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YEAR 2010
A publication of Home Bound Healthcare, Inc.
HBH Gives Back to Seniors
This issue of Healthy Home Living is
reaching you in the height of the
summer season! Cookouts, family
get-togethers, fireworks, and fun
activities are what make this time of
year memorable for so many.
Independence Day is always a
highlight of summer. In honor of
this holiday, we are proud to share
the story of one of our clients, Jack
Sundine, who is a part of the
“Greatest Generation” and served
our country during WWII.
So many of our clients, friends, and
neighbors have so generously
served our country, that it is with
great pride that we are able to give
back to the communities we serve.
In this issue you can read about
some of the new programs we have
started including Massage Therapy,
Psychiatric Nursing, new vans for
Senior Outings, and more! Also, be
sure to check out the article on how
we rate against other Home Health
Agencies, state-wide and nationally!
As always, if you or someone you
know is interested in learning more
about Home Bound Healthcare and
the services we provide, please
Wishing you a great summer,
Amanda L. Maurer
Marketing Coordinator
HBH Teaches Communities
to “Be Kind to the Mind”
Home Bound Healthcare has been teaching communities how important it is
to include the brain when thinking of overall personal health and wellness.
Our Be Kind to the Mind educational presentations are interactive,
informative, and fun. The sessions include education on why it is important
to keep the brain active and challenged, as well as providing games,
brainteasers, and challenges for attendees.
The presentation, which originated in the Flossmoor office, has had such a
positive response that we have trained staff from all locations to share this
presentation with their own communities.
To set up a Be Kind to the Mind session for your group, please call your
nearest HBH location.
HBH Offices Soar above State and
National Home Health Quality Measures
The entire HBH team is very proud
to announce our stellar standings
with Home Health Compare!
Home Health Compare is a tool that
is provided by Medicare’s website, Home Health
Compare allows consumers to
search for Home Health Agencies by
area, services offered, or by
company name.
When performing a search for a
Home Health Agency, statistics are
provided for each agency on a
variety of quality measures.
These quality measures give you
information about how well home
health agencies provide care for
their patients.
The measures
provide information about patients’
physical health, and whether their
ability to perform basic daily
activities improved.
All Home Bound Healthcare
locations scored better on ALL
quality measures than the state
and national averages – in most
instances scoring outstandingly
Rhea Gaudiano, Regional Nursing Supervisor, says “Our consistently high
ratings show that we are an agency seeking to provide the highest quality of
care and customer satisfaction. These high ratings only motivate us to
continue to improve and raise the bar. Great job to all of our clinical staff!”
Listed below is an example of just one important area on which Home
Health Agencies are measured. We are pleased to note that our staff helps
to keep clients independent and in their own homes far more often than
the average agency!
To view the rest of our standings, please visit and click
on “Home Health Agencies” under the Resource Locator section.
Percentage of Patients that stay Home after an episode of Home Health Care
State Average
National Average
Massage Therapists: Part of HBH Team!
Home Bound Healthcare is pleased
to announce our Massage Therapy
Theresa Huettemann is a C.N.A.
and Licensed Massage Therapist
working out of the Peru, Illinois
office. She is certified nationally.
She has been with HBH for one
year and says she loves her work!
Her days are spent visiting patients
and attending community events
where she will give chair massages.
Theresa says, “I love doing
Massage Therapy, and I also love
being a nurse’s aide. I think
Massage Therapy really helps the
older population. It helps with
blood circulation, and the overall
wellbeing of a person. I love it!”
Myrek Brezden is the new Massage
Therapist based out of the
Flossmoor, Illinois location. He will
be traveling to many counties in
the northern part of Illinois.
Myrek has been working in
Massage Therapy for 10 years.
Like Theresa, he also is eager to
serve the senior population.
HBH is very happy to welcome
Myrek to the team. We plan to
add more Massage Therapists to
offices throughout the company in
the near future.
Check our
upcoming newsletters for updates!
For more information, or to set up
a Massage Therapy event, please
contact your nearest HBH location.
A Massage Therapist giving a
chair massage.
New Vans for All HBH Locations!
By the time this newsletter hits the press, we hope that our friends in
the community will have seen our new vans driving through town!
We plan to use the vans for delivery and setup of medical equipment
from our Durable Medical Equipment store. We will also sponsor
outings and fun activities where we can utilize the new vans by getting
seniors out and about in the community.
To request an outing or an event that requires the use of an HBH van,
please contact your nearest HBH location!
Max is on the Move!
It has been six months since we
Program. Since then, Max has
been moving and shaking and
meeting new friends from all walks
of life!
Max has a weekly date, “Mondays
with Max”, set up at the Memory
Clinic in Senior Star at Weber Place
in Romeoville, Illinois.
In addition to regular appearances
at Waterford Estates in Hazelcrest,
Illinois, Max makes monthly visits
to The Dorchester in Dolton, Illinois
and St. Francis in Palos Park,
Illinois, as well as other locations.
Sharon, Max’s handler, says “I
don’t know who enjoys the visits
more, the residents or Max!”
At a regular visit with Max, the
guests are seated in a circle. Max
and Sharon will go from person to
person. Guests can pet, brush, and
hug Max – all while he sits and
smiles, enjoying the attention. He
also likes to give kisses and shake
paws. After visiting with all guests,
Max likes to show off his catching
and fetching skills. He always gets
a big response when he catches the
ball in mid-air!
Sharon says, “It is so nice to see
the joy Max brings to so many of
the residents. Max gives them
unconditional love.
It doesn’t
matter if they are in a wheelchair
or walker, or had a stroke, he
treats them all the same."
To set up an event with Max, call the
Flossmoor office at 800-444-7028
Max, Pet Therapy Dog
Easy Flag Cake Recipe
Use this recipe for an easy and impressive summertime dessert!
1 (18.25 ounce) package yellow cake mix
1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed
1 pint blueberries, rinsed and drained
2 pints fresh strawberries, rinsed and sliced
Nutritional Information
Servings per Recipe: 18
Amount Per Serving
Calories: 182
Total Fat: 5.6g
Cholesterol: < 1mg
Sodium: 189mg
Total Carbs: 30.9g
Dietary Fiber: 1.5g
Protein: 1.7g
Prepare cake according to package directions and bake in a 9x13 inch pan.
Cool completely.
Frost cake with whipped topping. Place blueberries in a square in the corner,
and arrange sliced strawberries as stripes to make an American flag.
Chill until serving. Enjoy!
Ask a Nurse
What is Heat Stress?
Atheni Sevilla BSN, MSN/ED, RN, is
part of the Las Vegas HBH Team.
Thank you, Atheni, for answering
this issue’s “Ask a Nurse” question.
Heat stress refers to a group of illnesses affecting the body’s ability to cope with heat.
The group includes heat cramps, heat syncope, heat exhaustion, and the most severe – heat stroke.
Heat Cramps: When a person sweats excessively, the result will be salt and body moisture depletion – which can cause painful
muscle cramps. If suffering from heat cramps, you should stop all activity, sit or lie down in a cool place, slowly drink water or
clear juice, do not return to activity for a few hours, and seek medical attention if the cramps do not subside.
Heat Syncope: Heat syncope is a fainting episode or dizziness that usually occurs with prolonged standing or sudden rising from
sitting or lying down. Dehydration is a contributing factor as well. A person that is dizzy or has fainted should sit or lie down in a
cool place, elevate their legs for approximately 30 seconds, and be encouraged to drink water or clear juice.
Heat Exhaustion: Heat exhaustion is a warning that our body is getting too hot. A person would be sweating heavily, pale, tired,
and weak. The person may be dizzy or nauseated. Pulse will be fast and weak; breathing will be fast and shallow. A person may
then faint. Intervening early on is vital in order to prevent heat stroke. If you think you or someone you know is suffering from
heat exhaustion you should call 911. Cooling measures should be taken by placing the person in shade or a cool area, loosen
clothing, apply ice packs or immerse in cool water (be sure not to make the person cool to the point they are shivering). Hydrate
the person with a maximum of 2 liters of water.
Heat Stroke: Heat stroke is the most severe form of heat related illness. A person with heat stroke will have an extremely high
body temperature that will quickly rise within 10-15 minutes. The skin will be red, hot, and dry and you will notice no sweating.
The pulse will be strong and rapid. There may be a terrible, throbbing headache. One could also experience dizziness and nausea.
The same cooling measures should be taken as listed above for someone that is suffering from heat exhaustion.
Remember, it is vital to act fast and call 911 for help as soon as possible! Also, be sure to take preventative action to avoid heat
stress altogether!
Protect Yourself from Heat-Related Stress
There are certain precautions that everyone, young and better, should take to
prepare for the high summer temps.
Drink plenty of water and non-alcoholic fluids (if your doctor normally
limits your fluids or you are on fluid tablets, you may need to check how
much to drink while the weather is hot.)
Avoid alcohol because of its dehydrating effects
Stay indoors, if possible with air conditioning, or in the shade
Take a cool shower or bath
Wear lightweight, loose fitting clothing
Reduce physical activity
Do not rely on fans alone to cool someone unless there is adequate
ventilation and the person is well hydrated
In addition to the above tips, you should be aware of the signs and symptoms of
heat exposure, and know how to respond!
Stimulate Your Brain!
Brain teasers and puzzles can help
keep the mind sharp. Like the
muscles in your body, your mind
strengthens with daily stimulation
and can atrophy if neglected and
not used. This is why it is important
to use and continually challenge the
Being involved in leisure activities
that help stimulate your brain can
help you live a longer and happier
life. Studies have also shown that
time spent stimulating the brain can
Alzheimer’s disease.
Try your luck with these brain
teasers and the Sudoku puzzle – and
keep your brain healthy!
Brain Teasers
Coin in a Bottle
If you put a coin in an empty bottle and insert a cork into the neck of the
bottle, how could you remove the coin without taking the cork out or
breaking the bottle?
Party Punch
A couple was invited to a local party. They arrived early and were offered
some freshly made iced punch. They couldn’t stay at the party very long and
left early. The next day they found out that everyone else who had drunk the
punch had been poisoned and fallen very ill. Why was the couple not ill?
Fox, Chicken, and Grain
You have a fox, a chicken, and a sack of grain. You must cross a river with
only one of them at a time. If you leave the fox with the chicken, he will eat
it; if you leave the chicken with the grain he will eat it. How can you get all
three across safely?
Sudoku Puzzle
The object of the game is to fill all
the blank squares in a game with
the correct numbers. There are
three rules to follow.
x Every row of 9 squares must
include all digits 1 through 9 in
any order
x Every column of 9 squares must
include all digits 1 through 9 in
any order
x Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9
by 9 square must include all
digits 1 through 9
Brain Teaser Solutions
DME Office Shares Top Ten Reasons to
Choose Home Bound Healthcare
10. Our multitude of services
9. Portable Oxygen Concentrators
8. No on-call service - a live person always answers!
7. Knowledgeable Staff
6. Rated in the top 25% of home health agencies
5. Big enough to do the job, small enough to care
4. Personal Delivery
3. Dedicated Team
At a recent meeting, HBH offices shared their lists of
what they feel are the top ten reasons customers should
choose Home Bound Healthcare.
The Durable Medical Equipment store in Melrose Park,
Illinois came up with a great list, and incorporated their
top ten list into a presentation and t-shirts!
2. We love what we do and who we do it for
and the number one reason to choose HBH is…….
1. Jacob!
As for the number one reason, Jacob Lebowicz is the Field Account Manager for the DME office. Jacob is someone
that has the wonderful gift of reaching out to others. He handles the deliveries of medical supplies, places supply
orders, meets with customers, and much more. He is routinely complimented by clients for his great attitude.
Sandy Grummell, Administrator of the DME Office credits Jacob with having a big heart. She says, “He is always
willing to go the extra mile. He is very patient, takes his time, and will always stay with a customer until they are
comfortable and understand how to use their equipment.” Thank you to Jacob for all that you do!
DME Office is Proud to Offer Portable
Oxygen Concentrators
HBH is proud to be one of the few companies that provide patients with the
portable SeQual Eclipse 3 oxygen concentrator.
This device is the most reliable constant flow concentrator on the market.
Both continuous flow and pulse flow oxygen delivery can be used 24/7. It is an
all-in-one device that accommodates our clients’ ambulatory needs, as well as
their stationary needs.
A few more benefits of the concentrator: it is approved by all airlines for travel.
Portable tanks are no longer needed! If the portability did not make the device
convenient enough, it also comes with a car adapter!
We are very happy to offer this product to our clients. The concentrator allows
those on oxygen therapy to keep their active lifestyles. Peace of mind is
provided because the concentrator allows for continuous oxygen 24/7, and
users need not worry about running out of oxygen ever again!
For more information on Portable Oxygen Concentrators and other medical
equipment and supplies, please contact our DME office at 877-615-0803.
The Greatest Generation
Jack Sundine, the definition of a
“class act”, is also a client of HBH
and kindly agreed to share the
story of his Navy days with us.
Jack was sworn into the United
States Navy on October 5, 1942.
He was ordered to the U.S. Navy
Amphibious Training Base in Little
Creek Virginia. From there, Jack
headed off to the new training
base on South Island, just off Ft.
Pierce, Florida. While at Ft. Pierce,
Jack became Assistant to the
Officer in Charge of the base’s
Construction and Repair Division.
Jack was then ordered to Camp
Bradford in Virginia for training as
an LST (Landing Ship, Tank)
Communications Officer.
January of 1945, while the war was
going strong, the Navy decided to
send Jack to sea.
It was in Florida where he boarded
the LST 1081. The ship was a 380foot, twin-screw, low-powered
amphibious ship whose light
weight, flat bottom and flexible
spine enabled it to push onto a
beach for offloading.
Jack says that LST also stood for
“Large, Slow Target” and “Last Sea
Trip”. Unofficially, of course.
The ship was armed with one twin40 mm gun on the fantail and one
on the bow, and four twin-20’s
Jack states that the firepower on
the ship protected them from a
force not greater than four
rowboats full of Girl Scouts armed
with slingshots.
After boarding, Jack and the LST
1081 departed for Pearl Harbor by
way of the Panama Canal.
As Communications Officer, Jack
was in charge of the radio, radar,
and signal operation. He received
and sent messages by radio, by
signal search light, or by flag hoist
and conducted communications
between the ship and outside
The position was a stressful one!
Traditionally, Commanding Officers
despised Communications Officers.
It was a situation of hating the
messenger, rather than the
After 9 months aboard the LST
1081, Jack was ordered as Staff
Communications Officer aboard
the U.S.S. Burleigh, one of the
Navy’s largest attack transports,
carrying troops and cargo.
Jack recalled stories of a knife
throwing bodyguard, near misses
with torpedoes, catching trouble
for a boxing match with a superior
officer, piloting a destroyer in the
North Sea during a blizzard, and
much more.
homecoming, Jack says “When we
sailed toward the Golden Gate we
saw stretched across the Golden
Gate Bridge, ‘A Grateful Nation
Welcomes You’. I remember that
as many of us as could get on deck
stood and watched as we sailed
under that sign. There were cheers
and there were also tears. It was
quite an emotional moment. We
were coming home. We had made
it alive.”
Jack’s life after being at sea has
been vibrant and full. He was
editor of the Moline Dispatch
newspaper for 19 years. He was
married to Patricia Niemeyer for 27
years, who became WOC’s star TV
hostess for 19 years. He was
Chairman of the Illinois Public Aid
Commission, owned and operated
businesses, built a villa in Jamaica,
has written five novels, and more.
Jack retired from the U.S. Navy
with the rank of Captain on April 6,
1985. He is truly a part of what
makes the “Greatest Generation”
so great, indeed.
Specialty Program: Psychiatric Nursing
HBH is pleased to announce that
we have extended our home care
nursing program to include
Psychiatric Nursing Services.
These services will provide inhome care for individuals with a
mental illness and/or cognitive
impairments through:
x Ongoing evaluations
x Symptom
x Medication monitoring
x Treatment compliance
In addition, these specialized
services will provide support to
counseling. We also assist patients
and their families in coordinating
community resources.
Ellen Tierney, RN, BSW, LNHA is
the Director of Psychiatric Nursing
Services for HBH.
For more
information about the Psychiatric
Nursing Program, please contact
Ellen at 708-798-0800 ext 221.
1615 Vollmer Road
Flossmoor, IL 60422
2901 Broadway Street
Quincy, IL 62301
1740 Mediterranean
Sycamore, IL 60178
502 S. Main Street
Princeton, IL 61356
7810 N University
Peoria, IL 61614
Las Vegas
1350 S. Jones Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89146
421 S. Grand Ave W.
Springfield, IL 62704
Outpatient Rehabilitation
2930 Manheim Rd Ste 1B
Franklin Park, IL 60131
3401 16 Street
Moline, IL 61265
Medical Equipment and Supplies
2307 West Lake Street
Melrose Park, IL 60160
4231 Progress Blvd
Peru, IL 61354
2307 West Lake Street 2 Floor
Melrose Park, IL 60160
Employee in the Spotlight
Kind. Sincere. Pleasant. Fun.
Trustworthy. Hardworking. A Team
Player. Knowledgeable.
A great friend. A great nurse.
great asset to Home Bound.
These are real words from the
co-workers of Ellen Tierney, this
issue’s very deserving Employee in
the Spotlight.
Ellen began her career with HBH in
2008. She has 32 years of healthcare
and management experience. Her
psychiatric and chemical dependency
nursing, marketing, staff training
within Long-Term Care facilities,
Hospitals, and Community OutReach programs.
Ellen is the Director of the Psychiatric
Nursing Program at HBH. Through
her caring, skilled, and professional
work she has touched the lives of
many clients, just when they need it
the most.
Home Bound Healthcare has received
multiple letters from clients and the
family members of clients, praising
approach, and also the results that
she delivers.
One client’s family member recently
said that Ellen has “been a lighthouse
to Mom”, and that she has finally set
her feet on shore, with much credit
going to Ellen for making the changes
When not changing the lives of
patients, Ellen somehow makes time
to create new and innovative ways to
reach out to the community. Ellen
Blanchard, together created the “Be
Kind to the Mind” presentation that is
now shared with employees, clients,
and communities throughout the
state of Illinois and beyond.
Ellen Tierney, RN, BSW, LNHA
Director of Psychiatric Nursing
Ellen is an employee that is always
willing to lend a hand. She does not
hesitate or think twice about taking
the time to help a colleague or a client.
Because of her great attitude, hard
work, and many accomplishments we
are proud to name Ellen Tierney as this
quarter’s Employee in the Spotlight.
Thank you, Ellen, for all that you do!