Agenda for Eagleville City Council Meeting 108 South Main Street March 26, 2015 Eagleville City Hall 7:00 p.m. Prior to meeting, please turn off all electronic devices. 1) MAYORS WELCOME and CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Travis Brown 2) INVOCATION and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ROLL CALL - Kathey Burleson, City Clerk 4) ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA – Mayor Travis Brown 5) CITIZENS INPUT - Any Citizen shall be given up to three minutes to address the Mayor and City Council on any issue. When the Mayor asks, please raise your hand if you wish to speak. 6) APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) February 26, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes b) March 12, 2015 Special Called Council Meeting Minutes 7) APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 2015 FINANCIAL REPORTS 8) FIRE REPORT – Chief Parks 9) POLICE REPORT – Chief Stuard 10) PARKS REPORT – Jeff Mooneyham 11) CODES REPORT – Linda Dansby 12) CITY MANAGER REPORT – Andrew Ellard 13) NEW BUSINESS a) Approve or Deny an Ordinance Adopting the annual budget for the City of Eagleville for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016. [1st Reading] b) Schedule a Public Hearing for 7:00 p.m. on May 19, 2015 in City Hall in consideration of an ordinance adopting the Fiscal Year 2016 budget for the City of Eagleville. (Hearing to coincide with the regularly scheduled City Council Work Session) c) Approve or Deny a Resolution to authorize the issuance, sale, and payment of Capital Outlay Notes not to exceed $175,000 relative to sewer development costs. d) Approve or Deny an exemption to sewer rates for certain properties based on lot size and/or use as described in the attached memorandum dated March 21, 2015. e) Authorize submittal of an application for the Governor’s Highway Safety Office grant opportunity for traffic enforcement equipment. 14) OLD BUSINESS a) Approve or Deny an Ordinance to amend Ordinance 2014-08, the Sewer Rate Ordinance to establish a capacity fee, an alternate billing fee, and a process for considering alternate arrangements for special development projects. [2nd Reading] 15) MAYOR’S CLOSING REMARKS 16) ADJOURNMENT Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting Eagleville City Hall, Eagleville, TN Thursday, February 26, 2015 – 7:00 PM ___________________________________________________ COUNCIL MEMBERS Mayor Travis Brown Vice Mayor Ronnie Hill Councilman Alan Ball Councilwoman Patty Rigsby P P P P Councilman Chris Hendrix Councilman David Rigsby Councilman Phillip Dye P P P STAFF Leon Sharber, City Attorney Andrew Ellard, City Manager Kathey Burleson, City Recorder Jenny Strasser, City Clerk Elijah Stuard, Police Chief Rick Parks, Fire Chief GUESTS Glenda Dyer P P P A P A Jeff Mooneyham, Park Director Linda Dansby, Codes Administrator David Breniser, Police Officer Paul Rigsby, Police Officer Nathan Bolton, Police Officer Jonathan Armstrong, Fireman A P P A P A Pettus Read CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:22 p.m. by Mayor Travis Brown. Late start due to Called Work Session prior to Regular City Council Meeting. ROLL CALL Roll was called by City Recorder, Kathey Burleson with a quorum present. INVOCATION Invocation was offered by Pettus Read. PLEDGE OF ALLIGIANCE Eagleville Police Department led the Pledge of Allegiance. 1 of 4 MAYORS WELCOME Mayor Brown welcomed everyone in attendance to the meeting. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Addition to New Business Items to include d) Authorize submittal of an application for the FEMA Staffing for Adequate Fire & Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant and a letter from the Council and Mayor explaining its support for the same. Addition to Old Business Item to include b) Approve or Deny an Ordinance to amend the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget. [3rd Reading] EDITED 3RD READING SINCE AGENDA DRAFT WAS FIRST DISTRIBUTED. Removal of New Business Item b) Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement between the City of Eagleville and the Rutherford County School District relative to sewer system rates and fees as were previously established by the parties; to later time. Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Councilman Alan Ball Councilman David Rigsby 7-0 CITIZENS INPUT None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Thursday, January 22, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Vice-Mayor Ronnie Hill Councilman Alan Ball 7-0 FINANCIAL REPORT January 2015 Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Councilman Alan Ball Vice-Mayor Ronnie Hill 7-0 2 of 4 NEW BUSINESS Council elected to address the Sewer Rate Ordinance in two parts – first establishing an amount for the capacity fee to be included in the sewer rate ordinance, and second addressing the Sewer Rate Ordinance as a whole. Establish a capacity fee of $3,500 per Residential Equivalent Unit to be included in the Sewer Rate Ordinance upon 1st Reading. Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Councilman Patty Rigsby Councilman David Rigsby 7-0 Approve or Deny an Ordinance to amend Ordinance 2014-08, the Sewer Rate Ordinance to establish a capacity fee of $3,500 per Residential Equivalent Unit, an alternate billing fee of $25.00 per month, and a process for considering alternate arrangements for special development projects. [1st Reading]. Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Councilman Alan Ball Councilman Chris Hendrix 6-1, Declination by Councilman Phillip Dye Authorize the City Manager to enter negotiations with John Lewis of Stonegate Landscaping for the development of a sewer line to serve the property at 172 Clark Street, including a capacity fee of $3,500 per Residential Equivalent Unit. Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Vice Mayor Ronnie Hill Councilman Phillip Dye 7-0 Authorize submittal of an application for the Governor’s Highway Safety Office (GHSO) FY 2016 Grant opportunity. Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Councilman Alan Ball Councilman David Rigsby 7-0 3 of 4 Authorize submittal of an application for the FEMA Staffing for Adequate Fire & Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant and a letter from the Council and Mayor explaining its support for the same. Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Vice-Mayor Ronnie Hill Councilman Phillip Dye 7-0 OLD BUSINESS Approve or Deny an Ordinance to amend the City of Eagleville Personnel Policy. [3rd Reading] Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Councilman Phillip Dye Councilwoman Patty Rigsby 7-0 Approve or Deny an Ordinance to amend the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget. [3rd Reading] Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Vice-Mayor Ronnie Hill Councilman David Rigsby 7-0 ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn: Councilman David Rigsby Motion passed by a unanimous “aye”. The meeting ended at 8:15 pm. Approval by: _________________________________ Mayor Travis Brown _________________________________ Kathey Burleson, City Recorder Date minutes were approved:__________________ 4 of 4 Minutes of the Called City Council Meeting Eagleville City Hall, Eagleville, TN Thursday, March 12, 2015 – 6:00 PM ___________________________________________________ COUNCIL MEMBERS Mayor Travis Brown Vice Mayor Ronnie Hill Councilman Phillip Dye Councilman David Rigsby P P P Councilman Chris Hendrix Councilwoman Patty Rigsby Councilman Alan Ball PArrived Late P A PArrived late STAFF Kathey Burleson, City Recorder Jenny Strasser, City Clerk Elijah Stuard, Police Chief Rick Parks, Fire Chief Jeff Mooneyham, Park Director Linda Dansby, Codes Administrator P P A P P A David Breniser, Police Officer Paul Rigsby, Police Officer Nathan Bolton, Police Officer Jonathan Armstrong, Fireman Leon Sharber, City Attorney P A A P P GUESTS Glenda Dyer CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Mayor Travis Brown. ROLL CALL Roll was called by City Recorder, Kathey Burleson with a quorum present. MAYORS WELCOME Mayor Brown welcomed everyone in attendance to the meeting. 1 of 3 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Councilman Phillip Dye Councilwoman Patty Rigsby 4-0, Councilmen Alan Ball, Chris Hendrix, David Rigsby Absent NEW BUSINESS Councilman David Rigsby arrived at the meeting prior to action taken on new business. Approve or Deny a Resolution to retroactively authorize the issuance, sale, and payment of Capital Outlay Notes not to exceed $41,814.06 relative to sewer development costs previously incurred. Funds borrowed in FY 2014. Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Vice-Mayor Ronnie Hill Councilman Phillip Dye 5-0, Councilmen Alan Ball and Chris Hendrix-Absent Approve or Deny a Resolution to retroactively authorize the issuance, sale, and payment of Capital Outlay Notes not to exceed $27,181.15 relative to sewer development costs previously incurred. Funds borrowed in FY 2015. Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Councilman Phillip Dye Vice-Mayor Ronnie Hill 5-0, Councilmen Alan Ball and Chris Hendrix-Absent Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement between the City of Eagleville and the Rutherford County School District relative to sewer system rates and fees as were previously established by the parties. Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Vice-Mayor Ronnie Hill Councilwoman Patty Rigsby 5-0, Councilmen Alan Ball and Chris Hendrix-Absent Councilman Chris Hendrix arrived at the meeting prior to action taken on the following items. Consider a request to allow the property at 355 S. Main St. to connect to the sewer system while waiving any capacity fee requirement. a. Alternatively: Consider a request to allow the property at 355 S. Main St. to connect to the sewer system contingent upon payment of a capacity fee of $3,500.00. Motion made on option a. Motion for approval: Seconded by: Motion passed: Councilwoman Patty Rigsby Councilman Chris Hendrix 6-0, Councilmen Alan Ball-Absent 2 of 3 ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn: Councilman Phillip Dye Motion passed by a unanimous “aye”. The meeting ended at 6:38 pm. Approval by: _________________________________ Mayor Travis Brown _________________________________ Kathey Burleson, City Recorder Date minutes were approved: __________________ 3 of 3 3:56 PM 03/04/15 Accrual Basis City of Eagleville Profit & Loss Budget Performance February 2015 General Fund Feb 15 Jul '14 - Feb 15 YTD Budget Annual Budget Remaining Projected Over/Under Income Local Taxes 500.74 6,452.62 5,900.00 9,000.00 46,895.80 339,865.89 217,000.00 325,000.00 -1,244.00 -9,283.00 -995.00 12,399.45 2,547.38 -14,865.89 85,273.13 476,441.06 331,851.00 465,000.00 -11,441.06 249,661.59 416 - TVA n Lieu Tx Pymnts 960 0.00 3,500.24 3,450.00 6,900.00 420 - State of TN-Sales Tax 970 -1,649.64 3,668.97 -300.00 9,285.34 4,936.62 11.04 300.00 -5,000.00 5,625.00 1,320.00 401 - Property Tax 402 - Property Taxes-Pr. Years 404 - Tax Penalty & Interest 412 - Business Taxes 413 · Local Beer Tax 414 - Rutherford Co Sales Tax Total Local Taxes 30,335.00 107,244.00 104,951.00 106,000.00 3,002.00 14,283.00 3,333.32 5,000.00 0.00 1,995.00 666.68 1,000.00 4,539.59 6,600.55 0.00 19,000.00 54,866.00 16,424.50 1,992.50 -9,099.18 678.93 184,798.84 Intergovernmental Revenue 102.71 4,124.41 833.34 1,250.00 425 - State of TN-Telecomm. STG 4.78 40.69 33.32 50.00 466 - Police Salary Supplement 0.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 467 · GHSO Grant 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 470 - Ruth. Co Fire Dept Grant 0.00 33,750.00 33,750.00 45,000.00 2,880.00 2,880.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,399.76 11,720.69 300.00 -4,523.56 -2,874.41 9.31 0.00 5,000.00 11,250.00 120.00 7,790.79 85,198.21 80,716.66 109,600.00 24,401.79 18,197.32 0.00 90.00 90.00 100.00 410 - Building Permits 135.00 5,614.00 6,500.00 10,000.00 417 · Beer Permits 200.00 800.00 500.00 500.00 10.00 4,386.00 -300.00 35.00 -1,579.00 700.00 335.00 6,504.00 7,090.00 10,600.00 4,096.00 -844.00 49.00 49.00 4,803.30 30,779.31 28,900.00 42,500.00 421 - State of TN-Beer Tax 0.00 0.00 150.00 300.00 422 - St. of TN-Income Tax 930 0.00 9,523.56 5,000.00 5,000.00 424 - St of TN-Cty St/Trans 880 473 · State of TN Fire Dept Grant Total Intergovernmental Revenue License & Permits 405 - Business License Total License & Permits Fines & Fees 419 · Credit Card Fees Page 1 of 7 3:56 PM 03/04/15 Accrual Basis City of Eagleville Profit & Loss Budget Performance February 2015 General Fund 411 - Police Fines 418 · Planning Dept. Fees 481 · Drug Fees Total Fines & Fees Feb 15 Jul '14 - Feb 15 YTD Budget Annual Budget Remaining Projected Over/Under 0.00 32,988.50 -1,408.00 -193.64 -12,982.75 2,362.00 290.46 48,400.00 73,500.00 31,337.86 -10,256.79 150.00 900.00 900.00 -675.00 -9,060.00 -2,000.00 -150.00 5,113.45 40,011.50 47,900.00 73,000.00 450.00 1,908.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 193.64 0.00 5,612.45 42,162.14 150.00 Park Revenue 50.00 3,960.00 1,400.00 15,000.00 461 - Ball Sign-up Fees 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 462 - Pavilion & Field Rent 0.00 100.00 225.00 300.00 750.00 11,040.00 2,000.00 200.00 200.00 4,210.00 2,525.00 18,200.00 13,990.00 -11,885.00 472 - Fire Dept Donations 0.00 325.00 120.00 200.00 474 - Fire Dept. Fund Raiser 0.00 0.00 13,333.30 20,000.00 -125.00 20,000.00 287.50 -20,000.00 0.00 325.00 13,453.30 20,200.00 19,875.00 -19,712.50 70,009.00 70,265.16 200.00 300.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 27.52 500.00 500.00 -69,965.16 2,000.00 472.48 105,097.74 0.00 -458.72 71,009.00 74,292.68 4,700.00 6,800.00 -67,492.68 104,639.02 0.00 41.54 75.00 100.00 58.46 -37.69 0.00 41.54 75.00 100.00 58.46 -37.69 170,220.37 689,174.63 488,810.96 704,000.00 14,825.37 329,761.95 170,220.37 689,174.63 488,810.96 704,000.00 14,825.37 329,761.95 454 - Ballpark Fence Banners 460 - Conc. Stand Income Total Park Revenue Fire Dept. Income Total Fire Dept. Income Misc. Revenues 465 - Misc. Income 487 · Chamber of Commerce Rent 493 · Sales of Assets Total Misc. Revenues Interest Income 490 - Interest Gen. Fund Svgs Total Interest Income Total Income Gross Profit Page 2 of 7 3:56 PM 03/04/15 Accrual Basis City of Eagleville Profit & Loss Budget Performance February 2015 General Fund Feb 15 Jul '14 - Feb 15 YTD Budget Annual Budget Remaining Projected Over/Under Expense General Gov. 140.04 26,374.41 20,069.41 14,092.98 8,343.80 -5,275.67 0.00 1,431.06 1,447.43 761.46 416.52 16.00 -14,561.62 -8,174.12 -5,431.47 -2,796.20 8,413.51 0.00 -396.59 -1,171.15 537.79 -124.78 46.02 6,569.19 10,000.00 4,072.47 -1,108.71 14,454.31 16,750.00 17,000.00 0.00 1,181.64 791.40 2,000.00 2,545.69 818.36 222.70 562.82 784.28 498.97 -33.09 2,360.44 5,108.00 -550.00 -27.00 6,624.25 17.00 275.00 1,621.00 4,681.47 -227.54 415.95 -344.23 -176.42 501.55 424.64 -40.66 -2,662.00 950.00 3,540.50 3,312.13 24.50 37.50 -931.50 511 - City Manager 4,500.00 23,625.59 33,333.32 50,000.00 510 - Salaries - Recorder 2,692.30 23,790.59 29,240.00 43,860.00 515 - Salaries - Office & Codes 2,473.82 17,323.02 20,944.00 31,416.00 520 - Payroll Taxes 1,453.68 11,095.20 12,959.33 19,439.00 523 - Unemployment Benefits Pd. 1,100.00 6,275.67 666.66 1,000.00 525a - Telephone & Internet 328.04 2,068.94 2,333.33 3,500.00 525b - Natural Gas 235.40 552.57 1,112.50 2,000.00 525c - Electricity 226.47 2,598.50 2,240.00 3,359.96 525d - Water 49.77 583.48 790.00 1,000.00 525e - Trash pickup 17.50 124.04 93.36 857.18 5,927.53 527 - Insurance/ Bonds 0.00 528 - Legal Notices / Ads 525 - Utilities Total 525 - Utilities 529 - Dues 0.00 1,277.30 1,300.00 1,500.00 98.00 437.18 885.00 1,000.00 531 - Copier Lease / New Equip. 250.11 1,215.72 1,333.32 2,000.00 532 - Office Supplies 214.99 2,001.03 1,666.64 2,500.00 0.00 783.09 500.00 750.00 365.50 4,639.56 4,666.68 7,000.00 0.00 4,892.00 6,666.64 10,000.00 50.00 800.00 150.00 250.00 530 - Postage 533 - Bank Fees 534 - Repairs & Maintenance 535 - Ecoc. Plng (City Planner) 536 - Building Inspections 537 - Economic Development 0.00 7,027.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 538 - Library Grant 0.00 19,872.75 19,872.75 26,497.00 539 - Pers. Prop. Audit Costs 0.00 83.00 100.00 100.00 545 - City Judge Fee 100.00 625.00 600.00 900.00 546 - Meetings & Conferences 220.00 1,379.00 1,950.00 3,000.00 Page 3 of 7 3:56 PM 03/04/15 Accrual Basis City of Eagleville Profit & Loss Budget Performance February 2015 General Fund Feb 15 Jul '14 - Feb 15 YTD Budget Annual Budget Remaining Projected Over/Under 8,394.50 25,795.90 0.00 0.00 560 - Planning / Codes Expenses 0.00 269.47 750.00 750.00 565 - Beautification 0.00 69.00 250.00 250.00 567 - Christmas Parade Expenses 0.00 812.88 1,000.00 1,000.00 568 - Fall Festival Expenses 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,425.60 8,166.80 8,169.40 13,485.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 55,167.00 0.00 2,857.50 0.00 0.00 2,059.31 193.33 425.41 5,867.00 870.94 0.00 28,582.00 2,650.00 786.50 -25,795.90 480.53 181.00 187.12 1,000.00 5,318.20 29,167.00 -2,857.50 53,329.61 247,043.24 271,464.29 384,664.00 137,620.76 -14,099.14 0.00 -2,284.42 -150.00 -2,918.43 0.00 -951.02 -40.33 63.18 547 - Miscellaneous 548 - Mayor's Discretionary Acc 549 - Travel 550 - Accounting Fees 120.00 1,440.69 2,333.32 3,500.00 0.00 806.67 666.64 1,000.00 257.93 2,274.59 1,800.00 2,700.00 1,013.00 6,133.00 8,000.00 12,000.00 551 · Professional Services 0.00 129.06 1,000.00 1,000.00 552 - Audit Fees 0.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 553 · Eaglecrest 1&2 lawsuit fees 893.00 6,418.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 554 - Attorney Fees 850.00 5,350.00 5,550.00 8,000.00 0.00 8,213.50 8,400.00 9,000.00 555 - Data Proc. Sprt Charge 558 - Sewer Start-up Costs 592 - Interest Expense 595 - Capital Outlay Note 910 - Capital Expenditures Total General Gov. -1,338.97 210.01 711.89 -2,800.50 -806.41 1,800.00 -25,373.00 25.00 3,320.25 38,693.85 -345.80 -146.50 219.32 -1,000.00 -1,234.80 -16,167.00 4,286.25 Park 586.50 4,692.00 4,692.00 7,038.00 571 - Concession Stand Salaries 0.00 1,810.39 1,666.66 5,000.00 572 - Ballpark Fence Banners 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 573 - Concession Stand 0.00 3,054.38 1,875.00 7,500.00 329.77 2,499.32 2,647.04 4,700.00 574d - Water 12.88 263.78 166.68 436.00 574e - Trash pickup 54.47 618.12 546.00 864.00 2,346.00 3,189.61 150.00 4,445.62 0.00 2,200.68 172.22 245.88 397.12 3,381.22 3,359.72 6,000.00 2,618.78 -928.17 0.00 2,979.77 3,500.00 3,500.00 520.23 969.66 570 - Park Director Salary 574 - Utilities 574c - Electricity Total 574 - Utilities 575 - Insurance Page 4 of 7 3:56 PM 03/04/15 Accrual Basis City of Eagleville Profit & Loss Budget Performance February 2015 General Fund Feb 15 Jul '14 - Feb 15 YTD Budget Annual Budget 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 750.98 457.75 3,000.00 1,570.30 1,000.00 1,036.09 18,388.73 17,198.38 38,438.00 20,049.27 -10,854.91 714.00 5,712.00 5,712.00 8,568.00 2,307.70 16,845.81 20,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 -4,731.29 -930.29 2,198.83 -1,081.49 -293.45 2,864.28 0.00 23.03 -67.53 -922.00 39.04 -4.38 577 - Maintenance 0.00 1,249.02 350.00 578 - Mowing 0.00 292.25 425.00 750.00 579 - Misc. 0.00 0.00 280.00 3,000.00 52.47 929.70 1,050.00 2,500.00 580 - Supplies 913 - Park Capital Outlay Total Park Remaining Projected Over/Under 2,000.00 -126.47 -311.63 -3,000.00 -1,105.45 -1,000.00 Fire Dept. 79.50 292.00 955.00 1,360.00 632d - Water 9.24 106.00 72.48 119.96 632e - Trash pickup 8.75 90.44 93.36 140.04 2,856.00 13,154.19 2,286.86 867.45 2,887.66 1,462.30 90.48 0.00 -15.35 338.35 1,068.00 13.96 49.60 302.40 1,045.44 1,545.84 2,500.00 1,454.56 -931.84 633 - Insurance 0.00 8,341.31 11,000.00 11,000.00 634 - Dues 0.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 635 - Advertising / Promotion 0.00 1,005.50 1,000.00 1,000.00 636 - Ruth. Co. Emerg. Coor. 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 640 - State FireDept Grant Exp. 0.00 5,760.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 911 - Fire Capital Outlay 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 2,658.69 0.00 -5.50 500.00 240.00 10,000.00 1,511.97 50.00 508.25 -500.00 2,640.00 -10,000.00 7,627.54 59,515.31 69,311.16 97,968.00 38,452.69 -8,695.04 610 - Salaries - Fire Chief 612 - Salaries - Fire Admin. 620 - Fire Dept. Fuel 427.68 2,713.14 2,950.00 5,000.00 625 - Fire Truck Expense 1,928.21 6,132.55 1,500.00 7,000.00 626 - Training 1,400.00 3,612.34 4,250.00 6,500.00 627 - Incentive Program 299.52 2,337.70 2,533.32 3,800.00 630 - Fire Dept Supplies/ Misc. 248.03 5,909.52 2,770.00 6,000.00 15.35 15.35 189.56 541.65 425.00 880.00 632 - Utilities 632f · TV Dish/Cable 632b - Natural Gas 632c - Electricity Total 632 - Utilities Total Fire Dept. Page 5 of 7 3:56 PM 03/04/15 Accrual Basis City of Eagleville Profit & Loss Budget Performance February 2015 General Fund Feb 15 Jul '14 - Feb 15 YTD Budget Annual Budget Remaining Projected Over/Under Police Dept. 126.96 12,961.58 10,515.43 8,125.83 806.08 -742.32 658.66 -40.00 -2,386.62 0.00 -15.34 258.38 502.20 -27.19 19.09 2,487.63 -473.15 -5,188.75 540.88 2,363.48 -37.99 460.00 3,579.93 0.00 23.01 12.43 -356.20 80.21 34.85 952.58 1,800.00 737.14 -205.71 3,238.38 3,000.00 4,500.00 3,033.72 2,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 9,593.61 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 3,333.32 5,000.00 900.00 3,447.83 3,066.64 4,600.00 357.57 1,550.58 4,390.42 2,500.00 571.75 -1,200.00 4,240.00 428.84 7,751.64 705 - Salaries - Police Chief 3,373.84 30,898.42 29,240.00 43,860.00 710 - Salaries - Police 2,353.84 20,084.57 20,400.00 30,600.00 553.16 5,874.17 9,100.00 14,000.00 33.34 2,693.92 2,400.00 3,500.00 730 - Police Supplies 576.46 3,242.32 1,800.00 2,500.00 731 - Cell phones & Air Cards 267.37 1,241.34 1,009.04 1,900.00 0.00 840.00 225.00 800.00 12.00 2,386.62 0.00 0.00 15.34 15.34 189.56 541.62 350.00 800.00 79.50 292.00 469.70 794.20 735d - Water 9.24 106.03 52.56 78.84 735e · Trash Pickup 8.75 107.87 80.32 302.39 1,062.86 740 - Police Training 0.00 745 - Police Clothing 0.00 750 - Insurance 765 · GHSO Grant Expenditures 720 - Police Vehicle Fuel 725 - Police Vehicle Expense 732 - Dues 733 - Miscellaneous 735 - Utilities 735f · TV Dish/Cable 735b - Natural Gas 735c - Electricity Total 735 - Utilities 770 - Police Equipment 0.00 15,549.76 0.00 15,573.00 1,261.62 -33.72 406.39 0.00 1,152.17 1,200.00 0.00 0.44 23.24 8,372.40 117,526.08 97,065.58 152,172.00 34,645.92 24,117.12 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 780 - State Salary Supplement 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 785-Police Capital Outlay-Prin. 0.00 8,480.00 8,480.00 8,480.00 786-Police Capital Outlay-Int. 0.00 858.56 859.00 859.00 912 - Police Capital Outlay Total Police Dept. Other Financing Use 800 · Transfer to Street Aid Page 6 of 7 3:56 PM 03/04/15 Accrual Basis City of Eagleville Profit & Loss Budget Performance February 2015 General Fund Total Other Financing Use Total Expense Net Income Feb 15 Jul '14 - Feb 15 YTD Budget Annual Budget Remaining Projected Over/Under 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 70,365.64 452,473.36 465,039.41 683,242.00 230,768.64 -4,531.96 99,854.73 236,701.27 23,771.55 20,758.00 -215,943.27 334,293.91 Page 7 of 7 Street Aid Feb 15 Jul '14 - Feb 15 YTD Budget Annual Budget Remaining Projected Over/Under Income Other Financing Source / Uses 485 - Transfer frm Gen. Fund Total Other Financing Source / Uses 405 - State of Tenn Gas Tax 490 - Interest Income Total Income 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1,360.33 10,858.55 10,980.00 16,000.00 0.00 9.00 20.00 30.00 1,360.33 20,867.55 21,000.00 26,030.00 0.00 0.00 5,141.45 21.00 5,162.45 7142.86 7142.86 2614.66 -14.57 9742.94 2,980.00 5,505.00 500.00 100.00 9,085.00 -3,922.55 0.00 -2251.43 1991.43 -500.00 -100.00 -860.00 10602.94 0.00 Expense 761 - Contract Labor 0.00 1,020.00 3,100.00 4,000.00 2,324.00 10,495.00 10,666.64 16,000.00 763 - Repairs & Maintenance 0.00 0.00 400.00 500.00 765 - Hwy & Street Permit Bond 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 2,324.00 11,515.00 14,266.64 20,600.00 -963.67 9,352.55 6,733.36 5,430.00 762 - Street & Traffic Lights Total Expense Net Income Checking/Savings Balances as of February 28, 2015 Petty Cash General Fund-Checking Savings - General Fund Total Checking/Savings Street Aid Savings 244.31 723,334.27 164,801.94 888,380.52 77,290.09 Grand Total $965,670.61 Drug Fund Balance as of February 28, 2015 Drug Fund 847.64 ORDINANCE # 2015-___ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAGLEVILLE, TENNESSEE, ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2015 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2016. Whereas, Tennessee Code Annotated Title 9 Chapter 1 Section 116 requires that all funds of the State of Tennessee and all its political subdivisions shall first be appropriated before being expended and that only funds that are available shall be appropriated; and Whereas, the Municipal Budget Law of 1982 requires that the governing body of each municipality adopt and operate under an annual budget ordinance presenting a financial plan with at least the information required by that state statute, that no municipality may expend any moneys regardless of the source except in accordance with a budget ordinance and that the governing body shall not make any appropriation in excess of estimated available funds; and Whereas, the governing body has published the annual operating budget and budgetary comparisons of the proposed budget with the prior year (actual) and the current year (estimated) in a newspaper of general circulation not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting where the governing body will consider final passage of the budget. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF EAGLEVILLE, TENNESSEE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the governing body estimates anticipated revenues of the municipality from all sources to be as follows: General Fund Local Taxes Intergovernmental Revenue Licenses and Permits Fines and Fees Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenue Fund Balance Total Available Funds FY 2014 Actual 511,256 110,687 9,141 72,658 23,098 726,840 FY 2015 Estimated 609,590 114,081 10,014 67,068 40,586 841,533 FY 2016 Proposed 513,390 116,955 7,900 83,750 123,130 845,125 889,047 1,734,172 State Street Aid Fund Intergovernmental Revenue Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenue Fund Balance Total Available Funds FY 2014 Actual 15,627 31 15,658 FY 2015 Estimated 25,878 19 25,897 FY 2016 Proposed 25,750 15 25,765 75,986 101,736 Drug Fund Drug Fines and Costs Miscellaneous Revenue Sale of Assets Total Revenue Fund Balance Total Available Funds FY 2014 Actual Sewer Fund Income from Operation Capacity Fees Capital Contributions Other Revenue Total Revenue Fund Balance Total Available Funds FY 2014 Actual N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A FY 2015 Estimated 423 193 423 193 FY 2015 Estimated 44,650 70,000 92,000 25 206,675 FY 2016 Proposed 300 300 847 1,147 FY 2016 Proposed 158,283 21,000 4,010 183,293 0 183,293 SECTION 2: That the governing body appropriates from these anticipated revenues and unexpended and unencumbered funds as follows: General Fund General Government Parks & Recreation Fire Department Police Department Total Appropriations FY 2014 Actual 265,143 37,837 63,550 148,103 514,633 FY 2015 Estimated 379,807 39,628 88,172 170,965 678,572 FY 2016 Proposed 412,646 56,521 200,253 259,656 929,076 State Street Aid Fund Streets Total Appropriations FY 2014 Actual 17,415 17,415 FY 2015 Estimated 17,849 17,849 FY 2016 Proposed 20,600 20,600 Drug Fund Program Costs Total Appropriations FY 2014 Actual 169 FY 2015 Estimated 150 150 FY 2016 Proposed 300 300 Sewer Fund Direct Operating Costs Contracted Services Debt Service Total Appropriations FY 2014 Actual N/A N/A N/A N/A FY 2015 Estimated 7,000 17,650 81,760 106,410 FY 2016 Proposed 31,665 38,000 113,507 183,172 SECTION 3: follows: At the end of the current fiscal year the governing body estimates balances/deficits as General Fund State Street Aid Fund Drug Fund Sewer Fund 889,047 75,986 847 0 SECTION 4: That the governing body recognizes that the municipality has bonded and other indebtedness as follows: Bonded or Other Indebtedness Bonds Notes Capital Leases Other Debt Debt Redemption 1,792,000 315,312 73,727 243,996 Interest Requirements 1,074,997 46,574 6,133 Debt Authorized and Unissued Condition of Sinking Fund SECTION 5: During the coming fiscal year the governing body has planned capital projects and proposed funding as follows: Proposed Capital Projects State Street Aid Projects Proposed Amount Financed by Appropriations 75,000 Proposed Amount Financed by Debt 0 SECTION 6: No appropriation listed above may be exceeded without an amendment of the budget ordinance as required by the Municipal Budget Law of 1982 T.C.A. Section 6-56-208. In addition, no appropriation may be made in excess of available funds except to provide for an actual emergency threatening the health, property or lives of the inhabitants of the municipality and declared by a twothirds (2/3) vote of at least a quorum of the governing body in accord with Section 6-56-205 of the Tennessee Code Annotated. SECTION 7: A detailed financial plan will be attached to this budget and become part of this budget ordinance. In addition, the published operating budget and budgetary comparisons shown by fund with beginning and ending fund balances and the number of full time equivalent employees required by Section 6-56-206, Tennessee Code Annotated will be attached. SECTION 8: If for any reason a budget ordinance is not adopted prior to the beginning of the next fiscal year, the appropriations in this budget ordinance shall become the appropriations for the next fiscal year until the adoption of the new budget ordinance in accordance with the Section 6-56-210, Tennessee Code Annotated provided sufficient revenues are being collected to support the continuing appropriations. Approval of the Director of the Division Local Finance in the Comptroller of the Treasury for a continuation budget will be requested if any indebtedness is outstanding. SECTION 9: There is levied a property tax of $0.7282 per $100 of assessed value on all real and personal property. SECTION 10: All unencumbered balances of appropriations remaining at the end of the fiscal year shall lapse and revert to the respective fund balances. SECTION 11: This ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 2015, the public welfare requiring it. Approved: Travis Brown, Mayor ATTEST: City Recorder, Kathey Burleson Passed First Reading: Passed Second Reading: Passed Third Reading: Public Hearing held: with 15-day notice given in the Rutherford Reader on APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, Leon Sharber Resolution No. 2015-005 RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF EAGLEVILLE, TENNESSEE, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE, SALE, AND PAYMENT OF INTERFUND LOAN CAPITAL OUTLAY NOTES NOT TO EXCEED $175,000.00 WHEREAS, the Governing Body of Eagleville, Tennessee (the Local Government) has determined that it is necessary and desirable to provide funds for the following public works project(s) (the “Project”): STEP Sewer Collection System (If multiple projects are involved, attach separate sheet identifying each project, its estimated economic life, and the portion of the Notes to be applied to the cost of such project;) and WHEREAS, the Governing Body has determined that the Project will promote or provide a traditional governmental activity or otherwise fulfill a public purpose; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Parts I, IV, and VI of Title 9, Chapter 21, Tennessee Code Annotated, local governments in Tennessee are authorized to finance the cost of the Project through the issuance and sale of interest bearing capital outlay notes with a maturity of up to three years upon the approval of the Comptroller of the Treasury or Comptroller’s Designee; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of §9-21-408 of Title 9 Chapter 21, Tennessee Code Annotated, Local Governments in Tennessee are authorized to make interfund loans in accordance with procedures for issuance of notes in § 9-21-604 of Title 9 Chapter 21 Tennessee Code Annotated. WHEREAS, the Governing Body finds that it is advantageous to the Local Government to authorize the issuance of capital outlay notes to finance the cost of the Project; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Body of Eagleville, Tennessee, as follows: Section 1. That, for the purpose of providing funds to finance the cost of the Project in and for the Local Government, the Chief Executive Officer of the Local Government is hereby authorized in accordance with the terms of this resolution, and upon approval of the Comptroller of the Treasury or Comptroller’s Designee, to issue and sell interest-bearing capital outlay notes in a principal amount not to exceed one-hundred, seventy-five thousand Dollars ($175,000.00) (the “Notes”) from the General fund to the Sewer fund upon approval of the Comptroller of the Treasury or Comptroller’s Designee pursuant to the terms, provisions, and conditions permitted by law. The Notes shall be designated “Sewer Enterprise Interfund Loan Capital Outlay Notes, Series 2015”, shall be numbered serially from 1 upwards; shall be dated as of the date of issuance; shall be in denomination (s) as agreed upon by the legislative governing body; shall be sold at not less than 99% of par value and accrued interest; and shall bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed zero percent (0%) per annum, and in no event shall the rate exceed the legal limit provided by law. 1 Section 2. That, the Notes shall mature not later than nine (9) years after the date of issuance and that the Notes and any extension or renewal notes shall not exceed the reasonably expected economic life of the Project, which is hereby certified by the Governing Body to be at least forty years. Provided, however, that each year the Notes are outstanding one-ninth (1/9) of the original principal amount of the Notes shall mature without renewal but subject to prior redemption. Section 3. That, the Notes shall be subject to redemption at the option of the Local Government, in whole or in part, at any time, at the principal amount and accrued interest to the date of redemption, without a premium, or, if sold at par, with or without a premium of not exceeding one percent (1%) of the principal amount. Section 4. That, the Notes shall be direct general obligations of the Local Government, for which the punctual payment of the principal and interest on the notes, the full faith and credit of the Local Government is irrevocably pledged and the Local Government hereby pledges its taxing power as to all taxable property in the Local Government for the purpose of providing funds for the payment of principal of and interest on the Notes. The Governing Body of the Local Government hereby authorizes the levy and collection of a special tax on all taxable property of the Local government over and above all other taxes authorized by the Local government to create a sinking fund to retire the Notes with interest as they mature in an amount necessary for that purpose. The Notes shall be further secured by the revenues of the Sewer Enterprise. Section 5. That, the Notes shall be executed in the name of the Local Government and bear the manual signature of the chief executive officer of the Local Government and the manual signature of the City recorder with the Local Government seal affixed thereon; and shall be payable as to principal and interest at the office of the City Recorder of the Local Government or the paying agent duly appointed by the Local Government. Proceeds of the Notes shall be deposited with the City Recorder of the Local Government and shall be paid out for the purpose of financing the Project pursuant to this Resolution and as required by law. Section 6. That, the Notes will be issued in fully registered form and that at all times during which any Notes remains outstanding and unpaid, the Local Government or its agent shall keep or cause to be kept at its office a note register, if held by an agent of the Local Government, shall at all times be open for inspection by the Local Government or any duly authorized officer of the Local Government. Each Note shall have the qualities and incidents of a negotiable instrument and shall be transferable only upon the note register kept by the Local Government or its agent, by the registered owner of the Note in person or by the registered owner’s attorney duly authorized in writing, upon presentation and surrender to the Local Government or its agent together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Local Government duly executed by the registered owner of the registered owner’s duly authorized attorney. Upon the transfer of any such Note, the Local Government shall issue in the name of the transferee a new registered note or notes of the same aggregate principal amount and maturity as the surrendered Notes. The Local Government shall not be obligated to make any such Note transfer during the fifteen (15) days next preceding an interest payment date of the Notes or, in the case of any redemption of the Notes, during the forty-five (45) days next preceding the date of redemption. Section 7. That, the Notes shall be in substantially the form authorized by the Comptroller of the Treasury or Comptroller’s Designee and shall recite that the Notes are issued pursuant to Title 9, Chapter 21, Tennessee Code Annotated. 2 Section 8. The Notes shall not be sold until receipt of the Comptroller of the Treasury or Comptroller’s Designee’s written approval for the sale of the Notes. Section 9. That the Notes may be designated as qualified tax-exempt obligations for the purpose of Section 265(b) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Section 10. That, after the sale of the Notes, and for each year that any of the notes are outstanding, the Local Government shall prepare an annual budget in a form consistent with accepted governmental standards and as approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury or Comptroller’s Designee (the “Director”.) The budget shall be kept balanced during the life of the notes. The annual budget shall be submitted to the Director immediately upon its adoption; however, it shall not become the official budget for the fiscal year until such budget is approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury or Comptroller’s Designee in accordance with Title 9, Chapter 21, Tennessee Code Annotated (the “Statutes”.) If the Comptroller of the Treasury or Comptroller’s Designee determines that the budget does not comply with the Statutes, the Governing Body shall adjust its estimates or make additional tax levies sufficient to comply with the Statutes, or as directed by the Comptroller of the Treasury or Comptroller’s Designee. Section 12. That, all orders or resolutions in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed insofar as such conflict exists and this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. Duly passed and approved this 26th day of March 2015. ________________________________ ________________________________ Travis Brown, Mayor ATTESTED:__________________________ Kathey Burleson, City Recorder 3 Attachment 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY NOTE FORM Registered Note #: 1 City of Eagleville Of the State of Tennessee Registered $175,000 Interfund Capital Outlay Note, Series 2015 INTEREST RATE DATED 0 % May 1, 2015 Registered Owner: Principal Sum: MATURITY DATE $ May 1, 2018 City of Eagleville 175,000 The City Council (Governing Body) of Eagleville, Tennessee (the Local Government) hereby acknowledges itself indebted, and for value received hereby promises to pay to the Registered Owner hereof (named above), or registered assigns, the Principal Sum specified above on the Maturity Date specified above or according to an amortization schedule attached hereto (unless this note shall have been duly called for prior redemption and payment of the redemption price shall have been duly made or provided for), upon presentation and surrender to the Local Government or its agent, and to pay interest on the Principal Sum on May 1, 2016 and thereafter on May 1 of each year at the Interest Rate per annum specified above or according to an amortization schedule attached hereto, by check, draft, or warrant mailed to the Registered Owner at the address of the Registered Owner as it appears on the fifteenth (15th) calendar day of the month next preceding the applicable payment date in the note register maintained by or on behalf of the Local Government. Both principal of and interest on this note are payable at the office of the City Recorder of the Local Government or a paying agent duly appointed by the Local Government in lawful money of the United States of America. This note is a direct obligation of the Local Government for the payment of which as to both principal and interest the full faith and credit of the Local Government is pledged. This note is subject to redemption prior to its stated maturity in whole or in part at any time at the option of the Local Government upon payment of the principal amount of the note together with the interest accrued thereon to the date of redemption with a premium of 0% of par value. This note is issued under the authority of Parts I, IV, and VI of Title 9, Chapter 21, Tennessee Code Annotated, and a Resolution duly adopted by the Governing Body of the Local Government meeting in 4 session on the 26th day of March 2015 (the "Resolution") to provide funds to finance the cost of public works projects referenced in the Resolution. This note shall have the qualities and incidents of a negotiable instrument and shall be transferable only upon the note register kept by the Local Government or its agent, by the Registered Owner of the note in person or by the Registered Owner's attorney duly authorized in writing, upon presentation and surrender to the Local Government or its agent of the note together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Local Government duly executed by the Registered Owner or the Registered Owner's duly authorized attorney but only in the manner as provided in the Resolution of the Local Government authorizing the issuance of this note and upon surrender hereof for cancellation. Upon the transfer of any such note, the Local Government or its agent shall issue in the name of the transferee a new registered note or notes of the same aggregate principal amount and maturity as the surrendered note. The Local Government shall not be obligated to make any such Note transfer during the fifteen (15) days next preceding an interest payment date on the Notes or, in the case of any redemption of the Notes, during the forty-five (45) days next preceding the date of redemption. Title 9, Chapter 21, Section 117, Tennessee Code Annotated provides that this note and interest thereon are exempt from taxation by the State of Tennessee or by any county, municipality or taxing district of the State, except for inheritance, transfer and estate taxes and except as otherwise provided under the laws of the State of Tennessee. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED AND DECLARED that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this note exist, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Tennessee, and that the amount of this note, together with all other indebtedness of the Local Government, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation thereon, and that this note is within every constitutional and statutory limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Governing Body of the Local Government has caused this note to be executed in the name of the Local Government by the manual signature of the Mayor, and countersigned and attested by the manual signature of the City Recorder with the Seal of the Local Government affixed hereto or imprinted hereon, and this note to be dated as of the First day of March 2015. _____________________________ (Mayor) ATTESTED: _______________________ SEAL (City Recorder) 5 ASSIGNMENT Note No. RAmount: $ 175,000 . . For value received, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto City of Eagleville, 108 South Main Street, Eagleville, TN 37060 (Name and address of assignee) (Please indicate social security or other tax identifying number of assignee) The within-mentioned note and hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints City Recorder, Kathey Burleson, attorney-in-fact, to transfer the same on the note register in the office of the City Recorder or the agent of the Local Government with full power of substitution in the premises. Date: _____________, 2015 Assignor: _______________________________ Address: ________________________________ Signature Guaranteed by:_______________________________________ NOTE: The signature as to this assignment must correspond with the name as written on the face of the within note in every particular, without alteration, enlargement or any change whatsoever. 6 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANDREW ELLARD SUBJECT: PROPERTIES RECOMMENDED FOR EXEMPTION FOM SEWER RATES DATE: MARCH 21, 2015 Mayor and City Council, As I mentioned in the March Work Session, there are some properties that the Council may wish to exempt from sewer rates due to their size or use, which would make them infeasible for development. Below are the properties I know of at this time that I recommend for such consideration. Map 144IA, Parcel 3.00 – South Main Street. Better identified as the alley immediately South of 117 South Main Street. Map 144HB, Parcel 9.01 – Allisona Road. Better identified as the alley immediately East of 138 Allisona Road. Map 144HB, Parcel 9.00 – Allisona Road (no proper street access). Better identified as an alley shed adjacent to Map 144HB, Parcel 9.01. Map 144JA, Parcel 7.00 – 171 Old Hwy 99. The AT&T utility building. Map 141OB, Parcel 5.00 – Oak Street. City owned property believed to have housed water utility equipment. Map 141OA, Parcel 14.00* and 14.01 – Elm Street and 888 Elm Street, respectively. These lots, by themselves are not large enough to be buildable. However, in the past, one large shed has been build across them and onto another adjoining property. While I recommend an exemption for all of the other properties listed in this memo, I only recommend exempting one of these two on Elm Street, treating them as though they are one parcel unless/until such time that anything more is developed. Respectfully, Andrew Ellard Page 1 of 2 – Ord. 2015-___, Amending Ord. 2014-08 Ordinance No. 2015-___, Amending Ordinance No. 2014-08 An Ordinance Fixing Rates and Fees for Sanitary Sewer Service BE IT ORDAINED by the city council of the City of Eagleville, as follows: Section 1. Rates (a) The rates for sanitary sewer service, computed monthly, are as follows: Water Meter Size (inch) 1" or less Customer Charge (Minimum bill): Each 1,000 gallons and portion thereof 1.5" 2" 3" 4" or more $28.00 $56.00 $168.00 $392.00 $756.00 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 (b) Bills must be paid on or before the due date, otherwise a ten percent (10%) penalty will be added. Failure to receive a bill will not release the customer for his payment obligation. (c) A leak that is documented by the customer to the potable water supplier and is determined eligible for a leak credit shall be credited and billed for consumption at the same volume as water service. (d) If a meter fails to register properly, or if a meter is removed to be tested or repaired, or if water is received other than through a meter, the city reserves the right to render an estimated bill based on the best information available. Without more definitive information, houses or units of buildings served with water other than through a meter will be billed on a per bedroom basis, estimating 1,300 gallons consumption per month, and applying the same rate structure as set forth herein for a customer with a water meter one-inch (1”) or less. Section 2. Billing The following fees shall be charged for sanitary sewer service: o o o Application/connection fee: Capacity fee: Billing/Convenience fee: $ 250.00 $3,500.00 $ 25.00/mo* *Billing/Convenience fee is charged to properties that have not signed service agreements for billing through the City’s contracted provider and which must be billed directly by the City. Secion 3. Waivers, Exemptions, Reductions (a) Billing/Convenience Fee Waiver: Bills generated directly by the City will include a billing/convenience fee as indicated herein. Those bills will include a specified due date. Should a customer complete a service agreement for billing by the City's conracted billing company prior to the due date, the billing/convenience fee may be waived for the currently due bill. The service agreement must be completed in full and submitted to the City, or proof of submittal to the contracted billing company must be provided to the City prior to close of business on the due date in order to Page 2 of 2 – Ord. 2015-___, Amending Ord. 2014-08 have the billing/convenience fee waived. The billing/convenience fee on prior month's bills, whether current with payment or past due, may not be waived except by City Council action. (b) Full Rate Exemption: The City recognizes that cetain properties are unbuildable due to the size or use of the property. Such properties may be exempt from any sewer fees by the City Council on a caseby-case basis or categorically as may be deemed appropriate. With the right to waive or exempt certain properties or groups of properties also remains the right to reverse such decisions if/when onditions change regarding development potential of such a property. (c) Special Development Consideration: The City Council reserves the right to consider proposals and negotiate alternate arrangements relative to the capacity fee in considering special residential, commercial, or industrial developments, the terms of which shall be approved by resolution of the Council. This Ordinance shall become effective upon final passage, the welfare of the city requiring it. WHEREUPON, Mayor Brown declared the Ordinance adopted, affixed his signature and the date thereto, and directed that the same be recorded. Approved: Travis Brown, Mayor ATTEST: City Recorder, Kathey Burleson Passed First Reading: February 26, 2015 Passed Second Reading: March 26, 2015 Passed Third Reading: ______________________________ APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, LeonSharber Page 1 of 2 – Ord. 2015-___, Amending Ord. 2014-08 Ordinance No. 2015-___, Amending Ordinance No. 2014-08 An Ordinance Fixing Rates and Fees for Sanitary Sewer Service BE IT ORDAINED by the city council of the City of Eagleville, as follows: Section 1. Rates (a) The rates for sanitary sewer service, computed monthly, are as follows: Water Meter Size (inch) 1" or less Customer Charge (Minimum bill): Each 1,000 gallons and portion thereof 1.5" 2" 3" 4" or more $28.00 $56.00 $168.00 $392.00 $756.00 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 $8.25 (b) Bills must be paid on or before the due date, otherwise a ten percent (10%) penalty will be added. Failure to receive a bill will not release the customer for his payment obligation. (c) A leak that is documented by the customer to the potable water supplier and is determined eligible for a leak credit shall be credited and billed for consumption at the same volume as water service. (d) If a meter fails to register properly, or if a meter is removed to be tested or repaired, or if water is received other than through a meter, the city reserves the right to render an estimated bill based on the best information available. Without more definitive information, houses or units of buildings served with water other than through a meter will be billed on a per bedroom basis, estimating 1,300 gallons consumption per month, and applying the same rate structure as set forth herein for a customer with a water meter one-inch (1”) or less. Section 2. Billing The following fees shall be charged for sanitary sewer service: o o o Application/connection fee: Capacity fee: Billing/Convenience fee: $ 250.00 $3,500.00 $ 25.00/mo* *Billing/Convenience fee is charged to properties that have not signed service agreements for billing through the City’s contracted provider and which must be billed directly by the City. Secion 3. Waivers, Exemptions, Reductions (a) Billing/Convenience Fee Waiver: Bills generated directly by the City will include a billing/convenience fee as indicated herein. Those bills will include a specified due date. Should a customer complete a service agreement for billing by the City's conracted billing company prior to the due date, the billing/convenience fee may be waived for the currently due bill. The service agreement must be completed in full and submitted to the City, or proof of submittal to the contracted billing company must be provided to the City prior to close of business on the due date in order to Page 2 of 2 – Ord. 2015-___, Amending Ord. 2014-08 have the billing/convenience fee waived. The billing/convenience fee on prior month's bills, whether current with payment or past due, may not be waived except by City Council action. (b) Full Rate Exemption: The City recognizes that cetain properties are unbuildable due to the size or use of the property. Such properties may be exempt from any sewer fees by the City Council on a caseby-case basis or categorically as may be deemed appropriate. With the right to waive or exempt certain properties or groups of properties also remains the right to reverse such decisions if/when onditions change regarding development potential of such a property. (c) Special Development Consideration: The City Council reserves the right to consider proposals and negotiate alternate arrangements relative to the capacity fee in considering special residential, commercial, or industrial developments, the terms of which shall be approved by resolution of the Council. This Ordinance shall become effective upon final passage, the welfare of the city requiring it. WHEREUPON, Mayor Brown declared the Ordinance adopted, affixed his signature and the date thereto, and directed that the same be recorded. Approved: Travis Brown, Mayor ATTEST: City Recorder, Kathey Burleson Passed First Reading: February 26, 2015 Passed Second Reading: March 26, 2015 Passed Third Reading: ______________________________ APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, LeonSharber
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