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March 25, 2015
Volume 19, Issue 4©
America’s Best Conservative Newspaper since 1997
Join Ukranian Egg
Dying at Har-Ber
White House Sets
Record for Censorship
Page 7
Hands Off
the Secret
Page 4
Page 12
Iowa Democrats:
Save us, Martin
O’Malley, you’re
our only hoHAHAHA sorry.
Ammo ban? NRA warns it’s
more than bullets
‘You’re left holding your gun making pew-pew noises to defend yourself’
By Bob Unruh
Each time we witness a
disaster or a scandal of one kind
or another, especially those involving politicians or government agencies, we find Monday
morning quarterbacks pounding
the table, shouting, “Somebody
do something!” That is certainly
true of the latest mini-scandal
involving the once-vaunted Secret
Service, a government agency
with a long and storied history of
service to the nation... until recent
years, of course.
On November 24, 2009,
Michaele and Tareq Salahi, of
Warren County, Virginia, crashed
a black tie event at the White
House honoring Indian Prime
Minister Manmohan Singhon.
Although they were uninvited,
the Salahis passed through two
Secret Services checkpoints, one
of which required guests to provide photo IDs which were then
checked against a list of invited
guests. Their gate-crash set off a
firestorm of criticism of the Secret
Service protective detail.
On April 14–15, 2012, the
sixth Summit of the Americas
was held at Cartagena, Colombia. However, the misbehavior
of Secret Service agents and U.S.
military personnel, members of
the presidential advance party,
overshadowed the event. In the
days that followed, it was learned
that some twenty Colombian
prostitutes were suspected of having spent the night with Secret
Service agents and U.S. military
personnel at the Hotel Caribe in
Cartagena. The episode first came
to light when one of the prostitutes
complained that, even though she
had upheld her end of the bargain,
she had been inadequately compensated by one of the agents.
The central theme of the summit
was, appropriately enough, “Connecting the Americas: Partners for
On December 10, 2013, as
Barack Obama spoke at a memorial service for former South African president Nelson Mandela,
a fake sign-language interpreter
joined Obama on stage, standing
just feet to his left. The impostor, Thamsanqa Jantjie, later told
the Johannesburg Star that while
he was on stage with Obama he
heard strange voices and began to
hallucinate, causing him to make
signing gestures that were pure
gibberish. Obama’s unintelligible
remarks left bewildered deaf
viewers around the world scratching their heads and wondering,
“What the hell did he just say?”
On March 23, 2014, three
Secret Service agents were recalled from the Netherlands after
one of the agents was found
passed out drunk in the hallway
of his hotel. The agents were
part of an advance team sent to
the Netherlands in preparation
for Obama’s upcoming visit to
The Hague. According to a story
in the Washington Post, the three
agents were members of the elite
Counter Assault Team (CAT). If
the president or his motorcade is
See Hollrah, pg. 11
The federal bureaucracy, in the
form of the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms, recently
announced a ban on ammunition used in AR-15 rifles, which
are among the most common
firearms in America, but then
suddenly backed
fat – he’s slender and stylishly
dressed with sneakers made by
Prada. He’s also not white.”
rental car of common-sense gun
legislation — and bingo, you
have backdoor gun control.”
And he’s not shy about the
Second Amendment, posting a
recent NRA commentary on the
And he warned the ammo-ban
proposal will return.
So breathe a sigh
of relief and move
Not if you like the
Second Amendment, according
to a National Rifle
Association commentator.
Colion Noir, a practicing attorney who graduated from
the University of Houston,
has been described by the Los
Angeles Times as someone
who doesn’t fit the stereotype
of NRA members: “Old, fat,
white guys.”
“At 29, he’s not old. Nor is he
ATF plan to banish bullets for
the AR-15 and then pull back.
“Make no mistake, that socalled ammo ban, proposed
by the ATF that they’re now
shelving is nothing more than
a gun ban by another name. It’s
semantic drug smuggling, if
you ask me. Take a kilo of gun
ban, wrap it in officer safety Saran wrap and smuggle it in the
“If you’re still
floating on the
whole Obamadoesn’t-want-toban-guns cloud
of naivety, think
about it like this.
When you get
locked out of your
house, what’s the
first thing you
think to do – try the back
“It takes nothing more than a
two-second Google search to
hear quotes of President Obama
wanting to ban all AR-15s.
And because his administration
couldn’t get that ban through
See Ammo, pg. 9
GOP ‘squandering biggest victory’
in 90 years
‘House and Senate Republicans have essentially folded their tents and given up’
By Greg Corombos
Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan.,
says Republican leaders are
wasting historic majorities in
Congress by surrendering on
critical issues like immigration
and driving deep wedges in the
party by collaborating more
with Democrats than conservatives on key votes.
“We are talking about historical vote margins in the House
and Senate,” he said. “Republicans have done better than
we have in probably 80-90
years. We have immediately
started squandering away that
Huelskamp said the biggest
disappointments are in fully
funding what he considers to
be President Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty and in failing
to stop Washington’s desire
to tax more and spend more.
He said the problem started
back in December with the
“cromnibus” bill, even before
the GOP gained control of the
U.S. Senate.
“Both Speaker John Boehner
and soon-to-be leader Mitch
McConnell backed away and
seem more intent on working
with Harry Reid and Nancy
Pelosi than they are conservatives,” Huelskamp said.
Recruit your friends, neighbors and fellow commuters to
the “Don’t Be Yellow: Dump
Boehner Now” campaign!
Most frustrating to Huelskamp
is the Republican surrender
on blocking money for the
president’s unilateral action to
grant legal status to five million
adults in the U.S. illegally. The
“cromnibus” bill funded the
program through the Department of Homeland Security, or
DHS, for just two months, with
the stated intention of killing
the appropriation once the GOP
controlled both the House and
In January, the House passed
DHS funding without money
for Obama’s legalization pro-
gram. Republicans tried to
move that bill through the
Senate, but Democrats filibustered it. McConnell then
relented and allowed for full
DHS funding in exchange for
a separate vote to strip out the
new immigration money. The
funding bill passed. Efforts to
defund the legalization program failed. After an initial
one-week extension for DHS
appropriations, the House also
See GOP, pg.
Thunder Partly
storms Cloudy
High 76 High 58
Low 44 Low 36
It’s a measure of how awful the
Democratic bench is – not excluding its front-runner – that
this is newsworthy: “Former
Maryland governor Martin
O’Malley stepped up his critique of Wall Street excesses
here Friday as he began his
first swing through Iowa this
year with a populist speech to
an enthusiastic crowd of close
to 300 people attending a
Democratic dinner.” As most
people reading this probably
know already, O’Malley is not
exactly known for having the
word ‘enthusiastic’ associated
with him. He is, in point of
fact, rather dull.
O’Malley, on the other hand,
has one major advantage
over pretty much every other
potentially-viable Democratic
candidate for President: he’s
a two-term former governor
who isn’t sweating a possible
indictment. Not exactly the
most stellar resume in the
world, but then the twin wildfires of 2010 and 2014 did a
laudable job of destroying
the careers of many a promising Democratic politician.
Martin O’Malley was highly
fortunate to have been in a
safe enough state in 2010*,
and to be not running in 2014;
and while his message of Isn’t
Wall Street awful may not
actually resonate with voters
in general it may be a different story for Democrats in the
Now, does this mean that
Martin O’Malley has a serious chance? …Probably not.
O’Malley is a bit of a desperation play for Democrats who
are studiously refusing to be
consciously aware of just how
tired and picked-over their
Presidential prospects are this
cycle. Presumably the people
looking at the former governor
now will eventually slump
their shoulders and accept
their cruel fate. Eventually.
For right now, the twin tangs
of false hope and suppressed
despair [are] in the spring
High 55
Low 36
By: Moe Lane
Cloudy High 72
High 61 Low 47
Low 43
Cloudy Showers
High 71 High 74
Low 51 Low 54
Crossword Puzzle/Horoscopes
Editorials/Comments /Politicos
Fishing Report/Golf Report
Page 11
Page 10
Page 2
Page 10
Page 2 The BANNER
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Sen. Cruz and Rep. Bridenstine Introduce American Energy Renaissance Act
Legislation will create jobs and opportunity by embracing the American Energy
Renaissance, removing barriers and expanding trade
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and
Rep. Jim Bridenstine, R-OK-1,
today introduced the American
Energy Renaissance Act to
empower the private sector to
create good-paying American
jobs, spur economic growth and
expand opportunity. The companion legislation, introduced
in the U.S Senate as S. 791 and
in the House of Representatives, will harness our nation’s
energy resources and remove
federal impediments to energy
exploration, development and
trade. The legislation will also
reduce American dependence
on unfriendly nations for our
energy needs, and ensure the
United States will be able to
exert its influence and support
its allies around the world.
“Today America faces a pivotal
question,” said Sen. Cruz. “Will
we lead the world into a new
generation of American prosperity led by the great American energy renaissance we’re
experiencing, or will we instead
shut off our borders, erect walls,
and allow our friends and allies to be dependent on tyrants
like Vladimir Putin or Nicolás
Maduro? We need to come together in a bipartisan manner to
say we support jobs, we support
economic growth, and we support standing united alongside
our friends and allies in defense
of freedom. This legislation is
a win-win. The only thing the
federal government needs to
do is get out of the way and
ment, allowing exports and
infrastructure improvements,
and stopping regulatory overreach will greatly expand U.S.
energy production.
We can enhance national security by using America’s resources to provide energy to
our allies, particularly those
in Eastern Europe currently in
thrall to Russian energy supRep. Jim Bridenstine R-OK plies, while we simultaneously
lower domestic energy costs,
let Americans do what they sustain the drive toward U.S.
do best: dream, innovate, and energy security, and support a
strong economy. The American
Energy Renaissance will be a
“Oil and gas production on win on all fronts.”
private lands created the entire
energy boom over the past few Specifically the American Energy Renaissance Act proposes
the following:
● Leave regulation of hydraulic fracturing in state hands.
Hydraulic fracturing is driving
the American Energy Renaissance. States have proven they
can oversee hydraulic fracturing
in a responsible, safe manner,
and they should be allowed to
continue. The American Energy
Sen. Ted Cruz R-Texas
Renaissance cannot thrive if the
years,” said Rep. Bridenstine. federal government disrupts
“Our proposed changes in law this effective framework and
and policy will open federal impedes the jobs and economic
lands and reverse policies that growth hydraulic fracturing is
cripple the free market and already providing.
inhibit innovation and private
investment. Opening federal See Renaissance, pg. 9
lands to oil and gas develop-
A Column by Senator Wayne Shaw
Following the deadline to hear
all bills in their house of origin
last Thursday, this week has
been a little quieter at the Capitol. The Senate has met briefly
each day and we’re continuing
our work in various committees,
but with this week being spring
break for many schools in Oklahoma, legislators are working at
an abbreviated pace until next
Monday when we’ll get back to
work at full speed.
Taking a detour from my typical weekly legislative update, I
wanted to take this opportunity
to share two items of local interest in our district.
Spring storm season is just
around the corner, and concerns
about locating a shelter facility
when needed is always a top
priority. This year, students and
residents will be able to seek
shelter in one of several monolithic domes that also serve the
Locust Grove school district.
In 2007, Locust Grove passed
a bond to build a high school
gym, and after much research,
the decision was made to use
a monolithic design. The arena
measures 148 feet in diameter,
and is 51 feet tall, offering
17,000 square feet inside and
room to seat over 1400 people.
It’s a great facility for Locust
Grove, but the domes also offer something else needed for
Oklahoma’s storm season – protection from a direct tornado hit,
as certified by FEMA.
After the construction of the
first dome in 2007, school officials considered using the
same monolithic design for additional buildings planned for
the school. In 2011, assisted
by a stimulus grant through the
U.S. Department of Education,
construction began on Locust
Grove’s new elementary school
campus, which included five
separate monolithic domes
with an interconnected interior
design. These buildings are
highly energy efficient, saving
the district on average around
$2,000 a month on utilities.
In addition to the ongoing savings each month on utility bills,
the domes are much less expensive to build at approximately
Toll Free Capitol Switchboard 1-877-762-8762
Sen. James M. Inhofe
Washington Phone 1-202-224-4721 FAX 202-228-0380
Tulsa Phone: 1-918-748-5111 • Oklahoma City 1-405-608-4381
Sen. Tom Coburn
Washington 1-202-224-5754 FAX 202-224-6008
Tulsa Phone: 1-918-581-7651 Okla. City 1-405-231-4941
U.S. House of Representatives
Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Dist. 1)
216 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington DC 20515
1-202-225-2211 FAX (202) 225-9187, Tulsa, 2448 E. 81st. St.,
#5150, Tulsa, OK 74137, 1-918) 935-3222 FAX (918) 935-2716
By Neil Carson (CKA Bob McDowell)
Scientific Misrepresentation
As a geologist, and an engineer, it continues to astound,
and offend, me when probably
uninformed ‘journalists’ with major news media continue to write
‘stories’ where usually unnamed
“scientists” are quoted about one
subject or another. In most cases,
it seems, there has been no attempt
to contact ‘scientists’ of an opposite opinion, or if done no quote is
forthcoming. A number of such
instances come to mind, such as
opponents of the Keystone Pipeline crossing Nebraska, drilling
off-shore, and the most wrongfully
ballyhooed ‘global warming’ now
called ‘climate change’, especially
as being caused by mankind.
One such case surfaced recently in the daily paper in Tulsa.
This one appeared in the issue of
February 15 over a by-line by Seth
Borenstein of the Associated Press.
The headline proclaimed: “Study:
Daily small quakes raise risk of
‘big one’. The sub-headline stated:
“Area just as likely to see serious
quake as New Madrid”. For
those geologically uninformed
there is a major fault in basement
rocks that closely parallels the route
of the Mississippi River. Historical
records state that there was a very
major earthquake on this fault in
the first quarter of the nineteenth
century (about 1810-30).
Because the area was sparsely populated and thus built, the
personal property damage was not
such as it would be today. However, printed stories state that the
River even flowed backwards for
a period of time. That is a major
quake and there was probably
visible dislocation at the ground
surface, which has been covered
by the passage of time. My eyes
have not had the opportunity to
visit the area to see for myself. It
was named for the town of New
Madrid (with accent on the first syllable, not like the Spanish city) in
Missouri a few miles South of Cape
Girardeau. This is just above the
‘boot heel’ of MO where the River
makes a sharp bend from Southeast
flow to Southwest flow, following
the fault line.
It appears to me that the
‘scientists’ listened to by the writer
are oriented to those who oppose
the production of oil and gas and
$100/sq. ft. in comparison to
upwards of $140 sq. ft. for traditional construction options.
The domes offer a healthy return
value on
the district’s investment
when you
See McDowell, pg. 7
the domes
can meet
the eduBy Russell Turner
needs of
the school district and the safety
I have never been much of a the path of self-destruction and we
concerns of the community durparty
but I have seen how have only ourselves to blame. I
ing dangerous storms.
The Conservative View
What The Hell Happened
Moving onto a different subject,
this has also been an exciting
week for the Locust Grove Lady
Pirates basketball team. The
girls claimed Locust Grove’s
first state girls’ 4A basketball
championship at the State Fairgrounds arena with a strong
51-33 win over the top-ranked
Anadarko Warriors. I commend the girls and their coach,
Justin Brown, on an impressive
season and congratulate them on
their outstanding performance
in the championship game. I
wish them all the best in their
future endeavors and look forward to following the team
again next year.
Throughout the legislative session I’ll continue to keep you
informed about Senate news
and the business of the state.
Please feel free to contact me
at the state Capitol by calling
(405) 521-5574 or by email at
people who are having a good
time never see the storm clouds on
the horizon. Throughout history
there have been times when events
converge to form a pivotal point
in time. In the 1920’s that time
was known as the roaring 20’s;
from what I have read people were
making money and everything was
good. Most of the people of the
world were so concerned with their
own little corner of the world that
they could not even comprehend
the economic upheaval known as
the Great Depression. Only a short
time later the winds of war began to
stir in Europe, sadly many people
ignored those signs and lost everything in World War 2. In each case
there were people that could see
what was about to happen and tried
to warn their fellow humans of the
destruction coming, for the most
part they were labeled as crackpots
and fools. Politics and the affairs of
nations have always been important; I believe we adults of today
are witnessing a serious point of
time that will be on par with the
time before the Great Depression
and World War 2.
We in America have enjoyed
a standard of living that the rest of
the world could only dream of. Like
most prosperous nations that have
come before us, we are going down
Rep. Markwayne Mullin, (R-Dist. 2)
Washington 1-202-225-2701
Claremore 1-918-341-9336
Muskogee 1-918-687-2533
Rep. Frank Lucas 1-202-225-5565/Stillwater 1-405-624-6407
Rep. Tom Cole 1-202-6165/Norman 1-405-329-6500
Oklahoma State Offices
Governor Mary Fallin
OK State Capitol, 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Room 212
Oklahoma City, OK 73105 • Phone 1-405-521-2342 Fax 405-521-3353
Tulsa Office: 440 S. Huston Ave. , Suite 304, Tulsa, OK 74127
Phone: 1-918-581-2801 • Fax 1-581-2835
the frac treatments used to enhance
the productivity of the wells. The
existence of a worldwide movement having such opposition to
such production with the goal of
depopulation of the World by any
means was brought to my attention
when my now
52 year old
youngest was a
Weebalos Cub
It had
been the practice of the Pack,
237, Lakewood, Colorado, to take that den on a camp out
in the mountains before they turned
12 and went into a Scout Troop. It
was required that each cub have a
dad responsible for him present.
After getting them bedded down
for the night the dads were sitting
around the campfire getting acquainted and one informed us that
‘his group’ was determined to end
oil and gas production. He went
on to state that ‘his group’ would
go to any lengths to depopulate the
World, including execution. At his
turn, he stated that his occupation
was a junior high school science
Back to the subject of the
story. Several decades ago, while
a ‘displaced Okie’ living in and
working from the Denver Area, the
Area suddenly began to experience
a series of small earthquakes. After
a while of these one of my RMAG
colleagues came forth with the
postulation that they were being set
off by the injection of fluids from
a Federal Government disposal
well on the grounds of the Rocky
Mountain Arsenal, just Northeast
of Denver. The well had been
drilled into the ‘basement’ granite
rocks to dispose of very toxic war
chemicals produced during WW
II. His opinion was loudly and
widely laughed at by others in the
geologic arena, while it did make
some sense to me and deserved at
least being considered. After some
time it was decided to shut down
the injection and guess what, the
quakes ceased.
Now how does this apply
to the quakes being experienced
Jay Vickers, Editor
Editorial & Advertising Offices:
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433301 E. 350 Road, Adair, OK 74330
Published by Banner Weekly Corp.
Donna Vickers, President/Publisher
To Subscribe, call 918-783-5657
Subscription Rates: $70 Annually for mailing.
An Independent Newspaper, All Reproduction Rights of Advertising and
Articles are Reserved by Banner Weekly Corp.
Copyright© 1997-2014
have noticed that too many people
in this country don’t want to be
bothered with the affairs of government. As long as they think they
are getting something for nothing,
everything is just fine. Instead of
striving to be self-reliant our people
are ready to
place blind
faith in
some slick
that is good
at making
but is poor
in delivering
them. I have
Russell Turner
alarming habits that our voters have
developed. If an elected leader has
the courage to deny providing special favors and obey the laws that
he swore an oath to uphold, many
voters will become angry with him
and never get over it. On the other
hand the slick politician will promise to provide favors while having
no intention of ever making good
on that promise, those same voters
will get angry for a while but they
will get over it. It is a sad day in our
country when never ending wrath
is directed at the person who tells it
like it is and the actions of the liar
are forgiven.
Because of our indifference
we have allowed our government
to get totally out of control. We
have allowed our government to
hunt down every penny of wealth
it can get its hands on domestically
and overseas, its planting of spying
devices on hard drives and computers, spying on each and every one
of us. All of this is done to raise
money and yet our national debt
has risen to 18 trillion dollars. We
have become just like a drunk that
drinks until he passes out. When
we wakes up with a pounding head
his first words are, “What the hell
happened”? Isn’t it strange that we
humans cannot anticipate the pain
while the party is going on?
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
From My Pointless Ruth Bivens
Spring Has Sprung
Here it is, March 21st. According to the calendar Spring
arrived yesterday! Boy, have I
been ready for that news. We
have had one cold front after
another here in Northern Mexico, although some folks in the
northern part of the U.S. would
have thought it was a heat wave.
But, believe me, 40 degrees is
cold when there is no heat in the
house. Fortunately, here at the
Getsemani Children’s Home,
we do have heat. But, I have
seen people sitting around a
bon fire in their front yard trying to keep warm. That can’t be
much fun.
This past week we have
had two groups from Oklahoma,
from Catoosa and Bixby, working on the little house out on the
back of the property. They were
delighted when we had temperatures in the 60s last weekend
when they arrived. Then they
really enjoyed the warm days
with temperatures up into the
70s later in the week. From the
way they talk they have had
their fill of winter weather. But,
with the news that Spring is here
things are looking up.
About a month ago a
group of men came down from
Oklahoma and started construction on a little house for Abihu.
He is the 70 year old man who
lives here in house #1 and works
around the place. Since he is
there in house #1 the Department of Family will not place
more children here who would
have to be housed there. They
will not allow children to live
in a house with “elderly.” So,
in order to solve that problem,
and make house #1 available
for more children, our son John
decided to just build a little
house for Abihu.
The men only worked
three days, if memory serves me
right. But, they got the foundation, plumbing laid, and the floor
poured. Then, the last thing they
did was paint the floor a strange
reddish-clay color.
This trip, some of those
same men arrived with Mark
Cole, our missionary builder,
on Friday the 13th. They went
right to work on the floor. They
laid off chalk lines then started
cutting a pattern in the floor
so it would like tile. They cut
little strips, probably around
1/8 of an inch deep, in the form
of large tile. They really stirred
up the concrete dust, but, accomplished what they wanted
to do.
The next day the balance
of their work crew arrived,
bringing along a troop of young
people who were out of school
on Spring Break. They went
right to work washing the floor
to make sure it would be ready
to start building on Monday.
On Sunday morning they
loaded up and went in to Piedras
Negras to church. There is a
pastor there who spent several
years in the states and of course
he speaks English. Brother Joe
Torres is always greatly blessed
when someone from the states
visits his church. After church
they all went to eat at a Mexican
restaurant, (of course), then they
made a short visit to the public
market before they loaded up
and headed back this direction.
Another pastor who
spent many
years in the
states has
a church
in Allende. He had
invited to
group to
Ruth Bivens
come to
his church for the evening service and asked the pastor from
the Woodcrest Free Will Baptist
Church in Catoosa to bring the
evening message. They normally begin service at five, at least
that is the announced starting
time. By the time the group got
here, changed and we all loaded
up and made the five mile drive
to Allende it was getting closer
to six.
No one seemed the least
bit concerned about the hour,
least of all the pastor. The
congregation was just standing
around outside visiting when we
pulled in. We all went inside the
church and the service began.
As expected, the music
and singing was lively, and
Pastor Roger Ballard brought
a powerful message. Pastor
Oscar’s daughter translated the
message. It was a sweet time of
Then, we all headed outside for hotdogs and a movie.
Everyone carried out a chair to
sit on while the men put up a
large screen on the side of the
building. Someone inside the
church kitchen prepared the hotdogs while Hubby and a couple
of the fellows went to buy sodas
to serve everyone.
The movie the group had
rented is called “God Is Not
Dead.” I have only heard of
the film, but it held everyone’s
attention and carries a powerful message. About half way
through the film several of
the folks from Bixby decided
they were just too cold and
they wanted to get back to the
Children’s Home. So, since I
was shaking in my sandals, I
climbed in their van and came
with them. Now, I have another
thing on my “to do” list. Rent
that movie and watch it in
English in the comfort of my
Monday the men started
to work framing out the little
house. In no time they were
ready to start putting up the tin
siding and putting on the roof.
They finished out the house
inside with a nice fiber board. It
has a living room/kitchen, bathroom with shower, and small
bedroom. They washed down
the outside of the tin with vinegar then painted it white, then a
nice tan color with brown trim.
The group held a home
dedication service on Thursday
Phone: 918-785-2446
Fax: 918-628-5170
P.O. Box 199 • Adair, OK 74330
at four and handed Abihu the
keys. Of course, there is still
some moving to do, and items
that he will need for his kitchen.
But, that little old men wept as
he expressed his gratitude to
the group, to John and Paulina,
Hubby and I. And, I had nothing
to do with it, except enjoying the
meals that their ladies prepared
for us all.
After the dedication, about
5 o’clock, the group from Catoosa loaded up into their van
and left for Oklahoma. They
had pressing engagements for
Saturday and planned to drive
all night and get back by noon
Friday. That would give them
all time to unpack, do laundry,
and rest before their next appointments.
The Bixby group stayed
and continued to work and finish up last minute details on the
inside of the house until Friday
about noon. Then they loaded
up, with Brother Mark and his
wife Brenda, and headed out.
Each vehicle stopped in front
of our little duplex and folks
leaped out to give us a warm
hug “Good-bye.”
How we love those folks!
They have blessed us throughout
the years with construction projects, all the way from Mexico to
Puerto Rico and back. Those are
the kind of friends, brothers and
sisters, that everyone needs.
I went through my storage
room here and came up with a
little electric grill, still in the
box, and a stack of pots and
pans. I have dozens of cups so
I plan to share those too. John
is going to get Abihu a little
microwave oven and refrigerator, and Hubby sent him our old
television, complete with its
antennae. He will need a table
and chairs, and at least one
easy chair, trash cans, coffee
pot, dishes, a good list of odds
and ends. I had planned to go
over and make a list, but, with
these Spring rains that we have
been having every since the
groups left, I have stayed close
to home.
Hubby has made enough
of a muddy trail across the
house without me adding to the
mess. And, stepping outside
the front door means picking
up half a pound of mud on your
shoes. I scraped the floor and
swept today, but, did not even
go get the mop. I couldn’t quite
justify it. Because I know that
until the sun comes out and dries
things up, it will just need to be
done again tomorrow.
So, Spring has sprung.
Abihu has a new house he can
soon move into. And, Brother
Mark was so impressed with
it that he commented he might
just build four little houses just
like it on his acreage out at the
edge of Blanchard. He said he
knows of several widow ladies
who are not really happy living
in an apartment. He mentioned
that he could probably rent a
little house like that for $500.
!!! I couldn’t believe it. I had
to ask him if that was what he
had really said. He replied that
rents are really high these days.
I guess they are.
That made me wonder.
Would you say that Spring
has sprung and rents have exploded? I am thankful that our
little house in Pharr is paid for.
It may bring down the property
value on the whole block. But,
we are not paying $500 a month
to live there. And it has two
bedrooms and two bathrooms, a
laundry room, plus two storage
building out back, and a carport
that we closed in and turned
into another storage place. If
we started clearing stuff out
and having yard sales we could
probably make $500 in a hurry.
And we could do that whether
Spring had sprung or Summer
slipped in.
Page 3
Review: Saving Congress from Itself:
Emancipating the States & Empowering
Their People by James L. Buckley
By Andrew Kloster
American conservatives are always on the lookout for a “silver
bullet”—a legal process that
can shortcut political gridlock
and restore the constitutional
system of government we hold
dear. Whether it is hoping for
an Article V convention, a lawsuit to stop nonenforcement of
the laws, a Senate parliamentary trick, or renewed judicial
scrutiny of laws, we always
hope to avoid the hard work of
tem of public schools, because
no such authority is outlined
in Article 1, section 8 of the
Constitution. But ever since the
1937 Supreme Court case of
Steward Machine Co. v. David,
and reinforced by subsequent
cases such as South Dakota v.
Dole, it is clear that Congress
has found a constitutional workaround. That workaround is the
Spending Clause. Rather than
set up a national school system,
for example, Congress can instead give federal money to the
states to pay for education, and
Congress can attach extremely
onerous requirements to that
federal money. The siren song
of filthy lucre is often too much
for the states, and what Congress cannot regulate directly,
it now does indirectly.
Once in a while, however, an
idea comes around that promises not immediate political
salvation, but a renewed discussion about first political principles. Saving Congress from
Itself is one such book, and its
thesis—that Congress should
eliminate grants-in-aid to the
How big is the problem? Buckstates—is provocative.
ley gives some startling numThe author of the book is James bers, and some darkly humorL. Buckley. As one of my col- ous examples. In 2010, over
leagues at the Heritage Founda- $600 billion was spent on fedtion notes: “the other Buckley.” eral grants-in-aid. This money,
But the former United States Buckley contends, creates opSenator from New York (the portunities for waste: there are
only Conservative Party can- more than 100 programs dealing
didate to ever win statewide with surface transportation, 82
office) and former Judge of dealing with teacher training,
the United States Court of 47 job training programs, and
Appeals for the District of Co- on and on.
lumbia Circuit, James Buckley
should in nowise be considered Grants-in-aid to states also have
less influential than his more political costs. They stifle state
well-known younger brother, policy innovation by chaining
William Frank. James Buckley states to federal priorities; they
has had an outsized impact on encourage wasteful projects that
American politics, not only as states and locales might not othan undersecretary of State in the erwise pursue, driving a wedge
Reagan administration, but also between state electorates and
as lead plaintiff in the most in- state officials, and they entrench
fluential case in modern election a lobbying class that distributes
this manna from heaven. It is
law—Buckley v. Valeo.
this last point that Buckley, as
His new book provides startling a former Senator, is uniquely
details about how and why the qualified to critique. “Once
federal government runs rough- upon a time,” Buckley laments,
shod over the states. Our consti- “the United States Senate was
tutional system ensures that the known as … the world’s greatfederal government is one of est deliberative body….” Now,
limited and defined powers. The Senators spend much of their
federal government cannot, for
example, set up a national sysSee Buckley, pg. 11
Dr. Shaw’s Prescription:
The shortest verse in the
Bible is John 11:35, “Jesus
wept.” What is significant is
not that Jesus wept, but the
situation surrounding those
tears. Mary and Martha had
send word to Jesus that Lazarus
was sick. When Jesus arrived,
Lazarus had been dead for four
days. These ladies were broken
hearted that their brother had
died. “If you had only been
here,” they wailed. Lazarus’
sisters were sure that if Jesus
had arrived sooner, Jesus could
have healed their brother.
Jesus goes to the tomb
of His dear friend and weeps.
These are not the tears of the
professional mourner of that
day. He weeps out of sympathy and grief. He weeps, even
though He knows in a few
minutes He is going to bring
Lazarus back to life.
Our God is a god who
enters into our pain. He suffers
with us. In fact, He comes to
us in the midst of our pain. The
prophet wrote, “Surely he took
up our pain and bore our suffering.” (Isa. 53:4)
God grieves in the midst
our pain and suffering, but He
also brings complete comfort.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of
and the God
of all comfort,
who comforts
us in all our
troubles, so
that we can
comfort those
Dr. Wayne Shaw
in any trouble
with the comfort we ourselves
receive from God. (II Cor.
The rest of story is He
suffered agony of soul and body
as He suffered death on a cruel
cross for our sin. God has not
forsaken us when we suffer. He
is there with us. He truly feels
our pain. He brings us comfort
and hope that no one else can.
~Pro Second Amendment~
Locust Grove group meets
Thursday April 2, at 6:30 pm
at Country Cottage (6570 Oklahoma 82) in Locust Grove, OK.
Arrive early for dinner
Page 4 The BANNER
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
White House Sets Record We’re Being Cooked!!... by Joe Esposito
for Censorship
Total Conservative
Remember when the Obama
administration promised they
would be the most transparent in
the history of the United States?
Of course you do, they said it
again this week. In fact, upon releasing an analysis of their own
compliance with the Freedom of
Information Act, Josh Earnest
had the nerve to say, “We actually do have a lot to brag about.
And frankly, it sets a standard
that future administrations will
have to live up to.”
way transparent government
works. We shouldn’t have to
push this administration to the
legal limits to get a peek behind
the curtain.
Earnest, meanwhile, praised
agencies for releasing information before it was requested.
He proudly noted more than
125,000 data sets various government agencies had posted
up on Wow, thanks
guys. It really speaks to this
administration’s commitment
to open government that you release data no one asked for. I’m
sure if any of that data happens
to portray you in an unfavorable light, it is somehow lost
before it can find its way onto
the website.
Well, you can say that again.
According to an independent
analysis by the Associated
Press, this White House has set
a record for denying access to
files and documents. Any future administrations will have
to risk jail time if they want to
live up to this White House’s One can only imagine the kind
of things we’ll see once this
president is out of power. HopeAccording to the U.S. govern- fully, we elect someone with a
ment’s own figures, the Obama desire to expose his predecesadministration received 714,231 sor. What might be hidden back
information requests in 2014. there behind the red tape? Is
They responded to 647,142 of there anything that hasn’t been
these requests. Unfortunately, shredded? Anything that might
they provided either censored put Obama in line for a presirecords or denied these requests dential pardon? Hmm, wishful
a full 39 percent of the time. thinking perhaps.
In the case of another 215,000
requests, the administration There must be something,
insisted that it could not find though. Obama continues to
the records in question, that insist that we’re headed in the
the requester refused to pay for right direction despite all the
copies, or that they determined evidence to the contrary. Maybe
that the request was improper in there are documents that explain
some way.
what he’s talking about. Documents that show by what matrix
Keep in mind that in a full third he judges American progress.
of cases, the White House ad- It could be very instructive.
mitted that it was wrong when I’m picturing a roadmap with
challenged on their decision to “democracy” on one end and
censor or withhold information. “socialism” on the other, with a
That’s the highest rate of rever- little picture of Obama halfway
sal in five years. In other words, along the path.
this White House is happy to
answer with a default “no” and I guess we’ll probably never
leave it up to the requester to know.
force the issue. That’s not the
Trinity Baptist’s R.O.C.K.
Program, a support group for
caregivers raising someone
else’s child, held its monthly
meeting March 10 with a video
keynote of tribute from a grandson raised by his grandparents.
Austin DeLoach, raised by
grandparents Kathy and Bill Reese, who live in the Grand Lake
area, described the challenges
both he and his grandparents
faced as he grew to adulthood.
“I was difficult, I know. In addition to the usual problems all
kids have, especially as they
reach the teen years, I was always testing them, waiting for
them to discover I was not worthy of their love and support.”
DeLoach’s advice to caregivers trying to establish a
stable home environment for
children from broken homes,
“Don’t give up. Stick with it.
And don’t back down.” The
Reese’s acknowledged the difficulties they faced with their
grandson. “We just decided that
if one approach didn’t work,
we would try something else,”
Kathy Reese explained.
Pastor Robert Carter, who
heads up the R.O.C.K. program,
stated , “The Reese’s succeeded
in raising a mature, successful
and loving grandchild. This
should serve as encouragement to all caregivers that their
struggles and efforts can be
R.O.C.K. meets monthly
on the second Tuesday at Trinity
Baptist Church, 206 South Elk,
Grove, 6:30 p.m. “R.O.C.K.’s
mission is to help caregivers
strengthen their families and to
support and encourage their efforts,” Pastor Carter explained.
He added, “The speaker
for the April 14 meeting of
R.O.C.K. will be Mark Westfall, Family Specialist with
Circle of Care for Children and
Youth. He’s had years of experience dealing with children
from broken homes , and he
will provide helpful advice and
encouragement to our caregivers,” Carter added.
Child care for all ages is
available, and no reservations
are required.
PH: 918-785-2841
FAX: 918-785-4423
This is the 49th article in the BANNER NEWSPAPER, March 25th, documenting the problems with
Oklahoma utilities’ (GAS/WATER/ ELECTRIC) Smart Meters (a microwave radiation data
mining device) being placed on your property through stealth and forced implementation in
Oklahoma. When Federal Legislation was passed concerning the implementation of Smart Meters
the law stated they (Smart Meters) were to be an Opt-In by the ratepayers, however the Utilities
have made them MANDATORY. There is no law that says you have to accept a Smart Utility
Meter to destroy your health.
By Joe Esposito 3/25/15 918-274-8111
This week’s BANNER article will address:
The International Association of Fire Fighters’ (IAFF) position on locating cell towers commercial wireless infrastructure on fire department facilities, and the current FIGHT today
in California with their fire stations.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The below link describes why the IAFF with a membership of over 300,000 has taken the position of not allowing cell phone towers to be placed on fire stations without first insuring the safety
of said facilities. The article includes an extensive listing of research references from which they
formulated their position.
The following information is taken from the IAFF website:
Position on the Health Effects from Radio Frequency/Microwave (RF/MW) Radiation in
Fire Department Facilities from Base Stations for Antennas and Towers for the Conduction of Cell Phone Transmissions
The International Association of Fire Fightersʼ position on locating cell towers commercial
wireless infrastructure on fire department facilities, as adopted by its membership in August
2004 (1), is that the IAFF oppose the use of fire stations as base stations for towers and/or
antennas for the conduction of cell phone transmissions until a study with the highest scientific
merit and integrity on health effects of exposure to low-intensityRF/MW radiation is conducted
and it is proven that such sitings are not hazardous to the health of our members.
About the IAFF
The IAFF is the driving force behind nearly every advance in the fire and emergency services
in the 21st century. With headquarters in Washington, DC, and Ottawa, Ontario, the IAFF
represents more than 300,000 full-time professional fire fighters and paramedics in more than
3,100 affiliates. IAFF members protect more than 85 percent of the population in communities
throughout the United States and Canada. The IAFF is also one of the most active lobbying
organizations in Washington, DC. The IAFF Political Action Committee, FIREPAC, is among
the top 25 federal PACs among the more than 4,000 in the country.
“Internationally acknowledged experts in the field of RF/MW radiation research
have shown that RF/MW transmissions of the type used in digital cellular
antennas and phones can have critical effects on cell cultures, animals, and
people in laboratories and have also found epidemiological evidence (studies of
communities, not in the laboratory) of serious health effects at “non-thermal
levels,” where the intensity of the RF/MW radiation was too low to cause heating.
They have found:
• Increased cell growth of brain cancer cells (5)
• A doubling of the rate of lymphoma in mice (6)
• Changes in tumor growth in rats (7)
• An increased number of tumors in rats (8)
• Increased single- and double-strand breaks in DNA, our genetic material (9)
• 2 to 4 times as many cancers in Polish soldiers exposed to RF (10)
• More childhood leukemia in children exposed to RF (11)
• Changes in sleep patterns and REM type sleep (12)
• Headaches caused by RF/MW radiation exposure (13)
• Neurologic changes (14) including:
◦ Changes in the blood-brain-barrier (15)
◦ Changes in cellular morphology (including cell death) (16)
◦ Changes in neural electrophysiology (EEG) (17)
◦ Changes in neurotransmitters (which affect motivation and pain perception) (18)
◦ Metabolic changes (of calcium ions, for instance) (19)
◦ Cytogenetic effects (which can affect cancer, Alzheimer’s, neurodegenerative diseases) (20)
• Decreased memory, attention, and slower reaction time in school children (21)
• Retarded learning in rats indicating a deficit in spatial “working
memory” (22)
• Increased blood pressure in healthy men (23)
• Damage to eye cells when combined with commonly used glaucoma
medications (24)”
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Los Angeles County Firefighters Local 1014
MARCH 2015
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Los Angeles County Firefighters Local 1014
00:30 second information spot
(transcribed by Joe Esposito)
------------------------“Firefighters living and working beneath cell towers like this one, have gotten sick
Now the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has approved cell tower installations on
fire stations and neighborhoods like yours. Call the LA County Board of supervisors and tell
them to STOP the cell towers now! Call 213-974-1411”
2976 W. 410, Adair, OK 74330
2 Miles West, 1 Mile South of Adair
• Formex
• Anchor Paint
• Composite Decking
Lumber, Pipe, Angle, Square Tubing, Channel, Strap, Beams, Purlins, Etc...
See Meters, pg. 11
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Iran’s prewritten history
By Walt Thrun
Then when Ezra returned
to Judah to rebuild the temple,
he was met with Persian disdain
once again. Ezra had been given
permission by Cyrus to return
to Judah but when the Persian
overseers in Judah got wind of
the plan they were not pleased.
“Now when the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin
heard that the descendants of
the captivity were building the
temple of the LORD God of
Israel, they came…and said to
them ‘Let us build with you, for
we seek your God as you do…’”
Ezra 4:1-2
Of course they had no
intention of seeking Israel’s
God. They were seeking a way
to sabotage the rebuilding of
the temple.
Zerubbabel and Jeshua
immediately saw right through
the scheme.
“You may do nothing with
us to build a house for our God;
but we alone will build to the
LORD God of Israel…” Ezra
The Jew’s inspired response caused their enemies to
do everything in their power to
thwart the project.
“Then the people of the
land tried to discourage the
people of Judah. They troubled
them in building, and hired
counselors against them to
frustrate their purpose all the
days of Cyrus king of Persia…”
Ezra 4:4-5
And then later when Nehemiah and his company returned
to Judah to rebuild the walls and
streets of Jerusalem, they also
experienced Persian resistance.
As soon as they crossed over to
the west of the Euphrates River,
the Persian governors rose up
against them.
“When Sanballat (Persian
Governor) and Tobiah the Ammonite official heard of it, they
were deeply disturbed that a
man had come to seek the wellbeing of the children of Israel.”
Nehemiah 2:10
Tobiah the Ammonite
was a descendant of Lot’s son
Ammon via an incestuous relationship.
Therefore, throughout Old
Testament history, there has
been animosity between Iran
(Persia) and God’s people, the
Persians are also referenced in the New Testament.
“Now after Jesus was
born in Bethlehem of Judea
in the days of Herod the king,
behold, wise men from the East
came to Jerusalem, saying,
‘Where is He who has been born
King of the Jews? For we have
seen His star in the East and
have come to worship Him.’”
Matthew 2:1-2
The wise men from the
East were magicians from Persia. Do you suppose they knew
Jesus was the one Nebuchadnezzar dreamed
about 600
years earlier
who would
crush the
gentile world
Walt Thrun
the phrase,
‘we have…
come to worship him.’ It brings
to mind the words the Persians
in Judah spoke to Ezra when
they learned he had returned to
rebuild the temple, i.e. ‘…for
we seek your God as you do.’
Iran (Persia) will play a
profound part in future history.
“Then the sixth angel
poured out his bowl on the great
river Euphrates, and its water
was dried up, so that the way of
the kings from the east might be
prepared.” Revelation 16:12
The ‘kings from the east’
were spoken of by the Prophet
Ezekiel. Ezekiel spoke of
gentile nations that God would
draw into Israel and then let
them destroy themselves. He
first mentions those from present day Turkey and then he
identifies several other nations
with animosity towards Israel.
“I will turn you around,
put hooks into your jaws, and
lead you out, with all your
army…a great company with
bucklers and shields, all of them
handling swords. Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are with them…”
Ezekiel 38:4-5a
Their fate is described in
detail in the latter part of chapter 38.
Then the Apostle John
reiterates Ezekiel’s prophecy in
Revelation 19 and adds details
to the end of those nations that
came against Israel.
So Mr. President, do you
think it is in the best interest
of America to seek a covenant
with Iran whose stated goal is to
totally destroy Israel?
Recall God’s words to
Abraham, i.e. ‘I will bless those
who bless you and curse those
who curse you.’ Will aligning
with Iran be a blessing to Israel
or a curse?
Inasmuch as the end has
already been written Mr. President, don’t you think the wisest
strategy is to simply align our
priorities according to what has
been blatantly revealed?
The Foust Family entertained
the Keenagers, the Senior Adult
Group of the First Baptist Church
in Pryor, as they celebrated St.
Patrick’s Day with a luncheon
on March 17th in the church’s
Commons area.
The Foust Family is from near
White Oak and is made up of
dad Mike and mom Andrea,
along with kids Michael, Kendall, Brandon, and Lacy. Their
music was a blend of gospel
and bluegrass. The audience
enjoyed it very much.
The gathering opened with John
Pryor leading the group singing
“Farther Along” and “Victory
in Jesus” with Beverly Fitch
accompanying on the piano.
Chaplain Nelson H. Devers
spoke about prayer concerns
and then said the blessing. The
group enjoyed a potluck luncheon with nearly every kind
of food imaginable - all good,
of course.
The Foust Family gave an excellent program then. Everyone
enjoyed it and they hope we can
have them again.
The April activities for this busy
group include a luncheon at the
church on April 21 and a trip to
Crystal Bridges in Bentonville,
Arkansas, on April 24.
Crystal Bridges is an art museum, a project of the Walton
Family. They often have a
special show and this time is
a display of the artist Vincent
Van Gogh. The bus will leave
at 8:30 AM and they will arrive
back home about 4:30 PM. The
trip is not limited to the FBC
Keenagers but open to all. More
information can be gotten from
Beverly Fitch at the FBC Music
Office. The church’s phone
number is 918-825-3232.
Keenagers and their visitors
enjoying the luncheon included
Charlene and Joe Arric, Mary
and Billy Barnett, Betty Bergman, Coya and Mitch Bolinger,
Rosa Bozard, Sigrid and LeRoy
Charles, Frances and Bob Clapper, Frances Cranford, VeNila
and Lynn Davis, Betty Devers,
Deloris and Nelson Devers,
Theresa and Bobby Edwards,
Beverly Fitch, the Foust Family,
Jim Hawkins, Lawana Hopkins,
Alidale Howe, Gail Ince, Cecil
Jackson, Eva Koscheski, Ronda
and Stan Lee, Diane Mason,
Maurine Moore, Dalelee and
John Pryor, Bonnie and Gerald
Ritter, Dorothy and Bert Roy,
Ann Satterfield, Paulette and
Share your thoughts. walt. Terry Silkey, Paul Statham,
Mary Strawhun, George Tipton,
Sue and Glenn Trimble, and
Esther Ward.
1st St.
Pryor, OK 74361
Pryor, OK 74361
(918) 825-2468 • FAX (918) 825-2003 • Toll Free 1 (888) 825-2469
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The greatest compliment you can give is a referral
Mark your
Chupp Implement
will be hosting
their spring OPEN
HOUSE, Wednesday April 1st (no
foolin’). Come
about 11AM for
lunch of hamburgers, baked beans,
chips, and those
wonderful homemade cinnamon
rolls. Plus a chance
to win a prize in the
Page 5
A Recent Wal-Mart Stop
by Sue Gage Wilcox
We stopped by Wal-Mart
today. I wonder how many
times I could have said that
since Wal-Mart came to our
community years ago. It is the
“happening” place! Shopping
there always means running
into friends who are shopping
too. Sometimes Allen and I
go different directions to save
time and I can always find him
waiting for me in the produce
section – bless him. If he has
been waiting long, he always
knows that I have run into a
friend and we needed to visit a
bit – just to catch up.
Not all of the shoppers
today were my friends – yet. I
guess you could say that I am a
people person. I love to people
watch and wonder where they
have been or where they are
going. That person that nearly
ran me over with her cart and
looked so frustrated must have
been having a challenging day
or week or life. I wondered if
anyone would give her a hug
I wondered if the older
man in bibbed overalls was
shopping alone out of necessity. He looked sad. Maybe he
was just considering the rising
cost of everything! Maybe his
wife and he had just gone different directions to save time.
AND I wondered who he was
in years gone by. Most everyone I have ever known has had
several roles in the course of
his/her life and deserves acco-
lades for jobs well done. They
have “bloomed wherever they
were planted.”
After finding the things
on our list, Allen and I met and
headed to a checkout lane. We
were pleased that the employee,
Raydeen, could help us after a
short wait. Raydeen McFarland is one of those unsung
heroes. She is always friendly,
efficient, and she smiles easily!
There are lots of employees
younger than she who have
no idea what she has been for
their store. You see, on March
30, she will celebrate her 28th
anniversary at her job. She
has worked in virtually every
department and when the store
moved, it was Raydeen who
did the set- up for much of the
front of the store. Recently
when she had her evaluation,
the young man who was talking
to her commented that he had
not been born when she began
working for Wal-Mart. That
in itself speaks volumes about
On the way home, I was
thinking about others in our
communities who are treasures
if we only knew. In their past,
they have worked hard, or
provided sweet, safe homes, or
have made a clear path for us
to follow to our dreams or our
security. Take time to know
them – to thank them. Take
time to hug them. You will be
richer for it!
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Chupp Implement
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Page 6 The BANNER
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Krone Meeting, Memphis
The trip last week to Memphis was special. Ken Froese
and I attended the Krone product meeting at the Cook Center
downtown. We checked in to
the Sheridan Hotel Tuesday
evening before the kickoff session at 4:30.
We were welcomed by
the North American staff who
introduced Bernard Krone,
the owner
of the company from
Krone is
still a family owned
and has
Bill Chupp
high quality hay and forage
equipment for over a hundred
years. They are recognized as
leaders in the industry around
the world. The theme this year
is “Growing Your Tomorrow”.
Mr. Krone stayed for the
reception and mingled through
the crowd, greeting friends
and listening to dealer representatives for comments and
concerns of their products. Being a family owned company,
they do not have to answer to
a large group of investors like
most large corporations, but can
maintain control.
Competition is strong
among the manufacturers in
Europe and requires continuous research, development and
expansion plans that reach long
range into the future. The Krone
products have a reputation for
durability and longevity with
minimal service requirements.
They also are not based on
low cost and demand higher
resale value than competitive
Wednesday was filled
with classes geared to each dealer’s sales experience and local
markets. A classroom setting
with a power point presentation
was followed by a walk around
in the display area.
The classes were taught
by sales and service personnel
who were well informed about
their equipment. They didn’t
put down the competition, but
explained the differences and
emphasized the strong points
on their machines.
Wednesday evening they
served a New York strip steak
for dinner. Afterwards a sports
bar and game room next door
provided large screen television
to watch the basketball games.
There were several floor games
available for the participants.
We met some of the attendees
from coast to coast and providences of Canada. Those from
Quebec spoke French, but most
could also speak English.
Thursday was also filled
with classes and a Keynote
address on baleage by Dr. Dennis Hancock, who had done
extensive research on proper
moisture, storage (wrapping)
and feeding the silage hay.
There were approximately
250 dealer representatives in
attendance. Ken and I did not
stay for the Thursday night
dinner at B.B. Kings, a popular
barbeque and blues restaurant in
Memphis. We drove home the
380 miles and had good driving
until we encountered rain on the
Muskogee turnpike. The windshield wipers on the truck are
worn out and made it difficult
to see during the heavier rain
showers. They have now been
Having to go to dealer
meetings two weeks in a row
and walking a lot more than
usual wears me out. I hope to
stay home and get back on a
relaxed schedule. We will be
busy preparing for our Spring
Customer Appreciation Day on
April 1st. Fortunately, we had
some extra help from the local
FFA Chapter labor sales.
The month of April is
filling up with activities. Our
church has a retreat, the Gideon’s have a state convention
in Tulsa and the local Gideon
Camp has a dinner scheduled.
The Zion youth group
came back from their trip to
Haiti and will be giving a report.
There will always be a need for
missions to provide aid to the
less fortunate in our country
and overseas. So many disasters
that take place are unavoidable.
Keep the people who are refugees and have lost everything in
prayer or better yet, volunteer to
go and help. God have mercy
on them, too.
Have a good week. God
Mark your calendar: Chupp Implement will be hosting their spring
OPEN HOUSE, Wednesday April 1st (no foolin’). Come about 11AM
for lunch of hamburgers, baked beans, chips, and those wonderful
homemade cinnamon rolls. Plus a chance to win a prize in the drawing.
Easy Cut 320
in O
• Easy Cut balance center-of-gravity suspension
• KRONE breakaway pin for added protection
• Efficient direct drive system relies on shaft and gearbox-
h o m a!
Maximum protection and minimum life-cycle cost
EasyCut mowers now feature SafeCut cutterbar protection
The innovative and patented SafeCut system is standard-fit on EasyCut
mowers. Providing exemplary impact damage protection, the system
centres on a roll pin that connects each mower disc to the drive shaft
and that shears off as the disc hits an obstacle. All elements in the cutterbar driveline are protected. While the sprocket continues revolving,
the stopped disc jacks up on a thread and out of the operating area of
the blades on the neighbouring discs, thereby eliminating the risk of damaging these as well.
KW 5.52/4x7
Rotary Tedder
Thought for the Day by
Corbett Mason
Obama the spell-binder
of our republic had and has an
ideology of believing he could
talk all of our enemies into
throwing down their weapons
and welcoming “his grace” with
open arms. Seems he thought he
was like the great Davy Crockett, when Davy and a raccoon
had a grinning contest, while
staring at each other. The raccoon eventually gave up and
fell at Davy’s feet. Back when
“our grace” was elected to his
high office, Iraq was somewhat
at peace, al-Qaeda was beaten,
Obama said so. Joe Biden told
the world on national TV in February, 2010, speaking of Iraq,
“One of the great achievements
of this administration.”
Like the ole Rancher always says, “When those living
in the intellectual world tell
you good things are going to
happen to you. Remember they
don’t have their “boots on the
ground” in the real world. Everything they see with their eyes
is merely a ideology mirage or
an optical illusion. They are
so far removed from reality, it
could hit them between the eyes
and they wouldn’t be able to
recognize it.”
The Democratic Party was
impressed with Iraq in 2010,
because they knew Iraq would
use “the political process, rather
than guns, to settle their differences.” This would be a good
time to let the Middle East know
that global warming is still the
biggest threat to their world.
I haven’t noticed anybody
from government volunteering
to take a selfie with that “British
dude” cutting the heads off of
ISIL’s captives. Bush had his
“Shock and Awe campaign,”
Obama has the policy of “Shock
and it will go Away,” just like
the junior varsity team, ISIS
did. I can almost hear him telling Michelle as she walks down
the veggie aisle, “Don’t look
Obama told the Prime
Minister of Russia, he could be
more flexible after the election.
Obama is still grinning, but Putin hasn’t fell from the tree yet
and when he does, he probably
step on Obama’s toes. We’ve all
heard the saying, “Kids say the
darndest things.”
Obama is one up on small
children on that score. In December of 2011 Obama speaking of the American forces leaving Iraq, said, “with honor and
their heads held high.” When
you slink out the back door at
the bar, you’re not leaving with
honor or grace, you’re generally leaving one-hell-of-a-mess
behind you.
Israel diplomatic relations
with the US have gone down the
tubes, Iran is doing their atomic
dance, Putin is doing his oil
dance, Syria, Libya and Yemen
citizens are burying their dead
The ole Rancher says,
“Obama’s lead from behind policies have created more strife,
conflicts and wars since he took
office, than we had before his
arrival in the Oval Office. Looks
like after his second term is over,
he can travel around the world
again, tipping his sombrero and
apologizing for America’s actions and non-actions while he
was in office.”
Only in the “Land of Freedom” can
we find approximately
200 million
living in a
“Constitution Free
Zone” and Corbett Mason
yet most living within this “100 mile zone”
are unaware of the fact. Anyone caught in this zone can be
stopped, searched and jailed
without a warrant or a justifiable
cause. This “Constitutional free
zone” extends 100 mile inland
from the land and costal boundaries of the Continental United
States. This 100 mile zone has
all the rights of an ever reaching
prison for the unsuspecting.
A U.S. federal judge,
Judge Edward Korman has
given Obama and our government carte blanche authority to
search your phones and laptops
in the 100 mile Constitution
Free Zone, which encircles
the borders of the Continental
“Once a government is
committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition,
it has only one way to go, and
that is down the path of increasing repressive measures, until it
becomes a source of terror to all
citizens and creates a country
where everyone lives in fear.”
- Harry S. Truman
Judge Korman stated,
“…that the area a 100 miles
inland falls under a “border exemption.” This flies against the
Fourth Amendment that protects
against unreasonable search and
seizure. As the ACLU made
mention two-thirds of the people in this nation live within 100
miles of the U.S. border. ACLU
attorney Catherine Crump said,
“Suspicion-less searches containing vast amounts of personal
information cannot meet the
standard of the Fourth Amendment…Unfortunately, these
searches are part of a broader
pattern of aggressive government surveillance that collects
information on too many innocent people, under lax standards, and without adequate
The ole Rancher says,
“Since power is held by more
power, it’s just a matter of time
until this “Constitutional Free
Zone” covers the entire Continental U.S., unless the American people awaken from their
slumber and open their eyes and
ears to what’s going on around
them. For everyone wanting a
free ride in life, there is always
prison. You can get free medical
care, free lodging, free food and
a disciplined atmosphere until
the lights go out.”
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Independent Operator • 50 Years of Service
437294 E. Hwy 60 Vinita, OK 74301
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Senators can use the Lynch nomination to
hold Obama accountable
Gun Owners of America
A smirking White House spokesman Josh Earnest couldn’t conceal his glee, yesterday, as he
reveled in the trick Obama had
played on the Second Amendment movement.
Think back to April 17, 2013,
when the Senate killed the
Feinstein amendment to ban
the AR-15 by a vote of 60-40.
This fell 20 votes short of the
needed 60, even though Democrats controlled the Senate at the
time. But now Obama is trying
to effectively ban the AR-15
by “regulatory fiat” by banning
the most common ammunition
used in that firearm, M855 ammunition.
But a gushing Earnest was
unrepentant: “The President
has long believed that there
are some commonsense steps
that we can take ... taking some
commonsense steps to prevent
people who shouldn’t have guns
from getting guns.”
would have effectively imposed
a universal gun registry on milBut hold on a second: This was lions of Americans.
supposedly a ban on AMMUNITION, not a ban on guns. But, Furthermore, it also seems clear
as Earnest made clear -- how- that Lynch is being groomed to
ever haplessly -- this is an effort replace Supreme Court Justices
to BAN GUNS by banning am- Anthony Kennedy or Antonin
Scalia -- which would turn
munition used in guns.
the court into an anti-gun juggernaut.
So what is to be done?
ate” persons.
Over and over again -- on immigration, on ObamaCare, on
guns, on the Internet -- Obama
ignores any legal or constitutional restraints on his actions.
And then he dares congressional
Republicans to do anything
about it -- and mocks and laughs
at them in the process.
But Senate Republicans do
have leverage. And they are in
a position to deprive Obama of
something he very much wants
-- that is, holding a vote on the
nomination of Loretta Lynch to
be Attorney General.
Republican Leader Mitch McConnell can put the Lynch
nomination on hold by simply refusing to bring her up.
And while Senate Republicans
should ultimately oppose her
nomination, they should urge
McConnell (at a minimum) to
let her nomination languish
without a vote.
So why don’t they? Barack
Obama, Harry Reid, and a liberal anti-gun press are laughing
at the GOP. And it’s time the
GOP showed a little backbone.
There are a couple of things Lynch is a leftist, anti-gunner
which are interesting about this and she deceived Senators on
the Judiciary Committee with
respect to gun control, making
(1) Certainly the first is the it as clear as a bell that she inOrwellian use of “Bloomberg- tended to continue and expand
speak” -- using the gun control Eric Holder’s unlawful execunuts’ “commonsense steps” tive actions and gun bans.
SENTENCE. To try to come Imagine a nominee for Attorney
up with an analogy would be General claiming that she was
almost impossible, but it’s as “not familiar” with the gun legthough a Gestapo soldier was islation that was hotly debated
so stuck in a discredited pat- in the public square for months
tern of behavior that he gave a after the Sandy Hook shooting.
Hitler salute at his war crimes While taking questions from
Senators in the Judiciary Comtribunal.
mittee, Lynch refused to give
(2) The second is a Freudian her opinion on universal backslip, but it says volumes: Ear- ground checks which, similar to
nest talks about keeping GUNS the Toomey-Manchin language,
out of the hands of “inappropri-
(1) Contact your Senators.
Demand that they oppose the
Lynch nomination, and do everything in their power to get the
ammunition ban reversed.
(2) Contact the NRA if you are
an NRA member. Urge them to
come out in strong opposition
to the Loretta Lynch nomination. You can contact the NRA
via their webform or call them
at: 1-800-672-3888 or 1-800392-8683.
Page 7
Senator Announces Bold Plan to to
Make English America’s Official Language – Liberals Are FURIOUS!
Political Insider
Liberals are freaking out about John Boozman (R-AK), David
conservative Senator James Perdue (R-GA), Jeff Sessions,
Inhofe’s (R-OK) bill which and David Vitter (R-LA). By
would make English the official requiring that government conlanguage of America. This bill duct all business in English…
even during nationalization
is long overdue!
ceremonies… America would
As Senator Inhofe argues, one send a clear message that if you
language “will strengthen the want to live in America, you
should know our
cords of unity”
which bring the
melting pot of
English is already
America together,
the international
with one vision.
language of business, and learnThe bill requires
the federal government to use ing the language helps new
English when acting with bind- Americans become productive
ing, legal authority, as well as members of society. Without
during naturalization ceremo- learning English, education
options and job opportunities
are severely limited. This is
“The United States’ cultur- an important bill which should
ally diverse population is what pass.
makes our nation great, and
what helps us move forward Are you tired of having to Press
together as a society is the “1” for English? Please leave
ability to communicate to one us a comment and tell us why
another,” Inhofe said in a news you think America should recognize English as our official
Co-sponsors for the legislation language!
include Republican Senators
McDowell, from pg. 2______________________________
in central Oklahoma. Well the
actual disposal well information
has not been made available to me
to examine so their depth is not
known. However, it would appear to me that the quakes are not
being CAUSED by the injection,
but it is possible that the injection
of waters into the basement rocks
could allow stress relief movement
and allow the smaller quakes. Assuming for discussion that to be a
fact, it seems much more logical
to have a number of small quakes
to relieve the stress than wait until
it builds up to the point of causing
natural slippage, and a major, very
destructive quake. The point being
that the World is far bigger than
puny mankind is able to control or
prevent and it would be much better to allow the movement in small
increments than wait until the ‘big
one’ resulted in massive destruction on a greater scale than the 1906
incident in San Francisco.
Let’s call it ‘preventative
Mark your calendar: Chupp Implement will be hosting their spring
OPEN HOUSE, Wednesday April 1st (no foolin’). Come about 11AM
for lunch of hamburgers, baked beans, chips, and those wonderful
homemade cinnamon rolls. Plus a chance to win a prize in the drawing.
Celebrate spring with
Ukrainian egg dyeing
Har-Ber Village Museum celebrates spring and Easter with a
special craft workshop featuring
Pysanky or Ukrainian handdecorated egg dyeing on Saturday, March 28 OR Sunday,
March 29, from 1 – 4 p.m. The
workshop, taught by Executive
Director Amelia Chamberlain,
is open to anyone ages 12 and
Pysanky eggs can be enjoyed as
spring or Easter decorations for
many years.
“Pysanky eggs can be taken out
each Easter and put on display,”
Chamberlain said. “Like flowers, the eggs in Pysanky have
different messages. There are
meanings behind each color
and shape.”
&5"4(5!/++12,50-53$45-*1.3524(5/2+0245%/**'203&5,4,0%134,53/5&/'512,5 1.*02#)5
Share information and find solutions within the community
older. The program fee is $15
or $10 for Har-Ber Village
members and is limited to 8
participants each day.
Pysanky is an ancient folk art
from the Ukraine. A raw egg is
drawn upon with hot beeswax
using a special tool called a kistka. The egg is carefully dipped
into a light dye then drawn
upon again. As each successive
layer of wax and dye is applied,
the design becomes more and
more intricate. The process is
repeated until the desired design
has been achieved.
Unlike typical hard-boiled Easter eggs, which spoil as they age,
Pysanky eggs are dyed when
raw and the eggs are allowed
to slowly dry out over time.
Chamberlain began learning
Pysanky 30 years ago and has
taught several classes over the
years. Har-Ber Village Museum will provide all the needed
materials for the Pysanky workshop, including eggs, wax,
kistka and dyes. Supplies will
be sold in The Country Store
at Har-Ber Village for anyone
interested in continuing the craft
at home.
For more information about the
Pysanky workshop or to register, call 918-786-6446 or visit
The Pysanky workshop is the
first in a series of historic craft
and pioneer skills workshops
being offered at Har-Ber Village
this year.
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3-5 .44512,541-&53/5/0253$45%/24.-130/25135&5"4(5!/++12,)5
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See Our Ad In Names & Numbers
/.5+0%42-4,53/5"!52,'-3.01+5"))503-5-'-0,01.04-5/.51 0+0134-)
Page 8 The BANNER
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Boehner-Pelosi Medicare ‘Reform’ Adds
to National Debt
What Happened When Norway
Deported 7,100 Muslims
Tea Party Politics
If the United States did this it might “portfolio priorities”. It has also besave hundreds of thousands of come easier for Norwegian authorilives.
ties to deport people back to Muslim
nations, including Afghanistan and
In an attempt to regulate crime, Nigeria.
Norway deported 824 Muslims in
the month of October. That was the A large percentage of those deported
most they deported by the month. In in 2014 were Muslim asylum seektotal, they deported 7,100 Muslims ers who had their application for
in 2014.
continued asylum rejected. They
were then deported along with their
Liberals said it was racist, but maybe families. The majority of deportees,
liberals are confused. Islam is not a however, had committed crimes, or
race. It’s “the world’s largest gang had returned illegally to Norway after
of thugs, murderers, and rapists is being deported.
masquerading as a religion of peace,”
says Adrian Stavig, a resident of The shocking thing that happened
after they issued the deportations
was crime dropped dramatically, an
The Oslo News wrote:
estimated 30%.
By Jim DeMint
Why are Republicans cutting
a deal with Nancy Pelosi to
throw an extra $400 billion onto
the national debt and calling it
entitlement reform?
This latest
venture should
concern all
fiscal conservatives—or
anyone who
likes the idea
of keeping our
on a sustainable trajecA record number of people were Imagine what would happen if the tory.
deported by Norwegian authorities United States were to start deporting
in 2014.
any illegals with known ties to violent groups and criminal activity.
Norway’s government has ruled
that a record 7,100 people were to You could be sure there would be a
be deported in 2014, more than 10 huge dip in the crime rate.
times the number under the previous
Can you imagine what would happen
if that happened in America?
Analysts believe some of the reasons for the rise in figures are more Talk about land of the free…
resources, more staff and a change of
Almost two decades ago, Congress decided to tie reimbursements for doctors taking Medicare patients to a “Sustainable
Growth Rate” or SGR. This
would pay doctors more if
Medicare was in the black,
less if it was in the red, and
ideally balance things out yearby-year.
Hwy 69 & Main Street next to railroad tracks
Chouteau, OK 74337
Mon.-Wed. 8:00am-8:00pm Thurs.-Sat. 8:00am-9:00pm
Closed Sunday
Fresh Baked Goods Made Daily
*For Special Orders, Please Call Ahead*
Monday - Turkey & Dressing
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The new Rhino Flex-Wing
has been unleashed!
Features and Benefits
•Unique blade pan carrier - Strong and durable stump jumper (patent pending)
•New gearbox design - More torque with the same horsepower
•Pivot hitch - Unique locking clevis device for ease of hooking up
•Smooth dome deck - Less clutter, easy to clean with larger cutting chamber.
Three sleeker, durable deck styles available: Apex, Epic, and Icon
•Independent suspension - Simple, no moving parts
•Safety cover - Quick access for easy maintenance
Serviceable, durable, lighter weight
stump jumper (patent pending).
Three times the torque with
the same horsepower.
Chupp Implement
Hwy. 69 South, Pryor, OK (918) 825-2044
See Our Ad In Names & Numbers
So in a yearly ritual, Congress
has temporarily blocked the cuts
from taking place 17 times—a
process which has become
known as “doc fix.”
Congress has debated making
this fix permanent for years; nobody wants to add to Medicare’s
problems by shorting doctors
for seeing patients. Unfortunately, the plan being proposed
by Speaker John Boehner looks
to pay for these reimbursements
by adding $400 billion to the
national debt over the next 20
years. It’s an unfortunate and
unnecessary sore thumb in the
midst of other good reforms.
Perhaps this is what comes of
Republican leadership courting
Democrats to pass legislation
in defiance of their own party.
They’ve already made a habit of
cobbling together a minority of
Republicans with the Democrat
caucus to pass odious bills.
There are ways to find the savings within Medicare already,
whether through a small bump
in the Medicare eligibility age
(modernizing a standard originally set in 1935) or reducing taxpayer subsidies for the
wealthiest Medicare recipients
(something even the left can get
behind), or intensifying price
competition in the Medicare
Advantage program. Simply
combining and streamlining
Medicare Parts A and B would
save $115 billion over 10 years,
while protecting seniors from
Further, Heritage Foundation
analysts have found 106 ways
to cut the budget and reduce the
size of government across the
There are
scores of redundant or
federal programs which
are black
holes for our
tax dollars.
They can and
should be
eliminated before congress
considers piling more debt on
Americans to prop up ailing
entitlement programs.
And wouldn’t you know it,
many House Republicans were
saying the same thing—back in
2009, when the exact same situation happened under Democrat
control. Here’s how Boehner
framed it on Nov. 19, 2009:
That’s the real issue here, the
fact that there is no pay-for
here. There is no offsetting other
types of spending. There are no
increases in revenue somewhere
to cover this. It’s just going to
be dumped onto the backs of
our kids and grandkids. The
American people want us to
relearn fiscal responsibility. My
colleagues on my side of the
aisle over the course of this year
have stood up, I believe, for fiscal responsibility. And if we’re
going to get our economy going
again, we’d better get our fiscal
house in order as well.
I agree.
Proper Medicare reimbursement for physicians without
adding to the debt should be a
priority. Congress’ unwillingness to make cuts to ineffective
programs means they will be
increasing debt and raising taxes
There are real reforms on the
table that Congress can and
should consider. Adding $400
billion to our national debt isn’t
one of them.
Brent Edmonds, R.T.
“Your Respiratory and Medical Equip. Specialist
Our Flex-Wing cutters are
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make them durable enough for any use.
Since Medicare has been bleeding money for some time, however, this would instantly result
in a 21 percent pay cut for doctors taking Medicare patients.
This isn’t an unsolvable problem.
Mark your calendar: Chupp Implement will be hosting their spring
OPEN HOUSE, Wednesday April 1st (no foolin’). Come about 11AM
for lunch of hamburgers, baked beans, chips, and those wonderful
homemade cinnamon rolls. Plus a chance to win a prize in the drawings.
catastrophic costs.
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Support Your
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Renaissance, from pg. 2_____________________________________________________
● Streamline the permitting
process for upgrading existing
and building new refineries.
The operating capacity of U.S.
refineries has remained essentially stagnant for three decades.
In order for the American Energy Renaissance to reach its
full potential, barriers must be
removed from expanding or
constructing new refineries in
the United States and the private
sector jobs they will create.
● Phase out and repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS)
over five years. The RFS has
proven unworkable and costly.
Its mandate that an increasing
percentage of renewable biofuels be blended into gasoline
and diesel each year ignores
the reality there are insufficient
amounts of some biofuels to
meet the standard. It imposes
significant costs, and offers
few, if any, benefits. The RFS
should be phased out so producers and refiners can focus on
maximizing domestic resource
● Immediately approve and
allow the private sector to build
the Keystone pipeline. According to the U.S. State Department, constructing the Keystone XL pipeline could result
in 42,000 jobs. Keystone has
undergone five environmental
reviews since its initial application in 2008, and none has found
a significant negative impact
on the environment. President
Obama’s former Energy Secretary admitted that the decision as whether to approve the
Keystone XL oil pipeline is a
political one, and not a decision
founded in science.
○ Remove barriers to developing and approving additional
national pipelines and crossborder energy infrastructure.
The Keystone saga imposed by
the federal government demonstrates the need to reform the
process of approving oil and
natural gas pipelines, as well
as electric transmission lines,
between the United States,
Canada, and Mexico.
● Exclude greenhouse gases
from regulation by the EPA and
other federal agencies. Proposals to regulate greenhouse gases
are very expensive and threaten
hundreds of thousands of jobs.
The authority to regulate such
gases should only occur with
explicit authority from Congress.
● Stop certain EPA regulations
that will adversely impact coal
and electric power plants. In
2008, President Obama promised to bankrupt coal. As of October 2014, there were already
381 coal units closed or closing
in 36 states because of EPA
policies. These 381 closures
amount to a total of more than
60,100 megawatts of electricity generation no longer being
available. Job losses as a result
of coal units being affected by
EPA regulations could amount
to more than 50,000 direct jobs
in the coal, utility, and rail industries, and an indirect job loss
figure exceeding 250,000.
● Require Congress to approve
and the President to sign EPA
regulations that will have a
negative job impact, rather than
allowing them to hide behind
bureaucrats who are assumed
to be responsible for them now.
Certain planned and proposed
EPA regulations could cost
more than 2 million jobs. Increasing regulatory restrictions
more broadly could cost nearly
2.8 million jobs over the next
● Expand energy development
on federal lands by providing
states the option of leasing, permitting and regulating energy
resources (oil and gas, wind and
solar) on federal lands within
their borders. Onshore and offshore federal land lands have
about 43 percent of America’s
proven oil reserves and 25 percent of natural gas reserves, but
not all of the land is available for
energy development. Leasing
and producing oil and natural
gas on federal land could create
more than 1 million jobs.
tion and every 270 days thereafter, and requiring approval or
disapproval of drilling permits
no later than 20 days after an
application is submitted.
● Expand LNG exports by facilitating permits. As of March
3, 2015, the Dept. of Energy
had approved only nine export permits to non-Free Trade
Agreement countries. More
than twenty applications are
currently pending.
● End the crude oil export ban.
Last year, U.S. crude oil production increased 27 percent
but many American refineries
cannot handle the additional
crude for technical and capacity
reasons. The United States is
missing out on export opportunities that could produce good
paying private sector jobs in the
○ For those states opting not to United States.
self-regulate, federal leasing,
permitting, and regulating must ● Prevent excessively broad
environmental review of coal
be reformed by:
export terminals. As the EPA
■ Streamlining permitting and makes it harder to use coal as a
expanding development on fed- source of energy for electricity
eral lands by requiring decisions in the United States, there are
regarding drilling permit ap- opportunities to export coal to
plications to be made within 30 other nations. Removing excesdays (which can be extended), sive environmental reviews can
requiring an explanation for help promote coal exports that
any denial, and deeming ap- will help keep coal jobs in the
plications to be approved if no United States.
decision has been made within
Direct all additional rev60 days, unless there are exist- ●
ing incomplete environmental enues generated by exploration
and drilling on federal lands
(excluding the share allocated
■ Improving certainty in the to the states) exclusively to
leasing and development pro- national debt reduction. The
cess by instituting a presump- U.S. national debt was aption that certain land will be proximately $18.2 trillion in
leased and by prohibiting the December 2014. As we free
government from withdrawing the development of U.S. natural
a lease for any energy project, resources to spur economic and
unless there is a violation of job growth, we should prevent
revenues from being used to
terms of the lease.
further expand government pro● Expand energy development grams and instead use it to free
in the National Petroleum Re- taxpayers from the debt burden
serve in Alaska and on Indian that hampers the nation’s inLands. The mean estimate for credible potential.
conventional oil in the National
Petroleum Reserve in Alaska is
Ammo, from pg. 1_______
895 million barrels of oil and
52.8 trillion cubic feet of gas. The federal bureaucracy, in the
West of the Mississippi River, form of the Bureau of Alcohol,
Indian reservations contain al- Tobacco and Firearms, recently
most 30 percent of the nation’s announced a ban on ammunition
coal reserves, 50 percent of used in AR-15 rifles, which
potential uranium reserves, and are among the most common
20 percent of known oil and gas firearms in America, but then
suddenly backed off.
● Open up the Coastal Plain
of Alaska (ANWR) for development. ANWR consists of
19 million acres in northeast
Alaska. Its 1.5-million-acre
Coastal Plain is viewed as a
promising onshore oil prospect
with potentially 7 billion barrels
of technically recoverable oil.
● Expand the offshore areas
of the Outer Continental Shelf
(OSC) available for development. Despite the potential for
significant oil and gas development off the coasts of the United
States, the Obama Administration has severely limited access
to such resources by essentially
prohibiting energy exploration
and development off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
● Streamline the permitting
process for additional offshore
exploration. Regulatory barriers
to obtain leases and permits to
explore and develop offshore
areas of the Outer Continental
Shelf should be removed by
requiring lease sales within 180
days of enactment of the legisla-
So breathe a sigh of relief and
move on?
Not if you like the Second
Amendment, according to a
National Rifle Association commentator.
Colion Noir, a practicing attorney who graduated from the
University of Houston, has been
described by the Los Angeles
Times as someone who doesn’t
fit the stereotype of NRA members: “Old, fat, white guys.”
“At 29, he’s not old. Nor is he
fat – he’s slender and stylishly
dressed with sneakers made by
Prada. He’s also not white.”
And he’s not shy about the
Second Amendment, posting a
recent NRA commentary on the
ATF plan to banish bullets for
the AR-15 and then pull back.
“Make no mistake, that socalled ammo ban, proposed
by the ATF that they’re now
shelving is nothing more than
a gun ban by another name. It’s
semantic drug smuggling, if you
ask me. Take a kilo of gun ban,
Page 9
While many Republicans say the
fight to stop what most call an
unconstitutional amnesty is far
from over, Huelskamp said the
GOP just rolled over on the best
and possibly last chance to really
And he warned the ammo-ban stop the president.
proposal will return.
“The leadership of the House
and Senate Republicans have
“If you’re still floating on the
essentially folded their tents and
whole Obama-doesn’t-want-togiven up on immigration,” he
ban-guns cloud of naivety, think
said. “There is no more battle.
about it like this. When you get
It’s now left up to the courts.”
locked out of your house, what’s
the first thing you think to do
The congressman said depend– try the back door.
ing on the courts just got harder
now that the legislative branch
“It takes nothing more than a gave a firm thumbs up to the imtwo-second Google search to migration program by funding it
hear quotes of President Obama for the rest of the fiscal year.
wanting to ban all AR-15s.
And because his administration “We sent a very strong bad mescouldn’t get that ban through sage to the courts when the leadthe front door of Congress, they ership essentially agreed with the
tried to get it through the back president’s position and funded
door with this ammo ban,” he it, hoping somehow against hope
that the Supreme Court’s going
to come in and save the day. That
Simply ban the ammunition, didn’t work with Obamacare.
he said, and the gun becomes I hope it works with immigra“nothing more than a fancy tion, but there is no plan for the
House or Senate Republicans to
challenge this,” said Huelskamp,
“Don’t be lulled into compla- who noted that Supreme Court
cency because they’ve gone Justice Antonin Scalia recently
back to the drawing board on told lawmakers not to rely on the
this ridiculous ammo ban pro- courts to stop Obama.
posal. ‘Cause that’s all they’re
doing, going back to the draw- “He advised the members, saying, ‘Do not expect the Supreme
ing board,” he said.
Court to do your constitutional
“I can’t begin to stress how duty.’ He said, ‘We can’t. That’s
dangerous of a precedent this up to you,’” Huelskamp exammo ban would set if it hap- plained.
pens. At that point, all ammo is
fair game – just come up with Beyond an unwillingness to
some impotent commonsense fight fiercely against the Obama
reason, some crafty language agenda, Huelskamp said when it
and boom, you’re left holding comes to amnesty, there a lot of
your gun making pew-pew Republicans who are far more
noises to defend yourself with accepting of the idea than they’re
because you thought the ammo willing to state publicly.
ban was no longer something
to worry about … and now you “The reality is, we have plenty of
Republicans that said they were
don’t have any ammo.”
against the amnesty but silently
hope it prevails and continues
He said the ultimate Obama
ahead,” he said. “They would
goal is to ban “every gun in
much rather the issue go away
than stand on principle.”
wrap it in officer safety Saran
wrap and smuggle it in the rental
car of common-sense gun legislation — and bingo, you have
backdoor gun control.”
The Times reported Noir became “an Internet sensation”
with a number of gun videos and
was a star at an NRA convention
in Los Angeles.
Like the reporting you see here?
Sign up for free news alerts from, America’s independent news network.
Huelskamp is no stranger to
public disputes with Republican leaders. In 2013, Boehner
stripped Huelskamp and two
other critical conservatives of
plum committee assignments
Fox News reported that four for not being loyal enough to
House Democrats have taken leadership.
the ATF’s ban idea and turned it
into a proposal for legislation. After Huelskamp and other
conservatives refused to support
From Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., a three-week or one-week extenand others was the “Armor sion of DHS funding as part of
Piercing Bullets Act.”
Boehner’s attempt to force a
House-Senate conference on the
“There is absolutely no compel- DHS funding bill, the congressling argument to be made for man found himself targeted in
anyone else [other than police] ads from a Super PAC affiliated
to have access to them,” Engel with the House GOP leadership.
The ad accused Huelskamp of
not being conservative and putGOP, from pg. 1_________ ting politics ahead of national
fully funded Obama’s immigration actions.
“For a sitting speaker of the
House to use and rely on outHuelskamp is appalled.
side groups to target and attack
fellow Republicans is unprec“What we hear again and again
edented,” he said. “I think that
is, ‘Boy, if we do well in the next
demonstrates the weakness of
election, we’ll really fight on
the speaker and his position.”
some conservative principles,’”
he said. “It’s always about the
Huelskamp believes current
next election, the next battle.
leaders still have a 1990s mentalWhat I hear from the American
ity toward conducting business,
people, particularly conservabut he said there are far too many
tives across this country is,
crises brewing to shirk the need
‘Stand for something.’ Win or
for strong leadership.
lose, they know the difference
between trying and failing and
“It’s a different world,” he said.
not trying at all.
“We have $18 trillion of debt.
We have our foreign policy in
“So far, what I’ve seen this year
shambles. We have amnesty
is not trying at all,” he said. “You
being forced upon us by the
have too many insiders, both in
president. We’ve got out-of-conthe Republican Party and the
trol executive agencies that are
Democratic Party, that are more
pushing the agenda of the left.
interested in their future up here
The idea that you can negotiate
than what the American people
and compromise with this presiwant.”
dent, I don’t think our leadership
gets that.”
And his forecast that the issue
would return was fulfilled almost as soon as the words were
out of his mouth.
Page 10 The BANNER
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
The Golf Corner
By Steve Pace Certified Golf Instructor at Patricia Island Golf Club-Grove, OK (918786-3338) (PGA-Former, US Golf Teachers Federation- Retired, NGI- Association of
National Golf Instructors) Cell: 405-834-3217 – email: - or
Rare Accomplishment
equipment (especially pull carts) we
sure could use it for our
Special Olympics program
with the Home of Hope out of
Vinita. We have 16 players signed
up for this season. We meet every
Monday at Shangri-La. Call Steve
at 405-834-3217…thanks.
PATRICIA ISLAND GOLF D u n n f o r y o u r d o n a t i o n !
Congrats to Shane Woodworth who holed out his 2nd shot
with a #3 Hybrid from 190 yards out
on Langley’s Grand Cherokee Golf
Course 9th hole. A Double Eagle is
even more rare than a Hole in One.
He also had a witness, but I don’t
have their name.
Spring Fever is upon us. There
have been lots of inquiries about
when the Patricia Island Tuesday
Night League will officially begin.
The first official day for this league
to begin will be April 21st. We know
you are all anxious to get started, but
we need to wait for longer days to
insure that there will be no problems
completing your rounds in time.
Right now is a great time to check
your equipment, maybe take a lesson
or two, and get in some practice time
and enjoy some March Madness.
We will see you in April.
For information concerning
the Patricia Island Tuesday Night
League please call Mike Kelly at
Kelly Golf 918-787-7640 or Patricia
Island Golf Club at 918-787-3338
Ext #3. For other activities at Patricia
Island Golf Club contact 918-7863338 ext 3.
Ladies Golf – May 20th to
September 30th - Every Wednesday at 3:00pm for 9 or 18 holes and
5:15pm for 9 Holes; Each individual
player may choose to play their own
ball or Beginners might want to
shamble or scramble - your choice.
Call or text 918.801.5912 for more
details-(Non- PIGC Members Pay to
Play). Saturday 10:00 am for $10.00
Instruction on Driving Range – May
2nd to August 29th (not available
May 23rd or July 4th) – Men and
Women – ages 12 and up. (Steve
Pace will not be participating this
Don’t forget to stretch! Especially this early in the season. Pace
yourself (ha!). Start off with short
little shots (small backswing). Then
graduate up to full swing. Never hit
over 50-75 balls at a session without
a break. Early on the best thing you
can do is NOT WORRY about how
well you hit the ball, but instead
how consistent you can be with
your Tempo.
A Classic:
A man was walking down the
street when he was accosted by a
particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless man who asked him
for a couple of pounds for dinner.
The man took out his wallet, extracted twenty dollars and asked, “If
I give you this money, will you buy
some beer with it instead of dinner?”
“No, I had to stop drinking years
ago,” the homeless man replied.
“Will you spend this on
green fees at a golf course instead of food?” the man asked.
“Are you NUTS!” replied
the homeless man. “I haven’t
played golf in 20 years!”
“Will you spend it on a
woman?” the man asked,
“I haven`t been with a woman
in 30 years” the old man replied.
“Well,” said the man, “I’m not going
to give you money. Instead, I’m going to take you home for a shower and
a terrific dinner cooked by my wife.”
The homeless man was astounded. “Won’t your wife be
furious with you for doing that?”
The man replied, “That’s okay. It’s
important for her to see what a man
looks like after he has given up
drinking, golf and sex.
April 4th: Grove High School
Soccer Boosters – 1:30 pm - Scramble – Patricia Island. Looking for
players and sponsors. Contact CanKEEP IT IN THE MIDDLE !
dace at 918-964-0743.
If you have some old golf
Crappie and White Bass Fishing Is Picking Up
Look for the crappie and
white bass fishing action to pick up
in the next week or so. Late March
and early April normally marks the
start of spawning season for these
two species.
As these fish position themselves in pre-spawn staging areas,
they will gorge on available forage, offering Oklahoma anglers a
window of opportunity to fill up
their stringers.
“Three things really trigger
the spawn: longer days, warmer
temperatures and rain,” said Barry
Bolton, Chief of Fisheries for the
Oklahoma Department of Wildlife
White bass, also called sand
bass, will hold in the mouths of
creeks and rivers at this time of
year, waiting for the rain to increase
water flows. As water levels rise,
look for the sand bass run to start.
“With the rain this week,
sand bass action should be picking
up this weekend in the southeastern
part of the state,” Bolton said.
Crappie will hold on flats,
in depths ranging from 6 to 20
feet, looking for baitfish. Once
water temperatures rise into the
mid- to high-50s, these fish will
look for shallow cover, in depths
ranging from 18 inches to 3 feet,
to spawn.
Days following rain in the
next two weeks will offer the best
opportunities to find active fish.
Follow the Wildlife Department on Facebook for current fishing reports.
Before heading out on the
water, make sure to purchase a
2015 Oklahoma fishing license and
remember to follow all Oklahoma
fishing regulations.
In a gill netting survey, fisheries biologists found these three
lakes to be excellent for white bass
28: Cleveland Ducks Unlimited
28: Miami Ducks Unlimited
Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Fishing Report
Copan: Elevation normal, water
50s and murky. Crappie and white
bass fair on minnows, jigs and hair
jigs at 4-8 ft. in coves, the main
lake and brush structure.
Ft. Gibson: Elevation above normal, water 46 and stained. White
bass fair on shad at 20 ft. in creek
channels and at the river mouth;
staging and preparing to spawn,
starting into the creeks. Crappie
fair on minnows, jigs and tube jigs
at 15-18 ft. along brush structure
and river channel; moving into
shallower water. Blue catfish fair
on cut bait and shad at 8-10 ft.
along creek channels and shallows. Largemouth bass fair on
plastic baits and crankbaits at 815 ft. around brush structure and
standing timber.
Grand: Elevation normal, water
43. Paddlefish fair along flats and
the river channel. Largemouth
bass good on Alabama rigs and
rogues around points and the main
lake. Crappie slow on minnows
and jigs around docks and brush
structure. White bass good on jigs
and in-line spinnerbaits in the river
Hudson: Elevation normal, water
46. Paddlefish fair at 13-18 ft. below the dam and in the river channel. White bass fair on crankbaits
and small lures at 7-10 ft. along
creek channels.
Hulah: Elevation normal, water
50s and murky. Crappie and white
bass fair on hair jigs and minnows
around brush structure, the main
lake and creek channels.
Kaw: Elevation normal, water
53 and clear. White bass fair on
in the Arkansas River from the
Newkirk Bridge to the state line.
Blue catfish fair around the lake.
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20
Aries, your hard work will finally come
to fruition this week. You will feel like
a huge burden has been lifted off of
your shoulders, and you deserve to take
some time off.
TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21
Taurus, don’t allow frustration to get
the better of you. A problem you can’t
seem to solve may have you feeling
hopeless, but perseverance will lead
you to a solution.
GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21
Others may need your help this week,
Gemini. You are ready and willing to
offer your services and advice when
they are sought. A welcome reward is
coming to you.
CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22
Cancer, your career may conflict with
the demands of your relationship if
you let them. Find a balance between
the two so you can have your cake and
eat it, too.
LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23
Leo, some exciting changes lie ahead.
Now is a great time to step out of your
comfort zone, even if you are a little
nervous to take the first steps.
SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21
Sagittarius, you may think that the grass
is greener somewhere else, but that is
not always the case. Seek ways to make
your own grass greener.
VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, this week brings a change in your
life, and this change will lead to some
great things down the road. Don’t be
embarrassed to be excited about this
new path.
CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20
Experiences at home can affect your
sense of security, Capricorn. Take the
necessary steps to feel safer. Surround
yourself with friends and family during
this time.
LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23
You may feel pushed and pulled in a
number of directions, Libra. This makes
it difficult to pursue your own personal
goals as a result. Speak up if you need
more time to yourself.
AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18
Avoid making any big decisions this
week, Aquarius. You are preoccupied
with something else and cannot devote
enough attention to any one task at the
SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22
Scorpio, a relatively rebellious streak
surfaces this week. Risk-taking is at
the center of this new attitude, and you
may find yourself doing a little damage
PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20
Some extra money unexpectedly comes
your way this week, Pisces. Work with a
financial planner for some good ideas.
Crossword Answers
Broken Bow: Launch a boat
at McCurtain County Wilderness
Area and navigate upstream to the
first shallow rocky shoal. Anglers
can also fish the shoreline of the
upper Mountain Fork River from
Broken Bow Wildlife Management Area.
Lawtonka: Compared to other southwestern lakes, Lawtonka
has relatively clear water making
it an excellent fishing destination.
Launch a boat from the marina on
the north end of the lake, and fish
the headwaters of Medicine Creek.
Anglers should also try fishing
along windy, rocky banks.
Grand Lake: Above Twin
Bridges State Park, anglers have
the option to fish the Neosho or
Spring River. Anglers can also try
fishing the upper end of the Elk
River, a 35.2-mile-long tributary
of the Neosho River that flows into
Birders to Flock in SE
Oklahoma May 9-12
Registration is open for the 7th annual Red Slough Birding
Convention. Hosted by the Idabel Chamber of Commerce, the
convention appeals to experienced birders and beginning wildlife
enthusiasts. Bird-watching opportunities during the event will
include chances to see bitterns, rails and other secretive marsh
birds, rare woodpeckers and warblers.
The four-day convention based in Idabel will kick off Saturday,
May 9, with keynote speaker Jay Huner entertaining participants
with tales from his research in Louisiana. Later in the convention, participants will hear about bird migration research from the
University of Oklahoma’s Jeff Kelly. Huner will return for the
final presentation, “A Bumbling Birder’s Big Year” at the May 11
banquet, describing his 2012 search for 346 species in his home
state of Louisiana.
Robert Bastarache, U.S. Forest Service district biologist and event
committee member, said the remainder of the convention will be
spent in the field. “We’ve set up six great tour options for our
participants,” Bastarache said. Morning sessions will be spent touring three conservation areas; Red Slough Wildlife Management
Area, Little River National Wildlife Refuge and the McCurtain
County Wilderness Area. Afternoon tours will focus on McCurtain
County’s diverse dragonfly and wildflower communities, as well
as the county’s state champion trees. Bastarache said, “In addition to several unique plants, reptiles and invertebrates, it’s not
uncommon for participants to see over 150 species of birds during the convention.” Information about each tour and the species
1. Cycles/second
4. Fit for cultivation
10. Saami
12. Perceived scent
13. Liberal rights organization
14. Female flying fighters
15. Durham school
16. Ancient Scand. poet
18. Charitable performances
20. Siddhartha author
21. Letter destination
22. P.S. Buck’s Pulitzer
25. Feel regret
26. Initials of e = MC2
27. From a distance
29. Cronies
31. Forty
32. Printing speed measurement
33. Nutty spread
40. White seedless grape
41. Hillsides
43. Inflammation of a
44. Artery
45. Nail polish brand
46. A routine that is hard
to escape
47. Indigo plant
48. Owners
50. Animal fluids
51. Mustelid in its white
winter coat
52. Communist
1. Come into conflict
2. A collection of things
wrapped together
3. Bath spatter
4. Gunsmoke actress
5. Direct to a source
6. Cartoonist Capp
7. Somewhat blue
8. 40 weekday periods
9. El Dorado High
School (abbr.)
11. Heartbeat
12. Brit. rutabaga
17. Angle (abbr.)
18. Said as a greeting or
19. Festivals
23. Rita ___, singer
24. Belonging to us
27. Skating jumps
28. Building at 175 5th
29. Parts per billion
30. Atomic mass unit
32. Old Spanish currency
33. Insistence on traditional correctness
34. PBS wildlife show
35. Measuring blocks
36. Don’t know when yet
37. Ancient city from
which St. Paul first
38. Breadwinner
39. Go to bed
40. Highest in degree or
42. Tossed, potato or
43. The trunk of a tree
49. Yes in Spanish
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Hollrah, from pg. 1______________________________________________
Classified Ads
To place an ad in classified call 918-783-5657 or mail your ad to P. O. Box 88, Adair, OK
74330, or e-mail to All classified business ads are $6 per
column inch, with 1 column inch minimum. Business ads come with a border and a tinted
background if preferred. All other ads are $4.50 per 20 words or less and $.10 per word
thereafter. All ads must be paid in advance of publication.
Selling my collectible
books, 100+ first editions
$3 ea. or four for $10. Wagoner 918-718-4281 or 918485-0217 leave message
-------------------------------I am a caregiver with years
of experience, can do a
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-------------------------------1998 Plymouth Breeze,
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232-6654 Call before 7am
or after 7pm
-------------------------------For Sale – Home winemaking
equipment. Includes large
10-gallon primary fermentor,
three 5-gallon glass secondary
fermentors, fermentation
locks, wine thermometer,
hydrometer, beakers,
glass siphon, winemaking
chemicals, wine thief, brewer’s
sacharometer, funnels, eight
12-bottle cases of wine bottles.
Call (918) 386-2444.
Page 11
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Tell your friends or
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Meters, from pg. 4____________________________________________
LAC FF Local 1014
(transcribed by Joe Esposito)
Hear our spot running on KNX 1070.
Your LA County Firefighters need your help.
We are dialing 911. Wonʼt you help us?
“This is fire Captain Lew Currier. LA County is installing cell towers on 86 fire
stations near you. The radiation generated by these 7 story eye sores can cause DEBILITATING HEALTH EFFECTS. Studies suggest near by families could get SICK
TOO! Yet the Board of Supervisors is erecting these toxic towers WITHOUT PUBLIC
This time be there for us, your firefighters.”
Call the Board of Supervisors at 213-974-1411 tell them to STOP the cell
towers NOW!!!
This message is by the LAC FF Local 1014
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interesting that SMART METERS and cell towers both produce Microwave Radiation transmissions. Both using non-thermal non-ionizing pulsed microwave
radiation. If I am not mistaken, both transmit about the same basic frequency.
SMART METERS have the added transmitter of the ZigBEE 2.4 G Hz. The same
frequency that your microwave oven transmits to cook your food at home. Smart
Meters are much more dangerous, they transmit 14,000 to 190,000 times per day
in a mesh grid network. SMART METERS are almost continually pulsing microwave radiation through your house and family. Then adding to the problem is
the DIRTY ELECTRICITY from the SMART MERERS --switching mode power
supply-- pulling DC off the AC line current for it’s operation, which also
causes HEALTH problems.
ever under attack, the CAT’s
job is to draw fire, providing
an opportunity for Obama
and others in his party to
escape unharmed. One of
the three agents recalled was
a CAT “team leader.”
On September 16,
2014, Obama visited the
Centers for Disease Control
(CDC) in Atlanta to receive
a briefing on the Ebola crisis
in Africa. What he and his
protective detail apparently
did not know was that a local
security guard, armed with a
concealed handgun, rode on
an elevator elbow-to-elbow
with Obama, totally unaware
of the security breach.
On September 19,
2014, just three days later, a
mentally-disturbed veteran,
Omar J. Gonzalez, climbed
the White House fence
on Pennsylvania Avenue,
sprinted across the lawn,
entered the double doors on
the north portico, and rushed
into the mansion. Armed
with a folding knife with a
2½ inch blade, Gonzales was
well inside the White House,
in the hallway leading to the
East Room, when he was
tackled by an off-duty Secret
Service agent.
On March 12, 2015,
two senior Secret Service
agents, including a senior
member of Barack Obama’s
protective detail, crashed a
car into a barricade at the
southeast entrance to the
White House following a
late-night retirement party
for Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan. It was immediately suspected that the
agents were under the influence of alcohol. However,
a report in the Washington
Post tells us that the agents
were allowed to leave the
scene after a supervisor overruled uniformed officers who
wanted to arrest the agents
and conduct sobriety tests.
The two agents, who
were on their way home from
the retirement party, were
responding to a radio report
saying that an active bomb
investigation was underway
on the White House grounds.
It was reported that, shortly
before the agents crashed
their car into the crime
scene barricade, a woman
had thrown a package at
the security gate, shouting,
“It’s a bomb!” When the
intoxicated agents careened
onto the scene they reportedly ran their vehicle over
the suspect package. Fortunately, it contained a book,
not a bomb. To the best of
our knowledge, the book
was not a copy of Obama’s
memoir, Dreams from My
Father. Contrast these uncharacteristic “Keystone
Cops” foul-ups by the Secret
Service to the conduct of
the well-turned-out Marines
who stand guard at the White
House and at embassies
around the globe. A Marine
Corps website tell us, “Missions have changed over the
years, but what has remained
constant since November
10, 1775 is our unyielding
commitment to protecting
the lives of our citizens and
the interests of our nation.”
The website goes on to say,
“Honor requires each Marine
to exemplify the ultimate
standard in ethical and moral
conduct… And, above all,
honor mandates that a Marine never sully the reputation of the Corps.”
However, when one
begins to contrast Marine
Corps conduct with Secret
Service lapses during the
Obama era, it comes down
to a question of constancy.
And while Secret Service
personnel know as well as
the Marines that Barack
Obama is ineligible to serve
in the office he holds, and
that he is totally incompetent
as our commander in chief,
there is a difference. While
the young Marines, who
dutifully salute as Obama
steps down from Marine
One on the south lawn of the
White House, have 240 years
of exemplary Marine Corps
tradition to sustain them, the
same is not true of the men
and women of the Secret
Service. Although their duties and their obligation to
the security of our nation’s
leaders remain the same, the
level of respect they hold for
presidents and first ladies
undergoes a major transformation every four years.
In his book, In The President’s Secret Service, former agent Ronald Kessler
provides insights into the
presidents and first ladies of
the modern era. Having interviewed dozens of agents,
past and present, Kessler
tells us that “Gerald Ford
was a true gentleman who
treated the Secret Service
with respect and dignity.
Agents found Ford to be a
‘decent man who valued
their service.’ ”
He describes Jimmy
Carter as being “a complete
phony who had disdain for
the Secret Service and was
very irresponsible with the
‘football’ nuclear codes… a
‘moody and mistrustful’ person who distanced himself
from the agents who were
sworn to protect him and his
He describes Ronald
Reagan as “moral, honest,
respectful, and dignified.
The Reagans treated (the)
Secret Service and everyone
else with respect and honor.
Nancy Reagan was very
nice but very protective of
the President… he treated
the Secret Service agents,
the Air Force One Crew,
and the staff of maids and
butlers at the White House
with respect.”
“George H.W. Bush
was extremely kind, considerate and always respectful towards Secret Service agents.
The Bushes took great care in
making sure the agents’ comforts were taken care of and
even brought them meals.”
Kessler writes that, “Bill
Clinton’s term in office was
one giant party; he was not
trustworthy, (he was) adulterous, and was only nice
because he wanted everyone to like him. Hillary
Clinton was another phony
whose personality would
change the instant cameras
were near. She hated with
open disdain the military
and (the) Secret Service.”
“George and Laura Bush
were loved by the Secret
Service… The Bushes made
sure their entire administrative and household staff
understood to respect and
be considerate of the Secret
Service. Laura Bush was one
of the nicest First Ladies, if
not the nicest…”
From interviews with
current agents, Kessler
writes, “Barack and Michelle
Obama look down on the
Secret Service and hate the
military. He is egotistical,
cunning, and untrustworthy,
and has temper tantrums.
Michelle… hates anybody
who is not black, hates the
military, and looks at the
Secret Service as servants.”
What is immediately
evident is that the last four
Republicans presidents are
described by the men and
women who protect them as
being “considerate,” “decent,” “dignified,” “honest,”
“kind,” “moral,” and “respectful,” while adjectives
used to describe the last
three Democratic presidents
include “adulterous,” “cunning,” “hateful,” “disdainful,” “egotistical,” “elitist,”
“irresponsible,” “moody,”
“phony,” “temperamental,”
“untrusting.” and “untrustworthy.” What it tells us is
what we’ve always known,
which is that, compared to
Republicans, Democrats are,
in every respect, an entirely
different “breed of cat.”
So let’s not overreact to
an occasional Secret Service
hiccup. It is understandable
that agents may not be at
the top of their game when
they’re called upon to lay
their lives on the line for men
and women who fail to command their respect. What
they suffer from and what
makes their jobs so difficult
is, more than anything else,
a lack of constancy in the
personal characteristics and
the worthiness of those they
Once the Obamas have
packed up and left the White
House on January 20, 2017,
whether willingly or in handcuffs, the Secret Service will
quickly regain its honored
and well-deserved reputation. In the meantime, until
we can get the next Republican family moved into 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue, let’s
keep our hands off the Secret
Service. If it’s not broke,
don’t fix it.
Oklahomans may want to do a campaign like the International Association of Fire Buckley, from pg. 3_____________________________________________
Fightersʼ have done with radio spots and social media to STOP THE UTILITIES’ time channeling the river Buckley’s mind, Congress But this does not mean
SMART METERS from damaging our HEALTH along with the SAFTEY and PRIof federal money to con- must eliminate grants-in- that Buckley’s proposal is
VACY problems?
Let’s do some math! More than 300,000 IAFF and “a very small number of customers”
in Oklahoma. (AEP-PSO Filing for an OPT-OUT with the Oklahoma Corporation
Commission on March 11, 2015 CAUSE NO. PUD 201500109) “((e) During the deployment communication process, a very small number of customers have expressed
to PSO their preference to not be served by AMI. If customers are not served with
AMI, they will require a different cost of service than the vast majority of PSO’s customers, as they will necessitate nonstandard processes such as manual meter reading
and the special handling of service orders. Further, these customers will not be able
to participate in the cost saving programs which require an AMI meter.)” Now if my
math is correct that would come to more than 300,000 plus “a very small number of
--------------------------------------------------------------------Call your Oklahoma Attorney General’s office and demand that he impose a MORATORIUM and conduct the HEALTH / SAFTEY / PRIVACY STUDIES on Oklahoma
utilities’ smart meters. Also that he require the Oklahoma utilities to turn off the
microwave transmitters on the existing smart meters today, people are being harmed
24/7/365! Attorney General Scott Pruitt -- website
Oklahoma Attorney General
313 NE 21st Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Oklahoma City: (405) 521-3921
Tulsa: (918) 581-2885
stituents, and spend less
of their time deliberating
about policy. Grants-inaid are partly responsible
for the “mile-wide and
inch-deep” knowledge of
federal politicians. (Not
to mention constant electioneering, a problem that
leads Buckley to suggest
term limits as an “ancillary” reform). You can
hardly blame politicians
for being rationally selfinterested actors—those
politicians who don’t
spend all their time seeking donations and distributing pork (including
securing federal grants)
to constituents are at a
competitive disadvantage
to other candidates who
are willing to do so.
aid. It can perhaps wind
them down so that states
may more smoothly fill
in the accounting and administration gaps. Such a
reform flies in the face of
how Washington works
today, but Buckley has
faith in the American electorate.
Perhaps the most important aspect of Buckley’s
proposal is that it appears
politically neutral. Certainly, there are many
grants-in-aid that conservatives oppose. But federalism is not something
that benefits the right over
the left, or the left over the
right. There is a real opportunity here for mutual
arms reduction by devolvWhat is to be done? In ing power to the states.
a silver bullet. Moreover,
many interlocking interest groups will need to be
brought on board to give
the idea a real chance of
As the 2016 Presidential election advances,
now, more than ever, we
need a recommitment to
conservative principles
and a slate of ideas that
can improve our country.
Hopefully some candidate
or group of candidates will
pick up Buckley’s “modest proposal” as a part of
a broader devolutionary
platform that both “emancipates the states and empowers their people.” It
is this kind of return to
localism that can reenergize our Republic.
Page 12 The BANNER
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Weekly Update from
PAAS Director
Sometimes you are privileged to watch magic happen.
I was fortunate this past week
to see prisoners, shelter dogs,
board members of Therapetics and PAAS interact. I had
the privilege to be part of the
documentary “The Dogs of
Lexington”. It was life-changing for those of us in rescue who
participated, the prisoners who
trained the dogs and, for Sarge,
it truly saved his life.
This was further validated
when 10 people interacted - for
more than 3 hours - with the
trainers and their dogs. The
questions, answers and shared
stories flowed naturally and,
except for the constant reminder
of barbed wire and prison uniforms, you could forget where
you were. Snarly, snappy, unhappy, scared dogs walk through
the gates and spend 24/7 with a
trainer. In just a short period
of time, a happy, well-behaved
dog is ready for a new chapter
in their life. The trainers bid
them a heart-felt goodbye and
then count the hours and days
until they have the opportunity
to train the next dog to come
through the gates.
This program is a four
way win. The trainer- the dog
- the adopter - and the rescue.
Our goal is to see the program
expand and to collaborate with
organizations who use dogs
for service (diabetes, epilepsy,
ptsd). There are no losers - - just
Kay Stout, Executive Director e: director@paasvinita.
com c: 918-256-7227
Paws for a Cause 5K Run Benefits
Second Chance Pet Rescue
For 30 years, Second Chance
Pet Rescue of Grand Lake (formerly the Grove Humane Society) has been providing food,
love, shelter, and veterinary
care to Northeast Oklahoma’s
homeless animals. On Sunday,
March 29th, runners, walkers
and animal lovers are invited
to come together for the first
“Paws for a Cause” 5k Run
sponsored by Grand Savings Bank, to benefit Second
Chance Pet Rescue’s Capital
Campaign Expansion Project.
It’s a day of fun, fitness, and
fundraising for shelter supporters in our community. And the
whole family is invited - kids
and dogs, too!
This dog-friendly run will also
feature a 1 mile Fun Run (or
walk). Friendly, well socialized dogs are welcome to run
or walk with their owners, with
all dogs on a leash and under
human control at all times.
Dog owners are required to
make sure dogs are current on
Local pet businesses will
have vendor booths with pet
friendly products and goodies
available; the City of Grove
will have city pet licensing
information and forms available; and commemorate the
event with “Pictures with
Your Pooch” for a small donation. Volunteers from Second
Chance Pet Rescue will host
a remote dog adoption. All
of Second Chance Pet Rescue
dogs are vet-checked, spayed
or neutered, vaccinated, and
microchipped, Please open up
your home and your hearts for
these wonderful pets who will
be looking for their forever
The location of the race will
begin at Grand Savings Bank,
1022 S. Main, Grove, OK.
Individuals can register online
until 8 am Friday, March 27,
or download a paper form at
and drop off at any Grand
Savings Bank location or until 2 pm on race day. Race
day registration opens at 1:30
p.m., 1 mile Fun Run starts at
2:30 p.m., followed by the 5k
Run at 3 p.m. The “Paws for
a Cause” registration costs will
be $20 for the 1 mile Fun Run;
$30 for the 5K Run; with $5
off for student discount.
For additional information
about “Paws for a Cause”,
please contact Kelsie Geister
or Marsha Tackkett at Grand
Savings Bank at 918-7862203.
With your help, Second Chance
Get your ad in
The Banner
Pet Rescue can continue to
provide the love and care the
homeless dogs and cats need
while they wait for their forever
families. If you are unable to
participate in the “Paws for a
Cause” but would like to help
support our non-profit, lifesaving animal rescue organi-
zation, please mail a check to
P.O. Box 451205, Grove, OK
74345-1205 or donate electronically via website www.
Carol Rice
Volunteer/Second Chance Pet
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