ICCICT-15 Brochure

International Conference
Communication, Information &
Computing Technology (ICCICT-15)
(PTU Sponsored)
May 12-13, 2015
Registration Form
Designa on: __________________________________________________________________
Organiza on: _________________________________________________________________
Address for Correspondence:_____________________________________________________
E-mail ID: ____________________________________________________________________
Paper ID:___________________ Title of the paper: ___________________________________
Registra on Fee Submission details:
Whether Student (Y/N) :___________________( If yes, then please a ach a ested copy of
student Iden ty Card)
Registra on Category:___________________(Please select out of student/ Industry
Delegates/Ins tute Delegates)
Registra on Fee Amount (Rupees/Dollars):__________________________________________
DD/Transac on ID:_____________________________________________________________
Name of Bank With Address:____________________________________________________
Please Complete the form and Send by regular Post or Send Scanned copy through by E-mail
(iccict15@gmail.com) by 30th April 2015.
Signature and Date_____________________
Conference Committee
Chief Patron:
Dr. B. S. Chandi (Chairman)
Dr. Akashdeep Singh(Vice Chairman)
Conference Chairman:
Dr. Arvind Bhardwaj (Director, GIMET)
Organizing Secretary:
Dr. Leena Jain (Head MCA)
Jt. Organizing Secretary:
Ms. Mandeep Kaur (Head IT)
Execu ve Members
Dr. Maninder Singh (Dean Student Welfare)
Prof. D.S. Bhambra (Vice Principal & Head ME)
Dr. Sa nder Pal Sharma (Dean Research Consultancy & Skill Development)
Col. Sudhir Bahel (Dean Training & Placement)
Dr. Sandeep Singh Kang (Head CSE)
Er. Amandeep Kaur (Head ECE)
Er. Harwant Singh Gill (AP MCA)
Er. Gagandeep Singh (AP CSE)
Interna onal Advisory Commi ee
Prof. Andrew Kusiak, University of lowa, USA
Prof. Om Parkash Yadav, Wayne State University, USA
Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai President, Asian Ins tute of Technology, Thailand
Prof. Yehia Hadded, University of O awa, Canada
Prof. Gauri S. Mi al, School of Engineering, Guelph
Prof. Xiao-Zhi Gao, Aalto University, Finland
Prof. Ni n Tripathi, Asian Ins tute of Technology, Thailand
Prof. Mushtak Al-Atabi, Taylors University, Malaysia
Dr. Ravinder Chutani, University of Franche Comte, France
Dr. Mohd. Nazri Ismail, University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dr. Huynh Trung Luong, Asian Inst. of Technology, Thailand
Mr. Tsheten Dorii (Head IT), CST, Bhutan
Dr. Cheki Dorji (Director), CST, Bhutan
Prof Deepak Kapur, University of New Mexico
Dr. Harpreet Singh, Wayne state university U.S.A
Prof. Prabhat MAHANTI, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Dr. Zafar Hammed, NTNU, Norway
Na onal Advisory Commi ee
Dr. Hardeep Singh (GNDU, Amritsar)
Dr. Kawaljit Singh (Punjabi University, Pa ala)
Dr. Maninder Singh (Thapar University, Pa ala)
Dr. Gurwinder Singh (GNDU, Amritsar)
Dr. Seema Bawa (Thapar University, Pa ala)
Dr. Ashok Verma ( Kurukshetra University, Haryana)
Dr. Rajneesh Kaler (Punjabi University, Pa ala)
Dr. Renu Dhir (NIT, Jalandhar)
Dr. Shalini Bahel (GNDU, Amritsar)
Dr. Deepak Garg(Thapar University, Pa ala)
Dr. Anil Verma (Thapar University, Pa ala)
Prof. Sushil (IIT, Delhi)
Dr. Dinesh Kumar (IIT, Roorkee)
Dr. Amalendu Patnaik (IIT, Roorkee)
Prof. Brahmjit Singh (NIT, Kurukshetra)
Dr. Harsh Verma( NIT, Jalandhar)
International Conference
Communication, Information &
Computing Technology (ICCICT-15)
(PTU Sponsored)
May 12-13, 2015
Organized By:
Department of Computer Applications &
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Global Institute of Management & Emerging Technologies
11th KM Stone, Batala-Amritsar
Batala Road, Amritsar 143501 (Punjab)
Global Institutes
Global Ins tutes, Amritsar came up on the educa onal horizon of Punjab in 2008.
The Ins tutes are taking quantum leaps in Management and Technical streams. The
campus houses premier Ins tutes of Engineering & Management namely Global
Ins tute of Management and Emerging Technologies (GIMET), Global Ins tute of
Management (GIM) and Global Polytechnic College (GPC) in its aesthe cally
designed buildings surrounded by sylvan green and eco-friendly environment.
These ins tutes are approved by All India Council for Technical Educa on New Delhi
and affiliated with Punjab Technical University Jalandhar and Punjab State Board of
Technical Educa on & Industrial Training Chandigarh. Run on TQM and Six Sigma
principles, the Ins tutes foster crea vity, innova on and talent in their most
significant stakeholders—the students and the faculty. Global Ins tutes have
already become a brand name in quality educa on and a mark of excellence on the
strength of the trail-blazing achievements of their students in Punjab Technical
University Exams year a er year.
About PTU
Call for Paper
Punjab Technical University (PTU) was established in the Year 1997 under the Punjab
Technical University Act, 1996 (Punjab Act No. 1 of 1997) for the advancement of technical
educa on and development thereof in the State of Punjab. PTU is providing educa on to
approximately 5 lac students in the fields of Engineering, Management, Architecture and
Pharmacy. More then 2100+ Learning Centers of PTU are providing professional
educa on through Distance Learning throughout the country.
Prospec ve authors are requested to submit full paper in the format of sample template
available at www.iccict.org. Paper not exceeding six pages is to be sent by email at
Last Date for Paper Submission
10th April, 2015
About Conference
In ma on for Paper Acceptance
15th April, 2015
The objec ves of the conference are to provide high quality research and professional
interac ons for the advancement of science, technology and fellowship. Papers
describing original work in the form of regular research work are invited in any of the areas
listed here. Papers describing advanced prototypes, systems, tools and techniques, novel
ideas, experimental findings and general survey papers indica ng future direc ons in the
specified topics are encouraged. Accepted papers, registered and presented at the
conference, will be published in the Proceedings. Acceptance will be based on quality,
significance, clarity and originality.
Submission of Camera Ready Paper
20th April, 2015
Pay of registra on fee with Early Bird Discount
20th April 2015
Last Date for Payment of Registra on Fee
30th April 2015
Emerge as a leader among professional Ins tu ons in providing meaningful,
relevant and character building educa on and to provide equal opportunity to
every one, irrespec ve of race, gender and ethnic group.
Sikh Guru Sahiban’s ‘Sarbat Da Bhala’ (Welfare for all) shall be the guiding force for
Global Ins tutes.
Mission of
Global Institutes
Ÿ Providing affordable high quality, professional educa on to the youth (of India),
with a special focus on values
Ÿ Preparing students intellectually and psychological to face the challenges of the
globalized environment.
Ÿ To promote and encourage research in engineering, science and management.
Registra on Fee
Within India
Other Countries
Rs 1500
Selected Papers will be published in the following Journals:
Rs 1000
Ÿ Interna onal Journal of Research in Computer Applica ons & Informa on Technology
Rs 2500
Ÿ Journal of Compu ng Technology
Accompanying Person
Rs 1000
Please visit: www.iccict.org
Accommoda on
Conference Themes
Limited accommoda on is available in the Ins tute Hostel which will be provided on the
basis of first come first serve basis on payment as per Hostel Norms. For assistance
regarding booking in Local Hotels Contact Er. Harwant Singh Gill (9878870063)
v So ware Engineering
v Image Processing
Vision of
Global Institutes
Important Dates
v Ar ficial Intelligence
Mode of Payment Registra on
v Parallel Compu ng
Fee can be paid Electronically in favour of ―
v Communica on Network and Technology
Director, Global Ins tute of Management & Emerging Technologies
v Robo cs and Automa on
Account No: 4970002100000719
v Machine Engineering
IFSC: PUNB0497000;
v Antenna and Wave Propaga on
v Advanced energy
Branch: PNB VERKA, AMRITSAR, India-143001
v Fluids Engineering & Design Engineering
Address for Correspondence
v Materials and Energy Recovery
v Applica ons of Computer in Manufacturing
v So Compu ng & Mobile Compu ng
v Allied Areas
Organizing Secretary
Dr. Leena Jain
Head Department of Computer Applica ons
Global Ins tutes, Amritsar-143501
Email- iccict15@gmail.com
Website: www.iccict.org