2015 BSA/AML Compliance School

Compliance School
April 7 & 8
Nashville Airport Marriott
Nashville, TN
2015 BSA/AML Compliance School
April 7 & 8
Airport Marriott
Nashville, TN
The curriculum for this school changes every year. Your continued attendance establishes the commitment you and your bank make to staying abreast of the most dynamic
and pervasive compliance responsibility your institution has.
How do you maintain your credentials for managing, auditing, or implementing the
portion of your institution’s compliance function that relates to money laundering,
terrorist financing, or even national security? It is a question you will have to answer
during every future BSA/AML regulatory examination. Your answer will serve as the
regulators’ first impression of the bank’s compliance efforts.
Every bank must provide ongoing training to those responsible for BSA and AML
compliance. This school gives your institution an opportunity to listen to and interact
with regulators from the federal functional regulatory agencies and the Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions. It also provides a unique opportunity to get some
rare how-to instruction in BSA/AML compliance issues.
Attendants receive a detailed manual with narrative explanations of regulatory requirements and examination procedures. The manual is an excellent resource for future
This live, overview program focuses on the many current BSA/AML issues facing financial
institutions and will assist financial institutions in meeting the annual training requirements imposed by the BSA regulations. It also provides attendants with the opportunity
to network with other professionals interested in BSA compliance. Participants will have
ample time to address issues/situations within their own financial institutions.
This is not an introductory program. Attendants should have received at least six
hours of formal BSA/AML training prior to attending this school. Each fall, TBA
conducts a regional one-day BSA/AML overview program that serves as excellent
preparation for this school.
This school is designed for personnel who have management and/or functional-level
responsibilities for BSA compliance and/or operations. Individuals with retail banking,
risk management, compliance, audit, operational, corporate banking, and training responsibilities will benefit from this program.
Agenda: Day One
8:30 - 9:00 am
9:00 - 10:15 am
Tuesday, April 7
Registration and Continental Breakfast
FinCEN Update
Thomas K. Lawler, Senior Liaison Officer, Liaison Division,
FinCEN, Washington DC
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network has been invited to do
a presentation on any topics their representative thinks would be
helpful to the bankers of Tennessee. FinCEN representatives have
participated in our BSA/AML School in prior years and were very
well received.
10:15 - 10:30 am Break
10:30 am - Noon Regulatory Panel Discussion
Representatives from each federal functional regulatory agency and the
Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions
Representatives from each of the federal functional regulatory agencies as well from the Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions
will be present to review their agency’s current philosophies and practices. They provide an overview of their agency’s current approach
to BSA/AML examinations. Attendants have an opportunity to ask
questions and participate in give-and-take discussions.
Noon - 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 - 2:15 pm The SAR Review Team and Effective SARs
Jimmie Lynn Ramsaur, Criminal Chief, Middle District
of Tennessee, US Attorney’s Office Nashville, TN
Ramsaur will discuss the function of the SAR review teams in
Tennessee. Representatives of law enforcement who can provide tips
on how to make SARs more effective and usable by law enforcement
have been invited to participate in this session.
2:15 - 2:30 pm
Day One continued
2:45 - 4:00 pm
What Has Happened Since Last Year?
Ken Golliher, Pegasus Educational Services, LLC, Loiusville, KY
This is a fast-paced review of the good, the bad, and the ugly BSA/AML
compliance milestones we all passed in the last 12 months. Golliher
will offer insights about how these developments may or may not
affect your day-to-day compliance efforts. He will address the major
enforcement actions, BSA reporting trends, proposed regulations,
notices of proposed rulemaking, and interagency guidance.
4:00 - 5:00 pm
Reception – Hotel Lounge
Agenda: Day Two
8:30 - 9:00 am
9:00 - 9:45 am
Wednesday, April 8
Continental Breakfast
Beneficial Owners: What’s Coming Down the Pike?
Ken Golliher
“Dorothy Gale” isn’t the only person who faces challenges in
identifying the “man behind the curtain.” Banks deal with customer
transparency issues every day, e.g., “Who really makes the decisions
for this corporation?” Driven by FATF recommendations, FinCEN
finally published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on this subject.
This presentation reviews the proposal, the comments received,
and how banks might use and validate the information they are
required to obtain.
10:30 - 10:45 am Break
10:45 am - Noon Cyber Crime in the US
Todd Hudson, Special Agent in Charge, Nashville Field Office, US
Secret Service, Nashville, TN
Computers and other chip devices are now the facilitators of criminal activity or the target of such, compelling the involvement of
the Secret Service in combating cyber crime. Hudson will explain
how the role of the US Secret Service has gradually evolved since
the agency’s 1865 inception, from its initial mandate—suppressing
the counterfeiting of US currency—to protecting the integrity of
the nation’s financial payment systems. Over time, as methods of
payment have evolved, so has the scope of the Secret Service’s mission.
Noon - 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 - 2:30 pm
2:30 - 2:45 pm
2:45 - 3:15 pm
3:15 - 4:00 pm
4:00 pm
BSA/AML Training for the Board of Directors
Ken Golliher
This is a “train the trainer” session for you to take home. It is based
on a set of PowerPoint™ slides and a brief handout. However, the
discussion will focus on how you would do the presentation yourself
for your board of directors. You will receive a copy of the slides
after the program.
Ken Golliher
Can we just say that we will not bank MSBs? Third-party payment
processors? Non US citizens? FinCEN’s Statement on Providing
Banking Services to Money Service Businesses as well as OCC and
FDIC pronouncements seem to indicate that “Just Say No,” isn’t an
option, that a bank must analyze a customer’s individual risk before
it can make a decision not to provide services. This presentation
reviews the issues and offers some practical responses to consider.
314(b) Registration
Ken Golliher
It’s easy, and it’s free, but how can it actually help us? This presentation
reviews the evolution of the 314(b) registration process from how
to register to what and when you can share customer information.
Golliher will discuss how to document inbound and outbound
queries and open the door to “joint” SAR filing discussions.
Program Instructor/Facilitator
Ken Golliher, Principal, Pegasus Educational Services, LLC, Louisville, KY
Golliher is an experienced banker with a unique ability to reduce complex legal
concepts to plain English. He has explained the why and how of BSA/AML
compliance to thousands of financial institution personnel and examiners.
Continuing Education Credit
Attendants qualify for 13 hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit in the area of
Specialized Knowledge and Application. In accordance with the standards of the National Registry
of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have been granted based on a 50-minute hour. For more information
regarding administrative policies or complaints, please contact our offices at 615/244-4871.
Tennessee Bankers Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National
Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may
be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN, 37219-2417. Web site: www.nasba.org
This program has not been pre-approved for ICB CE credits. Attendants who require ICB
credits should go to http://www.aba.com/icb/membercereview for further instructions. For additional continuing education credit information, call the TBA education department
at 800/964-5525 or 615/244-4871.
2015 BSA/AML Compliance School
Date and Location
General Information
Hotel Information
Program Availability: Due to hotel guarantees
and material production, reservations received
less than 5 days before the program will be subject to space and material availability.
Attire: Business casual attire is appropriate for
all TBA programs. Because of temperature variations in meeting rooms, please bring a sweater
or jacket for your comfort.
April 7 & 8
Nashville Airport Marriott
600 Marriott Drive
Nashville, TN 37214
The Nashville Airport Marriott, 600 Marriott
Drive, is holding a limited block of rooms on a
first-come, first-served basis at a special group
rate of $139 per night.
Monday, March 16, is the deadline for making
reservations. When the allotted room block is
sold out, room rates return to standard prices
on a space-available basis, even if it is before
the March 16 deadline. All unreserved rooms
will be released for general sale at midnight on
March 16. Any reservation received after that
date will be accepted on a space- or rate-available
basis. Please make your overnight arrangements
early to assure you receive the TBA special rate.
To reserve your accommodations, contact the
hotel directly at 615/889-9300 and specify that
you are attending the Tennessee Bankers Association’s Compliance 2015 program.
Special Needs: If you have a special need that
may affect your participation in this program,
or special dietary requests, please send TBA a
statement regarding any special needs at least 10
days before the program. We will contact you to
discuss accommodations.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received in the TBA office 5 business days
prior to the scheduled program will be
refunded in full. Due to commitments
with hotels, cancellations received less
than 5 business days prior to the scheduled
program are not refundable. Substitutions
are welcome. Registrants who do not attend
the program or send a substitute will be
responsible for the entire registration fee.
Parking: Hotel self-parking is complimentary.
Program Fees
TBA Members / Associate Members Nonmembers
Early Registration
Early registration deadline is March 24.
Fee covers instruction; manual; continental
breakfast, refreshment breaks, and lunch both
days; and reception on Tuesday. Please register
early. Day-of-program registrants will be assessed an additional $50 late registration fee.
No written confirmation of seminar registration will be sent from the TBA.
Participation in TBA programs is limited to
members, associate members, and nonmembers
from an eligible membership category at applicable member or nonmember rates.
For More Information Contact:
Debbie Brickles
Senior Vice President /
Director of Training & Development
211 Athens Way, Ste 100
Nashville, TN 37228
Only for educational
tracking purposes
615/244-4871 • 800/964-5525 • Fax 615/324-1990 • www.TNBankers.org
Fax for credit cards only
Tennessee Bankers Association
Attn: Monique Jenkins
211 Athens Way, Ste 100 • Nashville, TN 37228-1381
Mail form and payment to:
Early registration deadline is March 24.
Early Registration
TBA Members / Associate Members
q MasterCard
q Check
Ck# ____________
Please make check payable to Tennessee Bankers Association.
4 WAYS TO REGISTER! 1. Register online at www.TNBankers.org 2. Scan
this form and e-mail it to mjenkins@TNBankers.org 3. Mail this form to the
address on the left 4. Fax this form to 615/324-1990
City_________________________________ State________ Zip____________________
Card billing address______________________________________________________
Name as appears on card (please print)________________________________________
Card # ______________________________________ Exp Date___________________
Method of payment: q VISA
TOTAL: $_________________
City___________________________________________________ State______ Zip__________________ Phone______________________ Fax____________________________
Company_________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________
Contact__________________________________________________________ E-mail___________________________________________________________________________
Name________________________________________Title_____________________Nickname___________ E-mail__________________________________ SS# __ __ __ __
Name________________________________________Title_____________________Nickname___________ E-mail__________________________________ SS# __ __ __ __
Name________________________________________Title_____________________Nickname___________ E-mail__________________________________ SS# __ __ __ __
Name________________________________________Title_____________________Nickname___________ E-mail__________________________________ SS# __ __ __ __
Please print or type. List name and badge nickname for each attendant.
April 7 & 8, 2015 • Nashville Airport Marriott, Nashville, TN
2015 BSA/AML Compliance School