FREE Precision Agriculture EXPO

Precision Agriculture
Find out how you can improve crop yield
and make farming more efficient!
If you are a grower, contractor or
agribusiness support provider, come to
the EXPO for presentations, a large trade
show and working field demonstrations.
Exhibitors to date
Set the date aside now.
Morning tea and lunch provided!
For catering purposes please
RSVP: #PAEXPO and your name
SMS 0407 287 537
Deloraine Community Complex
8 Alveston Drive, Deloraine
Thursday 23 April 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
The Tasmanian Agricultural Productivity Group (TAPG)
is proud to present this unique opportunity to the
Tasmanian agricultural community, through the agency
of member companies Simplot and Serve-Ag, and in
close collaboration with the Tasmanian Institute of
Agriculture, Tasmanian Spatial Information Council and
Agriculture Institute of Australia (Tasmanian Division).
Support from the Tasmanian Government and the Australian Government’s
Caring for Country program is also acknowledged.
A detailed program will be released prior to the event.