Organ transplantation - QIMR Berghofer Conferences

Organ transplantation
Emerging technologies and improved transplants
Public forum
7:00pm - 8:00pm, Wednesday 22 April 2015
Moderator: Professor David Gottlieb, University of Sydney
Patient’s perspective
Mr Matty Hempstalk, Chairman
Transplant Australia - Queensland Committee
Guest speaker
Professor Jeremy Chapman AC, Westmead Hospital, Australia
Panel discussion
Professor Per Ljungman, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Professor Vince Emery, University of Surrey, UK
Professor Jeremy Chapman AC, Westmead Hospital, Australia
For more information
Boulevard Auditorium, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre
Cnr Merivale and Glenelg Streets, South Bank
Paid car parking is available under the Convention Centre, entrance is off Grey Street.