A W EEKLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE HISTORY, PHENOMENA, PHILOSOPHY, AND TEACHINGS OF SPIRITUALISM. [r e g i s t e r e d No. 123.— V o l . III.] as a n e w s pa pe r fo r t r a n smissio n in t he u n it e d LONDON, AUGUST 9, 1872. k in g d o m and a br o a d .] [ P r i c e On e P e n n y . TEE DEVELOPMENT OF MRS. JENNIE FERRIS HOLMES I to pray for me, I was entranced for half an hour; when I came out, I | found the minister weeping freely. He says: 1Do not fight this any AS A MEDIUM. The subject of this sketch., the most wonderful medium for spirit- longer, it is no evil power ; my little angel wife, who died twenty year3 manifestations the world has produced, was born in Aurora, New York | ago, has been here, and proved her identity beyond a doubt, and if one State, U.S.A., 3;)tli day of April, 1S4'2. ITer father, Arnold Bennett, I good spirit can come, two can. The many beautiful things she told me was a noted lawyer of ability, a kind but very strict parent, a devoted j of in the spirit-land, and how they watch over us, has convinced me of member of the Methodist Church, in which belief ho died when Jennie, ; its reality.’ Soon after, Mr. Henry Breed, a citizen of Toledo, the youngest of twelve children, was nine years old ; her mother, Polly 1Ohio, who had seen the Fox sisters, came to see me, and told us Sabines Bennett, a noble-hearted woman of warm, affectionate traits of 1what it all meant. Circles were held, and I was entranced by character, never tiring of helping those who were sick and needy. She j spirits of various grades, and in all cases had to go through was a medium of great power for extracting fire by laying on of hands, j the death scene, which was very trying to my delicate state of health at but was ignorant of the source of her power, for Spiritualism had not that time. My second control was the little indian girl ‘ Rosa,’ who then made its advent in the States. Jennie was born with a double veil, entranced me before I was able to walk from the house. She would and was a weak, puny child, unable to walk alone until nearly four years ! take me to the woods and gather roots, bring them home, steep them, old. Being the youngest of a large family, she was much petted and ' and make me drink. This she did at every opportunity, after which humoured by her brothers and sisters. Throughout the entire neigh I I soon recovered. During this time many astounding and wonderful bourhood she was known as the little prophet. Her witty sayings and tests were given through me. The spirits organised a band to control cute capers were the delight of the household and wonder of the village. i me for musical and physical manifestations, since which time I have There is no doubt in her mind that she wa3 a medium from the time l held seances in nearly every city and town of the L'nited States, also the of her birth, but was not aware of its import until brought out by a Canadas, and Central America—part of the time giving cabinet seances.” terrible ordeal through which she passed when lying on her supposed While in the trance state she has located oil wells, mineral springs, and deathbed with dropsy. In her fifteenth year she was married to Mr. found lost treasures. During the visit to Central America she traced Charles Rice, who died in two years, her babe and mother passing over out buried treasures for the Emperor, and others of high rank. Her within a short time of her husband. Three years later she was married trip to that country, the many wonderful escapes from murder, and other to Mr. William Ferris, and a short time thereafter was taken with dropsy, thrilling adventures, would fill a volume. Four years ago she made a trip and given up as incurable by the doctors. Being a member of the across the plains to Omaka and Colorado. The coach was attacked by Methodist Church, the pastor, Elder Pratt, with the brothers and sisters, Indians and robbed of everything, the passengers barely escaping with, called to offer consolation and prayer in her last moments (as they their lives. She has given seances to all the noted men of the country, supposed). It was while the minister was at prayer that the first mani and especially refers to Mrs. James Gordon Bennett. An account of the festation took place. While they were in the attitude of prayer the seances given for them at their private residence, and written by Mr. chair was suddenly taken by force and thrown across the room. The Bennett, was published in the New York Herald, and filled nearly a page minister very quietly replaced it, and again assumed his position. of that journal. The extracts that have been published from time to Again the chair was forcibly removed. The reverend gentleman turned to time (nearly all of which she lost while crossing the plains, they being the friends assembled and remarked that he had often heard of old women iii the baggage), and written from personal experiences of parties who telling of forerunners of death, but this was the first instance he had have witnessed the phenomena as given through her, would make a ever witnessed, and concluded by saying the sufferer would not be alive large and interesting volume. in the morning. He and the friends called the next day, and greatly to (To be continued.) their astonishment found the patient alive. The same service was gone through, with the same results as on the day previous. The third day SPIRITUALISM AT ROCHDALE. was the same as the two preceding, with the exception of the manifes In its first stages, progress towards knowledge is not characterised by tations, which were stronger and more decided. The minister and his followers were now satisfied that the devil had taken complete control wisdom. The observer is liable to suppose that instead of an incipient of the sick one and her surroundings. The minister, however, deter philosopher lie is witnessing the efforts of a candidate for insanity, mined to fight him at all points, and become master of the situation if ignorance being the starting-point. The path in the first instance is possible ; but after a desperate struggle he was forced to capitulate, and marked by its manifestations. This feature is observable in the attempts acknowledge himself vanquished. The patient gradually got better, and made to investigate Spiritualism by the friends of that science, often ■would feel hands innumerable passing over her body, and in her fright without a guide or teacher. This is not to be wondered at. The defect call her brother to take those people out of the house, as they would is, however, far more apparent in the remarks and deductions of their smother her. Thinking that she was delirious with fever, the brother opponents. The investigator, however crude, has taken one or more reassured her as best he could. The perspiration commenced running from steps towards the temple of knowledge. He has discovered his igno her in great streams, and in a few days all signs of dropsy had disappeared, rance, and has commenced the labour of removing it. The opponent of hut leaving the patient very weak. While in this condition she was this investigation is equally ignorant, so decidedly, indeed, that he is controlled by a German woman who had died a short time previous not aware of the fact, and the exhibitions he makes of it are aggravated of black tongue, as it was then termed. Feeling very faint and strange, by a conceited disregard for the means of improvement. Of this type, she called her brother to get some water, none being in the house. He the “ representative” of the Rochdale Observer is a generic example. went to the well to get i t ; on his return, a little German girl (daughter Ho had sufficient strength of mind to deny himself the “ inspiriting of the woman mentioned, and who had been adopted by Mrs. Ferris) strains” of a brass band with which ho was enraptured, and spend a told the brother that Jennie had been talking German. Mr. Bennett couple of hours in a spirit-circle near Hollitigworth Lake. This event replied, “ Nonsense, she knows nothing of any other language but her forms the basis of a set article in the Observer, tho superstructure of own.” “ But I tell you she has talked to me in German, and I think which is composed of the writer’s logic, philosophy, ignorance, and pre it real mean she did not tell mother and talk with her; but the funny judices. We cull as gems examples of the two first ingredients. He has part of it is, she says she is my mother, and has told me to go down to just made the discovery that “ somehow or the other people are very the old house, and up in the rafters will find 75 dollars in a buckskin bag, much in love with the mysterious and the supernatural.” Indeed! which she wants tho sisters of charity to have to provide for my little How very naughty ! These prying people who would persistently un twin brothers.” All this got noised about, and the people flocked to the veil the “ mysterious,” have been an incessant plague in the world. house in great numbers, and so annoyed the family that we had to They have always been upsetting the established order of things by new forbid them the house. “ One day, while Elder Pratt was at the house plans and improvements, of which every province in social life A u g u st 16, 1872. THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK. 315 particles of matter, should be expected to be photographed exactly friends at that time visiting the family. Mrs, Bennett wa3 a firm under the same conditions as a human being. What do we know yet believer, but Mr. Bennett was very sceptical on the subject of epirit of the artificial conditions which the spirits are necessitated to produce phenomena, and as an offset to Mrs. Bennett and myself, he invited and observe in order to bring out their photographs on our plates? Prof. ILdler, tho celebrated magician, who was at that time giving In corroboration of these views I beg to refer to an excellent letter exhibitions in New York City, and pretending to expose Spiritualism. i : Mr. Champernownc 5 in last number ot the Medium, wherein he So confident were Mr. Bennett and Prof. Haller of making an expose gives an account of some most interesting experiments at Mr. Russell's of me, that they were quite elated and very jubilant over tbaxr prospect c.udio, Kingston-on-Thames, distinctly stating that in No. -1 ot the of an easy victory and a good joke on Mrs. Bennett and myself. I invited Mr. iiennett and his friends to form a circle. He declined. series in which Mr. Herne sat, the plate used, which was under test conditions, came out of the ordeal not only with a well-defined spirit- Did not believe in circles or anything of the sort. I then invited him figura upon it, but with all appearance of double exposure, though ! t >m into the room alone with me, while the rest of the party guarded the doors and windows. Mr. Bennett then went into the room alone none had been possible.—Yours faithfully, C, with me, he holding on to both of ray hands firmly. We were no August 12, 1S72. P.S.—I have again examined attentively Mr. Rippon'.s narrative of i sooner seated than ho was touched by spirit-hands—his face slapped, his experiments with the photographer, Mr. Henderson, according to the j hairpulled, and the iron ringwbicii lie was holding down on the table with latter’s request, recently, and at present I am inclined to account for his his elbows was put on his arm. The friends outside in the ad joining room so-called shams by considering then genuine spirit-photos. I observe clapped their hands and cried, “ Give it to him, *Dick pull bis hair, good that Kippon states Mr. Henderson was much excited, and trembled j *Rosa.1" Mr. Bennett called for a light, and wanted m • to get one. I almost on going into the dark room. It would be satisfactory to firmly declined to let go his bands, but requested him to go with me to know how both parties account for that trepidation. I believe it was the door and ask the friends to get one for us, which was done, when produced by the spirits present, and that Mr. Henderson may be Mr, Bennett related his experience to his friends, just as eve.-vthing attributing to psychic force what is done by bond fide spirits. No ! occurred, and expressed himself satisfied for that night. Mr. Bennett doubt all mystery as to the so-called sham photographs will soon be observing that Prof. Haller looked rather astonished and incredulous cleared up conclusively by the results of experiments which have com- 1about the matter, told him to investigate the phenomena for himself. menced in various quarters. C. i Mrs. Bennett was highly delighted at Mr. Bennett’s discomfiture, and urged Haller to try his hand with the spirits. Prof. Haller finally con sented to sit alone with me ; everything being arranged a3 before, and I HE DEVELOPMENT OF MRS. JENNIE FERRIS HOLMES to the entire satisfaction of all present. The manifestations instantly commenced on taking our seats, and Prof. Haller wa3 treated in the same AS A MEDIUM. as Mr. Bennett, only more so. Prof. Haller made quite a little Some very amusing (but annoying to me) incident s occurred during my manner speech to party assembled, and admitted that he could do many early development. Business would at times take me to the stores, and wonderful the things which were very deceptive to the senses of sight and while on my way through the streets of Toledo, I wa3 in the habit of meet hearing ; but with his hands held he could do absolutely nothing. Ha ing bands of Indians carrying great baskets filled with every description 1expressed himself satisfied of the presence of spirit-power while getting of bead-work made by themselves, and brought into the cities to sell. 1the ring test, as he held both the medium’s hands firmly, also holding As soon as I got near them little “ Rosa " would control me in spite of both of her feet and knees between his own, aDd at the same time wa3 myself, and enter into conversation with them in the Chippawa repeatedly touched by hands, some large and small, and three and four language, pull out my purse, and proceed to buy whatever took her at a time. Seances were held nightly. Mr. Bennett being in attendance fancy. Large crowds of people would gather around us and stare with each time. He also received many private communications—a full and wor.-ier. If some of my friends did not happen to come along, ‘-Rosa” • lengthy account of which was written by himself, and published in the would load herself with nick-nacks to the extent of my purse. Some Herald at that time. times Mr. Breed. Mr. Ketchum, or some of the friends would see me My visit to Mrs. Bennett’s I consider one of the most pleasant I ever in the midst of the Indians, and interfere, and tell “ Rosa ” she must made to a private party while professionally engaged. Shortly after not spend her medium's money in that way. “ Rosa " would assert her this I held seances for the benefit of the poor of New Y'ork. Mrs. rights and stoutly maintain that she was master of the situation, under- Bennett furnished carriages, and with the proceeds of my labours, st >od perfectly what sue was doing, and that her medium had nothing to Tisited the alleys and by-ways, where wretchedness is to be found in it3 do with the matter. The Indians, of course, taking sides with her and worst form. The terrible sights that met me at every turn can never be ardnst ail interference, it was difficult to get her to leave, and when she effaced from my memory. We found emaciated creatures who once had u:d 1 would find myself the "observed of all observers.'" To avoid such beautiful to look upon, who had been brought up in luxury and scenes afterwards I would dodge in some store whenever I saw any been who had been petted and idolised by fond parents, but the demon Indians coming, and screen myself, and request the proprietor not to j plenty, with his luring smiles and honeyed words, and the innocent fly let me go out if “ Rosa ” did control me: but to this day I am afraid ! came was caught in the spider’s web. The transit from her father’s mansion, of her when out shopping and happen in where I see anything that j where all her happy young days had been spent, where her every wish would please her fancy. been gratified, to the wretched hovel, the pallet of straw, the last Soon after the above incident happened, I made a visit to Jackson, >had of food, and finally a pauper's death, is simply the old story, too Michigan, and while out visiting with some ladies we passed a tamraek ; morsel well known and understood by the world. Let those who doubt but swamp. I remarked I should like to get a piece of gum from a particular ;: look around ; you will not go far, or look in vain, “ Ye have them with tree that grew in the swamp. One of the ladies replied that it was ye always.” We are scoffed at by the theologist because we do not impossible to go in the swamp, as one would be sure of getting mired. 1 establish a creed. I maintain we have one far more beautiful and Little “ Rosa,” however, was on hand and controlled me, and before j they could prevent her, had me in the swamp gathering gum and roots. sublime than ever acknowledged by any sect or orthodox theory, and it Ice ladies looked around for help, expecting every moment to see me is simply one word—C h a r i t y , the very foundation of the Christ sink to my waist in the bog. “ Rosa,” after getting what she wanted, ; principle. brought me out without even soiling my dress. She gave each of the i During my stay in New York at that time, I gave many cabinet .aiies a piece of gum, and rolling a root up in my handkerchief, and seances at the Cooper's Institute, under the management of Dr. placing it in my pocket, told the ladies not to tell her medium what she Fitzgibbon. One night the hall was filled to overflowing, and we did uui done. She then left me, and we proceeded on our walk; but not get a single manifestation. The spirits, for some cause best known suddenly I was again entranced and taken to the house of a lady who i to themselves, would not do a single thing—not even rap. I was had lost the use of both bands from disease. “ Rosa” went into the house, terribly annoyed and expected to be mobbed, but the Doctor spoke to the and taking the lady by both hands, commenced rubbing them with the audience and quieted them, and invited everyone to come the next even toot that she had put in my pocket. When I am in the trance my eye3 ing, which they did, and we found it impossible to accommodate one half are partially closed. The lady supposing me some girl from “ Rosa's” that tried to get in. That night the manifestations were perfectly talk, asked me how I became blind. “ Rosa” said her squaw was not furious. The sceptic element that had been so delighted on the evening blind, and kept up a vigorous rubbing of the hands, and, to the ladv's previous went away more confounded than ever. The result of our in New York was an organisation of a Progressive Society and a utter astonishment, she began to feel the use of her hands again. labours "Rosa” left me right there ; I asked where I was, and where mv com Lyceum. The same results were obtained in Brooklyn, where I after went, and held many private as well as public seances. YYe went pany had gone. The lady looked bewildered, and replied that I must wards be one of those persons that the spirits control, of whom she had heard to Philadelphia from New York, where I met Emma Hardinge, who was b.t never seen. Not knowing the way home, the lady’s husband took doing a noble work from the platform. She lectured and I held ice to my friends’ in a buggy, who were rejoiced at my safe return. I seances alternately for the benefit of the poor. While delivering one afterwards learned that the lady whose hands I cured was Mrs. Ellis, of her inspired lectures she described how the ring test was done at my seances. wife of Cap:. Ellis, Chief of Police, of Jackson. (To be continued.) Incidents like the above tended to wake up the people of all classes to the great truth of Epirit phenomena. I was much sought after, and In weiting of the progress of Spiritualism in the Netherlands, M. subjected to great annoyance and inconvenience from parties who were anxious to see and know everything appertaining to my mediumship in Riko, of the Hague, observes: “ Since Mr. Homes t : s : : to Holland the a moment. Had I been my own free agent, I should have refused to study of Spiritualism has steadily continued, and at this moment a hare gone any further in the matter. But I was destined to do a great club exists at the Hague named " Oromase,” and one at Amsterdam work in the cause of human progress, and almost ere I could realise named “ Veritas.” The most extraordinary results in Mediumship have too fact, I found myself the general topic of conversation in every been obtained, whereof you shall have particulars for publication soon.’’ family far and near. The press of the day took up the subject, and the M. Riko is engaged in the publication of a series of popular works Lappings at Rochester, which bad set the minds of the people in the embodying the history of Spiritualism, its facts and objections met, and eastern and middle states to work on thi3 new and startling theme, spread rules for the formation of circles. Me s . Be r e t , we are happy to hear, is fast recovering from her late like wildfire through the western states, where to-day millions of firm, undaunted believers are to be found, and the watchword is ever “ Upward severe and prolonged illness. We do hope and trust she will soon be and onward” Invitations poured in on me, and I soon had plenty to do; well enough to come once again among us. We have informed her of cr.d from that time to this—twelve years ago—I have never known what the many kind inquiries that have been made at this office respecting !t wa* to be idle. From Maine to' California, associations of Progres her, and the deep sympathy that has been expressed towards her. She sive Spiritualists will be found in nearly every city and village. At begs us to return to’those who have taken this trouble her most grateful every fireside the evening circle has become a part of the routine of . thanks. everyday life. Oce f r i e n d s of Hagg’s Lane, Wakefield, inform us that they intend During the winter of 18C5, and while travelling through New Y'ork having a pie-nic on August 31, at Ossett Spay, to commence at three Date, I received an invitation from Mrs. James Gordon Bennett to 1p.m. Friends are cordially invited to be present. make a visit to her country home at Washington Heights, on the Hudson, ! T h e Surrey Comet reprints a considerable portion of Mr. Champerfor the purpose of holding seances for the benefit of herself and a few ; nowne’s letter from our last week's issue. A u g u s t 23, 1872. THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK, 323 Sun, the soul of Nature and King of Oh nipus that was intended liberator P He whom St. John speaks of as light and life ; the to be honoured under this emblem. lie hud tho pastoral sceptre . light that shines on the eyes ot every mortal. Under what form and the flute with seven pipes—two symbols, one of the power ' does he triumph over the frightful serpent? Under that of the which this star exercises over Nature, and the other of the univer Ltuub; that is to sny, under the form ol the animal of tho Zodiac sal harmony of which he is the chief lie wore on his head the where the Sun arrives at his exaltation and achieves his triumph, Phrygian cap, sown with stars symbol of the celestial vault in and in which this star finds himself again on the 25th of March. which he circulates. Uo received the name of Atta or of l'apa, j The epoch of time, the astronomic forms, are absolutely the same which both convey the meaning ot Father, a title of honour for ('hrist as for the Sun, both being repairers or restorers of Nature which, like that of Ford, was given amongst all nations to the : and the natural evils of the Winter season. Why seek for spiritu Divinity and to the Sun, King and Father of Nature. It was the ality when everything is physical, and distinguish Christ from the title of Jupiter amongst the liythiniens, who called him Atta and Sun when it is known that both one ami the other hear in ancient l’oppa, as the Scythians called him l ’oppoms. The best-known : theology the name of mil// So)i of God, as we read in Plato P Like legend in regard to Atys says that I'ybele, as before stated, Christ, the Sun was mourned for; and ceremonies of mourning became amorous of the young man, and that lie refused the assumed for the occasion of this pretended death, preceded, as in the solicitations of the Goddess, and found no other means of repress religion o ff’hrist, by some days, the joy of his triumph celebrated ing her desires and eseaping from her pursuit than by injuring at the Hilaries or on the 25th of March. For Macrobius expressly hitusell in the same manner as the wild boar injured Adonis, in ! mentions “ that the celebration of the 1lilaries was preceded by some ratting oil' from his body that part which his lover desired. This j days of mourning, during which people feigned to weep for the last version constitutes the foundation of the explanation of the , unfortunate catastrophe of tho God whose triumph they were about mysteries of Atys and of Oybele by the Emperor Julian: it is ! to sing.” lie adds, that ‘“the same theological idea constitutes the also that which Julius Finnic us adopts. Tho last writer adds J basis of the celebrations of mourning and of jov of all the relirions that the Phrygians, wishing to perpetuate the remembrance of the | whose worship is addressed to the Sun: such as those of Osiris, grief'which tho (.Faldos- telt at seeing herself despised, established Adonis, Ilorus," Ac. Such is that of Christ. In the same manner ceremonials of annual mourning : and that in order to console tho ' as Christians suppose Christ to have died suspended on the cross, grief of the Goddess, after having given burial to her lover they the worshippers of Atys represented him in his Passion attached sing his resurrection and build temples in his honour. The same to a tree, or by a young man tied to a tree which was cut with due ceremony. ceremonies are renewed every year. In the same manner as, in the first centuries of the Church, Pamaseius, in the history of the mother of the Gods and of her lover, whom he names Esmun and Eseulapius, has adopted also Christians called to mind the mystery of the Passion of Christ bv the hist tradition. In it the Goddess recalls her lover to life by the wood on which lie was supposed to have died, and at the foot restoring his warmth. He has preserved concerning the lover of of which was the slain lamb that represented liim, so also the Cvbele a characteristic fact which is common to him with the worshipper's of Atys placed the equinoctial Lamb or Earn at the Sun and with Christ. lie says that he lighted a great light in foot of the tree which was cut in the middle of the night, in the midst of darkness. This also is what is said of Christ by the which the mystery of his sufferings was celebrated. prophet Isaiah. "The people who walked in darkness have seen a {To be continued in an early yumber.) great light." This passage of the Jewish prophet has always been i regarded as a prophecy of the birth of Christ. J ulius Firtnicus admits that the Pagans referred all this adven- j THE DEVELOPMENT OP MBS. JENNIE FLUFFS HOLMES ture to physical causes, and gave explanations of it drawn from 1 AS A MEDIUM. Nature. lie disputes them: and in fact those that he repeats i During the last four years I have been professionally engaged in New are not admirable : bur bad explanations do not destroy the force of true ones, and even by these it remains verified that it had not Orleans, La, U.S.A. I went there a perfect stranger, and found but been forgotten that good reasons were to be sought for in physics—a very few Spiritualists, and that few very despondent. I left there last plan which we follow in this work. St. Athanasius, in speaking May, when the Society of Spiritualists, under the presidency' of Hon. A. of this table and of other monstrous adventures of the Gods, : Alexander (who was made a Spiritualist at my seances), numbered nearly members. During the latter part of July, 1870, I was located at acknowledges also that the most learned people amongst the jI 3,000 190, Buronne Street, where an event happened to me that caused Pagans justified these apparent absurdities in maintaining that No. considerable emotion throughout the city, and gave a new impetus to thev were but allegories relating to the Sun, to the Stars, and to our cause, instigating; many to investigate who bad hitherto held Nature. St. Augustine also agrees that, according to Yarro, all aloof. One evening while engaged at my toilet, preparatory to the these fictions referred to the order of .the world. Among the seance, a scene came up before me in my normal state, that for the different physical explanations which the ancients have left us of moment quite startled me, but soon passed out of my mind, as many the fable of Atys, the only true one is that of Macrobius, who others of like import had on previous occasions. The second evening ranks it in the class of resurrections, of Osiris, Horns, Adonis, the scene came again, but in a more convincing and startling manner. Ac., and refers it altogether to the march of the Sun in the Zodiac, The apparition appeared for the third time. I saw a sick girl, whose according as by his departure or approach he abandons the earth pitiable situation excited my compassion; the room in which she to mourning and sterility, or restores to. it in due course its stayed, its furniture, the exact likeness of the inmates, and the ap fruitful force, as well as to the day its preponderance over the pearance of the house; the threatening manner of the old hag who nights. This learned author tells us that all these religious cere seemed to have charge of the poor miserable creature, who was pleading monies in which mourning and joy succeeded each other alter for mercy, and begging to be sent to the hospital. The fiendish-looking standing over the trembling girl, told her "if she did not natively had for their subject the departure of the Sun and his oldjwoman, that night, she would find a way to make her: she did not intend to return towards our latitudes, and he fixes the famous celebration die be bothered with her any longer.” of this return at the same day on which primitive Christians had So forcible an impression did it make upon my mind that I called in fixed their Easter-day, on the 25th of .March, at three months : several of my lady friends, and staled to them that this vision had ap distance, day for day, from the epoch of the birth of the Sun and peared to me on three separate occasions. I told them that this girl of that of Christ, happening on the 25th of December. It is at i appeared to me in an attitude so beseeching that my sympathies were this date, 8 ant. leal. April, that the ancient calendars fix the ! excited beyond restraint. Looking at her and her surroundings atten commencement of Spring. It is on this same day that tho tively, I perceived that the woman having the girl in charge was actually Hilaries, or joyful festivities for the resurrection of the Sun and engaged in making grave clothes, while yet the patient lived : also that the increase of light and heat, were fixed in the same calendar i she had prepared a bath in which, even before life was extinct, she was where we find the natalis inricti Soli* placed at 8 ant. kal. Januar. I to be immersed preparatory for the tomb. Interested at this information, Thus the birth of Christ absolutely follows that of the Sun and the ladies determined to visit the house and make inquiries. The resi was so accurately described by me that it was impossible to miss that of Nature. He is born and triumphs at the same epochs dence i t : and on arriving there, they inquired if a sick lady occupied one of the of the year at which were celebrated the birth and triumph of the rooms of the honse. They were answered in the affirmative : and on being God Sun, of that Sun who had been represented as a young child shown to the apartment, found everything as I had described it, and the at the Winter solstice and as a vigorous young hero in the Spring. old hag actually standing over the girl, gesticulating and repeating the The celebration of Easter, which we bold the same day oil which very words I bad heard in the vision, the information being correct in the ancients held the Hilaries in memory of the triumph of Light or every particular. The girl was there, sick, wretched, and apparently of the Prince of Light over the Prince of Darkness, is the most gay dying ; and in the samp room was the woman engaged in making her of all our festivals. All its songs arc consecrated to joy: Alleluia 1shroud. Of course, such a condition of things could not lie tolerated. is a cry of joy. and this cry is repeated incessantly. The choristers They at once informed the police, and steps were immediately taken to then sing. "This is the day that tho Lord hath made; let us re have the girl conveyed to the Charity Hospital. The heartrending story joice," Ac.: Heee dies, Ac. The name of the Lamb is incessantly of her iliglit from home and parents, and finally her ruin and present repeated ; his nuptials are spoken o f: young men and young women sickening condition, was learned from her own lips. The New Orleans T i c k a y u n e of that date gave a full and detailed are invited to sing the King of Heaven, conqueror of the shades of night, who now enters into bis glory: O Jilii et Jiliee, Ac. The ; account of the whole a f f a i r , closing with the following paragraph:—“ Whatever may be said of mediums in the abstract, Mrs. Ferris priests are clothed in white, the favourite colour of tho God of illustrated in* this instance a kindly Christian charity which has Light, and which contrasts with the mournful colours which had has a human being from death, and built up in her heart a longing been worn on the day of the death of the God, whose return to rescued for a purer life, which if it does no more, will cherish at least this single the reign of light is then celebrated. The priests multiply tapers; I virtue.” the temples are brilliant with new fires: in short, everything ex Afterwards I made frequent visits to the hospital to see the girl; and presses the joy of a triumph. And why is this triumph of the as she grew stronger and realised that she had really escaped from her Hilaries ? “ Because," says Macrobius, ‘‘at this time of tho year | tormentors, and was safe from further persecution, she related to me tho the Sun assures to the day a preponderance over the night." Whut ; story of her ruin, with all the details up to the time of her rescue. do we celebrate ourselves ? the defeat of the Prince of Darkness Suffice it to say that it was the oft-repeated tale of man’s inhumanity to and of the Serpent who had introduced evil into the world, and woman. the glory of God who transports us into the reign at' light. The Facts are stubborn things, and incidents like the above tended in a reader can see that it is absolutely the same thing. \V ho is this great measure to awaken a feeling of inquiry into our beautiful phiio- t h e m e d iu m a n d •cp'.v ; arc. !"r.Twe.Tf brought to the realisation of the truth of spiritpber jm e'a.: The blessed assurance that. \n all wo.-Is of this nature, the angels of heaven are ever present to cheer, to counsel, to strengthen, to purify, and to save.' c > pw to the close of the late wan between the States. I was k v.tt-.v ,T o led o . O l;;a Aeertain well-knowv. Colonel Lawson. o: one o-'to.e Wes !—. vents, o.-.tac to my seance one ever.mg lie s'. .; tie did - - believe •:> t .-. »ret-no of so nor never asoected to. unless ue grt s • • • • - -n t -e way of u tost, so as to pi on ti e tatter beyond a d a y b r e a k . A ugust 2 3 ' *!0 12 ____ Euclid and deny the pow er o f the lever because centuries ngo. The suite rules cr.it apply to natural Ue' : w . , V .' - i. j to this : take what is true and usefu., no i:-i obtained, and let the superstitions go with the f .1 ^ Swedenborg soys : it when f .....ts ccntnui :A . ? f. they can only do s? from the minds or me". :rv <; '; - tt:. means living mer.A It ae look at the nature f c v ..... .. rat ' i s by a", u : "1 . S ? -i? s '? a W es - ! from a halocn, and no eve living knew where,; many si cations assumed to designate the place, hut all were found (ahe W -x oU!'.d, M'a I c ; ki C‘ wa s ! .. i wore o ~ oo*. > :» ; »1 ’ :* You will find, if vou invertigale, that alt stories wh spirits -.bout the location of mines, buried treasure-, j,-,,. » v..- i ' . w?: ! - . : : - ire .ioc.d. .1- - V. . . i:.i“ v we*..-?. i:"i:?vt ! : . " r ii" .: •" w v• s ............... —T .. : ' 1.' . ': 1 ' ' .v « V k were known : ' yo.. c.na .. : - . ! g r ; -s. r ' ’ ! s:v e ;.v - ;! : I N T I AN'S. •lr.au: the I serve: trv to ____ 1 .. ... i. • ;• 'r.srs s ' "t ' r t. W . . | . . spark from an accidental thunder-doud. T .is .concerning it, so we are now able to make, pro.. k tha: proper, we ,-b. recte; res? !."c.t " ... ?n.,f.; s . means of communication between the two worlds, so that we a n a X V r». g ,1 t .c* -V.il. . r O' .». -U: .< cs-.'-i '.;. : .-. • . . . .•-*•» -n tu g p a p e r, ju s : received frono. New T o r s by toe cor.tnit s so ta tr.v in:c.-e.»::r g ex-olara*.:,'-'.!* o: cos or. re r e n t s .! . t oo.t i oh. eve von w i.. o . s o.-or i t w e d w o rto : !.. v. s . r g 1 he oo.to.or o: it has been, p leased to e r.r.t.e t: A bout oh. for to.? benefit o f a ro o d n u m b e r o f in v e stig a to rs tn »t wit 'so s ru -it-g u id is o.o? In d ia n s . 1 h o p e y o u w i.. p re: the a rtic le m eets w ith a v o u r a m o n g st y o u r ren d ers. 1 n d ia n s tooon th e soon? le rt .? ,o vou w'.tu m o re " A v o n . Ilim H. E. T. Z-onu'o-'. A m ust l o t i , IbT-h I r a s St?..— - L o n g , lo n g ag o ." I m ade u p m y m in d th a t th e p u eno'iieo..!-i co'oo.noon.v 0.1 -. v. - S oirttunuisiu, is ju s t ex act.y w0 at pu v ,-ts t ' be, —th e w o rk o f w hat w as once a h u m a n b e tr g .tv t r g upon " in w li-ch h u m a n b ein g s liv e utter t h e t r n t e in suite bios en.Ied. 1 have come cvvae to this conclusion from knowledge derived from two sources —:i st. the evidence of many people ot undoubted veracity; second. from the evidence of mv own. senses at times when I have ceer. in. ..s te r ect possession of them as at any other times in my w.ioie life. 1 have a. : :ui p .. en. ogv.'.r. a:.0. agatti—not only in tn? evening, but in of t- davhght; not only at the rooms ot mediums where some m ithlf.eVv vo. co t possible have been so ingeniously arranged th i: I could not discover it. hut n my own house, where I o:o there was none. A v other fact. except one relating to to? acuity o: to? sp irts ot too dto.d would bo considered amply proven on less p sr.tve evidence tha-. there is of this: and any jury would convict a man of umrder—and have often done so—on much less positive evidence. The day is past when anv man of sound reason, who will take too trouble to invest gate to a moderate extent, can rationally deny its truth. Smiting w.th ;..ts? prem se-, or waiea 1 am sure .. a. y. ——.v? .....: evidence enough to admit, let us ask concerning it. <, us cws?.- Now. if there is anv truth in Swedenborg's statements, and I ttuni a carstu. st. dv will convince us there is much, or if we can draw correct infer ences from our experience, we cannot escape from the conclusion “ tin t dead men are no better than living ones;" that men truthful in this life wh.l be truthful in th a t; or. in the words of the New Testament. -H e that is unjust, let him be unjust still," &.\ (see last chap. KeveL r:C".-’. i d those tuat were untruthful in this life will he tn? same in th? future. Death does not change the character of man. but simply stri-is on bus masks and compels him to stand forth as he is. and he bee ? after dec.; v the image ot his own character. >\v.v. re s ......g me:-; . .s.'we must conclude that if we receive a eoratrm."' t . . froni the spirit of one whom we have known in. this Lite to be truthful and reliable, we may depend upon what such a spirit tells us beco11 :> tieo ss.my for us to devise a means of knowing that the spirits le s s m.ply a-. . occur.:' of pus: sp-r::-oc:r.::v. tv.cinons. vra is itfeou! doubt a truthful one. When it is stripped ot tise colouring and • slat • -s. t.-e..work of bigoted to, sustaiu their -r*- theologians erronfouj Li»—--------<hed errors, it will show clearly th a t it is a record ttie sp 1' ; • « d i:l'm .-b ;.;:- v.suptUitheatra»nsoi m en W • speciallv ordered by the Lora o- a s. cred Purpose s a ques.ion that it is not perti nt now to dnouw. The Jcp.rituaASis do ‘'^ selv e a r ' and their cause much harm by sneering at i t ; it is c -. ... !) an :'- - g ' - I'hethes.logiwsmake a great imsiavo u r>. ing . leMthon eighteen hundred years ola . a i d e Kpi i2U<ii J . act jus: as etupidl, when they rej.ct eve mi ! tarinlj th... ;. ... : Id. We Might as well throw away the problems ot wen w do electricity. Scir-'ts cannot oretel: future events any bet: • car. : or.a j.ic.se o: re-u.ts . ie.y t ' tc.tcw -c v. . . .. s: s .. tell v-luit is tc.vh'.ble. Tor esan pie, s . v -e r.-.“;sl T .-' If you knew that fact, you e ld —. k? a safe re: u: - -? r? a r se 'v. E*i?. Son'? " ch.t eu.l tr s v . res- c h ! ? v'.'.v Slav around Drew a~d Nanc.rrr?.: arc. . v - that they are go t r ; to " ru.l r. av.r. ; • go to v. prophesy a rise in E rie: and : tree w o do • o: - .-s r. n<.« s..ru.ee. seeing Ev ? go up as foretold, 'm id r: ..cue that so -.:s. prophesy and foretell truly. T. c snirus iiiav be of ntucli s: •' :ce to us — utany w.-ys. ry i s : e:r *IIO?’ 1‘ ot .'.C ro-.\-.E< ot* m C..' M''. , wo :0 ,iV who vx 11 Se o '* IV w ho Le i ve boo:' o: o:*oe iu. a r !e i t w I hnve r o d o t :b. ".ituunicatton. either by o. soovery cr cyan, ace . u ?b service to us. I have a co'up.e c: t u i i c u u treat service to tv.e : the only trv'ur.; is. i le get hold of the mod am :o c-cnttu..tv cc.t; * A • -; it tuat vou are in tv? same r.x. iu.e sv .* ‘ ±~ • is the worldof causes: tv s ts iv? we-’.d o: ev. vs : r . t learn o r do oo:v-'s to us '.-one. tv.e world o' sp "ts. su e. . . "e -• but tl ;t !s given bv sp:-"s . but the v.'.ost , : v s g Te ry " r • in a wav that we are not ootisotc. s o: In : tvo-.—sc !' we get who.: is of value. Frank, tv es.td no: .vnsc v..s !c m ach in e vo m e. b u t he said a f te r i: vtac. been ru .: tv a: cs . th e :de.vs. S p irits av? p re v e n trd f -'v.t g c .v g rrem tve r solo. s'.v. but w hen th e y c o w . .. ....te oovso'.ous.v m an 's m em o ry . W h e n they :? .. us tu.vt tu ey « .. g -s y ! in v en tio n , it w ill n e v e r com e : b u t b y -an a-b y e w e s.uvl. -- ' o,!.1 tr v to c o n triv e it ourselves, arc. su .il. gv. :t A>' nsn ; - \ . s p irits have k e p t t e r p ro m ise, on ly we o..c. no: see . . d o in g i t : in. s h o rt, th e v give th e in ventio n .— us . is. cun - '' n o t as th e v os* nor o.'t.'.'iot-s. v. _ . r. Kead toe above carefully when, you have time, to ' - j ,. and continue your invest 'gation.s. Keep the above ;" jl.l, - ? they will do no barm. I think your experience w... tr. . ....... you of their truth. ^ ...4 Afs. Jose'. ".; Oo.vy.>, of Hvdc. n a » i.; written i; e- -• 0 csi-.tr. s\vs:—“ 1 think ;t requires ro very great c.oc.u mental ph.ilosx'phy to 'perceive tv at a reset " p - - ?".v essential :r the d e v e lo e n .t ot nun.w.'. tsev.g.':. as uh\ u > .r. .: r.n.pc-.'s .. existence of natural phenomei a; tnaevv.. s.r. :h -' a I". 0 .: r re A this belief in the s'uperr.atursil s' .. t v -*• >'* v A 'h ..... bus's of ail our theoh>gy. Ore W;* h,i>e r o*o :.' . r ai d very different causes, but urd.or^t.ir.vi ! • ! !‘ S Soiritualtsiu. as we have seen it >r :ho to our f ith as to our ohservation. tor v.e !«u..y : : i v!, are has»vl. It b-n.gs before us a series o. p ' ' upt'aren.tlv at variance with natural . . ppsen.ouiena are g-. idiM by m-rll g-'uoe. It j v y« VS coil k".'w:i forces cou.nectiv. '* : 0 . .'.A."-' -' w h .ch we a re at p re s e n t un.aoquasnuv.. an .t are only observed by us m the presence o or K '-s’t'v e tcu.ijH'rumen's who •' .' j j , .. s’cmd in .i similar relation, to sp'r.tua. nsr y; _ mariners' comn!>s*. or the electric wire to !s ' • - , t aw.iv I.'om the o-.e. or . 'o " >,, x^• » r • K‘-> la-* c «uc . \ e^ , 1-1 > '.o ra .
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