Materials Science April 2015 updated catalog forthcoming, new and backlist book titles 27-37 St George’s Road – London SW19 4EU — United Kingdom & Materials Science Scientific Committee Committee coordinator(s) Yves Rémond INSIS–CNRS, Paris Yves Bréchet, Grenoble-INP Christophe Derail, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Pau Jacques Lamon, LMT, ENS Cachan Thomas Pardoen, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium André Pineau, Mines ParisTech, Evry Carbon Materials Ceramics Composites Construction Materials Corrosion Electronic Materials Geomaterials Magnetic Materials Materials Characterization Materials for Energy Systems Topics covered Materials Processing Metals and Alloys Optical and Non-Linear Optical Materials Porous Materials Properties of Materials Sensor Materials Soft Matter Theory, Modeling and Simulation Thin Films, Surfaces & Interfaces Forthcoming Titles Applied RVE Reconstruction and Homogenization of Heterogenous Materials by Remond Yves, Ahzi Said, Baniassadi Majid Capillary Flows in Heterogeneous and Stochastic Porous Media by Ababou Rachid Characterization of Electromagnetic Materials by Ndagijimana Fabien Composite Materials Repairs for Reinforced Concrete Structures by Amziane Sofiane, Ferrier E Dyes and Chomophores in Polymer Science by Lalevée Jacques, Fouassier Jean-Pierre Fatigue of Titanium Alloys by Bathias Claude, Palin Luc Generalized Continuum Mechanics and Engineering Applications by Madeo Angela Heat Transfer in Polymer Composite Materials by Boyard Nicolas Mechanics of Dislocation Fields by Fressengeas Claude Multi-mechanism Modeling of Inelastic Material Behavior by Cailletaud Georges, Taleb Lakhdar, Sai Kacem Physical Chemistry of Surfaces and Functionalization by Joud Jean-Charles, Barthés-Labrousse Marie-Geneviève —2— Materials Science Forthcoming Sets and Titles Forthcoming Sets Advanced Composies Materials coordinated by Jacques Lamon Advanced Polymers coordinated by Thierry Hamaide Durability and Ageing of Organic Composite Materials coordinated by Marco Gigliotti Local Approach to Fracture coordinated by André Pineau Oxidative Ageing of Polymers coordinated by Jacques Verdu Physics and Chemistry of Materials coordinated by Claudia Mondelli Local Approach to Fracture Coordinated by André Pineau Mines ParisTech, Evry, France Brittle Fracture by François Dominique, Pineau André Creep by Pineau André Ductile Fracture by Pardoen Thomas, Besson Jacques, Chaouadi R Fatigue by Doquet Véronique, Pommier Sylvie Fracture and Aging of Materials by Mazière Matthieu Local Approach to Fracture by Joly Pierre, Moinereau Dominique Numerical Methods by Besson Jacques, Feyel Frédéric, Lorentz Eric Oxidative Ageing of Polymers by Jacques Verdu, Bruno Fayolle, Xavier Colin, Emmanuel Richaud Chemistry of Polymer Oxidation Diffusion Process in Polymer Oxidation Conséquences of Oxidation on Polymer Properties —3— Materials Science Published Titles Environmental Impact of Polymers Edited by Thierry Hamaide, University of Lyon, Rémi Deterre, University of Nantes, JeanFrançois Feller, University of Lorient, France Coordinated by Jack Legrand ISBN: 9781848216211 • 2014 • 416 pages • USD 195.00 • ISTE-WILEY This book reviews aspects of the environmental and societal 8. Choice of Materials and Environmental Impact: Case of a impact of polymer materials. Various lifecycle assessments of Water Bottle. 9. Formulation and Development of Biodegradable and Biopolymers versus other materials are described. based Multiphase Materials: Plasticized Starch-based Contents Materials. 1. Some Notes on Two Controversies around Plastic Materials 10. Different Strategies for Ecoplastics Development. 11. Thoughts about Plastic Recycling. Presentation of a and their Media Coverage. Concrete Example: End-of-Life Polypropylene. 2. Plastic Waste and the Environment. 12. Recyclable and Bio-based Materials Open Up New 3. Polymers and Marine Litter. Prospects for Polymers: Scientific and Social Aspects. 4. Between Prejudice and Realities: How Plastics are 13. Food Packaging: New Directions for the Control of Essential for the Future. Additive and Residue Migration. 5. Lifecycle Assessment and Green Chemistry: A Look at 14. Biodegradability and/or Compostability? Innovative Tools for Sustainable Development. 15. The Regulation by Law of Nanosciences and 6. Are Bioplastics “Green” Plastics? Nanotechnologies. 7. Environmental Characterization of Materials for Product 16. Teaching Sustainable Development. Design. Polymer Extrusion Pierre G. Lafleur, Polytechnique Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Bruno Vergnes, CEMEF-Mines ParisTech, France Coordinated by André Pineau ISBN: 9781848216501 • 2014 • 352 pages • USD 150.00 • ISTE-WILEY Contents The authors present the physics of the mechanisms at stake, then propose models of varying complexity in order to describe these mechanisms, before moving forward in the interpretation of results and the control of flow conditions. This book is particularly aimed at engineers and technicians, researchers, and Masters or PhD students of plastics manufacturing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Continuum Mechanics, Rheology and Heat Transfer Overview. Calculation Methods. Single-Screw Extrusion. Co-rotating Twin-Screw Extrusion. Profile Extrusion. Production of Films and Sheets. Wire Coating and Cable Insulation. —4— Materials Science Published Titles Fatigue Limit in Metals Claude Bathias, University of Paris 10 Nanterre, France Materials Science Series ISBN: 9781848214767 • 2013 • 128 pages • USD 65.00 • ISTE-WILEY Contents Is there a fatigue limit in metals? This question is the main focus of this book. Written by a leading researcher in the field, Claude Bathias presents a thorough and authoritative examination of the coupling between plasticity, crack initiation and heat dissipation for lifetimes that exceed the billion cycle, leading us to question the concept of the fatigue limit, both theoretically and technologically. This is a follow-up to the Fatigue of Materials and Structures series of books previously published. 1. Introduction on Very High Cycle Fatigue. 2. Plasticity and Initiation in Gigacycle Fatigue. 3. Heating Dissipation in the Gigacycle Regime. Limite de fatigue des métaux – ISBN: 9781784050153 The above title is published in French by ISTE Editions ( Shape-memory Alloys Handbook Christian Lexcellent, FEMTO-ST, University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France Materials Science Series ISBN: 9781848214347 • 2013 • 400 pages • USD 165.00 • ISTE-WILEY This title describes the martensitic phase transformation and the process of martensite platelet reorientation. These two key elements enable the author to introduce the main features associated with the behavior of shape-memory alloys (SMAs), i.e. the one-way shape-memory effect, pseudo-elasticity, training and recovery. Contents 1. Some General Points about SMAs. 2. The World of Shape-memory Alloys. 3. Martensitic Transformation. 4. Thermodynamic Framework for the Modeling of Solid Materials. 5. Use of the “CTM” to Model SMAs. 6. Phenomenological and Statistical Approaches for SMAs. 7. Macroscopic Models with Internal Variables. 8. Design of SMA Elements: Case Studies. 9. Behavior of Magnetic SMAs. 10. Fracture Mechanics of SMAs. 11. General Conclusion. —5— Materials Science Published Titles Carbon Science and Technology From Energy to Materials Pierre Delhaes, University of Bordeaux, France Materials Science Series ISBN: 9781848214316 • 2012 • 224 pages • USD 95.00 • ISTE-WILEY Contents This book begins by describing the use of solid carbons as traditional materials, for example in the steel industry and for ceramics, then moving on to their technological uses such as active carbons and carbon fibers, etc., before discussing nanocarbons, the jewel in the crown of contemporary technological science. 1. From the Chemical Element to Solids. 2. The Polymorphism of Carbon. – 3. Natural Carbons: Energy Source and Carbochemistry. – 4. The Role of Carbon in Metallurgy. 5. Black and White Ceramics. 6. Dispersed and Porous Carbons. – 7. Fibers and Composites. 8. Molecular Carbons and Nanocarbons. 9. Carbon Techniques and Innovation. Damage Mechanics in Metal Forming Advanced Modeling and Numerical Simulation Khemais Saanouni, University of Technology of Troyes, France Materials Science Series ISBN: 9781848213487 • 2012 • 544 pages • USD245.00 • ISTE-WILEY This book summarizes the current most effective methods for Contents modeling, simulating, and optimizing metal forming processes, and to present the main features of new, innovative methods currently being developed which will no doubt be the industrial tools of tomorrow. It discusses damage (or defect) prediction in virtual metal forming, using advanced multiphysical and multiscale fully coupled constitutive equations. 1. Elements of Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 2. Thermomechanically-Consistent Modeling of the Metals Behavior with Ductile Damage. 3. Numerical Methods for Solving Metal Forming Problems. 4. Application to Virtual Metal Forming. Artificial Materials Olivier Vanbésien, University of Lille, France Materials Science Series ISBN: 9781848213357 • 2012 • 368 pages • USD 177.00 • ISTE-WILEY This book discusses artificial materials, focusing on photonic crystals (PC) and metamaterials (MM). The first part is devoted to design concepts: negative permeability and permittivity for negative refraction, periodic structures, transformation optics. Part 2 concerns PC and MM in a band gap regime: from cavities and guides to high impedance surfaces. Abnormal refraction, less than one and negative, in PC and MM are studied in the third part, addressing super-focusing and cloaking. Then, applications for telecommunications, lasers and imaging systems are explored. Complete table of contents at —6— Materials Science Published Titles X-Rays and Materials Edited by Philippe Goudeau, CNRS, Poitiers and René Guinebretière, ENSCI, Limoges, France Materials Science Series ISBN: 9781848213425 • 2012 • 240 pages • USD 147.00 • ISTE-WILEY Contents This title presents reviews of various aspects of radiation/matter interactions, be these instrumental developments, the application of the study of the interaction of Xrays and materials to a particular scientific field, or specific methodological approaches. 1. Synchrotron Radiation: Instrumentation in Condensed Matter. 2. Nanoparticle Characterization using Central X-ray Diffraction. 3. X-ray Diffraction for Structural Studies of Carbon Nanotubes and their Insertion Compounds. 4. Dielectric Relaxation and Morphotropic Phases in Nanomaterials. 5. Evolution of Solid-state Microstructures in Polycrystalline Materials: Application of High-energy X-ray Diffraction to Kinetic and Phase Evolution Studies. Wear of Advanced Materials Edited by J. Paulo Davim, University of Aveiro, Portugal Materials Science Series ISBN: 9781848213524 • 2012 • 224 pages • USD 96.00 • ISTE-WILEY This book presents a collection of examples illustrating the 2. Adhesive Wear Characteristics of Natural Fiber-reinforced state of the art and research developments into the wear of Composites. advanced materials in several applications. 3. Resistance to Cavitation Erosion: Material Selection. 4. Cavitation of Biofuel Applied in the Injection Nozzles of Contents Diesel Engines. 5. Wear and Corrosion Damage of Medical-grade Metals and 1. Carbon Fabric-reinforced Polymer Composites and Alloys. Parameters Controlling Tribological Performance. Oxidative Ageing of Polymers Jacques Verdu, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France Materials Science Series ISBN: 9781848213364 • 2012 • 384 pages • USD 167.00 • ISTE-WILEY This book ehabilitates kinetic modeling in the domain of polymer ageing, where it has been almost abandoned by the research community. Kinetic modeling is a key step for lifetime prediction, a crucial problem in many industrial domains in which needs cannot be satisfied by the common empirical methods. Contents 1. Methodological Aspects. 2. Aspects Common to All Oxidation Processes. 3. Basic Kinetic Schemes. 4. Oxidation and Oxygen Diffusion. 5. Stabilization. 6. Molecular Mobility and Reactivity. 7. Structural Changes Caused by Oxidation. 8. Effects of Oxidation on Physical and Mechanical Properties. 9. Couplings. 10. Oxidation Under Irradiation. —7— Materials Science Backlist Titles (published prior to 2012) Extractive Metallurgy Heat Transfer in Materials Forming Processes With Exercises and Solutions Jean-Luc Battaglia, University of Bordeaux, France Alain Vignes, AREVA NP, France Volume 1 • Basic Thermodynamics and Kinetics 9781848210523 • 2008 • 376 pages • USD 200.00 9781848211605 • 2011 • 368 pages • USD 153.00 Volume 2 • Metallurgical Reaction Processes Materials with Rheological Properties 9781848212879 • 2011 • 384 pages • USD 153.00 Calculation of Structures Constantin Cristescu, Institute of Railway Studies and Research, Bucharest, Romania Volume 3 • Processing Operations and Routes 9781848212923 • 2011 • 384 pages • USD 153.00 9781848210127 • 2008 • 304 pages • USD 180.00 Grain Boundaries and Crystalline Plasticity Ceramic Materials Edited by Louisette Priester, Paris-Sud University, Orsay, France Processes, Properties and Applications Edited by Philippe Boch, ESPCI, Paris and Jean-Claude Nièpce, University of Burgundy, France 9781848213272 • 2011 • 368 pages • USD 185.00 9781905209231 • 2007 • 592 pages • USD 295.00 Carbon-based Solids and Materials Pierre Delhaes, CNRS and University of Bordeaux, France Mechanics of Viscoelastic Materials and Wave Dispersion 9781848212008 • 2011 • 656 pages • USD 211.00 Fatigue of Materials and Structures Edited by Claude Bathias, CNAM and André Pineau, ENSMP, France Volume 1 – Fundamentals 9781848210516 • 2010 • 528 pages • USD 270.00 Metallurgy and Mechanics of Welding Volume 3 – Application to Design and Damage 9781848212916 • 2011 • 368 pages • USD 153.00 Mechanical Characterization of Materials and Wave Dispersion Instrumentation and Experiment Interpretation Edited by Yvon Chevalier and Jean Tuong Vinh, ISMEP, St Ouen, France 9781848210387 • 2008 • 512 pages • USD 230.00 Vapor Surface Treatments Edited by Alain Galerie, Grenoble INP, France Plastic Forming Processes Maurice Reyne, Consultant, France Machining Composite Materials 9781848210660 • 2008 • 288 pages • USD 165.00 Edited by J. Paulo Davim, University of Aveiro, Portugal 9781848211704 • 2009 • 288 pages • USD 140.00 Structural Components Edited by Iris Alvarez-Armas, CONICET and UNR, Argentina and Suzanne Degallaix-Moreuil, Ecole Centrale de Lille, France Tom Lassen, Agder University College, Grimstad, Norway and Naman Recho, University Blaise Pascal, ClermontFerrand, France Processes and Industrial Applications Edited by Régis Blondeau, ENSM, St-Etienne, France 9781848211711 • 2009 • 416 pages • USD 180.00 9781848211933 • 2010 • 496 pages • USD 250.00 Fatigue Life Analyses of Welded Structures Combined Analysis 9781848211988 • 2010 • 544 pages • USD 215.00 9781848212671 • 2011 • 320 pages • USD 153.00 9781848211377 • 2009 • 464 pages • USD 215.00 9781848210776 • 2010 • 672 pages • USD 275.00 Daniel Chateigner, ENSICAEN, France Volume 2 – Application to Damage and Design Duplex Stainless Steels Edited by Yvon Chevalier and Jean Tuong Vinh, ISMEP, St Ouen, France Mechanical Tests and Behavioral Laws Edited by Dominique François, Ecole Centrale de Paris, France 9781848210158 • 2008 • 344 pages • USD 220.00 Materials and Surface Engineering in Tribology Jamal Takadoum, ENSMM, Besançon, France 9781848210677 • 2008 • 240 pages • USD 115.00 9781905209545 • 2006 • 432 pages • USD 215.00 —8— ISTE SCIENCE PUBLISHING GROUP ISTE Ltd – ISTE Press Ltd – ISTE Editions Ltd ISTE Contacts Sami Ménascé, President and Managing Director – Raphaël Ménascé, Vice-President – +44 208 879 4588 – General Adminstration Chantal Ménascé — +44 208 879 4582 – Editorial and Production Rebecca Edge, Editorial Manager – +44 208 879 4585 – Ludovic Moulard, Acquisition Editor – +44 208 879 4584 – Scientific Board Members Jean-Charles Pomerol, Université Pierre et Marie Curie – INSIS/CNRS, Paris, France (President of the Scientific Board) Robert Baptist, CEA Grenoble, France Philippe Baptiste, directeur général délégué à la science du CNRS, Paris, France Alain Dollet, CNRS – INSIS-CNRS, Paris, France Bernard Dubuisson, Heudiasyc, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France Olivier Pironneau, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France Guy Pujolle, LIP6 – Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France Book specifications (production and distribution) ● A SET brings together, under a single title, a limited number of volumes (from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of approximately 10). Topics are "specialized". The content in each set covers the research and very latest innovations of the topic. ● FOCUS books, from minimum 50 approx. to 200 pages maximum, which deal with the fundamental, conceptual and technological aspects of the topic. ● Monographs and multi-author books, usually between 250 and 400 pages long, deal with the fundamental, experimental and applicative aspects of each topic. Editorial and formatting guidelines are available at Database indexing: following SCOPUS and ISI specifications. ● ISTE Ltd has an exclusive book co-publishing and world distribution contract with WILEY. ● ISTE Press Ltd has an exclusive book co-publishing and world distribution contract with ELSEVIER. ● ISTE Editions is distributed worldwide (paper copy only) by NBN International ( —9— ISTE – a leading publishing group ISTE Ltd – ISTE Press Ltd – ISTE Editions ISTE SCIENCE PUBLISHING ● 30 committees cover all the editorial lines published. ● Over 200 top-level scientists and researchers, from over 20 countries, are members of the ISTE committees. ● They are, together with the members of the Scientific Board, the backbone of the ISTE Publishing Organization. Three major editorial lines Engineering, Technology and Materials Science Environmental and Life Sciences Human and Social Sciences Publications in English — French English Language Publications press Titles co-published with WILEY French Publications e d i t i on s Titles co-published with ELSEVIER 27-37 St George’s Road – London SW19 4EU — United Kingdom &
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