/ I ~ .. / .. - • ..- THWEST TENNESSEE MAGAZINE FREE 11 [;1 Good People, A Great Place to Live, with Friends & Neighbors You Know and Trust! There's No Place Like... It's your time to live a leisurely life, and there is no place like ... Park Terrace Assisted Living 731479·1321 Move in no"' and SAVE T HO USANDS a rear in comparison to oth er Assil"ed living Centers. ONLY $2.575.00 flat fee per month Northwest Tennessee - April 2:015 Health & Wellness 3 April is Cancer Fatigue Awareness Month Cancer & Fatigue How Park Terrace Assisted Living Can Help! hat call be dOlle to help those who are fightillg the ultimate battle? Cancer and the treatments used to help uS survive, such as chemotherapy. radiation, and biologit therapy. tan taUSC extreme fatigue_ Many patients deS\:ribe this as feeling tired. weak, heavy, slow. or as having no cne.gy. Fatigue related to cancer Is different from fatigue that healthy people feel, When a healthy pcrwn is tired from their normal daily activities, their fatigue can be helped with sleep and rest. Caneer·related fatigue is different. Cancer patients gC1 tired aftCT less activity and it lasts much longer. Cancer.related fatigue is not tompletely relieved by sleep and rest. Fatigue usually dccreases after cancer treatment ends, but many patients may still feel some fatigue for months or even yeaJ"$_ Fatigue u n decrease a Pfltie nt's quality of life. All arcas of life can be affccted by cancer·related fatigue. Exhaustion can make it diffi· cult, if not impossible, to take part in family activities. relationshipS. and social and cOm · munity events. Patients oflen may miss work or schooL Thcy may be foreed to spend less time with friends and family and more time sleeping. Many times, this type of fatigue leads to mood changes and depression. "Brain fog" can sct in making it hard to pay atten· tion or remember things_ Getting help with fatigue may he lp alleviate some of th ese probl ems and improve quality of life. If you would li ke more infonnation about how Park Tcrrace Assisted Living can hclp, plcase fccl frec to stop by or call 73 I -479· 1321 to schedule a personal appoint. ment and tour with our administrator. Soo1\ Stubblefield. Anothcr opportunity to cxperiCI\CC Our community is by joining US for lunch_ We would like to invite you to come see why our residents are so happy here at The Park Tcrrace Assisted living! O ften times, if patients can be helped with the daily activities, such as meal preparatioos. medication management, housekeeping, bathing assistance and laundl)'. they can then conscrve their energy for family and social activities. Th is can help fight the onsct of depression by keeping spirits up. Of course, finding day·to-day help isn't always easy when all of our friends and loved ones have their own attivities and worl< schedulcs_ At Park Terrace Assisted Living, we take all of the stress off of you. helping you or your loved OnCS get through the day with ease so that quality of life can be the focus! ________________________ www.tnhe~lth 7]2 Broadway Street. South Fulton, TN 38257 731·479·1 321 .. ndwe ltness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Prevent Colorectal Cancer with Screenings I Devoted 10 Excellence in Medical Treatment Using State-of-the-Art Techno logy and Procedures Specio!J";Pd l,eolntenls: C&psul~ GnI':I~1 G"!1"...!!e~ ElJdos<opy DI<O/ders. of/he Eroph"P'1$ Col"" lIydrothtropy Calot, C&Jlc.r &ret'Jii,,!! 8m'" Eropmge.! PII snu:li.. Li,-..- (lI",w;':) '" Bililll)' Disn~ lIemormoid LJr.>Im<1iOf> FI •.• ibl. SignJ"ioiosropy D ...~~ 0(11)< """". ., www.ucgastro.com (731) 884-0600 Ko fi W. Nuako, MD and Lmlra W. Russell, CFNP C<>IO<JOSCOpy Upptt GI £tl</o$oopy L".tl BK>jJOY P4n0c.", ..i. SIIIgic&/ Ref.."..). 1109 East lh.-clfoot Ave nue - Union City, TN 3826 1 _ ... roc", .. _ The Next Generation in Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention, General Health, Wellness, Weight Loss, Diabetes Management, Remission Program, and Primary Care Services. www.preventevents.com 731-300-0044 • 162 Murray Guard Dr. Suite B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w ww.tnhe alt hil nd w e llness.com 6 Health & Wellness April 201 S - Nor t h w es t T e nnessee FOCUS ON FINANCIAL WELLNESS By Roger Anderson fREE INSURANCE C H ECK- UP Your Woodmen of the World representative can work wilh you to make sure you find the product(s) that correctly fit your needs and financial wellness goals. W eilneSS that focuses on your diet and exercise is imporun!. Bul that's nol the only kind of wellness that Can have a large impact on your overall ....·ell-being. You also necd 10 focus on financial ....·ellness. Financial wellness is having an understanding of your financial situation and taking steps to prepare for the future or fOf financial changes. When your financcs are in check. and you don't have that additional stress. Ihe rest of your life seems much more manageable. Mainlaining that balance can consist of being comfonable wilh where your money comes from. where it is going and knowing that irs working to help you in the fulure. BENEFITS OF LIFE IN SURANCE Life insurance from Woodmen of the World is one way you Can know that your money is working for you. and that il will be there 10 protect your family's financial wellncss in Ihe fuwre. If you or your spouse should suddenly die. life insurance helpS you be sure that your family will be provided for. No maner your budget. thcre's a Woodmen of the World product · that can work for your family. And depending on the product you purehase. it could also help you with your financial needs well into relircment. • Family Tenn life insurance is affordable insur_ ance covcrngc for your entire family - including a maximum of twO adults and all eligible children' on one ccnificate . The coverage extends as your family grows 10 CoVeT additional children you have Or adopl. ' While your family may increase in siu. your insurance cost .....on·1. For the firsl 10 years, lhe premium payment stays the same, no malter how many children are covered. • Universal Life' insurance provides pennanent coverage that adjusts to meet your individual needs and goals. This lifetime prolection can help you face the future with confidence. Woodmen of the World offers two types of Uni_ versal Life insurance: Accumulation Universal Life Insurance provides permanent life insurance and is designed 10 help you build tax-dcferred cash value: and No LapS!; Guarantee Universal Life Insurance provides affordable pennanenl life insurance and may be guaranteed up to age 121 as long as cenificate conditions are met ' _--_. _ _ - ......"'_..... ___l.,-........ . . .. ... ->"., _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . _-.--. .-.......' - -.........-----..-..-.... ..-,..--_ ._ ....-._ .._-_,--.. _ .. -, _--" _ .. _-"" -. _-,.. __ ---_ _ __--.. ... .... ...... 1 . , . . , . _ " ' _ ..... . .,.,....., _ _ _ • Woodmen of The World Whole Life insurance can be a dependable way to prote<:1 your family's lifestyle " 'hile you slrivc 10 mCC1 your financial wellness goals. The death benefit offers security by providing money to help pay for funernl costs and take care of debts. This pennanent insurance also builds cash value on a lax-dcfcrrcd basis. • Term Life insurance is anoption for those wanting life insurance protection that meetS a variety of needs and budgets. A number of plans are available, each providing covcrage for a cenain period of years. As with other types of life insurancc. Tenn Life provides a death benefit to your family upon your death, but docs not offer cash value growth. -... , ."...... _of..... .f"'_ 100 ...... ... _ -n.. ._ . "'_ .... , _ . . .... - - ............... ...... c_ _ ._. l.C-_ " ' . II........ _. ...... _ _. c'J.._..- .. tIo<u ....... f~;':"""'" ..... .... ""',.... ... ,.,............... ........... ;, l .h'1 ........ -.... _ _ """,,," ....... ... _ - ~-, ........ ..... ..... ... ... "",ro. ... ...... ....... ..._--.--, ............... ....... _ _ -..,-......_ ............ '-'J. _ _ .....,. ...... .--'-""--~.... _ .. c . . _ .......J. _........ _. ..... ------------------------ www.tnhe~lth As your family changes and life events happen. ii"s imponanl 10 constantly re-evaluate your financial wellncss goals to make sure you're still on track . Your Woodmen of the World representative will provide a FREE insurance "chec k-up" each year 10 make sure Ihe product you have is still the best option for your family's financial wellness. Woodmen of the World. through our Alliance Panners. can also help wilh your financial wellness needs as you move into your later years wilh long IC11Il care insurance.' Ask your representative for mOre information. Everyone has a unique financial situation. No matter what your needs. Woodmen of the World is there to help you on your journey 10 financial wellness now and into the future. Contact me lnday to stan getting your finances "in shape:' WOODMEN"~ <if theWORLD Woodmen of the World Ufe Insurance Society Home 0f1ic"" Omaha. Nebraska """"""'" Roger Anderson. FieF Woodmen of the World Jackson. TN 38305 731-664-6524 Cett."",", N•••be." I06J to-Ol. tCC<I'J I06.J to-Ol.llOS 1·tO. 1307 j." (0). tCCIO UOj )·10. 1CC1i SJ01 j·ll .. ndwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ --- '=- ~ Northwest Tennessee· April 2:015 Health & Wellness WEST T ENNE SSE E HEART & VASCULAR C E N T E R -,-----,,------,-::----,AI rackson- Madison County G~ncral Hospital American Heart Association . 7 West Tennessee Heart & Vascular Center and the Ame rican Heart Association's Partnership Saves Lives For more than ten years, the West Tennessee Heart and VaSOJ lar ~nter and the Arne<ican He..., Association (AHA) have worked together to promote heart disease awareness. in West TN . Thei' combir>ed efforts have helped people throughout West TN learn to recogniU! the early wa,nir>g signs 01 cardia<: health issues. TIvough this partr'le<Ylip. friendsh ips are formed, hearts are "ea led and lives are saved by their dedication to the people of West TN - Known as a highly s.killed team of Cardiovascu lar Specialists and Heating more heafl anaru than any otm.. hospital in TN, the AHA joined with the West Tennessee Heafl and Vascu lar Cent'" to M lp us have a 1>099'" impact on the lives of West TN residents: sha,ed Ch,;,;ty Futrell, Regional o;,ector for the American Heafl Assadat"'" and Go Red for Women. o.e.. the past ten )"la~. many su<:<:=/ul health weef"lIngs. awareness campaigns and edu<:allOna l events have OCC\Irred in We-;t TN because of tM great relationsh;p between the two organizat,ons. These oo:asiOf\S br'ng awarene» of hea" d;sease and ra ise funds for research to find wa)'$ to save even more lives. "The American Hea" Assadat"",;,; more than a research /oundat""' . They are about building healthie< lives for the commun itie-; they Xlve. and that is our mission as well_ Together, we can help even more people," Slates Em ily Garner. Oin ical Mana.ger of West Tennessee Hea" and Vascular Cente,"Thanks to the AHA. my family and I knew the signs and s)'TTlptoms and knew to get me to the team at West Tennessee Hea" and V<lSOJlar Center at Jacks.on· Madison County Hosprtal," declares Midie Johnson, West TN stroke survivor. for women Tuesday, April 7, 2015 5:00pm - 8:45pm - Dinner at 7:00pm Carl Perkin s Civic Center 400 South Highland Avenue For more information contact: Christy Futrell - (731) 267-8479 The next major evem for the We-;t Tennessee Heafl arid Vascular Center and the Am",ican Hea" Assadation relationship is the annual Go Red For Women event Tuesday Apfil7th. Thanks to this paflnership and many other sponsors, it promises to be the best )"lt. Hea" d i<;ea<;e is the No . 1 killer of women, caus,ng 1 in 3 deaths each yea,- That's approximately one woman ffVery minute, and "vents like these across the coontry help spread the word about the causes and pr..... ent'an of c¥d , scular d i_ <e_ -- '= =" WEST TE NN ESS EE HEART & VASCULAR - - CE N TE R - - - - - - At ladwn . Madison County G ~ n ~ ral Hospital christy.futrell@heart.org 'NTHVC or9 • 731-54I-CARE (2273) Comprehen"ve Core - One Number to Call _____________________ w ww . tnhe ~ lt h~ nd w e l l ness _ com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8 Health & Wellness April 201 S - Northwest Tennessee What Shoe to Buy for Your Active Kids By Raines Foot Clinic I fyour child or teenager plays spons, you may be awan: of the various spons equipment or uniform needs, Whether it's dance costumes and leotards Or bats and gloves and prote<:tive helmets, th~re's always a shopping basket full Qf items. One Qf the most imponant items on yQur shopping list should be the correct footwear for yQur child's needs. CQnslder the Activity Cleats arc used tQ help the player not Qnly run quickly, but also stop quickly. This helps not only performance, but also helps toavoid injury. Thcy grip the ground in a way that Typical spans shoes do nQI. There are diffcrent clealS for baseball, soccer, and football. In some eases, cleats. can be used in multiple spons, depending On the position played and other factors, however. it is imponant tQ discuss the optiQns when pun;hasing cleats ifYQU are planning on using them in more than one spon. Basketball shoes help prote<:t against injury by providing appropriate suppon. Basketball shoes. for instance, provide extra ankle suppon, because the movements from side to side that arC typical in basketball put strain On the ankles Running shoes, especially for long distance runners, if at all possible, should be fitted tQ th~ individual runner. Depending on the physical needs Qf the individual, running shoes can vary greally. Get Fitted II is always ideal to be fined at a store that spccializes in athletic footwear. Most sales associates are specially trained to find a shoe that is appropriatc for your child's foot, his gait, and his spoM. Look for a shoe thai fits. Try nol to worry about the number on the size. Shoe sizes. like clothes, can differ dc-pcnding on the design. An athletic shoe should feel comfonable on the first try. Watth for Signs of Wear When the shoes stan wearing out, it's time for a new pair. Check the tread and mi<!sole, the cushiQny pan just hefore the sole. If the shoe displays signs Qf uneven wear. it's time 10 look for a new pair ofshocs. Athletic §hoes should be replaced yearly; running shoes should be replaced every 300-400 milesor so Obviously. children grow. Keep that in mind and check YQur child's alhletic shoes often for signs thai their shoes may be tOO small, e"en before the end of their season. Difficulty gelling the shoes On and seeing the toe at Ihe cnd ofthe shoe are bolh signs that ii's lime for a n~w pair No Pain NQ pain, nQ gain? Not where YQur feet are cQncerned. Th~ human foot has 16 bones, 33 joints. 107 ligaments. and 19 musclc§ and lendons. The 52 bones in your feet make up about 25 percent of all the bones in your body. With SO much tQ take into consideratiQn, if your child Qr teen complains Qf fOOl pain, it is beller 10 be safe than sorry. Call Rain~s foot C linic for an appointment Qr consultatiQn with Qur UniQn City _ _Qfficc _ _at _731-885-0220 _ _ _ _ _or_our _ Dyersburg _ _ _ _office _ _at _731-286-2139. __ www.tnhe~lth MedOCo! ond SUgico!l'eotment oIlhe Fool ond MI:ie Paul Hutchison, DPM· Todd Divan, DPM • Daniel M. Parise, DPM UNION em 1415 E ReeHoot Ave. Call for an Appointment. DYERSBURG 1901 Cook Street ,-:-;;;~'~3~'~.885 :~."" :=============='=3=,=.,.. ==.2='="=== .. ndwe llness.com Northwest Tennessee Implants to the Rescue! By Dr. Randall LeDoke , DDS T he go.al of the profe.sslon of Dtntls!ry is to help our patients ~ their ""lUral t~ in good health and fI.onct;on tnrougn. out their lifetinw. Unfoftunate!y, p«I!)Ie do low teeth through disease and lrJ\1ma. About 20'11. of the A~iUn adult populatioo Is completely toothless arid these denture patients demand and deserve the best denture appliances we dentists <an produce. COIlYefltlona1 dentures, 01/ false teeth. afe acrylic:INset! ..,p~nces that fit 0Wf the bone ridges that ()n(e supported tooth roou. Theft is no 3tuch- men! ~ conwntlonal denlu~ and the Impl40nts are biocompatiblt! plostheti(: fooure:5 that aA' SUtgicaily pI/Iced in the jaw bone. They integrate with the den",1 bone and provide a mNM of connecting denYl appli;Jonc;~ 10 the jaws. Stabiliz· Ing denlur~ with implants elimlnat~ the wobble of free·fIoating dentures and gfNIly enhances chewing me<:hanics and efficiency, Implants for dentures come In two vlrleties hased on the sl2i! of the fi~tures. larger or conYentional Implants are greatet than 3 mm In di<lmeter and prO\'ide eKCellent support for dentures. Afte< SUO'glcal ~ement, they must be allowed time to integrate Into the bone before they can be put into use. This can take from fout to s1~ months. Implant fiotures called mini dental impianU are defined by their smaller diamete< and though the smalle< Implant~ individually provide less support than their lao'gercousins, they can be eqU.l11y effec· tive if a sufficient numbel' are placed. While a minimum of two con"'l'lltional impl40nts might be sufficient to support a lowe< Oen!Ufe, it would require four Of _ mini impl40nts to achieve the same end. Due to their small size, mini impl40nts can be placed In thinner bone and this can be an advantage for older patients with thin denture supporting bone. After Implants are placed, attachments are ~ cessed IntO the dentures that plOIIide the connec· tion between the a~nce and the Integrated Impl40nl furtures. The attachment housings can be prOCessed Into new dentures or the attachments ciln be retrofined to a patient's e"'stlng dentures. The result Is greater stability during function and IncrCised confidence in >Will. At Smiles by l~O"ke, we can help solve the ~comings of ~ ventlonal dentures by creating CUSlom den- CMnging the way the 'MIrid _ you OM remar1IabIe smile Ill. lime! • w, 9 Or. Rilndall leDuke is a graduate of the University of Memphis and the Unl· versl ty ofnnnessee Col· lege of Dentistry. He Is iI past president of the Ten· nessee Audemy of GMerai Dentistry, 1_.AGO.org) and has achlClled AGO Maste< SUftu$, one of only 48 AGO Mutet dentis" In Tennessee. n'IOIJlh. lisen leam to we". c\entUt'H through COOf- diMtion .nd practice (rather like ~mlng tocoordi· ...ale and r!de a bicycle), and many people take 10 denture wear surprisingly easily. Also. 50me denture wearers neve< ge1 the hang of denture wear and it remaiM a daily challenge for them. Most denture wea<el'S ~re ~ belVoeen these ext~ You ~ the problem with COflYelltional full dentures is they wiggle from side to side uode< function. Than because the pI40stic dentUA' ~aresuppo<ted bywigglysoftgumtlssue. And ~'s usually not poo< fit that causes denture ~ but the movement of the dentures ~Inst the tissues they ride on during use. April 201 S iii ture appliance with superior esthetic ap- Or. LeOuke holds h is permit to administer Limited Conscious Sedation, having received tralnlng In this area through the Dental Orga· nlzatlon for Conscious Sedation. Cosmet:ic dent~try Is a passion wilh Dr. leOo.rkt. tit is a member of the Tennessee Ac~my of Cosmetic Dentistry and servtl on Its Soard of Oirectors. Dr, leOu ke is a general dentist. not an O.thodontic Specialist. HOWevel, he hI' trCited hundreds of children and ltdults within his dental practice 0\Ie< the past twenty-five )'tars. Con"'l'lltional braces. cltar ceramic braces and cit.. aligner orthodontics, ICltarCorrect.com), {inYisalign.com), ..e available at OUI offict. Dr. LeDuke hits it special In!er~SI in interceptlve tMrapits for achieving impro~d dt~lopment and align· ment of the jaws of)'CIUng, \lrowing patients. Pk!ase visit our Smilt Gallery wtbsIte at www.Jmllesbyledllke«tm lor some ~ MOSI dental servicM can be accMsed within OUI office. tiiminating the flftd for oul·of· town reftrrals. Our patients appreciate Dr. ltOukt's depth of e~pe.ienct and ltdvanced !ralnlng through years of continuing dent al education. 731-885-0497 2t 4 WMt Church Union City. TN lan l www.lmlllUb ).1ec1wk • . com J}@al as well as func- llooal stability through Impl~nl ~xtufes. For mo<e information or a consultation appointment with Or. ld>uk~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::~:::::; ~~111~~="~.~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=, _ www .tnheiOlthandwellneu.com - 10 Keah:h & Wellness April 201 S • Northwest Tennessee ~!,!I~able W Bowel Syndrome hal is irritable bowel syndrome (lBS)? You may have been tQld that YQU suf_ fer from this condillon. alro prevIOusly called spastic colon. Irritable bowel syndrome is a common disorder that affects your digestive system, This syndrome mQSt commonly consists Qf cramping. ab,;lQminal pain. bloating, gas. diarrhea and/or CQnstipation. Irritable oowel OOes not cause inflammation or changes in bowel tissue or increase your risk of intestinal cancer. By definition. it is a condition in which there is an alteT1'l1ion in bowel mQvements a$wciatoo with ab<knninal pain in the absence of any structural abnormalities of the gut, lBS is the most commonly diagnosed gastrointestinal condition. It is the second leading cause of missed work. Approximately 10-20"10 of people experience the symptoms of lBS at some time in their lives, Most prople with lBS first have symptoms by carly adulthood, SymptOmS may improve as they learn to control their condition. Theories as toWhy ISS Develops The cause of lBS is not clear. There are multiple thwries of why lBS develops. One thwl)' suggeStS that lBS is caused by abnormal contractions of the colon and intestines. These contmctions can cause severe cramps. f ood is forced through your intestines more quickly and this may cause feelings of gas. bloating and diarrhea . 11 is unclear whether the CQn\ractions are the results or the cause of the disorder. In some cascs, food passage is slow and stools become hard, Your intestines may stretch from gas and this may cause you to experience discomfort. Many individuals develop lBS after a gastrointestinal infcction with germs sueh as salmonella or viruses. It is not clear why this occurs after these infections. It has also been noted that SOme people with lBS have abnormal serotonin levels, Serotonin is a chemical that is associatoo with brain function and also involved in normal digestive function. Researehers believe that hormonal changes play a role in this condition. Many wOmen find that signs and symptoms are worse during their menstrual periods. www.tnhealth .. ndwe llness.com Northwest Tennessee - Aprtl 2015 fiN/th & Weloess 11 Food, Wt May Affect IDS Prople with IBS arc more likel y to sutTer from .n.liely and $lre$$. SU·ns and anxiety In: known 10 atT~ the intestine. flowc,·cr, $tn:s5 and anx.iety are likely noIthc cause oflBS. but probably makc the: rondition worn:. Many individuals feci that their symploms WOrKn when they eat ccnain foods. [I is felt that chocolate, milk, and .Ieohol might cause constiplltion or diarrhea. Carbonated beverages. eenain fruits and vegetables may lead to bloatinS and dis<;omfon. The role of food allergy in lBS is not clearly understood. Then: are several inteSlinal disorders that an: similar to 18S. Your doctor will n.ccd 10 rule OUI inflammatOf)' bo....el disease (such as uleerative eoliti , and Crohn's disease). celiac disease, &rid microscopic colitis. You will nttd blood ,,·orX to rule OUt Other medical conditions. Your doctor may order stool studies to check for infection or m.labsorpIion problems. Your doclor may .lso wggcst. colonoscopy, especially if you are o,·cr agc SO years. to make su~ lhen: In: no rno;m: sinister causes of the symploms. B~ath testS may be ordered to see if you are inlolenml to lactose or might have bacteria thaI could be causing your symptoms. Treatment Options Because il is OOt clear what causes IBS. t~almenl ,,·ill focus on ~Iief of symploms. In $Onle cases, mild signs and symploms may be controlled by learning to manage $trcss. You may also make ehan8f$ in your diet and lifestyle. Fiber wpplemenlS may also help if cOlI$lipation il .n issue. If you sutTer from bothersome bloaling or gas, your doctor may suggesl .voiding ra .... fruils, vegetables. carbonated beverages, salads. e". You may need medication 10 hclp with pllinful bowel cramping and spasms. An antispasmodic drug may be prescribed tQ help wilh this discomfort. Anlidepressants and anliunxiety medications may be helpful if you sutTer from depression or have problems with anxiety. If diarrhea is the main symptom , you may need medications to slow your imestines. Drugs like lmodium and lomotil can help with diarrhu, but should only be used long ttrm after medical studies hne been performed. Many individuals suffcr from constipation wilh lBS. lf you have problems ,,·ilh constipation. your do<;tor may prncribe I tuative to help Il:gulale bo",-cl movcmenl5. "IlIcn: is no $pCCific test for irritable bowel syndrome. Your history. physical examination, and blood lesl5 will rule OUI OIlier conditions and help in establishing the diagnosis. Your doctor may recommend that you ~ a gastroenlerologist for colonoscopy (a small flexible tube with a camera that will examine your colon). There are many ditTerent trealment options for IBS . At Advanccd Gastroenlerology. we have a Spc<.:ial inte~st in the diagnosis and trcatment ofl BS. To learn more aboul IBS or 10 schedule an appointment, please o;QI1l1Ct our office at 7)1 ·S84-0600 or visil us online at www.ucgastro.com. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.tnheatthandwellnus.eom ________________________ 12 Keah:h & Wellness April 201 S • N orthwest T e nn e ssee 'i/'lri",opher Welsch. MD FOO' those ~ ...no do r>OI ~ .... ;,,1 from • C)( " ' " not <;andi<!at ... lo<. ~t of obnormol ...-.strual cyd<os wiIt1 ~. W<gk.ol procedures ~ additIOnal options 10< the mana.geme<l1 of these d~ If a pIIt""" chooses def~....-ge<Y '" her best ch<Xe IC)( long.""", .... >ef. the abdominal hys1l>«!<;tOmy hos trad~Oona I Iy been the most coo ... ,.,..1y used ~ for """",,_I of the ute<\/$. UnIott"""'~' opM abdominal wrge<y con b& HSOCioted wiIt1 a r.osp.ul stay of two to """ days or """" and up to iii>< to 8;ght woob to re<;Ov(tf ••• tirn& away from work and 1...... >1)1 that ...... roy io'IdMduols cannot $pII"'. · M...... 11y in......,..· .... '9~ ~ con ~ a """"'" with relOef 01 her symptoms, and allooN her to return to normal activoty mo.och mont quiddy. Th,.... type> 01 hysterectomy.", wnoidered ·m in ima lly in.""e" and may be .,sociated with mo<e rapid ""''''''''Y - •• g.n. l, lapllroscopic and robotoc .. "iSled. With .agina l hys'''''''''omy, th .. uterus i. completely removed through the v.gi ..... lISOJally with no .bdomin.1 Iocisions. Mos, po'>e<>U can go f>orn8 the day alter .... rgery .nd can be bad to work in lour woob. The su<gery ;s performed wo\hout actua lly ..... ing ;nsid .. ,"-" obdom.n. 1 cov;ty. and some condit ions may ...... ke .ag;nol hys,erectomy more d ilfocuk or even impossible 10 perlorm . .....,., a..... ry ""larged ut ..... s. the 01 sear , ......... or pteVOous opera'ions. Some~me a s uogery ;. begun through the vagina but has to be completed through an abdom;no l ;""ision. Ioke a ... nd.<d abdominal hysl"re<:'omy. pr<-Se""" 2863 Highway 4S Bypass Jackson. TN 3830S 731.664.1375 • jacksondinic.com Lapo roscopy .. a surgery whe", the doc1or >nser1$' telescope.nd instrumenn th""ugI1 ....... 11 Oroci<ions (about the wdth of a linger) ;n the .bdomin.1 wall. A surgeon c.n ..... mor" de.rIy with th is approach as he;$ v ..... .-.g the pelv;.: orgons d irectly on • I"ge TV screen. A po,ien\ M.ing hysterectomy perlorrned by 1.p"""$C0py can potent;o lly go home the ... me day and be b*"" 10 woJt in one to two wee«.•. The", ore many causes 01 IObnonnaI ute,ine bleeding. 1/. worn..n .ny 01 ,he following. wn.ultation ";th a gyneco!og;'t i• re<:Qmmended, Robot;.: ",s;sted (do Vncii .... rg«y ;s the roe_t gen&o'ation of IapllJO<COPY. wher" a ""9"<Y .. pe<formed through small inasions on the al:odorne<> oot the wrgeon MS • Wee dimenS-ioMI. h;gl1 def.nition ...... 01 the aw. ""-e he .. operating. The dcoctor then controls """II in'trurr\OO1U that "x<tctly mimic the movemenU 01 h" hands to complete the procedure. The robot does not perform the wrgery. but .. used by the surgeon to operate with incre.sed precision .nd .. fety. Pat""'U L.<ldergoing da V.-.<; w<gery may experience up to a 90% dec<e_ ;n comp!ations and up to V3 Ie.. blood loss over othe< typeo of minimally ;nv","'" surgery. in addition to • lowe< chance of r.aw-og to con.ert to .bdom...1hysterectomy. They GOn go f>orn8 the same day ar>d ,..,tum to work ;n one to two wee«.s. • Anemia (low blood ,QUnn) A woman has options that wjll allow her to get reljef of her menstrual symptoms and back to normal life more quickly. Djscuss wjth your doctor which approach may be best for you. ________________________ www .t nhe~lth~ndwe l lnes s.com ""'1"""'''''''' • M""",,u.1 Row long...- Ih.n ...... n days month 0,- in 0""• • • BI..&<1,"9 """" thon between cycle. • P~ .. i"9 dots, /Ioodlng. Ndoh ...ts 0< "~inlng dot"". 0' The aep..rtment 01 Obotetria .o>d GynKOlogy a' The J;ockson Clinic i> tINt "'!lion. le_, In 'ow."ve minimally gynecologic su~. Their gynecologi.n "'_ comp~ted over 1500 roboli<: procedure •• h. ... performed .dditiO<oal thou ... ndo 01 minim.lly ;""...... 'U'geriM lor gynec%gi<: condl'io .... 0Ild "'p'..... ove, 100 )'<Oars of surgical experie""e and commitment to ..~ celle"".. in p"tien' car... They 0", the first group in Jack""" '0 all., ,obo,i<: hys'MOdomy lor tfoe treotmellt 01 .bnormal bleedi"9.• r>d ore the only group with d. Vmci c.. rtified instr""''''' lor robot", gyn«ologic Ju<gery. Gynecologists a' The hekson Clinic .'e the only pfoysid.... ;" Jad,,,,,,, 10 all''' robot'" "",.. I colpopexy · the gokl ".r>da'" lor tr.... tme<>t of certain type. 01 pelvic organ ... Io"",ion _ 0Ild d a Vinci single. itoci>ion hysletectomy. n' The Jackson Clinic OIVGYN DEPARTMENT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Northwest Teooessee April 2015 Ho th &- Wel lJll!ss 13 require regular al1cndancc for besl n:sulu;. Some insurar.ce pI .... provide: borne health therapy CO"efl8C based on diagnosis. Compll ...... lIIry AsHs ....... t Schedule a romplimenLlry lNCSI-IIlCI>I at no clwJe with Il wnan TedUlol.ogy, Inc. Proslhe1ics and Orthotics. CONTRACTURES - JOINTS LOCKING ~ " i! cdeiJrQ(e Occ" fH'IiOfHll r " erop)' MOl"" and t" ank all flr t! indi,';d,,- alf in flrif carar for imp"""jnK ~e:S daily actio-ity f "nctions. ~ - Human T"hnolop, 100;:. Pto$tbf!riel and Orthotic. WhM Is. ClJnl,Ktu,.7 A contrxture is a permanenl shontnma of a muscle that 0;10"," a ""fannity. with or without pain. A COflUXture dc:fonnity ,. the result of a stiffntss or oonstri<;tion in the mus<:les,joinu;, lnI<Iont, lillme.ns, or skin Ihat rcstricu; _ I mo,-CtnC'IIt. It """clops when normally pliable <;OCIIICCti"e tiHUeS bcoome less fk~ible. This meanS the ran,e of~ion will be limite<!. A penon may have diffkulty mo"ing their hand ... retcking their ](81. wai,lncn;n, fingef'J, or e~tcnding another pan of the body, Contracturcs can oxcur ;n different pans of lhe: body. A musele contracture in"olv" the: tishtcninJ!shonen;n, nf the muse]". An individual with joint COn· tractures will c~pcrimcc limited range of molion in an area of 11.., body where Iwo or more bones co.,,>eet The: skin Can also beeome scarred (e.g., burned) and contract. limiling the Ibility to move that par! of the body. Symptoms of ClJnt.adura o.formlt)l The: main Iymplom i. mt .... e<I.biHty to mo..-e an an:a of the body. Pain may be expt"ricnce<l ckpIndina on tbe: lonlion and cause: of tbe: problem. Common C.UHS n.. main causes of conUXture Ire iMClivity and se..-Mg from an injury or bunL People: wboo have othc:r <;Onditions that keep thml from "':::I\",ng around an: at high risk for tia;hltnina of their m"""ks and joinlt. For example. joint conUXIUreS an: ..... ,,,, .... , in pIlimts disc:1Iafgc<I from in~ive CIre urn", or after long hospi"'l Slays. Other causes include discascslconditlons such "" M ......1ar Dystrophy, Cen:bral Palsy. lIuminp)n's DiSClK. Polio and Rhromatoi<!Anhrilis. \\ac-.te Sftl< Utlp Stek ionmediale medical l$SiSWICc: if IIOmOOI>C Iw III injury or bunl. Noofy the doc!or ,fthe ab,lity to mo'-.: the affo:cted pari of the body is limite<l. Seding treat· menl for chronic disc-asc:s and underlyin, ronditiom is al$o important for dectusing or pn:veo>lin,SymplOml. Elderly or disabled individuallliving at home alone ncc<I to be monitored oft"" for sipos of co.nractwn. Addranlngllnd bll"9 Symptoms Docton will Ii>'e I physical uam and ask about medical hi.lory. Be prepared to up],i" 5ymplOmS. specific location of tbe: problem. its inleftS;ly, .""ilable movCtnC'llI and bow long movement oftMt art'l has been fCStricted. A doctor may order X· ... ys or OIher tellts to dil8ROK the: eon<Iition. Make sure the doctor docu· ments in eban notes the specific co""oms dealing with contractu",. and improv. ing functional OIIlcom" so treatment and appropriate d e"ices can be co>-emt by Medica", and OIhcr insurance planl, Gel a cop)' of the chan notes along with a pre· scription for the ... py and. contracture brace/splint. Physical lind Ckcu~tlonlr nt.rlPY .ra Kay After obuoining. diagnosis and I pmotriplion from the prinwy doctor. the panicipa_ tion of a therapi,. and .. Orthotist in the an and managw>mt of COfltractures is critieally impooWllto prt"o"ftlt serious proFessh'e ""fonnity. Diff"""'l typeS of contracture brxing or ",Iinting il »Sed. Fnnk Caruoo, CO/LO. the Director ofOrtholics II Human Technology. Inc. Prosthelics and Orthotics belie,..,. one of the moo1 successful tpprOIChei was """elo,lCd by Ultraf\ex . II is a custom or off_thc-lbc:lf Ibi", that allows the tlinic'an. pltient or physicilll 10 slowly increase: ~ion of a """UXture in inch pounds. This is plnicularly ;.xal if thc-n:'s been tendon or nerVe repair. learn more at http://www.ultraflexsysterJlS.com. ClJnsequencIH of Forgoing T,..unlftt Delaying or forgoing trealment may make it difficult or impossible to "'gain range of motion. Ik-pc:nding on the: .ffccted an:a of lhe body. stiff muscles, joints, and skin can interfere with pcrf"orm;n, cvo-ryday taskS II home and woo. People wilh diseases like Cerebral Palsy and Museular Dystrophy should be under cominual medical Care to ensure their best outcomes. Prl¥<lnllon Providing ftequcntc hanges in position and rl'Ingeof~ion e~creiscs is im]XIManl to pm'cnt contracl\ln:S. I'ropcr fil1inll and wear lime of I splint. brace or o n hosis is crucial in management of. contracture. Rellular uerd.., and an acti,'c lifestyle can help prev""t muscle and joint .tiff,,",. Once conuxtun:s develop. lbey an: ofltn ~ery diffll:ult to correct. Physical and <:«upational thcrapi,u; frequenlly help;n Ilr<'IChing out the conlractorcs. HO......."C1". the most imponant w"y to ""al with conuxtun:l is to pn:vmt them. Human Technology. Inc . Prostl>tticl and OrthotiQ now has ofToccs in the following TenrtCSSCC cilles: Jackson. Germantown. Qatllctl, Union C ity, Paris, Murfn:nboro, and Columbia. Miosiosippi il Sf!rViced by III ofT~ in Southa'·cn. MS. Patients lin: also seen in clinic at the hospi"'l in Savannah. TN. Rehab Centers. Physioeian ofTJ«S and home: visiu; CIII be IfnIIiClI ir nc : ''I')' by appointmen .. CaU ll uman Techno!01)'. llll:. Prostl>ttiQ and 0rth0Ii<;s at 1.800-922. 1514 or visit US online al hwnanlOChpando.com. SOlutions for Life, Technology for Living • S!IIVJI'tG 'I~TtI TO G(UtTlUC • HfOlCAIIf .tNP MOST INSURANCI! ACCI!PHD • ~ Human Full P rostl>eUc Care lor Amputee, - CUltom Orlhopedlc Devices for all Me<!k:1I1 Condition. CUllOm a nd DlabeUe SIIoeslOrlholics and Supporb TI!crapy is oro: of the mOil common "".tmc-n1S for """,racto""" It helps 10 increase Servldng Hlddl • • w ..t Tlftn_ ...1.. t....""I, Arkan .... and Kenluci<y me ta/Igt' of ~ion and ~ muscles. PbysicallOccupational therapy sessions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www_t nllealtllandwellness.com' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Does Your Heart Need a Check Up? Or Maybe Your Lungs? Could you be at risk for a stroke, heart disease, or even lung cancer? Henry County Medical Center is now offering several procedures that can give you peace of mind by checking your heart and lungs. Cardiac Scoring and Lung Cancer Screenings $99 for the CT Calcium Scoring Test $275 for CT Lung Cancer Screening Tests are available anytime during the week. These screenings last approximately 30 minutes and no physician order is needed, but you must pre-register by calling Centralized Scheduling at 731·644·8486, option 1. N orthwest Tennessee - April 2015 Hea lth & Wellness Hearing affects everything between your ears. If you're like most people. you're used to thinkingof hearing as something that happens;n your ears . What people often don't thin k about is what happens 15 How can technology help your brain hear more naturally? With so much of your hearino happenino in your brain. it's between their ears. in the hearing important that when your hearing is compromised, your brain P<lrt of their brain. That's where oets the support i t needs. That's the idea behind the Br ainH ear; no~ sound becomes informat ion that has mea ning. Your brain has t o wor.: hard to ma ke th is happen. technolO<JY bu ilt into Oticon hearino instruments. Bra;nHearino~ techflolO<Jypreserves the important detai ls in speech. so your brain doesn't have to fill in theoaps. It enables your hearing instruments When the sound signals from your to work t o<Jet her as a system to help you locate sound. And it ears are compromised. your bra in reduces the eflort involved in listen ing to conversations. has to wor.: even harder to fil l in the gaps. Th is extraeffortcao take Give your brain exactly what it needs to hear. its toll.ln fad. stud ies have shown Brai nHearino~ technology enables Ot icon hearino instruments to that. over time. hearing loss can be f inely tuned to ma tch your unique hea ring profile and personal lead to isolation and depression. sound preferences. Then deliver SO\.Ind wi th the clearest. purest sional possible in the way your bra in is best able to understand it. The resu lt is a more natural. effortless listening experience . Hearing care is health care. Thats why it makes sense to take care of your hearing healtll the same way Anywhere, Anytime. you care about the rest of your health : There's a lot more riding on it than just yourhearing. Bra i nHea ri ng'" tech nol ogy: It's your brain that hears. Not your ears. Helps both ears werle to<Jether When)'(lu listen to a (onversation, your ears and your brain work together as Recognizes and preserves natural spe-e<:h a system. with your brain doing most of the heavy lifting. Your brain is what Separates <P"e(h from background ooi", uses the information from your two ears to orient you by figuring out which d irect ion sound is coming from. It's in the brain that sound waves become sounds that you recognize. And your brain is what helps you fOCUS in on a conversation and seporote out unwanted noise. Right now. all four of these tasks are happen ing simultaneously and cont inuously inside your bra in. Coo<dina te. how sound is best understood by your brain "'-_............. _......... ·201 ..' . _ ... . - - . . - ' ".... , ...... _ If you missed our recent Consumer Seminar on BrainHearing"" Technology, contact The .. '*'~ .-.. 96'/, .A"! NT SAT'SfACTlO N' Jackson Hearing Center at 731-660-SS11 today to sc hedule an appointment for your Fr ee H eari n g Screening and Bra ln H ea r lng'"' Techn o l ogy Co n sul tati on a n d Demon st ratio n . www.hearlngmemphls.com. _____________________ w w w .t n he ~ lt h~ nd w e l lness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 16 Keah:h & Wellness April 201 S • Northwest Te nn e ss e e • I Leg Cramps? Swelling? By The COmporehensive Vein Center at Cardiovascular Clinic 01 West TN , P.C. I fyou suffe, with any of these. then VenaCure EVLT laser treatment is for you' VenaCure EVLT laser treatment ciiminatu unsightly varicose veins without surgery or hospitalization. with minimal to no scarring, with no lengthy m:overy. and with minimal to no side effe<:ts. The VenaCure EVLT procedure may even be covered by insurance. In less than an hour, you can be free from varicose veins and associated varicose pain. V• •icos. Veins Besides being a cosmetic problem, varicose veins can be painful, especially when standing. $cvere, long-standing varicose veins can lead to leg swelling. venous eczema. skin thickening and ulceration. Varicose veins can devciop through a combination of weakened vein walls and faulty valves. Under a variety of cireumstances. nonnally toned. clastic vein walls can become weak and allow the recirculating blood that should be moving loward your heart to flow bach.·anI. One·way vah·cs in these veins - which open and enable blood to flow through on its way upward. then close 10 stop blood from flowing backwanl - can also fail to fun.ction properly. This allows blood to pool and pressure to build up, which funher "'eakens and subsequcmly damages the .·eins. causing them 10 become twisted, enlarged and painful. Up to 40% of women and 25'Y. of men are affe<:ted by this condition - but fonunatciy. treatment is available. What to e)(pect with the VenaCure EVLT procedure ° YOU, doctor ..s.e-s uluasouod 10 map out your yeO'! ° Local afl6thetic is appied • A thOn lase< fibe< is inserted thf"OUgh a tiny entry point • ~ f"MflIY is ~ivered to ~I 11-,. faulty Vl'In ° Wal~ing ""medi.lt~ aft... the poroeed~ is HKOU'~; normal daily activity CiI" be resumed. just aYOid rigorous activities such as .... -._ ..... ......,...M'_ -"""'~ ° There may be minor soreness and b"nsong 2-S days af~ 11-,. poroeedUf<!; any discomfort can be treated with O"!I".t/Ie-«Iun~. """""'PInn paon ........... as Jll'f:essary More than half a million people have been treated with the VenaCure EVlT system worldwide, which has now become the standard of care in the U.S. for the treatment of varicose veins. www.tnhe~lth~ndwe l lness.com LaserVeln Treatment Simply put. a laser is a highly concentrated beam oflight. Medical lasers work by delivering this light energy to the targeted tissue with extreme precision. SO as not to affect the surrounding tissue. Lasers have proven their safety and effectiveness through years of use in all types of medical procedures. from eye surgery to dermatology. In the hands of a skilled physician. lascrs offer far less risk for complications than conventional surgery. In laser vein treat_ ment. a thin fiber is inserted into the damaged vein. A laser light is emitted through the fiber. delivering just the right amount of energy. The targeted tissue reacts with the light energy, causing the vein to close and seal shul. The veins that are closed off are superficial veins that handle less than 5% of your blood flow. The blood is automatically routed to other veins. The VenaCure EVlT o Procedure • Treatment in less than an hour • Can be performed in the dOdOe's office • Up to 98% success rate • Immediate relief of symptoms • Less pain and b.using than traditional vein stripping • Return to normal activity immediately-with little or no pain or downtime • No general anesthesia or hospitalization • Minimal-to·no scarring • Typically is covered by insurance Northwest Tennessee - April 2015 Kealth & Wellness 17 Varicose veins, or enlarged and twisted rope-like veins t hat appear near the surface of the skin, are a result of venous disease (a disease in the veins). In normal ly functioning veins, tiny one-way valves open as blood flows toward the heart and close to prevent blood from flowing backward. When these valves malfunction, blood pools in the veins, increasing pressure, causing additional valve fa ilure, which weakens the vein walls and causes t hem to bulge. ~----1--- Laser Fjber The Vena(ure EVl~ procedure is a non-surgical treatment method t hat uses targeted laser energy to seal the vein shut, About the Procedure The procedure;s done right in your physician's office. In less than lhe lime it takes 10 watch a movie, you can get rid of the source of your varicose veins. The entire procedure typically lasts anywhere from 4S minutes to one hour. and requires only a local ancsthetic. You, physician will insert a Ihin laser fiber inl0 Ihe vein thmugh a very small entry point. and the laser light lhal emilS through this fiber will seal the faulty vein . While you might feel an unfamiliar sensali{)n, ;t treating varicose veins directly at -- -- their source. is not painfuL This part of the procedure lakes literally juSt a few minutes. Your physician will enoournge you to walk immediately after the pr0- cedure, and you can resume nonnal activity Ihe same day (ask your physician when i1 is safe 10 resume rigorous activities). Some p<llienlS may experience temporary soreness. which can be trealed effectively with over-lhe-countcr, OOnaspirin relievers and should subside within the first five days. Excellent Long Term Results After treatment. the appearance of the abnormal vein is instantly improved with minimal-to-no scarring. There may be somc slighl swclling and minimal bnIising around the trealment site. However, once that subsides, you will sec a significanl difference in the appearance of your legs . For those paliems who don't experience these small side effects, the resuits are obvious righl away. Published clinical studies show that the VcnaCure EVLT procedure has more than a 95% initial success rate with excellent long tem results, Veins that have becn treated are very unlikely 10 become varicose again, Many people experience other vein conditions thai may need to be trealed with supplementary therapies Ihat we offer as well . [fyou are experiencing these other vein conditions. such as spider veins. your physician may recommend micro-phlebectomy and selerotherapy (spider vein treatment). Comprtlle,.,ln Yel" Ce"ter at CimliO'WU(Il/'" CUnk o/ Wt" TN 2%8 North Highland Avenue Learn more about varicose vein treatments by contacting Comprehensive Vein Center at Cardiovascular Clinic of West TN al 731-499_1921 or 731_256-1819. or visit our website at www.cvctncom for more infonnation. For important risk infonnation, visil hltp:INcnaCure-EV LT.comlRiskinfo. Jackson, TN 3830S 731-499-1921 or 73 1-2S6-!819 _____________________ www . lnhe~lth .. ndwe ltness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Northwest Tennessee - April 2015 Health & Wel lness 19 MEASLES OUTBREAK UNDERSCORES IMPORTANCE OF IMMUNIZATION Source: IN.gov Devolt me<>t of IINkh M easles, a disease conSidered eradicated in the United States. is making headlines due to a g rowing outbrea k lin ked to a (a lifornia amusement park. Most of the peop1e infected with measles in this outbrea k were not vaCCinated aga inst the disease. While Tennessee does not yet ha~ any repo<ted measles cases in 2015 and no cases lin ked to this outbreak at this time, tile Tennessee Department of Health is reminding everyOne of the importance of routine vaccination aga inst measles and other illnesses. "Measles is a highly contagious, potentially deadly disease, but we ha~ had great success in preventing it for decades with a safe, effective vaccine; said TOH CommissiOf1er John Dr~hner, MD, MPH_ "Measles vaccine is among the immuni~ tiOf1S required in Tennessee, and in important to make su re children get this vaccination not only for their own protection, but to help protect those suCh as young infants or people with severe medical conditions who cannot be immuni~ed or are otherwise at high riSk for seriOUScomplications and death from measles." "While we can be proud of our relati~ly high rates of vaccination in Tennessee, even higher rates would offer greater protection from outbreaks and for vulnerable populations who can't be effect ively vaccinated; Drey;!ehner continued. "We assess immuni~tion rates of children by their second birthday. The national target is a 90 percent immuni~tion rate. In Tennessee in 2014, our rate was 93.3. This shows the vast majority of people here are protecting themselves and their vulnerab1e neighbors, but we could still do better: The measles vaccine, as part of the measlesmumps-rubella or "MMR" vaccine, is rout inely gi~n to children after their first birthday and again before Kindergarten. Two doses of MMR vaccine w ill protect almost all people against measles for a lifetime. RegiOf1al Health Department responded and identified more than 100 people who were exposed to the initial measles patient. The combination of Tennessee's high vaccination rates and thorough publiC health investigative wo<k limited the impact of this outbrea k and contained it to only three additional cases. "Despite the reports some may find frightening about thiS new, multistate outbreak of measles, most younger, American-born adults received at least one vaccine against measles as children, and those born before 1957 are genera lly assumed to have had measles d isease in childhood; said State Epidemiologist Tim Jones, MD_ "Adults planning to travel outside the U.s. and those who work in healthcare need to be certain they ha~ received two doses of vaccine. It is also very important that children be vaCCinated aga inst measles as part of t heir routine medical care to continue to build and maintain immunity against this d isease in our communities: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports there were more cases of measles in the United States in 2014 than any year in the past 20 years. The cases and ou tbrea ks are linked to d isease acquired internationally and spread in thiS country among people who are not immune. said Tennessee Immun~tiOf1 Prog ram Director Kelty Moore, MD. "Those of us with immunity to an illness provide a 'cocoon' of protection for those who are vulnerable ir>eluding infants ~nd children who cannot be vaccinated be<ause of cancer treatment Or other seriOUS health problems. Measles is so contagious that immuniution rates must stay very high to keep up that protection, This is why it's so Important that everyOne who can be vaccinated should be vaccinated to protect those whose health Or age prevents them from being vaccinated." MMR v.. ccine Is required to attend daycare. school and (ollege in Tennessee. and immunization rates among Tennessee children are ~ry high. In the 2013-2014 school ~ar, 95 percent of Tennessee Kinderga rten students in public and private schools hild received all required immuniutions, ir>eluding two doses of MMR; just over one percent had a religious Or medical exemption to Immunization. Measles is a highly contagious viral disease that causes a high fever, cough, runny nose and conjunctivitis or ·pink~: fol lowed by a rash on the face that spreads down the body. Measles can cause serious complications like pneumonia, and is sometimes fatal. In 2014, tile Tennessee Department of Hea lth identified the first cases of measles in the state in three~ars. The four cases were in adults and were all lin ked to an initial patient with an uncertain "Routine immuni~tion p!'otects not only tile To learn more about measles. visit immuni~ation status who had traveled abroad. people vaccinated, but the entire community by www.cdc.govfmeasleskases-outbreak$.html. TOH and metro partne< the Jackson-Madison County building what is often called'ilerd immunity._____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ www . tnhe~lth~ndwe l l ness.com At The Jackson Clinic, we know how important it is to have an OBGYN you connect with. Allow us to introduce you to our team of skilled and caring board certified physicians. OBGYN www.tnhe~lth~ndwe l lness.com Northwest Tennessee - April 2015 Health & Wellness 21 Terrell Clinic & Aesthetics Look And Feel Years Younger With Laser Skin Resurfacing! By Terrell Clinic & Aesthetics What Is alaserl A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical AMPLIFICA· TION based on the stimulated emission of photons . A laser is ""tually an acronym for Light Amplificalion by Stimulated Emission of photon Radiation. The use of the term radial ion here refe.s to the amplified emission of lighl. rather than harmful radiation . Since the invcmion of the laser. it has ~n found to be versatile and extremely effeelive in trealing many types of skin conditions. How does the I~ser enable skin to regenerate and cre~te a new surface? Many dermatological and cosmetic skin condilions can be improved with both nOn ablative and ablative laser skin resurfacing. How is this accomplished with the laser? Skin resurfacing uSC"S laser energy microbcams of light 10 creale areas of treated tissue that eXlend Ihrough Ihe epidermis inlo the dermis. These areas Can be either "oon ablative" (the laser beams are spaced further apart) Or "ablalive" (the laser beams are spaced closer together). Non ablative laser lreal_ mcnts have minimal to 00 post procedure downtime. usually require three to four treaunents depending on skin condilion, patient goals and preference. Ablative procedures provide a single trealment oplion bUI n:<Juire more palient post procedure down time for reeovery. For both procedures. the laser microbeams of light stimulates the body's natural healing process resuhing in the growth of new. healthier. younger looking skin Typical full facial treatments take between 15-30 minules. Elos Plus: the next generation of skin care and antiaging treatments Terrell Clinic & Aesthetics is proud to offer laser resurfacing. as well as olher services. with Elos Plus. the next generation of skin care and antiaging treat· ments. lOins Plus laser is the perfeci choice for Ihe trealment ofwrinklcs, acne . stretch marks. surgical scars. and pigment from sun damage. It also treats unwanted textural irregularities. crow's feet, blotchy skin and mOre On virtually any trouble spot on Ihe body. face. neck. chesl, arms, legs. elc. Laser skin res urfacing with ELos Plus' microbeam process maximizes palient aesthetic outcomes and minimizes])OSt procedure downtime. Additional LaserTreatment OptIons In addilion to laser skin resurfacing, Terrell Clinic & Aesthetics offers a full scope of laser treatments including: • Permanent hair removal • Photo facial treatment • Acne treatment • Rosacea treatmenl • Pigmem reduction • Stretch mark treatmem • Spider vein removal On face and legs Introducing Our New Retail Skin Care, Aromatherapy, & Apothecary Center. Tcrrell Clinic & Acsthetics 731.885.%87 701 F. Rodfoo< A...." ..... S\U'. 100 Uruon Gty, -n.: 38261 Spring Clean Sale '0' o • Clarlsonlc Smart Profile SOnic Cleans ing Sys tem Buy One Get One SOOfo Off Entire In Stock Face and Body Wash Products Turbo Wash the Winte r Dirt Away 0I'fe< Ends AprIl 30, 20 15 Present or mention coupon for Ihese spe<:tats. Schedule it cons ultation today with Te rre ll Clinic 8. Aesthe tics at 731 ·885·9687. Our Services: • Sot<m/XlK>mtn • Acne T_ tme ntJ • La H r Hair Removal _Brown Spot Removal _facial & LAg V. ln R. moval _Mlcrod. rmabraslon • Juved. rm [)erm. ~ llerNoIu"",.c ,Laser Skin Resurf.d ng • Rltdi . ... [)e,,,..fi n... _MIc, onwllng - Skin Tight. nlng _______________________________________________ $100 Off Or. Te.,el l c~n help you build YOU' healthy skin foundation toobY' Spring Is coming!To INm more Of to schedule an oppo;ntment. pleaI(' coli Te,rell Clink & AMthetks at 731."5.9687. www.tnhe~lth~nd;w;.;;";";.;,;,:,;,;.;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::J Woodmen of the World has more in store. Woocmen of the World has ent=d into ~ marI<etong reIat>onsI><ps WI\!> ~ other r"labOnalty .:-"~_ W EST TE NN ESSEE _ _ HEART & VASCULAR -:--::-c::--,- _ recogrozed ons..rance companoes to expand OU" product otrenngs.· Some of these additional products iflcWe: CHIT [R At )ocUon· M.,ji"", Co.Jnty Cit"....1 """",,I • Modie>... Pa" 0 • Medicate Su~ .. • Ir>dMduoI Medical ..... ""'''« • Ir>dMduoI Oenulln",rance • Sm.1 G"""p Maio< Medal • f'enonaI Di.. ~lity l<I<om< In.uraoce Cal me today 10 fffl out more. "Get to know your heart and know that heart disease does not have to slow you down_" _- .._.. - _a..o.-._ " - Anita Kay Archer Insurance Protection • FinanCial SeCurity .;:;:;::. ... 11& ...- .... - ATHLETICS - 275 Oakfleld Drive Martin. TN 38137 wthvc.org I 731 .541.CAREI22731 731-587-2210 Any weekday from 4 pm - 8 pm or call for an appointment. =================:;;www.lnhe~lth . nd~w:.~"":.~,:,:,:om::================~ Northwest Tennessee - April 201 S Health & Wellness 23 April is Autism Awareness Month ~ NATIONAL ..~ AlITlSM ASSOCIATION mE lEADING. MOST UPERllNCED ORGANllAnON ON AurlSM,RELATlD WANDERING PREVENTIDN. RESPONSE What is Autism? Autism Facts & Stats • Autism is a bio,neurological developmental disab ility that generally appears before the age of 3, • Autism rlOwaffects 1 in 68 ch ildren. • Autism impacts the normal development of the brain in the areas of socia l interaction, communication skills, and cognitive function. Individuals with autism typically have difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. • Boys are four times more likely to tlave autism ttlan girls. • Individuals with autism often suffer from numerous co-morbid medical cond itions which may include: allergies. asthma, epilepsy, digestive disorders, persistent viral infections. feeding disorders, sensory integration dysfunction, sleeping disorders, and more. o Autism is diagnosed four times more often in boys than girls. Its prevalence is not affected by race, region, or socio-economic staws. Since autism was first diagnosed in the U.s. the incidence has climbed to an alarming one in 68 children in the U.S. • Autism itself does not affect life expectancy, however, research has shown that the mortality risk among individuals with autism is twice as high as the general population. in large part due to drowning and other aCCidents. • Currently, there is no cure for autism. though with early intervention and treatment the diverse symptoms related to autism can be g reatly improved and in some cases completely overcome. • About 40% of children wittl autism do not speak. About 25%-30% of ctlildren with autism have some words at 12 to 18 monttls of age and then lose ttlem. Ottlers migtlt speak. but not until later in childtlood. • Autism greatly varies from person to person (no two people wittl autism are alike). • The rate of autism tlas steadily grown over ttle last twenty years. • Co-morbid conditions often associated wittl autism include Frag ile X, allergies, antlma. epilepsy. bowel disease, gastrointestinal/digestive disorders, persistent viral infections, PANDAS, feeding disorders.. an xiety d isorder, bipolar disorder, ADHD, Tourette Syndrome, OCD, sensory integration dysfunction, sleeping diso,ders. immune disorders. autoimmune disorders. and neuroinflammation. • Autism is the fastest growing dlM!lopmental disorder, yet most underfunded. • A 2008 Danish StudyfOtJnd that the mortality f isk among those wittl autism was nearlytwke that of the general popula tion. • Children with autism do progress - early intervention is key. • Autism is treatable, not a hopeless cond ition. For more information on Autism, go to our website at http://natlonalautlsmassoclatlon.orgl. '::::::::::::::~~~~~~~ - i\rrick~:Narioo<J'i\uri'm""<06atiM www.tnhe~lth~ndwe l lness.com --------------------- ea_._. . Ladies ... Spring is here! Com~_VolnConl ... t ClWcolw..t TN DON'T POSTPONE ANT LONGI:II.I 29011 """" H~ A _ .... k>M, TN JlJOS 7) t .4,..,................... UI ",1l'·lS.. I., f La ... _ Hi9"ty~, r ... tmem Non·""go:.l, t. _ _ 110<" .... ""' ..... act_tho ...... <ia'\'. LOVE YOUR LEGS AGAIN! m o ~ W d VO'WW._ n A On the Web On focebook On Twiller 1oc000000.e<om/ ,, ___ ltwII' . -..- . g .c""" In Your Inbox R...,,,,,,,, out mom..... -,I«. "" ~ - Join us for a Stem Cell Seminar. Learn how the Lung Institute uses stem cells from a patient's own body to regenerate healthy tissue. improying lung function and quality of life. . ..••4It! . Lung Institute -- Call (855) 914·3212 for more information. or visit lung insti1l.lIe.comIheaIth _____________________ www .t nhe~lth~ndwe l lness _ com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Northwest Tennessee - April 2015 Health & Wel lness 25 Challenging the Status Quo with Stem Cells By Cata TompoI, StaM Wnler L ooking back on history, we remembef a time when women didn't have the right' that they do now. Prior to 1919. women didn't have any way toexpre " their thoughts and desires through publ ic policy. Thanks to ~rst-WiWl! feminists qlJMtioning the ,tatuS quo, 1920 marked the fi rst year that women cook! vote. This social cha"'9" marl<ed a moment in history when vwomen fina lly had the rlght to take cont(~ of the<r own life. In many ways. the hiStory of women's suffrage is sim ilar to the road to reg.ene<ative medkine advancemen!';. Much like women fighting for equality, patients have been fighting for a new way to treat their chroniC lung disease. Now. With the advancement of Stem cell therapy, sufferers of chronic lung disease are no 10"'9"r limited to the confine'S of traditional medkine- whkh involve managing symptoms rather than the disease. Stem cell therapy, like women's voting rights, helps people take control of their life by giving them a voice. For years, people accepted the status quo. and for people suffering from chronk lung d isease'S like eOI'D. the status quo meant. COnStant strU99le for oxygen. As an incurable disease, most sufferers felt that they didnl have any optiOOs. But now. everything has changed , One state-of-the-art eli nk, the Lung Institute, developed an aketnative. Stem cell therapy helps rufferers finally breathe easif'f. People are no longer forced to accept the fate of cootinual disease prog re'SSion or an invasive lung procedure. Stem cell therapy harnesses lhe heal ing power of a patienl's own stem cells to help regenerate damaged lung lissue. Today. lung disease can be Ireated with adull stem ceils harvested from the patient', own fat. blood or bone marrow to replace damaged lung cells with healthy one'S. According to Ihe dink's website, www.lunginsitute.wm.this innovative p<ocedure slows the progression o/the disease. in addition to, restoring lung function and redUCing inflammation. The ,esull is the ability to breathe easier. Similar to the fight for women's rights, doctors and patients have been di ligently looking for a new way to treat lung disease. Now, wilh the advancemenl of stem ceil therapy. patients can finally combat disease progression. As with any change, some physicians and patients may be slower to adopt new Kleas while dinging to traditional approaches; howeve<, just as social change made it p"'sible for women to have a voice in the government clinkal advancements li ke stem cell therapy make it p"'sible for patients to have a voice in their heallhcare, If the fight for equality is any sign of the future of stem celilherapy, there is no doubt that stem ceils will become the status quo for treating lung disease. If you or "loved one sufferi from a chroniC lung disease. the specialists at the Lung Institute may be able to help. You can contact the lung Institute at (855) 914-3212 or visit lunginstitute.wmlhealth to find out if these new treatments are 'i9ht for you. ________________________ www.tnhealthandwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 26 liea lth & Wellness April 2015 - Northwest Tennessee WHAT CAN AD. O. Do FOR YOU? By El ly K. Riley. DO M any people ask me. " What is a 001" Or " What docs 00 stand for?" 00 stands for "do<:tor of osteopathy," also referred to as an osteopathic physician. Many people may not be aware that there are two types of physicians in the United States: DO's and MD's. They are ali ke in many ways . Both attend medical school, complete additional training in residency, and take cenifying exams. DQctors of osteopathy work side by side with MD's in all medical and surgical specialties, treating patients and writing prescriptions. They makc up approximately 6.5% of the nation's physicians and arc one of the fastest growing segments of the healthcare field. t AboutOsteopathlc Manipulative Treatment (OMT ) Becausc of their training in the musculoskeletal syStem , osteopathic physicians olTer a unique The osteopathic medical education focuses on ability 10 perform osteopathic manipulative treattreating the patient as a whole, promoting prement (OMT). OMT is an advanced, hands-on vention, health and wellness, and provides additreatment that can aid and complement other tional training in the musculoskelctal system. treatments for many conditions, including back Osteopathic medical schools emphasize training pain, headaches. and neck pain . With O MT, the students to become primary care physicians: osteopathic physician uscs his or her hands to however, many choose to specialize. An impor_ diagnose and treat illness and injury. It can be tant pan of the osteopathic medical education is perfonned on patients of all ages. An office visit the philosophy that all of the body's syStems arc for OMT will include an interview, exam, diagnosis, and discussion wi th thc physician about a interconnected and that the body has an ahility to treatment plan. Treatment may include referrals, hcal itsclf. medication rc<.:ommen· dations, and OMT that may involve tech_ niques such as stretchFAMILY MEDICINE CENTER ing, resistance, and HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER gentle pressure, Patients The FI:II' URE of Health Care Toda)" are given instructions for afler-care to help •"'-to', HaItIo iododioiJ Ildioori<o _ NMoto Co« the healing process as ' ............. ·CWdl~tWdIc.... · Goriotria· well as instructions .G,at ...... ,c.r.~~ about when 10 follow .~"...~;.,. up with the ph~ician, / You can think ofOMT as another tool in the tool bag of options that osteopathic physicians have to olTer you' For more infonnation on osteopathic medicine and OMT, visit www.ostcopathic.org. Elly K. Riley. 00 Dr, Riley L. a/all-lime Assi."am Pro!e.".,·or for tile Fnil'trsily of T<'lIItl'SJ/!e. She sus jHltients in the oulpatient ("/in;c, in addilion to teachin~family medicine dent.• and medkol.<fudent.• in Ihe dinical seltinR. Or. Riley otrended medicu! .•"hoo/ ,,,,i· UI Kuma. City lin;versily of ,lIedicine and Bio.,·ciem·"s and compl"ud , ..,.idenq at Doclor', 1I0.'pilal in Columba" Ohio. Sh" i .• board certified in family medicine Qnd ,,-,Ieol'oillie man;pula/;"I! medidue. rn,UNIVERSITYof TENN ESSEE ur _"",_ear. 294 Summar Dr. • Jackson. TN 731.423.1932 I 800.640.7589 ~:::~~~~::::::::::::::w~w::w.tnhe~lth T be U nive rsity of Te nnessee Family Medicine Center 294 Summar Drive, Jackson, TN 38301 731-423-1932 www.uthsc.edulutfamjac .. nd we ltness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Northwest Tennessee - April 2015 Kealth &. Wellness 27 HCMC Cardiac Rehab Now Accepting Heart Failure Patients I t is estimated that every year more than 500,000 people in the United Slales are diagnosed with heart failure. Currently, there are an estimated five million Ameritans suffering from the tondition: some of those are right here in Henry County and West Tennessee. Meditare now tovers Hean Failure patients who meet cenain criteria, With this change, Henry County Medkal Center's Cardiac Rehab is now able to accept Hean Failure patients into their progmm. The goal of the program is to reduce hospitalizations through monitored exercise, diet education, assessment of medication compliance and weight monitoring, "We are "cry excited about the opponunity 10 now offer cardiac rehab to hean failure patients," said Christie Glass, RN_ "Being able to offer this service, we can help hean failure patients from this area beuer manage their condition through edutation on heaM failure, how it affects you and how to better manage i1." Cardiac Rehabilitation is an e xercise and edutation program designed to help patients take better care of their heans. The exercise programs are individuali~ed for the patient by his or her doctor, with the help of a registered nurse, to help the patient's hean become stronger and to pump more effe<:tivdy_ Patients are dosely monitored during the sessions to evaluate their response to the preseribed exereise,. _ _ _ _. . Who Needs Cardiac Rehabilitation? • If you have had a Myocardial Infarction (MI) within the past 12 months • If you have had Coronary AMery Bypass Graft (CABG) within the last 12 months • If you ha"e stable angina with turrent documentation in chan • If you have had a hean transplant - If you have had a valve replacemcnllrepair within the past 12 months - If you have had coronary stents within the past 12 months Some High Risk Factors th~t Lead to Hean Issues: • High blood pressure How Do I Get SU'rttd1 After your doclor prescribes Cardiac Rehabilitation, you can then be scheduled for an orientation class. Exercise sessions are three times a week and the Nurse will appoint limes that are convenient for you. It is typically a 12-week program on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for approximately one hour each day. After 12 weeks, an optional Phase III program is available. Phase II] costs S35 per month and must be pre-paid at Ihe beginning of each month. Ask your cardiac rehab nurse for more infOmlation. Hours of Operation: Monday, Wednesday. and Friday from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Cigarette smoking • High cholestCTollcvels • Diabetes - Obesity To learn more about heaT1 failure or cardiac rehabilitation, visit our website at www.hemc-tn.org or call Cardiac Rehab d;m;tly at 731·644·8558. • Stress • Inactivity Some ofthe Benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation Include: • Decrease Triglycerides and cholestcrollevels • Decrease resting hean rate • Increase exercise tolerance • lessen chest pain during exertise and daily activities • Increase energy levels - Incrcase tolerancc to anxiety, depression and stress - Improve self-image • Provide a realistic way to lose and control weight • Provide an easy way to share an activity with friends • Help control blood pressure • Help control diabetes • Improve resistance to other illnesses 731·644·8558 www.hcmc-tn.org - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.tnhealthilndwe llness.com - - -_____________________ Introducing BrainHearingTM technology. Give your brain exactly what it needs to hear. We understand hOw your ears and your brain w(l(\( together as a system, with your brain doing the heavy liffi ng. alicon hearing instruments with BrainHearing"" technology are designed for your brain, supporting the hard w(l(\( it does. Super small, they fit invisibly in your ear canal or tuck discreetly behind your ear. BrainHearing technolOgy enables them to be minutely tuned to match your unique hearing pmfile and personal sound preferences. Then deliver sound with , the clearest, purest signal possible in the way your brain is best able to understand it. So you hear better, with less effort. Anywhere. Anytime. 'lO,,_ ... _ _ SO':O',_ _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ Serving the Jackson area for the last 14 years. Our professionals will h~ p you choose the best hearing aid for your hearing needs, lifestyle and budget. Call for your risk~free trial of BrainHearing TII Technology. Call731~660-5511 Dr visit hearingmemphis.com Living at Parle TerraN! Vii/age gi"". you tire ",lief from paying pro(H!"'Y •. illS~rnllN!l, /a~'n mainl£nance and """,rring "",intenanN! problems. Par* Terr<>e£ Vmage gi,..,. )'Ou Ihe frudom 10 Ira'''/, purSue Iwbbi~ Or JUS! rI'~1 and r-eku. u"'~ Parle Terrace Vil/a~ if a fX'ifec' clwke M-hen do".,.,izing >"",r heme and simplifying )'OW' lif~· Apa"m~n". Co/lag~s and llou.!J~s 'Pffi/iCQl/y designed 10 provide for ,"" comfOl"' and con",ni~nN! of q ~i~' daily living. A!tlinlenanu and UpkHp pro"idNi so >"'" can enjoy " '/laI )'Ou "'a n! 10 do. We do lite >rorIc _ y"" do '~e play! F.--ee M~m be" h ip to Indoor Pool & Walking Track (Willingham Center) Social /I ,'ai/able on Sil~: Saf. & ¥CUre Localion, B~a~ty Shop, Walki"g Troi/. Recrea' ion Room and Dining Available OppornJni!i~•. THE JACKSON HEARING CENTER 172-0 University Parkway Waynesworth Park Jackson, TN 38305 rIl 11 (731) 660-5511 i:II 712 Broad way Street. South Fulton. TN 38257 731 · 335·0109 o r 731 ·479·2579 ~:::::::::::::::::::::w~w~w:::.'~':":':'~lth . nd'~w~.~,~":.~,~,~,~o~m;;:===:::==:::=====:::::::======= Northwest Tennessee· April 2015 Health & Wel lness 29 April is Youth Sports Safety Month CONCUSSIONS IN YOUTH SPORTS A s the number of reported cases of traumatic brain injury (TIll) increases in professional sports, so too does awareness of ooncussions at the college and amateur levels. The NFL now takes helmet to helmet contact as a serious offenseaher coming under intense scrutiny for allowing players to reenter the game after sustaining brain jarring hits. Professional leagues have their reptJtation and financial interests to consider, but what about lillie league players or high school athletes looking toadvar>Ce thei, game to the neKt level? The following interactive data visualization brea ks down the total number of traumatic brain injuries sustained bychildren urlder 19 years of age between the yearsof200t and 2009. The data, taken from a 2011 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CIX), is categorized accord ing to gender, age range, and sporVactivity. No mailer your level of eKpertlse on the subject, the numbers have a way of speaking for themselves. Go to www.tnhealthandwel lness.comandclickonthe article to review the interactive graph deta ils. MKlflOUlU: 5am· _ _____________________ www . tnhe~lth~ndwe l lness_com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 30 Keah:h & Wellness April 201 S - Northwest Tennessee A STING LEGACY DR. EUGENE P. REESE JR. ANNOUNCES RETIREMENT Dr. Eugene P. Reese Jr .• a board cenified "I hat'e always thoug ht that the patient 's fig ht with cancer was my fig ht 100. " and esteemed physician specializing in oncology and hcma1010gy made the decision 10 relire from his full lime practice at Jackson-Madison Counly General Hospital in April 2010. He Con linued 10 follow his palienlS working only in his clinic practice at The Jackson Clinic. PA . The Kirkland Cancer Center was privileged 10 have Dr. Recse and his oncology parlners integrate their patients and practice in February 201 4. Dr. Reese has made the decision to close Ihis chapler of his life's journey, and fully retire from his dinic praclice of 48 years - with the last 35 years specializing in Oncology. He brought an invaluable skill set of expcnise when he helped to establish Ihe canCer cenler's processes. The Kirk land Cancer Center. along with the entire West Tennessee community. will have a void where his expenise and compassion louched multi. tudes with his practice. While no words can adequately evoke what Dr. Reese has meant 10 Ihis comm unity and the patienlS "..1'10 loved and ITUSted him; excellence. gentleness, genuine. knowledgeable, authentic. competcnt. intelligent. patience. and integrity are but a few. His daily preSence here will be dolefully missed. Dr. Rccsc"s legacy far exceeds the brief list of accomplishments that follow. He received his undergraduate degree from !he Uni!cd Slates Military Academy al West Point, and was honored as a Distinguished Cadet for all 4 years. He iniliated his Internal Medicine Residency at the University of Louisville, for one year, transferring to Hennepin County Medical Cenler in Minneapolis for the ne~1 two years· and subsequently completing his residency with honors. Afterwards, he complCled a fel lowship in Hematology at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Reese is board cerlified in Intemal Medicinc, lIematQlogy and Medical Oncology. lie has held several medical staff aJllXlintmcnts through his career. and his work has been recognized locally - Dr. Eugen e P. Ruse Jr. and nationally including being selected as one of America's Top Physicians and one of America's Top Oncologists several times. He was most n:<:etttly honored as !he West Tennessee l!eaIthcare Foundation's - Jackson Award Recipient for Health Care 2{1I). Dr. Reese ,,'as the first board cenilied subspecialist in Hematology and Oncology to join Jackson·Madison County GcnC'DI1 Hospilal and The Jackson Clinic and;s recognized as one of two physicians wOO helped dcvdop the Oncology program in Jackson. TN. Dr. Reese has aUlhored several published anides on a variety of subjects. Kirkland Cancer Center's Executive Director, Gina Myracle says, "We wish him much joy in this next phase and Ihank him for sharing his career which has been marked by excellence and 'best-prnctiec'." Jackson and the surrounding community are on better footing beeause he chose 10 dedicale his practice here. When asked ahoUI his life-long service as a physician, Dr. Reese modestly says. "1 have always thoughtthatlhe paticni"s fight " 'ith cancer was my fight too." Excellence, Gentleness, Genuine, Knowledgeable, Authentic, Competent, Intelligent, Patience, Integrity _____________________ We cordially invite you to please join uS on Sunday, April 19, 20lS al Ihe Kirkland Cancer Center from 2:00 - 5:00 PM as we celebrate his service. JOI N U S AS W E HONOR Dr-. E"Ren~ P. R"~ J,.! Celebrate His Life and Service to Our Community! 731.541 .9561 kirklandcanC<:n:entcr.org www.tnhe ~ lth Sunday, April 19, 20 15 Kirkland Cancer C enter 2:00PM - 5:00PM .. ndwe ltness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Northwest Tennessee - April 201 S Health & W 31 THE CIRCLE GAME By Debbie Lee Imsande Jesus III tile top o f my list. He Is the very one who ensures Illat my e ffons for Luke are not In vain (Philippians 2: 16). W hy am I running in dr<les again today? POOr'\<!' calls, emalls. te~ts. fundralsers. meetings. b ills. doctO<S. tMrapists. 11.110<1, r~afch, educational goals. intervention strateogiH. .. when you ~ a child with a dlsabilily, th;, cy<1f' of ewnts _ stopsl My son luke Is a vlbfant 12-yNr-okl who is a'soon the AlJtlml Sp!<trum. Working to meet his needs un be a full time job. The feeling of gU~1 from " _ doing enough" is endIMS! Most nights, as I "'y my head on my pillow, I feel like I ~ failed him once ~in. Being a pastOr's wife, my life can be in the spotlight of SOft$. It feels, altlmes, like my world needs to appear perfect, SOmetimes it seems that being a Christian can ptJt even more pressure on families with special needs children. I "need to hoIve all the am_noon how to .aise my child. The clfcles begin spinning in my head again! What I need Is a "posse!" A ci,de of women that "have my back." A faithful sphefe, so when things get muddy, they will ptJlI up my boot WllPS and say, "Rise up; tlris mont. is in you. IIonds. We will sUppOrr you, ro lake courage 000 doil."(Elra 10:.) I kno w I cannot do Illb alone. I need a commun ltyl God sent an unexpected encounter one day a <ouple of ~ars ago at "Wallabies" (a kids' play place In Johnson City). That is wllere I met Jodi Thomasl This gal hils my back. SIIe gets it. There Is ~r a time that we do not "'ugll together aboot yet another crazy story that only someone raising a spec"'l nHds cllild COI.IId undefSund. These moments are 50 ",al so freeing. and twing such relief to my tired .nd weary parenting sou" ~ shows me more grace than I deserve. She encour· ages me to control my thoughts in tile tNtll of God's word and to believe with full <onfidence Illal God Is working on OUr bellalf. She ",minds me of who I am In Christ and to focus on who God Is, not what I am lacking. SlIe reminds me thai His gr(t(e is wllat will get me through (John 1: 16), and tllal despite my felt inadequacies, God can and will work through me. As God lias prOvIded community for me,l hopein God's provision that He will form _ Slrong community for my son. luke worries abool bullies. He needs friends thaI accept him for who lie Is witll all his quirks. llard$hips. and frustlillions. He needs me to be strong and tell him that God ;, a gr....t big God. that he see:s oor muggles, and that He Is Good. He also needs to know that rw got lIis back when thiS world does n<M seem fairl Arrwo<k by Luke whose unique coIotlng style lias Nrned him rhe privilege of $harlng iris r.. ~rs ,hrough tile PTA" Reflections" Progr..m, He n!CefIr/y received tile aw.. td of ~lfCeIIenCe lex the s''''e of Ten~ and fils work wIN moYe onto the NaIioll.J/ i.eYelrflls summer. In addition to community, I must remember that it Is my relationship with God that keeps me ,entered. Jesus must be tile center of my life, or I cannot be effective for my son nor make the declslons that I need to make on hll behalf, I am upheld by IIIe power of His grace. My feet ""'Y stumble, but I will not fall. He ;, willi me rigllt srnac~ In the center of il alii I must nol forgel to put time w lt ll We will newr give up on our kids and we are grateful to know that some friends will r'\<!'ver give upon us. One of my favorite scriptures is. "And let uS consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. not giving up meeting togetMr, as some ."' In the habil of doing. bo.n encouraging one another- and all the more as you see tile Day .pp<~ing." (Hebrews 10".2"'25). Willi this. I form my posse. and grab hold of tile shoulden of these women thllt I call friends.. We are here for ead! OIMr, OWf"'pplng circles in oor weaknesses. and shlfing our (i«1ts of strength, treating this beauliful panern of hope in a colorful kaleidoscope called (ommunlty! r':';;:':':;;"";-;;';;'; This phOlO j./Iows Luke with _ o( his ,lrildhood buddies cekbra ring before 'htv head to Middle School MXI )'fOr. Thty ponici· poled in rile Imsonde fami/y~ )'fOrty furtdroiser coiled "SIDE· KICKS: a photo shOOI evenl wilh Picsn Studio of Kingsport Dona· tions benf~t Autism Speaks. Go 10 hllps/Iwww.picseesllldlo.com more infatmorion. _____________________ _ fat w. tnhe"Uh"ndwellne u.eom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - RELIEVE PAIN, REGAIN COMPREHENSIVE PAIN SPECIALISTS Ld2.1Ddt n pJ~fl2.19drrldflt SINCE 2005 . • CPS works hand-in-hand with chronic pain sufferers to restore their lives and provide sustainable relief. LIF'E .
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