Broomall’s Lake Country Club 2015 Broomall’s Lake Country Club Vinnie’s Place at Broomall’s Lake Coming Soon Menu Suggestions Welcomed! Vinnie’s Place Media PA, 19063 Broomall’s Lake Country Club Greetings Members: A hearty welcome to the returning members and any new members to the 2015 season. We have lots of new, interactive ideas for members young and old during the upcoming summer months. Here’s hoping the weather cooperates! We’ve had a lot of positive feedback regarding the social offerings we had in 2014. Stay tuned for announcements on our 2015 social calendar. As some of you may be aware, BLCC is launching our new, improved website for 2015. We will have events, swim team schedules and results, daily calendar and more available on the website. Contact us via the website if there is anything you feel would be helpful or of interest. It is unfortunate that this bears mentioning, but the front gate and YMCA management will have increased vigilance in keeping unauthorized persons from entering the pool area via back woods and trails. We will be fencing in the areas behind the snack bar due to repeated offenders ‘skipping the gate’ and entering unlawfully. Anyone promoting or participating in unlawful entry to the pool will be stripped of membership without refund. Please help keep our club operating in the best interest of ALL members. Guest passes will still be available at the front entrance. We’d like to give a warm BLCC welcome to Vinnie’s Place as our new snack bar caterer. They have some new ideas regarding tasty and healthy options they will bring to the table, rest assured we’ve heard your ‘water ice’ concerns! Thanks to all our loyal members who volunteer with the swim team and help to keep up the maintenance of the club. Remember this is your club and we all need to pitch in to keep it clean and safe for use of members and guests. Here’s to a great 2015 season and SEE YOU AT THE POOL! Warmest wishes, Henry Barusevicius Jr. BLCC President 1 Broomall’s Lake Country Club Dear BLCC Member: If you have any additional questions before pool opening, please feel free to call our Help-Line. OR, visit our website at: Help-Line Number is 610-626-9500. A club representative from PAI Swim Club Services Division will be available to answer your questions 9:00 am - 4:30 pm weekdays. After hours, please leave a detailed message: 1. Please state that you are a member of Broomall’s Lake Country Club. 2. Your family name and member #, if available 3. Phone number you can be reached at and the best time for a return call. We will do our best to accommodate you. You can be assured that your message will be answered in a timely manner. Information Included: • Welcome Letter from President • Summary Sheet/Hours of Operation/Member Considerations • Guest Pass Information • Rules and Regulations • Application Form • Calendar • Crafts/Aqua Jogging • Tennis Info • Dolphin Swim Team Info. • Swim Testing Procedures • Water Quality Procedures • Swim Lessons Membership cards will be mailed to those families who are paid in full. If you do not receive your membership cards by May 1st, and have paid in full, please contact our HELP-LINE: PAI Swim Club Services Division at 610-626-9500. Also, if you choose not to swim this season, please contact PAI with your intentions. There are other families eager to join. Please be sure to read all information. We welcome any suggestions. Feel free to send your suggestions to BLCC, c/o PAI Swim Club Services Division, P.O. Box 36, Lansdowne, PA 19050. 2 Broomall’s Lake Country Club POOL OPENS: Saturday, May 23rd - Memorial Day weekend. Refer to calendar for time and dates of pool operations and hours. POOL CLOSING: At discretion of Director of Pools. During rainy weather or cold days, call pool office at 610-566-1349 or visit website. GUEST ADMISSION: $20.00 (3 admissions limited per season per person) MEMBERSHIP: You can reach PAI (Live helpful people) Monday through Friday 9.00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 610-626-9500. After these hours, call 610-626-9500 ext.15 to reach their Swim Club Helpline. Listen to prompt and leave a detailed message. SPECIAL DAYS: All special days are $12.00 per guest. • Buddy Days • Ladies Days • Men’s Days • Family Days • Teen Days CRAFTS: Theresa Phillips and Mary Campbell. Every Tuesday and Thursday 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ADULT AND JUNIOR TENNIS CLINICS INSTRUCTION: Contact Tennis Professional, Dan Sears at 610-565-7576. See Tennis Program (page 17) for more information. SWIM LESSONS: See Swim Lessons (page 21) for more information. WATER EXERCISE, AQUA JOGGING: For information Contact Bertie Sproul at 610-361-8552. See Aqua Jogging (page 19) for more information. Schedule also posted on Bulletin Board for dates Monday & Wednesday – Time 11:30 -12:30 FREE. LAP SWIMMING: Anytime during pool hours in special lanes. REGISTER YOUR NAME & PHONE NUMBER AT THE OFFICE SO YOU CAN BE CONTACTED IF POOL IS CLOSED. GOLF: Miniature Golf Putting Course open May 1-November 1 (weather permitting). Refer to sign on course for rules. SPECIAL EVENT SOCIALS AND BARBECUES: See bulletin board for details. SWIM TEAM CHAIRPERSONS: Marianne Linton and Paige Loper Contact via EMAIL: ( and ( BIRTHDAY PARTIES: Contact the Pool Office for party reservations 610-566-1349. SUGGESTIONS OR COMMENTS: Suggestions or comments are welcomed. Please submit comments in writing to: BLCC, c/o PAI Swim Club Services Division, P.O. Box 36, Lansdowne, PA 19050. 3 Broomall’s Lake Country Club 2015 Guest Passes Not Transferrable • No Future Use In Following Year Guests are not permitted to participate in Swim Team, Aqua Jogging classes, BLCC Championship Events. Guests have full use of all other BLCC Facilities including Special Tournament Events during swim year. Member must accompany guests unless special arrangements have been approved with Director of Facilities. Daily Guest Rates at $20 Per Guest PASSES are good for 10 admissions! (Limited to 3 admissions per same guest per season.) Member Special Considerations A. MILITARY, SINGLE: Can be carried as a dues free member on a family membership as long as single and in the service. Must be carried on family membership to qualify for special consideration. Age limitation 30 years. Must apply within the first year after discharge for membership and be approved by the Board of Directors to qualify for special consideration. INITIATION FEENONE. Dues in accordance with current policies. B. MILITARY, MARRIED: Must apply for membership within the first year of marriage and be approved by the Board of Directors. INITIATION FEENONE, for spouse if non-member. Dues in accordance with current policies. 4 Broomall’s Lake Country Club C. INDIVIDUAL: Individuals becoming 21 years of age on or before June 1st are exempt from family membership and must apply for separate membership within one year after birthday to qualify for special consideration. The Board of Directors must approve membership. INITIATION FEE-NONE. Dues of accordance with current policies. D. STUDENT EXCEPTION: May be included under family membership if unmarried and engaged in a full time program of education and if such person is a dependent, as defined by Internal Revenue Service, and is so claimed on the Federal Income Tax return (of the applicable year) by his or her parents or guardians. If a question arises, proof must be supplied. E. MARRIED CHILDREN: Family members’ children who apply for membership within first year of marriage and are approved by the Board of Directors. INITIATION FEE-NONE. Dues in accordance with current policies. (Applies only to children who have been carried continuously on family membership.) F. DIVORCE: Husband and wife are eligible for separate membership. INITIATION FEE-NONE. SENIORS -70 and over who find it a HARDSHIP to pay full dues have the following options: (A) One half dues with unlimited use of facilities or (B) Pay 1/2 guest fee or use guest pass for personal admission. Note: An individual may continue to be included under the family membership for physical or medical reasons that such person cannot be employed and is a dependent as in Paragraph “D”. Anyone, regardless of age, who was a member and dropped his or her membership must pay full initiation fee if reinstated by Board of Directors. In order to be eligible for Special Consideration, children must be continuously carried as a member. Anyone dropping children from family membership automatically terminates their eligibility for Special Consideration. Mothers/Fathers Helpers: For use only when helping members with children at the pool. Helper can only visit pool when helping with members’ children, not for personal use of helper. Member may have one Mothers’/Father helper per family membership. If a situation would require additional helpers call PAI Helpline at 610-626-9500. Helper must be as least 18 years of age. These privileges are made only for those families who have more than one child (who can not swim) and/or need help in watching their children. Also, for working members who cannot be present and give the responsibility to Mother/Father Helper. All other individuals must join if they do not meet the above criteria for Mother’s/Father’s helper. Fee for Helpers is the same as a child. Non-Resident: A member may transfer to a Non Resident membership (at a small annual fee per year) if they are 60 miles or more from Media. Non Residents can use the pool 3 times a year. Non Resident Membership can be reinstated as Resident Member: Initiation Fee-None. 5 Broomall’s Lake Country Club Rules and Regulations General: The following rules and regulations are for the protection and benefit of all to assure safe and sanitary operation of the pool and other facilities of the Broomall’s Lake Country Club. Your cooperation in abiding by these conditions will afford pleasure and recreation for all concerned. Parents are requested to caution their children to observe all rules and regulations and obey instructions of all employees. Violation of rules and regulations will subject member to dismissal from club without reimbursement of initiation fee or dues at discretion of Board of Directors. The facilities will be in the charge of a Broomall’s Manager and their assistants, who will be under direct supervision of the Board of Directors. All persons using the Broomall’s Lake Country Club facilities do so at their own risk and sole responsibility. The Broomall’s Lake Country Club or its employees do not assume responsibility for any accident or injury in connection with such use or as members of the swim team. The use of the facilities is restricted to members and authorized guests only. Members are responsible for the conduct and compliance with rules and regulations by all members of the household and authorized guests. Privileges will be withdrawn without reimbursement for any infractions, abuse, or fraudulent admission. Parents or Mother/Father Helpers/Childcare are responsible for watching children on BLCC property and children who cannot swim in any BLCC facilities. The cost of any property damage will be charged to the responsible member. Broomall’s Lake Country Club and the Management will not be responsible for loss or damage to any personal property. Admission: Members will register with the receptionist. All persons using the facilities will be required to turn in their membership card before admittance. Cards are to be picked up when leaving the pool. 6 Broomall’s Lake Country Club Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult member (18 years of age or older) or Mother/Father helpers / CHILDCARE. Guests: The guest policy of the Broomall’s Lake Country Club is established to: 1. Avoid any possibility of overcrowding facilities so that all members will be able to enjoy the facilities. 2. Safeguard everyone using facilities and to protect club property. 3. Avoid any possibility of adding to health and sanitation problems. Members will be permitted to bring guests in accordance with the following rules. Family and individual memberships: (18 years and older) are limited to the following guest restrictions unless approved by the manager: Any member that wishes to bring 6 or more guests at one time must first call the Broomall’s Manager and receive approval. The club has the right to refuse admission to guests when it is in the best interest of the club. A guest of a family or individual membership is limited to three admissions per season, unless granted special permission from the board of directors. Members are responsible for their guest complying with club rules and regulations. All guests must be accompanied by an adult member and registered whether or not they swim. Special cases of admitting guests should be referred to the Broomall’s Manager. Hours of Operation: Hours of operation will be posted at the pool site. The pool may be closed at any time due to either breakdown, or other operational difficulties or inclement weather at the discretion of the pool management. Pool Regulations: Children are not permitted in the “Big” pool if they are non-toilet trained or wearing any type of diaper. Children wearing diapers in the “Baby” pool, must also wear vinyl protective pants even when wearing leak proof diapers. 7 Broomall’s Lake Country Club Children using the baby pool are the responsibility of their parents. Life preservers, small inner tubes, water wings or play equipment may be used in the main pool, only if approved by Pool Manager. Children using these devices must be accompanied by an adult. (This does not include instructional devices used in conjunction with training under the direction of qualified pool attendant.) Water Wings are not recommended. Children 12 years of age or under will not be permitted in the main pool unless such children have passed the swim test and wear their swim bracelet. The following are the descriptions of the swim tests: Green Bracelet - Children who pass the deep end test will wear a green wristband and may swim in either the shallow or deep end of the pool and may use the slide or diving board. Orange Bracelet - Children who pass the shallow end swim test, but do not pass the deep end swim test will wear an orange wristband and may swim in the shallow end of the pool and may also use the slide. Red Bracelet - Children who cannot pass either swim test must wear a red wristband, an approved flotation device (lifejacket for instructional device) and must have a parent in the water with them. Children with red bands are restricted to the shallow end of the pool and may not use the slide. If a child is working one on one with a parent for the purpose of instruction the flotation device may be removed, however the parent must stay within arms reach. **All children 6 and under must have a parent in the main pool with them regardless of swimming ability. ** To help prevent shallow water blackout, prolonged under water breath holding or swimming is not permitted. Diving Board and Slide Regulations: Only one person may be on the diving board at a time. No diving or jumping toward the wall of the pool will be permitted. Patrons are ONLY allowed to jump straight out. In the interest of the majority, and at the sole discretion of the Pool Manager, the diving boards may be closed. Patrons are allowed only ONE bounce on the diving board. When exiting the pool after diving, use the nearest ladder. Diving is permitted only in designated areas. 8 Broomall’s Lake Country Club Only one person may be on the slide at a time. Individuals must go feet first down the slide and they need to be out of the pool before the next person gets to the top of the slide. Individuals are to wait at the bottom of stairs before approaching the slide. Broomall Ground Regulations: 1. All guests must be accompanied by a member and register whether or not they swim. 2. Any person using this facility does so at his or her own risk. 3. No person shall use the pool unless the pool is open and a guard is on duty. 4. No pets are allowed. 5. Running, pushing, wrestling, ball playing, or causing undue disturbance in and around the pool area will not be permitted. 6. Individuals may be barred from the pool and pool area, at the discretion of the Pool Manager in charge, for violation of rules and regulations, or for any other reason which in pool managers judgment constitutes a hazard to others or to the club 7. The pool managers/YMCA lifeguards are responsible for the strict enforcement of the rules. They have authorization to temporarily deprive any member or guest of the use of the facility. A written statement is to be filed with the board of directors with 24 hours if such action is taken and further action will be at the discretion of the board of directors. 8. Reservation’s for Pool parties (such as birthday) can be arranged at the front gate. The pool manager must approve the date. Parties must be scheduled 3 weeks prior to the event. Only two parties will be allowed on the same day. The total between the two parties cannot exceed more than 30 persons. NO PARTIES ON HOLIDAY WEEKENDS. Food Regulations: 1. All beverages, food or refreshments served, purchased or brought into the Club must be in paper containers (no glass) and consumed on the patio area. No food may be stored in locker rooms or other areas of the building. No food or beverages may be taken into or consumed in the pool area. 9 Broomall’s Lake Country Club 2. No cooking on the grounds will be permitted by members or guests. 3. Trash and refuse must be placed in receptacles provided. 4. No Alcohol is permitted. Hygiene Regulations: 1. Admission to the pool will be refused to all persons having infectious disease, sore or inflamed eyes, cold, nasal or ear discharges, or communicable disease of any kind. Persons with excessive sunburn, open sores, or bandages of any kind will not be permitted in the pool 2. Unhygienic practices such as spitting will not be permitted. 3. No sweatshirts, trousers, cut offs, shirts and similar over garments can be worn in the pool. Swimming attire will be modest and in good taste. *For additional rules and regulations please refer to the bulletin board* **Please remember that the lifeguards are not babysitters and that parents and helpers should be supervising their children at ALL times** According to BLCC rules & regulations, you may be allowed to only ONE SABBATICAL non-payment year per membership. This should be done by sending a letter to the BLCC Board of Directors, stating that reason and being subject to approval. Please note, according to BLCC bylaws, your initiation fees are non-refundable. 10 18 17 31 24 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 6 7 8 14 20 21 Tennis - Group and Private Lessons are available. For more information call Dan Sears at (610) 565-7576. 13 A Great Place for a Birthday Party During Pool Hours 19 12 22 15 Swim Team Information will be listed on Bulletin Board and on the website: J.V. SWIM MEETS - Refer to Pool Bulletin Board for locations. 2 home meets (will be posted at the pool). 5 Pool Open 11-8 Memorial Day 25 26 27 29 TENNIS COURT & PUTTING GREEN OPEN April 1st - October 1st Weather Permitting 28 30 23 16 9 2 Pool Open 11-8 Pool Open 11-8 SATURDAY MAY 2015 FRIDAY BLCC POLICIES AND RULES ARE ENCLOSED AND POSTED ON BULLETIN BOARD AND ALSO ON THE WEBSITE Pool Open 11-8 Pool Open 11-8 TUESDAY JOIN THE SWIM TEAM - Beginners are welcome Swim Team Coordinators: Marianne Linton & Paige Loper MONDAY Reservation’s for Pool parties (such as birthday) can be arranged at the front gate. The pool manager must approve the date. Parties must be scheduled 3 weeks prior to the event. NO PARTIES ON HOLIDAY WEEKENDS. 11 10 CLEAN UP DAY 10:00-12:00 4 3 SUNDAY BROOMALL’S LAKE COUNTRY CLUB 22 29 21 28 Crafts 1-3 Tennis Clinics Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Tennis Clinics 30 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Open 4-8 Open 4-8 Tennis Clinics 24 17 10 3 Tennis Clinics Tennis Clinics Open 4-8 Open 4-8 WEDNESDAY Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 23 16 9 2 TUESDAY Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Open 4-8 Open 4-8 MONDAY Open 4-8 Open 4-8 19 12 5 Open 4-8 Open 4-8 25 27 Varsity Swim Meet Varsity Swim Meet Poll Open Full Time 11-8 Pool Open 11-8 Information on Aqua Jogging Call Bertie Sproul 610-361-8552 Aqua Jogging is reported to be excellent cardiovascular exercise. Tennis Clinics 26 20 13 6 SATURDAY JUNE 2015 FRIDAY Swim Team Practice Schedule is posted on the website: 18 11 4 THURSDAY BLCC POLICIES AND RULES ARE ENCLOSED AND POSTED ON BULLETIN BOARD AND ALSO ON THE WEBSITE 15 Pool Open 11-8 8 1 14 7 SUNDAY BROOMALL’S LAKE COUNTRY CLUB 26 19 12 5 MONDAY Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Family Day Crafts 1-3 28 Crafts 1-3 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 29 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Junior Tennis Clinics 22 Junior Tennis Clinics 15 Junior Tennis Clinics Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Crafts 1-3 Crafts 1-3 30 Crafts 1-3 Junior Tennis Clinics 23 Junior Tennis Clinics 16 Junior Tennis Clinics Crafts 1-3 Buddy Day Junior Tennis Clinics 9 Junior Tennis Clinics 8 Crafts 1-3 2 THURSDAY Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 1 WEDNESDAY 31 24 17 10 3 SATURDAY Varsity Swim Meet Championship Varsity Swim Meet Varsity Swim Meet Swim Team Practice Schedule is posted on the website: 25 18 11 Independence Day 4 JULY 2015 FRIDAY BLCC POLICIES AND RULES ARE ENCLOSED AND POSTED ON BULLETIN BOARD AND ALSO ON THE WEBSITE Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Junior Tennis Clinics Junior Tennis Clinics 27 Crafts 1-3 21 Junior Tennis Clinics 14 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 20 Junior Tennis Clinics 13 Junior Tennis Clinics Junior Tennis Clinics Mens Day Crafts 1-3 7 TUESDAY Ladies Day Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 6 Independence Day Celebration at the pool will include events for all ages, 2 to 100 years old. Come join in the fun. Games, Races & Putting! SUNDAY BROOMALL’S LAKE COUNTRY CLUB 10 17 24 31 Aqua Jog 16 23 30 25 18 11 Crafts 1-3 Crafts 1-3 Crafts 1-3 26 19 12 5 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 WEDNESDAY 27 20 13 6 FRIDAY Crafts 1-3 Crafts 1-3 Crafts 1-3 Crafts 1-3 Buddy Day 28 21 14 7 29 22 15 8 1 SATURDAY AUGUST 2015 Swim Team Practice Schedule is posted on the website: THURSDAY BLCC POLICIES AND RULES ARE ENCLOSED AND POSTED ON BULLETIN BOARD AND ALSO ON THE WEBSITE 11:30-12:30 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 Family Day Crafts 1-3 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 9 Mens Day 4 TUESDAY Ladies Day 3 MONDAY 2 SUNDAY BROOMALL’S LAKE COUNTRY CLUB 14 21 28 13 20 27 Aqua Jog 11:30-12:30 17 10 3 18 11 4 22 23 24 25 FRIDAY 29 30 26 19 12 5 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 2015 THURSDAY OFTEN ASKED QUESTIONS: 16 9 2 WEDNESDAY Why do we have policies and rules for BLCC? Answer - For the health, safety and protection of members and guests. 15 8 1 TUESDAY Why is eating and drinking restricted to upper patio area? Answer - Eating and drinking in lower areas around pool has caused problems with rodents, bees, ants and flys which are difficult to control. Alcohol is prohibited from the pool facilities including the pool and patio area. Final Pool Day Labor Day MONDAY Members and guests can help with the problem by abiding by this policy and set an example for our youth. BLCC POLICIES AND RULES ARE ENCLOSED AND POSTED ON BULLETIN BOARD AND ALSO ON THE WEBSITE Members must abide by rules on non-toilet trained individuals. Refer to Rules and Regulations. 7 6 SUNDAY BROOMALL’S LAKE COUNTRY CLUB Broomall’s Lake Country Club 2015 Membership Application The purpose for which the Club is formed is to maintain a Club for social enjoyment, to wit: the encouragement of athletic sports. The Club is organized and operated exclusively for pleasure, recreational and other non-profit operations, and no part of the earnings shall be for the benefit of any member. Activities: Lap Swimming Volleyball Aqua Jogging Swim Team Shuffle Board Basketball Tennis Miniature Golf Crafts Ping Pong Putting Course Horseshoes Social Functions For Membership Information Call 610-626-9500. Leave your name and phone number on the message machine and we will contact you. • Members children under three (3) years of age before June 1, are free. • For new individual memberships, person must be 18 years of age. • Membership is guided by policies that restrict the number of members to provide for a healthy and uncrowded facility. Membership: * Initiation $1500 400 W. 3rd Street (works on GPS) Individual $555 ** Family $635 Each child additional $85 Childcare $105 * Initiation Fee - special payment terms available. * Initiation Fee - non-refundable ** Family Membership (Husband & Wife, Husband or Wife (Family Membership required to carry dependents.) 2nd Yr. 3rd Yr. Total Initiation Fee Schedule: 1st Yr. Paid in Full 1st Year $1500 --$1500 2-Year Program $800 $800 -$1600 3-Year Program $800 $700 $200 $1700 Membership Applications are available at the front gate or at our website 16 Broomall’s Lake Country Club NEW MEMBER QUESTIONNAIRE • BACKGROUND CHECK POLICY • 2015 How did you hear about BLCC: □ Friends/Family □ Website □ Other: _____________________ If possible, list family name and best contact phone of TWO current BLCC Sponsors: 1. Family Name: ________________________________ Contact #: ___________________________ 2. Family Name: ________________________________ Contact #: ___________________________ Personal Skills you may have that could be an asset to the club? ________________________________ Have you ever been involved in community or volunteer organizations? __________________________ New Club Policy: For the overall safety of OUR members, we are implementing a mandatory Background Check for NEW APPLICANT’S joining BLCC along with a Child Abuse Clearance check. The club has adopted this policy as a proactive move forward for the continued safety and well being of our BLCC family. Please submit a Criminal Background Check and Child Abuse Clearance with your membership application. (Adults, or anyone over the age of 18 yrs., (i.e. childcare/AuPair) are required to provide this clearance form.) (Cost $10. each). * We ask that you provide all completed hardcopy paperwork ASAP to: PAl SWIM CLUB SERVICES DIVISION Attn: Lori Ricci P.O. Box 36 • Lansdowne, PA 19050 In order to expedite application process feel free to scan to: * (Hardcopy applications are still required to be mailed to above address.) When all paperwork has been submitted and approved, memberships will be filled in the chronological order of the list. Initiation Fees and dues payments are required to be paid in full when moved from waiting list to active list. We will contact you ASAP when we receive your paperwork. Checks and credit cards are accepted. We are available real-time at our PAl Swim Club Services Helpline 610.626.9500 to answer any additional questions 9-4 Monday through Friday. After hours, leave a detailed message for a timely response to your call. Applicants Full Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________ Criminal Background Clearance website: 1. Once on homepage -see center tab (RECORD CHECK) • Under pull down tab select (NEW RECORD CHECK) 2. Follow Instructions for filling out application and making payment section. After completing the application information and payment, a box will show that contains: Control # Name: _____________________________ Click on Control #_____________________________ Click on Certification Form Print Form - this is your background clearance Pennsylvania Access to Criminal History • PATCH Help Line toll-free at 1-888-QUERY-PA (1-888-783-7972) ChiId Abuse CIearance Website: 1. In the Child Welfare Portal Box Choose Create New Account 2. Read General lnformation/Agreement to Terms and click next 3. Create Keystone IDKey: Create username and Password (case sensitive) 4. Application Purpose: Select “Volunteer” (Volunteer Category:) select “Other” Agency Name: Broomall’s Lake Country Club 5. Remember to save application periodically Continue to Follow instructions as guided by website. Please be patient. Helpful Hints: • Remember all user names or passwords you choose to use • Only use middle initial for full name in application • Site requires passwords to be case sensitive including number and sign (read carefully while filling out your information.) • If using E Signature - onIy use first and last name, no middie initiaI • Chrome is a good source for compatibility in filling out application • Reference your E-clearance ID# from the top of the page (12-digits) (Clearance may take up to two weeks for paperwork to be sent to you.) BLCC will accept 12 digit 10# to start your application process. Original forms must still be forwarded to us before membership cards will be available and distributed to your family. Thank you for patience. Remember to call if you need assistance. 17 Broomall’s Lake Country Club Hold Harmless 1. I acknowledge that my membership at BLCC entails known and unanticipated risks that could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to myself, to property, or to third parties. I understand that such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity. The risks include, among other things: muscular strains and sprains; cardiac complications; accidental drowning; slips and falls getting in and out of the pool and around the pool facility. Furthermore, BLCC employees have difficult jobs to perform. They seek safety, but they are not infallible. They may give inadequate warnings or instructions, and the equipment being used might malfunction. 2. I expressly agree and promise to accept and assume all of the risks existing in this activity. My participation in this activity is purely voluntary, and I elect to participate in spite of the risks. 3. I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless BLCC from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action, which are in any way connected with my participation in this activity or my use of equipment or facilities, including any such claims which allege negligent acts or omissions of BLCC. 4. Should BLCC or anyone acting on their behalf, be required to incur attorney’s fees and costs to enforce this agreement, agree to indemnify and hold them harmless for all such fees and costs. 5. I certify that I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage I may cause or suffer while participating, or else I agree to bear the costs of such injury or damage myself. I further certify that I am willing to assume the risk of any medical or physical condition I may have. 6. In the event that I file a lawsuit against BLCC I agree to do so solely in the state of Pennsylvania, and I further agree that the substantive law of that state shall apply in that action without regard to the conflict of law rules of that state. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. By signing this document, I acknowledge that if anyone is hurt or property is damaged during my participation in this activity, I may be found by a court of law to have waived my right to maintain a lawsuit against BLCC on the basis of any claim form, which I have released them herein. Members OVER 18 must sign in this section. (Parent or guardian must sign in box below for members under 18.) I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read and understood it, and I agree to be bound by its terms. Parent’s or guardian’s additional indemnification. In consideration of the Minor(s) listed: Print minor(s) names Print Full Name:_______________________ Print Full Name:_____________________ Signature:_________________ Date:______ Signature:________________Date:______ Print Full Name:_______________________ Print Full Name:_____________________ Signature:_________________ Date:______ Signature:________________Date:______ Must be completed for members UNDER 18 years old Print Full Name:________________________ Print Full Name:____________________ Print Full Name:________________________ Print Full Name:____________________ Print Full Name:________________________ Print Full Name:____________________ (“Minor(s)”) named above being permitted BLCC to participate in its activities and to use its equipment and facilities, I further agree to indemnity and hold harmless BLCC from any and all Claims which are brought by, or on behalf of the Minor(s), and which are in any way connected with such use or participation by the Minor(s). Parent/Guardian Full Name (print):___________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________________________ Date:________ 18 Broomall’s Lake Country Club Tennis Program • Summer 2015 Daniel H. Sears *USPTR certified Tennis Pro Jessie Tull–Penn State Student Dates and Times for Clinics: Five weeks beginning Monday, June 22 and ending Thursday, July 23. $65.00 per week for BLCC members $85.00 for non-members. A multiple week discount of $5.00 per child will also apply. Clinics will run Monday through Thursday 10:00 am to 11:15 am for 6 to 11 year olds 11:30 am to 12:45 pm for 12 to 16 year olds Contact Dan Sears for Information 610-565-7576; cell: 540-538-7543 Private or semi-private lessons available on request. Jessie MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: DANIEL SEARS 19 Broomall’s Lake Country Club If you want to Feel Better and Enjoy Yourself, Join us with: The Benefits of a Great Cardiovascular Exercise AQUA JOGGING Instructor: Bertie Sproul 610.361.8552 Monday’s & Wednesday’s • 11:30 am to 12:30 pm FREE FOR MEMBERS Guest payments are in accordance with pool admission policies. Aqua Jogging Belts Available. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CREATIVE CRAFTS BY: Theresa Phillips & Mary Campbell For 28 years Theresa Phillips has shared her passion for the“Art of Crafts” to hundreds of children at Broomall’s Lake. A graduate of the Philadelphia College of Art, Theresa has been a liaison for international Pressed Flower Society in Japan. She has also been a frequent winner of awards at The Philadelphia Flower Show Her daughter Mary Campbell is a graduate of Kutztown University. As the art teacher at Vangard School, Mary has shared her creative abilities with many at Elwyn Institute, and Saturday Morning Live. To add to her many achievements, she is advisor to pressed flowers at The Philadelphia Flower Show CREATIVE CRAFT SESSIONS: Learning and Fun will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays • 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. (Changes in scheduling will be posted at the pool.) There is no charge for Craft Sessions. Very young children should have guidance from parent or an older sibling. 20 Broomall’s Lake Country Club BLCC Dolphin Swim Team The BLCC Dolphin Swim Team originated in 1969 with Carol Wilson as the first volunteer Chairperson. Over the years, through dedicated teamwork, the BLCC Dolphin Swim Team has tripled in size and spirit. Coaches, swimmers and parents alike make this team truly special and we have lots of fun. The only requirement to join is the ability to swim one length of the pool, freestyle, without stopping. There are over 100 kids on the team ranging in age from 5 to 18, representing all swim levels, from record holders to beginners. There is a place for everyone! Winning is terrific but the BLCC swim team is committed to developing our young swimmers into confident, conscientious individuals for future generations to come. Dolphin Swim Team Fast Facts: • All BLCC members, ages 5-18 are encouraged to join! The only requirement is the ability to swim one lap of freestyle without stopping. • Team practices start the first week in June, after school, with regular practices starting when school ends, in mid-June. Summer practices are held Monday-Friday during morning hours. Practice times will be posted on the Team Bulletin Board at BLCC and by email, at the coach’s discretion. • Contact Team Coordinators Marianne Linton ( and Paige Loper ( to add your new swimmer’s name to the roster. A table will be set up the first 2 weeks in June during practice times for child registration, payment of dues and team suit & spirit wear orders. YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR CHILD BEFORE THEY CAN SWIM! A parents meeting will be scheduled the first week of practice where you can meet the coaches, ask questions and volunteer for one of our great committees. This team operates on the strength of its volunteers and we boast nearly 100% parent participation. • Varsity Swim Meets are held on SATURDAY MORNINGS from mid-June through the end of July, starting at 9:30am, usually ending at noon. Parents are encouraged to volunteer (time, officiate, snack bar) at all home and away meets. JV Meets (for younger and new swimmers) are held Wednesday evenings. • Meets include 52 individual events and freestyle relays. Age group breakdowns include: 8 & Under, 10 & Under, 12 & Under, 14 & Under, and 18 & Under. • BLCC will be competing in the “B” Division of the Delaware County Swim League, which consists of A, B & C Divisions. Placement is based on previous season win-loss record. 21 Broomall’s Lake Country Club • BLCC competes in several Relay Carnivals during the season, usually held in the evenings during the week. BLCC usually holds it’s own relay carnival on the third Thursday in July. • Championships take place the last weekend in July, with the 2 top finishers in each event qualifying for the Meet of Champions the next day competing with Delco “A” and “C” qualifiers. The top 2 Delco League finishers at the Meet of Champs then qualify for the Delaware County Times “Elite Meet,” competing against the elite swimmers from both the Intra County and Suburban Swim League. • End of season is celebrated the last week in July with a Team Banquet at the BLCC Lakeside Clubhouse. Mid-season and post-season are celebrated with Swim Team Parent Parties. • SUPPORTING YOUR CHILDREN AND VOLUNTEERING AT SWIM EVENTS IS ESSENTIAL AND APPRECIATED! This team is successful because of YOU! Swim Team Parent Association Team Coordinators: Marianne Linton and Paige Loper Contact via EMAIL only: Marianne Linton ( and Paige Loper ( for more information about the team and how you can volunteer. Practice times will be posted on the Team Bulletin Board at BLCC and website,, at the coach’s discretion. Contact Marianne Linton ( and Paige Loper ( team Coordinators, to add your new swimmer’s name to the roster. A table will be set up the first week of June for registration, during practice times, for child registration, payment of dues and swim suit orders. YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR CHILD BEFORE THEY CAN SWIM.Registration will close June 7 for swimming. Toad Hollow will provide the team suit for the 2015 season. 22 Broomall’s Lake Country Club Practice Schedule: Posted on Website: Important Dates: KICK OFF Swim Team Building Clean Up Day: 5/17 Summer Varsity Meet Schedule: 6/20, 6/27, 7/11, 7/18 A Championships on 7/25, Meet of Champs on 7/26, Elite Meet on 7/28 BLCC Relay Carnival: TBA Team Banquet: TBA Important Events: BLCC Adult Summer Celebration, BLCC Swim A Thon, Pep Rallies, Movie nights and much, much more! Swim Team Parent Association Co-Chairs: Marianne Linton and Paige Loper Contact via EMAIL: ( and ( for more information about the team and how you can volunteer. Swim Lessons In response to members’ requests BLCC has made arrangements with the Rocky Run YMCA for Swim Lessons prior to the pool Opening. Classes: Parent & Child: 6 Months - 36 Months Preschool Levels: 3 - 6 Years Youth Levels: 6 - 12 Years Costs: Full YMCA Members: $45.00 Visit _________________________________________________________ Swim lessons will also be available at BLCC AFTER OPENING. Information will be posted on the bulletin board. 23 Broomall’s Lake Country Club 2015 BLCC Swim Team Registration Form Swimmer #1 Information Last Name: ___________________________________ First Name: _____________________ Middle Initial: ____ Birth Date: ________ / ________ /________ Age: ______ (as of June 1, 2014) Gender: Male / Female Swim Meet Dates This Swimmer Will Be Unavailable: ___________________________________________________ What should the Coach know about this swimmer (medical, swim experience, etc.) _________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Shirt Size: Youth S M L XL Adult S M L XL (circle one) Shorts/Pant Size: Youth S M L XL Adult S M L XL (circle one) Swimmer #2 Information Last Name: ___________________________________ First Name: _____________________ Middle Initial: ____ Birth Date: ________ / ________ /________ Age: ______ (as of June 1, 2014) Gender: Male / Female Swim Meet Dates This Swimmer Will Be Unavailable: ___________________________________________________ What should the Coach know about this swimmer (medical, swim experience, etc.) _________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Shirt Size: Youth S M L XL Adult S M L XL (circle one) Shorts/Pant Size: Youth S M L XL Adult S M L XL (circle one) Swimmer #3 Information Last Name: ___________________________________ First Name: _____________________ Middle Initial: ____ Birth Date: ________ / ________ /________ Age: ______ (as of June 1, 2014) Gender: Male / Female Swim Meet Dates This Swimmer Will Be Unavailable: ___________________________________________________ What should the Coach know about this swimmer (medical, swim experience, etc.) _________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Shirt Size: Youth S M L XL Adult S M L XL (circle one) Shorts/Pant Size: Youth S M L XL Adult S M L XL (circle one) Mailing Information Mother’s Last Name: __________________________________ Mother’s First Name: ________________________ Father’s Last Name: ___________________________________ Father’s First Name: ________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________ Contact Information Home Phone: ___________________________________ Swimmer’s Cell: _____________________________ Mother’s Cell: _________________________________ Father’s Cell: ______________________________ Primary Email: __________________________________ Other Email: _______________________________ Emergency Contact: ______________________________ Emergency Phone: ____________________________ Email will not be shared by outside vendors Volunteer Information: The success of our swim team depends on parent involvement at every meet. Please indicate below how you will help this season. Thank You. □ Timer □ Scorer □ Place Judge □ Stroke & Turn Judge □ Fundraiser □ Runner □ Snack Bar □ Pep Rally ____________________________________________________________________________________ Donation Information: In addition to volunteering, a successful swim season also depends on donations from each family for the swim meets (Varsity, JV, Relay Carnival, etc.). Before each meet, a sign up sheet will be posted and/or emailed requesting food/beverage donations to sell in the snack bar. If you would like to make a monetary donation now to begin the swim season, we would gladly accept it. All donations are needed and appreciated. Thank You. Dues: Cost is $60 per swimmer not to exceed $180 per family. Fee will include banquet, pasta party and coaches gifts. Please make checks payable to: BLCC Swim Club Registration Amount Paid: $______________ Cash / Check _______________________ 24 Broomall’s Lake Country Club Swim Testing Procedures All children 12 and under will be swim tested and marked with a colored wrist band. Children who have been swim tested must verify their swimming ability on subsequent visits by wearing the wrist band or be re-tested. You may pick up your wrist band when you check in. Participants of any age may also be swim tested at the discretion of the lifeguard. Children who can’t pass the Shallow Water Test will: • Wear a red wrist band • Stay in the shallow end (red areas) of the pool • Wear either a coastguard stamped PFD (personal flotation device) or a YMCA provided IFD (instructional flotation device). • Be supervised in the water by an adult or teen age 16 or older • Children being supervised in a 1:1 ratio will not be required to wear an IFD or PFD. Children who pass the Shallow Water Test will: • Wear an orange wrist band • Stay in the shallow end (orange and red areas) of the pool Children who pass the Deep Water Test will: • Wear a green wrist band • Be allowed to swim anywhere (green, orange, and red areas) in the pool GREEN Swimming Areas: GREEN: May swim in all areas of the pool ORANGE: May swim in both the orange and red areas RED: Must stay in the red area only and wear a flotation device 25 ORANGE RED Broomall’s Lake Country Club BLCC Water Quality Procedures Rules and regulations are for the protection and benefit of all to ensure safe and sanitary operation of the pool and other facilities of the broomall’s lake country club. BLCC procedures & equipment for insuring quality water. • State of the art automatic equipment - for adding & monitoring of chemicals for the water is installed in the pump room. • A very expensive “clear water system”- to add additional protection to the chlorine treated water used to meet and exceed state requirements installed and doing a great job. For information on web site about system, contact Joe Romano, resident manager for web site. • As water passes through the filtering process, electrodes installed in the pipes destroy bacteria in the water. This system is not required by the state but installed by blcc to add extra protection for pool water. “Clear water system” is installed in a lot of pools in the usa & other countries but limited use in our immediate area because of the high cost of installing the system. • Independent laboratory “quality control” is under contract with blcc to test water & review test records each week to make sure it is safe & meets all the requirements for safe pool water. These reports go to media health department with copies to blcc joe romano, cpo resident manager. • Health departments: the media health department and state inspect the pools and facilities. • Special automatic vacuum cleaners: put in the pools each night and spend 14 hours cleaning pools. • Hourly tests of the water: conducted to check the amount of chemicals in the water so immediate adjustments can be made by joe romano, cpo, if they do not meet the required state standards. • Certified pool operator (cpo): joe romano resident manager has attended courses and obtained certification as a cpo and has all the qualifications necessary to maintain the water at safe levels for swimming. Joe is backed up by ymca cpo personnel. Contact Joe Romano if you would like a tour of the pump room where the water goes through the cleaning and adding of chemicals process. 26 Broomall’s Lake Country Club How members and guests can help ensure safe and sanitary operation of the pool : Please come to the pool clean. Take a shower before entering the pools. Non-toilet trained individuals prohibited (Without exception) from entering the big pool. Individuals wearing diapers in the baby pool must also wear vinyl protective pants even when wearing leak proof diapers. Contact pool office to see if they have any if you need to purchase Vinyl pants or go to local store. Do not come to the pool if you are sick, have open sores or anything that would be harmful to other individuals using the facility. If you observe any unhygienic health situations Call it to the attention of the pool manager Emergency Action What happens if any human waste appears in pools? Pools are immediately closed and not reopened until the water is super chlorinated. Pool closing could be 24 to 48 hours or more until the water has been tested and declared safe for use. BLCC and members working together as a team Will continue to make the club something We are all proud of!!! 27 Broomall’s Lake Country Club With Your Help The Board of Directors would like to thank every one of our volunteers who has helped create wonderful memories of a “Summer by the Pool”. We very deeply appreciate the time, talent and service you have given! The past, present and future are influenced by you. Sincerely, Broomall’s Lake Country Club 28 -'*/'*% + *! 2 2 (/')+-# 0# 2 *."+1*# 2 (+-' %-'$$'/&.,-'*/ !+) Swim Club Services Division 610-626-9500 BLCC would like to welcome again this year, Lori Ricci as the manager of PAI Swim Club Services; a division of Griffiths PRODUCTS PRODUCTS & SERVICES Printing Co.& AllSERVICES Swim Club information will be handled by Lori and her staff. They can be reached at 610-623-3822 or The help line will remain the same: 610-626-9500. PRODUCTS & SERVICES Announcements Announcements Banners Banners / Banner / Banner Stands Stands Binders Binders Bindery Bindery Service Service – padding, – padding, perforating, perforating, scoring, scoring, folding folding Booklets, Booklets, Pamphlets, Pamphlets, Flyers, Flyers, Brochures Brochures Business Business Cards, Cards, Letterheads, Letterheads, Envelopes Envelopes Die Cutting Die Cutting Digital Digital ColorColor Copies Copies Announcements Direct Direct Mail Mail Services Services Banners / Banner Stands Forms Forms – carbonless, – carbonless, computer computer Binders Fulfillment Fulfillment Bindery Service – padding, perforating, Imprinting Imprinting scoring, folding IndexIndex Tabs Tabs - mylar - mylar reinforced reinforced Booklets, Pamphlets, Flyers, Brochures Invitations Invitations Business Cards, Letterheads, Envelopes Labels Labels Die Cutting Magnets MagnetsColor Copies Digital Newsletters Newsletters Direct Mail Services Forms – carbonless, computer Fulfillment Imprinting Index Tabs - mylar reinforced Invitations Laminating Laminating Database Database Management Management Invoicing Invoicing Accounts Accounts Receivable Receivable Numbering Numbering Plastic Plastic SpiralSpiral Binding Binding Posters Posters - Large - Large Format Format (Full (Full Color) Color) Prescriptions Prescriptions Shrink Shrink Wrapping Wrapping Laminating Tickets, Tickets, Chance Chance BooksBooks Database Management Wafer Wafer Sealing Sealing Invoicing Accounts Receivable Numbering DELIVERY DELIVERY TO DTO ELAWARE DELAWARE COUNTY COUNTY , , Plastic Spiral Binding P HILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA AND AND VICINITY VICINITY Posters - Large Format (Full Color) All Credit All Credit CardsCards Accepted Accepted Prescriptions Shrink Wrapping Tickets, Chance Books Wafer Sealing DELIVERY TO DELAWARE COUNTY, PHILADELPHIA AND VICINITY Broomall’s Lake Country Club P.O. Box 36 Lansdowne, PA 19050 SUMMER 2015
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