APR / MAY 2015
Contact Christopher for a remote Divine Healing session
via Skype.
APRIL / MAY 2015
APRIL / MAY 2015
26 Life Is Change
by Dr Itai Ivtzan
31 Linda Gray’s Longevity Regimen
by Donna Caruso
44 Switch On
Unleash Your Creativity and Thrive
by Nick Seneca Jankel
53 The Inner Goddess Revolution
First Steps On The Revolution Road
by Lyn Thurman
56 What is Inspiration?
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Page 56
12 Down To Earth Astrology
Cover Art
by Tim Gunns
16 Delusions in Science and Spirituality
by Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D.,
22 Aluminum, Fluoride & Glyphosate
A Toxic Trifecta Implicated in Autism and Alzheimer's
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
28 Redefining Manhood
Traditional Archetypes Fail to Guide Young Men
by Jim Pathfinder Ewing
by Jean-Paul Avisse
For further information,
Prestige Art Galleries,
3909 W. Howard, Skokie,
IL 60076. (874) 679-2555,
36 Atlantis and the Coming Ice Age
Page 31
Rewinding the Mayan Calendar
by Frank Joseph
39 Burnout
by Jayne Morris
41 Embracing the Truth
by Shavasti
58 Sky People
A Double on Another Planet
by Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
62 Visionary Art - Infusing Spirit into Matter
by Cheryl Yambrach Rose
65 Music of the Heart
by Jill Mattson
Jean-Paul Avisse
For a free color brochure,
please send a S.A.S.E.
Page 44
APRIL / MAY 2015
5 Up Front
18 Book Reviews
Earth Star Up Front
BM, whose stock price has sunk to
its lowest in four years, has recently
“announced a $1 billion investment to establish the new Watson
Group.” IBM’s Watson computer
processes large amounts of your information to make a better decision for
you. Watson is now embedded in the
Department of Veteran’s Affairs Data
Center in Austin, Texas to “advise doctors on treatments for post-traumatic
stress disorder.”
According to their press release, the
technology will “transform decision
making.” Or said in a different way, if
you are a Veteran in need of care, IBM’s
Watson will soon make the decision
about your health care for you.
IBM’s Watson can “understand and
respond to Big Data.” This is a catch-all
phrase that encompasses medical literature, clinical data, personal electronic
records, and doctor’s personal comments on patients. For years, it has been
an open secret that all of our “Big Data”
has been harvested and stored without
our consent. This includes every
Facebook thought, phone conversation,
every purchase, and even household
conversations, to name a few. There is
no doubt that this “Big Data” is waiting
to be used towards withholding or forcing medical treatment at the stroke of a
bureaucratic pen in the future.
The role being given to IBM’s
Watson represents the official shift to
disempower the practicing medical
community and accelerate the mandatsof Obamacare in your individual life.
You could say IBM’s Watson is “common core re-education for the mind of
the medical community.” All personal
medical records will be uploaded and
“delivered from the cloud” according to
IBM’s press release. Presumably, the
same cloud computing software that
was recently hacked resulting in the
public release of nude celebrity photos
taken from their trusted wireless devices
and computers linked to the cloud.
Recently, Charles Seife made major
headlines when he published in the
Journal of the American Medical
Association (JAMA) that research misconduct is often unreported in published
medical studies. These are the same
medical studies that the IBM’s Watson
will reference to issue orders on what
treatment a patient gets.
It is the insight, humanity, courage,
and empathy to look for solutions outside this broken system that will lead to
better ways. While using data, old and
new, from a Veteran’s Affairs system
that has a treacherous public record for
poor quality care, limited use for cures,
and a “profits-over-people” view shows
further recklessness at best and perhaps
a deeper agenda at play.
—Natural Society
Major Hospital Warns Cancer Patients About Recently Vaccinated Individuals
t’s not everyday a hospital warns
patients to stay away from the
recently vaccinated. With so many
vaccine myths pushed in our faces day
after day, especially with the mass misinformation agenda swirling fear throughout
the recent
B u t ,
St. Jude
Hospital alerts patients to the facts—that
recently vaccinated people pose a risk to
the public at large. In fact, it’s right on
their website. The hospital’s website is to
be applauded, unlike fear mongering
news outlets, St. Jude goes to great
lengths to protect people that may be
most vulnerable to the recently vaccinated—cancer patients and in general, those
with a compromised immune system. St.
Jude’s website states: ’Avoid live virus
vaccines and people who have received
one. Some vaccines are made from live
viruses. Currently, these include oral
polio, smallpox, MMR (measles,
mumps, and rubella), and nasal flu vac-
Science has confirmed that the
recently vaccinated pose serious threat
to communities. Research has confirmed that those injected with live
viruses such as influenza, chicken pox,
measles, mumps, rubella, shingles and
chicken pox can shed these viruses for
several weeks or months. Plus, this
shedding can lead to a compromised
immune system in perfectly healthy
people, and poses even greater risk to
those already experiencing severe
immunodeficiency issues such as cancer and HIV. —Natural Health 365
APRIL / MAY 2015
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Volume XXXVIl No. 223 — April / May 2015
APRIL / MAY 2015
Earth Star Up Front
Using a Smartphone For One Day Has Transformative Impact On The Brain
sing smartphones profoundly
changes the way the thumb and
brain work together, a new
study finds.
The electrical activity in a smartphone user’s brain spikes when their fingertips are touched, in comparison to an
old-school phone user, the researchers
And the more people use their
smartphones, the greater the spike in
activity across the cortex.
Dr. Arko Ghosh, who led the study,
“I was really surprised by the scale
of the changes introduced by the use of
I was also struck by how much of
the inter-individual variations in the fingertip-associated brain signals could be
simply explained by evaluating the
smartphone logs.”
The study was inspired by how
many people are now using their thumbs
and fingers in radically new ways to
operate their smartphones.
Given that the brain can reorganise
itself in response to new
behaviours—known as neuroplasticity—the
researchers wanted to see
how smartphone use is
affecting the brain.
“I think first we must
appreciate how common
personal digital devices are
and how densely people use
What this means for us
neuroscientists is that the
digital history we carry in
our pockets has an enormous amount of
information on how we use our fingertips (and more).”
The results of the study, published
in the journal Current Biology, showed
that smartphone use over the previous
ten days predicted electrical activity
associated with the thumb and forefingers.
The study’s authors conclude:
“Remarkably, the thumb tip was
sensitive to the day-to-day fluctuations
in phone use: the shorter the time
elapsed from an episode of intense
phone use, the larger the cortical potential associated with it.
Our results suggest that repetitive
movements on the smooth touchscreen
reshaped sensory processing from the
hand and that the thumb representation
was updated daily depending on its use.
We propose that cortical sensory
processing in the contemporary brain is
continuously shaped by the use of personal digital technology.”
Officials Declare ‘Eating
Healthy’ a Mental Disorder
n an attempt to curb the mass rush
for food change and reform, psychiatry has green lighted a public
relations push to spread awareness
about their new buzzword “orthorexia
nervosa,” defined as “a pathological
obsession for biologically pure and
healthy nutrition.” In other words,
experts are moving toward saying that
our demand for nutrient-dense, healthful food is a mental disorder that must
be treated.
CNN, Fast Company, Popular
Science, and other top outlets have all
began to trumpet the talking points on
cue relatively recently:
“Orthorexia nervosa is a label designated to those who are concerned
about eating healthy. Characterized by
disordered eating fueled by a desire for
‘clean’ or ‘healthy’ foods, those diagnosed with the condition are overly preoccupied with the nutritional makeup
of what they eat”.
In short, if you turn your back on
low quality, corporate food containing
known cancer causing toxic additives
and a rich history of dishonesty rooted
in a continuous “profits over people”
modus operandi, then you may suffer
from a mental illness. The cherry on top
is that if you have the pseudo-science
labeled disorder of orthorexia nervosa,
you will be prescribed known toxic,
pharmaceutical drugs from some of the
same conglomerate corporations that
you are trying to avoid by eating
healthy in the first place.
Orthorexia has not yet found its
way into the latest edition of the psychiatric bible, the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(DSM), yet is commonly being lumped
in with other eating disorders. Stepping
back and looking at the ones pushing
this label on us shows highly questionable motives.
Psychiatry as a whole is deeply in
bed with a pharmaceutical industry that
makes the drugs to “treat” every one of
these “disorders.” It is often these companies that are wielding influence
behind the scenes to invent more mental health categories with their toxic
products as the answer. This latest
media push to popularize orthorexia as
a mental disorder with a goal to marginalize or derail the food revolution
appears to have been dead on arrival.
The psychiatric community has
even deemed creativity to be a mental
When healthy eating and creativity
are mental issues, something is amiss.
—Natural Society
APRIL / MAY 2015
Earth Star Up Front
Confirmed! Mushrooms Saving the Bees and Our Food Supply
s humanity becomes more conscious to the language of
nature, it is clear that mushrooms in their many forms come in
peace and are here to help.
The uses, benefits, and applications
of mushrooms currently seem to be limitless cutting across all industries, cultures and modalities.
Embraced by the medical community, gardeners, architects, spiritualist,
religions and others, their boundaries
are yet to be found.
The intricate matrix of mushroom
mycelium under our feet represents
rebirth, rejuvenation and regeneration. It
waits patiently to reveal secrets for those
with the courage to sidestep mainstream
assumptions in search of something better.
“Fungi are the grand molecular disassemblers in nature, decomposing
forests…they’re soil magicians,”
according to Paul Stamets, world
renowned mycologist.
Presenting at the recent Bioneers
Annual Conference, Paul Stamets gave
bombshell evidence that there is hope
for bees, colony collapse, and our entire
Washington State University
recently completed a longevity stress
test on bee populations that appears to
confirm that the genes for the detoxification pathways in bees are turned on by
beneficial fungi they collect from their
What’s more, it has been confirmed
in previous testing that the red belted
polypore mushroom degrades pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. It has
also been confirmed
in previous tests that
fungicidal contamination reduces beneficial fungi in honey
bee colonies.
So what does this
all mean? The widespread pesticide, herbicide and fungicide
have created an
absence of beneficial
fungi in bee colonies.
This turns off the
proper detoxification
pathways within the
bees and their colonies leading to a
hyper-accumulation of toxins. Colony
collapses typically follows shortly thereafter.
What appears to hold a key to slowing down or even stopping the current
epidemic of bee colony collapse is a solution called “Mycohoney,” made from the
polypore mushroom mycelium.
When fed to bees in the University
of Washington trials, it showed extraordinary significance in life extension of
the honey bees. Walter S. Sheppard,
PhD P.F. Thurber Professor, Chair,
Department of Entomology Washington
State University gave this comment:
“As an entomologist with 39 years’
experience studying bees, I am unaware
of any reports of materials that extend
the life of worker bees more than this.”
Beyond bee-support, mushrooms
have a laundry list of other uses and
benefits that read like a dream come true
for humanity.
According to the research performed by Donald
Smee, PhD of the
A n t i v i r a l
Research at Utah
State University
testing for the
government’s Bioshield
and Biodefense
p r o g r a m s ,
mycelial extracts
from chaga, Red
Reshi, agarikon
and others showed
cordyceps sinensis mushroom
APRIL / MAY 2015
highly effective antiviral effects against
many flu strains. This study was done
using weak mushrooms extract dilutions
of 100:1.
What’s even more promising is that
these mushrooms show no toxicity to
human cells and high selectivity against
the viruses.
This is in stark contrast to our questionable vaccine protocols that contain
known toxic adjuvants causing permanent damage on record. Perhaps we are
looking at the future of preventative
medicine and immune defense minus
the needles and injections.
The heavily studied and well documented mushroom cordyceps sinensis is
proving to be a wonder of nature. It is
one of eight modalities used by Dr.
Richard Alan Miller implemented to
elevate the first Navy Seal team into
It’s well-known to increase physical stamina, is effective against all sorts
of bacteria that have developed resistance to other antibiotics, and it assists in
DNA repair. Taking things a step further, it is suspected that the same chemicals that are discriminating the bees and
their colonies are also causing DNA
damage in humans.
While we fight to put an end to this
genetic contamination in the form of
pesticides, herbicides and fungicides,
could mushrooms be here to assist us
physically, mentally and spiritually in
the battle?
Earth Star Up Front
obots are after my job. They’re
after yours as well, but let us
deal with my problem first.
Associated Press, an American multinational nonprofit news agency, revealed
on Friday that it published 3,000 articles
in the last three months of 2014. The
company could previously only publish
300 stories. It didn’t hire more journalists, neither did its existing headcount
start writing more, but the actual reason
behind this exponential growth is technology. All those stories were written by
an algorithm.
Last summer the publication partnered with Automated Insights—a USbased company that provides real-time
content automation services to "transform data into narratives, visualizations
and applications"—to begin automating
quarterly earnings reports using the software company’s patented Wordsmith
platform. The algorithm is churning out
business reports—something which
requires a human to have a scrupulous
understanding of the market, drink a lot
of latte, and be damn accurate and quick
—at an incredible pace.
The articles produced by the algorithm were accurate, and you won’t be
able to separate them from stories written by humans. Good lord, all the stories
were written in accordance with the AP
Style Guide, something not all journalists follow (but arguably, should).
This isn’t the first time a program
has attempted (and succeeded) at writing news stories, either. Last year, an LA
Times writer-bot “reported” a snippet
about an earthquake just three minutes
after the event. No wonder the publication claimed that it was the first to report
the story.
But is it going to make journalists
jobless? We don’t know yet. The publication says that it didn’t let go any journalists in the last quarter. In fact, the
whole point of having the software in
place, the news outlet says, is to give
journalists some time to think and look
at the bigger picture instead of rushing
out to report the earnings numbers.
That’s an interesting point.
Algorithms can write stories, and they
have been doing it for quite sometime
now, but there are a few things they can’
do (just yet): deliver analysis, offer
insights, put in opinion, and show readers the big picture. They can produce
some kinds of stories—stories that are
publicly available, and could be
crunched down to the highlight with
boilerplate connectors.
There has been a growth in the
number of such software. Narrative
Science, a Chicago-based company
offers an automated narrative generator
powered by artificial intelligence. The
company’s co-founder and CTO,
Kristian Hammond, said last year that
he believes that by 2030, ninety percent
of news could be written by computers.
Forbes, a reputable news outlet, has
used Narrative’s software. Some news
outlets use it to write email newsletters
and similar things.
Hammond, however, insists that
their software isn’t going to harm journalism or journalists. “This robonews
tsunami will not wash away the remaining human reporters who still collect
paychecks”, he told Wired last year.
“Instead the universe of newswriting
will expand dramatically, as computers
mine vast troves of data to produce
ultracheap, totally readable accounts of
events, trends, and developments that no
journalist is currently covering”, he
But writing news stories isn’t the
only contribution these algorithms are
making to the field of journalism. News
aggregator websites like Google News
and TechMeme use algorithms to curate
stories. Google News maintains this disclaimer at the bottom of its webpage.
“The selection and placement of stories
on this page were determined automatically by a computer program. The time
or date displayed (including in the
Timeline of Articles feature) reflects
when an article was added to or updated
in Google News”. TechMeme too has
officially acknowledged that it utilizes
algorithms to find stories, though the
aggregator also has a team of editors
who oversee the operation and alter the
headlines to make them click-bait free.
Where is journalism headed? Will
we have no human reporters in the
future? Will the robots do field reporting
as well? We don’t know yet. But before
you feel sorry about journalists, have a
look at the short documentary below as
it might change your opinion about your
own job.
APRIL / MAY 2015
Earth Star Up Front
Stay Fit and Beat Disease with These Powerful Mental Techniques
id you know that you can turn
back the clock and regain the
vigor of your youth by putting
yourself in a “time capsule” for a few
days? Sounds crazy, but it’s actually fun,
festive and easy to do. And it’s based on
ongoing research from Ellen Langer,
PhD, a professor of psychology at
Harvard University and head of the
Langer Mindfulness Institute. Learning
more about this unique exercise and four
more mind-bending tricks from Dr.
Langer’s research will prove to you that
mind over matter is for real when it
comes to staying healthy and fit.
“Our culture operates on the
assumption that the mind and body are
separate,” said Dr. Langer. “What we’re
learning is that you can’t separate
them…the mind and body are one.” And
prioritizing the mind-body connection is
fast becoming the best approach to not
only physical health, but all-around
Take, for instance, that timemachine study on ageless aging—a program you can easily do with a group of
friends in your age bracket. The study
involved a group of 80-year-olds who
were basically put in a time machine for
a week. Yes—a time machine. They
were first tested on vision and hearing,
grip strength, memory and dexterity
before being taken to a monastery that
was decorated to replicate life in 1959.
The décor included photos of their
younger selves. The participants wore
1950s fashions during their stay, and
entertainment consisted of TV shows,
movies, books, newspapers and music
of the 1950s. The participants also were
instructed to discuss sports and events
that occurred during that era in the present tense. Most importantly, the participants were told to not reminisce about
the old days, but, instead, to think of
themselves as actually being younger.
Five days later, the participants did,
in fact, look younger and their scores on
grip strength, dexterity, memory and
even eyesight had improved. Dr. Langer
showed that thinking you’re in your
prime (even if you are way past it) can
trigger the body to become healthier.
Britain, South Korea and The
APRIL / MAY 2015
Netherlands have since created TV shows based on Dr.
Langer’s study—and have
gotten similar results.
Here’s more on how you
can be inspired by Dr.
research for a healthier and
younger you:
• Believe you’re in control of
your health. But you really
have to believe. Real-life
results from Dr. Langer: A
group of college students
hoping to enter the military
were divided into two subgroups. All participants had
20/20 vision or better. One
group was given flight suits
to wear and told to think of
themselves as Air Force
pilots doing flight simulation exercises
while they used flight simulators. The
other group was just seated at the flight
simulators and told that the simulator
was broken and that they should just
pretend to fly the plane. After the exercise, the participants’ were given vision
tests. The eyesight of the group members who believed they were actually
enacting a flight simulation—a skill that
requires precise vision—was 40% better
than those in the group that was just pretending.
• Transform the mundane into a vital
health routine. For example, recognize
that any kind of physical activity—not
just sweating through a Zumba workout—can be a calorie-burning exercise.
Be like a group of maids who were told
that cleaning is good exercise. They lost
weight and had improved body mass
indices and hip-to-waist ratios compared with maids who weren’t told this.
When questioned, those other maids
said that they didn’t think of housecleaning as exercise. They didn’t lose
any weight at all.
• Describe your health in the most positive terms possible. Although doing so
won’t necessarily miraculously cure you
of whatever you’ve got, it can make liv-
ing with a chronic disease or health risk
a lot easier by relieving pain and stress.
For example, don’t be like a group of
breast-cancer survivors who said they
were “in remission.” They were less
functional, in more pain and in poorer
health than another group who thought
of themselves as “cured.”
• Act how you want to feel. Surely, you
have had experiences when you’ve
“thought yourself well”—or “made
yourself sick.” Dr. Langer proved how
easy it is to do. This “don’t try this at
home” experiment makes a strong point:
Healthy volunteers were given tissues
and asked to act as if they had a cold
while watching a film of people coughing and sneezing. Forty percent of the
volunteers reported cold symptoms
afterward, and blood tests taken at that
time showed that all of those reporting
symptoms had high levels of IgA antibody, which means that their bodies
were launching an immune response
against a cold they were imagining that
they had!
Practice thinking of yourself as
healthy, vibrant, young and resilient,
and engage your imagination to cause
change in accordance with will.
—Bottom Line Health
Earth Star Up Front
Salt Water Powered Car Gets European Approval – Yes, It’s Real
n a breakthrough that is bound to
catch the attention of the oil industry and even electric car makers, a
company has just gained approval for its
‘salt water’ powered car in Europe.
A car called the Quant eSportlimousine that was presented at the
2014 Geneva Motor Show is the first
electric car powered by salt water and is
now certified for use on European public roads.
The e-Sportlimousine, built by the
German company Quant, runs on an
electrolyte flow cell power system made
by NanoFlowcell that generates a staggering 920 horsepower, goes 0-62 mph
in 2.8 seconds, and propels the car to a
top speed of 217.5 mph!
What is an electrolyte flow cell you
ask? According to Green Car Congress,
“Flow cells or flow batteries combine
aspects of an electrochemical battery
cell with those of a fuel cell. The electrolytic fluids in flow cells—usually
metallic salts in aqueous solution(salt
water)—are pumped from tanks through
the cell. This forms a kind of battery cell
with a cross-flow of electrolyte liquid.”
“For the first time an automobile
featuring flow-cell electric drive will
appear on Germany’s roads,” said
Nunzio La Vecchia, chief technical officer at NanoFlowcell, a company which
designed the car. “We are extremely
proud that as a small company we have
developed such visionary technology
and are now able to put it into practice.
But this is only the
beginning of our journey of discovery.”
A few months after
making a debut at the
2014 Geneva Motor
Show, the Quant eSportlimousine underwent
inspection and received
official approval to be
tested on public roads
in Germany and Europe from certification provider TÜV Süd based in
Munich, Germany.
The car is powered by the electrolyte flow cell power system, which is
a part of the NanoFlowcell technology.
The system works in a similar way to a
hydrogen fuel cell, except for the fact
that salt water is used for storing power.
In particular, two liquids with metallic
salts, which act as the electrolyte, are
combined in such a way that the electrochemical reaction takes place. After
that, electric motors use this reaction to
generate electricity, which is then stored
and distributed by super capacitors. The
efficiency of this system reaches 80%,
since the car has almost no moving parts
in it, and the produced waste heat is
insignificant in comparison with cars
powered by lithium-ion batteries.
The company claims that the Quant
e-Sportlimousine can reach the speed of
350 km/h (217.5 mph), accelerate from
0-100 in 2.8 seconds and has maximum
power of 920 horsepower (680 kW).
Moreover, the car is claimed to be able
to travel up to 600 km (373 mi) with a
full tank, which is five times greater
than with a conventional battery system.
At the same time, the car is safe to drive
and environmentally friendly.
However, the market price of the
Quant e-Sportlimousine is estimated to
exceed $1.7. It is not yet clear if the company plans to use the NanoFlowcell technology on more affordable cars, but it can
be said for sure that this technology has a
great potential and could be used in a
wide range of applications which go
beyond the automobile industry.
Using this platform, the eSportlimousine is able to produce a
massive amount of power while emitting zero emissions. While the eSportlimousine is bound to be very
expensive, there is hope for the electrolyte flow cell power platform to be
used more practically in the future.
—The Mind Unleashed..
Scientist - World’s Largest Egyptian Obelisk Not Of Human Origin
n the northern region of ancient
Egypt, a large obelisk has been
found, which is said to be the
biggest ever discovered. The stone
quarries in Aswan house an unfinished
obelisk, which has scientists pulling
their hair out and caused a stir amongst
A discovery like this is likely to
split the academic community in two.
are now arguing
female pharaoh
actually sanctioned its construction.
course, modern
engineers, who are clearly in massive
opposition, say that the Dynastic
Egyptians did not have the type of technology capable of building such a
structure.”It is nearly one third larger
than any ancient Egyptian obelisk ever
erected. If finished it would have measured around 42 m (approximately 137
feet) and would have weighed nearly
1,200 tons. Aside from the problem of
shaping it, how were they presuming to
lift it out of the quarry?” seethed Brien
Foerester, one of the world’s most
recognised experts on the subject.
—Conspiracy Mags
APRIL / MAY 2015
APRIL - maY 2015
he sun trines Jupiter on April
2nd, when a desire to expand
one's horizons could manifest.
This is a good time to plan a
trip, and to review outstanding
legal affairs or pending lawsuits. This alignment also portends a boost for educational
studies and creative work...particularly when
blended with intuition.
April’s full moon on the 4th is also a total
lunar eclipse, which culminates in 15° Libra,
when the need for self-expression, and
“space” within relationships assumes greater
importance. Watch out for emotional fireworks for a day or two around this juncture.
Tension mounts as the sun squares Pluto
early on the 5th when circumstances may
bring you an opportunity to transcend a
behavior pattern that you’ve outgrown. Sidestep potential conflicts now, but rise to the
occasion as needs dictate.
Investigate that new computer you’ve been
promising yourself when the sun aligns in conjunction with Uranus on the 6th, perhaps to
increase work efficiency. Revolutionize your
business or career strategies...out with the old,
in with new and improved methodologies.
Allow your creative self-expression free rein.
Sign contracts, conclude a deal, plan a trip, or
move forward with PR or advertising plans
when Mercury trines Jupiter later on the 7th.
Be open to new ideas and philosophies now.
A mentally stimulating conjunction between
Mercury and Uranus occurs on the 8th, when
sudden changes in plans or to schedules are
possible. Startling information could come
your way, while a stimulating chance
encounter is also possible. Research innovative
strategies and ideas that might be useful in a
APRIL / MAY 2015
new venture. Review your natal horoscope for
timely insights. Upgrade computer software or
technology. Back up important data files.
After four months in retrograde, giant Jupiter
stations Direct later on April 8, in 13° Leo.
Jupiter’s resumption of forward motion
through the zodiac could bring sudden growth
opportunities that can quickly propel one way
beyond one’s preconceived limitations.
When the sun conjuncts Mercury, in 20° Aries
on the 9th, get in touch with your thoughts and
feelings about things that inspire you. Be alert
to fleeting opportunities for self improvement
Venus enters Gemini on April 11th, till May
7th, and for the next four weeks emotions are
subject to being cold-processed logically, via
the mind, instead of percolating gently down
to one's conscious awareness, filtered
through one's feelings. There’s a greater willingness to travel in pursuit of pleasure and
social activities while Venus resides in the
sign of curiosity, conversation, and inquiry,
while wit, charm and the gentle art of conversation will be highly desirable now.
On the 14th, Mercury enters earthy Taurus for
a two-week stay in which practical, down-toearth thinking prevails. Thoughts turn towards
ways and means of generating income, and
issues relating to one’s personal values. Let
your instincts guide you in financial matters.
Distant Pluto stations Retrograde on April
16th, in 16° Capricorn, heightening the
potential for sudden events of great magnitude to take place for several days around this
juncture. During the next five months while
Pluto is in retrograde mode the wise will
avoid power plays, as misguided attempts at
domination or manipulation often accompany this transit. Cultivate self-discipline now.
Investigate energy healing modalities.
Intensify your spiritual studies.
A new moon occurs on April 18th, in 29°
Aries, underscoring last month’s vernal equinox theme of initiation and new beginnings.
Launch new personal projects now, You’ll be
keen to communicate your many new
thoughts and views, but be aware that others
will have their views, too, so be prepared to
listen as well.
The sun enters tropical Taurus on April 20th,
placing personal values and material
resources in the spotlight, prompting the
question: Are the resources already at your
disposal being fully utilized, or appreciated?
Maximize your assets now. Make more of an
effort to get out into nature and reconnect
with Mother Earth. Ground yourself, it’ll
make you feel good! Focus your efforts on
practical endeavors. Plant a tree, vegetables,
or an herb garden. As the 22nd is Earth Day,
this would be a great way to celebrate.
Will power gets a huge boost when Mars
trines Pluto on the 21st, so be sure to use
these dynamic energies wisely. Begin a new
exercise regimen. Improve efficiency wherever possible. Passions and physical desires
are dramatically increased, so be aware of
your motivations.
Improve efficiency wherever possible when
Mercury trines Pluto on the 22nd, a motivational transit that can give willpower a
boost...just don’t get carried away!
Social activities could be particularly stimulating later on the 22nd, when Venus sextiles
jovial Jupiter. Financial and educational
activities are also supported now, while philanthropic or charitable activities could prove
Down To Earth Astrology
An unexpected social or financial opportunity
could occur when lucky Venus sextiles
Uranus on the 26th. Artistic inspiration
abounds now, while a desire to “do something different” may arise. Have fun with
stimulating people today.
Imagination is inspired and one’s intuition
sharp on the 29th, when the sun sextiles
Neptune. Experiment with telepathy or lucid
dreaming...try going to bed with the firm
knowledge that you will receive an answer to
a question in your dreams.
Mercury enters the familiar territory of
Gemini on April 30th (till July 9th), quickening the mind and sharpening the intellect.
Thoughts flow swiftly, fleetingly, constantly
shifting, like wind-blown desert sands. Be
sure to note all the good new ideas that come
to mind during this mentally fertile period.
Enroll in an educational program or sign up
for a workshop.
Do work requiring mental discipline or concentration on May 3rd, when Mercury
opposes Saturn. Some may feel the need to
consult with a “father figure”, or someone
older and wiser, perhaps regarding life-direction; take time out to relax.
When the full moon culminates in 14°
Scorpio later on May 3rd, it also heralds the
arrival of Wesak, the Buddha Festival, celebrating the annual reemergence of the
Buddha energies on Earth, and is widely
held to be the most powerful and spiritual
full moon of the year. Meditate on love now.
Be prepared for what you value highly to be
put to the test, including your attachment to
people, places, belongings or even habits. Be
honest with yourself about your needs, and
your means. Safeguard your income sources.
Express your unique creative abilities
through business or career
Venus enters the sensitive realm of Cancer
on the 7th (till June 5) when the mothering
urge abounds. Nurture key relationships during the next four weeks. For some, this transit may signal nest-feathering time, when
you may be inspired to spruce up your
domestic environment.
Venus squares Uranus on the 25th, when you
may need to be more patient with your partner or close associates. A daredevil urge to
“break the rules” and seek excitement could
lead some astray. Tighten purse strings.
Express your creative side.
The intellect is vigorously stimulated when
Mars enters Gemini on May 11th, till June
24th. Local activities increase, with more
“coming and going”. The proper use and
direction of one’s creative energies now can
offset the potential for restlessness or irritability.
Mars squares Neptune later on the 25th,
when escapist tendencies could make it difficult to remain focused and may encourage
excesses. Be alert to deception in business
activities. Keep your nerves calm, passions
under control, and be aware of the intent
prompting your actions.
On the 14th, celestial heavyweights Mars
and Saturn align in a precise opposition, an
augury of the potential for conflict with
someone in authority. Extra effort and a willingness to cooperate with others may be
required to accomplish tasks or simply to
keep the peace. Have patience, pace yourself
and work steadily towards your objective.
Be enterprising and seize the initiative when
a mentally invigorating conjunction between
Mercury and Mars becomes precise on the
27th, in 11° Gemini. There’s no beating
around the bush now, communications are
direct and to the point. Make connections
with progressive individuals and groups for
your mutual benefit. Perceptions and mental
acuity are also heightened now.
May’s new moon on the 17th, in 27° Taurus,
is a time in which to assess your need for
material security—your comfort zone. How
much or how little money or stuff do you
actually need to feel comfortable and
Mercury stations retrograde on May 18th, in
13°09' Gemini (till June 11), so plans or
arrangements of any importance should be
implemented prior to this period. However,
while Mercury is Retrograde, you may safely make revisions or otherwise go over previously covered territory for inconsistencies
or errors.
The sun and Jupiter form a precise square on
May 4th a cosmic augury to avoid impulsiveness or squandering valuable resources
under this highly exuberant influence. Act
only after careful deliberation, as you may
be inspired to tackle projects that you normally wouldn’t consider. This planetary
aspect seldom bodes well for real estate
interests, or for the stock market, at least
The sun enters versatile Gemini on May
21st, increasing mental activity and one’s
natural curiosity during the next thirty days.
A thirst for knowledge and fresh input may
need to be assuaged, making this an appropriate juncture in which to begin a new
course of study, attend a workshop or seminar, or to simply get more connected to one’s
local environment.
The sun trines distant Pluto on May 6th
Events transpiring now could in some way
have a transformational effect your life.
Strike a balance between addressing your
own needs and your obligations to others
when the sun opposes Saturn on the 22nd.
Don’t take on more than you can comfortably handle. The wise will avoid speculation
for a few days around this juncture. Working
alone brings greatest satisfaction now.
When Mercury, currently in retrograde,
squares Neptune on the 28th, avoid impulsive spending. Guard against careless
speech...and drivers! Know where you're
going, and why. Dreams could be confusing.
When the sun conjuncts retrograde Mercury,
in 09° Gemini on the 30th, get in touch with
your deepest thoughts and feelings.
Communicate your bright ideas and novel
notions to those who can offer constructive
Keep a firm grip on reality on the 31st, when
the sun squares Neptune, as escapist tendencies can lead the unwary astray. Fears, anxieties and insecurities are more readily elicited
now, as confidence levels temporarily dip.
Guard against deception, particularly in business matters, and give artificial stimulants a
wide berth. Spend some quiet time alone, read
something mysterious or mystical.
Following is a general overview of how the
planetary trends for April/May, 2015 apply
to each sun sign. If you know your rising
sign (Ascendant), read that, too, for additional insights.
Down To Earth Astrology
(March 20—April 19)
You’re keen to flex your creative muscles
and move forward with a personal project,
one that may have a significant bearing on your future
plans. Adding to your income will also be high on your
agenda, particularly during April. As if on cue, a surge
in professional activities now can keep you busy, and
well rewarded for your efforts. Busy as you are, be sure
to pay attention to the needs of significant others in your
life; it’s their support and encouragement that help to get
you through life’s more challenging times. Stay focused
on your goals in May, but keep your professional
aspirations and your schedule flexible, in order to
accommodate the demands of your work, and to seize a
fleeting opportunity that could come your way.
(April 19—May 20)
Your energies are better suited to visioneering, rather than pioneering, in early April,
when your imagination and ingenuity could
inspire you to broaden your horizons in innovative
ways. With action planet, Mars, in your sign and solar
first house till mid-May, consider working more physical exercise into your daily routine, even if it's only in
the garden, or on the hiking trails. As this is Birthday
time for Taurus natives, resolve to maintain a more fitness-oriented regimen throughout this new solar cycle.
Besides, you might be glad of the extra stamina in the
months ahead, when you’re likely to be a whole lot
(May 20—June 21)
A propensity to obtain and absorb new
information and knowledge now may be
prompted by a desire to find new meaning
and direction in life. Indeed, your inquiring mind may
be seeking answers to some of life’s mysteries, which,
in turn, may lead you to consider a course correction in
your career path. However, before venturing too
deeply down any particular rabbit hole, be sure to do
your due diligence, lest you lose sight of your original
objective. Reach out to individuals and groups who
share your views and goals, as their perspective and
experience may save you time and unnecessary
(June 21—July22)
Between balancing your worldly affairs
with domestic responsibilities, and
attending to the needs of a significant other, it may
feel as though the weight of the world rests upon your
shoulders these days. Fortunately you are equal to the
task, and find both the energy and resources necessary
APRIL / MAY 2015
to keep your world turning, while friends and coworkers are only too glad to help, should you call
upon them. A new business opportunity could quite
unexpectedly come your way, one that would
showcase your talents and abilities, or experience. It
might also work wonders for your bank balance!
(July 22—August 23)
Ambitious and upwardly mobile Leos will
be keen to break new ground during this
period, perhaps by demonstrating your skill,
leadership ability, and versatility on the job, with a
view to securing a choice new assignment, or by
applying your experience and expertise in a new
field of endeavor. Either way, you’re looking to
expand your personal and professional horizons. Pay
attention to your health and physical fitness levels,
and dietary needs as well, because the busier you get
the more stamina and staying power you will need to
maintain your peak output level, and to combat
stress. If you’re seeking to raise your game, it would
behoove you to get in shape!
(August 23—September 23)
(September 23—October 23)
You may be brainstorming ways to boost
your revenue stream in early April, and
strive to balance your budget to enhance your sense
of security. Some restless Virgo natives may be
feeling the need to make a major change in the near
future, which might entail a relocation, to bring your
life path into alignment with the direction your heart
wants to follow. While change is seldom easy,
circumstances could conspire to bring you an
opportunity to do just that. There’s an old adage that
admonishes us to “be careful what you wish for”, so
be clear about what it is that you really want to see
manifest in your life, because it very well may!
During this period you have the
opportunity to get some perspective on
your life through your interactions with significant
others, and from the feedback that they provide, either
directly or indirectly. Indeed, you can learn much
about what makes you tick now, and how your thought
processes shape your world. Indeed, you may be able
to uncover some deep truths about yourself that, in
turn, may cause you to set at least one new goal or
personal objective. Be sure to accept any social
invitations that may come your way, as encounters
with lively individuals could be both stimulating and
Down To Earth Astrology
(October 23—November 22)
Your thoughts currently veer more often
towards getting out and about and meeting
people, and because energy flows where your
attention goes, you may actually attract more
opportunities to do just that! You might also be made
aware of an interesting professional situation that
would suit your skill set perfectly, though you might
not think so at first. While you’re certainly in the
frame of mind to broaden the scope of your activities,
you may feel you need more time to properly assess
the possibilities. You are also keen to get your
financial affairs in order, and seek new ways to add to
your income. More stability is what you're looking to
achieve; let your nearest and dearest in on your quest,
as someone may be able to help.
(November 21—December 21)
If it were not for your work commitments
you’d probably be planning a trip to some
distant locale in April. That, and the fact that you’re
happy for the chance to make some extra money on
the job right now, anyway, which is a distinct
possibility. Make time for some physical exercise as
well, so that you’ll be in good shape when you
eventually do take that trip. And while you’re about it,
consider upgrading your diet to improve your
nutritional intake. A creative project around the home
may also take up a great deal of your time and energy
these days, although how much you actually
accomplish may depend upon your budget, and your
(December 21—January 19)
Your home, you feel, is your sanctuary,
your very own fortress of solitude, where
no-one gains admittance unless expressly invited by
you. And yet, there are times when you wish you
were a little more accessible, as you are, after all, a
most gregarious individual at heart, and this is a time
when you could use a bit more fun in your life, and to
have friends around you. This may be, in part, to
ward off some ghosts from the past that may have
reappeared of late, bringing with them a reminder
that there are still some issues to be faced, and
resolved, so that you feel truly free to move on. Life,
of course, is a work in progress; this is one of those
times when, in order to progress, you may need to do
some work—on processing some long standing
issues of your own.
(January 19—February 18)
Activities around the home increase
decorating, or just some light spring cleaning may
be on your agenda. There could also be some
emotional turbulence to contend with, as issues
from the past can resurface now. Your mind is
restless, filled with creative ideas and bold new
plans for the future; these will, of course, need to be
funded, which may be another challenge to
overcome. Meanwhile, you will likely have your
hands full just keeping your nearest and dearest
happy. Despite the numerous distractions, keep your
goals in sight. Though your patience may be sorely
tested from time to time, your strength of character,
and sense of purpose will ensure that you stay on
(February 18—March 20)
Your plans for the future are now subject
to change, in response to a recent shift in
priorities or circumstances. While finances are
certainly a part of the equation, what you value most
assumes a higher priority now. Keep your options
open if considering a career move, as there appear to
be more variable elements than certainties. Indeed, it
would be wise to bide your time before making
irrevocable changes, as more details may yet come to
light that could have a bearing on your decision. Let
friends and colleagues in on your plans, as they may
have some valuable feedback or information to
share. Make time for play, and to enjoy the simple
pleasures of life to offset any tensions that may arise.
If you need a boost to lift your spirits, remember that
laughter is the best medicine!
Tim Gunns is an astrological consultant,
conference coordinator and producer,
and formerly program director of the
Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo, and
the national Whole Life Expos.
Tim prepares personalized no-nonsense interpretations of Natal Horoscopes ($40), Future Forecast Transit
Reports ($75 for 1 full year), and Relationship Compatibility
Reports ($45). Shipping is free. Send: Name (as you'd like it to
appear on the chart), Date of Birth, Time (as close as possible),
Place of Birth (city/country, etc.) for each person, and your return
address, phone# and check to: Tim Gunns, c/o 110 Hilltop Drive,
Waynesville NC 28786. 828-452-7885. Consultations by
phone may also be scheduled. Payment can be made via Paypal
APRIL / MAY 2015
D e l u s i o n s in S c i e n c e
and S p i r i t u a l i t y
The Fix Is In
Or, the Universe Has Always Existed
Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D.
What is essential is invisible to the eye.
—Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
uch of what exists is, frankly, in the
unseen. Who can see gravity?
Nothing in black holes can be
observed. Nor can we see subatomic particles or “dark energy” or the
void into which the galaxies recede. The quantum world
itself is a “vast porridge” where nothing is fixed or
measurable. And the more we chase down the “particle”
(a thing), the more it appears to be a “wave” (an action).
Matter and energy, we have come to accept, are ultimately interchangeable; therefore, the seen world (matter) is an aspect of the unseen (energy, force). E = mc2.
Today, paradoxically thanks to theoretical physics, the
unseen is coming into its own, much of the universe lies
beyond what we can observe. Quantum physics, without
APRIL / MAY 2015
intending to, has brought us to the doorstep of Es. But to
the strict materialist, visible and tangible elements still
govern forces rather than the other way around, and
forces (being unseen) are immaterial. Yet elements of
themselves have no force whatsoever.
George Morley, who was hierophant of the British
Church of Kosmon at Surrey, England, once lectured:
Today, with all our civilization and learning, we
have no higher conception of the Great Architect of the
Universe and the brotherhood of man than had they of
the ancient world. The grand philosophies we have built
have toppled to the ground, and we are left like a rudderless boat upon the troubled sea of speculation. . . . In
many cases the result has been to extinguish faith altogether and drive men into a kind of fatalistic and selfish
materialism. (“Path of Light,” Kosmon Archives)
Today, as we move imperceptibly from the hectic
Age of Information to the Age of Maturity and
Understanding (Kosmon), forces unseen like gravity or
dark energy—as opposed to “things” in the seen
world—are becoming better known. Sooner or later,
enlightened science will recognize the long-sought
mechanism of things, the all-embracing twin processes
of Condensation and Dissolution—forces, not elements—that make and unmake worlds.
Science today upholds the secular paradigm by
teaching that the physical world created itself and everything else. We are taught that quanta and the stars as well
as all species and culture are self-creating, self-organizing entities. Forget the Great Architect. No Creator need
apply. No higher intelligence, we are taught, is involved,
only the spontaneous emergence of structures, system,
and order—not unlike the theory of spontaneous generation that was scotched more than 150 years ago. This
self-creating universe not only banishes the Great Spirit
to the unimportant realm of “belief,” it also ignores the
actual mechanism behind creation: vortexya, the
dynamo or force-field back of condensation. They say,
for example, that the massive energy of a hurricane selforganizes into a huge weather system. But as we will
come to see, it is the power of the vortex that drives the
hurricane and moves the planet. We recognize that
power by its shape: the corkscrew as seen in the spiral
nebulae of galaxies or the spiral pattern of a shell. The
line of sight to the sun is also spiral; and the Earth’s
course through the galaxy is helicoidal, a screwlike path.
Michio Kushi called it the “Spiral of Life.”Causation,
the very heart of science, has fallen on hard times.
Symptoms are celebrated, root causes lost sight of. We
will see in later chapters, no actual cause of a big bang,
of evolution, of ice ages, of global warming, of planetary
influence, and of civilization itself is known. Sunspots
are a symptom not a cause: Do sunspots affect terrestrial life? No! This eleven-year cycle is of the earth system, not the sun (sunspots are a sign of that cycle, not
its cause). Another example: Do methane and carbon
dioxide cause global warming? Many scientists, like
Roy W. Spencer, speak of “a natural increase in the
CO2 . . . as a result of warming. Note that this is opposite of causation in the theory of man-made global
warming. . . . Just as in the case of clouds and temperature, we are once again confronted with the question of
cause versus effect” [italics mine]. Spencer goes on to
Since there is less cloud cover over the earth in
unusually warm years. . . the argument went, the warming caused less cloud cover, which allowed more sun-
light in, which enhanced the warming. . . . But how did
the researchers know that the warmer temperatures
caused a decrease in cloud cover, rather than the
decrease in cloud cover causing the warmer temperatures? Well, it turns out they didn’t know. [italics mine]
This is Spencer’s specialty; he is an atmospheric scientist. “We now have published evidence of decreases in
cloud cover causing warmer temperatures, yet it has
gone virtually unnoticed” [italics mine]. Spencer challenges those who say that man-made global warming
has caused more El Niño in recent years.
We are inevitably faced with the problem of closed
doors and outright censorship. There is a fine line
between the sin of omission and the sin of obstruction.
“The students and public are only allowed access to scientific information that is harmless to a tiny handful of
powerful scientific tyrants” (Michael Roll, personal
communication). Although the twenty-first-century
brain trust, our Intelligentsia, is global, conventional
wisdom comes to us by way of “the fragile assumptions
and cliquish associations upon which presumed truth is
often built” (White 1980, 112).
Excerpted from Delusions in Science and Spirituality, by
Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D., with permission from the publisher,
Bear & Company,
Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D., is a writer, linguist, teacher, paranormal researcher, and recognized authority on the Oahspe
Bible with a doctorate in anthropology from Columbia
University. The author of The Psychic Life of Abraham
Lincoln and The Hidden Prophet, she is the book review editor for the Academy of Spirituality and Paranormal Studies.
She lives in Clayton, Georgia.
APRIL / MAY 2015
Spring Reading
Burnout to Brilliance
Strategies for Sustainable Success
By Jayne Morris
Are you ready to transform your life from
Burnout to Brilliance? Overwhelmed by the
fast-paced and technologically demanding
world in which we live, we routinely run on
reserves and force ourselves to accept that
constantly feeling tired is all part and parcel of
living a busy and connected life. When the
warning signs of an impending burnout are
ignored, the outcome can be fatal. It’s time to
take a journey of self-discovery and awaken
to a brilliantly renewed life. In Burnout to
Brilliance, you will discover how to identify the signs and symptoms of
burnout, recover your energy and enthusiasm, and regain your power,
passion and purpose.
Changemakers Books. Paperback, $18.95.
The Healing Wisdom of
Mary Magdalene
Esoteric Secrets of the Fourth Gospel
By Jack Angelo
Sharing more than 20 years of research,
inspired by a profound experience at the cave
in southern France where Mary Magdalene is
reputed to have spent her final years, Jack
Angelo reveals that the Fourth Gospel of the
New Testament, traditionally attributed to John,
is actually a direct transcription of Mary
Magdalene’s oral teachings. He explains how
the Fourth Gospel was recast by more conservative members of the Jesus movement, such
as Peter and Andrew, to hide Mary’s authorship and suppress her role
as head disciple. Delving deeply into the many layers of meaning within
the “Gospel of Signs”, the author shows how Mary’s teachings outline
seven key steps for personal transformation and profound healing.
Bear & Company. Paperback, $16.00.
The Andreasson Affair
The True Story of a Close Encounter
of the Fourth Kind
By Raymond E. Fowler
The Andreasson Affair has become probably the
best documented “close encounter” case of its
kind to date, the subject of an intensive 12-month
investigation conducted for the Center for UFO
Studies (CUFOS) that involved, among other
things, the recording of large quantities of testimony given under hypnosis, extensive lie detector
testing of witnesses, detailed analysis of corroborative circumstantial evidence, exhaustive comparison
with other such accounts, and much more. This rerelease of The
Andreasson Affair includes a supporting Foreword to the book by
astronomer Dr. J. Allen Hynek and a new Afterword for a new generation.
New Page Books. Paperback, $16.99.
APRIL / MAY 2015
Choices and Illusions
How Did I Get Where I Am, and How Do
I Get Where I Want to Be?
By Eldon Taylor
Choices and Illusions tells the story of one man’s
journey into the workings of the human mind
and our reason for being. The adventure is every
bit as exciting as the best scientific discoveries.
Eldon Taylor’s approach is pragmatic, and his
conclusions are inspirational and soul enhancing. Along the journey, you’ll hear fantastic stories of divine intervention, see why you think and do what you don’t
wish to do, and understand the very clear message that it’s never too
late to be happy and succeed, regardless of your past actions.
Hay House. Paperback, $16.95.
A mindset reset guide to happiness
By Melissa Escaro
Foreword by Joe White
How could ten minutes a day be a game changer
for your life? With In10tions, readers will discover
how to reset their mindset and consciously make
positive changes in their lives, while creating unlimited possibilities through their unconscious mind.
In this inspiring guide, Melissa Escaro will lead you
through a process to set the tone for your day, shift
your perceptions, help you reconnect with who
you really are, and create a reflective and meditative practice...even if you think you don’t have the time! Our intentions
can determine who we become and help us with the manifestation of
what we want in our lives. Good or bad, intentions pave the road of
our own personal journey of who we are now and who we are capable of becoming.
Soul Rocks Books. Paperback, $14.95.
Conscious Evolution
Awakening the Power of Our
Social Potential
By Barbara Marx Hubbard
In this era of government gridlock, economic
and ecological devastation, and seemingly
intractable global violence, our future is ever
more ripe for—and in need of—fresh, creative
reimagining. With her clear-eyed, inspiring,
and sweeping vision of a possible global renaissance in the new millennium, Barbara Marx
Hubbard shows us that our current crises are
not the precursors of an apocalypse but the
natural birth pains of an awakened, universal
humanity. This newly revised edition of. Conscious Evolution highlights the tremendous potential of newfound scientific knowledge,
technological advances, and compassionate spirituality and illustrates the opportunities that each of us has to fully participate in this
exciting stage of human history.
New World Library. Paperback, $15.95.
Spring Reading
The Science of the Rishis
The Spiritual and Material Discoveries
of the Ancient Sages of India
By Vanamali
Introduction by Pujya Swami Bhoomananda
Tirtha Maharaj
Called “the scientists of Hinduism,” the rishis of
ancient India were the scribes of the Vedas. They
developed the spiritual science of Hinduism,
Sanatana Dharma, as their way of ensuring the
constant renewal and progress of India’s spiritual tradition and culture. Sanatana Dharma permeates every aspect of Hindu culture, from religion to the arts to the sciences. Woven within its Vedic texts lie all of the essential concepts of quantum physics and other modern scientific discoveries. Providing a complete
introduction to the science of Sanatana Dharma, Vanamali reveals how the
core concepts of Hinduism, including Brahman, Atman, bhakti, karma, and
reincarnation, relate to modern science and how the scientific discoveries
of the ancient rishis have been recently rediscovered by the West.
The Afterlife of Billy Fingers
How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved to Me
There's Life After Death
By Annie Kagan,
Foreword Dr. Raymond Moody
In The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, Andrea Kagan shares
the extraordinary story of her after death communications (ADC) with her brother Billy, who began
speaking to her just weeks after his unexpected
death. One of the most detailed and profound
ADC’s ever recorded, Kagan’s book takes the reader
beyond the near-death experience. Billy’s vivid, real-time account of
his on-going journey through the mysteries of death will change the
way you think about life. Death and your place in the Universe. In his
foreword, Dr. Raymond Moody, author of Life after Life, explains the
phenomena of walkers between the worlds, known to us since
ancient times, and says that Dr. Kagan’s thought-provoking account
is an excellent example.
Red Wheel Weiser. Paperback, $16.95.
Inner Traditions. Paperback, $19.95.
Orbs and Beyond
Communications and Revelations from
Another Reality
By Katie Hall and John Pickering
John and Katie's photographs of orbs, angels and
other apparitions have brought them into worldwide
contact with other experiencers and researchers,
now they take a major step beyond the visible photographable phenomena to reveal new insights
about the paranormal. Their ongoing photographs,
personal experiences, and the amazing synchronistic
events they found themselves part of reveal a conscious, purposeful phenomena that can interact with us as individuals.
This inevitably leads to a spiritual perspective that crosses all religious and
cultural boundaries, helping us to see that this one blue orb of Earth on
which we all live, is greater than all that divides us!
The Infinite Wisdom of the
Akashic Records
By Lisa Barnett
The Infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records is an
extraordinary book filled with unparalleled tools for
transformation. Accessing the Akashic Records is
one of the most powerful paths to self-awareness
and personal change currently available. Author
Lisa Barnett carefully and lovingly guides you
through the Akashic Knowing Wisdom Prayer
System, a five-step system with three vibrational
keys to directly and easily access your Akashic
Record. Learning new healing tools from the Akashic Lords to assist
you in further releasing old issues and aligning with your life purpose.
Lisa has gathered all her most successful techniques, strategies,
shortcuts, and wisdom into this one book so you can do it yourself—
anytime, anywhere.
New Page Books. Paperback, $14.99.
6th Books. Paperback, $22.95.
Evidence of Eternity
Communicating with Spirits for Proof
of the Afterlife
By Mark Anthony
Discover the enlightening and comforting true stories
of Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® as he helps
people communicate with their loved ones in spirit. By
bridging the gap between the spiritual and scientific,
this groundbreaking book brings spirit communication into the modern era while reaffirming that God
and heaven exist, the soul is an immortal living spirit,
and that we will be reunited with our deceased loved
ones. Evidence of Eternity introduces new and innovative terms and concepts explaining spirit communication based on science, theoretical
physics, physiology, theology, and evidence. From karma and reincarnation to embracing the inner light, Evidence of Eternity is a cutting-edge
perspective of life after death.
Llewellyn Publications. Paperback, $15.99.
Embracing the Power of Truth
Tools for Liberating Your Heart
By Shavasti
The candidly inspiring personal accounts shared
by Shavasti, a seasoned and experienced healer
and spiritual teacher, will not only inspire you, but
also give you a doorway into simple but powerful truths that may have been eluding you. After
years of already being established as a healer
and author, This book will take you on a very intimate journey with Shavasti as he discovers all of
the pitfalls, illusions and delusions we can easily
become trapped in on a path of personal and
spiritual development. His moving and sometimes challenging words will help you to bridge the gap between
where you are now, possibly after many years of searching, to get
more than just a glimpse of what many enlightened teachers have
already shared.
Findhorn Press. Paperback, $17.99.
APRIL / MAY 2015
If Joan of Arc Had Cancer
Finding Courage, Faith, and Healing
from History's Most Inspirational
Woman Warrior
By Janet Lynn Roseman, Ph.D.
Joan of Arc, the fourteenth-century teenager
who led the armies of France before facing the
Inquisition, stands as the quintessential icon of
feminine courage and faith. These are the attributes most needed by women facing a diagnosis
of cancer or any life-threatening disease.
Drawing directly from the words Joan spoke at
her trial, author Janet Lynn Roseman presents
thirty-one Flames of Courage and thirty-one
Gateways to be used over the course of a month or a year to resurrect
inner fortitude and create an environment for healing. Her approach
encompasses body, mind, and spirit and will help you access and
reclaim your personal power to find healing and peace in your journey.
New World Library. Paperback, $15.95.
Manual of Psychomagic
The Practice of Shamanic
By Alejandro Jodorowsky
Traditional psychotherapy seeks to unburden the
unconscious mind purely through talk and discussion. Psychomagic recognizes that it is difficult to
reach the unconscious with rational thought. In
this workbook of psychomagical spells, legendary
filmmaker and creator of psychomagic Alejandro
Jodorowsky provides several hundred successful
psychomagic solutions for a wide range of psychological, sexual, emotional, and physical problems from stuttering, eczema, and fear of failure to repressed rage, hereditary illnesses, and domineering parents. Each solution takes the same elements associated with a negative emotional charge and recasts them into
a series of theatrical symbolic actions that enable one to pay the psychological debts hindering their lives. Explaining the shamanic techniques at
the foundation of psychomagic, the author offers methods for aspiring
practitioners to develop solutions for their own unique patients.
Inner Traditions. Paperback, $19.95.
Awareness is Freedom
The Adventure of Psychology and Spirituality
By Itai Ivtzan
Awareness is Freedom proposes a unique combination of spiritual and psychological concepts that
together lead to greater self-awareness and wellbeing. It is structured as eight lessons, each focusing on different aspects of psychology and spirituality, to support readers in their personal journey of
self-growth. The psychological and spiritual theories described in this book are backed up by scientific findings that enhance the legitimacy and power
of its message. The book also includes practical exercises which allow
the reader to apply the ideas in an enjoyable way that will lead to selfimprovement and greater satisfaction in life.
Changemakers Books. Paperback, $19.95.
APRIL / MAY 2015
The Inner Goddess Revolution
A Practical And Spiritual Guide For
Women Who Want More From Life
By Lyn Thurman
The Inner Goddess Revolution is a practical
guide to reconnecting with your divine essence,
your inner goddess, and taking life from ordinary to magical. It’s an awakening of the spirit,
and a reminder of the unlimited potential each
and every one of us has inside. This book can
help you to unlock your inner goddess and to
revolutionize your world.
O-Books. Paperback, $19.95.
The Oneness Blessing
How Deeksha Can Help You Become Your
Authentic Self, Heal Your Relationships,
and Transform the World
By Paula Rosenfeld
The global phenomenon of the Oneness Blessing,
also known as Deeksha, is a non-denominational
transfer of energy from one person to another.
Deeksha works in a neurobiological way, activating
the frontal lobes of the brain and deactivating the
parietal lobes. This subtle but powerful shift in brain
function supports an experience of interconnectivity, awareness, authenticity, and bliss. In The
Oneness Blessing, Paula interviews awakened Oneness Trainers whose
lives have been transformed through Deeksha. Their humor, gratitude,
insights, and inspiration intimately illuminate what it means to live an
life.New Page Books. Paperback, $14.99.
The Gift of Shamanism
Visionary Power, Ayahuasca Dreams,
and Journeys to Other Realms
By Itzhak Beery
Foreword by John Perkins
Each and every one of us has shamanic
powers. By embracing these gifts, we can
unlock our shamanic potential to change
ourselves and the world around us.
Revealing his transformation from skeptic to
respected shamanic healer, Itzhak Beery
explains how, after countless prescient
dreams and visions throughout his life that
he brushed off, a series of synchronistic
events led to his first shamanism workshop with Michael Harner,
renowned shamanism scholar and teacher. This, in turn, led to a trip
to South America with John Perkins to work with indigenous
shamanic healers. Beery shares his experiences with ayahuasca rituals in the Amazon, and details his shamanic way of “seeing” to
diagnose spiritual, emotional, and physical ailments via candle readings and remote viewing. By igniting our own natural intuition and
developing trust for our inner powers, we can each connect to the
oneness of nature where all knowledge is found.
Destiny Books. Paperback, $16.95.
Under Cover of Darkness
Atlantis and the Coming Ice Age
How I Blogged My Way Through
Mantle Cell Lymphoma
By Margaret Cahill
The Lost Civilization—A Mirror of Our World
By Frank Joseph
Not only is this book an inspiring survival manual
for cancer patients, but its humor and objectivity
make it a choice read for anyone who enjoys reallife drama and pathos. Diagnosed with Mantle Cell
Lymphoma in 2012 the author resorted to a blog to
keep in touch with friends, and unwittingly ended
up writing about the good, the bad and the ugly
side of cancer, which attracted many followers.
There is also an extremely funny side—wry observations that brought humour into an otherwise bleak landscape which
included chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. The author is also
blessed with a big following from the Mind, Body, Spirit community, and
from this outpouring of expert support came advice on nutrition and alternative therapies which help to make this an invaluable source of information for cancer patients and their carers.
O-Books. Paperback, $22.95.
Frank Joseph reveals how the Mayan prophecy,
symbolized by their calendar, was created through
the combined genius of Atlantis and Lemuria and
predicts an eternal cycle of global creation,
destruction, and renewal. He shows how this cycle
correlates precisely with scientific studies on glacial
ice cores and predictions from the Hopi, the Incas,
and the Scandinavian Norse as well as the visions
of Edgar Cayce. Drawing on the latest climatology
studies and papers from Pentagon and NASA analysts, he reveals that we are on the brink of a destructive phase in the
global cycle of change as predicted by the Atlanteans and the Maya.
Despite the Atlanteans’ greater understanding of the cyclical nature of
catastrophes and of the human role in them, Joseph reveals the mistakes they made that played a crucial role in their civilization’s destruction. By recognizing the self-destructive patterns of Atlantis in our own
civilization, we can learn from their mistakes to reestablish civilization’s
cosmic balance before time runs out.
Bear & Company. Paperback, $18.00.
Enochian Magic and the
Higher Worlds
Beyond the Realm of the Angels
By John DeSalvo, Ph.D.
In this comprehensive introduction to Enochian magic
and beyond, John DeSalvo explains how the magic
system transmitted by the angels to John Dee and
Edward Kelley in the 16th century has until now
remained incomplete and thus not as powerful as the
angels intended. After many successful Enochian
magic rituals and years of his own spiritual work,
DeSalvo has discovered additional key pieces to the magical system of
Dee and Kelley, a system now known as Power Magic. He provides stepby-step instructions for more complete and accurate Enochian magic rituals and reveals how the angelic realm is only the first and farthest away of
the spiritual realms surrounding God.
Destiny Books. Paperback, $16.95.
7 Reasons to Believe in
the Afterlife
A Doctor Reviews the Case for
Consciousness after Death
By Jean Jacques Charbonier, M.D.
Over the course of his 25-year career as an
anesthesiologist and intensive care physician,
Jean Jacques Charbonier, M.D., gathered hundreds of accounts of patients who returned from
clinical death. Across all of these accounts, Dr.
Charbonier found striking similarities as well as
indisputable proof that these experiences were
more than hallucinations.. He distills his findings
into 7 reasons to believe in the afterlife, beginning with the more
than 60 million people worldwide who have reported a transcendent
afterlife experience. Dr. Charbonier explains that we should not fear
death for ourselves or our loved ones. By releasing our fear of death,
we can properly prepare for “the final journey.”
The Superyogi Scenario
By James Connor
The Superyogi Scenario is an exciting new
take on the superhero story that packs a
philosophical punch. Instead of getting
supernatural powers from radiation or spider
bites, powers are developed through yoga
and meditation. Drawing from authentic
verses in The Yoga Sutra, this thought-provoking thriller envisions yogic supernatural
abilities rising among the world’s growing
population of yoga practitioners—and wild
consequences when heroes and villains
Sky Grove. Hardcover, $25.99
The Caveman Rules
of Survival
3 simple rules used by our brains
to keep us safe and well
By Dawn C. Walton
The subconscious is overdue a software
upgrade. This primitive and emotional part of
your brain follows rules for keeping you safe
and well based on the caveman days, where
sabre-toothed tigers and other predators
were the biggest threat. If you have ever had
a battle going on in your head between what
you believe you want to do, and the part of
you that seems to hold you back, then this
book is for you.
Change Makers Books. Paperback, $16.95.
Inner Traditions. Paperback, $14.95.
APRIL / MAY 2015
Aluminum, Fluoride, and Glyphosate
A Toxic Trifecta Implicated in Autism
and Alzheimer’s Disease
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
luminum is a known neurotoxin, and
according to Professor Christopher
Exley of Keele University, aluminumcontaining products are likely fueling
the rise in Alzheimer’s disease.1 In an
article published in the journal Frontiers in Neurology,2
he writes:
“We are all accumulating a known neurotoxin in our
brain from our conception to our death. The presence of
aluminium in the human brain should be a red flag
alerting us all to the potential dangers of the aluminium
How do we know that Alzheimer’s disease is not the
manifestation of chronic aluminium toxicity in
People with aluminum toxicity display many of the
same symptoms as those with dementia, Parkinson’s,
ADHD, autism, and other neurological diseases, and
mounting evidence suggests aluminum may play a significant role in the development of those (and other) dis-
APRIL / MAY 2015
By taking steps to protect yourself, you can minimize your exposure while maximizing your body’s ability to rid itself of this toxic metal, which will move you
toward a long and healthy life well into your senior
Other toxins to beware of include fluoride and
glyphosate. All of these are toxic in their own right, but
research suggests they may be even more hazardous in
You May Be Exposed to More Aluminum
Than You Think
Aluminum can be found in a wide range of consumer
products, including:
• Foods such as baking powder, self rising flour,
salt, baby formula, coffee creamers, baked goods, and
processed foods, coloring, and caking agents
• Drugs, such as antacids, analgesics, anti-diarrheals, and others; additives such as magnesium stearate
• Vaccines—Hepatitis A and B, Hib, DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), pneumococcal vaccine,
Gardasil (HPV), and others
• Cosmetics and personal care products such as
antiperspirants, deodorants (including salt crystals,
made of alum), lotions, sunscreens, and shampoos
• Aluminum products, including foil, cans, juice
pouches, tins, and water bottles
According to CDC,5 the average adult in the US
consumes about seven to nine mg of aluminum per day
in food, and a lesser amount from air and water.
Approximately one percent of the aluminum you
ingest orally gets absorbed into your body—the rest is
moved out by your digestive tract, providing it’s functioning well. The remaining aluminum can be deposited
not only in brain tissue, but also in your nerves, bone,
liver, heart, spleen, and muscle.
While one percent may sound like a tiny amount,
your overall toxic load will depend on the total amount
of toxins you’re exposed to over time. Your diet and
digestive health will also play a role in how much your
body is actually able to eliminate.
Occupational Exposure to Aluminum
Raises Your Risk for Alzheimer’s
One recently published case study3 found high levels of
aluminum in the brain of a man who was exposed to aluminum at work for eight years. He later died from
Alzheimer’s disease.
According to the authors, it’s the first case showing
a direct link between Alzheimer’s disease and elevated
brain aluminum following occupational exposure.4
An earlier study5 suggested that aluminum from
food and drinking water may be contributing to rising
Alzheimer’s rates, noting that:
“In recent years, interest in the potential role of metals in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has
grown considerably.
In particular, aluminum (Al) neurotoxicity was suggested after its discovery in the senile
plaques and neurofibrillary tangles that represent
the principal neuropathological hallmarks of AD.
Al is omnipresent in everyday life and can enter the
human body from several sources, most notably from
drinking water and food consumption... [O]ther elements present in drinking water, such as fluoride, copper, zinc, or iron could also have an effect on cognitive
impairment or modify any Al neurotoxicity.”
Indeed, dozens of studies have shown that fluoride
causes brain damage and lowers IQ. Fluoride emitted by
aluminum plants has also been implicated in animal disease.6
Farmers in Iceland, for example, claim their animals
are being sickened by environmental fluoride contamination—some to the point of having to be euthanized.
Others report higher rates of tooth damage and infertility among their livestock.
Another related study7 linked occupational exposure to aluminum to the development of pulmonary
fibrosis, a condition in which scarring on your lungs
make it difficult to breathe. In this case, the exposure
occurred during sanding of Corian material.
All in all, it seems reasonable to conclude that the
combination of aluminum, fluoride, and/or a number of
other toxins can promote Alzheimer’s disease in addition
to a number of other health problems.
Pesticides Can Also Wreak Havoc with
Brain Function
Pesticides, for example, have also been shown to have an
adverse effect on neurological function and brain
health.8 In one study, farmers exposed to organochlorine
insecticides had a 90 percent increased risk of depression compared to those who didn’t use them.
Exposure to fumigants increased risk of depression
by 80 percent. People exposed to pesticides are also
more likely to have Parkinson’s disease.
Clearly, when it comes to toxins, unless the chemical is acutely toxic, the real harm occurs when your
body becomes chronically overloaded with them, and
most people today are exposed to thousands and perhaps
tens of thousands of different chemicals on a regular
Farmers are not the only ones at risk for adverse
effects from pesticide exposure. Glyphosate can be
found in most processed foods in the Western diet courtesy of GE sugar beets, corn, and soy, and research
shows glyphosate enhances the damaging effects of
other chemical residues and toxins.
While nearly one billion pounds of glyphosate is
doused on both conventional and GE crops worldwide
each year, genetically engineered (GE) crops receive the
heaviest amounts. Meats from animals raised in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) may also contain higher amounts of glyphosate residues, as GE soy is
a staple of conventional livestock feed.
It’s quite crucial to understand that glyphosate contamination is systemic, meaning it is integrated into
every cell of the plant, from root to tip. It’s not just an
issue of topical contamination, as with many other agricultural chemicals sprayed on crops.
Normally, you need to thoroughly wash your produce to remove topical pesticide residues, but you simply cannot remove glyphosate from your produce. And
neither can food and animal feed manufacturers who use
GE ingredients in their products. This is part and parcel
of what makes GE foods so harmful to your health.
glyphosate. In the video below, she explains how aluminum and glyphosate act together as synergistic poisons that promote autism. Based on the current trend,
Dr. Seneff predicts that by 2025, half of all children born
will be diagnosed with autism. Clearly, we must identify leading environmental factors contributing to this
frightening trend. Lack of vitamin D caused by inadequate sun exposure is one factor. Nutritional deficiencies
caused by poor diet are another.
Environmental toxins must not be overlooked
however, and some toxins—glyphosate and aluminum
included—are far more hazardous and ubiquitous than
others, and are therefore likely to contribute to a greater
degree. As Dr. Seneff explains, glyphosate’s mechanism
of harm renders it particularly problematic. Indeed,
according to Dr. Seneff, glyphosate is possibly “the most
important factor in the development of multiple chronic
diseases and conditions that have become prevalent in
Westernized societies,” including but not limited to:
• Autism
• Gastrointestinal diseases such as inflammatory bowel
disease, chronic diarrhea, colitis, and Crohn’s disease
• Obesity
• Allergies
• Cardiovascular disease
• Depression
• Cancer
• Infertility
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Parkinson’s disease
• Multiple sclerosis
• ALS and more
Tips for Avoiding These Pernicious Toxins
It seems quite clear that aluminum exposure plays a role
in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Other
neurotoxins such as fluoride and glyphosate add to the
toxic burden. The best way to protect yourself is to be
careful about your choices in food and personal prod-
Synergistic Poisoning from Aluminum
and Glyphosate Implicated in Autism
Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has been
instrumental in educating people about the hazards of
APRIL / MAY 2015
ucts, and minimize your use of vaccines and other drugs
that are often contaminated with aluminum. Optimizing
your dietary sulfur is also essential, as your body needs
sulfur to manufacture its number one weapon against
aluminum overload: glutathione.
By taking a few steps to protect yourself, you’ll minimize your exposure while maximizing your body’s ability to rid itself of this toxic metal, which will move you
toward a long and healthy life well into your senior
years. For additional tips and strategies that can help
prevent and/or treat Alzheimer’s, please see my previous
article “Two Exciting Alzheimer’s Advances: A Novel
Early Detection Test Using Peanut Butter, and a Study
Evaluating Coconut Oil.”
The following list offers a number of suggestions for
items to avoid, to reduce your exposure to aluminum,
fluoride, glyphosate, and other brain-harming components:
Processed foods and sodas. This will help you avoid
both GE ingredients (which tend to be contaminated
with glyphosate) and aluminum. In addition, replacing
processed foods with whole organic foods will drastically reduce your sugar/fructose intake, which will help
normalize your insulin and leptin sensitivity. This is in
fact one of the best strategies for protecting and preserving your brain function and overall health. Fructose and
gluten are other dietary factors that promote
Alzheimer’s, and are best avoided as much as possible.
Anticholinergics and statin drugs. Drugs that block
acetylcholine, a nervous system neurotransmitter, have
been shown to increase your risk of dementia. These
drugs include certain nighttime pain relievers, antihistamines, sleep aids, certain antidepressants, medications
to control incontinence, and certain narcotic pain relievers.
Statin drugs are particularly problematic because they
suppress the synthesis of cholesterol, deplete your brain
of coenzyme Q10 and neurotransmitter precursors, and
prevent adequate delivery of essential fatty acids and fatsoluble antioxidants to your brain by inhibiting the production of the indispensable carrier biomolecule known
as low-density lipoprotein.
Fluorinated medications, including Cipro.
Fluoridated water
Mechanically deboned chicken, which tends to be high
in fluoride as a result of the processing.
Fluoridated toothpaste and fluoride gel treatments.
Dental amalgams. Dental amalgam fillings, which are
50 percent mercury by weight, are one of the major
sources of heavy metal toxicity. However, you should be
healthy prior to having them removed. Once you have
adjusted to following the diet described in my optimized
nutrition plan, you can follow the mercury detox protocol and then find a biological dentist to have your amalgams removed.
Non-stick cookware will outgas fluoride, but also avoid
other aluminum-containing products, such as cans, foil,
juice pouches, tins, and water bottles.
Cosmetics and personal care products containing
aluminum, such as antiperspirants (including salt crystals, made of alum), lotions, sunscreens, and shampoos.
Dr. Mercola is the founder of the
world’s most visited natural
site, You
can learn the hazardous side
effects of OTC Remedies by getting a FREE copy of his latest
special report The Dangers of
Over the Counter Remedies by
going to his Report Page.
Vaccines containing either mercury (thimerosal) and/or
Aluminum-containing drugs, such as antacids, analgesics, anti-diarrheals, and others
Life is
By Dr Itai Ivtzan
mpermanence, the certainty that everything
changes constantly, is a fundamental law of
life. We watch the world around us changing
all the time: nature with the seasons, society,
and our emotions. And yet, we tend to deny,
fight, and reject impermanence. Impermanence is the
antithesis of the safety we are longing for. Throughout
life, we all make efforts to keep our experiences durable
and predictable, so that we can remain within our comfort zone. By accepting the very idea of impermanence
we resign to the fact that we will eventually lose the battle. No matter how hard we try to hold on to an idea, a
partner, a job, or an emotion, the day will come when it
will change, shape-shift, or disappear. Although we
know that change is inevitable, we refuse to accept it.
With zeal and determination we set out to build an
impossible life, a life that stands still, does not move and
will only stir at our command. But we all know that life
is indifferent to our wishes. It has its own rhythm and
flow, and is in constant movement that does not seem to
APRIL / MAY 2015
have a rational direction or explanation.
Interestingly, you may be nodding your head in
agreement at these words, because intellectually they
make sense. But deep down you do not believe and
accept the idea of change; you keep hoping that cherished aspects of your life will remain constant. The
unavoidable truth is that your partner, your job, your
friends, and almost every other dimension of your life
are bound to undergo changes sooner or later.
Impermanence is inevitable, even if we find it difficult to
Stress: Psychological Reaction
To Impermanence
Psychological research shows that three parameters
determine whether we perceive an event as stressful or
not: Controllability, predictability, and the extent to
which this event challenges our comfort zone.
The first parameter indicates that the less control we
have over an event, the more stressful it is. That is why
events that are completely beyond our control, such as
death or serious illness, are extremely stressful. In one
interesting study, two groups of participants were shown
photographs of dead bodies to induce stress. The only
difference between the groups was that the participants
of one group had a button which they could press to
make the photograph disappear, while the other group
had no such button. In other words, the first group had
some control over the stressful event while the second
group had none. The results were as predicted: The levels of stress were significantly lower in the participants
who had a button to press than in those who did not.
Knowing that we are able to control an event makes it
less stressful.
The second parameter is predictability, i.e., being
able to predict that a stressful event is about to occur
reduces the level of stress. A warning signal provides us
with time to prepare and come up with a response that
could ease the impact of the stressful event. This allows
for some confidence that reduces stress.
The third parameter has to do with whether or not
the event challenges your limits, whether or not it pushes you out of your comfort zone. The more challenging
an event is to your limits, the more stressful it is. If, for
example, speaking before an audience is within your
comfort zone, then an event of this kind may merely
cause slight stress. But if it challenges your limits, you
will experience the event as extremely stressful.
Understanding stress is highly relevant to the discussion of impermanence. Impermanence incorporates
the perfect elements to create an environment of low
controllability and predictability, while challenging your
comfort zone. A changing environment is unpredictable
and out of control. At some point, a changing environ-
ment is bound to create a situation that is beyond your
comfort zone. Impermanence, therefore, is daunting. In
order to fight it we form as many ego concepts as possible, create an Ego Formed Self, and pad our life with
false stability. We all realize that this stability is an illusion; people do go away and get fired, relationships
change, and our emotions fluctuate, yet we do everything possible to keep our life as stable as possible.
Excerpted with permission from Awareness is Freedom:
The Adventure of Psychology and Spirituality, published
by O-Books,
Dr Itai Ivtzan is passionate about the combination of psychology and spirituality. He is a positive psychologist, a senior
lecturer, and the program leader of MAPP (Masters in
Applied Positive Psychology) at the University of East London
(UEL). If you wish to get additional information about his
APRIL / MAY 2015
Redefining Manhood
Traditional Archetypes
Fail to Guide Young Men
By Jim Pathfinder Ewing
here are the roles that young men
today can adopt to meet modern
needs and expectations and offer
spiritual guidance? The roles
assigned by society—that is, the
ones that provide Gilgamesh’s paycheck—don’t value
self-sacrifice and giving unto others. These essential
traits were found in Native America and, indeed, among
indigenous people around the globe before modern
nation-states emerged based on the Roman dominator
We cannot go back to Enkidu. The tassels of his
corn hair have been shorn (or genetically modified), and
he has succumbed to the comely delights of iTunes and
smartphones. Our traditional archetypes are skewed and
wrong for today.
By definition, the word “archetype” means the original pattern or model from which all things of the same
kind derive. In Jungian psychology, the concept of
archetype is extended to include the inherited “collective
unconscious” idea, a pattern of thought or imagery that
is present in all individuals. It’s a pernicious concept.
APRIL / MAY 2015
We adhere to an idea or image of something, and by
doing so we promote that concept or image. Archetypes
are both overt (that is, promoted consciously and held up
as examples to be emulated) and covert (that is, guiding
our thoughts and behavior subconsciously as guides and
An example would be an advertisement in which
someone goes to the pharmacy to make a purchase after
reading an advertisement for a certain product. The
pharmacist sees the purchase and reaffirms the customer’s choice, saying it is a good one based on sound
science and praising the customer for buying it with positive phrases such as “You have good taste” or “You
certainly know your products. That’s an excellent
In this case, the advertiser chooses an actor who
looks like the target audience or who that target audience aspires to be (men or women with disposable
income between the ages of 18 and 34). The actor displays the behavior the advertiser wants (buy the product), then the message is reinforced by an authority figure who is depicted praising the behavior of the cus-
tomer. All this in thirty seconds.
That’s how archetypes are built and reinforced in
our society. We see and model behavior presented to us
as authoritative or worth emulating. As the saying goes,
the tree grows as the tree is bent. Accept certain archetypes while young, and they become laws in our minds
that govern our thoughts and actions; eventually, they
become part of us.
Where are our major models for behavior found
today? Sports is one avenue. For men, sports offers a
unique blend of aggression and rules, team cohesion,
and individual achievement (heroism). Women in our
society often seem baffled by the fanaticism (the origin
of the term sports “fan”) among men for team sports.
While participation in sports in the lower schools is a
common channel for higher levels of team play, as part
of the physical education curriculum, relatively few
male children achieve high levels of proficiency in team
sports. So why the attachment?
Among men generally, even without professional
sports teams in their geographic area, affiliation with a
team offers a sense of belonging to a group and an
avenue for self-identification larger than individual pursuits. This sense of belonging to a community while
simultaneously upholding the values of competition,
winning, and heroism acts as a bonding mechanism
among men. Studies show that this identification is further strengthened by increased geographic mobility in
today’s world and the decline of traditional social and
community ties. Following professional sports provides
a buffer from feelings of alienation and depression,
while giving a sense of belonging and self-worth. As an
icebreaker in social situations, it offers an avenue for
inclusion and the building of social ties, while also within social groups allowing maintenance of standing within the group.
This individual bonding and social identification
mechanism, along with cohesive characteristics for a
social system as a whole, has been around in various
forms around the globe. In Native American societies,
for example, ball games created a similar bonding mechanism—and it was taken even more seriously by its
players and fans than American football and European
soccer today.
In Mesoamerican societies, such as the Maya, it was
the winning team on the ball court that had the honor of
being sacrificed to live with the gods, and players’ beating hearts were cut out of their chests and held aloft for
the crowd to see. In the Southeastern United States,
tribes would decide territorial boundaries and other
important conflicts through stickball games rather than
going to war. The religious significance of sports was
represented in virtually all American tribes through the
antics of the Thunder Twins or similar gods who played
a stickball game with the earth as their ball in a continuing battle between good and evil. This was contextual,
not absolute: Neither of the twins was “bad”; they were
immortal and beyond the understanding of human
beings, but the consequences of their game had profound
effects upon the world.
If sports had more of a spiritual aspect (which many
sports leaders try to make it with prayers for victory, and
so forth), it might serve a greater function as a balanced
role model for men. However, the status of sports in general, and professional sports in particular, is riddled with
misogyny. As Michael A. Messner of the University of
Southern California has noted, organized sports have
come to serve as a primary institutional means for bolstering the faltering ideology of male superiority. The
development of female athleticism represents a genuine
quest by women for equality, control of their own bodies, and self-definition, he notes, and as such represents
a challenge to the ideological basis of male domination.
If you doubt that there are ideological gender roles
in sports, ask yourself: Would you want your daughter to
be a lineman in the National Football League? Or a
cheerleader? Is the well-publicized calling each other
APRIL / MAY 2015
toward women prompted well-known CBS sports
anchor James Brown to lament: “This is yet another call
for men to stand up to take responsibility for their
thoughts, their words, their deeds. Our silence is deafening and deadly.” And, as if seeing the need even for a
book like this one, he called for “ongoing, comprehensive education of men of what healthy manhood is all
But rather than embracing the changes underway
toward greater equality and respect in male and female
relations, many men are railing against them. This is
particularly true in talk radio and sports. As Michael
Kimmel points out, the title of basketball player Mariah
Burton Nelson’s book is The Stronger Women Get, the
More Men Love Football. Women, minorities, and immigrants are all blameworthy for the plight of the poor
white male in talk radio, which blames the “feminazis”
for everything.
You can’t blame this negative male behavior on
testosterone. Carefully controlled studies of increasingly
elevated testosterone levels in young men have shown
only mild effects in aggression, sexual or otherwise.8
However, it is true that libido, or sex drive, is driven by
testosterone levels in both sexes. Biochemically driven
behavior— or thinking between your legs—is a unisex
activity; it is just more socially pronounced among men.
“wusses” or worse as goads and criticisms a positive
role model for young men. Can a person participate in
team sports without gender bashing, or worse?
As this book was being written, the American sports
world was awash in yet another controversy involving
violence against women, with a top athlete caught on
video punching his fiancee (now his wife) and dragging
her out of an elevator. This seeming straw that broke the
camel’s back regarding violent attitudes by athletes
APRIL / MAY 2015
Jim Pathfinder Ewing is an award-winning journalist, workshop leader, inspirational speaker and author in the fields of
mind-body medicine, organic farming and eco-spirituality. He
has written about, taught and lectured on Reiki, shamanism,
spiritual ecology, integrative medicine and Native American
spirituality for decades.
Linda Gray’s
Longevity R e g i m e n
By Donna Caruso
hen you think of Linda Gray, you
probably imagine her as Sue Ellen
Ewing, the alcoholic wife of evil
oil baron J.R. Ewing on the 19781991 TV blockbuster “Dallas.” It’s
easy to believe you know her.
But the real Linda Gray is a constant surprise. At age
74, this happy, dynamic woman appears to be at least 20
to 25 years younger and overflows with energy. She
believes that her lifelong interest in diet, supplements,
exercise, and positive thinking are at the root of her
healthy, fulfilling life today. In an exclusive interview
with Life Extension® magazine, Gray talks about her
background, acting career, health regimen, goals, and
what she does every day to remain young and vibrant.
Early Life And Career
Born in 1940, Linda Gray grew up in California in a
strict Catholic household where she was expected to
eventually assume the role of an obedient wife and
mother. But Gray had her own ideas.
“I’ve had an innate curiosity all my life and it started early on with my wonderful grandmother,” the actress
explains. “There was a wanderlust about her. She had
traveled and was very worldly, and I had a connection
with her that I didn’t have with my mother.” In fact,
Gray’s mother had been a ballerina and a fashion illustrator who, Gray feels, was frustrated by her inability as
a married woman to fully pursue her own career. Gray
soon began to have her own goals and developed an
inner strength that propelled her out of her expected role
APRIL / MAY 2015
‘Watch me.’ But ‘watch me’ with a smile on my face.
You’re telling me I can’t do something? Watch me! The
feisty little girl inside me was saying, ‘You may think
you can tell me what I can’t do, but watch me! I’m going
to do this.’
“Whenever they told me I couldn’t do something or
I was too old for something, I was so nice and said
‘okay,’ but underneath, I’d be saying ‘watch me.’”
It was a very simple technique and it worked wonders
for Gray and her career.
into a world where she managed to attain the freedom to
make her own dreams come true.
Gray began a modeling career in her teens, although
even then, her goal was to act. “I remember telling my
parents that I wanted to be an actor,” she says, “and I
thought their heads would spin off. So I started modeling.” She quietly began to look for ways to act, which
finally happened once she got into television commercials. From the first moment she was given lines to read
and recite, Gray immediately wanted more.
Married at 21 to freelance art director Jeff Thrasher,
the couple had two children and Gray became a stay-athome mother. “Back then,” she explains, “when women
had children, they would just remain at home and raise
them, and it must have been frustrating for these women
to stifle their creativity.”
The young family soon moved to the country. As a
way to afford a pool and tennis court, Gray’s husband
encouraged her to do a few commercials.
“One night I said to my husband, ‘I want to become
an actor,’” she recalls. Although he asked her to wait
until the children were grown, by then Gray was already
in her 30s and didn’t want to lose any more time. She
enrolled in an acting workshop and began getting small
parts in films.
“I loved it,” she says. “I loved the creative process
and knew that was what I wanted to do. It was absolutely wonderful.”
Vitamin B complex
Omega-3 fatty acids
Digestive enzymes
Vitamin D
Ginseng root
Reishi mushroom
Green tea catechins
Achieving Her Goal
Over her long career, Gray has not only acted in
“Dallas” and many Hollywood movies and TV films,
she has also starred in plays on Broadway and in
London, directed TV shows and live theater productions,
and has been honored with Emmy Award and Golden
Globe nominations. In 1982, she was elected Woman of
the Year award from the Hollywood Radio & Television
Watch Me!
Before feminism, before “women’s lib,” Gray was a very
strong woman who defied the social strictures of her
time. Somehow, she found the inner strength and confidence to fight for—and finally attain—her dream of
being a working actress.
“I was cast in a commercial,” she explains, “and I
loved it, but I couldn’t speak because I was ‘a model’
and models don’t act. And so I had these two very interesting words that have stayed with me all of my life:
APRIL / MAY 2015
Additionally, Gray has devoted
time to a variety of charitable causes,
including Meals on Wheels and AIDS
fund raisers. She went to Malawi to
help distribute food to needy children
and was named a Goodwill
Ambassador for the United Nations
from 1997 to 2007, traveling on
behalf of the organization to address
women and children’s health concerns.
Food As A Key To Health
And Longevity
Gray was fortunate to be raised in a
home where natural, healthy food was the norm. “My
parents didn’t have a lot of money,” she recalls, “but my
mother made sure we had good food. We even had wheat
germ and who had wheat germ at that time? I remember
going to a friend’s house and they had bologna and
cheese on white bread. I didn’t even know what that
Gray remembers going to her future in-laws’ home,
where “they had a proper sit-down dinner with a stack of
white bread, biscuits, gravy, and that kind of food. So
when we got married and my husband expected a stack
of white bread and all the rest, I said, ‘What is it? I can’t
make food like that.’”
But as a young bride, she tried her best and attempted to make gravy for her husband one evening. “The
spoon literally stood up straight, it stuck like it was in
glue,” she laughs. After a teary reaction when her husband came home, Gray vowed never to make gravy
again—and to this date, she never has.
Instead, she began to study the work of nutritionist
gurus Adelle Davis and Paavo
Airola, placing herself on a lifelong road of fascination with
good nutrition. When her husband was diagnosed with “a
nervous stomach” early in their
marriage, his doctor said he
would be on antacids for the rest
of his life. As he gobbled them up
like jelly beans, Gray says she
became determined to cure him
with healthy food. She fed him a
fresh, nutritious diet filled with
salads, vegetables, and fruit.
When her husband later returned
to his doctor, the astonished
physician told him his symptoms had
disappeared and he didn’t need the
pills any more.
Gray also made her own baby
food. ”I was grinding up carrots and
other vegetables and putting wheat
germ in,” she recalls. It was the 1960s
with very few health food stores, but
Gray found one in Los Angeles and
went there regularly. It was there that
she met a charming woman who
introduced her to her husband,
Dennis Weaver, of “Gunsmoke”
fame. “That was the beginning,” Gray
says. “It was Adelle Davis, Paavo
Airola, and Dennis Weaver,” and it
was Weaver’s recommendations and guidance that
launched Gray’s acting career.
Today, Gray is well known among her peers for her
extensive knowledge of nutrition. “People always ask
me what I’m eating,” Gray explains. “‘What is that?
What is your secret?’ I don’t feel there is a secret. I feel
there is a wealth of knowledge and if you avail yourself
of it, then it works for you.”
Gray mentions that her younger sister died of breast
cancer in 1989 at the age of 43, calling it a “wake up
call” to make the most of her life and to continuously
look for ways to remain as strong and healthy as possible. “To me,” she adds, “it isn’t about living to be 120,
but it’s about living consciously every day of your life.
Bless every single day you’re on this planet, because you
don’t know how long you will be here. Learn to be the
best of who you are.”
Food And Supplements:
A Work In Progress
There is nothing static about
Linda Gray. Where others form
their personality and lifestyle
early and remain pretty much the
same for life, Gray is the total
opposite, a woman who is constantly working on her evolution
and growth. She has a palpable
drive to learn more, to do more,
to try more, and to continuously
refine and reshape her life, her
body, herself. It’s a quality that
consistently draws others to her
and makes her acting performances magnetic.
Gray is, and has been, a dedicated student of health and nutrition for
almost her entire life. While she
does consult experts from time to
time, most of her personal health
regimen consists of foods and supplements that she has personally
researched, tried out, observed in
herself in terms of their effects, and
determined whether or not to continue and in what amount. The result is
a constantly evolving list of what
she consumes, and so far, it appears
to be highly effective.
One of Gray’s key beliefs is that
it’s best to vary your intake: She never consumes the
exact same things every day. “In the morning I do a
combination,” she says, mentioning possible ingredients, including chard, kale, baby spinach, and arugula
with scrambled eggs and a bit of goat cheese for breakfast. Or she may decide to make a smoothie, which she
prefers to juice because she wants the fiber. Gray may
include handfuls of baby spinach, cacao powder, maca,
a few drops of folic acid, a little camu camu, some hoodia, schisandra powder, lycium powder, vitamin C, chia
seeds, and a handful of goji berries, which she says are
great for energy and the brain.
“When I’m working,” Gray says, “the brain needs
some help and I notice especially that when I’m memorizing my lines, all this helps, especially the cacao,
hoodia, maca, and the berries.” Gray notes that her
breakfast combination has evolved over the years, along
with her knowledge of what to put in her body for allday energy.
She also has a small NutriBullet® blender/food
extractor that she takes with her when she’s on the set all
day. Gray brings along foods like
almond butter and an apple, so
she can create a nutritional boost
when she needs it. “I don’t have a
nutritionist,” she explains. “I do a
lot of research, go online a lot,
find things, and try them out
when they sound good. I observe
the effects on my body and any
changes I feel and if they seem to
work, I’ll continue with them.”
Another serious concern for
Gray is the proper pH balance
between acidic and alkaline
foods, something she pays close
attention to. “We’re more acidic
APRIL / MAY 2015
than we need to be,” she comments,
“so I try to eat a very alkaline diet to
keep my pH in the normal range. I
often refer to a list of acid-forming
foods to help me. If you keep your
diet more alkaline than acidic, your
internal system gets a better chance
to work properly. For example, I eat
more almonds as opposed to
How strictly does Gray follow
her rules? “I don’t beat myself up if I
go to a birthday party and eat some
sweets I don’t normally eat. Women
especially think they’ve failed if they
go off [track] a little,” but Gray says she sticks to her
goals about 90% of the time and she’s happy with that.
The Varieties Of Exercise
“I do a lot of different things,” Gray says when asked
about her exercise program. “I get bored. I have a hard
time in the gym because sometimes the music is weird
or too loud. I’m an outside person and I love to be outdoors.”
As a result, Gray walks almost every day, often in
the early mornings. “I love just trotting around, exploring, doing things,” she says of these walks. “At this stage
in my life, I like things that don’t involve a lot of equipment, I don’t want all that stuff, so I walk every day I
But Gray does use a few devices. “I just love my little rebounder,” she says of the small trampoline that she
often takes with her to the set. “Women need exercise to
clean out and stimulate the lymphatic system,” she
explains, “and for me, nothing works better.” She adds
that during the 20 minutes that
she exercises with her rebounder,
she watches television or listens
to the radio news. “I think anything over 20 minutes is boring,”
she adds.
When Gray travels, she always
brings along good walking shoes
and a small jump rope to get her
heart rate up. She jokes that some
people who are very advanced
can jump rope on the rebounder,
“but I haven’t done that because
I’m afraid I will just fly out a
window somewhere.”
Staying Healthy Mentally And Emotionally
Obviously, Gray has found that the proper diet and supplements have a clear and positive effect on her mental
and emotional health, as well as her body. But she also
believes that it’s necessary to make a conscious effort to
continually monitor and assess your current state.
“I try to keep everything as positive as I can without
being in Lalaland,” Gray explains. “One of the things I
do is accept my emotions. “If you’re sad, all right,
you’re sad. Accept those emotions, because if you suppress them, that’s when disease occurs. I feel if you push
them down—if you’re angry, for example—that’s bad.
Let yourself be angry, feel whatever you feel, get it out.”
Good health, Gray believes, starts with a healthy
attitude. “I bless my curiosity, my need to know. Be
curious about who you are. The energy will come when
you drop the negative attitudes, the negative food, the
negative people. When all of that is dropped, you will
find this wonderful being that you are.
“So when you drop the judgment, the criticism of
yourself and everyone else, you will suddenly shift to
becoming the person you were put on Earth to be—and
that is energy and that is life extending.”
Reprinted with permission from Life Extension Magazine,
Dietary Supplements Part of A Healthy Lifestyle
review published on February
6, 2014 in Nutrition Journal
concludes that, rather than
compensating for poor eating and a
lack of exercise, the use of nutritional
supplements is part of an overall
healthy lifestyle among the majority of
those who use them.
"Compiling the available data on
the health habits of dietary supplement
users, we gained a sharper insight into
the positive lifestyle choices of this
large segment—one half to twothirds—of the American population
that takes supplements," remarked
coauthor Annette Dickinson, PhD.
"Evidence from numerous surveys
shows that dietary supplement users
are more likely than nonusers to adopt
a number of positive health-related
habits such as consuming healthier
diets, exercising regularly, maintaining
a healthy body weight, and avoiding
tobacco products."
"Dietary supplement users typically make healthful habits part of each
day, and many stick with their supplement regimen for years," added coauthor Douglas McKay, ND. "Their supplement use doesn't appear to be something trendy, but more of a planned
strategy they maintain for the long
Drs Dickinson and McKay found
that reliance upon food alone to receive
one's nutrients resulted in intake levels
below the Estimated Average
Requirement for many nutrients. This
status was improved by 50% by the
consumption of enriched and fortified
foods, and was further improved by
"It's important to give dietary supplement users credit for their efforts to
improve their overall wellness profile
with thoughtful choices," Dr MacKay
acknowledged. "The scientific evidence indicates that they tend to incorporate these products into their
lifestyles as part of a broader focus on
healthy living, with supplement use
just one of a constellation of smart,
healthy habits."
—Life Extension Magazine
APRIL / MAY 2015
and the Coming I c e A g e
Rewinding the Ma y an Calendar
By Frank Joseph
illions waited on the morning of
December 21, 2012, to see if
humanity would survive the next
twenty-four hours. The much-ballyhooed Mayan Calendar was set to
close after more than five millennia of ticking off its last
moments set in motion 1,872,000 days earlier by the socalled Long Count.
During the final years leading up to that
terminal expectation, growing crowds of
authors, reporters, movie makers, and
television producers foreshadowed
Dooms Day with increasingly lurid
imagery. Their dire prognostications
were dismissed by scoffers, for whom
4 Ahau 3 Kankin, as the Maya referred
to it, was simply the conclusion of an
artificial cycle of time, nothing more.
They claimed bragging rights when the proposed end date came and went with no percepti-
APRIL / MAY 2015
ble change. But by limiting the Mayan Calendar’s ultimate significance to a single day, skeptics missed the
point by a cosmic margin.
The Maya deliberately chose December 21 as an
allegory for decline and ignorance symbolized by the
shortest annual day followed by the longest night. It
self-evidently signifies an extended, dark term—the
figurative death of the Sun—not a single, cataclysmic, twenty-four-hour period. They
never intended 2012’s Winter Solstice as
an event in and of itself but instead
meant it to delineate a historical shadow into which our world began to irreversibly move.
prophecy is right on target, as climate
and civilization experience an accelerating “dissolution of forms” Friedrich
Nietzsche himself predicted for mankind
150 years ago. The quite observable imbalance
of Earth’s biosphere parallels political, economic, and;
cultural deterioration, with unprecedented storm violence and record-breaking temperatures contrasting popular mistrust of government, the collapse of long-established financial networks, and burgeoning illiteracy. Only
in this broader sense can the Mayan Calendar be properly understood as it was originally intended.
Its end date nonetheless matched a singular event in
the heavens, when the southern end of our galaxy’s
“dark-rift” formed a perfect alignment with a midpoint
in the Milky Way on the morning of December 21, 2012.
The same Long Count began 5,126 years before with
another celestial orientation as the planet Venus transited directly over the Pyramid of the Moon on August 11,
3114 BC, at Teotihuacán (“where men become gods”),
in the Valley of Mexico. David Hatcher Childress reports
that “a dat of circa 1400 BC is now widely accepted” for
the birth of this Mesoamerican city, preceding the rise of
the Maya by twelve hundred years, and; must, therefore,
belong to an earlier, unknown, perhaps Atlantean, people at least contemporaneous with the
Even so, this date is far removed from
3114 BC, when the Morning Star rose to
the zenith over Teotihuacán. We are left to
only speculate how an original sacred
structure venerated before the present
Pyramid of the Moon must have occupied
the same position to align with the singular transit of Venus. Unique it certainly
was, because the planet’s appearance
directly over the Pyramid of the Moon
Edgar Cayce
was a one-time orientation that never
occurred before and will not happen
again, just as 21 December 2012’s relationship between
our galaxy’s “dark-rift” and a midpoint in the Milky
Way was an entirely novel alignment.
There are other, cogent similarities between the
beginning of the Long Count and the prophecies for its
end. The Long Count began with a universal catastrophe
Aztec high priests knew as 4-Atl, or “4-Water”—“four”
signifying the cardinal directions, indicative of the disaster’s global magnitude. The Long Count was likewise
envisioned as terminating in a worldwide, less specified
“rebellion of the Earth,” suggesting—
appropriately, in view of today’s ecological concerns—trouble with our biosphere. The incredible astronomical precision with which the Maya and their
Atlantean forerunners delineated both the
opening and closing of their calendar
appears to have been a deliberate attempt
at underscoring and emphasizing the
accuracy of their predictions for global
No conceivable scientific method, for
example, could have enabled the Maya or
their Atlantean predecessors and cultural
benefactors to so accurately determine the one-time
transit of Venus over Teotihuacán, in 3114 B.C., or the
equally unique alignment between our galaxy’s “darkrift” and a midpoint in the Milky Way, during 2012.
Where conventional science reaches its limits, possibilities for remote viewing—projecting human consciousness beyond time and space—begin. No discussion
concerning the paranormal dimension of Atlantis is
possible without including America’s greatest psychic
of the twentieth century, Edgar Cayce. As we explore
Cayce’s subconscious insights about the lost empire
with most thorough scrutiny, aided by current scientific knowledge, the image of Atlantis that emerges is
unusually vivid and human, with real-life men and
women in and out of control of their ultimately disastrous destiny. Their portrayal aligns with an archaeologically accurate depiction of Atlantis, a starkly realistic recreation through which the remainder of our inves-
APRIL / MAY 2015
pattern all too recognizable in our own predicament.
These Dooms Day scenarios are not alarmist conjectures
but represent credible potentialities generated by actual
phenomena. Far from having been invalidated by the
deceptively tranquil passage of 2012’s Winter Solstice,
that symbolic date simply marked the edge of a shadow
into which our world descended. What may await us as
it deepens is the subject of our story.
Excerpted from Atlantis and the Coming Ice Age: The Lost
Civilization—A Mirror of Our World, by Frank Joseph, with
permission from the publisher, Bear & Company,
tigation emerges. A parallel tale and cautionary warning
for our time and the potential for worldwide catastrophe.
In searching for some disaster convincingly powerful enough to affect the entire world, or, at any rate,
modern civilization, I ruled out the obvious suspects—
asteroid collisions, germ warfare, nuclear or other
“weapons of mass destruction,” viral epidemics, greenhouse gases, “Planet X,” gamma-ray bursts, extraterrestrial invasions, over-population, etc., etc. Most were at
least theoretically possible to one degree or another, but
unlikely. There are, however, several far more probable
scenarios that fit the Mayan Prophecy in terms of character and immediacy, which will be investigated
throughout this book.
These catastrophes form the core of the Mayan
Prophecy and their modern parallels with ancient
Atlantis, whose people were caught in a self-destructive
Frank Joseph is the editor in chief of Ancient American magazine and the author of Atlantis and 2012, The Destruction of
Atlantis, The Lost Civilization of Lemuria, Survivors of
Atlantis, and The Lost Treasure of King Juba. He lives in
Will Teleportation Eventually Replace UPS And Fed-Ex?
eleportation has been the holy
grail of transport for decades,
ever since Mr Scott first
beamed up Captain Kirk and his crew
in the 1966 opening episode of Star
Trek. Now the technology may have
been cracked in real life … sort of.
APRIL / MAY 2015
Scientists from the Hasso Plattner
Institute in Potsdam have invented a
real-life teleporter system that can scan
in an object and “beam it” to another
Not quite the dematerialisation
and reconstruction of science fiction,
the system relies on destructive scanning and 3D printing.
An object at one end of the system
is milled down layer-by-layer, creating
a scan per layer which is then transmitted through an encrypted communication to a 3D printer. The printer then
replicates the original object layer by
layer, effectively teleporting an object
from one place to another.
“We present a simple self-contained appliance that allows relocating
inanimate physical objects across distance,” said the six person team in a
paper submitted for the Tangible,
Embedded and Embodied Interaction
conference at Stanford University.
“Users place an object into the sender
unit, enter the address of a receiver
unit, and press the relocate button.”
The system dubbed “Scotty” in
homage to the Enterprise’s much
beleaguered chief engineer, differs
from previous systems that merely
copy physical object as its layer-bylayer deconstruction and encrypted
transmission ensures that only one
copy of the object exists at any one
time, according to the scientists.
—The Guardian, UK
By Jayne Morris
re you burning out? If you routinely run
on reserves and force yourself to accept
that constantly feeling tired is all part
and parcel of living a busy life, then
you—like millions of others—are probably wondering if you are ever going to find a way to
escape the exhaustion.
When the signs and symptoms of stress go beyond
inconvenient headaches, disturbed sleep or difficulty
concentrating and result in the prescription of pills to
treat prolonged complaints, then it’s truly time to listen
to your body and commit to making change. If, like
many of my clients, you feel that putting up with the
pain and struggle is no longer an option, then this book
will help you transform your life from burnout to brilliance as you develop your own strategies for sustainable
Burnout Defined
Burnout has become a universally accepted term; it
seems to be thrown around somewhat interchangeably
with the term ‘stress’. This causes confusion as to what
burnout really means and who it affects.
Some argue that various lifestyles can lead to
burnout, suggesting that it can equally affect the university student, single parent, self-employed or an alternating shift worker. Others insist that it is specific to highflying executives or leaders of large organisations. In the
business context there is also disagreement when it
comes to the primary cause of burnout, some placing
onus on organisations and others suggesting that the
individual alone is responsible.
More specifically, burnout is the result of various
factors cumulating in prolonged stress and poor lifestyle
APRIL / MAY 2015
choices that lead to severe depletion of the autoimmune
system and adrenal glands. It is not unique to one type
of personality or profession, but in all burnout cases
many common underlying factors can be found. Burnout
as a phenomenon is increasingly affecting people from
various backgrounds.
Each burnout experience is unique to the individual.
Some people completely crash, while others repeat patterns of chronic self-destruction throughout the course
of their life, continuously feeling run-down yet never
actually reaching breaking point.
Burnout impacts us not just as individuals but also
heavily drains our organisations and depletes our
economies due to the unprecedented costs on our medical and social support systems. It has recently become a
global cause for concern because it is an unsustainable
framework upon which we are subconsciously building
the future of our planet.
However, burnout can be transformed into an opportunity for us, individually and collectively, to harness
our full potential and productivity. In order for this transformation to happen we need to learn how to listen to,
respect and trust our intuition and the wisdom of our
APRIL / MAY 2015
If you identify with overwhelming feelings of exhaustion
and overload, then this book will
help you explore the combination of internal drivers and external factors contributing towards
the creation of your experience.
Burnout to Brilliance is not just
about helping you recognise
signs of burnout so you can
understand the causes. It will
also help you uncover and
release any associated guilt or
shame and effectively challenge
the social stigma surrounding burnout.
In a society addicted to success and competitiveness
we are encouraged to exceed expectations in every area
of our lives. Admitting burnout can therefore feel like
admitting failure for both individuals and organisations
that foster conditions contributing towards this problem.
When we reframe burnout as a powerful paradigm for
selfinquiry and development, it is possible to tap into
phenomenal personal learning and the opportunity for
transformational change.
Excerpted with permission from Burnout to Brilliance, published by Changemakers Books,
Jayne Morris is resident life coach expert for NHS Online
Health Sector, contributor to The Huffington Post and has
been featured in leading publications. She is a popular international speaker, workshop leader, radio and TV personality.
Twitter: @BurnoutExpert
Tools for Liberating Your Head
By Shavasti
hen I speak of facing the truth I am
not speaking of asserting the truth,
for asserting the truth is most often
the expression of an opinion,
which may include truth, but it is
invariably not the definitive truth. Facing the truth is
coming out of hiding from ourselves. It means overcoming the deep-seated fears that many of us have around
speaking the truth and facing the truth.
Much of this deep-seated pain comes from our early
childhood years, a period during which we lived in truth
freely. However, this was a freedom that was soon to be
experienced as unwelcome, unwanted and unrecognized
by the adults around us, which triggered a great and
hitherto abiding hurt that we have simply learnt to internalize and hide.
In addition to the memory of this great pain, which
in reality is more than a simple memory, it is an energy
that we’ve locked away deep in our core, we are also
afraid of losing control of our relationships. Once the
truth is expressed we can no longer control other people,
or be controlled by other people, through living our relationships from the basis of unspoken rules, unspoken
desires and unspoken pain.
The truth places an undeniable spotlight on everything and once it is out, we have a greater chance of getting toothpaste back into the tube. Once truth has been
expressed and spoken, especially to ourselves, it is visible and undeniable, even though it may be accompanied
with the fear that all of that which used to be internal and
hidden, is now hanging freely on the outside—something that can cause us to feel exceptionally vulnerable
and open to rejection and attack.
It is for these two reasons—the memory of truth
being unwelcome and surrendering our ability to control
others once the truth has been fully expressed, that causes most of us to shy away from the truth.
Only our deep longing to be free from the prisons
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we create can sustain us through beginning to tell the
truth and facing what is. Our deep longing can summon
forth a great yielding to grace as we dare to be bare and
allow the truth to unfold in its own way. Awakening has
its own way. It is not we who awakens, for we cannot
awaken that which is already awake—it is that which is
already awake within us, the undeniable truth of who we
are, that summons us.
Once we heed its call, truth starts to become the only
acceptable currency with which to navigate and experience the world. The happiness that we all long for comes
from living honest, sincere and truthful lives. It means
living without pretenses and masks, it means choosing
our relationships instead of allowing them to be our only
or best option, it means consciously choosing every
expression of our lives whether that be work, career,
play, self expression, creativity or even parenting.
When we don’t live in truth we are either being controlled or we are attempting to control others. In reality,
nothing is under our control and we only have the illusion of control and, for the most part, we remain empty
forms the foundation for any journey into spiritual
awakening and is the building block upon which you can
launch yourself into transcendental experiences of the
greater Self.
Whilst the fundamental truths of human relationships and the relationship to ourselves does not define
what may be called pure consciousness, it does form the
foundation upon which pure consciousness can take
form and manifest in our lives. In other words, the first
and fundamental steps of awakening involve being willing to not only know, but also to tell the absolute truth.
For many, the first glimpse of awakening comes either
with or very fast on the heels of facing truth, no matter
the discomfort.
The truth is enlivening as it always frees us. The
truth is always of a higher expression for it must be
understood that there is a vast difference between offering an opinion and expressing truth. Coming to truth is
not about liberally offering opinions, for opinions are
more often than not a distortion based on our projections
and belief systems. We often express an opinion in order
to hide from—the truth.
When we express the truth it is truly intimate. It is
more often than not followed by a deep silence in which
the depth of the truth resides. When truth is spoken we
become naked, we become visible, and we cease being
shrouded in our fear, projections and demands. As
speaking the truth requires such nakedness on our part,
it explains why so many of us often avoid it with halftruths, opinions or even outright lies.
Enlivening Truth
You may be wondering why truth is so important. When
we seek healing we are in reality seeking to return to
wholeness once more, we are seeking to remember the
truth of who we are. Healing takes place on many levels,
not only healing of the body, but also healing of the psyche, the mind and the spirit.
Truth is such a fundamental part of that, facing it
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As we encounter all of the hidden places we hold
inside, somehow deceiving ourselves that they are also
out of sight and have no impact on our lives, we also
begin to encounter that which is behind the smoke and
mirrors we’ve created—pure essence. It is this place,
beyond the inner veils of illusion and self-deception that
we begin to encounter that which forms the foundation
for a very transpersonal experience of Universal truths,
Universal realities, of that which can be called God.
In order for us to have any sort of sustainable experience of the transpersonal, we must first encounter our
foundation. If we don’t face that which is, then our new
found ‘truth’ can simply be a new set of projections,
wishful thinking and differing forms of idealism that
ignore what is present right in front of us in the here and
Excerpted with permission from Embracing the Truth: Tools
for Liberating Your Heart by Shavasti.
We may even feel reluctant to bare ourselves with a
particular individual, feeling perhaps that it is not safe—
this feeling arises from the deep memory of early childhood when our deepest truths were met with dismissal in
one form or another. As we become more accustomed to
speaking the deeper truth of who we are, and how we
feel, the easier it becomes. Each and every quest for
healing, spiritual enlightenment, the attainment of happiness, requires us to meet truth.
Without it, no amount of intellectual information
and understanding on an intellectual level will ever
deliver what we want without dedication to knowing and
telling the absolute truth. However, in order for us to
speak from that undefended place of truth, then we need
to have met all of the places within us that are afraid of
coming out of hiding. We need to meet shame, blame,
self-hatred and the fear of being totally alone.
Shavasti is a healer and spiritual teacher with two decades of
experience working with groups and individuals globally. His
work spans many disciplines including Energy Medicine,
Shamanism and Satsang. For more than a decade he has been
considered an authority in the field of Family Constellations
& Ancestral Healing. He has authored 4 books under the
name of John L. Payne
APRIL / MAY 2015
Release Your Power of
he secret is out. For years the world’s
leading corporations, governments and
social organizations have been seeking
the skills of Nick Seneca Jankel to help
them innovate, transform and breakthrough challenges. A shaman for the 21st century Nick,
is a proven change agent who has worked with Nike,
Disney, Microsoft, Oxfam, the UK and European parliaments among others using his science-driven, wisdom
inspired philosophy to transform their organizations.
Now Nick’s brilliance is available to everyone who
wants to SWITCH ON and THRIVE.
His book, Switch On: Unleash Your Creativity and
Thrive With the New Science and Spirit of Breakthrough,
outlines Breakthrough Biodynamics his pioneering
fusion of the latest neuroscience, evolution, ancient traditions, practical philosophy and powerful tools for
transformation. The book is based on Nick’s twenty
years of research and experience at the forefront of per-
APRIL / MAY 2015
sonal, social and corporate change. His message is clear:
“You can breakthrough right where you are right now.”
Breakthrough Biodynamics is the cutting-edge
process central to Switched On and sets Nick’s work
apart. At its core is the 10-step concept of the
‘Breakthrough Curve’ beginning with the disorder of (1)
Problems (2) Patterns, (3) Pain (4) Presence and taking
us through the lived experience of breakthrough to (5)
Peace (6) Purpose (7) Possibility (8) Power (9) Play and
(10) Proactivity. Nick works through each individual
step in depth helping the reader to get unstuck, identify
and let go of limiting habits and beliefs and become
more conscious and mindful in each and every day. The
book helps the reader find peace and heal past pain and
suffering so that they can discover their life purpose.
Switched On helps readers learn how to realize their
ideas and turn inspiration into action. Once understood
breakthrough can happen in minutes.
Following is an interview with Nick....
An Interview with Nick
Author of
Seneca Jankel
Switch On
Why did you write Switch On?
In terms of Switch On, the book, which is at the epicenter of the whole flowering of my work, all I can say is
that I couldn’t not write it. It came through me like a
juggernaut on a highway tunnel once I had seen the light
and switched myself on. However, it then took 7 years to
simplify the science and wisdom philosophy enough for
a massively mainstream audience; and codify the
process of change into a toolkit than anyone aged 15
upwards can grasp and crucially make work in their own
life. It blends 20 years worth of work, research and practice at the cutting-edge of personal and corporate change
into a pithy, and as complete as I could make it, handbook for human thriving. It covers pretty much all areas
the human experience, focused on how we use our natural creativity (and curiosity) to solve our own problems
(and those of the people around us) so that we can thrive
not just despite our problems but also, even because of
It is both a life philosophy and 10-step process that
people can read once and use right now; but also refer
back to many times as their life changes. It covers everything from releasing addictions, achieving goals, creative problem-solving, getting stuff done, dealing with
exhaustion, how to connect our hearts to something bigger than our problems are, how stress works, how to
practice mindfulness and empathy and compassion,
leadership, innovation and more besides. It would have
been far easier to write a book that just picked one of
these, as so many books do, and repeat the same idea in
10 chapters. Or to write one that was full of -isms and ologies and academic citations. This one took 7 years to
write because I wanted to unify science and wisdom
seamlessly; use language that was precise yet not academic and warm yet powerful; ensure that the toolset
was tried-and-tested to work with everyday personal and
organizational problems; and put it all into a mainstream
‘product’ that is graspable, engaging and useful.
Given that suicide—the vast majority of which is
utterly unnecessary when people are switched on to life,
love and unity—kills more each year than war and murder put together, that back ache costs the US 1% of its
GDP each year and 85% of it has no known medical
cause, stress effects so many people and is a great silent
killer that drives the diseases of inflammation like heart
disease, that depression will soon be the No.1 burden of
global health according to the WHO and that suicide is
the No.1 killer of young men in the USA (more than
Road Traffic Accidents), I believe we are in the middle
of a vast, and virtually unnoticed, spiritual and psychological crisis. The symptoms of which can be seen in the
rampant consumerism, insane levels of addiction,
destruction of so many natural habits, species, languages… the poisoning of air and sea… the issues of
climate change, poverty, child abuse, violence against
women, ethnic conflicts etc. etching jagged lines of
unnecessary pain, distress, devastation and heartache
across our human and ecological landscapes.
There are millions of people, including a lot of my
peers, students and clients, who are yearning for more
meaning, more wisdom, purpose and, above all connection. But they don’t connect with the vibes of the traditional Mind Body Spirit space. They, like me, love big
ideas, the latest science, pop psychology and business
insights… what people call ‘smart thinking’. At the
same time, there are lots of claims by New Age types
that are backed up neither by science (which is the bed
source of knowledge the West has developed) nor by a
close reading of the wisdom texts that our birthright as
human beings—Taoism, Sufism, Vedanta, Zen etc.
These wild claims distort the truth about living a connected, heart-led life (like making it about being rich)…
and these claims—along with the language and
metaphors of Woo Woo spirituality—turn off the millions of people who are yearning for the deepest wisdom… that tells of our inherent interconnection, the
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race. Too much spirituality has developed in a bubble of
self-pleasing and self-development, divorced from the
suffering of people and planet. At the same time, most of
the activism we see from social entrepreneurs, non-profits and movement leaders is head-driven not heart-driven… and so will ultimately fail because it takes hearts
and minds to transform people’s behavior and attitudes
(as Gandhi, MLK and Mandela all came to realize). I
wanted to write a book that could help people who want
to make change in their company and community know
how to break through with passion and commitment…
and inspire those on the path of spiritual enlightenment
to connect their love to a cause that can make tangible
difference to the starving and abused kids, the dying
species and rain forests and the daily everyday, mundane, mind-numbing suffering of so many people who
are depressed, anxious, stressed and suicidal.
path of love and the resulting creating that emanates
from a heart and mind clear of pain, habit and fear.
After all, who does not want to be switched on? And
live a switched on life?
But not everyone knows what living a conscious life is.
In fact, I left one of the world’s best academic institutions, with one of their best degrees possible, that gave
me expertise in two vital areas of thriving: human biology and human science / philosophy… yet I had no idea
at all how to thrive. I was depressed, addicted, anxious,
felt unlovable, confused about my purpose and more
besides. It was only when I developed my conscious
awareness of my own moods, emotions, sense of disconnection and fear, habits, beliefs and more that I was
able to transform all my suffering (which is an ongoing
process and the onion is pealed back).
So, as a former brand consultant, I realized I could
rebrand conscious awakening and enlightenment, integrate it with the very latest science from all areas that
touch human thriving, unify that with a rigorous interoperation of the deepest insights from the world’s great
wisdom traditions (Taoism, Buddhism, Sufism etc.), and
show how it can work for us in the everyday moments of
stuckness… as well as with those more significant life
and world challenges which effect so many of us eventually. In other words, the Switch On series offers a science-driven, wisdom-inspired way to deal with everyday
blockages and major life traumas and upsets - addiction,
depression, anxiety etc.
Finally, I wanted to expressly connect conscious
awakening and personal thriving with real—world
impact, in particular the mission of increasing the social
justice and environmental sustainability of our human
APRIL / MAY 2015
Who is the book for?
The millions who are interested in how to thrive and how
to help their communities, organizations and world
thrive too.
Everyone who yearns for wisdom without Woo
Woo. Who loves science and wisdom / spirituality. Who
wants to change but also be part of world-change.
What is the message of Switch On and what are you
hoping to achieve with it?
You can break through anything—relationship issues,
career impasse, repetitive conflict, self-sabotaging
habits, business blockages and social issues—using your
own unique neurobiology and the inherent spirituality
contained within every creative cell in your mind and
body. Nothing is too big to break through when we feel
switched on - when we know we are connected to every
other atoms and being in the universe. When we learn
how to switch on to the micro problems we face, we
access limitless love, truth and creativity. Then we can
take on the bigger challenges too, and proactively get
involved in community-change and world-change without getting stuck in shame, blame and complain. We
don’t need to believe in anything supernatural or in a
religious figure or ideology. We can find that connection
through nature, stillness, love, compassion, gratitude
and surrender to the inherent and innate wisdom within
the universe. More and more science—whether quantum
physics and complexity and chaos—is pointing to this
innate interconnectivity of all things; which is the hallmark of every major wisdom tradition.
However, spiritual awakening isn’t enough. We also
Alchornea Cordifolia
must learn how to literally rewire our neurons, our habitual beliefs, moods and actions, if we want to embed and
embody our break throughs in the reality of everyday
life. Psychology and neuroscience are profoundly helpful in doing this.
Once we learn how to reconnect our heart and rewire
our brain, we can remix anything that frustrates us,
upsets us or worries us in our world - in our own lives
and within the wider issues of the world. Spiritual awakening, psychological empowerment and positive community and social impact are all one movement, one
path, one journey as long as we stay switched on.
The deal is, the sh!t will hit the fan for us all. Break
ups, redundancies, the death of friends, illnesses, planetary devastation and our own death are all likely on our
path. So the sooner we learn how to embrace these challenges; bring them inside us where we can exert some
influence on them (we cant change what we don’t own);
and metabolize the problems into possibility - the more
likely we are to be able to thrive not just despite our
problems… but actually because of them. This is what
so many wise souls have taught us for millennia:
Connected, awakened, conscious living is not about
being rich and famous; or being comfortable and liked.
It is about being able to find meaning in the agony; and
rise triumphant in the face of tragedy.
The world is always changing. Nothing can ever
stay the same, as the Eastern traditions make so clear.
Rather than fear this, we can learn to embrace it, as long
as we are always excited by growth, discovery and
adventure. The fittest survive. The fitted—in sync with
their environment—thrive. This means the more adaptable we are—as Darwin pointed out—the better we get.
What is it that stops people from embracing the ideas
in your book and making changes in their lives?
Some people are blocked by the cynicism and disenchantment of the age, although I hope my credential as
a scientist, skeptic, atheist and renowned consultant to
governments and Fortune 500 allays those fears.
Others are blocked by fear of change—the terror of
having to give up habits and beliefs that we feel have
kept us safe—even though they may now be hurting us
more than protect us. The process outlined in the book
takes people on a journey where they can reassure the
protective part of them—that I call the Protector—so
that it feels loved, appreciated and safe enough to give
up comfortable but limiting beliefs and embrace the
inherent risk of change and creativity. All creativity—
whether in how we relate to our kids or lover or how we
act at work—brings with it risk. But I believe that the
risks that come with refusing to change as the world
changes so quickly around us are far greater:
The risk of our partner leaving us for someone more
switched on, our company hiring someone who thinks
and shifts faster, our business going down because a
younger, more switched on entrepreneur sees and acts
on the future. These are the things that cause so much
unnecessary stasis and suffering.
Everyone must choose. Risk the pain of self-sabotage, comfort zones and eventual irrelevance; or the
potential “failure” of going for a break through. The
irony is, we can use the Switch On toolkit to shift our
relationship to failure too - so that it is no longer an existential threat. So there becomes no downside to switching on; but a whole heal to remaining switched off; stubborn; resistant.
Why not allow the creativity (and wisdom) at the
heart of all our cells and neurons to guide us towards
more learning, growth and possibility. Its been doing it
for billions of years of cosmic expansion and biological
evolution. Why not jump on that bus and make it work
for you?
You open your book by describing one of the first
times you went to a rave and danced explain the importance of this event to your life and work?
The rave scene in the UK (which then went global)
changed society in ways most people don’t realize. It
started out at the fringes and went mainstream—every
store and every brand uses music, metaphors and memes
that the rave scene created.
However, what was most important about the ethos
of rave was that it was an enormous leveler. And that
spirit still continues in the festivals and clubs of the
West. On the dance floor, age, race, gender, class, levels
of wealth and economics all dissolve and all that is left
is human connection. Love.
So the rave was a great balm to me (and many others) when I was an unhappy teenager and then through-
Brucea Javanica
APRIL / MAY 2015
think is most relevant to your work and to modern
day life?
out my life. Given that a sense of disconnection, of separation, of alienation is at the root of all our very peculiar human suffering, major experiences that join back
up the dots have the potential to heal. I now run workshops and courses with that ethos at the heart; and I use
my skills as a DJ to use music to heal people in therapeutic coaching and in the conscious, dry rave experience I run with my wife, called HeartCore; and in the
radio show I record that blends the latest dance and electronic music with scientific nuggets and thrive hacks.
How has your education at Cambridge University in
the UK influenced your ideas?
Cambridge gave me a great grounding in science. But it
also gave me the opportunity to change course and study
philosophy of science and social science. Some of the
ideas I learnt about—for example how scientific paradigms shift and how new ideas arrive in culture—form
the basis of my fascination with, and study of,
Breakthrough Biodynamics. In my final year I had to
catch up on two years of study be very quickly getting to
know a bit about the last 3000 years of thought. This
gave me a fabulous map, which I have been filling out,
and unfolding ever since. It culminated in me writing my
final thesis on scientific narratives of mystical and
altered states of consciousness—which still runs deep
within my work and the book Switch On.
However, as important as the knowledge was the
blessing of connecting with other extra-ordinary, passionate, super-talented human beings, and learning with
them—provoking, questioning and questing together. To
be inspired by peers—and to know what excellence
looks like—have both helped me massively do what I do
You address many of the ancient wisdom traditions
in your book what if any of the teachings do you
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As a broadly a perennialist, I sense that most of the great
wisdom traditions have similar basic concepts. So it
becomes a personal choice which, if any, to engage with.
Personally, I love the heart-centered essence of
Sufism and the possibility that the universe is our
beloved (and we are its). It’s a great healer for our disconnected and alienated times. I love the urge for social
change within the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam; to
piece together the broken shards of our atomized and
unequal society. I love the urge of Mahayana Buddhism
to engage in spiritual awakening for the sake of other
beings, within the Bodhisattva Vow. That enlightenment
is the start not the end of the journey.
I love the cool, still, spacious ways of Taoism, which
urge us to align with nature and the natural world, a
great insight if we want an Earth that is not devastated
by pollution, waste and climate change. I love the simplicity of Zen Buddhism and its instance in instant
enlightenment—we don’t have time to sit in monasteries
for twenty years before we switch on and start sorting
out of lives / communities. I love the communal spirit of
African Ubuntu and Native Indian traditions, and their
urge to realize we are in this together—that we are the
stewards not owners of this world (and the oil, metals
and houses within it). I love the radical non-dualism of
India’s Advaita Vedanta and the Baghavad Gita, and the
genius Thrive Hacks of that tradition (like the concept of
devotion) which have emerged over centuries to
embrace the paradox of how to live in this world with a
sense of unity amidst the evident diversity of real-world
Your book is rooted in scientific discovery about the
body.mind connection can you explain how this influences the ideas behind Breakthrough BioDynamics
and the Breakthrough Curve?
The conventional split between mind and body has
profoundly impacted Western ideas about how to be
well, heal pain and achieve happiness. By splitting us
into a mind and body, Descartes opened the door for
centuries of mechanistic medicine; where we take pills
for emotional suffering because we have been duped
into seeing them as body issues. Meanwhile, people
working on ideas in the ‘mind’—whether in academia or
business consulting—have divorced them from the
body, which is where all our ideas have to live if we are
to embed them into real life.
Discoveries about the vagus nerve, how the brain is
structured and more all point us to one unalienable fact
(that was not taught to me at medial school) is that we
are one integrated whole; one body.mind as I call it.
What is vital for anyone who wants to thrive, who wants
to breakthrough their sh!t and deal with their challenges
in creative ways, is that this body.mind is the only thing
we have to play with. It is the platform on which all our
creativity plays out. It is the biological wizardry, which
we must learn to master, with Thrive Hacks, if we want
to be able to create—and, crucially, sustain—breakthroughs at will. So the focus of Breakthrough
BioDynamics is on mastering, embracing, loving, and
hacking this fully integrated body.mind. That is why a
deep understanding of the science of neurobiology is as
important as a close reading of the enormous wealth of
wisdom we have about our mind, from East and West.
One without the other shortsighted and disempowering;
like a yin without a yang.
You work with hundreds of people from all walks of
life, what is it that most people are looking for and
how can Breakthrough BioDynamics give it to them?
Ultimately, I believe everyone wants to thrive. They
often don’t know this, thinking they want success,
change something, open up new possibilities, find and
express their purpose, destress and find inner peace, to
lose weight or to get a relationship or to innovate a new
project or business model. Yet all these aspects of human
experience come naturally when we know how to thrive.
This is distinct from being happy. Thriving is a very different concept to what most of us think of as happiness.
Happiness is fleeting. It can last a second, a minute, or
an hour, but usually not an entire day. Sure that bonus
felt great this morning; but this afternoon that idiot just
took my seat on the bus and now I’m upset. Few of us
feel ‘happy’ when we are downsized, sacked, or dumped
(and arguably nor should we). Emotions like sadness,
grief, and confusion are very natural and helpful, and we
can learn to thrive even when we experience them. We
don’t need to be happy all the time.
A major study has shown that the pursuit of happiness, as opposed to thriving, can make us selfish citizens
because we prioritize our happiness at the expense of
others. In this study of over 400 adults, being happy was
associated with being a ‘taker.’ Whereas having a meaningful life, thriving despite adversity, was associated
with being a ‘giver.’ When we thrive, we are more able
and better equipped to help those around us thrive too.
The same cannot be said for happiness. Happiness shifts
like sand in the desert. It can appear and disappear in an
instant. Thriving, on the other hand, sticks around for the
long term.
We can thrive and be happy. We can thrive and be
sad. We can thrive and experience pleasure or pain. We
thrive when we learn how to leverage the Breakthrough
Curve, the central process within Breakthrough
Biodynamics. I believe this J-shaped process is a naturally forming blueprint for all transformational change
(which is the subject of my second book, being edited as
we speak). This J-shape curve can be used to embrace
and problem and metabolize it into learning, growth,
creativity, peace and, ultimately, some form of real
world impact or results. And that is what everyone
wants—to be able to work with the cards they are dealt,
find peace with them and somehow use them to make
life meaningful, to live with purpose and to have realworld results in the here and now.
How have your experiences of depression, fibromyalgia and bullying helped you in your work with others?
Unless you have been in serious pain, whether mental or
physical (or for me, both), it is very hard to understand
the vast enormity of the suffering; the insane intensity of
the experience. Depression is not like being down for a
day or two; it is if someone switched out the lights; or
erased all the shininess of the world. The doom and
gloom is so all encompassing, it feels like nothing can
ever return to normal. To be able to tap into my memories of that darkness means I am never glib; never resort
to stiff-upper lip or Smiley Californian motivational
speaker memes. Likewise, having lived with extreme
physical pain for much of my adult life with fibromyalgia, I understand the gnawing essence of agony; and it
ensures I never underestimate the suffering people are
in. Bullying and social exclusion, which hurts in the
same part of the brain that physical pain does, is experienced by many and is agonizing too; and a mostly silent
APRIL / MAY 2015
What is ‘enlightened entrepreneurship’?
cause of suffering.
Whilst ensuring I have been furnished me with
advanced empathy and instant compassion for human
suffering, these experiences have also demanded that I
delve deep into the workings of mind and body if I want
to be free of them. As I have grappled with each, with an
aim to heal it fully and permanently, it has given me
some of the fundamentals of Breakthrough
Biodynamics. I am 100% convinced, through lived
experiences, that these kinds of body.mind illnesses—
that seem to stem from chronic stress in some form of
other—can be healed through our own breakthroughs.
You speak to some of the world’s biggest corporations, to governments and organizations like Oxfam
what are you trying to teach/inspire/change?
I attempt to guide them towards more purposeful, ethical and sustainable business models; to empower their
people to bring their full self to work because they are
working on something meaningful and values-led; to
shift cultures and processes so that they enable and
encourage people-powered breakthroughs. Ultimately
my work is about showing organizations that they can
use Breakthrough Biodynamics to help their leaders
have massive breakthroughs in how they manage, coach
and strategies; to ensure teams come together to collaborate freely and successfully on important projects,
learning and thriving as they do so; and to help the
organization itself find and unlock major and lasting
breakthroughs in products, services, processes and business models that help it thrive into an uncertain, complex and challenging future,
APRIL / MAY 2015
This is one of the magnificent koans at the core of my
life. It is a paradox, a conundrum that must be lived to
be fully groked. In essence, it is the creative tension that
arises when our hearts and minds experience two distinct truths:
The first, the awakening to or realization of enlightenment: That we are part of the one universe; a sacred
and blessed part of All That Is. That everything, including us, is part of the Great Perfection. Nothing needs to
be done; that no fame or fortune is necessary for us to be
at one. That our Tiny Me is illusory, that I does not exist
in any tangible way and so it matters least what that I
The second is that there are urgent and pressing
challenges affecting our species, our ecology, and our
planet. That people are suffering, in agony, being raped,
humiliated, enslaved and abused, dying from malaria
because they can’t afford nets. That we, with our energy
and creativity, can make a difference to this suffering,
right here, right now, if we commit. That our Tiny Me is
the most powerful driver forward of tangible change.
That conviction, focus, energy and effort result in
The paradox is how to know nothing needs to be
done and that everything must be transformed at one and
the same time; to know that we are nothing and yet
everything at the same time; to harness our power and
getting stuff done whilst at the same time never getting
hooked, grippy, graspy… always ready to surrender
everything into the Great Perfection of what Is.
Enlightened entrepreneurship is committing to a
real-world vision of how this world could be whilst
returning to complete stillness and surrender whenever
we become attached to any outcome occurring. For me,
I hold a powerful and totally achievable vision of a
world where enlightening and empowering media and
experiences have transformed the lives of millions
My Switch On books, videos and toolkits are on
channel on the Ripe & Ready platform. I am giving all
my life blood, soul work, energy, and conviction—what
I call Total Fucking Resolve—to this work±—to the
Switch On channel;, to the Thrive Up channel, to
Wicked Wisdom channel and more; courting investors,
corporate partners, next gen wisdom teachers, audiences, social media, building tech etc.… all to empower
the least powerful so they thrive and ensure their communities thrive… whilst running my leadership development and creative management consultancy working flat
out to transform hearts and minds of corporate leaders so
they ensure the most powerful organizations in the world
become sustainable, ethical and creative… all the while
ensuring this work makes enough money to fund a family,
a wisdom teaching and writing career and the start up…
whilst writing my own books, articles, podcasts and the
like… researching and developing Breakthrough
Biodynamics… whilst being a conscious, switched on,
attentive father, husband and son… without getting
hooked on any of it!
It means becoming a channel for all this conscious
creativity without getting caught up in the quotidian
barbs and tenterhooks of fame and fortune; in whether
Oprah loves me or not; whether my publishers respect
my work fully and promote it properly; whether this
event or that event is going to make me a keynote;
whether this TV show books me or this network wants
me to host; whether I am getting paid properly for my
genius etc. etc. etc. It is knowing in every cell in my
body that I am building my profile solely for the power
it gives me to open up more doors, to raise funding for
the project, philanthropy for the social mission, etc. etc.
and REALLY mean it.. never letting my Tiny Me get
high on my success and the puffery of people around me
as I rise….
That is enlightened entrepreneurship!
Do you think Breakthrough BioDynamics can
change the world and why?
My compulsion to develop BB is equally fuelled by
sheer curiosity to see if I can work out how transformational change—i.e. breakthrough—can be created and
sustained at will (and how and why it happens in nature
& culture)… and the systemic insight that until people,
teams, leaders and societies know how to do this—and
how to overcome what stops us changing our lives, companies and nations into ones that are sustainable, fit with
our world and ensure we all—not just the lucky few—
can thrive.
We can use Breakthrough Biodynamics toolset to
transform individual’s lives, heal past suffering and broken families, our parenting styles and so much more…
but also as a framework for ushering in transformative
change in leaders and corporations (which is how we use
the tools in my consulting business).
What makes BB so unique—and so uniquely ready
to change this world we find ourselves in now—is that is
unifies, in one theory / framework the two greatest
sources of insight we have about how to thrive: advances
in neurobiology, physics, chemistry and complexity; and
pertinent and priceless wisdom from the great traditions
which have furnished us with so much insight. Once we
filter out the encrusted dogma and lack of metaphorical
imagination of religion… and the rampant cynicism and
lack of transcendent imagination of scientism, we are
left with two rivers that flow into one great lagoon:
Science and Spirit. That lagoon flows towards the
oceans of equality, justice and brotherhood.
BB attempts to describe—and so influence—(without the fending for control stemming from prediction
that is the shadow of the mechanistic scientist’s Will to
Power) the logic that sits within the emergence of genuine, mindful and heart-full creativity so that we harness
it to bring about the change we all want to see: in our
soulless productivity-driven workplaces; our community-less societies; our consumerist streets and stressed out
Already as we speak, of the nine processes that
underpin life on Earth, four have exceeded “safe” levels:
climate change, loss of a healthy biosphere, changing
land systems and high level of pollutions flowing into
the oceans because of fertilizer use. Unless we start
changing ourselves, letting go of our desire for more;
and with that transformation change how we act in the
world… the stark reality of a truly messed up world is
on our horizon. Add to that all the stress, depression,
obesity, cancer and the like that is mounting up, and we
can see misery went mainstream. Yet ALL of this is
avoidable once we switch on, reconnect our heart, rewire
and brain and remix our world. Literally all of it.
Breakthrough Biodynamics gives us a safe, trusted and
simplified process—centered on the Breakthrough
Curve—for letting go of the old and creating the future
with consciousness, connection and collaboration. This
is not wishful thinking or naive humanism. This is lived
experience from leading change in virtually type of system
on the planet. It can be done. The question is whether
we, individual and collectively, will switch on and
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stayed switched on long enough to co-create a switched
on world where 100% can thrive, sharing our resources
and ideas.
You gave spent the last decade working on your Ripe
& Ready project—what is it and why have you dedicated so much of your life to it?
and business model design to rebrand enlightenment /
spirituality and make it mainstream for millions.
As someone guided by Tikkun Olam and an
absolute commitment to social justice, I set up a nonprofit social enterprise first, as I have never been called
to rebrand spirituality just for the middle classes. I have
a vision where people from marginalized communities
and ultra-low incomes also have access—in terms of
location, format, language and cost. The social enterprise stalled when we found foundations unwilling to
fund psychological and psycho-spiritual services and
products; and impact investors unwilling to invest in
“messy” problems like depression, anxiety and stress.
So I attempted another model - to be a media production
company for enlightening and empowering media. We
had great success developing mental health and happiness content for the BBC; but found other networks and
commissioning agents less interested: Most media gatekeepers are cynical and jaded. I also set out on the
“Jamie Oliver” model of doing TV first so I could then
use my fame to influence policy. 4 years ago I realized
we needed to do all 3 of these models, whilst also bringing in more “Next Gen” teachers to collaborate; and corporations to fund the content so we didn’t have to rely on
30-50 media gatekeepers in London, NYC and LA. The
result is Ripe & Ready - we are building our own audience, our own media network and creative studio for
wisdom content.
When I was 30 years old I burnt out, after 6 years running a wildly successful start-up that was not built on all
my values and my truest inspiration. Whilst physically
recovering and seeking emotional and spiritual sustenance, my purpose emerged like a pellucid rainbow
from the darkened sky. My heart had been broken by
my career choices. Working with my coach at the time,
I grokked—in a moment of inconvenient truth—that I
was using the majesty of psychology, neurobiology, philosophy, and anthropology to help rich companies get
richer by inventing stuff that most of us don’t need; and
then persuading us to buy it with marketing that suggests
that we’re not sexy/smart/rich/good enough without it.
In the middle of this breakdown experience I had a massive breakthrough. I knew, without a shadow of a doubt,
that I had to focus on using my skills and talents to
remind us all that we are already enough; and with that
sense of abundance, harness our collective creativity to
make a difference. I also realized that I had been given a
unique combination of gifts that could allow me to move
beyond the traditional model of wisdom teacher as itinerant guide and sporadic writer; and use my expertise as
branding, scalable product development, creative media
APRIL / MAY 2015
G o d d e s s Revolution
First Steps On The
Revolution Road
By Lyn Thomas
s little girls, we adore stories about being
a princess and marrying Prince
Charming. Love wins the day but what
happens when the honeymoon has long
ended, the babies have turned into petulant teenagers, Prince Charming is charming no more
(and frankly, you wish you’d never kissed the ugly toad)
and the job of being queen is full of demands without
any rewards?
We never are told the nitty-gritty reality of turning
from maiden to mother, and we’re never encouraged to
find our own enchanted kingdom. As modern-day
women, we live our lives after the fairytale has ended.
Reality is piles of laundry, dirty dishes, demanding kids,
ungrateful bosses, cooking dinner and paying the bills.
Your inner goddess, the essence of your princess self, is
forgotten, neglected and whimpering to be set free.
Life can be so much more than responding to everyone else’s demands, and you can live a juicy life where
you make the rules. You just have to be brave enough to
unleash that dormant goddess and show the world she
means business. Revolutions happen because there’s a
need for freedom, so start your own Inner Goddess
Revolution and set your divinely feminine spark free.
If you look into history, you’ll find courageous and
outrageously successful women who refused to live on
anything other than their own terms. Just think about
Joan of Arc, Queen Elizabeth I, Boudicca, the suffragette movement, Amelia Earhart—they were not women
to take lightly and nor were they women who lived by
other people’s rules or standards. Women-power may
not be as widely recorded as men-power in the history
books but the role models are there. Step back further
into time and you’ll find myths of kick-ass goddesses
who made gods tremble and the earth shake. The goddess Athena came out of her father Zeus’ head with a
rebel yell, fully dressed in armor to do battle. Isis, the
great goddess of Egypt, tricked the creator god Ra into
revealing his true name so she had power over him and
became the mistress of magic. Hindu goddess Kali is an
APRIL / MAY 2015
dreamed about. It’s when you put your own needs first
and are true to what’s in your heart that magic really
happens. Of course, our modern-day world doesn’t
encourage such self-centered behavior. We’re expected
to be the tirelessly selfless members of society that put
the needs of others first, second, third and fourth before
our own. When we make steps forward to claim our
power, we’re often slapped down with a heavy dose of
guilt, anguish or another negative emotion. Dreams are
shelved, and your inner goddess’ sparkle glows a tad
Just imagine how it would feel if you were the most
important person in your life. It probably feels a little
uncomfortable just reading those words because you’re
not used to thinking that way. However, if you make sure
you’re nurtured first, that your needs are met, then you
get to choose how to live and how to give. Women are
givers and nurturers by nature, so when we’re happy,
content, self-loved, inspired, and secure then we radiate
outwards. Honoring your inner goddess by taking a selfnurturing approach benefits everyone in your life and
you become an inspiration to other women who want to
break the mould too. It’s a win-win situation, and one
that’s totally selfless, not selfish.
It doesn’t matter what stage you are in life, you can
begin your Inner Goddess Revolution and let your inner
goddess come roaring into the world. You’re never too
old, too young or too middle aged to embrace your
divine essence. Making life changes so your inner goddess
almost unstoppable demon slayer. As women, this is our
You can’t let your inner goddess come into being if
you don’t give her the space and attention she needs.
Like all goddesses worth their salt, yours doesn’t want to
be second best. She wants to be center stage: Queen of
her castle, ruler of her world, and always wearing the
biggest, most sparkly tiara.
When we’re growing up, in full princess mode, it’s
the exception rather than the rule for us to be told that
we should revolve around our own universe. Instead,
we’re reminded not to be outspoken, play by the rules,
don’t make a fuss, and do what other people, namely
adults, tell us to do. We’re guided by our parents or other
significant older people in our lives that have had the
same beliefs passed down to them. Their beliefs become
our beliefs. Women don’t find it easy to speak their
truth, break the rules, demand their needs to be met, and
go against the advice of other people. Lucky for your
hidden inner goddess, beliefs are meant to be broken.
Being the center and the most important person in
your universe is the key to living the life you’ve always
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can shine can be difficult. I won’t lie to you and tell you
that it will be as easy as your fairy godmother waving
her magic wand. At times, it might be painful, scary and
your knees will turn to jelly. But I can tell you that when
you get through any possible discomfort, the rewards are
immense and you’ll feel alive, really alive, as if part of
your soul has returned to complete you.
Excerpted with permission from The Inner Goddess
Revolution - A practical and spiritual guide for women who
want more from life, published by O Books,
Lyn Thurman is a midlife woman not wanting
to settle for a mediocre
existence. She is passionate about making
life magical and loves
to write and share wisdom with other women
so they can squeeze
every ounce of juice out
of life! She lives in
Giant Human Skeleton unearthed in Varna, Bulgaria
rchaeologists in Bulgaria have
discovered the remains of
what they have described as a
“huge skeleton” in downtown Varna, a
city on the shores of the Black Sea
whose rich culture and civilizations
spans some 7,000 years.
Sofia News Agency, Novinite,
reports that the skeleton was found in
what was once the ancient city of
Odessos, a trading post established by
the Greeks towards the end of the 7th
century BC. Odessos was a mixed
community made up of Ionian Greeks
and the Thracian tribes (Getae,
Krobyzoi, Terizi). Later it was controlled by the Thracians, Macedonians,
and then Romans. The Roman city,
Odessus, covered 47 hectares in present-day central Varna and had prominent public baths,
Thermae, erected in the
late 2nd century AD,
now the largest Roman
remains in Bulgaria.
Researchers have
said that initial analyses
suggest the skeleton
belongs to a man who
lived in the late 4th or
early 5th century AD, a time when
Odessus was an early Christian center.
Valeri Yotov, who is part of the team
carrying out excavations there, is
reported as telling local news websites
that the size of the bones is “impressive” and that they belonged to “a very
tall man”. However, Yotov would not
reveal the exact height of the skeleton.
The remains were found near the
remains of the ancient city wall and
Yotov has suggested that the man may
have died while working or during a
ceremony held near the city walls.
“His posture, with hands laid on
his waist and his body pointing to the
east (head) and west (feet) is a clear
indication for archaeologists he was
buried,” reports Novinite.
—Ancient Origins
APRIL / MAY 2015
I N S P I R A T I O N?
By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
wrote a book years ago called Inspiration using
the two words in-spire, in-spirito—inspire, in
spirit. And there was a great teacher on this
planet a couple thousand years ago named
Patanjali and he said, When you are inspired by
some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all of
your thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends
limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, wonderful
And then he said—and this is what I want to ask you
about—when you are inspired, dormant forces, faculties, and talents come alive and you discover yourself to
be a greater person, by far, than you’ve ever dreamt
yourself to be. It’s almost as if you discover yourself to
be God or Source or the Tao or Divine mind or whatever name we place on this Source Energy that you speak
of and speak to us from.
The way that we have most recently been explaining
that is, when you wake up in the morning, you have the
potential of being in that highest frequency, because
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while you sleep, the momentum of your point of attraction ceases.
So when you first wake up, before you begin thinking thoughts of what went wrong yesterday or what you
have to do today, you have the greatest potential of
aligning with that Pure, Positive Energy.
So if you can focus there and allow a little momentum to get going, what happens is you tune in to that
Source Energy consciousness who is always aware of
everything you are doing. But it isn’t something that just
happens. You have to focus yourself into that alignment.
That is the best way of describing it.
In other words, Source is there for everyone at all
times. We are always there. And so when you are aware
of the presence of Source and when you are not offering
a vibration that prevents you from your alignment with
Source, then you have those wonderful moments. And
you can do that all the time. And people refer to those
who are doing that as masters. But all of you can do that.
It is the mastery of focus. That’s what it is.
Excerpted from Co-creating at Its Best: A Conversation
Between Master Teachers by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Esther Hicks.
Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned author
and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author
of 30 books, has created many audio programs and videos,
and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.
His books Manifest Your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages,
There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, and The New
York Times bestsellers 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace,
The Power of Intention, Inspiration, and Change Your
Thoughts—Change Your Life, Excuses Begone and now
Wishes Fulfilled have all been featured as National Public
Television specials.
Esther Hicks is an inspirational speaker, author, and channel
for Abraham.
APRIL / MAY 2015
Sky People
A Double on Another Planet
By Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
n 2008, a series of UFO sightings, which
occurred for several weeks south of Belmopan,
the capital city of Belize, made international
news. The general consensus among witnesses
was that the lights were definitely UFOs especially because they were repeatedly seen in the same
area. The observers described the lights as “circular
disks” that appeared in groups ranging from four to
twelve for a period of more than two hours. Witnesses
likened the lights to extremely bright headlights or big
balls of light as bright as the moon. These visits became
commonplace in Belmopan with the lights appearing
approximately every two years. According to local
accounts, UFOs had been appearing for more than fifty
I was scheduled to visit the village of Hopkins the
next day. After years of serving as the director of the
Center for Bilingual Education at Montana State
University, I wanted to visit Hopkins, a village known as
the last place on earth where Garifuna was the first language. The trip to Hopkins turned out to be far more than
I anticipated. Along the way, Buddy told me about a fifth
or sixth cousin who saw the Belize City UFOs when he
was a toddler and had been abducted repeatedly ever
since. The last time Buddy saw his cousin, he was living
near Hopkins.
In this chapter, cousin Stephen tells his story.
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Buddy told me about the Garifuna people as we drove to
the village of Hopkins. “I am a Red-Carib Indian. My
people never married with the African slaves who came
to our land. The Yellow Carib didn’t either. But the
Garifuna, they are mixed,” he said. “They are a mixture
of Carib, Arawak, and West African. The British colonial
administration called them the Black Carib, making that
distinction over a century ago, and the labels have stuck,
just like American Indians where blood is counted. The
Yellow and Red Carib are the true Amerindians. The
Garifuna are hybrids.” It was in Hopkins that the
Garifuna people lived off the sea and the rich swamp soil
in the area around their village, as they had done for centuries, and still spoke their native language. We had chosen the “local road” from Belize to Hopkins. This road,
which is about ten miles inland and the shortest route, is
avoided by tourists, because it is not paved. According to
Buddy, there were many days when the road was
As we traveled the dirt road, Buddy told me about a
cousin of a cousin of a cousin who had witnessed many
UFO events. Even more important, he reported that this
fifth or sixth cousin had been experiencing contact with
space travelers since he first witnessed the UFOs of
Belmopan about forty years ago. Despite my previous
night’s experience with Buddy, who had taken me from
private homes to the hospital to a wedding celebration,
all unannounced and unexpected, I decided to throw
tion to the wind and allow him to take a detour in search
of the elusive cousin whom he had not seen in 30 years.
According to Buddy, his cousin, at one time, worked
with a farmer’s group in Hopkins. He moved there shortly after graduating from the university and remained
there, marrying a local Garifuna woman.
Although Buddy wasn’t sure his cousin was still
working with the farmers, he stopped at the local co-op
to find out information about his cousin’s whereabouts.
We arrived just as the workers were taking their lunch
break. Within minutes I saw Buddy walking toward the
van with his arm around the shoulder of a man who
could have been his twin. I rolled down the window
when they approached, and Buddy introduced me to
Stephen. “I found him hanging out with the local farmers,” he said, as his cousin climbed into the vehicle.
Within minutes we were sitting in Innies Restaurant
ordering local food and drinking Coca-Colas.
After a half hour of the cousins’ reminiscing, I
approached the subject of Stephen’s encounters. “Your
cousin, Buddy, told me that you have a history of
encounters with Sky People,” I said.
“Yes. I saw my first space men when I was about
four. At first I did not know they were from space.”
“Was there more than one?”
“Sometimes two came, sometimes four; always in
“Where was your first encounter?” I asked.
“It was the day after the lights appeared in the sky.
My father took me out to watch the lights zip around the
sky the night before. The first time I came into contact
with the space people was the next day in our garden. I
was tending my little garden that my father set aside for
me, when white balls of light burst out of the sky and
dropped to the ground around me. Out of the balls of
light came these little men. From that moment, I remember nothing, only that they brought me back to the garden. There were four of them. Two were holding my
hand and telling me that I was now their friend. I did not
understand it at the time.”
“Do you think they abducted you?” I asked.
“I was young, not much more than a baby. I wouldn’t have understood that concept. I also had a feeling of
happiness around these small beings. I remember laughing with them and playing, but I don’t know where we
were at the time.”
“So at what time did you realize they were aliens?”
I asked.
“Probably when I was about nine or ten. Although
they came into the garden several times over the years, it
was not until I was about nine or ten that I became aware
that they were taking me aboard their space ship. As
time passed, I had recurring strange experiences with the
space travelers. Sometimes I entertained my friends with
stories about a boy who traveled into space. They didn’t
know they were true. But it wasn’t until I became a
teenager that I fully understood my experiences. By then
it was too late.”
“What do you mean, it was too late?” I asked.
“I had been chosen as a three-year-old to be a part of
an experiment. By that time I understood what was happening. They had recorded everything about me. I could
not escape them. Maybe when I was three, I could have
been saved from this repeated interruption of my life, but
I never told anyone. They told me it was our secret.”
“Are you saying that the Star People told you it was
a secret?”
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“By the time you were a teenager, did you consider
your experience negative?”
“I wouldn’t call it negative. Sometimes annoying.
These space men did not consider the feelings of the
humans they chose for their study. It does not seem to
matter to them that they were interrupting lives. They
underestimated or didn’t understand the independent
nature of the human spirit. They don’t understand when
we rebel or are uncooperative. They expect obedience.”
“Did you rebel?”
“A couple of times, but it was futile. They have great
powers and with a look they can paralyze you. They can
make you forget things. I chose not to fight them. I
wanted to remember everything.”
“You spoke of a human experiment. Can you
explain that statement in more detail?” I asked.
“That’s what they do. They often take young children and continue to abduct them through adulthood.
They began their experiment by giving me puzzles to
play with, and, though I did not know it at the time, they
were observing how I put them together. The strategy I
used, the time it took, how I sorted objects. All of it was
a part of their study. Every move I made. Every word I
“Can you describe them to me?”
“There were different types. Some looked human,
just like you and me. Some were taller and whiter than
me. Others only looked a little like a human. They were
not in charge, though. Their heads were big and their
eyes were massive and evil. They showed no emotion.
Sometimes I thought they were robots, but they had
skin. It was a strange skin, very wrinkled and scaly. Do
you think they create robots with skin?”
“I’m not sure. How tall were they?” I asked.
“They did not reach my shoulders, but if they
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touched you, you have no energy. They were strong.
Once I tried to resist, but it was impossible. They had
powers that reached into your soul and made you incapable of resisting—power over my body and my mind.
After that, I gave up and accepted the situation.”
“Did you ever learn why you were taken?” I asked.
“I found out when I was about nine or ten. They
introduced me to my double. That was in 1963, long
before human scientists were conducting cloning experiments.”
“What did you do when you met your clone?” I
“I taught him about life. When I was sixteen, I
stayed on board their ship, and my clone went back to
Earth. He stayed there two weeks impersonating me,
and no one ever knew the difference.”
“So will your clone one day replace you?” I asked.
“No. He is the same age as me, but he was made to
live on another planet the space travelers were populating. So I have a double out there who lives on another
world. He looks like me, talks like me, and has my
“When was the last time you saw your double?” I
“The night I graduated from college. They came to
me late that night, took me on board their ship, and told
me that they were finished with me. Another graduation
of sorts. My double had learned what he needed to
know. He would be a farmer like me on another planet
and I had taught him all he needed to know. They never
thanked me. I think it is a concept they don’t understand.
Because they are superior, both physically and intellectually, they have the right to do as they please with
“Are you angry about what they did?” I asked.
“No. I resented their interference, but I learned so
much from them. I have never told anyone this story. I
carried it in my heart. At night I tell my children about
the boy from the stars who is a duplicate of me and how
he lives among the stars. They think I make up stories,
but I tell them the truth. When they are older, I will
explain it to them. But for the time now, I am content
with knowing that there is much more to the universe
than just life here on this earth. It gives me hope.”
“Why does it give you hope?”
“I look around me and I see poverty and pain. It is
comforting to know that there are other worlds with
great knowledge. Perhaps someday, humans will
become like the star travelers. They will put their efforts
into saving people instead of killing them. The Star
People do not believe in war, and they have no diseases
where they come from. I have hope that it will someday
be like that on Earth.”
“Now that you can look back on those years, what is
your overall assessment of your experience?”
“When I was small, it was an adventure. When I was
about nine or ten, I resented their visits. I wanted to be
left to my own devices. Then about the time I reached
puberty, I looked forward to meeting my double and
teaching him things. I felt important and perhaps it was
through the influence of the star travelers that I felt the
need to go to the university. Who knows? Maybe not, but
I think they gave me hope to follow my dreams, too.”
Just as he finished his story, the waitress arrived
with ereba a cassava bread made from yucca, grated
cassava, garlic, and salt, along with a local fish and
hudut, a pounded plantain dish. After lunch, we drove
Stephen back to the co-op. Several of the female workers came toward the van. They wanted to meet the
American. I got out and shook hands and exchanged
kisses. They asked me about my home and about the
USA. They wanted to know if I drove a car and if it
snowed in Montana. They also asked me if I lived in a
teepee, an idea they had picked up from television. They
wanted to know about my native language. For the next
half hour, we traded words; I told them the word for
common nouns and they gave me the Garifuna equivalent.
“You are a very brave woman,” a woman called
Sherry said.
“Brave?” I asked.
“To travel alone and to follow your dreams.” She
embraced me and whispered in heavily accented
English, “Go safely. Your dreams give other women
As we said goodbyes to Stephen and the Garifuna
women of Hopkins, Stephen suggested that we make a
stop at the local shaman’s house. “I know he has traveled
with the Sky People. I am sure he will talk with you.”
Despite spending most of the afternoon in Hopkins looking for the Buyei (the Garifuna name for shaman), we
eventually returned to Belmopan.
The following day I planned to search for the
famous stone woman of Belize, or at least someone who
saw her. But for the time being, I felt good about my trip
to Hopkins. I not only met an Amerindian who related a
story of a world inhabited by doubles of human beings,
but I had been reminded by a woman, who had never
been outside of the village of Hopkins, how important it
was to follow your dreams.
© Ardy Sixkiller Clarke. Excerpted from Sky People, printed
with permission of the publisher, New Page Books,
APRIL / MAY 2015
Visionary Art
Infusing S p i r i t into Matter
B y C h e r y l Ya m b r a c h R o s e
he purpose of Visionary art is to bring
back high ideals from the subtler realms
and manifest them on the physical plane.
The artist, as a vehicle, must be able to
move between worlds consciously and
retain as accurately as possible that which is to be
infused into matter.
The major difference between a vision and an idea
is very plain: an idea you build on and evolve, while a
vision comes through whole and complete. IT
ALREADY EXISTS. I use high frequency colors selectively as I am trying to create a pathway from the mun-
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dane consciousness level, or that which is familiar, to an
etheric level. I do not wish to bombard all the senses at
once to overwhelm or to leave the viewer with nothing
to do but look. I like to think my paintings are an interactive experience and the viewer will find the path and
cross the bridge using what is relative to each one individually. Using a realistic palette to begin with creates a
departure point where the transition can be made
smoothly to the higher realms and the subtler energies
that lift the spirit and heal. I try to synthesize the levels
in the painting as in life, where the psychic body and the
physical body are fused.
Because of questioning over the years of where do
the visions come from and how does it happen. I began
to do research, collect data and really look at the
process. This is my understanding of what happens:
When permitted to speak, the subconscious mind
speaks in its own language of symbols and archetypes.
These in turn possess an esoteric language or code that
we have to decipher to unlock. Where words restrict,
symbols do not. The subconscious is not separated from
Source, so it’s wisdom and knowledge is unlimited. The
archetype you receive could be a thought form from
Source that is to become manifest. The symbol that
emerges is a living thing - pregnant with meaning. That
is why symbols were painted on, or carved into Temple
walls. They were know to act as a catalyst to the brain
awakening ideas or realizations that may have lain dormant for several incarnations, or sow seeds to unfold in
future incarnations. These meanings may be impersonal,
personal, or guidance, but do require contemplation on
our part. I think the change from lucid dream to conscious vision is a natural progression that happens with
time to increase clarity.
Sometimes in the darkness, you can see light blue
lights floating or darting around the room. This can be
called Spirit essence, which radiates throughout space
from Source. This is an ethereal essence so high in
vibration that it does not form atoms and molecules of
matter. What you wish to do is attract the Spirit essence
into one central space. This is like gathering your chi or
making a snowball. These electrons will begin to compact into a definite entity, shape or emanation from
Source. Using your will and intent, focus on the mass,
but do not manipulate it. Use your will to focus only.
The mass will flow and move about and eventually form
visual images. Try to observe these images as delicately
as possible: allow them to be passively reflected in your
mind as they unfold. Don’t try to hold on to the images,
but watch without attachment or desire for outcome.
This is probably the most difficult part of the process to
master, and probably the most important - to become a
detached observer. The archetypes and symbols you see
in this cloud of electrons and essence will be important
personal keys for you, and researching them will lead
you to information you never thought possible.
This might be about your life purpose and the work
you are to do here. From this state you can allow yourself to be passively drawn into the imagery and go into
lucid dream state or an out of body experience and gather even more information. Sometimes, in the middle of
the blue mass a faint pinpoint of light will appear. When
I focus, it grows larger and larger it becomes so blinding
APRIL / MAY 2015
Training is essential, because if you have to keep
jumping back into the conscious mind for technique,
you couldn’t go with the flow, or recognize the subtle
commands from Spirit.
The danger of a virtual electronic world is that the
senses may begin to atrophy from lack of contact with
something tangible. Since computer graphics can now
simulate the mystical experience so well, I feel it more
important than ever for artists to draw more from the
esoteric levels and from within themselves. I feel computers may be able to recreate anything from without,
but not everything from within. There is something
authentic about the Soul- Source connection through
Mind and brush, to canvas, that cannot be simulated
electronically, and that people can feel and resonate with
the art!
and intense that even with my eyes closed I want to
blink. It takes all my will to hold the gaze and not turn
away. Holding this focus is important as the light always
heralds a special message. Within it I have seen merkabahs, prophetic visions and angels. Often the painting I
am working on will appear complete and animated like
a living entity that is just waiting to be infused into matter. The most conductive body position I have found for
this event, is what I call the mummy position. That is
laying flat on my back, no pillow, with feet together and
arms folded across my chest.
CherylYambrach Rose is a
clairvoyant artist painting
Neo-Mythic Art® that is
published and collected
worldwide. Cheryl’s latest
oracle deck, Art Through
the Starstream Oracle, can
be used with her preceding
deck, Art Through the Eyes
of the Soul, published by
Daghda Vision s.r.o. and
Distributed by U.S. Games,
Common Weed Is 100 Times More Effective Against Cancer Than Chemo
andelion tea acts on cancer
cells, affecting them in such
way that they disintegrate within 48 hours, during which time no new
healthy cells in the body are “diseased”.
Scientists have discovered that the
root of this plant works “better” than
chemotherapy because it “kills” only the
cells affected by cancer, completely.
In addition to that it has diuretic
properties, it stimulates the secretion of
bile, cleanses the liver, helps with allergies and reduces cholesterol. It con-
APRIL / MAY 2015
tains very important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B6, thiamin,
riboflavin, vitamin C, iron, calcium,
potassium, folic acid and magnesium.
It contains up to 535% of the
required daily intake of vitamin K and
about 110% of the recommended daily
intake of vitamin A. These are all facts
about this plant that are known for
The University of Windsor in
Canada conducted initial research at
the Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry, and the results gave new
hope to cancer patients.
M u s i c of the
By Jill Mattson
usic creates feelings. The question
is, “Can music create love?” These
two energies are more connected
than we imagine. Both energies
have waves, which combine in close
proximity. Recall how the sound track of a movie makes
you feel. Back to our opening theme, love (and all feelings) can be enhanced with music.
The question that follows is…”What is the feeling
of Love?” The answer is not simple. Love, a many splendored word, has many attributes. For example, love may
be kind and yet courageous. Other loving attributes are
forgiveness and acceptance. The word love is a cap
stone for many virtues. Yet, each attribute of love is a
Using music to enhance a feeling, like love, may
seem like a novel idea, but it was not in antiquity.
Ancient man created positive feelings through sound or
music, and then listened to them for an incredible number of times. With each listen they ingested a tiny
amount of this desired energy via the music. For example, if they wished to make a boy ferocious, he was constantly exposed to furious music. Likewise, a gentle person was cultivated with constant gentle music. Ancient
sages prescribed listening to something special—thousands of times until it was a dominant energy within
one’s personality.
We gain a habit, or personality trait by repeating
feelings over and over again until they surface from our
subconscious mind as an automated response. This is
most easily accomplished with the aid of music. We can
automate repeats of desired feelings by playing a special
CD over and over again.
Ancient Man designed music to replicate beautiful
attributes of love. This is done today as well. It is even
packaged with cathartic release of negative emotions
and the building of positive emotions, in music such as
The Healing Flower Symphonies. Music builds attrib-
utes that compose love, we just have to listen to “loving”
If you wish to acknowledge your loved one’s beauty—
be it their personality or appearance, then play beautiful
music to enhance your message. The author created the
Deep Wave Beauty CD, designed with beautiful music to
make someone feel beautiful. It also contains frequencies associated with vitamins, collagen and muscle in
the face and neck. Think of this music as aural makeup
or a spa experience, delivering the feeling of beauty on
many levels.
In yet another way to use music to enhance your
message of love, recall that your intentions carry on
sound waves. You can say “hello,” communicating to
someone that you love him or are angry at him. Your
feelings carry on your words. Your intentions also are
feelings and they mesh with music. This idea has practical applications. Identify a piece of music for your loved
one and make it “your song.” When this song is played,
it links you. Your intent becomes entwined with the feelings in the music, as both the sounds and emotions combine into one energy.
Music is a source of energy that we can use to
enhance our body, mind soul.
Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist,
Musician and Author, and a widely
recognized expert and composer in
the field of Sound Healing! She
has produced seven CD's that
combine intricate Sound Healing
techniques with her original
Award winning musical compositions. Available on her sites are
free mp3's of her Sound Healing
compositions, including Solfeggio Tones, Star Energy, Flower
Frequencies, Fibonnaci and nature tones. Gallery and music
APRIL / MAY 2015