Professor of Sociology and Yankelovich Chair in Social Thought,
University of California-San Diego
Tel: 858.860.6124
Postal address: Department of Sociology, University of California-San Diego,
401 Social Science Building, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla CA 92093
Bakija, Jon, Lane Kenworthy, Peter Lindert, and Jeff Madrick. The Myth of Big
Government. University of California Press.
Kenworthy, Lane. The Good Society.
Kenworthy, Lane and Timothy Smeeding. "Does Income Inequality Reduce
Middle-Class Income Growth?"
Data used in my books, articles, and chapters are archived at
Click on the "books" and "articles" links.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2014. Social Democratic America. Oxford University Press.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2011. Progress for the Poor. Oxford University Press.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2008. Jobs with Equality. Oxford University Press.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2004. Egalitarian Capitalism. Russell Sage Foundation.
Kenworthy, Lane. 1995. In Search of National Economic Success. Sage.
Kenworthy, Lane and Alexander Hicks, eds. 2008. Method and Substance in
Macrocomparative Analysis. Palgrave Macmillan.
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
Kenworthy, Lane. 2015. "Do Employment-Conditional Earnings Subsidies Work?"
ImPRovE Working Paper 15-10. Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy,
University of Antwerp.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2014. "America's Social Democratic Future." Foreign Affairs,
January-February: 86-100.
Kenworthy, Lane and Timothy Smeeding. 2014. "The United States: High and
Rapidly-Rising Inequality." Pp. 695-717 in Changing Inequalities and Societal
Impacts in Rich Countries, edited by Brian Nolan, Wiemer Salverda, Daniele
Checchi, Ive Marx, Abigail McKnight, Istvan Gyorgy Toth, and Herman van de
Werfhorst. Oxford University Press.
Smith, Julia Grace and Lane Kenworthy. 2014. "Poverty in Tucson: What Do We
Know? How Can We Do Better?" Prepared for the Mayor's Commission on
Poverty, City of Tucson.
Bentele, Keith and Lane Kenworthy. 2013. "Globalization and Earnings
Inequality." Pp. 343-358 in The Economics of Inequality, Poverty, and
Discrimination in the 21st Century, edited by Robert S. Rycroft. Praeger.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2013. "Has Rising Inequality Reduced Middle-Class Income
Growth?" Pp. 101-114 in Income Inequality: Economic Disparities and the Middle
Class in Affluent Countries, edited by Janet C. Gornick and Markus Jäntti. Stanford
University Press.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2013. "Lifting Living Standards in an Open Economy: The
Danger of Front-Loading Income Inequality." Pp. 157-169 in Progressive Politics
after the Crash, edited by Olaf Cramme, Patrick Diamond, Roger Liddle, and
Michael McTernan. A Policy Network book. I.B. Tauris.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2013. "Rising Incomes and Modest Inequality: The HighEmployment Route." Pp. 31-43 in The Squeezed Middle: The Pressure on
Ordinary Workers in America and Britain, edited by Sophia Parker. The Policy
Kenworthy, Lane. 2013. "What's Wrong with Predistribution?" Juncture 20: 111117.
Kenworthy, Lane and Timothy Smeeding. 2013. "Growing Inequalities and Their
Impacts in the United States." GINI Project,
Kenworthy, Lane. 2012. "America's Struggling Lower Half." Roosevelt Institute.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2012. "It's Hard to Make It in America: How the United States
Stopped Being the Land of Opportunity." Foreign Affairs, November-December:
Kenworthy, Lane. 2012. "Two and a Half Cheers for Education." Pp. 111-123 in
After the Third Way: The Future of Social Democracy in Europe, edited by Olaf
Cramme and Patrick Diamond. A Policy Network book. I.B. Tauris.
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
Kenworthy, Lane. 2011. "When Does Economic Growth Benefit People on Low to
Middle Incomes — and Why?" Commission on Living Standards, Resolution
Kenworthy, Lane and Lindsay A. Owens. 2011. "The Surprisingly Weak Effect of
Recessions on Public Opinion." Pp. 196-219 in The Great Recession, edited by
David B. Grusky, Bruce Western, and Christopher Wimer. Russell Sage
Gelman, Andrew, Lane Kenworthy, and Yu-Sung Su. 2010. "Income Inequality
and Partisan Voting in the United States." Social Science Quarterly 91: 1203-1219.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2010. "Business Political Capacity and the Top-Heavy Rise in
Income Inequality: How Large an Impact?" Politics and Society 38: 255-265.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2010. "How Much Do Presidents Influence Income Inequality?"
Challenge 53(2): 90-112.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2010. "Institutions, Wealth, and Inequality." Pp. 399-420 in The
Oxford Handbook of Comparative Institutional Analysis, edited by Glenn Morgan,
John L. Campbell, Colin Crouch, Ove Kaj Pedersen, and Richard Whitley, Oxford
University Press.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2010. "Labor Market Activation." Pp. 435-447 in The Oxford
Handbook of the Welfare State, edited by Francis G. Castles, Stephan Leibfried,
Jane Lewis, Herbert Obinger, and Christopher Pierson. Oxford University Press.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2010. "Rising Inequality, Public Policy, and America's Poor."
Challenge 53(6): 93-109.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2009. "The Effect of Public Opinion on Social Policy Generosity."
Socio-Economic Review 7: 727-740.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2009. "The High-Employment Route to Low Inequality."
Challenge 52(5): 77-99.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2009. "Who Should Care for Under-Threes?" Pp. 193-207 in
Janet Gornick, Marcia Meyers, et al., Gender Equality: Transforming Family
Divisions of Labor. Verso.
McCall, Leslie and Lane Kenworthy. 2009. "Americans' Social Policy Preferences in
the Era of Rising Inequality." Perspectives on Politics 7: 459-484.
Epstein, Jessica, Daniel Duerr, Lane Kenworthy, and Charles Ragin. 2008.
"Comparative Employment Performance: A Fuzzy-Set Analysis." Pp. 67-90 in
Method and Substance in Macrocomparative Analysis, edited by Lane Kenworthy
and Alexander Hicks. Palgrave Macmillan.
Gangl, Markus, Joakim Palme, and Lane Kenworthy. 2008. "Is High Inequality
Offset by Mobility?" Unpublished.
Hicks, Alexander and Lane Kenworthy. 2008. "Family Policies and Women's
Employment: A Regression Analysis." Pp. 196-220 in Method and Substance in
Macrocomparative Analysis, edited by Lane Kenworthy and Alexander Hicks.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
Kenworthy, Lane and Alexander Hicks. 2008. "Introduction." Pp. 1-28 in Method
and Substance in Macrocomparative Analysis, edited by Lane Kenworthy and
Alexander Hicks. Palgrave Macmillan.
Kenworthy, Lane and Leslie McCall. 2008. "Inequality, Public Opinion, and
Redistribution." Socio-Economic Review 6: 35-68. Winner of the 2008 SocioEconomic Review Annual Prize for Best Article.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2007. "Inequality and Sociology." American Behavioral Scientist
50: 584-602.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2007. "Measuring Poverty and Material Deprivation." Statistics
Kenworthy, Lane. 2007. "Toward Improved Use of Regression in MacroComparative Analysis." Comparative Social Research 24: 343-350.
Kenworthy, Lane, Sondra Barringer, Daniel Duerr, and Garrett Andrew Schneider.
2007. "The Democrats and Working-Class Whites." Unpublished.
Kenworthy, Lane, Jessica Epstein, and Daniel Duerr. 2007. "Rising Tides,
Redistribution, and the Material Well-Being of the Poor." Working Paper. Russell
Sage Foundation.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2006. "Germany's Employment Problem in Comparative
Perspective." Pp. 37-59 in Transformationen des Kapitalismus: Festschrift für
Wolfgang Streeck zum sechzigsten Geburstag, edited by Jens Beckert, Bernhard
Ebbinghaus, Anke Hassel, and Philip Manow. Campus.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2006. "Institutional Coherence and Macroeconomic
Performance." Socio-Economic Review 4: 69-91. Reprinted in Debating Varieties
of Capitalism, edited by Bob Hancké, Oxford University Press, 2009.
Iceland, John, Lane Kenworthy, and Melissa Scopilliti. 2005. "Macroeconomic
Performance and Poverty in the 1980s and 1990s: A State-Level Analysis."
Discussion Paper 1299-05. Institute for Research on Poverty, University of
Kenworthy, Lane and Jonas Pontusson. 2005. "Rising Inequality and the Politics of
Redistribution in Affluent Countries." Perspectives on Politics 3: 449-471.
Streeck, Wolfgang and Lane Kenworthy. 2005. "Theories and Practices of NeoCorporatism." Pp. 441-460 in The Handbook of Political Sociology, edited by
Thomas Janoski, Robert Alford, Alexander Hicks, and Mildred A. Schwartz.
Cambridge University Press.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2004. "Jobs and Equality in Germany: Which Way Forward?"
Economic Policy Unit, German Ministry of Economics.
Hicks, Alexander and Lane Kenworthy. 2003. "Varieties of Welfare Capitalism."
Socio-Economic Review 1: 27-61. Winner of the Luxembourg Income Study 2003
Aldi J.M. Hagenaars Memorial Award. And selected by Oxford University Press to
be on its "Centenary List" of the 100 best articles published in its journals.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2003. "Do Affluent Countries Face an Incomes–Jobs Tradeoff?"
Comparative Political Studies 36: 1180-1209. Reprinted in Welfare States:
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction, edited by Stephan Liebfried and
Steffen Mau, Edward Elgar, 2008.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2003. "Quantitative Indicators of Corporatism." International
Journal of Sociology 33(3): 10-44.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2002. "Corporatism and Unemployment in the 1980s and
1990s." American Sociological Review 67: 367-388.
Kenworthy, Lane and Bernhard Kittel. 2002. "Indicators of Social Dialogue:
Concepts and Measurement." International Labour Organization.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2001. "Social Capital, Cooperation, and Economic
Performance." Pp. 125-135 in Beyond Tocqueville: Civil Society and the Social
Capital Debate in Comparative Perspective, edited by Bob Edwards, Michael W.
Foley, and Mario Diani. University Press of New England.
Kenworthy, Lane. 2001. "Wage-Setting Measures: A Survey and Assessment."
World Politics 54: 57-98.
Kenworthy, Lane. 1999. "Do Social-Welfare Policies Reduce Poverty? A CrossNational Assessment." Social Forces 77: 1119-1139. Reprinted in Welfare States:
Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction, edited by Stephan Liebfried and
Steffen Mau, Edward Elgar, 2008.
Kenworthy, Lane. 1999. "Economic Integration and Convergence: A Look at the
US States." Social Science Quarterly 80: 858-869.
Kenworthy, Lane and Melissa Malami. 1999. "Gender Inequality in Political
Representation: A Worldwide Comparative Analysis." Social Forces 78: 235-269.
Hicks, Alexander and Lane Kenworthy. 1998. "Cooperation and Political Economic
Performance in Affluent Democratic Capitalism." American Journal of Sociology
103: 1631-1672.
Kenworthy, Lane. 1997. "Civic Engagement, Social Capital, and Economic
Cooperation." American Behavioral Scientist 40: 645-656.
Kenworthy, Lane. 1997. "Globalization and Economic Convergence." Competition
and Change 2: 1-64. Reprinted in Competing Capitalisms: Institutions and
Economies, volume 2, edited by Richard Whitley, Edward Elgar, 2002, pp. 190253.
Kenworthy, Lane. 1996. "Balancing Competition and Cooperation." Challenge
39(4): 51-58.
Kenworthy, Lane. 1996. "Unions, Wages, and the Common Interest." Comparative
Political Studies 28: 491-524.
Kenworthy, Lane, Stewart Macaulay, and Joel Rogers. 1996. "'The More Things
Change ...': Business Litigation and Governance in the American Automobile
Industry." Law and Social Inquiry 21: 631-678.
Kenworthy, Lane. 1995. "Equality and Efficiency: The Illusory Tradeoff." European
Journal of Political Research 27: 225-254.
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
Kenworthy, Lane and Shaila Lakhani. 1993. "The World of Campaign Finance."
Center for a New Democracy/Center for Responsive Politics.
Kenworthy, Lane. 1990. "Are Industrial Policy and Corporatism Compatible?"
Journal of Public Policy 10: 233-265.
Kenworthy, Lane. 1990. "Labor Organization, Wage Restraint, and Economic
Performance." Review of Radical Political Economics 22(4): 111-134.
Kenworthy, Lane. 1990. "What Kind of Economic System?" Socialist Review 20(2):
"Reducing income inequality doesn't hurt the economy." U-T San Diego,
"What is the most important step progressives and Democrats can take to regain
support among white working-class Americans?" The Democratic Strategist
roundtable on Progressives and the White Working Class, 2014.
"Why America should have universal early education for young children." Forum
on Support for America’s Working Women. Scholars Strategy Network, 2014.
Review of Democracy and the Left: Social Policy and Inequality in Latin America,
by Evelyne Huber and John D. Stephens. American Journal of Sociology, March
"Embracing low-end services." Pp. 93-95 in Making Progressive Politics Work.
Policy Network, 2014.
"Predistribution is no silver bullet for wage stagnation." New Statesman,
"Europe's high-employment strategy for reducing poverty." Newsletter of the
American Political Science Association Organized Section on European Politics and
Society, Fall 2013.
"The mystery of economic growth." Consider the Evidence, 2013.08.20.
"America's future early education system." Consider the Evidence, 2013.05.19.
"How to achieve shared prosperity even if wages aren't rising." Pp. 67-74 in
Progressive Governance: The Politics of Growth, Stability, and Reform. Global
Progress and Policy Network, 2013.
"Beyond the 'fiscal cliff,' America's kids need more ⎯ not less ⎯ government
spending." Christian Science Monitor, 2012.12.11.
"Political attitudes, public opinion, and the great recession." With Lindsay A.
Owens. Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, October 2012.
"Will everyone be worse off if the United States turns social democratic?" Review
of "Can't We All Be More Like Scandinavians?" by Daron Acemoglu, James
Robinson, and Thierry Verdier. Consider the Evidence, 2012.09.29.
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
"We're all dependent on government, and it has long been thus." Review of A
Nation of Takers, by Nicholas Eberstadt. Consider the Evidence, 2012.09.02.
"Mitt Romney's peculiar approach to tax fairness." Consider the Evidence,
"Five myths about the middle class." Washington Post, 2012.08.03.
"Wage stagnation isn't due to a compositional shift." Consider the Evidence,
"How to make sure a growing US economy helps the poor." Policy Brief. Scholars
Strategy Network, July 2012.
"Is rising obesity a product of income inequality and economic insecurity?"
Consider the Evidence, 2012.06.10.
"Why the surge in obesity?" Consider the Evidence, 2012.05.31. Reprinted by
Reuters The Great Debate, 2012.06.22.
"Is decoupling real?" Consider the Evidence, 2012.03.11.
"Should income growth over the life course lessen concern about the great
decoupling?" Consider the Evidence, 2012.03.01.
"Inequality, mobility, opportunity." Consider the Evidence, 2012.01.31.
"Winner-take-all financial incentives, Steve Jobs, and the living standards of
ordinary Americans." Consider the Evidence, 2011.12.03.
"How rich countries lift up the poor." Pathways. Fall 2011.
"Step away from the pool." Newsletter of the American Political Science
Association Organized Section for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, Fall
"Were the Bush tax cuts worse for progressivity or for revenues?" Consider the
Evidence, 2011.11.02.
"To boost incomes, Uncle Sam should lend a hand." Christian Science Monitor,
"The late American jobs machine." Consider the Evidence, 2011.09.13.
"How should we measure the poverty rate?" Consider the Evidence, 2011.08.14.
"Is there a viable progressive politics that doesn't hinge on a strong labor
movement?" Consider the Evidence, 2011.07.20.
"America's inefficient health-care system: another look." Consider the Evidence,
"Are Barcelona the best soccer team ever?" Consider the Evidence, 2011.07.03.
"Low-wage jobs and no wage growth: Is there a way out?" New America
Foundation Economic Growth Program, June 2011.
"Relative poverty rates can mislead." Consider the Evidence, 2011.06.19.
"Reducing relative poverty." Consider the Evidence, 2011.06.05.
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
"Is heavy taxation bad for the economy?" Consider the Evidence, 2011.05.22.
"Taxes and work." Consider the Evidence, 2011.05.09.
"To spend is to owe?" Consider the Evidence, 2011.04.18.
"Are progressive income taxes fair?" Consider the Evidence, 2011.04.02.
"Inequality and mobility at the top." Consider the Evidence, 2011.03.08.
"Can we get to below-4% unemployment? Do we need to?" Boston Review,
January-February 2011.
"The great decoupling." Review of The Great Stagnation, by Tyler Cowen.
Consider the Evidence, 2011.01.31.
"The safety net in the short run and the long run." Consider the Evidence,
"Is America finished with major expansions of the safety net?" Consider the
Evidence, 2011.01.24.
"Is winner-take-all bad or good for the middle class? Evidence from baseball."
Consider the Evidence, 2011.01.11.
"The science of basketball." Review of The Book of Basketball, by Bill Simmons.
Consider the Evidence, 2011.01.07.
"Why do some rich economies grow faster than others?" Consider the Evidence,
"Has rising inequality been bad for the poor?" Consider the Evidence, 2010.12.14.
"An agenda for American political economy." The Monkey Cage, 2010.12.09.
"The tax deal." Consider the Evidence, 2010.12.07.
"Why don't low-income whites love the Democrats?" The Monkey Cage,
"Poverty and immigration in the US and abroad." Consider the Evidence,
"When is economic growth good for the poor?" Consider the Evidence,
Review of The Politics of Income Inequality in the United States, by Nathan J.
Kelly, and Class War? What Americans Really Think about Economic Inequality, by
Benjamin I. Page and Lawrence R. Jacobs. Perspectives on Politics, September
"Political traps for Keynesians." Consider the Evidence, 2010.08.16.
"Caring for our kids." Boston Review, July-August 2010.
"The best inequality graph, updated." Consider the Evidence, 2010.07.20.
"Social spending and poverty." Consider the Evidence, 2010.06.07.
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
"Inequality as a social cancer." Review of The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality
Makes Societies Stronger, by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. Consider the
Evidence, 2010.01.18.
"Why does England lose?" Review of Soccernomics, by Simon Kuper and Stefan
Szymanski. Consider the Evidence, 2009.12.27.
Review of Income Inequality in Capitalist Democracies: The Interplay of Values
and Institutions, by Vicki L. Birchfield. Contemporary Sociology, November 2009.
"The conscience of a modern conservative." Review of The New American
Economy, by Bruce Bartlett. Consider the Evidence, 2009.11.12.
"Flourishing in a sea of information." Review of Create Your Own Economy, by
Tyler Cowen. Consider the Evidence, 2009.11.05.
"Why oppose an increase in redistribution?" Cato Unbound, 2009.10.30.
"Real and perceived inequality." Cato Unbound, 2009.10.29.
"How much should we redistribute? And how?" Cato Unbound, 2009.10.23.
"Is redistribution the wrong cure?" Cato Unbound, 2009.10.21.
"Is consumption the grail for inequality skeptics?" Cato Unbound, 2009.10.14.
"Tax myths." Contexts, Summer 2009. Reprinted in The Contexts Reader, 2nd
edition, edited by Douglas Hartmann and Christopher Uggen, W.W. Norton, 2012.
"How does the US labor market compare now?" Consider the Evidence,
"Do schools make inequality worse?" Consider the Evidence, 2009.05.21.
Review of The Tyranny of Dead Ideas, by Matt Miller. Consider the Evidence,
"How to pay for inequality reduction: follow-up." Consider the Evidence,
"Reducing inequality: how to pay for it." Crooked Timber, 2009.04.18.
"Reducing inequality: what to do about the top 1%." Crooked Timber,
"Reducing inequality: expand and improve public services." Crooked Timber,
"Reducing inequality: boosting incomes in the bottom half." Crooked Timber,
"Reducing inequality: put the brakes on globalization?" Crooked Timber,
"Reducing inequality: education to the rescue?" Crooked Timber, 2009.04.14.
"Reducing inequality: are unions the answer?" Crooked Timber, 2009.04.14.
"Reducing inequality: what's the problem?" Crooked Timber, 2009.04.13.
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
"Are interest groups the source of our economic woes?" Consider the Evidence,
"Why the conversion to Keynes?" Consider the Evidence, 2009.01.18.
"A Keynesian free lunch?" Consider the Evidence, 2009.01.14.
"Outliers, opportunity, and luck." Review of Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell.
Consider the Evidence, 2009.01.11.
"How progressive are our taxes? Follow-up." Consider the Evidence, 2009.01.08.
"How progressive are our taxes?" Consider the Evidence, 2009.01.05.
"Luck vs. effort?" Consider the Evidence, 2008.12.21.
"Presidents and income inequality." Consider the Evidence, 2008.12.09.
"A new era of Democratic dominance?" Consider the Evidence, 2008.11.16.
"More on elections and fundamentals." Consider the Evidence, 2008.11.11.
"Elections, campaigns, and fundamentals." Consider the Evidence, 2008.11.03.
"Get elected. Do something good. Repeat." Consider the Evidence, 2008.10.22.
"Obama's antipoverty agenda." Consider the Evidence, 2008.09.24.
"Vote Republican if you want equal pay?" Consider the Evidence, 2008.09.13.
"Slow income growth for middle America." Consider the Evidence, 2008.09.03.
"Rising inequality hinders upward mobility." Consider the Evidence, 2008.07.27.
"Is the US a high-inequality country if mobility is taken into account?" Consider
the Evidence, 2008.07.20.
"Rising inequality has not been offset by mobility." Consider the Evidence,
"Can mobility offset an increase in inequality?" Consider the Evidence,
"Types of mobility." Consider the Evidence, 2008.07.04.
"Making ends meet on $300,000 a year." Consider the Evidence, 2008.06.24.
"Nixonland: one, two, or many Americas?" Review of Nixonland, by Rick Perlstein.
Consider the Evidence, 2008.06.17.
"Sweden: image and reality." Consider the Evidence, 2008.05.26.
"Inequality and prices." Consider the Evidence, 2008.05.20.
"Has Ireland's rising tide benefited its poor?" Consider the Evidence, 2008.05.18.
"Top incomes in the US and abroad." Consider the Evidence, 2008.05.11.
"The cost of rising inequality." Consider the Evidence, 2008.04.27.
"Tax progressivity and the rise in inequality." Consider the Evidence, 2008.04.20.
"Do people care about inequality?" Consider the Evidence, 2008.04.13.
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
"Why embrace economic change?" Consider the Evidence, 2008.04.06.
"Stigma's declining half-life?" Consider the Evidence, 2008.03.30.
"Bar tabs and tax cuts." Consider the Evidence, 2008.03.23.
"The best inequality graph." Consider the Evidence, 2008.03.09.
"Embrace economic change." Consider the Evidence, 2008.03.02.
"Promoting mobility." Consider the Evidence, 2008.02.24.
"Absolute poverty." Consider the Evidence, 2008.02.20.
"Is poverty highest in the US?" Consider the Evidence, 2008.02.19.
"The left, the right, and income growth." Consider the Evidence, 2008.02.17.
"Income inequality, spending inequality, wealth inequality." Consider the
Evidence, 2008.02.11.
"Taxes and inequality: lessons from abroad." Consider the Evidence, 2008.02.10.
"Bread, peace, and the 2008 election." Consider the Evidence, 2008.02.03.
Review of Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences, edited by James
Mahoney and Dietrich Rueschemeyer. Journal of Politics, January 2008.
"The new Laffer curve logic." Consider the Evidence, 2008.01.27.
"Size of the pie, distribution of the pie." Consider the Evidence, 2008.01.22.
"Taxes at the top." Consider the Evidence, 2008.01.14.
"The shrinking gender pay gap." Consider the Evidence, 2008.01.02.
"How the Democrats lost their class." Consider the Evidence, 2007.12.17.
"Households running out of wiggle room." Consider the Evidence, 2007.12.07.
"Does more equality mean less economic growth?" Consider the Evidence,
Review of Demanding Work: The Paradox of Job Quality in the Affluent Economy,
by Francis Green. Contemporary Sociology, September 2007.
"Is equality feasible?" Contexts, Summer 2007. Reprinted in The Contexts Reader,
2nd edition, edited by Douglas Hartmann and Christopher Uggen, W.W. Norton,
"Incarceration and inequality." Review of Punishment and Inequality in America,
by Bruce Western. Socio-Economic Review, July 2007.
Review of Inequality and Prosperity: Social Europe versus Liberal America, by
Jonas Pontusson. European Sociological Review, September 2006.
"Corporatism." International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology, 2005.
"The welfare state and the economy." With Velina Petrova and Alexander Hicks.
International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology, 2005.
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
"Is rising inequality due to a surge in incomes at the top?" Challenge, SeptemberOctober 2004.
Review of Advancing Socio-Economics: An Institutionalist Perspective, edited by J.
Rogers Hollingsworth, Karl H. Müller, and Ellen Jane Hollingsworth. Contemporary
Sociology, March 2004.
Review of National Labour Relations in Internationalized Markets, by Franz
Traxler, Sabine Blaschke, and Bernhard Kittel. Industrial and Labor Relations
Review, October 2002.
Review of Why Deregulate Labour Markets?, edited by Gøsta Esping-Andersen
and Marino Regini. American Journal of Sociology, November 2001.
"Cooperation and economic performance." Policy Options, October 1997.
Review of Restructuring for Innovation: The Remaking of the US Semiconductor
Industry, by David P. Angel. Contemporary Sociology, July 1996.
"What do we do now?" Peace Review, Spring 1992. Reprinted in Rethinking
Peace, edited by Robert Elias and Jennifer Turpin, Lynne Rienner, 1994.
University of Wisconsin, Department of Sociology, MA 1988, PhD 1993
Harvard University, BA 1986
University of California–San Diego, Professor of Sociology and Yankelovich Chair
in Social Thought, 2014–present
University of Arizona, Professor of Sociology and Political Science, 2007–2014
University of Arizona, Associate Professor of Sociology, 2004–2007
Emory University, Assistant to Associate Professor of Sociology, 2000–2004
East Carolina University, Assistant Professor of Sociology, 1995–2000
Rochester Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor of Sociology, 1994-95
Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies, University of Amsterdam, October 2010
Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE), London School of Economics and
Political Science, April-May 2006
European University Institute (EUI), Department of Political and Social Sciences,
Florence, Italy, October-November 2004
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
Juan March Institute, Center for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, Madrid,
March 2009
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG), Cologne, Germany, MayJune 2000, May-June 2001, February 2003
Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University, October 2003,
October 2010
"Challenges to Shared Prosperity"
Inequality, Politics, and Prosperity Conference, Institution for Social and Policy
Studies, Yale University, April 27, 2015
"America's Quest for Equality of Opportunity"
Yankelovich Lecture, University of California-San Diego, November 18, 2014
"Has Mobility Declined?"
American Sociological Association annual meeting, San Francisco, August
"In Search of a Decent and Rising Income Floor"
University of California-Riverside, January 15, 2015
"Is Income Inequality Harmful?"
North Jersey Public Policy Network, April 3, 2014
Center for Advanced Social Science Research, New York University, April 2,
Department of Sociology, Emory University, February 25, 2014
Department of Sociology, University of California-San Diego, February 13,
Political Economy Project, Dartmouth University, January 30, 2014
Harvard Club of Southern Arizona, January 16, 2014
Improving Poverty Reduction in Europe conference, Brussels, November 1415, 2013
New Directions for Research on the Effects of Inequality conference, Harvard
Kennedy School, October 12-13, 2013
The Next Centre-Left Century conference, Oxford University, July 2-3, 2012
Department of Sociology, Ohio State University, January 13, 2012
Successful Societies conference, Toronto, November 11, 2011
Clark Lecture, University of Kansas, September 26, 2011
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS) annual
meeting, Stockholm, June 2011
Department of Sociology, Indiana University, November 5, 2010
Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies, University of Amsterdam, October
7, 2010
Department of Sociology, University of Arizona, September 17, 2010
"What if Wage Stagnation is the New Normal?"
Fall Forum, School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto,
October 18, 2013
Progressive Governance: The Politics of Growth, Stability, and Reform
conference, Copenhagen, April 11-12, 2013
"Poverty Reduction: What Can Europe Learn from the US?"
Improving Poverty Reduction in Europe conference, Brussels, November 1415, 2013
"Social Democratic America"
Response to critics, "Author-Meets-Critics" panel, American Sociological
Association annual meeting, Chicago, August 2015
Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, April 16, 2014
Scholars Strategy Network, Minneapolis, April 15, 2014
Department of Sociology, University of California-Berkeley, January 28, 2013
University of Pennsylvania, November 10, 2012
School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto, September 17,
Department of Sociology, University of Arizona, February 17, 2012
Center for the Study of American Politics, Institution for Social and Policy
Studies, Yale University, February 15, 2012
Democrats of the Red Rocks, Sedona, AZ, December 15, 2011
"America's Struggling Lower Half"
Department of Sociology, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, October 20, 2012
Paris School of Economics, October 16, 2012
School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto, September 17,
Myths about Government panel, Roosevelt Institute, Washington, DC, June
21, 2012
Poverty and Inequality working group, Department of Sociology, UCLA, May
15, 2012
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
Inequality and Social Policy Program, Harvard Kennedy School, April 2, 2012
Rediscovering Government conference, Roosevelt Institute, New York, March
28, 2012
Rising Inequality in the 21st Century conference, University of Kentucky,
March 2, 2012
Work and Livable Lives conference, Washington University, St. Louis,
February 2012
Resolution Foundation, London, November 21, 2011
Economic and Social Inequalities: Causes, Implications, and Remedies, 14th
International Conference of the Giordano Dell'Amore Observatory, Milan,
October 2011
Department of Sociology, University of Kansas, September 27, 2011
Department of Sociology, University of Arizona, September 23, 2011
"Does the Good Society Need a High Wage Floor?"
New Socio-Economic Paradigm, New Social Policies conference, Korea Labor
Institute, Seoul, October 19, 2012
American Sociological Association annual meeting, Denver, August 2012
"Macrocomparative Analysis"
Cross-National Comparative Research workshop, University of CaliforniaIrvine, January 17, 2013
"Getting Taxes Right: What Does the Comparative Experience Tell Us?"
Tax Policy Colloquium, New York University School of Law, April 10, 2012
"Progress for the Poor"
Response to critics, "Author-Meets-Critics" panel, American Sociological
Association annual meeting, New York, August 2013
Institute for Public Policy Research and Resolution Foundation, London,
November 22, 2011
Summer Workshop on Institutions and the Welfare State, University of
Tampere, Finland, June 7, 2011
Harvard Law School Workshop on Law and Social Policy, April 20, 2011
Center for Welfare State Research, University of Southern Denmark, March
18, 2011
Politics and Society seminar, Collegio Carlo Alberto of Moncalieri, Turin, March
16, 2011
Graduate School in Economic, Social, and Political Sciences, University of
Milan, March 15, 2011
GINI Project conference, Milan, February 2011
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
Themester Lecture, Indiana University, November 5, 2010
Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University, October
12, 2010
American Political Science Association annual meeting, Washington, DC,
September 2010
Summer Workshop on Inequality and Social Change, University of
Manchester, June 16, 2010
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics annual meeting, Paris, July
Center for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, Juan March Institute,
Madrid, March 6, 2009
Department of Geography and Regional Development, University of Arizona,
January 23, 2009
Department of Sociology, University of Washington, January 21, 2009
Global Society and Justice workshop, University of Arizona, October 16, 2008
Inequality: Mechanisms, Effects, and Policies conference, University of Rome–
La Sapienza, September 2008
Wealth and Power in the Postindustrial Age workshop, UCLA, February 2008
Department of Sociology, University of Arizona, September 17, 2007
"Rising Inequality, Public Policy, and America's Poor"
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics annual meeting,
Philadelphia, June 2010
Tobin Project conference on "Understanding the Effects of America's
Economic Stratification," Beverly, MA, May 2010
GINI Project conference, London School of Economics and Political Science,
March 2010
"The Politics of Helping the Poor"
Conference on Inequality and the Middle Class: Lessons from the Luxembourg
Income Study, University of Luxembourg, June 2010
"How Do Economic Recessions Influence Public Opinion?"
Recession Task Force conference, Center for the Study of Poverty and
Inequality, Stanford University, February 2010
"Employment-Friendly Social Policy"
Korbel School for International Studies, University of Denver, April 10, 2009
Discussions, responses on Jobs with Equality
University of Amsterdam, October 7, 2010
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
Response to critics, "Author-Meets-Critics" panel, Society for the
Advancement of Socio-Economics annual meeting, Paris, July 2009
Graduate: Comparative Political Economy ⋅ Stratification ⋅ The Welfare State ⋅
Macrocomparative Methods ⋅ Quantitative Methods
Undergraduate: American Society ⋅ The Good Society ⋅ Social Inequality ⋅
Data Analysis
Affiliate or Associate
Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies ⋅ Scholars Strategy Network ⋅
Stanford Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality ⋅ Tobin Project
Coeditor, Socio-Economic Review, 2009–2012
Editorial Board, Juncture, 2011–present ⋅ Consulting Editor, Oxford Handbook of
the Welfare State, Oxford University Press, 2010 ⋅ Editorial Board, SocioEconomic Review, 2007–2009 ⋅ Consulting Editor, American Journal of Sociology,
Books: Cambridge University Press ⋅ Oxford University Press ⋅ Palgrave
Macmillan ⋅ Polity Press ⋅ Princeton University Press ⋅ Russell Sage Foundation
⋅ Stanford University Press ⋅ The Policy Press
Articles: Acta Sociologica ⋅ American Journal of Political Science ⋅ American
Journal of Sociology ⋅ American Political Science Review ⋅ American Sociological
Review ⋅ Asian Perspective ⋅ British Journal of Industrial Relations ⋅ British
Journal of Political Science ⋅ British Journal of Sociology ⋅ Comparative
European Politics ⋅ Comparative Political Studies ⋅ Comparative Politics ⋅
Contexts ⋅ European Journal of Industrial Relations ⋅ European Journal of
Political Research ⋅ European Review ⋅ European Sociological Review ⋅
Governance ⋅ International Journal of Comparative Sociology ⋅ International
Journal of Social Welfare ⋅ International Studies Quarterly ⋅ Journal of Applied
Social Psychology ⋅ Journal of Common Market Studies ⋅ Journal of Economic
History ⋅ Journal of European Public Policy ⋅ Journal of European Social Policy ⋅
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management ⋅ Journal of Politics ⋅ Journal of
Public Policy ⋅ Journal of Social Policy ⋅ Journal of Women, Politics, and Policy ⋅
Party Politics ⋅ Perspectives on Politics ⋅ Policy Studies Journal ⋅ Political
Research Quarterly ⋅ Political Studies ⋅ Polity ⋅ Public Administration ⋅ Race,
Gender, and Class ⋅ Research in Social Stratification and Mobility ⋅ Review of
International Political Economy ⋅ Scandinavian Political Studies ⋅ Social Forces ⋅
Social Politics ⋅ Social Problems ⋅ Social Science Quarterly ⋅ Socio-Economic
Lane Kenworthy CV, April 2015
Review ⋅ Sociological Forum ⋅ Sociological Quarterly ⋅ Teaching Sociology ⋅
West European Politics ⋅ World Politics
Grants and fellowships: Austrian Science Fund ⋅ Economic and Social Research
Council ⋅ Foundation for Scientific Research Belgium ⋅ MacArthur Fellows
Program ⋅ National Science Foundation – Economics Program, Information
Technology Research Program, Political Science Program, Sociology Program ⋅
Russell Sage Foundation ⋅ Research Foundation Flanders ⋅ Swiss National
Science Foundation
Professional Association Boards and Committees
Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS), Board of
Governors, 2011–present ⋅ Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics
(SASE), Executive Council, 2008–2014 ⋅ Luxembourg Income Study, Aldi J.M.
Hagenaars Memorial Award Selection Committee, 2007–2014 ⋅ American Political
Science Association, Comparative Politics section, Data Set Award Selection
Committee, 2005, 2009