S un-Advertiser CASH FOR GOLD, SILVER & PLATINUM • • Top dollar cash for broken & used jewelry, dental gold, silver Local trusted professional for 25 years CALL CHARLIE GOODSON 281-796-0368 Alvin Since 1890, the Alvin-Manvel Area’s Family Newspaper ... Home of Melinda Burke Visit our website at http://alvinsun.net VOLUME ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE, NUMBER 19 It's that time of year again, on March 7 before going to bed, set those clocks an hour ahead Alzheimer's Caregiver Conference and Resource Fair last week in the Alvin Senior Center. The event featured speakers and tables filled with information for those attending. In the photo below, Andrea Wirt, a nurse from UTMB, was one of the speakers at the gathering. (Staff photos by David Money Convention addresses Alzheimer's concerns By David Money Staff Writer Andrea Wirt, a registered nurse and gerontological nurse practitioner, shared the latest information on dementias in a Power Point presentation with those attending the Alzheimer’s Caregiver Conference and Resource Fair on Feb. 27 in the Alvin Senior Center. Alzheimer’s is by far the Plenty of fun, activities to be found at Senior Center By David Money Staff Writer If you are 50 or older and sitting around saying there is nothing to do, then the folks at the Alvin Senior Center have news for you. “We are always doing new and extremely exciting things here,” said Marla Grigsby who manages the center. Just last Friday a group from the Alvin area traveled over to Sam Houston Race Park to enjoy Cirque de Soleil’s presentation of “Amaluna.” On March 12 there is a trip to Danbury planned for a lunch get-together at the Main Street Steakhouse in Danbury. Then on March 20 a group will meet at the center then head on over to Beaumont to tour the grand old McFaddin-Ward Mansion. With St. Patrick’s Day coming up the center will be putting on the green and spreading just a wee bit of malarkey at a holiday lunch in the center that starts at 11 a.m. There will be a theater trip March 27 to see “Dixie Swim Club” as performed by the Clear Creek Community Theater, and on March 11 there will be a seminar presented by area Realtor Teresa Bitner on decluttering one’s surroundings. Grigsby said she gets her ideas on things to do from many sources. “We have the suggestion box and I go though those suggestions. I use ‘Visit Houston’ so See Center, Page 2 50¢ WEEKEND EDITION, MARCH 8, 2015 $56.09 in Savings With National Coupons Inside Today’s Paper! most common of the dementias, she said, but there are others such as vascular dementia, lewy body dementia and fronto-temporal dementia. Dementia is characterized by memory loss and at least one other cognitive problem such as language difficulty or poor judgment, hallucinations, compulsive behaviors and loss of social graces, she See Alzheimer's, Page 2 Filing over for city, school board elections By David Money Staff Writer The Alvin Independent School District will have one new member, and two current placeholders will keep their seats without having to face voters in the May election. Filing to run in school and city contests ended Feb. 27. “The opportunity to serve the community and the school district as a school board trustee for the past three years has been an honor,” said Cheryl Harris, who will start her second, three-year term on the Place 3 seat in May. “I always want to see the election process work, and voters have a choice. However, I am honored that the citizens of Alvin ISD have placed their trust in me for another three years and will do all that I can to uphold that trust,” she said after the filing deadline passed with no one filing to run against her. Rejoining Harris is the current Place 2 board member Regan Metoyer who also drew no opposition to retake her position. “I am truly thankful and honored that I will be able to serve another term on the AISD board of trustees. I look forward to continuing the work that is advancing the district in a positive direction,” she said. Alvin’s Only Locally Owned & Family Operated Funeral Home Cecil McGarrah Alvin’s Only Locally Owned And Family Operated Funeral Home. SCOTT FUNERAL HOME 1421 E. Hwy. 6, Alvin 281-585-1000 10 PAGES Interior / Exterior ROOFING orm Wind St ed Inspect FREE ESTIMATES NO MONEY DOWN 281-331-4122 PAINTING • FENCING SIDING • DRYWALL • FLOORING WHITE’S LIQUOR LARGEST SELECTION IN THE ALVIN AREA DRIVE THRU WINDOW 2 MINUTES TOWARD GALVESTON ON HWY. 6 281-331-3469 ROOFING • Windstorm Certified • Licensed/ Insured Serving Alvin & Surrounding Areas Over 25 Years 281-388-0202 Dixie Roberts, Alvin city clerk, explains to candidate Russell Thatcher where his name will appear on the ballot in his race against At-large 1 incumbernt Brad Richards in the May 9 election. The city held a drawing March 2 to determine the order in which the names of candidates were to be printed on the ballot for the election. Richards was not available as he was representing the city in Austin as part of Brazoria County Day in Austin. (Staff photo by Albert Villegas) In the Place 1 race, Mike Lambert decided not to seek re-election. And Julie Pickren is the only candidate that chose to run for the Place 1 spot, so she, too, will join the board in May. “It is an honor and a privilege to serve as an Alvin ISD school board trustee. The decisions made by the Alvin ISD school board today will have a great impact on our children See Elections, Page 2 Candidate Notice: The Alvin Sun-Advertiser is accepting announcements until March 14, at 5 p.m. No late submissions will be accepted. Candidates are limited to 300 words and may submit a photo of themselves. email to: editor_sun@swbell.net or drop by or mail to: Alvin Sun, 570 Dula, Alvin, Texas 77511 Gutters and More Seamless Gutters • Commercial • Residential LIFETIME WARRANTY Located in Alvin 713-817-0546 / 281-331-7000 www.guttersandmore.net Several people arrested after thefts at area business Alvin Theft leads to male’s arrest A business located in the 400 block of South SH 35 reported a theft that occurred around 9:38 p.m. March 2. A male was arrested on a theft charge but the report didn’t explain what he was alleged to have stolen. Burglary of a motor vehicle An owner of a vehicle parked in the 2800 block of Mustang Road had belongings taken from him without his consent during an incident that occurred between 1 a.m. and 7 a.m. Feb. 28. The report didn’t explain what items were sto- len. Home burglary A home located in the 300 block of Wheeler Drive was burglarized between 7 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Feb. 27. The report didn’t explain what items were stolen. Business theft A business located in the 400 block of South SH 35 reported a theft that occurred around 4:07 p.m. Feb. 22. The report only explained that the worth of the item(s) was betweeen $50 and $500. Police Beat Theft leads to citation A business located in the 400 block of South SH 35 reported a theft that occurred around 1:39 p.m. Feb. 26. The report explains that a citation was issued to the suspect who was alledged to have stolen merchandise. The report didn’t explain what item(s) was taken. Theft leads to citation A business located in the 400 block of South SH 35 reported a theft that occurred around 11:14 a.m. Feb. 26. The report explains that a citation was issued to the suspect who was alleged to have stolen merchandise. The report didn’t explain what item(s) was taken. Theft leads to arrest A business located in the 400 block of South SH 35 reported a theft that occurred around 6:48 p.m. Feb. 25. A woman was arrested on a theft charge. The report didn’t explain what item(s) the suspect was alleged to have stolen. Business theft A business located in the 400 block of South SH 35 reported a theft that occurred around 2:52 p.m. Feb. 25. A woman was named in the incident but the report didn’t explain if she was arrested or received a citation for the alleged theft. Manvel Infraction leads to arrest A driver of a vehicle crashed into a parked car and left the scene on foot in the 20 block of Supiro Drive around 3:36 a.m. Feb. 27. The suspect was later arrested on a duty upon striking unattended vehicle charge. Today’s Devotion The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. Psalm 119:130 Page 2, Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, March 8-9, 2015 This page is recyclable Alzheimer's Continued from page 1 said. While many people can exhibit those traits in day-to-day life that doesn’t mean they are suffering from a dementia, she noted. “The problems must be sufficient to affect the daily life in an alert person. There is a decline in the social and occupational functioning or activities of daily living,” she said. Dementias are not a normal part of aging. “Alzheimer’s worsens over time and there is no cure at this time, but we do have treatments to slow it down,” she said. That treatment is a change in how the patient is cared for, she said. The old model was to try a curative approach right up to end of life, then bring in the hospice care. Now the model is a merger of the curative care and what Wirt called palliative care. “Palliative medicine is specialized medical care for people with serious illnesses. This type of care is focused on providing patients with relief from the symptoms, pain and stress of a serious illness - whatever the diagnosis,” she said. “Palliative medicine is provided by a team of doctors, nurses and other specialists who work with a patient’s other providers to give an extra layer of support. Palliative medicine is appropriate at any age and at any stage in a serious illness, and can be provided together with curative treatment.” Professionals have broken down Alzheimer’s progression into seven stages with the first two stages including normal function that graduates into mild cognitive decline that some simply attributed to aging. But if that person’s mental decline continues to the point that family and friends are noticing recurring problem then Center doctors should be called in to see if they can detect problems with the person’s memory and concentration. In the fourth stage of the disease it becomes apparent the person has the disease as there is forgetfulness of recent events and personal history and paying bills or planning a meal become impossible tasks. There are other levels of deterioration until the patient reaches the final stage, seven when the patient’s muscles grow rigid and the patient forgets how to swallow. Death is the next step. She also offered caregivers, who are often sons, daughters or spouses of those afflicted, advice on dealing with those in their care. “You must be patient with the person’s behavior. That person is not acting inappropriately on purpose,” Wirt said. Don’t get the suffered riled up, she noted. “They might think the current president is the one from 1962. We are not going to argue that,” she said. “Go where they are.” Alzheimer’s patients need to have structure. “That seems to be the most calming thing to do,” she said. Currently in Alvin, caregivers for Alzheimer’s patients can get some stress relief each month at First Presbyterian Church at 302 South Johnson Street at The Gathering Place. Caregivers can drop off loved ones with Alzheimer’s there on the second Wednesday of each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. “We really love doing this,” said Craig King, the minister of the church. He added that two more gathering places will soon be open in Alvin with one at the First Christian Church and the other hosted by Alvin Lutheran Church. Continued from page 1 when anything is new I get an alert. And I keep track of all the festivals and bazaars in the area,” she said. She also likes to keep track of odd holidays that occur throughout the year. “Each month I try to something to celebrate a quirky holiday. Like we have had crazy hat day and share a hug day at the center. Where everybody came in and hugged,” she said. This month she plans to celebrate National Plant a Flower Day on the 12th starting at 9 a.m. Next month on the 22nd people can drop by the center to have jelly beans in celebration of National Jelly Bean Day. Every two months the center prints its newsletter that is filled with helpful hints and calendars of events. There is also a listing of groups that are always looking for new members to join. Some of those groups are Retired School Employees, Garden Club, Daytimers and quilting clubs. There are also groups that gather at the center to play bridge. For more information on the center’s upcoming events, call 281-388-4367. The center is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Check us out on the web: alvinsun.net The Alvin Sun Published on Mondays SUN-ADVE RTISE R Published on Sundays The Alvin ADVERTISER Published on Wednesdays JIM SCHWIND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Editor & Publisher DONNA HOPKINS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office Manager BETTY CRAWFORD . . . . . Classified Advertising Manager DAVID MONEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor STEPHEN COLLINS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor BRENDA GROVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising DARLENE HALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising LINDA KNIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Composing Supervisor ALBERT VILLEGAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Staff Reporter SHERI SAENZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typesetter POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to The Alvin Sun & Advertiser, 570 Dula Street, Alvin, Texas 77511 Periodicals Postage Paid at Alvin, TX 570 Dula Street, Alvin, Texas 77511 • (281) 331-4421 This page contains opinions and comments. Editorials express The Alvin Sun-Advertiser viewpoints. Other items which appear are expressions of those whose name appear, and may or may not reflect The Alvin Sun-Advertiser opinions. Comments on subjects of general public interest from readers are accepted. All letters must be signed, home address and phone number given and conform to published standards limiting in length to 500 words, be in good taste and good reason. Please, not more than 500 words. All letters will be subject to editing in content and length. The use or republication of any material of The Alvin Sun-Advertiser is strictly prohibited without the express consent of the management. 2013 Periodical for Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun is #16340. Permit for Alvin Advertiser is #54. Fish dinners are being served by the Alvin-Manvel Knights of Columbus at K.C. Hall on Highway 6 every Friday in March. All-you-can-eat U.S. farm-raised catfish, corn on the cob, green beans, slaw and hushpuppies for $9. Carry-outs available. For more information, call 281-585-1501. BASF Planetarium Full Dome and Live Narration will present “Exploring the Milky Way” plus “Tonight’s Sky – What’s over your house tonight” at 7 p.m., Tuesdays in March, and Friday, March 20. Admission is adults $5 and child/student $3. Brazosport Astronomy Club will meet at 7:45 p.m., Tuesday, March 17 at the BASF Planetarium. Open to the public. For more information, call 979265-7661. Messier Marathon will begin at 7:45 p.m., Friday, March 20 after the Planetarium show. View deep sky objects through telescopes in the Planetarium parking lot. Will be cancelled if cloudy. Alvin High School Jacket Kolor Me Krazy 5-K fun run will be held Saturday, March 7. Fun Run check-in is at 7 a.m., 1K at 8:30 a.m., 5K at 9 a.m.. Participants will get showered with Hippie Powder at color points as they run, walk or boogie though the AHS campus. Visit the AHS Website for more information and to register. Keep Alvin Beautiful is seeking new members. The next meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m., March 9 in the first floor Conference Room at Alvin City Hall. Beginning in April, meetings will resume at 5:30 p.m., the first Monday of the month. Members of the Thelma Ley Anderson Family YMCA will continue viewing a writing course on DVD at their next meeting at 7 p.m., Wednesday, March 11 in Alvin. Writing Great Fiction: Storytelling Tips and Techniques, is free and open to anyone interested in writing. The guild meets at 7 p.m. every second Wednesday at the Thelma Ley Anderson Family YMCA in Alvin, 3201 S. Hwy. 35. Lone Star Legal Aid will offer free legal help at the Alvin Senior Center from 10 a.m.noon, Monday, March 16. Applications will be available. For more information, visit www. lonestarlegal.org or call toll free 1-800-244-5429. The Alvin Senior Center will host a country and western dance from 7-10 p.m., Tuesday, March 17, featuring the James Garner Band, a popular Pasadena area band. Admission is $7 per person, which includes light refreshments at the first intermission. Wear green for St. Patrick’s Day, and dance or just enjoy fellowship with friends and listen to good music. The Alvin Senior Center, a smoke- and alcohol-free facility, is located at Sun Spots 309 W. Sealy. For more information, call 281-388-4298. The North Brazoria Democratic Club will meet at 9 a.m., Saturday, March 21 at the Busy Bee restaurant, corner of Hwy. 35/Main and FM 518/ Broadway in Pearland. All are invited to a presentation by a guest speaker and to discuss the May 9 election. Attendees may purchase breakfast starting at 8:30 a.m. For more information, visit www.brazoriademocrats. com/. The annual Meals on Wheels Golf Tournament will be held at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, March 21 at Southwyck Golf Club in Pearland. Entry fee is $85 per player or $340 per team. Hole sponsorships $100. For more information and to register, contact Jimmy Higgins at 281-3897493. Current sophomore and junior level female students majoring in education are invited to apply for a $1,000 scholarship provided by the Delta Delta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma International. Applicants must be a graduate of an AISD high school or be a current or former student at Alvin Community College. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office at ACC and the University of Houston Clear Lake. For more information, call 281-331-9446. Deadline to apply is April 15. ADK Tasting Luncheon will be held from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Thursday, June 11 at First United Methodist Church. For more information, call 281-3311079. Bayou Republican Women of Alvin meets the third Thursday of each month at 11:30 a.m. at HomeTown Bank, 1050 N. Bypass 35. A Victim to Survivor support group for men and women who are victims of domestic violence is held from 6:30-9 p.m., Thursdays at Alvin Family Community Center, 1031 W. Sealy. For more information, call 281-968-9331 or email VictimtoSurvivor1Voice@gmail. com. Longfellow Elementary is collecting Box Tops for Education and Campbell’s Soup labels, which will be used to buy PE equipment. Drop off donations in the front office of the old Mark Twain building at 601 Clemons St. The Alvin Historical Museum is collecting Alvin High Yearbooks from 1919-present. They are asking for donations of the following missing years: 1921-1929, 1930-1935, 1948, 1951-1954, 1956-1959, 1960, 1963-1969, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1978, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000-2007, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014. Donations of future yearbooks will be appreciated. To donate a yearbook or for more information, call 281331-4469 or email Alvinms@ att.net. The Gulf Coast Quilt Guild meets the first Thursday of each month at the Alvin Senior Center, 309 W. Sealy St. Fellowship begins at 6:30 p.m., and the general meeting and program begin at 7 p.m. Guests are always welcome. For more information, call Kay Foitik at 281-485-1928. The Alvin branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) is seeking new members. Membership is open to all graduates who hold an associate or higher degree from an accredited college or university. For more information, call 281-585-4523 and leave a message. The Alvin Senior Center hosts an open music jam from 6:30-9 p.m., Wednesdays. Come play and sing a little, or just enjoy the music. Country, bluegrass, gospel, etc. Homemakers who want to learn new crafts and homemaking skills while interacting with other homemakers are invited to visit the Alvin Extension Education Club. Meetings are held at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the Church of the Nazarene, on the corner of Kost and South streets. For more information, call 713-408-4281. Alvin Squares square dancing group meets at 7 p.m., Thursdays at the Alvin Senior Center. They offer square dance lessons, with a free trial period. All veterans of foreign wars are invited to join Alvin VFW Post 5237, 812 S. Douglas. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. the second Monday of each month. For more information, call (281) 585-4928. Leave a message and someone will contact you. If you know someone age 18-21 years old who is out of high school and is uninsured, they may be eligible for dental and medical services at low or no cost. Time to access this state-funded assistance is limited. For more information call the Stephen F. Austin Community Health Center at (281) 8241480. The Alvin Daytimers meet at 10:30 a.m. the fourth Monday of each month at the Alvin Senior Center. A short business meeting is followed by a program with a speaker and social time with light refreshments. Open to everyone. For more information call (281) 585-4973. The Are You O.K.? Program, under the supervision of the Alvin Police Department, is a volunteer-based program that makes regular phone calls to stay in touch with elderly, handicapped and homebound citizens in our community. If you or someone you know would like to be contacted or for more information, call Nan Self at (281) 331-4164. Noah’s Ark Bayou Sanctuary, your local no-kill dog rescue, is a nonprofit which relies solely on donations and volunteers. Pet adoptions are every weekend at Petsmart in Alvin. To volunteer, donate or adopt, visit NABS-TX.COM, call 281330-5238, email nabstx2004@ aol.com, or mail to PO Box 307, Liverpool, TX 77577. World Heritage, a nonprofit student exchange program, is seeking volunteers to serve as area representatives to recruit and screen potential host families. World Heritage offers students from around the world the opportunity to spend a high school year or semester with a family in the United States. For more information, call 1-800888-9040 or email info@worldheritage.org. Al-Anon, a support group for families of those with alcoholism, meets at 7:30 p.m., Tuesdays in the parlor at Grace Episcopal Church, and at 8 a.m., Thursdays at 204 S. Taylor St. (upstairs) in Alvin. Alvin Meals on Wheels is looking for six volunteers to deliver meals in Manvel for north and south routes. To volunteer or for more information, call 281-585-6633. The Brazosport Astronomy Club meets at 7:45 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. For more information, call the Brazosport Planetarium at 979265-3376. The Planetarium is located at 400 College Blvd., Clute, TX 77531. Girls ages 5 and older are invited to join Alvin/Manvel Girl Scouts for fun and camping and to help others. To receive a registration form, call Ginger Horn at 832-607-9691 or Rhonda Philips at 281-331-5407. Computers (no print access) and wide-screen TV are available at the Alvin Senior Center, 309 W. Sealy St., most days and times, M–F (8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.) Monthly C&W dance with live music is at 7 p.m., third Tuesday of each month, $7 at the door. There are no dances during the summer; they resume in September. An exercise group for those with Parkinson’s meets at 4 p.m. on Thursdays at Alvin Lutheran Church, 1800 FM 1462. The group is sponsored by the Houston Area Parkinson Society and is free of charge. For more information, call Liz Crawford at 281-468-8532. Alvin Garden Club meets the first Thursday of every month at the Alvin Senior Center, 309 W. Sealy. Refreshments are served at 9 a.m., and meetings begin at 9:30 a.m. Elections Continued from page 1 and community for years to come. Therefore, I will give the issues facing Alvin ISD great consideration. I feel as an Alvin ISD trustee, it is my responsibility to represent all areas of the district. I understand the challenges facing the east and west sides of the district and now is the time we need to unify our district for the good of all our children. We can achieve this by proactively building new schools, empowering our teachers to provide excellence in the classrooms and listening to parents’ concerns. Thank you for your vote and God bless Alvin ISD,” she said. In the Alvin City Council races, incumbent Brad Richards faces a challenge from Russell G. Thatcher in the At-large-1 contest. But in the city’s other two openings on the council the incumbents Adam Arendell in District B and Keith Thompson in District C will keep their seats as they drew no opposition. In Manvel City Council rac- es, Place 1 incumbent Adrian Gaspar faces opposition from Jerome Hudson. Place 2 incumbent Maureen DelBello is being tested by Lorraine Hehn for control of that seat. Iowa Colony has four opening’, and three of them will be decided during the May 9 election, which is the day all contested area races will be determined. Iowa Colony Councilman Michael “Buck” Holton will be the city’s new mayor as he does not have an opponent on election day. The three contested races will pit incumbent Councilwoman Kay Mudd against Robin Bradbery in the Place 3 race. Kacy Smajstrla is challenging incumbent Richard Selvera for the Place 4 seat on the council. The Place 5 seat will have a new officeholder as the incumbent chose not to seek reelection. Those running for that position are Kear T. Lor, Les J. Hosey and Nashir Uddin. Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, March 8-9, 2015, Page 3 This page is recyclable Lady Jackets rally for 6-2 win over Rayburn Hertenberger provides solid relief outing in circle; four-run fourth sparks Alvin By Stephen Collins Sports Editor The Alvin Lady Yellowjackets may not have employed their “A” game yet, but that hasn’t stopped Carla Newsom’s team from getting off to a solid start so far in 2015 - record wise, anyway. Feeding off a strong relief performance by Rachel Hertenberger in the circle, the Lady Jackets rallied for a 6-2 victory over Sam Rayburn in District 22-6A Softball action here, Tuesday night. Despite experiencing their share of struggles through the season’s first three weeks, Alvin has opened the season by winning its first seven of nine games and also moved its district ledger to 2-0 with Tuesday’s win. “This reminded me of two years ago when we fell behind them two runs and had to come and win also,” Newsom said following the game. “We just haven’t got it together yet. But the good thing is that we’re winning and as I told the girls, good teams find a way to win even when things aren’t going their way.” Things weren’t going the Lady Jackets’ way either early on in Tuesday’s affair. The Lady Texans’ first three hitters reached base against Alvin Starter Kaitlyn Males, capped by Catcher Krista Guerrero’s two-run single to put the Lady Jackets in an immediate hole. However, Newsom then called upon Hertenberger, who responded by striking out the side to close out the top of the first inning and Rayburn never seriously threatened again. The freshman right-hander fanned nine Lady Texans for the contest, while only being touched for a pair of singles and a baseson-balls. “Rachel comes out there, moves the ball around and is very calm and under control,” Newsom said. “It’s good that we can have somebody like that to back up Kaitlyn when she’s not having a good day. I’ve told the girls that if we would have had her last year, we would have won a state championship. “She will definitely be a great pitcher for us and is doing a good job this year.” Kelsey Townsend also didn’t exactly deliver a shabby performance in the circle through the See Softball, page 4 Presented by AAA-Sports Join us for our 8th season of flag football. This is a fun, fast paced, competitive league for girls & boys in K-6th grades. Come be a part of the action! Cost $75 per player REGISTER ONLINE www.aaa-sports.com ONSITE REGISTRATION @ CiCi’s PIZZA IN ALVIN NO ISER!! A DR FUN Staff Photo by Debbie Wilson Freshman Rachel Hertenberger provided a solid outing in relief for the Alvin Lady Yellowjackets after entering the game during the first inning here Tuesday night. MARCH 7 11 AM - 3 PM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 6 PM - 8 PM CALL 281-653-7722 for more info Page 4, Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, March 8-9, 2015 This page is recyclable For the best in sports coverage, read the Weekend Alvin SunAdvertiser Antiquing Brazoria County Information Center & Co-Op Store 1004 W. HWY. 6 - ALVIN, TX Mon.-Sat. 10-5:30 • Sun. 1-5:30 GREAT EASTER GIFTS Shop the Co-Op Visit Our Website For Updated Information www.antiquingbrazoriacounty.com / www.jetersoldworldantiques.com Drop by the Information Center & pick up a directory of Antique and Resale Shops, Custom Services and Out of the Way Places in Brazoria County. 474 Hospital Drive (CR 443) Angleton • 979-849-5452 • We Liquidate Estates • Furniture Refinishing • 34 Years of Collecting Staff Photo by Debbie Wilson Skylar Anguiano (12) slides home with another Lady Yellowjacket run during Tuesday night's contest here as teammate Payton Norwood looks on. Softball Continued from page 3 “Recognition of Major Mental Illness and Assessing for Risk and Suicide” and “Alzheimer’s Recognition and Response Training” Smith Bohn initial three frames with the Lady Texans’ hurler holding the Alvin bats at bay with a variety of offspeed offerings. Besides surrendering Payton Norwood’s lead-off single in the bottom of the first, Townsend worked around a walk to Alyssa Moscot also in the first and plunking Bailey Thomas with a pitch to start the second. “We just couldn’t stay back,” Newsom said. “We work on it at practice. It’s just an adjustment you’ve got to make and we sort of struggle at the adjustment. We’re not at our A game now, so its even harder to make those adjustments.” Except for Moscot’s double to open the fourth, though, the Lady Jackets didn’t have to bash the ball around to finally seize control as alert base running and a fateful top spin on the ball served as the adjustments. A pair of Rayburn errors didn’t hurt the cause as well. Racing to second base on her double down the left field line, Moscot advanced to third on an errant fling at the bag and then scored Alvin’s first run on Amy Alexander’s grounder to first to cut the deficit to 2-1. While Townsend retired Thomas for the second out, the Lady Jackets started another rally with Skylar Anguiano drawing a walk, Desiree Barrera singling up the middle and Jordan Banda being hit by a pitch to load the bases. Guerrero attempted to pick off Anguiano at third, only to have the ball sail into left field to bring home the Alvin DP with the tying tally. Marisa Sosa then beat out a slow roller between home and the circle with Barrera and Banda also crossing the plate as the throw went to first to give Alvin its first lead at 4-2. The Lady Jackets ultimately put the game away without a benefit of a hit during the sixth. Norwood drew a bases loaded walk to plate Thomas and Anguiano later scored on a Townsend pitch to the backstop. Alvin competes in the HSSL Tournament this weekend and resumes 22-6A play at Pasadena Memorial, March 10 at 6:30 p.m. Manvel 18 Pasadena 0 - Jewel Lara and Bianca Villanueva combined on a no-hitter as the Lady Mavs run ruled the hosting Lady Eagles in four innings, Tuesday night. Alyssa Villanueva paced the Manvel bats with four RBI’s, while Caile Allen also drove in a pair of runs and Kaylee Bosworth provided four hits. Manvel next hosts South Houston March 10 at 6:30. Alvin Soccer Girls top Pearland in SO Decker Want To Show Off Your Child’s Recent Sport Related Accomplishment? Submit Pictures Through The Web: www.alvinsun.net with a Small Description; Mail to: Alvin Sun Advertiser, 570 Dula, Alvin, TX 77511 or Email Them To: sun@swbell.net By Stephen Collins Sports Editor The Alvin Lady Yellowjackets edged Pearland in a 4-3 shootout here, Tuesday night. AREA SPORTS The game was the second straight time the Alvin Girls were forced into a shootout following a scoreless regulation by both teams. Alvin (11-4-2 overall, 8-2-2 in 22-6A) dropped a narrow 5-4 SO affair at Pasadena Memorial, Feb. 27. In Tuesday's game, Becca Rodriguez joined Alyssa Barker, Keely Hayden and Brittany Adwell in piercing the net for the Lady Jackets in the shootout, while keeper Erin Webster saved a shot on goal to give the Alvin Girls two points in the district standings. Alvin next plays at Manvel, Friday night at 7 p.m. Lady Mav duo qualifies for state lift meet - Manvel High School had a pair of girls who qualified for the state powerlifting meet in Corpus Christi on March 21. Yessi Altimirano won the 105 class at the Region IV Meet, Feb. 26 in Beaumont, while Jessica Echegoyen placed second in the 165 class. Madelyn Mahoney also placed ninth in the 181 class. AISD will have four lifters competing at state overall. Alvin's CeCe Sambrano broke a pair of region records in winning the 220 class, while Danielle Vasquez captured top honors in the 132 class. ACC takes two from Angelina - The Alvin Community College Baseball team swept a double header from Angelina College by 10-3 and 17-4 scores on Monday. Dakota Phillips drove in five runs and joined Jose Rodriguez and Matthew Broadbent with two hits in the opener, while Cameron Cooper drove in a pair of runs. Dalton Stark then bashed the Roadrunners for a seven-RBI game in the nightcap and Ricky Stelzer and Cort McPherson delivered four RBI's apiece. Jonathan De La Cruz chipped in three hits as well. The Dolphins (16-1 overall, 7-1 in conference) hosted Galveston College in a twinbill late Friday, while concluding the series with another double header, Saturday in Galveston at noon. Maverick Baseball drops league opener Manvel dropped a 5-2 decision to Dobie in their District 22-6A Baseball opener at home, Tuesday night. Donovan Lewis homered in the game for the Mavericks (1-4 overall, 0-1). The Mavs next compete at the Clear Creek ISD Tourney this weekend. Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, March 8-9, 2015, Page 5 This page is recyclable ACC regents OK early exit offers Sakura Japanese Sushi & Grill 110 E. Hwy. 6 @ Gordon (inside the Knights Inn Motel) Come in and meet Kenny and his wife Ling, new owners. Everything is fresh and homemade; newly remodeled, beautiful decor with a great atmosphere. Open Sunday - Thursday 10:30 am - 9:30 pm; Friday - Saturday 10:30 am - 10:00 pm Mayor’s Message Paul Horn City sends out water quality report to residents The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) demanded that the City mail out a form letter to our water customers last week because the City failed to send TCEQ a water quality report in October 2013 as mandated by the State regulation. The report was not sent until December 2013. The City gets its water from deep water wells, as it has for years. The water quality has been consistent year after year and was, and is currently, well within the TCEQ standards. The problem is the City had failed to provide a water test report to the State as required in 2013. The failure occurred as a result of a change in City personnel, and it will not happen again. Council Pledges $20,000 to Kapeles Museum – The City Council unanimously voted to donate $20,000 to help offset some of the restoration cost of the old Methodist Church building on Johnson Street. The building has been vacant for a long time, and much work is required to make the facility structurally sound and safe. This facility will be one of the numerous Manuscript Libraries that Dr. David Kapeles has established to display the millions of historical documents he has collected. The value of his collection is well over $1,000,000,000. The museum will display a new selection of the collection each quarter. The museum will be open to the public at no charge. Regional Police Canine Training – I suspect you saw numerous police vehicles from out of town around the City last week. The Alvin Police Department hosted a regional Canine training event. Police experts demonstrated the capacities of their dogs and advanced training methods to the group. Police dogs are so smart and offer many benefits to law enforcement. Mid-Year Budget Adjustment – Council will be considering minor changes to the 2014-2015 fiscal year budget at our next meeting. Staff is recommending that funds be moved to help cover some of the added costs associated with the Kost Street detention project, reduce funds allocated for the quiet zone based on the revised design, and funds allocated for the advancement of an updated City Mobility Plan. The adjustment will also increase the estimate for expected sales tax revenue based on first half year actuals. More Information For more information on these and other activities in the City, please go to the City’s website, www.alvin-tx.gov. There you will find information on parks and recreation, senior’s activity, and economic development. Our local chamber of commerce is another source of information, www.alvinmanvelchamber.org. Candidate announces in Manvel Place 2 race After several years on volunteer committees and commissions for the City of Manvel, I have decided to take the next step in really being a part in shaping and growing this community and City. I want to be able to take action by voting in favor of the citizens and businesses when it comes to development and growth. Currently, our City Council does not take strong action in this area. If I win this race, I will bring discussion and vote in favor of controlled, high end development that the citizens are in favor of, with parks, trails, quality emergency and fire services, and a business-friendly environment. For several years I have contributed on the Planning, Development and Zoning Commission, the Comprehensive Steering Committee and was asked to participate in the Charter Commission review. I have listened and had input on what the citizens Hehn want to shape our City and hope to achieve what they want by participating and voting on the City Council. Candidate to run for Manvel Place 1 seat Jerome Hudson is a candidate for Manvel City Council Place 1. He is a United States Army Vietnam War veteran. He would like to see Manvel grow, prosper and live up to the slogan, “Manvel, city on the rise.” Jerome has been a member of the Manvel Comprehensive Planning Committee working towards molding our city into a community that will benefit all its citizens – those living on acreage, large lots and its subdivisions. Jerome is a semi-retired business entrepreneur; custom general contractor home builder. He attended the University of Houston and worked in the mental health field. He currently serves on the Manvel Planning, Development and Zoning Committee; Manvel Education Facilities Corporation; Capital Improvements Advisory Committee; Manvel Rental Appeal Board; and Manvel Fair Housing Work Group. Jerome believes he can Hudson provide strong leadership and work with other Council members, the mayor and City manager. He and his wife, Gloria, are proud parents of five children and nine grandchildren. Grace Episcopal Church celebrates Shrove Tuesday As part of Shrove Tuesday festivities, Grace Episcopal Church, 200 W. Lang St., crowned a Mardi Gras king and queen. In front are King Jim of the House of Callan and Queen Victoria of the House of Arendell-Ennis. The court is from left to right are: Prince Randy Smith, Princess Phyllis Wall, Prince John Bergmann, Princesses Donna Tate and Lydia Quiroz and Prince Bryan Foulk. The Alvin Community College Board of Regents unanimously approved early exit incentive offers from 29 employees during their meeting Feb. 26. The exit incentive plan was initially approved in November and was offered to employees who have worked 15 years or more at the college. Those who accepted the offer will receive a tax-deferred payout for 75 percent of their annual salary. The consultants project that the incentive would save the college approximately $722,775 over the five-year period if all positions are replaced. Staff members accepting the incentive include seven administrative and professional; nine Technical, Clerical, Support and Maintenance; and 13 faculty. In other action, Regents approved various items to upgrade to ACC facilities. A $72,697 bid was approved to replace the wood bleachers inside the gym. Regents voted to install a new, galvanized pedestrian bridge over the pond along the jogging trail. Regents also chose to use brushed concrete to replace certain sidewalks on the ACC campus. Board members unanimously voted to renew its contract with Victory Insurance. The annual premium will be $474,515 for the next fiscal year, which is a Tell the community about your event. Submit your news for any of our papers by noon on Thursday reduction of $157,974 from the current premium. Regents previously hired a consultant to negotiate a new insurance policy. Also during the meeting, the board voted to approve the addition of a college credit welding certificate. Eligible students will be able to receive Pell grants towards this level 1 certificate. The next regular meeting of the Regents will begin at 6 p.m., Tuesday, March 24 in the Nolan Ryan Center. Try Our Homemade Crab Puffs Not Satisfied? FREE! *We Have Join Us After urch Deep Fried ForChLun ch! Sushi* Lunch Specials • Newly remodeled (beautiful) • Family Atmosphere 110 E. Hwy 6 @ Gordon • Alvin 281-245-6565 Hours: Sunday-Thursday: 10:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Friday-Saturday: 10:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. March Madness Sale Now Thru March 31, 2015 Old Alvin Emporium 314 S. Gordon St. • Alvin, TX 281-331-1998 Open 7 Days/Week (Mon.-Sat.) 10:00-6:00 • (Sun.) 12:00-5:00 Alvin Antique Center & Marketplace 2500 S. Loop 35 • Alvin, TX 281-388-0537 Tues. - Sat. 10:00 - 6:00 • Sun. 12:00 - 5:00 • Closed Mon. As always, we accept all major credit cards, debit cards and checks...and a great layaway plan...and gift cards are available. WNS MARKDO OUT! THROUGH 10-50% Off Selected Booths in Both Locations! Page 6, Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, March 8-9, 2015 This page is recyclable Have You Heard the CHURCH DIRECTORY BAPTIST ST. JOHN the BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH GRACE EPISCOPAL 281-331-3902 4320 Mustang Rd. Alvin 281-331-3751 281-331-5657 Saturday (English) . . . . . 5:00 PM Sunday (English). . 8 & 10:00 AM Sunday (Spanish) . . . . 12:00 PM Daily Mass . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 AM DISCIPLES OF CHRIST METHODIST BAPTIST FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 611 W. South St. • 281-331-3482 FIRST UMC ALVIN ALVIN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 281-331-5825 TEMPLO CRISTO PARA TODOS 607 Cornett Rd. 281-331-1136 or 281-585-0038 Sunday . . . . . .10:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Tuesday . . . . . . .9:00 a.m & 7:30 p.m. Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00 p.m. Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:30 p.m. www.alvinmethodist.org W. Sealy at Blum St. - Alvin Pastor: Rev. Mike Mayhugh CROSS MY HEART PRESCHOOL 2-4 yr. old Spots Available 281-331-6726 Traditional Worship . . . . . . . . .8:30 AM Sunday School all ages . . . . . .9:45 AM Contemporary Worship . . . . . . .11 AM John Raines - Pastor For as Little as $ 32 mo. BAPTIST SKYVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH SKYVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Bill Murphy END TIMES STUDY 770 N. Shirley • 281-844-0459 Sunday School 9:45am Sunday Morning Worship 10:45am Sunday Evening Worship 6:00pm Wednesday Prayer Service 7:00pm ~Nursery Provided~ Sign Language Class Sunday 5:00pm 770 N. Shirley • Alvin LUTHERAN ASSEMBLY OF GOD PENTECOSTAL ALVIN LUTHERAN FAITH FAMILY FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY Fellowship – 9:30 am Worship – 10:00 am Kid’s Zone Ministries (ages 5-11) Nursery Provided WEDNESDAY Focus Groups: Children (ages 3-11) Adult Inside Out Youth (ages 12-19) Nursery Provided TUESDAY Prayer – 7:00 pm TRINITY APOSTOLIC FAITH CHURCH 4th Street @ Adoue - Alvin Compare your spiritual life to God’s word at Trinity Apostolic Faith Church during Sunday School, AM & PM Sunday Worship services & during Bible Study time each Weds. Evening; 9:45, 10:50, 6:30 & 7:00. Pastor Bill Derixson & his wife Christina will hold onto you while going through tough times & show you that God does the same. BIBLE BIBLE PRESBYTERIAN NON-DENOMINATIONAL Your Church Could Be Listed Here Your Church Could Be Listed Here Your Church Could Be Listed Here For as Little as $ 32 mo. For as Little as $ 32 mo. Pastor Tim Landers www.alvinlutheran.org 281-331-5457 1800 FM 1462 Worship. . . . . . . . 8:00 & 10:30 AM NON-DENOMINATIONAL NON-DENOMINATIONAL Deaf Interpreters Kids Club - Wed . . . . . . . . . . . .3:30 PM Youth FUSION - Wed . . . . . . .6:00 PM Chancel Choir - Thurs . . . . . . .7:00 PM Bible Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Various 1031 W. Sealy • Alvin, TX 77511 Pastor Randy Wilkerson 281-331-3960 Family of Faith Bible Church Your Church Could Be Listed Here Your Church Could Be Listed Here For as Little as $ 32 mo. For as Little as $ 32 mo. richardrklein@yahoo.com www.richardrklein.com Sunday Worship 10:00 A.M. Tuesday Bible Class 1 P.M. For as Little as $ 32 mo. PRESBYTERIAN NON-DENOMINATIONAL LUTHERAN BAPTIST NON-DENOMINATIONAL CHURCH OF CHRIST SUNDAYS 8 AM & 10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist TUESDAYS 11 a.m. - Bible Study WEDNESDAYS 6 PM Healing Service & Holy Eucharist Nursery Available NURSERY PROVIDED Bible Study . . Monday 6:30 p.m. (Holy Communion every Sunday) BAPTIST 281-331-5549 Your Church Could Be Listed Here 200 W. Lang at Hardie Sunday Morning Worship . 8:30 a.m. Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 9:45 a.m. Sunday Regular Morning Services . . . . . 11:00 a.m. Evening Services . . . . . . . . 6:00 p.m. Sunday School. . . . . . . . 9:30 AM Sunday Worship . . . . . 10:45 AM Sunday Church School. . . . 9:15 AM ASSEMBLY OF GOD www.stjohnalvin.org WEEKEND MASSES Sunday School. . . . . . . . 9:30 AM Sunday Worship . . . . . 10:30 AM Sunday Evening . . . . . . 6:00 PM Wed. Family Worship. . . 7:00 PM Charles Smith, Pastor Editor’s Note: There is not enough room to print every person that has blessed Sharon, but take my word for it - she named close to 40 persons. NOW THAT’S GOOD NEWS! 110 E. South St. • Alvin Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:15 AM SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP10:30 AM WEDS. PRAYER SERVICE . . . . 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY YOUTH MEET . . . 6:30 PM Nursery Provided For All Services 1212 So. Durant • Alvin Sincerely In His Precious Name, Jesus, Sharon Stansberry 1st Generation Pentecost NON-DENOMINATIONAL FAITH ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH DR. HOWARD DANIEL Nine months ago I was healed of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and PTSD. Jesus never left me. He has put many angels in my midst to minister to and counsel me with godly wisdom. I received cards, gifts, hugs, unconditional love, TLC, prayers, words of affirmation to help me daily. EPISCOPAL SOUTH PARK BAPTIST CHURCH 1718 S. Johnson, Alvin I would like to spread some Good News of how the Lord provides and takes care of His children. Through the Lord Jesus, my Great Physician, I am being HEALED of numerous physical ailments that had been diagnosed in my body. ASSEMBLY OF GOD ROMAN CATHOLIC 7430 Rogers • Manvel 713-933-9574 Sunday @ 6 pm NON-DENOMINATIONAL NON-DENOMINATIONAL Church of the Redeemed Your Iglesia de los Redimidos Church Could Be Listed Here Regulators For Christ/Reguladores Para Cristo 2116 N. Gordon • Alvin, TX For as Little as $ 32 mo. M-W-F/Lun-Mierc-Vier - 6:30 pm Prayer / Oracion Tues / Mar - 6:30 pm Spiritual Warefare / Guerra Espiritual Thur /Jueves - 6:30 pm Serenity / Serenidad Every 3rd Sat / Cada 3rd Sab - 6:30 pm Bilingual Service / Servicio bilingue Sun / Dom - 3:00 pm Worship Service / Servicio de Adoracion Pastor Terry Calvert 281-245-7086 Asst. Pastor Ann Roberts 281-507-2164 INTER-DENOMINATIONAL NON-DENOMINATIONAL Your Church Could Be Listed Here Your Church Could Be Listed Here Your Church Could Be Listed Here Your Church Could Be Listed Here Your Church Could Be Listed Here Your Church Could Be Listed Here Your Church Could Be Listed Here Your Church Could Be Listed Here For as Little as $ 32 mo. For as Little as $ 32 mo. For as Little as $ 32 mo. For as Little as $ 32 mo. For as Little as $ 32 mo. For as Little as $ 32 mo. For as Little as $ 32 mo. For as Little as $ 32 mo. T HESE B USINESSES E NCOURAGE YOU T O ATTEND T HE C HURCH O F YOUR C HOICE T HIS S UNDAY HUGHES PUMP SERVICE •Aerobic Systems •Septic Tanks •Grease & Lint Traps •Maintenance Contracts 281-331-8989 115 cr 291-A Alvin, TX 77511 JoHn HugHeS www.cameronrecycling.com installer #5127 SEABOLT OIL, INC. DIESEL • GASOLINE • KEROSENE 2411 1/2 S. Gordon St., Alvin, TX 281-331-4255 The Law Offices Of 20939 Hwy. 6, Manvel 281-489-1881 We Buy •Copper •Cans •Aluminum •Alloys •Iron & Other Metals INCOME TAX PREPARATION 1240 W. Hwy 6 • 281-388-2155 Since 1986 • www.expbussvc.com YOUR ADVERTISEMENT COULD BE HERE! 1240 W. Hwy. 6 • Suite 2 • Alvin, TX 281-756-3003 281-331-4421 www.scolon.net 281-331-4421 HOMETOWN BANK OF ALVIN ALVIN SKATE-N-PARTY Beginner Lessons 6 year old & up 1701 W. HWY. 6 C A L L F O R I N F O / B O O K A PA RT Y 281-756-0507 SKATING LESSONS $25/LESSON 6PM-7PM www.alvinskateparty.com 1050 Bypass 35 N. YOUR ADVERTISEMENT COULD BE HERE! Open: M-F 9-5 Lobby M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 9-12 Drive-Thru 281-331-4421 281-388-5000 www.htbna.com (281) 489-9355 (281) 489-WELL FAX (281) 489-4440 (281) 489-7867 (281) 489-PUMP WATER WELL DRILLING • PUMP SALES & SERVICE SINCE 1952 • JOHN & MIKE PYBURN, STATE LIC. #2843W1 19322 HWY. 6 • P.O. BOX 266 • MANVEL, TX 77528 Elizabeth H. Nelson CPA Tax, Accounting, Payroll & Litigation Support Services beth@nelsoncpafirm.com 20351 Highway 6 P.O. Box 650•Manvel P: 281-489-0388 F: 281-489-1024 “Family Owned and Operated” 804 S. Hood • Alvin, Tx. 77511 281-331-5088 • Fax: 281-331-7473 281-585-1000 www.motortrendsonline.com 281-488-8887 “A Better Way to Buy a Car” SERVING ALVIN & MANVEL AREAS KIBBE & POOLE, P. C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1520 E. Hwy. 6, Alvin, TX 77511 281-331-7457 www.kibbepoole.com 281-331-4421 Alvin Flowers YOUR ADVERTISEMENT COULD BE HERE! 500 West House St. • 281-331-3438 281-331-4421 WWW.ALVINFLOWERS.COM/WWW.ALVINFLOWERS.NET Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm; Sat. 8:30am-12 noon Areas Preferred Senior Assisted Living Also Provide Rehab, Hospice & Respite Care 116 S. Gordon St. - 281-331-4132 WWW.JBARRONINSURANCE.COM “Happy to Support Our Churches” CLARON E. SALTER Jim’s Texture Service Inc. AGENT State Farm Insurance 408 E. House • 281-331-7546 Proverbs 18:21 “ Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” NOW ENROLLING 281-756-0990 1407 Victory Lane •••• www.lsclive.com D.A.V. THRIFT STORE 2635 S. Hwy 35 Bypass • 281-331-5108 Open: Tues.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. “Over 10,000 Items Put Out Daily” Davison Water Well Service Water Well Drilling and Service & Water Filtration State License #2268AI People and Products With Integrity! (281) 331-1275 281-331-7057 Specializing in texturing drywall YOUR ADVERTISEMENT COULD BE HERE! 281-331-4421 Evening Star Personal Care Home 2960 Rowan-Burton Rd. 281-331-6753 Senior Assisted Living and Respite Care YOUR ADVERTISEMENT COULD BE HERE! 281-331-4421 r Season Watch fo aturday, Opening S 5 4th, 201 March 11113 S. Johnson AcroSS From Alvin HigH ScHool YOUR ADVERTISEMENT COULD BE HERE! YOUR ADVERTISEMENT COULD BE HERE! 281-331-4421 281-331-4421 YOUR ADVERTISEMENT COULD BE HERE! YOUR ADVERTISEMENT COULD BE HERE! 281-331-4421 281-331-4421 281-331-4421 281-585-8245 1218 S. JOHNSON • 281-331-4215 Compliments of John Barron 281-585-0705 YOUR ADVERTISEMENT COULD BE HERE! 1307 S. gordon Dr. Jeffrey Azbill STATE FARM INSURANCE All Star Propane John 17:3 “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” YOUR ADVERTISEMENT COULD BE HERE! 281-388-0388 • 1331 HWY 6 W., ALVIN • 281-388-0300 FAX C HIROPRACTIC H EALTH C ARE C ENTER OF A LVIN Business Express Services, Inc. Mike Dodds Motor Trends Salvador Colon, PC YOUR ADVERTISEMENT COULD BE HERE! SCOTT FUNERAL HOME John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” COMPLIMENTS HEB OF 207 E. South St. • 281-585-5188 “Happy to Support Our Community” YOUR ADVERTISEMENT COULD BE HERE! 281-331-4421 Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, March 8-9, 2015, Page 7 This page is recyclable Obituaries Marinell Douglas Oct. 9, 1938 - Feb. 25, 2015 Marinell Douglas, 76, of Friendswood, Texas passed away on February 25, 2015. She was born October 9, 1938 to Stephen and Byrdena Walker Douglas in Cordell, Okla. Marinell married Truett Hall in 1956 and worked for Southwestern Bell before attending Texas Tech University to pursue a degree in education. She graduated from Texas Tech in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and began her career at Mark Twain Primary in Alvin where she taught first grade. She moved to R.L. Stevenson Primary when the school opened and continued teaching first grade. During this time she attended University of Houston- Clear Lake and earned a Master’s degree in Education and a Professional Reading Specialist certification. In 1979, she became a Reading Specialist at R.L Stevenson Primary. Marinell continued her education and earned a second Master’s degree in Mid-management/School Administration in 1986. She served as the Assistant Principal at R.L. Stevenson for several years and retired as the Assistant Principal of Alvin Primary in 1993. Though she retired as a public school administrator, she continued her passion for teaching in another setting. Marinell served as the Christian Education Director at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and taught kindergarten in the school there. She became the school director of Good Shepherd Episcopal School and worked hard to obtain accreditation for the school, allowing them to offer private pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and first grade. She retired as the Director of Good Shepherd Episcopal School in 2003. Her retirement gift to herself and her family was a special and very memorable vacation trip to Disney World including a Disney cruise. Marinell was a member of many professional and honor organizations. These include Phi Delta Kappa, Texas Elementary Principals School Association, International Reading Association, Texas State Reading Council, Bay Area Reading Council, Life Member of the Texas State Teacher’s Association, Gulf Coast Association for the Education of Young Children and the National Association for the Education of Young Children. She was active as a member of the vestry at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church; led many Bible studies, workshops and retreats; served on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic; enjoyed a trip to England and Scotland with her brother; accompanied her kids on several family vacations; loved time at the beach; and was passionate about supporting animal shelters. Marinell also loved granddaughter sleepovers, summer evening trips to the pool with cookouts afterwards, and taking “her girls” to Sonic and Taco Bell when they were young. She was a doting mom to several rescue dogs through the years, but was most proud of her son, three granddaughters and new greatgranddaughter. Marinell is survived by her son, Kraig Hall and daughterin-law Cathy; the “apples of her eye” granddaughters, Michelle Derks and husband Cole, Amy Hall and Ryann Hall; greatgranddaughter Collins Derks; brother Robert J. Douglas; and the father of her son, Truett Hall. She was preceded in death by parents, Stephen and Byrdena Walker Douglas; and brothers, Reuel “Gene” Douglas and Stephen A. Douglas. Friends are cordially invited to a memorial service at the First United Methodist Church, 611 W. South St, Alvin, TX 77511 on March 12, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Visitation will be held after the memorial service. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made in her memory to the Alvin I.S.D Education Foundation, P.O. Box 2342 Alvin, TX 77512 or to the Good Shepherd Episcopal School, c/o Linda Ansell, 1207 W. Winding Way Drive, Friendswood, TX 77546. Condolences may be sent to the Douglas family in care of Jeter Memorial Funeral Home at www.jeterfuneralhome.com. Arrangements under the direction of Jeter Memorial Funeral Home. Shilah Doreen Blanchard July 2, 1998 - Feb. 28, 2015 Shilah Doreen Blanchard, age 16, of Alvin, Texas passed away Saturday, February 28, 2015 at Clear Lake Regional Medical Center, Webster, Texas. Shilah was born on July 2, 1998 in Webster, Texas and was a lifetime resident of Alvin. She was a student at Alvin High School. Shilah is survived by her parents, Tracey Blanchard and husband, Leslie Martin; Oscar Gonzalez and wife, Jennifer; grandparents, Larry and Donna Blanchard, and Jesus Gonzalez and wife, Elva; and numerous other relatives and friends. Visitation will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday, March 6, 2015 at Scott Funeral Home, Arrangements under the direction of the Scott Family. daughter, Susan Newton Laza; son, John Newton; grandchildren, Timothy Laza and wife, Kathleen, Jared Newton and wife, Nora, and Philip Newton and wife, Lindsey; great-grandchildren, Veronica, Delores, Anna, Rachel Chris, Mia, Liam, Aubrey, Asher and Maesyn. Dorothy will be interred at Houston National Cemetery with her husband, Philip Newton. Those wishing to make memorial gifts may do so in support of First Presbyterian Church, Freeport, Texas or Brazosport Cares Food Bank, Freeport, Texas. A Memorial service will be held at 11:00 a.m., Saturday, March 14, 2015 at First Presbyterian Church, Freeport, Texas. Arrangements under the direction of the Scott Family. Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at Bayshore Medical Center, Pasadena, Texas. Jennifer was born July 25, 1973 in Colorado Springs, Colorado and was a resident of Pasadena for 10 years. She worked as a security guard and was a member of the Lutheran faith. Jennifer is survived by her parents, Tom and Ann Wilks; daughter, Jessica Collins; son Harold Weisar; and sister, Wendi Ann Woerheide and husband Jon, along with numerous other relatives and friends. A Memorial visitation was held Tuesday, March 3, 2015 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Scott Funeral Home. Arrangements under the direction of the Scott Family. Hattie Sue Smith Pitty Giuliani Varnado May 22, 1922 - Feb. 27, 2015 Hattie Sue Smith, age 92, of Alvin, Texas passed away Friday, February 27, 2015 at Memorial Herman Southeast Hospital Houston, Texas. She was born on May 22, 1922 in Crockett, Texas and was a resident of Alvin for 22 years. Hattie was a homemaker and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She was preceded in death by her husband, Whit Smith; parents, Ida and William Kleckley; daughter, Sherry Smith; son, Don Smith and wife Betsy; brother, Clifford Kleckley; sister, Myrle Rogers; and grandson, Preston Smith. Hattie is survived by her daughter Barbara Flores and husband Jimmy; sons, Glen Smith and wife Elaine, Keith Smith and wife Ginger, Kim Smith and wife Jackie, Craig Smith and wife Nadine, Randy Smith and wife Kathryn and Brent Smith; sister Ruth Mansfield; 22 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren; and numerous other relatives and friends. Visitation was held from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at Scott Funeral Home. Funeral services were held at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, March 5, 2015 at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2800 Lehi Alvin, TX 77511 with interment following in the Angleton Cemetery, Angleton, Texas. Arrangements under the direction of the Scott Family. April 1, 1935 - Feb. 21, 2015 Pitty Giuliani Varnado, 79, of Friendswood, Texas passed away on Saturday, February 21, 2015. She was born on April 1, 1935 to Jose Giuliani and Aurelia Maldonado Giuliani in Guayanilla, Puerto Rico. Pitty was preceded in death by her father, Jose; mother, Aurelia; sisters: Lucia and Catalina; brothers: Juan Andres, Angel and Julio Antonio; and her infant son, Lewis Edwin. She is survived by her beloved daughter, Sharon Hudson and husband Kevin; beloved son, Jean Andre Varnado and wife Theresa; and son, Eric Varnado and wife Patty; grandchildren: Brandon Hudson and wife Sarah, Bryce Hudson and wife Rachel, Brady Hudson, Andrea Varnado and Lily Varnado; great-grandchildren: Arrianna, April, Allison and Kevin Robert Hudson, Brae and Evey Hudson. She is also survived by her brothers: Francisco Giuliani and Jose Benigno Giuliani; and her sister Annie Villanueva. Mimi to her grandchildren, Pitty to her friends. A fiery spirit unafraid to dream, strong in will and strong in faith. Her lifelong devotion to the arts is inspiring. She was a poet, a painter, a sculptor, a songwriter, a creative soul. She loved her grandchildren deeply and never missed a football game, soccer game, choir concert, piano recital, gymnastic meet, musical theater show, rock concert or any opportunity to brag about them. She loved the Lord and her faith in Jesus Christ was the one true guiding light in her life. She was eccentric and full of love and life. The world will be a much less interesting place without her. Friends were cordially invited to the visitation with the family on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the Jeter Memorial Funeral Home Chapel, 311 N. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, TX 77546 (281) 992-7200. The funeral service was held on Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the Jeter Memorial Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Brandon Hudson and Rev. Kevin Hudson officiating. Interment followed at Confederate Cemetery in Alvin, Texas. Condolences may be sent to the Varnado family in care of Jeter Memorial Funeral Home at www.jeterfuneralhome.com. Arrangements under the direction of Jeter Memorial Funeral Home. Obituaries are also posted on the alvinsun.net website. Heiman Ranch Dog Boarding “Let Your Dog Have a Vacation Too” Your pet will have a 9’ x 10’ or 6’ x 8’ private A/C Suite with doggie door to his/her own fenced outdoor area. Your pet can go in and out all day and see other animals that live at the ranch. We also have a “Spa Day” which includes a playday, bath, trimmed toenails and massage for $30.00 (longhair $40.00) Climate Control • Indoor A/C & Outdoor Security Cameras • Bathing • Onsite Resident Recommended by Area Vets Background Music • Geriatric Care Groomed Playyards Multiple Discount • Country Setting $20.00 per 24 hours We require vaccination records including Bordatella. 8543 County Rd. 511•Rosharon, TX 77583 www.heimanranchdogboarding.com 281-682-9211 Contact us for a tour of our facilities. Notice Regarding Oak Park Cemetery Clean-Up Please be advised that the City of Alvin will begin a comprehensive cleanup effort in the mature sections of Oak Park Cemetery (Tracts 1-4). In some areas of the cemetery there are plantings covering monuments; making it difficult for family members to find the gravesite of their loved one. Overgrown shrubs and bushes on top of these gravesites will be cut back and/or removed. Dorothy M. “Dot” Newton June 13, 1921 - March 2, 2015 Dorothy M. “Dot” Newton passed away Monday, March 2, 2015 at Friendship Haven Health Care, Friendswood, Texas. Dorothy was born on June 13, 1921 in Bronx, New York to Herbert and Colina Ferris. On March 1, 1943, she married Philip Newton in Clearwater, Florida. Philip and Dorothy were married for 41 years until Philip’s passing in 1984. She was preceded in death by her husband, parents, and brothers, DougJuly 25, 1973 - Feb. 25, 2015 las, Ferris and Dr. Herbert Ferris. Jennifer Ellen Wilks, age 41, Dorothy is survived by her of Pasadena, Texas passed away Jennifer Ellen Wilks Families are encouraged to gather items from gravesites before April 14, 2015. Items that are removed by the City (other than glass) will be placed in the back left corner of the cemetery for reclamation until May 4, 2015. Glass objects that are removed will be automatically discarded as this is a safety concern. Any items remaining that are not in compliance under the current set of rules and regulations will be removed. This includes plants or artificial flowers not in vases permanently attached to the markers or monuments. Thank you for your cooperation as we strive to make the cemetery a more pleasant and peaceful environment for all. For more information, please contact the City of Alvin City Clerk’s Office at 281-388-4255. Page 8, Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, March 8-9, 2015 This page is recyclable Inside ACC Society inducts new members When U.S. Army Sgt. George Loera finished tours of duty in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, he wanted to take advantage of his military benefits. After many years as a funeral director, Loera, 40, decided to pursue a different career and signed up for the Alvin Community College Process Technology program. “I’ve never done anything like this before,” he said. “There are so many options for me.” Loera was one of 17 students inducted into the ACC Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society during a ceremony March 2. Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society of two-year colleges. Members follow four hallmarks, including scholarship, leadership, service and fellowship. To be eligible for Phi Theta Kappa, students must have completed at least 12 college credit hours at ACC and maintained a grade point average of 3.5 or above. More than 4,000 ACC students have been inducted into Phi Theta Kappa since the ACC Mu Upsilon Chapter was created in 1963. “Members are encouraged to volunteer in their community as part of their participation with the honors society. Mu Upsilon will host a fundraiser along with the Gulf Coast chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (or NAMI) on B-10 Apts. Unfurnished A-5 Acreage CR 577 in Alvin No Moblie Homes, $50,000. By Appt. 281-687-3939 A-25 Mobile Homes-Sale I PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED MOBILE HOMES! Clear title or small payoff is ok. Must be '85 model or newer! Call Chris at 979-743-0551. The newest members of the ACC chapter of Phi Theta Kappa were inducted in a ceremony March 2. April 25 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the Student Center. Mind Your Own Fitness will include free health screenings from ACC programs. There will also be a free Zumba session. Cost for participation is a $10 donation if purchased early and $15 at the door. Children 12 and younger are free. All proceeds will go to NAMI Gulf Coast. Guest speaker ACC Provost Dr. John Bethscheider spoke about the importance of health and wellness during the Phi Theta Kappa induction ceremony. Bethscheider is also a yoga instructor and stressed the importance of building healthy habits. Young adults have to look after their diets, physical activity and their mental health. They also must look at other forms of personal wellness including social, occupational, emotional, environmental, financial and intellectual wellness. “What you do now makes a difference when you get older,” he said. Participating in Phi Theta Kappa is also a tremendous benefit for students looking to take advantage of a higher education, Bethscheider said. “This honor will help you with your academic success,” he said. “Learning is a lifelong process.” Loera is one of the first of his family to attend and graduate from college. Participating in Phi Theta Kappa and graduating from college will hopefully serve as a good example for his children to achieve, as well. “It opens so many doors,” he said. The new Phi Theta Kappa members are: Yvette Aguilera, Briana Arehart, Kelsey Booth, Chandel Burgess, Jennifer Chapa, Cheyenne Dupont, Purelily Ekpo, Cody Farlow, Jaime Garcia, Ruben Gonzalez, Brooke Harris, George Loera, Crystal Mayeux, Susan Morgan, Benjamin Talley, Patrina Thompson and Victoria Vira. Czech settlers made up for this by bringing their rich culture and traditions with them to the Lone Star State. One of these was the preparation of kolaches, most likely evolving from the word “kola” – meaning “wheels” or “rounds.” Legend has it that centuries ago, on a farm in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a bored young girl, was given a piece of dough by her mother to play with so her mother could continue baking uninterrupted. The girl rolled and flattened her dough, placed some plums in the center, and slipped the pastry into the oven with the rest of her mother’s baking. When her father arrived that evening, he bit into the pastry but was immediately burned by the scalding surprise of baked plums in the center. As he hopped in a circle around the table in pain, the little girl said her father was making a “kola,” or “wheels.” Whether this legend is the true origin of kolaches – we may never know. But history does tell us that traditional kolaches began as a circular pastry the size of a pie – not like the rectangular treats we see today in Texas – and were prepared mostly for weddings, special celebrations, or Sunday gatherings, when families would visit each other’s homes. Unlike some of the evolutions we see today that resemble a “Hot Pocket,” traditional kolaches were prepared with the fillings resting on top of the pastry, not encased in the dough. Traditional kolaches were typically made with apricot, poppy seed, prune, and sweet cheese— ingredients that were easily in reach for farming families in 19th Century Texas. Today, kolaches are made with a wide variety of ingredients, including sausage, chocolate, jalapeno cheese—even brisket. They’re sold everywhere from Texas highway rest stops to family bakeries in towns along the Czech Belt, like the Village Bakery in West, Texas, which opened in 1952 and is known as the “First All-Czech Bakery in Texas.” According to co-owner Mimi Montgomery, before the Village Bakery opened, kolaches could only be found at weddings and other gatherings. “There was no business on a commercial level,” she says. “It wasn’t easy to make them in quantity. Luckily, my father was a chemist, and my grandmother, who was Czech, helped my dad develop the recipe.” She claims the vintage, gas-fired oven has been essential to their success. “The oven is part of our secret. It takes years to season an oven like ours. There aren’t a lot of them around.” Also in West is the Czech Stop and Little Czech Bakery, a combination deli/bakery located on the northbound IH-35 frontage road and known for its sweet and savory kolaches. I visited the Czech Stop on April 19, 2013, just after the tragic fertilizer plant explosion that shook the small community to its core. The Czech Stop is a common meeting place for locals, and the employees are proud to know many of their customers by name. So central is the eatery to the local community that many of the residents, including some injured, flocked to the Czech Stop within minutes of the explosion. I can imagine that being there gave them a sense of normalcy during a horrific time and a chance to check on the condition of their friends and neighbors. The Czech Stop stayed open that night, and in the following days served as a drop-off point for those looking to donate clothing and other items to a community that had lost so much. The store also donated water, ice, and of course—kolaches—to the impacted families. While we Texans will forSee Kolaches, Page 10 B-10 Apts. Unfurnished Move In Special! For Sale 2 Acres 10 Acres in Alvin off of CR 180. Old house, old barn, excellent area..........$239,900.00. Call 281-723-5657 or 281-331-5239 Czech-Texans brought kolaches to state's cuisine They’re tender, doughy pastries with Old World European roots that are being called one of the “it” foods of 2015 by the likes of “Bon Apetit” magazine. But like so many other trends, Texans have been enjoying kolaches long before they became the menu item du jour of the culinary elite. We can thank our friends in the Texas Czech community for introducing Texans to kolaches some 150 years ago, when Czech families began settling in spots like present-day Fayette, Austin and Lavaca counties. Though they were unable to bring many physical belongings on the long voyage by sea and wagon to the black prairie of Eastern Central Texas, early A-Real Estate HUGE SELECTION of new & used single wides & double wides in stock!! Our competitors hate our low prices! Come see the difference! Reliable Homes of Sealy * 390 Gebhardt Rd * 979-885-6767* RBI33813 A-40 Resort Property 2 Bedroom • 1 Bath $650 to $700 • $250 Deposit Morgan Park Apartments 281-331-8190 1601 W. South • Alvin, Tx B-35 Mobile Homes-Rent B-35 Mobile Homes-Rent SUN MEADOW MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY 1100 Fox Meadow Dr. #289 Alvin, TX 77511 • Swimming Pool • Street Lights FOR RENT 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Singlewide $850 Month, $750 Deposit 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Doublewide $975 Month, $1000 Deposit STOP IN TODAY or CALL 832-282-7891 281-388-2586 Holiday Village Condo Lifetime Membership (Lake Livingston, Lake Fork, & Lake Medina). Condo Rooms and RV sites, $6,500 CASH. Friends, relatives stay low cost rates. Call 281-331-8065 Please Leave Message. houston.craigslist.org/ for/4916233324.html. 9 am - 6 pm • Mon.-Sat. 10 am - 5 pm • Sun. B-Rental/Lease MUST SELL!Beautiful property on Lake Livingston suitable for RV or cabin. Owner finance with low down payment, gated entry. Call 281-873-0459 A-45 Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY 1 acre of land in the Manvel area to set up doublewide mobile home. 713-446-5484. B-10 Apts. Unfurnished • 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms • Senior Discount 1201 S. Johnson St. Alvin, Texas 77511 281-331-6513 www.cfapartments.com Call classifieds 281-331-4421 B-10 Apts. Unfurnished LG. 1-1 Downstairs, electric included. Special! $100 OFF 1st Full Month! 281-331-6513. Newly remodeled 2-1, spacious very nice apt. (811 sq. ft.) for immediate move in! $680 mo. + water. Call 281485-8002 & ask for Pecan Apts., 404 W. Coombs, Alvin. Ask about or Specials! B-20 Roomate Wanted Roommate: FM preferred, $700 mo. No utilities. 281-777-9357. SUNDAY & MONDAY ISSUES: WEDNESDAY, 12 NOON WEDNESDAY ISSUE: FRIDAY, 4 P.M. LEGAL NOTICES: WEDNESDAY, 12 NOON Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, March 8-9, 2015, Page 9 This page is recyclable B-30 Houses Unfurnished 2-1, large deck, ca/h, ceiling fans, range, $775mo. 281-585-5738 D-5 Special Services Salazar Roofing & More - Local Company - 2-1-1 IN COUNTRY with large yard & trees. $800 mo., water, yard maintenance, & garbage included. Call 832-563-3979. Alvin: 2-1 in country, $775mo., $400 dep. No pets. 832-656-9659. (WINDSTORM CERTIFIED INSURED) • Hail Damag e • Roofs • Flooring • Remodeling • Sheetrock Repair • Reasonable Rates • Work Guaranteed • Free Estimates 713-366-9278 32 years experience Certified Arborist B-35 Mobile Homes-Rent • Trimming & Removals • Stump Grinding • Firewood FREE ESTIMATES Cole’s TREE SERVICE 281-585-5104 B-45 CommercialRent 4 OFFICE SPACES FOR LEASE. All bills paid at Studio 7, 713 S. Gordon. 281-245-6566 All Credit Cards Accepted Insured for Your Protection & Mine Call 281-961-8806 MOBILE HOMES For Rent and/or Sale in family park near FM 518/Hwy 288 near Pearland. 2/1, 2/2, 3/2 available. 281-489-0286 MHDBRK03555 E-16 Drivers • Commercial • Residential Insured • Free Estimates 713-459-3214 COLE’S LAWN SERVICE Residential/Commercial Mow • Edge • Hedge Weedeat • Blowing Debris Clean-up • Etc. 281-779-1316 Reasonable & Dependable.Bill 281-248-6051 E-Employment Available E-5 Trades WASTE WATER MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN The bids will then be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:15 P.M. March 24, 2015, in the City Council Chambers, Alvin City Hall, 2nd Floor, 216 West Sealy, Alvin, Texas 77511. WILL TRAIN FRANK BRISENO’S House & Metal Building Slabs, Driveways, Patios, Etc. TRACTOR MOWING & BOX BLADE frankbriseno.s.construction. zbf@gmail.com Heavy Equipment, Electrical, and/or Plumbing Experience Helpful. Requirements: Clean cut appearance, must pass a background check, drug test, and have a good driving record. Bi-lingual Helpful Call Between 281-216-9114 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Branson Charter Bus Trip: Departs Locally. (April 26-30). E-5 Trades Includes: Charter Bus, 4 nights lodging, 8 meals & lots of shows. Only $459 Per Person. Plans, specifications and bidding documents for the project are available at the following locations: 281-331-3330 E-5 Trades A/C INSTALLERS Needed Must Be Experienced & Clean Cut Year Round Work! Alvin Lease Space Hallmark’s Tree Service Call South Belt A/C & Heat 281-992-4900 • • • • • Tree Trimming Tree Removal Stump Grinding Land Clearing Deep Root Feeding E-10 Office Help E-15 General Help BUSY PODIATRY HIRING Driver/Lead man. Office Looking For Lawn/Landscaping F/T Office Assistant position with 2 yrs. Mon.-Sat. Starting pay exp. 281-352-9565. $8.50/Hr. No experiB-50 Mobile Spaces Joe’s Hauling & ence required. Apply in RV AND MOBILE E-16 Drivers Tractor Service person at 345 E. Crushed Concrete & HOME LOTS for rent, Parkwood Avenue, Come soar with the Asphalt • Sand & Fill $250 mo 281-331-5239 Friendswood, TX. • Washout • Pasture Mowing Eagles. Owner C-Business 281-489-7080 77546. Operators Needed. Opportunities Tandems with flatbeds E-15 General Help NOTICE and 40’ Goosenecks, D-Services TO OUR READERS must have verifiable Available Special service ads Greenhouse experience and good are payment in Labor Needed driving record. D-5 Special advance. We accept 281-331- 2240. Services Men & Women Visa card or Master Must Be Able To Work E-25 Child Care card. 6 days A Week Needed Sometimes 7 D-30 Home Apply In Person at Precious Stones Services Preschool Hiring for SALAZAR HOUSE P/T & F/T Positions. NOTICE LEVELING & Must be 18 years, HS TO OUR READERS 1119 C.R. 192 ROOFING Diploma or GED, Liverpool, TX 77577 Home service ads are Remodeling 281-393-1986 Experience Preferred. payment in advance. Foundation Repair Apply within at 1407 We accept Visa card Senior Citizen Discount Victory Lane, Alvin or Master card. Free Estimates • Insured Licensed & Bonded or call 281-756-0990. Best Prices In Town! D-45 Child Care E-40 Medical Help 979-864-4453 Services 979-417-7307 HIRING NOTICE Experienced LVN’s TO OUR READERS and CNA's ($750 Sign Child Care ads are On Bonus for CNA’s). payment in advance. Apply in person at We accept Visa card • Tree Trimming Winchester Lodge, • Topping • Removal or Master card. • Stump Grinding • Feeding 1112 Smith Dr., Alvin • Land Clearing & Fence Lines or apply online: D-60 Lawn Care Free Estimates 281-331-9107 savacareers.com Insured 281-331-4396 Smith Nursery ALVIN LAWN CONCRETE WORK Landscaping Company Driveways, Patios Breakouts, Etc. • Mow • Trim & Edge • Weeds • Flower Beds Free Ests. • Reasonable SPRING CLEANUP 20% OFF 281-686-0695 Guerra Services General Remodeling Brick • Concrete Painting • Roofing • Sheetrock & Texture • House Leveling & Foundation Repair 832-561-5103 guerraservices.com F-Financial Services COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL PRIETO & SON Get Your Flower Beds Ready For Spring! AVON To Buy Or Sell. Please call 281-585-6987. NOW HIRING TWO Experienced Bartenders/Waitresses. Must be 21 or older with 10% Senior Discount TABC Certification. Complete Lawn Care Landscaping, Patios Tree Services Apply in person at Hour Glass Club, 2005 S. Gordon, Alvin Now Hiring Carpet Cleaning Techs. Make $300 to $1000 weekly. Depends on your desire to work. No visible tattoos, clean driving record. 281-299-1438. Free Ests. • Guaranteed Residential/Commericial 713-632-5290 Quality Services Stone & Stucco Work Lawn & Landscaping Patios • Pressure Washing Brick & Stone Mail Boxes Jose 832-425-4865 I-3 Legal Notices Sealed bids, in triplicate, on the original forms, signed by an officer of the Company will be received by the City of Alvin, Texas for furnishing all plans, labor, material, and equipment, and for performing all work required for construction of: Water Well #3 Building Renovations Bid No. B-15-04 Sealed, competitive bids will be received no later than 2:00 P.M., March 24, 2015 in the City Clerk's Office located at Alvin City Hall, 216 West Sealy, Alvin, Texas 77511. 979-482-0915 or www.oprymania.com Robert Carlisle Local. 713-822-5909 E-16 Drivers Full Service Complete Lawn Care B-45 CommercialRent available. 1500 sq. ft. in high traffic central location, formerly used as sandwich shop. Other uses are ice cream/yogurt, donuts, bakery, etc. Call Randy 713-269-3211 E-16 Drivers Tractor Mowing LIVERPOOL: 2 Bedroom 1 Bath, No Pets, $550 mo., $250 dep. Call 281-389-0782. 2 BR-1 1/2 BATH mobile home in Liverpool, $560 mo., $250 dep., No Pets, Non Smoker. D-60 Lawn Care Need to Advertise? Call & Ask for Betty 281-331-4421 G-Merchandise for Sale G-5 Misc. For Sale Newspaper End Rolls Price starts @ $5.00/Up Great For Packing or Wrapping Come By The Alvin Sun 570 Dula • Alvin FREE WOODEN PALLETS G-65 Auctions G-65 Auctions PUBLIC ONLINE AUCTION ALVIN I.S.D. PREVIEW: Weds., 3/11/15 AUCTION ENDS: Fri., 3/13/15 FEATURED SURPLUS (16) 2002 – 1998 Bluebird School Buses, (5) 2007 - 2005 Chev. Suburbans, (4) 2002 -1998 Chev. Vans, Komatsu Forklift, Lg. Qty. Wood Shop Equip., Fencing, Lg. Qty. Cafeteria Equip., Lockers, Furn., PE, & More - 13% B.P. www.lemonsauctioneers.com www.onlinepros.com #7341 (800)243-1113 OR (281)357-4977 G-10 Garage Sale FRONTIER DAY VENDORS NEEDED SATURDAY, APRIL 25TH FOR RENT 12X12 ARTS, CRAFTS & COMMERCIAL BOOTHS - $40 FOOD BOOTHS $125 Go To: alvinrotary.org for all info. and forms CONTACT Sharon Dickerson A Full Line of Vaccinations and Preventatives For Your Dog or Cat Sun., March 8th 1- 4 p.m. Animal Wellness Clinic GIGANTIC Garage Sale! 1205 Martin Dr., Fri.-Sat., March 6-7, Lots of Families, 7-?. Jewelry, quilts, furniture, antiques, plants, tools. Too much to list. Come See! Located at Sears Hardware FRI.-SAT., MARCH 6-7, 4004 Wildflower, Westglen Subdv., 7-?. FRI. & SAT., March 13 & 14, 1718 W. Dumble street. 9-3. MULTI FAMILY Meadow Park Shopping Plaza 2625 S. Loop Hwy. 35 Alvin • 281-374-9902 LICENSED VET ONSITE All Dog & Puppy Paks include Bordetalla Flea Preventative & Comfortis Available ALL Dogs Must Be On Leash Major Credit Cards Accepted H-Motor Vehicles H-5 Autos for Sale Yard Sale! Fri., March 6, 1918 W. Blum, 8noon. Tools, Furniture, Household, Etc. MULTI FAMILY! SAT., MARCH 7, 8-?, 4913 FAIRVIEW DR. (CR 937A), ALVIN. Lots of items, 2005 RV, $13,000. Furniture, antiques, tools,etc CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST INSERTION DAY! We will not be responsible for more than one incorrect run of any ad! The Alvin Sun & Advertiser, 281-3314421 Call classifieds I-3 Legal Notices 281-331-4421 G-15 Furniture Appliance You pick up. Come by The Alvin Sun & For Sale: Kenmore Advertiser at 570 Dula side-by-side fridge, 25’ in Alvin. white. 281- 543-9397. Houston AGC Plan Room 8450 Westpark Suite 100 Houston, Texas 77063 (800) 364-2059 VBX/ABC 7035 W. Tidwell Ste. J112 Houston, Texas 77092 (713) 523-6222 Specifications and bidding documents for this project may be obtained at the City of Alvin PSF building, 1100 West Highway G-15 Furniture #6, Alvin, Texas. For Appliance each set of specificaI PICK UP Unwanted tion issued, a nonwashers,dryers,fridges. refundable charge of will be Repair/Sell guaranteed $35.00 required. Checks shall appls. 281-756-0001. be made payable to the G-35 Pets & City of Alvin. A nonLivestock mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be Discounted & Convenient held at the PSF buildPET VACCINATIONS ing at 2:00 P.M March 18, 2015. 713-542-2062 sgsportwear@sbcglobal.net Amtek 4001 Sherwood Houston, Texas 77092 (713) 956-0100 I-Public Notices #9336 PO#2015001487 Published March 9 and 16, 2015 ADVERTISEMENT AND INVITATION FOR BIDS The City of Alvin will be bound by the terms of this invitation only to the extent funds, from whatever source, are available. All bids must be accompanied by proposal guaranty in the form of a Certified or Cashier's Check, or Bidders Bond drawn to the order of the City of Alvin, and in the minimum amount of five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid. No proposal may be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days after receipt of bids except with the approval of the City of Alvin. The City of Alvin reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid from any responsible person which will be most advantageous to it and results in the best and most economical completion of the proposed improvements, facilities, works, equipment and appliances. The successful bidder will be required to provide a Performance Bond and Payment Bond in full amount of the contract. /s/ Dixie Roberts, City Clerk I-3 Legal Notices I-3 Legal Notices #9337 #9338 Published March 9 and Published March 9 and 16, 2015 16, 2013 ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT AND INVITATION AND INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION The City of Manvel will receive bids for the The City of Manvel 2015 Community will receive bids for the Development Project following project: (federally funded by a SH6 WATER AND Community DevelopSEWER ment Block Grant): IMPROVEMENTS PHASE 2 LEWIS LANE WATERLINE LOOP HUD #B-14-UC-480005, OE JOB NO 2015-01 until 10:00 AM on Tuesday March 24, 2015 at Manvel City Hall 20025 Morris (SH6) in Manvel, Texas. The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at that time. until 10:00 AM on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at Manvel City Hall 20025 Morris (SH6) in Manvel, Texas. The bids will be Bid/Contract Docpublicly opened and uments including read aloud at that time. Drawings are on file and may be obtained Bid/Contract Doc- from: uments including DANIEL SCOTT Drawings are on file and may be obtained ENGINEERING, LLC. 19701 Hwy 6, Manvel from: TX 77578 for $50.00 per set. DANIEL SCOTT ENGINEERING, LLC. A bid bond in the 19701 Hwy 6, Manvel amount of 5 percent of TX 77578 for $50.00 the bid issued by an per set. acceptable surety shall be submitted with each A bid bond in the bid. A certified check amount of 5 percent of or bank draft payable to the bid issued by an the City of Manvel or acceptable surety shall negotiable U. S. be submitted with each Government Bonds (as bid. A certified check par value) may be subor bank draft payable to mitted in lieu of the Bid the City of Manvel or Bond. negotiable U. S. Government Bonds (as Attention is called to par value) may be sub- the fact that the sucmitted in lieu of the Bid cessful bidder must Bond. comply with: • Paying not less than the federally deterAttention is called to mined prevailing the fact that the suc(Davis-Bacon and cessful bidder must Related Acts) wage comply with: • Paying not less than rate, as issued by the the federally deter- Department of Labor mined prevailing H.U.D. and contained (Davis-Bacon and in the contract docuRelated Acts) wage ments. rate, as issued by the • Ensure that employDepartment of Labor ees and applicants for H.U.D. and contained employment are not in the contract docu- discriminated against because of race, color, ments. • Ensure that employ- religion, sex, age or ees and applicants for national origin. • Section 3 of the employment are not Housing and Urban discriminated against Development Act of because of race, color, religion, sex, age or 1968, as amended, the regulations set forth in national origin. • Section 3 of the 24 CFR Part 135, and Housing and Urban all applicable rules and Development Act of orders. 1968, as amended, the regulations set forth in 24 CFR Part 135, and all applicable rules and orders. The City of Manvel reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. Bids may be held by the City of Manvel for a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidders qualifications prior to the contract award. City of Manvel, Kyle J. Jung, City Manager The City of Manvel reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. Bids may be held by the City of Manvel for a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidders qualifications prior to the contract award. City of Manvel, Kyle J. Jung, City Manager All contractors/subcontractors that are debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation on federal assistance programs may not undertake any activity in part or in full under this project. All contractors/subcontractors that are debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for The City of Manvel is participation on federal an equal opportunity assistance programs employer. may not undertake any activity in part or in full WE ACCEPT under this project. The City of Manvel is an equal opportunity employer. 281-331-4421 Page 10, Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, March 8-9, 2015 This page is recyclable Student Marina Soliz, of Alvin, walks the runway during the ACC Fashion Show Feb. 26. Student Brittany Hayes, of Alvin struts on the runway during the ACC Fashion Show Feb. 26. Frank Melton, of Missouri City, shows the audience what not to wear to a job interview during the ACC Fashion Show Feb. 26. College students put on fashion show Alvin Community College faculty and students took to the runway Feb. 26 to show other students the best way to dress for a job interview during a fashion show. The models dressed in various styles from professional to casual while audi- ence members in the Student Center decided whether they were “hired” or “fired.” The show was one of several events for Job Readiness Week, which was created to help students prepare for their career once they finish their education. Other events included a workshop on building a resume and a seminar on dealing with a person’s reputation on social media. To learn more about Career Services, visit www.alvincollege.edu/careerservices or call 281-756-3560. preferring to preserve the more authentic pastry and traditional ingredients. Dawn Orsak, an Austin-based folklorist who studies Czech heritage in Texas, told the New York Times, “The experimental versions got a lot of popular attention. An artisan backlash is peaking now. And another move toward wide popularity is building. Kolaches will probably continue to evolve as part of that cycle.” Wherever the cycle takes them, I’m just glad kolaches are a staple here in Texas, where I know they’ll always remain a Czech-Tex favorite. Sources: Edible Austin; Los Angeles Times; New York Times; Smithsonian Magazine; San Antonio Express-News; Texas Highways; Texas Monthly; Texas State Historical Association Kolaches Continued from page 8 ever feel a special kinship with kolaches, little by little they are making their way to other corners of the country, with kolache bakeries popping up in places like Portland, Brooklyn and the soon-to-be-launched Republic Kolache Co. in our nation’s capital. Some who were fortunate enough to inherit Old World recipes from grandmothers and great-grandmothers resist the evolution of the kolache,
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