Running Head Recipe Development Project Brown Sugar Meatloaf Libby Sells

Recipe Development Project
Brown Sugar Meatloaf
Libby Sells
Miami University KNH 404
Professor Minges
October 21, 2013
Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
Goals, Approach, and Justification
Meatloaf is a classic, family favorite recipe which has been around for many years. It is
eaten all year round and can easily be paired with many different vegetables and sides to create a
delicious, nutrient dense meal. However, a traditional meatloaf recipe loaf recipe contains
significant amounts of beef, eggs, and milk. These animal products are high in saturated fat,
calories, and cholesterol. Meatloaf recipes also contain high amounts of brown sugar and a
starch, typically saltine crackers or white bread crumbs; these ingredients are simple sugars and
are commonly recognized as “empty calories”.
The overall goal of this recipe development project was to reduce the cholesterol, total fat
and saturated fat of the meatloaf. The standard recipe to be used contains high amounts of
saturated fat, cholesterol, and sugar from the beef, eggs, milk, brown sugar, and saltine crackers.
Therefore, reduction of saturated and total fat in the final product can easily be accomplished by
targeting the ingredients used. Meatloaf has several possible ingredient alterations which can
create a healthier product, but the ingredient focused on in this project are the type of meat, eggs,
and starch used. The secondary goal of this project was to create a meatloaf recipe comparable to
the standard product that is still moist, tender, and palatable. This goal was made because even if
a healthier recipe is created, many people will not choose to eat it over the standard recipe if
there are significant sensory and objective differences.
To achieve the two goals in this recipe development project, the initial approach included
modifying the type of meat, the type of egg, and the type of carbohydrate or starch to be used.
Beef was chosen to be modified from the standard recipe because as the main ingredient, it is the
greatest contributor of saturated fat and cholesterol, and is often substituted for ground turkey or
other ingredients in other recipes to create comparable tasting products. Egg was also chosen to
be varied in recipes because it is also a source of saturated fat and cholesterol. Finally, the saltine
crackers were picked to be modified because they typically are higher in simple sugars and
sodium compared to other types of starch or carbohydrates that could be used in a meatloaf
recipe. By varying these ingredients, the nutritive value of meatloaf can be improved while
overall acceptability remains. Specific nutritive improvement goals include the reduction of half
the saturated fat and cholesterol and a reduction of forty percent of the total fat.
The rationale for the decision to vary selected ingredients is based on the fact that the
American diet is heavy in saturated fats, cholesterol, and simple sugars. Due to this diet,
hypertension, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and type two diabetes are at an all time
high. One of the most beneficial factors in the treatment and prevention of these diseases is diet
modification, specifically reduction of animal products like red meat, egg yolks, and high fat
dairy, and an increase in whole grains and fiber.
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
Beginning Nutritive Analysis
For 1, 3 ounce serving:
353 kcal
119 mg
0.4 g
763 mg
24.1 g
18.4 g
Total Fat
16.1 g
Saturated Fat
5.0 g
i. From
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
End Product Standards
The final meatloaf recipe is to be judged by the following standards:
-Meat is tender without being tough
-Meatloaf is browned on the top and sides
-Onions are tender
-Onions provide complimentary onion flavor to the loaf, but do not overpower it
-Taste of meatloaf is mildly sweet from the brown sugar and ketchup
-Product is moist and not dry
-All ingredients in the meatloaf mix and bind together well
-Meatloaf retains a compact shape after removed from the loaf pan; it is not crumbly
-Meatloaf has a savory flavor
-Product contains half of the total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol from the beginning nutritive
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
Roles of Ingredients
Standard Recipe
80 % Lean
Main Ingredient-gives satiety by providing fat and protein
Rich in minerals like potassium and phosphorus
Supplies vitamin b12
Major fat contributor (flavor from fat and Mailard reaction)
Adds moisture and juiciness when cooked
Browns to give color in Mailard reaction
Provides compact body and shape
Binding agent-holds starch, meat, milk, onions, spices together
Adds fat for flavor and protein for satiety
Provides liquid to create moist product
Adds tenderness
Binding agent-helps hold meat and ingredients together
Adds salt
Helps maintain structure and prevents beef from getting tough
Extender-more dense product
1% Milk
Adds moisture to prevent toughening of meatloaf by contributing water/liquid
Enhances browning in Mailard reaction
Adds flavor from fat and protein for satiety
Improves texture and mouthfeel by creating smoother product
Adds onion flavor
Becomes translucent when cooked and gives color to meatloaf
Adds crunchy texture
Adds sweet flavor
Caramelization/browning effect due to Mailard reaction
Decreases acidity of ketchup
Traps air to create moist texture
Acidic flavor component
Gives red color to top of loaf
Adds/helps retain moisture
Adds slightly sweet flavor
Has slightly sweet and woody aroma
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
Adds hot flavor
Has woody and piney aroma
Adds flavor of its own and enhances other flavors
Helps maintain brown color of meatloaf
i. Michael pg. 237-382
Varied Ingredients
Chicken Day
Gives satiety by providing fat and protein
Rich in minerals like potassium and phosphorus
Major fat contributor (flavor from fat and Mailard reaction)
Adds moisture and juiciness when cooked
Slightly browns to give color to meatloaf
Provides compact body and shape
Turkey Day 1
Gives satiety by providing fat and protein
Rich in minerals like potassium and phosphorus
Major fat contributor (flavor from fat and Mailard reaction)
Adds moisture and juiciness when cooked
Slightly browns to give color
Provides compact body and shape
50% Ground
Beef 50%
Turkey Day 1
Gives satiety by providing fat and protein
Rich in minerals like potassium and phosphorus
Major fat contributor (flavor from fat and Mailard reaction)
Adds moisture and juiciness when cooked
Moderately browns to give color
Provides compact body and shape
Eggs Whites
Day 2
Binding agent-holds starch, meat, milk, onions, spices together
Provides protein
Adds protein for satiety
Provides liquid to create moist and tender product
Free Eggs
Day 2
Binding agent-holds starch, meat, milk, onions, spices together
Provides liquid to create moist and tender product
Adds egg-like flavor
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
50% Egg
whites 50%
Whole Egg
Day 2
Adds fat (flavor) from yolk
Whole Grain
Oats Day 3
Contributes soluble fiber
Helps maintain dense structure in loaf and prevents beef from getting tough
Binding agent-helps hold meat, milk, onions, spices together
Adds grainy texture
from Piece of
White Bread
Day 3
Helps maintain dense structure in loaf and prevents beef from getting tough
Binding agent-helps hold meat, milk, onions, spices together
Contributes softness to texture
Provides protein
Binding agent-holds starch, meat, milk, onions, spices together
Provides liquid to create moist and tender product
Helps maintain dense structure in loaf and prevents beef from getting tough
Breadcrumbs Binding agent-helps hold meat, milk, onions, spices together
Day 3
i. Michael pg. 237-382
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
Original Standard Recipe
Brown Sugar Meatloaf
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup ketchup
1 1/2 pounds 80% lean ground beef
3/4 cup 1% milk
2 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 small onion, chopped
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
3/4 cup finely crushed saltine cracker crumbs
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a 9x5 inch loaf pan.Press the brown sugar
in the bottom of the prepared loaf pan and spread the ketchup over the sugar.In a mixing bowl, mix
thoroughly all remaining ingredients and shape into a loaf. Place on top of the ketchup.Bake in preheated
oven for 1 hour or until juices are clear. Yield: 8, 3 ounce servings
i. From
Final Recipe in Standard Form
Brown Sugar Meatloaf
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup ketchup
3/4 pound 80% lean ground beef
3/4 pound ground turkey
3/4 cup 1% milk
1/2 cup cholesterol free eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 small onion, chopped
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
3/4 cup white bread crumbs
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a 9x5 inch loaf pan. Brown onions in a
skillet on the stove. Mix together the brown sugar and ketchup in a bowl. In another mixing bowl, mix
thoroughly all remaining ingredients and shape into a loaf. Place into loaf pan and spread the brown sugar
and ketchup mixture on top.Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour or until juices are clear. Yield: 8, 3 ounce
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
Three-Day Plan
Variation #1
Variation #2
Variation #3
Day 1
Ground Beef
(80% lean)
Use ground
turkey for
of ground
Use ground
chicken for
of ground
Use 50%
of ground
turkey for
ground beef
Day 2
Whole Eggs
free eggs for
of whole egg
Use egg
whites for
of whole egg
Use egg
whites for
of whole egg
Day 3
Whole grain
White bread
crumbs preprocessed
White bread,
torn into
small pieces
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
Lab Logs
Day One
The standard recipe was made according to its given procedure and all ingredients were cut in
half to produce a smaller quantity of meatloaf. The three variations of meatloaf were then made.
All ingredients were cut and half and were identical for all variations, except the type of meat
that was to be varied. Ingredients were carefully measured. The ketchup and brown sugar was
placed in the bottom of the loaf pans. All ingredients were then mixed together in three separate
bowls, with half ground beef, half ground turkey in the first bowl, ground chicken in the second,
and ground turkey in the third bowl. The loaf pans were put in the oven at 1:35 PM and taken out
at 2:30 PM.
Cooking Observations
The chicken and turkey meatloaves are not browning very well. The chicken meatloaf is not
retaining its shape as well as the other meatloaves.
Observations After Cooking
The standard recipe with all ground beef is mildly sweet, but also very savory. It has the highest
level of browning and is very moist and juicy. It is tender without being tough. The meatloaf
made with half ground beef and half ground turkey took slightly longer to cook than the other
meatloaves. It has the highest level of browning. It is moist and also juicy. The ground chicken
variation is very sweet, and it seems that the ketchup and brown sugar have produced an offtasting flavor when combined with the ground chicken. This meatloaf has less volume than the
other meatloaves. The meatloaf made with all ground turkey is mild tasting. It does not have the
characteristic beef flavor that one is used to when eating meatloaf. It is moderately brown and
mildly sweet.
The variation chosen to be used for the next lab day is the half ground beef, half ground turkey
meatloaf. This product was chosen because it meets the standards for the final recipe. It is mildly
sweet but also savory. It is juicy and tender without being tough, and the onions and other spices
compliment the combination of the two meats.
Day Two
The three variations of meatloaf all using half ground beef, half ground turkey were made. All
ingredients were reduced by one fourth and were identical for all variations, except for the type
of egg that was to be varied. Ingredients were carefully measured. All ingredients were then
mixed together in three separate bowls, with half egg whites, half whole egg in the first bowl, all
egg white in the second bowl, and cholesterol free eggs in the third bowl. All egg types used
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
were measured so that they were the equivalent amount of half a whole egg, since the original
recipe was reduced by one fourth. The ketchup and brown sugar mixture were placed on top of
the meatloaves. The loaf pans were put in the oven at 1:45 PM and taken out at 2:40 PM.
Cooking Observations
The meatloaves are giving off less grease than they did the previous lab day. The meatloaf made
with egg whites appears to have more liquid and grease in its loaf pan.
Observations After Cooking
The meatloaf made with half egg whites, half whole egg has the best level of browning, and also
retained its dense and compact shape the best. However, it is very firm and has a tough texture.
The meatloaf made with all egg whites browned the least. It has a bland and very meaty flavor to
it. The meatloaf made with cholesterol free eggs has the best flavor. It has the best texture, is firm
without being tough, and is very tender.
The meatloaf made with cholesterol free eggs was chosen as the best product. It has a moderate
level of browning, and is firm, tender, and moist. It is mildly sweet but also savory, and is the
best tasting product.
Day Three
The three variations of meatloaf all using half ground beef, half ground turkey and cholesterol
free eggs were made. All ingredients were cut into fourths and were identical for all variations,
except for the type of starch that was to be varied. Ingredients were carefully measured. All
ingredients were then mixed together in three separate bowls, with whole grain oats in the first
bowel, pre-processed white bread crumbs in the second bowl, and bread crumbs made from
tearing a piece of white bread into small pieces was placed in the third bowl. The ketchup and
brown sugar mixture were placed on top of the meatloaves. The loaf pans were put in the oven at
1:30 PM and taken out at 2:30 PM.
Cooking Observations
All meatloaves appear to have the same level of browning and are giving off comparable
amounts of grease.
Observations After Cooking
The meatloaf made with oats is more tough and dry than the other meatloaves. It tastes very oatlike and grainy. The inside of the product is lighter in color than the other meatloaves. The
meatloaves made with the two types of breadcrumbs taste very similar. However, the one made
with fresh bread torn into small pieces is more moist and has a better aroma. The one made with
the pre-processed white bread crumbs has the best taste and is most comparable to the standard
product. It is more compact and has a more uniform appearance. It is tender and juicy. It was
therefore chosen as the best variation.
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
Final Recipe Analysis
Comparison to Standard
The final meatloaf product was very comparable to the standard. The only ingredients t
altered from the standard recipe were the type of meat, egg, and starch. Half ground beef, half
ground turkey was substituted for all ground beef in the final recipe, bread crumbs were
substituted for the saltine crackers, and a half cup of cholesterol free eggs were substituted for
two whole eggs. By substituting only half of the ground beef for ground turkey, the characteristic
flavor from the meat that is typical in meatloaf recipes still remained. It allowed for a meatloaf
that was still moist and tender but contained about half of the fat and saturated fat than the
standard had. The onions and spices used all complimented the flavor of the meat without
overpowering it. The ketchup and brown sugar created a product that both sweet and savoriness
comparable to the standard. By using cholesterol free eggs and breadcrumbs, the product was
still browned well and maintained a compact shape similar to the standard. The biggest
difference between the standard and the new recipe was the taste difference from adding ground
turkey. The appearance and texture were very comparable.
Each lab day, the first tasks done included preheating the oven and gathering all the
ingredients to be used. On the first lab day, 9x5 loaf pans were used, but 2x4 loaf pans were used
on the second and third lab days because all the ingredients were reduced to one fourth the
amount of ingredients called for in the standard recipe. Onions were then cut and put into a
skillet on the stove to cook for several minutes on medium high heat. While the onions were
cooking, all other ingredients were carefully measured out using measuring cups and teaspoon
amounts, then placed into stainless steel mixing bowls and were mixed together by hand. On the
first lab day, the ketchup and brown sugar mixture was placed in the bottom of the loaf pans.
However, on the second and third lab days, the mixture was placed on top of the meatloaf to
make a more attractive product. No adjustments for the ingredients had to be made.
If I had to do this project over again, I would keep all procedures the same but would
likely have chosen to make different variations in the ingredients. I would not have varied the
meat used, but would have varied the type of sauce from the ketchup and brown sugar the
standard recipe calls for. Some variations could include chili sauce, chipotle sauce, or barbecue
sauce, which would all change the sweetness of the meatloaf.
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
Nutrition Goals and Nutrient Comparison for Final Meatloaf Product
Original Amount
Goal Amount
Final Amount
353 calories
353 calories
304 calories
119 mg
60 mg (50%
55 mg
0.4 g
0.4 g
0.4 g
763 mg
763 mg
660 mg
24.1 g
24.1 mg
22.3 mg
18.4 g
18.4 g
16.8 g
Total Fat
16.1 g
10.0 g (~40%
11.1 g
Saturated Fat
5.0 g
2.5 g (50% reduction)
2.7 g
i. From
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
Final Product Analysis
Comparison to Goals and Standards and Product Description
To compare initial and final nutrient composition, final meatloaf ingredients were entered
on Initial goals focused on total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. The goal of this
project was to reduce the total fat by forty percent, and the total saturated fat and cholesterol by
fifty percent. The final nutritive analysis reveals that cholesterol was reduced by more than fifty
percent, and total fat and saturated fat were reduced by just under fifty percent. Therefore, goals
for total fat and saturated fat reduction were almost met, while the goal for cholesterol reduction
was met. However, a secondary goal of this project was to create a product comparable to the
standard. That goal was met because the final meatloaf product was tender, moist, dense and
compact, with a mildly sweet and savory flavor. These characteristics were all part of the end
product standards. Additionally, the final product also met the set standards because the meatloaf
was well browned, and onions were tender with a flavor that did not overpower the dish. While
the outside of the meatloaf was well browned, the inside had an attractive, light brown color and
all ingredients were well distributed throughout the meatloaf.
Learning Experience and Effects of Substituted Ingredients
What I learned most about meatloaf is how easily the entire product changes with the
variation of certain ingredients. I did not realize the flavor of the different types of meat used
would be that drastically different from one another. The biggest affect that the type of meat had
on the overall product was flavor and level of browning. The ground chicken had a very poor
taste and did not brown well at all, giving an unattractive appearance to the product. It also was
the least dense and compact and was also less tender. The ground turkey had a very mild meat
flavor and was moderately browned. The half ground beef, half ground turkey had the best
flavor, texture, and appearance. It browned well, was firm, moist, and tender, and also
maintained a dense and compact loaf shape. This likely was the best product because it contained
half beef, which is a rich source of fat and flavor. When the type of egg being used was altered,
the changes in flavor were very noticeable. When only egg whites were used, the meat flavor of
the dish was really enhanced, but it was not a desirable flavor because it tasted very bland. The
meatloaf made with half egg whites, half whole eggs had an acceptable flavor, but was firm and
tough. The meatloaf made with cholesterol free eggs had the best flavor and appearance. It
browned well, and was moist and tender. Its taste was the most comparable to the standard.
When the type of starch was varied, that oats gave a very grainy taste and texture to the product
which was not desirable. The product was also less moist. The taste and appearance of the
meatloaves made with the pre-processed bread crumbs and the fresh bread torn into small pieces
were very comparable to one another. They both produced a moist and tender product, but the
pre-processed breads crumbs allowed for the best tasting product and allowed for the rest of the
meatloaf ingredients to be well distributed throughout the product creating a uniform appearance
on the inside of the meatloaf.
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
Final Process Analysis
Project Reflection
I learned a great deal from this product, especially the different roles certain ingredients
have in a recipe. It was beneficial for me to review these different roles of ingredients, and was
interesting to see how manipulating them would affect my meatloaf product. I also learned how
important it is to carry out the procedures identically for each trial and manipulation. The
importance of carefully measuring ingredients is something I learned from this project, and is
vital for success because sometimes small discrepancies can result in product appearance and
flavor changes. Also important for success is being organized and knowing exactly what you are
going to do each day in lab before you actually begin. Taking good lab notes is also a vital part of
recipe development, because it allows a person to remember the details and results from lab.
The only error I feel I made was using an uncalibrated thermometer to measure the
temperatures of the meatloaves on the second lab day. I did not realize at first the thermometer
was not calibrated, and as a result the meatloaves were left in the oven slightly longer than they
should have been, which could have made the products more dry. No unseen variables occurred,
and the only change I made when it came to ingredients or procedures was putting the ketchup
and brown sugar on top of the meatloaf rather than on the bottom. While the standard recipe
called for the sauce to be on the bottom of the loaf pan, I felt a more attractive product resulted
from the sauce being put on the top of the meatloaves.
If I could do this project again, I would likely select different variables. I would want to
see how different types of sauces (chili, barbecue, chipotle) affect the flavor and overall
acceptability of the final product. I would also be interested in changing the type of milk used
(skim, 1%, 2%, whole) to see if the flavor of the final product would be impacted.
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
Recipe Comparison
Ground Beef
1 1/2 pounds
80% lean
ground beef
1 1/2 pounds 80%
lean ground beef
1 1/2
lean ground
1 1/2
beef chuck
1 pound
sirloin beef
(90% lean)
3/4 cup 1%
1 c. 2% milk
1 c. 2%
1/3 c.
whole milk
Brown Sugar
1/2 cup
brown sugar
1 c. packed brown
6 T. brown
2 T. brown
1/2 c.
3/4 c. ketchup
1/2 c.
1/2 c.
1 can tomato
2 whole
1 whole egg
2 whole
1 large egg
2 eggs
1 small
1/4 c. chopped
1 medium
3/4 cup
1 1/2 t. salt
3/4 c. oats
1 c. oats
3 slices
1 c. dry
1 1/2 t. salt
1/4 t. pepper
1/2 t. dry mustard
1/4 t. sage
1 t. salt
1/4 t.
2 garlic
cloves, salt
and pepper
to taste
Salt and
pepper to
1/4 c. yellow
mustard, 1 T.
2 t. honey
1 can diced
with sweet
1/4 t. ground
black pepper
1/4 t. ground
Yields: All yield 1 9x5 loaf pan or 8, 3 oz servings
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
References for Recipes Comparisons
1. From
2. From
3. From
4. From
5. From Hunt’
Analysis of Ingredients
1. Meat: Discounting the fifth recipe which calls for one pound of 90% lean ground beef, all
other recipes call for one and a half pounds of 80% lean ground beef. This combined with
other ingredients allows for eight servings of three ounces.
2. Milk: The amount of milk varied from none to one cup. The type of milk used (low fat, 2 %
also varied.
3. Sauce: For the amount of ketchup and brown sugar, the determining factor for the amount of
each ingredient was based on whether or not the ingredients were combined with the meat, or
placed on the top or bottom of the loaf. Smaller amounts were used as a sauce on top of the
4. Vegetable: The amount of onion differed only slightly, ranging from one small onion (or half
a medium onion) to one medium onion. The fifth recipe did not call for a fresh onion, rather
canned sweet onions mixed with tomatoes.
5. Eggs: In all recipes, either one or two whole eggs was used.
6. Starch: The type of grain varied in recipes. One called for saltine crackers, two for
oats, one for dried bread crumbs, and one for slices of bread. This seemed to be the greatest
variation of an ingredient.
7. Spices: Similar amounts of salt and pepper were used in all recipes. Other spices included
sage, dry mustard, garlic gloves, and ground ginger.
Procedure Comparison
1. Brown Sugar Meatloaf
a. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease 9x5 loaf pan
b. Press brown sugar on bottom of pan and pour ketchup over.
c. Mix all other ingredients and form a loaf
d. Bake for 1 hour or until juices run clean
2.Brown Sugar Meatloaf
a. Heat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9x5 loaf pan
b. Mix all ingredients except ketchup. Shape into loaf and put in pan.
c. Spread ketchup overtop loaf
d. Bake one hour and fifteen minutes or until juices run clear
3. Oatmeal Meatloaf
a. Soak oats in milk
b. To make your sauce- mix the brown sugar, ketchup, and mustard together and spread
about two thirds of the mixture over your meatloaf.
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
c. Mix the rest of ingredients together
d. Form loaf and place in greased casserole dish, making indents on top of loaf for sauce
e. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes
f. Remove, drain grease, and add sauce. Bake for another 35 minutes or until juices run
4.Classic Meatloaf
a.Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place bread in food processor; pulse until fine crumbs
form. Transfer to a small bowl; stir in milk. Set aside, about 10 minutes, stirring
b.Combine all remaining ingredients
c.Place meat mixture on prepared baking sheet, and form into a 9x5 loaf
d.Bake, brushing twice with remaining one fourth cup ketchup during baking for 45 to 55
5.Home Sweet Home Meatloaf-Hunt’s
a.Preheat oven to 400°F. Grease pan. Mix tomato sauce and brown sugar in small bowl;
set aside.
b.Combine meat, drained tomatoes, bread crumbs and eggs in medium bowl.
Shape meat mixture into a loaf shape in pan.
c.Bake 30 minutes. Remove from oven; pour tomato sauce mixture over
meatloaf. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F. Bake 25 to 30 minutes more or until
meatloaf is cooked through (160°F)
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Recipe Development Project:Brown Sugar Meatloaf
Brown Sugar Meatloaf. (2013). All Recipes. Retrieved October 9, 2013 from http://
Brown Sugar Meatloaf. (2013). Betty Crocker Recipes. Retrieved on October 9, 2013 from http
Classic Meatloaf. (2012). Martha Stewart Living. Retrieved on October 9, 2013 from http://
FitDay. (2013). Retrieved on October 20, 2013 from
Home Sweet Home Meatloaf. (n.d.). Hunt’s. Retrieved on October 9, 2013 from http://
Michael, C. KNH 104 Introduction to Food Science and Meal Management, Course Manual,
pp.237-382. Spring Semester, 2011, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Oatmeal Meatloaf. (2013). Country Living. Retrieved on October 9, 2013 from http://
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