Sea Cliff Scene April 2015 moving to be closer to family in Orange County. They are long-term residents of Sea Cliff and will definitely be missed. As a board member, Carroll always tried to keep us on the right path, making sure we do things properly, and he has been a tenacious and passionate advocate of what he felt was a proper and appropriate interpretation of the bylaws, CC&Rs, and Rules and Regulations. Please note that in order to make the Board meetings more available to our younger residents, we have shifted the public meeting to begin at 4 PM so that those who work hopefully can attend. The shift in time will begin with the April meeting. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by Alan Newman Where did everybody go? We went from 40+ homeowners last month to eight this month. If I subtract directors’ spouses and chairpersons we had only two other members attend. We could assume nobody cares, nothing we do matters, or that everyone is now so satisfied with our actions that there is no need to attend. After careful thought and analysis, we concluded that it had to be the latter explanation as the only reasonable explanation and we therefore thank you for your agreement and support. Honestly, the Board has received a number of actual accolades this past month for which we really do thank you. We are all volunteers doing the best we can and most of you appreciate the effort even if you don’t agree with all our decisions. This month we updated the Paint Project. The clubhouse, pavilion, and phase 1 began this March 16. We look for completion within 2015. We also approved replacement of the visitor gate, and it should be installed by the time you are reading this article. The only sad news from the meeting was the formal resignation of Carroll Smith from the HOA Board, effective at the end of our meeting in March. Carroll and Bonnie have sold their home and are ******* CANDIDATES’ STATEMENTS received from Ron Cannizzo, Bob Coates and Stan Haynes are found, in their original form, on the last page. ******* 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING SUMMARY OF ACTION March 11, 2015 The Sea Cliff Summary is informational only and has not been subject to Board approval. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Board Members Present: President, Alan Newman; Vice President, Jim Sevier; CFO, Bob Coates; Secretary, Carroll Smith; Director-at-Large, Stan Haynes Lindsay Management Services: Kathy Wright; Barb Palmer; and approximately 7 members in attendance. MINUTES & FINANCE REPORTS Minutes- Approved the minutes of February 18, 2015 as amended. Finance reports – The Financials ending January 31, 2015 were approved as amended, subject to audit. COMMITTEE REPORTS Architectural - The Architectural Committee reported nine new windows were approved for one unit. A second request for a steel garage door was approved pending a first coat of paint be applied prior to PrimeCo painting the final coat. PrimeCo has found that many utility closet doors are in need of replacement. The Architectural Committee asked PrimeCo what material they will be using and are awaiting an answer. PrimeCo has replaced some already and the committee will inspect them. Enhancement – The Enhancement Committee reported that they had a big turnout for Tuesday’s Clubhouse Happy Hour. The next event is the Spring Fling on Saturday, March 14, 2015. Finance - The Finance Committee reported the CFO reinvested a $100,000.00 CD into a 2 step plan, earning 1% the 1st year, 1 ½ % the 2nd year, up to 5% for the last year. Lakes – The Lakes Committee reported they are keeping an eye on a small leak in the gunite liner of the lake by Bridge #3. The Lakes Committee will be working directly with the pump vendor to look into a sensor and control system that senses water pressure for adequate flow that will automatically shut down if there’s blockage in the skimmers. Landscape – The Landscape Committee reported that the new Supervisor, Amado, is now joining on the walkthroughs and is gaining a better understanding of Sea Cliff and fine tuning the maintenance. With the assistance of Jim Lang and Ernest Tassoni, the 8 new Toro rotary nozzles are producing 20% more efficiency in water savings as opposed to the misting nozzles. There is a 5 year warranty on the Toro nozzles. The Landscape Committee voted to add another $7,000.00 in Toro nozzles with a $2,000.00 rebate. Treebeard has been instructed to order them with a final cost not to exceed $5,000.00. Toro is available to troubleshoot when needed. The replacement Orchid tree has not arrived yet, but it will be installed at the tennis court area when it arrives. A multi-trunked Metrosideros has been planted. The Landscape Committee will be choosing postage stamp areas on Lantana as a prototype to remove the grass and tree roots and replace with low spreading plants such as Juniper, or beach rocks with the owners’ input. Maintenance - The Maintenance Committee expressed concern regarding the peeling white stripes on steps in various areas. They will be obtaining a bid to repaint the stripes. The Maintenance Committee will be replacing Lamppost #6 bulbs with LED bulbs for a cost of $415.00 per bulb. These bulbs have a much longer lifespan. #10 bulb is a potential for LED replacement since it is intermittent. The Maintenance Committee recommends three areas at the kiosks be covered where trash receptacle were removed. A big thank you to John Heying for the excellent job he does re-strapping the pool chairs. Pools & Spas - The Pools Committee reported that they are getting bids to spruce up the interior of the north and south pool equipment rooms. They were asked to not replace the warped drywall. There will be new pots and color plantings installed in the north and south pool areas. Public Affairs – No report was given. Tennis – The Tennis Committee did not have a report. Welcome - The Welcome Committee will be greeting 6 new owners and 6 new tenants. A reminder for owners to register their new tenants with Lindsay Management was given. Ad-Hoc Committee - The Ad Hoc Committee did not have a report. EXECUTIVE SESSION SUMMARY: Proposal to paint the interior of the north and south pool equipment rooms was reviewed. Proposal submitted by Builders Automation to replace the damaged front gate was approved contingent on the Board President’s discussion with owner, Rob Carr. ??? Legal items were discussed. LMS Violation Log was reviewed. Vehicle Permit Log was reviewed. Correspondence Submitted was reviewed. THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE CLUBHOUSE AT 4:00 PM. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015. NOTE: This is an informational summary of Board actions. Complete Board of Director meeting & Committee minutes are available for review in the Clubhouse following approval. ******* GENERAL INFORMATION Board Meetings Times are Changed – In order to attract a larger audience, the Board has changed the time it meets for its Regular Monthly Meetings. Starting in April, the (closed) Executive Session will start at 3 PM and the (open) Regular Meeting will start at 4 PM. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Paint Project Status - The wood replacement project has begun in phases. PrimeCo will be painting the clubhouse on March 16, 2015, then the pavilion and units on Heather. Street Coating was tabled. Improvements for 2015 - no discussion. Landscape Improvements for 2015 - no discussion. BEWARE! – With the visitors’ front gate in repair and opened, and with the painting crew and repair contractors on site in number, now is the time to be vigilant to guard against theft. Take the advice of the Carlsbad Sheriff (see the SWCHAC article) to lock your house and car doors and remove valuables from sight. If in doubt about “trespassers,” call the City police at (760) 931-2197. NEW BUSINESS It was announced that Carroll Smith will be resigning as Board Secretary and moving from Sea Cliff. The Board approved Jim Sevier to fill in as acting Secretary until the Annual Election. A proposal submitted by Treebeard for French Drains was tabled. An RFBA submitted by 7121 Linden was denied. An RFBA submitted by various homeowners was denied. General Correspondence was reviewed. Word Order Log was reviewed. Treebeard Landscape Walkthrough Report was reviewed. Water Management at Sea Cliff – Did you know that last year, the HOA paid over $100,000 for water used in the front yards and the common area? And, from your $259 monthly dues, did you know that $28 is set aside to pay the HOA water bills? Last year’s use was about 150 gallons per day per home! About 82% of the water used by the HOA is for irrigation – to maintain our beautiful, healthy landscaping. ANNOUNCEMENTS – It was announced that the Association won a small claims court lawsuit over siding and trim maintenance responsibility. 3 Learn more about “Water Management at Sea Cliff” by requesting your copy of a recent fourpage report. Request a copy by sending an email to Jim Lang at . ******* ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE by Ted Johnson Flag Disposal – “The [American] flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning." (The United States Flag Code) When an American Flag is no longer fit for display it must not be simply thrown away, nor burned here in Sea Cliff due to fire danger and the California code that prohibits individuals from burning the flag. At the Dove Library, the Fire Department has a drop-box where they can be placed for proper disposal. There is a special flag disposal ceremony where the flag is burned in accordance with flag disposal protocol. The following organizations conduct flag disposal ceremonies: Boy Scouts Girl Scouts American Legion VFW Marine Corps League D. A .V. In addition to the above organizations, USA Flag Supply also offers a flag retirement service. Read about the benefits of retiring your flag that way on the Flag Disposal website. The CC&Rs and Standards require that Architectural Committee approval be obtained prior to beginning any change or improvement to the exterior of a home, or any mechanical service systems (HVAC systems, gas, water or electrical pipes or wires, etc.). Also, changes in hardscape, large landscaping, drainage, and irrigation systems shall require the prior approval of the Architectural Committee. A log of Architectural Committee approvals is sent to the Board each month. For assistance please call me at (760) 7076803, or Lois Martyns at (760) 431-1928. ******* ENHANCEMENT COMMITTEE by Karen Saunders & Linda Mettling The Enhancement Committee met on March 12 , and added several new members, bringing our membership to twenty. The group voted to postpone the construction of a permanent cabinet to house folding chairs in the pavilion. The cost of construction was costly and over budget. The estimate for the clubhouse chair replacement came to about $200 each. The project was placed on hold at this time. Our new treasurer was elected and started immediately by depositing the funds collected for the Spring Fling activity. Thank you to the residents who offered take this job. Thank you to all of you residents who turned out for the Greg Douglas Band on Saturday, March 14th. Because of the great participation, almost eighty, we paid the band and can continue working on enhancement projects. We are now planning more fun adult and family activities. th Cleanout of Roof Gutters and Downspouts – If you have a blocked gutter or downspout, please call the Management Company to get your name on the next list. Lateral Drain Cleanout, Inspections and Repairs – Residents are advised to periodically check their area lateral drains to ensure they flow freely and to contact a service provider if they are blocked. See the notice at the end of this Scene. 4 A few procedures were changed and added for enhancement. Our entry sign announcement easel will post our events seven days in advance. Each mail kiosk will be monitored so that open board announcements will be removed after thirty days. This will keep the area looking neat and leave room for new information. We also want to remind residents that the clubhouse library is now alphabetical, so place your books on the counter and they will be organized in the library. Thursdays from Noon to 2:00 pm table tennis is open for all residents in the pavilion. Bring your lunch to watch, socialize or participate. The Clubhouse Happy Hour on March 10th was attended by over thirty residents and was lots of fun with great food and laughter. Please contact your neighbors and ask them to support the upcoming events. We provide great entertainment, all new this year, and very low cost, only $15 per person. ******* LAKES COMMITTEE by Anne Spacie Spring is the season for bird, fish, and turtle nesting activity and for the first appearance of water lily blossoms. Unfortunately, it’s also the season when many needed repairs become obvious around the lakes. Cracks in the cement edging and “faux” landscape rocks seem to appear overnight. Often the cracks are made worse by weeds growing into small places. Weeds also seem to flourish above and below water anywhere excess nutrients reach the lakes. Reclaimed irrigation water, for example, stimulates unsightly algae, cattails, and rooted aquatic weed growth. Even though the Lakes Committee didn’t meet last month, we were busy checking on a variety of needed repairs around the lakes including cement crack touch-ups. A long-term problem involving melaleuca trees was also identified. These are non-native trees with highly-invasive roots capable of growing into the lake liner and skimmer boxes. Ed Simpson, our lakes manager, identified a number of problem spots where melaleucas grow too close to the water and threaten the integrity of the lake liner. If left unchecked these roots may eventually cause costly leaks. So we are considering our options for control of such trees. UPCOMING EVENTS: MEXICAN FIESTA DINNER, May 2 - A catered dinner at the pavilion will be lots of fun. A great evening with delicious food. FAMILY GAME DAY AND PICNIC, June 6 – We are looking for residents who would open their gardens for an afternoon tour. 50s & 60s Oldies Music, July 18 – Evening in the pavilion with great fun music. Sea Cliff Crawl, August 22 – A walking progressive dinner around our community. Evening of Jazz, September 26 – Enjoy some cool and hot jazz at the lake. Remember: Please don't feed ducks or other wildlife! ******* FINANCE COMMITTEE ******* by Bob Coates LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE We’re still looking for volunteers for our Finance Committee. It usually meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 6 PM, the day before the Board Meeting; however, the next meeting will be early, on Tuesday, April 14th in the Clubhouse. Please call me at (760) 931-9420 for information. by Alix Szold Spring is here and so is occasional record breaking hot weather! In spite of our continued severe shortage of rainfall, we are managing to keep Sea Cliff looking healthy overall. Our irrigation committee works hard with Treebeard to oversee weekly charts on water usage to identify any leaks 5 or problems with the complexities of our computerized "Smart Water System," all of the valves and sprinkler heads involved. We are pleased to be part of a "pilot project" with Toro Company to experiment with a new kind of sprinkler head that minimizes water waste by rotating with a stream of water that is more efficient than the traditional spray which can "overspray" and lose water with evaporation. So far, these new sprinkler heads seem to be working well and we will be expanding them as budget permits. We are receiving a rebate from Toro during this time which also helps with our expansion! We are most fortunate as most of you know, to have our interior areas watered through "reclaimed water" which is a significant savings and under different water regulations than "potable" water which we (by law) must use for our front yards. We are in the process of replanting the pots at both pool areas and that should be finished within the next week. The pots at the pavilion were planted last week with great color. Treebeard also cleaned up the patio area by removing broken umbrella stands, etc. The "color corners" that you see when coming through the gate will be replanted with spring flowers the last week of March. We are also dressing up some front yards with more color and as always, replacing "aging out" plants as budget allows. The planter area at the end of south Linden had a major squirrel problem when they "feasted" on newly planted flowers. Those will soon be replaced with a different flowering ground cover which hopefully will succeed! Alas, the orchid tree at the tennis courts is still missing and the "yellow crime scene tape" remains, but hopefully by the time you are reading this, the tree will have arrived and been planted! After that happens, we are putting expensive "beach rock" down in the planter areas for decoration and a permanent solution that we feel will go well with our architecture of Sea Cliff. (Note: the orchid trees are very healthy but this time of year is not their season). The Landscape Committee is looking at some of the very small "postage stamp" areas in front of a few homes, especially on Lantana, that are a "failure to thrive" due mainly to tree roots. We are planning a "pilot project" to experiment with removing the small areas of struggling grass and replace with a hardy ground cover such a low lying juniper shrubs for greenery, or hardscape such as beach rocks (again which go with our architecture). Homeowners will be contacted when we begin this project for their input. At this time of year we are always "cohabitating" with more ducks than we can handle! They are at the pools and everywhere! One specie will be migrating north shortly and when that happens, we can begin to turn the brown grass west of Lake 2 to green again as their presence has taken a toll there! Also Treebeard has been agreeable to hosing down the pool areas periodically as the ducks seem to enjoy those areas as much as we do! We currently have eleven members on our Landscape Committee with our Board President, Alan Newman, as our board liaison. We are most fortunate to have so many residents willing to volunteer their time to enhance our treasured landscape! As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns or requests regarding landscape. Alix Szold, (760) 931-0128 or . ******* MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE by Harry Doyle Trail-Side Lights The time has come when we must look at the need to replace the thirty-five tall trail-side lights with more efficient light bulbs. The most likely candidate is the LED (light emitting diode). These bulbs require no ballast and use about one fourth of the power of the old incandescent bulbs, which means saving of electrical power. (The specification on LED lamp life is 50,000 hours.) More subtle but a very important factor is reducing time on a 12 foot ladder - safer for the installer. This safety factor is very desirable. 6 We have installed one of these lamps for test purposes. It is located at pole #6 on the north side of Lazy Lagoon, near the north Linden kiosk. We would appreciate comments from residents concerning this trail side light change. missing diapers become very costly to us, the duespaying homeowners. We all benefit when everyone follows the rules. ******* It happened again: The north pool recently had to be closed for several days, including a hot summer week-end, due to a young pool user and her adult parent who allowed feces to contaminate the water. New Health Department rules require very high “shock levels” of chlorine and long “shock periods” to eliminate the health hazard. During that period, the POOL MUST REMAIN CLOSED and no one should enter it! The additional expense of treating the water with heavy chemicals plus the time needed for the chemical balance to take effect is borne by the HOA. That expense plus the loss of pool use for all potential users can add up to exceed $700 - a price paid by all HOA dues-paying members unless we can identify and fine the responsible party. Please share the seriousness of this situation with your family members and any guests you may have. Water-tight diapers MUST be worn by infants and incontinent persons when they use the swimming pools or spas. THE NORTH POOL WAS CLOSED ! POOLS & SPAS COMMITTEE by Pat Leahy The calendar says it’s almost April, but still March Madness continues among our mallards at both north and south swimming pools. Particularly at the south pool. It’s not as if our beautifully landscaped grounds are bereft of lakes for the ducks’ enjoyment. With three of them, plus the lagoon, you’d think there were places enough for the courting ducks. Yet, the web-footed critters continue to find the south pool a most inviting venue for their duckling-producing shenanigans. If you’re bravely continuing to share the pools with the ducks, then you’ve seen the large, inflated balls in the south pool. Needless to say, this is yet another attempt to discourage the mallards from claiming the south pool as their territory. Lettering on the balls asks that they not be removed from the water. Residents and their guests have been most cooperative in leaving them in the pool and cautioning others to do likewise. Occasionally, if the winds become a bit gusty, some of the balls have been blown out of the water. Affixing weights to the ends of strings tied onto the balls has helped keep them in place. The pool committee appreciates the cooperation that’s been shown by swimmers and sun bathers alike. As we approach the warmer months which bring more swimmers to the pools, we’d like to remind residents to be sure their guests observe the posted rules. Moving furniture and umbrellas to accommodate sun or shade preferences is allowed, of course. But just as important as the moving is returning the furniture to its designated place. Everyone loves babies. That’s a given. And we like to know they’re being exposed to the joys of swimming. But if you or your guests take your babies into the swimming pools, please be sure that their diapers are not only firmly in place but are leakage proof. Accidents because of leaking or ******* SOUTHWEST CARLSBAD HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION COALITION (SWCHAC) MEETING March 2, 2015 by Jim Coniglio Although we had hoped to have a speaker at the March meeting chat with us about the magic of turning a portion of the Carlsbad Strawberry Fields (along I-5 and Cannon Road) into the ultimate shopping and entertainment mall, alas, it was not to be. Yet, with a cup of hot coffee and just a teeny-tiny bite or two of fresh pastry, the fifteen-toeighteen attendees chewed quietly and began to focus on the issues influencing our HOA’s existence in southwest Carlsbad. 7 At the recent March 2nd meeting, many of the old topics of interest swam up to the surface. We pretty much stayed away from the HOA’s classic pit of the 3Ps, (pools, pets, parking) and looked towards updates to the fast moving world around us. Topics like how to make HOA communities look great using drip water systems, using perhaps native, more desert-like plants and foliage, and increasing re-processed water. The State, County, City, and most likely your HOA Board of Directors have “hinted” water prices will go up continually for the next several generations of residents. And how to have people who have to work elsewhere yet shop locally at grocery and retail stores and still go to the beach when another 100,000 cars show up to “enjoy paradise” in the upcoming years. The Feds, State, County, City are trying traffic circles (eliminate expensive traffic signals and timing issues), fewer lanes of traffic in the cities (purposely restricting traffic flow speed), creating expensive daily parking lots in urban areas (to encourage car sharing), building dedicated HOV/toll commuter lanes on freeways with few entrances or exits (to speed traffic between major metropolitan hubs) – there are apparently lots of “solutions” in the bucket! Well, it’s going to be interesting (and different) for our kids and their kids to live in the best place on the west coast, but already in many ways they are up to the challenge. The kids seem ready and eager for a computer driven lifestyle featuring electric self-driving automated cars, maybe working from an automated home and shopping online and, when possible, even helping us old-timers learn how to push those tiny buttons on even smaller “devices!” Our one hour session at this March meeting didn’t allow us to quite solve all these things, but then…. Maybe our April meeting! The SWCHAC meets on the first Monday of every month for one hour starting promptly at 8:00 am. The location: the Alta Mira #4 HOA Clubhouse, 6750 Paseo Del Norte. You are cordially invited to attend our next meeting on April 6th. ******* TENNIS COMMITTEE by Tom Pappas No report this month. ******* WELCOME COMMITTEE by Kathy Hoffman PLEASE WELCOME TO SEA CLIFF Robert and Phyllis Griest – 7402 Lantana – Robert and Phyllis had their eye on Sea Cliff for many years. So when they decided to scale down from their home of 30 years in Carlsbad, Sea Cliff was their destination. Besides the beautiful park-like setting, they have friends that also live here and they too wanted to be part of our community. Robert retired from Lockheed Martin and Phyllis retired from the Encinitas School District as a speech therapist. Both are bridge enthusiasts and play tennis and golf. Please join us in welcoming Robert and Phyllis. ATTENTION NEW RESIDENTS AT SEA CLIFF! The mission of the Welcome Committee is to meet and greet our new residents and supply them with a packet of information about living at Sea Cliff and the Carlsbad area. As a new resident, if you have not been contacted by a Welcome Committee member, please call Kathy Hoffman, Welcome Committee chairperson, at (760) 931-6589. ******* 8 LENDING LIBRARY ENHANCEMENTS ADDITIONS and CHANGES to the July, 2012 RESIDENT DIRECTORY by Jo Ann Arlen The books in the clubhouse have been sorted alphabetically by author, first in the hard cover section and then in the paperback section. We encourage you to use this great resource as well as help maintain it by adding to the collections and replacing books by authors. You may leave them on the shelf if you are short of time and they will be taken care of. Now spend more time reading than searching through a maze of books Coming soon! We will be dedicating a small section for our young residents as well as those that visit. Donations welcome! Contact Jo Ann Arlen with any questions: . Please make the following pencil or pen-andink additions and changes to update your RESIDENT DIRECTORY: As of 3/25/2015 since 2/25/2015: Page 4 – Add ANDERSON, Josh & Kristen – 7128 Lantana – 214-1774 Pg 5 – Add phone number to BERG – 863 Heather – 858-794-1525 Pages 11 & 40 – Add Email address to GRAY – 7425 Linden – Pg 11 – Add GRIEST, Robert & Phyllis – 7402 Lantana – 438-5919 Pg 15 – Delete LEMBERG entry Pages 15 & 32 – Change spelling and phone number for LOCATELLI, Dan & Cori – 7123 Lantana – 916-599-2477 Pg 17 – Delete MULDER entry Pg 18 – Add OTTLEY, Linda – 7131 Linden – 212-5172 Pg 24 – Delete TOLSTOY entry Pg 24 – Add von ROSENBERG, Jeff & Deb – 7308 Lantana – 448-6189 Pg 24 – Delete WILSON, Lynn entry Pg 30 – 863 Heather – Delete TOLSTOY entry and add phone number to BERG entry – 858-794-1525 Pg 32 – 7128 Lantana – Add ANDERSON info Pg 34 – 7308 Lantana – Add von ROSENBERG info Pg 35 – 7402 Lantana – Delete WILSON & LEMBERG info and add GRIEST info Pg 37 – 7131 Linden – Delete MULDER info and add OTTLEY info ******* COMPUTER USER GROUP by Rainier Apolonio Hi, everyone. I'm sorry for cancelling our March meeting. My work has asked me to perform some high-priority technology upgrades and required my presence. Nevertheless, our next meeting will be Saturday, April 18th at 9AM in the Clubhouse. We will be having an Open Session where you can ask me any tech-related question and I will do my best to answer them. All our welcome! For changes prior to 2/25/2015, see previous editions of the Scene. ******* ******* 9 PRAYER GROUP by Joan Grover POOL & SPA SANITATION With sadness, but thankfulness for their long community service, the Sea Cliff Prayer Group announces the departure of Bonnie and Carroll Smith from Sea Cliff. However, prayer will still be carried on at the home of Joan Grover, 7121 Lantana Terrace, on Wednesdays for an hour, starting at 10:30 am. This small non-sectarian group, meeting weekly since the 1990’s, invites all residents to participate, whatever their religious affiliation. The pools & spas at Sea Cliff are kept within proper sanitation levels at all times as regulated by the Health Department. Every gallon is filtered several times a day and filters are cleaned regularly. Chlorine will kill all the bacteria but some bacteria take longer to kill than others. It is very important for swimmers to practice good hygiene and avoid bacteria from entering the water. Don’t swallow the pool water. Avoid getting water in your mouth. Practice good hygiene. Shower with soap before swimming and wash your hands after using the toilet or changing diapers. Germs on your body end up in the water. Take your kids on bathroom breaks or check diapers often. Waiting to hear “I have to go” may mean that it’s too late. Change diapers in a bathroom or a diaperchanging area and not at poolside. Germs can spread in and around the pool. Wash your child thoroughly (especially the rear end) with soap and water before swimming. Invisible amounts of fecal matter can end up in the pool. Don’t swim when you have diarrhea. You can spread germs in the water and make other people sick. Report any fecal accidents immediately to the Management Company. ******* HOME SECURITY No one is immune to criminal trespassing. This includes Sea Cliff residents. Although we live in a gated community, there are still ways intruders can enter, such as following people through the gates, or climbing over our short perimeter walls. By keeping your doors locked when you’re out, you can deter robberies. This includes entry though your side garage door into your home – perhaps by climbing over the atrium wall. It is easy for an agile thief to climb those walls to gain access. (It has occurred more than once.) If you sleep with a sliding door ajar, make sure that the screen door is locked and, better yet, use a cut-off broomstick in the sliding door track to keep the door from opening wide enough to allow entry. And, last but not least, be alert. If you see someone suspicious, anywhere on Sea Cliff property, call the Carlsbad Police Department at (760) 931-2197. They will investigate promptly. ******* PING PONG IN THE PAVILION THURSDAYS – NOON to 2:00 PM Get some fresh air by the lake. Bring your lunch. Chit-chat and watch others who enjoy pinging around. Be brave. Join in on the playing and laughing! NO SERIOUS SCOREKEEPING SO FAR Questions? Call Linda at (760) 845-6819 ******* 10 HIGHLIGHTS from the SPRING FLING 11 12 THE BACK PAGE Sea Cliff Board of Directors Alan Newman Jim Sevier Bob Coates Carroll Smith Stan Haynes President 840-7800 V.P. 448-5670 C.F.O. 931-9420 Secretary 931-8743 Director-at-Large 931-1293 Lindsay Management Services 6126 Innovation Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 436-1144 Fax (760) 436-2566 Kathy Wright, Community Manager Barb Palmer, Admin Assistant ******* Committees Architectural Ted Johnson 707-6803 Jim Sevier Board Liaison Enhancement Linda Mettling 931-5731 Karen Saunders 421-8687 Jim Sevier Board Liaison Finance Bob Coates (Acting) 931-9420 Bob Coates Board Liaison Lakes Anne Spacie 918-9302 Carroll Smith Board Liaison Landscape Alix Szold 931-0128 Alan Newman Board Liaison Maintenance Harry Doyle 918-9891 Stan Haynes Board Liaison Pools & Spas Ralph Berry 405-7711 Greg Thomsen 799-0614 Stan Haynes Board Liaison Public Affairs Jim Coniglio 931-0210 Alan Newman Board Liaison Tennis Tom Pappas 715-9898 Bob Coates Board Liaison Welcome Kathy Hoffman 931-6589 Carroll Smith Board Liaison Sea Cliff Scene Publisher Sea Cliff Board of Directors Board Liaison Alan Newman Printer Lindsay Management Services Editor/ Design/Layout/Calendar Jim Lang (760) 438-6680 Proofreader Pat Leahy Sea Cliff Web Site Web Master Bob Millington (Acting) Rainier Apolonio (Site Update) ******* Reservations for Private Use of the Clubhouse or Pavilion All requests for use of either the Clubhouse or Pavilion for a private party must be made through Lindsay Management Company. Please complete and mail a Clubhouse and Pavilion Reservation Form to either Kathy or Barb 10 days in advance. Their phone numbers and e-mail addresses are on this page. ******* Note that information provided herein is based on available information and believed to be correct; however, the Sea Cliff Homeowners Association is not responsible for its accuracy. Sea Cliff Sunday 5 12 19 26 Monday April Tuesday 2015 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Architectural: 10:30 AM Prayer Group: 10:30 AM (7121 Linden) Crafty Ladies: 1:30 PM 2 3 4 10 11 17 18 Lakes: 10 AM Ping Pong: 12:30 (Pavilion) Bunko: 7 PM 6 SWCHAC: 8 AM (Alta Mira), Yoga: 9 AM Pools & Spas: 10:15 AM Maintenance: 1:30 PM 7 8 9 Bridge Club: Noon Tuesdays with Friends: 5:30 PM Prayer Group: 10:30 AM (7121 Linden) Crafty Ladies: 1:30 PM Enhancement: 10 AM Ping Pong: 12:30 (Pavilion) 13 14 16 Yoga: 9 AM Landscape: 10:15 AM Bridge Club: Noon Finance: 6 PM 15 Prayer Group: 10:30 AM (7121 Linden) Executive Session: 3 PM Board Meeting: 4 PM 20 21 23 Yoga: 9 AM Bridge Club: Noon 22 Prayer Group: 10:30 AM (7121 Linden) Crafty Ladies: 1:30 PM 27 28 29 Prayer Group: 10:30 AM (7121 Linden) Crafty Ladies: 1:30 PM 30 Yoga: 9 AM Bridge Peg Snider Cel- Club: Noon ebration of Life: 3 PM (Pavilion) Ping Pong: 12:30 (Pavilion) Ping Pong: 12:30 (Pavilion) Lunch Bunch: 11:30 AM Ping Pong: 12:30 Computer Users Group: 9 AM 24 25 CANDIDATES’ STATEMENTS Three candidates have submitted statements (which are on file at Lindsay Management Services) in reply to the following sentences on the Candidacy Request forms: “I am interested in running for a seat on the Sea Cliff Homeowners Association Board of Directors. Please accept my formal request for my name to be added to the Annual Meeting Ballot. I am a member in good standing.” Ron Cannizzo - Bob Coates – Stan Haynes – I have been on the Sea Cliff Board of Directors for the last four years. By now you know me and know how I conduct myself. For those who do not know me, I am a retired U.S. Marine, who after retirement worked in the areas of operational management and planning at the executive and corporate board of director’s level. During the period I have been on the Board I have worked closely as Board Liaison with the Lakes, Pool and Spa, Maintenance, Rules and Regulations, and Landscape Committees. I have been involved with the resurfacing of our streets, the renovation of the North Pool deck, and most recently the planning for the current paint cycle, plus any number of other ongoing challenges that have presented themselves to our community. I feel this experience can be beneficial in continuing to direct and maintain Sea Cliff as an affordable, attractive and desirable place to live. If re-elected, I will make my best effort to continue to achieve these goals.
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