To Discover, Equip, and Live Out +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pastoral Team Pastor Rev. John P. Bergstadt – Phone Ext. 211 Deacons Manny Torres & Nicholas Williams Business Administrator Deacon Manny Torres – Phone Ext. 213 Pastoral Associate Sister Kathy Lange, SCSC - Phone Ext. 214 Pastoral Minister Ruth Holloway – Phone Ext. 209 Coordinator of Liturgy and Music Karen Bernsteen – Phone Ext. 232 Director of Faith Formation Sister Gretchen Krueger, O.P. – Phone Ext. 204 Faith Formation Facilitator Grades 1-6 Susan Casleton – Phone Ext. 205 Coordinator of HS Faith Formation/Confirmation Amy Koehler – Phone Ext. 212 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Jody Engebos – Phone Ext. 215 School Principal Vicki Marotz – Phone Ext. 223 Parish Trustees Gary Lockstein Bob Buss Councils & Committee Chairpersons Pastoral Council- Jeff Taylor Meets first Thursday of the month Finance Council- John Style Meets third Monday of the month Social Concerns- Lori Janowski Site Advisory Council- Kelly Williams Board of Faith Formation- Dave Wojcik Stewardship- Roseann Mader Welcoming - Vern Ruhland Building & Grounds – Mark Heinzen Councils & Committee Meetings are open to all parishioners. Parish Office 434-2145 Faith Formation Office 434-2417 School Office 434-3822 Parish Office fax# (920) 434-5015 School Office fax# (920) 434-5016 Welcome to Saint John the Baptist Catholic Parish – Howard, Wisconsin This Week at St. John’s O God, Hear Our Prayer Saturday, April 11 4:30pm Sue Mier Ralph Barlament Sunday, April 12 8:00am People of the Parish 10:00am Ione Bukoski Tuesday, April 14 8:30am Liturgy of the Word Wednesday, April 15 8:30am People of the Parish Thursday, April 16 8:30am Edward Madigan Family Friday, April 17 8:30am Catholic Women/Christian Mothers Saturday, April 18 4:30pm Mary L. Meyer Sunday, April 19 8:00am People of the Parish 10:00am William Compton Scripture Readings April 19 - Third Sunday of Easter Reading I Acts of the Apostles 3:13-15, 17-19 Reading II 1 John 2:1-5a Gospel Luke 24:35-48 Stewardship of Treasure From the week of April 5, 2015 Weekly Contribution Budget Weekly Envelopes Automatic Withdrawals Loose Collection Total Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter $22,800 $15,745.64 11,813.50 +2,571.64 $30,130.78 $3,132.31 $3,417.46 $13,197.00 Children’s Stewardship Here are just a few of the many “offerings” to God from the youth at St. John the Baptist. *I gave my money from the Easter Bunny to Church. *I passed out palms on Palm Sunday. *I went over to a 1st graders house and helped her get over her sadness. *I helped do chores at Grandma’s House. *I shared my Easter candy with my sister. *I helped Grandpa feed his kitties. ***Spelling taken directly from the envelopes! *45 youth envelopes were turned in for April 5……..$60.35 Sunday, April 12, 2015 Coffee & Donuts after the morning Masses Hosted by the Auction Committee Blood Pressure Screening – before & after the morning Masses Catechist Appreciation Brunch – 11:00am in the commons Confirmation – 7:00pm, School Mom’s Group – 5:00pm, Conference Room Monday, April 13, 2015 Faith Formation Gr. 1- 8 – 6:00pm, School 1st Eucharist Rehearsal – 6:00pm, Church Building & Grounds – 6:30pm, Conference Room Catholics Returning Home – 7:00pm, Sacristy Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Men’s Choir – 6:00pm, Church Living Waters – 7:15pm, Church Men’s Bible Study – 6:30pm, Conference Room Men’s CRHP – 7:30pm, Fireplace Room KC Meeting – 7:30pm, Commons AA – 8:00pm, Corner Room Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Breaking Open the Sunday Readings – 6:30am & 6pm, Narthex Senior Citizen Card Party – 12:00pm, Commons SJB School SAC Meeting – 5:30pm, Teachers Lounge Faith Formation Gr. 1- 8 – 6:00pm, School 1st Eucharist Rehearsal – 6:00pm, Church Faith Formation High School- 7:30pm, School RCIA – 6:30pm, Commons Thursday, April 16, 2015 Women’s Bible Study – 9:00am, Fireplace Room Bereavement Group – 1:30pm, Fireplace Room Faith Formation Advisory Board – 5:45pm, Conference Room Catholic Women/Christian Mothers – 6:00pm, Commons Stewardship Committee – 6:30pm, Fireplace Room St. John’s Prayer Group – 7:00pm, Sacristy Friday, April 17, 2014 Run-4-It (School Fundraiser) 11:00am – 3:00pm, Parking Lot Saturday, April 18, 2015 1st Eucharist will be celebrated at the 4:30pm Mass Sunday, April 19, 2015 1st Eucharist will be celebrated at the 10:00am Mass Pick up your Fair Trade Coffee Order Today! Mom’s Group – 5:00pm, Conference Room Boy Scout Troop 1113 – 6:30pm, Ministry Center Schedule of Worship Eucharist Tuesday 8:30am - Liturgy of the Word with Communion Wednesday thru Friday 8:30am – Mass Saturday 4:30pm – Mass Sunday 8:00am & 10:00am – Masses Holy Days As Announced Reconciliation Saturday Stewardship Corner April 12, 2015 - 2nd Sunday of Easter “The community of believers was of one heart and mind and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own.” - Acts 4:32 All that we are and all that we have is a gift from God! Think of your family, your friends, your talents and abilities – these are all gifts from God. We aren’t really owners of anything, we are merely “stewards” of the gifts God has blessed us with. 9:30am – 10:30am (Or by appointment) Baptism Baptism Class is held the last Thursday of each month. Please call the Parish Office Center at 434-2145 to register. Baptism will be celebrated on Baptism Sunday at any Mass. Marriage By arrangement with Fr. John or Deacon Manny eight months in advance. Sacrament of the Sick Individually, by appointment – Communally, as announced. April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter Cemetery Clean-up The clean up at the cemetery started this week. The Christmas decorations have been removed and are located by the garage. Please pick up by April 24th. After that date they will be disposed of. Thank you! ********** Current Food Pantry Needs Due to your generous response to our Lenten Giving Tree and the Holy Thursday collection, we are well-stocked with food. Because they go fast, a few items we could still use are: jelly, frosting, mayonnaise, pancake mix, syrup, canned fruit, dish soap, liquid hand soap, and laundry soap, Thanks for your continued generosity. ********** A Note from St. John’s Gardening Group We are trying to turn the school forest, across from the Church, into a Botanical Walk Way, as a teaching tool for the school and as a nature walk. The gardening committee is looking for donations of: Ferns-Maiden & Cinnamon, Climbing & Bush Roses, Red & Yellow Barberries , Large Leave Hostas, Karl Foresters, Indian Grass, Drop Seed & Little Blue Stem. If you would like to make a donation from our chosen plants or money, please call 434-0240. ********** Scrip News We will not be selling SCRIP next weekend. Please purchase your SCRIP today. Volunteers for: Apr 18 & 19 1st Eucharist – NO SCRIP Apr 25 & 26 Kellie Ahonen & Tina Kerscher May 2 & 3 Cheryl Yursis & Vicki Marotz ********** Paul's Pantry is in need of volunteers to check-in and interview/qualify clients from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm Mon., Tue., Wed. and Fri. Compassion, patience and understanding along with very basic computer skills are required. We are also looking for volunteer truck drivers for early morning scheduled pick-ups. No CDL required. Please call Craig at 435-4040 ext. 106, or email us at Before you leave Church today… Stop in the Sunday Office to purchase SCRIP. Join us for Coffee & Donuts on Sunday Morning – Hosted by SJB Auction Committee Have your Blood Pressure checked before and after Masses Saturday & Sunday NEW PARISHIONERS MARCH NICHOLAS BOND & KAITLYN REDDICK LILLIE FRED FISCHER TOM KRAUSE CHAD & STEPHANIE KLEMAN, CALEB BRIAN & KIM LANGAN, PAIGE Catholic Women/Christian Mothers Spring Get–A-Way Can you hear the birds singing, the warmth of spring creeping up ever so softly. The Catholic Women/Christian Mother's know that this time of year there is one thing that occupies our minds and time. Our annual Spring Get Away. We are looking for items to use in the baskets for the Silent Auction. Call Sandy Baranczyk for more information (434-2373). The Mini Boutique is looking for small decorative household/handmade items, jewelry, pictures, books, and knitted items. The oral auction is also searching out for some homemade items made of wood, quilts, or any other master pieces that will raise the bids to make this year's event the best ever. If you are able to help out in any way your items may be dropped off at the parish office. Please label "Mini Boutique" "Oral Auction" "Silent Auction". Any questions, call Sally Ronsman at 497-2235. GREEN BAY DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN All Catholic women are invited to attend the 2015 convention on Saturday, April 18, at Nativity Catholic Church, 2270 Oneida Street in Green Bay. Registration and continental breakfast begin at 8:15am. Mass, business meeting and presentations from Tommy Nelson, director of Campus Ministry at Silver Lake College and Mother Mary Catherine, community superior and founder of Missionaries of the Word complete the day. Lunch provided. For more information or to register, please contact Pat Gureski at 920-743-4274. ********** May Crowning & Living Rosary Wednesday, April 29 - 6:00pm All parish members are invited to take part in the Living Rosary – Families, Individuals, School Children, First Communicants, etc. We need about 70 people to sign up to lead one of the Prayers of the Rosary – Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, etc. You will receive a copy of the prayer you are to lead for reference if needed and a candle to turn on after you have read your prayer. The candles will be kept in storage for the next time needed. After you read your prayer, you will pass the microphone on to the next person. We will line up in the Narthex at 5:40pm. Refreshments will be served by the Catholic Women/Christian Mothers in the Narthex at the conclusion of the service. Please call Patsy Beers at 530-7932 or Marilyn Johnson at 434-0332 to sign up and honor our Blessed Mother with your presence. April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter School News SJB Youth Group Jody Engebos 920-737-7357 @stjohn_youth@GreenBayLuvsGodFB: Want to help? SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2015 St. John the Baptist School Pre-Registration by 4/22 $15 At Door Registration $20. Raffle Tickets - each $20 or 6 pack $100. FUN TO BE HAD $PRICELESS Doors Open 5:00pm Fun Games & Prizes Huge Silent & Live Auction Light Dinner & Dessert Buffet Cash Bar Do not pass go. Go directly to St. John’s. ********** 'Save the Date' of June 18th for St. John’s Annual Golf Outing. ********** TRANSFER STUDENTS RECEIVE $1,000 SCHOLARSHIPS GRACE students perform above the national average in math, reading and science. All GRACE schools are now offering an immediate $1,000 Student Transfer Scholarship for students transferring into grades 2-7 for 2015-2016 and $500 for 20162017. The GRACE Catholic Schools are committed to providing a learning environment that fosters academic excellence, faith formation, critical thinking and problem-solving. Transfer your child(ren) into a GRACE school today! Visit for additional information. ********** GRACE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR 2015-2016 Families who intend to apply for GRACE financial assistance for the 2015-2016 school year may do so online. This can be done at the same time you enroll your child(ren) for the 2015-2016 school year. Application directions are available at For additional assistance, call Donna Sommers at 499-7330, ext. 303. The deadline for application is April 15, 2015. I have a parishioner that needs some help with spring cleaning her yard. Please text me if you are interested in helping me help her. I will sign your slip for service hours! NDA….SJB….BP….YSL… HOP to it There will be food and fun! _____________________________________ Youth Ministry is in need of a donated COLOR ink jet copier with the ink cartridges. Any brand that works with a desk top computer would be fine! Need not be new! _____________________________ Spring Cleaning? Please consider donating any tools or painting supplies to Youth Ministry This will help defray needing to buy new things for the next mission trip! We’ll also take any old towels or car wash supplies for our car washes. (almost anything that has any life left in it!) Thank you!!! Going to College? Know someone who is? Do you know someone who is heading off to college this fall? Would you like to help them connect with people of faith when they get there? A new website sponsored by the Serra Club can help. At , click “Get Connected” and your students coming to campus can sign up to receive information about campus ministry at prospective schools across the nation, as well as an invitation to get involved. The college years can be an important time for faith development. Don’t miss out on the opportunities to meet great people and experience the prayer, service, and social events that campus ministry offers. If you know someone going to college, make sure they visit! FIRST EUCHARIST BANNERS Beautiful First Eucharist banners created by our children will greet you and be on display in the Narthex April 11 th and April 12th. It is evident that the children along with their families have put much thought into their banners and have expressed their understanding of the sacrament they will soon receive. Please continue to support and hold these children in your prayers. All parishioners, family, and friends are welcome to attend and celebrate in the First Eucharist Masses on Saturday, April 18th, 4:30 pm Mass or Sunday, April 19th at the 10:00 am Mass. FIRST EUCHARIST REHEARSAL REMINDER Monday, April 13th, 6:00 pm, in church, for Saturday, April 18th 4:30 pm Mass Wednesday, April 15th, 6:00 pm, in church, for Sunday, April 19th 10:00 am Mass April 12, 2015 Area Happenings Feast of Divine Mercy Celebration - Sunday, April 12, 2015 St. Agnes Church – 1484 Ninth St., Green Bay Sacrament of Reconciliation 1:30-3:00 p.m. Chaplet of Divine Mercy 3:00 p.m. Mass 3:30 p.m. - Fr. Patrick Beno, Celebrant Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament before and following Mass For more information contact Val Bessert, 920-866-9988 ********** Looking for a weekend away, for just the two of you? A Marriage Encounter Weekend offers you this experience. It's a time to renew your relationship, away from the everyday distraction of life. It’s an opportunity to strengthen your communication and promote greater intimacy in your life together. You don't need a Marriage Encounter Weekend, but you DESERVE one. “Discover Each Other Again”, more deeply, honestly and warmly. The weekend retreat options are: April 17-19 at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality in De Pere, May 16-17 at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality in De Pere. For more information, contact Sue & Dennis Amtmann (920-5445166 / or visit ********** Paper Drive Fundraiser St. Jude, 1420 Division St., GB Please use the designated dumpster in the east parking lot at your convenience through April 19. Acceptable paper includes any clean paper you would normally put in a city recycling bin. Proceeds to benefit St. Jude’s new organ fund. ********** 7th ANNUAL TASTE OF THE VILLAGES and AUCTION Thursday, April 30th 5:30 to 9:00pm 1951 West This event is the primary fundraiser for The Howard-Suamico School District Giving Tree. Using proceeds from this event, we are able to provide more than 600 HSSD students and their families with items and services, such as… - School supplies and field trip fees - Monthly grocery basics - In-home reading program supplies - Holiday assistance - Summer school fee and transportation - Emergency personal care items Thank you for your consideration of this worthy cause. Please direct any questions to the phone or email listed below and an Auction Committee Member will be glad to assist you. The Giving Tree Advisory Committee Howard-Suamico School District Giving Tree Pantry 1217 Cardinal Lane, Green Bay, WI 54313 (920) 662-7873 ********** The Green Bay West Lions Club is having a carryout booyah sale on Sunday, April 19th at Kimps Hardware on Glendale Ave from 9:00am until sold out. ********** Card Party, Sunday, April 19, 1:00 pm Annunciation Parish, 401 Gray Street, Green Bay The Mission Society invites everyone to an afternoon of cards, prizes & refreshments. Elevator access, use door #5 via the west parking lot. Card Party & Board Games Second Sunday of Easter Breaking Open the Sunday Readings Breaking Open the Sunday Readings is very informal. We talk about the history of the reading, what was going on at that time and then we bring it forward to our lives, what does it mean to us today. If you are curious, but not sure this is for you, just test the water. If it feels good, come again, if not, that is Okay. There is no prerequisite; you only need to bring your curiosity and faith. We would love to see you there, all are welcome. If you have a bible, please bring it along, but it isn’t required. No need to sign up, just stop in. You can start anytime, this is a good week to give it a try! We meet on Wednesdays; the morning sessions are from 6:307:30 a.m. in the Fireplace Room or Narthex, the evening sessions are from 6 – 7:00 p.m. in the Narthex, Fireplace Room or Family Room (Whichever is open that night). For more information, feel free to call Jerry Berg, 327-0515. Welcome Newly Registered St. John’s Parishioners!! If you registered between September 2014-present, this is for you! *********************************** Watch for an invitation to a special event on the evening of: When: Sunday, May 3, 2015 5:00-7:30 pm. Where: School Commons Dinner will be served! Babysitting available – Virtus Trained. Menu options for children. Mark your calendars now! *********************************** We want to officially welcome you! Hosted by the Welcome Committee Why Give to the Bishop’s Appeal? April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter Welcoming New Catholics This Easter Season is a wonderful time to celebrate our faith and the Resurrection of our Lord. For those newly initiated into the Catholic Church, this spring also marks a milestone on their faith journey. With help from parish-directed programs called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), candidates received the resources, support, and knowledge they needed to take the next step in their journey of faith. Phil Lawson, who leads the RCIA program for the Diocese of Green Bay, helps parishes enhance their RCIA programs by providing them with new ways to create a warm and welcoming place to find God. With a gift to the Bishop’s Appeal, you can join Phil in helping parishes enhance their RCIA programs and welcome future, newly formed Catholics. To make a gift to the Bishop’s Appeal contact your parish, visit the Bishop’s Appeal website at, or call Debbie toll-free at 877-500-3580, ext. 8184. Holy Week and Easter Vigil I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for making Holy Week and Easter Vigil liturgies such beautiful celebrations. Fr. John, Deacons Manny & Nick, pastoral and parish staff Lay leaders of prayer Karen and all the musicians for the beautiful music All those who helped decorate the church Lectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, ushers and greeters Those who took care of the Easter fire The RCIA team—Sr. Celine, Len Rizzo, Steve Pamperin, Vicki Torres, Katie Drust, Patty Dow, Josh Richards All who helped with the Easter Vigil reception— decorations, cake, etc. Jean, Jon, Kristi, Dakota, Paige, Ethan and their godparent/sponsors All those who attended our liturgies and participated in any way. If I have forgotten anyone, I thank you, too! Please continue to pray for our newest members of St. John the Baptist parish. They will continue to meet with the RCIA team and their sponsors for several weeks and will conclude their sessions with a potluck dinner before Pentecost. I am grateful for their faithfulness to the process and for the commitment of the RCIA team members and sponsors who have so faithfully walked with them these past months. --Sr. Kathy ********** Why buy Fair Trade Products? Every time you purchase a fair trade product you are helping a small scale farmer support his family in dignity, educate his children and develop his own human potential and isn’t that a wonderful thought. Shouldn’t the real question be, “Why not buy Fair Trade?” Our next fair trade order will be placed on April 12th at 6:00pm, with delivery the following weekend. Please take the time to look at the St John the Baptist website for information on coffee & tea currently available and consider making a purchase. If you have any questions, please send them to or call Diane at 715-351-0056. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness month. These are two topics that are not easy to talk about but are in our midst, even in our parishes. According to statistics for the State of WI, on the average 1 in 6 males is sexually abused before he becomes an adult. The number for females is 1 in 4. These are pretty alarming statistics. I think it is fair to say, that many people in your parish have been sexually abused. Bishop Ricken recognizes that sexual abuse has affected all of us – if not directly, than as Church, the Body of Christ. That is why he is offering two Prayer Services of Healing in April. One is here in Green Bay at St. Matthew Parish on Tuesday, April 14 @6:30 pm. This is not a Mass. This is not an anointing service. It is a Prayer Service for Healing for all those in need of healing from the Church, especially those affected by sexual abuse. ********** A letter to St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Dear Fr. John and Parishioners, On behalf of the Executive Board and Members of the Greater Green Bay Labor Council, thank you all very, very much for your help in the collection of blankets for the Council’s 2015 Blanketing Brown County Drive. With your help we were able to collect just over two thousand four hundred blankets and sleeping bags that have been given to 32 Homeless Shelters, Human Service Agencies and School Board Social Workers for distribution to the needy. With your collection, sleeping bags and blankets were provided for homeless school children. These homeless children had to go from home to home that did not have beds for them to sleep on. They had to sleep on hard cold floors. With the sleeping bags and blankets they have warmth and a feeling of security. Again, thank you very much for your contribution to help out with the needs of the homeless and low-income families in our communities. In Solidarity, Tony Vanderbloemen, President April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter Liturgical Ministries The complete schedule is online at Saturday April 18 4:30pm Sunday April 19 8:00am Sunday April 19 10:00am Eucharistic Minister Brian McKean Eileen Breitrick Heidi Colleran Lynn McKean Mary Sylla Sally Ronsman Sr. Gretchen Krueger Vicki Marotz Bob Buss Claudene Tomlinson David Schlegal David Tomlinson Diane Stepien Gary Lockstein Matt Utech Pat Femling Cheryl Nelson Craig Gezella Eileen Breitrick Keri Steffens Lori Gezella Mary Sylla Ruth Holloway Sr. Gretchen Krueger Terry Nelson Victoria Torres Lector 1-Mark Warden Greeter Carol Mikulich Jim Mikulich Lois O’Neil Lois Terry Pat Lane Altar Servers Elliot McGinnity-Schneider Madison Moreau Lector 1-Mary Larson 2-Ann Hammes Dianne Lockstein Gary Lockstein Jack Weronka Jo Schuessler Mary Ann Doucha Altar Servers Usher Bill Hendricks, Jr. Christopher Carnell Dede Rife Jack Colleran John O’Connor Marilyn Bardwell Sue O’Connor Vern Ruhland - Head Gregory Jossart Hal Tust – Head Joe Kimps Jonas Wells Joseph Jossart Pat Klapatch Musicians Kim Christine Paul Karen Michael Christopher Olivia Alexis Katie Olivia Anna Grzelak Katelyn Grzelak Lector 1-Laura Nelson Altar Servers Adelyn Tooley Cheryl Nelson Kristin Barnhart Paige Beyer Terry Nelson Tom Barnhart Ben Rathburn Chuck Johnson Doris Smits George Smits Jack Rathburn Randall Wietor Samuel Rathburn Vern Ruhland - Head Karen & Group (open to all) Notes from the Health & Wellness Committee April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Do you or someone you know talk or text while driving? Did you know that distracted driving causes many accidents each year? In 2012, over 3,300 people died and 421,000 persons were injured in car crashes involving distracted drivers in the US. Here are ten tips to be a safer driver: 1. Turn off your cell or put it on silent before driving 2. Toss your cell in the trunk, back seat or glove box to avoid temptation 3. Pre-set your navigation and music before driving 4. Schedule planned stops to check voice mails, emails and texts. 5. Set special ringtones for important incoming calls and pull off to a safe place to take them 6. Tell family and friends not to call or text when they know that you are driving 7. Start all conference calls by asking if anyone is driving and have then call back when stopped. 8. Install a phone app that disables the phone while the vehicle is in motion 9. Ask a passenger to take a message and that you will call back when not driving 10. Change your voicemail message greeting to tell people that you are driving and will call back when safely to do so. Eighty percent of American drivers believe hands-free devices are safer than using a handheld phone. But that is just not the case. More than 30 studies show hands-free devices are no safer because the brain remains distracted by the conversation. When talking on a cell phone, drivers can miss seeing up to half of what's around them, such as traffic lights, stop signs and pedestrians. Take this pledge to save lives! I pledge to: Protect lives by never texting or talking on the phone while driving. Be a good passenger and speak out if the driver in my car is distracted. Encourage my friends and family to drive phone-free. National Safety Council Health & Wellness Committee Sponsors - Blood Pressure Screening in the Family Room Saturday, April 11th, from: 4:00-4:30 and 5:30-6:00pm Sunday, April 12th, from: 9-10:00am and 11-11:30am
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