Client Update Form DBS Vickers Securities (Singapore) Pte Ltd 12 Marina Boulevard #10-01 Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3 Singapore 018982 Tel: (65) 6327 2288 Co. Reg. No. 198600294G 126071GCB0171.indd 1 Group Marketing/ Sep12/ EH 9/21/12 11:36 AM Client Update Form 5 Please accede to my request for a change of dealer/remisier. To: DBS Vickers Securities (Singapore) Pte Ltd (DBS Vickers) For clients with existing CDP Securities Account, it is mandatory to complete the Securities Account Information Update (individual/Joint) form so as to update Name, Address, NRIC/Passport No., Nationality and/or PR Status with The Central Depository (Pte) Limited directly. Client Name Change of Dealer/Remisier From ( ) To ( ) Reasons (if any) NRIC / Passport No 6 Termination of Trading Account/Existing Services DBS Vickers Securities Trading Account No./ TR Code 1 Termination of Trading Account Number(s): Change of Personal Details Change of Name (Please provide a copy* of your new NRIC/Deed Poll) Trading Account Margin Trading Account Online Trading Account Securities Borrowing & Lending Account Depository Agent Sub-Account Nominees Account for Malaysian Shares Reasons (if any) Change of NRIC/Passport No. Previous NRIC/Passport No. (Please provide a copy* of your new NRIC/Passport) 7 Joint Account Holder (If applicable) NRIC / Passport Number Termination of Payment Facility/Mandate/LOA Optimal Cash Account Residential Address SGD Electronic Payment for Shares (EPS) (If different from Mailing Address or if Mailing Address is P.O. Box) USD HKD GIRO Payment EURO THB Others Mandate/ Letter of Authorization Mailing Address (all statements and correspondence will be sent to this address) 8 Change of Nationality Change of PR Status S’pore PR (Please provide a copy* of your new NRIC/Passport) (Copy* of Entry/Re-entry Permit/Passport or Singapore Blue NRIC required) Email Home No. Office No. Mobile No. Yes 2 NRIC/Passport personally at our office) Please register my new signature as appearing below. My new signature shall be valid and effectual for all intents and purposes as from the date appearing below for any and all documents and/ or services executed by me in relation to my Trading Account/ Margin Trading Account/ Online Trading Account/ Securities Borrowing & Lending/ Depository Agent Sub-Account/ Nominees Account for Malaysian Shares (as I may have with DBS Vickers). No *Certified True Copy by a Suitable Certifier (including Notary Public, Advocates and Solicitors, Singapore Embassy, Justice of Peace and bank officer of DBS Group) Update of Signature with DBS Vickers (For verification purpose, please submit this form and your original 9 Others Change of Personal Employment Data Change of Occupation/Corporate Title Declaration Change of Name/Address of Company I/We hereby declare, represent, warrant and agree that: 1) All information submitted above or otherwise in connection with this application is true and accurate in all aspects. 2) I/We shall give DBS Vickers notice of any change in the particulars provided above and submit relevant documentary proof to DBS Vickers for any change of the particulars provided above. 3) For corporate accounts, this application is signed by the Authorised Signatories and the relevant authority has been provided for the affixing of the Company Stamp. 4) (where there is more than one applicant) we shall be jointly and severally liable and responsible for all payments and obligations arising from our joint account(s) and facilities with DBS Vickers. Nature of Business 3 Change of Financial Information Gross Annual Income S$50,000 or below S$50,001 - S$100,000 S$100,001 - S$200,000 S$200,001 - S$300,000 S$300,001 - S$500,000 S$500,001 - S$1,000,000 Above S$1,000,000 4 Name/ Signature of Client Name/ Signature of Trading Representative NRIC/Date TR Code/ Date Estimated Liquid Assets Change of Custodian Details For Office Use CPF Investment Account No. Agent Bank Supplementary Retirement Scheme Account No. Agent Bank Signature Verified By Date received Reviewed by Group Marketing/ Sep12/ EH 126071GCB0171.indd 2 9/21/12 11:36 AM UPDATE OF PARTICULARS FORM (INDIVIDUAL / JOINT) IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS OVERLEAF. (Faxed and scanned copies are not acceptable) Please complete in BLOCK letters and tick where applicable. PART I: PARTICULARS Name (as in CDP records) NRIC/Passport Number (as in CDP records) PART II: UPDATE PARTICULARS AND CONTACT DETAILS (Please submit supporting document) Name (as in NRIC / Passport) NRIC/Passport Number Home Telephone Country of Citizenship Office Telephone Singapore PR Non-Singapore PR Mobile Phone Email Address Residential Address (as in NRIC) Postal code Mailing Address (if different from Residential Address) Postal code Corporate Actions Mailing Address in Singapore (if mailing address is not an address in Singapore) Postal code update all my direct and joint accounts maintained with CDP update only these accounts: 1) Account number _ _ 2) Account number _ _ 3) Account number _ _ PART III: OTHER REQUEST Close Please indicate the direct or joint account(s) maintained with CDP to close: 1) Account number _ _ 2) Account number _ _ 3) Account number _ _ I/we hereby authorise and consent to the update of the above information to all my CDP accounts and all approved trading accounts linked to my CDP securities account(s) . Signature Signature (Joint-And Account Holder, if applicable) Date Note: Joint-AND account requires both account holders to sign. TO BE COMPLETED BY SGX-ST MEMBER COMPANY OR CDP AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE (CDP Authorised Representatives include Notary Public, Advocates and Solicitors, Commissioner for Oath, Singapore Embassy and Justice of Peace) I/We confirm that I/we have witnessed and verified the particulars and signature(s) of the above Securities Account applicant(s). Authorised Signature: Name: (Please affix Company Stamp) Designation: FOR CDP USE Received by: Date: Input by: Date: Date: Verified by: Date: Securities Account Number: The Central Depository (Pte) Limited Company Reg No.: 198003912M (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Singapore Exchange Limited) 11 North Buona Vista Drive, #06-07 The Metropolis Tower 2, Singapore 138589 main: +65 6535 7511 INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please bring along original supporting documents when you visit CDP or your SGX-ST Member Company (Broker) to update your particulars. The documents required can be found at SGX website at SGX CDP Customer Service is located at 9 North Buona Vista Drive, #01-19/20 The Metropolis, Singapore 138588. 2. The list of SGX-ST Member Company can be found at SGX website at 3. For request sent by mail, all supporting documents must be certified true copy by CDP Authorised Representative. 4. Please ensure that your signature matches CDP’s record to avoid delay in processing. 5. Please countersign against any amendments. 6. We will inform you once your securities account is updated. 7. Alternatively, if you are a subscriber of CDP Internet service, you may also update your address, contact numbers and email address by logging into
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