Week 10 Term 1 2015

Amaroo School
Week 10, Term 1, 2015
7 April 2015
Katherine Avenue
Amaroo ACT 2914
Ph. (02) 62052808
Email: info@amaroos.act.edu.au
Dear Parents and Carers,
This term has been an outstanding learning success for our
school. Our students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are ready for their
NAPLAN testing and our Kindergarten testing and
assessment is also well on track. There have been a number
of exciting excursions and school events that have provided
students with wonderful opportunities to excel in their
learning. Term one has laid the foundation for another
successful year and the students and staff will enjoy a wellearned rest during the term break. We wish everyone a safe
and happy holiday and look forward to seeing everyone back
reinvigorated and ready for the learning challenges of
term 2.
Cross Country Notes
We have extended the cut off date for the Cross Country
notes until the end of this week.
Fax (02) 62052818
Calendar Dates
8 April 2015
Cancelled :Year 2-5 Amaroo School Athletics CarnivalAmaroo Ovals
Cancelled: K-2 Early Childhood Athletics Carnival
9 April 2015
Diamond Gallery & Terrace- Movies at Dendy.
Youth Week Expo @Amaroo School
Wakakirri Practice: Thursdays 3:00 – 4:30 in the Gym
10 April 2015
Whole School Assembly, All welcome.
13 April 2015
School Holidays
School resumes Tuesday 28 April 2015
Primary Athletics Carnival cancelled
Due to the weather the Primary Athletics Carnival has been postponed to next term.
Student Achievements
Varsha, Millar and Andrew from Ms Pummeroy’s class have given an excellent dance performance. Their dance tells a great story
about pirates and their interpretations were outstanding. It is great to see them developing their performance skills.
Bailey from Ms Pummeroy’s Year 4 class has written an excellent poem about motor bikes. Motivated by his love of motor bikes
Bailey has captured that excitement and creatively designed a fabulous poem. His choice of words and phrases is excellent and shows
he has produced his best work.
Kaesi from Ms Chaudhri’s Year 6 class has produced an outstanding portrait. Her creative interpretation captures something special
and her use of shapes in the portrait adds enormous interest. It is great to see this budding artist develop.
Sarah, Loren, Breanna and Bethany have produced an outstanding assignment in French. The students in Mr Sakil’s French class have
produced an excellent PowerPoint presentation on the ‘The Light Festival’ of Lyon. Their work was excellent.
Taif from Ms Pummeroy’s Year 4 class has done some excellent work. He has completed a retell of a story he read and has captured
brilliantly all the important points. It is great see him developing his understanding so quickly. Well done.
Rani, Mitch, Darcy and Ally from Ms Hewat’s Year 10 music class have written a terrific song. They performed the song for me which
they wrote as a learning aid for Year 2 maths students. It was terrific to see these budding entertainers demonstrating enormous
skills and developing themselves for the future. Excellent work.
Max from Mr Rigg’s Year 7 class has received a Certificate of Achievement and an ACT Community Service Award. Max was
nominated by a local charity organisation for his outstanding community service. Max prides himself on contributing to our
community and has a strong sense of working to benefit all. Congratulations to this young high achiever.
Class Visits
In Winyu Preschool class students are learning about shapes. The students are all able to identify a circle, triangle, square and
rectangle and place it on the appropriate grid. The students took turns in picking shapes out of a secret bag and then identifying
the shapes. They used their ‘whole body listening’ to ensure they we able to answer all questions Ms Munoz asked. It was fabulous
to see these keen learners working hard to expand their learning. As well they could tell you what colour each shape was and they
even recognised some of these shapes in everyday objects. Is there a better way to expand your understanding than by drawing
objects from a secret bag and taking your turn to show what you have learned?
Return to school Term 2, 2015
Please be advised that due to ANZAC Day (25 April 2015) falling on a Saturday, Term 2 2015 will commence for all ACT Public
Schools on Tuesday 28 April 2015. There has been some confusion around start dates of Term 2 because of ANZAC Day - some
calendars mark the Monday following as a public holiday and some don't. To clear things up, although the Monday after ANZAC
Day is not a public holiday (this year) it is a school holiday. Please check your workplace for their ruling on this day.
Action Bus service changes-Information from Action
On Monday 18 May 2015, ACTION will be introducing a revised timetable for all normal weekday route services and some
dedicated school services. This is part of our commitment to continually revising and improving our current timetable.
Since September 2014, we have been monitoring the network using performance data and identifying areas for improvement. We
have been able to address issues such as on time running and service reliability.
Amaroo School current bus service has been reviewed and found to be operating efficiently, therefore no changes have been made
to these services. However, students that use regular route services will need to check timetable information as many services in
the regular weekday network have undergone timing adjustments. These changes were announced Thursday 2 April. Full details
are available on the ACTION website. (please click on link to go to website)
As always, please contact the Deputy Principals; Benjamin Hall, Rebecca Turner, Sam Beattie, Tiffany Mahon or myself, to clarify
any issue of concern to you. The whole school team at Amaroo School are committed to working with our community to ensure
our students have the very best opportunities to learn.
Richard Powell
Year P-2
Amaroo School
Year 3-5
School Board
Board Chair: Trudie Wykes 0420 571 666
Parent Board Reps: Glen Storrar, Sonya Carson
Staff Rep: Felicity Boate and Sara Jayn Middleton
Student reps: Laeken Storey; Savannah Sithideth
Year 6-8
Year 9-10
Early Childhood
Wow!! We are at the end of Term One! Where did that term go? A huge thank you to all of you for a great start to the
Preschool year! The children have settled in to the routines so smoothly.
Many of you have been asking how you can be involved in our Preschool day... During Term 2, we will be beginning a ‘Stay &
Play” session where parents can come into Preschool to see what we get up to during the day. It will involve exactly what the
name suggests… a special time where you can stay and play with us at Preschool during either Inside or Outside
Investigations. Each teacher will have more information early next term as to how you can be a part of this special time.
Please change over the ‘spare clothes’ in your child’s school bag. As the weather turns cooler, please provide warmer
clothing (including a jumper) for the children to change in to if they get dirty, have an accident or get cold throughout the
Just a reminder that Monday 27 April is a Government School public holiday. There will be NO preschool or school this day.
The starting day for Winyu, Bural and Bunduluk groups is Tuesday 28 April, and for Dyurra, Kagu and Mundawari groups is
Thursday 30 April 2015.
We hope all of you have a restful, relaxing and safe holiday and we will see you next term.
Congratulations to all our Kindergartners for making it through a very exciting and busy term. Each class is settled and
teachers are very proud of all the learning that has been happening.
We have now finished all our ‘single sounds’ for Jolly Phonics. Can you please use the time over the holidays to revise all the
letter names and sounds we have learnt this term. If your child already knows these, you can practise sounding out and
writing simple words. Keep it interesting and have a sound race- looking for as many things around the house with that
sound, or look for letters and sounds when you’re out at the shops! Within numeracy, we have been working really hard on
recognising our numbers and placing them in the right order. You may like to assist your child with looking for numerals,
counting objects and ordering their numbers.
The home reading program will start in Week 2, Term 2. If you have any mornings available to help out with reading with
students and swapping their home readers, please have a conversation with your child’s teacher. Mrs Gould will be running
an information session for parent helpers in Week 1, more details to come.
As the weather starts to cool down, please ensure your child is coming to school with their jumpers, jackets and beanies
clearly labelled with their full name. If you have any missing belongings, you can check the library’s lost property.
Year 1
Year 1 students and their teachers have made it to the end of an extraordinarily busy Term 1. There have been marvellous
celebrations of success in learning and all students have settled into the routine of year 1 very well.
The Literacy and Numeracy Night for parents is this evening. There are two sessions for your convenience, 5:00- 5:30 and
5:45-6:15. There will be lots of practical and interesting ideas on how to support and engage your child in home learning in
the areas of numeracy and literacy.
Those parents who were able to attend the Year 1 Early Childhood Assembly would have been delightfully entertained by the
students’ incredible singing. We showcased our learning of length and the health topic of friendship. Congratulations to all
the Early Childhood students who received an award for quality work or community achievement.
The students have been designing amazing and innovative construction pieces during Investigations. This area is incredibly
popular with the students and we have now run out of all construction materials. Could you please help out these budding
designers by sending your clean items destined for the recycling bin to school. Particularly useful are lids and smaller boxes as
well as vegetable trays and other cardboard boxes.
The Year 1 teachers wish all of you a restful and safe Easter break and may you all have great success in any Easter egg hunt
that you may be involved in.
Year 2
Year 2 had a fun filled day on our excursion to Questacon in week 8. We had the opportunity to use some of our knowledge
we have learnt in Science and put it into practice.
In strand, we are continuing to learn about telling the time to the quarter hour. We are also learning about months of the
year and how many days are in each month.
We have been working really hard in Literacy, learning the structure of a narrative. We have all written our own narratives
and are in the process of editing and publishing our stories. We sure do have some creative writers in Year 2!
Please note that even though the weather is getting cooler, students are still required to wear a hat at B1 and B2 time.
Wishing you all a safe and happy Term 1 holiday! See you next term.
Primary Athletics Carnival Cancelled tomorrow
Year 3
Year 3 enjoyed their excursion to the Australian War Memorial last week. It linked in with our History unit of work on
‘Celebrations and Commemorations’ where students learnt why we have celebrations and commemorations and how they
originated. Students participated in a ‘Past and Present’ program which involved a combination of hands-on items and the
stories of families who served in and were impacted by conflict during wartime. Students discovered what life was like for
Australians during wartime, whether in the past or up to the present day.
Year 4
Year four has been busy preparing posters or PowerPoints, to present their skills and understandings for our History unit “First Australians”.
We are all looking forward to starting our next integrated unit, “Living Things,” where students will be studying a variety of
animals and their relationships within the environment. After completing our poetry anthologies, we will now be focussing on
information reports to present our findings on different animals.
Our “Envision Maths” focus is on addition and students have been using a variety of strategies such as ‘bridge the tens,’
‘partitioning’ and ‘re-grouping’ or ‘trading’ to find answers. Please encourage your children to complete their assigned
Mathletics tasks each week, to further enhance their understanding of skills being taught.
Continued next page
Year 4 photos
Spotlight on Year 5
Last week Year 5 were visited by Amanda from the Australian Federal Police to learn about how to stay safe online. The
students listened to ideas about privacy management, relationship management and reputation management. Some key
messages that we took away were to ensure we carefully read terms and conditions of applications which you download. These
terms clearly explain what will happen to information you upload and encouraged us to leave a positive digital footprint on
these applications. Year 5 have developed a comprehensive understanding of the consequences for inappropriate use of digital
technologies and have created some strategies to avoid online conflicts. Our cyber safety unit will continue into next term to
support our use of chrome books and the GAFE platform.
Continued next page
Year 5 photos
Middle School
Year 6 and 7 African Dance Workshop
On Monday the 23 March 2015, students from the Year 6
and 7 dance elective received the opportunity to
participate in an African Dance Workshop hosted by
Ausdance ACT. Kylee Sharp the dance instructor taught the
students skills of African dancing which is currently linked
to the cultural dance topic that the students have been
learning in class. The students enjoyed this opportunity to
help them learn cultural ideas directly from an instructor
who has worked with traditional African people.
Angela Fattore
Dance Specialist Teacher
Years 6 -10
Prevalence and Effectiveness of Anti-bullying Approaches in Australian Schools
Amaroo School is participating in a research project looking at what government schools in Australia are doing to prevent
school bullying and how effective it is. The research is being done by Professor Ken Rigby from the University of South
Australia and will involve parents, students and teachers, from Year 5-10 completing an anonymous on line questionnaire.
Student questionnaires will be done at school during term 2.
Information for parents and students will be sent home this week. Please discuss this information with your child. We would
like to have as many people complete the survey as possible as it will help us collect data, and use the information to develop
the schools Social Emotional Learning program. In order for your child to be able to participate in this research project you will
need to return the consent form to your child’s homeroom teacher by Friday 1 May.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Professor Ken Rigby (contact details are included in the
information) or Sam Beattie sam.beattie@ed.act.edu.au or 62052808.
Senior School
We have had a wonderful start to the year in the Senior School. The students and staff are all really enjoying the
implementation of the BYOD Policy and how this has developed our teaching and learning practices.
In the Senior School we are holding Student Led Conferences instead of traditional Parent/Teacher interviews this
term. These conferences are student driven, providing an opportunity for students to demonstrate to parents and carers
what they know, understand and is able to do. They will occur over Week 2 in 30 minute blocks. The Student Led Conference
takes place with the students, their Study Coach and parents/carers present, and students have begun developing Digital
Learning Portfolios as a way to demonstrate and reflect on their learning. To book a Student Led Conference with your child’s
Study Coach please.
Follow this link https://schoolamaroo1.youcanbook.me/
Click on the name of your child’s Study Coach.
Identify a time when you are both available.
Click on that time and complete the online form.
You and the Study Coach will receive a confirmation email.
If you need to cancel or change your booking this email will contain details of how to do that.
If you experience difficulty using the online booking system please contact the school and they can arrange a
booking for you.
Morning conferences will take place in your child’s AmStudy classroom, afternoon and evening sessions will take
place in the Library. Your child will be able to guide you there on the day.
We have noticed that some of our students have several extra-curricular activities, which we think is great for their school/life
balance. If you are concerned about the commitments your child has outside or in school, this section of the Amaroo
Handbook outlines some of the support options they can access within the school:
Many Amaroo School students have part time jobs, sporting and extra-curricular commitments and carers’ responsibilities.
Successfully balancing these and academic work can be challenging and requires students to be highly organised. During
AmStudy students have an opportunity to focus on developing better organisational skills. If you are experiencing difficulty
managing your workload speak to your Study Coach, ideally before it hits crisis point. They can help you prioritise your
workload and make a plan of action. Amaroo School has a range of Pastoral Care staff that can help support you when you are
having difficulties. Visit their office in TAS building to speak to the Youth Worker, Defence workers or Chaplain. Visits should
occur during recess, lunch, before or after school. If you need to see them during class time you will need to organise an
appointment and they will liaise with your teacher. Research says that students with more than 10-15 hours of out of school
commitments each week begin to experience a negative impact on their academic achievement.
We wish all the students and parents from the Senior School a happy and safe holiday and we look forward to seeing you next
We have had a very busy start to 2015 within the Careers Program with several students starting Flexible Learning Options
(FLO), Australian School Based Apprenticeships (ASBAS) and work experience placements.
We currently have a large number of students wishing to apply for work experience in the Senior School. The Careers team
are working our way through the list with priority given to Year 10 students. We appreciate the patience all students have
shown in this process and we promise we will get to you shortly.
Well done to the following students who have recently carried out successful work experience placements recently:
Riley M – Gungahlin Veterinarian Hospital
Victoria Z – National Zoo and Aquarium
Allison S – Ngunnawal Primary (Music Department)
Olivia S - Mel Hill Photography
A huge congratulations to Max C and Robert T in securing a position within the 2015 GRAPES (Ginninderra Regional
Apprenticeship Pre-employment Skills) program facilitated by Master Builders Association.
Students across several schools applied for the program and undertook a rigorous application process including being
interviewed by a panel. All applicants are congratulated on their efforts, and we wish the boys every success in the program.
Amaroo School is lucky enough to directly benefit from the program with several bricklaying and carpentry projects as part of
the program, scheduled to be hosted and carried out at the school.
In Term 2, several Amaroo School students are scheduled to start their FLO programs with students from other schools across
the ACT. Congratulations to the following students:
Callum M – Fitness and Sport FLO
Jacey C, Angus W and Jake S – Jump start into the Construction Industry FLO
Jessica I – CHART Hairdressing FLO (in progress)
Online Pathway permission notes are now overdue. All students are required to return notes to the fishbowl with parental
permission to access the website. The pathways website benefits students with upcoming course selection for college and
assists in resume writing and strength/ interest awareness. Spare notes can be found at the “fishbowl” or via the “Careers
and Work Experience” google classroom.
On Wednesday 20 May, The Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) is hosting an open day for students. This is an
excellent opportunity for students in Year 9 and 10 to be able to tour the university campus and accommodation. In the
morning students will have the opportunity to complete an over-water obstacle course, following a brief swim test. This
activity however is not compulsory. After lunch students will take a tour of the university campus and Military grounds. Notes
can be obtained from the fishbowl or from Mr Hardy or Mrs Knoke. Spots are sure to fill up fast, and students are encouraged
to return their notes promptly.
Work experience Program at Royal Military College (RMC – Duntroon) is currently advertised via www.defence.gov.au/
workexperience/ Please follow the links to placements/ACT and you will see “Royal Military College- Session 1 2015”.
Students are required to apply online. Requirements state students are to write a short written response about themselves
explaining why they would like to participate in the WEX program, in particular what interests they have in becoming an
officer in the Army, Navy and Air Force. RMC are particularly interested in what leadership roles students may have held, and
what hobbies and interests they might have. Before submitting applications, students must submit a letter of endorsement
from Mrs Knoke or Mr Hardy to accompany it. Students should notify these teachers well in advance of their intentions to
As always if you have any question or enquiries in regards to the Careers and Work Experience Program, please contact
Caroline Knoke at caroline.knoke@ed.act.edu.au
Please find on the next page Victoria’s response to her recent work experience placement at the National Zoo and Aquarium:
My WEX experience at the National Zoo and Aquarium
On the 9 – 20 March 2015, I completed my work experience at the zoo. I cannot begin to describe how amazing this
opportunity was. It allowed me to work closely with the animals, caring for them on many different levels that I otherwise
would not have been able to achieve. During my two weeks at the zoo I was able to participate in many activities,
Animal feeds – I fed the Squirrel Monkeys on many occasions - which was one of my favorites – as well as the Owls,
Tasmanian Devils, Alpacas, Penguins, Otters and bigger Colobus and Capuchin Monkeys!
Cleaning enclosures – I was able to clean the enclosures of most animals, including the Tree Roos, Lions, Cheetahs,
Monkeys, Native walkthrough (Kangaroos, Emus etc.) and even the Hoof stock enclosures – which were my
favourite, as it included Giraffes, Rhinos, Elands and Zebras!
Attending to the animals – I was also given the opportunity to interact with some of the animals. I was able to walk
the Dingoes and assist in Owl training, as well as pet the Rhinos and bottle-feed the baby Deer - which was
Each of the days that I was there, I was sectioned to a different area of the zoo. My absolute favourite section was the
primates. I had the opportunity to clean the dens of the Colobus monkeys, as well as feed them their midday meal! This
opportunity was absolutely amazing and I am so glad that I was able to complete my WEX in such a great environment.
Here are some photos of me at the zoo whilst I was feeding some of the monkeys and bottle-feeding the baby Deer!
PE & Sport
Congratulations to all students who have been participating in sporting events in school and after school competitions. Congratulations to Daniel in Year 8 who participated at Tri State comp (Victoria, NSW and ACT)and won 3 medals- Bronze in U13 Épée ,
Silver in U13 Sabre and Gold in Italian Relay U13 (fence all 3 weapons foil épée and sabre). Great effort! Good luck to our students in Years 2-6 (and selected Year 7 students) who will be competing in our Athletics Carnival on Wednesday. It is sure to be a
great day!
There are a number of sporting events being offered at the moment. If you are interested in any of these trials, please see Mrs.
Bryant if you are in Primary School or Miss. Watt if you are in Middle or Senior School. If you are interested in any of the Amaroo
teams, please see the teacher in charge of the team mentioned below.
Boys 15Y & Under – AFL – ACT SSSA Australian Football Team Trials: 5 May
Boys 12Y & Under Basketball – North Gungahlin Regional Trials: 27 May & 3 June
Girls 12Y & Under Basketball – North Gungahlin Regional Trials: 20 May & 27 May
Girls 12Y & Under – Football (Soccer) - North Gungahlin Regional Trials: 4 May & 6 May
Boys 12Y & Under – Football (Soccer) - North Gungahlin Regional Trials: 30 March & 2 April and 4 May & 7 May
Girls 12Y & Under Tennis –Trials: 29 April
Boys 12Y & Under Tennis –Trials: 29 April
Girls 12Y & Under Touch Football – North Gungahlin Regional Trials: 4 May & 6 May
Girls 12Y & Under Netball – North Gungahlin Regional Trials: 11 May & 12 May
Girls 12Y & Under Hockey – North Gungahlin Regional Trials: 30 April & 4 May
The Year 5/6 AFL team for the James Hird Cup will be selected within the next few weeks, keep checking on the Primary Noticeboard for any further details of trials or training.
During Term 2, we will be selecting a Senior Boys and a Senior Girls Hockey team, more information will be to follow but check
the gym notice board regularly for any news on these teams.
SnowSports ACT is running a dryland training program in Term 2 to assist junior athletes in their pre season fitness preparation.
The program will focus on gaining ski and snowboard fitness and agility and will be coached by Alasdair Tutt, cross country skier
and coach. The program is suitable for athletes of all disciplines aged 10 - 18 years. The program involves a weekly session on
Sunday mornings at Stromlo Forest Park, 10.00 – 11.00am from Sunday May 10 – Sunday May 31. The cost of the program is $50
per athlete. The focus of the program will be on all-round athletic development with the following goal in each session:
May 10 - Circuit Training
May 17 - Agility and Power Training
May 24 - Aerobic Conditioning and Strength Circuit.
May 31 - Speed and Power Training
For more information and enrolment details visit: http://actinterschools.com.au/. Enrolments close 5.00pm on Monday May 4.
For program enquires, please email SnowSports ACT on info@snowsportsact.com.au.
School Psychologists
Dear Parents and Students at Amaroo School
8 Ways You May be Raising Your Child to Be a Bully
Posted on Generation Next website March 30, 2015 by Dr Ramesh Manocha
We want our kids to grow up happy and successful, but putting happiness and success before caring is raising a generation of
Admit it. You’ve watched and wondered: is my kid a bully?
Not all the time. Not most of the time. But some of the time. The rough-handed grab, pushy attitude, resentful looks. Is it a bad
day, a phase, or something more? Maybe no one has told you to your face you’re raising a bully, but sometimes you can’t help but
wonder if other parents are talking about it behind your back.
Bullying starts and ends with an imbalance of power. Too much or too little, the results are often the same: bullying behavior is
simply a means to gain more power.
So how do you make sure you’re raising a kind child, and not a bully?
You’ve heard all the usual talk about what causes bullying – overly permissive parenting, violent video games, abuse. What might
surprise you is how even the best-intentioned parents – parents just like you – are unknowingly sabotaging their efforts to raise
kind, caring kids.
Here are eight ways you may be unknowingly encouraging bullying.
1. Gossiping
Want to raise a mean girl? Act like one. If you wouldn’t include your child in a conversation, you shouldn’t have it within earshot of
them. Kids hear everything. The first time my daughter got hold of my phone to mimic me was truly eye-opening. My little cutiepie morphed into a gossip girl. Eyes wide, hands waving, hips sashaying, screeching, “Wow! No! Hahaha!” She wasn’t even two
years old. It was sobering to see myself through her young eyes. Catty comments are no better than outright bullying. It’s indirect
bullying, and many of us do it all the time. At some point in your life, someone probably decided you weren’t “cool”, and you
didn’t get a say in the matter. Didn’t feel so good, did it? Remember that feeling. Then do your best to shut off your inner gossip,
especially in front of your kids.
2. Being too busy to show you care
You love your family. But relationships have their ups and downs, with the direction often being down after children enter the
picture. When was the last time you told your partner or family members that you loved them? In front of your kids? Not, “I love
you, but…” but just, “I love you.” Positive displays of intimacy in the home are the basis for our kids’ relationships. You’re busy, but
a simple hug and kiss for each family member on the way out the door in the morning is a great start towards teaching healthy
intimacy. Show them you care, so they can show others they care.
3. The “I hate my…”
You hate your job. Those last few pounds you struggle to lose, or dealing with that messy house, or frizzy hair – your attitude
reflects how you view the world. And when we act like we can’t change the outcome, we act helpless. How you feel about life has
a long-lasting impact on your kids. They hear their hero (you) act helpless and that will make them feel powerless too. If your kids
feel powerless, they may act to reclaim that lost power through bullying behaviour. Save the negative talk for after the kids go to
bed (or better yet, channel your frustration into a hobby you love). Let your kids be kids.
4. Mini-me syndrome
Kids today are ever more mature at an ever younger age. Current culture encourages us to treat our kids like mini-adults. But we
forget that we are adults (trying to be, anyway), and most of us took decades to be able to even partially manage all this stress.
Fully disclosing financial burdens, family illnesses, and work issues all the time just adds additional layers to our kids’ stress. And
an outlet for stress? Bullying.
5. Over-scheduling your kids’ activities
We are scared our kids will be at a disadvantage if they don’t participate in everything. So we rush to register them for ballet,
karate, soccer, and so much more. But the only thing they miss out on if they have a slower schedule is anxiety and depression. If
your child has a passion, by all means allow them the opportunity to explore it in more depth. But kids need unstructured free
time. Play time, creative time, quiet time. The damaging effects of full schedules are well documented. Over-scheduling quickly
leads to stressed kids. Stress leads to anxiety, anger, and aggression, which paves the way for bullying behaviour.
6. Inconsistent rule enforcement
The last thing I want to do after a long day of pickups, drop-offs, work, and errands is deal with rule breakers, time-outs, and
temper tantrums. So we choose to enforce as few rules as possible. But we enforce those few rules all the time. Inside those
boundaries lies freedom. Lay the ground rules, enforce them, and give your kids permission to be themselves within those
boundaries. They’ll feel a healthy sense of power and independence, and they won’t feel the need to bully in an effort to regain
lost power.
7. The triple-play: wincing, waiting, watching
Bullying happens at every age. Every time you watch someone or something happen that you could help prevent with word or
action, you are a peer to bullying. You are allowing it to continue through inaction. I understand the appeal of the squirrellaunching rocket videos on YouTube. Really, I do. But the more you watch, the less you care. Turn it off. The long-term effects of
desensitisation are very real. Watch and laugh if you must, but remember your child is learning how to react to life through your
actions. Make what you do count.
8. Forcing your kids to share
Sharing is a learnt skill that takes time, maturity, and encouragement to develop fully. Ripping a toy out of your kid’s hand to give
it to another kid? Bad idea. Talk about sharing, encourage sharing, but most importantly, teach sharing. Offer to loan your child
something he’s been wanting to explore. Offer a bite of your dessert. Offer to help with a difficult chore. Forced sharing only
results in a feeling of powerlessness. (Taking turns is something different. Don’t confuse the two.) Don’t make your child search for
ways to regain their power. Because who’s the most powerful kid in class? The bully.
As parents, we want our kids to grow up happy and successful. But putting happiness and success before caring is raising a
generation of bullies. A recent Harvard study discovered that our kids are on to us. The majority of 10,000 kids surveyed believed
that achievement and success were their parents’ main priorities, rather than caring for others. We need to change that. You
know your child’s true personality. Deep down, you know if they’re a bully or testing boundaries. Be the person your kid wants
you to be, so your kid can be the person you want them to be.
- Ashley Trexler
Have a very safe and happy school break – enjoy the days, family and friends, read lots of books, use screen time for valuable
learning and real entertainment.
School Psychologists.
SDN Children’s Services is now offering services for
children with diagnosed developmental delays or
disability in the ACT who have an NDIS plan. Our focus is
to enable families with children to participate and be
included in their community. Our service, based at
Namadgi School, is called Early Childhood Links and we
will work with families across the whole of the ACT. Our
focus is on supporting families to achieve the dreams
and goals they have for their children ( birth to 8 years)
through therapeutic supports from our team of
professionals. We are an approved provider under the
National Disability Insurance Scheme and have teachers,
physiotherapists, social workers, speech pathologists and
occupational therapists as part of our team. Please call
for more information 1300 407 746 or view our website
at http://www.sdn.org.au/support-services/ndis-services
Public Consultation - draft Reporting
Student Achievement (Preschool to
Year 12) Policy and draft common report templates
Opening Date: Monday 23 March 2015
Closing Date: Friday 15 May 2015
The ACT Education and Training Directorate is seeking public comment on the draft Reporting Student Achievement (Preschool to Year
12) Policy and draft common report templates for ACT public primary and high schools.
The draft Policy and draft common templates are designed to ensure
parents receive consistent information about their child's achievement regardless of which ACT public school their child attends.
School communities can provide feedback through the ACT Education and Training Directorate website at www.det.act.gov.au and the
ACT Government’s Community Engagement 'Time to Talk' website
at http://timetotalk.act.gov.au/.
Community News
Amaroo School does not necessarily endorse the products or services advertised.
Please see more after school services for students and families and other items of
interest in our Parents biz Directory through our Amaroo School App through your
App Store on your mobile device
'Antoinette Karsten Art', Art classes and holiday
Drawing, painting, sculpture, and lots of other fun
projects to develop skills and confidence in our young
Ages 10-16.
Email or call Antoinette for more info.
Mob: 0422693546
Calisthenics is a dance sport, combining exercises with
flexibility, dancing, marching, hand apparatus manipulation
while dancing, and artistic/aesthetic dance, suitable for girls
and boys. Classes are designed for specific age groups, 13
years and under, 10years and under, 7 years and
As a performance dance sport, calisthenics use costumes
for stage work, which are extensively supplied through
the club wardrobe. An invitation is extended to new
participants to attend two obligation free classes.
Additional information can be found on
www.academycalisthenics.com.au, with enquiries to
info@academycalisthenics.com.au or 62882858
Gungahlin Dance Academy
Exceptional dance training for all ages
Fully equipped studios in Amaroo
Classical Ballet (RAD)
Private Tuition
Performance Team
Ballet examinations
Annual Performances
2014 USA tour
Ages 3 and up For further information and enrolment
DetailsWeb: www.gdance.com.au
Email: gdance@bigpond.net.au
Phone: 6255 5204
SCOUTS = Adventure + Life Skills
Scouting is for boys and girls aged 6-25. Scouts
participate in programs that encourage them to grow
through adventure by experiencing new challenges,
making new friends, building confidence, taking
responsibility for themselves, and being provided with
opportunities to explore their own abilities and interests.
Come and try Scouts today and take advantage of our 3
week FREE trial.
Visit scoutsact.com.au to find your closest Scout Group
or call 1800 SCOUTS
Bollybody Yoga Classes
Are you looking for building up your bonding with your
children, giving your children a lifelong technique of
developing discipline, responsibility, self-health,
relaxation, self-esteem, stress management, calmness,
concentration and assisting them to excel in whatever
they are doing? Testimonials can be seen on website:
Come and experience the free first yoga class with your
children on Saturday 7 February 2015 at Amaroo High
School (Katherine Ave, School Library right side room)
between 10:20 am to 11:30 am. More details Contact
Nancy Williams on 0432 683 699 or
For more information contact Annette Gleeson
Independent Consultant with Partylite on
0418 261 444 or
Do You Love Candles?
Do You Love Home Decorating?
Choose from a selection of quality candles
in a variety of fragrances, shapes, colours and sizes,
and beautiful candle accessories in
crystal, wrought iron, porcelain, pewter
and decorative florals and mosaics!
Action Tae Kwon-Do
Action Tae Kwon-Do has children only classes so that your
children are taught relevant skills in a safe environment.
These children classes are for children aged 5 -12 years of
After progressing through our children’s program the
children will have the required skills to join our adults
Bollywood Dance Classes for adults & kids by
Canberra School of Bollywood Dancing
A fun way to keep fit and Active!
Free trial class at Amaroo School – Monday 9 Feb
Adults & Kids 7 + years - 6.30 to 7.30 pm
Venue – Amaroo School dance studio (downstairs)
Special 6 week fee $65 for a term
Please email canberrabollywood@bigpond.com to secure
your spot.
More details on our website
Find us on Face book – Canberra School of Bollywood
National Tae Kwon-do
Our Children’s program offers a professionally designed
age-specific curriculum that has been especially developed
to teach children in a fun and enriching way.
Classes at Amaroo School.
All enquiries
Phone 0414 898 888
Butterfly Wicks is a boutique business supplying candles
and candle accessories to the Canberra region through
local markets and direct sales. We have beautiful handcrafted quality candles using biodegradable materials.
For sales and orders please contact:
Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club is happy to announce its running of Golf Clinics for primary school students during the
school holidays for the remainder of the year.
They are open for all students 9 years and over and will run
from 9am - 10am for the first week of holidays starting
Monday 13th April, 2015.
Information can be found at
www.canberragolfschool.com.au and by following the
LESSONS tab to Junior Golf. Due to availability, spaces are
limited and will fill fast.
Classes at Amaroo School
Call Paul for information 0414 898 888
Butterfly Wicks
Shane Weise
Mobile: 02 6241 9126