News Around the Corner April 2015 THE 14TH AND CHESTNUT COMMUNITY CENTER'S MISSION IS TO BE A PARTNER WITH AND PROVIDE MINISTRY TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD AROUND THE CENTER IN ORDER TO ASSIST WITH A VARIETY OF SPIRITUAL, PHYSICAL, AND EDUCATIONAL NEEDS. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Clothes Closet 2 Summer 2 Cook Books 2 Needs List 3&4 Banquet 5&6 Volunteer 7 Spotlight! Verse of the Month: 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come!” Spring!! At the end of the month, the kids had their spring break. We took the boys on a special field trip one afternoon to Deming Park to play on the equipment. Another afternoon, we took the girls on a special field trip to the Children’s Museum. They had a great time exploring and learning about animals, the human body, weather and many other things. Both groups enjoyed the outings and will have something to share with their friends when they return to school on Monday. Did you know? How many food requests did Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard fulfill during the year 2014? Answer on Page 2 Clothes Closet We are in desperate need for kids clothing in our clothes closet! We accept both new and gently used clothes. We are especially looking for clothes for our younger kids, sizes 5 to 12. Many of our kids are in need of clothes that fit properly, but we do not have anything that is their size. We are also looking for gently used shoes and new underclothing. Summer is Coming!! We are getting excited about summer!! We are looking for college students to apply to be a summer intern! Training week will be June 1st through the 5th. This is a time to get to know the other staff that you will be working with and also to find out what’s expected for the summer. Our last day for the program will be August 7th. Hours will be Monday through Friday, 8am to 2pm! We are also in need of items for the summer. We are looking for craft supplies to use this summer. They can either be premade craft kits, or they can be individual items such as construction paper, stickers, paint, beads, or any other items. Grumbling Tummies Café is looking for items for sack lunches such as lunch meat, pudding cups, juice pouches, and several other food items. For more information, come in or contact Heather Slee at 812-232-3126. This past month, we have teamed up with Junior Achievement and WVHRA to start teaching our middle school and high school students on Thursday nights how to prepare for applying, interviewing, and accepting a job. They are able to interact with two different professionals each week for 1 hour. The kids are learning different skills and preparing for their future! We appreciate each of the professionals who work with our kids to encourage them to reach for a brighter future! Did you know? During the course of 2014, Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard fulfilled over 13,300 food requests. Page 2 NEWS AROUND THE CORNER April 2015 th NEEDS LIST 14 and Chestnut Community Center 1403 Chestnut Street. Terre Haute, IN 47807. Phone: 812.232.3126 Email: Visit our Website! Thank You for your support of what we do! We truly would not be here without you! PRAY for God’s blessing on our children and their families. Pray also that God will continue to move through the ministry of the Center and provide for all of its needs. BIGGEST NEEDS These are the areas where we could use the most help in the month of April: Craft Supplies- We are looking for construction paper, pre-made kits, or objects to paint. Clothes– Sizes 5 to 12 for both boys and girls. Summer Interns-Any high school graduates or college students wanting to work with kids for the summer. GRUMBLING TUMMIES CAFÉ Serving daily snack and dinner throughout the school year. Help us keep their bellies full! Our biggest need for the kitchen is meat and fresh fruits and vegetables We are also in need of containers to store cooked meat in and freeze. We are also accepting any donations of canned or boxed food as well as main staples like bread and sugar. MOTHER HUBBARD’S PANTRY Please help us keep our emergency pantry stocked to help people in our community in an extreme time of need. Our biggest need for the food pantry is meat like hot dogs, spam, tuna to make a complete meal. We are also in major need of Mac and Cheese! We are also accepting donations of canned and boxed goods as well as supplies for babies such as diapers, wipes, and jars of baby food. MERIT MART REWARDS STORE Help us reward our kids for good behavior! The store is where children can spend the play money they earn on hygiene products, toys, books, crafts, school supplies, etc. We accept donations of new or gently used items for the Merit Mart. Our biggest need is hygiene products especially for boys, such as deodorant, body wash, shaving cream, etc. We also accept toys, school supplies, jewelry, and candy for the children. CLOTHES CLOSETS Once a week, any of our registered children can go to the clothes closet and get NEW OR GENTLY USED clothing to keep them clean and warm. All donations are appreciated! Our biggest need is new underwear and new boxers for our kids in any sizes. We are also in need of clothes from size 5 to 12 for both girls and boys. We accept clothes for kids from size 5 up to adult XL. MOMS MATTER Where mothers can get together and encourage each other through their daily parenting struggles. Each mom in attendance is given a small gift. Help us encourage them! Gift baskets, lotions, bath items, candles, picture frames, and any other gift a mom might like Gift cards for gas, dining out, or local grocery stores BUILDING & GROUNDS Cleaning supplies—Pledge, Windex, paper towels, liquid pump hand soap, toilet bowl cleaner, Ajax detergent, liquid dish soap, Goo Gone or Murphy Oil Soap, 409, Spic and Span Old cell phones or old printer cartridges Thank you for your continued prayers and support! 14th and Chestnut Community Center 1403 Chestnut Street. Terre Haute, IN 47807. Phone: 812.232.3126 Page 5 Page 6 Volunteer Spotlight! Meet Michelle Welch. She is a volunteer at the Food Pantry every Tuesday. She is a homemaker who enjoys reading, thrift shopping, playing cards and board games, working on home improvements, gardening, camping, and going to the Florida beaches for vacation. She has been married for 25 years and has a 14 year old daughter. She has been helping in the food pantry for the past year and states, “I couldn’t ask to volunteer with a better group of good, loving people. They are inspirational and a light to me.” We are thankful for her dedication and all of the hard work she has put in at the food pantry each week. Meet Laura Dever. Laura is a volunteer at Grumbling Tummies Café each week and is also a Liaison for 1st Baptist Church. She has been with the center for 6 years. She collects antiques and anything vintage from the 1950s as a hobby. She loves to walk and read. She is also actively involved in the community. She mentors for Kids Hope Program, 100 Women Who Care, help with Backpack Program at Lost Creek, volunteers at 1st Baptist Church. She is a social worker who works with low income pregnant women at Union Hospital. She also works with Home Studies to prepare and mentor perspective adoptive parents and pregnant women looking at adoption. She is a friendly visitor for shut ins. She states, “I see the positive changes we are making in the children’s lives. They will recognize me in public and ask if I will be at the center this week.” We are thankful for her dedication and all of the hard work she has put in at the center each week. Page 7 Terre Haute District Office United Methodist Church 14th & Chestnut Community Center 1403 Chestnut Street Terre Haute, IN 47807 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 616 Terre Haute, IN April 2015 Return Service Requested We’re on the web! Help make a Difference in a Child’s Life Here are some ways you can help out at the Center: Wills and Bequests—Gifts will be invested to insure quality services for youth in the future. Memorial Honor Gifts—Gifts made in memory of a deceased loved one or in honor of a family member or friend. 14th and Chestnut Community Center 1403 Chestnut St. Terre Haute, IN 47807 812-232-3126 In-kind Gifts—Gifts such as clothing, toiletries and household items can also be donated. For current list of needs, see pages 3 and 4. After School Schedule Monday—Friday 3:00—6:00 pm Snack served at 3:00 pm Dinner served at 5:30 pm Monetary Donations—Checks made payable to: 14th and Chestnut Community Center, 1403 Chestnut St., Terre Haute, IN 47807. Executive Director Rev. Bill Felts Endowment Fund—If you would like to contribute to our Endowment Fund through the Wabash Valley Community Foundation, contact Bill Felts at 812-232-3126. Program Director Heather Slee
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