O Important information about our new billing system

M AY 2 0 1 2
Important information about
our new billing system
n May 29, we will transition to a new customer service information and billing system that will allow us to provide
you with better service.
What you should know:
Your patience is appreciated.
Due to the normal familiarization
period with the new software, even
with extensive training and extra
staff, our call center representatives
may take longer than usual to answer
phones and process requests. New account number. All customers will be issued a new account
number; your account number will
appear on your monthly electric bills starting in June.
New bill format. There will be
slight changes to your electric bill.
For your convenience, a brochure
explaining how to read the new bill
will be included with your first revised electric bill.
Automatic bill payment. If you
pay your electric bill automatically
Melissa Naniseni is one of our helpful
customer service representatives.
from your checking or savings
account through our automatic bill
payment system, monthly bill payments will continue to be deducted
from your designated bank. No
action is required on your part if you
would like this service to continue.
Online customers — re-registration required. If you currently
view your electric bills online on our website, the new system will
require you to re-register for this
service. Once the new system is
activated, you will receive an e-mail
from us that includes a personalized
link to our new Online Customer
Service Center.
For more information about the
changes you can expect, please visit
our website: www.heco.com
Decoupling revenue adjustment filed
On March 30, we submitted
our annual Revenue Decoupling
Mechanism filing to the Hawaii
Public Utilities Commission
(PUC). The adjustment is part
of decoupling, a new method of
setting electricity rates approved
by the PUC as one of many steps
to support Hawaii’s transition to
clean energy.
In the past, the more electricity
used by our customers, the
more money we collected. That
formula is not consistent with our
state’s current energy policies.
Hawaii’s electricity is largely
generated by burning imported
oil. To reach our state’s clean
energy goals, we must find ways
to use less oil, not more. To pro-
mote this, decoupling breaks the
link between electricity use and
our revenues.
Under decoupling, the PUC
decides in a rate case which services
we should provide to our customers
and determines how much revenue
we may collect to cover the cost of
those services. Rates are adjusted:
(1) as total electricity sales vary to
allow those costs to still be recovered and (2) to allow us to reflect
cost increases or decreases largely
related to inflation and PUCapproved capital additions.
If our actual rate of return exceeds
the amount approved by the PUC
in our last rate case, the excess will
be returned to customers in the
form of an earnings sharing credit.
We will not make additional profits from higher sales. Decoupling
does not guarantee us a profit; we
could make less money if we don’t
manage expenses efficiently.
Your individual electric bill will
continue to be based on the
amount of electricity you use, so
you will still save money by conserving electricity.
This year’s filing calculates a
revenue adjustment of 1.7%, or
$30.3 million. The impact will
vary by type of customer and
actual electricity use. If the PUC
approves the calculation, a typical
residential household using 600
kilowatt-hours per month would
see its monthly bill increase by
about $2.40, beginning June 1.
P r o d u c e d f o r c u s t o m e r s o f : H awa i i a n E l e c t r i c C o m pa n y • MAUI E l e c t r i c C o m pa n y • H awa i i E l e c t r i c L i g h t C o m pa n y
C o n s u m e r L i n e s • P. O . B o x 2 7 5 0 • H o n o l u l u , H awa i i 9 6 8 4 0 • t e l e P h o n e : 5 4 3 - 5 6 7 0 • h t t p : / / w w w. h e c o . c o m
What is the price of electricity on Oahu?
During 2011, the significant
increase in the cost of fossil fuel
used to produce electricity caused
a corresponding increase in the
cost of electricity. The price of fuel
impacts the cost you pay for electricity because more than 50% of
each bill is comprised of fuel costs.
Additionally, effective July 2011,
the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission approved an interim rate
increase of 2.2% to help pay for
system improvements.
To help you understand the price
of electricity, to the right is a chart
that provides the average price
paid in cents per kilowatt-hour
(kWh) in 2011 by each category of
customers. Electricity rates are
not the same for all categories
of electricity in Hawaii.The electrical
systems on each island are independent; there are no neighboring
utility companies from which to
draw power in the event
of a problem. Therefore,
Rate Schedule 2011 Average
Cents per kWh
for system reliability we
must have reserve gener“R” Residential
ating capacity and multiple distribution routes.
“G” Small Power Use Business
This increased infrastruc“J” Medium Power Use Business 28.97
ture is supported by our
electricity rates.
“P” Large Power Use Business
because the rates are based on
the cost of serving each category.
Our isolated geographic location
also contributes to the higher cost
“DS” Large Power Use Business,
Directly Served
“F” Street and Park Lighting 30.19
These figures are derived by dividing the total revenue
by the total kWh sold for each category during the year.
To stabilize the cost of electricity for our customers,
as well as to protect our
environment, we need to
continue to add clean, renewable energy resources
to the island’s grid.
Hold on to those metallic balloons!
It’s graduation time, and we urge
you to hold on tight to shiny metallic balloons. Just one stray metallic
balloon can get tangled in electric
lines and create a power outage.
To prevent the safety hazard, always
add a heavy weight to the end of
the balloon’s ribbon or string and
make sure the string is tied securely
to the balloon at the sealing point.
See a metallic balloon caught in
a power line? Leave it alone and
call 548-7961 to report it.
Thanks to our partner
MidWeek for sharing this
safety message, and remember,
please hold on tight and
keep your celebrations bright!
Bill payment help for low-income households
During June the state’s Low
Income Home Energy Assistance
Program (LIHEAP) will be accepting
applications from individuals with
household incomes and assets
below a certain level who want to
apply for a one-time credit on their
electric bill to help pay for heating
or cooling their home.
To apply you must present: 1) your
most recent electric bill, 2) proof you
occupy the service address on the
bill, 3) Social Security numbers of all
household members older than 1
year old, 4) ID for all adult members,
and 5) proof of gross annual income
and assets to one of the following Honolulu Community Action
Program (HCAP) offices during the
period June 1 to June 29. HCAP
will determine whether you qualify.
HCAP Central...........................488-6834
HCAP Kalihi/Palama.............847-0804
HCAP Leahi...............................732-7755
HCAP Leeward........................696-4261
HCAP Windward....................239-5754
Bistek (Marinated Beef)
1 1/2 pounds tri tip or flap beef
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 cup shoyu
Dash of fresh ground pepper
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 large sweet onion, sliced
1 large red bell pepper, seeded
and sliced
Slice beef diagonally and thinly.
Combine lemon juice, shoyu, and
ground pepper; pour over beef.
Let stand for at least 1/2 hour. In a
large skillet, combine marinated
beef and marinade with water.
Stirring occasionally, cook on
medium heat until liquid evaporates.
Add oil, onions, and bell pepper;
cook until vegetables are slightly
wilted. Recipe makes 6 servings.