DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM Office of the Chief Engineer/R-APDRP, Vidyut Sadan, Vidyut Nagar, Hisar-125005 Tel: 01662-223194 Fax: 01662-223181 BIDDING DOCUMENT (NIT NO. TER- 08/R-APDRP/2015) (Package No. 1 to 5) FOR Survey, Supply of material and Erection, testing and commissioning of new/ augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and, other activities such as replacement of iron poles, provision of LAs, Guarding of existing lines, Earthing of DTs, supply and installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes, MCBs for reduction of AT&C losses in 15 no. Towns under R-APDRP Part-B under the jurisdiction of DHBVN in the Haryana State on turnkey basis. VOLUME-I CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Chief Engineer /R-APDRP, DHBVN, Vidyut Sadan, Vidyut Nagar, HISAR – 125005. Phone 01662-223194 Fax No.: 01662-223181 Superintending Engineer/R-APDRP, DHBVN, Vidyut Sadan, Vidyut Nagar, HISAR – 125005. Page 1 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) VOLUME-I CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Page 2 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) INDEX VOL-I SECTION DESCPRITION I INVITATION FOR BID II INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS III CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT IV CONTRACT DATA V SAMPLE FORMS & PROCEDURES VI SCHEDULE OF PRICES Page 3 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) SECTION – I INVITATION FOR BID (IFB) Page 4 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM NOTICE INVITING TENDERS NIT No. TER-08/R-APDRP/2015 (Package No. 1 to 5) Sealed tenders are invited in two parts (Part-I Technical Bid & Part-II Price Bid), from the firms having experience of carrying out such type of projects on turnkey basis & fulfilling the qualifying requirement as prescribed in tender document by the date indicated below. Description of the work: Survey, Supply of materials, installation, testing and commissioning of construction of 11 kV lines, LT lines, replacement of conductors in existing 11 kV and LT lines, distribution transformer S/Stn. 11/0.433 kV, replacement of bare conductor of existing LT line by LT cable, wherever proposed as per survey, installation of Meter Pillar boxes/ MCBs, new LT 3 phase line, renovation of existing service line & shifting/installation/ relocation of energy meters under Part-B of R-APDRP for reduction of AT&C losses as detailed in technical specification of tender in 15 no. Towns under the jurisdiction of Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) in Haryana State. a TENDER REF. NO. TER-08/R-APDRP/2015 (Package no.1 to 5) b. MODE OF TENDER e-tendering (Online Part I - TechnoCommercial Bid and Part II - Price Bid) through the website https://haryanaeprocurement.gov.in of M/s Nextenders India Pvt. Ltd., Panchkula. c. E-Tender No. DHBVN/14-15/ET- Package No. Name of Towns Estimated Cost (in Rs. Cr.) 47.72 1 Sirsa, Ellenabad, Dabwali 2 Hisar 79.42 3 83.28 4 Fatehabad, Tohana, Barwala, Hansi, Jind, Narwana Bhiwani 5. Narnaul, Rewari, Palwal, Hodal 61.99 Sr. No. Description 1 Downloading of Tender Documents & Bid Preparation and Submission. 2 Technical Opening (Part-I) 3 Shortlisting of Technical bids & Opening of Financial Bid 43.11 Start date and time 27.03.2015 at 17:00 Hours EMD (in Rs. Lacs) 10 10 10 10 10 Expiry date and time) 22.04.2015 at 13:00 Hours 22.04.2015 at 15:00 Hours Will be intimated to the firms on their E-mail Page 5 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 1. The Tender Documents fee (Rs. 4000 /- Non-refundabale) and E-Service fees (Rs. 1000 /- Non-refundabale) will be paid online. 2. Part-I of the e-tenders against the above Tender Enquiry will be opened in the office of the Chief Engineer/R-APDRP, Vidyut Sadan, Vidyut Nagar, DHBVN, Hisar, as per schedule above. 3. The earnest money shall be depostited online in cash by the Tenderer through Debit Card or RTGS/ NEFT or Net banking. It is expected of the prospective bidder to deposit EMD online by atleast one day before deadline of submission of bids due to web portal provisioning. Any non-acceptance of EMD by web-based system on last day of submission of bids due to web-portal constrainst shall be the bidders responsibility. 4. The purchaser reserves the right to reject one or all of the tenders received, without assigning any reason. 5. The tender documents having detailed terms and conditions can be downloaded from the website https://www.haryanaeprocurement.gov.in from 27.03.2015 onwards. The e-tenders shall be received through website only. All interested firms / contractors are requested to get themselves registered as vendors with the said website for submitting their bids. For any assistance, please contact, Mr. Lalit Saini (09034357793) or the help desk on Toll free no. 1800-180-2097 or through e-mail: chandigarh@nextenders.com of M/s Nex Tenders (India) Pvt. Ltd., Panchkula. In order to facilitate the prospective bidders, a workshop has been fixed for 07.04.2015 at 11:00 AM in conference Hall, Vidyut Sadan, Hisar for their orientation on the e-Tendering procedures. The bidders who are participating in one or more bids shall deposit one set of hard copy of the bid duly stamped & signed. The price bid is to be submitted on-line only. The Price bid in hand / paper form shall not to be accepted / entertained. Corrigendum, if any would be published online on the website. Chief Engineer/R-APDRP, DHBVN, Hisar. Page 6 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) NECESSARY TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR BIDDERS AGAINST NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) No. TER-08/R-APDRP/2015 (Packages no. 1 to 5) Sr. Description Bidder No. response 1. Tenderer must carefully study the technical specifications and general Agree terms and conditions before preparation of tender. All terms and conditions of NIT and Corrigendum (if any) shall be applicable. 2. Tenders cannot be submitted after the scheduled close date and time of Agree bidding. Bids shall have to be submitted online only. 3. The tenders not meeting the requirement of pre-qualification conditions, Agree necessary terms and conditions of the NIT and Nigam’s technical specifications shall be rejected. 4. All the tenders must be accompanied by tender cost, e-service fee and Agree earnest money through online mode as per requirement of webportal. 5. The Bids should remain valid for 120 days from the date of opening of Part- Agree II (i.e. Price bid) otherwise the same will not be opened and rejected outrightly. 6. The Bidder shall submit only one tender by himself, or as a partner in a firm, Agree against one particular bid / package in the NIT. A tenderer who submits more than one tender against any particular bid / package will be disqualified. A prospective tenderer may however submit tender or participate against more than one bid / package under the NIT. 7. The prices quoted shall be FIRM except distribution Transformers, Agree Conductor and HT XLPE, LT & HT AB Cables only. The price variation shall be allowed on distribution transformers, conductor and cable as per IEEMA / CACMAI circulars with base date of 01.02.2015. The variable price as per IEEMA/CACMAI formula with maximum +10% ceiling, but on, negative side it will be up to any extent as applicable one month prior to date of delivery. 8. Memorandum of article and memorandum of association, partnership deed Agree in case of private limited, public limited or partnership firms as the case may be shall be uploaded online and attached with the tender. 9. The tender shall give details of immovable properly i.e. land, building, Agree machinery exact location of their property and copy of constitutions / balance sheet of last 3 financial year along with the tender. The documents for the same shall be uploaded online. 10. Bidder shall have to submit their offer in an ambiguous free wording, failing Agree which DHBVN interpretation will be final. 11. The successful bidder shall submit the bank guarantee equivalent to 10% of Agree the Bid value / package value or required value as per NIT provision within 30 days of issue of LOI. (As per attached performa). 12. The revision of price bid after opening of part-I i.e. technical and commercial Agree part of the tender is not allowed. In case of withdrawing the same within the validity period, the EMD amount submitted by the bidder shall be forfeited. 13. The bidder shall follow the statutoty provisions of the contract labour Agree (Regulation and aboltion) Act, 1970 and its amendments in conjuction with the regulations provided herein. 14. Terms of Payment: 15. Payment shall be made on 30th day from the date of receipt of verified bill Agree alongwith required documents. Further a rebate of 0.35 percent per week or part thereof shall be availed of by the Nigam if payment is made earlier than the period specified. The rebate will be calculated on the payable amount. 16. In case the performance bank guarantee or DD in lieu of performance Agree security is not submitted within 45 days from the date of issue of LOI the Nigam reserve the right to cancel the LOI and forfeit the EMD & blacklisting the firm for three years. Page 7 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 17. Bank Guarantee submitted by the tenderer/ contractor as performance security shall be got verified from the concerned bank by the Nigam and thereafter payment if, any shall be released. 18. EMD is liable to be forfeited in case of evidence of cartel formation by the bidder (s) and Penal action shall be taken against the firm. 19. The Nigam reserves to right to reject any or all the tenders received without assigning any reason. 20. The firm failing to accept the LOI / work order after having made commitments before HPPC, shall be blacklisted from doing business with Nigam and earnest money (EMD) of the firm shall be forfeited. 21. Inspection: The Inspection of material before dispatch shall be carried out by third party /Nigam’s own officers etc. The contractor shall be responsible to pay penalty of Rs 20,000/- for each occasion at which the fake inspection call has been made or the material is rejected during testing / inspection by the authorized agency/representative of the Nigam. This penalty would be in addition to the expenses incurred by the Nigam in deputing the Inspecting Officer for carrying out such inspection. 22. Warranty: - The warranty of equipments shall be for the period as per provisions made in the Technical Specifications of the Nigam from date of commissioning and where the warranty period has not been specified the same shall be 12 months. The manufacturers of these materials should not be blacklisted by any SEB / Utility of any State of India. In case, it is found that the material supplied is from any blacklisting firm the same shall be out rightly rejected and the firm shall be liable to arrange the same at shortest period of time without any relaxation of extension in completion time. In case of Electronic meters and DTs the Guarantee period shall be 72 / 78 months as per clause 30.2 of Sec. III. 23. Within fifteen (15) days of the work order, successful Bidder shall sign the Contract and return it to the Owner / Employer. In case the successful bidder fails to submit the Contract Agreements duly signed within 15 days from the date of issue of detailed contract, the payment will not be released till the bidder submits the Contract agreements and penalty @ 0.25% per week or a part thereof shall be deducted from their bill subject to maximum 1% of Contract value. 24. Pre-Qualfication Requirement. Technical Criteria:25. The bidder should have executed 11 kV or higher voltage works for Discom /Power utilities equivalent to the bid/ package value during the last 5 completed financial years for which certificate of Satisfactory completion be submitted which should be issued by Superintending Engineer (SE). In case of other power departments/utilities the certificate must be issued by the officers of the ranks equivalent to above mentioned. The bidders who will submit their tenders in more than one package/ bid of the NIT, their technical qualification will be examined considering the summation of the bid/ package requirement of all the bids in the NIT in which the bidder has quoted. (Upload the relevant document) 26. Financial Criteria: For the purpose of particular Bid, Bidder shall fulfill the following minimum criteria:a) The average annual turnover during the last 3 financial years should be equal to or more than the value of the Bid / Package. b) The Bidder shall have Liquid assets (LA) and / or evidence of access to or availability of credit facilities extended by any scheduled bank, of NOT less than 25% value of the Bid/ Package, not more than one month prior to the scheduled date of Bid opening. LA will be calculated on the basis of latest audited balance sheets and unutilized balance of LC (fund base only) and CC limits (fund base only) will be considered not more than one month prior to the scheduled date of Bid Page 8 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree opening and bidder will also enclose the complete sanction order of the limits issued by the bank. c) The present Net-worth of the bidder should be positive and the bid with negative Net-worth would be considered non-responsive and shall not be eligible for participation in the tender. In case the last FY happens to have completed before 3 months of the date of opening of part-I of bid, then in that case the provisional balance sheet duly certified by CA shall be considered. In case the date of part-I of bid is after the completion of 3 months of new FY, then in that case the balance sheet duly audited by CA shall be considered. The bidders who will submit their tenders in more than one package/ bid, their financial qualification will be examined considering the summation of the bid / package values of all the bids in which the bidder has quoted. 27. (Upload the relevant documents for above) Joint Venture Criteria: Joint venture is allowed up to maximum two Agree partners (having one partner as lead partner) subject to following:a) Lead partner shall meet minimum 70% of the financial criteria b) Other JV Partner, other than lead partner, shall meet minimum 20% of financial criteria c) All partner must jointly meet 100% financial Criteria. d) Any one partner shall meet 100% of the technical criteria, in such cases there shall be No Limit for other Partner. (Upload the relevant document for above) 28. Performance Criteria:The firm /bidders should have completed all the turnkey works in the utility issued on or before 31.12.2011 by DHBVN. (Upload the relevant document for above) 29. Blacklisting:- Only those firms who have not been blacklisted by DHBVN / UHBVNL or any State / Central Govt. or any of its agency on the date of issuance of NIT shall be entitled to submit the tenders. The firm shall submit an affidavit of non –blacklisting on the non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value attested by Notary public. (Upload the relevant document for above) 30. Electrical contractor license:The bidder shall have the valid license for carrying out 11 kV or above voltage works from the Chief Electrical Inspector (CEI) of any state in India. However, before starting the work, he shall seek CEI Haryana license also. (Upload the relevant document for above) 31. Technical specifications: The technical specifications which are not included / given in the tender documents, latest REC Standards and relevant ISS will be followed. 32 I / We agree to & abide by all the terms and conditions of provision of Nigam’s documents related to the NIT no. TER-08/R-APDRP/2015 (Package no. 1 to 5). 33 I will supply the copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration and principal place of business, written power of attorney of the signatory of the Bidder to commit the Bid is to be submitted. (Upload the relevant document) 34 I will supply the details of key personnel to be deployed for the project execution. (Upload the relevant documens) 35 I will supply the reports on the financial standing of the Bidder including Page 9 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 profit and loss statements, balance sheets and auditors reports of the past three years and an estimated financial projection for the next two years. (Upload relevant document). I declare that I will supply the information regarding any litigation, current or during the last two years, in which the Bidder is involved, the parties concerned and disputed amount (Upload relevant document). I will propose the methodology and program of construction including PERT Chart. (Upload relevant document). Ownership Change: I am financially sound and will not be anticipating any ownership change during the period from Bid submission to two years after commercial operation defined as successful completion of commissioning of the distribution lines / work and acceptance of the same by the Employer (Upload Undertaking). A copy of the agreement entered in to by the joint venture / consortium partners shall be submitted along with the Bid. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in rejection of joint ventures/consortium Bid. (Upload the relevant documents for above) I will supply the Tech. & Commercial Deviation (Upload the relevant document on prescribed performa). I will supply the Performa of letter of undertaking on NJSP duly attested by notary public. (Upload the relevant document as per attached performa). I declare to supply the material from the Nigam’s empanelled firms / manufacturers. (Upload Undertaking). I declare to supply the material as per the Nigam’s specifications and relevant ISS. (Upload Undertaking). The “Important Notes” provided after caluse no. 1 of ITB shall be accepted and followed by the bidder / successful contractor. Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Any other document not mentioned above, but is required under the Agree qualification criteria and terms and condition as given in the tender documents shall also be uploaded by the bidder. Page 10 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Page 11 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) SECTION – II INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS Page 12 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CONTENTS Clause No. Description 1. Scope of Bid 2 Qualification of the Bidder 3 Cost of Bidding 4 One Bid per Bidder 5 Contents of Bid Documents 6 Clarifications of Bid documents 7 Amendments to Bidding Documents 8 Language of Bid 9 Local Conditions 10 Documents comprising the Bid 11 Contract Quality Assurance 12 Bid Price 13 Bid Validity 14 Taxes and Duties 15 Earnest Money Deposit 16 Format of Bid 17 Signature of Bids 18 Sealing and Marking of Bid 19 Deadline for submission of Bids 20 Late Bids 21 Modification and withdrawal of Bids 22 Information required with the proposal Page 13 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Clause No. Description 23 Opening of Bids by DHBVN 24 Clarification of Bids 25 Examination of Bids 26 Definition and Meanings 27 Comparison of Bids 28 Contacting the DHBVN 29 Award Criteria 30 DHBVN’s right to accept any Bid and to reject any or all 31 Notification of Award 32 Signing of Contract 33 Contract Performance Guarantee 34 Quantity variation 35 Site visit 36 Storage of Material 37 Credit Facility 38 Waranty Period 39 Empanelled Supplier 40 Quality Assurance Plan 41 Accounting and Returning of Dismantled Materials 42 GTP and Drawing 43 Jurisdiction of the court 44 Instruction of Bidders for e-tendering Page 14 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1 SCOPE OF BID 1. 1.1 Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN), Hisar here-in-after called “The Employer” wishes to receive Bids through Chief Engineer/R-APDRP, DHBVN, Hisar for Survey, Supply of material and Erection, testing and commissioning of new/ augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and, other activities such as replacement of iron poles, provision of LAs, Guarding of existing lines, Earthing of DTs, supply and installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes, MCBs for reduction of AT&C losses in 15 no. Towns under R-APDRP PartBunder the jurisdiction of DHBVN in Haryana on turnkey basis with the following details: Package No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of Towns Estimated Cost (in Rs. Cr.) EMD (in Rs. Lacs) 47.72 79.42 83.28 10 10 10 43.11 61.99 10 10 Sirsa, Ellenabad, Dabwali Hisar Fatehabad, Tohana, Barwala, Hansi, Jind, Narwana Bhiwani Narnaul, Rewari, Palwal, Hodal NIT SCOPE: Package No. 1 – (Sirsa, Ellenabad, Dabwali Towns) Town: Sirsa Sr. No. Description Unit Quantity for Sirsa 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 12.04 1.2 By HT AB Cable (3C*185 mm^2 + 150 mm^2 ) km 35.20 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 28.36 1.4 From Weasel to Rabbit km 2.16 1.5 From Weasel to Dog km 5.3 1.6 From Rabbit to Dog km 15.59 2.1 Installation of Distribution Transformers 100 kVA No. 105 2.2 200 kVA No. 110 2.3 400 kVA No. 22 2 3 Augmentation of Distribution Transformer 3.1 Augmentation from 63 kVA to 100 kVA No. 10 3.2 Augmentation from 100 kVA to 200 kVA No. 93 3.3 Augmentation from 25kVA to 100 kVA No. 9 Page 15 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 3.4 Augmentation from 100 kVA to 400 kVA No. 13 3.5 Augmentation from 200 kVA to 400 kVA No. 65 4 LT Line: New Feeder / Feeder Bifurcation 4.1 LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 7.61 4.2 ACSR to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 120 mm2 km 44.78 5 LT Line: Augmentation 5.1 Squirrel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 50 mm2 km 0.57 5.2 Squirrel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 2.32 5.3 Squirrel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 120 mm2 km 0.71 5.4 Weasel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 38.30 6 11 kV HT Capacitors 6.1 600 KVAr No. 28 6.2 450 KVAr No. 14 7 Metering No. 1280 No. 98 No. 2900 No. 265 No. 2 7.1 8 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Single phase) Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Three phase) Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box Shifting of 3 phase meters to outside premiseson polycarbonate box TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA Transformer & wiring Accessories 9 Others 7.2 7.3 7.4 9.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Nos. 950 9.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 630 9.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 840 9.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. 950 9.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) km. 120.64 9.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1 H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 14 9.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 329 10 Feeder Pillar Box st 10.1 4 in 1 Nos. 4500 10.2 20 in 1 Nos. 50 Town: MandiDabwali Quantity for Sr. No. Description Unit Mandi Dabwali 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 8.44 1.2 By HT AB Cable (3C*185 mm^2 + 150 mm^2 ) km 10.33 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 3.87 1.4 From Rabbit to Dog km 0.68 1.5 From Raccoon to Dog Km 10.42 Page 16 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 2 Installation of Distribution Transformers 2.1 100 kVA No. 32 2.2 200 kVA No. 82 2.3 63 kVA No. 37 2.4 400 kVA No. 1 3 Augmentation of Distribution Transformer 3.1 Augmentation from 63 KVA to 100 KVA No. 7 3.2 Augmentation from 100 KVA to 200 KVA No. 34 3.3 Augmentation from 25KVA to 63KVA No. 1 3.4 Augmentation from 63 KVA to 200 KVA No. 4 4 4.1 5 LT Line: New Feeder / Feeder Bifurcation LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 3.93 LT Line: Augmentation 5.1 Squirrel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 50 mm2 km 2.95 5.2 Weasel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 50 mm2 km 0.91 5.3 Squirrel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 19.36 5.4 Weasel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 8.66 6 11 kV HT Capacitors 6.1 600 KVAR No. 5 6.2 450 KVAR No. 4 7 Metering 7.1 No. 7.3 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Single phase) Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Three phase) Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box No. 1200 7.4 Shifting of 3 phase meters to outside premiseson polycarbonate box No. 49 8 TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA Transformer & wiring Accessories No. 1 9 Others 7.2 1034 No. 49 9.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Nos. 190 9.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 60 9.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 95 9.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. 190 9.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) Km. 3.5 9.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1 H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 4 9.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 183 10 Feeder Pillar Box st 10.1 4 in 1 Nos. 1650 10.2 20 in 1 Nos. 20 Town: Ellenabad Sr. No. Description 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation Page 17 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Unit Quantity for Ellenabad 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 5.84 1.2 By HT AB Cable (3C*185 mm^2 + 150 mm^2 ) km 4.34 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 7.81 1.4 By ACSR Raccoon conductor km 1.35 1.5 From Rabbit to Dog km 4.41 1.6 From Rabbit to Raccoon km 5.76 1.7 From Raccoon to Dog km 0.74 2 Installation of Distribution Transformers 2.1 100 kVA No. 45 2.2 200 kVA No. 41 2.3 63 kVA No. 24 2.4 400 kVA No. 1 3 Augmentation of Distribution Transformer 3.1 Augmentation from 63 KVA to 100 KVA No. 7 3.2 Augmentation from 100 KVA to 200 KVA No. 7 3.3 Augmentation from 25 KVA to 63KVA No. 2 3.4 Augmentation from 63 KVA to 200 KVA No. 1 km 2.87 4 4.1 5 LT Line: New Feeder / Feeder Bifurcation LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 LT Line: Augmentation 5.1 Weasel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 50 mm2 km 2.64 5.2 Weasel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 13.28 6 11 kV HT Capacitors 6.1 600 KVAR No. 5 6.2 450 KVAR No. 3 7 Metering 7.1 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Single phase) Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Three phase) Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box Shifting of 3 phase meters to outside premiseson polycarbonate box No. No. 67 8 TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA Transformer & wiring Accessories No. 1 9 Others 7.2 7.3 7.4 637 No. 117 No. 650 9.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Nos. 133 9.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 56 9.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 89 9.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. 133 9.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) Km. 2.81 9.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1 H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 3 9.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 157 9.8 11 kV Bay Extension No. 10 Feeder Pillar Box st 2 10.1 4 in 1 Nos. 850 10.2 20 in 1 Nos. 10 Page 18 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Package No. 2 – (Hisar Town) Sr. No. Description Unit Quantity for Hisar 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 48.68 1.2 By HT AB Cable (3C*185 mm^2 + 150 mm^2 ) km 112.51 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 109.90 1.4 From Rabbit to Dog km 37.02 1.5 From Weasel to Dog km 0.2 1.6 From Raccoon to Dog km 2.62 2 Installation of Distribution Transformers 2.1 100 kVA No. 275 2.2 200 kVA No. 455 2.3 400 kVA No. 110 3 Augmentation of Distribution Transformer 3.1 Augmentation from 200 KVA to 400 KVA No. 33 3.2 Augmentation from 100 KVA to 200 KVA No. 20 3.3 Augmentation from 25KVA to 100KVA No. 33 3.4 Augmentation from 63 KVA to 200 KVA No. 5 4 LT Line: New Feeder / Feeder Bifurcation 4.1 LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 50 mm2 km 0.6 4.2 LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 7.2 4.3 LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 120 mm2 km 187.62 5 LT Line: Augmentation 5.1 Squirrel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 50 mm2 km 4.49 5.2 ACSR to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 65.12 5.3 ACSR to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 120 mm2 km 9.51 6 11 kV HT Capacitors 6.1 600 KVAr No. 80 6.2 450 KVAr No. 42 7 Metering 7.1 No. 7.3 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Single phase) Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Three phase) Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box No. 8000 7.4 Shifting of 3 phase meters to outside premiseson polycarbonate box No. 607 8 TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA Transformer & wiring Accessories No. 3 9 Others 7.2 10929 No. 676 9.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Nos. 1661 9.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 1230 9.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 9.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. Page 19 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 1670 1661 9.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) Km. 321.1 9.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1 H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 41 9.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 901 10 Feeder Pillar Box st 10.1 4 in 1 Nos. 10000 10.2 20 in 1 Nos. 125 Package No. 3 – (Fatehabad, Tohana, Barwala, Hansi, Jind, Narwana Towns) Town: Barwala Sr. No. Description Unit Quantity for Barwala 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 0.44 1.2 By HT AB Cable (3C*185 mm^2 + 150 mm^2 ) km 3.87 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 0.95 1.4 From Rabbit to Dog km 0.94 1.5 From Weasel to Dog km 3.09 2 Installation of Distribution Transformers 2.1 63 kVA No. 15 2.2 100 kVA No. 16 2.3 200 kVA No. 25 2.4 400 kVA No. 1 3 Augmentation from 100 KVA to 200 KVA No. 17 4 LT Line: New Feeder / Feeder Bifurcation 4.1 LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 50 mm2 km 0.17 4.2 LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 1.53 5 Squirrel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 14.94 6 11 kV HT Capacitors 6.1 600 KVAR No. 3 6.2 450 KVAR No. 2 7 Metering 7.1 No. 7.3 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Single phase) Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Three phase) Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box No. 750 7.4 Shifting of 3 phase meters to outside premiseson polycarbonate box No. 76 8 TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA Transformer & wiring Accessories No. 1 9 Others 7.2 311 No. 32 9.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Nos. 98 9.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 32 9.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 61 9.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. 122 Page 20 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 9.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) Km. 3.54 9.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1 H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 2 9.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 113 10 Feeder Pillar Box st 10.1 4 in 1 Nos. 1000 10.2 20 in 1 Nos. 12 Town: Hansi Town Sr. No. Description Unit Quantity for Hansi 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 0.87 1.2 By HT AB Cable (3C*185 mm^2 + 150 mm^2 ) km 11.76 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 9.35 1.4 From Rabbit to Dog km 9.6 2 Installation of Distribution Transformers 2.1 63 kVA No. 17 2.2 100 kVA No. 67 2.3 200 kVA No. 110 2.4 400 kVA No. 1 3 Augmentation of Distribution Transformers 3.1 Augmentation from 25 kVA to 63 kVA No. 27 3.2 Augmentation from 100 kVA to 200 kVA No. 19 3.3 Augmentation from 25 kVA to 100 kVA No. 1 3.4 Augmentation from 63 kVA to 200 kVA No. 1 4 LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 5.91 5 Weasel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 10.05 6 11 kV HT Capacitors 6.1 600 KVAR No. 10 6.2 450 KVAR No. 1 7 Metering 7.1 Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box No. 800 7.2 Shifting of 3 phase meters to outside premiseson polycarbonate box No. 556 8 TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA Transformer & wiring Accessories No. 1 9 Others 9.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Nos. 180 9.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 45 9.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 60 9.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. 9.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) Km. 2.5 9.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1st H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 1 9.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 246 Page 21 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 180 10 Feeder Pillar Box 10.1 4 in 1 Nos. 1100 10.2 20 in 1 Nos. 15 Town: Fatehabad Town Sr. No. Description Unit Quantity for Fatehabad 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 5.69 1.2 By HT AB Cable (3C*185 mm^2 + 150 mm^2 ) km 6.30 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 6.17 1.4 From Rabbit to Dog km 15.06 2 Installation of Distribution Transformers 2.1 63 kVA No. 20 2.2 100 kVA No. 21 2.3 200 kVA No. 91 2.4 400 kVA No. 2 3 Augmentation of Distribution Transformers 3.1 Augmentation from 25 kVA to 63 kVA No. 11 3.2 Augmentation from 100 kVA to 200 kVA No. 28 3.3 Augmentation from 63 kVA to 200 kVA No. 3 4 LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 6.22 5 LT line: Augmentation 5.1 Squirrel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 9.36 5.2 Weasel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 3.45 6 11 kV HT Capacitors 6.1 600 KVAR No. 12 6.2 450 KVAR No. 7 7 Metering 7.1 No. 7.3 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Single phase) Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Three phase) Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box No. 1000 7.4 Shifting of 3 phase meters to outside premiseson polycarbonate box No. 20 8 TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA Transformer & wiring Accessories No. 2 9 Others 7.2 3394 No. 27 9.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Nos. 180 9.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 45 9.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 76 9.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. 180 9.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) Km. 5.2 9.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1 H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 10 9.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 239 st Page 22 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 10 Feeder Pillar Box 10.1 4 in 1 Nos. 1250 10.2 20 in 1 Nos. 15 Town: Tohana Sr. No. Description Unit Quantity for Tohana 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 3.37 1.2 By HT AB Cable (3C*185 mm^2 + 150 mm^2 ) km 5.76 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 1.04 1.4 From Rabbit to Dog km 2.38 1.5 From Raccoon to Dog km 8.41 2 Installation of Distribution Transformers 2.1 63 kVA No. 10 2.2 100 kVA No. 19 2.3 200 kVA No. 45 2.4 400 kVA No. 2 3 Augmentation of Distribution Transformers 3.1 Augmentation from 25 kVA to 63 kVA No. 3 3.2 Augmentation from 100 kVA to 200 kVA No. 23 3.3 Augmentation from 63 kVA to 200 kVA No. 2 4 LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 6.58 5 LT line: Augmentation 5.1 Squirrel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 14.71 5.2 Weasel to LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 1.00 6 11 kV HT Capacitors 6.1 600 KVAR No. 5 6.2 450 KVAR No. 5 7 Metering 7.1 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Single phase) No. 2314 7.2 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Three phase) No. 136 7.3 Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box No. 1100 7.4 Shifting of 3 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box No. 236 8 TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA Transformer & wiring Accessories No. 2 9 Others 9.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Nos. 9.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 9.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 110 9.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. 230 9.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) Km. 4.50 9.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1 H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 5 9.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 113 st Page 23 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 230 70 10 Feeder Pillar Box 10.1 4 in 1 Nos. 1500 10.2 20 in 1 Nos. 15 Town: Jind Sr. No. Description Unit Quantity for Jind 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 13.6 1.2 New line with LT 95 sqmm ABC km 8.15 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 98.71 1.4 From Rabbit to Dog km 5.7 1.5 From Weasel to Rabbit km 8.2 1.6 From Weasel to Dog km 10.12 1.7 Reconductoring of LT Line from Weasel to LT 95 sqmm ABC Km. 80.70 1.8 Reconductoring of LT Line from Rabbit to LT 95 sqmm ABC Km. 88.24 2 Installation of Distribution Transformers 2.1 100 kVA No. 90 2.2 200 kVA No. 333 2.3 400 kVA No. 5 3 Augmentation of Distribution Transformers 3.1 Augmentation from 25 kVA to 100 kVA No. 12 3.2 Augmentation from 100 kVA to 200 kVA No. 97 3.3 Augmentation from 63 kVA to 100 kVA No. 12 3.4 Augmentation from 63 kVA to 200 kVA No. 16 3.5 Augmentation from 100 kVA to 400 kVA No. 2 3.6 Augmentation from 200 kVA to 400 kVA No. 6 3.7 Augmentation from 25 kVA to 200 kVA No. 2 6 11 kV HT Capacitors 6.1 600 KVAR No. 9 6.2 450 KVAR No. 4 7 Metering 7.1 8 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Single phase) Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Three phase) Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box Shifting of 3 phase meters to outside premiseson polycarbonate box TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA Transformer & wiring Accessories 9 Others 7.2 7.3 7.4 No. 1117 No. 447 No. 4000 No. 1020 No. 3 9.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Nos. 9.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 340 9.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 1680 Page 24 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 509 9.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. 509 9.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) Km. 22 9.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1st H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 7 9.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 510 9.10 11 kV Railway Line Crossing Nos. 1 10 Feeder Pillar Box 10.1 4 in 1 Nos. 6500 10.2 20 in 1 Nos. 70 Town: Narwana Town Sr. No. Description Unit Quantity for Narwana 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 5 1.2 By HT AB Cable (3C*185 mm^2 + 150 mm^2 ) km 12 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 48.34 1.4 New line with LT 95 sqmm ABC km 0.62 1.4 From Rabbit to Dog km 24.26 1.5 From Weasel to Dog km 10.23 1.6 Reconductoring of LT Line from Weasel to LT 95 sqmm ABC km 79.13 2 Installation of Distribution Transformers 2.1 100 kVA No. 115 2.2 200 kVA No. 110 2.3 400 kVA No. 4 3 Augmentation of Distribution Transformers 3.1 Augmentation from 25 kVA to 100kVA No. 6 3.2 Augmentation from 100 kVA to 200 kVA No. 21 3.3 Augmentation from 63 kVA to 200 kVA No. 3 3.4 Augmentation from 25 kVA to 200 kVA No. 1 5 11 kV HT Capacitors 5.1 600 KVAR No. 11 5.2 450 KVAR No. 2 6 Metering 6.1 No. 6.3 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Single phase) Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Three phase) Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box No. 2500 6.4 Shifting of 3 phase meters to outside premiseson polycarbonate box No. 135 7 TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA Transformer & wiring Accessories No. 2 8 Others Nos. 208 6.2 8.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Page 25 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 257 No. 9 8.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 34 8.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 54 8.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. 208 8.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) Km 12 8.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1st H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 7 8.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 250 9 Feeder Pillar Box 9.1 4 in 1 Nos. 3000 9.2 20 in 1 Nos. 35 10 11 kV Railway line crossing No. 1 11 11 kV GO Switch No. 45 Package No. 4 (Bhiwani Town) Town: Bhiwani Sr. No. Description Unit Quantity for Bhiwani 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 6.07 1.2 By HT AB Cable (3C*185 mm^2 + 150 mm^2 ) km 34.19 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 27.91 1.4 From Rabbit to Dog km 18.24 2 Installation of Distribution Transformers 2.1 100 kVA No. 210 2.2 200 kVA No. 382 2.3 400 kVA No. 20 3 Augmentation of Distribution Transformers 3.1 Augmentation from 100 kVA to 200 kVA No. 15 3.2 Augmentation from 63 kVA to 200 kVA No. 2 3.3 Augmentation from 200 kVA to 400 kVA No. 1 3.4 Augmentation from 200 kVA to 400 kVA No. 9 4 LT Line: New Feeder / Feeder Bifurcation 4.1 LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 95 mm2 km 11.01 4.2 LT XPLE Un-Armoured Cable 120 mm2 km 52.67 5 LT Line:Augmentation 5.1 From squirrel to LT XLPE Un-armoured cable 50 mm2 km 17.65 5.2 From squirrel to LT XLPE Un-armoured cable 95 mm2 km 37.18 5.3 From squirrel to LT XLPE Un-armoured cable 120 mm2 km 23.01 5.4 From weasel to LT XLPE Un-armoured cable 95 mm2 km 92.01 6 11 kV HT Capacitors 6.1 600 KVAR No. 29 6.2 450 KVAR No. 7 7 Metering No. 9275 7.1 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Single Page 26 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) phase) 7.2 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Three phase) No. 387 7.3 Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box No. 9000 7.4 Shifting of 3 phase meters to outside premiseson polycarbonate box No. 1451 8 TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA Transformer & wiring Accessories No. 2 9 Others 9.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Nos. 929 9.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 230 9.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 440 9.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. 9.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) Km 9.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1st H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 7 9.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 659 10 Feeder Pillar Box 929 91.4 10.1 4 in 1 Nos. 12000 10.2 20 in 1 Nos. 130 400 kVA,11kV/ 433 V,double pole mounted transformer Nos. 26 11 Package No. 5 (Narnaul, Rewari, Palwal, Hodal Towns) Town: Narnaul Town Sr. No. Description Unit Quantity for Narnaul 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 9.10 1.2 By HT AB Cable (3C*185 mm^2 + 150 mm^2 ) km 18.51 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 5.86 1.4 From Weasel to Dog km 5.83 1.4 From Rabbit to Dog km 8.18 1.5 From Weasel to Rabbit km 1.44 2 Installation of Distribution Transformers 2.1 63 kVA No. 53 2.2 100 kVA No. 52 2.3 200 kVA No. 132 2.4 400 kVA No. 2 3 Augmentation of Distribution Transformers 3.1 Augmentation from 25 kVA to 63kVA No. 17 3.2 Augmentation from 100 kVA to 200 kVA No. 3 3.3 Augmentation from 63 kVA to 100 kVA No. 9 3.4 Augmentation from 63kVA to 200 kVA No. 3 4 New LT Line XLPE Un-Armoured cable 95 mm^2 km 3.65 5 LT line : Augmentation 5.1 From squirrel to LT XLPE Un-armoured cable 95 mm2 km 26.31 5.2 From weasel to LT XLPE Un-armoured cable 95 mm2 km 19.90 Page 27 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 6 11 kV HT Capacitors 6.1 600 KVAR No. 8 6.2 450 KVAR No. 16 7 Metering 7.1 No. 7.3 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Single phase) Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Three phase) Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box No. 2500 7.4 Shifting of 3 phase meters to outside premiseson polycarbonate box No. 46 8 TROLLEY fitted with Transformer of 200 kVA & wiring Accessories No. 2 9 Others 7.2 6103 No. 56 9.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Nos. 286 9.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 86 9.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 112 9.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. 286 9.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) Km 9.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1st H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 16 9.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 266 10 Feeder Pillar Box 35.52 10.1 4 in 1 Nos. 3500 10.2 20 in 1 Nos. 50 Town: Rewari Town Sr. No. Description Unit Quantity for Rewari 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 9.71 1.2 By HT AB Cable (3C*185 mm^2 + 150 mm^2 ) km 40.65 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 10.25 1.4 By ACSR Raccoon conductor km 6 1.5 From Raccoon to Dog km 7.38 1.6 From Rabbit to Dog km 7.76 2 Installation of Distribution Transformers 2.1 100 kVA No. 200 2.2 200 kVA No. 20 2.3 400 kVA No. 3 3 Augmentation of Distribution Transformers 3.1 Augmentation from 25 kVA to 100kVA No. 33 3.2 Augmentation from 100 kVA to 200 kVA No. 5 3.3 Augmentation from 63 kVA to 100 kVA No. 3 3.4 Augmentation from 63 kVA to 200 kVA No. 3 3.5 Augmentation from 100 kVA to 400 kVA No. 2 3.6 Augmentation from 200 kVA to 400 kVA No. 6 4 LT line: New feeder/Bifurcation Page 28 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 4.1 New LT Line XLPE Un-Armoured cable 95 mm^2 km 3.35 4.2 New LT Line XLPE Un-Armoured cable 120 mm^2 km 93.43 5 LT line : Augmentation 5.1 From squirrel to LT XLPE Un-armoured cable 50 mm2 km 6.23 5.2 From squirrel to LT XLPE Un-armoured cable 95 mm2 km 0.63 5.3 From squirrel to LT XLPE Un-armoured cable 120 mm2 km 0.62 5.4 From weasel to LT XLPE Un-armoured cable 95 mm2 km 53.63 6 11 kV HT Capacitors 6.1 600 KVAR No. 22 6.2 450 KVAR No. 10 7 Metering 7.1 No. 7.3 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Single phase) Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Three phase) Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box No. 6000 7.4 Shifting of 3 phase meters to outside premiseson polycarbonate box No. 400 8 TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA Transformer & wiring Accessories No. 2 9 Others 7.2 3477 No. 214 9.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Nos. 810 9.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 180 9.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 214 9.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. 810 9.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) Km 9.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1 H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 9.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 10 Feeder Pillar Box st 67.40 10 510 10.1 4 in 1 Nos. 8680 10.2 20 in 1 Nos. 95 Town – Palwal Sr. No. Description Unit Quantity for Palwal 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 3.81 1.2 By HT AB Cable (3C*185 mm^2 + 150 mm^2 ) km 6.97 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 14.54 1.4 From Raccoon to Dog km 11.72 2 Installation of Distribution Transformers 2.1 63 kVA No. 22 2.2 100 kVA No. 79 2.3 200 kVA No. 54 2.4 400 kVA No. 2 3 Augmentation of Distribution Transformers Page 29 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 3.1 Augmentation from 25 kVA to 63 kVA No. 21 3.2 Augmentation from 100 kVA to 200 kVA No. 7 3.3 Augmentation from 63 kVA to 100 kVA No. 1 4 New LT Line XLPE Un-Armoured cable 95 mm^2 km 3.32 5 From weasel to LT XLPE Un-armoured cable 95 mm2 km 12.81 6 11 kV HT Capacitors 6.1 600 KVAR No. 8 6.2 450 KVAR No. 6 7 Metering 7.1 No. 7.3 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Single phase) Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Three phase) Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box No. 2500 7.4 Shifting of 3 phase meters to outside premiseson polycarbonate box No. 52 8 TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA Transformer & wiring Accessories No. 2 9 Others 7.2 2913 No. 105 9.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Nos. 242 9.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 65 9.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 96 9.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. 242 9.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) Km 9.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1 H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 6 9.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 177 10 Feeder Pillar Box st 27.96 10.1 4 in 1 Nos. 3500 10.2 20 in 1 Nos. 50 Town: Hodal Town Sr. No. Description Unit Quantity for Hodal 11 kV and below works 1 11 kV Line: New Feeder/ Feeder Bifurcation 1.1 By ACSR Dog Conductor km 2.97 1.2 By HT AB Cable (3C*185 mm^2 + 150 mm^2 ) km 4.55 1.3 By ACSR Rabbit conductor km 1.50 1.4 From Raccoon to Dog km 2.50 2 Installation of Distribution Transformers 2.1 63 kVA No. 13 2.2 100 kVA No. 19 2.3 200 kVA No. 29 2.4 400 kVA No. 2 No. 12 3 3.1 Augmentation of Distribution Transformers Augmentation from 100 kVA to 200 kVA Page 30 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 3.2 Augmentation from 63 kVA to 100 kVA No. 2 3.3 Augmentation from 63 kVA to 200 kVA No. 1 4 New LT Line XLPE Un-Armoured cable 95 mm^2 km 2.31 5 LT line : Augmentation 5.1 From squirrel to LT XLPE Un-armoured cable 95 mm2 km 2.70 5.2 From weasel to LT XLPE Un-armoured cable 95 mm2 Km 10.16 6 11 kV HT Capacitors 6.1 600 KVAR No. 3 6.2 450 KVAR No. 2 7 Metering 7.1 Replacement of Electromechanical with Electronic Meters (Single phase) Shifting of 1 phase meters to outside premises on polycarbonate box No. No. 700 8 TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA Transformer & wiring Accessories No. 1 9 Others 7.2 888 9.1 Provision of LT protection unit on Existing Transformer Nos. 85 9.2 Replacement of existing poles in HT line (STP – 11 mtr ) Nos. 55 9.3 Replacement of existing poles in LT line (Round pole- 9 mtr ) Nos. 80 9.4 Provision of Polymeric LA on all Existing Distribution Transformer Nos. 85 9.5 Guarding of 11 kV line (Existing Line ) Km 9.6 Maintenance Free Earthing on every 1 H Pole of New Feeders Nos. 2 9.7 DT meter with modem on new Distribution Transformers Nos. 70 10 Feeder Pillar Box st 9.91 10.1 4 in 1 Nos. 800 10.2 20 in 1 Nos. 10 11 kV Bay Extension No. 2 11 1.2 The successful Bidder will have to complete the Works by the intended completion date specified in the Contract data. 1.3 a) The scope of work shall include survey, complete engineering of the Lines as per design, given in the tender documents, manufacture, testing and supply of all the required material on FOR destination/Site basis including transportation, insurance, storage, erection, dismantlement of HT/LT line and other equipment as per site requirement, testing and commissioning of new/ augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, relocation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and other activities such as replacement of iron poles, provision of LAs, Guarding of existing lines, Earthing of DTs, installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes / MCBs etc. in R-APDRP towns funded by PFC / REC under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis. The supply items shall include 9/11 meter long PCC Poles, ACSR conductor various sizes, HT XLPE AB cable various sizes, LT cables various sizes, 11 kV Polymeric Disc Insulators with required fittings, 11 kV Polymeric Pin Insulators with Pins, Single Tension fittings, Stay rods with Elbow, Stay Wires, Earthing rods, Pipe earthing, Maintenance Free Earthing, GI wire, LAs, G.O. Switches, PG Clamps, C-wedge connectors, MS Angle iron, MS channel iron, MS Flat including Page 31 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) fabrication of Clamps, Suspension clamp, Dead end clamp, 25/63/100/200/400 kVA Three phase distribution T/F, Energy meters, MCB for energy meters, Insulated conductor, Number plate, Danger plate, Phase plate, Service cables (4 mm2 and 6 mm2), TROLLEY fitted with 200 kVA DT, Replacement of old unserviceable/ iron poles, Provision of LAs on all existing DTs, Guarding of 11kV existing line, earthing of DTs, Providing of DT meter with modem on new DTs, Feeder Piller Boxes of various sizes (4 in 1, 20 in 1), Drilling, Cutting providing muffing in marshy land and other items as per Schedule of prices. All the other material / job not specifically mentioned but required to complete the work shall also be in the scope of the contractor. The material requiring dismantlement shall be dismantled by the contractor, at his own cost, by dismantling the material Section wise i.e. from dead end pole to next dead end pole with proper accounting and returned to Nigam’s stores. Shorter lengths/quantity of dismantled ACSR/ materil without any valid technical reason shall not be accepted. The contractor will complete all the required work under the scope. In addition to the above Load losses at 50% and 100% load of all the transformers received by the Nigam against turnkey works shall be checked at Nigam’s works by a committee of three officers, one each from OP. Wing, M&P Wing and TRW Workshop. Out of each lot T/Fs supplied by the contractor against individual bid, one T/F shall be opened at Nigam’s workshop for physical verification of the quality of material used by the manufacturer. This shall be done by the same committee of three officers as mentioned above and lot size of each capacity (in nos.) as provided in the supply order. The entire acceptance/ routine test at the cost of bidders/ contractors shall be conducted from NABL/CPRI Lab on 1 nos. T/F from each lot. The procedure shall be regulated as per the provision given in the latest PD&C instructions and Quality Assurance Plan of Nigam. The contractor will intimate the Nodal officer and SDO/Operation regarding when he/they are starting the work of R-APDRP. Under no circumstances will the contractor undertake the work of R-APDRP without the prior intimation to the Nodal officer and the SDO/Op Concerned and subsequent permission. Charges to be paid to the Railways, Forest Deptt or any other Govt./ Statutory bodies will be borne by the Nigam on actual basis. Initially the requisite charges are to be deposited by the turnkey contractor with the concerned department. However the same shall be reimbursed to the contractor on production of proof of depositing this amount. However, the CEI charges shall be borne by the bidders; no reimbursement in this regard shall be entertained. b) Insurance: The scope shall also include the raising / lowering of existing Electricity lines to provide proper clearances, all kind of crossings and guarding. The insurance and transportation of conductor and other material dismantled from the lines after augmentation from the Site till its return to Employer’s store shall also be covered in the scope of Contractor. The Employer’s representative shall be responsible to get this material returned to store. Page 32 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 1.4 The Bidder shall inform the DHBVN/ Employer about the source of supply of material as per the list of manufacturers/firms empanelled, as approved vendors to supply material against turnkey works. The material shall be dispatched from this source only after inspection and approval by the authorized representative of the Employer. Installation of material will be as per the approved drawings and specification. The supplier of material will also supply the type test certificates (not more than 3 years old at the time of bid opening) at the time of inspection-call which will be further examined by the inspecting authority. However, no approval of GTPs of petty items such as nuts and bolts, stay sets, hardware fittings, pin, disc insulator, danger plate, number plate is required and material supplied should comply with relevant ISS wherever applicable. Penalty of Rs. 20000/- on the contractor shall be levied in case inspection call is given and material is not found ready at works. 1.5 Final Checking, Testing and Commissioning After completion of Works, final checking of lines shall be done by the Contractor to ensure that all the Foundation Works, Pole Erection and Stringing has been done according to specifications and as approved by the Employer. All the Works shall be thoroughly inspected keeping in view the following main points. a) Sufficient back filled earth is lying over each pit and it is adequately compacted. b) All bolts are properly tightened and punched/tack welded. c) The stringing of the conductors and earth wire has been done as per the approved sag and tension charts and desired clearances are clearly available. d) All conductor and earth wire accessories are properly installed. e) All other requirement to complete Work like fixing of danger plate, phase plate, numberplate, anti-climbing device etc. are properly installed. f) The insulation of line as a whole is tested by the Contractor by providing his own equipment, labour etc. to the satisfaction of Employer. g) The Poles are properly grounded. h) The lines are tested satisfactorily, for inspection, by the Chief Electrical Inspector, Haryana, before commissioning. All the works shall be thoroughly inspected by the concerned SDO/OP. It is also added that after completion of the work the third party quality of work surveillance may also be done, if so desired by the DHBVN. IMPORTANT NOTES: i. SE/Operation concerned of the town will be the Nodal officer of over all work and XEN/Works nominated by concerned SE (OP) circle will be the nodal officer to carry out the foot survey. ii. The hard copy of approved DPR shall be provided only to the successful bidder after award of contract. iii. The foot survey shall be completed by the bidder within 3 months of the LOI and detailed work order shall be issued after approval of joint foot survey (to be conducted by the bidder & field office of the Nigam) and revised PERT CHART ( to be submitted by the firm) by the Page 33 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) WTDs of Nigam. Therefore, the joint foot survey and revised PERT CHART, both complete in all respects and countersigned by respective SE/Const./OP, shall be submitted to the office of CE/R-APDRP within 3 months of issue of LOI. In case of delay in submission of foot survey & revised PERT CHART due to deficiency in foot survey & revised PERT CHART or any other reasons, penalty @ 0.5% per week or part thereof shall be deducted from their bill subject to maximum 2% of the contract value. The tender for 33 kV works as proposed in the DPR is likely to be floated shortly / simultaneously from where the 11 kV new feeders are proposed to emanate. The bidders are required to conduct the foot survey in consultation with the Nodal officer by considering the proposed new 33 kV substations. In case there arises a delay due to any circumstances, then foot survey to be conducted by feeding the new feeder proposed in the area with the existing feeder of the town. iv. Although quantity variation clause of ± 25% variation is there in the tender document, but because it is a loss reduction project, therefore the contractor shall not unnecessarily enhance the unit of execution while conducting the foot survey e.g. in a particular town, 5 no. new feeders have been proposed than work shall be limited to those 5 feeders only and quantity variation in items required for the erection of these feeders shall be acceptable. Similarly, the no. of DTs & other items as proposed shall be limited as per DPR only. However, Nigam has right under quantity variation clause stands at its discretion. v. As the projects are funded by Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, therefore variation of 10% of DPR cost is allowed, which is to be kept in view by successful bidder while executing the project. vi. Supply of GPRS enabled Modems and its installation on DT metering system shall be in the scope of the contract besides ensuring its integration & communication with the MDAS system being deployed by DHBVN under the ongoing R-APDPRP Part-A (IT) scheme. The modem shall comply with the technical specification attached with the bid. For the understanding of the MDAS system (Being deployed under R-APDRP scheme) and its integration with the proposed modems deployments, if the bidder wants to have further technical details of the existing system for the development of the understanding in this regards, a clear access to the system details shall be provided. vii. As already brought out Part-A & Part-B of R-APDRP are linked therefore any change in assets is to be reported to the Nigam promptly for making changes in software for asset mapping & consumer indexing etc. The contractor is expected to coordinate with the agencies involved. viii. The contractor’s responsibility is considered to be up to the point of completion of the work under the bid. ix. PERT chart Schedule: The activity wise project PERT Chart shall be given by the bidder. The progress of the work shall be reviewed as per PERT CHART within the schedule completion period at the level of the Chief Engineer. Distribution Transformer supply shall start after completion of ½ of Page 34 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) scheduled completion period OR After erection of 25% of 11kV lines as mentioned in the bid document, whichever is earlier. x. After completion of the work against a bid, the completion proposal for each town is to be submitted to M/s PFC, New Delhi for formal closure of project. Every successful bidder executing the contract shall coordinate with the Nigam authorities in formulation of completion proposals as per requirement of PFC & other offices, as the case may be. xi. Unit of package shall be consider as under: Execution of One complete feeder along with its associated DTs & LT line, meter relocation and completion of all activities mentioned as others in the DPR. xii. The energy meters are to be got tested for accuracy & sealed in M&T lab before their installations. It will be the responsibility of successful firm to get the same tested & sealed in the Nigam’s M&T labs at their own cost before installation at site. xiii. SE/Operation concerned shall be the Nodal officer for field execution of the work under his jurisdiction and its monitoring under a particular bid. xiv. It has been clearly stated in the tender documents that any bidder, who wishes to bid in more than two bids/ packages, shall have to submit price bid i.e. Part-B in separately, which is to be strictly adhered to, failing which the Nigam reserves the right to consider or reject the bid or all the bids made by the contractor. xv. For the proper project monitoring it has been decided to maintain a hindrance register at works site wherein contractor is allowed to write the problems being faced during the execution of the works. The register shall be checked/ reviewed by the R-APDRP wing on monthly basis. xvi. The price variation shall be allowed on distribution transformers, conductor & cables as per IEEMA/ CACMAI circulars. The base date of price variation for distribution transformers, conductor and H.T XLPE, LT & HT AB Cables is 01.02.2015. xvii. The separate work orders in respect of supply and erection shall be issued by the Nigam against various bids/ packages. xviii. Any delay beyond 7 days of request of contractor for CEI clearance shall be to Nigam's account subject to condition that no observation is made by the CEI. xix. The material shall be supplied from the approved list of empanelled / approved firms by the Nigam. Transformers, conductors, poles, cables, meters, insulators, LAs, CTs and G.O. Switches shall be procured by the contractors only from the empanelled firms who have techno commercially qualified in the Material Management wing of either utility i.e. UHBVN & DHBVN during the last one year (counting from placement of work orders) or last matured purchase order or during the course of execution of the work under RAPDRP. Any other manufacturer not covered above, shall also be considered and allowed with the approval of WTDs of Nigam in case of request for the same. The empanelment of additional firm will be done within one month subject to submission of all requisite documents. Page 35 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) xx. The contractor shall execute the work under the project feeder wise so that the review of actual demonstrable work completed may be done at the Head office level. xxi. Taking over of the work shall be town wise. xxii. Work shall be completed within 24 months from the issue of LOI. xxiii. Bidders quoting in more than one bid are allowed to submit one common technical bid under the present NIT but the price bids shall be separate for each bid and in separate envelopes as clearly mentioned in the tender documents. Submission of more than one price bids in single envelope may lead to rejection of all the bids. xxiv. The essence of a project is its timely completion but at the same time it shall also be ensured that the contractual obligations are not compromised. The concerned executing circle head shall be responsible for the monitoring of the execution of the project and he shall depute a dedicated team for the same. xxv. The completion period of the project is spanned over 24 months. It therefore becomes imperative to suitably plan the execution of work so that loss reduction benefits are derived from the high loss making zones/feeders at the earliest possible. The concerned executing circle head shall be responsible for putting into place a proper plan jointly with the turnkey contractor. xxvi. The clearance for supply of material shall be strictly regulated at the head office level, as per the approved PERT chart and the Nigam’s Quality Assurance Plan. The supply of the material to the contractor shall be allowed for material required preferably for next three (3) months only. xxvii. Being flagship program of Govt. of India, the R-APDRP project is monitored at central Minsitry level also. The quarterly work progress of each town made during the execution of project shall be placed before the Board of Directors of DHBVN. 2. QUALIFICATION OF THE BIDDER 2.1 Technical Criteria: a) For 11 kV Lines The bidder should have executed 11 kV or higher voltage works for Discom /Power utilities equivalent to the bid/ package value during the last 5 completed financial years for which certificate of satisfactory completion be submitted which should be issued by Superintending Engineer (SE). In case of other power departments / utilities the certificate must be issued by the officers of the ranks equivalent to above mentioned. The bidders who will submit their tenders in more than one package/ bid of the NIT, their technical qualification will be examined considering the summation of the bid/ package requirement of all the bids in the NIT in which the bidder has quoted. 2.2 Financial Criteria: For the purpose of a particular bid, bidder shall fulfill the following minimum criteria:Page 36 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) a) The average annual turnover during the last 3 financial years should be equal to or more than the value of the Bid / Package. b) The Bidder shall have Liquid assets (LA) and / or evidence of access to or availability of credit facilities extended by any scheduled bank, of NOT less than 25% value of the Bid/ Package, not more than one month prior to the scheduled date of Bid opening. LA will be calculated on the basis of latest audited balance sheets and unutilized balance of LC (fund base only) and CC limits (fund base only) will be considered not more than one month prior to the scheduled date of Bid opening and bidder will also enclose the complete sanction order of the limits issued by the bank. c) The present Net-worth of the bidder should be positive and the bid with negative Networth would be considered non-responsive and shall not be eligible for participation in the tender. In case the last FY happens to have completed before 3 months of the date of opening of part-I of bid, then in that case the provisional balance sheet duly certified by CA shall be considered. In case the date of part-I of bid is after the completion of 3 months of new FY, then in that case the balance sheet duly audited by CA shall be considered. The bidders who will submit their tenders in more than one package/ bid, their financial qualification will be examined considering the summation of the bid / package values of all the bids in which the bidder has quoted. 2.3 Joint Venture Criteria: Bids may be submitted by the individual firms or joint venture firms maximum upto total two partners. (having one partner as lead partner) a. In joint venture, one of the Partners shall be nominated as lead partner, and this authorization shall be evidenced by submitting a power of attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all the partners. b. Any one partner shall meet 100% of the technical qualification criteria as per Clause 2.1, and there is no limit for other partner. c. Lead partner shall meet minimum 70% of the financial criteria as per Cl. 2.2 above. d. Other Joint venture Partner, other than lead partner, shall meet minimum 20% of financial criteria as per Cl. 2.2 above. e. All the partners shall jointly meet minimum 100% of the financial criteria as per Cl. 2.2 above. Any firm can participate in any number of bids under the NIT, either individually or as a joint venture partner firm. But the firm who is bidding individually is not allowed to Page 37 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) participate in any bid as a joint venture partner or vice versa. In such case all the bids in which the firm has participated will be disqualified. Any firm can enter into joint venture with other firms & participate in any bid but with the condition that the joint venture structure shall be same amongst all the bids i.e. all the JV partners shall be same with same partnership share in JV and the same lead partner. If a firm enters into two or more joint ventures with different set of partners than all the bids submitted by that firm either individually or in joint venture shall be disqualified. The JV agreement shall be supplied by the bidder as per format given in the tender document. 2.4 Bid Capacity: - Deleted 2.5 The bidder shall have the valid license for carrying out 11 kV or above voltage works from the Chief Electrical Inspector of any state in India. However, before starting the work, he shall seek CEI Haryana license also. 2.6 To be qualified for award, Bidders shall provide evidence, satisfactory to the Employer of their capability and adequacy of resources to carry out the Contract, effectively. Bids shall include the following information: b) Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration and principal place of business, written power of attorney of the signatory of the Bidder to commit the Bid. c) Total annual turnover of erection and supply of material and equipments, over the last 3 years. d) Performance as prime Contractor for the Erection & Supply of material and equipments of similar nature over the last 5 years and details of other Works and Contractual commitments, presently in hand. The Work-Order along with quantified details of the Works carried out be supplied for proper assessment. The Bidder shall allow assessment of his ongoing Works to the authorized representative of the Employer at any time. e) The tenderer shall specifically furnish the details of key members of the proposed team to be employed on the project in the event of award of the contract, their respective roles and relevant experience/ qualifications. The Project Manager be nominated who shall be at least an M.Tech /MBA having minimum five years experience in similar type of turnkey works. The Assistant Project Managers to be nominated specifically for the work shall be Minimum B.E. Electrical qualified and having a minimum of Three years of experience in similar type of turnkey works. f) Reports on the financial standing of the Bidder including profit and loss statements, balance sheets and auditors reports of the past five years and an estimated financial projection for the next two years. g) Evidence of access to lines of credit and availability of other financial resources. h) Information regarding any litigation, current or during the last two years, in which the Bidder is involved, the parties concerned and disputed Page 38 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) i) j) 2.7 amount. The declaration by the firm that it is not blacklisted by any State Govt. or Agency and shall be liable for the consequences of wrong declaration. The bidder should submit along with the Bid no blacklisting certificate for the past three years. The proposed methodology and program of construction including PERT Chart backed with equipment planning and deployment, quality control procedure to demonstrate the adequacy of Bidder’s proposal to meet the technical specification and completion schedule as per milestones. It would be preferable to give this information in a self-contained write-up. k) Ownership Change The Bidder shall be financially sound and must not be anticipating any ownership change during the period from Bid submission to two years after Commercial operation defined as successful completion of commissioning of the distribution lines and acceptance of the same by the Employer. However, in case the firm is anticipating any such ownership change/take over at any stage of the entire bid process and during the execution of contract They shall seek prior approval from the Employer well in time. It shall be the sole discretion of the Employer to grant permission for such change in ownership / take over and if allowed by the Nigam for ownership change, the new company shall own all responsibilities and liabilities under the contract and the old firm should not be blacklisted by any state/centre government or any of its agency. l) m) n) o) Supply Chain Management: - Deleted – Deleted. – Deleted. Performance Criteria: The firm /bidders should have completed all the turnkey works in the utility issued on or before 31.12.2011 by DHBVN. Bids submitted by the joint venture/consortium of firms as partner shall comply with following requirements a) The Bid shall include all the information listed in sub-clause (a) to (i), (k), (m) and (n) above for each joint venture/consortium partner and 2.6 (i), (j), (l) for the joint venture/consortium. b) The Bid and in case of successful Bid the form of agreement shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners. One of the partners shall be nominated as lead partner, and this authorization shall be evidenced by submitting a power-of attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all the partners. c) The lead partner shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners of the joint venture and the entire execution of the Contract including payment shall be done exclusively with the lead partner as per Performa enclosed in Section-V. d) All partners of the joint venture/consortium shall be liable jointly and severally for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the Page 39 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) e) 2.8 Contract terms and a statement to this effect shall be included in the Bid Form and in the Contract Form (in case of successful Bid). A copy of the agreement entered in to by the joint venture/consortium partners shall be submitted along with the Bid. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in rejection of joint ventures/consortium Bid. The above stated requirements are minimum and the DHBVN reserves the right to ask for any additional information and also reserves the right to reject the proposal of any Bidder, if, in the opinion of the DHBVN, the qualification data is incomplete or the Bidder is found not qualified to satisfactorily perform the Contract. 2.9 Not withstanding anything stated above, DHBVN reserves the right to assess the bidder’s ability and capacity to perform the work, should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest of the owner. 3 Cost of Bidding The Bidder shall bear all the cost and expenses associated with preparation and submission of its Bid including post Bid discussions, technical and other presentation etc. and DHBVN will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding process. 4 One Bid per Bidder Each tenderer (prospective bidder) shall submit only one tender by himself, or as a partner in a firm, against one particular bid / package in the NIT. A tenderer who submits or participates in more than one tender against any bid / package will be disqualified. A prospective tenderer may however submit tender or participate against more than one bid / package under the NIT. Bidder’s quoting more than one bid / package shall quote their preference for bids for the sake of determining their eligibility. In case the bidder does not provide the preferential order of the bids, then in that case the sr. no. of bids shall be considered as preferential order, in descending order. Note: A bidder may apply for any or all the Bid / packages against the NIT. However, the award of number of packages to each bidder would be at the discretion of DHBVN. 5 Contents of Bid Documents The Bidding Documents are those as stated below and should be read in conjunction with any Addenda issued in accordance with Clause 7. The Bidding Documents include: VOLUME – I SECTION–I INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) SECTION–II INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS (ITB) Page 40 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) SECTION–III CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (COC) SECTION–IV CONTRACT DATA SECTION–V SAMPLE FORMS AND PROCEDURE SECTION–VI BOQ AND SCHEDULE OF PRICES VOLUME – II SECTION-VII TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION & DRAWINGS 6 Clarifications on Bid documents 6.1 If the prospective Bidder finds discrepancies or omission in the specifications and document or is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part, he shall at once make a request, in writing, for any interpretation/clarifications to the DHBVN. The DHBVN then will issue interpretations and clarifications as he may think fit in writing. After receipt of such interpretations and clarifications, the Bidder may submit his Bid but within the time and date as specified in the invitation to Bid. All such interpretations and clarifications shall form a part of the Bidding document and shall accompany the Bidder’s proposal. A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification on Bidding Document may notify the DHBVN in writing. 6.2 Verbal clarifications and information given by the DHBVN or his employee(s) shall not in any way be binding on the DHBVN. 7 Amendment to Bidding Documents 7.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Bids, the DHBVN may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification required by a prospective Bidder, modify the Bidding Documents by amendment(s). 7.2 The amendment will be notified in writing or by telex or cable to all prospective Bidders, which have received the Bidding Document at the address contained in the letter of request for issue of Bidding Document from the Bidders. 7.3 The amendment will be notified through Corrigendum uploaded in the websites of DHBVN and https://dhbvnl.haryanaeprocurement.gov.in. DHBVN will bear no responsibility or liability arising out of non-receipt of the same in time or otherwise. 7.4 In order to afford prospective Bidder reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their Bids, the DHBVN may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Bids. 7.5 Such amendments, clarifications etc. shall be binding on Bidders and will be given due consideration by the Bidder while they submit their Bids and invariably enclose such documents as a part of the Bid. 8 Language of Bid The Bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents relating Page 41 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) to the Bid, exchanged by the Bidder and the DHBVN, shall be written in the English language. 9 Local Conditions 9.1 It will be imperative on each Bidder to fully inform himself of all local conditions and factors, which may have any effect on the execution of the Contract covered under these documents and specifications. The DHBVN shall not entertain any request for clarifications from the Bidders, regarding such local conditions. 9.2 It must be understood and agreed that such factors have properly been investigated and considered while submitting the proposals. No claim for financial adjustment to the Contract awarded under these specifications and documents will be entertained by the DHBVN. Neither any change in the time schedule of the Contract nor any financial adjustments arising thereof shall be permitted by the DHBVN, which are based on the lack of such clear information or its effect on the cost of the Works, to the Bidder. 10 Documents Comprising the Bid 10.1 The Bidder shall complete the Bid Form inclusive of Price Schedules; Technical Data Requirements etc. furnished in the Bidding Documents, indicating, for the goods to be supplied and services to be rendered, a brief description of goods and services, quantity and prices. 10.2 The Bidder shall also submit documentary evidence to establish that the Bidder meets the Qualification Requirements as detailed in Clause-2.0 above. 10.3 The Bidder must enclose Income Tax clearance certificate along with the tender. 10.4 The Bid Security shall be furnished in a separate cover in accordance with clause-15.0. 11. Contract Quality Assurance: - Deleted 12. Bid Price 12.1 The tenderer while quoting bid for turnkey works shall quote the total price for the equipment/ material plus erection charges through Schedule-1 to the bid document. The estimated unit rates and erection charges as ascertained by the employer (Nigam) shall be mentioned in the price schedule to the documents. The rates as admissible to the contract shall be the proportionate to the estimated rate and shall be calculated as under: Unit Rate of Supply allowable = Estimated unit rate of Supply X (Total Quoted Price / Total Estimated Price). Unit Rate of Erection allowable = Estimated unit rate of Erection X (Total Page 42 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Quoted Price / Total Estimated Price). 12.2 In case any additional equipment/material not incorporated in the original BOM is required for completion of the works as per site conditions payment of the same shall be regulate as per above formula and the estimated unit rates/erection shall be taken as per the rate list applicable/applied while preparing the original BOM after having approval of WTDs. 12. 3 The Bidder shall complete the Bid form and shall appropriate the price and other schedules furnished in the Bidding Documents, indicating the supplies and the services to be provided. 12.4 All prices quoted by the Bidder shall be ‘FIRM’ during the performance of the Contract and shall not be subject to variation on any account, for all intents and purposes except distribution transformers, cables and ACSR conductors. The price variation shall be allowed on distribution transformers, conductor and cable as per IEEMA/CACMAI circulars with base date of 01.02.2015. For claiming price variation, the bidder should submit the relevant IEEMA/CACMAI circulars alongwith claim applicable for price variation of DTs, cables and conductors. The breakup of prices of these materials shall be given by the bidders. The relevantIEEMA/CACMAI formula attached. The variable price as per IEEMA/CACMAI formula with maximum +10% ceiling but on, negative side it will be up to any extent as applicable one month prior to date of delivery. The date of delivery is the date on which the transformers/ cables/ conductors is notified by the manufacture are being ready for inspection / dispatch (in the absence of such notification, the date of manufacturer’s dispatch note is to be considered as the date of delivery) or the contracted delivery date (including any agreed extension thereto), whichever is earlier. In case of delayed supply, the same may be considered and accepted by the employer with levy of penalty as per provision of work order and for computing the price variation the lowest IEEMA/ CACMAI indices from the date of issue of work order till the date of actual supply of material in the stores/site shall be applicable. Statutory variation (such as Sale Tax, Excise duty, Service Tax etc.), if any, may be taken into account while quoting the price. 12.5 The prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees. 12.6 No mobilization advance shall be paid to the successful Bidder, as such the same will not be considered in the Bid. 13. Bid Validity Page 43 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 13.1 Bids shall remain valid for 120 days from the date of opening of Part-II (Price) Bids. 13.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original Bid validity period, the Employer may request the L-1 Bidder to extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing or by e-mail / fax. The bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its bid security. The Bidder agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to modify his Bid, but will be required to extend the validity of his Bid for the period of the extension. Further, in case of refusal or no response by L-1 bidder till the expiry of bid validity period, the tender shall be dropped. In any case, the EMD of bidder other than L-I shall invariably be refunded, preferably, within 14 days after expiry of bid validity. 14. Taxes and Duties 14.1 All custom duties, excise duties, sales taxes and other taxes and duties, levies payable by the Bidders in respect of the transaction between the bidders and their vendors/sub-suppliers while procuring any components, sub assemblies, rawmaterials and equipment shall be included in the Bid price and no claim on this behalf will be entertained by the DHBVN. The excise duty and sales tax / VAT will be included in quoted price as per present applicable Excise / Sale Tax / VAT rule. No ED & ST / VAT in any case shall be payable to the supplier/Bidder, if became applicable in respect of bought out items directly dispatched from works of sub-suppliers as well as on erection works etc. The successful bidder after completion of supply will give a certificate that ED & Sales Tax / VAT charged from DHBVN has been paid to the concerned authorities including his self-manufactured items. Wherever Excise duty is applicable, the due credit under the MODVAT (Modified Value Added Tax) policies wherever applicable, shall be taken into account by the Bidder while quoting Bid price. The compliance of this Clause shall be confirmed by the Bidder along with his Bid. “The sale to Owner shall be made on Sales-in-Transit basis wherever possible.” 14.2 In addition to above, all the bidders are also required to include/ make the provision for Worker’s Welfare Cess (Payable on erection part only) under the provisions of the Building and other Construction Worker’s Welfare Cess Act 1996, in the Bid price or any kind of taxes and duties as mandatory as per statutory Law Page 44 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) or instruction of Government. However the bidder shall submit the compliance/ deposit receipts (Proof) of the above provisions on monthly basis. 14.3 As regard the Income Tax, surcharge on Income Tax, Workers Welfare Cess and other taxes including tax deduction at source, the Bidder shall be responsible for such payment to the concerned authorities with in prescribed period. 14.4 The Income Tax, surcharge on Income Tax and cesses shall be deducted at source, from the payments made to the Bidder by the O/O FA/PD&C, DHBVN, Hisar. 14.5 Work contract tax: a) Separate work orders in respect of supply and erection shall be issued by the Nigam against various bids. b) In case of separate work order(s) issued for supply & erection part of the contract WCT shall be payable by the contractor on the erection part of the contract only. 15. Earnest Money Deposit 15.1 The bidder shall furnish EMD as specified in the NIT. 15.2 The Bid security shall be 2% of estimated cost subject to maximum of Rs 10.00 lacs. The EMD of Rs 10.00 lacs shall be deposited in the shape of Demand Draft (payable at Hisar in favour of FA&CAO/ PD&C, DHBVN, Hisar from a reputed Nationalised/ commercial Bank) or in the shape of Bank Guarantee from scheduled bank valid upto 193 days from the date of opening of part-1 of tender. If the Bank Guarantee submitted by a bidder is of required amount and is otherwise in order but the validity of the Bank Guarantee is less than the prescribed limit but not less than 90 days from the date of opening of part-1 of bids, then the part-1 of the tender of the bidder shall be opened with the condition that the bidder shall within 10 days of opening of part-1 get the validity of the Bank Guarantee extended for the required period, failing which the tender of the bidder will be rejected. 15.3 Any bid not secured in accordance with para 15.1 and 15.2 above will be rejected by DHBVN as non-responsive. 15.4 EMD of Unsuccessful Bidders will be refunded within 2 weeks after the award of the contract. 15.5 EMD furnished by the Successful bidders will be refunded within 7 days from the receipt of confirmation of Performance Guarantee as per contract by the Accounts wing/DDO on intimation to the FA/PD&C, DHBVN, Hisar for making necessary entry in the EMD register. 15.6 The EMD may be forfeited: a. If the bidder withdraws / modifies its bid during the period of bid validity Page 45 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) specified by the bidder in the tender; or b. If the bidder does not accept the corrections to arithmetical errors identified during preliminary evaluation of his bid; o r c. If as per the qualifying requirements the bidder has to submit a Deed of Joint Under taking and he fails to submit the same, duly attested by Notary Public of the place(s) of the respective executants (s) or registered with the Indian Embassy/High commission in that country, within ten days from the date of intimation of bid discussion; or d. In case of a successful bidder, if the Bidder fails to sign the contract; or e. In case of a successful bidder, if the Bidder fails to furnish the performance guarantee. 15.7 The EMD shall be submitted along with the bid in separate sealed envelop and also photocopy thereof to be attached with the bids. Any bid not accompanied by the required in accordance with provisions of this clause will be rejected and shall not be opened. 15.8 No interest shall be payable by DHBVN on the above EMD. 16. Format of Bid 16.1 The Bidder shall prepare the BID in duplicate clearly, marking each “Original BID” and “copy of BID”, as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them, the original shall govern. The BIDs must be submitted with required Bid security & other documents that may form the BID. The Bidder’s BID and the documents attached there to shall be considered as forming part of the contract documents. 16.2 BID must be submitted in a sealed envelope in two parts and each part in separate sealed envelope complete in all respects, which will be received up to 13.00 Hrs. on the due date at the following address: Chief Engineer/ R-APDRP, DHBVN, Vidyut Sadan, Hisar-125005. Part I – It will comprise of terms and conditions of the NIT, technical specifications, qualifying criteria documents (Technical & Financial) and all other relevant information except the price schedule. Part II – Price schedule Each part and envelope containing bid security should be sealed in separate / individual covers clearly marked on the outside so as to identify each envelope, without opening the covers. All the sealed envelopes should be properly tagged and placed in one common sealed cover bearing on the top “NIT No. ……………….for Bid No. _______due on __________, Name of the work, Name of bidder with address, Validity Period ___________ and particulars of bid security” against each work for establishment of Sub-stations and lines on turn-key basis. Page 46 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) First the BID SECURITY ENVELOPE will be opened and in case bid security is not found for the required amount or not in acceptable mode, the offer envelope will be not opened and same shall be returnable to the bidder on next working day of due date of opening. Part - I of tender will be opened on the same day at 15.00 hrs in the office of Chief Engineer/ R-APDRP, DHBVN, Hisar for those bidders who meet / fulfill the requirement of bid security deposit. Part - II of tender will be opened on a prefixed date which will be intimated to all those bidders who qualifies the Technical, commercial & financial qualifications criteria. NITs which are opened before the due date by mistake, in case no indication having been given in the outside of the envelope or container to indicate that it is NIT, will be disqualified. 16.3 The original and copy of the NIT shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the Contract. The letter of authorization shall be indicated by the written power of attorney accompanying the NIT. All pages of the NIT, except for un-amended printed literature, shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the NIT. 16.4 The NIT shall contain no interpolation, erasure or overwriting except as necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder, in that case, each such correction shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the NIT. 16.5 NITs shall be fully in accordance with the requirements of these documents and the specifications attached herewith etc. Appropriate forms furnished with the bidding documents shall be used in quoting NIT prices. 16.6 Conditional NITs shall not be accepted. Consistent with the intent of bidding documents, bidders may offer alternatives to their base NIT. Such alternatives will be given careful consideration provided that: a) They are described in the applicable bidding schedule and sufficient supplementary information is furnished in the form of specifications, drawings and literature, to permit a complete evaluation of the NIT. b) The reasons for the desired alternatives and their relative advantages shall be clearly stated. DHBVN reserves the right to accept or reject such alternatives. 16.7 Time being the essence of the contract, the Bidders should indicate in the NIT the time of completion of work in the attached form. The desired completion period of DHBVN as indicated in the specifications attached, should be strictly adhered to. The quality of work shall also form an essence of the contract. 16.8 Queries relevant to the Bidding Documents prior to opening of NITs shall be addressed to: By mail: Chief Engineer/ R-APDRP, DHBVN, Vidyut Sadan, Hisar-125005. 16.9 The bidder shall inspect the site of works before bidding and include in his NIT the cost of compensation payable for the standing crops, trees cutting etc. involved, if any, and Page 47 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) any damage to third person during execution of works. The employer shall not be liable for any payment to the bidder on this account. 17. Signature of Bid 17.1 The Bid must contain the name, residence and place of business of the person or persons making the Bid and must be signed and sealed by the Bidder with his usual signature. The names of all persons signing the Bid should also be typed or printed below the signature. 17.2 Bid by a partnership must be furnished with full names of the all partners and be signed with the partnership name, followed by the signature(s) and designation(s) of the authorized partner(s) or other authorised representative(s). Copy of the Partnership deed will be supplied along with the Bid. 17.3 Bid by Corporation/Company must be signed with the legal name of the Corporation/Company by the President, Managing Director or by the Secretary/other person/or persons authorized to Bid on behalf of such Corporation/Company in the matter. 17.4 A Bid by a person who affixes to his signature the word ‘President’ ‘Managing Director’, ‘Secretary’, ‘Agent’ or other designation without disclosing his Principal will be rejected. 17.5 Satisfactory evidence of authority of the person signing on behalf of the Bidder shall be furnished with the Bid. 17.6 The Bidder’s name stated on the proposal shall be the exact legal name of the firm. 17.7 Bids not conforming to the above requirements of signing may be disqualified. 18. Sealing and Marking of Bid 18.1 The Bidder shall seal the original and each copy of the Bid in an inner and an outer envelope, duly marking the envelopes as “Original” and “Copy”. 18.2 The inner and outer envelopes shall be: a) Addressed to the Owner at the following address. Chief Engineer/ R-APDRP, DHBVN, Vidyut Sadan, Hisar-125005. AND b) Bear the name of bid, the specification number and Words “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE_______________”. 18.3 The inner envelope shall also indicate the name and address of the Bidder to enable the Bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared “late” or “rejected”. 18.4 If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required by Clause 18.2, the Owner will assume no responsibility for the Bid’s misplacement or premature opening. The Bid Security (in the shape of drafts) must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope super-scribed Bid Security – Bid No.______________. Page 48 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 19. Deadline for submission of Bid. 19.1 The Bidders have the option of sending the Bid by registered post or submitting the Bid in person. Bids submitted by telex/telegram will not be accepted. No request from any Bidder to the DHBVN to collect the proposal from airlines, cargo agents etc. shall be entertained by the DHBVN. 19.2 Bids must be received by the DHBVN at the address specified under Clause 18.2, not later than the time and date mentioned in the invitation to Bid. 19.3 The DHBVN may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for the submission of Bids by amending the Bidding document, in which case all rights and obligation of the DHBVN and Bidder previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended. 20. 21. Late Bids Any Bid received by the DHBVN after the time and date fixed or extended for submission of Bids prescribed by the DHBVN, will be rejected and /or returned unopened to the Bidder. Modification and withdrawal of Bids 21.1 The Bidder may modify or withdraw its Bid after the Bid’s submission provided that written notice of the modification or withdrawal is received by the DHBVN prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of Bids. 21.2 The Bidder’s modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked and dispatched in accordance with the procedure given in Clause 18.0. 21.3 No Bid may be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of Bids. 21.4 No Bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of Bids and the expiration of the period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid form. Withdrawal / modification of a Bid during this interval may result in the forfeiture of Bidder’s bid security. 21.6 The tenderer, after submitting its tenders, it is permitted to submit alterations/ modifications to its tender so long such alterations / modifications are received duly sealed and marked like original tender up to the date and time of receipt of tender. Any amendment / modification received after the prescribed date & time of receipt of tender are not to be considered and any withdrawal of offer shall not be permitted. 21.7 The bidder shall quote price bid as per schedule-l (section – VI) of this volume. No letter of discount whatsoever shall be entertained at any stage. If the bidder intends to exercise the option to revise/modify his price bid, the revised/modified price bid complete in all respect is to be submitted in pursuant to clause 21.5. 22. Information required with the proposal Page 49 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 22.1 The Bids must clearly indicate the name of the manufacturer, the type/model of each principal item of equipment/material proposed to be furnished and erected. The Bid should also contain drawings and descriptive materials indicating general dimensions, materials from which the parts are manufactured, principles of operation, the extent of pre- assembly involved, major construction equipment proposed to be deployed, method of erection and the proposed erection organizational structure. It would be in the interest of the Bidder to supply the equipment /material from only reputed manufacturers. 22.2 The above information shall be provided by the Bidder in the form of separate sheet drawing, catalogue etc. in two copies. 22.3 The Bid not containing sufficient descriptive materials to describe accurately the equipment/material proposed may be treated as incomplete and hence rejected. Such descriptive materials and drawings submitted by the Bidder will be retained by the DHBVN. Any major departure from these drawings and descriptive material submitted will not be permitted during the execution of the Contract without specific written permission of the DHBVN. 22.4 Oral statements made by the Bidder at any time regarding quality, quantity or arrangement of the equipment or any other matter will not be considered. 22.5 Standard catalogue pages and other documents of the Bidder may be used in the Bid to provide additional information and data as deemed necessary by the Bidder. 22.6 The Bidder, along with his proposals, shall submit a list of recommended erection equipment and materials which will be required for the purpose of erection of equipment and materials supplied under the Contract. 22.7 In case the ‘Proposal’ information contradicts specification requirements, the specification requirements will govern, unless otherwise, brought out clearly in the technical commercial deviation schedule. 23. Opening of Bids by DHBVN 23.1 The DHBVN will open Bids in the presence of Bidder’s representatives (up to 2 persons) who choose to attend, on the date and time for opening of Bids in the invitation to Bids or in case any extension has been given thereto, on the extended Bid opening date & time notified to all the Bidders who have purchased the Bidding Documents. The Bidder’s representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. 23.2 ‘The Bidders’ names, Bid prices, modifications, Bid withdrawals and the presence or absence of the requisite Bid security and such other details as the DHBVN, at its Page 50 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) discretion, may consider appropriate will be announced at the opening. 23.3 No electronic recording devices will be permitted during Bid opening. 24. Clarification of Bids. To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, the DHBVN may at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its Bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing and no change in the price or substance of the Bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. 25. Examination of Bids. 25.1 The DHBVN will examine the Bids to determine whether these are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the Bids are generally in order. 25.2 The tenderer while quoting bid for turnkey works shall quote the total price for the equipments/material plus erection charges through Schedule-1 to the bid document. The estimate unit rates and erection charges as ascertained by the employer (Nigam) shall be mentioned in the price schedule to the documents. All arithmetical errors will be rectified on the basis of the total price (in figures or in words) whichever is more beneficial to the DHBVN. 26. Definitions and Meanings: For the purpose of evaluation and comparison of Bids, the following meanings and definitions will apply: ‘Bid Price’ shall mean the base price per package quoted by each Bidder in his proposal for the complete scope of Works including Excise duty, Sales Tax, payable to the Bidder for complete jobs including Freight, Insurance, Erection, Testing and Commission charges. 27. Comparison of Bids 27.1 The Bids shall be compared package-wise on the basis of lump sum prices (i.e. for supply portion and price for service to be rendered as quoted by the Bidder) for the entire scope of the proposal as defined in the Bidding document. 27.2 All evaluated Bid prices of all the Bidders shall be compared package wise among themselves to determine the lowest evaluated Bid. In case of any Bidder quoting for more than one package, these may also be evaluated together by the Employer in order to avail any discount or price benefit quoted by the Bidder. 28. Contacting the DHBVN Bids shall be deemed to be under consideration immediately after they are opened and until such time official intimation of award / rejection is made by the DHBVN to the Bidders. While the Bids are under consideration, Bidder and/or his representatives or the interested parties are advised to refrain from contacting by Page 51 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) any means, the DHBVN and/or his employees / representative on matter related to the Bids under consideration. The DHBVN, if necessary, will obtain clarifications on the Bids by requesting for such information from any or all the Bidders, in writing. Bidders will not be permitted to change the substance of the Bids after the Bids have been opened. Any effort by a Bidder to influence the purchaser in any way may result in rejection of the Bidder’s Bid. 29. Award Criteria 29.1 The DHBVN will award the Contract package wise to one bidder per package whose bids have been determined to be substantially responsive and the Bidder determined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily as decided by the awarding authority (in accordance to the DHBVN Procurement Manual/ The Delegation of Powers/State Govt. Policy). 29.2 After opening of the price bid, the following procedures shall be followed by Nigam: i) The price discovery for the award of turnkey project shall be generally determined based on the rates quoted by the L1 bidder and the negotiations, if any, held with the lowest bidder. However, the award of turnkey works negotiations could be held up to L3 bidder, if the difference between the L1 quoted rate and those quoted by the L2 and L3 is within 5% of the L1 quoted rates. In cases where the L1 bidder refuses to further reduce the his offered price and the L2 or L3 bidder comes forward to offer a price which is better than the price offered by the L1 bidder, the bidder whose price is accepted becomes L1 bidder. However, in such a situation, the original L1 bidder shall be given one more opportunity to match the discovered price. In case of acceptance, he would be treated as the L1 bidder. Tenders shall be decided as per the prevailing instructions of Government of Haryana/Nigam. 29.3 Further, the DHBVN reserves the right to award separate Contracts to two or more parties in line with the terms and conditions specified in the tender Documents. 29.4 Not withstanding to the fact that the Contract is termed as Supplies cum erection contract or divisive contract for supply and erection or indicates the breakup of the contract consideration, for conveyance of operation and payment of Sale Tax on supply portion, it is in-fact supply and erection, testing & commissioning contract on single source responsibility basis and Contractor is bound to perform the total contract in it’s entirety and non performance of any part or portion of the Contracts shall be deemed to be breach of the entire Contract. 30. DHBVN right to accept any Bid and to reject any or all Bids i) The DHBVN reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids, and to annul the Bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders on the grounds for the DHBVN’s action. Page 52 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) ii) Pooling by the bidders is strictly prohibited. If it is found at any stage that pooling has been done by the various bidders, then their bids / tender may be cancelled and action against the defaulting bidders will be taken such as black listing /debarring them from Nigam tenders for two years. 31. Notification of Award 31.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of Bid validity and extended validity period, if any, the Owner will notify the successful Bidder in writing by registered letter or by e-mail or fax, to be confirmed in writing by registered letter, that its Bid has been accepted. 31.2 The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract. 31.3 Upon the successful Bidder’s furnishing of performance guarantee pursuant to Clause - 34, the Owner will promptly notify each unsuccessful Bidder and will discharge his Bid security, pursuant to Clause - 14. 31.4 The firms failing to honour LOIs shall be Blacklisted / Debarred from doing business with Nigam besides the other action as per terms & conditions of the contract. The period of blacklisting of the defaulting supplier / contractor will be upto 3 years. The blacklisting of the contractor / supplier should be notified to all Power Utilities in the country and the names of such blacklisted supplier / contractor would also be put on the website of the Nigam. 32. Signing of Contract 32.1 At the same time as the Owner notifies the successful Bidder that its Bid has been accepted the Owner will send the Bidder the Contract Form incorporating all agreements between the parties. 32.2 Within fifteen (15) days of the Notification of the Award the successful Bidder shall sign and date the Contract and return it to the Owner. In case the successful bidder fails to submit the Contract Agreements duly signed within 15 days from the date of issue of detailed contract, the payment will not be released till the bidder submits the Contract agreements and penalty @ 0.25% per week or a part thereof shall be deducted from their bill subject to maximum 1% of Contract value. 32.3 The final contract agreements shall be signed within 15 days from the date, the firm submits the final Contract Agreements in all respect. 33. Contract Performance Guarantee 33.1 Within 30 days of receipt of LOA/ LOI, the successful Bidder, to whom the work is awarded, shall be required to furnish a performance Bank Guarantee from a Scheduled / Nationalized Bank, in branch situated in Chandigarh / Panchkula / Hisar in the form attached in Section-VI to the Vol-I in favour of the Owner equal to 10% of total contract price valid up to 90 days after the expiry of warranty period as detailed below:Page 53 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) If the quoted rate is below estimated rates and the deviation is between 10% to 25% of the estimated rate, the contractor will submit performance Bank Guarantee equal to the difference between estimated price and quoted price in place of 10% of BG e.g. 1. If Estimate Rate = Quoted Rate i.e. Rs. 100 ( PBG = @10% ) 2. If Estimate Rate (Rs. 100) & Quoted rate Rs. 90 (PBG = @10%) 3. If Estimate Rate (Rs. 100) & Quoted rate Rs. 85(PBG = @15%) 4. If Estimate Rate (Rs. 100) & Quoted rate Rs. 76 (PBG = @24%) 5. If the Quoted rate is below Rs.75 (Bid shall be rejected However, if the circumstances allow, the Nigam has right to considered the bid. 33.2 Further penalty @ 0.35% per week or part thereof of the value of BG if bank guarantee not submitted within 30 days from the date of issue of LOA/LOI. 33.3 If the bank guarantee not submitted within 45 days from the date of issue of LOA/LOI, the employer/ Nigam reserves the right to cancel the LOA and initiate the action for allotment to L-2 firm at L-1 rate or below. However before the expiry of above mentioned 45 days the contractor may seek approval for grant of additional one month (maximum) on payment of the entire penalty amount for 45 days as mentioned above. The grant of one month will not entitle the firm to claim the extension of the scheduled completion time. In case of quoted rates for the work being below 25% of the estimated rates, normally the bid shall be rejected. However, if the circumstances so warrant in view of extra ordinary performance of bidder in the past or other similar factors, the bid can be considered with the approval of the next higher authority with reference to the purchasing authority. The approval of the Board of Directors will be required where purchasing authority is HPPC / SHPPC subject to below. Note: Bank Guarantee would be issued by any scheduled Bank in branch situated in Chandigarh / Panchkula / Hisar. 33.4 The Performance Guarantee shall cover additionally the following guarantees to the Owner: a) The Successful Bidder guarantees the successful and satisfactory operation of the material/equipment furnished and erected under the Contract, as per the specifications and documents. b) The successful Bidder guarantees that the material and equipment provided and installed by him shall be free from all defects in design, material and Workmanship and shall upon written notice from the Owner fully remedy free of expenses to the Page 54 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Owner such defects as developed under the normal use of the said material and equipment within the period of guarantee specified in the relevant Clause of the Conditions of Contract. 33.5 The Contract Performance Guarantee is intended to secure the execution/ performance of the entire Contract. 33.6 The Performance guarantee will be returned to the Contractor without any interest at the end of the Warranty period with the approval of CE/ R-APDRP, DHBVN, Hisar. 34. Quantity Variation The employer reserves the right to increase or decrease the contract value & Services specified without any change in unit price or other terms & condition during the execution of contract depending upon the final route plan/actual execution required. The quantity of individual items may, therefore, vary as per final route plan and route profile of the line. The payment shall be made on actual basis for the material supplied and services rendered. The Purchaser reserves the right to increase / decrease the quantity / value of works by +10% and – 25% respectively before the signing of contract and / or during the currency of the contract at the same rate terms and conditions. The quantity variation allowed shall be within + 10% and -25% of contract value / works as a whole and not for each individual items. Also, the employer reserves the right to increase or decrease the contract value for other similar works located at other places within + 10% and -25% of the contract value / works. However, in addition to the above, delegation of powers for approval of variation, is as under: 1. Financial Variation up to + 5% shall be approved by the respective Chief Engineer. 2. Financial variation above + 5% and up to + 10% shall be approval by the Whole Time Directors. 3. Financial variation beyond + 10% shall be approval by the Board of Directors. However, the negative financial variation upto – 25% against the contract cost coming out as result of the foot survey / actual erection, the respective Chief Engineer shall have the powers to approve the negative financial variation against the contract. Page 55 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 35. Site Visit 35.1 The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the Site of Works and its surroundings and obtain for itself on its own responsibility all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a Contract for construction of the Works. The cost of visiting the Site shall be at the Bidder’s own expense. 35.2 The Bidder shall inspect the site of Works before Bidding and include in his Bid the cost of compensations payable for the standing crops or tree cuttings etc. involved therein, if any. The Employer shall not be liable for any payment to the Bidder on this account. 35.3 The Bidder and any of its personnel or agents will be granted permission by the Employer to enter upon its premises and lands for the purpose of such visit. 36. Storage of Material The Bidder shall store all the Material/Equipment in the well-maintained Store at his cost. All the services required for maintaining the Stores shall also be at the cost of the Bidder. 37. Credit Facility The successful bidder shall submit the credit facility proof, specifically for the contract awarded, from any nationalized bank/Haryana Co-op bank, of amount not less than 25% of the award cost. 38. Warranty Period The warranty of equipments shall be for the period as per provisions made in the Technical Specifications of the Nigam from date of commissioning and where the warranty period has not been specified, the same shall be 12 months. The manufacturers of these materials should not be blacklisted by any SEB / Utility of any State of India. In case, it is found that the material supplied is from any blacklisting firm the same shall be out rightly rejected and the firm shall be liable to arrange the same at shortest period of time without any relaxation of extension in completion time. 39. Empanelled Supplier The material shall be supplied from the approved list of empanelled firms of Nigam for supply of various item used in 11/33 kV works / Turnkey/ Deposit works /self execution works. The material shall be supplied from the approved list of empanelled / approved firms by the Nigam. Transformers, conductors, poles, cables, meters, insulators, LAs, CTs and G.O. Switches shall be procured by the contractors only from the empanelled firms who have techno commercially qualified in the Material Management wing of either utility i.e. UHBVN & DHBVN during the last one year (counting from placement of work orders) or last matured purchase order or during the course of execution of the work under RAPDRP. Any other manufacturer not covered above, shall also be considered and allowed with the approval of WTDs of Nigam in case of request for the same. The empanelment of additional firm will be done within one month subject to submission of all requisite documents. Page 56 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 40. Quality Assurance Plan The successful bidder shall to follow the Quality Assurance Plan of Nigam in which detail regarding material quality assurance, quality assurance procedure, inspection requisition, procedure of conducting of inspection at firm's premises, sealing procedure for the inspected material, dispatch instructions and post Receipt Inspection / testing in DHBVN Stores, has been elaborated. Copy of Quality Assurance Plan of Nigam has been appended after Bill of Quantities (BOQ) for meticulous compliance by the bidder. 41. Accounting and Returning of Dismantled Materials The dismantled material should be properly accounted and returned to Nigam’s store by the successful bidder. 42. GTPs & Drawings All materials shall be supplied as per GTPs/ Drawings of the Nigam conforming to relevant ISS with latest amendments as applicable. An undertaking in this regard shall be submitted with the bid. However, the Successful bidder shall submit the required drawings/GTPs within stipulated period for approval of the Nigam. 43. Jurisdiction of the Court: Hisar court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to decide any dispute arissing out of or in repect of the contract. 44. Important Instructions to Bidders for e-tender: The e-tendering sytem has been introduced in DHBVN through the portal https://haryanaeprocurement.gov.in. The existing instructions to the bidders are for the offline mode of submission of tenders. But, with the introduction of e-tendering mode, the procedures as laid down below shall be followed. In the event of contradiction between the existing ITB for offline mode and following instructions for e-tendering, the procedures of e-tendering shall govern. 1. Registration of bidders on eProcurement Portal:All the bidders intending to participate in the tenders processed online are required to get registered on the centralized e Procurement Portal i.e. https://haryanaeprocurement.gov.in. Please visit the website for more details. 2. Obtaining a Digital Certificate: 2.1 The Bids submitted online should be encrypted and signed electronically with a Digital Certificate to establish the identity of the bidder bidding online. These Digital Certificates are issued by an Approved Certifying Authority, by the Controller of Certifying Authorities, Government of India. 2.2 A Digital Certificate is issued upon receipt of mandatory identity (i.e. Applicant’s PAN Card) and Address proofs and verification form duly attested by the Bank Manager / Post Master / Gazetted Officer. Only upon the receipt of the required documents, a digital certificate can be issued. For more details please visit the website – https://haryanaeprocurement.gov.in. 2.3 The bidders may obtain Class-II or III digital signature certificate from any Certifying Authority or Sub-certifying Authority authorized by the Controller of Certifying Page 57 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Authorities or may obtain information and application format and documents required for the issue of digital certificate from: M/s Nextenders (India) Pvt. Ltd. O/o. DS&D Haryana, SCO – 09, IInd Floor, Sector – 16, Panchkula – 134108 E - mail: Chandigarh@nextenders.com Help Desk: 1800-180-2097 (Toll Free Number) 2.4 Bid for a particular tender must be submitted online using the digital certificate (Encryption & Signing), which is used to encrypt the data and sign the hash during the stage of bid preparation & hash submission. In case, during the process of a particular tender, the user loses his digital certificate (due to virus attack, hardware problem, operating system or any other problem) he will not be able to submit the bid online. Hence, the users are advised to keep a backup of the certificate and also keep the copies at safe place under proper security (for its use in case of emergencies). 2.5 In case of online tendering, if the digital certificate issued to the authorized user of a firm is used for signing and submitting a bid, it will be considered equivalent to a noobjection certificate/power of attorney /lawful authorization to that User. The firm has to authorize a specific individual through an authorization certificate signed by all partners to use the digital certificate as per Indian Information Technology Act 2000. Unless the certificates are revoked, it will be assumed to represent adequate authority of the user to bid on behalf of the firm in the department tenders as per Information Technology Act 2000. The digital signature of this authorized user will be binding on the firm. 2.6 In case of any change in the authorization, it shall be the responsibility of management / partners of the firm to inform the certifying authority about the change and to obtain the digital signatures of the new person / user on behalf of the firm / company. The procedure for application of a digital certificate however will remain the same for the new user. 2.7 The same procedure holds true for the authorized users in a private/Public limited company. In this case, the authorization certificate will have to be signed by the directors of the company. 3 Opening of an Electronic Payment Account: Tender document can be downloaded online. Bidders are required to pay the tender documents fees online using the electronic payments gateway service. For online payments guidelines, please refer to the Home page of the e-tendering Portal http://haryanaeprocurement.gov.in. 4 Pre-requisites for online bidding: Page 58 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) In order to bid online on the portal http://haryanaeprocurement.gov.in , the user machine must be updated with the latest Java. The link for downloading latest java applet is available on the Home page of the e-tendering Portal. 5 Online Viewing of Detailed Notice Inviting Tenders: The bidders can view the detailed NIT and the time schedule (Key Dates) for all the tenders floated through the single portal eProcurement system on the Home Page at http://haryanaeprocurement.gov.in. 6 Download of Tender Documents: The tender documents can be downloaded free of cost from the e-Procurement portal http://haryanaeprocurement.gov.in. 7 Key Dates: The bidders are strictly advised to follow dates and times as indicated in the online Notice Inviting Tenders. The date and time shall be binding on all bidders. All online activities are time tracked and the system enforces time locks that ensure that no activity or transaction can take place outside the start and end dates and the time of the stage as defined in the online Notice Inviting Tenders. 8 Bid Preparation (Technical & Financial) Online Payment of Tender Document Fee, eService fee, EMD fees and Submission of Bid Seal (Hash) of online Bids: 8.1 The online payment for Tender document fee, eService Fee & EMD can be done using the secure electronic payment gateway. The Payment for Tender Document Fee and eService Fee can be made by eligible bidders/ contractors online directly through Debit Cards & Internet Banking Accounts and the Payment for EMD can be made online directly through RTGS / NEFT. The secure electronic payments gateway is an online interface between contractors and Debit card / online payment authorization networks. 8.2 The bidders shall upload their technical offer containing documents , qualifying criteria, technical specification, schedule of deliveries, and all other terms and conditions except the rates (price bid). The bidders shall quote the prices in price bid format. 8.3 Submission of bids will be preceded by submission of the digitally signed & sealed bid (Hash) as stated in the time schedule (Key Dates) of the Tender. NOTE:(A) If bidder fails to complete the Online Bid Preparation & Submission stage on the stipulated date and time, his/hers bid will be considered as bid not submitted, and hence not appear during tender opening stage. Page 59 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) (B) Bidders participating in online tenders shall check the validity of his/her Digital Signature Certificate before participating in the online Tenders at the portal http://haryanaeprocurement.gov.in. (C) For help manual please refer to the ‘Home Page’ of the e-Procurement website at https://haryanaeprocurement.gov.in, and click on the available link ‘System Requirement” to download the file. Page 60 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) SECTION III CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Page 61 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Definition and Interpretations 1.1. Definition In the Contract (as hereinafter defined) the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them: a) “Contract” means the agreement between the Employer and the Contractor for the execution of the complete Works incorporating the Conditions, Specifications, Employer’s Drawings and Contractor’s Drawings, price and other completed Schedules, Bid, Letter of Award and such further documents as may be expressly incorporated in the Letter of Award. b) “Conditions” means conditions of Contract c) “Commencement Date” means the date of issue of letter of intent . d) “Contract Agreement” means the documents recording the terms of the Contract between the Employer and the Contractor. e) “Contract Price” means the sum stated in the Letter of Award as payable to the Contractor for execution and commissioning of the Works and adjusted, after optimization, on the basis provided in the Contract. It shall be the sum total of all the amounts entered by the Contractor in the Schedule of Prices. f) “Contractor” means the person whose Bid has been accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title to the Contractor but not (except with the consent of the Employer) any assignee of the Contractor. g) “Contractor’s Drawings” means all drawings, samples, patterns, models and operation and maintenance manuals to be submitted by the Contractor in accordance with Clause-6 under the Contract. h) “Contractor’s Equipment” means all appliances or things of whatsoever nature required for the purposes of the Works but does not include Plant. i) “Contractor’s Risk” means the risk defined in Sub-Clause-37.4 j) “Defects Liability Certificate” means the certificate to be issued by the Employer to the Contractor in accordance with sub Clause-30.10. k) “Defect Liability Period” means one year following commissioning of line on load and Taking Over during which the Contractor is responsible for making good defects and damage in accordance with Clause-30. l) “Employer/Owner” means the DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM and the legal successors in title to the Employer/Owner but not (Except with the consent of the Contractor) any assignees of the Employer/Owner. m) “Employer’s Drawings” means all the Drawings and information provided by the Employer to the Contractor under the Contract. n) “Force Majeure” has the meaning assigned to it under Sub Clause 44.1. o) “Gross Misconduct” means any act or omission of the Contractor in violation of the most elementary rules of diligence which a conscientious Contractor in the same position and under the same circumstance would have followed. p) “Notification of Award/Letter of Award” means the formal award by the Employer of the Bid incorporating any adjustments or variation to the Bid agreed between the Employer and the Contractor. Page 62 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) q) r) s) t) u) v) w) x) y) z) aa) bb) cc) dd) ee) ff) gg) hh) ii) “Performance Guarantee” means the security to be provided by the Contractor in accordance with Sub Clause 10.1 for the due performance of the Contract. “Plant” means Poles, Lines materials and all things to be provided under the Contract for incorporation in the Works. “Program” means the Program to be submitted by the Contractor in accordance with Sub Clause 12.1 and any approved revision thereto. “Provisional Sum” means a sum, described as such for the execution of Works or for the supply of goods or services to be used in accordance with sub Clause 36.1. “Risk Transfer Date” means the date when the risk of loss or damage to the Works passes from the Contractor to the Employer in accordance with sub Clauses 38.2 and 39.1. “Schedule of Prices” means the completed price schedule or any part or individual schedule thereof, submitted by the Contractor with his Bid and forming a part of the Contract documents. “Site” means the place or places, where Work is to be done by the Contractor or to which Plant is to be delivered, together with so much of the area surrounding the same as the Contractor shall with the consent of the Employer use in connection with the Works otherwise that merely for the purposes of access. “Specification” means the specification of the Works included in Bidding Documents and includes the Contract and any modification thereof made under Clause 31. “Taking-over Certificate” means the Certificate to be given by the Engineer to the Contractor in accordance with Clause-29. “Bid” means the Contractor’s priced offer to the Employer for the execution of the Works. “Tests on Completion” means the test specified in the Contract or otherwise agreed by the Employer and the Contractor to be performed before the Works are taken over by the Employer. “Time for Completion” means the time stated in the conditions of Contract for completing the Works or any Part thereof and passing the tests on completion calculated from the commencement date unless extended in accordance with Clause-26. “Variation Order” means any written order, identified as such issued to the Contractor by the Employer under Sub Clause 31.1. “Works” means all Plant to be provided and Work to be done by the Contractor under the Contract. “Government” means the Government of India/Government of Haryana. “Other Contractor” means any party or parties having a direct Contract with the Employer for Work outside the scope of this Contract and shall include any Sub-Contractor of this “Other Contractor” “Engineer” means Assistant Engineer/ Assistant Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer, DHBVN appointed by the Employer for this Work. “Sub Contractor”: The Sub-Contractor used herein refers to a party or parties having a direct Contract with the Contractor, whom any part of the Contract has been sublet by the Contractor with the consent in writing of the Engineer-in-charge. “Engineer-in-charge” i.e. Chief Engineer/ R-APDRP is the person under whose supervision the projects shall be executed. He will identify the Engineer/ Executive Engineer who will be directly responsible for the execution of Works, measurement and verification of bills for payments. Activities such as GTP/ Drg. approval, inspections of material, foot Page 63 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) survey variation approval etc, shall be the responsibility of the office issuing the work order. In the present NIT, SE/ Op concerned shall be the Nodal officer under whose jurisdiction the work falls. 2. 3. 1.2. Written Communication Wherever in the Contract provision is made for communication to be “Written” or “in Writing” this means any hand-written, type written or printed communication including telex, cable and facsimile transmission addressed to the Engineer-in-Charge, Engineer or other agencies of the Owner, involved in execution of the Contract. 1.3. Notice, Consent and approvals Wherever in the Contract provision is made for the giving of notice, consent or approval by any person, such consent or approval shall not be unreasonably with-held. Unless otherwise specified, such notice, consent or approval shall be in writing and the word “notify” shall be construed accordingly. Engineer-incharge shall be Nodal Officer in this respect. He may delegate his powers to the subordinate officer wherever required. All such letter and notices shall be addressed by the Contractor to the Engineer-in-charge as required with a copy to Chief Engineer/R-APDRP. However, routine correspondence may be exchanged by him with the Engineer with a copy to Engineer-in -charge. 1.4. Period In these conditions “day” means calendar day, however, “Working day” as used therein means all calendar day excluding Sundays and all Gazetted holidays as admissible to field staff within India. “Month” and “Year” and all dates shall be reckoned according to the Gregorian Calendar. Employer’s Decisions and Instructions 2.1. The Contractor shall proceed with the decisions and instructions given by the Employer or its representative in accordance with these conditions. 2.2. Confirmation in Writing The Contractor may require the Employer to confirm in writing any decision or instruction of the Employer which is not in writing. The Contractor shall notify the Employer of such requirement without undue delay. Such a decision or instruction shall not be effective until written confirmation thereof has been received by the Contractor from Superintending Engineer /Operation Circle Concerned or the Engineer identified by him/provided in the Contract. Assignment The Contractor shall not assign the Contract or any part of his obligations under the Contract without the prior written consent of the Employer (Which shall not be unreasonably withheld). A charge in favour of the Contractor’s bankers of any monies due under the Contract shall not be considered an assignment. Page 64 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 4. 5. Sub Contracting 4.1. The Contractor may get whole of the erection job executed through his erection subcontractor. Except where, otherwise, provided by the Contract, the Contractor shall not sub-Contract any part of the Works without the prior written consent of the Employer (which shall not be unreasonably withheld). Any such consent, if given, shall not relieve the Contractor from any liability or obligation under the Contract and he shall be responsible for the acts defaults and neglects of any sub-Contractor, his agents, servants or Workmen as fully as if they were the acts, defaults or neglect of the Contractor, his agents or employees. 4.2. If any Sub-Contractor, engaged upon the Work either executes any Work which, in the opinion of the Employer, is not in accordance with the Contract or in the opinion of the Employer, for any other reason is undesirable, the Employer may require the Contractor by written notice to terminate the subcontract and the Contractor shall immediately dismiss the Sub Contractor and later shall forthwith leave the Site. 4.3. All correspondence from any Sub-Contractor to the Employer shall be submitted only through the Contractor. Correspondence by the Sub-Contractor sent directly to the Employer will not be acknowledged or take cognizance of. Contract documents 5.1. Ruling Language Where versions of the Contract are prepared in different languages, the English version shall prevail. 5.2. Day to Day Communications The day to day communications shall be in English Language only. 5.3. Priority of Contract Document Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, the Contract documents shall be as follows in order of priority:a) The letter of Award. b) The Technical Specifications. c) Conditions of Contract. d) Bidder’s Priced Offer. e) Any other documents forming part of the Contract. 5.4. Documents Mutually Explanatory. Subject to Sub Clause5.3, the Contract documents shall be taken as mutually explanatory. The Employer shall clarify any ambiguities or discrepancies. Anything mentioned in the specifications and not shown on the drawings, or shown on the drawings and not mentioned in the Specifications, shall be of like effect as if shown or mentioned in both. In case of any difference between scaled dimensions and figures on the drawings, the figure shall prevail. In case of any difference between drawings and the Specifications, the specifications shall prevail. Page 65 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 6. Drawings 6.1. Contractor’s Drawings The Contractor shall submit to the Employer for approval: a) Within the time given in the Contract or in the Program such drawings, samples, models or information as may be called for therein and in the numbers therein required, and b) During the progress of the Works, such drawings of the general arrangement and details of the Works as specified in the Contract. The Employer shall signify his approval or disapproval thereof. If he fails to do so within the given time frame or time given in the Contract or the Program or if no time limit is specified, within 21 days of receipt the Contractor’s drawings shall be deemed to be approved. Approved drawings, samples, models shall be signed or otherwise identified by the Employer. Mere approval of the drawings by the Employer will not deviate the responsibility of the contractor. The Contractor shall supply additional copies of approved drawings in the form and numbers stated in the Contract. 6.2. Consequences of Disapproval of Contractor’s Drawings. Any Contractor’s Drawings which the Employer disapproves, shall be forthwith modified to meet the requirements and shall be re-submitted with in seven days. 6.3. Approved Contractor’s Drawings Approved Contractor’s Drawings shall not be departed from except as provided in Clause-31. 6.4. Inspection of Contractor’s Drawings The Employer shall have the right at all reasonable times to inspect, at the Contractor’s premises, all Contractor’s Drawings of any part of the Works. The Employer shall have the liberty to assign this job to any Engineer/Agency at his discretion. 6.5. Employer’s Use of Contractor’s Drawings. Contractor’s Drawings may be used by the Employer for no other purpose than completing, operating, maintaining, adjusting and repairing the Works. 6.6. Contractor’s use of Employer’s Drawings. The Employer’s Drawings, Specification and other information submitted by the Employer to the Contractor shall remain the property of the Employer. They shall not, without the consent of the Employer, be used, copied or communicated to a third party by the Contractor unless necessary for the purposes of this Contract. 6.7. Manufacturing Drawings. Page 66 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Unless otherwise specified in the Technical Specifications (Section-VII) the Contractor shall not be required to disclose to the Employer, the Contractor’s confidential manufacturing drawings, designs, know-how or manufacturing practices, processes or operations. 7. Error in Drawings. 7.1. Error in Contractor’s Drawings The Contractor shall be responsible for any errors or omissions in the Contractor’s Drawings unless they are due to incorrect Employer’s Drawings or other written information supplied by the Employer. Approval by the Employer of the Contractor’s Drawings shall not relieve the Contractor from any responsibilities under this Sub-Clause. The Contractor shall bear any cost he may incur as a result of delay in providing Contractor’s Drawings and other information or as a result of errors or omissions therein, for which the Contractor is responsible. The Contractor shall at his own cost carry out any alterations or remedial Work necessitated by such errors or omissions for which he is responsible and modify the Contractor’s Drawings and such other information accordingly. The performance of Contractor’s obligations under this Clause shall be in full satisfaction of his liability under this Clause but shall not relieve him of his liability under Sub-Clause 27.1. 8. Obligation of the Contractor. 8.1. General Obligations The Contractor shall, in accordance with the Contract, with due care and diligence, carry out the Works as per the scope of Work defined in the Technical specifications within the Time for Completion. The Contractor shall also provide all necessary Contractor’s equipment, superintendence, labour and all necessary facilities thereof. The Contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined the Bidding Documents, the Site and the existing installations, as applicable, and to have satisfied himself as to the nature and character of the Work to be executed, the prevailing meteorological conditions as well as the local uses and conditions and any other relevant matters and details before submitting his offer. Any information received from the Employer shall not in any way relieve the Contractor from his responsibility for supplying the equipment and material and executing his Work in terms of the Contract, including all details and incidental Work and supply of all accessories or apparatus which may not have been specifically mentioned in the Contract but are necessary for ensuring the complete installation and a safe and efficient operation of the Plant. 8.2. Setting Out The Contractor shall set out the Works in relation to original points, lines and levels of reference given by the Employer in writing and provide all necessary instruments, appliances and labour for such purposes. Page 67 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) If at any time during the execution of Works, any error appears in the positions, levels, dimensions or alignment of the Work, the Contractor shall rectify the error. The Contractor shall bear the cost of rectifying the error, unless the error results from incorrect information supplied in writing by the Employer, or from default by another Contractor of the Employer, in which case the cost together with profit shall be borne by the Employer. The checking of any setting-out by the Employer shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the accuracy thereof. 9. Contract Agreement The Contractor shall prepare and complete as per Contract Agreement signed as provided in Section-V at his cost and shall execute a Contract Agreement regarding all the terms of the Contract. 10. Performance Guarantee 10.1. The Contractor shall execute/furnish Performance Guarantee as per details given under Clause - 34 of Section-II (Instruction to Bidders). The form of the Performance Guarantee shall be as provided in Section-VI (Form-V) of this Bidding Document or in some other format that is acceptable to the Employer. In the event of any change in the Contract price the Performance Guarantee shall be adjusted, provided that such adjustment shall be subject to the approval of Employer. The Performance Guarantee shall be paid to the Employer on first demand without conditions or proof. 10.2.Period of validity The Performance Guarantee shall be valid until the Contractor has executed, completed and remedied defect in the Works in accordance with the Contract. No claim shall be made against the Performance Guarantee after the issue of the Defects Liability Certificate and Performance Guarantee shall be returned to the Contractor with the approval of Chief Engineer/R-APDRP, DHBVN, Hisar within 14 days of the issue of the Defects Liability Certificate as per Clause 30 of CoC. 10.3 Non-compliance of Performance Guarantee Clause In case successful bidder fails to submit Performance BG within 15 days from the date of issue of LOA/LOI, the action shall be initiated as per clause 33 of instruction to bidders. 11 Contract Price 11.1 Sufficiency of Contract Price The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself of and taken account of in his Bid:a) All the conditions and circumstances affecting the Contract price b) The possibility of carrying out the Works as described in the Contract. c) The general circumstances at the Site. Page 68 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) d) e) The general labour position at the Site and With respect to the above provision, the Contractor shall be deemed to have also satisfied himself, before Bidding with Existing conditions, nature of existing roads and bridges and other means of access to the Site Presence of artificial obstructions on ground or under ground or in air, boulders, or released water from and structures constructed for the existing sub-station or the like. Stability of existing slopes in the Site Nature of the surface and subsurface on or in which the Works are to be executed in or in the immediate vicinity of the Works, and the nature and extent of surface water or water contained in the subsoil by which the Works may be affected under all possible climatic conditions. If the Specifications do not contain particulars of materials and Works which are obviously necessary for the proper completion of the Works, and the intention to include which is nevertheless to be inferred, all such materials and Works shall be supplied and executed by the Contractor without extra charge. If the Contractor requires additional information, he shall so request in writing to the Employer who will provide such detailed information as necessary within a reasonable time. The Contractor shall be responsible for checking the information given in writing by the Employer for obvious omissions or inconsistencies, and for his interpretation of information received from whatever source. 11.2 Physical Obstructions and Conditions If during the execution of the Works on Site, the Contractor encounters physical obstructions or conditions, which could not reasonably have been foreseen by the Contractor, the Employer shall certify, and these shall be added to the Contract Price, the additional cost of complying with any instruction which the Employer, after due consultation with the Contractor, issues to the Contractor in connection therewith. 12 Program 12.1 Within the time stated in the Contract Data the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a Program showing the general methods, arrangement, order and timing for all the activities in the Works along with monthly cash flow forecast. 12.2 An update of the Program shall be a program showing the actual progress achieved on each activity and the effect of the progress achieved on the timing of the remaining Work including any changes to the sequence of the activities. 12.3 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for approval, an updated Program at intervals not longer than the period stated in the Contract Data. If the Contractor does not submit an updated Program within this period, the Engineer may withhold the amount stated in the Contract Data from the next payment certificate and continue to withhold this amount until the next payment after the date on which the overdue Program has been submitted. 12.4 The Engineer’s approval of the Program shall not alter the Contractor’s obligations. The Contractor may revise the Program and submit it to the Engineer again at any Page 69 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) time. A revised Program is to show the effect of Variations and Compensation Events. 12.5 PERT Chart: The activity wise project PERT chart shall be given by the bidder. The progress of the work shall be reviwed as per PERT CHART within the scheduled completion period at the level of Chief Engineer. 13 Contractor’s Representative. 13.1 The Contractor shall, in addition to a project coordinator, employ one or more competent representatives to superintend the carrying out the Works on Site. They shall be fluent in the language for day to day communications. Their names shall be communicated in writing to the Employer before Work on Site begins. Any instruction or notice which the Employer gives to the Contractor’s representative shall be deemed to have been given to the Contractor. At least one of the Contractor’s competent representatives on each Site shall be fluent in speaking, writing, reading and understanding English. 13.2 Objection to Contractor’s Employee The Contractor shall, upon the Employer’s written instruction remove from the Works any person employed by him in the execution of Works, who mis-conducts himself or is incompetent or negligent. 14 Contractor’s Construction Management 14.1 Contractor’s Equipment All Contractors’ Equipment shall, when brought on to the Site, be, deemed to be exclusively intended for the execution of the Works. The Employer shall have lien on all such equipment brought to Site for the purpose of erection, testing and Commissioning of the 11 kV Lines. The Contractor shall not remove from the Site any such equipment, except: a) When it is no longer required for the completion of the Works, or b) When the Employer has given his consent. 14.2 Authority for Access No persons other than the employees of the Contractor and his SubContractors shall be allowed on the Site except with the written consent of the Employer. Facilities to inspect the Works shall at all times be afforded by the Contractor to the Employer and his representatives, authorities and officials. 15 Compliance with Laws 15.1 Compliance with Statutes, Regulations The Contractor shall, in all matters arising in the performance of the Contract, comply in all respects with, give all notices and pay all fees required by the provisions of any national or state statute, ordinance or other law or any regulation or by-law of any duly constituted authority. The Contract shall in all respects be prepared and interpreted in accordance with the laws in force in India, including any such laws passed or made or coming into force during the period of the Contract. Page 70 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 15.2 The Contractor shall be fully responsible for deducting the P.F. of the employees/labour Working under him as per statutory regulations and depositing the same with the concerned authorities. Compliance with Laws The Contractor shall comply with the laws of India for manufacturing of equipment and erection of the lines. 16 Patents 16.1 Patent Rights The Supplier shall indemnify the Purchaser against all claims of infringement of patent, trademark or industrial design arising from use of goods or any part thereof in India. In the event of any claim asserted by a third party of infringement of copyright, patent, trademark or industrial design rights arising from the use of the goods or any part thereof in the Purchaser’s country, the supplier shall act expeditiously to extinguish such claim. If the supplier fails to comply and the Purchaser is required to pay compensation to a third party resulting from such infringement, the supplier shall be responsible for the compensation including all the expenses, court costs and lawyer fees. The purchaser will give notice to the supplier of such claim, if it is made, without delay. 17 Obligations of the Employer 17.1 Access to and Possession of the Site The Employer shall in reasonable time, grant the Contractor access to and possession of the Site, which may, however, not be exclusive to the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide at his own cost any access, foot path structures, bridges and approach to the Work Sites from public roads in accordance with the requirement stipulated in the Technical Specification. 18 Labour 18.1 Engagement of Labour The Contractor shall, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, make his own arrangements for the engagement of all labour and for their payment, housing, feeding and transport. The Contractor shall pay rates of wages and allowances according to the nature of the Works and observe hours and Working conditions of his employees, so as to be no less favourable to the employees than those generally prevailing in the region where the Works are to be carried out. At the same time the Contractor shall observe all regulations prescribed by the law of the Government and shall strictly comply with any agreement, custom, practice or award relating to the wages. The Contractor is encouraged, to the extent practicable and reasonable, to employ staff and labour with the required qualifications and experience from sources within the region of Work. 18.2 The Contractor will be expected to employ on the Work only his regular skilled employees with experience of the particular type of Work. No female labour shall be Page 71 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) employed after darkness. No person below the age of eighteen years shall be employed. 18.3 In case, the Employer becomes liable to pay any wages or dues to the labour or any Government agency under any of the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, Workmen Compensation Act, Contract Labour Regulation Abolition Act or any other law due to act of omission and commission of the Contractor, the Employer may make such payments and shall recover the same from the Contractor’s bills. The bidder shall follow the statutoty provisions of the contract labour (Regulation and aboltion) Act, 1970 and its amendments in conjuction with the regulations appended herein (the matter is under delibration with the Nigam and any modification in the regulation / procedure in accordance with the contract Labour (R&A Act, 1970) shall be a part of the same). 19 Workmanship and Materials 19.1 Manner of Execution All Plant to be supplied shall be manufactured and all Work to be done shall be executed in the manner set out in the Contract. Where the manner of manufacture and execution is not set out in the Contract, the Work shall be executed in a proper and Work-man-like manner in accordance with recognized good practice. 19.2 Covering up Work The Contractor shall give the Employer full opportunity to examine, measure and test any Work on Site which is about to be covered up or put out of view. The Contractor shall give due notice to the Employer whenever such Work is ready for examination, measurement or testing. The Employer shall then, unless he notifies the Contractor that he consider it unnecessary, without unreasonable delay carry out the examination, measurement or testing. 20 Inspection & Testing 20.1 Independent Inspection The Employer may at his discretion delegate inspection and testing of material to an independent inspector. 20.2. Dates for Inspection and Testing The Contractor shall give the Employer reasonable notice in writing of the date and the place at which any material will be ready for testing as provided in the Contract and Employer shall attend at the place so named within fifteen (15) days of the date, which the Contractor has stated in his notice. The Employer shall give the Contractor twenty four (24) hours notice in writing of his intention to attend the tests. The above notices shall be given at first by the quickest possible means and confirmed later in writing. Page 72 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) The Contractor shall forthwith forward to the Employer duly certified copies of the test results. If the Employer has not attended the test, he shall accept the validity of the test readings. If on receipt of the Contractor’s notice of testing, the Employer’s representative does not find the material to be ready for testing, the costs incurred by the Employer for redeputation of his representative shall be deducted from the Contract Prices. The material after receipt in the Stores of the Nigam is liable to be inspected for its conformity to the specifications by a representative of the Contractor/supplier firm after giving one week’s registered notice to the supplier / contractor. In case the firm fails to depute a representative on the specified date the Utility would be free to get material checked on the absence of the firm’s representative for which the firm would have no reason to protest at any stage and would be fully responsible of the outcome. The Time schedule of following are fixed as under : i) Time schedule for inspection / issue of DI shall be 20 days, accordingly, activity wise bifurcation are as under:a) Period for deputing the inspecting officer/ Agency 5 days from the date of receipt of offer of inspection b) Period for inspection and submission of report thereof 10 days by inspecting officer / Agency. c) Period of scrutiny of inspection report and issue of 5 Days dispatch instruction ii) Load losses and physical verification of transformers by the committee of Nigam at site/ store within 10 days. 20.3. Facilities for Testing Where the Contract provides for tests on the premises of the Contractor or of any SubContractor, the Contractor shall provide such assistance, labour, materials, electricity, fuel, stores, apparatus and instruments as may be necessary to carry out the tests efficiently. However, the Nigam’s authorised Inspecting Officer/ Inspecting agency shall use own testing instruments/equipment for testing. 20.4. Sample testing after erection The losses of the DTs as offered by the firm are required to be maintained during warranty period of the transformer. Owner reserves the right for random sample testing of material dispatched at site by sending the same to Nigam’s lab or workshop / Third party inspecting agency for testing in presence of contractor, after serving a fifteen days notice to contractor for witnessing the above test in the designated test house. In case the material fails on testing, the expenditure on the test shall be borne by the contractor and entire relevant lot of the material shall be rejected. In case the contractor fails to witness the test at Testing House the Owner may carry out the same Page 73 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) in his absence and contractor shall have no right / claims whatsoever nor would have any claims/right to challenge the test results as declared / announced by the Test house. In addition to the above, if the losses during the warranty period are found more / beyond the max. limit prescribed in technical specification, the entire lot shall be rejected & firm shall be liable to replace the same with new / fresh DTs, after observing the due procedure of inspection prescribed in Technical specification, within 45 days of such rejection. 21 Rejection 21.1 If as-a-result of the inspection, examination or testing referred to in Clause-20, the Employer decides that any Plant is defective or otherwise not in accordance with the Contract, he may reject such Plant and shall notify the Contractor there-of, immediately. The notice shall state the Employer’s objections with reasons. The Contractor shall then with all speed make good the defect or ensure that any rejected Plant complies with the Contract. If the Employer requires such Plant to be re-tested, the tests shall be repeated under same terms and conditions. All cost incurred by the Employer in the repetition of the tests shall be deducted from the Contract Price. 21.2 The contractor shall be responsible to pay penalty of Rs. 20,000/- for each occasion at which the fake inspection call has been made or the material is rejected during testing/inspection by the authorized agency/representative of the Nigam. This penalty would be in addition to the expenses incurred by the Nigam in deputing the Inspecting Officer, carrying out such inspection. 22 Permission to Deliver The Contractor shall apply in writing to the Employer for permission to deliver any Plant or Contractor’s equipment to the Site. No Plant or Contractor’s equipment may be delivered to the Site without the Employer’s written permission in the form of Material Inspection & Clearance Certificate (MICC) for dispatch. The Contractor shall be responsible for the receipt at Site of all Plant and Contractor’s equipment delivered for the purposes of the Contract and shall, upon arrival at Site, give a notice to the Employer when and where it has arrived and/or been stored. 23 Suspension of Works, Delivery or Erection 23.1 Order to Suspend. The Employer may at any time instruct the Contractor to: a) Suspend progress of the Works, or b) Suspend delivery of Plant or Contractor’s Equipment which is ready for delivery to the Site at the time for delivery specified in the Program or if no time is specified, at the time appropriate for it to be delivered or c) Suspend the erection of Plant, which has been delivered, to the Site. When the Contractor is prevented from delivering or erecting Plant in accordance with the Program by reason of any delay or failure on the part of the Employer, or of failure by the Employer to give permission to deliver or by Page 74 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) any cause for which the Employer is responsible, the Employer shall be deemed to have instructed a suspension provided the Contractor has given the notice of the same within fifteen (15) days of such occurrence and the Employer does not respond to such a notice by the Contractor. The Contractor shall during suspension protect and secure the Works or Plant affected at the Contractor’s Works or elsewhere or at the Site, as the case may be against any deterioration, loss or damage. 24 Effects of Suspension 24.1 Cost of Suspension. The additional cost incurred by the Contractor in protecting, securing and insuring the Works or Plant and in following the Employer’s instructions under Sub Clause-23.1 and in resumption of the work, shall be added to the Contract Price except that no such addition to the Contract Price shall be made if the suspension or deemed suspension is for a period less than 10 days. The Contractor shall not be entitled to be paid any additional cost if such suspension is necessary, by reason of a default on the part of the Contractor or for the proper execution, or for the safety of the Works or Plant, unless such necessity results from any act or default of the Employer or in consequence of any of the Employer’s Risks. The Contractor shall not be entitled to additional cost unless he notifies the Employer of his intention to make such claim, within 10 days after receipt of the order to suspend progress or delivery of the date of deemed suspension under Sub Clause-23.1. 24.2 Prolonged Suspension. If suspension under Clause 23.1 has continued for more than 180 days and the suspension is not due to the Contractor’s default, the Contractor may give notice to the Employer requiring permission to proceed with the Works within 30 days. If permission is not granted within that time, the Contractor may treat the suspension as an omission under Clause-31 of the portion it affects, or if the suspension affects the whole of the Works, terminate the Contract and the provisions of Clause-46 shall apply. 24.3 Resumption of Work. If the Contractor chooses not to treat prolonged suspension an omission or termination under Sub Clause 24.3, the Employer shall upon the request of the Contractor, take over the responsibility for protection, storage, security and insurance of the suspended Works and of the Plant which has been delivered to the Site and which is affected by suspension and the risk of loss or damage thereto, shall thereupon, pass to the Employer. After receipt of permission or an order to proceed, the Contractor shall after due notice to the Employer, examine the Works and the Plant affected by the suspension. The Contractor shall make good any deterioration or defect in or loss of the Works or Plant that may occur during the suspension. Cost properly incurred by the Page 75 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Contractor, which would not have been incurred but for the suspension shall be added to the Contract Price together with profit. The Contractor shall not be entitled to payment for costs incurred in making good any deterioration, defect or loss caused by faulty Workmanship or materials or by the Contractor’s failure to take measures specified in Sub Clause-23.1. If the Employer has taken over risk and responsibility for the suspended Works under this Sub Clause, risk and responsibility shall revert to the Contractor-15 days after receipt of the permission or order to proceed. 25 Completion Time for completion: a) The work shall be completed and shall have passed the Tests on completion within 24 (Twenty Four) months from the date of issue of Letter of Intent (LOI). b) Date of inspection and clearance by Chief Electrical Inspector will be considered as date of completion of works. 26 Extension of Time for Completion. 26.1 Causes for Extension of Time for Completion. The Contractor may claim an extension of the Time for Completion if he is or will be delayed in completing the Works by any of the following causes:a) Extra or additional Work ordered in writing under Clause-31, other than those quantity variations arising out of soil conditions or route alignment. b) Physical obstructions or conditions other than those which could reasonably have been foreseen by the Contractor. c) Employer’s instructions, otherwise than by reason of the Contractor’s default. d) The failure of the Employer to fulfill any of his obligations under the Contract. e) Delay by any Other Contractor engaged by the Employer, affecting this Contract. f) Any suspension of the Works under Clause-23, except when due to the Contractor’s default. g) The Employer’s risk, if and when they constitute the sole reason for the delay in completion of Works. h) Force Majeure. The Contractor shall give to the Employer, notice of his intention to make a claim for an extension of time within 15 days of the occurrence of any of the above cause(s) for such a claim becoming known to the Contractor. The notice shall be followed as-soon-as- possible by the claim with full supporting details. The Employer shall, after due consultation with the Contractor grant the Contractor from time to time, either prospectively or retrospectively, such extension of Time for Completion as may be justified and notify the Contractor accordingly. Page 76 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) The Contractor shall be entitled to such extension whether the delay occurs before or after Time for Completion. 26.2 Delays by Sub-Contractors. The Contractor shall be entitled to claim an extension of time if delay on the part of a Sub-Contractor is due to a cause mentioned in Clause-26.1 and such delay prevents the Contractor from meeting the Time for Completion. 26.3 The power to decide the extension in completion period of turnkey contracts shall vest with the Board of Directors, in case the awarding authority is HPPC (of State Govt.) or Utility’s High Power Purchase Committee. Such cases for granting of extension in completion period in respect of turnkey works be put up to the Board duly considered on merit and recommended by WTD. 26.4 Hindrance Register: For the proper project monitoring it has been decided to maintain a hindrance register at works site wherein contractor is allowed to write the problems being faced during the execution of the works. The register shall be checked/ reviewed by the R-APDRP wing on monthly basis. 27 Penalty for Delay in Work. 27.1 Penalty: 0.5% per week or part thereof subject to maximum of 2% of value of left over work up to 1st 4 weeks and @ one percent per week or part thereof in case the delay is beyond 4 weeks subject to maximum up to 10% of value of left over works / project. The Employer may without prejudice to any other method of recovery, deduct the amount of such penalty from any amount due or to become due to the Contractor. The deduction of the penalty shall be made from the running bills of the contractor proportionately to the bill amount subject to the maximum of 10% of that bill amount. The remaining penalty amount shall be adjusted from the final bill of the contractor. The payment or deduction of such penalty shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligation to complete the Works or from any other of his obligation and liabilities under the Contract. 27.2 Incentives: An incentive for early completion of all the works of the NIT as a whole from the completion period as per clause 25 and in accordance with clause 29.2 will be given to the contractor @ 0.25% per week or part thereof, but maximum upto 5% of the contract value. 28 Tests on Completion. The Contractor, except where otherwise specified, shall arrange such labour, materials, fuel, water, stores and apparatus as may be reasonably required to carry out such tests efficiently. Page 77 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 29 Taking Over. 29.1 The Works shall be taken over by the Employer when they have been completed in accordance with the Contract, except in minor respects that do not affect the use of the Works for their intended purpose, have passed the Tests on Completion and Taking-over Certificate has been issued or deemed to have been issued in accordance with Sub Clause-29.2. 29.2 Taking Over Certificate. The Contractor may apply by notice to the Employer for a Taking- Over- Certificate not earlier than 30 days before the Works will in the Contractor’s opinion be complete and ready for Taking Over under Sub Clause-29.1. The Employer shall within 30 days after the receipt of the Contractor’s application either: a) Issue the Taking Over Certificate to the Contractor stating the date on which the Works were completed and ready for Taking Over, or b) Reject the application giving his reasons and specifying the Work required to be done by the Contractor to enable the Taking- Over- Certificate to be issued. If the Employer fails either to issue the Taking Over Certificate or to reject the Contractor’s application within the period of 30 days he shall be deemed to have issued the Taking Over Certificate on the last day of that period. 29.3 Use before Taking Over. The Employer shall not use any part of the Works unless a Taking Over Certificate has been issued in respect thereof. If nevertheless the Employer uses any part of the Works, that part which is used shall be deemed to have been taken over on the date of such use. The Employer shall on request of the Contractor issue a Taking –Over-Certificate accordingly. If the Employer uses any part of the Works before Taking Over, the Contractor shall be given the earliest opportunity of taking such steps as may be necessary to carry out the Tests on Completion. The provisions of Sub Clause-27 shall not apply to any part of the Works while being so used by the Employer, Clause-30 shall apply as if the part had been taken over on the date it was taken into use. 29.4 Interference with Tests on Completion. If the Contractor is prevented from carrying out the Tests on Completion by an act of the Employer without assigning any valid reason, the Employer shall be deemed to have taken over the Works on the date when the Tests on Completion would have been completed for such prevention subject to mutual agreement between the Employer and the Contractor. The Employer shall issue a Taking Over Certificate accordingly. The Works shall not be deemed to have been taken over if they are not in accordance with the Contract. Page 78 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) If the Works are taken over under the Clause the Contractor shall nevertheless carryout the Tests on Completion during the Defects Liability Period. The Employer shall require the Tests on Completion to be carried out by 15 days notice and in accordance with the relevant provision of Clause-28. 30 Guarantee 30.1 The contract shall warrant that the equipment will be new, unused and in accordance with contract documents, and free from defects in material and workmanship for a period as specified in the warranty clause of Technical specification (TS) from the date of commissioning. However, in case the warranty period is not defined in the TS of Nigam, the same is to be considered as 12 months from the date of commissioning. The contractor’s liability shall be limited to the replacement of any defective part in the equipment of his own manufacture or those of his sub contractors under normal use, and arising solely from faulty design, material and/or workmanship provided always that such defective parts are repairable at the site and are not in meantime essential in the commercial use of the equipment. Such replaced/defective parts shall be returned to the contractor unless otherwise arranged. No repairs of replacement shall normally be carried out by the owner when the equipment is under the supervision of contractors supervisory engineer. In case the firm/supplier/contractor fails to replace the damaged material within stipulated period of 45 days, interest @ 10% shall be charged on the value of the material remained blocked. 30.2 In case of Electronic Meters and all transformer with CSP and conventional transformer above 25 kVA the supplier shall be made responsible to replace free of cost, with no transportation or Insurance cost to the Nigam, up to the destination, the whole or any part of the material which in normal and proper use proves defective in quality or workmanship, subject to the condition that the defect is noticed within 78 months from the date the material received by the consignee or 72 months from the date of Installation which ever period may expire earlier. The consignee or any other officer of the Nigam actually using the material will give prompt notice of each such defect to the supplier as well as the Purchasing authority and the Controller of Stores. The replacement shall be effected by supplier within a reasonable time, but not, in any case, exceeding 45 days. The supplier shall also arrange to remove the defective supply within a reasonable period but not exceeding 45 days from the date of issue of the notice in respect thereof. Upon the firm failing to do so, the damages/defects may be got rectified by the Nigam and the cost adjusted from the firm’s pending dues and/or security deposit against this or any other contract in force and the balance left be got deposited good by the supplier. The Nigam may withhold the amount equal to cost of defective material. The warranty of replaced material shall be limited to the balance period of original warranty period specified in the technical specification. 30.3 In the event of any emergency, where in the judgment of the engineer, delay would cause serious loss of damages, repairs or adjustment be made by the owner or a third party chosen by the owner without advance notice to the contractor and cost of such works shall be paid by the contractor. In event, such action is taken by the Employer the contractor will be notified promptly and he shall assist in making necessary Page 79 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) correction. This shall not relieve the contractor of his liabilities under the terms and conditions of the contractor. 30.4 If it becomes necessary for the contractor to replace or renew any defective portions, the provision of this clause shall apply to portion of the works so replaced or renewed until the expiry of twelve months from the date of replacement/renewal of the defective parts/portion of work. If any defects are not remedied within reasonable time the owner may proceed to do the work at the contractor’s risk and cost. But without prejudice to any other rights which the owner may have against the contractor in respect of such defects. 30.5 The repaired or new parts will be furnished and erected free of cost by the contractor. If any repair is carried out on his behalf at the site the contractor shall bear the cost or such repairs. 30.6 The cost of any special or general overhaul rendered necessary during the maintenance period due to defects in the equipment or defective work carried out by the contractor the same shall be borne by the contractor. 30.7 The acceptance of the equipment by the owner shall in no way relieve the contractor or his obligations under this clause. 30.8 In case of those defective parts which are not repairable at site but are essential for the commercial operation of the equipment, the contractor and the owner shall mutually agree to a program of replacement or renewal which will minimize interruptions to the maximum extent, in the operation of the equipment. 30.9 At the end of the guarantee period the contractor’s liability ceases expect for latent defects(*). For latent defects the contractor’s liability as mentioned in clause No.30.1 through 30.7 above shall remain till the end of three years from the date of completion of guarantee period. 30.10 The provisions contained in this clause will not be applicable; a) If the owner has not used the equipment according to generally approved industrial practice and in accordance with the conditions or operation specified and in accordance with manuals, if any. b) In case of normal wear & tear of the parts to be specifically mentioned by the contractor in the offer. (*) Latent defect shall mean such defects caused by faulty design, material or workmanship which cannot be detected during inspection, testing etc. based on the technology for carrying out such tests. 31. Variations 31.1 Employer’s right to Vary Page 80 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) The Employer may issue Variation Order to the Contractor at any time before the Works are taken over, instruct the Contractor to alter, amend, omit, add to or otherwise vary any part of the Works. The Contractor shall not vary or alter any of the Works, except in accordance with a Variation Order from the Employer. The Contractor may, however, at any time propose variations of the Works to the Employer. 31.2 Variation Order Procedure Prior to any Variation Order under Sub Clause 31.1, the Employer shall notify the Contractor of the nature and form of such variation. As soon as possible after having received such notice, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer: a) A description of Work, if any, to be performed and a Programme for its execution, and b) The Contractor’s proposals for any necessary modifications to the Programme according to Sub Clause 26.1 or to any of the Contractor’s obligations under the Contract, and c) The Contractor’s proposals for adjustment to the Contract Price. Following the receipt of the Contractor’s submission the Employer shall, after due consultation with the Contractor, decide as soon as possible whether or not the variation shall be carried out. If the Employer decides that the variation shall be carried out, he shall issue a Variation Order clearly identified as such in accordance with the Contractor’s submission or as modified by agreement. If the Employer and the Contractor are unable to agree to the adjustment of the Contract Price, the provisions of Sub Clause 31.3 shall apply. 31.3 Disagreement on adjustment of the Contract Price If the Contractor and the Employer are unable to agree on the adjustment of the Contract Price, the adjustments shall be determined in accordance with the rates specified in the Schedule of Prices. If the rates contained in the Schedule of Prices are not directly applicable to the specific Work in question, suitable rates shall be established by the Employer reflecting the level of pricing in the Schedule of Prices. Where rates are not contained in the said schedule, the amount shall be such as is in all the circumstances reasonable. Due account shall be taken of any over or under recovery of overheads by the Contractor in consequence of the variation. Whenever by these conditions the Contractor is entitled to be paid cost, such cost shall be properly incurred and shall include any overhead charges properly allocable thereto Page 81 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) but not profit unless so stated. Any profit entitlement shall be added to cost at the percentage of 10%. The Contractor shall also be entitled to be paid:a) The cost of any partial execution of the Works rendered useless by any such variation, and b) The Cost of making necessary alterations to Plant already manufactured or in the course of manufacture or of any Work done that has to be altered in consequence of such variation. The Employer shall on this basis determine the rates and prices to enable on account payment to be included in certificates of payment. 31.4 Contractor to Proceed On receipt of a Variation Order, the Contractor shall forthwith proceed to carry out the variation and be bound to these Conditions in so doing as if such variation was stated in the Contract. The Work shall not be delayed pending the granting of an extension of the Time for Completion or an adjustment to the Contract Price under Sub Clause 31.3. 31.5 Records of Costs In any case where the Contractor is instructed to proceed with a variation prior to the determination of the adjustment to the Contract Price in respect thereof the Contractor shall keep records of all the cost of undertaking the variation and of time taken on its execution. Such records shall be open to inspection/verification by the Employer at all reasonable times. 32 Ownership of Plant Plant to be supplied pursuant to the Contract shall become the property of the Nigam, once the Plant is handed over to Nigam. 33 Terms of Payment FOR ELECTRICAL WORKS Sr No Lot No Material to be Eligibility for supply of Payment supplied material Material up to 30% 1 Lot – 1 against supply and erection i. 70% of the cost of material of the quantity of As mentioned in the bid supplied in Lot-1 on the basis of individual item as document JVR. per PO. ii. 20% of cost of material erected of Page 82 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Lot-1. iii. 90% of erection charges of the work done. i. 2 Lot – 2 individual item as and per PO. certified by XEN (OP/Const) the cost of material supplied in Lot-2 on the basis of Material up to 30% After erection of 60% of the of the quantity of material supplied in Lot-1 70% of JVR. ii. 20% of cost of material erected of Lot-2. iii. 90% of erection charges of the work done. Material up to 30% of the quantity of individual item as 3 Lot – 3 per PO. After erection of 100% of AND erection of 60% of 2 and certification by XEN (OP/Const) 10% of the quantity 4 Lot – 4 of individual item as per PO. 70% of the cost of material supplied in Lot-3 on the basis of material supplied in Lot - 1 the material supplied in Lot- Balance material i.e. i. JVR. ii. 20% of cost of material erected of Lot-3. iii. 90% of erection charges of the work done. After erection of 100% of i. the material supplied in Lot3 and certification by XEN (OP/Const) the cost of material supplied in Lot-4 on the basis of material supplied in Lot - 2 AND erection of 70% of 70% of JVR. ii. 20% of cost of material erected of Lot-4. iii. 90% of erection charges of the work done. Balance Payment of cost of material in Lot - 1, 2, 3 & 4 + balance payment for 5 -- -- -- erection charges to be made after taking over (including CEI Clearance if required). Note:- Due to high value of projects, the no. of lots beyond 4, will be decided by the CE/R-APDRP, DHBVN, Hisar. Note: The delivery of the material shall be regulated in accordance with the Quality Assurance Plan of Nigam. The payment of the cost of material including excise duty, sales tax, freight, insurance etc. will be made on receipt of material after verification at the project site/stores as mentioned above. All the statutory requirement as well other formalities shall be got completed before release of final payment. Page 83 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) The payment in the above cases shall be made on 30th day of submission of the bill and requisite documents to the executing office by the contractor after attending the discrepancies / shortcomings, if any pointed out by the Engineer-in-charge/Executing office. All payments shall be made by the purchaser or his authorized agent to the supplier in rupees in India. Further a rebate of 0.35 percent per week or part thereof shall be availed of by the purchase, if payment is made earlier than the period specified. The complete bill along with required documents & certificates on the bills shall be forwarded by the concerned XEN/OP office to the Nodal officer i.e. SE/OP Circle concerned for onward submission to FA&CAO/PD&C, DHBVN, Hisar for pass and payment to the supplier. 33.1 Delivery and documents on Dispatch a) Copies of the Contractor’s invoice showing letter of award reference goods description, quantity dispatched, unit price, total amount (4 copies). b) Packing list identifying contents of each Bid/ Package (4 copies). c) Receipted LR duly verified by AE/Const. d) Manufacturer’s/Contractor’s guarantee certificate of quality. e) Material Inspection Clearance Certificate (MICC) for despatch issued by the Employer’s representative and the Contractor’s factory inspection report (2 copies) and insurance certificate (2 copies) The above documents should reach the Employer within seven days from the date of dispatch to enable the Employer to make timely payment to the Contractor. 33.2 Payment of Contractor’s Bills. Payment due to the Contractor shall be made by crossed cheque. Such cheques shall be issued direct to the Contractor on furnishing a stamped receipt for the amount of the cheque or to his authorised representative who has, a power of attorney, conferring, authority of the Contractor to receive such payment from the Engineer except where the Bidders are described in their Bid as a firm, in which case the receipt must be signed in the name of the firm by one of the partners or by some other persons holding a power of attorney authorising him to do so by other partners. 33.3 The receipt of an accountant or clerk for any money paid by the Contractor will not be considered as an acknowledgement of such payment to the Executive Engineer and the Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that he procures receipt signed/countersigned by the Executive Engineer. 33.4 Packing The Contractor shall provide such packing of the material as is required to prevent their damage or deterioration during transit to their destination as indicated in the Page 84 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Contract. The packing shall be sufficient to withstand, without limitation, rough handling, during transit and exposure to extreme temperatures, salt and precipitation during transit and open storage, packing case size and weights shall take in to consideration, where appropriate, the remoteness of the Goods final destination and the absence of heavy handling facilities at all points in transit. The packing, marking and documentation within and outside the Bid/ Packages shall comply strictly with special requirements as shall be expressly provided for in the Contract and in any subsequent instructions given by the Employer. 33.5 Indemnity Bond For the material to be provided by the Contractor, it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to take delivery, unload and store the materials at Site and execute an indemnity bond, trust receipt and obtaining authorisation letter as per Performa given at Section-V in favour of the Employer against loss, damage and risk involved for the full value of the materials. The indemnity Bond shall be furnished by the Contractor before commencement of the supplies and shall be valid till the scheduled date of testing, commissioning and handing over of the 33 kV substations, 33 kV & 11 kV lines to the Employer. 33.6 Issue of Certificate of Payment Within 21 days after receiving an application for payment, which the Contractor was entitled, the Employer shall issue a certificate of payment to the Contractor showing the amount due. A certificate of payment, other than Final Certificate of payment, shall not be withheld on account of any part of the payment applied for being disputed. In such case a certificate of payment for the undisputed amount shall be issued. 33.7 Corrections to Certificates of Payment The Employer may in any certificate of payment make any correction or modification that should have been properly made in respect of any previous certificates. 33.8 Payment The Employer shall pay the amount certified within 15 days from the date of issue of each certificate of payment to the Contractor at his principal place of business. 33.9 Application for Final Certificate of Payment The Contractor shall make application to the Employer for the Final Certificate of payment within 30 days after the issue of Taking Over Certificate by the Employer. The application for the Final Certificate of payment shall be accompanied by the final account prepared by the Contractor and reconciled with the Employer. The final account shall give full details of the value of all Plants supplied and Work done under the Contract together with: a) Such additions to or deductions from the Contract price as have been agreed, and Page 85 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) b) All claims for additional payment to which the Contractor may consider himself entitled. 33.10 Issue of Final Certificate of Payment The Employer shall issue to the Contractor, the Final Certificate of Payment within 30 days after receiving an application in accordance with Sub Clause 33.10. If the Contractor has not applied for a Final Certificate of Payment within the time specified in Sub Clause 33.10 the Employer shall request the Contractor to do so within a further period of 30 days. If the Contractor fails to make such an application, the Employer shall issue the Final Certificate of Payment for such amount, as he deems correct. 33.11 Final Certificate of Payment conclusive. A Final Certificate of Payments shall be conclusive evidence of the value of the Works, that the Works are in accordance with the Contract and that the Contractor has performed all his obligations under the Contract except the obligations arising during the Defects Liability Period. Payment of the amount certified in the Final Certificate of Payment shall be conclusive evidence that the Employer has preformed all his obligations under the Contract. A Final Certificate of payment or payments shall not be conclusive: a) To the extent that fraud or dishonesty relates to or affects any matter dealt within the certificate, or b) If any arbitration or court proceedings under the Contract have been commenced by either party before the expiry of 90 days after the issue of the Final Certificate of Payment. c) In the event of any defects being noticed during the Defects Liability Period. 33.12 Failure to provide Drawings Should the Contractor fails to provide drawings, diagrams, microfilms or other information forming part of the Works, at the time specified in the Contract, the payment which becomes due to the Contractor in accordance with the Contract will be delayed by a period of time equal to the delay in providing the information. 34 Claims 34.1 Procedure In any case where under these conditions there are circumstances which the Contractor considers entitle him to claim additional payment, the Contractor shall:a) If he intends to make any claim for additional payment he will give to the Employer notice of his intention to make such claim within 30 days after the said circumstances became known to the Contractor stating the reasons for his claim, and b) As soon as reasonably practical, after the date of such notice shall submit to the Employer full and detailed particulars of his claim but not later than 45 days after such notice unless otherwise agreed by the Employer. In any event such Page 86 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) particulars shall be submitted no later than the application for the Final Certificate of Payment. The Contractor shall thereafter promptly submit such further particulars as the Employer may reasonably require to assess the validity of the claim. 34.2 Assessment When the Employer has received full and detailed particulars of the Contractor’s claim in accordance with Sub Clause 34.1 and such further particulars as he may reasonably have required he shall after due consultation with the Contractor determine whether the Contractor is entitled to additional payment and notify him accordingly. The Employer may reject any claim for additional payment which does not comply with the requirements of Sub-Clause 34.1. 35 Currency and Rates of Exchange. All payments shall be made in Indian Rupees only. 36 Set Off & Risk Procedure 36.1 Set Off Any such money due and payable to the Contractor under the Contract may be appropriated by the Owner and set-off against any claim of the Owner for the payment of a sum of money arising out of or under this Contract or any other Contract entered into by the Contractor with the Owner. 36.2 Contractor’s Default Liability In the event of breach of any of the terms and conditions by the Contractor, the Employer can terminate the Contract without any notice to the Contractor at any stage and the Contractor shall have no claim whatsoever on the Employer on this account. But the Contractor shall be liable to pay to the Employer a sum equivalent to 10% of the value of the Contract as liquidated damages and not as penalty. The Contractor shall in addition and without prejudice to the above said damages, make good any loss or damage that may be incurred by the Employer in getting the left out Works executed from elsewhere at the risk and cost of the Contractor. In case of delay in the execution of Works, the Owner will have the right to get the Work executed from any alternative source, at the sole risk and cost of the Contractor. Any extra expenditure incurred in such action shall be recoverable in full from the Contractor in addition to Owner's right of claim for liquidated damages. 37 Risk and Responsibility 37.1 Allocation of Risk and Responsibility The Risks of loss of or damage to physical property and the death and personal injury which arise in consequence of the performance of the Contract shall be allocated between the Employer and the Contractor as follows:a) The Employer: The Employer’s Risks as specified in Sub Clause 37.2 & 37.3. Page 87 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) b) The Contractor: The Contractor’s Risks as specified in Sub Clause 37.4. 37.2 Employer’s Risks Employer’s risk shall be as under: Insofar as they relate to the country where the Works are to be erected:* War and hostilities (Whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies. * Rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or civil war. * Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel, radioactive toxic explosives or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component, thereof. 37.3 Employer’s Risks Under all circumstance: a) Use or occupation of the Works or any part thereof by the Employer. b) The use or occupation of the Site or any part thereof for the purposes of the Contractor, or interference, temporary or permanent with any right-ofway, light, air or water any easement, way-leaves or right of similar nature which is the inevitable result of the construction of the Works in accordance with the Contract. c) The act, neglect or omission or breach of Contract or of statutory duty of the Employer. 37.4 Contractor’s Risks The Contractor’s Risks are all risks other than those identified as the Employer’s Risks. 38 Care of Works 38.1 Contractor’s Responsibility for the Care of the Works. The Contractor shall be responsible for the care of the Works from the commencement date until the Risk Transfer Date applicable thereto under Sub Clause 38.2. The Contractor shall also be responsible for the care of any part of the Works upon which any outstanding Works is being performed by the Contractor during the Defects Liability period until completion of such outstanding Work. 38.2 Risk Transfer Date The Risk Transfer Date in relation to the Works is the date of occurrence of any of the following:a) The date of issue of the Taking-Over-Certificate, or b) The date when the Employer is deemed to have issued the Takingover-Certificate or the Works are deemed to have been taken over in accordance with Clause-29, or c) The date of expiry of the notice of termination when the Contract is terminated by the Employer or the Contractor in accordance with these conditions. 39 Passing of Risk 39.1 Passing of Risk of loss of or Damage to the Works The Risk of loss of or Damage to the Works shall pass from the Contractor to the Employer on the Risk Transfer Date applicable thereto. Page 88 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 39.2 39.3 Loss or Damage Before Risk Transfer Date. Loss of or Damage to the Works occurring before the Risk Transfer Date shall:a) To the extent caused by any of the Contractor’s Risks, be made good forthwith by the Contractor at his own cost, and b) To the extent caused by any of the Employer’s Risks, be made good by the Contractor at the Employer’s expense if so required by the Employer within 30 days after the occurrence of the loss or damage. The price for making good such loss and damage shall be in all circumstances reasonable and shall be agreed by the Employer and the Contractor, or in the absence of agreement, shall be resolved under Clause-50. Loss or Damage After Risk Transfer Date. After the Risk Transfer Date, the Contractor’s liability in respect of loss or damage to any part of the Works shall, except in the case of Gross Misconduct, be limited:a) To the fulfillment of the Contractor’s obligations under Clause-30 in respect of defects therein, and b) To making good forthwith loss or damage caused by the Contractor during the Defects Liability Period. 40 Damage to Property and injury to Persons 40.1 Contractor’s Liability Except as provided under Sub Clause 41, the Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Employer against all losses, expenses and claims in respect of any loss of or damage to physical property (other than the Works), death or personal injury to the extent caused by:a) Defective design, material or Workmanship of the Contractor, or b) Negligence or breach of statutory duty of the Contractor, his Sub Contractors or their respective employees and agents. 40.2 Employer’s Liability The Employer shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Contractor against all losses, expenses, or claims in respect of loss or damage to any physical property (other than Works) to the extent caused by those of the Employer’s Risks listed in Sub-Clause 37.2 & 37.3, but not otherwise. 41 Accidents The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Employer against all losses, expenses or claims arising in connection with the death of or injury to any person employed by the Contractor or his sub Contractors or employees of the Owner for the purposes of the Works, unless caused by any acts or defaults of the Employer. In the latter cases the Employer shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Contractor against all losses, expenses or claims arising in connection therewith. 42 Limitations of Liability 42.1 Liability after Expiry of Defect Liability Period. Except in cases of criminal negligence or willful misconduct:Page 89 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) a) The Contractor shall not be liable to the Employer, whether in Contract, or otherwise for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, provided that this execution shall not apply to any obligation of the Contractor to pay liquidated damages to the Employer. b) The aggregate liability of the Contractor to the Employer under the Contract shall not exceed the Contract price, provided that this limitation shall not apply to any obligation of the Contractor to indemnify the Employer with respect to patent infringement. 42.2 Exclusive Remedies The Employer and the Contractor intend that their respective rights, obligations and liabilities as provided for in these conditions shall alone govern their rights under the Contract and in relation to the Works. Accordingly, the remedies provided under the Contract in respect of or in consequence of :a) Any breach of Contract, or b) Any act of negligence or omission, or c) Death or personal injury, or d) Loss or damage to any property. are, save in the case of Gross Misconduct, to be to the exclusion of any other remedy that either may have against the other under the law governing the Contract or otherwise. 42.3 Mitigation of loss or Damage In all case the party claiming a breach of Contract or a right to be indemnified in accordance with the Contract shall be obliged to take all reasonable measures to mitigate the loss or damage which has occurred or may occur. 43 Insurance 43.1 The Works a) All the equipment, including pole foundations wherever required being supplied by the Contractor shall be kept completely insured by the Contractor at his cost from the time of dispatch from the Contractor’s Works, upto the completion of erection and final checking, testing and commissioning at Site and Taking Over of the 11 kV Line by the Employer. b) It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to lodge, pursue and settle all claims (for all the Plant including pole foundations) with the insurance company in case of any damage, loss, theft, pilferage, fire etc. and the Employer shall be kept informed about it. The Contractor shall replace the lost/damaged Plant including pole foundations promptly irrespective of the settlement of the claims by the underwriters and ensure that the Work progress is as per agreed schedules. 43.2 Contractor’s equipment The Contractor shall insure the Contractor’s equipment for its full replacement value while in transit to the Site, from commencement of loading until completion of unloading at the Site, while on the Site and until unloading at its return destination against all loss or damage caused by any of the Contractor’s risks. Page 90 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 43.3 Third Party Liability The Contractor shall insure against liability to third parties for any death or personal injury and loss of or damage to any physical property including the property of the Employer other than the Works arising out of the performance of the Contract and occurring before the issue of the last Defect Liability Certificate. Such insurance shall be effected before the Contractor begins any Work on the Site. 43.4 Employees The Contractor shall insure and maintain insurance against his liability under Sub Cluse-41. 43.5 General The insurance cover shall be taken by the Contractor in the name of the Employer who shall authorize the Contractor to pursue the claims with the Insurance Company. 43.6 General Requirements of Insurance Policies. The Contractor shall: a) Whenever required by the Employer produce the policies or certificates of any insurance which he is required to effect under the Contract together with receipts for the premiums, b) Effect all insurances for which he is responsible with an insurer and in terms approved by the Employer, and c) Make no material alterations to the terms of any insurance without the Employer’s approval. If an insurer makes any material alteration to the terms the Contractor shall forthwith notify the Employer, and d) In all respects comply with any conditions stipulated in the insurance policies that he is required to place under the Contract. 43.7 Permitted Exclusions from Insurance Policies. The insurance cover effected by the Contractor in the name of the Employer shall exclude the following:a) The cost of making good any part of the Works, which is defective or other wise does not comply with the Contract. b) Indirect or consequential loss or damage including any reductions in the Contract Price for delays. 43.8 Remedies on the Contractor’s Failure to Insure. If the Contractor fails to produce evidence of insurance cover as stated in Sub Clause-43.6(a) then the Employer may effect and keep in force such insurance. Premiums paid by the Employer for this purpose shall be deducted from the Contract Price. 43.9 Amounts not recovered Page 91 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Any amount not recovered from the insurers shall be borne by the Employer or Contractor in accordance with their responsibilities under Clause-37. 44 Force Majeure. 44.1 Definition of Force Majeure. Force Majeure means any circumstances beyond the control of the parties including:a) War and other hostilities, (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, mobilization, requisition or embargo; b) Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radioactive toxic explosive, or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear components thereof; c) Rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power and civil war; d) Riot, commotion or disorder, except where solely restricted to employees of the Contractor. e) Natural calamity (such as Earthquake, Cyclone, Floods etc.). 44.2 Effect of Force Majeure. Neither party shall be considered to be in default or in breach of his obligations under the Contract to the extent that performance of such obligations is prevented by any circumstances of Force Majeure which arise after the date of the Notification of Award. 44.3 Notice of Occurrence. If either party considers that any circumstances of Force Majeure have occurred which may affect performance of his obligations he shall promptly notify the other party. 44.4 Performance to Continue. Upon the occurrence of any circumstances of Force Majeure the Contractor shall endeavor to continue to perform his obligations under the Contract so far as reasonably practicable. The Contractor shall notify the Employer of the steps he proposes to take including any reasonable alternative means for performance, which is not prevented by Force Majeure. The Contractor shall not take any such steps unless directed so to do by the Employer. 44.5 Additional Costs caused by Force Majeure. If the Contractor incurs additional costs in complying with the Employer’s directions under Sub Clause-44.4, the amount thereof shall be certified by the Employer and added to the Contract Price. 44.6 Damage caused by certain of the Employer’s risks. If in consequence of any of the Employer’s risks listed in para-graphs of Sub Clause-37.2. the Work on or adjacent to the Site shall suffer loss or damage, the Contractor shall be entitled to have the value of the Work done, without Page 92 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) regard to the loss or damage that has occurred, included in a certificate of payment. 44.7 Termination in Consequence of Force Majeure. If circumstances of Force Majeure have occurred and shall continue for a period of 180 days, notwithstanding, the Contractor may by reason thereof, having been granted an extension of Time for Completion of the Works, either party shall be entitled to serve upon the other, 30 days notice to terminate the Contract. If at the expiry of the period of 30 days Force Majeure shall still continue, the Contract shall terminate. 44.8 Payment on Termination for Force Majeure. If the Contract is terminated under Sub Clause-44.7 the Contractor shall be paid the value of the Work done. The Contractor shall also be entitled to receive :a) The amounts payable in respect of any preliminary items so far as the Work or service comprised therein has been carried out and delivered and a proper proportion of any such item in which the Work or service comprised has only been partially carried out and delivered. b) The cost of materials or goods ordered for the Works or for use in connection with the Works which have been delivered to the Contractor or of which the Contractor is legally liable to accept delivery. Such materials or goods shall become the property of and be at the risk of the Employer when paid for by the Employer and the Contractor shall place the same at the Employer’s disposal. 45 Contractor’s Default 45.1 Notice of Default. If the Contractor is not executing the Works in accordance with the Contract or is neglecting to perform his obligations, there under, as seriously, to affect the Program for carrying out of the Works, the Employer may give notice to the Contractor requiring him to make good such failure or neglect. 45.2 Nature of Contractor’s default. If the Contractor:a) Has failed to comply within a reasonable time with a notice under Sub Clause-45.1 or b) Assigns the Contract or Sub-Contracts the whole of the Works without the Employer’s written consent, or c) Becomes bankrupt or insolvent, has a receiving order made against him or compounds with his creditors, or carries on business under a receiver, trustee or manager for the benefit of his creditors or goes into liquidation. The Employer may, after giving 15 days notice to the Contractor, terminate the Contract and expel the Contractor from the Site. Any such expulsion and termination shall be without prejudice to any other rights or powers of the Employer, or the Contractor under the Contract. The Page 93 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Employer may upon such termination complete the Works himself or by any other Contractor. The Employer or such other Contractor may use for such completion, Contractor’s equipment which is on the Site and as he or they may think proper, and the Employer shall allow the Contractor a fair price for such use. 45.3 Valuation at Date of Termination The Employer shall, as soon as possible after such termination, certify the value of the Works and all sum then due to Contractor as at the date of termination in accordance with Clause-33. 45.4 Payment after termination The Employer shall not be liable to make any further payments to the Contractor until the Works have been completed. When the Works are so complete, the Employer shall be entitled to recover from the Contractor the extra costs, if any, of completing the Works after allowing for any sum due to the Contractor under sub Clause 45.3. If there is no such extra cost the Employer shall pay any balance due to the Contractor. 45.5 Effect on Liability for delay The Contractor’s liability under Clause-27 shall immediately cease when the Employer expels him from the Site without prejudice to any liability there-under that may have already occurred. 46 Employer’s Default 46.1 Nature of Employer’s Default The Contractor may, by giving 30 days notice to the Employer, terminate the Contract if the Employer becomes bankrupt or insolvent, has a receiving order made against him, compounds with his creditor, or carries on business under a receiver, trustee or manager for the benefit of his creditors or goes into liquidation, or 46.2 Removal of Contractor’s equipment On such termination, the Contractor shall be entitled to remove immediately all Contractor’s equipment which is on the Site. 46.3 Payment on termination for Employer’s Default. In the event of such termination the Employer shall pay the Contractor as amount calculated in accordance with sub Clause 44.8. 47 Changes in Cost and Legislation 47.1 Labour, materials and transport. The Contract price shall remain firm and shall not be subject to any variation on any account. 47.2 Statutory and other regulations. Page 94 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) The Contract price shall be adjusted to take account of any increase or decreases in cost resulting from changes in legislation of the country. Legislation means any law, order, regulation or bye-law having the force of law, which affects the Contractor in the performance of his obligations under the Contract, made after the date of notification of award and it acceptance. The Employer shall certify the amount of the resulting increase or decrease in cost, which shall be added to or deducted from the Contract price. 48 Customs 48.1 Customs and Import duties. The Contractor shall pay any customs, import duties and taxes, on the Contractors equipment, if any, to be imported. 49 Notices 49.1 Notice to Contractor All certificates, notices or written order communications to be given to the Contractor by the Employer under the conditions shall be sent by Airmail, Cable, telex, Regd. Post or facsimile transmission, to or be left at the Contractor’s principal place of business or such other address as the Contractor shall notify for that purpose, or may be handed over to the Contractor’s representative under acknowledgement. 49.2 Notice to Employer Any notice to be given to the Employer under these conditions shall be sent by Airmail, Regd. Post, cable, telex or facsimile transmission to or left at the respective address notified for that purpose in the letter of award, or handed over to the Employer’s representative, authorized, to receive it. 49.3 Minutes of meeting Instructions or notice to the Contractor and notice from the Contractor to the Employer record in a minute or protocol signed by the authorized representative of the given and of the recipient of such notice or instruction shall be valid notice or instruction for the purposes of the Contract. 50 Taxation 50.1 The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for payment of all taxes, duties, license fees etc. incurred until delivery of the Contract supplies to the Employer. 50.2 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the taxes that may be levied on the Contractor’s persons or on earning of any of his employee and shall hold the Employer indemnified and harmless against any claims that may be made against the Employer. The Employer does not take any responsibility whatsoever regarding taxes under Income Tax Act, for the Contractor or his employees. If it is obligatory under the provisions under the Indian Tax Act, deduction of Income Tax at source shall be made by the Employer. Page 95 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 50.3 All custom- duties and levies, duties sales tax payable on equipment, components, sub assemblies, raw material and any other items used for their consumption or dispatches directly to the Employer from their sub supplier (i.e. sale-in-transit at concessional rate) shall be included in Bid price and any such taxes duties, levies additionally payable will be to Contractor’s account and no separate claim on this behalf will be entertained by the Employer. Employer shall however issue requisite sales Tax declaration form i.e, Form ‘C’ and road permit to the Bidder. 50.4 In case of supply of self manufactured items, Sales Tax (but not surcharge in lieu of Sales Tax), local taxes and other levies solely in respect of transaction between the Employer and Contractor. Under the Contract, if any, shall not be included in the Bid price, but those shall be included separately wherever applicable. These amounts will be payable (along subsequent variation if any) by the Employer on the supplies made by the Contractor but limited to the Tax liability on the transaction between Employer and the Contractor. Employer shall however issue requisite Sales Tax declaration forms. 51 Advertising Any advertising stating the subject of this Contract by the Contractor in India or in other foreign countries shall be subject to approval of the Employer prior to the publication. Publication of approved articles, photographs and other similar materials shall carry approval of the Employer. 52 Material Account Proper account of the Plant/equipment brought at Site and actually erected shall be prepared by the Contractor on completion of the Works and final payments shall be adjusted on the basis of the same. 53 Industrial & Labour Laws The successful bidder will certify that he has complied with the provisions of Industrial & Labour Laws including PF Act, ESI Act etc. as may be applicable. 54 Corrupt or fraudulent practices The Nigam requires that Tenderers/ Suppliers/ Contractors observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of Nigam contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the Nigam:- (a) (i) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth as follows: “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any thing of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution: and “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Nigam, and includes collusive practice among tenderers (prior to or after tender submission) designed to establish tender prices at artificial, non-competitive levels and to deprive the Nigam of the benefits of free and open competition; will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Tenderer recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question; (ii) (b) Page 96 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) (c) will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a Nigam contract if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, a Nigam contract. 55 Settlement of Disputes 55.1 Any dispute(s) or difference(s) arising out of or in connection with the Contract shall, to the extent possible, settled amicably between the parties. 55.2 If any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever shall arise between the Owner and the Contractor, arising out of the Contract for the performance of the Works whether during the progress for the Works or after its completion or whether before or after the termination, abandonment or breach of the Contract, it shall, in the first place, be referred to and settled by the empowered officer to be appointed by the Owner, who, within a period of thirty (30) days after being requested by either party to do so, shall give written notice of his decision to the Owner and the Contractor. 55.3 Unless as hereinafter provided, such decision in respect of any matter so referred shall be final and binding upon the parties until the completion of the Works and shall forthwith be given effect to by the Contractor who shall proceed with the Works with all due diligence, whether he or the Owner required arbitration as hereinafter provided or not. 55.4 If after the Empowered Officer has given written notice of his decision to the parties, no claim to arbitration has been communicated to him by either party within thirty (30) days from the receipt of such notice, the said decision shall become final and binding on the parties. 55.5 In the event of the Empowered Officer failing to notify his decision as aforesaid within thirty (30) days after being requested aforesaid, or in the event of either the Owner or the Contractor being dissatisfied with any such decision, or within thirty (30) days after the expiry of the first mentioned period of thirty (30) days, as the case may be either party may require that the matters in dispute be referred to arbitration as hereinafter provided. 56. Arbitration: All matters, question, disputes, differences and/or claims arising out of and/or concerning and/or in connection and/or in consequences or relating to this Contract whether or not obligations of either of both parties under this Contract be subsisting at the time of such dispute and whether or not this Contract has been terminated or purported to be terminated or completed, shall be referred to the Sole Arbitration of the MD, DHBVN or an Officer appointed by the MD, DHBVN as his nominee. The Award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to this Contract. Subject to aforementioned provisions, the provisions of Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 and the rules there under and statuary modifications thereof for the time being in force, shall be deemed to apply to the Arbitration proceedings under this Clause. Page 97 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 57. Blacklisting of the Firms: The contractor will be blacklisted, 1. If the contractor backs out of the contract at any stage, the firm will be issued two 15 days notices to commence the work failing which no further notices will be issued and the firm will be straightway Blacklisted, without prejudice to other terms and conditions of the contract. 2. If the firm indulge in fraudulent and illegal practices such as forgery, cheating or any civil/criminal wrongdoing or any grave misconduct of similar nature which has a direct impact on the contract and the Nigam. In such case no notice of default will be issued and the firm will be straightway blacklisted in addition to initiating the legal proceedings etc., without prejudice to the other terms and conditions of the contract. 3. If the contractor fails to complete the work within the delivery/completion schedule, the deduction of the penalty will commence as per the terms and conditions of the present Bid Documents. On deduction of the complete penalty as admissible, the contractor will be issued one 15 days notice to complete the work failing which the Performance Bank Guarantee will be forfeited. Subsequent to the above two 15 days notices will be issued and the firm will be blacklisted thereafter. The Performance Bank Guarantee of the Blacklisted firms will be forfeited and the firm shall have no claim whatsoever on the same. However, Procedure and other conditions of contract are regulated by procurement manual of DHBVN, so, these will be applicable to the contractor as per procurement manual of DHBVN and amendments thereof from time to time. “Period of Blacklisting shall be minimum three years and all power utilities in the country shall be intimated about the same.” N.B. The terms and conditions are being regulated by the “Procurement Manual of DHBVN” and its amendments thereof. The terms and conditions provided in the tender documents are exhaustive in nature, however in case of any discrepancy, the regulations as provided in the Procurement Manual / its amendments thereof shall be followed. The bidders are expected to acquaint themselves with the regulations as provided in the Procurement Manual which is available on the web site www.dhbvn.com Page 98 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Page 99 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) SECTION – IV CONTRACT DATA Page 100 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) The name of the identification number of the Contract is: Bid No. TER-08/R-APDRP/2015 The works consist of survey, Supply of material and Erection, testing and commissioning of new/ augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and, other activities such as replacement of iron poles, provision of LAs, Guarding of existing lines, Earthing of all DTs, supply and installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes, MCBs for reduction of AT&C losses in 15 no. towns under R-APDRP Part-B under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis. (As per listed details). The start date shall be date of issue of letter of Intent (LOI). CONTRACT DATA: The overall Engineer In charge shall be CE/R-APDRP, DHBVN, Hisar and field Engineer-Incharge i.e. Nodal officer under whose supervision the Contract will be executed shall be: Name / Address: The Superintending Engineer, Operation Circle, DHBVN. Name of Engineer Concerned Executive Engineer (OP) of DHBVN as identified by Engineer in-charge: Name of Authorized Concerned Assistant Engineer (OP) Representative Sub-Division of DHBVN. The Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Works is within Twenty Four (24) months from the date of start with the following milestones. Milestone Schedule: -------- As per Approved PERT Chart -------1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The following documents also form part of the Contract : a)_____________________________________________ b)_____________________________________________ c)_____________________________________________. The Contractor shall submit a detailed Program for the Works, within 15 days of delivery of the Letter of Acceptance: The Site Possession Date shall be : The Defects Liability (warranty) Period of 365 days from the date of taking- overcertificate. The minimum insurance cover for physical property, injury and death is Rs. 5.0 lac per occurrence with the number of occurrences limited to four. After each occurrence, Contractor will pay additional premium necessary to make insurance always valid for four occurrences. The Period between Program updates shall be 30 days. The amount to be withheld for late submission of an updated Program shall be Rs. 2500/-. The language of the Contract Documents is English. The laws which apply to the Contract are the laws of Union of India. The currency of the Contract is Indian Rupees. Page 101 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Page 102 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) SECTION – V SAMPLE FORMS AND PROCEDURES Page 103 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) ANNEXURES CONTENTS ANNEXURE DESCRIPTION Annexes Annexure-A Performa of Letter of Undertakings. Annexure-B Performa of Agreement. Annexure-C Performa of Bank Guarantee for Contract Performance. Annexure-D Performa of Extension of Bank Guarantee. Annexure-E Performa for Indemnity Bond. (Entire Equipment Consignment in One Lot). Annexure-F Performa for Indemnity Bond. (Equipment handed over in Installments). Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit Annexure-G Price Variation Formula to be applied on Tranformers, Annexure-H ACSR conductors and AB Cables. Performa for JV Agreement Annexure-I Quality Assurance Plan of Nigam Annexure-J Labour Regulations Annexure-K Page 104 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) ANNEXURE – A Page 1 to 2 PROFORMA OF LETTER OF UNDERTAKINGS (To be submitted by the Bidder along with his Bid) (To be executed on non-Judicial Stamp Paper of requisite Value) Ref: ………………………. To Date …………………………... The Chief Engineer/ R-APDRP, DHBVN, Vidyut Sadan, Vidyut Nagar, Hisar-125005. Dear Sirs, 1. I*/We* have read and examined the following Bid Documents relating to the ………………………….. (Full scope of work). a) b) c) d) 2. Notice Inviting Tender. Invitation for Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Conditions of Contract along with Contract Data & Annexures. Technical Specifications. Drawings attached with Bidding Documents. I*/We* hereby submit our Bid and undertake to keep our Bid value for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of Part II of Bid. I*/We* hereby further undertake that during said period I/We shall not vary / alter or revoke my / our Bid. This undertaking is in consideration of DHBVN agreeing to open my Bid and consider and evaluate the same for the purpose of award of work in terms of provisions of clause entitled “ Award of Contract” section instruction to Bidders in the Bid Document. Should this Bid be accepted, I*/We* also agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms, conditions of provision of the above mentioned bid documents. Signature along with Seal of Company ……………………………………….. (Duly authorized to sign the tender on behalf of the Contractor). Name : ……………………………………. Designation ………………………………. Name of Company ………………………. ( In Block Letters) Page 105 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) WITNESS : Signature …………………………….Date & Postal Address : Date………………………………… ……………………………………………. Name &Address …………………… ……………………………………………. …………………………………… Telephonic Address ……………………… …………………………………… ……………………………………………. …………………………………… ……………………………………………. Telephone No. …………………………… Telex No. ………………………………… * Strike out whichever is not applicable. Page 106 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) ANNEXURE - B Page 1 of 4 PROFORMA OF ‘AGREEMENT’ (To be executed on non-judicial Stamp Paper) This agreement made this………………..day of …………2013 between DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM LTD.(hereinafter referred to “Owner or DHBVN which expression shall include its administrators, Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956) on the one part and ………………….having its Registered office at ………………………………..(hereinafter referred to as “Contractor” or …………………”X” …………………name of the Contracting Company which expression shall include its administrators, successors, executors and permitted assigns) of the other part. WHEREAS DHBVN desirous invited bids for design, manufacture, transportation to site, supply. Erection, tested & commissions of ………… as per specification No………………………………AND WHEREAS …………………”X” ………………had participated in the above referred bidding vide their proposal No………………..dated ……………and awarded the contract to …………..”X” ………………….. on terms and conditions documents referred to therein, which have been accepted by …………………..”X” …………………Resulting into a “Contract”. NOW THEREFORE THIS DEED WITNESSETH AS UNDER:1.0Article 1.1 Award of Contract DHBVN has awarded the Contract to ……………”X” …………… for the work of …………. On terms and conditions contained in its letter of Award No………….. dated …………….. and the documents referred to therein. The award has taken effect from aforesaid letter of Award. The terms and expressions used in this Agreement shall have the same meaning as are assigned to them in the “Contract Documents” referred to in the succeeding Article. 2.0Contract Documents : 2.1 The Contract shall be performed strictly as per the terms and conditions stipulated herein and in the following documents attached herewith ( hereinafter referred to as “Contract Documents”). i) DHBVN Bidding Documents in respect of Specification No………………….. issued vide its letter No………………. dated ……….. Consisting of Invitation to Bid. Instruction to Bidders, General & Special Conditions of Contract and all other sections entitled “Conditions of Contract” including all amendments issued vide its letter ……………………….dated…………… ii) DHBVN Technical Specification including amendments issued vide its letter …………………dated …………. Page 107 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) iii) “X” is Proposal No……………….. Dated ……………. Along with proposal sheets, Data Requirements, Payment, Terms and Work Schedules Submitted by “X” entitled as “………………………….”. iv) Agreed Minutes of the meeting held on ……………………… between DHBVN and “X”. v) DHBVN’s letter of Award No. ………………………… Dated ………… duly accepted by “X”. vi) Quality Plans for manufacturing and field activities entitled as Quality Plan. vii) Contract Network. All the aforesaid Contract Documents shall form an integral part of this Agreement, in so as the same or any part conform to the Bidding Documents (Vol. I & II) and what has been specifically agreed to by the Owner in its Letter of Award. Any matter inconsistent therewith, contrary or repugnant thereto or any deviations taken by the Contractor in its “Proposal” (Vol. III) but not agreed to specifically by the Contractor. For the sake of brevity this agreement along with its aforesaid contract documents shall be referred to as the “Agreement”. 3.0 Conditions & Covenants : 3.1 The scope of Contract, Consideration, Terms of Payment, Taxes wherever applicable, Insurance, Liquidated Damaged, Performance Guarantee and all other terms and conditions are contained in DHBVN letter of Award No……………. dated ……………. Read in conjunction with other aforesaid contract documents. The Contract shall be duly performed by the Contractor strictly and faithfully in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. 3.2The scope of work shall also include supply and installation of all such items which are not specifically mentioned in the Contract Documents, but which are needed for successful, efficient, safe and reliable operation of the equipment unless otherwise specifically excluded in the specifications under “exclusions” or “Letter of Award”. 3.3Time Schedule : 3.3.1Time is the essence of the contract and schedules shall be strictly adhered to and “X” shall perform the work in accordance with the agreed schedule. 3.4Quality Plans : 3.4.1The Contractor is responsible for the proper execution of the Quality Plans. The work beyond the customer’s hold points will progress only with the owner’s consent. The owner will also undertake quality surveillance and quality audit of the Contractor’s / Sub-Contractor’s works, systems and procedures and quality control activities. The Contractor further agrees that any change in the quality plan will be made only with the Owner'’ approval. The Contractor shall also perform all quality control activities, inspection and tests agreed with the owner to demonstrate full compliance with the contract requirements. 3.4.2The Contractor also agrees to provide the owner with the necessary facilities for carrying out inspection,. Quality audit and quality surveillance of Contractor’s and its sub-contractor’s quality Assurance Systems and manufacturing activities. Page 108 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) These shall include but not limited to the following: i) Relevant Plant standards, drawings and procedures; ii) Detailed Quality Assurance System manuals for manufacturing activities. 3.4.3It is expressly agreed to by the Contractor that non withstanding the fact that the contract is termed as Supply-cum-Erection Contract or indicates the break-up of the contract consideration, for convenience of operation and for payment of sales tax on supply portion, it is in fact one composite contract on single source responsibility basis and the Contractor is bond to perform the total contract in his entirety and nonperformance of any part or portion of the contract shall be deemed to be a breach of the entire contract. 3.4.4 The Contractor guarantees that the equipment package under the contract shall meet the ratings and performance parameters as stipulated in the technical specification ( Volume-II) and in the event of any of any deficiencies found in the requisite performance figures, the owner may at the opinion reject the equipment package or alternatively accept it on the terms and conditions and subject to levy of the liquidated damages so leviable shall be in accordance with the contract documents and without any limitation. 3.4.5 It is further agreed by the Contractor that the contract performance guarantee shall in no way be constructed to limit or restrict the onwer’s right to recover the damages / compensation due to short-fall in the equipment performance figures as stated above or under any other clause of the Agreement. The amount of damages/ compensation shall be recoverable either by way of deduction from the contract price, contract performance guarantee and / or otherwise. 3.4.6 This agreement constitutes full and complete understanding between the parties and terms of the present. It shall supersede and prior correspondence terms and conditions contained in the Agreement. Any modification of the Agreement shall be effected only be a written instrument signed by the authorized representative of both the parties. 4.0 Settlement of Disputes: 4.1 It is specifically agreed by and between the parties that all the difference or disputes arising out of the Agreement or touching the subject matter or the Agreement shall be decided by the process of settlement and Arbitration as specified in clause …………………… and ……………. of the General Conditions of the contract of the provisions of the Indian Arbitration & Conciliation, Act, 1996 shall apply and Hisar Court alone shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the same. 4.2 Notice of Default : Notice of default given by either party to the other party under Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly and properly served upon the parties hereto, if delivered against acknowledgment or by telex or by registered mail with acknowledgement due addressed to the signatories at the addresses mentioned herein above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties through their duly authorized representatives have executed these presents (execution where of has been approved by the competent Page 109 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) authorities of both the parties) on the day month and year first above mentioned at Hisar. WITNESS : 1. ………………………………………. (Owner’s Signature ) (Printed Name) 2. ………………………………………. (Designation) (Company’s Stamp) 3. ………………………………………. (Contractor’s Signature) (Printed Name) 4. ………………………………………. (Designation) (Printed Name) Applicable in case of single award is placed on one party on supply-cum-Erection basis. In case two separate awards are placed on single party / two different parties this clause is to be modified suitable while signing the Contract agreement to be signed separately for two awards to incorporate cross fall breach clause. Page 110 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) ANNEXURE – C Page 1 to 2 PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR CONTRACT PERFORMANCE (To be stamped in accordance with stamp Act.) Ref: ………………………. Bank Guarantee No……………… Dated …………………………... To The Chief Engineer/R-APDRP, DHBVN, Vidyut Sadan, Vidyut Nagar, Hisar-125005. Dear Sirs, In consideration of Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam ( hereinafter referred to as the ‘Owner’ which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors, administrators and assigns) having awarded to M/S ………………………………………………….. with its registered / Head office at ………………………( herein after referred to as the Contractor which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns ), a Contract by issue of Owner’s Letter of Award No. ……………………….. dated …………… and the same having been unequivocally accepted by the Contractor, resulting in a Contact bearing No. …………………. Dated ……………………. Valued at ……………………….. for ………………………(Scope of Contract ) and the Contractor having agreed to provide a Contract Performance Guarantee for the faithful performance of the entire Contract equivalent to …………….(%)…………….. (percent) of the said value of the Contract to the Owner. We ………………………………………………………………………… (Name and Address of the Bank ). Having its Head Office at ……………………(hereinafter referred to as the ‘Bank’ which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns ) do hereby guarantee and undertake to pay the Owner, on demand any and all monies payable by the Contractor to the extent of ………………………….. as aforesaid at any time upto ……………………….. ( days / month / year ) without any demur, reservation, contest recourse or protest and / or without any reference to the Contractor. Any such demand made by the owner on the Bank shall be conclusive and binding notwithstanding any difference between the owner and the Contractor or any dispute pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any authority. The Bank undertakes not to revoke his guarantee during its currency without previous consent of the Owner and further agrees that the guarantee herein contained shall continue to be enforceable till the Owner discharges this guarantee. The Owner shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this guarantee, from time to time to extend the time for performance of the contract by the Contractor. The Owner shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting this guarantee to postpone from time to time the exercise of any powers vested in them or any right which they might have against the Contractor, and to exercise the same at any time in any manner Page 111 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) and either to enforce or to for bear to enforce any covenants, contained or implied, in the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor or any other course or remedy or security available to the owner. The Bank shall not be released or its obligations under these presents by any exercise by the Owner of its liberty without reference in the matters aforesaid or any of them or by reason of any other Act of omission or commission on the part of the Owner or any other indulgences shown by the Owner or by any other matter or thing whatsoever which under law would but for this provision have the effect of relieving the Bank. The Bank also agrees that the Owner at its option shall be entitled to enforce this a guarantee against the Bank as a principle debtor, in the first instance without proceeding against the Contractor and notwithstanding any security or other guarantees the owner may have in relation to the Contractor’s liabilities. Notwithstanding any thing contained herein above our liability under this guarantee is restricted to ………………………. And it shall remain in force upto and including…….. and shall be extended from time to time for such period as may be desired by M/S …………………………………. On whose behalf this guarantee has been given. Dated this ……………………. Day of …………………… 2013 at ………………….. WITNESS ……………………….. ……………………………. (Name) (Signature) ……………………….. …………………………….. (Name) (Signature) ………………………… …………………………….. (Official Address) (Designation with Bank Stamp) Attorney as per Power Of Attorney No. ……………………. Date ………………. Note : This sum shall be ten percent (10%) of the Contract Price in two parts i.e. for Transformer and for rest of material. The date will be Ninety days (90 days) after the end of Warranty Period as specified in the Contract. The stamp papers of appropriate value shall be purchased in the name of issuing Bank. Page 112 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) ANNEXURE –D Page 1 of 1 PROFORMA OF EXTENSION OF BANK GUARANTEE Ref : ………………….. Dated ………………. To The Chief Engineer/R-APDRP, DHBVN, Vidyut Sadan, Vidyut Nagar, Hisar-125005. Dear Sirs, Sub : Extension of Bank Guarantee No. ……………… for Rs. ……………….. favouring yourselves expiring on …………………. On account of M/S ……………………………………….. in respect of Contract No. ……………… dated ……………. (hereinafter called original Bank Guarantee ). At the request of M/s ………………………………, We …………………………Bank, Branch office at ……………………….. and having its head office at………. ………… do hereby extend our liability under the above mentioned guarantee No. ……………… dated ………………. for a further period of ………………… years / months from …………………… to expire on …………………………. Except as provided above, all other terms and conditions of the original Bank Guarantee No. ………………… dated …………….. shall remain unaltered and binding. Please treat this as an integral part of the original Bank Guarantee to which it would be attached. Yours faithfully, For………………………… Manager / Agent / Accountant Power of Attorney No………………… Dated ……………….. SEAL OF BANK Note : The non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value shall be purchased in the name of the Bank who has issued the Bank Guarantee. Page 113 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) ANNEXURE – E Page 1 to 3 PROFORMA OF INDEMNITY BOND TO BE EXECUTED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR THE EQUIPMENT HANDED OVER BY DHBVN FOR PERFORMANCE OF ITS CONTRACT (Entire Equipment consignment in one lot) (On non-Judicial Stamp Paper of appropriate Value) INDEMNITY BOND THIS INDEMNITY BOND is made this………………. Day of ………………..2013 by …………………………. A Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 / Partnership firm / proprietary concern having its Registered Office at ……………( here in after called as ‘Contractor’ or ‘Obligator’ which expression shall include its successors and permitted assigns) in favour of DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM LTD. , HISAR (hereinafter called DHBVN which expression shall include its successors and assigns). WHEREAS DHBVN has awarded to the Contractor a Contract for ……………… vide its Letter of Award / Contract No………………….. dated …………. and its Amendment No………………… and Amendment No………………. (applicable when amendments have been issued) (hereinafter called the Contract ) in terms of which DHBVN is required to hand over various Equipment to the Contractor for execution of the Contract. And WHEREAS by virtue of Clause No. ………………………… of the said Contract, the Contractor is required to execute an Indemnity Bond in favour of DHBVN for the Equipment handed over to it by DHBVN for the purpose of performance of the Contract / Erection portion of the Contract (hereinafter called the ‘Equipment’). NOW THEREFORE, This Indemnity Bond witnessed as follows : 1. That in consideration o various Equipment as mentioned in the Contract, valued at Rs. ………………. (Rupees……………………………..) handed over to the Contractor for the purpose of performance of the Contract, the Contractor hereby undertakes to indemnify and shall keep DHBVN indemnified, for the full value of the Equipment. The Contractor hereby acknowledges receipt of the Equipment as per dispatch title documents handed over to the Contractor duly endorsed in their favour and detailed in the Schedule appended hereto. It is expressly understood by the Contractor that handing over of the dispatch title documents in respect of the said Equipment duly endorsed by DHBVN in favour of the Contractor shall be constructed as handing over of the Equipment purported to be covered by such title documents and the Contractor shall hold such Equipment in trust as Trustees for an on behalf of DHBVN. 2. That the Contractor is obliged and shall remain absolutely responsible for the safe transit / protection and custody of the Equipment at DHBVN project Site against all risks whatsoever till the Equipment are duly used / erected in accordance with the terms of the Contract and the Plant / Package duly erected and commissioned in accordance with the terms of the Contract, is taken over by the DHBVN. The Contractor undertakes to keep DHBVN harmless against any loss or damage that may be caused to the Equipment. 3. The Contractor undertakes that the Equipment shall be used exclusively for the performance / execution of the Contract strictly in accordance with its terms and conditions and no part of the Equipment shall be utilized for any other work or Page 114 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) purpose whatsoever, It is clearly understood by the Contractor that non-observance of the obligations under this Indemnity Bond by the Contractor shall inter-alia constitute a criminal breach of trust on the part of Contractor for all intents and purpose including legal / penal consequences. 4. That DHBVN is and shall remain the exclusive Owner of the Equipment free from all encumbrances, charges or liens of any kind, whatsoever. The Equipment shall at all times be open to inspection and checking by Chief Engineer/ Engineer or other employees / agents authorized by him in this regard. Further, DHBVN shall always be free at all times to take possession of the Equipments in whatever form the Equipments may be, if in its opinion, the Equipment are likely to be endangered, misutilized or converted to uses other than those specified in the Contract, by any acts of omission or commission on the part of the Contractor or any other person or on account of any reason whatsoever and the Contractor binds himself and undertakes to comply with the directions of demand of DHBVN to return the Equipment without any demur or reservation. 5. That this Indemnity Bond is irrevocable. If at any time any loss or damage occurs to the Equipment or the same or any part thereof is mis-utilized in any manner whatsoever, then the Contractor hereby agrees that the decision of the Engineer-inCharge / Engineer of DHBVN as to assessment of loss or damage to the Equipment shall be final and binding on the Contractor. The Contractor binds itself and undertakes to replace the lost and / or damaged Equipment at its own cost and / or shall pay the amount of loss of DHBVN without any demur, reservation or protest. This is without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be available to DHBVN against the Contractor under the Contract and under this Indemnity Bond. 6. NOW THE CONDITION of this Bond is that if the Contractor shall duly and punctually comply with the terms and conditions of this Bond to the satisfaction of DHBVN THEN, the above Bond shall void, but otherwise, it shall remain in full force and virtue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor has hereunto set its hand through it authorized representative under the common seal of the Company, the day, month and year first above mentioned. SCHEDULE Particulars of Quantity the Equipment handed over. Particulars of Value of the Signature Dispatch title Equipment Attorney documents token RR/GR No. receipt. Date Bill Carrier of lading For and on behalf of M/S ………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………… WITNESS : 1. i) Signature………………………… Signature………………………….. ii) Name …………………………… Name …………………………….. iii) Address ………………………… Designation ………………………. Page 115 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) of in of ………………………………… Authorized Representative 2. i) Signature………………………… ii) Name …………………………… iii) Address ………………………… (Common Seal) ………………………………… (In case of Company) * Indemnity Bond are to be executed by the authorized person and (I) in case of contracting Company under Common Seal of the Company or (ii) having the power of attorney issue under common seal of the company with authority to execute Indemnity Bonds, (iii) in case of (ii), the original Power of Attorney if it is specifically for this Contract or a Photostat copy of the Power of Attorney if it is General Power of Attorney and such documents should be attached to Indemnity Bond. Page 116 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) ANNEXURE – F Page 1 to 3 PROFORMA OF INDEMNITY BOND TO BE EXECUTED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR THE EQUIPMENT HANDED OVER IN INSTALMENTS BY DHBVN FOR PERFORMANCE OF ITS CONTRACT (On non-Judicial Stamp Paper of appropriate Value) INDEMNITY BOND THIS INDEMNITY BOND is made this………………. Day of ………………..2013 by …………………………. A Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 / Partnership firm / proprietary concern having its Registered Office at ……………( here in after called as ‘Contractor’ or ‘Obligator’ which expression shall include its successors and permitted assigns) in favour of DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM LTD. , HISAR (hereinafter called DHBVN which expression shall include its successors and assigns). WHEREAS DHBVN has awarded to the Contractor a Contract for ……………… vide its Letter of Award / Contract No………………….. dated …………. (hereinafter called the Contract ) in terms of which DHBVN is required to hand over various Equipment to the Contractor for execution of the Contract. And WHEREAS by virtue of Clause No. ………………………… of the said Contract, the Contractor is required to execute an Indemnity Bond in favour of DHBVN for the Equipment handed over to it by DHBVN for the purpose of performance of the Contract / Erection portion of the Contract (hereinafter called the ‘Equipment’). NOW THEREFORE, This Indemnity Bond witnessed as follows : 1. That in consideration o various Equipment as mentioned in the Contract, valued at Rs. ………………. (Rupees……………………………..) handed over to the Contractor in installment from time to time for the purpose of performance of the Contract, the Contractor hereby undertakes to indemnify and shall keep DHBVN indemnified, for the full value of the Equipment. The Contractor hereby acknowledges receipt of the initial installment of the Equipment per details in the Schedule appended hereto. Further the Contractor agrees to acknowledge receipt of the subsequent installments of the Equipment as required by DHBVN the form of Schedules consecutively numbered which shall be attached to this Indemnity Bond so as to form integral part of this Bond. It is expressly understood by the Contractor that handing over of the dispatch title documents in respect of the said Equipments duly endorsed by DHBVN in favour of the Contractor shall be constructed as handing over of the Equipment purported to be covered by such title documents and the Contractor shall hold such Equipment in trust as Trustees for and on behalf of DHBVN. 2. That the Contractor is obliged and shall remain absolutely responsible for the safe transit / protection and custody of the Equipment at DHBVN project Site against all risks whatsoever till the Equipment are duly used / erected in accordance with the terms of the Contract and the Plant / Package duly erected and commissioned in accordance with the terms of the Contract, is taken over by the DHBVN. The Contractor undertakes to keep DHBVN harmless against any loss or damage that may be caused to the Equipment. 3. The Contractor undertakes that the Equipment shall be used exclusively for the performance / execution of the Contract strictly in accordance with its terms and Page 117 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) conditions and no part of the Equipment shall be utilized for any other work or purpose whatsoever. It is clearly understood by the Contractor that non-observance of the obligations under this Indemnity Bond by the Contractor shall inter-alia constitute a criminal breach of trust on the part of Contractor for all intents and purpose including legal / penal consequences. 4. That DHBVN is and shall remain the exclusive Owner of the Equipment free from all encumbrances, charges or liens of any kind, whatsoever. The Equipment shall at all times be open to inspection and checking by Engineer-in-Charge / Engineer or other employees / agents authorized by him in this regard. Further, DHBVN shall always be free at all times to take possession of the Equipment in whatever form the Equipment may be, if in its opinion, the Equipment are likely to be endangered, mis-utilized or converted to uses other than those specified in the Contract, by any acts of omission or commission on the part of the Contractor or any other person or on account of any reason whatsoever and the Contractor binds himself and undertakes to comply with the directions of demand of DHBVN to return the Equipment without any demur or reservation. 5. That this Indemnity Bond is irrevocable. If at any time any loss or damage occurs to the Equipment or the same or any part thereof is mis-utilized in any manner whatsoever, then the Contractor hereby agrees that the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge / Engineer of DHBVN as to assessment of loss or damage to the Equipment shall be final and binding on the Contractor. The Contractor binds itself and undertakes to replace the lost and / or damaged Equipment at its own cost and / or shall pay the amount of loss of DHBVN without any demur, reservation or protest. This is without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be available to DHBVN against the Contractor under the Contract and under this Indemnity Bond. 6. NOW THE CONDITION of this Bond is that if the Contractor shall duly and punctually comply with the terms and conditions of this Bond to the satisfaction of DHBVN THEN, the above Bond shall void, but otherwise, it shall remain in full force and virtue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor has hereunto set its hand through its authorized representative under the common seal of the Company, the day, month and year first above mentioned. SCHEDULE Particulars of Quantity the Equipment handed over. Particulars of Value of the Signature Dispatch title Equipment Attorney documents token RR/GR No. receipt. Date Bill Carrier of lading For and on behalf of M/S ………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………… WITNESS : 1. i) Signature………………………… Signature………………………….. ii) Name …………………………… Name …………………………….. iii) Address ………………………… Designation ………………………. Page 118 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) of in of ………………………………… Authorized Representative 2. i) Signature………………………… ii) Name …………………………… iii) Address ………………………… (Common Seal) ………………………………… (In case of Company) * Indemnity Bond are to be executed by the authorized person and (i) in case of contracting Company under Common Seal of the Company or (ii) having the power of attorney issue under common seal of the company with authority to execute Indemnity Bonds, (iii) in case of (ii), the original Power of Attorney if it is specifically for this Contract or a Photostat copy of the Power of Attorney if it is General Power of Attorney and such documents should be attached to Indemnity Bond. Page 119 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) SCHEDULE ‘C' (Referred to in-Regulation 7) DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED TENDER FORM (EMD) From ………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………….. To ……………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………... Offer No. ……… Dated …… 2013 Subject: Submission of tender against Notice Inviting Tender No. .......................... Dated …………… of Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd. Dear Sir, With reference to your above-mentioned notice inviting tender, I/we hereby offer to Supply genuine goods and materials (quantity and rates of the goods and material are described in the attached terms and conditions) and shall execute the work truly and faithfully within time specified and set forth in the attached terms and conditions. The goods and materials to be supplied will be of the quality and answerable In every respect with this tender. I/we shall be responsible for all complaints as regards the quality of material and in case of dispute the decision of the Nigam will be final and binding on me/us. 1. A Crossed postal Order/Bank Draft No………………. for the prescribed amount of Rs…………………….Rupees…………………………………………………………………… ……………..………..) drawn in favor or DGM/Procurement works. DHBVN, Hisar is enclosed, as earnest money as desired. I fully understand that in the event of my/our tender being accepted this earnest money shall be retained by you till the submission of performance guarantee by me as per clause of schedule-D 2. l/we shall have no claim to the refund of the earnest money prescribed against this tender in the event of my/our non-compliance of the purchase Order provided such order is placed within the period of validity of my/our tender as Indicated In paragraph 4 below. I further understand that my earnest money will stand forfeited even if I withdraw my tender at any stage during the currency of the period of validity. 3. My/our tender shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of partII (price bid) against the N.I.T. No. .............................Dated …………. 4. My/our tender along with the terms and conditions with the relevant columns and annexure duly filled in under my/our attestation and with each page of the tender papers (including the enclosed terms and conditions signed by me/us,(in the capacity of sole Page 120 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) owner/general or special attorney, in proof of which power of attorney is attached) is submitted for your favorable consideration. 5. I/we have read the enclosed terms and conditions carefully and have signed the same in taken of their absolute and unqualified acceptance. My/our tender constitutes a firm offer under the Indian Contract Act 1872 and is open to an acceptance in whole or in Parts. My/our offer, If accepted on the attached terms and conditions will constitute a legally binding contract and shall operate a contract as defined in the Indian Contract Act. 1872 and the Indian sale of goods Act. 1930. Thanking You, Yours Faithfully N.I.T No. ………………………… Enquiry No. …………………….. Page 121 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) ANNEXURE – G BANK GUARANTEE FOR EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT Guarantee No.: ___________________ Date: ____________________________ Guarantee Cover from: _____to _______ Last Date of Lodgment of claim: _______ Amount of Guarantee: Rs. __________ /(Rupees ______________________Only) To The FA& CAO (PD&C), DHBVN, Hisar. Dear Sir/Madam, In accordance with invitation to NIT No. __________________ floated by CE/RAPDRP, DHBVN, Hisar with its registered office at Vidyut Sadan, Vidyut Nagar, Hisar (hereafter called “the owner”) M/s ____________________________________ with its registered office at______________________________________ (hereafter called “the Bidder”) wish to participate in the said bid for Survey, Supply of material, Erection, testing, Installation and Commissioning of new/ augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and other activities such as provision of LT unit on DTs, replacement of iron poles, provision of Las, Guarding of existing lines, Earthing of all existing DTs, installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes etc., under Operation Circle _________________ of DHBVN on turnkey basis and you, as a special favour have agreed to accept an irrevocable and unconditional, Bank Guarantee for an amount of Rs. _____________ /- (Rupees ______________________________only) Valid upto _________________ on behalf of the bidder in lieu of the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) by way of Bank Guarantee required to be made by the bidder (As per Clause-15), as a condition precedent for participation in the said bid. We, __________________________________________________ (Bank) guarantee and undertake to pay immediately on demand by Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam, the amount of Rs._________________ (Rupees________________________________________only) without any reservation, protest, demur and recourse. Any such demand made by the said owner shall be conclusive and binding on us irrespective of any dispute or difference raised by the bidder. This Guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid upto and including ___________________. If any further extension of this guarantee is required, the same shall be extended to such required period (not exceeding one year) on receiving instructions from M/s __________________________________ (the Bidder) on whose behalf this guarantee is issued. AND __________________________________________________________ (Bank) lastly agree that our liability hereunder shall not be discharged by virtue of agreements between the owner (DHBVN) and the Bidder whether with or without our knowledge, and /or consent or by reason of the owner (DHBVN) showing any indulgence or forbearance to the Bidder whether as to payment, time, performance or any other matter Page 122 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) whatsoever or any modification of the said contract which but for this provision would amount to discharge of the surety under the law. This Guarantee shall not be revoked by us whether before it coming into force or any time during its currency without your pervious consent in writing. AND WE, ________________________________________________________________ (Bank) also agree that our liability hereunder shall not be discharged by any change in the constitution of this bank or the firm of the bidder. Our liability under the guarantee shall not in any event whatsoever exceed the sum of Rs. _____________ /(Rupees__________________________________only). Our Guarantee shall remain in force until ____________________ or such further date up to which this Bank Guarantee is renewed or extended and unless a claim under the guarantee is lodged with us on or up to____________________________ all rights of the owner (DHBVN) under the guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved any discharge from all liabilities there under. NOTWITHSTANDING anything contained herein above: i. ii. iii. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Rs._______________/(Rupees___________________________________________only). The Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto ____________________. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Bank Guarantee only and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before ____________ (Date of expiry of Guarantee). Place: ____________ Signature_________________ Dated: ___________ For______________________ (Banker’s Rubber Seal & Bank Code no. of Signatory) Page 123 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) ANNEXURE – H Price variation formulae to be applied on transformers, ACSR conductors and AB cables A) IEEMA formula for Price variation of Aluminium wound T/Fs upto 200 KVA IEEMA Formula:Po AL ES IS IM TO W P= ---- ( 13+17 ------ + 33 ----- + 9 ----- +5 ----- + 11 ------ + 12 ---- ) 100 Alo Eso Iso Imo Too Wo Wherein: P = Price payable as adjusted in accordance with the above formula Po = Price quoted/confirmed. Alo = Price of EC Grade Aluminium rods (properzi rods) This price is as applicable on the 1st working day of the month, one month prior to the date of tendering.. Eso = C&F price of CRGO Electrical Steel Sheets This price is as applicable on the 1st working day of the month, one month prior to the date of tendering. Iso = Wholesale price index number for ‘Iron & steel (Base: 1993-94=100)’. This index number is as applicable for the week ending 1st Saturday of the month, three months prior to the date of tendering. Imo = Price of insulating material This price is as applicable on the 1st working day of the month, one month prior to the date of tendering. Too = Price of transformer oil This price is as applicable on the 1st working day of the month, one month prior to the date of tendering. Wo = All India average consumer price index number for industrial workers as published by the labour bureau ministry of labour, Govt. of India (base 2001=100) This index number is as applicable on the first working day of the month, three months prior to the date of tendering. Page 124 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) B) IEEMA formula for Price variation of Copper wound T/Fs for 400 KVA. P= Po C ES IS IM TO W ---- ( 13+23 ------ + 27 ----- + 9 ----- + 5 ----- + 11 ------ + 12 ---- ) 100 Co Eso Iso Imo Too Wo Where as P = Po = Price payable as adjusted in accordance with the above formula Price quoted/confirmed. Co Average LME Settlement Price of Copper Wire bars. = This price is as applicable for the month, one month prior to the date of tendering. Eso = C&F price of CRGO Electrical Steel Sheets This price is as applicable on the 1st Working day of the month, one month prior to the date of tendering. Iso = Wholesale price index number for Iron & Steel (base: 1993- 94=100). This index number is as applicable for the week ending 1st Saturday of the month, three months prior to the date of tendering. Imo = Price of insulating material This price is as applicable on the 1st working day of the month, one month prior to the date of tendering. Too = Price of transformer oil This price is as applicable on the 1st working day of the month, one month prior to the date of tendering. Wo = All India average consumer price index number for industrial workers as published by the labour bureau ministry of labour Govt. of India (base 2001=100) This index number is as applicable on the first working day of the month three months prior to the date of tendering. Page 125 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) C.) CACMAI formula for Price variation of ACSR Conductors. PRICE VARIATION:i) The supplier should clearly certify that the basic raw material i.e. aluminium and steel has been purchased by paying applicable taxes and necessary benefit of MODVAT/tax credit has been passed on to Nigam while claiming the price variation. ii) For calculation of price variation the difference between the above rates of aluminium and HTGS wire and the rates prevailing one month prior to the date of offering the material for inspection shall be consider. Date of readiness of the material intimated in the offer by the firm for inspection or the date on which the offer of inspection of material is duly received in the office of CGM/MM whichever is later, shall only be treated as date of offer of inspection for the purpose of price variation claim. However the period of inspection and delivery will not be counted for computing price variation. In case of delayed supply, the payment of price vacation shall be made on the basis of prices computed according to contractual delivery date, the actual delivery date or the date of offering of the material for inspection, whichever is advantageous to the Nigam. iii) All price variation claims shall be allowed as per average rate of CACMAI circular. Necessary circular showing rates will be submitted alongwith PV bills. The payment shall be made on the basis of updated rate as per CACMAI circular applicable. iv) The price variation will be paid on the basis of nominal rate of aluminium and steel contents per Km. per length of conductor as per IS:398/part-II/1996 with latest amendments if any. No variation in prices shall be allowed on labour, consumables, handling, transportation or freight charges etc. the formula for calculation of prices variations are as under:- Page 126 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) a) ACSR Rabbit conductor (50mm2) Variation in steel wire per MTx103 Variation in EC grade aluminum wire per MTx216 ________________ ______________ 1000 + Total variation per Km. = 1000 b) ACSR Raccon Conductor ( 80 mm2) Variation in steel wire per MTx103 Variation in EC grade aluminum wire per MTx216 ________________ ______________ 1000 + Total variation per Km. = 1000 c) ACSR DOG Conductor ( 100 mm2) Variation in steel wire per MTx103 Variation in EC grade aluminum wire per MTx216 ________________ + Total variation per Km. = 1000 Page 127 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) ______________ 1000 D) IEEMA formula for price variation of AB Cable. P= Po + ALF (AI-Alo) P=Up-Dated ex-works price per km. Po-Ex-works price quoted per Km. Alf =Weight of Aluminium & Aluminium Alloy in MT per Km. Calculated as per REC standard is as under:- Sr. No Size of cable in sq. mm Weight of Aluminum in MT/Km 1. 3/Cx16+25 mm2 0.191 2. 3/Cx25+25 mm2 0.260 3. 3/Cx50+35 mm2 0.476 4. 3/Cx95+70 mm2 0.867 5. 3/Cx120+70 mm2 1.082 (Since the controlled prices of Aluminum Alloy are not being declared by IEEMA the weight of Messenger wire is considered as equivalent to weight of Aluminium for the purpose of price Variation). Page 128 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Alo= Price per MT of EC grade Aluminium rods (properzi rods) AI= Price per MT of EC grade Aluminium rods (properzi rods). This price is applicable one month prior of date of delivery. The date of delivery (i.e. date of readiness of material) is to be considered. Note: - 1. IEEMA prices will be exclusive of excise duty and other taxes. 2. No variation shall be allowed on labour, packing, forwarding, fight and insurance charges. 3. The documentary evidence in respect of price variation for which the same is being claimed should also be supplied. Page 129 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Annexure-I FORM OF POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR JOINT VENTURE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE , the Partners whose details are given hereunder ................................................................................. have formed a Joint Venture under the laws of ............................................ and having our Registered Office(s)/Head Office(s) at ............................................... (hereinafter called the 'Joint Venture' which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators and assigns) acting through M/s ................................................................................. being the Partner in-charge do hereby constitute, nominate and appoint M/s................................................... a Company incorporated under the laws of .............................…………………….... and having its Registered/Head Office at ........................................... as our duly constituted lawful Attorney (hereinafter called "Attorney" or "Authorised Representative" or "Partner In-charge") to exercise all or any of the powers for and on behalf of the Joint Venture in regard to Specification No............................ Package ............................ the bids for which have been invited by ……… (insert name of the Employer alongwith address) ………… (hereinafter called the 'Employer') to undertake the following acts : i) To submit proposal and participate in the aforesaid Bid Specification of the Employer on behalf of the "Joint Venture". ii) To negotiate with the Employer the terms and conditions for award of the Contract pursuant to the aforesaid Bid and to sign the Contract with the Employer for and on behalf of the "Joint Venture". iii) To do any other act or submit any document related to the above. iv) To receive, accept and execute the Contract for and on behalf of the "Joint Venture". It is clearly understood that the Partner In-charge (Lead Partner) shall ensure performance of the Contract(s) and if one or more Partner fail to perform their respective portions of the Contract(s), the same shall be deemed to be a default by all the Partners. It is expressly understood that this Power of Attorney shall remain valid binding and irrevocable till completion of the Defect Liability Period in terms of the Contract. The Joint Venture hereby agrees and undertakes to ratify and confirm all the whatsoever the said Attorney/Authorised Representatives/Partner in-charge quotes in the bid, negotiates and signs the Contract with the Employer and/or proposes to act on behalf of the Joint Venture by virtue of this Power of Attorney and the same shall bind the Joint Venture as if done by itself. IN WITNESS THEREOF the Partners Constituting the Joint Venture as aforesaid have executed these presents on this ........... day of …………........... under the Common Seal(s) of their Companies. for and on behalf of the Partners of Joint Venture ............................................. ............................................. Page 130 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) ............................................. The Common Seal of the above Partners of the Joint Venture: The Common Seal has been affixed there unto in the presence of: WITNESS 1. Signature...................................................... Name ............................................…........... Designation ...................................….......... Occupation ......................................…........ 2. Signature.................................................…. Name ..................................................…..... Designation ........................................….... Occupation ...............….............................. Note : 1. For the purpose of executing the Agreement, the non-judicial stamp papers of appropriate value shall be purchased in the name of Joint Venture. 2. The Agreement shall be signed on all the pages by the authorised representatives of each of the partner(s) and should invariably be witnessed. Page 131 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) FORM OF UNDERTAKING BY THE JOINT VENTURE PARTNERS THIS JOINT DEED OF UNDERTAKING executed on this………. day of……….. Two Thousand and………....... by …………………………………………….. a company incorporated under the laws of ………………… and having its Registered Office at ........................(hereinafter called the "Party No.1" which expression shall include its successors, executors and permitted assigns) and M/s……………a company incorporated under the laws of ………..…………… and having its Registered Office at ………..………… (hereinafter called the "Party No.2" which expression shall include its successors, executors and permitted assigns ) for the purpose of making a bid and entering into a contract [hereinafter called the "Contract" {in case of award)] against the NIT No……..…………. for …… (insert name of the package alongwith project name) …………… of …….. (insert names of the Employer) …………….., a Company incorporated under the Companies Act of 1956 having its registered office at …………….(insert registered address of the Employer)…………… (hereinafter called the "Employer"). WHEREAS the Party No.1 and Party No.2 have entered into an Agreement dated ................ AND WHEREAS the Employer invited bids as per the above mentioned NIT / Specification for the design, manufacture, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Equipment/ Materials stipulated in the bidding documents under ……….. (insert name of the package alongwith project name) …………… AND WHEREAS Clause 2, Section-ITB and bidding docuemts (documents establishing the Qualification of Bidder) & Qualification Criteria forming part of the bidding documents, inter-alia stipulates that an Undertaking of two qualified firms as partner(s), meeting the requirements of Qualification Criteria in bidding document, as applicable may bid, provided, the Joint Venture fulfills all other requirements under Clause 2 of ITB and Qualification Criteria and in such a case, the Bid Forms shall be signed by all the partner(s)s so as to legally bind all the Partners of the Joint Venture, who will be jointly and severally liable to perform the Contract and all obligations hereunder. The above clause further states that this Undertaking shall be attached to the bid and the Contract performance guarantee will be as per the format enclosed with the bidding document without any restrictions or liability for either party. AND WHEREAS the bid is being submitted to the Employer vide proposal No…………………..dated ……..... by Party No.1 based on this Undertaking between all the parties; under these presents and the bid in accordance with the requirements of Clause 2, Section-ITB and Bid Document (documents establishing the Qualification of Bidder) & Qualification Criteria, has been signed by all the parties. NOW THIS UNDERTAKING WITNESSETH AS UNDER: In consideration of the above premises and agreements all the parties of this Deed of Undertaking do hereby declare and undertake: 1. In requirement of the award of the Contract by the Employer to the Joint Venture Partners, we, the Parties do hereby undertake that M/s……… the Party No.1, shall act as Lead Partner and further declare and confirm that we the parties to the Joint Venture shall jointly and severally be bound unto the Employer for the successful performance of the Contract and shall be fully responsible for the design, manufacture, supply and successful performance of the equipment in accordance with the Contract. Page 132 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) 2. In case of any breach or default of the said Contract by any of the parties to the Joint Venture, the party(s) do hereby undertake to be fully responsible for the successful performance of the Contract and to carry out all the obligations and responsibilities under the Contract in accordance with the requirements of the Contract. 3. Further, if the Employer suffers any loss or damage on account of any breach in the Contract or any shortfall in the performance of the equipment in meeting the performances guaranteed as per the specification in terms of the Contract, the Party(s) of these presents undertake to promptly make good such loss or damages caused to the Employer, on its demand without any demur. It shall not be necessary or obligatory for the Employer to proceed against Lead Partner to these presents before proceeding against or dealing with the other Party(s), the Employer can proceed against any of the parties who shall be jointly and severally liable for the performance and all other liabilities/obligations under the Contract to the Employer. 4. The financial liability of the Parties of this Deed of Undertaking to the Employer, with respect to any of the claims rising out of the performance or non-performance of the obligations set forth in this Deed of Undertaking, read in conjunction with the relevant conditions of the Contract shall, however not be limited in any way so as to restrict or limit the liabilities or obligations of any of the Parties of this Deed of Undertaking. It is expressly understood and agreed between the Parties to this Undertaking that the responsibilities and obligations of each of the Parties shall be as delineated in Appendix – I (to be suitably appended by the Parties alongwith this Undertaking in its bid) to this Deed of Undertaking. It is further undertaken by the parties that the above sharing of responsibilities and obligations shall not in any way be a limitation of joint and several responsibilities of the Parties under the Contract. 5. 6. It is also understood that this Undertaking is provided for the purposes of undertaking joint and several liabilities of the partner(s) to the Joint Venture for submission of the bid and performance of the Contract and that this Undertaking shall not be deemed to give rise to any additional liabilities or obligations, in any manner or any law, on any of the Parties to this Undertaking or on the Joint Venture, other than the express provisions of the Contract. 7. This Undertaking shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the provisions of the Contract. 8. In case of an award of a Contract, we the parties to this Deed of Undertaking do hereby agree that we shall be jointly and severally responsible for furnishing a Contract performance security from a bank in favour of the Employer in the currency/currencies of the Contract. 9. It is further agreed that this Deed of Undertaking shall be irrevocable and shall form an integral part of the bid and shall continue to be enforceable till the Employer discharges the same or upon the completion of the Contract in accordance with its provisions, whichever is earlier. It shall be effective from the date first mentioned above for all purposes and intents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties to this Deed of Undertaking have through their authorised representatives executed these presents and affixed Common Seals of their companies, on the day, month and year first mentioned above. Common Seal of ………………………. has been affixed in my/ our presence pursuant to Board of Director’s Resolution dated ……………. For Lead Partner (Party No.-1) For and on behalf of M/s ………………….. Page 133 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Name ……………………….. Designation …………………. (Signature of the authorized representative) Signature ……………………. WITNESS : I. ……………………………… II. ……………………………… Common Seal of ………………………. has been affixed in my/ our presence pursuant to Board of Director’s Resolution dated ……………. For Party No.-2 For and on M/s………………….. Name ……………………….. (Signature of the authorized representative) Designation …………………. behalf of Signature ……………………. WITNESS : I. ……………………………… II. ……………………………… Note : 1. For the purpose of executing the Agreement, the non-judicial stamp papers of appropriate value shall be purchased in the name of Joint Venture. 2. The Undertaking shall be signed on all the pages by the authorised representatives of each of the partner(s) and should invariably be witnessed. Page 134 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) ANNEXURE 'A' TO SCHEDULE 'D' SPECIFICATIONS Page 135 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) (TO BE FILLED IN AND SIGNED BY THE TENDERER) SCHEDULE OF DEVIATIONS We/I have carefully gone through the technical specifications & the general conditions of the contract and We/I have satisfied ourselves/myself and hereby confirm that our/my offer strictly confirms to the requirements of the technical specifications and general conditions of the contract except for the deviations which are given below: - Sr. No. Description Stipulation in Deviations Specification offered Remarks A. Commercial Terms: Clause No B. Technical Specifications: Clause No. (Please use more sheets, if required). C. For the Drawings/GTPs/Standards which are not included in the above tender documents, latest REC standards will be followed. Signature: Name : Status : Whether Authorized Attorney Of the Tendering Company Dated: Place: Name of the Tendering Company Page 136 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) AFFIDAVIT I, ………………………………………………………………………………………Directory of M/s………………………………………………………………………… with Head quarter at……………………………………………………………being their authorized signatory, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that M/s ……………………………………………………………….. has not been black listed by any state/ Central Govt. or any of its agencies. I understand that if upon acceptance of our offer no. ………….. dated…………….. against DHBVNL tender enquiry no. ………………. for supply of …………………. on any PO is placed upon us, the same is liable to be cancelled if this declaration is found wrong at any subsequent time and further I understand to compensate the DHBVNL, for the consequences arising out of wrong declaration. ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Attested by Oath Commissioner Page 137 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Documents to be attached with the Bid (The one set of offiline bids be submitted with numbered pages and properly hard binded) 1. 2. 3. Earnest Money Validity 13.1 Technical Criteria Clause 2.1 Particulars Print out of the EMD submitted online shall be enclosed. 120 days from Part-II The bidder should have executed 11 kV or higher voltage works for Discom /Power utilities equivalent to the bid/ package value during the last 5 completed financial years for which certificate of Satisfactory completion be submitted which should be issued by an officer of not below the rank of Supertending Engineer. In case of other power departments/utilities the certificate must be issued by the officers of the ranks equivalent to above mentioned. The bidders who will submit their tenders in more than one package/ bid of the NIT, their technical qualification will be examined considering the summation of the bid/ package requirement of all the bids in the NIT in which the bidder has quoted. 4. Financial For the purpose of a particular bid, bidder shall fulfill the following minimum criteria:- criteria a) The average annual turnover during the last 3 financial years should be equal to clause 2.2 or more than the value of the Bid / Package. b) The Bidder shall have Liquid assets (LA) and / or evidence of access to or availability of credit facilities extended by any scheduled bank, of NOT less than 25% value of the Bid/ Package, not more than one month prior to the scheduled date of Bid opening. LA will be calculated on the basis of latest audited balance sheets and unutilized balance of LC (fund base only) and CC limits (fund base only) will be considered not more than one month prior to the scheduled date of Bid opening and bidder will also enclose the complete sanction order of the limits issued by the bank. c) The present Net-worth of the bidder should be positive and the bid with negative Net-worth would be considered non-responsive and shall not be eligible for participation in the tender. In case the last FY happens to have completed before 3 months of the date of opening of part-I of bid, then in that case the provisional balance sheet duly certified by CA shall be considered. In case the date of part-I of bid is after the completion of 3 months of new FY, then in that case the balance sheet duly audited by CA shall be considered. The bidders who will submit their tenders in more than one package/ bid, their financial qualification will be examined considering the summation of the bid / package values of all the bids in which the bidder has quoted. 5. Joint Venture Criteria clause 2.3 Bids may be submitted by the individual firms or joint venture firms maximum upto total two partners. (having one partner as lead partner) In joint venture, one of the Partners shall be nominated as lead partner, and this authorization shall be evidenced by submitting a power of attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all the partners. Any one partner shall meet 100% of the technical qualification criteria as per Clause 2.1, and there is no limit for other partner. Page 138 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Page No. Lead partner shall meet minimum 70% of the financial criteria as per Cl. 2.2 above. Other Joint venture Partner, other than lead partner, shall meet minimum 20% of financial criteria as per Cl. 2.2 above. All the partners shall jointly meet minimum 100% of the financial criteria as per Cl. 2.2 above. 6. 7. Electrical contractor license clause 2.5 The bidder shall have the valid license for carrying out 11 kV or above voltage works Clause 2.6 (a) Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of from the Chief Electrical Inspector of any state in India. However, before starting the work, he shall seek CEI Haryana license also registration and principal place of business, written power of attorney of the signatory of the Bidder to commit the Bid. 8. 9. Clause 2.6 (b) amount in crore Clause 2.6 (c) 10. Clause 2.6 (e) 11. Clause 2.6 (f) 12. Clause 2.6 (h) 13. Clause 2.6 (i) 14. Clause 2.6 (j) Reports on the financial standing of the Bidder including profit and loss statements, balance sheets and auditors reports of the past five years and an estimated financial projection for the next two years. Information regarding any litigation, current or during the last two years, in which the Bidder is involved, the parties concerned and disputed amount. The declaration by the firm that it is not blacklisted by any State Govt. or Agency and shall be liable for the consequences of wrong declaration. The bidder should submit along with the Bid no blacklisting certificate for the past three years. The proposed methodology and program of construction including PERT Chart 15. Clause 2.6 (k) Ownership Change 16. Clause 2.6 (o) Performance of Bidder 17. Clause 2.7 (b) 18. Clause 2.7 (e) 19. Clause 10.3 20. Clause 12.5 (a) 21. Clause 11 The Bid and in case of successful Bid the form of agreement shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners. One of the partners shall be nominated as lead partner, and this authorization shall be evidenced by submitting a power-of attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all the partners A copy of the agreement entered in to by the joint venture/consortium partners shall be submitted along with the Bid. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in rejection of joint ventures/consortium Bid. The Bidder must enclose Income Tax clearance certificate along with the tender All prices quoted by the bidder shall be ‘FIRM’ having completion schedule period up to eighteen months, except Price variation as per IEEMA for DT, conductors and cables. QAP 22. Schedule of deviations Schedule of deviations Annexure-1 23. 24. Total annual turn over of erection and supply of material and equipment, of similar nature over the last 3 years. Performance as prime Contractor for the Erection & Supply of material and equipment of similar nature over the last 7 years and details of other Works and Contractual commitments, presently in hand. The Work-Order along with quantified details of the Works carried out be supplied for proper assessment. The Bidder shall allow assessment of his ongoing Works to the authorized representative of the Employer at any time. The tenderer shall specifically furnish the details of key members. Tech. Deviation Commercial Deviation Annexure-1 Performa of letter of undertaking on NJSP. 25. Declaration to supply the material as per the Nigam's specifications and relevant ISS. 26. Article of association & MOA Page 139 of 260 (TER-08/R-APDRP/2015) Annexure-K Contractor’s Labour Regulation 1. Short Title These regulations may be called Haryana Public Works Department Contractor’s Labour Regulations. 2. Definition In these regulations, unless otherwise expressed or indicated the following words and expressions shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them respectively that is to say : (1) Labour means workers employed by a Public Works Department contractors directly or indirectly through a sub-contractor or other persons of by an agent on his behalf. (2) Fair wages means, whether for item or place work, notified at the time of inviting tenders for the work and where such wages have not been so notified the wages prescribed by the Public Works, Department for the district in which the work is done. (3) “Wages” shall have the same meaning as defined in the payment of Wages Act 1936 and includes time and place rate wages. 3. Display of notice regarded wages etc. The contractor shall before he commences his work on contract display and correctly maintain & continue to display and correctly in a clean and legible condition in conspicuous places on the work notice in English and in the Local Language spoken by the majority of the Workers giving the fair wages notified or prescribed by the Haryana Public Works Department and the hours of work for which such wages are earned. 4. Payment of Wages (i) Wages due to every worker be paid to him directly. (ii) All wages shall be paid in current coin or currency or in both. 5. Fixation of Wages Periods (i) The contractor shall fix the wage periods in respect of which the wages shall be payable. (ii) No wage period shall exceed one month. (iii) Wages of every workman employed on the contract shall be paid before the expiry of ten days after the last day of the wage period in respect of which the wages are payable. (iv) When the employment of any worker is terminated by or on behalf of the Contractor, the wages, earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of succeeding the one on which his employment is terminated. (v) All payment of wages shall be made on a working day. 6. Wages Book and Wages Slip etc. (i) The contractor shall maintain a wage book of each worker in such form as may be convenient but the same shall include the following particulars (a) Rate of daily or monthly wages. (b) Name of work on which employed. (c) Total numbers of days worked during each wage period. (d) Total amount payable for the work during each wage period. (e) All deductions made from the wages with an indication in each case of the ground for which the deduction is made. (f) Wages actually paid for each wage period. (ii) The contractor shall also maintain a wage slip for each worker employed on the work. (iii) The authority competent to accept the contract may grant an exemption from the maintenance of Wages book and Wage Slips to a contractor who in his opinion may not directly or indirectly employ more than 100 persons in the work. 7. Fines and deductions which may be made from wages (1) The wages of a worker shall be paid to him without any deduction of any kind except the following : (a) Fines. (b) Deductions for absence from duty i.e. from the place or places where by the terms of his employment he is required to work. The amount of deduction shall be in proportionate to the person for which he was absent. (c) Deductions for damage to or loss of goods expressly entrusted to the employed person for custody or for loss of money for which he is required to account where such damage or loss is directly attributable to his neglect or default. (d) Any other deductions which the PWD may from time to time allow. 2.) No fine shall be imposed on a worker and no deduction for damage or loss be made from his wages until the worker has been given an opportunity of showing cause against such fines or deductions. 3.). The total amount of fine which may be imposed in any one wage period on a worker shall not exceed an amount equal to 50 paisa in a rupee of the wage payable to him in respect of that wage period. 4.) No fine imposed on any worker shall be recoverable from him by installments or after the expiry of 60 days from the date on which it was imposed. 8. 9. Register of Fine etc. 1. The contactor shall maintain a register of fine and of all deductions for damage or loss such Register shall maintain the reason for which fine was imposed or deduction for damage or loss was made. 2. The contractor shall maintain, a list in English and local Indian Language clearly defining acts and commissions for which penalty of fine can be imposed. He shall display such list and maintain it in a clean and legible condition in conspicuous places on the work. Preservation of Books The wage book, the wage slips and the Register of lines, deductions required be maintained under these regulations shall be preserved for 12 months after the date of last entry made in them. 10. Power of Labour Welfare Officer to make Investigation of Enquiry The Labour Welfare Officer or any person authorized by the Government on their behalf shall have power to make enquiries with a view to ascertaining and enforcing due and proper observance of the wage clause and provisions of their regulations. He shall investigate into any complaint regarding the default made by the Contractor or sub-Contractor in regard to such provisions. 11. Report of Labour Welfare Officer The Labour Welfare Officer or any other person authorized aforesaid shall submit a report of the result of his investigations enquiry to the Executive Engineer concerned indicating the extent, if any, to which the default has been committed and the amount of fine recoverable in respect of the acts or commission and omission of the labourer with a note that necessary deduction from contractor’s will be made and the wages and other dues be paid to the labourers concerned. 12. Appeal against the decision of Labour Welfare Officers Any person aggrieved by the decision and recommendation of the Labour Welfare Officer or other person so authorized may appeal against decision to the Labour Commissioner but subject to such appeal the decision of the officer shall be final and binding upon the Contractor. 12A- No party shall be allowed to be represented by a lawyer during any investigation, enquiry appeal or any other proceedings under these regulations. 13. Inspection of Register The contractor shall allow inspection of the Wage Book. Wage Slips to any of his workers or to his agent at a convenient time and place after due notice is received, or to the Labour Welfare Officer or any other person authorized by the Haryana Government in his behalf. 14. Submission of Returns The contractor shall submit periodical as may be specified from time to time. 15. Amendment The Haryana Government may, from time to time and to amend these regulations, the decision of the Labour Commissioner, Haryana Government or any other person authorized by the Haryana Government in that behalf shall be final. III-FAIR WAGES CLAUSES FAIR WAGE CLAUSES (a) The Contractor shall pay not less than the fair wage to labourers engaged by him on the work. EXAMINATION :- Fair Wage’ means wage whether for time of piece wor k notified from time to time for the area and where such wages have not been so notified the wages specified by the Public Wor ks (B&R) Deptt. Har yana for the district in which the wor k is done. (b) The Contractor shall not withstanding the provisions of any agreement to the contrary, caused to be paid fair wages to labour, indirectly engaged on the work including any labour engaged by his sub-contractors in connection with the said work, as if the labourers had been directly employed by him. (c) In respect of labour directly or indirectly employed on the works for the performances of the contractor’s part on this agreement the contractor shall comply with or cause to be complied with the Haryana PWD Contractor’s Labour’s Regulations made by the Government from time to time in regard to payment of wages wage period deductions from wages recovery of wages not paid and deductions unauthorized made maintenance of wage register wage book, wage slip, publication of wages and other terms of employment inspection and submission of periodical returns and all other matters of a lime nature. (d) The Executive Engineer or Sub Divisional Engineer concerned shall have the rights to deduct, from the moneys due to the Contractor, any sum required or estimated to be required for making good the loss suffered by a worker or workers by reason of nonfulfillment of the conditions of the contract for benefit of the workers, non payment of wages or deductions made from his or their wages, which are not justified by terms of the contract for non observance of the regulations referred to in clause (c) above. (e) Vis-à-vis the Haryana Government, the Contractor shall be primarily liable for all payments to be made under and the observance of the regulations aforesaid without prejudice to his right to claim indemnity from his sub Contractors. (f) The regulations shall be deemed to be a part of this contract and any branch there shall be deemed to be branch of this contract. RULES FOR PROTECTION OF HEALTH & SANI TARY ARRANGEMENTS Rules for the Protection of Health and Sanitary Arrangements for Workers Employed by the Haryana Public Works Department or its Contractors The Contractor shall at his own expense provide or arrange for the provision of foot wear for any labour doing cement mixing work (the Contractor has undertaken to execute under this contract) to the satisfaction of the Engineer – in – charge and on his failure to do so Government shall be entitled to provide the same and recover the cost thereof from Contractor. The Contractor shall submit by the 4th and 19th of every month to the Executive Engineer a true statement showing in respect of the second half of the proceeding month and the first half of the current month respectively (i) the number of labourers employed by him on the work (ii) their working hours (iii) the wages paid to them (iv) the accident that occurred during the said forthright showing the circumstances under which they happened and the extent of damage and injury caused by them and (v) the number of female workers who have been allowed Maternity benefit according to clause 19-F and the amount paid to them failing which the Contractor shall be liable to pay to Government a sum not exceeding Rs. 50/- for each default or materially incorrect statement. The decision of the Executive Engineer shall be final in deducting from any bill due to the contractor the amount levied as fine. Maternity benefit for female workers employed by the Contractor, leave and pay during leave shall be regulated as follow: 1. LEAVE (i) in case of delivery/maternity leave not exceeding 8 weeks (4 weeks up to and including the day of delivery and 4 weeks following that day) (ii) in case of miscarriage : up to 3 weeks from the date of miscarriage. 2. PAY (i) In case of delivery, leave pay during maternity leave will be at the rate of the woman’s average daily earning calculated on the total wages earned on the day when full time work was done during a period of 3 months immediately preceding the date of which she gives notice that she excepts to be confined or at the rate of Rs. 12/- per day which ever is greater. (ii) In case of miscarriage, Leave pay at the rate of average daily earning calculated on the total wages earned on the days when full time work was done during a period of 3 months immediately proceeding the date of such miscarriage. (iii) Conditions for the grant of Maternity leave :- No Maternity leave benefit shall be admissible to a woman unless she produces a certificate of confinement and excepted delivery within 4 weeks proceeding the date on she proceeds on leave. 3. FIRST AID (a) At every work place, there shall be maintained in readily accessible place first aid appliances including an adequate supply of sterilized dressing and cotton wools. The appliances shall be kept in good order and in large workplaces it shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person who shall be readily available during the working hours. (b) All large work places where hospital facilities are not available within easy distance of the work, first aid post shall be established and be run by a trained compo under. (c) Where large work places are remote from regular hospital an indoor ward shall be provided with one bed for every 250 employees. (d) Where large work places are situated in cities, towns in their suburbs and no beds are considered necessary owing to the proximity of city or town hospitals a suitable transport shall be provided to facilitate removal of urgent cases to these hospitals. At other work place, the conveyance facilities such as car shall be kept readily available to take injured or persons suddenly taken seriously ill, to the nearest hospital. SCALES OF ACCOMMODATION IN LATRINES URINALS These shall be provided within the precinct of every work places, Latrines and Urinals in an accessible place and the accommodation separately for each of them shall not be less than the following scales : No. of Shades (a) Where the number of persons does not exceed 50 2 (b) Where the number of persons exceeding 50 but does not exceeds 100 3 (c) For every additional 100 3 per 100 In particulars cases the Executive Engineer shall have the powers to very the scale where necessary. Latrines and Urinals f or w omen If women are employed, separate latrines and urinals screamed from these for men and marked in vernacular in conspicuous letters ‘FOR WOMEN ONLY’ shall be provided on the scale laid in rules, Similarly those for men shall be marked ‘FOR MEN ONLY’ A poster showing the figures of a man and women shall also be exhibited at the entrance of latrine for each sex. There shall be adequate supply of water close to latrines. LATRINES AND URINAL Except in work places provided with flush latrines concerned with a water borne sewerages systems all latrines shall be provided with receptacies order earth system which shall be in working order and kept in strictly sanitary conditions. The receptacles shall be tarried inside and outside at least once a year. The inside walls shall be constructed of masonry or some suitable heat resisting non absorbent material and shall be cement washed inside and outside at least once a year. The dates of cement shall be noted in register maintained for this purpose and kept available for inspection. DISPOSAL OF EXCRETA Unless otherwise aggranged for by the local sanitary authority arrangements for proper disposal and a sanitary of excreta by incineration at the work place shall be made by means of a suitable incineration approved by the Asstt. Director of Public Health or Municipal Medical Officer of Health, as the case may be, in whose jurisdiction the work place is situated. Alternately excreta may be disposed of by putting a layer of night soil at the bottom of pucca tank prepared for the purpose and covering it with 9 inches layers of earth for a fortnight when it will turn into a manure. CRECHE: At every work place these shall be provided free of cost two suitable sheds one main and the other for the use of labour. The height of the shelter shall not be less than eleven feet from the floor level to the lowest part of the roof. PROVISION OR SHELTER DURING REST: At every work place at which 50 or more women workers are ordinary employed, these two huts for use of children under the age of six years belonging to such women. One hut shall be used for infants “Games and to play” and the other as their bed room. The hut shall not be constructed on a lower standard then the following :- (i) Thatched roofs. (ii) Mud floors and walls. (iii) Plants spread over mud floor and covered with mating. The huts shall be provided with suitable and sufficient opening for light and ventilations. There shall be adequate provision of sweepers to keep the place clean. There shall be two day attendant. Sanitary, utensils shall be provided to the satisfaction of Health Office of the area concerned. The use of the hut shall be restricted to children, their attendant and mothers of the children. CANTEEN: A cooked food canteen on a moderate scale shall be provided for the benefit of workers where over it is considered expedient. GENERAL RULES AS TO SCAFFOLDS : (i) Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for all workmen for all works that cannot be safely done from a ladder or by other means. (ii) A scaffolds shall not be constructed taken down or substantially altered except. (a) Under the supervision of a competent and responsible person, and (b) As far as possible by competent workers possessing adequate experience in this kind of work. (c) All scaffolds and appliances connected there with and ladder shall :1. be of sound material. 2. be of adequate strength having regard to the load and strains to which they will be subjected and. 3. be maintained in proper condition. 4. scaffolds shall not be overloaded and so far as practicable, the load shall be evenly distributed. 5. scaffolds shall be so constructed that no part there of can be displaced in on normal use. 6. Before installing, lifting gear on scaffolds special precautions shall be taken to ensure the strength and stability of the scaffolds. 7. scaffolds shall be periodically inspected by the competent person. 8. before allowing a scaffold to be used by the workman, every care shall be taken to see whether the scaffolds have been erected by his workmen and steps taken to ensure that it complies fully with the requirement of the articles. 9. Working platforms gangways and stairways shall. (a) be so constructed that no part of the road is covered. (b) Be so constructed and maintained, having regard to the prevailing condition as to reduce as for as practicable. (c) Be kept free from any unnecessary obstruction. (d) In case of working platforms gangways place and stairways at a height exceeding that to be prescribed by a national laws and regulations :(i) Every working platform and every gangway shall be closely boarded unless other adequate measures are taken to ensure safety. (ii) Every working platform and every gangway shall have adequate width, and. Every opening in the floor of a building or in working platforms shall except for the time and to the extent required to allow the access of persons or the transport or shifting of material be provided with suitable means to prevent the fall of persons or materials. When persons are employed on a roof where there is a danger of failing from a height exceeding that to be prescribed by national laws of regulations suitable precautions shall be a taken to prevent the fall of persons or materials. Suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent persons being struck by articles which might fall from scaffolds or other working places. 1. Soft means of access shall be provided to all working platforms an other working places. 2. Every place where work is carried on the means approach there to shall be adequately lighted. 3. Every ladder shall be securely fixed of such length as to provide secure hand held and foot at every position at which it is used. 4. Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent danger from electrical equipment. 5. No material on the site shall be so stacked or placed as to cause danger to any person. GENERAL RULES AS TO SAFETY EQ UI PMENT AND FIRST AID (1) All necessary personal safety equipment shall be kept and available for use of the persons employed on the site be maintained in condition suitable for immediate use. (2) The worker shall be required to use the equipment thus provided and the employed shall take adequate steps to ensure proper use of the equipment by these concerned. Adequate provision shall be made for prompt first aid treatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during the course of the work. SECTION VI BOQ AND SCHEDULE OF PRICES Package No. 1 TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 for Package No. 1 (Sirsa, Ellenabad, Dabwali Towns) Total Estimated price for Survey, Supply of material and Erection, testing and commissioning of new/ augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and, other activities such as provision of LT protection unit on DTs, replacement of iron poles, provision of LAs, Guarding of lines, Earthing of DTs, supply and installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes, MCBs for reduction of AT&C losses in Sirsa, Ellenabad, Dabwali towns under R-APDRP Part-B under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis against Tender Enquiry Bid No.- TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 for Package No. 1 Estimated Cost = Rs. 47,72,23,682/- (Rs. Forty Seven Crores Seventy Two Lakhs Twnety Three Thousand Six Hundred Sighty Two only) Schedule-I NIT No.- TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 for Package No. 1 (Sirsa, Ellenabad, Dabwali Towns) Summary of Price Proposal Bidder’s Name & Address: _________________ ___________________ To Chief Engineer/R-APDRP, DHBVN, Vidyut Sadan, Hisar-125005. Dear Sir, We declare that the following is the lump-sum price in rupees for the entire scope of Work specified in the specifications and documents. Total price for Survey, Supply of equipment / material and erection, testing and commissioning of new / augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and, other activities such as replacement of iron poles, provision of LAs, Guarding of lines, Earthing of DTs, supply and installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes, MCBs etc. for reduction of AT&C losses in Sirsa, Ellenabad, Dabwali towns under R-APDRP Part-B under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis inclusive of concessional tax i.e. CST / VAT (as the case may be), duties, leviews, fright and insurance against Tender Enquiry No. TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 for Package No. 1. The breakup of the price should also be given. (To be submitted online in Price envelope only) (Package-1 Schedule-II) The rates to be quoted shall in inclusive of all rates/ taxes and duties. However, taxes, levies and duties applicable on the below mentioned units be given separately in shape of tax % as applicable, on the format as given below:- Detail of Taxes for Package No. 01 (Sirsa, Ellenabad, Dabwali towns) Sr. No. Descriptions Unit Total Quantity required 1 LINE SUPPORTS 1.1 PCC Pole 9.0M Long No. 4134 1.2 PCC Pole 11.0M Long No. 5150 2 X-ARMS 2.1 V-Shape X Arm 100x50x6 mm Wt. 12.135 kg. HVPN Drg. No. 2366R1 No. 2761 2.2 V-Shape X Arm 75x40x6 mm Wt. 8.4 kg. HVPN Drg. No. STD 2305R2 No. 955 2.3 MS channel 75*40*6 for Pillar box Kg 3200 2.4 M.S. Channel (X-Arm) 100x50x6mm 2200mm (for H pole) Wt. 17.38 kg. No. 587 2.5 MS Channel 75x40x6mm (2200mm) For fuse unit. Wt. 12.54 kg. MS Channel T-off 100x50x6 mm 1600mm). Wt. 12.64 kg. No. 2379 No. 1490 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860mm (Bracing H. Pole) Wt. 12.87 kg. M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6mm 2400mm (for earth wire) Wt.10.80 kg. M.S Angle 50x50x6mm-2200mm (Belting for H-pole) Wt. 9.90 kg. No. 406 No. 203 No. 236 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Tax Component levied on the item for self Manufactured items ED Cess Any other Tax Component levied on the item for purchase outside the Haryana CST Cess Any other Tax Component levied on the item for Purchase within the Haryana VAT Cess Any other 2.1 3 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6 1430 mm (Earthing / Guarding) No. 3579 C - Wedge Connectors 3.1 C - Wedge Connectors for 50 mm2 ACSR No 773 3.2 C - Wedge Connectors for 80 mm2 ACSR No 163 3.3 C - Wedge Connectors for 100 mm2 ACSR No 1868 3.4 Half Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2380 No 16315 3.5 Full Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2349 No 10899 3.6 No. 3715 3.7 11 KV Top Brackets / hamper Wt. 1.480 Kg. UHBVN Drg. No.STD-5 Suspension Clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable No 5650 3.8 Dead end clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable Set 3560 4 INSULATORS 4.1 11 kV POLYMERIC Pin Insulator with GI Pin No 15197 4.2 No 7877 No 232 4.4 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) B&S type) LT insulator No 4202 4.5 Egg Insulator No. 531 4.3 5 CONDUCTOR 5.1 ACSR Conductor 50mm2 ( Rabbit) Km 146.57 5.2 ACSR Conductor 80mm2 ( Raccoon) Km 21.760 5.3 ACSR Conductor 100mm2( Dog) Km 184.35 5.4 Insulated ACSR Conductor 100mm2 (Dog) Km 5.97 5.5 Insulated Conductor (50 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 1.2 5.6 Insulated Conductor (80 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.040 5.7 Insulated Conductor (100 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.79 6 G.I. WIRE 6.1 Stay wire 7/8 SWG Kg 72764 6.2 GSL 8 SWG (Earthing / Guarding etc.) Kg 100019 6.3 Barbed wire Kg 10437 6.4 G.I. Strip 25x6 mm 9 mtr. For earthling Wt.10.80 Kg. No. 1789 63 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 64 100 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. 200 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. 400 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Cu. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 215 No. 376 No. 104 No. 2 No. 6257 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 8 8.1 9 9.1 Distribution T/F Three Phase Aluminum Wound VCB's 11kV VCB panels (Outgoing) 18.4 KA, 350 MVA rupturing capacity, 24V DC operated indoor type with a set of CTs, PTs, kWh meter, Relays, Instruments etc. & conforming to Nigam’s Tech. Spcn. & all relevant ISS/IEC with latest amendments. Rating 400 Amps for Outgoing Panel. POLYMERIC LAs Lightening Arrestor 9 KV, 5kA 9.2 11 KV Lightening Arrestor S/Stn. Type 9 KV 10KA Heavy Duty. No. 6 10 G.O. SWITCH 10.1 11 KV 400 Amps. GO Switch complete with handle, pipe & Supporting Channel. As per Nigam’s technical specification, relevent ISS and latest amendments No 854 11 M.S. Nuts & Bolts 11.1 M.S Nuts Bolts off sizes Kg 18543 11.2 Eye Screw Bolts 9”x5/8" Wt. 0.483 Kg. No 3791 12 CTs 12.1 LT CTs 12.2 CT of Ratio 200/5 A for 63 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type CT of Ratio 400/5 A for 100 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 64 Set 215 12.4 CT of Ratio 600/5 A for 200 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 376 12.5 CT of Ratio 800/5 A for 400 kVA Distribution Transformers Outdoor Bushing type Set 104 12.3 13 CAPACITORS 13.1 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (450 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 150 kVAr each Set 21 13.2 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (600 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 200 kVAr each Set 38 14 SINGLE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 14.1 Single Phase whole current static energy meters Class of Accuracy 1.00 of rating 10-60A with Communication and upgrading facility as per Nigam’s technical specification, relevant ISS with upto date amendments. No. 2951 15 THREE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 15.1 Three phase 4-wire whole current static energy meters class-I accuracy of rating 10-60A, with communication & upgrading facility as per Nigam’s Tech. Specn., relevant ISS with upto date amendments 16 LT PVC CABLES 16.1 16.2 No 264 LT PVC Cable S/C 95 mm2 Km 1.280 LT PVC Cable S/C 120 mm2. Km 4.300 16.3 LT PVC Cable S/C 185 mm2. Km 7.520 16.4 LT PVC Cable S/C 630 mm2 Km 2.080 16.5 LT PVC Cable 2Cx4 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 118.750 16.6 LT PVC Cable 2Cx6 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 9.540 16.7 LT PVC Cable 3.5x95 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 100.290 16.8 L.T. PVC 4Cx10mm2 Un-Armoured Km 70.000 16.9 L.T. PVC 4Cx50mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 11.720 16.1 L.T. PVC 3.5Cx120 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 46.410 16.11 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*185 mm2 Km. 0.300 16.12 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*300 mm2 Km. 0.300 17 H.T. XLPE CABLES 17.1 11 KV XLPE cable 3Cx95mm2 Km. 0.030 17.2 11kV XLPE Cable 3Cx185mm2 Km. 0.280 Km. 50.87 18 HT AERIAL BUNCHED CABLE (ABC) 18.1 HT ABC XLPE insulated cores twisted with bare messenger Al. alloy wire cable 11 kV grade as per Specification size 3Cx185mm2 + 150mm2 19 OUTDOOR SINGLE CORE CABLE TERMINATION KIT 19.1 S/C 95mm2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable No. 18 19.2 S/C 185m2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable No. 4758 20 OUT-DOOR MULTI CORE CABLE BOXES 20.1 3/Cx185 mm Sq.O/D Heat Shrinkable cable box 21 MISCELLENEOUS MATERIALS 21.1 No. 14 Transformer plat form complete set Wt.58.85 Kg. DHBVN Drg. No.103, HVPN Drg. No. STD-2336 R2, STD-2352 R1 No. 508 21.2 Stay Sets 8' long complete with X-Plat 460mm of Angle 65x65x6 Elbow & rod Wt. 13.80 kg No. 8022 21.3 G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing set. B - Class No. 3618 21.4 Maintenance Free Earthing system consisting of one copper bonded earthing electrode 5/8 dia 10 ft. Long with 250 micron copper bonding along with two bags (11.3 kg each) Ground Enhancement Material (GEM-25A) and one clamp No. 1763 21.5 Phase plate for each phase set of 3 (on each H-Pole & 4-Pole) Set 4059 21.6 Danger Plate Enamalled with Clamp No 10592 21.7 Number Plate Enamalled with Clamp No. 9595 21.8 D-Straps No 3072 21.9 Mettalic Meter Pillar box (MMPB) made of MS sheet thickness 16 SWG (1.6 mm) to house 20 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in acoordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam with separators, in-let and out-let holes per cable, door lock, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading, Civil works/ Plinth etc. (20x1 MMPB) Metallic Meter Box (MMB) to house 4 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in accordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam, in-let and out-let holes per cable, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading to be mounted on PCC Poles etc (4x1 MMB), mounting clamps. Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Single Phase Meters 315mm x 265 mm x 130 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification No. 80 No. 7000 No. 7701 21.1 21.11 21.12 Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Three Phase Meters 445mm x 345 mm x 170 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification Deep Drawn type double door & double compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make competible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 200 kVA and below. Deep Drawn type single door & single compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make competible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 400 kVA. LT Fuse Unit No. 645 No. 656 No. 104 No. 795 21.16 Fabricated Trailor with 4 Tyre wheels to house 200 kVA Distribution transformer. No 4 21.17 Distribution Box with MCBs for DT on Trailor No 4 21.18 Lugs/ Thimbles off sizes No. 5551 21.13 21.14 21.15 Note: - In case of reduction of taxes, the payment will be made with the reduced rate of taxes. However, in case of increasing of taxes, the payment will be made on the basis of total rates quoted by successful bidder under Schedule-I. The merit will be decided on the basis of total price quoted by the successful bidders for supply of equipment/material and erection charges of erection and dismantlement for Tender Enquiry No. TER- 08/R-APDRP/2015, including taxes, duties, levies, freight and insurance under schedule-I. Estimate for Supply of material and erection, testing & commissioning of New 11 kV Lines, Reconductoring of 11 kV Lines, New LT Lines, reconductoring of LT Lines, New DTs with Meter and Modem, Augmentation of DTs, Lightening Arresters, LT Protection Unit and Earthing on DTs, Shifting of Consumer Meters into Pillar Boxes/ MCBs outside premises, Replacement of Electromechanical Meters by Electronic Meters, Providing Additional Poles in existing HT & LT Lines, 11 kV Bay Extension, Providing TROLLEY fitted with 200 KVA Transformer & wiring Accessories Providing cradle guard to 11 kV HT line, Dismantlement of material and returning it to respective stores under Part-B of R-APDRP in Sirsa, Ellenabad and Dabwali towns under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis against tender enquiry no TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 Package No. 1 Detail of Estimated Price for Package No. 01 (Sirsa, Ellenabad and Dabwali towns) Sr. No. Descriptions Unit Total Quantity required Unit Supply Rate (Including all Taxes, ED, CST, VAT, Levies, Freight, transportation & insurance etc.) (In Rs.) Total Estimated Cost for Supply of material (In Rs.) Unit Erection Charges (In Rs.) Total Estimated Cost for Erection of material (In Rs.) 1 LINE SUPPORTS 1.1 PCC Pole 9.0M Long No. 4134 2415.00 9983610.00 315.00 1302210.00 1.2 PCC Pole 11.0M Long No. 5150 6152.50 31685375.00 802.50 4132875.00 2 X-ARMS 2.1 V-Shape X Arm 100x50x6 mm Wt. 12.135 kg. HVPN Drg. No. 2366R1 No. 2761 718.75 1984468.75 62.50 172562.50 2.2 V-Shape X Arm 75x40x6 mm Wt. 8.4 kg. HVPN Drg. No. STD 2305R2 MS channel 75*40*6 for Pillar box No. 955 497.95 475542.25 43.30 41351.50 Kg 3200 62.10 198720.00 5.40 17280.00 2.4 M.S. Channel (X-Arm) 100x50x6mm 2200mm (for H pole) Wt. 17.38 kg. No. 587 969.45 569067.15 84.30 49484.10 2.5 MS Channel 75x40x6mm (2200mm) For fuse unit. Wt. 12.54 kg. No. 2379 700.35 1666132.65 60.90 144881.10 2.6 MS Channel T-off 100x50x6 mm 1600mm). Wt. 12.64 kg. No. 1490 706.10 1052089.00 61.40 91486.00 2.3 2.7 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860mm (Bracing H. Pole) Wt. 12.87 kg. No. 406 736.00 298816.00 64.00 25984.00 2.8 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6mm 2400mm (for earth wire) Wt.10.80 kg. No. 203 617.55 125362.65 53.70 10901.10 2.9 M.S Angle 50x50x6mm-2200mm (Belting for H-pole) Wt. 9.90 kg. No. 236 565.80 133528.80 49.20 11611.20 2.1 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6 1430 mm (Earthing / Guarding) No. 3579 365.70 1308840.30 31.80 113812.20 3 C - Wedge Connectors 3.1 C - Wedge Connectors for 50 mm2 ACSR No 773 46.00 35558.00 4.00 3092.00 3.2 C - Wedge Connectors for 80 mm2 ACSR No 163 46.00 7498.00 4.00 652.00 3.3 C - Wedge Connectors for 100 mm2 ACSR No 1868 46.00 85928.00 4.00 7472.00 3.4 Half Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2380 No 16315 86.25 1407168.75 7.50 122362.50 3.5 Full Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2349 No 10899 138.00 1504062.00 12.00 130788.00 3.6 11 KV Top Brackets / hamper Wt. 1.480 Kg. UHBVN Drg. No.STD-5 No. 3715 87.40 324691.00 7.60 28234.00 3.7 Suspension Clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable No 5650 488.75 2761437.50 42.50 240125.00 3.8 Dead end clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable Set 3560 280.60 998936.00 24.40 86864.00 4 INSULATORS 4.1 11 kV POLYMERIC Pin Insulator with GI Pin No 15197 171.35 2604005.95 14.90 226435.30 4.2 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) No 7877 162.15 1277255.55 14.10 111065.70 4.3 No 232 181.70 42154.40 15.80 3665.60 4.4 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) B&S type) LT insulator No 4202 11.50 48323.00 1.00 4202.00 4.5 Egg Insulator No. 531 11.50 6106.50 1.00 531.00 5 CONDUCTOR 5.1 ACSR Conductor 50mm2 ( Rabbit) Km 146.57 38852.75 5694647.57 3378.50 495186.75 5.2 ACSR Conductor 80mm2 ( Raccoon) Km 21.760 57753.00 1256705.28 5022.00 109278.72 5.3 ACSR Conductor 100mm2( Dog) Km 184.35 75369.85 13894431.85 6553.90 1208211.47 5.4 Insulated ACSR Conductor 100mm2 (Dog) Km 5.97 87885.30 524675.24 7642.20 45623.93 5.5 Insulated Conductor (50 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 1.2 40437.05 48524.46 3516.27 4219.52 5.6 Insulated Conductor (80 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.040 60344.41 2413.78 5247.34 209.89 5.7 Insulated Conductor (100 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.79 87885.30 69429.39 7642.20 6037.34 6 G.I. WIRE 6.1 Stay wire 7/8 SWG Kg 72764 71.40 5195349.60 6.21 451864.44 6.2 GSL 8 SWG (Earthing / Guarding etc.) Kg 100019 67.39 6740280.41 5.86 586111.34 6.3 Barbed wire Kg 10437 57.50 600127.50 5.00 52185.00 6.4 G.I. Strip 25x6 mm 9 mtr. For earthling Wt.10.80 Kg. No. 1789 776.25 1388711.25 67.50 120757.50 64 89801.20 5747276.80 1561.76 99952.64 7 Distribution T/F Three Phase Aluminum Wound 63 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 7.1 100 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 215 127084.20 27323103.00 2210.16 475184.40 7.2 200 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 376 240333.90 90365546.40 4179.72 1571574.72 7.3 400 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Cu. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 104 547067.65 56895035.60 9514.22 989478.88 No. 2 245857.35 491714.70 4275.78 8551.56 8 8.1 9 VCB's 11kV VCB panels (Outgoing) 18.4 KA, 350 MVA rupturing capacity, 24V DC operated indoor type with a set of CTs, PTs, kWh meter, Relays, Instruments etc. & conforming to Nigam’s Tech. Spcn. & all relevant ISS/IEC with latest amendments. Rating 400 Amps for Outgoing Panel. POLYMERIC LAs 9.1 Lightening Arrestor 9 KV, 5kA No. 6257 483.00 3022131.00 42.00 262794.00 9.2 11 KV Lightening Arrestor S/Stn. Type 9 KV 10KA Heavy Duty. No. 6 2783.00 16698.00 242.00 1452.00 10 G.O. SWITCH 10.1 11 KV 400 Amps. GO Switch complete with handle, pipe & Supporting Channel. As per Nigam’s technical specification, relevent ISS and latest amendments. No 854 5980.00 5106920.00 520.00 444080.00 11 M.S. Nuts & Bolts 11.1 M.S Nuts Bolts off sizes Kg 18543 67.85 1258142.55 5.90 109403.70 11.2 Eye Screw Bolts 9”x5/8" Wt. 0.483 Kg. No 3791 33.35 126429.85 2.90 10993.90 12 CTs 12.1 LT CTs 12.2 CT of Ratio 200/5 A for 63 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type CT of Ratio 400/5 A for 100 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 64 1840.00 117760.00 160.00 10240.00 Set 215 4600.00 989000.00 400.00 86000.00 12.4 CT of Ratio 600/5 A for 200 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 376 4600.00 1729600.00 400.00 150400.00 12.5 CT of Ratio 800/5 A for 400 kVA Distribution Transformers Outdoor Bushing type Set 104 4600.00 478400.00 400.00 41600.00 13 CAPACITORS 13.1 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (450 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 150 kVAr each Set 21 48300.00 1014300.00 4200.00 88200.00 13.2 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (600 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 200 kVAr each Set 38 58650.00 2228700.00 5100.00 193800.00 14 SINGLE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 14.1 Single Phase whole current static energy meters Class of Accuracy 1.00 of rating 10-60A with Communication and upgrading facility as per Nigam’s technical specification, relevant ISS with upto date amendments. No. 2951 1023.50 3020348.50 89.00 262639.00 12.3 15 THREE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 15.1 Three phase 4-wire whole current static energy meters class-I accuracy of rating 10-60A, with communication & upgrading facility as per Nigam’s Tech. Specn., relevant ISS with upto date amendments 16 LT PVC CABLES 16.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No 264 2231.00 588984.00 194.00 51216.00 LT PVC Cable S/C 95 mm2 Km 1.280 84474.40 108127.23 3672.80 4701.18 16.2 LT PVC Cable S/C 120 mm2. Km 4.300 102306.30 439917.09 4448.10 19126.83 16.3 LT PVC Cable S/C 185 mm2. Km 7.520 157824.85 1186842.87 6861.95 51601.86 16.4 LT PVC Cable S/C 630 mm2 Km 2.080 401726.05 835590.18 17466.35 36330.01 16.5 LT PVC Cable 2Cx4 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 118.750 14775.20 1754555.00 642.40 76285.00 16.6 LT PVC Cable 2Cx6 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 9.540 18657.60 177993.50 811.20 7738.85 16.7 LT PVC Cable 3.5x95 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 100.290 280551.70 28136529.99 12197.90 1223327.39 16.8 L.T. PVC 4Cx10mm2 Un-Armoured Km 70.000 32379.66 2266576.20 1407.81 98546.70 16.9 L.T. PVC 4Cx50mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 11.720 163191.90 1912609.07 7095.30 83156.92 16.1 L.T. PVC 3.5Cx120 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 46.410 350968.50 16288448.09 15259.50 708193.40 16.11 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*185 mm2 Km. 0.300 488831.65 146649.50 21253.55 6376.07 16.12 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*300 mm2 Km. 0.300 774782.60 232434.78 33686.20 10105.86 17 H.T. XLPE CABLES 17.1 11 KV XLPE cable 3Cx95mm2 Km. 0.030 530074.10 15902.22 23046.70 691.40 17.2 11kV XLPE Cable 3Cx185mm2 Km. 0.280 804871.20 225363.94 34994.40 9798.43 18 HT AERIAL BUNCHED CABLE (ABC) 18.1 HT ABC XLPE insulated cores twisted with bare messenger Al. alloy wire cable 11 kV grade as per Specification size 3Cx185mm2 + 150mm2 Km. 50.87 912245.55 46405931.13 39662.85 2017649.18 19 OUTDOOR SINGLE CORE CABLE TERMINATION KIT 19.1 19.2 S/C 95mm2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable S/C 185m2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable No. No. 18 4758 391.00 557.75 7038.00 2653774.50 17.00 24.25 306.00 115381.50 20 OUT-DOOR MULTI CORE CABLE BOXES 20.1 3/Cx185 mm Sq.O/D Heat Shrinkable cable box 21 MISCELLENEOUS MATERIALS 21.1 No. 14 805.00 11270.00 35.00 490.00 Transformer plat form complete set Wt.58.85 Kg. DHBVN Drg. No.103, HVPN Drg. No. STD-2336 R2, STD-2352 R1 No. 508 3487.95 1771878.60 303.30 154076.40 21.2 Stay Sets 8' long complete with X-Plat 460mm of Angle 65x65x6 Elbow & rod Wt. 13.80 kg No. 8022 861.35 6909749.70 74.90 600847.80 21.3 G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing set. B - Class No. 3618 1771.00 6407478.00 154.00 557172.00 21.4 Maintenance Free Earthing system consisting of one copper bonded earthing electrode 5/8 dia 10 ft. Long with 250 micron copper bonding along with two bags (11.3 kg each) Ground Enhancement Material (GEM-25A) and one clamp No. 1763 5405.00 9529015.00 470.00 828610.00 21.5 Phase plate for each phase set of 3 (on each H-Pole & 4-Pole) Set 4059 63.25 256731.75 5.50 22324.50 21.6 Danger Plate Enamalled with Clamp No 10592 75.90 803932.80 6.60 69907.20 21.7 Number Plate Enamalled with Clamp No. 9595 75.90 728260.50 6.60 63327.00 21.8 D-Straps No 3072 75.90 233164.80 6.60 20275.20 21.9 Mettalic Meter Pillar box (MMPB) made of MS sheet thickness 16 SWG (1.6 mm) to house 20 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in acoordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam with separators, in-let and out-let holes per cable, door lock, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading, Civil works/ Plinth etc. (20x1 MMPB) No. 80 12543.05 1003444.00 1090.70 87256.00 21.10 Metallic Meter Box (MMB) to house 4 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in accordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam, in-let and out-let holes per cable, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading to be mounted on PCC Poles etc (4x1 MMB), mounting clamps. No. 7000 1806.65 12646550.00 157.10 1099700.00 21.11 Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Single Phase Meters 315mm x 265 mm x 130 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification No. 7701 315.10 2426585.10 27.40 211007.40 21.12 Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Three Phase Meters 445mm x 345 mm x 170 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification No. 645 621.00 400545.00 54.00 34830.00 21.13 Deep Drawn type double door & double compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make competible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 200 kVA and below. Deep Drawn type single door & single compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make competible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 400 kVA. LT Fuse Unit No. 656 12682.00 8319392.00 1102.78 723423.68 No. 104 11953.00 1243112.00 1039.39 108096.56 No. 795 600.30 477238.50 52.20 41499.00 No 4 103500.00 414000.00 0.00 0.00 21.17 Fabricated Trailor with 4 Tyre wheels to house 200 kVA Distribution transformer. Distribution Box with MCBs for DT on Trailor No 4 14950.00 59800.00 1300.00 5200.00 21.18 Lugs/ Thimbles off sizes No. 5551 25.30 140440.30 2.20 12212.20 21.14 21.15 21.16 Total Grand Total for Supply & Erection Grand Total for Supply & Erection (Round-off) 453096935.27 24126746.02 477223681.29 477223682 Note: Due care has been taken while formulating the above BOQ, however the Omission of any item in the above BOQ, but which is essential for the execution of the work as per the scope of NIT shall be the responsibility of the contractor and no claims for the additional item shall be entertained in this regard. Package No. 2 TER-08/R-APDRP/2015 for Package No. 2 (Hisar Town) Total Estimated price for Survey, Supply of material and Erection, testing and commissioning of new/ augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and, other activities such as provision of LT protection unit on DTs, replacement of iron poles, provision of LAs, Guarding of lines, Earthing of all DTs, supply and installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes, MCBs for reduction of AT&C losses in Hisar town under R-APDRP Part-B under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis against Tender Enquiry Bid No.- TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 for Package No. 2 Estimated Cost = Rs. 79,41,75,650 /- (Rs. Seventy Nine Crores Fourty One Lakhs Seventy Five Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty only) Schedule-I NIT No.- TER-08/R-APDRP/2015 for Package No. 2 (Hisar Town) Summary of Price Proposal Bidder’s Name & Address: _________________ ___________________ To Chief Engineer/R-APDRP, DHBVN, Vidyut Sadan, Hisar-125005. Dear Sir, We declare that the following is the lump-sum price in rupees for the entire scope of Work specified in the specifications and documents. Total price for Survey, Supply of material and Erection, testing and commissioning of new/ augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and, other activities such as provision of LT protection unit on DTs, replacement of iron poles, provision of LAs, Guarding of lines, Earthing of all DTs, supply and installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes, MCBs for reduction of AT&C losses in Hisar town under R-APDRP Part-B under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis inclusive of concessional tax i.e. CST / VAT (as the case may be), duties, leviews, fright and insurance against Tender Enquiry No. TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 Package No. 2. (To be submitted online in Price Cover only) (Package No. 2 Schedule-II) The rates to be quoted shall in inclusive of all rates/ taxes and duties. However, taxes, levies and duties applicable on the below mentioned units be given separately in shape of tax % as applicable, on the format as given below:- Detail of Estimated Price for Package No. 02 (Hisar town) Sr. No. Descriptions Unit Total Quantity required 1 LINE SUPPORTS 1.1 PCC Pole 9.0M Long No. 8663 1.2 PCC Pole 11.0M Long No. 10850 2 X-ARMS 2.1 V-Shape X Arm 100x50x6 mm Wt. 12.135 kg. HVPN Drg. No. 2366R1 No. 4201 2.2 V-Shape X Arm 75x40x6 mm Wt. 8.4 kg. HVPN Drg. No. STD 2305R2 No. 2638 2.3 MS channel 75*40*6 for Pillar box Kg 5000 2.4 M.S. Channel (X-Arm) 100x50x6mm 2200mm (for H pole) Wt. 17.38 kg. No. 1314 2.5 MS Channel 75x40x6mm (2200mm) For fuse unit. Wt. 12.54 kg. MS Channel T-off 100x50x6 mm 1600mm). Wt. 12.64 kg. M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860mm (Bracing H. Pole) Wt. 12.87 kg. M.S.Angle Iron 50x50x6mm 2400mm (for earth wire) Wt.10.80 kg. M.S Angle 50x50x6mm-2200mm (Belting for H- No. 2931 No. 3489 No. 951 No. 476 No. 484 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Tax Component levied on the item for self Manufactured items ED Cess Any other Tax Component levied on the item for purchase outside the Haryana CST Cess Any other Tax Component levied on the item for Purchase within the Haryana VAT Cess Any other pole) Wt. 9.90 kg. 2.10 3 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6 1430 mm (Earthing / Guarding) No. 8979 C - Wedge Connectors 3.1 C - Wedge Connectors for 50 mm2 ACSR No 1978 3.2 C - Wedge Connectors for 100 mm2 ACSR No 2800 3.3 Half Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2380 No 32312 3.4 Full Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2349 No 18736 3.5 11 KV Top Brackets / hamper Wt. 1.480 Kg. UHBVN Drg. No.STD-5 Suspension Clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable Dead end clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable No. 6839 No 10612 Set 5807 3.6 3.7 4 INSULATORS 4.1 11 kV POLYMERIC Pin Insulator with GI Pin No 25710 4.2 No 14304 No 199 4.4 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) B&S type) LT insulator No 7439 4.5 Egg Insulator No. 466 4.3 5 CONDUCTOR 5.1 ACSR Conductor 50mm2 ( Rabbit) Km 357.79 5.2 ACSR Conductor 100mm2( Dog) Km 270.43 5.3 Insulated ACSR Conductor 100mm2 (Dog) Km 7.33 5.4 Insulated Conductor (50 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 3.3 5.5 Insulated Conductor (100 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 1.46 Kg 121767 6 6.1 G.I. WIRE Stay wire 7/8 SWG 6.2 GSL 8 SWG (Earthing / Guarding etc.) Kg 214963 6.3 Barbed wire Kg 19921 6.4 G.I. Strip 25x6 mm 9 mtr. For earthling Wt.10.80 Kg. No. 3517 No. 308 No. 480 No. 146 No. 8035 No 1098 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 8 8.1 9 9.1 Distribution T/F Three Phase Aluminum Wound 100 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. 200 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. 400 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Cu. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. POLYMERIC LAs Lightening Arrestor 9 KV, 5kA G.O. SWITCH 11 KV 400 Amps. GO Switch complete with handle, pipe & Supporting Channel. As per Nigam’s technical specification, relevant ISS and latest amendments 10 M.S. Nuts & Bolts 10.1 M.S Nuts Bolts off sizes Kg 31045 10.2 Eye Screw Bolts 9”x5/8" Wt. 0.483 Kg. No 8880 11 CTs 11.1 LT CTs 11.2 CT of Ratio 400/5 A for 100 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 308 11.3 CT of Ratio 600/5 A for 200 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 480 11.4 CT of Ratio 800/5 A for 400 kVA Distribution Transformers Outdoor Bushing type Set 146 12 CAPACITORS 12.1 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (450 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 150 kVAr each Set 41 12.2 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (600 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 200 kVAr each Set 80 13 SINGLE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 13.1 Single Phase whole current static energy meters Class of Accuracy 1.00 of rating 10-60A with Communication and upgrading facility as per Nigam’s technical specification, relevant ISS with upto date amendments. No. 10929 14 THREE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 14.1 Three phase 4-wire whole current static energy meters class-I accuracy of rating 10-60A, with communication & upgrading facility as per Nigam’s Tech. Specn., relevant ISS with upto date amendments No 676 15 LT PVC CABLES 15.1 LT PVC Cable S/C 120 mm2. Km 6.160 15.2 LT PVC Cable S/C 185 mm2. Km 9.600 15.3 LT PVC Cable S/C 630 mm2 Km 2.920 15.4 LT PVC Cable 2Cx4 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 200.000 15.5 LT PVC Cable 2Cx6 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 15.180 15.6 LT PVC Cable 3.5x95 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 85.620 15.7 L.T. PVC 4Cx10mm2 Un-Armoured Km 100.000 15.8 L.T. PVC 4Cx50mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 11.440 15.9 L.T. PVC 3.5Cx120 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 201.070 15.10 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*185 mm2 Km. 0.100 15.11 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*300 mm2 Km. 0.100 16 H.T. XLPE CABLES 16.1 11 KV XLPE cable 3Cx95mm2 Km. 0.030 16.2 11kV XLPE Cable 3Cx185mm2 Km. 0.030 Km. 114.76 17 HT AERIAL BUNCHED CABLE (ABC) 17.1 HT ABC XLPE insulated cores twisted with bare messenger Al. alloy wire cable 11 kV grade as per Specification size 3Cx185mm2 + 150mm2 18 OUTDOOR SINGLE CORE CABLE TERMINATION KIT 18.1 S/C 95mm2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable No. 9 18.2 S/C 185m2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable No. 5004 19 OUT-DOOR MULTI CORE CABLE BOXES 19.1 3/Cx95 mm Sq.O/D Heat Shrinkable cable box No. 6 19.2 3/Cx185 mm Sq.O/D Heat Shrinkable cable box No. 6 20 MISCELLENEOUS MATERIALS 20.1 Transformer plat form complete set Wt.58.85 Kg. DHBVN Drg. No.103, HVPN Drg. No. STD-2336 R2, STD-2352 R1 Stay Sets 8' long complete with X-Plat 460mm of Angle 65x65x6 Elbow & rod Wt. 13.80 kg No. 861 No. 13407 No. 6538 No. 2245 Set 7193 20.6 G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing set. B Class Maintenance Free Earthing system consisting of one copper bonded earthing electrode 5/8 dia 10 ft. Long with 250 micron copper bonding along with two bags (11.3 kg each) Ground Enhancement Material (GEM-25A) and one clamp Phase plate for each phase set of 3 (on each H-Pole & 4-Pole) Danger Plate Enamalled with Clamp No 19197 20.7 Number Plate Enamalled with Clamp No. 17744 20.8 D-Straps No 5010 20.9 Mettalic Meter Pillar box (MMPB) made of MS sheet thickness 16 SWG (1.6 mm) to house 20 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in acoordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam with separators, in-let and out-let holes per cable, door lock, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading, Civil works/ Plinth etc. (20x1 MMPB) Metallic Meter Box (MMB) to house 4 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in accordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam, in-let and out-let holes per cable, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading to be mounted on PCC Poles etc (4x1 MMB), mounting clamps. Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Single Phase Meters 315mm x 265 mm x 130 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification No. 125 No. 10000 No. 18929 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.1 20.11 20.12 Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Three Phase Meters 445mm x 345 mm x 170 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification Deep Drawn type double door & double compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make competible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 200 kVA and below. Deep Drawn type single door & single compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make competible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 400 kVA. LT Fuse Unit No. 1283 No. 788 No. 146 No. 980 20.16 Fabricated Trailor with 4 Tyre wheels to house 200 kVA Distribution transformer. No 3 20.17 Distribution Box with MCBs for DT on Trailor No 3 20.18 Lugs/ Thimbles off sizes No. 6839 20.13 20.14 20.15 Note: - In case of reduction of taxes, the payment will be made with the reduced rate of taxes. However, in case of increasing of taxes, the payment will be made on the basis of total rates quoted by successful bidder under Schedule-I. The merit will be decided on the basis of total price quoted by the successful bidders for supply of equipment/material and erection charges of erection and dismantlement for Tender Enquiry No. TER- 08/R-APDRP/2015, including taxes, duties, levies, freight and insurance under schedule-I. Estimate for Supply of material and erection, testing & commissioning of New 11 kV Lines, Reconductoring of 11 kV Lines, New LT Lines, reconductoring of LT Lines, New DTs with Meter and Modem, Augmentation of DTs, Lightening Arresters, LT Protection Unit and Earthing on DTs, Shifting of Consumer Meters into Pillar Boxes/ MCBs outside premises, Replacement of Electromechanical Meters by Electronic Meters, Providing Additional Poles in existing HT & LT Lines, 11 kV Bay Extension, Providing TROLLEY fitted with 200 KVA Transformer & wiring Accessories Providing cradle guard to 11 kV HT line, Dismantlement of material and returning it to respective stores under Part-B of R-APDRP in Hisar town under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis against tender enquiry no TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 Package No. 2 Detail of Estimated Price for Package No. 02 (Hisar town) Sr. No. Descriptions Unit Total Quantity required Unit Supply Rate (Including all Taxes, ED, CST, VAT, Levies, Freight, transportation & insurance etc.) (In Rs.) Total Estimated Cost for Supply of material (In Rs.) Unit Erection Charges (In Rs.) Total Estimated Cost for Erection of material (In Rs.) 1 LINE SUPPORTS 1.1 PCC Pole 9.0M Long No. 8663 2415.00 20921145.00 315 2728845.00 1.2 PCC Pole 11.0M Long No. 10850 6152.50 66754625.00 802.5 8707125.00 2 0.00 X-ARMS 0.00 2.1 V-Shape X Arm 100x50x6 mm Wt. 12.135 kg. HVPN Drg. No. 2366R1 No. 4201 718.75 3019468.75 62.5 262562.50 2.2 V-Shape X Arm 75x40x6 mm Wt. 8.4 kg. HVPN Drg. No. STD 2305R2 No. 2638 497.95 1313592.10 43.3 114225.40 2.3 MS channel 75*40*6 for Pillar box Kg 5000 62.10 310500.00 5.4 27000.00 2.4 M.S. Channel (X-Arm) 100x50x6mm 2200mm (for H pole) Wt. 17.38 kg. No. 1314 969.45 1273857.30 84.3 110770.20 2.5 MS Channel 75x40x6mm (2200mm) For fuse unit. Wt. 12.54 kg. No. 2931 700.35 2052725.85 60.9 178497.90 2.6 MS Channel T-off 100x50x6 mm 1600mm). Wt. 12.64 kg. No. 3489 706.10 2463582.90 61.4 214224.60 2.7 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860mm (Bracing H. Pole) Wt. 12.87 kg. No. 951 736.00 699936.00 64 60864.00 2.8 M.S.Angle Iron 50x50x6mm 2400mm (for earth wire) Wt.10.80 kg. No. 476 617.55 293953.80 53.7 25561.20 2.9 M.S Angle 50x50x6mm-2200mm (Belting for H-pole) Wt. 9.90 kg. No. 484 565.80 273847.20 49.2 23812.80 2.10 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6 1430 mm (Earthing / Guarding) No. 8979 365.70 3283620.30 31.8 285532.20 3 C - Wedge Connectors 3.1 C - Wedge Connectors for 50 mm2 ACSR No 1978 46.00 90988.00 4 7912.00 3.2 C - Wedge Connectors for 100 mm2 ACSR No 2800 46.00 128800.00 4 11200.00 3.3 Half Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2380 No 32312 86.25 2786910.00 7.5 242340.00 3.4 Full Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2349 No 18736 138.00 2585568.00 12 224832.00 3.5 11 KV Top Brackets / hamper Wt. 1.480 Kg. UHBVN Drg. No.STD-5 No. 6839 87.40 597728.60 7.6 51976.40 3.6 Suspension Clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable No 10612 488.75 5186615.00 42.5 451010.00 3.7 Dead end clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable Set 5807 280.60 1629444.20 24.4 141690.80 4 INSULATORS 4.1 11 kV POLYMERIC Pin Insulator with GI Pin No 25710 171.35 4405408.50 14.9 383079.00 4.2 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) No 14304 162.15 2319393.60 14.1 201686.40 4.3 No 199 181.7 36158.30 15.8 3144.20 4.4 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) B&S type) LT insulator No 7439 11.5 85548.50 1 7439.00 4.5 Egg Insulator No. 466 11.5 5359.00 1 466.00 5 CONDUCTOR 5.1 ACSR Conductor 50mm2 ( Rabbit) Km 357.79 38852.75 13901125.42 3378.5 1208793.52 5.2 ACSR Conductor 100mm2( Dog) Km 270.43 75369.85 20382268.54 6553.9 1772371.18 5.3 Insulated ACSR Conductor 100mm2 (Dog) Km 7.33 87885.30 644199.25 7642.2 56017.33 5.4 Insulated Conductor (50 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 3.3 40437.05 133442.27 3516.27 11603.69 5.5 Insulated Conductor (100 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 1.46 87885.30 128312.54 7642.2 11157.61 6 G.I. WIRE 6.1 Stay wire 7/8 SWG Kg 121767 71.40 8694163.80 6.21 756173.07 6.2 GSL 8 SWG (Earthing / Guarding etc.) Kg 214963 67.39 14486356.57 5.86 1259683.18 6.3 Barbed wire Kg 19921 57.50 1145457.50 5 99605.00 6.4 G.I. Strip 25x6 mm 9 mtr. For earthling Wt.10.80 Kg. No. 3517 776.25 2730071.25 67.5 237397.50 7 Distribution T/F Three Phase Aluminum Wound 7.1 100 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 308 127084.20 39141933.60 2210.16 680729.28 7.2 200 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 480 240333.90 115360272.00 4179.72 2006265.60 7.3 400 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Cu. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 146 547067.65 79871876.90 9514.22 1389076.12 No. 8035 483 3880905.00 42 337470.00 No 1098 5980.00 6566040.00 520 570960.00 8 8.1 9 POLYMERIC LAs Lightening Arrestor 9 KV, 5kA G.O. SWITCH 9.1 11 KV 400 Amps. GO Switch complete with handle, pipe & Supporting Channel. As per Nigam’s technical specification, relevant ISS and latest amendments 10 M.S. Nuts & Bolts 10.1 M.S Nuts Bolts off sizes Kg 31045 67.85 2106403.25 5.9 183165.50 10.2 Eye Screw Bolts 9”x5/8" Wt. 0.483 Kg. No 8880 33.35 296148.00 2.9 25752.00 11 CTs 11.1 LT CTs 11.2 CT of Ratio 400/5 A for 100 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type 0.00 Set 308 4600.00 1416800.00 0.00 400 123200.00 11.3 CT of Ratio 600/5 A for 200 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 480 4600.00 2208000.00 400 192000.00 11.4 CT of Ratio 800/5 A for 400 kVA Distribution Transformers Outdoor Bushing type Set 146 4600.00 671600.00 400 58400.00 12 CAPACITORS 12.1 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (450 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 150 kVAr each Set 41 48300.00 1980300.00 4200 172200.00 12.2 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (600 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 200 kVAr each Set 80 58650.00 4692000.00 5100 408000.00 13 SINGLE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 13.1 Single Phase whole current static energy meters Class of Accuracy 1.00 of rating 10-60A with Communication and upgrading facility as per Nigam’s technical specification, relevant ISS with upto date amendments. No. 10929 1023.50 11185831.50 89 972681.00 14 THREE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 14.1 Three phase 4-wire whole current static energy meters class-I accuracy of rating 10-60A, with communication & upgrading facility as per Nigam’s Tech. Specn., relevant ISS with upto date amendments No 676 2231 1508156.00 194 131144.00 15 LT PVC CABLES 15.1 LT PVC Cable S/C 120 mm2. Km 6.160 102306.30 630206.81 4448.1 27400.30 15.2 LT PVC Cable S/C 185 mm2. Km 9.600 157824.85 1515118.56 6861.95 65874.72 15.3 LT PVC Cable S/C 630 mm2 Km 2.920 401726.05 1173040.07 17466.35 51001.74 15.4 LT PVC Cable 2Cx4 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 200.000 14775.20 2955040.00 642.4 128480.00 15.5 LT PVC Cable 2Cx6 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 15.180 18657.60 283222.37 811.2 12314.02 15.6 LT PVC Cable 3.5x95 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 85.620 280551.70 24020836.55 12197.9 1044384.20 15.7 L.T. PVC 4Cx10mm2 Un-Armoured Km 100.000 32379.66 3237966.00 15.8 L.T. PVC 4Cx50mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 11.440 163191.90 1866915.34 1407.81 7095.3 140781.00 81170.23 15.9 L.T. PVC 3.5Cx120 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 201.070 350968.50 70569236.30 15259.5 3068227.67 15.10 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*185 mm2 Km. 0.100 488831.65 48883.17 21253.55 2125.36 15.11 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*300 mm2 Km. 0.100 774782.60 77478.26 33686.2 3368.62 16 H.T. XLPE CABLES 16.1 11 KV XLPE cable 3Cx95mm2 Km. 0.030 530074.10 15902.22 23046.7 691.40 16.2 11kV XLPE Cable 3Cx185mm2 Km. 0.030 804871.20 24146.14 34994.4 1049.83 17 HT AERIAL BUNCHED CABLE (ABC) 17.1 HT ABC XLPE insulated cores twisted with bare messenger Al. alloy wire cable 11 kV grade as per Specification size 3Cx185mm2 + 150mm2 Km. 114.76 912245.55 104689299.32 39662.85 4551708.67 18 OUTDOOR SINGLE CORE CABLE TERMINATION KIT 18.1 18.2 S/C 95mm2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable S/C 185m2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable No. No. 9 5004 391.00 557.75 3519.00 2790981.00 17.00 24.25 153.00 121347.00 19 OUT-DOOR MULTI CORE CABLE BOXES 19.1 3/Cx95 mm Sq.O/D Heat Shrinkable cable box No. 6 733.70 4402.20 31.9 191.40 19.2 3/Cx185 mm Sq.O/D Heat Shrinkable cable box No. 6 805.00 4830.00 35.00 210.00 20 MISCELLENEOUS MATERIALS 20.1 Transformer plat form complete set Wt.58.85 Kg. DHBVN Drg. No.103, HVPN Drg. No. STD-2336 R2, STD-2352 R1 No. 861 3487.95 3003124.95 303.3 261141.30 20.2 Stay Sets 8' long complete with X-Plat 460mm of Angle 65x65x6 Elbow & rod Wt. 13.80 kg No. 13407 861.35 11548119.45 74.9 1004184.30 20.3 G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing set. B - Class No. 6538 1771 11578798.00 154 1006852.00 20.4 Maintenance Free Earthing system consisting of one copper bonded earthing electrode 5/8 dia 10 ft. Long with 250 micron copper bonding along with two bags (11.3 kg each) Ground Enhancement Material (GEM-25A) and one clamp No. 2245 5405 12134225.00 470 1055150.00 20.5 Phase plate for each phase set of 3 (on each H-Pole & 4-Pole) Set 7193 63.25 454957.25 5.5 39561.50 20.6 Danger Plate Enamalled with Clamp No 19197 75.9 1457052.30 6.6 126700.20 20.7 Number Plate Enamalled with Clamp No. 17744 75.9 1346769.60 6.6 117110.40 20.8 D-Straps No 5010 75.9 380259.00 6.6 33066.00 20.9 Mettalic Meter Pillar box (MMPB) made of MS sheet thickness 16 SWG (1.6 mm) to house 20 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in acoordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam with separators, in-let and out-let holes per cable, door lock, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading, Civil works/ Plinth etc. (20x1 MMPB) No. 125 12543.05 1567881.25 1090.7 136337.50 20.1 Metallic Meter Box (MMB) to house 4 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in accordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam, in-let and out-let holes per cable, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading to be mounted on PCC Poles etc (4x1 MMB), mounting clamps. No. 10000 1806.65 18066500.00 157.1 1571000.00 20.11 Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Single Phase Meters 315mm x 265 mm x 130 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification No. 18929 315.1 5964527.90 27.4 518654.60 20.12 Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Three Phase Meters 445mm x 345 mm x 170 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification No. 1283 621 796743.00 54 69282.00 20.13 Deep Drawn type double door & double compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make competible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 200 kVA and below. Deep Drawn type single door & single compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make competible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 400 kVA. No. 788 12682 9993416.00 1102.78 868990.64 No. 146 11953 1745138.00 1039.39 151750.94 20.14 20.15 LT Fuse Unit No. 980 600.3 588294.00 52.2 51156.00 20.16 Fabricated Trailor with 4 Tyre wheels to house 200 kVA Distribution transformer. No 3 103500 310500.00 0 0.00 20.17 Distribution Box with MCBs for DT on Trailor No 3 14950 44850.00 1300 3900.00 20.18 Lugs/ Thimbles off sizes No. 6839 25.3 173026.70 2.20 15045.80 Total 750715645.00 43460004.52 Grand total for Supply & Erection 794175649.52 Grand total for Supply & Erection (Round off) 794175650 Note: Due care has been taken while formulating the above BOQ, however the Omission of any item in the above BOQ, but which is essential for the execution of the work as per the scope of NIT shall be the responsibility of the contractor and no claims for the additional item shall be entertained in this regard. Package No. 3 TER-08/R-APDRP/2015 for Package No. 3 (Fatehabad, Tohana, Barwala, Hansi, Jind, Narwana Towns) Total Estimated price for Survey, Supply of material and Erection, testing and commissioning of new/ augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and, other activities such as provision of LT protection unit on DTs, replacement of iron poles, provision of LAs, Guarding of existing lines, Earthing of DTs, supply and installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes, MCBs for reduction of AT&C losses in Fatehabad, Tohana, Barwala, Hansi, Jind, Narwana towns under R-APDRP Part-B under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis against Tender Enquiry Bid No.- TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 for Package No. 3 Estimated Cost = Rs. 83,28,22,328/- (Rs. Eighty Three Crores Twenty Eight Lakhs Twenty Two Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Eight only) Schedule-I NIT No.- TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 for Package No. 3 (Fatehabad, Tohana, Barwala, Hansi, Jind, Narwana Towns) Summary of Price Proposal Bidder’s Name & Address: _________________ ___________________ To Chief Engineer/R-APDRP, DHBVN, Vidyut Sadan, Hisar-125005. Dear Sir, We declare that the following is the lump-sum price in rupees for the entire scope of Work specified in the specifications and documents. Total price for Survey, Supply of material and Erection, testing and commissioning of new/ augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and, other activities such as provision of LT protection unit on DTs, replacement of iron poles, provision of LAs, Guarding of lines, Earthing of DTs, supply and installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes, MCBs for reduction of AT&C losses in Fatehabad, Tohana, Barwala, Hansi, Jind, Narwana towns under R-APDRP Part-B under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis against inclusive of concessional tax i.e. CST / VAT (as the case may be), duties, leviews, fright and insurance Tender Enquiry No. TER08/R-APDRP/2014 Package No. 3. (To be submitted online in Price Cover only) (Package No. 3 Schedule-II) The rates to be quoted shall in inclusive of all rates/ taxes and duties. However, taxes, levies and duties applicable on the below mentioned units be given separately in shape of tax % as applicable, on the format as given below:- Detail of Taxes for Package No. 03 (Fatehabad, Tohana, Barwala, Hansi, Jind, Narwana towns) Sr. No. Descriptions Unit Total Quantity required Tax Component levied on the item for self Manufactured items ED 1 LINE SUPPORTS 1.1 PCC Pole 9.0M Long No. 4635 1.2 PCC Pole 11.0M Long No. 9012 2 X-ARMS 2.1 V-Shape X Arm 100x50x6 mm Wt. 12.135 kg. HVPN Drg. No. 2366R1 No. 4565 2.2 V-Shape X Arm 75x40x6 mm Wt. 8.4 kg. HVPN Drg. No. STD 2305R2 MS channel 75*40*6 for Pillar box No. 3631 Kg 6480 M.S. Channel (X-Arm) 100x50x6mm 2200mm (for H pole) Wt. 17.38 kg. MS Channel 75x40x6mm (2200mm) For fuse unit. Wt. 12.54 kg. MS Channel T-off 100x50x6 mm 1600mm). Wt. 12.64 kg. No. 1373 No. 4371 No. 4258 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Cess Any other Tax Component levied on the item for purchase outside the Haryana Tax Component levied on the item for Purchase within the Haryana CST VAT Cess Any other Cess Any other 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.1 3 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860mm (Bracing H. Pole) Wt. 12.87 kg. M.S.Angle Iron 50x50x6mm 2400mm (for earth wire) Wt.10.80 kg. M.S Angle 50x50x6mm-2200mm (Belting for Hpole) Wt. 9.90 kg. M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6 1430 mm (Earthing / Guarding) No. 1160 No. 581 No. 284 No. 2405 C - Wedge Connectors 3.1 C - Wedge Connectors for 50 mm2 ACSR No 3159 3.2 C - Wedge Connectors for 100 mm2 ACSR No 3661 3.3 Half Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2380 Full Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2349 11 KV Top Brackets / hamper Wt. 1.480 Kg. UHBVN Drg. No.STD-5 Suspension Clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable Dead end clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable No 31545 No 20629 No. 8196 No 6903 Set 5592 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4 INSULATORS 4.1 11 kV POLYMERIC Pin Insulator with GI Pin No 34149 4.2 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) B&S type) LT insulator No 17364 No 576 No 6648 4.5 5 Egg Insulator No. 321 5.1 ACSR Conductor 50mm2 ( Rabbit) Km 630.57 5.2 ACSR Conductor 100mm2( Dog) Km 463.82 4.3 4.4 CONDUCTOR 5.3 Insulated ACSR Conductor 100mm2 (Dog) Km 10.93 5.4 Insulated Conductor (50 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 4.94 5.5 Insulated Conductor (100 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.87 6 G.I. WIRE 6.1 Stay wire 7/8 SWG Kg 128513 6.2 GSL 8 SWG (Earthing / Guarding etc.) Kg 125964 6.3 Barbed wire Kg 13327 6.4 G.I. Strip 25x6 mm 9 mtr. For earthling Wt.10.80 Kg. No. 2771 No. 103 No. 359 No. 955 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 Distribution T/F Three Phase Aluminum Wound 63 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. 100 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. 200 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. 7.4 8 8.1 9 400 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Cu. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 26 No. 8729 No 1573 POLYMERIC LAs Lightening Arrestor 9 KV, 5kA G.O. SWITCH 9.1 11 KV 400 Amps. GO Switch complete with handle, pipe & Supporting Channel. As per Nigam’s technical specification, relevent ISS and latest amendments 10 M.S. Nuts & Bolts 10.1 M.S Nuts Bolts off sizes Kg 40579 10.2 Eye Screw Bolts 9”x5/8" Wt. 0.483 Kg. No 10837 11 CTs 11.1 LT CTs 11.2 CT of Ratio 200/5 A for 63 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type CT of Ratio 400/5 A for 100 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 103 Set 359 11.4 CT of Ratio 600/5 A for 200 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 962 11.5 CT of Ratio 800/5 A for 400 kVA Distribution Transformers Outdoor Bushing type Set 24 12 CAPACITORS 12.1 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (450 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 150 kVAr each Set 21 12.2 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (600 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 200 kVAr each Set 50 11.3 13 SINGLE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 13.1 Single Phase whole current static energy meters Class of Accuracy 1.00 of rating 10-60A with Communication and upgrading facility as per Nigam’s technical specification, relevant ISS with upto date amendments. 14 THREE PHASE ENERGY against replacement Electromechanical meter 14.1 Three phase 4-wire whole current static energy meters class-I accuracy of rating 10-60A, with communication & upgrading facility as per Nigam’s Tech. Specn., relevant ISS with upto date amendments No. 7393 No 651 METER of 15 LT PVC CABLES 15.1 LT PVC Cable S/C 95 mm2. Km 2.06 15.2 LT PVC Cable S/C 120 mm2. Km 7.18 15.3 LT PVC Cable S/C 185 mm2. Km 19.2 15.4 LT PVC Cable S/C 630 mm2 Km 0.48 15.5 LT PVC Cable 2Cx4 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 253.75 15.6 LT PVC Cable 2Cx6 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 51.08 15.7 LT PVC Cable 3.5x95 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 86.21 15.8 L.T. PVC 4Cx10mm2 Un-Armoured Km 143.5 15.9 L.T. PVC 4Cx50mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 9.09 15.1 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*185 mm2 Km. 0.6 15.11 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*300 mm2 Km. 0.6 16 H.T. XLPE CABLES 16.1 11 KV XLPE cable 3Cx95mm2 Km. 0.06 16.2 11kV XLPE Cable 3Cx185mm2 17 LT AERIAL BUNCHED CABLE (ABC) 17.1 LT ABC Cable 3CX95+70 mm2 18 HT AERIAL BUNCHED CABLE (ABC) 18.1 HT ABC XLPE insulated cores twisted with bare messenger Al. alloy wire cable 11 kV grade as per Specification size 3Cx185mm2 + 150mm2 19 OUTDOOR SINGLE CORE CABLE TERMINATION KIT 19.1 S/C 95mm2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable No. 9 19.2 S/C 185m2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable No. 3828 20 OUT-DOOR MULTI CORE CABLE BOXES 20.1 3/Cx185 mm Sq.O/D Heat Shrinkable cable box No. 30 21 MISCELLENEOUS MATERIALS 21.1 Transformer plat form complete set Wt.58.85 Kg. DHBVN Drg. No.103, HVPN Drg. No. STD2336 R2, STD-2352 R1 Stay Sets 8' long complete with X-Plat 460mm of Angle 65x65x6 Elbow & rod Wt. 13.80 kg G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing set. B - Class Maintenance Free Earthing system consisting of one copper bonded earthing electrode 5/8 dia 10 ft. Long with 250 micron copper bonding along with two bags (11.3 kg each) Ground Enhancement Material (GEM-25A) and one clamp Phase plate for each phase set of 3 (on each HPole & 4-Pole) No. 1109 No. 16500 No. 5449 No. 3270 Set 4467 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 Km. 0.71 Km 315.8 Km. 40.5 21.6 Danger Plate Enamalled with Clamp No 13557 21.7 Number Plate Enamalled with Clamp No. 11519 21.8 D-Straps No 6123 21.9 C.I Pipe 250 mm dia 14 mm thick for U/G RAILWAY *-ING Mtr. 320 21.1 Mettalic Meter Pillar box (MMPB) made of MS sheet thickness 16 SWG (1.6 mm) to house 20 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in acoordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam with separators, in-let and out-let holes per cable, door lock, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading, Civil works/ Plinth etc. (20x1 MMPB) Metallic Meter Box (MMB) to house 4 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in accordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam, in-let and out-let holes per cable, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading to be mounted on PCC Poles etc (4x1 MMB), mounting clamps. Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Single Phase Meters 315mm x 265 mm x 130 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification. Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Three Phase Meters 445mm x 345 mm x 170 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification. No. 162 No. 14350 No. 17543 No. 2694 Deep Drawn type double door & double compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, No. 1417 21.11 21.12 21.13 21.14 Modems of make competible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 200 kVA and below. 21.15 Deep Drawn type single door & single compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make competible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 400 kVA. LT Fuse Unit No. 24 No. 1468 21.17 Fabricated Trailor with 4 Tyre wheels to house 200 kVA Distribution transformer. No 11 21.18 Distribution Box with MCBs for DT on Trailor No 11 21.19 Lugs/ Thimbles off sizes No. 10199 21.16 21.2 Piercing connector Type-I for single phase No. 5137 21.21 Piercing connector Type-I for three phase No. 10274 21.22 Piercing connector Type-II No. 2055 21.23 No. 1027 Km 7 21.25 Mid span jointing sleeve Heat Shrinkable type (3C X 95 sqmm.) 1x16 mm2 XLPE insulated Al. cable for energising the Street light Service rings No. 2300 21.26 Four/Five pin cross arm No. 10274 21.27 Rod Type Earthing complete No. 2300 21.24 Note: - In case of reduction of taxes, the payment will be made with the reduced rate of taxes. However, in case of increasing of taxes, the payment will be made on the basis of total rates quoted by successful bidder under Schedule-I. The merit will be decided on the basis of total price quoted by the successful bidders for supply of equipment/material and erection charges of erection and dismantlement for Tender Enquiry No. TER-08/R-APDRP/2015, including taxes, duties, levies, freight and insurance under schedule-I. Estimate for Supply of material and erection, testing & commissioning of New 11 kV Lines, Reconductoring of 11 kV Lines, New LT Lines, Reconductoring of LT Lines, New DTs with Meter and Modem, Augmentation of DTs, Lightening Arresters, LT Protection Unit and Earthing on DTs, Shifting of Consumer Meters into Pillar Boxes/ MCBs outside premises, Replacement of Electromechanical Meters by Electronic Meters, Providing Additional Poles in existing HT & LT Lines, 11 kV Bay Extension, Providing TROLLEY fitted with 200 KVA Transformer & wiring Accessories Providing cradle guard to 11 kV HT line, Dismantlement of material and returning it to respective stores under Part-B of R-APDRP in Fatehabad, Tohana, Barwala, Hansi, Jind, Narwana towns under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis against tender enquiry no TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 Package No. 3 Detail of Estimated Price for Bid No. 03 (Fatehabad, Tohana, Barwala, Hansi, Jind, Narwana towns) Sr. No. Descriptions Unit Total Quantity required Unit Supply Rate (Including all Taxes, ED, CST, VAT, Levies, Freight, transportation & insurance etc.) (In Rs.) Total Estimated Cost for Supply of material (In Rs.) Unit Erection Charges (In Rs.) Total Estimated Cost for Erection of material (In Rs.) 1 LINE SUPPORTS 1.1 PCC Pole 9.0M Long No. 4635 2415 11193525.00 315 1460025.00 1.2 PCC Pole 11.0M Long No. 9012 6152.5 55446330.00 802.5 7232130.00 2 X-ARMS 2.1 V-Shape X Arm 100x50x6 mm Wt. 12.135 kg. HVPN Drg. No. 2366R1 No. 4565 718.75 3281093.75 62.5 285312.50 2.2 V-Shape X Arm 75x40x6 mm Wt. 8.4 kg. HVPN Drg. No. STD 2305R2 MS channel 75*40*6 for Pillar box No. 3631 497.95 1808056.45 43.3 157222.30 Kg 6480 62.1 402408.00 5.4 34992.00 M.S. Channel (X-Arm) 100x50x6mm 2200mm (for H pole) Wt. 17.38 kg. MS Channel 75x40x6mm (2200mm) For fuse unit. Wt. 12.54 kg. No. 1373 969.45 1331054.85 84.3 115743.90 No. 4371 700.35 3061229.85 60.9 266193.90 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 MS Channel T-off 100x50x6 mm 1600mm). Wt. 12.64 kg. No. 4258 706.1 3006573.80 61.4 261441.20 2.7 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860mm (Bracing H. Pole) Wt. 12.87 kg. No. 1160 736 853760.00 64 74240.00 2.8 M.S.Angle Iron 50x50x6mm 2400mm (for earth wire) Wt.10.80 kg. No. 581 617.55 358796.55 53.7 31199.70 2.9 M.S Angle 50x50x6mm-2200mm (Belting for H-pole) Wt. 9.90 kg. No. 284 565.8 160687.20 49.2 13972.80 2.1 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6 1430 mm (Earthing / Guarding) No. 2405 365.7 879508.50 31.8 76479.00 3 C - Wedge Connectors 3.1 C - Wedge Connectors for 50 mm2 ACSR No 3159 46 145314.00 4 12636.00 3.2 C - Wedge Connectors for 100 mm2 ACSR No 3661 46 168406.00 4 14644.00 3.3 Half Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2380 No 31545 86.25 2720756.25 7.5 236587.50 3.4 Full Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2349 No 20629 138 2846802.00 12 247548.00 3.5 11 KV Top Brackets / hamper Wt. 1.480 Kg. UHBVN Drg. No.STD-5 No. 8196 87.4 716330.40 7.6 62289.60 3.6 Suspension Clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable No 6903 488.75 3373841.25 42.5 293377.50 3.7 Dead end clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable Set 5592 280.6 1569115.20 24.4 136444.80 4 INSULATORS 4.1 11 kV POLYMERIC Pin Insulator with GI Pin No 34149 171.35 5851431.15 14.90 508820.10 4.2 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) No 17364 162.15 2815572.60 14.10 244832.40 4.3 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) B&S type) No 576 181.7 104659.20 15.80 9100.80 4.4 LT insulator No 6648 11.5 76452.00 1.00 6648.00 4.5 5 Egg Insulator No. 321 11.5 3691.50 1.00 321.00 5.1 ACSR Conductor 50mm2 ( Rabbit) Km 630.57 38852.75 24499378.57 3378.50 2130380.75 5.2 ACSR Conductor 100mm2( Dog) Km 463.82 75369.85 34958043.83 6553.90 3039829.90 5.3 Insulated ACSR Conductor 100mm2 (Dog) Km 10.93 87885.3 960586.33 7642.20 83529.25 5.4 Insulated Conductor (50 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 4.94 40437.05 199759.03 3516.27 17370.37 5.5 Insulated Conductor (100 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.87 87885.3 76460.21 7642.20 6648.71 128513 71.4 9175828.20 6.21 798065.73 6 6.1 CONDUCTOR G.I. WIRE Stay wire 7/8 SWG Kg 6.2 GSL 8 SWG (Earthing / Guarding etc.) 6.3 6.4 7 Kg 125964 67.39 8488713.96 5.86 738149.04 Barbed wire Kg 13327 57.5 766302.50 5 66635.00 G.I. Strip 25x6 mm 9 mtr. For earthling Wt.10.80 Kg. No. 2771 776.25 2150988.75 67.5 187042.50 Distribution T/F Three Phase Aluminum Wound 7.1 63 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 103 89801.2 9249523.60 1561.76 160861.28 7.2 100 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 359 127084.2 45623227.80 2210.16 793447.44 7.3 200 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 955 240333.9 229518874.50 4179.72 3991632.60 7.4 400 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Cu. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 26 547067.65 14223758.90 9514.22 247369.72 No. 8729 483 4216107.00 42 366618.00 No 1573 5980.00 9406540.00 520 817960.00 8 8.1 9 POLYMERIC LAs Lightening Arrestor 9 KV, 5kA G.O. SWITCH 9.1 11 KV 400 Amps. GO Switch complete with handle, pipe & Supporting Channel. As per Nigam’s technical specification, relevent ISS and latest amendments 10 M.S. Nuts & Bolts 10.1 M.S Nuts Bolts off sizes Kg 40579 67.85 2753285.15 5.9 239416.10 10.2 Eye Screw Bolts 9”x5/8" Wt. 0.483 Kg. No 10837 33.35 361413.95 2.9 31427.30 11 CTs 11.1 LT CTs 11.2 CT of Ratio 200/5 A for 63 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type CT of Ratio 400/5 A for 100 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 103 1840 189520.00 160 16480.00 Set 359 4600 1651400.00 400 143600.00 11.4 CT of Ratio 600/5 A for 200 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 962 4600 4425200.00 400 384800.00 11.5 CT of Ratio 800/5 A for 400 kVA Distribution Transformers Outdoor Bushing type Set 24 4600 110400.00 400 9600.00 12 CAPACITORS 12.1 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (450 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 150 kVAr each Set 21 48300 1014300.00 4200 88200.00 12.2 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (600 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 200 kVAr each Set 50 58650 2932500.00 5100 255000.00 13 SINGLE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 13.1 Single Phase whole current static energy meters Class of Accuracy 1.00 of rating 10-60A with Communication and upgrading facility as per Nigam’s technical specification, relevant ISS with upto date amendments. No. 7393 1023.50 7566735.50 89 657977.00 14 THREE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 14.1 Three phase 4-wire whole current static energy meters class-I accuracy of rating 10-60A, with communication & upgrading facility as per Nigam’s Tech. Specn., relevant ISS with upto date amendments No 651 2231 1452381.00 194 126294.00 15 LT PVC CABLES 11.3 15.1 LT PVC Cable S/C 95 mm2. Km 2.06 84474.4 174017.26 3672.8 7565.97 15.2 LT PVC Cable S/C 120 mm2. Km 7.18 102306.3 734559.23 4448.1 31937.36 15.3 LT PVC Cable S/C 185 mm2. Km 19.2 157824.85 3030237.12 6861.95 131749.44 15.4 LT PVC Cable S/C 630 mm2 Km 0.48 401726.05 192828.50 17466.35 8383.85 15.5 LT PVC Cable 2Cx4 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 253.75 14775.2 3749207.00 642.4 163009.00 15.6 LT PVC Cable 2Cx6 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 51.08 18657.6 953030.21 811.2 41436.10 15.7 LT PVC Cable 3.5x95 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 86.21 280551.7 24186362.06 12197.9 1051580.96 15.8 L.T. PVC 4Cx10mm2 Un-Armoured Km 143.5 32379.66 4646481.21 1407.81 202020.74 15.9 L.T. PVC 4Cx50mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 9.09 163191.9 1483414.37 7095.3 64496.28 15.1 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*185 mm2 Km. 0.6 488831.65 293298.99 21253.55 12752.13 15.11 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*300 mm2 Km. 0.6 774782.6 464869.56 33686.2 20211.72 16 H.T. XLPE CABLES 16.1 11 KV XLPE cable 3Cx95mm2 Km. 0.06 530074.1 31804.45 23046.7 1382.80 16.2 11kV XLPE Cable 3Cx185mm2 Km. 0.71 804871.2 571458.55 34994.4 24846.02 17 LT AERIAL BUNCHED CABLE (ABC) 17.1 LT ABC Cable 3CX95+70 mm2 Km 315.8 233878.95 73858972.41 10168.65 3211259.67 18 HT AERIAL BUNCHED CABLE (ABC) 18.1 HT ABC XLPE insulated cores twisted with bare messenger Al. alloy wire cable 11 kV grade as per Specification size 3Cx185mm2 + 150mm2 Km. 40.5 912245.55 36945944.78 39662.85 1606345.43 19 OUTDOOR SINGLE CORE CABLE TERMINATION KIT 19.1 19.2 S/C 95mm2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable S/C 185m2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable No. No. 9 3828 391.00 557.75 3519.00 2135067.00 17.00 24.25 153.00 92829.00 20 OUT-DOOR MULTI CORE CABLE BOXES 20.1 3/Cx185 mm Sq.O/D Heat Shrinkable cable box No. 30 805 24150.00 35 1050.00 21 MISCELLENEOUS MATERIALS 21.1 Transformer plat form complete set Wt.58.85 Kg. DHBVN Drg. No.103, HVPN Drg. No. STD-2336 R2, STD-2352 R1 No. 1109 3487.95 3868136.55 303.3 336359.70 21.2 Stay Sets 8' long complete with X-Plat 460mm of Angle 65x65x6 Elbow & rod Wt. 13.80 kg No. 16500 861.35 14212275.00 74.9 1235850.00 21.3 G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing set. B - Class No. 5449 1771 9650179.00 154 839146.00 21.4 Maintenance Free Earthing system consisting of one copper bonded earthing electrode 5/8 dia 10 ft. Long with 250 micron copper bonding along with two bags (11.3 kg each) Ground Enhancement Material (GEM-25A) and one clamp No. 3270 5405 17674350.00 470 1536900.00 21.5 Phase plate for each phase set of 3 (on each H-Pole & 4-Pole) Set 4467 63.25 282537.75 5.5 24568.50 21.6 Danger Plate Enamalled with Clamp No 13557 75.9 1028976.30 6.6 89476.20 21.7 Number Plate Enamalled with Clamp No. 11519 75.9 874292.10 6.6 76025.40 21.8 D-Straps No 6123 75.9 464735.70 6.6 40411.80 21.9 C.I Pipe 250 mm dia 14 mm thick for U/G RAILWAY *-ING Mtr. 320 1543.3 493856.00 80.52 25766.40 21.1 Mettalic Meter Pillar box (MMPB) made of MS sheet thickness 16 SWG (1.6 mm) to house 20 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in acoordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam with separators, in-let and out-let holes per cable, door lock, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading, Civil works/ Plinth etc. (20x1 MMPB) No. 162 12543.05 2031974.10 1090.7 176693.40 21.11 Metallic Meter Box (MMB) to house 4 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in accordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam, in-let and out-let holes per cable, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading to be mounted on PCC Poles etc (4x1 MMB), mounting clamps. No. 14350 1806.65 25925427.50 157.1 2254385.00 21.12 Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Single Phase Meters 315mm x 265 mm x 130 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification. No. 17543 315.1 5527799.30 27.4 480678.20 21.13 Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Three Phase Meters 445mm x 345 mm x 170 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification. No. 2694 621 1672974.00 54 145476.00 21.14 Deep Drawn type double door & double compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make competible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 200 kVA and below. Deep Drawn type single door & single compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make competible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 400 kVA. LT Fuse Unit No. 1417 12682 17970394.00 1102.78 1562639.26 No. 24 11953 286872.00 1039.39 24945.36 No. 1468 600.3 881240.40 52.2 76629.60 No 11 103500 1138500.00 0 0.00 21.18 Fabricated Trailor with 4 Tyre wheels to house 200 kVA Distribution transformer. Distribution Box with MCBs for DT on Trailor No 11 14950 164450.00 1300.00 14300.00 21.19 Lugs/ Thimbles off sizes No. 10199 25.3 258034.70 2.20 22437.80 21.2 Piercing connector Type-I for single phase No. 5137 126.5 649830.50 11.00 56507.00 21.21 Piercing connector Type-I for three phase No. 10274 126.5 1299661.00 11.00 113014.00 21.22 Piercing connector Type-II No. 2055 103.5 212692.50 9.00 18495.00 21.23 Mid span jointing sleeve Heat Shrinkable type (3C X 95 sqmm.) No. 1027 3162.5 3247887.50 109.75 112713.25 21.24 1x16 mm2 XLPE insulated Al. cable for energising the Street light Km 7 23000 161000.00 1000.00 7000.00 21.25 Service rings No. 2300 262.2 603060.00 22.80 52440.00 21.26 Four/Five pin cross arm No. 10274 550.28 5653576.72 47.85 491615.37 21.27 Rod Type Earthing complete No. 2300 517.5 1190250.00 45.00 103500.00 21.15 21.16 21.17 Total Grand total for Supply & Erection 789050808.60 43771519.40 832822328.00 Grand total for Supply & Erection (Round off) 832822328.00 Note: Due care has been taken while formulating the above BOQ, however the Omission of any item in the above BOQ, but which is essential for the execution of the work as per the scope of NIT shall be the responsibility of the contractor and no claims for the additional item shall be entertained in this regard. Package No. 4 TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 for Package No. 4 (Bhiwani Town) Total Estimated price for Survey, Supply of material and Erection, testing and commissioning of new/ augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and, other activities such as provision of LT protection unit on DTs, replacement of iron poles, provision of LAs, Guarding of lines, Earthing of DTs, supply and installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes, MCBs for reduction of AT&C losses in Bhiwani town under R-APDRP Part-B under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis against Tender Enquiry Bid No.- TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 for Package No. 4 Estimated Cost = Rs. 43,10,77,376 /- (Rs. Forty Three Crores Ten Lakhs Seventy seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Six only) Schedule-I NIT No.- TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 for Package No. 4 (Bhiwani Town) Summary of Price Proposal Bidder’s Name & Address: _________________ ___________________ To Chief Engineer/R-APDRP, DHBVN, Vidyut Sadan, Hisar-125005. Dear Sir, We declare that the following is the lump-sum price in rupees for the entire scope of Work specified in the specifications and documents. Total price for Survey, Supply of material and Erection, testing and commissioning of new/ augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and, other activities such as provision of LT protection unit on DTs, replacement of iron poles, provision of LAs, Guarding of existing lines, Earthing of DTs, supply and installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes, MCBs for reduction of AT&C losses in Bhiwani Town under R-APDRP Part-B under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis inclusive of concessional tax i.e. CST / VAT (as the case may be), duties, leviews, fright and insurance against Tender Enquiry No. TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 Package No. 4. (To be submitted online in Price Cover only) (Package No. 4 Schedule-II) The rates to be quoted shall in inclusive of all rates/ taxes and duties. However, taxes, levies and duties applicable on the below mentioned units be given separately in shape of tax % as applicable, on the format as given below:- Detail of Taxes for Package No. 04 (Bhiwani town) Sr. No. Descriptions Unit Total Quantity required Tax Component levied on the item for self Manufactured items ED 1 LINE SUPPORTS 1.1 PCC Pole 9.0M Long No. 4077 1.2 PCC Pole 11.0M Long No. 3341 2 X-ARMS 2.1 V-Shape X Arm 100x50x6 mm Wt. 12.135 kg. HVPN Drg. No. 2366R1 No. 1714 2.2 V-Shape X Arm 75x40x6 mm Wt. 8.4 kg. HVPN Drg. No. STD 2305R2 No. 666 2.3 MS channel 75*40*6 for Pillar box Kg 5200 2.4 M.S. Channel (X-Arm) 100x50x6mm 2200mm (for H pole) Wt. 17.38 kg. No. 312 2.5 MS Channel 75x40x6mm (2200mm) For fuse unit. Wt. 12.54 kg. MS Channel T-off 100x50x6 mm 1600mm). Wt. 12.64 kg. No. 2001 No. 748 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860mm (Bracing H. Pole) Wt. 12.87 kg. M.S.Angle Iron 50x50x6mm 2400mm (for earth wire) Wt.10.80 kg. No. 204 No. 102 2.6 2.7 2.8 Cess Any other Tax Component levied on the item for purchase outside the Haryana CST Cess Any other Tax Component levied on the item for Purchase within the Haryana VAT Cess Any other 2.9 2.1 3 M.S Angle 50x50x6mm-2200mm (Belting for H-pole) Wt. 9.90 kg. M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6 1430 mm (Earthing / Guarding) No. 144 No. 2489 C - Wedge Connectors 3.1 C - Wedge Connectors for 50 mm2 ACSR No 502 3.2 C - Wedge Connectors for 100 mm2 ACSR No 835 3.3 Half Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2380 No 14360 3.4 Full Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2349 No 8047 3.5 11 KV Top Brackets / hamper Wt. 1.480 Kg. UHBVN Drg. No.STD-5 Suspension Clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable Dead end clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable No. 2380 No 7625 Set 3940 3.6 3.7 4 INSULATORS 4.1 11 kV POLYMERIC Pin Insulator with GI Pin No 11096 4.2 No 5086 No 91 4.4 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) B&S type) LT insulator No 2976 4.5 Egg Insulator No. 984 4.3 5 CONDUCTOR 5.1 ACSR Conductor 50mm2 ( Rabbit) Km 100.08 5.2 ACSR Conductor 100mm2( Dog) Km 74.39 5.3 Insulated ACSR Conductor 100mm2 (Dog) Km 5 5.4 Insulated Conductor (50 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.84 5.5 Insulated Conductor (100 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.18 6 G.I. WIRE 6.1 Stay wire 7/8 SWG Kg 57733 6.2 GSL 8 SWG (Earthing / Guarding etc.) Kg 111222 6.3 Barbed wire Kg 10900 6.4 G.I. Strip 25x6 mm 9 mtr. For earthling Wt.10.80 Kg. No. 1700 No. 210 No. 401 No. 29 No. 4824 No 703 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 8 8.1 9 Distribution T/F Three Phase Aluminum Wound 100 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. 200 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. 400 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Cu. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. POLYMERIC LAs Lightening Arrestor 9 KV, 5kA G.O. SWITCH 9.1 11 KV 400 Amps. GO Switch complete with handle, pipe & Supporting Channel. As per Nigam’s technical specification, relevent ISS and latest amendments 10 M.S. Nuts & Bolts 10.1 M.S Nuts Bolts off sizes Kg 12040 10.2 Eye Screw Bolts 9”x5/8" Wt. 0.483 Kg. No 1903 11 CTs 11.1 LT CTs 11.3 CT of Ratio 400/5 A for 100 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 210 11.4 CT of Ratio 600/5 A for 200 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 401 11.5 CT of Ratio 800/5 A for 400 kVA Distribution Transformers Outdoor Bushing type Set 29 12 CAPACITORS 12.1 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (450 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 150 kVAr each Set 7 12.2 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (600 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 200 kVAr each Set 29 13 SINGLE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 13.1 Single Phase whole current static energy meters Class of Accuracy 1.00 of rating 10-60A with Communication and upgrading facility as per Nigam’s technical specification, relevant ISS with upto date amendments. No. 9275 14 THREE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 14.1 Three phase 4-wire whole current static energy meters class-I accuracy of rating 10-60A, with communication & upgrading facility as per Nigam’s Tech. Specn., relevant ISS with upto date amendments No 387 15 LT PVC CABLES 15.1 LT PVC Cable S/C 120 mm2. Km 4.2 15.2 LT PVC Cable S/C 185 mm2. Km 8.02 15.3 LT PVC Cable S/C 630 mm2 Km 0.58 15.4 LT PVC Cable 2Cx4 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 225 15.5 LT PVC Cable 2Cx6 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 36.28 15.6 LT PVC Cable 3.5x95 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 147.9 15.7 L.T. PVC 4Cx10mm2 Un-Armoured Km 120 15.8 L.T. PVC 4Cx50mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 24.5 15.9 L.T. PVC 3.5Cx120 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 77.19 15.10 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*185 mm2 Km. 0.1 15.11 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*300 mm2 Km. 0.1 16 H.T. XLPE CABLES 16.1 11 KV XLPE cable 3Cx95mm2 Km. 0.01 16.2 11kV XLPE Cable 3Cx185mm2 Km. 0.02 Km. 34.87 No. No. 9 4002 No. 4 17 HT AERIAL BUNCHED CABLE (ABC) 17.1 HT ABC XLPE insulated cores twisted with bare messenger Al. alloy wire cable 11 kV grade as per Specification size 3Cx185mm2 + 150mm2 18 OUTDOOR SINGLE CORE CABLE TERMINATION KIT 18.1 18.2 S/C 95mm2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable S/C 185m2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable 19 OUT-DOOR MULTI CORE CABLE BOXES 19.1 3/Cx185 mm Sq.O/D Heat Shrinkable cable box 20 MISCELLENEOUS MATERIALS 20.1 Transformer plat form complete set Wt.58.85 Kg. DHBVN Drg. No.103, HVPN Drg. No. STD-2336 R2, STD-2352 R1 No. 610 20.2 Stay Sets 8' long complete with X-Plat 460mm of Angle 65x65x6 Elbow & rod Wt. 13.80 kg No. 6003 20.3 G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing set. B - Class No. 2406 20.4 Maintenance Free Earthing system consisting of one copper bonded earthing electrode 5/8 dia 10 ft. Long with 250 micron copper bonding along with two bags (11.3 kg each) Ground Enhancement Material (GEM-25A) and one clamp. No. 1601 20.5 Set 3954 20.6 Phase plate for each phase set of 3 (on each H-Pole & 4Pole) Danger Plate Enamalled with Clamp No 10493 20.7 Number Plate Enamalled with Clamp No. 9724 20.8 D-Straps No 1320 20.9 Mettalic Meter Pillar box (MMPB) made of MS sheet thickness 16 SWG (1.6 mm) to house 20 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in acoordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam with separators, in-let and out-let holes per cable, door lock, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading, Civil works/ Plinth etc. (20x1 MMPB) Metallic Meter Box (MMB) to house 4 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in accordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam, in-let and out-let holes per cable, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading to be mounted on PCC Poles etc (4x1 MMB), mounting clamps. Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Single Phase Meters 315mm x 265 mm x 130 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification. Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Three Phase Meters 445mm x 345 mm x 170 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification. Deep Drawn type double door & double compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make compatible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 200 kVA and below. No. 130 No. 12000 No. 18275 No. 1838 No. 611 20.10 20.11 20.12 20.13 20.14 Deep Drawn type single door & single compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make compatible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 400 kVA. LT Fuse Unit No. 29 No. 669 20.16 Fabricated Trailor with 4 Tyre wheels to house 200 kVA Distribution transformer. No 2 20.17 Distribution Box with MCBs for DT on Trailor No 2 20.18 Lugs/ Thimbles off sizes No. 4669 20.15 Note: - In case of reduction of taxes, the payment will be made with the reduced rate of taxes. However, in case of increasing of taxes, the payment will be made on the basis of total rates quoted by successful bidder under Schedule-I. The merit will be decided on the basis of total price quoted by the successful bidders for supply of equipment/material and erection charges of erection and dismantlement for Tender Enquiry No. TER- 08/R-APDRP/2015, including taxes, duties, levies, freight and insurance under schedule-I. - Estimate for Supply of material and erection, testing & commissioning of New 11 kV Lines, Reconductoring of 11 kV Lines, New LT Lines, reconductoring of LT Lines, New DTs with Meter and Modem, Augmentation of DTs, Lightening Arresters, LT Protection Unit and Earthing on DTs, Shifting of Consumer Meters into Pillar Boxes/ MCBs outside premises, Replacement of Electromechanical Meters by Electronic Meters, Providing Additional Poles in existing HT & LT Lines, 11 kV Bay Extension, Providing TROLLEY fitted with 200 KVA Transformer & wiring Accessories Providing cradle guard to 11 kV HT line, Dismantlement of material and returning it to respective stores under Part-B of R-APDRP in Sirsa, Ellenabad and Dabwali towns under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis against tender enquiry no TER08/R-APDRP/2014 Package No. 4 Estimated Price against tender enquiry no TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 Package No. 4 (Sirsa, Ellenabad and Dabwali towns) Sr. No. Descriptions Unit Total Quantity required Unit Supply Rate (Including all Taxes, ED, CST, VAT, Levies, Freight, transportation & insurance etc.) (In Rs.) Total Estimated Cost for Supply of material (In Rs.) Unit Erection Charges (In Rs.) Total Estimated Cost for Erection of material (In Rs.) 1 LINE SUPPORTS 1.1 PCC Pole 9.0M Long No. 4077 2415 9845955.00 315 1284255.00 1.2 PCC Pole 11.0M Long No. 3341 6152.5 20555502.50 802.5 2681152.50 2 0.00 X-ARMS 0.00 2.1 V-Shape X Arm 100x50x6 mm Wt. 12.135 kg. HVPN Drg. No. 2366R1 No. 1714 718.75 1231937.50 62.5 107125.00 2.2 V-Shape X Arm 75x40x6 mm Wt. 8.4 kg. HVPN Drg. No. STD 2305R2 No. 666 497.95 331634.70 43.3 28837.80 2.3 MS channel 75*40*6 for Pillar box Kg 5200 62.1 322920.00 5.4 28080.00 2.4 M.S. Channel (X-Arm) 100x50x6mm 2200mm (for H pole) Wt. 17.38 kg. No. 312 969.45 302468.40 84.3 26301.60 2.5 MS Channel 75x40x6mm (2200mm) For fuse unit. Wt. 12.54 kg. No. 2001 700.35 1401400.35 60.9 121860.90 2.6 MS Channel T-off 100x50x6 mm 1600mm). Wt. 12.64 kg. No. 748 706.1 528162.80 61.4 45927.20 2.7 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860mm (Bracing H. Pole) Wt. 12.87 kg. No. 204 736 150144.00 64 13056.00 2.8 M.S.Angle Iron 50x50x6mm 2400mm (for earth wire) Wt.10.80 kg. No. 102 617.55 62990.10 53.7 5477.40 2.9 M.S Angle 50x50x6mm-2200mm (Belting for H-pole) Wt. 9.90 kg. No. 144 565.8 81475.20 49.2 7084.80 2.1 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6 1430 mm (Earthing / Guarding) No. 2489 365.7 910227.30 31.8 79150.20 3 C - Wedge Connectors 3.1 C - Wedge Connectors for 50 mm2 ACSR No 502 46 23092.00 4 2008.00 3.2 C - Wedge Connectors for 100 mm2 ACSR No 835 46 38410.00 4 3340.00 3.3 Half Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2380 No 14360 86.25 1238550.00 7.5 107700.00 3.4 Full Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2349 No 8047 138 1110486.00 12 96564.00 3.5 11 KV Top Brackets / hamper Wt. 1.480 Kg. UHBVN Drg. No.STD-5 No. 2380 87.4 208012.00 7.6 18088.00 3.6 Suspension Clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable No 7625 488.75 3726718.75 42.5 324062.50 3.7 Dead end clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable Set 3940 280.6 1105564.00 24.4 96136.00 4 INSULATORS 4.1 11 kV POLYMERIC Pin Insulator with GI Pin No 11096 171.35 1901299.60 14.9 165330.40 4.2 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) No 5086 162.15 824694.90 14.1 71712.60 4.3 No 91 181.7 16534.70 15.8 1437.80 4.4 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) B&S type) LT insulator No 2976 11.5 34224.00 1 2976.00 4.5 Egg Insulator No. 984 11.5 11316.00 1 984.00 5 CONDUCTOR 5.1 ACSR Conductor 50mm2 ( Rabbit) Km 100.08 38852.75 3888383.22 3378.5 338120.28 5.2 ACSR Conductor 100mm2( Dog) Km 74.39 75369.85 5606763.14 6553.9 487544.62 5.3 Insulated ACSR Conductor 100mm2 (Dog) Km 5 87885.3 439426.50 7642.2 38211.00 5.4 Insulated Conductor (50 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.84 40437.05 33967.12 3516.27 2953.67 5.5 Insulated Conductor (100 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.18 87885.3 15819.35 7642.2 1375.60 57733 71.4 4122136.20 6.21 358521.93 6 6.1 G.I. WIRE Stay wire 7/8 SWG Kg 6.2 GSL 8 SWG (Earthing / Guarding etc.) Kg 111222 67.39 7495250.58 5.86 651760.92 6.3 Barbed wire Kg 10900 57.5 626750.00 5 54500.00 6.4 G.I. Strip 25x6 mm 9 mtr. For earthling Wt.10.80 Kg. No. 1700 776.25 1319625.00 67.5 114750.00 7 Distribution T/F Three Phase Aluminum Wound 7.1 100 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 210 127084.2 26687682.00 2210.16 464133.60 7.2 200 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 401 240333.9 96373893.90 4179.72 1676067.72 7.3 400 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Cu. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 29 547067.65 15864961.85 9514.22 275912.38 No. 4824 483 2329992.00 42 202608.00 No 703 5980 4203940.00 520 365560.00 8 8.1 9 POLYMERIC LAs Lightening Arrestor 9 KV, 5kA G.O. SWITCH 9.1 11 KV 400 Amps. GO Switch complete with handle, pipe & Supporting Channel. As per Nigam’s technical specification, relevent ISS and latest amendments 10 M.S. Nuts & Bolts 10.1 M.S Nuts Bolts off sizes Kg 12040 67.85 816914.00 5.9 71036.00 10.2 Eye Screw Bolts 9”x5/8" Wt. 0.483 Kg. No 1903 33.35 63465.05 2.9 5518.70 11 CTs 11.1 LT CTs 11.3 CT of Ratio 400/5 A for 100 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 210 4600 966000.00 400 84000.00 11.4 CT of Ratio 600/5 A for 200 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 401 4600 1844600.00 400 160400.00 11.5 CT of Ratio 800/5 A for 400 kVA Distribution Transformers Outdoor Bushing type Set 29 4600 133400.00 400 11600.00 12 CAPACITORS 12.1 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (450 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 150 kVAr each Set 7 48300 338100.00 4200 29400.00 12.2 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (600 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 200 kVAr each Set 29 58650 1700850.00 5100 147900.00 13 SINGLE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 13.1 Single Phase whole current static energy meters Class of Accuracy 1.00 of rating 10-60A with Communication and upgrading facility as per Nigam’s technical specification, relevant ISS with upto date amendments. No. 9275 1023.5 9492962.50 89 825475.00 14 THREE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 14.1 Three phase 4-wire whole current static energy meters class-I accuracy of rating 10-60A, with communication & upgrading facility as per Nigam’s Tech. Specn., relevant ISS with upto date amendments No 387 2231 863397.00 194 75078.00 15 LT PVC CABLES 15.1 LT PVC Cable S/C 120 mm2. Km 4.2 102306.3 429686.46 4448.1 18682.02 15.2 LT PVC Cable S/C 185 mm2. Km 8.02 157824.85 1265755.30 6861.95 55032.84 15.3 LT PVC Cable S/C 630 mm2 Km 0.58 401726.05 233001.11 17466.35 10130.48 15.4 LT PVC Cable 2Cx4 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 225 14775.2 3324420.00 642.4 144540.00 15.5 LT PVC Cable 2Cx6 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 36.28 18657.6 676897.73 811.2 29430.34 15.6 LT PVC Cable 3.5x95 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 147.9 280551.7 41493596.43 12197.9 1804069.41 15.7 L.T. PVC 4Cx10mm2 Un-Armoured Km 120 32379.66 15.8 L.T. PVC 4Cx50mm2 Un-Armoured 15.9 L.T. PVC 3.5Cx120 mm2 Un-Armoured 15.10 3885559.20 1407.81 Km. 24.5 163191.9 3998201.55 7095.3 173834.85 Km. 77.19 350968.5 27091258.52 15259.5 1177880.81 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*185 mm2 Km. 0.1 488831.65 48883.17 21253.55 2125.36 15.11 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*300 mm2 Km. 0.1 774782.6 77478.26 33686.2 3368.62 16 H.T. XLPE CABLES 16.1 11 KV XLPE cable 3Cx95mm2 Km. 0.01 530074.1 5300.74 23046.7 230.47 16.2 11kV XLPE Cable 3Cx185mm2 Km. 0.02 804871.2 16097.42 34994.4 699.89 17 HT AERIAL BUNCHED CABLE (ABC) 17.1 HT ABC XLPE insulated cores twisted with bare messenger Al. alloy wire cable 11 kV grade as per Specification size 3Cx185mm2 + 150mm2 18 OUTDOOR SINGLE CORE CABLE TERMINATION KIT 18.1 18.2 S/C 95mm2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable S/C 185m2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable 19 OUT-DOOR MULTI CORE CABLE BOXES 19.1 3/Cx185 mm Sq.O/D Heat Shrinkable cable box 20 MISCELLENEOUS MATERIALS 20.1 0.00 168937.20 0.00 Km. 34.87 912245.55 31810002.33 39662.85 1383043.58 No. No. 9 4002 391 557.75 3519.00 2232115.50 17 24.25 153.00 97048.50 No. 4 805 3220.00 35 140.00 Transformer plat form complete set Wt.58.85 Kg. DHBVN Drg. No.103, HVPN Drg. No. STD-2336 R2, STD-2352 R1 No. 610 3487.95 2127649.50 303.3 185013.00 20.2 Stay Sets 8' long complete with X-Plat 460mm of Angle 65x65x6 Elbow & rod Wt. 13.80 kg No. 6003 861.35 5170684.05 74.9 449624.70 20.3 G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing set. B - Class No. 2406 1771 4261026.00 154 370524.00 20.4 Maintenance Free Earthing system consisting of one copper bonded earthing electrode 5/8 dia 10 ft. Long with 250 micron copper bonding along with two bags (11.3 kg each) Ground Enhancement Material (GEM-25A) and one clamp. No. 1601 5405 8653405.00 470 752470.00 20.5 Phase plate for each phase set of 3 (on each H-Pole & 4-Pole) Set 3954 63.25 250090.50 5.5 21747.00 20.6 Danger Plate Enamalled with Clamp No 10493 75.9 796418.70 6.6 69253.80 20.7 Number Plate Enamalled with Clamp No. 9724 75.9 738051.60 6.6 64178.40 20.8 D-Straps No 1320 75.9 100188.00 6.6 8712.00 20.9 Mettalic Meter Pillar box (MMPB) made of MS sheet thickness 16 SWG (1.6 mm) to house 20 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in acoordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam with separators, in-let and out-let holes per cable, door lock, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading, Civil works/ Plinth etc. (20x1 MMPB) No. 130 12543.05 1630596.50 1090.7 141791.00 20.10 Metallic Meter Box (MMB) to house 4 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in accordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam, in-let and out-let holes per cable, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading to be mounted on PCC Poles etc (4x1 MMB), mounting clamps. No. 12000 1806.65 21679800.00 157.1 1885200.00 20.11 Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Single Phase Meters 315mm x 265 mm x 130 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification. No. 18275 315.1 5758452.50 27.4 500735.00 20.12 Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Three Phase Meters 445mm x 345 mm x 170 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification. No. 1838 621 1141398.00 54 99252.00 20.13 Deep Drawn type double door & double compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make compatible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 200 kVA and below. Deep Drawn type single door & single compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make compatible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity No. 611 12682 7748702.00 1102.78 673798.58 No. 29 11953 346637.00 1039.39 30142.31 20.14 400 kVA. 20.15 LT Fuse Unit No. 669 600.3 401600.70 52.2 34921.80 20.16 Fabricated Trailor with 4 Tyre wheels to house 200 kVA Distribution transformer. No 2 103500 207000.00 0 0.00 20.17 Distribution Box with MCBs for DT on Trailor No 2 14950 29900.00 1300 2600.00 20.18 Lugs/ Thimbles off sizes No. 4669 25.3 118125.70 2.2 10271.80 Total Grand total for Supply & Erection Grand total for Supply & Erection (Round off) 408946717.68 22130657.88 431077375.56 431077376 Note: Due care has been taken while formulating the above BOQ, however the Omission of any item in the above BOQ, but which is essential for the execution of the work as per the scope of NIT shall be the responsibility of the contractor and no claims for the additional item shall be entertained in this regard. Pacakage No. 5 TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 for Package No. 5 (Narnaul, Rewari, Palwal, Hodal Towns) Total Estimated price for Survey, Supply of material and Erection, testing and commissioning of new/ augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and, other activities such as provision of LT protection unit on DTs, replacement of iron poles, provision of LAs, Guarding of lines, Earthing of DTs, supply and installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes, MCBs for reduction of AT&C losses in Narnaul, Rewari, Palwal, Hodal towns under R-APDRP Part-B under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis against Tender Enquiry Bid No.- TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 for Package No. 5. Estimated Cost = Rs. 61,99,14,220/(Rs. Sixty One Crores Ninty Nine Lakhs Forteen Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty only) Schedule-I NIT No.- TER-08/R-APDRP/2015 for Package No. 5 (Narnaul, Rewari, Palwal, Hodal Towns) Summary of Price Proposal Bidder’s Name & Address: _________________ ___________________ To Chief Engineer/R-APDRP, DHBVN, Vidyut Sadan, Hisar-125005. Dear Sir, We declare that the following is the lump-sum price in rupees for the entire scope of Work specified in the specifications and documents. Total price for Survey, Supply of material and Erection, testing and commissioning of new/ augmentation of 11 kV lines, 11 kV line with HT AB Cable, New/ Augmentation of DTs, new/ augmentation of LT lines, replacement and relocation of consumer meters and, other activities such as provision of LT protection unit on DTs, replacement of iron poles, provision of LAs, Guarding of existing lines, Earthing of DTs, supply and installation of DT meters with modems, installation of Feeder pillar boxes, MCBs for reduction of AT&C losses in Narnaul, Rewari, Palwal, Hodal Towns towns under R-APDRP Part-B under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis inclusive of concessional tax i.e. CST / VAT (as the case may be), duties, leviews, fright and insurance against Tender Enquiry No. TER-08/RAPDRP/2015 Package No. 5. (To be submitted online in Price Cover only) (Package No. 4 Schedule-II) The rates to be quoted shall in inclusive of all rates/ taxes and duties. However, taxes, levies and duties applicable on the below mentioned units be given separately in shape of tax % as applicable, on the format as given below:Detail of Taxes for Package No. 05 (Narnaul, Rewari, Palwal, Hodal towns) Sr. No. Descriptions Unit Total Quantity required Tax Component levied on the item for self Manufactured items ED 1 LINE SUPPORTS 1.1 PCC Pole 9.0M Long No. 5318 1.2 PCC Pole 11.0M Long No. 6205 2 X-ARMS 2.1 V-Shape X Arm 100x50x6 mm Wt. 12.135 kg. HVPN Drg. No. 2366R1 No. 3195 2.2 V-Shape X Arm 75x40x6 mm Wt. 8.4 kg. HVPN Drg. No. STD 2305R2 No. 842 2.3 MS channel 75*40*6 for Pillar box Kg 8200 2.4 M.S. Channel (X-Arm) 100x50x6mm 2200mm (for H pole) Wt. 17.38 kg. No. 612 2.5 MS Channel 75x40x6mm (2200mm) For fuse unit. Wt. 12.54 kg. MS Channel T-off 100x50x6 mm 1600mm). Wt. 12.64 kg. M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860mm (Bracing H. Pole) Wt. 12.87 kg. M.S.Angle Iron 50x50x6mm 2400mm (for earth No. 3201 No. 1402 No. 383 No. 191 2.6 2.7 2.8 Cess Any other Tax Component levied on the item for purchase outside the Haryana CST Cess Any other Tax Component levied on the item for Purchase within the Haryana VAT Cess Any other wire) Wt.10.80 kg. 2.9 2.1 3 M.S Angle 50x50x6mm-2200mm (Belting for Hpole) Wt. 9.90 kg. M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6 1430 mm (Earthing / Guarding) No. 300 No. 3903 C - Wedge Connectors 3.1 C - Wedge Connectors for 50 mm2 ACSR No 614 3.2 C - Wedge Connectors for 80 mm2 ACSR No 108 3.3 C - Wedge Connectors for 100 mm2 ACSR No 2101 3.4 Half Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2380 Full Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2349 No 22335 No 11378 11 KV Top Brackets / hamper Wt. 1.480 Kg. UHBVN Drg. No.STD-5 Suspension Clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable Dead end clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable No. 4037 No 8731 Set 5207 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 4 INSULATORS 4.1 11 kV POLYMERIC Pin Insulator with GI Pin No 18538 4.2 No 8273 No 225 4.4 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) B&S type) LT insulator No 3365 4.5 Egg Insulator No. 785 4.3 5 CONDUCTOR 5.1 ACSR Conductor 50mm2 ( Rabbit) Km 126.26 5.2 ACSR Conductor 80mm2 ( Raccoon) Km 18.36 5.3 ACSR Conductor 100mm2( Dog) Km 202.07 5.4 Insulated ACSR Conductor 100mm2 (Dog) Km 8.02 5.5 Insulated Conductor (50 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.98 5.6 Insulated Conductor (80 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.18 5.7 Insulated Conductor (100 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.76 6 G.I. WIRE 6.1 Stay wire 7/8 SWG Kg 87025 6.2 GSL 8 SWG (Earthing / Guarding etc.) Kg 145705 6.3 Barbed wire Kg 14511 6.4 G.I. Strip 25x6 mm 9 mtr. For earthling Wt.10.80 Kg. No. 2300 No. 126 No. 398 No. 489 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 Distribution T/F Three Phase Aluminum Wound 63 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. 100 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. 200 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. 7.4 8 8.1 9 400 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Cu. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 16 No. 2 VCB's 11kV VCB panels (Outgoing) 18.4 KA, 350 MVA rupturing capacity, 24V DC operated indoor type with a set of CTs, PTs, kWh meter, Relays, Instruments etc. & conforming to Nigam’s Tech. Spcn. & all relevant ISS/IEC with latest amendments. Rating 400 Amps for Outgoing Panel. POLYMERIC LAs 9.1 Lightening Arrestor 9 KV, 5kA No. 7545 9.2 11 KV Lightening Arrestor S/Stn. Type 9 KV 10KA Heavy Duty. No. 6 10 G.O. SWITCH 10.1 11 KV 400 Amps. GO Switch complete with handle, pipe & Supporting Channel. As per Nigam’s technical specification, relevent ISS and latest amendments No 1144 11 M.S. Nuts & Bolts 11.1 M.S Nuts Bolts off sizes Kg 19694 11.2 Eye Screw Bolts 9”x5/8" Wt. 0.483 Kg. No 3570 12 CTs 12.1 LT CTs 12.2 CT of Ratio 200/5 A for 63 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 126 12.3 CT of Ratio 400/5 A for 100 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 398 12.4 CT of Ratio 600/5 A for 200 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 489 12.5 CT of Ratio 800/5 A for 400 kVA Distribution Transformers Outdoor Bushing type Set 16 13 CAPACITORS 13.1 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (450 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 150 kVAr each Set 34 13.2 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (600 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 200 kVAr each Set 41 14 SINGLE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 14.1 Single Phase whole current static energy meters Class of Accuracy 1.00 of rating 10-60A with Communication and upgrading facility as per Nigam’s technical specification, relevant ISS with upto date amendments. No. 13381 15 THREE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 15.1 Three phase 4-wire whole current static energy meters class-I accuracy of rating 10-60A, with communication & upgrading facility as per Nigam’s Tech. Specn., relevant ISS with upto date amendments No 375 16 LT PVC CABLES 16.1 LT PVC Cable S/C 95 mm2 Km 2.52 16.2 LT PVC Cable S/C 120 mm2. Km 7.96 16.3 LT PVC Cable S/C 185 mm2. Km 9.78 16.4 LT PVC Cable S/C 630 mm2 Km 0.32 16.5 LT PVC Cable 2Cx4 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 292.5 16.6 LT PVC Cable 2Cx6 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 12.45 16.7 LT PVC Cable 3.5x95 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 143.6 16.8 L.T. PVC 4Cx10mm2 Un-Armoured Km 164.8 16.9 L.T. PVC 4Cx50mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 17.61 16.10 L.T. PVC 3.5Cx120 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 95.94 16.11 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*185 mm2 Km. 0.4 16.12 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*300 mm2 Km. 0.4 17 H.T. XLPE CABLES 17.1 11 KV XLPE cable 3Cx95mm2 Km. 0.04 17.2 11kV XLPE Cable 3Cx185mm2 Km. 0.31 Km. 72.09 18 HT AERIAL BUNCHED CABLE (ABC) 18.1 HT ABC XLPE insulated cores twisted with bare messenger Al. alloy wire cable 11 kV grade as per Specification size 3Cx185mm2 + 150mm2 19 OUTDOOR SINGLE CORE CABLE TERMINATION KIT 19.1 S/C 95mm2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable No. 9 19.2 S/C 185m2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable No. 6402 20 OUT-DOOR MULTI CORE CABLE BOXES 20.1 3/Cx185 mm Sq.O/D Heat Shrinkable cable box No. 20 21 MISCELLENEOUS MATERIALS 21.1 Transformer plat form complete set Wt.58.85 Kg. DHBVN Drg. No.103, HVPN Drg. No. STD-2336 R2, STD-2352 R1 Stay Sets 8' long complete with X-Plat 460mm of Angle 65x65x6 Elbow & rod Wt. 13.80 kg No. 900 No. 9089 No. 3263 No. 2569 Set 5755 21.6 G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing set. B - Class Maintenance Free Earthing system consisting of one copper bonded earthing electrode 5/8 dia 10 ft. Long with 250 micron copper bonding along with two bags (11.3 kg each) Ground Enhancement Material (GEM-25A) and one clamp Phase plate for each phase set of 3 (on each HPole & 4-Pole) Danger Plate Enamalled with Clamp No 13839 21.7 Number Plate Enamalled with Clamp No. 12581 21.8 D-Straps No 1506 21.9 Mettalic Meter Pillar box (MMPB) made of MS sheet thickness 16 SWG (1.6 mm) to house 20 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in accordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam with separators, in-let and out-let holes per cable, door lock, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading, Civil works/ Plinth etc. (20x1 MMPB) Metallic Meter Box (MMB) to house 4 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in accordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam, in-let and out-let holes per cable, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading to be mounted on PCC Poles etc (4x1 MMB), mounting clamps. No. 205 No. 16480 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.1 21.11 Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Single Phase Meters 315mm x 265 mm x 130 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification No. 25081 21.12 Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Three Phase Meters 445mm x 345 mm x 170 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification No. 873 21.13 Deep Drawn type double door & double compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make compatible of integration with existing RAPDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 200 kVA and below. Deep Drawn type single door & single compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make compatible of integration with existing RAPDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 400 kVA. LT Fuse Unit No. 1013 No. 16 No. 1074 21.14 21.15 21.16 No 21.17 Fabricated Trailor with 4 Tyre wheels to house 200 kVA Distribution transformer. Distribution Box with MCBs for DT on Trailor 7 No 7 21.18 Lugs/ Thimbles off sizes No. 7469 Note: - In case of reduction of taxes, the payment will be made with the reduced rate of taxes. However, in case of increasing of taxes, the payment will be made on the basis of total rates quoted by successful bidder under Schedule-I. The merit will be decided on the basis of total price quoted by the successful bidders for supply of equipment/material and erection charges of erection and dismantlement for Tender Enquiry No. TER- 08/R-APDRP/2015, including taxes, duties, levies, freight and insurance under schedule-I. Estimate for Supply of material and erection, testing & commissioning of New 11 kV Lines, Reconductoring of 11 kV Lines, New LT Lines, Reconductoring of LT Lines, New DTs with Meter and Modem, Augmentation of DTs, Lightening Arresters, LT Protection Unit and Earthing on DTs, Shifting of Consumer Meters into Pillar Boxes/ MCBs outside premises,Replacement of Electromechanical Meters by Electronic Meters, Providing Additional Poles in existing HT & LT Lines, 11 kV Bay Extension, Providing TROLLEY fitted with 200 KVA Transformer & wiring Accessories Providing cradle guard to 11 kV HT line, Dismantlement of material and returning it to respective stores under Part-B of R-APDRP in Narnaul, Rewari, Palwal, Hodal towns under the jurisdiction of DHBVN on turnkey basis against tender enquiry no TER-08/R-APDRP/2014 Package No. 5 Detail of Estimated Price for Package No. 05 (Narnaul, Rewari, Palwal, Hodal towns) Sr. No. Descriptions Uni t Total Quantit y required Unit Supply Rate (Including all Taxes, ED, CST, VAT, Levies, Freight, transportatio n & insurance etc.) (In Rs.) Total Estimated Cost for Supply of material (In Rs.) Unit Erectio n Charges (In Rs.) Total Estimated Cost for Erection of material (In Rs.) 1 LINE SUPPORTS 1.1 PCC Pole 9.0M Long No. 5318 2415.00 12842970.00 315 1675170.00 1.2 PCC Pole 11.0M Long No. 6205 6152.50 38176262.50 802.5 4979512.50 2 X-ARMS 2.1 V-Shape X Arm 100x50x6 mm Wt. 12.135 kg. HVPN Drg. No. 2366R1 No. 3195 718.75 2296406.25 62.5 199687.50 2.2 V-Shape X Arm 75x40x6 mm Wt. 8.4 kg. HVPN Drg. No. STD 2305R2 No. 842 497.95 419273.90 43.3 36458.60 2.3 MS channel 75*40*6 for Pillar box Kg 8200 62.10 509220.00 5.4 44280.00 2.4 M.S. Channel (X-Arm) 100x50x6mm 2200mm (for H pole) Wt. 17.38 kg. No. 612 969.45 593303.40 84.3 51591.60 2.5 MS Channel 75x40x6mm (2200mm) For fuse unit. Wt. 12.54 kg. No. 3201 700.35 2241820.35 60.9 194940.90 2.6 MS Channel T-off 100x50x6 mm 1600mm). Wt. 12.64 kg. No. 1402 706.10 989952.20 61.4 86082.80 2.7 M.S. Angle 50x50x6mm-2860mm (Bracing H. Pole) Wt. 12.87 kg. No. 383 736.00 281888.00 64 24512.00 2.8 M.S.Angle Iron 50x50x6mm 2400mm (for earth wire) Wt.10.80 kg. No. 191 617.55 117952.05 53.7 10256.70 2.9 M.S Angle 50x50x6mm-2200mm (Belting for H-pole) Wt. 9.90 kg. No. 300 565.80 169740.00 49.2 14760.00 2.1 M.S. Angle Iron 50x50x6 1430 mm (Earthing / Guarding) No. 3903 365.70 1427327.10 31.8 124115.40 3 C - Wedge Connectors 3.1 C - Wedge Connectors for 50 mm2 ACSR No 614 46.00 28244.00 4 2456.00 3.2 C - Wedge Connectors for 80 mm2 ACSR No 108 46.00 4968.00 4 432.00 3.3 C - Wedge Connectors for 100 mm2 ACSR No 2101 46.00 96646.00 4 8404.00 3.4 Half Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2380 No 22335 86.25 1926393.75 7.5 167512.50 3.5 Full Clamps (MS Flat 50 X6) HVPN Drg. No. 2349 No 11378 138.00 1570164.00 12 136536.00 3.6 11 KV Top Brackets / hamper Wt. 1.480 Kg. UHBVN Drg. No.STD-5 No. 4037 87.40 352833.80 7.6 30681.20 3.7 Suspension Clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable No 8731 488.75 4267276.25 42.5 371067.50 3.8 Dead end clamp Assembly with eye hook for HT/ LT Cable Set 5207 280.60 1461084.20 24.4 127050.80 4 INSULATORS 4.1 11 kV POLYMERIC Pin Insulator with GI Pin No 18538 171.35 3176486.30 14.9 276216.20 4.2 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) No 8273 162.15 1341466.95 14.1 116649.30 4.3 No 225 181.70 40882.50 15.8 3555.00 4.4 11 KV POLYMERIC Disc. Insulator 45 KN. (with fitting) (T&C type) B&S type) LT insulator No 3365 11.50 38697.50 1 3365.00 4.5 Egg Insulator No. 785 11.50 9027.50 1 785.00 5 CONDUCTOR 5.1 ACSR Conductor 50mm2 ( Rabbit) Km 126.26 38852.75 4905548.22 3378.5 426569.41 5.2 ACSR Conductor 80mm2 ( Raccoon) Km 18.36 57753.00 1060345.08 5022 92203.92 5.3 ACSR Conductor 100mm2( Dog) Km 202.07 75369.85 15229985.59 6553.9 1324346.57 5.4 Insulated ACSR Conductor 100mm2 (Dog) Km 8.02 87885.30 704840.11 7642.2 61290.44 5.5 Insulated Conductor (50 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.98 40437.05 39628.31 3516.27 3445.94 5.6 Insulated Conductor (80 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.18 60344.41 10861.99 5247.34 944.52 5.7 Insulated Conductor (100 mm2) for Jumpers Km. 0.76 87885.30 66792.83 7642.2 5808.07 6 G.I. WIRE 6.1 Stay wire 7/8 SWG Kg 87025 71.40 6213585.00 6.21 540425.25 6.2 GSL 8 SWG (Earthing / Guarding etc.) Kg 145705 67.39 9819059.95 5.86 853831.30 6.3 Barbed wire Kg 14511 57.50 834382.50 5 72555.00 6.4 G.I. Strip 25x6 mm 9 mtr. For earthling Wt.10.80 Kg. No. 2300 776.25 1785375.00 67.5 155250.00 7 Distribution T/F Three Phase Aluminum Wound 7.1 63 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 126 89801.20 11314951.20 1561.76 196781.76 7.2 100 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 398 127084.20 50579511.60 2210.16 879643.68 7.3 200 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Al. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature. The losses confirming to 4 star rating of B.E.E and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 489 240333.90 117523277.10 4179.72 2043883.08 7.4 400 KVA, 11/0.433 KV three phase Cu. wound conventional out door type Distribution Transformer without CSP (Completely Self Protected) and MCCB feature and confirming to Nigam's Technical Specifications and relevant ISS with latest amendments. No. 16 547067.65 8753082.40 9514.22 152227.52 No. 2 245857.35 491714.70 4275.78 8551.56 8 8.1 9 VCB's 11kV VCB panels (Outgoing) 18.4 KA, 350 MVA rupturing capacity, 24V DC operated indoor type with a set of CTs, PTs, kWh meter, Relays, Instruments etc. & conforming to Nigam’s Tech. Spcn. & all relevant ISS/IEC with latest amendments. Rating 400 Amps for Outgoing Panel. POLYMERIC LAs 9.1 Lightening Arrestor 9 KV, 5kA No. 7545 483.00 3644235.00 42 316890.00 9.2 11 KV Lightening Arrestor S/Stn. Type 9 KV 10KA Heavy Duty. No. 6 2783.00 16698.00 242 1452.00 10 G.O. SWITCH 10.1 11 KV 400 Amps. GO Switch complete with handle, pipe & Supporting Channel. As per Nigam’s technical specification, relevent ISS and latest amendments No 1144 5980.00 6841120.00 520 594880.00 11 M.S. Nuts & Bolts 11.1 M.S Nuts Bolts off sizes Kg 19694 67.85 1336237.90 5.9 116194.60 11.2 Eye Screw Bolts 9”x5/8" Wt. 0.483 Kg. No 3570 33.35 119059.50 2.9 10353.00 12 CTs 12.1 LT CTs 12.2 CT of Ratio 200/5 A for 63 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 126 1840.00 231840.00 160 20160.00 12.3 CT of Ratio 400/5 A for 100 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 398 4600.00 1830800.00 400 159200.00 12.4 CT of Ratio 600/5 A for 200 kVA Distribution Transformers Indoor type Set 489 4600.00 2249400.00 400 195600.00 12.5 CT of Ratio 800/5 A for 400 kVA Distribution Transformers Outdoor Bushing type Set 16 4600.00 73600.00 400 6400.00 13 CAPACITORS 13.1 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (450 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 150 kVAr each Set 34 48300.00 1642200.00 4200 142800.00 13.2 12.1 kV Capacitor Bank (600 kVAr) consisting of 3 unit of 200 kVAr each Set 41 58650.00 2404650.00 5100 209100.00 14 SINGLE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 14.1 Single Phase whole current static energy meters Class of Accuracy 1.00 of rating 10-60A with Communication and upgrading facility as per Nigam’s technical specification, relevant ISS with upto date amendments. No. 13381 1023.50 13695453.50 89 1190909.00 15 THREE PHASE ENERGY METER against replacement of Electromechanical meter 15.1 Three phase 4-wire whole current static energy meters class-I accuracy of rating 10-60A, with communication & upgrading facility as per Nigam’s Tech. Specn., relevant ISS with upto date amendments No 375 2231.00 836625.00 194 72750.00 16 LT PVC CABLES 16.1 LT PVC Cable S/C 95 mm2 Km 2.52 84474.40 212875.49 3672.8 9255.46 16.2 LT PVC Cable S/C 120 mm2. Km 7.96 102306.30 814358.15 4448.1 35406.88 16.3 LT PVC Cable S/C 185 mm2. Km 9.78 157824.85 1543527.03 6861.95 67109.87 16.4 LT PVC Cable S/C 630 mm2 Km 0.32 401726.05 128552.34 17466.35 5589.23 16.5 LT PVC Cable 2Cx4 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 292.5 14775.20 4321746.00 642.4 187902.00 16.6 LT PVC Cable 2Cx6 mm2 Un-Armoured Km 12.45 18657.60 232287.12 811.2 10099.44 16.7 LT PVC Cable 3.5x95 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 143.6 280551.70 40287224.12 12197.9 1751618.44 16.8 L.T. PVC 4Cx10mm2 Un-Armoured Km 164.8 32379.66 5336167.97 1407.81 232007.09 16.9 L.T. PVC 4Cx50mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 17.61 163191.90 2873809.36 7095.3 124948.23 16.1 L.T. PVC 3.5Cx120 mm2 Un-Armoured Km. 95.94 350968.50 33671917.89 15259.5 1463996.43 16.11 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*185 mm2 Km. 0.4 488831.65 195532.66 21253.55 8501.42 16.12 L.T. PVC 3.5 C*300 mm2 Km. 0.4 774782.60 309913.04 33686.2 13474.48 17 H.T. XLPE CABLES 17.1 11 KV XLPE cable 3Cx95mm2 Km. 0.04 530074.10 21202.96 23046.7 921.87 17.2 11kV XLPE Cable 3Cx185mm2 Km. 0.31 804871.20 249510.07 34994.4 10848.26 Km. 72.09 912245.55 65763781.70 39662.85 2859294.86 No. No. 9 6402 391.00 557.75 3519.00 3570715.50 17 24.25 153.00 155248.50 No. 20 805.00 16100.00 35 700.00 18 HT AERIAL BUNCHED CABLE (ABC) 18.1 HT ABC XLPE insulated cores twisted with bare messenger Al. alloy wire cable 11 kV grade as per Specification size 3Cx185mm2 + 150mm2 19 OUTDOOR SINGLE CORE CABLE TERMINATION KIT 19.1 19.2 S/C 95mm2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable S/C 185m2 Cable - Heat Shrinkable 20 OUT-DOOR MULTI CORE CABLE BOXES 20.1 3/Cx185 mm Sq.O/D Heat Shrinkable cable box 21 MISCELLENEOUS MATERIALS 21.1 Transformer plat form complete set Wt.58.85 Kg. DHBVN Drg. No.103, HVPN Drg. No. STD-2336 R2, STD-2352 R1 No. 900 3487.95 3139155.00 303.3 272970.00 21.2 Stay Sets 8' long complete with X-Plat 460mm of Angle 65x65x6 Elbow & rod Wt. 13.80 kg No. 9089 861.35 7828810.15 74.9 680766.10 21.3 G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia 6 mtr. Long for earthing set. B - Class No. 3263 1771.00 5778773.00 154 502502.00 21.4 Maintenance Free Earthing system consisting of one copper bonded earthing electrode 5/8 dia 10 ft. Long with 250 micron copper bonding along with two bags (11.3 kg each) Ground Enhancement Material (GEM25A) and one clamp No. 2569 5405.00 13885445.00 470 1207430.00 21.5 Phase plate for each phase set of 3 (on each H-Pole & 4-Pole) Set 5755 63.25 364003.75 5.5 31652.50 21.6 Danger Plate Enamalled with Clamp No 13839 75.90 1050380.10 6.6 91337.40 21.7 Number Plate Enamalled with Clamp No. 12581 75.90 954897.90 6.6 83034.60 21.8 D-Straps No 1506 75.90 114305.40 6.6 9939.60 21.9 Mettalic Meter Pillar box (MMPB) made of MS sheet thickness 16 SWG (1.6 mm) to house 20 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in accordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam with separators, in-let and out-let holes per cable, door lock, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading, Civil works/ Plinth etc. (20x1 MMPB) No. 205 12543.05 2571325.25 1090.7 223593.50 21.1 Metallic Meter Box (MMB) to house 4 Nos. of Single Phase Meters in accordance with approved design/ drawing of Nigam, in-let and out-let holes per cable, transparent glass cover for Meter Reading to be mounted on PCC Poles etc (4x1 MMB), mounting clamps. No. 16480 1806.65 29773592.00 157.1 2589008.00 21.11 Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Single Phase Meters 315mm x 265 mm x 130 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification No. 25081 315.10 7903023.10 27.4 687219.40 21.12 Polycarbonate Weather Proof Outdoor Type Meter Cover Boxes for Three Phase Meters 445mm x 345 mm x 170 mm along with Zinc plated Clamps as per Nigams technical specification No. 873 621.00 542133.00 54 47142.00 21.13 Deep Drawn type double door & double compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make compatible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 200 kVA and below. Deep Drawn type single door & single compartment LT CT Three Phase Metering Box for DT meter (With mounting clamps) with 3 Ph. 4 wire LT CT Operated fully static AMR compatible energy meters as per Nigam technical specification with latest amendments, Modems of make compatible of integration with existing R-APDRP MDAS system, TTB, PVC copper Cables of sixe 2.5 sq mm for connections, Bimetallic connectors, thimbles etc. on DTs of capacity 400 kVA. LT Fuse Unit No. 1013 12682.00 12846866.00 1102.78 1117116.14 No. 16 11953.00 191248.00 1039.39 16630.24 No. 1074 600.30 644722.20 52.2 56062.80 No 7 103500.00 724500.00 0 0.00 21.17 Fabricated Trailor with 4 Tyre wheels to house 200 kVA Distribution transformer. Distribution Box with MCBs for DT on Trailor No 7 14950.00 104650.00 1300 9100.00 21.18 Lugs/ Thimbles off sizes No. 7469 25.30 188965.70 2.2 16431.80 21.14 21.15 21.16 Total Grand total for Supply & Erection Grand total for Supply & Erection (Round off) 586794682.93 33119536.66 619914219.59 619914220 Note: Due care has been taken while formulating the above BOQ, however the Omission of any item in the above BOQ, but which is essential for the execution of the work as per the scope of NIT shall be the responsibility of the contractor and no claims for the additional item shall be entertained in this regard.
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