APRIL 2015 THE COUNTRY RANGE GROUP MAGAZINE FOR CATERERS Catering for the CONSCIENTIOUS CONSUMER In a Pickle – how Nordic cuisine is coming in from the cold Veg Out! with marvellous meat-free meals It all starts with a For starters... >> Satisfying the needs and demands of your diners is a constant juggling act, and ensuring your menu caters for everyone can feel like an impossible task. A growing number of people want to see gluten-free options, similarly lactose-free dishes are becoming more prevalent. Then there are vegetarians and vegans to consider, plus those suffering from food allergies. On top of that, customers are becoming more inquisitive about the provenance of the food they are eating and many also want to know about fat, salt and calorie content. Our Category Focus feature this month looks at “Catering for the Conscientious Consumer” and we’ve got lots of tips and advice to help you navigate your way through the minefield of menu planning. Melting Pot focuses on vegetarian cuisine with lots of inspirational ideas for meat-free dishes, and the healthy eating continues with a special look at the growing popularity of Scandinavian food. Happy April! Add to that your own responsibilities to minimise food waste and maximise the amount you recycle – and you really are walking on eggshells! Ingredients... Food @stiritupmag 23 07 NEW FROM COUNTRY RANGE 15 SIGNATURE DISH with Country Range customer Kevin Davies 30 THE FOOD FOR THOUGHT Great new ideas 13 05 CUSTOMER PROFILE Ramada Plaza Hotel in Belfast 21 HEALTH 34 FOOD & SCANDINAVIAN The importance of not skimping at suppertime 16 HOSPITALITY 24 EDUCATION Mintec on pineapple Going for gold at Salon Culinaire Tilda Young Chef crowned Petition to protect independent catering How Nordic food’s coming in from the cold 09 CATEGORY FOCUS The Christmas boom, British countryside and Allegra on convenience The Conscientious Consumer FOCUS ON FROZEN COOKS CALENDAR 39 MARKETPLACE Features 04 Country Range Mature Cheddar Cheese by TV presenter and fitness queen Davina McCall ON THE RANGE Favourites 33 FIVE WAYS 18 Mark Sargeant, National Chef of the Year winner and Michelin starred chef As part of our environmental policy this magazine is printed using vegetable oil based ink and is produced to high environmental standards, including EMAS, ISO14001 and FSC® certification. Championing healthy eating in schools INDUSTRY NEWS 27 ADVICE FROM THE EXPERTS 31 28 37 What you need to know about vanilla LEADING LIGHT Our editorial partners... & WELFARE THE MELTING POT Marvellous meat-free meals COUNTRY CLUB BAUMANN’S BLOG SAY CHEESE! Contact us... EDITOR Janine Nelson editor@stiritupmagazine.co.uk WRITERS Sarah Rigg, Amy Grace SUBSCRIPTIONS Telephone: 0845 209 3777 subscriptions@stiritupmagazine.co.uk DESIGN & PRINT Eclipse Creative FRONT COVER © StockFood / Jarry, Marie José COUNTRY RANGE PHOTOGRAPHY www.barrymellorphotography.co.uk www.countryrange.co.uk/stir-it-up APRIL 2015 03 COOKS CALENDAR s Foocu n EQUIP M E www.costsectorcatering.co.uk/awards spinach • 4 asparagus Jersey Royal new potatoes 23 30-3 London The Coffee Festival, May Old Truman Brewery, Bott le Bank Say www.londoncoffeefestival.com apricots Early May Bank Holiday Froze Brick Lane Cheese! spring onions Foocu n ON St George’s Day USHIC, Harrogate, T Yorkshire I TA I www.bbcgoodfoodshowspring.com L N A BI May radishes 23 St George’s Day 16-22 National Bread Week Y• RO Z F E GI E N E • H Y GI E N HY N T• • ON Focus cauliflower 10-12 BBC Good Food Show Spring, In season... gooseberries spring lamb F Fr rhubarb 18-20 London Wine Fair, (Scotland, Ireland, England and Wales) Kensington Olympia, London www.londonwinefair.com 4-10 UK Coffee Week www.ukcoffeeweek.com 18-24 British Tomato Week 10-16 British Sandwich Week www.britishtomatoes.co.uk www.sandwich.org.uk 22 11-15 Hospitality Action Week www.hospitalityaction.org.uk Foodservice Footprint Awards www.foodservicefootprint.com/event/ 23-31 English Wine Week 11-17 National Vegetarian Week www.englishwineproducers.co.uk www.nationalvegetarianweek.org 25 18-24 Coeliac Awareness Week www.coeliac.org.uk Spring Bank Holiday (Scotland, England and Wales) June In season... EN • SU S 04 APRIL 2015 cucumber April Fool’s Day Good Friday Easter Monday Cost Sector Catering Awards Hilton London Metropole S • For more information visit: bfff.co.uk OZ E N • N A BI LI T Y ON >> With £2.5 billion worth of food wasted each year in the foodservice and hospitality industry, E Qit is time to address T the situation recognise U Iand E N the PM role the industry has to play in maintaining and achieving food security in the UK. Food waste figures are all the more startling taking in to account the numbers of people visiting food banks to avoid hunger. Research from the Trussell Trust found that more than 900,000 people received emergency food parcels from their 400 food banks in 2013-2014. Food security in the UK is a challenging issue and the foodservice industry must accept responsibility for the role it can play in trying to improve the situation. Cranfield University’s Frozen Food and Food Security in the UK report found that frozen food already contributes to food security in the UK and that increasing its use could contribute significantly more. Reducing waste in food preparation is one of the key areas measured by the researchers who found that if the production of cod, carrots, broccoli and potatoes was shifted to frozen, a potential waste saving of between 25% and 79% could be made. Additionally, by increasing the use of frozen broccoli, the UK could be 100% self-sufficient in production, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 15%. By increasing the demand for the production of frozen, the industry can help the UK protect itself from food shortages and contribute to food security. We must address the situation head on and alter habits drastically. Recognising the important role frozen food has to play in UK food security is the first step, changing habits and making the switch is the next. 1 3 6 9 crab FR By Brian Young, chief executive of British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF) In season... Sustainability Ethical eating TA I OZ E • SU N s Foocu April n Frozen e FR Cooks calendar... 1-5 peas raspberries British Nutrition Foundation Healthy Eating Week (schools) www.foodafactoflife.org.uk 11 British Frozen Food Federation Dinner Dance and Awards, Hilton Park Lane, London broad beans aubergines fennel UK Young Seafood Chef of the Year – Grand Final, Grimsby Institute University Centre, Lincolnshire 13-21 National Picnic Week 12 www.nationalpicnicweek.co.uk 15 www.bfff.co.uk 11-14 BBC Good Food Show globe artichoke Craft Guild of Chefs Awards, Hilton Park Lane, London www.craftguildofchefs.org 15-21 Taste of London, Regent’s Park, London Summer, NEC Birmingham london.tastefestivals.com/london/ www.bbcgoodfoodshowsummer.com 21 Father’s Day CUSTOMER PROFILE Catering on a grand scale >> Graham Burns likes to do things on a grand scale. As well as running three kitchens at one of Northern Ireland’s biggest hotels, the busy executive head chef also oversees the purchasing and food offering for a further four hotels in the Andras Group. With over 22 years’ experience in the hospitality industry, Graham is perfectly suited to the demands of his high-powered job at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Belfast. After serving a grueling apprenticeship at the 5-star Kilkea Castle in Kildare – the oldest inhabited castle in Ireland – which saw him working 60-70 hour weeks for about £50 (“I lost a stone in weight but it was a great learning curve!”), Graham went on to become the youngest chef at the time to win a gold and silver medal at the Salon Culinaire. He was also a member of the culinary team chosen to compete in the European finals in 1996. A yearning to travel led to four years working in Australia, Tahiti, New Zealand and Malaysia, cooking for the likes of Kylie, Seinfeld, U2, Billy Connelly and actor Keanu Reeves. “It definitely influenced my style of cooking,” says Graham, “and for a long time I was really into Australasian fusion. I was there for the Sydney Olympics and hosted events for the German team. I had a brilliant time but it’s a lot different working there – in 35 degrees heat – than when you’re on holiday. “Out there they work hard and they party hard too and I think I would’ve been dead by the time I was 40 if I’d stayed, so I decided to come home!” Graham has certainly maintained the ‘work hard’ element of his Australian lifestyle. At the Ramada he manages three on-site restaurants: The Green Room, Indian restaurant, the Spice Club, and the less formal Suburbia Bar and Lounge, whilst also regularly catering for various high-profile events in the hotel’s newly refurbished banqueting rooms. “We hosted the Irish Theatre Awards, Belfast Telegraph Sports Awards and Northern Ireland Food & Drink Awards recently. Imagine the pressure catering for all those foodies! We go beyond function food – not your typical beef or salmon. A lot of work goes into the dishes we create. But I don’t get as stressed about it anymore. I get a good buzz out of it. I used to be anxiously standing by the oven but now the job is ingrained in me.” At Christmas the team catered for an astonishing 6,000 people over two weekends. “One night we had 1,800 people all eating at 7pm in three function rooms on three different levels! “The best part of the job is when your diners are really happy, when you are working well as a team and everyone is in a buzz. You’re only as strong as your team and I rely on them as much as they rely on me.” Quality ingredients are key to the success of any kitchen and Graham and his team use 90% of the products made by Country Range. “It’s the most superior own brand around,” he says. “I find it to be ‘like for like’ and often better than the well-known branded products. “It’s hard to single out a product because I think they’re all really good but I do like the sauces. The Country Range Sweet Chilli Sauce is fantastic – a lot of other own label sauces are often watery – but this is really great.” So how does this hard-working father of two find time to spend with his family? “Some weeks I work 70 hours and – very occasionally – I work 30 hours,” he explains. “Sometimes, I’ll do 11 or 12 days straight. I’m there if the business is there and, if it’s a bit quieter, then I take the time off when I can and I really value that time.” Graham manages three on-site restaurants at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, including The Green Room... APRIL 2015 05 RIPTION PRODUCT DESC n Kenco Smooth ti Kenco Rich tin ill bag Kenco Smooth Ref Kenco Decaff tin icks Kenco Smooth St ks Kenco Decaff Stic SIZE 6 x 750g 6 x 750g 6 x 750g 6 x 500g 4 x 200 sticks For som e constan young Hondur make a t threat. At Ke ans, gangs are a vulnera difference. O nco we want ble you ffering a to n g g roup peo training them as ple an alternat of ive by coffee f armers Fo llow their st ory at 4 x 200 sticks 0845 603 8314 www.thekencocoffeecompany.co.uk COFFEE OV9789 NEW FROM COUNTRY RANGE GO GO GARLIC! NEW quick and easy garlic slices Cod with W hi te Sauce Cod Beer-battered The cod fillets can be steam-cooked, grilled, fried or oven-baked... Fishing for easy solutions? Try new Country Range IQF Cod >> When you’re cooking to order, having the ability to access individually frozen products can make life a whole lot easier. No one understands this more than Country Range, and the latest innovation in our IQF (Individually Quick Frozen) range is white cod fillets. Country Range IQF Cod has a lower glaze (15%), which means it has less ice / water coating the product, therefore providing caterers with more fish than standard products (traditionally having a 20% glaze). They are individually frozen rather than bulk frozen in a box meaning the fish does not stick together – so you can easily obtain the exact amount you need. In addition, they are packed in a minimum number per box rather than by weight, so you, the customer, know exactly how many pieces you’re getting – which is hugely helpful for menu planning and portion control. >> Everyone loves a slice or two of garlic bread with their meal, but preparing it from fresh can be extremely time-consuming, particularly for caterers doing it on a grand scale. Fortunately help is at hand with the latest addition to Country Range with our new Country Range Garlic Slices. The perfect accompaniment to pasta dishes or as part of a sharing platter our delicious garlic slices are 16mm thick. The crispy bread bases are topped with margarine, tangy garlic and a subtle sprinkling of parsley. Simply bake from frozen in the oven (200°C) for 8-10 minutes. For added value or for a tasty starter, why not top with grated cheese? • Pack size: 150 x 26g The cod fillets can be steam-cooked, grilled, fried or oven-baked, and are available in four sizes to suit all sectors. IQF Cod (15% glaze): •25 x 140-170g •18 x 200-230g •20 x 170-200g •15 x 230-290g The perfect accompaniment to pasta dishes or as part of a sharing platter APRIL 2015 07 ..the home grown, handcooked crisp from Tipperary NEW No.1 BEST SELLIN KETTLE COOK G IRISH ED CRISP* Traditional, natural flavours ~ ~ Gluten free, authentic hand cooked crisps No artificial colours or flavours *No.1 best selling Irish kettle cooked crisp brand 2012, 2013 and 2014 to date (Nielsens report). THE CATEGORY FOCUS A growing number of consumers are now demanding healthy eating options, information on provenance and are becoming more aware of issues such as food waste and recycling Vegetarian bulgur wheat salad with sesame seed tofu Catering for the CONSCIENTIOUS CONSUMER Caterers have a responsibility to cater for the needs of whoever walks through their door. A growing number of consumers are now demanding healthy eating options, information on provenance and are becoming more aware of issues such as food waste and recycling. Gluten-free vanilla parfait with orange segments Add to that the specific needs of coeliacs, people with lactose intolerance, vegetarians, vegans and food allergy sufferers – and menu planning can be a bit of a minefield! Here, we take a look at some of these very specific requirements, along with solutions for managing them. GLUTEN-free According to Datamonitor, the UK gluten-free market has increased by 229% in sales in the last decade. Interest in gluten-free products, especially in the last few years, has seen a big rise in companies developing gluten-free products – but they are not just consumed by those who suffer from gluten intolerance. Gillian Williamson, category marketing manager at Macphie, which makes a range of over 20 ready-to-use products includes favourites such as Béchamel, Hollandaise and Demi Glace, said: “Consumers of gluten-free products are not just those with coeliac disease. Many reports discuss ‘lifestylers’, who are people cutting gluten out of their diet to feel healthier. This trend has encouraged growth in this sector but it is believed that these people may leave the market in the future when another diet trend comes to the fore. Chorizo croute salad “When eating out, it is especially important that people with allergen intolerances should have the confidence that their dietary requirements are being catered for.” Frozen lactose and gluten-free desserts, such as those made by Erlenbacher, are becoming >> APRIL 2015 09 CATEGORY FOCUS Londoners are the most interested in healthy eating trends, with 19% saying they prefer dishes which include ‘superfoods’ >> increasingly popular options, whilst everyday brands such as Bisto now offer products with no gluten-containing ingredients. Pan’Artisan launched a range of gluten-free pizza bases last year and there are even gluten-free beers on the market to quench the thirst of those with gluten intolerance. For the ultimate easy solution, ready meals manufacturer Ilumi offers a range of allergy and gluten-free meals for the foodservice sector. HEALTHY options One of the biggest trends in the food industry is health, with a small but growing number of consumers looking for more nutritious, low-fat food options. With 67% of men and 57% of women in the UK now classified as overweight or obese, healthy eating is becoming more and more important, yet just 8% of all diners look for something healthy when dining out for a special occasion and only one in eight (15%) say they prefer venues where the calorie counts are displayed on the menu. Londoners are the most interested in healthy eating trends, with 19% saying they prefer dishes which include ‘superfoods’ to low-calorie or low fat dishes and 20% claim they would order more high-protein dishes if they were offered on the menu. Helena Childe, senior foodservice analyst at Mintel, said: “Although Government initiatives such as the Responsibility Deal are pushing eating out operators to think more about their healthy eating proposition, there is little widespread demand from consumers themselves, with nearly four in 10 stating that they rarely think about healthy eating concerns when eating out. However, whilst there is little widespread demand for health, some operators could leverage it to more proactively chase their share of the leisure pound, through targeted promotions for example. There is also an opportunity in breakfast and lunch products and in the ethnic sector in particular for operators to use healthy eating facets to grow sales.” WISE UP ON food waste Research by WRAP reveals that the amount of food that is wasted each year in the UK is equivalent to 1.3 billion meals, or one in six of the 8 billion meals served each year, and the cost of food being wasted in the UK from the hospitality and foodservice will rise to £3billion per year by 2016. On average 21% of food waste arises from spoilage; 45% from food preparation and 34% from consumer plates – and caterers have a huge part to play in reducing these figures. Paula Moon, brand manager, Nestlé Professional, says: “In today’s society, food waste is an issue that needs to be addressed. The steps to do this are to separate it to understand where it comes from. How much comes from spoilage, preparation or plate waste? Once you have 10 APRIL 2015 Beetroot carpaccio with rocket and horseradish this knowledge, you can formulate plans to reduce it – which will of course help save money.” you buy and not see a third of it going in the bin as you would with some fresh.” One solution is to use frozen food, says Simon Costello, of D’arta. He explains: “Fresh fruit and vegetables can perish quickly and frozen gives a much extended shelf life so products can be stored in peak condition until they are needed. You only take out what you need and save the rest for another day. Unlike fresh there’s no need for prepping, peeling and cleaning etc. You can use the entire product Unilever Food Solutions has created a free mobile app called Wise up on Waste to help chefs and cut avoidable food waste. The app allows chefs and caterers to easily track food waste over a set period, to highlight the average volume of each type of waste (spoilage, preparation or customer plate waste) generated by day part (breakfast, lunch and dinner), per day and per cover or portion. TOP TIPS FOR cut ting food waste: Mark McCarthy, business development chef at Unilever Food Solutions, gives his top 10 tips for cutting down on food waste: • PRACTICE PORTION CONTROL. One of the main reasons customers don’t finish their meals when eating out is that the portion was too big. Reducing portion sizes is the most effective way of cutting down on customer plate waste. • PRACTICE EFFECTIVE MENU MANAGEMENT so perishable ingredients are used for different menu items. This will help to reduce spoilage. • DO NOT OVER-ORDER FOOD. Only order the minimum amount needed to avoid unnecessary spoilage. • COOK SEASONALLY. If you think about it, ingredients that are out of season have made a longer journey to your kitchen so run a much higher risk of spoilage. • WITHOUT COMPROMISING ON QUALITY, CONSIDER USING FROZEN, DRIED, BOTTLED OR TINNED GOODS as opposed to fresh where possible. This is an effective way of cutting back on the amount of potentially perishable items and associated waste while still producing a tasty end product. • USE YOUR SPECIALS BOARD TO CREATIVELY SELL PREPPED ITEMS that would otherwise go out of date. • CLEVER CHEFFING CAN ALSO CUT DOWN ON FOOD WASTE. For example, use the tops and tails of tomatoes in tomatobased sauces rather than throwing them in the bin. Vegetable trimmings make tasty soups while pork and chicken trimmings can be used to create tasty starters like patés and terrines. • REGULAR TRAINING BY FOODSERVICE EXPERTS HELPS US TO BECOME MORE RESOURCEFUL when prepping food and using ingredients cleverly to reduce avoidable waste. • WHY NOT TRY VACUUM PACKING YOUR INGREDIENTS? Not only does this extend shelf life, it also reduces odour which in turn reduces the risk of them spoiling other products. • FINALLY, CARRYING OUT REGULAR FOOD WASTE AUDITS will help you to identify the main factors behind your kitchen’s food waste. Our Wise up on Waste mobile app allows chefs and operators carry out a simple waste audit, which can help to reduce food waste by at least 20% if implemented. Providing moments of enjoyment for every day because ... … even without lactose and gluten, I still have the same great taste. We use only natural flavours – no added preservatives, no added hydrogenated fats or oils and no artificial colours. For more information please contact erlenbacher backwaren gmbh · Mr. Martin Loweth, UK Sales Manager +44 (0)78 7962 3846 · Martin.Loweth@de.nestle.com www.erlenbacher.co.uk e_Anz_Gluten_Lactosefreie_Kucken_UK_184x131.indd 1 Almondy 1-2 page Stir it up Feb 15-paths.indd 1 02.02.15 17:12 APRIL 2015 11 30/01/2015 16:11 B E INS P IRE D Discover . . . THE BENEFITS O F T H E T I LDA FROZEN RICE RANGE... • Easy to prepare • Consistent quality guaranteed • No wastage • Excellent portion and therefore cost control • No compromise on quality • Offers great profit potential – serve rice as an optional side dish • Superior plate fill of Tilda Frozen Basmati = smaller portions and greater profit THE RANGE • Basmati Pilau 36 x 180g portions • Long Grain 30 x 200g portions Did yo know thau all tilda t r naturallice is GLUTEN- y FREE? Available in a variety of pack formats and case sizes to best suit your needs For divine menu inspiration visit www.tildafoodservice.com @TildaChef GENERAL FEATURE IN A PICKLE... HOW NORDIC CUISINE IS COMING IN FROM THE COLD Chloe Avery, TV producer and The Scandinavian Midsummer Feast organiser >> Trend forecasters have predicted that Scandinavian food will continue to grow in popularity in the UK this year. With Denmark’s ‘Noma’ named the best restaurant in the world again in 2014, foodies are said to be clamouring for the cooking of our colder climate cousins. This summer, the UK will see its first festival dedicated to Scandi cuisine. Organiser and TV producer Chloe Avery spent last year travelling across Scandinavia for a TV series with chef Valentine Warner and completely fell in love with the region’s food culture, people and way of life. Below are her thoughts on what makes Scandinavian supreme... environment – even in snow and extremely low temperatures. There is a big hunting and fishing element to Scandinavian life and food culture – and one moose will stock a family’s freezer for months. There is a pragmatism, a practicality and a real passion for the freshest ingredients, and for making the most of what each season brings. Trine Hahnemann is very keen to point out that the foods available in Scandinavia and in the UK are similar – we have just fallen out of touch with what we can pick, grow, bake and cook. HOW CAN PROFESSIONAL CHEFS INCORPORATE SCANDINAVIAN CUISINE INTO THEIR MENUS? WHAT ARE THE KEY INGREDIENTS? The Scandinavian Midsummer Feast takes place on June 20 and 21 at Harptree Court near Bath with food and drink demonstrations by Trine Hahnemann (Great British Bake Off and the classic ‘Scandinavian Baking’), TV chef Valentine Warner, Niklas Ekstedt (of Sweden’s Michelin-starred Ekstedt restaurant) and Joe Wadsack, wine expert on BBC2’s Food & Drink series. For more information visit www.scandifeast.co.uk I would say that seafood and meats like venison and reindeer are pretty key, plus berries and the foraging scene is massive and very natural – and very exciting for us Brits. The baking scene in Scandinavia is really exciting too – beyond cinnamon buns there are great home cooks making wonderful cakes and desserts. There is a great coziness and homeliness, and a great respect for the highest quality ingredients. I think that foraging is a brilliant way of bringing Scandinavian cuisine into menus. Anything fresh and wild and beautiful always feels Scandinavian, and I think that the presentation of dishes is key. There is a cleanness of lines and colours and a purity about the aesthetics of Scandinavian food that is totally unique. WHAT ARE THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF FOLLOWING A SCANDINAVIAN DIET? There is a great emphasis on freshness, and great grains and seeds which have health benefits. In general there is a great respect for provenance, sustainability and ethical practices – and these all produce the healthiest foods. Trine Hahnemann Joe Wadsack HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE SCANDINAVIAN CUISINE? When I think about Scandinavian cuisine I think about wild, unadulterated produce – great fresh meats and seafood, vegetables and very clean flavours. I love the pickling and preserving element of Scandinavian cuisine – the climate is incredibly harsh in the winter and so people really make the most of the spring and summer foods by making them last through the cold months. In general Scandis are out and about much more in their “I would say that seafood and meats like venison and reindeer are pretty key, plus berries and the foraging scene is massive and very natural...” APRIL 201513 Be part of your customers’ Easter memories Win r two a Spa break fo ll at Ragdale Ha Log onto .uk foodservice.co www.premier ore to find out m www.premierfoodservice.co.uk @PremierFoods_FS ON ON THE RANGE >> Easter is traditionally a time to enjoy spring lamb – and it will definitely be on the menu at Hestercombe Gardens in Somerset. Kevin Davies, head chef at the historic gardens in Taunton, says: “Lamb is just coming into season and is perfect for Easter menus. My favourite dish is Herb-crusted rack of Somerset lamb with fondant potatoes and port sauce. This dish will lead our Easter menu in the Column Room Restaurant which overlooks the spectacular formal gardens here. ON THE Range “Lamb is just coming into season and is perfect for Easter menus.” “It’s a cracking dish. The recipe looks quite long but it’s actually pretty simple and it all comes together really nicely.” Kevin is a big fan of Country Range ingredients and uses several in this recipe. “I love the stocks – the flavour is really natural and the Country Range herbs and spices pack a punch and help to get great flavour into the dish.” Herb-crusted rack of Somerset lamb with fondant potatoes and port sauce “It’s a cracking dish. The recipe looks quite long but it’s actually pretty simple...” >> Serves 2 >> Prep time: 30 minutes >> Cooking time: 25 minutes Ingredients 2 x 250g rack of Somerset lamb For the crust: 30g natural breadcrumbs 4g Country Range Dried Thyme 4g Country Range Dried Mint 3g Country Range Cracked Black Pepper 3g Country Range Garlic Granules 4g Country Range Paprika 4g Country Range White Mustard Seed, crushed Country Range Pomace Oil 2 sprigs fresh mint 1 red chilli, deseeded & finely chopped 1 zest of lemon 1 tbsp Country Range Dijon Mustard Pinch of Country Range Salt For the fondant potatoes: (These can be made a day in advance and kept in the fridge) 4 potatoes (Desiree) 2 garlic cloves, slightly crushed Fresh thyme, 2-3 sprigs 150g Country Range Salted Butter 75ml Country Range Chicken Stock Sea salt Black pepper For the port sauce: 450ml Port 200ml Country Range Beef Stock 1 sprig fresh thyme 2 garlic cloves Country Range Cracked Black Pepper 1 tbsp Country Range Cornflour For the vegetables: 150g peas 150g broad beans 300g green bean 300g sugar snaps peas 300g tender stem broccoli Method For the lamb: 1. Score the rack of lamb in a criss cross about 3mm deep. 2. Season with salt and pepper and seal on all sides in a pan with oil and butter until golden. Leave to rest for 10 minutes then rub in Dijon mustard. 3. Mix all the herb crust ingredients together in a bowl and add a teaspoon of Pomace oil and rub into the lamb crust, set aside. For the fondant potatoes: 1. Peel the potatoes, cut a flat top and bottom. Cut out a round potato with a pastry cutter. Cut off the sharp corners to make a nice barrel shape. 2. Melt the butter in a saucepan over a medium heat until foam starts to appear. Place the potatoes in the pan and cook for about 5-6 minutes until golden on the bottom. When done turn them over and cook the same again. 3. Add the stock. Put in the crushed garlic and thyme sprigs. Season well. 4. Cover and simmer gently until the potato is cooked. For the port sauce: 1. Keep 2 tablespoons of port back. Put the rest of the port, thyme, garlic, pepper and beef stock in a pan on a high heat and reduce by half, remove from the heat and pass through a sieve, removing any bits. Mixed the saved port with the cornflour, return sauce to stove and thicken. Set aside. To finish: 1. Put the lamb on the middle shelf of a pre-heated oven (200°C) for about 8-10 minutes (pink) or 10 -12 minutes (medium), then remove from oven and allow to rest. Pour the juices for the lamb into the port sauce. 2. Cook all the vegetables together in a pan of salted boiling water for 4 minutes, drain and serve with a pinch of butter. 3. Assemble and serve with a nice glass of Australian Shiraz. You can also access this recipe by using your smart phone. Simply scan the QR code above or enter the web addresses in to your internet browser window. Additional recipes can be found at: www. countryrange.co.uk/recipes www.countryrange.co.uk/ recipes/?ID=314 APRIL 2015 15 HOSPITALITY FOODSERVICE INTELLIGENCE FROM THE NEED FOR SPEED AND EASE >> Growth of the UK foodservice market is being led by sectors that deliver convenient food solutions, such as retail grab & go, coffee shops, sandwich shops and cafés. Allegra has calculated that value growth for 2014 in these sectors has been more than 6%. Consumers’ busier lifestyles, as a result of trying to fit more in, either from a need to work more or from a desire to participate in more leisure activities, is driving the need for food on the go and faster, more informal eating occasions. However their expectations are for greater quality whilst still looking for great value. The legacy from the recession and from austerity measures means that value is still critical. Allegra’s Top of Mind survey of industry leaders highlighted convenience and more mobile lifestyles as the two leading long-term trends for the foodservice market, with 43% of respondents saying that convenience is the key trend. Analysis of consumers’ needs has shown that most food on the go missions are for a break from work and therefore tend to be quick, whilst consumers biggest need is for the establishment to be close to work. Food on the go solutions are adapting to consumers evolving expectations, so that the humble sandwich is only one option amongst a myriad of convenient food options such as Asian noodles, burritos, pasta pots, soups, hummus or sushi. Delivering great food that is convenient and close to workers or that is easy to eat whilst on the go in trains, planes or automobiles is essential, and where significant growth is coming from. 16 APRIL 2015 Boom in Christmas Day out-of-home dining 1 in 6 UK adults ate out on Christmas Day 2014, according to new figures New figures released by Allegra reveals that 1 in 6 UK adults ate out on Christmas Day last year, equating to around 8 million meals. The report also discovered that over a quarter of UK adults have never eaten out on Christmas Day, but nearly half would consider doing so. Pubs operators were most successful, with over a third of consumers eating out on Christmas Day choosing to eat at pubs. Hotels and local restaurants also attracted significant Christmas Day trade, at 18% and 16% respectively. The principle reasons for eating out on Christmas Day are due to being invited out by friends or family and to avoid the hassle of entertaining at home. However, very few consumers choose to eat out on Christmas Day for better quality of food. Gareth Nash, Allegra Foodservices’ head of consumer insight, said: “Venues should really focus their Christmas Day messaging on “Nearly half of consumers will consider eating out in the future on Christmas Day...” providing a stress-free sociable occasion for consumers on Christmas Day.” The Eating Out Panel showed that the majority of diners eating out at Christmas were under 35s and from London. While some consumers have a tradition of cooking their Christmas Day meal at home, there is more scope to influence the new younger and time-poor generations into going out to eat. Gareth Nash added: “Nearly half of consumers will consider eating out in the future on Christmas Day so there is an opportunity there for operators to increase footfall further and convert these ‘considerers’ into actual visitors.” ‘The British countryside is GREAT’, says tourist board >> VisitBritain has launched a three-year campaign designed to grow international visits and spend across the country. The ‘Countryside is GREAT’ campaign aims to generate extra visitor spend of £70million which would see the creation of 1,296 new jobs by 2018. Britain is currently ranked 20th out of 50 countries for being ‘rich in natural beauty’ and tourism chiefs are determined to boost perceptions of the UK amongst foreign visitors. The regions featuring in the first year of the campaign are the Scottish Highlands, Peak District, Cotswolds, Cornwall, Pembrokeshire, North Wales, Warwickshire, Lake District and Yorkshire. Sally Balcombe, chief executive of VisitBritain, said: “We want to encourage our international visitors to experience more of Britain. E njoying the beautiful landscape is one of the key drivers for holiday choice for international visitors second only to offering good value for money. “Britain has stunning national parks and world heritage sites to rival our competitors but they are currently being overlooked by many of our overseas visitors. “...we want to package and sell our countryside to potential tourists...” “Whether it’s enjoying a luxury boutique hotel, a sea plane experience or a cookery course, we want to package and sell our countryside to potential tourists so they can envisage the type of experiences they would enjoy in these areas.” NEW, Individually Wrapped POLO∏ is a perfect complimentary sweet for your business Available in either refreshing clear mint or fruit - with a variety of fruit flavours; blackcurrant, orange, lemon, lime AINS APPR O NT I LY W R A P P E D TS 320 UAL EE IND VID X. CO and strawberry SW LEADING LIGHT Leading Light... Mark Sargeant “There was no history of chefs in my family but I watched a lot of Delia Smith and Keith Floyd on TV.” Top Mark(s)! >> It’s a brave chef who takes on the challenge of working with the fiery Gordon Ramsay, but Mark Sargeant did just that. For 13 years, “Sarge” was Ramsay’s right hand man, taking on a range of responsibilities, including being responsible for Gordon’s media activities and coauthoring his 12 books, as well as assisting with TV work both in the UK and overseas. He scooped the National Chef of the Year title in 2002 – the same year he won his first Michelin star – and decided to go it alone in 2011 to build his own restaurant empire... You knew from the age of eight that you wanted to be a chef. What advice would you give to teenagers today who are considering embarking on a similar career path? There was no history of chefs in my family but I watched a lot of Delia Smith and Keith Floyd on TV. As soon as I was legally allowed to work in a local restaurant I got in there straight away. It teaches you about hygiene and the reality of working in a place with 500 covers a night. I started cutting veg so my knife skills when I started college at 17 were better than the lecturers’! Put yourself in any environment you can whether it’s a pub kitchen or a fish and chip shop. Get used to the chaos, heat and the hours. It’s not all about fine dining. Work hard and love what you do. It’s a long road, so don’t race to be a head chef. Gordon Ramsay played a huge part in your early career. What is the most important thing he taught you? Mark scooped the National Chef of the Year title in 2002 – the same year he won his first Michelin star... 18 APRIL 2015 Multi-tasking. I was a very good chef when I went to work for Gordon. I’d just won National Young Chef of the Year – he was a judge and I wanted to work for him. Good management skills. He was very good at getting things out of people, like a sergeant major in the army he would stop at nothing to get it out of you. He did have a kind and generous side to him but would knock you down then build you back up. LEADING LIGHT Your only cookbook to date is called ‘My kind of cooking’. In a nutshell, what is your ‘kind of cooking’? Simplicity has always been what it’s all about. When you’re young and hungry you tend to over-complicate things. It’s like chatting up girls – you do it very differently at 35 than you did age 23. You’ve got to relax and be confident to cook the perfect piece of meat or fish. You don’t need dry ice. Simple but perfect, that’s the real key. Great ingredients, in season, sourced locally and doing as little to them as possible. Why did you choose the Kent coast (as opposed to London where you previously worked) as the location for your first eateries? It chose me! When I was 35 Gordon was in the US a lot and I couldn’t be “Sarge” anymore. A lot of us (chefs) were moving on at the time and I was doing a lot of consultancy work to pay the bills. Josh de Haan had dug a hole in the harbour in Folkstone and was looking for an operator. The person he was looking for had to be from Kent and he was a fan of my cooking at Claridge’s. However, I had no infrastructure – it was just me, so we became business partners and it has been a great thing to do. If you’d asked me 15 years ago I would have said no but it has absolutely been the right thing to do. I believe in fate. What is the key to perfect fish and chips? The fish has to be fantastic quality, fresh and sustainable. We use Icelandic frozen cod caught at sea. Fish has spent its entire life in freezing water so freezing it doesn’t affect it all. Secondly, you need a great batter, crisp and thin, to seal in the moisture. If it’s too greasy all the steam will be released. Cook the fish in vegetable oil because the flavour of dripping is too strong. However, the beefy meaty flavour of dripping is great for chips. What prompted you to hang up your chef’s whites after 20 years? Lots of things. When I was with Gordon I was working 106-hour weeks. A lot of my life was on hold – I didn’t have time for girlfriends. Also I knew I wanted diversity in my role. People expect you in that kitchen if your name is over the door and I don’t want people to be disappointed that I’m not cooking their dinner. The most important reason was I wanted to spend time with my kids. I have seen lots of chefs with wives who are like widows. I decided I wanted to be at home every night. How does life as a restaurateur differ to that of a chef? It’s a lot different. It’s really important for all chefs to learn front of house. There’s so much more to a restaurant than the kitchen. I’ve gone from juggling one or two balls in the kitchen to juggling about 10 but it’s a different type of stress. I run my own diary and I’m my own boss so I can choose the things I want to do. How important is your TV work for the success of your business? Do you enjoy being a TV chef’? I’ve made a conscious decision to not do as much TV. I don’t want to be famous – I want my business to be successful. TV is a great medium for your profile, as are cookbooks, but I don’t want to do it for the sake of it. I’ll do it if it’s something I believe in but I see some chefs on TV having their homemade chutney judged against that of the public. It’s demeaning. You recently opened a restaurant – Oxwell & Co. – in Singapore. How did that come about? A friend of a friend is a banker in Singapore and he was opening a gastropub in Chinatown. He’d acquired the lease but then the chef fell through and the banker asked if my friend knew anyone who could step in. I’d done some work with Singapore Airlines with Gordon and I’ve always thought it’s a really interesting place. I love it but it’s very tough – the staff, the laws, I had two UK chefs who came back in tatters! What’s next for Mark Sargeant? I’m looking to roll out the Smokehouse as a chain and opening another Rocksalt in London on a £3-4million site. Lots of London people are moving to Folkstone and there’s a 45-acre development there. It’s going to be a massive boom but the timing has to be right – I don’t want to get into debt. What are your three kitchen secrets? • Organisation is absolutely key • Communication • Great produce What is your favourite ingredient and why? Fish of all kinds. Fish is unbelievably versatile and really good for you. Please could you share your favourite recipe Pea and broad bean risotto. It’s a delicious and healthy dish. Mark Sargeant’s Pea & Broad Bean Risotto >> Serves 6 “Just before serving, drizzle over a little olive oil and scatter some more Parmesan shavings and a sprinkling of fresh chives.” Broad beans and peas are in season in June Ingredients 300g Arborio risotto rice 200g small peas 200g shelled broad beans 2 tbsp olive oil, plus extra to serve 50g butter 125 ml dry white wine 1 large shallot, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, finely chopped 3 spring onions, finely chopped 150g freshly grated Parmesan, plus extra to serve 2 tbsp mascarpone 20g fresh chives, finely snipped 1 litre Knorr Vegetable Jelly Bouillon, diluted Method 1.Tip the rice into a pan of boiling, lightly salted water and cook gently for 8 minutes then drain in a sieve. There should still be a white core in the centre of the grains. 2.Spread the part-cooked rice on a clean tray and allow to cool. Keep chilled until you are ready to finish the risotto. If covered with cling film and kept in the fridge, the rice can be kept for up to 24 hours. 3.Bring the Knorr Vegetable Jelly Bouillon to the boil. 4.In another large pan, gently sauté the shallot and garlic in the 2 tablespoons of oil and half the butter for 3-5 minutes until softened. Stir in the wine and cook until reduced by half. Tip in the rice and stir well to combine with the liquid. 5.Now add a ladle of boiling Knorr Vegetable Jelly Bouillon, some salt and stir until the water is absorbed. Add the remaining stock, a ladle at a time, stirring until absorbed before you add more. This takes about 6-8 minutes, by which time the mixture should be slightly sloppy, not dry. You may not need all of the stock. The rice is cooked when it is just softened and has a shiny glaze. 6.Gently stir the vegetables and chopped spring onions into the rice and return to a gentle simmer, adding a little extra bouillon if needed. 7.Stir in the grated Parmesan, the mascarpone and the last of the butter, off the heat. Check the seasoning and allow the risotto to rest for a minute or two. 8.Just before serving, drizzle over a little olive oil and scatter some more Parmesan shavings and a sprinkling of fresh chives. APRIL 2015 19 Monkey’s Afternoon Tea Party! Ring Monkey on 0800 7833728 (opt 3) to find out how his Afternoon Tea Activity Pack can help you create a special event!* *Open to UK bona fide healthcare and care setting caterers and chefs aged 18+. To claim place an order of at least one case of PG tips 2x1150 and 4 cases from across the following products: Stork (6x2kg); Meadowland Professional 40x250g, Meadowland 12x1ltr, Knorr Bouillon Paste 2x1kg and Knorr Gravy Granules 25L between 22/01/2015 and 31/12/2015 from the UFS telebusiness team. Closing date: 31/12/2015. Subject to availability. See www.ufs.com/teaparty for full terms. HEALTH & WELFARE “...we need to remind all those involved just how vital this snack is. It also gives us the opportunity to share good suppertime practices.” Don’t skimp at suppertime >> Care home and hospital caterers are being urged not to skimp on suppertime and leave residents and patients without food for over 12 hours. As part of Nutrition and Hydration Week 2015, which took place last month, carers have been reminded about the importance of serving a light snack before bedtime. “What better than with that night-time drink – a snack whether it be toast or cheese and biscuits or perhaps even a small chocolate biscuit.” With caterers in health and social care facing many challenges, it is feared that suppertime may be overlooked, particularly when the lead caterers have often left for the day. The aim of Nutrition and Hydration Week is to raise the awareness of the importance of good nutrition in health and social care and to illustrate how, by making changes to eating and drinking habits people can improve their quality of life. The campaign benefits professionals and staff within social and healthcare settings by showing them the preventative role they can play in catalysing a reduction in malnutrition-related illnesses that often require complex treatments, prolong recovery periods, delay hospital discharges and increase NHS costs. The importance of the last snack of the day was the focus of a special initiative during Nutrition and Hydration Week, urging cooks and carers to remember it is an important part of the nutritional care they provide. Nutrition and Hydration Week lead, Caroline Lecko, said: “We need to engage all staff to realise that those they care for need this light snack, otherwise it could be over 12 hours between their evening meals and breakfast. This is far too long to go without something to eat.” Andy Jones, national chair of the Hospital Caterers Association, added: “With many staff rosters focusing on breakfast service, we need to remind all those involved just how vital this snack is. It also gives us the opportunity to share good suppertime practices. Derek Johnson, Nutrition and Hydration Week co-lead, added: “Supper is a great time to provide a milk-based drink providing vital hydration and extra calories for those who are nutritionally compromised. “It is the forgotten snack where food is often prepared earlier in the day and left for busy care staff to serve during their evening duties.” APRIL 2015 21 SIGNATURE DISH My signature dish by Davina McCall >> TV personality and charity fundraiser Davina McCall is on a mission – to get the nation eating more healthily. The renowned fitness fanatic recently took to the stage at the new BBC Good Food Eat Well Show for a live cooking demo showing visitors how to cook healthy meals. Her top tips for eating more healthily are: “Lose the rubbish food immediately. If it’s in your house you’ll eat it. Completely change your shopping list. If you have healthy food in your fridge you don’t have any choice but to cook with it.” However, Davina admits cooking nutritious meals with her busy schedule can be a challenge. “I do find it hard to cook meals and that’s why I actually use the freezer a lot. If I’m making one of my favourites like pork chilli or ragu or tomato soup or any soup really, I will always make double the amount and freeze what we don’t eat so that when I am busy I can defrost something and its ready to go.” She admits that Gwyneth Paltrow is her ultimate inspiration. “I do look at her and think you are a shining example of someone who clearly lives a healthy lifestyle and looks good on it. I sometimes think I could never achieve her level of perfectness but she is something to aspire to.” can use other greens, as long as they keep their shape and don’t go mushy. Spinach doesn’t work. You might find two cans of chickpeas slightly too much, but one can isn’t enough, so save any leftover chickpeas to put in a salad.” BBC Good Food Show will be hosting The Spring Show in Harrogate from 10-12 April and the Summer Show in Birmingham from 11-14 June. Davina’s uber healthy signature dish is chicken with chorizo, chickpeas and kale. “It’s a fantastic one-pot dish and I love anything with chorizo. Kale is the new broccoli – everybody’s doing it – but you Davina’s Chicken with Chorizo, Chickpeas and Kale >> Serves 4 Method 1. Preheat the oven to 200°C / 180°C Fan / Gas 6. 2. Heat the oil in a large casserole dish. Add the chicken thighs or pieces and brown them thoroughly on both sides. Make sure the skin in particular is crisp and brown. Remove the chicken from the dish and set it aside, then pour off the excess fat released by the chicken. 3. Add the slices of chorizo to the casserole dish and brown them for a couple of minutes on each side. Remove them from the pan and again drain off any excess fat. Add the onion to the casserole and fry gently for 5 minutes, then add the garlic and cook for another minute. Ingredients 1 tbsp olive oil 8 chicken thighs or other pieces, with skin and bone 2 cooking chorizo sausages, sliced into rounds 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 onion, sliced 2 x 400g cans of chickpeas, drained and rinsed 1 x 400g can of tomatoes 200ml chicken stock Large sprig of thyme Small bunch of kale, thickly shredded Salt and black pepper 4. Add the chickpeas (as much of them as you want) and tomatoes and stir well to combine. Tuck in the sprig of thyme, pour over the chicken stock and season with salt and pepper. Pile the kale on top of the chickpeas, and then arrange the chicken and chorizo on top. Season again. Davina is on a mission – to get the nation eating more healthily 5. Put the lid on the casserole dish and place the dish in the oven for 20 minutes. Then remove the lid and cook for a further 15 minutes or until the chicken is completely cooked through. APRIL 2015 23 EDUCATION Y H T L A E H G N I N O I P M CHA EATING IN SCHOOLS >> Schools are being encouraged to recruit Youth Health Champions to promote healthy eating and lifestyles amongst their peers. This innovative new qualification is targeted at school students aged 14-18 and has been developed to enable young people to act as ‘health advisors’ to their classmates. The training, which takes less than 40 hours to complete, empowers the students to explore the causes and consequences of unhealthy behaviours and how to provide help and support to anyone engaged in activities that might damage their health, including smoking, unhealthy diets and alcohol misuse. Shirley Cramer, chief executive of the Royal Society for Public Health, said: “In order to tackle the growing burden of health inequalities, it is essential that we focus on the next generation educating them from a young age of the importance of making healthy choices. at “...it is essential th next we focus on the ting generation educa ng age them from a you of of the importance choices.” making healthy 24 APRIL 2015 “Our new qualification is the first of its kind to enable students to develop the skills and the knowledge to not only support their peers to live healthier lives, but also to increase their own knowledge and awareness. The qualification will also contribute to their personal development by improving their communication and planning skills, as well giving them responsibility and a greater sense of empowerment.” What is a Youth Health Champion? A Youth Health Champion is not expected to give direct health advice, nor offer counselling or one-to-one support. They are, however, required to acts as ‘signposters’ or ‘links’ between students and other health professionals and services. As a team, the Youth Health Champions plan and deliver health promotion campaigns to their peers. The topics for the campaigns can be drawn from a number of sources: •Data from the Schools Health Improvement Survey •Food For Life Partnership priorities •Public Health priority areas (either locally or nationally) •School priority areas •Youth Health Champions’ own experience • National Campaigns such as Fruity Friday, Meat-Free Mondays and Change 4 Life etc Youth Health Champions can also be involved with school committees, school councils, pupil voice and steering groups. They can support the delivery of PSHE lessons, and organise health focus events during break and lunchtimes. For more information visit: www. rsph.org.uk/en/resources/videos/ youth-health-champions.cfm ? ADVICE FROM THE EXPERTS vanilla EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT “...vanilla gives chefs the opportunity to create all sorts of delicious, captivating and alluring dishes. .” By Natasha MacAller, author of ‘Vanilla Table, The Essence of Exquisite Cooking from the World’s Best Chefs’ >> Often used to describe something plain or ordinary, vanilla is the power behind the throne of fragrance and flavour; its captivating scent is everywhere from dryer sheets, perfume and candles to fizzy drinks, childhood memories of “plain” ice cream and Mum’s Sunday sponge cake served with warmed vanilla custard. Discovered in Mexico, revered by the Totanac, Mayan and Aztec natives, vanilla today has become a universal ingredient found in store cupboards around the world. The second most expensive spice in the world to saffron and once worth its weight in gold, vanilla unlocks a secret world of harmonious flavours – both sweet and savoury! TYPES AND FLAVOUR PROFILES OF VANILLA: Vanilla has four distinctive commercially available styles. From the best-known classic squidgy caramel-rum notes of Bourbon (Madagascar) vanilla pods to the smoky woody Indonesian cured vanilla best used for meats, long cooking or high heat preparation. Mexican vanilla, spicier and earthier, pairs beautifully with coffee and chocolate. The most expensive vanilla, grown on South Pacific Islands, Tahitian vanilla’s flowery fragrance is perfection for delicate cakes, creams and fruit. Readily available in many guises from pods to powder to paste; syrup to sugar to salt, pure vanilla gives chefs the opportunity to create all sorts of delicious, captivating and alluring dishes. When selecting vanilla pods, check that they are lustrous and supple. If the pod seems brittle, choose a fresher one. If lucky enough to find one dusted with white powdery crystals – naturally occurring vanillin – choose those. One pod can be used several times. After splitting and scraping the pod of vanilla seeds for a recipe, either push the used pods into a jar of sugar (tightly sealing) for home-made vanilla sugar, or plunge into a bottle of vodka to make extract. Vanilla oil is also easily made. Dried pods can be used in marinades, added to wood chips and smoked for smoked vanilla ice cream, or added to brines such as vanilla-ginger beer brine. Vanilla extract is the most commonly used vanilla product. Made by macerating and aging vanilla pods in alcohol and water, the extract is bottled in “folds”. A fold is the concentration of vanilla per litre of liquid. Foodservice and gourmet food manufacturers use double fold up to 30-fold; the tiny bottle of pure vanilla extract from the local grocer is usually single fold. Vanilla paste is an economical and simple way to control kitchen costs especially for large volume recipes. Made from the seeds (often referred as “vanilla caviar”), vanilla extract is suspended in natural gum thickeners with a bit of sugar. Some brands add more sugar than others so be sure to read the label. Paste is available in double fold, best for foodservice. STORAGE: Store your vanilla in a dark glass container to protect it from light. Pods, extract, paste, powder and sugar are best stored in a cool dark pantry (not refrigerated) and tightly sealed. Properly stored, extract will last 4-5 years and pods 1-2 years. Syrup can be refrigerated for up to one month. Always use 100% pure vanilla – the flavour is incomparable. A little goes a long way and yields the best results. ‘Vanilla Table: The Essence of Exquisite Cooking from the World’s Best Chefs’ is published by Jacqui Small, £25. See Country Club (page 31) for your chance to win a copy. The finest vanilla powder is created by slow drying whole pods, which are then milled and sieved to a fine dust – perfect for adding vanilla without additional moisture. SIMPLE GUIDE TO THE RELATIVE STRENGTH OF VANILLA: 1 tsp paste = 1 tsp single fold extract = seeds of 1 pod= 1 tsp powder APRIL 2015 27 THE MELTING POT Veg Out! – with marvellous meat-free meals Eddie Shepherd’s Candyfloss Tube with Rosehip Meringue, Lemon, Raspberry and Thyme ke Blossom’ – Eddie Shepherd’s ‘Sa gue, rose, rin me sake and apricot ed yoghur t blueberries and whipp >> National Vegetarian Week takes place next month (May 18-24), so it’s a great time to refresh your offering and give your menus a meat-free makeover. According to Mintel, a record one in eight British adults have turned vegetarian after ditching meat and fish, and 12% now follow vegetarian or vegan diets, with this figure rising to 20% for those aged between 16 and 24. Millions more are ‘flexitarians’, who have cut back on the amount of meat they eat, so appealing vegetarian options are an absolute must for any eatery. Here, four veggie-loving chefs share their tips and advice for getting it right... 28 APRIL 2015 “Vegetarian options don’t have to be a compromise on your menu. It can be a great place to try out creative ideas.” Alex Connell, principal tutor at the Vegetarian Society’s Cordon Vert Cookery School Catering well for vegetarians and vegans is the same as catering for the rest of your customers – without the meat and dairy obviously. Your customers are handing over their hard-earned cash and they want quality service, choice and confidence that what they order is in fact veggie or vegan. So, what do they want? Well-presented dishes with a contrast of colours, textures, temperature – the same as your other customers. Don’t overly rely on cheese to give flavour. Do look at what you and your competitors are selling – does vegetable lasagne, goat’s cheese tart and mushroom risotto sound familiar? Hmmm, not much of a choice for your customers. Revise your menu, think about international flavours for inspiration such as Thai, Indian, Spanish, Mexican etc. This year’s National Vegetarian Week theme is “Share” and could provide an ideal opportunity to launch your new veggie options. Give your dishes good amounts of protein and texture, these can be found in nuts, pulses and tofu. Use fake meat products sparingly – some vegetarians and vegans don’t want their food to look like meat. Watch out for animal ingredients such as animal rennet, isinglass, gelatine, cochineal and stock powder – these may turn up in cheese, beer, wine, cakes. Always look on the label or better still look out for the Vegetarian Society’s own trademark. Eddie Shepherd, award-winning vegetarian chef and blogger (www.veggiechef.co.uk) Vegetarian options don’t have to be a compromise on your menu. It can be a great place to try out creative ideas. Vegetarian diners will thank you for giving them options that aren’t the same usual things that come up all the time for them. It’ll also make it more interesting for you when writing menus. It can even be good to challenge junior chefs to come up with a veggie option that you haven’t seen before – you can use it as a creative exercise. Using dairy and cheese can be a great way to add richness to vegetarian dishes but it’s good not to rely on them to heavily. It’s important to think about about depth of flavour and umami in dishes without meat (umami is a category of taste in food besides sweet, sour, salt, and bitter, corresponding to the flavour of glutamates, especially monosodium glutamate). Using smoked flavours can be useful to get that depth of flavour. I like using smoked yoghurt or cooking vegetables on a griddle to give them those smoky, charred notes. Using fermented sauces like Tamari or seaweeds like Kombu can give you a kick of that savoury umami. It can also be useful to take inspiration from other cultures and cuisines. A lot of cuisines are full of vegetarian or vegan options and taking inspiration from those can give you a good starting point. Japanese cuisine has been a really big influence on me. THE MELTING POT Roy Shortland, development chef for Dolmio and Uncle Ben’s sauces and rice from Mars Foodservice, www.marsfoodservice.co.uk You can very easily shake up vegetarian menu options by putting a global spin on things. For example, round-the-world breakfasts might include migas, which are becoming very popular in the UK, a typical example being scrambled eggs with tortilla chips, onion and chillies with a zesty salsa, or how about roasted potatoes, tofu, scrambled eggs, lentils and veggie sausages served with a vegetarian balti sauce as a hearty, Indian wake-up call? More adventurous chefs could experiment with tempeh – a firm soy product from Indonesia – or seitan, which is made from wheat gluten. Both have a ‘meat-like’ texture and absorb flavours from seasonings well, making seitan ‘wheat meats’ and tempeh bacon great sandwich options. Honey in puddings and dressings can be substituted with agave nectar – an ingredient which has surged in popularity in recent years due to its low glycemic index. Agave’s also sweeter, so you can afford to use less. Another good option is brown rice syrup, which has a long shelf life, doesn’t require refrigeration and won’t crystallise like honey. When baking, there are lots of alternatives for eggs. Bananas are the perfect binding agent in muffins and brownies, and will pack some extra potassium into the dish. Denser desserts, like puddings, can easily be made without eggs or egg substitutes. Any milk or butter required can be replaced with one of the many plant-based alternatives on the market such as soy, almond or coconut milk. Sunflower or soy spread can also replace butter in baking to satisfy the growing need for lactose-free dishes, and trust us, your customers won’t be able to taste the difference! Nut roast with seasonal vegetables Because of their ‘robust’ texture, avocados are ideal for beefing up a vegetarian dish, while quinoa is also an on-trend ingredient right now as an invaluable source of protein. Again, put an international spin on proceedings, perhaps by including a Greek salad on your menu with on-the-vine tomatoes, spinach, avocados and feta cheese for lots of colour and taste. Why not make the most of the fact that nearly a third of consumers prefer to share dishes with companions when eating out and include a veggie platter with fresh carrots and celery sticks, cucumbers and fried dill pickle spears, all served up with tangy, meat-free BBQ dips? You can’t beat a good curry and using soya as a meat substitute is great as it absorbs all the flavours, you just need a rich, robust sauce to prevent the dish from becoming bland and uninspiring. You can ‘lighten up’ curry dishes by using vegetable oil instead of animal fat for frying, and for a delicious, dirty rice, just add some spices and veg stock. Chantal Denny, founder and managing director of the Vegan Lifestyle Association (www.veganlifestyleassoc.com) A common misconception of vegan food is that it takes a long time to prepare, or that it’s unadventurous. In fact, making simple ingredient swaps can allow even the busiest chefs to ‘veganise’ popular dishes which can be enjoyed by vegans, vegetarians and carnivores alike. When it comes to meat alternatives, the plant world is filled with tastes and textures which can replace animal products in popular dishes. Mushrooms work well in place of chicken and pork in everything from stir-fries to casseroles – shiitake mushrooms or the Asian vegetable jackfruit can even replace the stringy meat in a ‘pulled pork’ dish. Beans and pulses are excellent in place of minced meat in shepherd’s pies, curries and chillis – all of which can be made ahead of time and freeze well, a must for busy chefs. Tapas – imientos de with almonds and padron salt “This year’s National Vegetarian Week theme is “Share” and could provide an ideal opportunity to launch your new veggie options.” APRIL 2015 29 THE MARKETPLACE FIRM FAVOURITES >> Nestlé Professional has launched two new coffee products to help caterers capitalise on changing trends. Cappuccino and Latte are now the most popular variants to be purchased out-of-home, so Nestlé has unveiled new Nescafé Azera Cappuccino and Nescafé Azera Latte variants so that caterers can make sure their hot beverages offering is on trend. Launched in time for UK Coffee Week (May 4-10), the new additions deliver the intense aroma and roasted coffee flavour that consumers associate with the Nescafé Azera range – offering a greater variety of barista-style coffee, without the need for a machine. RH Amar takes on FreeFrom with Raisio’s gluten-free Provena >> Leading fine food importer and distributor, RH Amar, has added Provena, a specialist brand in gluten-free foods, to its portfolio of fine foods. The company will exclusively represent Provena’s premium range of gluten-free oats, cereals and baking flour to key retail, convenience, independent and foodservice accounts in the UK. The UK gluten-free market is now worth £184million and grew by 15% in the past year as consumers increasingly buy into the gluten-free category as part of a wider, healthyeating lifestyle. ...intense aroma and roasted coffee flavour... without the need for a machine. The Provena portfolio includes a range of breakfast products and gluten-free flours for traditional baking, including: •Gluten-free Jumbo Oats •Gluten-free Instant Oatmeal, Raspberry •Gluten-free Instant Oatmeal, Apricot •Gluten-free Oat Muesli •Gluten-free Whole Grain Oat Flour •Gluten-free Baking Flour with Oats •Gluten-free Oat Bread Mix The Foodservice Bakery Brand FOR ALL YOUR BLOOMER NEEDS Buns • Rolls • English Muffins • Doughballs • Teacakes • Italian Breads • Sliced Breads Muffins • Doughnuts • Scones • Pastries • French Breads • Speciality Breads FOR MORE INFORMATION ON PRODUCTS CONTACT YOUR COUNTRY RANGE GROUP WHOLESALER OR VISIT WWW.KARAFS.CO.UK 30 APRIL 2015 Welcome to the p Exc l f so er ly for custom ive s u e Co unt ou th COUNTRY CLUB r y Ra n g e WIN a copy of ‘Vanilla Table’ containing over 100 recipes from around the world... Gr Celebrate the versatility of vanilla >> You might think there are only so many ways vanilla can be used in the kitchen – but author Natasha MacAller is ready to change your mind and take you on a journey to discover the many wonders of one of the most versatile ingredients in your store cupboard. with your name, contact details and the name of your Country Range Group wholesaler, to competitions@stiritupmagazine.co.uk Vanilla Table: The Essence of Exquisite Cooking from the World’s Best Chefs by Natasha MacAller. Photography by Manja Wachsmuth. Published by Jacqui Small, £25. Her new book ‘Vanilla Table’ contains over 100 recipes from around the world and from a variety of well-known chefs, including Yotan Ottolenghi, Peter Gordon and Galton Blackiston, along with tips, tricks and knowledge to turn you into a vanilla connoisseur. We’ve got two copies of Vanilla Table up for grabs – for your chance to win one, send an email titled ‘Vanilla Table’, along DON’T ‘WASTE’ YOUR CHANCE TO WIN THIS ECO-FRIENDLY PRIZE! >> As caterers it’s important to minimise food waste – and these fabulous futuristic gadgets will help you do just that. To tie in with our Category Focus feature • A SpreadTHAT Butter Knife, which transfers your body heat onto the knife about The Conscientious Consumer, we’re edge to make spreading cold butter giving away this wonderful collection of easier than ever goodies to help you go green in the kitchen – and your colleagues green with envy! • A NutriBullet nutrition extractor, which, unlike other juicers and blenders, The prize includes: uses all of the fruit and vegetables, • Fusionbrand Coverblubber (set of including seeds, stems and skins, four) – funky food and container covers leaving you with absolutely no waste which stretch and cling to food, dishes To enter, simply send an email titled and containers to keep it fresh and ‘Conscientious Consumer’, along are an eco-friendly alternative to with your name, contact details and plastic wrap the name of your Country Range • Evak Food Storage Jar – a clever Group wholesaler, to competitions glass storage jar which removes the @stiritupmagazine.co.uk air out from inside and therefore keeps food fresher for longer WIN a bundle of prizes to help you minimise food waste including a Nutri-Bullet worth £100 Closing date for all competitions: 30th April 2015. All winners will be notified by 31st May 2015. Postal entries for all of the competitions can be sent to: Country Range Group, PO Box 508, Burnley, Lancashire BB11 9EH. Full terms and conditions can be found at: www.countryrange.co.uk/stir-it-up APRIL 2015 31 FIVE WAYS TO USE >> The Craft Guild of Chefs is the largest UK chefs association with members worldwide in foodservice and hospitality, from students and trainees to top management working everywhere from Michelin starred restaurants to educational establishments. Originally a guild of the Cookery and Food Association, which in itself has been established for 130 years, the Craft Guild of Chefs has become a leading light in representing the interests of chefs across the industry, while being passionate about promoting the understanding, appreciation and advancement of the art of cookery and the science of food. 50 years in the making To celebrate its 50th anniversary the CGC is giving away 50 free memberships. By being a member of the CGC you can use its designatory letters and in doing so these prove you are a professional who is committed and passionate towards your career. You will gain preferential subscription rates for industry leading publications whilst having opportunities to demonstrate at industry events including the Skillery and to judge at prestigious Craft Guild of Chef competitions including the Wessex Salon Culinaire, National Chef of the Year and the CGC Annual Awards. What’s more you may also be featured in the CGC’s new look bi-monthly Stockpot detailing the latest membership and industry news, restaurant openings, events, overseas views, members’ tweets and people moves, topical articles on seasonal food, including fruit and vegetables; meat, poultry and fish plus in depth product features and much more. Five ways to use... MATURE CHEDDAR CHEESE >> Cheddar cheese is the popular cheese in the UK, accounting for 51% of the country’s £1.9billion annual cheese market. It is also the second most popular cheese in the US (after Mozzarella). Originating in the English village of Cheddar in Somerset around the late 12th century, it took its name from the Gorge or caves that were used to store the cheese. It’s an integral part of the British diet and is used in a huge variety of ways and dishes. Here, Craft Guild of Chefs Graduate Award winner James Newton shares his suggestions for getting creative with Cheddar... 1. Cheddar Cheese Double Baked Soufflé – Making a savoury double baked soufflé is a lot less stressful than a classic sweet soufflé, and can be kept refrigerated for 2/3 days before the second bake. 2. Cauliflower Cheese Gratin – Everyone loves cauliflower cheese, and the great flavour of Country Range Mature Cheddar is ideal for this. Don’t forget to gratinate it under the grill, to get a caramelised finish! 3. Cheese and Marjoram Loaf – A basic bloomer loaf with the addition of some freshly chopped marjoram and some Cheddar on the top adds great flavour to an everyday sandwich. 4. Rosemary and Cheddar Breadcrumb – Adding finely grated Cheddar and rosemary to a breadcrumb mix is a fantastic accompaniment to a fish such as plaice or lemon sole. 5. Welsh Rarebit – Cheese on toast is always a winner, so adding some classic Welsh rarebit to toasted sourdough and some smoked bacon rashers, gives a different twist on this. James Newton “I believe in allowing great quality ingredients to speak for themselves.” About James Newton James is a chef de partie at the Royal Garden Hotel in Kensington, London, and won the highest achiever award at the Craft Guild of Chefs Graduate Awards in 2014. He says: “Becoming a chef has enabled me to become more confident in my abilities, and to express myself through food, winning the Craft Guild of Chefs Graduate Awards has developed this further. I believe in keeping dishes simple and allowing great quality ingredients to speak for themselves.” Making a savoury double baked soufflé is a lot less stressful than a classic sweet soufflé For the chance to win your free membership, email your name, place of work and your contact details to cgc@ proactivecommunications.co.uk, quoting CGC 50th membership giveaway in the subject bar. For more on the Craft Guild, visit www.craftguildofchefs.org or follow the Craft Guild of Chefs on Twitter at @Craft_Guild APRIL 2015 33 FOOD & INDUSTRY “So many of today’s leading chefs have cut their teeth in the competitive spotlight of this event...” Salon display cakes Lef t to right: Nigel Crane, Fred Wilson, Nathan Gal and Salon Culinaire che f director James Tanner lagher Market Report Pining for pineapple? >> The current situation on canned pineapple is one of under supply and high demand. A number of factories in Thailand are struggling to source raw material to meet sustained demand, particularly as other origins such as the Philippines and Indonesia have experienced weather issues, all contributing to a lack of quality raw material. As of January 2015, raw material prices reached a level of over 10.00 THB (Thai Baht) per kilo compared to 12 months earlier when raw material was thought to be abnormally high at 6.00 THB (Thai Baht) per kilo. In addition, the rising strength of the Dollar going into 2015, did little to help the situation, with many canned pineapple purchases being made in Dollars. THB/UNIT GOING FOR GOLD >> Over 160 medals, including 30 golds, were awarded to chefs from across hospitality, as the new-look Salon Culinaire, held during the three-day Hospitality Show, lived up to its billing as one of the world’s premier culinary competitions. The young brigade of University College Birmingham (UCB) stole the day with their thrilling overall win at fine dining team challenge, La Parade des Chefs, which, for this year, became a junior team challenge. They cooked their way to gold with a three-course set menu for over 100 covers at the show – plus four plates for the judges. Salon chef director, James Tanner, commented: “So many of today’s leading chefs have cut their teeth in the competitive spotlight of this event, so it is with great pride that this year, yet again, we have seen some of the country’s most promising young cooking talent rewarded for their scintillating skills.” Tilda Young Chef crowned >> A new, young kitchen star has been crowned at the inaugural Tilda Young Chef of the Year contest. Krishan Makol, a first year apprentice at Lexington Catering working at Thomas Miller, Fenchurch Street, was chosen after a hard fought culinary battle against several other talented young performers at the NEC, Birmingham. He cooked a Saffron Rice Kedgeree with a soft boiled Legbar egg and curry sauce, using Tilda Original Pure Basmati rice. Steve Munkley, vice “...Krishan was the clear winner; the president of the Craft flavours of his dish were just fantastic...” Guild of Chefs and head judge, said: “The quality of the competitors was very high and the judges were really impressed by their cleanliness and efforts against the clock, which is always a challenge, even for experienced chefs. Krishan was the clear winner; the flavours of his dish were just fantastic, he really encapsulated what the dish was about and ticked all the boxes service, Tilda Food Tilda of head y, Lydd Mark : Left to right Salon Culinaire and ol Mak an Krish for all the judges – it was Year the of Young Chef chef director James Tanner a unanimous decision.” 34 APRIL 2015 1 LV19 Pineapple fresh producer TH 9.25 9.00 8.75 8.50 8.25 8.00 7.75 7.50 7.25 7.00 6.75 6.50 6.25 6.00 5.75 5.50 5.25 5.00 2014 2015 PETITION TO PROTECT INDEPENDENT CATERING >> The Nationwide Caterers’ Association, has re-launched a petition to protect small and medium-sized catering businesses against increased fees. They are calling on businesses to sign the petition and apply pressure to the debate in Europe. At the beginning of 2014, the European Commission published a proposal to change EU regulation 882/2004. It detailed a number of proposed changes for the industry, with the biggest one being funding changes and the introduction of charges for every food hygiene inspection. At the last minute, after the consultation had closed, the Government amended their stance on the proposal, dropping the SME fee exemption, forcing small businesses to face potential fee increases of several hundred pounds. The petition in April 2014 forced this to revert; a successful first step. Mark Laurie, director, NCASS, said: “The proposed changes, and in particular the proposed inspection fees have the potential to change the whole catering industry; without a small business exemption, they face significantly increased costs which at best are likely to be damaging and at worst, unsustainable. We believe these charges will disproportionately affect small businesses, who many believe are the catalyst for economic recovery. Our objections were heard in April 2014 and we successfully influenced policy, and now we are calling on businesses to help us do the same again – this time at a European Level.” NCASS is calling for people to re-sign the petition before the vote on the 14th April 2015. The revised petition can be accessed via: www.ncass.org.uk/mobile-cateringhome/articles/eho-mandory-charge-petition-progress BAUMANN’S BLOG )) Baumann’s blog “Ugly veg” taste the same and are more cost-effective too By Baumann’s Brasserie head chef John ‘Boy’ Ranfield Chee Nearly all Briti cheese is suitash for vegetariansble >> I hate food waste! Mark (Baumann) and I have done a lot of work with Essex “I don’t mind cooking County Council on with ‘ugly veg’ that’s a weird the ‘Love Food Hate shape and I’ll often choose Waste’ campaign and, last year, we second grade vegetables.” set up a stall in Chelmsford High Street cooking with ingredients that you normally throw away. We made a lovely “Garden Rubbish Soup” made from the skins of vegetables, which was so good that we actually put it on our a la carte menu, served with edible compost! I’m always telling the chefs not to throw anything away because we can always use it for something, even if it’s just for making stock. There’s flavour in everything. I don’t mind cooking with ‘ugly veg’ that’s a weird shape and I’ll often choose second grade vegetables. They taste the same and are more cost-effective too. We have a totally separate vegetarian menu at the brasserie with a wide range of dishes on it. Vegetarians don’t always want to eat a stuffed pepper so you have to give them lots of choice like everyone else. Our dishes include Asian curry, wild mushroom, cranberry and brie filo tart, and local squash stuffed with celeriac, leek and blue cheese. Interestingly, we do have a lot of vegetarians who eat chicken and fish – only in Essex!! Happy cooking! Cheese! John ‘Boy’ Ranfield Vegetarian cheese >> Cheese is made by coagulating milk to produce curds and whey, and the curds being processed and matured to produce a wide variety of cheeses. The process of coagulation requires rennet, which contains an enzyme called chymosin. The traditional source of rennet is the stomach of slaughtered newly-born calves but vegetarian cheeses are manufactured using rennet from either fungal/bacterial sources or genetically modified micro-organisms. There are some cheeses which are always made using animal rennet, for example, Parmesan (Parmigiano Reggiano). In order to be called ‘Parmesan’ this has to be produced according to traditional methods which use calf rennet. Other cheeses which are always made using animal rennet include Grana Padano and Gorgonzola. You can get ‘parmesan style hard cheese’, and variations of others which are suitable for vegetarians. Nowadays nearly all British cheese is suitable for vegetarians because it is made using a non animal renneting agent. However, there are a handful of traditionally made farmhouse cheeses that still use animal rennet, so if you are in any doubt you are advised to check with your supplier. Sweet Potato Crunchies Chunks of delicious sweet potato coated in a Rosemary and Thyme herb infused flour. A perfect accompaniment to main meals, sharing platters & buffet occasions. Features Dual Cook. Perfect for the busy kitchen - sweet potato ready to cook straight from the bag! Excellent heat retention Benefits Unique in UK foodservice | Suitable for Vegetarians | Can be enjoyed hot or cold Deep fry from frozen at 180°C for 4 minutes Oven Bake from frozen 190°C for 10 minutes Product Code Pack Size Target Sectors GOCR0098 1.25kg Pub / Restaurant / Travel / Leisure / Hotel / Catering / Education / Healthcare Barncraig Boreland Road Kirkcaldy Fife KY1 2YG T: 01592 651525 F: 01592 651547 E: sales@innovatefoods.co.uk w w w . i nnovat efood s . co. uk Golden Crumb is a product brand of Innovate Foods APRIL 2015 37 SPECIAL PRICE IN APRIL* ® BRING OUT THE BEST hellmannsbest.co.uk Try Hellmann's Mayonnaise in our Choconnaise Cake Ingredients: serves 10 Method 275g 275g 225g 1. Preheat oven to 180ºC/375ºF/Gas Mark 5. 200ml 50g 5ml 5g 3 Caster sugar Self raising flour Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise Cold water Cocoa powder Vanilla extract Baking powder Eggs, medium 2. Sieve together the flour, cocoa and baking powder into a suitable mixing bowl. 3. Whisk the eggs, vanilla and sugar in a suitable mixing bowl until thick and creamy. 4. Fold the Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise into the egg mixture. Gradually fold in the flour and water to the egg and mayonnaise mixture. 5. Divide between two 9” tins or 24 muffin cases. Place into the oven and cook for 15-20 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean. Topping 125g 40g *Offer applies to 5L tu bs Plain chocolate Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise 6. Make the topping by melting the chocolate and mixing in the Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise. Spoon over the cooled cake and serve. Each serving contains: Energy 2033kJ 484kcal 24%* Fat Saturates Sugars Salt 26.1g 4.9g 37.2g 1.0g 37%* 25%* 41%* *% of Reference Intake (RI) of an average adult (8400kJ/2000kcal) 16%* FOOD FOR THOUGHT Food for Thought Feeling sheepish?! Spring into the new season with these fun cupcakes, which are sure to drive your customers “baa-rmy”! Made using Country Range White Marshmallows, simply cover a batch of vanilla cupcakes with a layer of vanilla buttercream then arrange the marshmallows on the top to look like a ‘fleece’. Send your Food for Thought ideas to editor@stiritupmagazine.co.uk Perfect Prunes >> We all know the health (and digestive!) benefits of eating prunes and there are lots of ways to enjoy them, according to the California Prune Board. Their website includes a whole host of delicious recipes, including Prune and Prune and Beetroot Relish with Lamb Koftas on Beetroot Flat Bread (pictured), Pork and Prune Koftas Wellington, and Prune and Chocolate Macaroons. For all the recipes visit www.californiaprunes.co.uk/recipes. Feeling fruity? Try sweet paella Antony Bennett, executive chef at La Tasca, has created a sweet twist on a Spanish classic with a healthy paella made using apples, cranberries, roasted hazelnuts, ginger biscuits and fresh figs. His “Arroz con leche” is packed with texture and flavour and shows that healthy doesn’t have to mean boring. Sweet Paella For the full recipe visit www.digitalnewsroom.co.uk/latasca/ healthy-sweet-paella/ Then make a sheep face from the fondant icing and stick onto the buttercream. Bread – from heaven Vanilla Sheep Cupcakes Everyone loves a Lotus Biscoff biscuit with their daily cuppa, but did you know these delicious Belgian biccies can be used to make bread too? To celebrate National Bread Week (April 16-22), why not use your loaf and rustle up some Biscoff Bread for your sweettoothed diners using Biscoff crushed Biscoff biscuits and ground cinnamon? The recipe is available online at www.lotusbiscuits.co.uk/biscoff-bread/. Bread ‘Kneads’ must! Love your lamb Spring is the season for lamb and it’s time to get creative with this versatile and flavoursome meat. The New Zealand Lamb website has recipes for every occasion from Sunday roasts and mid-week meals, to a Friday night curry, including this one for Italian-style lamb steaks with anchovy and garlic, with lemon and fennel roasted potatoes. Visit www.loveourlamb.co.uk for more details. Stacks of flavour With National Vegetarian Week taking place next month (May 18-24), why not add this delicious roasted vegetable stack to your menu? This yummy recipe – from Pilgrim’s Choice – is a simple-to-make, light option using peppers, aubergine and courgette. For the full recipe visit www.pilgrimschoice.com /home/recipes/cheddarrecipes/?id=177. Roasted Vegetable Stack New Zealand Lamb APRIL 201539 Introducing ® MAGGI Liquid Concentrate The new liquid bouillon for all your uses ASIAN CHICKEN BEEF VEGETABLE MUSHROOM Instantly disperses to make 34 litres of stock Versatile - can be used at all stages of the cooking process Gluten free, no added MSG or artificial colours For your free full size sample call 0800 742 842 ® Reg. Trademark of Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. All rights reserved.
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