Alberta Pride Alto Award 2015

2015 Alberta Pride Alto Award
Alberta is a diverse and vibrant province and these qualities are
reflected in the tourism products and services offered. The Alto
Alberta Pride Award was created to recognize a business or
organization that captures the essence of the Alberta
experience. What is the Alberta experience? It could be what
your guests do when they arrive or how they feel when they
leave. It could be a vacation experience that’s unique to the
province or it may be that your guests perceive Alberta as a very
special place.
Individuals and organizations are encouraged to submit their own nominations for this award.
A business or organization focused on a tourism related product or service which has been in
operation in Alberta since January 2012. Previous Alberta Pride Winners may not re-apply for
this award.
Application Deadline
Nominations must be received no later than 4:30 p.m., Friday, September 11, 2015.
Judging Process: All entries received by application deadline will be reviewed by the Alto
Awards Committee to ensure a standard of compliance with the application criteria i.e.: six page
maximum. All eligible entries are then sent by courier to three judges who individually score the
submissions and forward their results to an independent auditor. The auditor tabulates the
scores for each entry and informs the Alto Awards Manager of the winning results.
15th Annual Alto Awards
The 15th Annual Alto Awards will be presented on Monday, October 26, 2015 at the Alto Awards
Gala. The Gala will be in conjunction with the 15th Annual Tourism Industry Conference held
October 25 – 27, 2015 at The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel and Conference Centre.
Winner Recognition
Winners receive a beautiful handcrafted crystal award, in addition to:
 Framed Alto Award Certificate
 Use of Alto Award logo on marketing materials
 Coverage on and featured in Travel Alberta’s online Industry
Finalist Recognition
All applicant organizations will be recognized on The three finalists in
each category will be advised in writing by October 1, 2015. The finalists will be honoured by their
peers at the Alto Awards Gala.
Electronic Submission: Email, Courier or Mail:
Send the following:
• contact information as requested on application form
• response to questions (maximum six (6) pages, single-sided, double-spaced, 12 pt
font, 1 inch margins)
• supporting documentation
All submissions to be sent electronically to or uploaded to:
Submissions may also be delivered on USB sticks or DVD/CD’s to: Travel Alberta – 400, 1601 –
9th Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta T2G 0H4.
For more application forms and submission tips, contact; email , call
403.277.7377 or visit
2015 Alberta Pride Alto Award Application Form
Nominee ________________________________________________________________
Contact Name (Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr.) __________________________ Title ___________________
Company/Organization __________________________________________________________
Address______________________________City__________________ Postal Code_________
Please answer the following questions, on a question-by-question basis, on a separate sheet of
paper. Each question must be answered. If any question is not addressed please indicate why.
The submission must not exceed 6 pages; single sided, double-spaced at 12 pt font, 1 inch
Nominators are encouraged to enclose relevant samples or materials.
1. Objective (20 points)
a) How do you define your unique Alberta experience?
b) How does your product or service capture the Alberta experience?
* Explain the essence of the Alberta experience (i.e. historical, original, creative).
* Clearly define the experience that you offer.
2. Research (20 points)
How did you identify the need or reason for this product or service?
* Explain what tourism indicators and/or secondary research used to create, develop or enhance
the experience.
* Explain how your research supported a 'good fit' between the market requirements (needs,
wants, and expectations) and experience delivered.
3. Execution (30 points):
a) How was your unique Alberta experience delivered to the guest?
b) Beyond marketing efforts, what have you done to deliver your Alberta Experience? How
does your customer benefit?
* Describe how the experience is planned (vision, mission, values, goals and objectives),
delivered (adequate resources, standards), studied (measured) and improved (acting on
good opportunities for improvement).
* Describe how the customer benefits from the experience.
4. Results (30 points) (In the event of a tie between two or more applicant's average score, the
highest average score for this criterion will determine the winner)
What evidence can you provide of ways in which your product or service has been embraced by
Albertans and visitors? For example:
 growing support from customers and industry partners.
 the ability to sustain or expand this Alberta Experience in years to come.
* Show how the experience has been embraced by Albertans, visitors and industry?
Examples may include customer feedback, customer satisfaction (survey), media coverage,
partnerships, etc.
* Provide an assessment or evidence of the impact this experience has had and/or will have
on the regional tourism industry, including the ability to sustain and expand the experience.
Submission Checklist:
o Application form completed
o Response to questions no more than 6 pages; single sided, double-spaced at 12 pt font,
1 inch margins
o Supporting documentation & files (if applicable)
o All files emailed, uploaded or delivered on USB/DVD by 4:30pm on Friday, September
11, 2015