The College Students Guide to Grocery Shopping Healthy Eating Made Easy

The College Students Guide to Grocery Shopping
Healthy Eating Made Easy
Introducing Healthy Foods…
To College Student’s Everywhere
This book is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as
a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice.
Use of the guidelines herein is at the sole choice and risk of the reader and
should be discussed with a health professional prior to implementation.
Chapter 1: Protein……………………………………………………………………………………….……….7-22
Chapter 2: Carbohydrates……………………………………………………………………………….……23-27
Chapter 3: Fats……………………………………………………………………………………………….....28-37
Chapter 4: Beverages……………………………………………………………………………………………38-43
Chapter 5: Supplements……………………………………………………………………………………….44-48
Chapter 6: Making Life a Whole Lot Easier…………………………………………………………..49-57
Wrapping Up………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 58
The College Student’s Guide to Grocery Shopping
Healthy Eating Made Easy
Welcome to The College Students Guide to Grocery Shopping – Healthy Eating
Made Easy!
My name is Jordan Syatt and I’m here to help you look better, eat healthier, and
maintain a healthy diet that actually tastes good. This short book is packed with
simple recipes, tips, and tricks intended to improve your diet, save you cash, and
help you achieve your ultimate fitness based goals.
As a current college student myself, I understand that university life is a non-stop
whirlwind of classes, sports, clubs, work, random shenanigans, and excessive
fraternization with the opposite sex.
Trust me, I get it.
I also understand that learning how to strategically and consistently incorporate
healthy options while enjoying the benefits of college may appear to be a near
Fortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
While most college students want to maintain a healthy diet, I believe the majority
are more or less uncertain as to which foods provide the greatest benefits.
In an attempt to make healthy eating as simple as possible, I have created this book
detailing what I consider to be the healthiest and most realistic nutritional choices
for the average college student.
Regardless of your goal, adhering to the guidelines outlined below may not only
improve general health, but may lead to significant improvements in body
composition, athletic performance, and strength.
I hope you enjoy this book and find the information useful and applicable within
your everyday life.
If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me through my personal
Never Minimal. Never Maximal. Always Optimal.
A Free Gift for You
Do you work out? Do you want to look, feel, and perform better?
In my e-book The Syatt Fitness Guide to Warming Up I’ve provided a
simple and effective guide detailing how to properly warm-up prior to
working out.
The best part? I’m giving it away for free.
Regardless of your training level, you’ll gain a host of valuable
information designed to keep you strong, healthy, and performing at your
best. You can download your free copy right now at
Chapter 1: Protein
It’s no coincidence that protein is the first chapter.
In scientific terms, protein is the bee’s knees of macronutrients.
Whether you’re a frat boy looking to get your swole on, a cheerleader trying to tone
up, or a health nut searching for improved quality of living, an adequate protein
intake will help you achieve your goals.
Unfortunately, a majority of college students don’t eat enough of it.
To eliminate any guess work and make your life easier, below I’ve outlined a number
of my personal favorite high-protein foods.
Whether you’re shopping at a local farmers market or eating in the dining hall, I
encourage everyone to place a major emphasis on one or more of these high-protein
foods at every meal.
1. Whole Eggs
Whole eggs are not only delicious but they’re easy to make, inexpensive, and a great
source of high quality protein and vitamins.
While the mainstream media (and possibly your nutrition professor) might advise
you to limit whole egg consumption to reduce the risk of high cholesterol, studies
have consistently shown that dietary cholesterol has little to no impact on blood
cholesterol and whole egg consumption is “harmonious with a healthful diet.”
In other words, the majority of healthy individuals can eat the entire egg without
worrying about increasing their risk of heart disease.
I could write an entire book on this topic alone but, for the sake of brevity, I’ll refer
out. For more information on whole egg consumption I recommend reading this
article by Brian St. Pierre.
Pro Tip: Egg omelets are one of my all-time favorite meals. They’re quick and easy
to make, you can stuff them with anything you want (i.e. veggies, meats, etc), and
they provide numerous health benefits.
Veggie Omelet with Extra NomNom’s
3 Whole Eggs
¼ cup cheese(optional)
¼ cup milk (any kind)
¼ green bell pepper
¼ red bell pepper
¼ cup mushrooms
2 tablespoons chopped onion
Salt to taste
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
Pre-heat stovetop to medium
Crack eggs and mix into large
bowl with milk. Beat vigorously
for 1min
Mix all ingredients together
into large bowl and spray skillet
with EVOO spray
Pour ingredients into pre-heated
skillet and let sit for 2-3min or
until bottom is browned
Flip omelet over and let cook
for 90sec or until browned
Spinach, Feta, and Tomato Omelet
 3 whole eggs
 2-3 tablespoons crumbled feta
 1 cup fresh spinach – washed
and stems removed
 1/3 cup diced tomato
 Salt & pepper to taste
 Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
Pre-heat stovetop to medium
Crack eggs and mix with salt
and pepper in large bowl. Beat
vigorously for 1min
Spray skillet with EVOO spray
Pour eggs into pre-heated skillet
and let sit for 2-3min or until
Put feta, spinach, and
tomatoes onto left side of
omelet. Fold other side of
omelet over so it fully covers
Turn heat off and let sit for
2. Beef & Poultry
Ground Beef (90% Lean/10% Fat)
Rotisserie Chicken
Chicken, Turkey, & Pork:
Stock Up Prices
If you see these prices (or less), buy in bulk and freeze for later!
 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast: <$1.95/lb
 Ground Turkey: <$1.90 /lb
 Porkchop (boneless): <1.99/lb
Chicken, Turkey, and Pork are simple, tasty, and very high protein sources.
They also come in numerous packaged varieties such as ground, cubed, sliced, and
whole. I prefer the lean ground meats as they’re relatively low in calories, often on
sale, and very easy to cook.
In the interest of time, money, and convenience I suggest buying packages in bulk
and freezing them for later use.
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Beef (90% Lean/10% Fat):
Stock Up Prices
If you see these prices (or less), buy in bulk and freeze for later!
 Ground Beef (90/10): <$2.15/lb
 Ground Beef (85/15): <1.90/lb
I like slightly higher fat beef for several reasons:
1. Higher quality/higher fat beef provides myriad health benefits
2. Higher fat beef is less expensive
3. Higher fat beef tastes better
Some professionals believe grass-fed organic beef is the only beef worth eating and
anything of lesser quality is unacceptable.
Well, I’m a broke College student and absolutely not buying grass-fed organic beef
on a regular basis.
Granted, if I had the means to buy the highest quality beef I would but, at this point
in my life, I need to compromise and choose my battles wisely.
In the main, eat as high quality as possible but don’t let the little stuff - such as
buying lesser quality beef - stress you out.
It’s not a big deal.
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Rotisserie Chicken:
Stock Up Prices
If you see these prices (or less), buy in bulk and freeze for later!
 Rotisserie Chicken: <$5.00/chicken
Rotisserie chicken is probably my favorite food.
It’s ready to eat, relatively inexpensive, and holy hell is it delicious.
Whoever invented the rotisserie chicken is a genius….
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Baked Chicken Breast and Veggies
4 boneless skinless chicken
breasts (store extra’s for later)
1.5 cups broccoli florets
1.5 cups cauliflower florets
2 sliced tomatoes
4 carrots sliced into 1/2inch
½ onion sliced
Salt & pepper to taste
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
spray OR 1/3 cup liquid
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees F.
Put chicken and veggies on
baking sheet. Spray with
EVOO spray OR drizzle liquid
over ingredients.
Add salt and pepper to taste
Bake for 30min or until
chicken is not pink in the
Enjoy and save extras for later.
Beef Chili
2.5lbs ground beef (90/10)
1 can (14.5oz) crushed
1 can black beans
1packet chili mix of your
choosing (I like McCormick’s)
1.5 medium onion, chopped
1 green bell pepper
1 red bell pepper
2tbsp minced garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
Hot sauce (optional)
Brown ground beef in a large
pan on medium heat with salt
and pepper.
Add chili mix, onion, bell
peppers, and minced garlic. Stir
Add ingredients to large stew
pot on medium/high heat. Add
tomatoes and beans (and hot
Bring to boil, reduce heat to
low, and let sit for 10 min.
Enjoy and save extras for later.
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3. Fish
Sea Bass
Fish is amazing.
It’s easy to cook, low in calories, and provides numerous health benefits.
I tend to buy fresh fish (opposed to the frozen options) as it’s usually less expensive
and, if there are any extras, I can freeze them for later. However, if frozen fish is on
sale I always stock up on it!
I also buy tons of canned tuna. It’s an easy addition to salads and there’s almost
always one brand on sale.
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Pan Seared Salmon with Israeli Salad
6oz salmon filet
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp black pepper
1 tsp chili powder
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
 Recipe for Israeli Salad is in
the Vegetable Section of
Chapter 2
Pre-heat stovetop to med-high
heat and spray pan with
EVOO spray.
Combine all spices, stir well,
and spread evenly over fish (not
the skin side).
Place fish in pan (skin side up!)
and cook for 4min each side or
until fish is easily flaked with
Enjoy with Israeli salad
Shrimp and Tomato Stew
1lb peeled and deveined shrimp
1 can (14.5oz) diced tomatoes
1 medium onion, chopped
1tbsp minced garlic
2tbsp olive oil
Hot sauce/hot chili powder
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Drizzle olive oil on pan over
medium heat
2. Add all ingredients and bring
to a simmer. Let simmer for
2min while stirring.
3. Enjoy and save the extras for
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4. Greek Yogurt
 Fage Greek Yogurt  Click to view website
 Chobani
 Oikos
There isn’t much to say about Greek Yogurt other than it’s full of win.
I prefer the lower fat options as I get my daily fats from other sources, such as eggs
and fish, but the higher fat versions are great as well.
Personally, I’m a fan of Fage Greek Yogurt but if that’s too expensive I buy Oikos or
Regardless, they’re all pretty damn good.
Pro Tip: My current go-to dessert is Fage 0% Greek Yogurt mixed with frozen
strawberries, banana, cinnamon, and stevia (a zero-calorie natural sweetener).
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High Protein/Low Calorie Veggie Dip
 1 large container (17.6oz) 0%
Fage (or any other kind)
PLAIN Greek Yogurt
 1 veggie mix packet (I prefer
1. Mix ingredients well
2. Enjoy with veggies such as
carrot sticks, celery sticks,
broccoli, cucumbers, etc.
3. Make friends beg for recipe and
laugh in their face when you
show them how easy it is.
High Protein/Low Calorie Delectable Dessert
1 large container (17.6oz) 0%
Fage (or any other kind)
PLAIN Greek Yogurt
2 packets stevia or any caloriefree sweetener
.5lb frozen/thawed
strawberries, blueberries,
1 medium frozen banana sliced
Combine all ingredients and
mix well
Put in bowl
Pity those who think healthy
eating means a diet that tastes
like dog food.
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5. Cottage Cheese & Other Low Fat Dairy
Low Fat Cottage Cheese
Reduced Fat Cheeses (i.e. Swiss, Cheddar, Mozzarella, Feta, Gouda, etc)
Low Fat Milk
Cottage Cheese is another great high-protein food.
It’s tasty, filling, and with a little imagination can easily be transformed into a sweet
Other forms of low fat dairy such as cheese and milk are great options as well. I add
them to everything from salads to wraps and, of course, my world-famous burgers
made from ground chicken, turkey, or beef.
Unless you’re lactose intolerant, low fat dairy options such as various cheeses, milks,
and yogurts are all great choices.
Pro Tip: Eating at restaurants will be a huge drain on your wallet. If you want to
save cash for important stuff (i.e. beer), start shopping in bulk and preparing your
own meals.
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6. Beans/Lentils
Black Beans
Garbanzo Beans (Chick Peas)
Lima Beans
Kidney Beans
Sugar Snap Peas
Beans and lentils are a great addition to almost any meal and provide numerous
health benefits. That being said, I don’t recommend making them a primary source
of protein.
If you aren’t a vegetarian but enjoy beans and lentils, try incorporating them as a
side dish. For example, I regularly mix beans and lentils into cooked ground beef
and veggies for a quick, easy, and nutritious meal.
If you’re a vegetarian, however, and protein sources are limited, making beans and
lentils a staple within your diet is a smart decision.
Israeli Salad with Chickpeas
1 cucumber
1 tomato
1/3 cup chickpeas
1tbsp onion, chopped
1tbsp lemon juice
3tbsp low fat feta cheese
Salt & pepper to taste
1tbsp olive oil
Chop cucumber, tomato, and
Mix all ingredients together in
a bowl.
Drizzle olive oil on top.
Enjoy the deliciousness that is
Israeli Salad
Sample video of how to make a
version of this recipe HERE!!!
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7. Protein Supplements
 Whey Protein
 Casein Protein
First and foremost: Protein Supplements are NOT essential!
They are supplemental and, depending on your individual goals, may be worth
Second: Protein will NOT make you bulky!!!
It doesn’t matter if you’re a guy or girl. Eating protein will not spontaneously
increase the size of your muscles.
Don’t believe me? Check out this transformation story of one of my past female
Finally: Protein supplements are NOT steroids!
They’re a simple, effective, and convenient way to increase daily protein intake.
In fact, I encourage vegetarians and highly active individuals/athletes to invest in a
protein supplement as they likely aren’t acquiring enough through diet alone.
If you are eating enough protein (roughly 1g per pound of bodyweight), save your
money and buy a beer instead.
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 Whey Protein Powder
Whey is likely the most commonly known form of protein powder.
Basically, whey is a complete protein derived from cow’s milk. It’s widely recognized
as the “fast digesting protein” and is commonly used pre, during, and immediately
post working out.
I tend to buy Optimum Nutrition’s Gold Standard Whey Protein, Double Rich
 Casein Protein Powder
Casein Protein is also derived from milk and is commonly referred to as the “night
time protein.”
In short, Casein is a slow digesting protein known for its anti-catabolic properties
(i.e. ability to prevent muscle breakdown) over a long period of time. It’s generally
taken immediately prior to bed for a sustained release of amino acids throughout the
I recently started buying Dymatize Nutrition’s Elite XT, Rich Chocolate and love it.
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Chocolate Protein Pancakes
 2 Scoops Dymatize EliteXT
Rich Chocolate (or any
chocolate protein powder)
 2 Whole Eggs
 1/3 cup milk
 Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
 Sugar free maple syrup
Pre-heat stovetop to med-high
heat and spray with EVOO
Beat and mix all ingredients
(except maple syrup) together in
a large bowl until smooth.
Pour batter onto pan into two
separate pancakes.
Let cook until small bubbles
start to appear on surface. Flip
over and cook for another 12min or until bottom is
Serve and add sugar free maple
Enjoy your delicious, high
protein pancakes.
Chocolate Protein Pudding with Strawberries and Whipped Cream
 2 Scoops casein protein (any
 3.5 scoops milk (use the protein
 Strawberries
 Whipped Cream
Mix protein and milk together
in bowl until totally smooth.
Place in refrigerator for 3045min
Remove from refrigerator and
add strawberries and whipped
cream to taste.
Enjoy the delectable highprotein treat
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Chapter 2: Carbohydrates
Talk about controversy, huh?!
Various “professionals” and the mainstream media change their stance on
carbohydrates and their validity as a “health food” more often than drunken college
students mistakenly believe they’re making a smart decision.
As most things in life, the answer to whether or not carbohydrates are good or bad
isn’t as black and white as some might have you believe.
Generally speaking, diets comprised of a variety of foods - including carbohydrates provide a multitude of physical, mental, and even emotional health benefits.
To balance your diet I encourage you to incorporate a diverse assortment of
carbohydrates varying in color, texture, scent, and taste. Place an emphasis on
natural sources such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while limiting processed
and packaged versions.
In the following pages I will provide you with a detailed list of my favorite go-to
carbohydrate foods. They’re relatively inexpensive, easy to prepare, offer a host of
health benefits, and obviously taste amazing.
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1. Fresh Fruits
We all know that fruits provide numerous health benefits so I’m not going to waste
your time with boring science and rehashed data.
I will, however, stress the importance of eating fruit on a regular basis.
Does this entail shoveling pounds of fruit into your mouth at every meal?
But this does mean you should aim to incorporate at least some fruit each day.
Banana Ice Cream
 2 medium frozen banana’s
 ½ - ¾ cup milk
1. Freeze 2 medium bananas.
2. Mix ingredients in blender and
blend until creamy and smooth.
3. Enjoy and wonder why you
never thought of something this
simple before.
Pro Tip: I regularly freeze my fruit and add them into shakes and smoothies or
other foods such as Greek Yogurt. Be creative and experiment!
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2. Fresh Vegetables
Green Beans
Potatoes/Sweet Potatoes*
I’m not going to waste your time discussing the countless health benefits fresh
vegetables have to offer.
Just keep in mind, regardless of your goal - be it general health, athletic performance,
or aesthetic related - incorporating a broad range of vegetables varying in taste, scent,
texture, and color is always a good choice.
Eat them raw, cooked, alone, or as a side dish; it honestly doesn’t matter.
Just eat your veggies and eat them often!
* Potatoes are considered a starchy grain and higher calorie than most other vegetables. Keep
that in mind as you include them within your diet.
Pro Tip: Veggies are ALWAYS a great option! Chop them up and put them into
salads, drizzle them with olive oil and bake them in the oven, or dip them in the
High Protein/Low Calorie Veggie Dip recipe I provided on Page 16.
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3. Whole Grain Carbohydrates (i.e. Starchy Carbs)
Brown Rice
Whole Grain Pasta
Whole Grain Breads/Wraps/etc
Much of the controversy regarding carbohydrate intake and health stems from
higher calorie/starchy carbohydrates.
So what should you do?
Should you cut out all carbohydrates and solely focus on protein and fat? Or should
you place a large emphasis on carbohydrates and make them a staple within your
Personally, I fall somewhere in between these two extremes.
Instead of the common “all or nothing” approaches, I recommend moderately
incorporating whole grain/starchy carbohydrates into a structured routine.
Specifically, on the days which you are most active (training days) eat “more”
carbohydrates while on days which you are less active (rest days) eat “fewer”
There is no right or wrong. If you like what you’re doing, it makes you feel good,
and you can maintain it on the long term…stick with it!
Pro Tip: Invest in spices and seasonings such as salt, pepper, oregano, turmeric,
and paprika. They’re simple, zero-calorie ways to add flavor to your meals.
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4. Gluten Free*/Other Carbohydrates
Lentils & Beans
Specifically Labeled Gluten-Free Breads/Pastas/etc
Gluten free has recently become all the rage.
While some gluten free options are certainly healthy, they are not essential. In fact,
the only people who need gluten free foods are individuals with a digestive disorder
known as Celiac Disease.
Many people choose to eat gluten free for other reasons, but keep in mind that
gluten free foods are not inherently better than other available, and often less
expensive, options.
*Gluten Free foods will generally say “Gluten Free” on the packaging. If it doesn’t, be
cautious as some typically “gluten free” options can become contaminated with gluten during
factory processes. For a detailed list of gluten free facilities, click here.
Pro Tip: Rice takes a long time to cook so make sure to prepare it in large
quantities. Also, combine it with meat (i.e. ground beef, chicken, or turkey) and
lots of spices to make a quick and easy meal. Store it in large, plastic Tupperware
containers in the fridge and incorporate it into your meals throughout the week.
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Chapter 3: Fats
Repeat after me: “Eating fat will not make me fat.”
Again: “Eating fat will not make me fat!”
One more time…with some emphasis: “Eating fat will NOT make me fat!!!!”
Very nice!!!
Q: But wait, if eating fat doesn’t make us fat…what does?
A: Eating more calories than your body burns on a regular basis.
It doesn’t matter if the extra calories come from protein, carbohydrates, or fat; eating
[anything] in excess will cause your body to store fat.
Additionally, certain fats actually provide myriad health benefits without which we
would not function properly.
I’d note most people don’t need to increase their fat intake since they get enough
through their standard diet. Instead, focusing on eating higher quality fats will be
most beneficial.
Additionally, it’s important to be aware that higher fat foods are calorically dense.
Therefore, it’s necessary to keep moderation in mind as you incorporate fat-rich
Just as with the previous two chapters, below I have provided my favorite highquality fat-rich foods. As you will notice, many of them are repeats from above.
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1. Fish
Sea Bass
Fish is the powerhouse of healthy foods.
Not only is it high in protein and low in calories but fish is full of Omega-3 Fatty
For those who are unaware, Omega-3 Fatty Acids are miracle workers. When I say
they improve everything…I mean they improve everything.
To illustrate, here’s a short list of things Omega-3 Fatty Acids have been shown to
Improve Cognitive Health
Improve Cardiac Function
Improve Weight Loss/Body Composition
Improve Muscle Protein Synthesis
Reduce Inflammation
Reduce Blood Pressure
Reduce Risk of Depression, ADHD, & Diabetes
And that’s only part of the list!
Case in point: Fish is good. Eat it.
Pro Tip: Don’t let your diet control your life. You will have days that are less than
stellar – accept it. Try and stick to the guidelines outlined in this book as often as
possible but don’t let it dictate every waking moment.
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Sweet Mexican Tilapia with Brown Rice & Veggies
 4 tilapia filet’s
 ½ cup green beans
 ½ cup cooked brown rice
 Sweet salsa
 Salt to taste
 Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
spray OR liquid (2tbsp)
Pre-heat stovetop to med heat.
Spray with EVOO.
Salt filets and lay them on pan
along with green beans.
Let cook for 2-3min or until
lightly browned
Flip filets over and mix green
beans around. Let cook for 1-2
min or until fully cooked. Begin
to reheat brown rice in
Remove from heat and put
everything on a plate. Place
sweet salsa to taste on top of
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2. Whole Eggs
Eggs are damn near perfect.
They’re full of high-quality protein and fat, taste heavenly, and cost next to nothing.
As if that wasn’t enough, eggs also provide a multitude of vitamins and minerals
such as choline, selenium, iodine, lutein, B-vitamins, and vitamin A.
Want a quick, easy, and affordable way to eat healthier?
Eat eggs.
3 whole eggs
1 can (14.5oz) diced tomatoes
1-2 fresh tomatoes, chopped
¼ cup mushrooms, sliced
¼ cup onion, chopped
½ cup fresh spinach
Salt & pepper to taste
Chili powder/hot sauce to
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
spray OR liquid (2tbsp)
Pre-heat oven to med-high heat. Spray
with EVOO.
Add canned tomatoes, fresh tomatoes,
mushrooms, onion, and spices. Let sit
until it begins to bubble.
Crack whole eggs on the top and add
spinach as well. Cover pan entirely
and let cook until eggs are fully done
(i.e. cooked sunny side up)
Remove from heat, place in large bowl.
Watch my instructional video on
how to make Shakshouka HERE!
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3. High(er) Fat Meat
Beef (Ground, Roast, Steaks, etc)
Chicken (Thigh/Wing)
Bacon (mmm Bacon)
Higher fat and quality meat not only provides numerous health benefits but it’s also
ridiculously tasty.
Unfortunately, it tends to be expensive making it difficult for us college students to
buy it on a regular basis.
As such, I opt for the less expensive (read: lower quality) meat as it makes a smaller
dent in my wallet, still tastes great, and I get high quality fats from other sources in
my diet.
One day I’ll have the ability to buy organic grass-fed meat but, as of right now, I’m
more than content with my less expensive, albeit equally delicious, options.
Pro Tip: Get your friends involved in healthier eating. People tend to respect a
person’s decision to improve their health and often want to join in. Not to
mention, having a support group with common interests can make the whole
process much easier.
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 2lbs ground beef (85/15 or
 2 whole eggs
 Salt to taste
 1 can (14.5oz) diced tomatoes
 8oz shredded cheese (whatever
kind you like best)
 Whatever toppings you like on
pizza (i.e. mushrooms, peppers,
onions, etc)
Pre-heat oven to 450deg. Add
first 3 ingredients to a bowl
and mix well.
Lay meat mixture onto baking
pan lined with foil. Press down
and spread to edges of pan.
Bake for 10min.
Remove from oven, drain
grease, and pat top with paper
Layer diced tomatoes on top,
layer cheese on top of that, and
finally add the rest of your
desired toppings.
Place back in oven and cook
until cheese begins to brown.
Remove from oven, cut into
desired meal slices, and enjoy!
Save extras for later.
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4. High(er) Fat Dairy
 Milk
 Greek Yogurt
 Cheese (Feta, Gouda, Mozzarella, Cheddar, etc)
I love cheese.
I love it so much that if it asked me to marry it I would.
I’d probably end up cheating on it with steak though….
I digress.
Cheese, yogurt, milk, and all other dairy products are great ways to incorporate more
fat into your diet.
Additionally, dairy tends to be a good source of protein, calcium, and vitamin D.
If your stomach can handle it, by all means eat it.
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5. Nuts/Seeds
Brazil Nuts
Sunflower/Pumpkin Seeds
I don’t eat many nuts or seeds.
Not because they don’t taste good or are somehow “unhealthy.” Rather, I would
prefer to eat a steak than have a handful of nuts.
But that’s just me.
Nuts and seeds contain numerous healthy substances including unsaturated fatty
acids, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, fiber, and plant sterols.
Keep in mind, however, nuts are calorically dense and only a couple handfuls could
lead to a snack of 300 calories or more.
By all means, enjoy your nuts but moderation is key!
Pro Tip: Analyze your current routine and try to make a consistent meal
schedule. Eating full meals at pre-determined times - opposed to random snacking
- is a great tool that I use with all of my clients to ensure diet adherence.
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6. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The health benefits associated with high intakes of Extra Virgin Olive Oil are
To name a few, high intakes of EVOO have been associated with decreased risk of:
Cardiovascular Disease
Metabolic Syndrome
Type 2 Diabetes
It’s easy to use, adds great flavor, and can be found in any local grocery store. Come
to think of it, Walgreens, 7/11, and other convenience stores often sell it as well.
My one cautionary warning: Olive Oil, like other fatty foods, is calorically dense and
easy to easy to overuse. As such, when cooking I prefer EVOO sprays which
drastically reduce calorie content but still provide a nice taste/texture and prevent
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7. Avocado
Avocado is G-d’s gift to mankind.
It’s full of monounsaturated fatty acids, associated with numerous health benefits
(notably in regard to skin health), incredibly delicious, and can be made into
Need I say more?
No. But I will.
Even though I love avocado - and regularly eat it as-is out of the skin – it’s
exceptionally high in calories. Just be mindful and use appropriate portion sizes
while incorporating it into your diet.
Additionally, don’t try to impress anyone by shoving the massive seed into your
mouth. It never ends well.
2 avocados – peeled & pitted
½ white onion – chopped
2tbsp cilantro – chopped
½ lemon – juiced
1tsp salt
1tsp pepper
1. Combine all ingredients and
mash together until it reaches
desired consistency.
2. Add to anything/everything you
want and enjoy all that is
delicious in this world.
Pro Tip: When shopping stay out of the isles and stick to the outer perimeter. The
best options such as fruits, veggies, and proteins won’t be in the isles anyway.
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Chapter 4: Beverages
College students tend to make very poor decisions when it comes to choosing
Beer, liquor, wine, soda, juice, energy drinks…did I miss anything?
Interestingly, I’d put money on the fact that these poor drinking habits are the
primary cause of unwanted weight gain during college.
Before I continue, however, I should make myself clear in that I do not suggest you stop
drinking alcohol!
No. That would be blasphemous, offensive, and sacrilegious to say the least.
However, I am proposing a lifestyle change; a change in which you adjust your
current habits and opt for healthier, lower calorie, and less sugar-filled beverages.
Instead of a regular coke, sugar-filled energy drink, or high-calorie juice, pick one of
the options below. They are readily available, taste just as good, and may help you
maintain a healthier weight (i.e. look sexy nekked).
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1. Water
Water is good for you.
You already know this.
Drink it.
Hangover Solution*
 ½ large cucumber, thinly sliced
1. Slice cucumber into very thin
circular slices.
2. Place cucumber in large jug
 ½ lemon, squeezed
and fill with water. Squeeze
lemon juice in as well.
 Water
3. Let sit in refrigerator for a
minimum of 12 hours.
4. Drink immediately after
returning from long night of
*Hangover Solution is also a great “anytime” drink. On those long, hot days when you finally
get back to your apartment after sweating all the way across campus there’s nothing more
refreshing than a cold glass of water accented with cucumber and lemon.
Pro Tip: Include more water in your daily routine! Invest in a cheap water bottle
and fill it up prior to heading out to class. This can save you a lot of money in the
long-run instead of buying bottled water from vending machines.
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2. Coffee
Coffee gets a lot of bad press.
Interestingly, however, coffee has actually been associated with numerous benefits
such as:
Decreased risk of various cancers
Decreased risk of developing Parkinson’s
Decreased risk of type 2 diabetes
It has a ton of antioxidants
Best of all, it’s the perfect boost to get your drunk ass out of bed and ready for class
after a long night of boozing.
Finally, it’s important to note that not everyone responds well to coffee and if it
makes you feel like crap then you probably shouldn’t drink it.
Pro Tip: Feel free to put zero-calorie sweeteners such as Stevia in your coffee and
tea. However, try to avoid the excessive sugars, syrups, and creamers that so many
commercial shops love to dump in.
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3. Tea
No, I’m not referring to the sugar loaded, pre-made teas that you find in the
refrigerated section of a gas station.
I’m talking about tea bags.
No, smart ass, not those tea bags.
Real tea bags!!!
In addition to being cheap and easy to make, some of them provide distinct health
Go have some tea…and not the pre-made stuff.
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4. Milk
Milk offers a variety of benefits including significant amounts of calcium, vitamin D,
protein, and healthy fats.
Some people say humans weren’t meant to drink it.
I say phooey.
If you aren’t lactose intolerant then feel free to enjoy some milk
Pro Tip: I’m lactose intolerant and don’t drink milk unless I feel like farting for
the next 24 hours. As such, if I want milk without the negative side effects I opt
for Almond Milk. It tends to be lower calorie than regular milk, tastes pretty
good, and makes my protein shakes wicked creamy.
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5. Diet Beverages
I already know I’m going to get hate mail for this one….
Do I think diet soda is healthy?
Are people going to drink soda anyway?
People are going to drink soda no matter what. It tastes great, it’s cheap, and is
readily available.
Rather than fight the inevitable, I encourage you to make the smarter choice and
stick to diet beverages opposed to the sugar-loaded and calorie dense options.
If nothing else, switching from regular soda to diet soda will do wonders for your
Pro Tip: 0-calorie diet beverages are great drink mixers. Whiskey Gingers (with
diet gingerale) are my favorite drink.
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Chapter 5: Supplements
I hate supplement companies.
I rarely use the word “hate”…but I hate them.
This may be cynical on my part, but I truly believe most supplement companies
purely exist to rip people off.
It’s impossible to go into a supplement store without a sales associate explaining why
you need to spend $27,324.99 on 53 different supplements to boost your
metabolism, improve sex drive, and burn fat.
The crazy part is they’re pretty damn convincing too. Goodness knows I’ve wasted
thousands of dollars and countless hours scouring the deepest, darkest corners of
every supplement store in search of the best products on the market.
The reality is that most supplements aren’t worth your time or money!
To keep you from making the same mistakes I’ve made (and save you a lot of
money), below I have listed all the supplements my clients and I take on a regular
Generally speaking they’re reasonably priced, easy to obtain, and provide a
multitude of health benefits.
Please Note: You must consult with your primary care physician prior to taking
any of the supplements below.
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1. Fish Oil
If through reading this book you make one change to your current lifestyle, let it be
Take fish oil every day!
As I explained in Chapter 3, Omega-3 Fatty Acids improve just about every aspect of
our health and function.
In case you forgot, here’s a short list of their positive benefits:
Improve Cognitive Health
Improve Cardiac Function
Improve Weight Loss/Body Composition
Improve Muscle Protein Synthesis
Reduce Inflammation
Reduce Blood Pressure
Reduce Risk of Depression, ADHD, & Diabetes
If you eat fresh fish on a regular basis then extra supplementation may be
redundant. However, if you don’t eat much fish I encourage you to invest in a fish
oil supplement.
Here is a link to the one I use.
A daily intake of roughly 2g EPA and 1.5g DHA should cover all of your needs. For
more information on Fish Oil I highly encourage you to read this article by Martin
Pro Tip: If you’re taking fish oil capsules make sure to freeze them! That way
when you burp you won’t be left with a nasty fishy/oily taste in your mouth.
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2. Multi Vitamin
If you maintain a healthy diet, bodyweight, and lifestyle then a multi vitamin may
not be necessary.
However, it’s a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to ensure that you’re getting an
adequate amount of essential vitamins and minerals.
Is it necessary?
Probably not.
But I’d rather be safe than sorry.
Any generic brand will suffice. There is no need to spend a lot of money on these.
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3. Vitamin D
Vitamin D functions as an
immune system regulator and aids in the
absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
As such, obtaining an adequate amount of Vitamin D is crucial to our health and
Since I live in New England and spend a large portion of the year indoors, I don’t
get nearly as much sun exposure as I’d like.
If you live in a warm climate and consistently get 30+ minutes of sun exposure per
day or regularly go tanning, supplementing with vitamin D may not be necessary.
However, if you don’t fall into the above two categories it may wise to add a vitamin
D supplement into your daily routine.
Generally speaking, a daily intake of roughly 2000IU’s of Vitamin D3 should cover
your bases.
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4. Calcium
Calcium is most well known for reducing the risk of osteoporosis
and improving bone density.
Coupled with Vitamin D, a sufficient calcium intake
is extremely beneficial.
If you regularly eat dairy or other foods high in calcium there is no need to take a
calcium supplement as too much may cause more harm than good.
However, for those who are lactose intolerant or don’t eat a lot of dairy/calcium rich
foods, supplementing with roughly 500mg of calcium per day may be beneficial.
Pro Tip: Calcium and Vitamin D are often combined into one supplement. I buy
them separately as I need a lot of Vitamin D but buying them together may be
cheaper in the long-run.
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Chapter 6: Making Life a Whole Lot Easier
College life is insanity.
Between classes, drinking, studying, drinking, intramural sports, drinking, and the
occasional catch-up nap in between…our lives are nonstop.
Fortunately, however, we’re really good at multitasking.
For example: drinking while taking a nap:
Finding time to shop for food and prepare our own meals can be a hassle.
Fortunately, however, it doesn’t have to be, and with a few simple tricks and
strategies it can actually be pretty convenient.
The remainder of this chapter will be devoted to making your life easier. In the next
few pages I’m going to present you with a variety of tips, ideas, and insight to make
healthy eating an easy and enjoyable component of your lifestyle.
I don’t want to bore you with long and drawn out anecdotes so I’ve condensed this
section into bullet-form notes. I’ve kept it short, sweet, and to the point while
making sure to provide you with all the information you need to know.
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 Shop in bulk
Most of us don’t have the time or energy to go to the grocery store multiple
times each week. As such, at the beginning of every semester I review my
schedule, map out my least busy day(s), and set aside an hour or two solely to
shop for my weekly grocery needs.
Not only is this more convenient in that you shop once and you’re done, but it’s
far easier to keep track of how much you’re spending when you only get one
receipt each week as opposed to three, four, or five.
I’d note if shopping for smaller amounts of food on a more frequent basis suits
your lifestyle better, that’s totally fine; I’m simply proposing what has worked
best for me and my college-age clientele.
 Make a list
Never go to the grocery store without a list. EVER! Every couple of weeks I’ll
get lazy, say “f*** it” and just go without it.
Big mistake.
I inevitably forget a minimum of 4 things and waste money on other products
that I never use.
Making a list seems like a hassle but, let’s be serious, it takes 5 minutes and
saves you a ton of time and money.
By the way, I took the liberty of designing you a thorough shopping list which
I’ve attached at the end of this chapter. Just print a new one out and bring it
with you every time you go to the store.
You’re welcome.
50 | P a g e
 Become a Member of Your Grocery Store
Most grocery stores (with the exception of some farmers markets) offer some type
of a membership program.
Do it!
There’s generally no sign-up fee and over the years I’ve been able to save a crap
load of money just by being a member of various stores. They’ll probably ask for
your e-mail but if you don’t want to give them your real one just make one up
like or
 Cook in bulk
Cooking individual meals can be time consuming. I enjoy cooking and don’t
mind preparing individual meals but – for those of us who are extremely busy
and/or would rather spend less time in the kitchen – preparing large portions
ahead of time can be extraordinarily convenient.
Set aside an hour or two each week (most of my clients do it on Sunday
afternoons), cook a few of your favorite meals in large amounts, and store them
in the fridge.
Which brings me to my next point….
51 | P a g e
 Invest in Tupperware
Tupperware is a college student’s best friend. Once you’ve cooked your meals
for the week, grab a big Tupperware container, put your food in it, and toss it
in the fridge. Not only will it keep your food fresh throughout the week but it
will also help keep your fridge clean and organized.
In addition to storage, Tupperware is also great for carrying food around
campus. You know those days where you have class from 8am – 8pm and you
have no time to run back to your apartment and grab a quick bite?
That’s where Tupperware comes in handy.
Prepare a few quick and easy meals, throw them in some Tupperware
containers, and bring them with you. They’re extremely light and don’t take up
much room in your back pack. Just make sure to close the lids tightly and put
them in a plastic bag just in case they pop open.
Finally, if you’re going to buy Tupperware you might as well get the good stuff.
The inexpensive brands are inexpensive for a reason; they suck. Gladware is the
best brand I’ve used thus far.
52 | P a g e
 Invest in a Crock Pot
Crock pots are amazing. You could be the absolute worst chef in the world but
toss some food in a crock pot, let it sit for a couple of hours, and bam…you’re
freakin’ Iron Chef America!
When using my crock pot I rarely use a specific recipe. Rather, I just throw in
several pounds of meat (usually ground beef), a grain of some sort (i.e. rice), a
metric crap-ton of veggies, a whole bunch of random spices, and let it cook
while I’m out for the day. When I get back to my apartment I not only have a
hot meal waiting for me but I have pounds of leftovers that I can store (in my
Tupperware) and eat later on during the week.
 Use a Variety of Spices
Using a variety of spices is the easiest way to make an average meal taste
I’ll be honest…I’m an overwhelmingly average chef. Granted, I’m not bad by
any means but I’m also no Bobby Flay. That being said, my food is damn tasty
and the main reason is because I incorporate a variety of spices within my
Sometimes a little salt and pepper is all you need (like say…when broiling up a
juicy steak) but other occasions may call for curry powder, cilantro, dill or a
combination of all three.
There’s very little rhyme or reason behind why/when/how much spice I use,
rather it’s usually just based on trial and error. Give it a shot, mix and match
various spices, and see what tastes best.
53 | P a g e
 Two Simple Tricks for Faster Cooking
If you’re anything like me then you probably get impatient waiting for your
chicken to sauté while you’re standing around and ready to eat.
If that’s the case, here are two simple tricks to make your food cook a bit faster:
1. Cut your meat into smaller pieces
If you put a whole chicken breast on the frying pan then it’s
going to take forever to cook. To speed up the process just cut the
chicken breast (or any meat for that matter) into smaller pieces
and it will cook agajillion times faster.
2. Put a lid on top of the frying pan
Covering the frying pan will trap the heat inside and effectively
cook both sides of the meat simultaneously. You’ll eventually
need to flip the meat over to cook it evenly but the process will be
far less time consuming if you cover the frying pan as opposed to
leaving it open.
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 Forget About Meal Frequency!
The topic of meal frequency (i.e. how often we eat throughout the day) is
perhaps the most controversial issue within the entire fitness industry. Some say
we’re “supposed” to eat 3 large meals spaced evenly throughout the day while
others say 6 small meals are better for “stoking the metabolic fire.”
Allow me to clear things up: It does NOT matter how often you eat
throughout the day. It doesn’t matter if you eat 2 large meals, 4
moderate sized meals, or 6 tiny meals. As long as your total caloric
intake is in line with your goals then meal frequency is completely
and utterly irrelevant.
As a college student this knowledge is incredibly freeing. I previously believed it
was necessary to eat every 2-3 hours or else my metabolism would shut down
and my muscles would fall off. Fortunately, however, after reviewing the
relevant research I found this couldn’t be any further from the truth. Now on
those long days where I have classes from 8am – 8pm, I find myself eating 2
large meals because it allows me to focus on what needs to be accomplished
rather concerning myself with eating every 2-3 hours.
It’s important to know that the single best meal frequency is the one that works
best for you. As long as you maintain a diet consisting of high quality foods and
an appropriate amount of calories to support your goals then it doesn’t matter
how often you eat throughout the day.
For more information on this topic I encourage you to read my article:
Fact or Fiction? Nutrition Fallacies Part 1: Meal Frequency
55 | P a g e
 Printable Grocery Shopping List:
On the following page I have provided a sample grocery list sorted by macronutrient
(i.e. Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fat).
Print it out, paste it on your refrigerator, and bring it with you to the grocery store.
Remember, a list will make your life agajillion times easier; and yes, in case you were
wondering, “agajillion” is a highly scientific term.
56 | P a g e
Grocery List by Macronutrient*
Carbohydrates Carbohydrates
Whole Eggs
Lettuce, Cabbage
Whole Eggs
Fish Oil
Vitamin D
Brown Rice
Whole Grain
Greek Yogurt
Whole Grain
Extra Virgin Olive
Oil (spray/liquid)
*These foods are not your only options. Rather this is a sample list meant to remind you of your choices.
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Wrapping Up
I want to say thank to everyone who made the writing of this book possible.
I am beyond fortunate to have an abundance of friends, mentors, and colleagues all
of whom have been extraordinarily generous with their time and knowledge.
To my readers, I hope you enjoyed my ramblings and are able to use the information
provided in a way that makes healthy living an easy and enjoyable component of
your individual lifestyle.
If you ever have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me directly at
Never Minimal. Never Maximal. Always Optimal.
58 | P a g e
Get Coached by Jordan
Do you want to look, feel, and perform better?
Have you been working out and eating right but not seeing the results you
I’ve worked extraordinarily hard to develop a high-end, individualized
consultation program and I am confident that I can help you achieve your
My program is specifically designed to make your life easier. I take all
guess work out of the equation and tell you what you need to do, when
you need to do it, and how it needs to be done. Most importantly, I’ll be
with you every step of the way to guide you in the right direction and help
you achieve your ultimate fitness-based goals.
Contact me directly at to receive more
information about your personalized program.
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Photo Credits
1. John Belushi Cover Photo: photo credit: <a
href="">fabbio</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
2. Healthy Food Cover Photo: photo credit: <a
paradox</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a
3. Egg Yolk: photo credit: <a
href="">mkream</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
4. Beef and Poultry: photo credit: <a
href="">J Mark Dodds a shadow
of my future self</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a
5. Salmon: photo credit: <a
href="">ulterior epicure</a>
via <a href="">photopin</a> <a
6. Dairy: photo credit: <a
href="">kurafire</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
7. Beans and Lentils: photo credit: <a
href="">Roger Smith</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
8. Snooki
9. Fresh Fruit: photo credit: <a
via <a href="">photopin</a> <a
10. Fresh Vegetables: photo credit: <a
href="">RobW_</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
61 | P a g e
11. Whole Grain: photo credit: <a
href="">mystuart</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
12. Grilled Fish: photo credit: <a
href="">ralph and jenny</a>
via <a href="">photopin</a> <a
13. Eggs: photo credit: <a
href="">Chiot's Run</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
14. Higher Fat Meat: photo credit: <a
href="">Another Pint
Please...</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a
15. High Fat Dairy: photo credit: <a
href="">Stephanie Booth</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
16. Nuts and Seeds: photo credit: <a
href="">Martin LaBar (going on
hiatus)</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a
17. Extra Virgin Olive Oil: photo credit: <a
href="">chez pim</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
18. Avocado: photo credit: <a
href="">pareeerica</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
19. Water: photo credit: <a
href="">fixlr</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
20. Coffee: photo credit: <a
62 | P a g e
via <a href="">photopin</a> <a
21. Tea: photo credit: <a
href="">minato</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
22. Milk: photo credit: <a
href="">loop_oh</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
23. Diet Soda: photo credit: <a
href="">williamhartz</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
24. Fish Oil: photo credit: <a
href="">cote</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
25. Multivitamin: photo credit: <a
href="">« Jonny Boy »</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
26. Vitamin D: photo credit: <a
Hurd</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a
27. Calcium: photo credit: <a
</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a
28. Ground Beef: photo credit: <a
href="">ilovebutter</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
29. Rotisserie Chicken: photo credit: <a
href="">joshbousel</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
63 | P a g e
30. Drunk Nap: photo credit: <a
href="">Bistrosavage</a> via <a
href="">photopin</a> <a
31. Drunk College Kid: photo credit: <a
href="">Anant N S
(</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a
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