Velvet B.P.O.E. Atascadero Lodge #2733 ANTLER APRIL 2015 October 2011 We also want to thank everyone who donated items, trips and Girls All-Star DinnerLodge for TwoSupports Atascadero goodies for the wagon. You made it a success!! We also thank all of merchants for being so generous!!! Softball our Team Wow, thank you all for making the Dinner for Two such a great success! Without all of you, it would not have been such a great event! Donation helps team attend ASA We tried a – Curtis and Marie Larsen for working the check-in booth, Marsha to thank everyone The LodgeAmye recently donated Jaehnig and Margaret Kinney, second chance drawing, and who made the $200 to theKetcherside Atascadero Hounds Pat Coates, Kerry and Kim Spinks and Mike and LuAnn delicious desserts. All-Star Softballfor Team. for the wagon ( it was awesome), Ken and Carol Morgan the TheAsteam with anything used the50/50 donation to compete wine bar, Linda Strickland and Kim Spinks for the drawing, new, inwe need to 2011 Stornetta ASA 10Uand Class Bfine Girls Leroy and DJ Davis for the auction, Edy the and Kathy tune it. We Western National all of their kitchen crew for the wonderfulFast dinner.Pitch A special thank know the evening Championship that you to Kerrie McNerlin and Linda Strickland for the beautiful tablewas recently went a little long, decorations, held in Clovis. At the Western but overall, it was Tom and Kerrie Nationals the Atascadero a team huge success. We McNerlin for all competed against forty-three have decided to their support and omit the second teams from throughout California, Kerrie for doing chance drawing Oregon and Nevada. all our printing next year and To make it to the Western (L-R) Jennifer and as a cashier. concentrate more Schram accepting the donation from Atascadero Elks Lodge Leading Knight David Martin, while Nationals, the team practiced Thanks also go to on otherteam parts of members Loren Tarica, Kahler Penland, Justine four to five times a week through Deb Rodgers and the evening. McAlister and Hina Nogi watch. the end of their school year and Jackie Martin for (L-R) All-Star softball team members net All profit through the summer to prepareOur for the Star Tournaments. The team played in All being cashiers Loren Tarica, Kahler Penland, Justine for the event was $14, 938.68 not including any bar income. We with Kerrie. Of back to the camera, Star tournaments in Paso Robles, Arroyo Grande and Santa Barbara against teams McAlister with her enjoyed doing it and could not have done it without our wonderful from throughout the Central Coast Cities and teams as far away as Fresno and Tulare. Hina Nogi and Taylor Herzig. course thanks committee and all of you who attended. We look forward to next to John and year and another fun evening!!! Now is the time to start collecting Jacquie Paulsen and John Rodgers for helping where needed. We auction items for next year!! We did have some complaints want to thank the ladies who kept the bar running so smoothly about how late it went and why should I buy a dessert but please Rehearsals and everyone who set up and cleaned up. Thank you Robin, Sonnyare soon remember, this is the biggest singlethe nightdate fundraiser for the lodge for our Jolly Jester Save of November and Boris and the rest of the kitchen crew for ourstarting Sunday morning so we hope you attend with that in mind and spend a little extra for show. Choreographer Su9th for the Veterans Recognition breakfast – it was awesome!! the lodge!! It is a huge event and our committee works very zanne Redberg is coordinating The Dinner-4-2 Committee needs Dinner. Social Hour beginshard atto individual acts. We're starting early make it successful!!! volunteers to serve on the commit5pm with a Meatloaf dinner at so that our Holidays will not be intertee, to sell tickets, to procure items 6pm. This annual event is always year the rupted. The script is beingNext finalized bydinner will be on February 13, 2016 so mark your for the live auction, to help with set well attended and the stories are calendars!! Director Judy Harris and Technical Diup, decorations, clean up, to serve always good. Come help support April 2 Steak Night April 16 Awards and Pin Night rector/Writer, Steve Allen. A recent adand to help in the kitchen. Call chairEd and Donna Ferrellour and Ken andveterans Jerrie Dahlen local during this dition to our team is Deborah Hollowell, April 6 Bob Monday Night Ribs Aprilor 17 Corn Hole Tournament man, Brown PER at 462-0733 important event. Also, if you would Costume Mistress, who will be in charge April 6 HousetoCommittee 6:30pmor for April 18 Elkette Meeting 1Oam 305-3300 volunteer more like to help with the planning and of inventory and costume assignments. information. April 7 Bingo Our initial committee April 20 House Committee 6:30pmis February 25th and 26th, preparation, there will be short The show meeting was held3:00pm last monthApril and April 8 Trustee Meeting 21 Bingo 2012 and will be performed at the Lodge. meetings on October 4th and 18th a second meeting is scheduled on Proceeds will go towards Lodge imas well as November 1st. If you April 9 Lodge Meeting April 22 Trustee Meeting 3:00pm Tuesday, October 11th at 7pm. Memprovements. If you can give some time have any ideas or would just like April 10 and Fish Fry April 23 Lodge Meeting Initiation bers spouses interested, please to the Jolly Jesters, we have a place for to help, please contact Karl at 466April 14us. Bingo April 28 Bingo you! Please contact Judy Harris at 466join 6774 and attend. Volunteers Wanted! Jolly Jesters IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER April 15 Spaghetti Feed April 15 Indoctrination 7pm April 29 PER Meeting 24426:30pm for information or to volunteer. April 30 Bunco and Pizza 6pm SAVE THE DATE! Photo Credit: Ardean Werner Photo Credit: Ardean Werner U10 Fast Pitch Western National dessert auction this We would like to thank our committee who did a wonderful job Championship Tournament year and we want From the Exalted Ruler Darin Giessinger To my fellow Elks and Elkettes: I’m looking forward to a great year and all of our fun activities and socializing. I’m ready to respect and defend the sanctity of our Lodge and with the help of all the fabulous volunteers the year will be as profitable as previous years. My ears are always open for suggestions and help. No problem is too small and no question too menial. Remember our great Social Nights and Dinners and all food activities. Come and join the fun. Rib Night and Football are a perfect match. Look for it again at the end of summer. Don’t forget our regular spaghetti feeds. Bring the kids. Give Mom a night off. Let’s not forget our Famous Steak Night and Fabulous Fish Fry. to all enjoy the entire evening. I thank Susan Marple and Bingo for bringing an increase to our Charity Account. Dot and I had a good time at Dinner 4/Two and brought home some great items. What can I say about the Amazing Garage Sale except, AMAZIN’ AMAZIN’ AMAZIN’!!I These past six weeks have been very busy ones for our Lodge. I want to be sure and mention the fun fashion show put on by the Elkettes! The Ladies of the Elks were looking lovely. This is the 9th year of this event and it was a great turnout. Special thanks to Kathy Stornetta and her Kitchen Crew, to Linda Strickland and Dede Vance (the cakes!) and to everyone who worked so hard to make the Fashion Show a success! I would like to extend a special thank you to everyone for their prayers for my wife and me after our terrible accident. We are recovering well. A few more months of physical therapy and I can put her back to work (lol!). Bring a friend. Make a Member! Our newest activity, the Corn Hole Tournament, promises to be a great success. Both participants and audience seemed Your thankful Exalted Ruler, Darin G. Elkette Corner CORN HOLE TOURNAMENT ELKETTE MEETING Saturday, April 18, 10am (Meeting only. No potluck) SAVE THE DATE! Friday, April 17th Plan on participating in this fun activity! ELKETTE FASHION SHOW The annual fashion luncheon was a huge success! Everyone enjoyed the lunch provided by Kathy Stornetta and crew. The fashions were very popular with beautiful Elk ladies acting as models. This year marked the 9th anniversary for the event. The Crew GOOD FOOD! PRIZE TABLE The Game 2 The Winners! GARAGE SALE was “AMAZING” AGAIN! By Jacquie Paulsen, Chairperson of the “Amazing Garage Sale” Yes, the AMAZING Garage Sale broke another record again this year in net profits. PLUS, we had the largest amount of donated stuff for us to sell! PLUS, we packed up, emptied and cleaned up the inside of the lodge on Saturday in just 45 minutes from start to finish! This is really an AMAZING team of Elk and Elkette volunteers who worked this sale. There is no way we could have made over $9,265 NET without a lot of help… (and they were happy help too, as everyone smiled every day and kept coming back for more!) It was a FUN “work” week! Whether you worked one day, every day, a few hours, or anything in between, I want you to know how VERY much I appreciate what you did. Hope you had a good time. We also had some fun, new people joining us this year and I hope you will come back again. Thank you, “new workers”: Brenda and John Baricza, Ron Berkel, Sandy Graham, Michael Larsen, Donna Moore, Richard Moore, Tina Palmer, and “returning” Marge Raudstein.. Those amazing (and crazy) people who gave up most of their entire week (4, 5, or 6 days) during the sale were: Sally Baxter, Jim and Sharon Bohner, Carol Brazil, Phyllis Cerny, Penny Coombs, Linda and Mike Fusillo, Ray Gould, John Grosshans, Mary Hawkins, Edie Knight, Joyce Ladwig, Ed Meyer, Debbie Mitchell, Sonny Nash, Jayne Parsonage, Boris Paspalof, Jacquie and John Paulsen, Doug Payne, Gene and Marge Pimentel, Francine Pryor, Marge Raudstein, Janet Robinson, Judy and Ray Sears, Luis Silveria, Bob Spurr, Shirley Sturgeon, Barbara Tull, DeDe and John Vance. Can you believe the hours they put in? And kept smiling!?! Thank You All!! Others who worked during sale week and deserve a Big Thank You too were: Virginia Allen, Pam Beckwith, Kaye and Keri Bruns, Mary Dougherty, Karen Dzubnar, Dave and Janet Grummitt, Kay Harmon, Marsha Jaehnig, Dennis Johnson, Margaret Kinney, Steve Ladwig, Harlen and Marie Larsen, Byron LeBlanc, Susan Marple, Sheryl McConnell, Linda and Mike Mintey, Doug Mitchell, Robin and Shelley Moore, Phill Morrell, Vicky Morse, Marilyn Paspalof, Kris Pimentel, Bob ATTENTION PERS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 6:30 PM. Skinner, Chuck Slattery, Don and Rowena Smith, Carolyn and Jim Stone, Susan Tissue, Barbara Turk, Dennis and Emily Williams, Jim Wood, Dave Yarnold, and Evie in the office for her assistance throughout the week. Just a side note of information…I feel it is so important for our volunteers to know they are very appreciated. That is why every year I insist on naming each of you who have helped at the garage sale because of YOU, the sale is AMAZING and so ARE YOU! Thank you all so much! And if by some awful chance I missed naming you, forgive me and thank you. A special thank you to my husband, John, for all the great lunches, donuts, coffee you fixed for us. I know the real reason all these fine people keep coming back to the sale year after year is for your great cooking! Thank you so much, hon. I wouldn’t do this without your help. Also Robin Moore and his great team of guys/gals, made the Thursday evening spaghetti dinner for us. It was so delicious and took so much pressure off of John and me. THANK you! Next year?? J I’ve heard that several Elks and Elkettes helped Pam Meyer sort through some of Kenny’s things. She wanted to get the items she won’t be needing to our garage sale…as Ken loved this sale! Thank you, Pam. And thank you to all those who helped her sort it out and delivered all this for our sale. Elks care, Elks share - for sure. To all of you who donated items, bought items, worked our sale, picked up or delivered stuff ….THANK YOU for making this the BEST Amazing Garage Sale Ever (so far! J) I APPRECIATE all of you so very much! Proposed for Membership The following candidates are being proposed for membership in Atascadero Lodge #2733. Anyone knowing of a reason why these candidates should not be members of this Lodge must report this information in writing, to the Investigating Committee. ProposedSponsor Robert Tompkins Ernest Reamer Ken Morgan, PER Peter Hendy 3 Welcome New Members DUTY OFFICER REPORT Judy Harris Y’ALL COME! The subject of Duty Officers (D.O.) was brought up on the floor of our December meeting. Since then, Lee Ybaben and I have been researching the duties, standards and procedures of DO’s. It has been determined that there is a need to reinstate DO’s to greet at the Lodge entrances. This will be to check I.D. cards and ensure eligible guests enter our private Lodge. You may also notice that House Rules are now posted in the Bar Lounge, main entrance and Dining Room. This is to raise Member awareness of Lodge protocol. Joel Summers, Richard Porterfield, Faron Goodwin Check out the Velvet Antler Website: The print is large & the photos are in color. It is a cool website & worth checking out. JOE’S LITTLE TRAIN Joe’s Little Train will be running again Saturday May 16th for Children’s Day in the Park at the Atascadero Lake Park, providing free rides for small children. Please mark the date on your calendar to help at the train station where the children line up, are helped into the cars, seat belts fastened, go for a train ride then are unloaded for the next group of eight for the next ride. These little children really have a good time and look forward to riding Joe’s Little Train. Rides start at 11a.m. and continue till 3 p.m. Train and station setup starts at 9:00 a.m. near the children’s playground. The train will travel from the station, across the foot bridge, over the dam and back to the station. Please contact anyone listed below if you can help out. Don Collier, Ph. 466-4347 or cell 712-8749. Mike Mintey, Ph. 461-9014 or cell 610-6547. You can also contact the Lodge Office to become a Joe’s Little Train volunteer. Thank you! RE The Antler Suggestions for improvement, columns, articles and notices are welcome. Please, Please have your submissions to me by the fateful ides (15th) each month!! Email –, or telephone Esta 462-8820 or write it up and drop it in my yellow folder in the office. 4 Any Elk member in good standing is qualified to serve as a DO. We plan to start having DO’s serve on large events, such as steak night, and expand the services as we get more Members to help. Orientation meetings for DO’s will be held on the Monday before the 1st Lodge meeting of each month, at 2pm. However, Lee and I are flexible. The time and day can be changed to better accommodate schedules. The April Orientation will be held on Monday, April 6. The purpose is to acquaint Members with the Standards and Procedures of DO’s. We hope you will all come and learn more about this important position. Your input is important. The DO’s are NOT cops or enforcers, but merely are present to look out for the best interests of the Lodge, its Members, and Employees. Message from the Lodge Treasurer; Identity theft is real and no one is immune to it. If you receive financial statements or charge card statements in the mail, or have a credit card, or a debit card or do online shopping, you can become a victim of identity theft. And sadly you are usually the last one to know about it. You hear about it happening to other people and think it can’t happen to you. I applaud those who have never had it happen. Keep up the good work. With this said, I would like to remind you that the lodge finances can be compromised if not protected. The tax Id number for the lodge is not to be given out. You wouldn’t give out your social security number or account numbers to the public, right? If someone wants our tax Id number please do not give it out. I have a sample letter that can be used to thank people/businesses for their charitable donation to our lodge. Your caution is appreciated. Shredding at the lodge; I am working with a shredding company to ascertain the cost to have a truck come and shred our personal documents. It looks like they will come in May and it will cost approximately 5.00 per box. I will have more definite information as we get closer to May and this will allow everyone some time to get their stuff together. I will post the date and cost in next month’s antler and in the lodge. I will also need some helpers on the day of. Thank you, Susan Marple, Lodge Treasurer Sickness & Distress BLOOD BANK REPORT Sickness Stan Cherry: wife, Anna in the hospital Pete Reed: hip surgery Robert Dutra: kidney issue Dennis Stuart: stroke, in rehab Gene Pimentel PER: Macular Degeneration, left eye. Being treated with medicine injected into eyeball, once a week for four weeks. Frank Platz: shoulder surgery Sympathy United Blood Services sends a big thanks to the 17 Atascadero Elk members who donated at the March 6th drawing. We encourage others to join in this life saving and easy to do community service. Special recognition goes to the following who donate on a regular basis… Betty OHenley, Debbie Mitchell, Lee Ybaben, Dave Grummit, Ed & Carmen Roach, John Paulsen, Rudy Dzubnar, John & Dede Vance, Karl and Margaret Hogan, Bruce & Diane McGrath, Jackie Martin, Gerry Taylor and Sandy Silveira. Start now saving those red blood cells for the next drawing to be held at the lodge on May 8th from 1 until 6 pm. Frank Platz: brother Joe, Paso Robles Elks Lodge, passed away Maggie Vandergon, Blood Bank Chair Anyone wishing to call or send cards and the person is not in the phone book, call me (Gene) or the Secretary. Please notify Gene Pimentel 466-8270, so an appropriate card can be sent, when you hear of any sickness or distress on our Elks Members and Family members. Gene Pimentel, PER - Sickness & Distress Wednesday Spaghetti Feed April 15, 6pm Special Price $8 BEST IN TOWN! Bring the Family! Well, the time has come. This will be my last column for the Purple Pig position. I am vacating and Dot Giessinger will be taking over. It has been an interesting experience and very challenging. But Dot will bring new perspectives and ideas. Thanks to everyone for your help and support these past three years. Thanks specifically to the following Purple Pig donators: Roy Hill $41, Clara Stewart $25, and Neil Loeb $36. Keep those piggies coming in! Remember to put your name inside when you turn in a piggy bank! A coin a day so they can walk, talk, see and play! Esta Anderson, Purple Pig Chair April Birthdays Lounge Hours If you name appears here, you have a FREE DINNER on the ELKS at any LODGE MEETING during the month. The Lounge is open Monday through Saturday from 3pm until 8pm. Come on down and enjoy a drink with Your fellow Elks and Guests. Our bartenders, Laurie, Vicki and Elaine Are looking forward to seeing you there. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 01 02 04 05 06 07 08 09 Lathrop, Grace E Lomath, Bruce Pritchard, Daniel Anthony Davis, Bradford C Reed, Pete Phillips, Gary Presley, William D Tuttle, William B Bugg, Art M Dahlen, Jerrie Diane Henson, Michael Wayne Pearson, Lesli 10 11 12 13 15 17 Mintey, Christopher Dahlen, Ken McAlister, Dustin Howard Sabersky, Ray G Weaver, Randall James Alderson, H Warren Derose, Al Malik, Greg McConnell Jr, Gibson Wright, Craig A Marsh, James N Tarpley, Franklin J 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 Yarnold, Dave Dean, Jerry Hawkins, Michael Smith, Donald C Anderson, Bryan Pounder, Todd Cherry, Stanley R Highland, Roy B Otto, Susan L Mowry, Steve E Torstrom, Robert A Brazil, Leslie M 26 27 28 29 30 French, Floyd J Johansen, Robert K Swartz, Charlie Manning, Mike Platz, D Frank Yung, Stephen T Anselmi, Raymond Murrell, David W Plotkin, Don 5 2015 --- 2016 COMMITTEES Americanism...................................................Kaye Bruns................................466-8270 Americanism Essay Contest .........................Kaye Bruns................................466-8270 Auditing ..........................................................Susan Marple ............................227-0960 BBQ’s In The Park...........................................Rolfe Nelson..............................462-8201 ..........................................................................Bob Spurr..................................466-3107 Bequest & Living Trust .................................Caroline Harter, PER ...............461-6353 Blood Bank .....................................................Maggie Vandergon ...................466-1723 Charities...........................................................Lee Ybaben.........................805-427-5650 Christmas........................................................Rebecca Collie ..........................602-0751 Community Activities ...................................Darrin Giessinger .....................712-7860 Dictionary Project .........................................Jim Stecher ...............................466-9645 Dinner for Two ..............................................Ken/Jerrie Dahlen ....................440-9275 ..........................................................................Ed/Donna Ferrell .....................466-6733 Drug Awareness .............................................David Martin, PER ...................466-9415 Elks National Foundation .............................Linda Schock......................805-286-1549 Event Coordinator .........................................Vacant Flag Day Coordinator....................................Cory Black, PER........................460-0165 Golf Tournament ...........................................Lee Ybaben................................427-5650 Government Relations ..................................Lance Erickson, PDDGER ..........434-3910 Hoop Shoot ....................................................Darin Giessinger................805-712-7860 House Committee..........................................Darin Giessinger................805-723-7860 Investigations .................................................Lance Erickson, PDDGER ..........434-3910 Joe’s Train ........................................................Don Collier ...............................712-8749 ..........................................................................Mike Mintey .............................461-9014 Kitchen Manager ...........................................Darin Giessinger.......................712-7860 Lapsation.........................................................David Martin, PER...................466-9415 Lodge Activities..............................................Ron Jones............................805-712-3356 Lodge Safety ...................................................Ardean Werner..........................227-6412 Membership ...................................................David Martin, PER ...................466-9415 Mother’s Day ..................................................PER’s PER’s ................................................................David Martin, PER...................466-9415 Police & Firemen’s Appreciation .................Vacant Presiding Judge...............................................Adam Daner..............................466-5606 Public Relations .............................................Vacant Purple Pig .......................................................TBA Road Runners (Wagonmaster) ....................Ken Dahlen ...............................440-9275 Scholarships ...................................................Art Bugg ...................................466-5548 Scouting ..........................................................Cory Black, PER........................460-0165 Sickness & Distress ........................................Gene Pimentel, PER .................466-8270 Soccer Shoot ...................................................Darin Giessinger ......................712-7860 Ticket Sales .....................................................Rebecca Collie ..........................602-0751 Velvet Antler Publishing ...............................Wilkins Action Graphics .........466-1440 Velvet Antler Advertising .............................Bob Brown, PER .......................462-0733 Velvet Antler Editor ......................................Esta Anderson...........................462-8820 Velvet Antler Mailing ....................................Marilyn Paspalof ......................461-9247 ..........................................................................Bob Spurr .................................466-3107 Youth Activities...............................................Darin Giessinger.......................712-7860 Veteran’s Service ............................................Lee Ybaben................................427-5650 Web Master ....................................................Kris Pimentel ............................466-8270 Officers Exalted Ruler.................. Darin Giessinger/Dot................805-712-7860 Leading Knight.............. Lee Ybaben/Diane.....................805-427-5650 Loyal Knight ..................Ron Jones/Susan ....................... 805-712-3356 Lecturing Knight .......... Albert Almodova/Ronda ..........805-423-3465 Secretary ........................ Kaye Bruns............................... 805-466-8270 Treasurer ........................ Susan Marple/Dan ................... 805-227-0960 Esquire ...........................David Martin PER/Jackie.......... 805-466-9415 Chaplain .........................TBA Inner Guard.................... Mike Mintey/Linda...................805-461-9014 Tiler.................................Virginia Allan............................805-464-0890 Organist.......................... Judy Harris................................805-466-2442 Trustees (805) 466-2218 Sales, Rental and Service Since 1968 Meets the Wednesday before the 1st Lodge Meeting of the month at 3:00 p.m. at the Elks Lodge Ardean Werner/Shirley......................805-227-6412.................... 1st year Kent Lowe/Jill......................................805-423-3483...................2nd year Lance Erickson PDDGER/Karen.....805-434-3910....................3rd year Pat Behr/Joanna..................................805-550-2161....................4th year Jim Stecher/Janet................................805-466-9645....................5th year Past Exalted Rulers *Boyd Sharitz 1987-88 Preston Collie 1988-89 Ken Morgan 1989-90 Gene Pimentel 1990-91 Ray Berry 1991-92 *Wayne Duncan 1992-93 *Don Baxter 1993-94 John Nelson 1994-95 Toby Powers 1995-96 Tom Outland 1996-97 Greg Howe 1997-98 Kendall Gallanger 1998-99 *Glenn Strickland 1999-00 *Ken Meyer 2000-01 Bob Brown 2001-02 Kendall Gallanger 2002-03 Ken Morgan 2003-04 * Don Baxter 2004-05 Bob Brown 2005-06 Jerry Harter 2006-07 Lance Erickson 2007-08 Mark Gibbs 2008-09 Carol Harter 2009-10 Chuck Cooper 2010-11 Cory Black 2011-2012 David Martin 2012-2013 Gale Crick 2013-2014 Kevin Matherly 2014-2015 Thomas Zirk and Ted Miller By Affillation Lodge Office * DECEASED Atascadero Elks Lodge #2733 • 1516 El Camino Real OPEN: M-F - 10AM-3PM Lounge Hours: Mon-Sat 3pm-8pm P.O. Box 1085, Atascadero, CA 93423 Ph: 805/466-3557 • Fax 805/466-1165 E-mail address: Booster Club For $10.00 a year, you can add your name to the Booster Club, founded by Paul Sandy. Your contribution goes toward the printing and mailing expenses for our “Velvet Antler”. Sign up with the Secretary, the front office or mail directly to Atascadero Elks Lodge, PO Box 1085, Atascadero, Ca 93423. Booster Club now runs from April 1 to March 31. If you have paid in the year 2014 and your name does not appear on Booster List, contact the Secretary so she can add you to the list. Your help is appreciated. Keith Aggson Virginia Allen Esta Anderson Geoff Auslen Robert Baron Pam Beckwith Al Berget Cory Black, PER Tom Bradley Leslie Brazil Bob Brown, PER Emma Lou Brown Kaye Bruns Larry Bryant Robert Burgess Paul Burkhardt Margaret Careaga Stanley Cherry Joel Clay Gregory Clayton Ricky Cliffe Carolyn Clinite Frances Clinite Joseph Cooper Wayne Cooper Donald Craner Doug Cunningham Kenneth John Dahlen Ronald Daniel Bradford Davis Leroy Davis Jerry DeCou Daniel Dexter David Dixon Ken Dougherty Lawrence Dubrul Patrick Elliott Robert Elmerick Lance Erickson, PDDGER Barbara Fisher Kendall Gallanger, PER Richard Gee Arnie Gerfen Paul Gomez John Grosshans David Grummitt Caroline, Harter, PER Jerry Harter, PER Gary Hanson Gary Hazard Michael Henson Roy Highland Gregory Howe Dennis Jaehnig Virginia Jespersen Robert K. Johansen Ronald Johansen Todd Kadota Martin Knedel Pat Krout Wayne LaPrade Harlen Larsen Michael C. Larsen Maureen Lemos Betty Lightfoot Beth Lins Neal Loeb David Main Mike Mallory Mike Manning David Martin, PER Susan Marple James Mattson Gibson McConnell, Jr Robert McDonald Frederick Mensing Edward Meyer Doug Mitchell Phillip Morrel Sonny Nash John Nelson, PER Rolfe Nelson Michael Nutt Terry O’Farrell Robert Ostini Boris Paspalof John Paulson Doug Payne Lesli Pearson Paul Peterson Douglas Piirto Gene Pimentel, PER Frank Platz Roland Plunkett Jack Porter Richard Porterfield Todd Pounder Duane Powell Joan Price Raymond Rademacher Ray Sabersky Leonard Sanchez Richard Schenberger John Schock William Scruggs Luis Silveria Don Smith Larry Smith William Smith, Jr. Joel Summers Kerry Spinks Dan Stout Linda Strickland, PFL Charles Swartz Gerald Taylor Allen Theis Joe Thompson Lee Tingey David Tissue Maggie Vandergon Randall Weaver Ardean Werner James Wiley Ralph Wilson William Wilson Bruce Wood Randy Wright Lee Ybaben Thomas Zirk Serving the Central Coast 855-FILMBOX for855-345-6269 over 30 years. MEMBER FDIC 6 DIRECTORY OF OUR MEMBERS Milo Emmack • Staci Emmack Chance Cunningham OPEN 7 Days a week • By appointment or Walk-In Brad Davis Owner Atascadero 7420 El Camino Real 805 466 2446 805 466 6517 fax Where Experience Makes the Difference Paso Robles 2485 Theater Drive 805 239 8752 805 239 4158 fax Colony Mortgage, Inc. Fully Insured JACKIE LERNO LOAN SPECIALIST JACOBS ROOFING Cont # 635864 JOHN JACOBS Owner Ofc: 805.466.5398 Cell: 805.570.1797 Fax: 888.695.1155 Office: (805) 466-8607 Cell: (805) 674-1824 DRE#01740614 NMLS#323318 Luther Johnson Stylist 540-8855 7425 El Camino Real Suite I Atascadero, CA 19 7 5 - 2 015 4 0 t h A N N I V E R S A R Y FREE CHARTER MEMBER ROOTBEER with any purchase with this coupon 7 Atascadero Lodge No. 2733 P.O. Box 1085 Atascadero, CA 93423 NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID ATASCADERO, CA 93422 PERMIT NO. 27 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ROADRUNNER NEWS Greenfield was a huge campout – we had 41 rigs in attendance and a fun time was had by all. Thank you to Ken and Carol Morgan for organizing the campout!! It was a great time! We are like traveling gypsies this year – our next campout is the Santa Ynez Jamboree on April 24-26 at Live Oak campground. Remember it is dry camping. The Roadrunners will be camping on the top this year because we are such a big group!! If you did not receive your reservation form in the mail, there are some at the lodge but the deadline is April 5th. IMPORTANT: PLEASE CALL JERRIE DAHLEN AT 440-9275 OR DONNA FERRELL AT 466-6733 AND LET US KNOW YOU ARE GOING!! It is a Mardi Gras theme so get those feathers and beads out and come on down for a fun week-end! In May we will be going to Bakersfield RV Resort on May 22-24 hosted by John and Dede Vance. Deadline will be April 20, 2015. Please fill out the coupon below if you are planning to attend!! Wow, Esta is going to kill me for having such a long article for the Roadrunners but in June we will be going to Smithwoods on June 11-14 hosted by Linda Strickland!! Deadline will be May 5th and only 25 rigs will be allowed. It is first come, first served and members before guests!! You can let Linda know if you have a guest and she can tell you on May 6th if there is room!! I/We will be attending Bakersfield Campout on May 22-24. Name___________________________________________________________ Phone #____________Date arriving__________# of nights?______ Length of Rig_______Dog___ Mail coupon and $25.00 to Roadrunners, P.O. Box 1864, Atascadero, Ca 93423 I/We will be attending Smithwoods Campout on June 11-14. Name___________________________________________________________ Phone #____________Date arriving__________# of nights?______ Length of Rig_______Dog___ Mail coupon and $25.00 to Roadrunners, P.O. Box 1864, Atascadero, Ca 93423 Ken and Jerrie Dahlen 805-440-9275 HAPPY TRAILS!!!
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