of nearly 7,000 local native seedlings and 1,100 sedge strips. This has resulted in improved vegetation connectivity along 2.4 linear kilometres of the Swan River, a Perth Biodiversity Project regional ecological linkage that is one of the City’s most important biodiversity corridors. To experience this environment first hand, residents can cycle or walk along the recreational foreshore path commencing at Goodwood Parade boat ramp, reaching Ascot Marina. Look up at Adachi and Hardey Parks along the way you may spot some important habitat for insect-eating microbats – keep an eye out for the path stencils. Rewards for Residents Make the switch and save Keen to make your home more sustainable? Discounts available on products including: • Pool covers • Insulation paint • Green printing • Rainwater tanks • Worm farms, compost bins and bokashi buckets • Eco products • Home energy and water audits three simple steps Your discount will be deducted from the product price at the point of sale Visit for more information including full terms and conditions 1 2 3 Call the supplier to arrange a free quote Mention Switch your thinking! to claim your discount Register your purchase on and go into the draw to win a family pass to Perth Zoo AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTS OF: Armadale • Belmont • Cambridge • Canning • Gosnells • Mandurah • Murray • Perth • Serpentine Jarrahdale • South Perth • Victoria Park • Vincent • Wanneroo • Waroona 9 COMMUNITY SAFETY AND CRIME PREVENTION ALARM ASSIST PROGRAM The City offers low cost intruder alarm systems and alarm monitoring to both residents and businesses within the City of Belmont. Home security is important to everyone and the City invites ratepayers to take up this offer to protect themselves, home and valuables. The City of Belmont offers an easy payment plan for the system installed in your home or a one off payment option for businesses. The system, which includes a smoke detector, remote control, motion sensors, strobe and siren is fully installed by Aspect Security. There are a number of different alarm system options available to suit your individual property requirements and costs vary accordingly. The City also offers an alarm monitoring service. In the event of alarm activation, the City of Belmont’s Community Watch Patrols will attend your property with an average response time of 10 minutes, for no extra charge or call out fee. The City also offers a free security appraisal service to assist you in ensuring that your property is as secure as it can be. For more information please visit or call the City of Belmont Crime Prevention Team on 9477 7416. BEWARE BOGUS WORKMEN Bogus ‘workmen’ may say they need to come in to your house to check something or make urgent repairs. Residents are urged to be careful of unexpected callers who offer to make building repairs around your home. Often these ‘workmen’ will ask for money in advance and may even offer to drive you to the bank to withdraw money to pay them. If you need building work done, get several written quotes from reputable firms, then decide which one is best. If in doubt, talk it through with a neighbour, a friend or someone in your family. Before answering the door to anybody make sure these ‘workmen’ are genuine. Follow our three top tips to keep you safe. Stop and think • If a person you don’t know calls at your door first think, ‘am I expecting anybody?’ Does anybody have an appointment with you? Lock and look • Make sure your doors and windows are locked at all times, including your screen door if you have one. If you have a spy hole or a window next to your door, have a look to see if you recognise the caller. 10 Check • Ask to see the caller’s ID. If you are still unsure then call the company they claim they are from using a phone number from the phone book, not a number on their identification. Remember – never feel embarrassed to ask for Proof of ID. Don’t worry about asking to see identification. Real officials never mind proving their identity. In fact, they prefer if you do. If you have any difficulty reading the details on their identification, ask them to remove it from plastic holders etc, or to give you a closer look. If someone ‘flashes’ their ID past your field of vision, ask to see it properly. If they are a genuine caller they will be happy to arrange an appointment for a more convenient time when you can have somebody else with you. If in any doubt, call Police on 131 444 immediately. You can also call the City of Belmont Community Watch on 1300 655 011. OPPORTUNITY CARD Boss Workwear, Uniforms and Embroidery Perth Present your Opportunity Card at these businesses for fantastic special offers and discounts. Opportunity Cards must be presented at the time of purchase/service for offers to be valid. Conditions may apply and offers are subject to change. 167 Armadale Road, Rivervale Ph: 9472 5420 / 0413 100 390 Boss Workwear, Uniforms and Embroidery is a WA family owned and operated business specialising in personalised embroidery custom logos. We can turn any logo into a great promotional tool for your business. Offering free digitising of logos for orders over 20 garments or free set up costs for screen printing with orders over 50 garments or bags. Trade welcome. Bravo Hire Mid Metro A1 Mufflers and Towbars Unit 4/135 Great Eastern Highway, Belmont Ph: 9479 4567 A1 Mufflers and Towbars specialise in fitting exhausts and tow bars to your vehicle. Offering a professional service with over 30 years of experience. Offering 5% discount on all services provided. ASB Marketing 2/100 Belmont Avenue, Belmont Ph: 9477 6888 ASB Marketing is an award winning Perth-based promotional products company supplying small, medium and large businesses with a wide range of quality promotional merchandise. Offering free art design (valued at $100) on every order. Aussie Battlers Truck Rental 223 Hardy Road, Belmont Ph: 9277 1369/0407 633 935 Aussie Battlers is a locally owned and operated discount truck rental company offering furniture removal services and truck hire at a discounted rate. Offering a Level 1 home shift package, including 6 hour hire of driver, truck, blankets, trolley and hydraulic lift for $250 (normally $280). Level 2 home shift package, includes full removal service for $120 per hour (normally $130). Please indicate that you have an Opportunity Card when you call to book. Ayres Tyre Service 1/15 Brennan Way, Belmont Ph: 9277 4872 Ayres Tyre Service is a family owned and operated tyre outlet, offering all brands of tyres for passenger vehicles, 4WDs and trucks. We offer a range of products and services at discounted prices. Fully trained technicians are onsite to perform a FREE brake inspection and tyre check, giving you confidence on the road. Offering wheel alignments for passenger vehicles from $35 and brake pad replacements using genuine Bendix Pads, for passenger vehicles from $99 (4WD extra). Belmont Oasis Leisure Centre Cnr Alexander & Abernethy Rd, Belmont Ph: 9277 1622 Belmont Oasis Leisure Centre can give you the complete health and recreation experience all under one roof. We have a fully equipped health club, pool, spa and sauna, Royal Life & Austswim accredited swim school plus crèche, after school care and cafe. Offering one free personal training session with complimentary appraisal with any 12 month membership. Two additional swimming lessons with every 16 weeks purchased. Free team nomination for court sports. Free coffee upgrade, one per person per day. Belmont Pet Shop Shop 86 Belmont Forum, 227 Belmont Ave, Cloverdale Ph: 9478 3993 Supplying a variety of pets and pet products, the Belmont Pet Shop offers a wide selection from toys and leads to bird cages and fish tank accessories. Offering 20% off all toys, collars and leads. 247 Great Eastern Highway, Belmont Ph: 9277 4400 For all landscaping, trailer and general equipment needs for the contractor or home handyman, you are sure to find exactly what you need at Bravo Hire. Offering 10% discount on all hiring over the value of $80. Classic BookBinders 96 Belmont Ave, Rivervale Ph: 9479 4777 Classic BookBinders are the award winning leaders in book design and custom made books. Specialising in repairs and restoration of old or damaged books, they offer a quality range of albums presentation books and boxes, files, menus, university thesis and much more. Offering 5% discount on all services. Fossils Lawn Mowing 38 Grand Parade, Redcliffe Ph: 0409 394 396 Fossils Lawn Mowing provides residential and commercial lawn services that include mowing, lawn care, fertilising, weeding, pruning, mulching and yard clean ups. Offering a 10% discount off your first lawn service. Hibana Digital Studio PO Box 677, Belmont Ph: 0404 030 356 Hibana Digital Studio offers graphic design, photography, online business, websites, applications and mobile development solutions. We specialise in creative solutions that increase your customer base, sales or traffic to your business Offering a free online review of your business and market position. Contact us to get started. Ian Diffen The Tyre Factory Belmont 27 Belgravia Street, Belmont Ph: 9277 3811 Ian Diffen has access to all brands of tyres for a variety of vehicles at very competitive prices and stock batteries for virtually every application. They can align your vehicle, check your brakes and suspension and stock a wide range of batteries. Offering small car tyres from $64, large car tyres from $79 and wheel alignment plus rotation and balance for $65. Itechworld Shop 14, 49 Great Eastern Highway, Rivervale Ph: 9472 7200 Itechworld provides portable satellite TV and solar products perfect for the keen traveller, camper, 4 wheel driver, and RV enthusiast. Offering 5% discount on Itechworld branded products. Looksmart Alterations Belmont Forum Shopping Centre (near Woolworths) Cloverdale WA 6105 Ph: 9478 5855 Whether it’s formalwear, leather, trousers, jackets, shirts, skirts or dresses, get the look and fit you want with Looksmart Alterations, the stylist tailor for all of your alteration needs. Offering pants or jeans shortening in one hour for $14.99 (standard hem only). Ora Sports Fitness 237 Knutsford Avenue, Belmont Ph: 0478 723 181 / 0413 731 356 Ora Sports Fitness is a fully equipped 24/7 Gym and Kickboxing for Fitness Gym. Ora Sports Fitness is also a Registered Training Organisation delivering Certificates 3 and 4 in Fitness to become a qualified Personal Trainer and Gym Instructor. Offering $20 discount to the access card fee for the 24/7 Gym. Enrolments in Certificate 3 or 4 in Fitness receive one free personal training session to the value of $80. OvenU Rivervale Ph: 0439 914 068 Do you hate cleaning your oven and your shower screen? OvenU Rivervale restores appliances and shower screens to showroom condition and can reduce your cleaning by 90%. Offering a $10 discount off your first oven clean booking. Parry’s Carpets & Floorcoverings 203 Alexander Road, Belmont Ph: 9478 5588 For the best prices and best service on carpet, timber or vinyl flooring, come and see our family company that has been in business for over 20 years. Open 7 days a week. Offering $50 discount on purchases over $500 from the wide range of carpets, timbers and vinyls. One voucher per sale. Professional Counselling & Massage Therapy Ph: 9277 6527 Multi-award winner Rosanna Jackson provides professional counselling to help people understand and resolve any problems or concerns. Rosanna also provides massage therapy for muscle tension, stress, aches and pains. By appointment only. Offering $10 off the initial service. RealtyWest 52 Belvidere Street, Belmont Ph: 9277 7222 / 0416 193 008 RealtyWest is a professional and dynamic family owned real estate business dedicated to exceeding your expectations as a seller, buyer or landlord. Offering a $500 sponsorship to any City of Belmont registered junior sporting club at settlement when selling any property within the City of Belmont. Rechitects Pty Ltd 7B Harrow Place, Kewdale Ph: 0433 490 048 Rechitects Pty Ltd is a professional architectural office specialising in residential, commercial mixed use development, interior design and fit out. Offering a free initial consultation and $599 for schematic design and feasibility study. Storage King Perth Airport 51 Redcliffe Road, Redcliffe Ph: 9477 4100 Storage King Perth Airport is a locally owned self storage facility located close to the Airport. The facility boasts 24/7 access. Storage King is a one stop shop providing simple storage solutions. Offering 50% off the first month of storage or 25% off boxes. 11 CITY OF BELMONT’S AUTUMN RIVER FESTIVAL 11AM TO 3PM SUNDAY 29 MARCH 2015 GARVEY PARK, FAUNTLEROY AVENUE, ASCOT Treat the family to a fun-filled day by the river and enjoy a variety of FREE activities and entertainment! • Fish Fest with Kailis Bros famous fish and chips • FREE children’s entertainment and activities • FREE water activities including water ski shows, stand-up paddle boarding and kayaking • Live music, art and craft stalls and wine tasting* • WIN cash at the hole-in-one golf competition • City of Belmont residents – bring your Opportunity Card for FREE food and beverage offers. Another free event proudly brought to you by the City of Belmont – the City of Opportunity. Supported by: For more information visit or call 9477 7248. This is a smoke free event. Food and beverages available for purchase. TravelSmart: Why not cycle, walk or take public transport? *Strictly available to people 18 years and over. (Proof of age may be required) Limits apply to all free offers. City of Belmont 215 Wright Street, Cloverdale WA 6105 Locked Bag 379, Cloverdale WA 6985 Phone: 9477 7222 Phone (A/H): 9477 7224 Email: Website: Open 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. Local residents will receive a copy of the Belmont Bulletin approximately every two months. If you do not currently receive a copy, call 9477 7247. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express permission of the City of Belmont.
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