April is Global Awareness Month Calling all web content providers!

April is Global Awareness Month
Sponsored by International Student and Study Abroad Services. For more information, call 231-7895 or visit
April 1-30
Global Awareness Month Event: Study Abroad Facebook Photo Contest
Thursday, April 2
Global Awareness Month Event: Parade of Nations
10-11:00 a.m., Memorial Union Plains Room
Wednesday, April 8
Global Awareness Month Event: International Love Panel
Noon, Memorial Union Hidatsa Room
April 9, 10, 16, 17, 21 and 23
Global Awareness Month Event: Cultural Contact Tables
10a.m.-2p.m., Memorial Union main level
Calling all web content providers!
Web Accessibility Emporiums
Wed. April 8, 1pm- 2:30pm OR Thurs. April 9, 11am-12:30pm
Drop-in help is being offered to improve images and links on NDSU Web pages so that they are accessible to
all users. These accessibility issues are easy to identify and easy to fix, but they are quite common. Come to
the Instructional Services Training Room, in QBB 150 to receive hands-on help improving your Web pages.
Experts will be available to guide you through the process. All web content providers are encouraged to
Thursday, April 9
Weighing in on Disability Access at NDSU: Personal Accounts on Campus
12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m., Memorial Union Meadow Lark Room
Hear the perspectives of NDSU community members about the challenges, as well as supports available in
navigating disability-related accommodations and access at NDSU. Sponsored by NDSU Disability/Accessibility
Initiative Committee
Thursday, April 9
Jessica Valenti: Why Feminism (STILL) Matters
5:30p.m., Memorial Union Great Room
Founder of feministing.com and bestselling author and co-author of The Purity Myth and three other books on
feminism, politics and culture. Hosted by the Women and Gender Studies program
Friday, April 10
Global Awareness Month Event: HOLA Dance: Mega-Rumba
9:30 p.m.-1a.m., Memorial Union lower level
Co-sponsored by Campus Attractions
Sunday, April 12
SLUT: The Play
7 p.m., Memorial Union Century Theater
by Katie Cappiello, directed by Jess Jung
Free and open to the public. Learn more about the StopSlut movement at sluttheplay.com.
Sponsored by Equity and Diversity Center, Sexual Assault Prevention and Advocacy, Theater Arts and Women
and Gender Studies
Thursday, April 16
World iView: Life is Life No Matter Where You Go
Noon- 1p.m., Memorial Union Room of Nations
Christa Welty, Library, Metadata and Cataloging Librarian
Sponsored by International Student and Study Abroad Services
Thursday, April 16
Global Awareness Month Event: Is there a Fulbright in your Future?
2p.m., Memorial Union Meadow Lark Room
Saturday, April 18
Global Awareness Month Event: International Night
6 p.m., Festival Concert Hall, Music Education Building
Tuesday, April 21
Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Event: Hmong 101
2:30 p.m.-4:00 p.m., Memorial Union Century Theater
Txong Pao Lee and Mark Pfeifer, Hmong Cultural Center, St. Paul, MN
The Hmong are one of the fastest growing immigrant/refugee communities in the United States. Hmong 101
teaches participants about Hmong history, culture and the Hmong experience in the United States. Attendees
will also learn about the Hmong role assisting the CIA during the Vietnam War in Laos, the Hmong exodus as
refugees from Laos, demographics and diversity in the Hmong American community today and important
facets of Hmong culture include religion, clans and language. http://www.hmong101.com/
Sponsored by Office of Multicultural Programs
Tuesday, April 28
Global Awareness Month Event: Fulbright Presentation for Faculty and Staff
9-11a.m., Memorial Union Hidatsa Room
Tuesday, April 28
Global Awareness Month Event: Fulbright Appointments for Prospective Applicants
Registration required. Email marni.morrison@ndsu.edu to sign up for a time slot.
Thursday, April 30
6th Annual Green and Golden Globe Diversity Awards
Reception 3 p.m., Program 3:30p.m., Memorial Union Great Plains Room
Join the Division of Equity, Diversity and Global Outreach to honor NDSU’s champions of equity and diversity