APRIL 2015 DELIVERED MONTHLY TO 3,750 HOUSEHOLDS your BRAESIDE BULLETIN THE OFFICIAL BRAESIDE COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER INSIDE THIS ISSUE: RINK VOLUNTEERS – THANK YOU COMMUNITY CLEAN UP APRIL 25 BRAESIDE OPEN HOUSE MAY 8 8TH ANNUAL PARADE JUNE 13 How to Safeguard Your Retirement Income? Ask an Expert Q Recently on a Saturday morning on The Strongroom radio program I was surprised to hear you say your clients aren’t concerned about the big fall in oil prices in the past year. How can that be? I know I’m worried about what it could mean for my retirement years. A The reality is that we are going to face multiple market downturns in our lives. The good news is that our retirement income doesn’t have to fluctuate with the Braeside Community Association 11024 Braeside Dr. SW Calgary, AB T2W 6G5 Phone:403.253-4232 I Fax:403.253.3528 braecom@telusplanet.com markets! One of the great opportunities we have in Canada is that we have trust laws that allow us to buy good quality investments that are not only principle guaranteed, but offer a rate of return and exceptional credit protection. The fact that our clients aren’t concerned means they have a plan that is working. That for me is a fundamental result we want for every family we have the privilege to work alongside. If you have an appropriate plan design for your lifestyle for decades ahead, then when markets correct, you can weather the storm. So you won’t have to wonder, “Do I have enough? Did I protect it well? Am I going to outlive my wealth?” We have experienced a variety of market fluctuations in our almost 20 years of experience, and these market cycles have Sheri MacMillan, Senior Trust & Estate Practitioner, CEO of MacMillan Estate Planning Corp. Sheri is featured on The Strongroom 9:00 AM Saturdays on News Talk 770 shown that being proactive and building in those safety nets and benchmarks actually works. When we’ve created affluence in our life, we’re going to rely upon it for decades ahead as part of our life plan. We’re President's Report 5 Braeside Real Estate Update 12 Community Calendar 13 8th Annual Braeside Summer Parade 22-23 My Babysitter List 26 endeavouring to build wealth so we can enjoy a wonderful lifestyle of freedom in the retirement phases of life. We need to be proactive in designing our estate plans to make sure we don’t jeopardize the wealth that we have created. MacMillan Estate Planning Corp. will be hosting a complimentary Wine & Cheese Seminar on Wednesday, April 22nd at 7:00 PM and Wednesday, May 20th at 7:00 PM to register, please visit macmillanestate.com or call 403 266 6464 NEWSLETTER AD SALES Great News Publishing Ltd. 403.720.0762 | 403.263.3044 sales@great-news.ca | www.great-news.ca GREAT NEWS PUBLISHING HAS BEEN PROUDLY SERVING BRAESIDE FOR 4 YEARS! B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R I APRIL 2 0 1 5 3 BRAESIDE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Need to contact us? Mail: 11024 Braeside Drive SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2W 6G5 Phone: 403-253-4232 Fax: 403-253-3528 Email: braecom@telusplanet.net Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall, Meeting Room 2, at the Community Centre. The meeting is open to all Braeside residents or interested parties. If you have issues or concerns and you would like to be placed on the agenda, kindly call our Board Secretary, Joan Byers, at 403-253-4232. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Kim Edwards Vice President Position Vacant Secretary Joan Byers To contact Treasurer Sarah Curran Board members, Director, Bldg. Mntce. Bob Byers call 403-253-4232 Youth Director Position Vacant Entertainment Director Rosemarie Foley Sports Director Position Vacant Directors at Large Sandy Shiels Director at Large Kim Price Director at Large Anneke Scholten School Liaison Louise Whitbread Transportation Liaison Paul Finkleman COMMUNITY CONTACTS: Community Coordinator Linda Krebs 403-253-4232 Child Care Louise Whitbread 403-258-0699 Baseball Sonny Vallieres 403-238-0847 Basketball Dawn Osborne 403-259-6502 Chinook Music For Tickets 403-271-3719 City Liaison Kiara Bichel 403-476-7278 Girl Guides Diana Guedo 403-238-0549 Hockey Shaun Renneberg 403-259-0189 Scouting Tim Tratch 403-251-4878 Southwest Seniors Bill Merritt 403-281-6401 SW Community Resource Centre 403-238-9222 BRAECENTRE COPS Cst. Steve Henderson 403-974-6150 Cst. Marsh Kutarna AREA SCHOOLS: Braeside Elementary 403-777-8470 John Ware Junior School 403-777-7930 St. Benedict Elementary 403-253-1881 GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVES: Councillor, Ward 11 Brian Pincott 403-268-3611 MLA, Glenmore Linda Johnson 403-216-5421 MP, Calgary SW, PM Stephen Harper 403-253-7990 4 The Braeside Bulletin The Braeside Bulletin is published by the Braeside Community Association and delivered to all Braeside homes. Articles can be e-mailed to braecom@telusplanet.net. Submission deadline is the first of the month for inclusion in the following month’s publication. Space limitation may prevent some material submitted from being published. Editing may be required. While we make every effort to ensure that all information provided and published is correct, we are not responsible for any omissions or errors. Opinions expressed within these articles, reports or submissions are the author’s and should not be considered as reflecting those of the editor or Community Association. To place a paid advertisement in the Braeside Bulletin, contact Great News Publishing, 403-263-3044, sales@great-news.ca. “The Braeside Community Association is committed to representing the community with honesty and integrity, working towards common values and goals”. Check us out on the web at: www.calgaryarea.com (click on SW, Braeside). Email: braecom@telusplanet.net. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Hall Rental We are accepting rentals for all areas of the Community Centre. Our Upper Hall area is suitable for weddings, banquets and large gatherings. Our meeting rooms on the main level are suitable for meetings or small gatherings. Now providing Telus Wi-Fi. To view the hall or make a booking, call the Community Office at 403-253-4232. Community Rink Available for Rent If you are considering a sports tournament, practice or out- door event, Braeside’s newly renovated Community Rink is now available for rent: Per Hour - $25.00 Per ½ Day (4 hour period) - $ 75.00 Per full day (8 hour period) - $125.00 Weekend (8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily - $200.00 All rink rental requests MUST NOT conflict with renters booked in hall (i.e. weddings in building) due to noise and parking. Additionally, a clean up deposit will be required. There is no overnight storage available. Liability for all items must remain with the renter. NO ALCOHOL AT ANY EVENT. APRIL 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities COMMUNITY COORDINATOR PRESIDENT’S REPORT Finally, spring has arrived! At least I hope it has... Kicking off our spring events, we would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming Community Clean Up/Recycle Day to be held in April. Look in this bulletin for more details on this event. This will be a great opportunity for you to get rid of those old deck boards, bicycle parts, etc. Note, there are some items that will not be accepted, check deeper in this bulletin for more details about what you can get rid of from your yard or garage. We will also invite you to contribute or shop at our free store, held during this clean up event. This remains a “no-charge” event for the community but we ask that you bring along a donation to the Food Bank and we will “pay it forward.” In May, we invite you to attend our Community Open House. We hope to have various stations of information available to you that will provide an insight into what your community has to offer. Our guests will include folks from the City. We hope to see you there. Coming up in June, we will host our 8th Annual Braeside Community Parade. We’ll have a shorter route this summer which gets us all to the BBQ a little faster! Check this bulletin our entry form. July brings our Annual Stampede Breakfast as well as a whole month of a “mobile skate park” hosted by your Community Association and the City of Calgary. The “skate park” will be located within our rink and will be open for play during regular daylight hours. We will be hosting the skate park for the entire month of July. More details will follow. Important: Over the course of this next while, we will have a couple of items of importance to Braeside Residents. One, the issue of secondary suites. We have included a link within our Facebook page (Braeside Community Association) to the city’s website where information relating to this topic can be found. Additionally, there will likely be a number of information sessions held in and around our community. Please attend these sessions for the most current information and opportunity to provide feedback. We will do our best to keep you informed as information becomes available. We know this will be a significant item for some Braeside Residents and we encourage you to consider participating on your Community Board From the Community Coordinator’s Desk Office Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, 9:00 – 3:30 Wednesdays, Closed Thursdays, 9:00 – 4:30 Closed for Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 Mark your calendar for the Community Clean Up and Recycling Event on Saturday, April 25 from 9:00 – 2:00. Linda Krebs Community Coordinator BCA in a capacity to work on this issue. This is not a “brush off ” but simply a matter of not enough hours in a day for a volunteer board, also holding down fulltime employment, to be on top of all things to everyone’s satisfaction. Two, the proposed redevelopment of the Fitness Plus property. At today’s date, we understand the proposed zoning change has been posted but the final design of the proposed residential condo development has not yet been made available. So information is limited. Again, we know this will be a significant item for some Braeside Residents and we encourage you to join your community association in a “divide and conquer” effort. If you are going to call the office and complain, be prepared to step up, get involved, and help with the work load related to meeting our community’s expectation. No guilt trip here – simply a plea for some assistance. Kim Rink Thanks! A special (and well deserved) thank you to Bill Carrick, Dave Nagel, Eric Edwards and the rest of the rink volunteer crew who worked so hard preparing and maintaining our rinks over the winter months. They did an awesome job of providing great ice for everyone’s enjoyment! B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R I APRIL 2 0 1 5 5 RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Second-guessing your investments? Get an expert second opinion on your portfolio If market volatility is making you secondguess your investments strategy, contact us today for a no obligation, objective evaluation of your portfolio. An unbiased review can help you answer key questions including: > Is your portfolio still on the right track? > Are you taking too much risk in your portfolio? > Which investments are likely to recover – and which ones aren’t? Michael Martin, CFA, MBA Investment Advisor 403-266-9655 www.martinwealth.ca Arrange a complimentary second opinion service today – call 403-266-9655 or email us at michael.t.martin@rbc.com Professional Wealth Management Since 1901 RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ®Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ©2011 Royal Bank of Canada. All rights reserved. WOODBINE SHOES Same Quality Service • Same location for 30 Years T SALE U O W IL BLO thing APR ry e l l e ve Must s ing April 30th. Sale en d WE SELL Alegria | Semler | Ecco | Florsheim Johnston & Murphy | Mephisto | Birkenstock | Orthopedics And many more brands availalble 403-251-1108 #303, 2525 WOODVIEW DR. SW. CALGARY, AB T2W 4N4 6 CALGARY BOARD OF EDUCATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Braeside Automotive 403‐251‐7300 | 45‐11440 Braeside Dr SW Website: http://www.cbe.ab.ca • Email: boardoftrustees@cbe.ab.ca Advocating for our students The Board of Trustees works on behalf of the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) and its students. As part of its role, the Board connects with key stakeholders and advocates for the needs of the system with elected officials. CBE Trustees have been hard at work, advocating for our students with the provincial government. The CBE is funded almost entirely by the Province, so it is important to advocate in this manner. Trustees have met with a number of elected officials and stakeholders, such as individual Calgary MLAs, the Government’s Calgary MLA Caucus, and the Executive of Alberta Teachers Association (ATA) Local 38 to ensure they know the issues the school system faces. Trustees have presented at numerous school council meetings and organized area meetings with the Council of School Councils. Braeside Before and After School Care 11024 Braeside Drive SW Calgary A fully accredited non-profit school age care located in Braeside community centre. We offer a fun and exciting school year program & summer camp! We focus on arts, crafts, nutritious snacks and out trips. As a school system, we will be faced with difficult, challenging decisions in the coming months. Over the past few years, the funding that the CBE has received from the province has declined on an overall per-student basis. During that time, costs have continued to increase. Examples of increasing costs include: general inflation 1-2 per cent, utilities 5.9 per cent, ATA grid movement 2 per cent/year ($12 million this year), other union contracts $4.0 million, and insurance 89 per cent last year. Provincial subsidy is available to those parents who qualify. Budget decisions will be guided by CBE values: • Students come first • Learning is our central purpose • Public education serves the common good School Holidays and professional development days: 7:00am – 6:00pm We invite you to email us your comments on the CBE budget when it is posted after the provincial government budget is announced. Visit www.cbe.ab.ca/ budget to access the budget feedback page. You may also follow our advocacy activities at www.cbe.ab.ca/ advocacy. We will continue to work hard for our students and our community. We look forward to engaging with you along the way. APRIL 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities WE SERVICE ALL MAKES & MODELS Are you ready for spring? Brakes Tune‐Ups Cooling System Flush Transmission Services Wheel Alignments Shocks & Struts Tire Sales & Services Electrical Out of Province Inspections Insurance Inspections Commercial Inspections AMVIC Approved BBC Accredited Service Hours M‐F 6am to 6pm Sat 7am to 5pm $20.00 OFF SEASONAL TIRE CHANGE OVERS ‐or‐ $10.00 OFF SEASONAL ROTATE/OIL CHANGE (Valid until May 31st, 2015) Must present this coupon at time of service. For more information or to register your child contact us at 403 258 0699 or email us at braechildcare@gmail.com Braeside Before & After School Care July & August Summer camp Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 7:00am – 9:00am 11:00am – 6:00pm. At Braeside before and after school care we believe that children are unique and require a stimulating and interactive environment which recognizes and accommodates each child’s individuality. Program Excursions include: Prairie Winds Park, Kayben Farms, Grotto canyon, Swimming, Heritage park, Sikome Lake and many more. Braeside Before & After School Care 11024 Braeside Drive SW Calgary T2W 6G5. (403) 258 0699 braechildcare@gmail.com Licenced by The Government of Alberta Child And Youth Servises and fully accredited by AELCS B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R I APRIL 2 0 1 5 7 Valid September 1, 2014 2013 – August 31, 2015 2014 FAMILY INFORMATION: Adults (First and Last Name): __________________________________________________________________________ Children (First and Last Name): _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ , Calgary Postal Code: ______________ Phone No: ____________________________________Email: ____________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP TYPE AVAILABLE: (Please indicate which membership type you are purchasing) $25.00 Resident Family Up to 2 adults with or without children $25.00 Non-Resident Family Up to 2 adults with or without children $15.00 Single Adult (18+) No dependant children living at the same address 2 9 6 7 Winterfest Stampede Breakfast Casino Recycling Event Rink Maintenance Movie in the Park Parade Trunk Sale Submit completed form and cheque to: 11024 Braeside Drive S. W., Calgary, T2W 6G5 Membership cards will be mailed to you. Please ensure mailing information is complete and accurate. 4 8 9 *PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS A $50.00 CHARGE FOR ALL NSF CHEQUES. Board Member Children’s Events 4 9 $15.00 Associate Live and hold a current membership in another community $18.75 Senior Family Up to two adults with or without children $11.25 Single Senior No dependant children living at the same address The Braeside Community Association holds many successful functions each year thanks to the tremendous help of our volunteers. If you would like to become involved, please indicate below where you would be interested in volunteering. 9 8 6 7 4 3 2 6 4 1 3 2 Specialty Reptiles and Exotics 11211 30 St SW Calgary, AB 403-258-0176 8 5 1 6 2 7 3 4 3 Specialty Reptiles and Exotics 11211 30 St SW Calgary, AB 403-258-0176 FIND SOLUTION ON PAGE 20 Important: Privacy Legislation Community Association Members/Residents: The Personal Information Protection Act became law in Alberta on Jan. 1, 2004. I understand that my personal information will be kept CONFIDENTIAL by the Braeside Community Association. I also acknowledge that my personal information may be used/disclosed ONLY in certain circumstances to establish, administer and maintain membership lists, program/sports registrations, government reporting, emergency contacts, or legal and regulatory requirements. I hereby consent to such use and disclosure for these limited purposes until such time as I may revoke my consent in writing. Signed: _____________________________________ Dated: ____________________________________________ Membership Number (Assigned by Community Office): _____________________Date Card(s) Mailed: ________________________ Smile… You could be on camera! Security cameras are installed at the Community Centre. They are set up to monitor activity around the building, rink area and dumpster. This will enable us to identify those who choose to vandalize or paint graffiti on our building or deposit personal garbage in the Community Centre dumpster and allow us to take action. 8 APRIL 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities VISIT OAKRIDGE MEDICAL CLINIC 10003 - 24TH St. SW B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R I APRIL 2 0 1 5 9 Southland Leisure Centre Southland Leisure Centre – 2000 Southland Dr. S.W. calgary.ca/leisurecentres 403-648-6550 A Physically Healthier Life: You Don’t Need January to Start You’ve made the resolutions, whether it is to eat healthier, start a fitness routine or both. Or perhaps it was on the advice of a medical professional. Either way, it’s never too late to start. Calgary Board of Education By-election • Eligible electors will vote to elect their Public School Board Trustee for Wards 11 & 13 on Monday, April 13, 2015. • You are eligible to vote if: o you are at least 18 years old; o are a Canadian citizen; o have resided in Alberta since October 13, 2014; o are a resident on Election Day; – Of the City of Calgary Ward 11 or 13; and – Of the Calgary Board of Education; and o provide one of the authorized pieces of identification. Research has shown that the time it takes for a new behaviour to become a habit is 66 days. But don’t let that dismay you from starting a fitness routine, results can be seen in as little as 2 weeks. Whatever it takes, find the incentive to get going and to keep moving and before you know it, you have developed a habit that will keep you looking good and feeling fantastic for life. All eligible electors can vote at the Advance Vote, April 2, 7 & 8. Family Easter Crafts and Cookies! – FREE Celebrate the Easter season at Southland Leisure Centre. Make Easter crafts for your family and friends and enjoy some light refreshments! Blind voter templates are available at the Advance Vote only. Age: All Ages +Adult April 2, Thursday If you can’t vote at the Advance Vote or on Election Day – request a Mail-in (Special) ballot or, if housebound due to injury, illness or disability, a special service to vote at home can be requested. A City of Calgary By-election brochure will be delivered to every household in Wards 11 & 13 in late March. 10 2015-0521 Visit Calgary.ca/election for more details or call 403-476-4100 (option 2). 09:30 am-11:30 am Drop-in 06:30 pm-08:30 pm Drop-in Friday Night Dance Party – April 24 from 7:15-10:00pm. Wednesday Soccer Drop-in Ball Hockey Drop-in Calgary AfterSchool South Calgary Youth Council (SCYC) Fridays, 7:30 to 10 p.m. Youth Night Volunteer Opportunities at Southland Leisure Centre Drop-in Playschool Drop-in Preschool Programs Drop-in Climbing and Gymnastics Drop-in Badminton and Basketball Every Sunday, 8 am to noon. Family Swim Babysitting Room Day Camps PD School Days Southland Leisure Centre Playschool APRIL 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities 2015-03-02 10:47 AM -0521 2015 By-Election: Gen Awarness Insertion Date: Monday, March 2/2015 Designer: N/A Spring in Fish Creek Provincial Park THE APRIL FISH CREEK SPEAKER SERIES The Healing Power of Nature – Naturopathic Medicine and a Healthy, Balanced Lifestyle Presented by Dr. Gayle Maguire, Member of the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors Thursday, April 16, 2015 - 7:00pm – 8:00pm Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre, Shannon Terrace, Fish Creek Provincial Park, 13931 Woodpath Rd. SW – Access via 130 Ave. SW and 37 St. SW Fish Creek Provincial Park is an amazing natural resource that provides a multitude of opportunities for physical activity throughout the year. Exercise and proper nutrition are essential components to a balanced lifestyle. It is important to have a balanced lifestyle to reduce the harmful effects of stress and maintain a healthy body and mind. At this presentation you will learn about the practice of Naturopathic Medicine and how it relates to nature and lifestyle. Naturopathic medicine has been gaining in popularity in recent years throughout the world. Naturopathic doctors treat patients by looking at the individual as a whole, including stress factors, nutrition and lifestyle. Naturopathic Doctors use lifestyle counseling, herbal medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture and other methods to help improve energy, sleep, mood, digestion and pain. Come to this presentation to learn more about naturopathic medicine and how it relates to a healthy balanced lifestyle. SPRING BIRDING COURSE. It’s not too late to register for the 12 week Spring Birding Course! Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or expert, this course will help you to identify the newly arriving migrant birds, and allow you to become familiar with the valuable bird habitat near you. The course will take place outdoors (2.5 - 3 hours) within Fish Creek Provincial Park, where you will see birds in varied habitats, from the spruce forest of Shannon Terrace in the west to the open waters of the Bow River in the east - as well as other natural areas within Calgary. As a fundraiser for the Friends of Fish Creek, these courses will once again be conducted by volunteer instructor and lifelong naturalist Gus Yaki - and other knowledgeable and experienced volunteer instructors. THE BEST OFFICE SPACE LOCATIONS IN DOWNTOWN CALGARY Western Corporate Business Centre has 70,000 square feet of premium furnished Calgary office space in the heart of the city’s business district. PLUMBER PLUMBOB For All Your Plumbing Needs Small Company Low Overhead, Great Rates Sewer and Drain Cleaning Free Estimates & Advice Hot Water Tank Specials Call Bob: 403.257.3465 / 403.461.3490 Gateway Mechanical 11808 - 24th Street SW (Woodbine Husky) Calgary, Alberta T2W 6G2 Tel: 403-251-7171 Fax: 403-251-7154 Email: gautopro@telus.net $20 off any service on your first visit With this Ad B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R I APRIL 2 0 1 5 11 12 $542,750 January 2015 $425,300 $410,000 December 2014 $439,900 $429,600 November 2014 $459,900 $455,800 October 2014 $447,416 $438,166 September 2014 $465,750 $452,083 August 2014 $462,712 $451,250 July 2014 $435,383 $431,000 June 2014 $476,800 $469,680 May 2014 $440,562 $434,900 April 2014 $450,357 $452,571 March 2014 $516,950 $512,500 Last 12 Months Braeside MLS Real Estate Number of Listings Stats No. New Properties No. Properties Sold February 2015 7 1 January 2015 3 3 December 2014 4 1 November 2014 2 3 October 2014 4 6 September 2014 9 6 August 2014 2 8 July 2014 10 6 June 2014 8 5 May 2014 8 6 April 2014 7 7 March 2014 6 2 Total 70 54 To view the specific SOLD Listings that comprise the above MLS averages please visit braeside.great-news.ca Need more info? Call the Community Office at 253-4232. WEEKLY PROGRAMS AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE Art Classes for Kids Braeside Karate Club Chinese Calligraphy Elm Dog Obedience School Fitness Boot Camp Foundation Baptist Church Moms and Tots Drop In Pathfinders Queens & Jacks Square Dance Club Senior Fitness Southwest Seniors Sparks Stained Glass Classes Taoist Tai Chi Society Fri 4:30 – 6:00 pm Thur 7:00 pm Wed 7:00 pm Tue evenings, times vary Thurs 5:30 pm Wed 7:00 pm Sun 10:00, 11:00, 6:00 Mon 10:00 – 11:30 APRIL 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities 403-236-9819 403-232-0228 403-568-0248 403-281-7937 403-542-9772 403-251-5920 Mon 7:00 pm 2nd and 4th Fri 7:30 – 10:00 pm Tue 10:00-11:00 am 403-253-4232 Thur 10:00 am – 2:00 pm 403-238-5444 403-225-1175 Thur 6:00 pm 403-589-2973 Wed 7:00 pm 403-240-4566 403-918-3421 403-251-1011 403-273-6062 26 Church Worship 11:00 Evening Fellowship 6:00 Average Sold Price 19 Church Worship 11:00 Evening Fellowship 6:00 $550,000 Air Brush Makeup Class Board Meeting Community Clean Up and Recycling Day Braeside Open House Board Meeting Community Clean Up Braeside Parade Board Meeting Stampede Breakfast Re-Paint the Pavement Trunk Sale Board Meeting Board Meeting Volunteer Appreciation Board Meeting Halloween Spooktacular Board Meeting Board Meeting 12 Church Worship 11:00 Evening Fellowship 6:00 February 2015 April 17 April 21 April 25 May 8 May 19 May 23 June 13 June 16 July 4 July 15 August 8 August 18 September 15 October 16 October 20 October 24 November 17 December 8 March 29 Church Worship, 11:00 Evening Fellowship 6:00 Average Asking Price THESE UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday Last 12 Months Braeside MLS Real Estate Sale Price Stats Seniors Fitness 10:00 Elm Dog Obedience UH 21 Before and After School Child Care Program Seniors Fitness 10:00 Elm Dog Obedience UH Board Meeting 7:00 Moms and Tots Drop In UH 10:00 Queens and Jacks UH 7:00 20 Before and After School Child Care Program Moms and Tots Drop In UH 10:00 Queens and Jacks UH 7:00 Seniors Fitness 10:00 Elm Dog Obedience UH Before and After School Child Care Program Before and After School Child Care Program Moms and Tots Drop In UH 10:00 Queens and Jacks UH 7:00 14 13 Before and After School Child Care Program Seniors Fitness 10:00 Elm Dog Obedience UH Moms and Tots Drop In UH 10:00 Queens and Jacks UH 7:00 28 Before and After School Child Care Program Before and After School Child Care Program Before and After School Child Care Program 8 7 6 27 Tai Chi UH 7:00 Chinese Calligraphy 7:00 Church 7:00 Seniors Fitness 10:00 Elm Dog Obedience UH Moms and Tots Drop In UH 10:00 Queens and Jacks UH 7:00 Yoga for Kids UH 5:30 Tai Chi UH 7:00 Chinese Calligraphy 7:00 Church 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 29 Tai Chi UH 7:00 Chinese Calligraphy 7:00 Church 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 22 Southwest Seniors UH 10:00 Stained Glass 6:00 Karate UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 30 Southwest Seniors UH 10:00 Stained Glass 6:00 Karate UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 23 Southwest Seniors UH 10:00 Stained Glass 6:00 Karate UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program Tai Chi UH 7:00 Chinese Calligraphy 7:00 Church 7:00 16 Before and After School Child Care Program Southwest Seniors UH 10:00 Stained Glass 6:00 Karate UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 9 Southwest Seniors UH 10:00 Stained Glass 6:00 Karate UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 2 Thursday 15 Tai Chi UH 7:00 Chinese Calligraphy 7:00 Church 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program Before and After School Child Care Program Before and After School Child Care Program 1 March 31 Wednesday Before and After School Child Care Program Tuesday March 30 Monday May 1 Art Class for Kids 4:30 Art Class for Kids 4:30 Queens and Jacks UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 24 Art Class for Kids 4:30 Air Brush Makeup Class 17 Art Class for Kids 4:30 Queens and Jacks UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 10 Friday Chinook Music Private Function Private Function Chinook Music May 2 Today - 9:00 – 2:00 18 11 4 Saturday COMMUNITY APRIL COMMUNITY CALENDAR CALENDAR 2015/16 EVENTS MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR APRIL 2015 Braeside Real Estate Update B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R I APRIL 2 0 1 5 13 The 401 Woodcreek SCOUTS CANADA Scouts Group The first day of spring was just around the corner on March 20th! This year we have been very fortunate to enjoy a relatively mild winter so far. Here hoping it will continue however I hope that you can still get out to enjoy some tobogganing, skating and other winter activities before it all melts away. February was a very important month in Scouting. ‘Robert Baden-Powell, the Founder of Scouting, was born on February 22, 1857 in London, England. Members of Scouting from around the world celebrate this date as Baden-Powell Day. Canada celebrates Scout-Guide Week from the Sunday before February 22 until the Sunday after. At this time, members of Scouts Canada and Girl Guides of Canada plan and hold special activities to promote our Movements. Scout-Guide Week 2015 takes place from February 15 – 22.’ Woodcreek Scouts group celebrated this special day with a Baden-Powell banquet night where the Venturers did an excellent job on a power point presentation. All of our sections have been busy and having a ton of fun as usual. The highlights from last month for the Beavers had to be the great night making sock puppets and then taking turns putting on a puppet show. They enjoyed another fun weekend camp this time at the Calgary Zoo! Building wooden bumble bees and race cars were other highlights. Another recent family activity that was very popular was a tobogganing day which thankfully was warm and sunny. The Cubs enjoyed a weekend dinosaur camp in Drumheller in February. They also enjoyed a side trip to visit the Reptile World where they watched many of the reptiles feeding. The Cubs worked hard to earn their new prehistoric badge. Another recent event was their Disability Awareness Night where they learned braille and signing and about the many challenges faced by the disabled. Next they will be learning all about aboriginals at an Aboriginal Awareness Night. A big exciting event coming up for them is the annual cub car races. 14 The highlight for the Scouts in February had to be the ski trip to Castle Mountain. Other recent activities they enjoyed were laser tag, badge work nights, tobogganing and snowshoeing. The Venturer group recently enjoyed a day at the Calgary Shooting Centre. They invited their friends from the 207 St Patrick’s to attend for a couple of hours of shooting hand revolvers and rifles. They joined the Scouts and invited the 207 St Patrick’s group on the weekend ski trip to Castle Mountain. This will have been their 5th annual trip! There is a very exciting event coming up this summer that I would like to mention. The Canadian Pacific Jamboree is held every 4 years and participation is open to all youth of Scout age who are registered members of Scouts Canada. It will be held from July 11-18, 2015 in Camp Barnard in Sooke, BC. We have approximately six youth, two Venturers, three leaders and two advisors attending so far. I will be posting more information on this wonderful camp adventure in the coming months. Here is an excerpt from the website to give you a quick peek at what they will enjoy. “Your Salish Sea Adventure begins with a stunning, scenic 95 minute BC Ferries voyage from the Tsawwassen ferry terminal, across the Strait of Georgia and past the Gulf Islands to Swartz Bay ferry terminal on Vancouver Island. You will travel south along the Saanich Peninsula, where you’ll enjoy views of the Olympic Mountains and the Strait of Juan de Fuca to Victoria and then onto the west coast of the island to the beautiful town of Sooke. Nestled between the majestic old growth forests and awe-inspiring beaches of the Pacific Ocean coastline, Sooke is renowned for its rich cultural heritage. It offers unlimited opportunities for outdoor adventures and unforgettable experiences, a truly West Coast experience.” If anyone has any bottles they would like to donate to the group towards the Pacific Jamboree please call Scouter Chris at 403-249-5848 anytime for pick up. A warm thank you to our wonderful supporters, the Woodcreek Community Association and our Local Lions Club. If you would like you kids to be a part of our Group or if you are interested in becoming a leader please call our Group Commissioner Jason Wudkevich at 403-992-2796 it’s never too late to join. APRIL 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Braeside Community’s On-Going Used Book Sale Drop by the Centre to see our new bookshelves featuring children’s books, paperbacks, hard covers, and magazines. ALL ITEMS $1.00 OR LESS Get the Body You Want! 12 WEEKS AFTER BEFORE COOLSCULPTING hCG Rapid Weight Loss Program Calgary’s only Medically Supervised hCG Program includes: Proceeds help offset the cost to host special events throughout the year. Book donations also gratefully accepted at the community centre. • Weekly visits, hCG & 6 weeks maintenance! • Metabolic Testing & Fat Burning Injections • Medical history review & lab testing Benefits of our CleanStart hCG program: • An average weight loss from ½ lb to 1 lb per day • Resets your metabolism & Reduces your appetite • NOT a starvation diet • No loss of muscle or structural fat • Lose the weight and keep it off! Thank you for your support! Ready to increase your home’s curb appeal? Whether you need a border between your grass and existing garden or thinking of creating a new garden Kilbo can help. With a variety of colors, stamps and profiles, landscape curbing is a cost effective and practical solution to residential and commercial properties. It will beautify your landscape and add value to your property. It will not rust, rot or shift, and there are no seams for weeds to grow through. Facial Aesthetics Reduce Wrinkles, Increase Eyelash Thickness, Healthy Looking Skin Available here: Travel Vaccinations We offer ALL Travel Vaccinations, including: Hepatitis A/B, Yellow Fever, Tetanus A305, 1600 - 90th Ave SW Need your concrete re-sealed? Kilbo can also re-seal existing curb, driveways, and walkways to bring back that brand new look. For more info or to book a free consultation Call 403-452-5699 Today! Free Estimates 403-875-8463 www.GlenmoreHealthcare.com B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R I APRIL 2 0 1 5 15 SouthWest Communities Resource Centre Located in the Professional Wing of the Oakridge Co-Op Mall #42 2580 Southland Drive SW T2V 4J8 Phone: 403-238-9222 Email: info@swcrc.ca www.swcrc.ca National Volunteer Week – Thank you to all SWCRC Volunteers “Volunteers are part of the ripple effect” is the theme of National Volunteer Week, April 12-18. The staff of the SWCRC thanks all of our incredible volunteers for the time and effort that they contribute to our organization and for the ripple effect that this creates through our community. Our volunteers perform a variety of tasks; sharing their talents on our Board of Directors; being a friendly face and voice at our reception desk; helping tutor students during Tutoring Tuesday’s; minding and playing with the children at Parent Talk. Special skill volunteers share their knowledge with seniors at our Mastering the Mouse classes, help us keep our office spic and span, and put in late hours at our casino. The ripple effect is felt throughout the organization and the 28 communities that we serve. We could not do it without you! Thank you! Braeside Community Association invites you to our first ... • identify the strengths and resources you already have • provide information about, and referrals to, other available resources, programs and services • help you “navigate the system” Neighbours Helping Neighbours Some of the families in our communities are struggling financially and need baby and personal hygiene items. We received many donations in 2014 that we were able to pass on to grateful clients. It means a lot to people to know that other people in their community care about them and wish them well. Our staff and clients thank you for your thoughtfulness. If you would like to drop off a donation at the SWCRC, this is what we need at this time: • Sizes 3 to 6 diapers • Shampoo (children and adults) • Women’s deodorant Mastering the Mouse Wednesdays, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm OR 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the SWCRC Looking for free classes to brush up on your computer skills? We have a friendly and experienced computer tutor who teaches basic computer skills to seniors and any others who need help and live in our service area. To register, call Lori, our Volunteer Specialist, at 238-9222 ext. 223. Can you help? There is a group of seniors who enjoy knitting mitts, scarves, toques, and afghans. They donate them to nursing homes and various facilities in need of such items. If you have leftover wool that you no longer need and would like to donate it, kindly drop it off at the Community Centre. For more information, please call the Community office at 403-253-4232. Join us on Friday, May 8 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm for our first Community Open House. Do you have questions or ideas about the future of your community association and what programs you might like to see? Do you know what is presently offered at your Community Centre? Did you know that in 2017 Braeside will be celebrating its 50th birthday? Stop by for a cup of coffee and a chat and share your ideas with us. We hope to have representation from the City of Calgary Councillor’s office, Animal and By-Law Services, SouthWest Seniors Group, Braeside Before & After School Care, and more. We also hope to have representatives in attendance who might have information available on the proposed changes to secondary suites in Ward 11 as well as the potential impact of the re-zoning of the Fitness Plus property on Braeside Drive. Tutoring Tuesdays Tuesday evenings, 6:00 – 7:30 pm at the SWCRC Qualified volunteer tutors assist students with homework, study skills and test preparation. Registration is on-going throughout the school year. To register, call Lori, our Volunteer Specialist at 403-238-9222 ext. 223. Connecting you to the Resources you Need You live in one of the 28 communities served by the SWCRC. If you are in need of information or resources, or if you are facing a challenging situation of any kind and you aren’t sure how to move forward, please call us at 403-238-9222 to make an appointment with one of our Community Resource Workers. Our two Community Resource Workers are social workers who will: • sit down and talk with you for an extended period of time • provide supportive counseling • help you assess your situation 16 A father sea catfish keeps the eggs of his young in his mouth until they are ready to hatch. He will not eat until his young are born, which may take several weeks. APRIL 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R I APRIL 2 0 1 5 17 BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS YO U ’ R E I N V I T E D ! For Business Classified Ad Rates Call Great News Publishing at 403 263-3044 or sales@great-news.ca NEIGHBOURHOOD CONFLICT? Community Mediation Calgary Society (CMCS) is a no cost mediation and conflict coaching service that can help you resolve problems and restore peace! We help neighbours be neighbours again! www. communitymediation.ca, 403-269-2707. BRYAN’S PLUMBING & HEATING: Master plumber, gasfitter, 30 years of experience. Fully licensed and insured. Repairs, renovations, faucet replacements and hot water tanks (great prices). Poly B replacement, free estimates, free advice and senior discounts. Call Bryan 403-560-6547 or brenmak@ telus.net. CONDO RECYCLING SOLUTIONS: Get your recycling program started for your condo or office early! We have provided recycling options since 2003! Free quotes. Call 403-680-7557 TODAY! www.condorecycling.com. ACCOUNTABILITY BY MARTHA - PERSONAL & CORPORATE TAX SPECIALIST: Call today to file your 2014 Income Tax Return. Conveniently located in Calgary's SW. Competitive pricing and maximum refund guaranteed. Se habla Español! On parle Français! English too! Call 403-281-6910 or Email: AccountAbility@Shaw.ca. SISTERS BOOKKEEPING: Do you want to spend more time enjoying life, less time working on your bookkeeping? We have over 30 years of experience in all aspects of accounting. Whether you need occasional or regular help, we are available. We have experience with a wide variety of accounting programs. Competitive rates. Contact Cindy at cgelhorn@telus.net or 403-604-0789. K2 BOOKEEPING Are you too busy to keep up with your bookkeeping? Experienced bookkeeper now accepting new clients. Specializing in small to medium sized business. Twelve years of experience with QuickBooks and Simply accounting, GST, Payroll, WCB Filing, T4 Filing, and competitive rates. Phone Katie 403-870-0737. ALTERATIONS AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING SERVICE IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD! Experienced seamstress and designer could help you with all your clothing adjustments. Wedding, bridesmaids, and graduation dresses included. Great service, quality and prices - guaranteed. Custom made cushions, curtains, bedding. Location is: 10836 Brae Rd. SW. By appointment only at 403512-9727 or 403-516-6133. ~continued on page 20~ 18 APRIL 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities 55+ CLUB Enjoy coffee, fun, fellowship, and dancing to a live band every Thursday morning! Singles and couples, dancers and non-dancers are all welcome to this community group. Drop by – we’re looking forward to meeting you! Braeside Community Centre 11024 Braeside Drive SW Thursdays, 10:30 – 12:00 noon For detailed info please call Norma at 403-246-3763 Crafting group for women of all ages seeking more participants. Previous experience or skills not required. This is a great place to LEARN a new craft. Wednesdays from 9 to11 at McDougall United Church. Current crafts: quilting, knitting, card making. Babysitting is provided and all participants contribute towards this; this is a non-religious/denominational group. Drop-in is available, but session blocks are preferred. For information contact Lori or Lee at 403 252 1620. e Medical Ce d i s n e a tr e CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS, DOORS & FLOORS: New openings or enlargements cut into foundation for basement windows and doors. Enlarge your existing basement windows to meet fire code for bedrooms, from cutting basement windows, doorways to supply and install quality windows, window-well, weeping-tile, core drilling, excavation and anything concrete cutting. Call 403-570-0555 or text 403-680-0611. Email: info@asapconcretecutting.com. HIGH GRADE LANDSCAPING: Offering weekly lawn maintenance, spring/fall cleanups (for weekly maintenance customers), aerate, fertilizer applications and snow removal. Installation of landscape fabric, wood chips, loam and crushed rock products. 19 years experience. Licensed, reliable, courteous service. Oakridge resident. Please call Brian at 403-863-4298. Join the Southwest Br NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD: Qualified journeymen plumbers/gasfitters, very experienced in Braeside. Upfront pricing. Reliable, conscientious, fully guaranteed. Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 24 hour emergency service call 403255-7938. “Showering you with great service.” A PHYSICIAN IS ALWAYS ON DUTY SUTURES ALLERGY SHOTS ASTHMA TREATMENTS MINOR SURGERY MINOR EMERGENCIES WART TREATMENTS BONE DENSITOMETRY X-RAY WOMEN’S WELLNESS CLINIC: PAP TESTS & BREAST EXAMS PRENATAL CARE #111, 1919 SOUTHLAND DRIVE SW WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE REFERRALS WALK-IN PATIENTS WELCOME 7 DAYS A WEEK 403.258.2133 B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R I APRIL 2 0 1 5 19 BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS SOUTHWOOD CALGARY 924 Southland Dr SW PUBLIC 403-260-2600 • calgarylibrary.ca LIBRARY Mon - Thur 10:00 am - 9:00 pm • Fri & Sat 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sun (mid-Sept to mid-May) 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Interested in learning a new language? Check out Mango Languages on our website calgarylibrary.ca. Over 60 languages, from Arabic to Yiddish. SUMMER IS COMING! Get your yard ready for the beautiful days ahead. Now booking for spring clean ups. Power rake, aerate, fertilize. Weekly or occasional lawn cuts while you are on holidays. Flower bed clean up, planting and/ or maintenance or projects. Locally owned and operated since 2007. Please call Brenda at 403615-7199. ONGOING PROGRAMS Drop In Family Storytime Drop in for stories, songs and finger plays the whole family can enjoy. Ages 2 to 5 with a parent/caregiver. Saturdays, January 10 to April 25, 10:15 - 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays, January 7 to April 29, 10:15 - 10:45 a.m. Drop In LEGO Club Join us to build, create and explore! LEGO provided. Sundays, January 4 to May 10 (No program on April 5), 2 - 3 p.m. Eavestrough cleaning/repairs/installs Gutter clean & fix/Fascia/Soffit Downspouts/Drip-edge/Leak repairs UPCOMING PROGRAMS Pyjama Storytime Snuggle into your jammies and join us for sleepy stories, lullabies and finger plays for the whole family. Ages 2 to 5 with a parent/caregiver Thursday, April 23 7 - 7:30 p.m. 20 Everything’s Coming Up Springtime Skip or splash your way to springtime stories and rhymes for the whole family. Ages 2 to 5 with a parent/caregiver Thursday, April 16 10:15 - 10:45 a.m. Register on-line, in-person or phone. 5 4 3 2 6 1 7 8 9 9 1 7 5 3 8 6 4 2 2 8 6 4 7 9 1 3 5 7 2 1 9 5 4 8 6 3 4 6 8 3 2 7 5 9 1 3 5 9 1 8 6 4 2 7 1 7 4 8 9 2 3 5 6 8 3 2 6 1 5 9 7 4 ‘Compared to what?’” 6 9 5 7 4 3 2 1 8 – Sydney Harris “When I hear somebody sigh, ‘Life is hard,’ I am always tempted to ask, APRIL 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities MLA CALGARY – GLENMORE LINDA JOHNSON A208, 1600 – 90 Avenue SW (Glenmore Landing) (403) 216-5421 Calgary.glenmore@assembly.ab.ca FB: LindaJohnsonMLA Twitter:@ LindaJohnsonMLA Web: ljohnson.mypcmla.ca Hello – It is hard to believe how fast time has passed since I became your MLA in the last provincial election. Thank you to everyone who voted and continues to participate in the public discussion regarding the future of Alberta. I continue to be amazed by the variety and depth of queries that I become involved with as your MLA. One of my favourite tasks as an MLA is researching and talking to experts about issues and questions that are brought to me by constituents. You keep me on my toes! Thank you to those of you who gave up a beautiful Sunday afternoon to attend the Budget Consultation in Haysboro on February 22nd. It was wonderful to see so many new faces and I sincerely appreciated hearing the various points of view regarding Alberta’s financial situation. By the time you receive this newsletter, the 2015 Budget will have been tabled and we will know the outcome of the conversations that were held with thousands of Albertans. I sincerely thank those of you who took the time to complete the on-line survey. I am confident that Premier Prentice is listening to the views and opinions of the constituents in Calgary-Glenmore. A few questions were asked about how to find information about government departments. The www.alberta.ca website contains an enormous amount of information. Some of the items available include: • full budgets for every department and Ministry • Actual spending and revenues for each department and Ministry • The $ amount given to each school board in Alberta • The waiting list for types of surgeries and individual surgeons in Alberta • Public disclosure of all travel and expenses by Department staff and officials • Alberta Work Search (ALIS) which connects employers to potential employees In addition, www.Assembly.ab.ca provides: • Information on the status of all Bills in the Assembly • The ability to watch question period live when the Assembly is in Session and the ability to listen to all committee meetings (past or live) • Transcripts of all discussion in the House • MLA spending reports (for each individual MLA) and compensation If you are looking for information and you can’t find it, please call the office to speak with Kim or Pam. They use the website constantly and they may be able to find what you are looking for. Save the date: my 3rd annual BBQ will be held on June 20th at South Glenmore Park from noon to 2pm. Hope to see you there! COUNCILLOR’S REPORT BRIAN PINCOTT WARD 11 www.ward11calgary.ca As the days get longer and hopefully warmer it’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning again! The City of Calgary and the community associations within it are no different in this regard, and have a number of upcoming events to help get everything back in order. Check the website for your local community association and see if they have an event planned to tidy up your neighbourhood. If you’d like to organize something yourself you can pick up The Litter Cleanup Kit (TLC Kit) at any point during the year from the Southland Leisure Centre, which is supplied by the City of Calgary Parks department and contains supplies for ten people. Then fill in the form on the City of Calgary website (www.calgary.ca/CSPS/Parks/Pages/Volunteer/tlckits.aspx) and City staff will come and remove the trash you’ve gathered. Be a steward for your neighbourhood and help keep Ward 11 beautiful! Volunteer registration is also open until midApril for the City of Calgary’s Pathway and River Cleanup scheduled to take place on Sunday, May 3. This year marks the 48th annual event and the 2900 volunteers will cover approximately 200km of river pathways, many of which flow through our ward! Anyone aged 12 or older who is fit and willing to get dirty is welcome, but those between 12-16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Join the thousands of Calgarians who have participated in this inspiring event and show your community spirit! As always, I encourage constituents of Ward 11 to contact me with any questions or concerns. I email out information regarding upcoming events, City programs and opportunities to provide input into the City’s public engagement programs relevant to Ward 11 residents. Due to the new anti-spam laws you need to specifically request our email updates; you can sign up at anytime by emailing my office at ward11@calgary.ca. I also encourage you to visit my website, www.ward11calgary.ca, for additional information that may be of interest to you. B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R I APRIL 2 0 1 5 21 8 Annual Braeside Summer Parade th Schools out, Summer is here... Let's have a Parade! You are invited! WHERE? In and around Braeside Community, of course! WHEN? Saturday, June 13, 2015. Meet at 11:00 a.m., parade starts at noon! *Meet at the “Starting” line at 11:00 a.m. and we will end at the Community Centre for a delicious BBQ. Sound like fun? Fill out an entry application and let’s get started. Applications are available in this Braeside Bulletin or call the Community Centre to get one. If you have any questions about what kind of entry is acceptable, give us a call at 403-253-4232 or via email at: braecom@ telusplanet.net. Fun Ways to Participate: Best Dressed Bicycle, Best Dressed Pet, Best Dressed Car (or Loudest Car), Coolest Sports Team, Vintage Vehicles, Decorated Floats, Dance Teams, Aliens, Crazy Costumes, and the list goes on! Remember, what’s a parade without some noise?! Enter your decorated bike in the “Best Dressed Bicycle Contest” or dress up the family pet and win the “Best Dressed Pet” contest. Wear your team uniform, throw around a baseball or show us your ball hockey moves while walking the parade. We invite Marching bands, colour guards, Girl Guides, Scouts, Seniors, Vintage vehicles, you name it! How about decorating and entering a float? Planning is underway; don’t miss this family fun summer event! If you can volunteer a couple of hours on that day to assist in this event, we would love to have you. Please let our Community Coordinator know you are interested. Email: braecom@telusplanet.net. Phone: 403-253-4232. ½ 06 Parade Application Parade Application Braeside Community Parade Application Parade Day: Saturday, June 13, 2015 Name of Individual/Group: ___________________________Age (if under 18):_____ Group Contact:__________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Telephone: Day____________ Evening _____________ Cell____________________ Email______________________________ Community Member: No____ Yes_____ Type of entry: Please describe your entry in the space provided 1. FLOAT/TRUCK/CARS*________________________________________________ *Proof of Liability Insurance will be required. 2. MUSIC GROUPS______________________________________________________ 3. COLOR GUARD______________________________________________________ 4. GROUPS OR TEAMS__________________________________________________ 5. YOUTH/BIKES/PETS/OPEN____________________________________________ 6. MISCELLANEOUS____________________________________________________ All Parade participants will receive a free hot dog and drink after the Parade I have read and fully understand the Rules and Regulations for participation in the Braeside Community Association Parade. I fully understand that Braeside Community Association accepts no liability for any injuries or bodily harm done to me. Additionally, if I am choosing to enter my pet in the parade, I accept all responsibility for its behaviour. START Signature: ________________________________ Date__________________ END Parent or Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________ Email application to: braecom@telusplanet.net or drop off your application at the Community Centre. If you have any questions regarding the application, deadline date, entry or just want additional information, please call 403-253-4232. 22 APRIL 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R I APRIL 2 0 1 5 23 IMPORTANT NUMBERS COMMUNITY 911 SAFETYSYNC ONLINE SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM “An effective health and safety management system can help prevent losses, reduce costs and provide evidence of due diligence.” Enform IRP 9 (Revised) safetysync.com 403.668.6402 24 APRIL 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities 403.205.4455 403.537.7100 403.266.6200 403.705.3250 1.800.242.3447 311 403.705.3250 403.705.3246 403.269.2707 1.877.262.4997 403.299.7878 403.237.0654 DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflect those of the Braeside Community Association and Great News Publishing. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so. The Braeside Community Association and Great News Publishing do not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter. Publication of these ads should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services. VOLUNTEERING is good for the soul fo ea m r th ch o iss nt e n mo ue h’s ex nth t 1. Apply for Employment Insurance right away, even if you don’t have your record of employment, and if you have received severance pay. You have 28 days to apply for EI if you wait longer it will affect the length of your benefits and the size of your weekly payments. 2. Make sure you send in all the required documents, any delays will lengthen the time you wait to receive benefits. 3. If you are denied benefits, submit a request for reconsideration within 30 days of the day you were informed of the decision. People make mistakes, and you need to make sure the decision made is a correct one. If it is denied again, you can appeal to the Social Security Tribunal. You have 30 days to appeal a decision. 4. There is a two-week waiting period where you will not receive benefits. 5. You must be ready, willing and able to accept work. 6. You have to report every two weeks. 7. EI requires you to keep track of your job search activities. Your claim could be audited, and you must have the job search handy. Two or more search activities per business day is a minimum recommendation. You will only need to present the job search if asked. 8. You must report any absences from Canada. You are not eligible for benefits when you are outside of Canada, with a few exceptions. 403.955.7211 403.944.1110 403.943.4555 403.943.3000 403.955.6200 403.943.9300 403.956.1111 Free announcements: lost/found, household items for sale, wanted, garage sale, student/senior services, etc. Forty word limit st With the downturn in the economy and the large number of people being laid off here is some information on applying for Employment Insurance (EI). Deadline – 1st of each month for the next month’s publication Contact news@great-news.ca of Seniors Fitness Program will Resume in January Seniors Fitness will resume on Tuesdays, starting January 13, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. and will continue through April 2015. This is a FREE drop in program - no registration is required. Please note: The maximum number of participants per class is 40. The goal of this program is to help older adults maintain physical function, mobility, strength, and balance so they are less likely to fall. It provides exercise classes that improve strength and balance and help to prevent falls for at risk seniors in the community. Classes are led by a City of Calgary certified older adult fitness instructor and consist of warm up, cardiovascular, muscle strength, flexibility and relaxation exercises which help to improve strength and balance. Participants go at their own speed, participating in sitting and standing exercises using a variety of equipment including balls, exercise bands and light weights. Fitness progress is checked for evaluation. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ed Co ito nt ria en l t Program at Braeside Alexander Shevalier 403.253.5250 403.310.0000 1.866.332.2322 403.245.7222 403.943.5465 403.266.1234 403.234.7233 1.800.387.5437 1.800.668.6868 403.270.3463 403.266.4357 1.800.332.1414 403.944.1414 1.800.784.2433 b te rae lu co sp m la @ ne t.n et Employment Insurance Seniors Fitness Tips ALL EMERGENCY CALLS Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre Alberta Health Care AHS Addictions Hotline ATCO Gas – 24 Hour Emergency Calgary HEALTH LINK 24/7 Calgary Police – Non Emergency Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter Child Abuse Hotline Kids Help Line Child Find – Alberta Distress/Crisis Line ENMAX – Power Trouble Poison Centre - Alberta Suicide Crisis Line HOSPITALS / URGENT CARE Alberta Children’s Hospital Foothills Hospital Peter Lougheed Centre Rockyview General Hospital Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre South Calgary Urgent Care Health Centre South Health Campus OTHER Calgary Humane Society Calgary Parking Authority (Towed/Abandoned Vehicles etc.) Calgary Seniors’ Resource - SeniorConnect Elder Abuse Resource Line (65+) Call Before You Dig (Buried Utilities) City of Calgary Elder Abuse Resource Line (65+) Kerby Centre for the 55 plus Neighbour Mediation Hotline Road Conditions – Calgary Weather Information Gamblers Anonymous Published by: Proudly serving Braeside for 4 years! ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS NOW! REACHING OVER 375,000 HOUSEHOLDS ACROSS 135 CALGARY COMMUNITIES DELIVERED BY Canada Post Phone: 403-263-3044 I sales@great-news.ca B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R I APRIL 2 0 1 5 25 Braeside Moms and Tots Nursery Rhyme Song and Movement Grace 15 587-888-2423 Yes Henry 14 403-719-8282 Yes Jane 49 403-467-3607 Yes Jayce 14 403-478-2704 Yes Joel 13 403-251-9825 Yes Jonahley 50 403-837-6348 Yes Julianna 15 403-604-0034 Yes Kaitlynn 15 403-874-4034 Yes Katrina 14 403-919-3138 Yes Kelsea 22 403-370-7170 Yes Lorraine 57 587-352-5337 Yes Come and sing nursery rhyme favourites with your little ones. Starting September, Mondays from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. at Braeside Community Centre. $3.00 per family. Madison 21 403-818-3544 Yes Maya 13 587-896-1136 Yes For more information, or to find out how you can be involved, please contact Sarah at 403-918-3421. This is a not-for-profit venture, so please come and support your local community. Melanie 13 403-685-8090 Yes Michelle 13 403-256-4366 Yes Michelle 30 403-923-5111 Yes Michelle 21 403-926-5166 No Miranda 16 403-829-3995 Yes Nia 16 403-991-8045 Yes Petra 12 403-589-3173 Yes Braeside Name Age Contact Course Raven 12 403-460-0307 Yes Abigail 17 705-706-4338 No Rhys 14 403-399-7509 Yes Avelyn 20 587-891-8324 Yes Salma 37 403-252-5052 Yes Avi 40 587-897-0789 Yes Sam 14 403-287-3740 Yes Celine 64 403-815-7858 No Samantha 13 403-607-7148 No Christoph 23 587-998-6172 Yes Sarah 15 403-998-9639 No Denisse 15 587-582-1799 No Sheridan 13 403-238-6685 Yes Elizabeth 12 403-281-2808 Yes Sonya 19 403-389-5921 Yes Emilia 15 403-251-2013 Yes Emily 12 403-667-5394 Yes Eugene 17 403-703-4488 No Calling All BABYSITTERS Enroll free at mybabysitter.ca and choose the Calgary communities you would like to babysit in. Garrett 16 403-708-7312 Yes 26 Calling All PARENTS Visit mybabysitter.ca and find available babysitters in and around your community. Disclaimer: We recommend for your own peace of mind that references be checked when choosing your babysitter. This babysitter list is provided as a service to the community and is governed by the terms & conditions outlined at mybabysitter.ca. APRIL 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Register Now www.ClimbforWilderness.ca 1732 34 AVE SW CALGARY, AB T2T 2B6 PH. 403-460-2211 FAX.403-592-6762 INFO@THEHOMEHUNTERS.COM WWW.THEHOMEHUNTERS.COM HAYSBORO BEAUTY SELLING YOUR HOME? BE PREPARED! LD To make selling your home a smoother process, it is a good idea to be well prepared and the following suggestions should help! SO 98 Hallbrook Drive SW Sale price $615,000 – 12 Days on Market WE MAKE YOU #1 1. Create Space - buyers are usually looking for more space. Consider removing unnecessary furniture & cleaning out your closets, storage rooms & your garage. 2. Freshen Up - once you have cleared up any clutter, paint & touch-up with a neutral color such. This will cover over old marks & freshen up your home. 3. Fix it Up - buyers want to move into a house where all mechanical systems are fully functional. Have your furnace/air conditioner cleaned plus fix any plumbing leaks. 4. First Impressions – be sure that your home looks appealing from the street. In winter, shovel & clean your walks. In summer, cut your lawn, trim shrubs, trees & plant some flowers in the beds for color. Curb appeal is important! Contact The Home Hunters Real Estate Group for more helpful tips. Market Stats – as at March 5, 2015 Single Family homes in Braeside: 8 active listings - average list price $505,937 4 sold listings since Jan 1 - average sale price $443,187 with 14 days on market Condominiums in Braeside 20 active listings - average list price $264,074 6 sold listings since Jan 1 - average sale price $240,041 with 38 days on market (Statistics based on CREB MLS System listings as at March 5, 2015) STEVE HUNTER GRANT HUNTER RANDY KEYLOCK For expert real estate advice with personalized Service & Attention to Every Detail, Call The Home Hunters Real Estate Group! Did you know using the professional services of a mortgage broker costs you NOTHING? Banks pay brokers who will canvass the market for your mortgage! Contact my office: Brayco Financial 403.259.4077 gerry@brayco.ca | www.brayco.ca Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/braycofinancial Gerry Bray
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