Advertisment Professor and Associate Professor, ' 1. Government Medical College, Medical Education and Drugs I)epartment, Government of Maharshtra, Group -A Advertisement No.: 0l/2015 Government of Maharashtra as per Government Resolution No.LEC-I414lC.R.l58A/aiseva-03, Medical Education and Drugs Department, l;{urnbai Date -15 July,. 2014 has decided to fill the posts of professcr and Associate Professor (Group-A) under the establishment of Medical Education and Drugs Mantralaya, Mumbai by constituting Selection Board (GrouFA) Department, . In accordance to the said Government Resolution online applications are invited for following regular posts of Professor and Associate professor, Go.rernment Medical College, under the establishment of Medical Education and Drugs Deparfrnent, Government of Maha;ashtra. The candidate fulfilling terms and conditions can apply. 2. Posts to be filled: Professor: Forensic Medicine Ear, Nose and Throat Backlog post Associate Professor: Sr. No. I 2. 3. Subject Anatomy Physiology Biochemistry Total Post Reserved Unreserved 8 I PWI) l0 PWD SC 4 I sr i;^1 I [\' NT-2 NT.3 (c) (D) OBC 2 sports person 5 2 I sports person 9 ) PWD 2 women 3* I women l+ l* l'l I 2+l* SBC 4. 2 5 Forensic Medicine PWD women 2 women Pharmacology I 9 6. 7. Surgery I Obstetrics and Gynaecolosy PWD 1 PWD t4 8. Paediatrics 9. Psychiatry 10. Anesthesia tl TB and Chest PWD I seorts per.sjln_*[_ 2 ---_T rA* 2wonien ilwomer 6 I sports person .| t ii PWD 2 - I ) 7 5. ____j___ 2 ,, I t a;;;;';;--" -l 8 2 PWD I t2. Neurosurgery * Backlog post PWD - Person With Disability 2.1 Number of posts declared and reservation mr+ vary as per notice of the Medical Education and Drugs Department, Government of' Maharashtra. 2.2 VJ(A), NT-l(B), N1'-2(C), NI'-:{{D) Posts are inter convertible and if suitable candidates from VJ(A) is not available, same pi,sis can be iilieci amongst suitable meritorious candidates from NT1, 2.3 NT-2, NT-3 as per provisinns of inter couvertioility as per reievant Government Regulations. Even if no post is declared uricier reservaiion fbr Person rvith Disability (PWD), in any particular with l1 blinciness or iorv vision 2) locomotors disability or cerebral palsy are also eligible to apply firr the above rnentioned posts as per Government Resolution subject persons No.MES/12021(81)vaiseva-1, Dated 19 August, 2005 and Government Resolution No. Court Order/2009 tP .K.09 lsudhar-3, Dated I 3 August, 2009. 3. Pay scale: Professor - Rs.3?4t)0-6?000/'^ ilnci Cr'acie Pa,r' [{s.l(i(-l00i- * other allowances. Associate Professor - Rs.37400-67000r- anel [iiar"icr Pay lts.9t)0fli- i- other allowances. 4. Eligibilitv: 4.1 Candidate should be Indian National. 4.2 For Professor - Age shouitl noi and should not be rrlore thali 5i For Associate Prot"essor - Age Lre rnore than 5U years till I April,2015 for unreserved candidates years lbr reserveci categorv candidates. shoulci not he rnrrre than 45 ycars till I April, 2015 for unreserved candidates and should not be ruore than 55 ycars fbt'reserved categor,v candidates. 4.3 Upper age limit for candidates who are already irr regular service of Government of Maharashtra is relaxed up to 55 years for the post of Prol'essor'and Associate Profbssor. 4.4 As per Government rules, relaxation of age as per 4.3 is applicable to candidates of Exserviceman, Person with disability and sports persons category only. 4.5 Educational Qualification for Post of Professor and Associate Professor-Details 4.6 will be made available on due course oftime. Experience: A) Professor: - Candidate must possess experience of teaching as Associate Professor in the subject concerned for at least 3 years in broad specialities subject or super specialities subject in the medical college or teaching institution recognized by Medical Council of India. B) Associate Professor:- Candidate must possess experience of teaching as Assistant Professor in the subject concerned for at least 4 years in the recognized Medical College or Teaching Institution for broad specialties(MDA4s) and for D.N.B. candidate must possess experience of 5 years in the concemed subject. In super specialty subject, candidate must possess experience of teaching as Assistant Professor in the subject concerned for at least 2 years in the recognized Medical College or teaching institution for super specialties (DI,I/MCh) candidate and for D.N.B. candidate must possess experience iil'3 years in concerned subject. 5. The recommended educational qualification and experience mentioned in the advertisement is minimum recommended qualification and experience. This may not make candidate eligible for interview. of candidates is more than required and if it is not possible to conduct interviews of all such If number candidates, then instead of minimum educational qualification and experience, a higher qualificatiorl Experience can be set as benchmark in order to reduce the number of candidates to be called for the interview. The said advertisement contains generalized details of selection process. Atl candidates are directed to see details pertaining to filling of application, required educational qualification, reservation, age limit, application form fees on the website Information and advertisement given on the website is to be treated as authentic. 6. Duty and Responsibility: Detail of duties and responsibilities are available 7. Fees:- l) Unreserved - Rs.6l5/- (Plus 2) 8. Reserved Bank Charges Rs.60) - Rs.4l5l- (Plus Bank Charges Rs.60) Procedure for filling application form and general instructions: 8.1 The application form can be submitted by online procedure only. The application form submiued by other mode will not be accepted. 8.2 The eligible candidate must frll online (web-based) form through website from 9 Muy,2015 to 28May,2015. Last date for submission of application form will be 28 M.y, 2015 till 7.00 pm. 8.3 The detailed procedure for filling up online form is available on website of www.mahaonline. 8.4 The candidate branch) till will have to fill application tbrm anci pay the fee through challan in SBI Bank (any 30 May, 2015. Fees will not be accepted after specified date and there will be no refund of fees in any case. 8.5 List of candidates who have deposited fees within spccified period will be published on on in due Course 2015. Inclusion of name in this list does not indicates that the listed candidale is eligible tbr interview. 8.6 The detailed program of inteiview rvill be published on www.mahaonline.sov.i[ Candidate 8.7 will not The candidate be infbrmed about interview dare by any postal communication. wiil have to appear for interview on specitied date, time and place on his / her own expenditure. 8.8 Candidate should possess all requisite original documents and trvo sets of photocopies of the same at the time of the interview. Candiclates unable to produce original documents will not be permitted to appear for interview. 8.9 Candidates claiming for reservation should prociuce necessary original Caste Certificate, Caste Validity Certificate and Non-Cream-v layer Certificate if applicable. Non-Creamy layer Cerlifrcate is mandatory for Women Reservation. 8.10 Candidate should possess photo iclentity card tike Adhar Cafi/ Driving License or equivalent for identification purpose. Governnlent Employee can also produce Government ID. 8.1r Candidate should not possess mobile or any otirer eiectronic device at the time of interview. 8.12 Candidate found submitteci an,r' ialse or wrong intbmration will be disqualified at any stage of selection process. Place: Mumbai Date : .I..F.P.ur'.t Jll Member Secrctary-S,election Board Medical Education and Drugs Department, 5 Mantralayar Mumbai.
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