Books Asia Centre For Enterprise 114-116 Manningham Lane Bradford BD8 7JF England Tel : +44 (0)1274 - 721871 Email : VAT Reg No : GB 177 7854 47 07 April 2015 Non-Fiction Titles Only Chinese (Simp) 07 April 2015 We endeavour to bring you the latest titles as soon as they are available in the Home Countries. Our Booklists are updated and published to our website weekly. The majority of libraries engage Books Asia on a Supplier Selection basis and provide us with Profiles, Budgets and Timescales. Titles can also be selected and ordered using these Booklists, specifying the Sequence Number and required Quantity. SEQ TITLE Titles Published in 2014 AUTHOR Genre TYPE - AGE - LANG - YOP ( 24 Titles ) 66133 Zhang ai ling gei wo de xin jian 张张玲张我的信件 £ Price Before Discounts Xia, Zhi Qing 夏志清 Literature NF A CHS 2014 £19.97 Zhang, Xiao Xian 张小张 Self-help NF A CHS 2014 £20.59 Feng, Tang 馮唐 Literature NF A CHS 2014 £20.10 Chou, Xiaoya 仇小丫 Self-help NF A CHS 2014 £20.59 An, Xin Ping 安馨平 Self-help NF A CHS 2014 £18.17 Takuji, Shirasawa 白泽卓二 Health and Fitness NF A CHS 2014 £21.15 Gao, Ying 高英 Self-help NF A CHS 2014 £22.15 Zhang, Ye 张张 Health and Fitness NF A CHS 2014 £24.14 Wei, Yang Self-help NF A CHS 2014 £22.15 Health and Fitness NF A CHS 2014 £19.07 A collection of letters from Eileen Chang (a famous writer) 66127 Na xie wei ni wu mian de ye wan 那些为你无眠的夜为 On conduct of life 66126 San shi liu da (36 biggies of life) 三十六大 Collection of essays on author's outlook on life 66119 Ni liao jie quan shi jie, bu bu liao jie wo (You know everything but me) 你了解全世界,却不了解我 Collection of motivational essays 64535 Zai sheng ming ju chang zhong xiu xing 在生命剧剧中修行 Personal growth guide for workplace effectiveness 64533 100 sui, bu chi dai 100岁,不痴呆 Ways to prevent Alzheimer's disease 64531 Zhi yao huo zhe, jiu mei you guo bu qu de kan 只要活着,就没有过不去的坎 Simple mantras to help you stay positive and happy 64527 Zhe yang chi jiu dui le 这这吃就这了 Top healthy and cheap foods 64525 Nv ren jiu shi yao you qi zhi 女人就是要有气质 微阳 Personality development tips for women 64523 Yun dong - yin shi - an mo zi wo tiao yang gao xue ya 运动+饮食+按摩 自我调调高血调 Gao, Zhi Xiong 高志雄 Ways to control high blood pressure without medication 07 April 2015 Page 1 of 6 SEQ TITLE 64521 Wo he wo de xiao huo ban men dou jing dai le 我和我的小伙伴们都惊呆了 AUTHOR Genre TYPE - AGE - LANG - YOP Ru Lai Shen Zhua 如来神爪 Humour NF A CHS 2014 £17.83 Liang, Gang 梁刚 Humour NF A CHS 2014 £14.22 Ru Lai Shen Zhua 如来神爪 Humour NF A CHS 2014 £17.83 Xu, Jin Xi 徐锦溪 Child Care NF A CHS 2014 £21.22 Ai Bei Mu Ying Yan Jiu Zhong Xin 艾贝母贝研究中心 Child Care NF A CHS 2014 £23.22 £ Chinese wit and humour 64519 Xiao chu ge ming tang 笑出个名堂 Witty jokes and puns 64517 Sheng huo ma, zui zhong yao 生活嘛,最重要的是开心 Witty humorous jokes 64515 Bao bei bu ku 宝贝不哭 Tips for calming your crying baby 64511 Ma ma ye shi you xi zhuan jia 妈妈也是游妈妈家 Games and activities for toddlers - learn simple games and activities to amuse, delight, and stimulate your baby 64509 Ma chu bu ru de di yi bu 迈出哺乳的第一步 Wang, Shu Fang 王淑芳 Child Care NF A CHS 2014 £20.60 Chen, Ling 陈玲 Biography NF A CHS 2014 £21.09 Breastfeeding - step-by-step guide 64507 De guo zong li mo ke er zhuan 德国总理默克尔总 Biography - Angela Merkel (is a German politician and a former research scientist, who has been the Chancellor of Germany since 2005 and the leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) since 2000) 64505 Piao Jinhui zhuan - Zai jue wang zhong xun zhao xi wang 朴槿惠总 Zheng, Wen Yang 郑文阳 Biography NF A CHS 2014 £24.14 Biography - Park Geun-hye (is the eleventh and current President of South Korea. She is the first woman to be elected as President in South Korea and is serving the 18th presidential term) 64503 He shi fu xi lie- jia chang cai 贺贺傅系列-家常菜 Food and Drink He, Peng Fei NF A CHS 2014 £14.36 贺贺贺 Home cooking recipes for all types of foods including meat, poultry, fruit, vegetables, seafood, herbs, spices and more 64501 Xiao hai xian 小海鲜 Guo, Tai Wang 郭泰王 Food and Drink NF A CHS 2014 £21.61 Gao, Rui Shan 高瑞珊 Food and Drink NF A CHS 2014 £15.52 Xi Ju Shi Jie Zai Zhi She 喜剧世界 Humour NF A CHS 2014 £21.15 Yang, Jiang 杨杨 Biography NF A CHS 2014 £19.21 Fish and seafood recipes 64499 Wu di jia yan 无敌家宴 Events and gathering recipes 64423 2013 Zhong Guo nian du you mo zuo pin 2013中国年度幽默作品 Selected jokes and satire 64415 Wo men sa 我们仨 Biographies - Qian Zhongshu (was a Chinese literary scholar and writer, known for his wit and erudition), Yang Jiang and Qian Yuan 64399 Xiao hua ke yi dang fan chi 笑话可以当话吃 Luo, Xiao Gang 罗小刚 Humour NF A CHS 2014 £19.91 Satire and jokes collection covering politics, sport, celebs and more Titles Published in 2013 07 April 2015 ( 9 Titles ) Price Before Discounts Page 2 of 6 SEQ TITLE 66130 Ji yao cheng gong, ye yao cheng ren 既要成功,也要成仁 : 潘石屹的八堂公开开 AUTHOR Genre TYPE - AGE - LANG - YOP Pan, Shi Yi 潘石屹 Self-help NF A CHS 2013 £22.52 Han, Han 韩寒 Biography NF A CHS 2013 £21.89 £ Steps to success in achieving goals - virtues for life 59121 Jiu zhe mo piao lai piao qu 就这这漂来漂去 Autobiography - Han Han (is a Chinese professional rally driver, best-selling author, singer, creator of Party, One (App magazine) and China's most popular blogger indeed, possibly the most popular blogger in the world) 59119 Shi jie shang de ling yi ge ni (Same kind of different as me) Hull, Ron 霍尔 Biography NF A CHS 2013 £15.95 世界上的另一个你 Memoirs - This is the emotional tale of Ron Hall and Denver Moore: a telling of pain and laughter, doubt and tears, dug out between the bondages of this earth and the free possibility of heaven 54447 Huang Di Nei Jing: xu wen bing liang dong dui hua si ji tiao shen 黄帝内经:徐文兵、梁冬这话《四气调神》 Xue, Wen Bing 徐文兵 Health and Fitness NF A CHS 2013 £24.44 Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon (Huang Di Nei Jing) - ancient Chinese medical text (the fundamental doctrinal source for Chinese medicine for more than two millennia) 54419 Dong ye gui wu de zui hou zhi yi (Tabun saigo no goaisatsu) Higashino, Keigo 东野圭吾 Biography NF A CHS 2013 £17.30 Mendez, Antonio J. 门德门 History NF A CHS 2013 £16.50 东野圭吾的最后致意 Autobiography - Higashino Keigo 54068 Tao li deheilan (Argo: how the CIA and Hollywood pulled off the most audacious rescue in history) 逃離德黑蘭 The true, declassified account of CIA operative Tony Mendez's daring rescue of American hostages from Iran (Iranian hostage crisis of 1979-1981) 52442 Jing xuan jia yan cai pu 精选家宴菜选 Gao Jie 高杰 Food and Drink NF A CHS 2013 £18.40 Fenghuang Shupin 凤凰凤品凤 History NF A CHS 2013 £16.90 Literature NF A CHS 2013 £15.40 Classic family meals recipes 52139 Tai Wan wang shi 台湾往事 : 口述・历史 Timeline of Taiwanese history and important historical figures 52135 Dai Wang Shu de shi 戴望舒的诗 Dai, Wang Shu 戴望舒 Dai Wang Shu's poetry Titles Published in 2012 54450 She jian shang de shi jie 舌尖上的世界 ( 60 Titles ) Price Before Discounts Pan, Bao Ning 潘保宁 Food and Drink NF A CHS 2012 £21.50 Yang, Hong 杨杨 Food and Drink NF A CHS 2012 £18.38 Guo, Jing Ming 郭敬明 Short Stories NF J CHS 2012 £20.40 Xiao Peng 小贺 Travel and Tourism NF A CHS 2012 £16.50 World cuisine recipes 54446 Mei ren yang yan shou shen liang tang 美人调养瘦身养养 Slimming soup recipes collection 54073 Chi mei wang liang 魑魅魍魉 Teen prose and short stories 54056 Wo men wei shen me lu xing 我们为什这旅行 Author's travelogue - covering various places of the world 07 April 2015 Page 3 of 6 SEQ TITLE 54049 Wo shi Ma zheng wei (I am Stephon Marbury - read my true story then judge me) AUTHOR Genre TYPE - AGE - LANG - YOP Marbury, Stephon 斯蒂芬 马布里 Biography NF A CHS 2012 £20.40 Zhang, Shu Yu 张恕玉 Food and Drink NF A CHS 2012 £19.50 Du, Mu Zhou Literature NF A CHS 2012 £13.90 Xia, Jin Long Food and Drink NF A CHS 2012 £14.50 2012 £15.40 £ 我是马政委 Autobiography - Stephon Marbury 54029 Jiu ai zhe kou xian 就张这口鲜 Chinese seafood recipes collection 53584 Wo yi piao ling jiu Youth prose 52443 Qi tian xue hui jia chang tang bao (Learn cooking in seven days) A beginners guide to cooking - photo instructions, cooking techniques, recipes and other tips on cooking Chinese food 52439 Zheng neng liang (Rip it up) Wiseman, Richard Self-help NF A CHS Psychologist Richard Wiseman presents a radical new insight into your body and brain. Wiseman shows how simple idea can be used to increase motivation, overcome depression, lose weight, stop smoking and even slow ageing 52438 Wei sheng ming zhao dao li Lin, Huo Wang Self-help NF A CHS 2012 £14.50 Wang, Wei Health and Fitness NF A CHS 2012 £11.50 Li, Shu Ye Health and Fitness NF A CHS 2012 £13.00 What philosophy tells us about the happiness and how to be happy 52193 30 Tian cong ya jian kang dao jian kang Health encyclopedia 52185 Ba jian kang zou chu lai Fitness walking - walking tips, benefits and weight loss, techniques, facts and more 52184 Gao xue ya kan zhe ben jiu gou le Chen, Gang Health and Fitness NF A CHS 2012 £13.47 Shi, Ren Chao Child Care NF A CHS 2012 £13.50 Hypertension - causes, symptoms and treatments 52183 Bao bao xu yao ni de fu chu Demonstrates techniques to use in massaging babies and explains how massage can help their physical and emotional development 52182 Bao bao jia ting hu li zhi dao Jiang, Xiu Fang Child Care NF A CHS 2012 £13.47 Dong, Guo Cheng Food and Drink NF A CHS 2012 £13.00 Ci, Shu Ping Health and Fitness NF A CHS 2012 £13.00 Liang, Zheng Chao Food and Drink NF A CHS 2012 £13.00 Shu, Ting Literature NF A CHS 2012 £14.50 Xiwen Tushu Health and Fitness NF A CHS 2012 £15.40 Zhang, Xiaohong Child Care NF A CHS 2012 £15.50 Xiong, Peiyun Politics and Govern NF A CHS 2012 £18.00 Chang, Hong History NF J CHS 2012 £15.40 Jin, Bo Poetry NF J CHS 2012 £11.50 Zhao, Xuefeng History NF J CHS 2012 £11.40 Liu, Jiahui Science NF J CHS 2012 £16.42 Yu, Dafu Literature NF J CHS 2012 £11.00 Parenting tips and Information on baby care - guide for first-time parents 52181 Shi shang xin chu fang: jia chang mei shi yi ben quan Quick and easy family recipes 52180 Yang wei shi liao zhuan jia tan Chinese Dietotherapy for common Gastrointestinal ailments 52179 Di dao xiao chi: Cheng Du xiao chi Chinese regional cooking - Chengdu snack recipes 52177 Shu Ting Shi Shu Ting's poems collection 52137 Xue zhi gao le zen me chi? Hyperlipidemia - therapeutic diet plans (recipes), tips and advice 52136 Mang ma ma de yu er jing Parenting tips and advice for busy moms 52130 Si xiang guo: la republique des esprits Political essays on current affairs of China and European countries 52125 Xie gei qing shao nian de mei xue gu shi History of ancient Aesthetics 52124 Qing ting cheng zhang de meng Poetry prose 52121 Zhong guo li shi gu shi Myths and tales of the heroes, gods and warriors of ancient China 52120 Kong long chuan qi Dinosaur encyclopedia for kids 52119 Gu du de qiu Chinese prose 07 April 2015 Page 4 of 6 SEQ TITLE 52115 Wo zhi bao bao xin AUTHOR Genre TYPE - AGE - LANG - YOP Jiang Hui Child Care NF A CHS 2012 £13.50 Yue, Rensong Health and Fitness NF A CHS 2012 £14.00 Health and Fitness NF A CHS 2012 £13.00 Self-help NF J CHS 2012 £12.50 Self-help NF J CHS 2012 £10.40 £ Childrearing questions and answers, advice and tips 52114 Gei gao xue ya bing ren de zhong gao Hypertension - causes, symptoms, prevention and treatments 52113 Tu jie chang jian bing zi wo dian xue liao fa Yang, Shuwen Common Acupressure points - guide to self-care for common ailments 52108 Xiang da ren wu kan qi: zuo zui hao de zi ji Zhao, Yi Inspirational success stories of celebrities to inspire children 52107 Wo dong an quan zi jiu (includes CD) Cui, Zhonglei Child safety educational guide - designed to prevent outdoor accidents with small children. Car seat safety, pedestrian safety, playground safety, safety on bicycles are all covered 52100 Hui bian mo shu de xiao yu dian Jin, Bo Poetry NF J CHS 2012 £13.57 Xiwen Tushu Food and Drink NF A CHS 2012 £15.40 Zhang, Limin Poetry NF J CHS 2012 £10.00 Lin, Dan Biography NF A CHS 2012 £18.00 Poetry prose 52097 Feng wei xiao chi 8000 li (includes CD) Snack recipes collections 52066 Qian jia shi Poems for kids 52065 Zhi dao shi jie jin tou Autobiography - Lin Dan (professional badminton player from China. He is a two-time Olympic champion, four-time world champion, and five-time All England champion. Widely considered to be the greatest badminton player of all time) 52064 Zuo ge dong shi de nu hai Yang, Jingjing Education NF J CHS 2012 £15.90 Shuxiang Tongnian Philosophy NF J CHS 2012 £12.50 Words of wisdom for growing up girls 52063 Lun yu gu shi Analects of Confucius - discusses what Confucianism is, the life, times, and teachings of Confucius, and the spread and practice of Confucianism in modern times 52059 Po xiao Fu, Fangzhao Literature NF A CHS 2012 £16.50 Zhuang, Pingping Biography NF A CHS 2012 £13.00 Chinese poetry 52057 Fan zhuan ming yun: Lin Shu Hao Biography - Lin Shu Hao (Jeremy Shu-How Lin - American professional basketball player for the Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association) 52056 Xi La Li Quan Zhuan (Hillary Clinton) Ouyang, Zhuli Biography NF A CHS 2012 £16.50 Biography - Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (the 67th United States Secretary of State, serving in the administration of President Barack Obama) 52055 Chang she nan Jia, Pingwa Literature NF A CHS 2012 £15.25 Lvdou Travel and Tourism NF A CHS 2012 £14.50 Gao, Chen Biography NF A CHS 2012 £16.50 Satirical social essays 52054 He zui ai de ren qu lv xing Travelogue - covering various places of the world 52053 Zeng Guo Fan de fen dou Biography - Zeng Guofan (eminent Han Chinese official, military general, and devout Confucian scholar of the late Qing Dynasty in China) 52052 Yu er bi zhi de 1000 ge xi jie quan shu Song, Yaqiong Child Care NF A CHS 2012 £15.40 Meng, Qinghua Health and Fitness NF A CHS 2012 £16.50 PP Dianxia Travel Guides NF A CHS 2012 £17.90 Parenting Bible - 1000 parenting tips 52051 Shi liao zhi gan bing Nutritional therapy in hepatopathy 52050 Xia yi zhan, Shang Hai Shanghai travel information - tours, maps, tourist attractions, holiday hotels, weather, pictures, dining, shopping, nightlife and much more 52042 Ban sui hai zi cheng zhang de cheng yu gu shi Mo, Ren Customs and Folklo NF J CHS 2012 £15.40 Cong, Rong Literature NF A CHS 2012 £15.50 Yao, Xiao Child Care NF A CHS 2012 £11.47 NF A CHS 2012 £15.40 NF A CHS 2012 £15.40 Fables and Idioms 52032 Yin mi de lian hua Chinese poetry 52031 Xiao er tui na tu jie Chinese Pediatric Massage Therapy - parent's guide to the treatment and prevention of childhood disease 52030 Yu er qi zhi yi ben jiu gou Qian, Meiying Child Care Child care encyclopedia - a comprehensive resource on child care for youngsters from infancy to age 3 52029 Chuan cai wang Chen, Zhitian Food and Drink Chinese regional cooking - Szechuan cuisine 07 April 2015 Page 5 of 6 SEQ TITLE 52028 Xiang cai wang AUTHOR Genre TYPE - AGE - LANG - YOP Chen, Zhitian Food and Drink NF A CHS 2012 £15.40 Wang, Nannan Food and Drink NF A CHS 2012 £15.00 Leng, Rui Literature NF A CHS 2012 £18.50 Li, Guang Food and Drink NF A CHS 2012 £13.00 Chen, Zhitian Food and Drink NF A CHS 2012 £16.75 Zheng, Yongze Child Care NF A CHS 2012 £14.00 Child Care NF A CHS 2012 £17.00 Poetry NF J CHS 2012 £15.00 £ Chinese regional cooking - Hunan cuisine 52027 Pin wei she jian shang de zhong guo (A taste of China) Explore the recipes, tips and techniques of Chinese cuisine 52026 Hu shang wei yue Chinese poetry 52005 Di dao xiao chi: Beijing xiao chi Cookbook - Beijing cuisine 52004 Lao huo tang 6000 li 6000 Double stewed soup recipes collection 52003 Ying you er jian kang hong lv deng Information and advice on children's health and parenting issues 52002 Xing fu ma ma yu er bai ke Liu, Jingwen Mother's encyclopedia - expert advice on child rearing 52000 Xin bian mi yu 365 Sheng, Ye 365 Rhymes, riddles, poems and limericks Total titles 07 April 2015 93 Our Titles are sourced internationally. Due to fluctuations in exchange and freight rates, prices are subject to change without notice. Page 6 of 6
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