Strictly Reptiles Inc.

Strictly Reptiles Inc.
Specials And New Arrivals
Strictly Reptiles, Inc.
6450 Stirling Road, Hollywood, FL. 33024
Phone 954 967 8310 Fax 954 967 6796
Email: Web:
Last Updated
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
HOURS: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.,
Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Send your orders in by Email or Fax 24 hours a day 7 days a week
Please read the terms and other information on the last page of this list.
We are always interested in your surplus animals. Let us know what you have for
sale or trade. Ask about our US Military discount for domestic orders. Thank you
for your service.
1 Snake:
2 Turtles
Albino Corn babies $20.00
Ball Python Feeding babies $25.00 6/$22.50
Ball Python hatchling babies $14.00 6/$13.00
12/$11.00 25/$10.00
Banana Ball Python male $225.00
Banana Pastel Ball male $250.00
Banana Spider Ball male $275.00
Brazilian Rainbow Boas cb babies $105.00
Gaboon Viper Venomous babies- Bitis gabonica
$75.00 6/$70.00
Green Snake $10.00 6/$9.00 12/$8.00
Spotted Python juveniles $45.00
Argentine Sideneck cb babies $75.00
Black Knob Sawback babies $75.00
Common Snapping babies $10.00 6/$9.00 12/$8.00
Japanese Pond cb babies $75.00
Pet Sliders cb 4 - 5 inch Red Ears $10.00 6/$9.00 12/$8.00
Pink Bellied Sidenecks E.subglobosa cb small $50.00 6/$45.00
Red Ear Slider cb babies $4 6/$3.50 12/$3 25/ $2.50 50/$2 100/$1.50
Yellow Bellied Slider c.b. babies $5.00 each 12/$4 25/ $3.50 50/$3.00
100/$2.50 300/$2.25
3 Frogs, Toads, and other
Iguanas new born babies - small $8.00 6/$7.50 12/$7.00 25/$6.50
50/$6.00 100/$5.50
Argentine Black&White Tegu cb babies $150.00 6/$140.00
Bearded Dragon babies $30.00 6/$25.00 12/$22.50 25/$20.00
Black Albino Savannah Monitor babies $150.00
Blue Iguana new born babies $125.00 6/$100.00 12/$90.00
Clubtail Iguanas medium $15.00 6/$12.50
Desert Iguanas $25.00 6/$22.50
Frilled Dragons babies $125.00
Jewelled Lacerta adult male- Lacata lapida $40.00
Moroccan Uromastix adult $135.00
Nile Monitor babies $20.00 6/$18.00 12/$16.00
Red Iguanas new born babies - smalls $25.00 6/$22.50 12/$20
25/$17.50 50/$15.00
Red Niger Uromastix $50.00 6/$45.00
Savannah Monitors- New Born babies $14 6/$12 12/ $10 25/$9 50/$8
Yellow Niger Uromastyx $35.00 6/$30.00
Barking Tree Frogs $8.00 6/$7.00 12/$6.00 25/$5.50
Eastern Newt $5.00 6/$4.00 12/$3.00 25/$2.50
European Crested Newts- Triturus carnifax $55.00
European Crested Newts- Triturus carnifax Leucistic
5 Mammals
Prairie Dog babies $75.00 6/$70.00 12/$65.00
7 Tortoises
Aldabra 24-26 inches $35000 pair
Cherry Head cb babies $125.00
Home Hinge Back- K. homeana $40.00 6/$35.00
Leopard babies $115.00
Red Foot 12-14 inch male $150.00
Red Foot cb babies $75.00 6/$70.00
Red Foots 6- 8 inches $85.00 6/$80.00
Sulcata cb babies $70.00
4 Lizard:
6 Arachnid
Mexican Red Knee Tarantula 2 inches $50.00 6/$45.00
Peruvian Black Scorpion- Tityus metuendus $40.00
Peruvian Orange Rump Tarantula Thrixopelma ockerti $40.00 6/$35.00
Peruvian Steeley Blue Tarantula $50.00 6/$45.00
*Prices and availability are subject to change at anytime without notice!
Check out our website at:
We try our best to give you high quality animals! Please see the last page for terms and other information!
No live arrival guarantee where destination temperature is less than 40 or greater than 85 degrees f.
No live arrival guarantee on amphibians at anytime. Ice/Heat packing available on request.
Qty. 1
African Reed
Hyperolius fusciventris
Albino Pacman babies
Ceratophrys cranwelli
Amazon Milk Frog cb small
Trachycephalus resinifictrix
Asian Spiny Toad
Bufo sp
Blue & Black
Dendrobates auratus
Brown Mantella
Mantella betsileo
Cuban Tree
Osteopilus septentrionalis
Eastern Spadefoot Toad
Scaphiopus holbrooki
Fantasy Pacman c.b. babies
Ceratophrys hybrid
Fire Leg Running
Kassina maculosa
Freddy Krueger cb babies
Lepidobatrachus laevis
Gray Tree
Green & Black Poison adult
Dendrobates auratus
Green House Frogs
Eleutherodactylus planirostris $1.50
Green Tree
Hyla cinerea
$3.50 6/$3 12/ $2.50 25/ $2 50/$1.75
Haitian Tree
Hyla Vasta
Marine Toad 3-4 inches
Bufo marinus
Ornate Horn Frogs
Ceratophrys ornata
Pacman Green babies
Ceratophrys cranwelli
Painted Mantella
Mantella baroni
Red & Black Walking
Phrynomerus bifasciatus
Red Eye Tree adults
Agalychnis callidryas
SA Clown Tree
Hyla leucaphylatha
SA Emerald Eyed Tree
Hyla crepitans
SA Giant Marine Toad
Bufo marinus
SA Hatchet
Sphaenorhynchus lacteus
Southern Toad
Bufo terrestris
$4 6/$3.50 12/$3 25/$2.50 50/$2 100/$1.75
Strawberry Pineapple Pacman cb babies Ceratophrys cranwelli
Strawberry Poison Arrow Frogs
Dendrobates pumilio
Tiger Leg Tree
Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis$15.00
Tomato adult
Dyscophus guineti
White Tree Frogs B grade
Qty. 1
Amphiuma pholeter
European Marbled Newt
Triturus marmoratus
Greater Siren
Siren lacertina
Slimy Salamander
Plethodon glutinosus
Spotted Salamander
Ambystoma maculatum
Stauch's Spotted Newt
Neurergus crocatus
Flat Rock
Hadogenes paucidens
Qty. 1
Florida Bark
Centruroides gracilis
Red Claw Emperor
Pandinus cavimanus
Red Claw Emperor babies
Pandinus cavimanus
Striped Bark
Centruroides hentzi
Spiders & Tarantulas:
Asian Smokey adults
Chilobrachys discolus
Qty. 1
Brazilian Black & White 1 inch
Acanthoscurria brocklehursti $15.00
Brazilian Rusty adults
Acanthoscurria ferina
Brazilian White Knee 1 inch
Acanthoscurria geniculata
Brown Widow Spider
Latrodectus geometricus
Chilean Beauty
Euathlus trunculentus
Chilean Blue or Green Femur adults
Euthlas pulcheriklaasi
Chilean Copper
Paraphysa scrofa
Chilean Flame Rump
Euathalus sp.
Colombian Goliath Red Leg 3 inch
Megaphobema robustum
Ecuadorian Brown Velvet adults
Megaphobema velvetosoma
Emerald Skeleton
Ephebopus uatuman
Emerald Skeleton cb babies
Ephebopus uatuman
Flame Rose Hairs
Grammostola rosea Hi red
Ghost Ornamental 1 inch
Poecilotheria pedersoni
Giant Red and Black Jungle Tarantula
Pamphobeteus petersi
Goliath Birdeating medium - large
Theraphosa leblondi
Goliath Pinkfoot
Haitian Brown
Phormictopus cancerides
Metallic Pink Toe extra large
Avicularia metallica
Mexican Curlyhair 1.5 inches
Brachypelma albopilosum
Mexican Red Rump
Brachypelma vagans
small $25 large $30
Peruvian Dwarf Black & White
Peruvian Dwarf Star
Cyriocomus sellatus
Avicularia avicularia
Rear Horn Baboon males
Ceratogyrus darlingi
Regal Jumping
Phidippus regius
Rose Hairs
Grammostola rosea
Six Eyed Sand mature male
Sicarius hahni
Skeleton Leg cb babies
Ephebopus murinus
Stripe Knee adults
Aphonopelma seemanni
Tawny Red Baboon wc adults
Hysterocrates gigas
Thai Tiger adults
Cyriopagopus paganus
Usumbura Starburst small-med
Pterinochilus murinus
Wolf Spider
Hogna Sp.
Qty. 1
Dwarf Caiman baby NO LIVE ARRIVAL
Smooth Front Caiman babies to 12
inches FL class II NO LIVE ARRIVAL
Paleosuchus palpebrosus
Paleosuchus trigonatus
Qty. 1
African Long Tailed Centipede
Rhysida longipes
Bumblebee Millipedes
Anadenobolus monilicornis
Eastern Bark Centipede
Hemiscolopendra marginata
Florida Millipede rusty
Chicobolus spinigerus
Haitian Centipedes NO FLORIDA SALES
Hermit Crab native large
Hermit Crab native small - med
Coenobita clypeatus
Coenobita clypeatus
Smokey Ghost Millipede
Vietnamese Centipede NO FLORIDA
Narceus gordanus
Scolopendra s. subspinipes
Qty. 1
Acanthosaurus sp
Red Head Agama
Agama agama
Silky Bearded Dragon adult silky- slight
nip tail
Spiderman Agama females
Agama mwanzae
Water Dragon medium
Physignathus cocincinus
Water Dragon small
Physignathus cocincinus
Water Dragon large
Physignatus cocincinus
Ground Agama
Agama sankaranica
Mountain Horn Lizard
Qty. 1
Chamaeleo gracillis
Chamealeo jacksoni
female $25 male $35 pair $55
Panther adult male Tamatave
Furcifer pardalis
Panther juvenile female
Furcifer pardalis
Panther Tamatave adult female
Furcifer pardalis
Chamaeleo senegalensis
Veiled med
Chamaeleo calyptratus
Veiled adults
Chamaeleo calyptratus
Veiled smalls
Chamaeleo calyptratus
Qty. 1
Mac Snow babies
Normal adult mixed colors
Female $25 males $17.50 6/ $15
Normal babies
Gecko, Leopard - Eublepharis macularius
Leucistic babies
African Fat Tail captive adults
Qty. 1
Hemitheconyx caudicinctus $50.00
Central American Banded Geckos adult
Coleonyx mitratus
Crested adult females
Rhacodactylus ciliatus
Ptychozoon sp
Giant Day
Phelsuma grandis
Large $25
Giant Halmehara
Gehyra uorax
Gekko ulikovskii
Green Eye B- grade
Gekko stentor
Ground Madagascan adult
Pareodura Pictus
$3 6/$2.50 12/$2 25/$1.50 50/$1
Lined Day
Phelsuma lineata
Gekko grosmanni
Mossy Leaf Tail
Uroplatus sikorae
Tokay adult
Gekko gecko
White Lined
Gecko vittatus
Iguana iguana
Qty. 1
Albino Iguana cb babies
Brown Anole
Anolis sagrei
2.00 25/1.50 50/1.25 100/1.00 300/.90
Brown Basilisk small - large
Basiliscus vittatus
Crested Anole
Anolis cristatellus
Cuban Anole small- large
Anolis equestris
Emerald Swifts
Sceloporus malachiticus
Green Anole
Anolis carolinensis
Green Basilisk cb small
Basiliscus plumifrons
4.00 6/3.50 12/3.00 25/2.50 50/2.00
Iguana 5 feet
Iguana iguana
Iguana 1.5 to 2 feet
Iguana iguana
Iguana 3 feet
Iguana iguana
Iguana 4 feet
Iguana iguana
Jeweled Curlytail Lizard
Leiocephalus personatus
Mexican Spinytail Iguana adult female
Ctenosaura pectinata
North American Chuckwalla
Sauromalus ater
Ornate Curlytail Lizard
Leiocephalus schreibersii
Monitors, Tegus, & Similar Lizards:
Qty. 1
Argus CR 3 foot tame
Varanus panoptes
Black Throat CR 3 foot tame
Varanus a. ionidesi
Timor Monitors juvenille
Varanus timorensis
Yellow Monitor babies
Varanus melinus
Skinks and Miscellaneous Lizards:
Qty. 1
Blue Tail Skink
Fire Skink
Riopia fernandi
Giant West African Sand Fish
Scincus fasciatus
Long Tail Grass Lizard
$4.00 6/$3.50 12/$3 25/$2.50 50/$2.00
Red Eye Armored Skink
Tribolonotus gracilis
Red Sided Skink
Mabuya sp.
Tanzanian Legless Lizard
Acontias percivali
Ball Pythons: Python regius
Albino 2014 males/ females
Qty. 1
Albino Spider 120 gram female
Ball Python import adult female
Bumble Bee 250 gram male
Bumble Bee 250 gram female
Bumble Bee 750 - 1000 gram males
Bumble Belly 350 gram male
Butter 150 gram male
Butter 200-300 gram female
Butter Pastel 400Gr female
Butter Yellow Belly 200 gram male
Calico 500Gr (Low-mid white) male
Champagne 250-500 gram
Female $350 Male $150
Champagne 500 gram male
Cinnamon 150-250 gr
$35 male $60 female
Cinnamon 200- 400 Gram
males/$80.00 females/ $150.00
Enchi 400Gr male
Fire Spider 300 gram male
Ghost Pin Stripe 250Gr male
Het for Albino 150-300 Gram female
Het for Ghost 300- 400 Gram female
Honey Bee 300- 400 Gram
males $200 feamles $300
Killer Bee 600 gram male
Killer Bee 400 Gram Female
Killer Blast 500 Gram female
Lemon Blast 1200Gr adult female
Lemon Blast 250 500 Gram
males 125.00
Lemon Blast 350-500gram
Female $300 Male $140
Lemon Blast 750 - 1000 gram males
Lesser Platinum 100 gram
Lesser Platinum 500Gr
Lithium Butter Cross Cinnamon 500
Mojave 100 gram
males $125
Mojave 200 gram female
$1200.00 pair
Mojave 1300Gr adult male
Mojave 600Gr
Mystic 650 Gram Female
Normal adult females
Normal adult males
Normal Het 100% pied 2012 female
Pastel 60- 100 grams female
Pastel 900- 2300 grams male
Pastel 1500Gr adult male
Pastel 250 Gr female
Pastel 300- 600 gram males
Pastel 500Gr females
Pastel Ghost 400Gr male
Pastel Yellow Bellied 300Gr male
Pewter 100 gr.
$100 male $125 female
Pewter 200Gr
males $175 female $250
Pewter 250 gr
$100 female
Pied 50% white 2010 male
Pied 1500 gram adult male low white
Pied 40% to 50% white 600Gr
Pied Ball 20- 40% White 100- 150 gram
Pied Ball 20- 40% White 100- 150
grame male
Pied Ball 400- 600 gram low white
Pin Stripe 1100 Gr female
males $550 females $750
Pin Stripe 150-250 Gram
males/100.00 females/200.00 300.00/pair
Pin Striped 450 Gram female
Pinstripe 1500 Gram adult female
Spider 100-200 Gram
males/$75.00 females/$100.00
Spider 1200Gr adult female
Spider 1600 gram adult female
Spider 350 Gram male
Spider 350Gr
Spider Enchi 350 grame male
Spider Het ghost 300Gr
males/$75 females/$175
Spider Yellow Belly 250 gram female
Spinner 150-250 gram male
Spinner 350-400 gram
males $125
Super Blast 650Gr male
Super Stripe 550Gr female
Yellow bellied female 350Gr
Boa, Common and Red Tails - Boa constrictor species
Qty. 1
Albino Boa 7 foot
Albino Sunglow cb babies
Albino Sunglow Motley 2 foot Male
Colombian babies
Boa c. imperator
Columbian 6-8 foot female
Guyana Red Tail babies
Guyana Red Tail 6 foot
Boa c. constrictor
Hypo 6 foot
Boas, other species
Amazon Tree
Corallus hortulanus
Qty. 1
Amazon Tree cb babies
Corallus hortulanus
Amazon Tree colored
Coralus hortulanus
Brazilian Rainbow adults
Epicrates c. cenchria
Dominican Red Mountain cb babies
Epicrates striatus
$900.00 pair
Emerald Tree adults
Corallus caninus
Emerald Tree cb babies
Green Anaconda 6-8 feet FLA & Export
Haitian small
Corallus caninus
Eunectes murinus
Epicrates striatus
Indonesian Tree
Candoia c. carinata
Kenya Sand babies
Eryx c. loveridgei
Mexican Rosy babies
Sharptail Sand wc adult
Gongylophis muelleri
Corn (Elaphe g. guttata):
Qty. 1
Black Albino sub- adult
Caramel babies
Hypo yearling
Normal large
Normal small
Oketee large
Pewter babies
Elaphe g. guttata
Albino Florida babies
Lampropeltis g. floridana
Albino Prairie Kingsnake babies
Lampropeltis calligaster
Blaze Blotched King babies
Qty. 1
Blotched babies
Lampropeltis g. floridana
Brook's c.b. babies
Lampropeltis g. floridana
Brooks sub- adult
California Black and White babies
Chain King babies
Florida babies
Lampropeltis g. floridana
Florida blac and white c.b. babies
Lampropeltis g. floridana
Lampropeltis g. floridana
Ghost Florida cb babies
Hypo Brooks babies
Prairie adult
Speckled babies
Lampropeltis g. holbrooki
Speckled adults
Lampropeltis g. holbrooki
Variable babies
Lampropeltis m. thayeri
White Sided Brooks sub adult
Albino Honduran babies
Qty. 1
Lampropeltis t. hondurensis $85.00
Lampropeltis t. nelsoni
Pueblan adult
San Louis Potasi
Qty. 1
Albino Checkered Garter adult male
Thamnophis marcianus
Brown Chin Racer
Coluber helvigularis
Regina rigida
Diamonback Water
Nerodia rhombifer
Eastern Garter
Thamnophis sirtalis
Egg Eating
Dasypeltis sp.
Florida Green Snake
Opheodrys a. carinatus
Louisiana Pine c.b. adult
Pituophis ruthveni
Madagascan Golden Hognose wc adult
Mangrove Water
Nerodia clarkii
adults $25
Ribbon Snake
Thamnophis sp.
Nerodia sp.
Western Coachwhip juvenile
Masticophis f. testaceus
Qty. 1
Albino Burmese 7-10 foot Florida only
Sales conditions apply
Albino T+ Red Blood 2 foot
Python m. bivittatus
Python brongersmai
$1000.00 pair
Albino T- Red Blood babies
Python brongersmai
1100.00 pair
Calabaria rheinhardti
Green Tree small
Morelia viridis
Matrix Blood babies ( 100% het 4 Ivory)
White Lip med-large
$350 pair
Leiopython albertisii
Qty. 1
Albino Black cb babies
Elaphe o. obsoleta
Albino Grey babies
Elaphe obsoleta
Albino Grey sub adult
Elaphe obsoleta
Albino Korean babies
Elaphe schrenckii
Baird's sub adult
Elaphe bairdi
Broad Banded Bamboo cb
Oreocryptophis latacinctus
Everglades babies
Elaphe o. rossalleni
Everglades adult
Elpahe o. rossalleni
Giant Rat
Ptyas mucosus
Gray babies
Elaphe o. spiloides
Green Bush cb babies females
Elaphe prasina
Greenish small-large
Elaphe obsoleta
Hypo Everglades Rat babies
Elaphe quadriuittata
Japanese babies
Elaphe climacophora
Leucistic Texas babies
Elaphe o. lindheimerii
Mandarin c.b. baby male
Elaphe mandarina
Moellendorff cb
Elaphe moellendorffi
$550 pair
Prairie sub adult
Elaphe emori
Prairie Rat cb babies
Rusty Licorice sub adult
Elaphe obsoleta
Texas Rat adults
Elaphe o. lindheimerii
Thai Red Mnt. cross O. lataconcta X Coxi
Thai Red Mnt. cross O.pulechna X Coxi
Thai Red Mnt. Ratsnake
Oreocryptophis porphyracea $125.00
Yellow small - large
Elaphe o. quadrivittata
Yunnan Mnt Bamboo Ratsnake cb babies Oreocryptophis pulchra
Tortoises and Turtles:
Qty. 1
$250 pair
Herman adults
Marginated 3 inch
Marginated babies
Radiated 18 inch male FLORIDA SALES
Red Foot 14 inch male
Red Foot 6-8 inches (yellow head and
yellow feet)
Red Foot baby (yellow head and yellow
Sulcata 16" male
Testudo marginata
Chelonoidis carbonaria
Geochelone carbonaria
Geochelone sulcata
Argentine Side Neck 6 inch
Phrynops hilarii
Qty. 1
Argentine Sideneck 8 inches
Phrynops hilarii
Asian Box 4 - 5 inch
Cuora amboinensis
Asian Leaf 5 inches
Cyclemys dentata
Central American Ornate Wood cb babies Rhinoclemmys p. manni
Chicken 3-6 inches
Deirochelys sp.
Chinese Box 5 inch male
Cystoclemmys flavomarginata$650.00
Eastern Mud adults
Kinosternon subrubrum
Eastern River Cooter 4-5"
Pseudemys concinna
European Pond adult male
Emys orbicularis
Florida Snapper 8" female
Chelydra s. osceola
Florida Snappers 3- 5 inch
Chelydra s. osceola
Florida Snapping cb babies
Chelydra s. osceola
Heiroglyphic Cooter 4-5 inches
Pseudemys c. heiroglyphica
Indonesian Snake Neck cb babies
Macrochelodina rugosa
Malayan Woods adult female
Heosemys grandis
Mata Mata 15-17 inches males
Chelus fimbriatus
Mexican Wood
Honduras wood
$400 pair
Mississippi Mud c.b. babies
Kinosternon subrubrum
Musk babies
Sternotherus odoratus
Pink Bellied Snappers cb babies
Elseya novaeguineae
Red Cheek Mud cb babies
Kinosternon cruentatum
Red Ear Slider 4-5 inches wild caught
Trachemys s. elegans
Scorpion Muds adults
Kinosternon scorpiodes
South American Sideneck
Temple 5-6 inches
Heosemys annandalii
Regulated Venomous Species: Wood box required, Air Cargo Shipping Only
Qty. 1
Albino Monocled Cobra small
Naja n. kaouthia
Agkistrodon contortrix
small $50 large $75
Crotalus adamanteus X
N. kaouthia
Formosa Cobra Het Leucistic
Naja Kaouthia
Green Mambas adult
Dendroaspis angusticeps
Indonesian Spitting Cobra sub adult
Naja sputatrix
Monocled Cobra babies
Naja kaouthia
$60 3 foot $75
Rinkhal's Cobra Banded babies
Hemochaetus haemachaetus $450.00
Rinkhal's Cobra Brown Phase adult
Hemochaetus haemachaetus $250.00
Snouted Cobra banded adult
Naja a. annulifera
South African Puff adders babies
Bitis arietans
Southern Pacific Rattlesnake large
Sunset Monocled Cobra 2 foot Het.
Suphan X Monocled Cobra
Crotalus o. helleri
Naja kaouthia
Naja n. kaouthia
West African Bush Viper
Dendroaspis viridis
West Diamondback BLACK 3 foot
Crotalus atrox
male $375
White Lip Tree Viper
Trimeresurus albolabris
Broad Banded Copperhead
Eastern Diamond Back X Canebrake 3
Formosa Cobra adult
West African Green Mambas
Venomous Non-regulated Species Wood box not required
Asian Vine Snakes
Ahaetulla prasina
Bronze Vine
Dendrelaphis pictus
Qty. 1
Dry Goods:
Dry Goods:
Animal Grabbers 28 inch and 38 inch
Aspen bedding bales Pick up only - no
Bag large
Qty. 1
Bag medium
Bag small
Heat Pack 40 hour
Hemostat 8 inches
Hemostat 12 inches
Hook standard 40 inches
Hook standard golf grip 25 inches
Hook NEW Pocket Heavy Duty
Hook heavy duty 24"
Hook Pocket
Hook standard 20 inches
Pinning Hook 40 inches
Pro Zap Insect Guard
Sex Probe
3 pc
Sexing Probes
6 pc ball point
Strictly's Classic T shirts
Tongs 40 economy
Tweezer 12 inches
Tweezer 15 inches
Tweezer 18 inches
Tweezers 8 inches
6450 Stirling Road, Hollywood, FL. 33024
Phone 954 967 8310 Fax 954 967 6796
Email: Web:
HOURS: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.,
Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Email and Fax 24 hours a day 7 days a week
Please read the terms and other information on the last page of this list.
*Prices and availability are subject to change at anytime without notice!
Check out our website at:
We try our best to give you high quality animals! Please see the last page for terms and other information!
No live arrival guarantee where destination temperature is less than 40 or greater than 85 degrees f.
No live arrival guarantee on amphibians at anytime. Ice/Heat packing available on request. Terms & Other Information:
1. Live arrival guarantee only on shipments sent airport to airport (air freight).
2. No live arrival guarantee for shipments that are delayed or mishandled by the carrier.
3. No live arrival guarantee on on shipments sent via door to door services.
4. No live arrival guarantee on shipments sent to destinations below 40(f) degrees or above 89(f) degrees.
5. No live arrival guarantee on amphibians at anytime.
6. No live arrival on "B" grade animals
7. No live arrival on export orders being sent outside the United States.
8. All claims must be be called in and unacceptable animals returned within 24 hours of arrival at destination airport. If you are
calling after hours or on weekends LEAVE A MESSAGE stating the exact nature of your claim. Please be sure to include your name,
phone number, exact nature of the problem, exact number and species involved. All claims must be accompanied by a digital
photo showing the animals and our shipping box, shipping label, or way bill. Photos should be emailed to or
sent by postal service within 24 hours of receiving your order.
9. All returned orders will be charged a 10% restocking fee.
10. Prices are subject to change without notice
11. The purchaser agrees to pay all expenses, including legal expenses, court costs and attorney fees paid by the seller in
endeavoring to collect these invoiced items. All amounts over 60 days shall be subject to a 2% monthly service charge.
12. NO minimum order!!! You may buy as much or as little as you want! No order is to small!!!
13. No guarantee that animals are free of parasites.
14. Sexing animals. No quantity lot discounts when customers request that animals be sexed regardless of the quantity being
purchased. Additional fees may be charged depending on the specific requirements of each individual request. Sexing is done at
our best effort, But is not guaranteed.
15. Inactive Accounts; Any account with no business transac tions after 90 days will be considered inactive. Inactive accounts will
be nullified of any said or agreed credits owed.
Your order is a legally binding contract. By placing your order you acknowledge that you have read, fully understand, and agree
to our terms of sale. You also acknowledge and agree to pay all expenses including legal fees, court costs, and attorney fees paid
by the seller when attempting to collect on a breech of these terms. We are not responsible for customers that ignore our terms of
sale. All sales are final.
For your convenience we also accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. Payments may also be made by bank transfer
(there is a $15.00 service charge on orders under $400.00).