Sequim High School Newsletter April 2015

Sequim High School Newsletter
April 2015
The end of the school year always seems to come a lot sooner than we expected, and this year
is no different from any previous years. As always, the next three months will be packed with
exciting opportunities for all our students – especially our seniors. Please make sure your senior sons and daughters are taking advantage of every possible opportunity that Sequim High
School provides for them. If any type of post high school education is in their immediate future, please make sure they are in close contact with Mitzi Sanders so no scholarship opportunities go unclaimed. We are always extremely disappointed when money available for our students goes unclaimed because our kids don’t apply for certain scholarships. Let’s get all the
cash for college we can!!
I wanted to spend some time reviewing the scheduling process at SHS that we just completed.
First off, I would like to extend a giant thank you to our teachers for all their personalized assistance building schedules for our students. We feel strongly that our course offerings should
be rigorous and inviting. Our schedule is completely student driven and built from studentgenerated requests. Our teachers closely review each students’ High School and Beyond Plan
and Graduation Progress Checklist in Den during the scheduling window. We work individually with our students to build their schedule based on graduation needs and their post high
school plans. Then in the Language Arts classes the students go to the library to enter their
requests in Skyward with assistance from the counselors and administrators. Hopefully parents had conversations with their students regarding scheduling needs, and parents can also
view requested courses on Skyward now. If you have any scheduling questions, please feel
free to contact your counselor or administrator.
Our Spring assessment window is already in full swing. We’ve already conducted several
rounds of make-up tests in Algebra, Geometry, Biology, Reading and Writing. All our 10 th
graders will be taking their English Language Arts Exit Exam during the week of April 13 th.
This is our initial test on the computer as the State of Washington continues to transition to
full implementation of the Common Core. We are also piloting the Smarter Balanced Assessment with all our 11th graders on two separate weeks – April 27th in English and Language
Arts and May 18th in Math. Please pay close attention to our daily bulletin with more specific
information regarding testing.
It will be another sprint to the finish line after Spring Break for our students and staff.
Whether it’s the award winning band traveling to Disneyland, our students preparing for the
Operetta, or the myriad Spring Sports available for our students – it’s an extremely busy time
of the year. Please make sure to enjoy the time, especially seniors, and finish strong. As always, thanks for sending us such great kids.
Upcoming Events Cont.
Campus Day
Senior Ball Tickets on sale
Back to School!
Senior Recognition Assembly 11:15-12:45 Gym
Exe/Class Officer ‘15-16 Mtg 7am or 3pm
Yearbook Sales (starting after Sr. Assembly)
Senior/Staff Basketball Game 7pm
Sr. HIV/AIDS Essays due
Sr. Parent Party Planning Mtg 6:30pm Lib
Sr. Library Materials Due
Quarter Ends
SAT Test 7:45am Café
‘15-16 ASB Exe Pkts Due
Baccalaureate 5:30pm Banquet, 7:00 Ceremony
SEF Film Festival 7pm Aud
Sr Party Planning Mtg 6:30pm
ACT Test Café 7:45am
Band Concert 7pm Aud
Yearbook Sales through May 1st ($60)
Senior Finals (periods 4, 5, 6)
Choir Boosters 6:30pm
Band/Choir All State Solo and Ensemble @ Ellensburg
Senior Ticket Distribution (walking Sr only)
Choir Concert 7pm Aud
‘15-16 Executive Speeches & Elections (DEN)
Graduation Rehearsal 12:00
On-Time Senior Orders Arrive
Senior Locker Checkout (after rehearsal)
Progress Reports Handed Out
Class Officers Pkt Pickup
Senior Finals (periods 1, 2, 3)
Graduation Rehearsal 9am
GRADUATION 6pm Stadium
Operetta-Fiddler on the Roof 6pm Aud
Senior Grad Party (not school sponsored) 9pm-4am
‘15-16 Class Officer Pkts Due
ACT Test 7:45am Café
Operetta-Fiddler on the Roof 7pm Aud
Finals Periods 3, 4, 5, 6
SAT Test Café 7:45am
Finals Periods 1, 2
Operetta-Fiddler on the Roof 2pm Aud
Locker Cleanout 8:10am
Operetta-Fiddler on the Roof 6pm Aud
Early Release ~ Last Day of School
Snow Day (possibly no school)
Quarter Ends
Sr. Pictures/Letters Due to Gazette
Operetta-Fiddler on the Roof 7pm Aud
Snow Day - No School
Diploma Pick-up Counseling Office
Report Cards Mailed
‘15-16 Class Speeches & Elections (DEN)
Senior Class Photo 11am (meet in DEN first)
Seniors sign up for walking partners - Counseling Office
Sr. Party Planning Mtg 6:30pm Lib
Digitools By-Pass Test 3-4:30pm E-3
Operetta-Fiddler on the Roof 6pm Aud
Operetta-Fiddler on the Roof 7pm Aud
Cheer Tryouts 3:30-5:30pm Aux Gym
Blood Drive
Final Cheer Tryouts 3:30pm Aux Gym
NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
Biology EOC (in Biology Classes)
Choir Boosters 6:30pm Choir Rm
Drive 4 UR School
On May 31st at 9am-3pm Sequim high school's ASB is holding a
fundraiser hosted by Price Ford. Simply come down and test drive a
variety of cars, from Mustangs, Pickup Trucks and Hybrids in the
high school front parking lot. There is no cost to you and no pressure to buy. Every car that is driven will earn $20 for our school.
This is a great and easy way to support your schools. Must be 18 or
older to drive.
RS/Skill Cntr Verification Form Due to Counselors
Alg/Geom EOC Testing (adjusted schedule)
The next time frame for SHS Yearbook sales is:
April 20 ~ May 1 $60.00 per book
Senior Ball @ Port Townsend
Scholarship Awards Ceremony 6pm Aud
College Testing – ACT/SAT
The last ACT test date this school year is June 13th; the registration deadline is May 8. Register online at
The last SAT test is June 6; the registration deadline is May 8. Register online at
Tech Prep Credits with Peninsula College
Students can remain on the Sequim High School Campus and earn college credit for 6 different classes at the high school. This primarily involves
computer classes. Check the Tech Prep course listing in your student course catalog. You can get more information from the counselors or computer teachers.
BYU Online Courses
If you are a senior and taking online classes for graduation in June, you have until May 15 to get the course work done and the test(s) taken . All
tests must be requested by you through BYU to be sent to Mrs. Harker or Mrs. Vander Velde. Any course work or tests completed after May 15
may not count toward graduation credits! Don't delay any longer!!!
Senior Review Letters
Be sure to check your mailbox for a graduation status letter for your senior student. If you have not received this yet, expect it very soon. This
document will let you know what classes your student must pass to graduate with the class of 2015. If you have not received this by mid-April or
have any questions about the content on the form, please call Mrs. Harker or Mrs. Vander Velde in the counseling office.
Course Catalog
The SHS 2015-2016 Course Catalog is online NOW. Just go to the Sequim High School website ( school) and click on the
counseling tab. Next, click on the Course Information tab, and then the SHS Course Catalog 15-16 link and you will see the latest course catalog.
Running Start – Please follow these priority registration guidelines:
Call Peninsula College (417-6340) to make arrangements to take the COMPASS test. Or, see Peninsula College website for details.
Take the COMPASS Test by Friday, April 17, 2015.
Bring passing score sheet to SHS counseling office by Monday, April 20, 2015, AND make an appointment for you and your parent to meet
with your Counselor. By turning this score sheet in to your Counselor, it serves as your Declaration of Intent to participate in Running
By Friday, May 15, 2015, meet with your High School Counselor to complete the Running Start process.
By Friday, May 29, turn in Planning Form to Peninsula College; also turn in completed Peninsula College application and High School transcript.
Peninsula College advisors will meet with new Running Start students during June; students will be notified of the dates.
By following these recommended registration dates, you will be assured of meeting with your counselor before school ends in June. Do not
delay! Students who do not meet these dates may not be able to see a counselor until the third week in September for Running Start registration which may be after classes begin at Peninsula College.
More Running Start information is available at the Peninsula College website
Summer Classes at Peninsula College
If you are planning to take a class at Peninsula College and wish for the credit to be added to your high school transcript, you must notify the SHS
Counseling Office prior to taking the course. Stop by the counseling office, pick up the “Summer Credit Posting Pre-Authorization” form. A Parent, student, and counselor will need to sign the form, so please allow ample time for the counselors to respond.
Advanced Placement Exams will be administered at Sequim High School during the weeks of May 4-8 and May 11-15. Students who are currently
enrolled in AP classes should have spoken with their AP teachers to determine which tests they should be registering for. The cost of each AP
test is $89 and a reduced fee is available for students who qualify for the Free or Reduced Lunch Program. For each AP test a student plans to
take, a $15 non-refundable deposit was due by March 20. For more information, contact Mrs. Vander Velde at 582-3613 or .
Class of 2015 Scholarship Update
Many seniors have learned they have been awarded scholarships from various organizations as well as the college they will be
attending in the fall. Congratulations! Be sure to send a thank you card immediately when you receive a scholarship award.
This is VERY important.
Seniors should be sure to let Ms. Sanders in the Career Center know if they have received ANY SCHOLARSHIPS ~ including
scholarship and financial aid awards from the college you plan to attend. This is so you receive due recognition at the awards
ceremony, in the graduation program and in our local newspapers. Ms. Sanders will continue to update the list through the
middle of May, so stop by the Career Center or phone (582-3631). Don't miss out!
Mark your calendar! The Scholarship Awards Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, June 3rd at 6:00 p.m. in the Sequim
High School Auditorium. Seniors who have received scholarships will be recognized during this ceremony. Many scholarship
donors will inform the students they chose prior to this event and others will wait until the awards ceremony to announce their
scholarship selections. On Friday, May 29th, Ms. Sanders will post a list with the names of all seniors who will be recognized
at the ceremony. If your name appears on the list, it is important that you attend the ceremony. This will be a proud moment
for you! Please dress appropriately and show your appreciation to our local organizations that generously support Sequim
High School graduates.
A brief reception will be held in the high school cafeteria following the ceremony. Refreshments will be served and this will
be an opportunity to meet and mingle with many of the scholarship donors. Scholarship notebooks will be available at the
reception for seniors to take home.
The class of 2015 has submitted a RECORD NUMBER of beautiful scholarship notebooks!
The downside of that means scholarship funds will be spread even thinner and due to our sluggish economy over the
past few years, the amount of available scholarship dollars is limited. It is CRITICAL that seniors search and apply
for scholarships from a variety of sources. Here are a few ideas:
CHECK THE BULLETIN! A whole list of scholarships, which are separate from the scholarship notebooks, can be found
in the Sequim High School daily bulletin under the “SCHOLARSHIP WATCH” heading. Applications for these
scholarships are available in the scholarship file drawer located in the Career Center loft.
Search for scholarships on the internet by using scholarship search engines., or - to name a few. Remember NEVER pay a fee to apply
for a scholarship – if they ask for one, it’s probably a scam. See Ms. Sanders for an updated list of online scholarship
Check with the financial aid office at the college you plan to attend. Some scholarships and grants are awarded upon application for admission, but others will require a separate application.
Be sure to submit a FAFSA. For more information on submitting a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) go
to NOTE: Do NOT Google “FAFSA.” You will be directed to, which is NOT the government site and you will be requested to pay a fee to submit your application. (Remember that the first “F” in FAFSA stands for FREE)
Check with your family for possible “affiliation scholarships.” These are scholarships you are eligible for because you
and/or your parents hold memberships to organizations and businesses such as unions, churches, credit unions, military branches, community clubs, etc.
FACT: Seniors who apply for scholarship opportunities from a variety of sources are the ones who receive the most scholarship awards. Relying only on your scholarship notebook will probably be disappointing. The good news about putting together
a scholarship notebook is now you have most of the necessary materials (personal statement, letters of recommendation,
school/community activities…) needed to apply for any scholarship you are eligible for. This makes it much easier than you
Each year millions of dollars in scholarship money goes unclaimed
More from the Career Center . . . .
Seniors! – If you plan to attend a public four-year college or university this fall, you may be required to take a math placement test (MPT).
The MPT is required for most students who are planning to enroll in first-year math courses and is used for course placement. Beginning
mid-March, students may register online at Test sessions fill quickly, so to avoid any delay in class registration you are encouraged to register as soon as possible.
If you plan to attend a community college, you will need to take the COMPASS Test for course placement. Most community colleges offer
COMPASS testing, including Peninsula College. Go to for registration information.
Summertime opportunities worth checking out!
WSU Cougar Quest Summer Session ~
Northwest Youth Corps ~
Student Conservation Association ~
Washington Business Week ~
Boston University Summer Term High School Programs ~
Carleton College Summer Science Institute ~
FIDM 3 Days of Fashion Summer Program ~
WASHINGTON BUSINESS WEEK Washington Business Week (WBW) is an EXCELLENT summer program that is fun, affordable and offers
many amazing opportunities for high school students. Choose to attend four different college campuses: Western Washington University, Gonzaga
University, Central Washington University or Pacific Lutheran University. Go to or visit the Sequim High School Career Center for
more information. Financial aid and merit scholarships are available! If you need additional financial help to attend WBW, see Ms. Sanders in the
Career Center ASAP. Sequim Sunrise Rotary has limited funds to provide help to those who qualify.
UW Nurse Camp 2015 Ar e you cur r ently a high school sophomor e or junior (who will be 16 year s of age by J uly 20, 2015) inter ested in
learning what the nursing field is all about? Do you want to know how to get into nursing school? Apply to participate in the University of Washington, School of Nursing's Nurse Camp 2015! This FREE week-long day camp is geared toward increasing access and opportunities in nursing to
minority and low-income high school sophomores and juniors. Nurse Camp 2015 will take place from July 20 - July 24, 2015. For more information see Ms. Sanders or go to to apply. Application deadline is April 15th.
Western Washington University presents College Quest College Quest is a summer program held July 5-10, 2015 on the WWU campus in Bellingham for students who will be entering grades 10-12. This is a “real college” experience where students will live in the dorms, complete a college course and even earn one college credit. Students can select from a variety of unique academic topics. This is an excellent opportunity to get a
taste of real college life! To learn more go to
Oregon Private College Week. Mon, 8/3/15 – Fri, 8/7/15. Campus tours and informational sessions held twice daily on 11 campuses statewide.
Students who visit at least four colleges/universities will receive application fee waivers. For more information visit
JUNIOR NEWS ~ Juniors! NOW is the time to start thinking about college plans.
If you are planning to attend a 4-year college you will need to take an SAT or ACT test and have your scores sent to your college in order for your
application to be considered complete. Have you registered to take an SAT or ACT? You can register online now at or to take a spring test. Either test is accepted by all colleges.
EVERGREEN BOYS & GIRLS STATE American Legion Evergreen Boys & Girls State is a leadership action program for high school juniors to
take part in a practical government course designed to promote the opportunity for qualified students to develop leadership skills, confidence and
action-based understanding of the governmental process, while becoming patriotic and more knowledgeable stewards of freedom and democracy.
For details go to or
Both programs will be held in Ellensburg, on the campus of Central Washington University. This is an extremely valuable program that looks great
on a college, scholarship and/or job application. Those who attend will also be considered for college scholarship awards.
Juniors with a minimum 3.5 GPA, who take rigorous classes and can demonstrate financial need, are invited to apply for the Jack Kent Cooke College Scholarship Program. Awards are up to $40,000 per year to high-achieving low-income seniors! If you have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or
above and demonstrate financial need, visit the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation website and look for College Scholarship Program.
See Ms. Sanders in the Career Center for an informational flyer. This is an awesome program!
Scholarship opportunities are also available for juniors. Search for scholarships by using scholarship search engines such as, or Remember to NEVER pay a fee to apply for a scholar ship – if a fee is required, it’s probably a
scam. Watch the SHS Daily Bulletin for any scholarships available to juniors.
QUESTBRIDGE ~ A COLLEGE PREP SCHOLARSHIP FOR JUNIORS! The QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship provides
awards that equip high-achieving, low-income students to compete for admission to leading colleges such as Stanford, Yale, Notre
Dame, Emory, Amherst and University of Pennsylvania. You could win a full-ride scholarship! Find out how
JUNIORS! Did you know four-year colleges look closely at which courses you enroll during your senior year? It’s true! The senior
year schedule you select gives colleges an indication of how ready you are for college-level classes and your academic performance
as a college student. The University of Washington, for example, reports they received over 37,000 applications for the 2015 incoming freshman class. One of the first items the UW looks for on an application is choice of senior year classes, or, as the UW Office
of Admissions puts it, those who are “Taking full academic advantage of the senior year.” Choose your senior year wisely!
THEWASHBOARD.ORG, complete a student pr ofile and explor e scholar ship oppor tunities that match your pr ofile. The
service is free and contains no ads or spam. Although most scholarships are aimed at high school seniors, there are scholarship opportunities for all grade levels. Start searching for scholarships TODAY! See Ms. Sanders in the Career Center if you have questions
or need help launching your scholarship search.
Scholarship Watch ~ Scholarship applications are located in the scholarship file cabinet in the Career Center loft. Students can
obtain the applications at their convenience.
Hearthstone Housing Foundation Scholarship ~ For seniors with a 3.0 GPA and who have financial need. Deadline: 3/31/15
Peninsula Youth Equestrian Foundation Scholarship ~ For graduating seniors who have been involved in the equestrian world.
Deadline: 3/31/15
Bremerton Valley Scottish Rite Scholarship ~ For seniors with a 3.2 or better GPA. See Ms. Sanders in the Career Center for an
application. Deadline: 3/31/15
Sea Mar Farmworkers Scholarship ~ For seniors who have worked as a farmworker, or have a parent who has worked as a
farmworker. Deadline: 4/01/15
SEF 2015 Student Film Festival contest ~ For students who submit a 6-minute or less video on a topic of your choice. Can be a
group effort. Deadline: 4/06/15
International Footprint Association Scholarship ~ For graduating seniors who plan to pursue an education in public safety –
specifically law enforcement or firefighting. Deadline: 4/08/15
RH Thomson Civil Engineering Scholarship ~ For seniors who plan to study Civil Engineering in college. Deadline: 4/10/15
WOIS Scholarship ~ For graduating seniors who have used the WOIS program for career & educational exploration while in
high school. Deadline: 4/14/15
Olympic Medical Center Auxiliary Scholarship ~ $1,500 scholarship for seniors who will pursue a medical-related course of
study. Deadline: 4/14/15
Sons of Italy Scholarship ~ For seniors with Italian heritage and who plan to attend any college or Technical School after graduation. Deadline 4/15/15
Peninsula College Foundation Scholarships ~ For seniors planning to attending Peninsula College.
Deadline: 4/21/15
Sons of Norway Olympic Lodge Scholarship ~ For graduating seniors who plan to attend a college, university or trade school.
Need not be Norwegian! Deadline: 4/24/15
Monday Musicale Scholarship ~ For seniors who plan to continue the study of music as a major or minor in college. Deadline:
Peninsula Singers Scholarship ~ For seniors who have been involved vocal or instrumental music and plan to continue being
active in music while attending college. Deadline: 4/30/15
Sequim Sunrise Rotary Scholarship ~ For seniors with demonstrated community service during their high school years and who
plan to continue their education after graduation. Deadline: 5/01/15
$10,000 Nordstrom Scholarship ~ For JUNIORS with a 2.75 minimum GPA and who have participated in community and/or
extracurricular activities. Deadline: 5/01/15
Olympic Driftwood Sculptors Scholarship ~ For seniors who will be majoring in Art or an art related subject. Deadline: 5/15/15
Abbot & Fenner Scholarship ~ $1,000 scholarship for winning essay. Deadline: 6/15/15
College Sports Recruiting Scholarship ~ For seniors who are current or former high school athletes. You do not need to be planning on college sports participation to apply. Deadline: 7/01/15
Senior Running Start and Skills Center ver ification forms ar e due to the Counseling Office by J une 1. If Running
Start/Skills Center courses are needed for graduation, this form will be mailed home. If this form is not returned by June 6, you will
not walk at gr aduation.
2015 Graduation Ceremony
Friday, June 12
SHS Stadium ~ 6:00pm
National Achiever will distribute on-time or der s Monday Apr il 27
during DEN in the Cafeteria. This includes cap and gowns, announcements, and other graduation products. Rings and jackets are mailed separately. You must pay in full before you can pick up your order. Orders
not picked up will be available in the Counseling Office.
The Sequim Gazette needs your senior/baby photo for a Special Senior Section. Drop off your photos to the Gazette at 147 W. Washington (entrance in the alley) or mail to P.O. Box 1750, Sequim, by Saturday, May 18 (Scholarship photos are not submitted to the Gazette
for the Senior Section).
If you have not ordered your cap & gown, call National Achiever at 1800-800-4083 ASAP!
Senior Graduation Party Parents and guardians
of SHS Seniors have been meeting and planning this annual
substance-free party for all Sequim Seniors since the beginning
of the year. If you’ve not yet had an opportunity to attend a
meeting or help on a committee please plan to attend our next
meetings that are scheduled for April 13 and May 11; both meetings take place at 6:30 pm in the SHS Library. This event requires the help of
many volunteers, if you’d like to help on the day of the party, please contact
Troy Tosland at 461-1699 or
The HIV/AIDS program was presented to the seniors in their DEN on
February 23. For those seniors who did not attend the presentation, you
must pick up a packet in the main office. Assignments are to be returned
to the office by Friday, June 6. This is a requirement for graduation.
SENIOR/STAFF BASKETBALL game will be held April 8 at
The group is also collecting photos for a slide show during the event – parents/
guardians, please submit photos to Roger Harrison
at We’d like the photos to be of your child and/or
his/her classmates from elementary and middle school along with a senior
picture. Due to space limitations, please submit a maximum of 3 photos in
addition to the senior picture. If you are unable to email photos, please leave
printed copies at the High School office or mail to the address below.
7pm in the gymnasium. Cost is $3 for students with an ASB and $5 for
adults/students without an ASB.
Be on the lookout for the famous Pink Flamingo Flocks that will be migrating
to the Sequim area throughout April. Should you happen to wake up to a flock
in your front yard, please do your part in helping them continue their migration
in support of SHS Seniors!
Senior Ball will be held at Fort Worden
in Port Townsend on Saturday, May 2, 2015.
Tickets are on sale now until April 10. Ticket
prices are: $35 for SHS seniors and $45 for their
guest. Guest Request forms are available in the
main office and are due back by April 10, 3pm. A
guest request form must be filled out for ALL
guests, even if they are an SHS underclassman.
All guests must be under the age of 21 - no exceptions. When tickets are purchased , be prepared to
sign up for an entrée and table assignment.
TRANSPORTATION: All students must ride the
bus to and from the dance! Please be at the main
parking lot by 4pm on May 2; buses will depart at
4:30pm and will return approximately 12:15am.
If you are a golfer, the “Golf 4 Grads” golf tournament is scheduled for Saturday, May 16 at Sunland Golf and Country Club. Please contact David Price
for more details at or 512-656-7777.
To make this a really great event, we need your support! If you can donate,
please send your check to: Sequim Senior Graduation Party, PO Box 220,
Carlsborg, WA 98324. The Washington nonprofit tax id number is 464634299.
Questions? Contact Stephanie Price at or 477-2407.
Notice to Seniors and their Parents from the Nurse: With
Graduation just around the corner, you can come to the nurses office and get
a copy of your Certificate of Immunization Form to keep for your records.
After a student graduates we no longer keep that information.
A newsletter containing all the details seniors will need to know
about the graduation practices and ceremony will be mailed out in
April. Watch for this critical information!
Students can log on and access information regarding their
grades, assignments, and more!
PARENTS: If you need
your log-on information please contact the main office
(582-3600). Please be sure to keep your email address upto-date on Skyward. Occasionally we will send important
Sequim Education Foundation is pleased to announce its 10th Annual
Student Film Festival celebration. Beyond competing for up to
$8,000 in Scholarships and prizes this year, the film festival will be
spotlighting a community service category thanks to a generous donation from the Sunrise Rotary Club.
All students registered in the Sequim School District are eligible to
submit films. All films must be turned in by April 6th and no later
than 4 pm at the Sequim School District office. Entry forms can be
downloaded from the SEF web site
emails regarding an up-coming event.
Recently we’ve had a number of
emails returned because of incorrect
All students who are considering turning out for Fall Sports need
to be aware of some upcoming dates for the 2015-16 school year.
The DEADLINE for all paper work to be turned in is Tuesday,
August 18. Fall sport packets may be picked up in June and returned to the office when completed. Forms are also available on
our high school website ( except for Student
Insurance forms. The high school office will open Monday, August 10th, for students to turn in their forms and pay fees. Office
hours are 8am - 12pm and 1pm - 3pm.
Football turnout begins Wednesday, August 19 (be sur e all
your forms are in ahead of time!). All other sports start Monday,
August 24. These include: Volleyball, Boys’ Tennis, Cr oss
Country, Girls’ Soccer, Girls’ Swimming/Diving, and Cheerleading. Physicals ~ A current sports physical is required. Physicals
are good for 24 months from the date of the physical.
Daily Sports & Activities 582-3480
Students receive $1,000 for the 1st place film, $750 for 2nd place and
$500 for 3rd place. There will be a $500 cash prize for the best film
about community service with more points if you do something about
local community service. Community service film can compete with
the general films for the scholarships.
Films will be presented at the Film Festival on Friday April 17th at 7
p.m. Admission into the Film Festival is $5 and proceeds go toward
student scholarships. For more information, visit the SEF website at
or phone film festival chairperson Elna Kawal at (360) 683-3027.
Wolf Pack Days
Will be
August 20 & 21
August 20
August 21
Cheerleading Tryouts for the 2015-2016
school year will be he held May 18 - 21
from 3:30-5:30pm. The final tryout will be
on Friday, May 22 at 3:30pm. All tryouts
will be held in the Auxiliary Gym. Packets
will be available in the main office on April
27th; all forms are due May 11th.
8:00-11:00 Senior/Juniors
12:00-3:00 Sophomores
8:00-11:00 Freshmen (A-L)
12:00-3:00 Freshmen (M-Z)
More detailed information will follow in the
August Newsletter.
Greetings from the Department of Choral Music
Many of our Choir students are part of the cast of
SHS's Spring Operetta "Fiddler on the Roof," which will be presented on April 30 and May 1-2, 7-9, and 14-16. Watch this legendary Broadway
show come to life with our talented Sequim High School students!
We just completed a week of auditions for next year's vocal/choral classes. If you missed the auditions and are still interested in being considered for Select Choir, Vocal Ensemble, or Prima Voce (Women's Chorus), please contact Mr. Lorentzen at .
Other forthcoming events include our June 10 end-of-the-year concert. Hope to see you there!
Students of the Month
2015-2016 ASB
Class Officer
Congratulations to the following Elks,
Rotary, and Soroptimist Students of the Month:
There are opportunities to serve the school as an officer in two capacities; executive ASB officers who plan and execute activities and
fundraising for the entire student body, or class officers who serve
their class specifically.
Emily Straling
Sydney Balkan
There are four executive positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Students interested in running for Executive
President must have previously served as an officer and be a senior in
the year they serve. All Executive members must enroll in Leadership.
Emma Leblanc
Serena Morales
Emily Van Dyken
Maeve Harris
Lisette Garcia
There are seven positions for each class: President, Vice President,
Treasurer, Secretary, Publicity Chairperson, Spirit Commissioner,
and Senator (member-at-large). Additionally, junior and senior classes will have an eighth officer, a PC Representative, to represent the
needs and concerns of the Running Start students of their class. All
Class Officers must be enrolled in Leadership.
Digitools Bypass Test
On May 12th and 14th the DigiTools Bypass Test will be given
3:00-4:30pm in room E-3. Students can complete the exam on
either day or 1 hour on each day. If the students pass this exam
they will be exempt from having to take this class (DigiTools is
a requirement for graduation from Sequim High School). Passing the test will not earn high school or college credits. Students
may “just show up” and take the exam ~ there is no sign up
All students interested in running for any office must attend one of
the two informational meetings, either before school or after school
on Wednesday, April 8 in room P-1. Officer eligibility packets will
be available on Monday, April 13 for Executive candidates and Tuesday, April 28 for Class candidates. These are to be completed before
a candidate will be considered eligible to campaign.
Key Dates:
April 8 Mandatory Informational Meetings P-1
(either 7:30am or 3pm)
April 13 Executive Officer Packet Pickup
April 17 Executive Officer Packets Due
April 27 Executive Officer Speeches and Elections
April 28 Class Officer Packet Pickup
May 1 Class Officer Packets Due
May 11 Class Officer Speeches and Elections
Daily Bulletin
Sequim High School posts a daily bulletin that students/parents
can access for information regarding school activities. The
bulletin may be picked up in the Main Office, Attendance Office, and it is also posted in the Library. If you would like to be
on our bulletin email list, please call the main office (5823605).
SHS Operetta Presents:
Winner of 9 TONY Awards when it debuted in 1964, Fiddler On The Roof has been touching audiences worldwide with its humor, warmth and honesty.
Set in the little village of Anatevka, the story centers on Tevye, a poor dairyman, and his five daughters. With the
help of a colorful and tight-knit Jewish community, Tevye tries to protect his daughters and instill them with
traditional values in the face of changing social mores and the growing anti-Semitism of Czarist Russia. Rich in
historical and ethnic detail, Fiddler OnThe Roof’s universal theme of tradition cuts across barriers of race, class, nationality, and religion,
leaving audiences crying tears of laughter, joy, and sadness. With iconic and beloved songs such as “Sunrise, Sunset,” “If I Were A Rich
Man,” and “Matchmaker, Matchmaker” Fiddler On The Roof is the perfect mix of audience-pleasing humor and heart. Directed by Robin
Robinson Hall with John Lorentzen as Music Director and Anne Lorentzen as Choreographer, Fiddler hits the stage at the Sequim High
School Auditorium. Performances are Thursdays April 30th, May 7th and 14th at 6:00 p.m., Fridays May 1st, 8th, and 15th at 7:00p.m., and
Saturdays May 9th and 16th at 7:00 p.m. A special matinee performance will be May 2 nd at 2:00 in the afternoon. Tickets are available in
advance at,, or at the door 45 minutes before showtime. For more information please contact
Robin Hall at 460-7860.