March 18, 2015 Endocrine Disruptors in the Drinking Water Current Progress of Testing Methods for Assessment of Potential Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Japan 1.Endocrine Disruptors 2. Laws and regulations for water quality in Japan 3. Framework for assessment of potential Endocrine Disrutpros 4. Tier 1 assays (screening) and methods 5. Tier 2 assays (definitive testing) and methods 6. Future needs Taisen Iguchi National Institute for Basic Biology Okazaki Institute for Integrative Bioscience 1 Earthquake March 11, 2011 Tsunami March 11, 2011 Mount Otake erupted in Central Japan September 27, 2014 4 1.Endocrine Disruptors 1962 1996 1975 Abnormalities Induced by Chemicals (WHO/IPCS 2002) Imposex: vas deferens, spermatogensis in females Organotins: TBT, TPT Sex reversal-intersex-ovotestis-abnormal steroidogenesis–reduction of sperm EE2, nonylphenol, equiline, UV absorbers Human RXR ER AR Sex reversal-intersex-ovotestis Atrazine ? Malformation ER Arom Sex reversal-abnormal penis-abnormal steroidogenesis dicofol, DDT-related pesticides ER AR TR Egg shell thinning, crossed bill, reproductive abnormalities PCBs, dioxins, pesticides ER AhR Abnormal reproductive tracts, abnormal steroidogenesis PCBs? ? Reduction of sperm counts and qualities Increase in hypospadias, etc. ? Human Disease Trends: Endocrine Cancers Increases in: endometrial, ovarian, breast, prostate, thyroid and testicular cancers. Testicular Prostate Breast EDCs may contribute substantially to male reproductive disorders and diseases, with nearly €15 billion annual associated costs in the EU. These estimates represent only a few EDCs for which there were sufficient epidemiological studies and those with the highest probability of causation. These public health costs should be considered as the EU contemplates regulatory action on EDCs. J. Clin. Endocr. Metab., 2015. WHO/UNEP 2012 DDT Associations with Breast Cancer Odds Ratio Critical Windows: Age in 1945 (proxy for age at 1st exposure) Fetal Origin of Adult Disease: Barker Hypothesis WWII Dutch Famine – Complexity of Biology First Trimester CV Disease Hypertension Dyslipidemia Obesity Second Trimester Pulmonary Disease Renal Disease Third Trimester Diabetes Depression Schizophrenia Anti-Social Personality Disorder Developmental Origins of Adult Disease Contaminant Exposure and Women's Health Crain et al. 2008 Fertility & Sterility The New Disease Paradigm: Developmental Origins of Disease The environment during development.. stress, nutrition, environmental exposures, infections and drugs Functional changes aberrant developmental programming, permanently A bad start…lasts alters gland, organ or system a lifetime! potential • Alter gene And expression and/or maybe…several lifetimes! protein regulation • Persist throughout life Developmental changes lead to increased susceptibility to disease Epigenetic/Environmental Basis of Disease Normal Stem Cell CH3 Hormones CG CG CG CG Normal Growth and Development CG CG CG CG Disease/Dysfunction EDCs CH3 CG CG Altered Gene Expression persists CH3 Changes in DNA methylation pattern CG CG Abnormal Growth & Development Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals HERBICIDES 2,4,-D Pesticides 2,4,5,-T Alachlor Amitrole Atrazine Linuron Metribuzin Herbicides Nitrofen Trifluralin FUNGICIDES Benomyl Ethylene thiourea Fungicides Fenarimol Hexachlorobenzene Mancozeb Maneb Metiram - complex Solvents Tri-butyl-tin Vinclozolin Zineb METALS INSECTICIDES Aldicarb Flame beta-HCHRetardants Carbaryl Chlordane Chlordecone DBCP Dicofol Industrial byproducts Dieldrin DDT and metabolites Endosulfan Heptachlor / H-epoxide Lindane (gamma-HCH) Malathion protectors Surface Methomyl Methoxychlor Oxychlordane Parathion Synthetic pyrethroids Sunscreens Transnonachlor Toxaphene Testosterone synthesis inhibitor Thyroid hormone disruptor INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS Bisphenol - A Plastics Polycarbonates Butylhydroxyanisole (BHA) Cadmium Chloro- & Bromo-diphenyl Dioxins FuransPlasticizers Lead Manganese Methyl mercury Nonylphenol Octylphenol PBDEs Cosmetics PCBs Pentachlorophenol Penta- to Nonylphenols Perchlorate PFOA Over 1,000 EDCs p-tert-Pentylphenol Phthalates Styrene Estrogen receptor agonist Androgen receptor antagonist Diet Nutrients & Contaminants Stress Behavioral & Environmental (pesticides, metals, plasticizers, phytoestrogens) Body Burden Drugs & Supplements Stored Contaminants – Fat & Bone Legal & Illegal (smoking, alcohol, vitamins) Personal Care Products (phthalates, musk xylene) Genetics Parental Genetics & Epigenetics Predisposition: Health or Disease Genome - Epigenome Influences The {(gene X environment) X environment} interaction……or {(genomeM+P X epigenomeM+P) x epigenomeE)} X (genomeE X epigenomeE') Thus: not just gene mutation leads to disease Rather… gene regulation probably more critical. Guillette and Iguchi (2012) Science 337:1614 2. Laws and Regulations in Japan Basic Environment Law →Environmental water quality standards Standards for protecting human health Standards related to conservation of living environment • Water Pollution Control Law • • Effluent standards Sewerage Law Effluent water quality standards for wastewater treatment plant Waterworks • law Water quality standards for drinking water EQS and Effluent Standards for Water Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) Established as part of the government’s objectives (standards that are to be followed) to prevent health hazards and conserve the living environment” by the Environment Basic Law “Effluent Standards” are applied on factories and establishments in order to satisfy “EQS” In consideration of dilution effect by river water, an effluent standard value for a certain item is decided as 10 times as an EQS for water environment quality standard for the same time. Effluent Standard (Source: MLIT) 17 Environmental Water Quality Standards Standards for protecting human health Defined uniformly for all public water bodies • Heavy metals, Toxic chemicals Standards related to conservation of living environment Defined according to water body classification and water quality characteristics • pH, BOD, SS, DO, Coliform, Nitrogen, Phosphorus • Zinc, Nonylphenol and LAS (Linear Alkylbenzen Sulfonate) -- surfactant Environment Quality Standards (EQSs) for Human Health Uniform Standards 1,4-Dioxane (Source: ≦0.05mg/L Environment Quality Standards for Human Health » Monitored substances and guideline values (Source: Environmental Water Quality Standards Standards for protecting human health Defined uniformly for all public water bodies • Heavy metals, Toxic chemicals Standards related to conservation of living environment Defined according to water body classification and water quality characteristics • pH, BOD, SS, DO, Coliform, Nitrogen, Phosphorus • Zinc, Nonylphenol and LAS (Linear Alkylbenzen Sulfonate) -- surfactant EQSs for Conservation of the Living Environ. Example of the river water’s EQSs Category A : Water use (Source: EQSs for Conservation of the Living Environ. Category B : Aquatic life habitat Item class Aquatic life A Aquatic life Special A Aquatic life B Aquatic life Special B Adaptability to aquatic life habitat conditions Water bodied inhabited by aquatic organisms such as char, salmon and trout, and also their prey, which favor relatively low-temp. ranges. Water bodies categorized in “Aquatic life A” need to be conserved in particular as breeding or nursery grounds for the aquatic life categorized in “Aquatic life A”. Water bodies inhabited by aquatic organisms such as carp and crucian, and also their prey, which favor relatively high-temp. ranges. Water bodies categorized in “Aquatic life B” need to be conserved in particular as breeding or nursery grounds for the aquatic life categorized in “Aquatic life B”. Standard value Total zinc Nonyl phenol LAS ≦0.03mg/L ≦0.001mg/L ≦0.03mg/L ≦0.03mg/L ≦0.0006mg/L ≦0.02mg/L ≦0.03mg/L ≦0.002mg/L ≦0.05mg/L ≦0.03mg/L ≦0.002mg/L ≦0.04mg/L Remarks: Standard value are based on annual average values (Source: Standards for Water Pollution Control Water Pollution Control Law Effluent standards ※direct application of penalty provisions for exceeding effluent standards • Sewerage Law • Effluent water quality standards for wastewater treatment plant Uniform effluent standards 【Health item】 Kinds of harmful substances Cadmium and its compounds Cyanide compounds Organic compound (limited to parathion, methyl parathion, methyl demeton and EPN (ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphorothioate)) Lead and its compounds Hexavalent chromium compounds Arsenics and its compounds Mercury and alkyl mercury, and other mercury compounds Alkyl mercury compounds Polychlorinated biphenyl Trichloroethylene Tetrachloroethylene Dichloromethane Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-dicholoroethane 1,1-dichloroethylene cis-1,2-dichloroethylene Tolerable limit 0.1 mg/L 1 mg/L 1 mg/L 0.1 mg/L 0.5 mg/L 0.1 mg/L 0.005 mg/L Not detected 0.003 mg/L 0.3 mg/L 0.1 mg/L 0.2 mg/L 0.02 mg/L 0.04 mg/L 0.2 mg/L 0.4 mg/L Note The effluent standard shown in this table is applicable to the effluent water discharged by a plant, factory, or business establishment which discharges 50m3/day or more of effluent water on daily average. (Source: MoE) Uniform effluent standards 【Health item】(cont’d) Kinds of harmful substances 1,1,1-trichloroethane 1,1,2-trichloroethane 1,3-dichloropropene Thiram Simazine Thiobencarb Benzene Selenium and its compounds Boron and its compounds Fluorine and its compounds Ammonia, ammonium compounds, nitrite compounds and nitrate compounds 1,4-dioxane Tolerable limit 3 mg/L 0.06 mg/L 0.02 mg/L 0.06 mg/L 0.03 mg/L 0.2 mg/L 0.1 mg/L 0.1 mg/L Other than sea area: 10 mg/L Sea area: 230 mg/L Other than sea area: 8 mg/L Sea area: 1 mg/L (*) 100 mg/L 0.5mg/L (*) 0.4 times the ammonia nitrogen compound, and the total of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen Note The effluent standard shown in this table is applicable to the effluent water discharged by a plant, factory, or business establishment which discharges 50m3/day or more of effluent water on daily average. (Source: MoE) Uniform Effluent Standards 【Living environment item】 Kinds of harmful substances Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) Tolerable limit Other than sea area: 5.8 – 8.6 Sea area: 5.0 – 9.0. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) 160 mg/L (Daily mean value: 120 mg/L) Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 160 mg/L (Daily mean value: 120 mg/L) Suspended solids (SS) 200 mg/L (Daily mean value: 150 mg/L) Normal-hexane extracts content (mineral oils content) Normal-hexane extracts content (animal and plant fats content) Phenols content Copper content Zinc content Soluble iron content Soluble manganese content Chromium content Coliform group number Nitrogen content Phosphorus content 5 mg/L 30 mg/L 5 mg/L 3 mg/L 2 mg/L 10 mg/L 10 mg/L 2 mg/L Daily mean value: 3,000/cm3 120 mg/L (Daily mean value: 60 mg/L) 16 mg/L (Daily mean value: 8 mg/L) Note The effluent standard shown in this table is applicable to the effluent water discharged by a plant, factory, or business establishment which discharges 50m3/day or more of effluent water on daily average. (Source: MoE) The Relevant Government Ministry Ministry of the Environment Environmental Management Bureau Water Environment Management Division 29 Standards for Water Pollution Control Water Pollution Control Law Effluent standards ※direct application of penalty provisions for exceeding effluent standards • Sewerage Law • Effluent water quality standards for wastewater treatment plant Effluent Water Quality Standard for WWTP in Japan The Relevant Government Ministry Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) Water and Disaster Management Bureau Wastewater Management Department Sewerage Planning Division Sewerage Works Division Director for Watershed Management Standards for Drinking Water Quality Waterworks • law Water quality standards for drinking water Water Quality Standards for Drinking Water Detection of Potential Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals In Raw Water for Supply and Tap Water at 10 Cities in Tokyo in 2013 Potential endocrine disrupting chemicals and natural and synthetic estrogens Detection limit Raw water Clean water (mg/L) in (Tap water) 10 cities in 10 cities Nonylphenol 0.1 ND ND Bisphenol-A 0.01 2/10 (0.03, 0.11) ND Butyl benzyl phthalate 0.05 ND ND Di-n-butyl phthalate 0.1 ND ND 17b-Estradiol 0.002 ND ND 17a-Ethynylestradiol 0.002 ND ND 35 The Relevant Government Ministry Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Health Service Bureau Water Supply Division How to Control Chemicals in Water Environment --- PRTR System • Identify the hazardous Chemicals released to water ⇒Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) • • A PRTR is a catalogue or database of releases and transfers of potentially harmful chemicals including information on the nature and quantity of such releases and transfers. A typical PRTR covers releases to air, water and land as well as wastes transported to treatment and disposal sites. Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) System (Source: 38 PRTR System 462 Evaluate the management conditions Improve public’s understanding of chemical Report theand estimation METI MoE of the amounts of estimate the amount chemical substances of chemicals released released and from other sources transferred to the (households, Government farmlands, automobiles, etc) that are not subject to report 39 PRTR System Targeted business operators are required to confirm the released/transferred amount of class 1 chemicals, and report them to the government every year. 40 PRTR System and Sewage Works Top 10 chemical substances transferred to sewerage No. (PRTR) 9999 232 71 407 411 13 277 405 68 20 56 Substance 物質名称 (TOTAL) N,N-Dimethylformamide Ferric chloride Poly(oxyethylene) alkylether Formaldehyde acetonitrile Triethylamine Boron compounds 1,2-Epoxypropane 2-aminoethanol ethylene oxide [合計] N,N-ジメチルホルムアミド 塩化第二鉄 ポリ(オキシエチレン)=アルキルエー テル(アルキル基の炭素数が12から1 5までのもの及びその混合物に限る。) Transfer to Sewerage(kg/year) 1,367,575 180,133 160,617 138,360 ほう素化合物 92,109 61,210 59,019 56,105 1,2-エポキシプロパン(別名酸化プ ロピレン) 50,601 ホルムアルデヒド アセトニトリル トリエチルアミン 2-アミノエタノール エチレンオキシド 43,905 37,697 PRTR System and Sewage Works Top 10 chemical substances released from sewerage to public water bodies No.(PRTR) 9999 405 374 412 1 272 144 48 87 150 332 Substance 物質名称 [合計] (TOTAL) ほう素化合物 Boron compounds hydrogen fluoride and its waterふっ化水素及びその水溶性塩 soluble salts manganese and its compounds マンガン及びその化合物 zinc compounds(water-soluble) 亜鉛の水溶性化合物 copper salts (water-soluble, 銅水溶性塩(錯塩を除く。) except complex salts) inorganic cyanide compounds 無機シアン化合物(錯塩及びシアン酸 (except complex salts and 塩を除く。) cyanates) EPN EPN chrome and chromic クロム及び三価クロム化合物 compounds 1,4-ジオキサン 1,4-Dioxane arsenic and its inorganic 砒素及びその無機化合物 compounds Release from Sewerage(kg/year) 4,073,401 1,623,784 1,268,962 506,796 467,979 57,957 24,818 21,656 19,544 17,683 11,180 42 Pharmaceuticals Nanomaterials 95 organic wastewater contaminants 139 streams across 30 states 1999-2000 SETAC Pellston meeting Salt Lake, in 2003. Environ. Sci. Technol., 36: 1202-1211, 2002 Tokyo Nagoya Osaka 800 Concentration (ng/L) 600 400 300 200 Population density Crotamiton Ibuprofen Naproxen Fenoprofen Mefenamic acid Ketoprofen Propyphenazone Ethenzamide Triclosan Thymol Diethyltoluamide Carbamazepine 100 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R13’ R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 0 10 River no. (Nakada et al., ES&T, 2008) 0 Population density (x103 capita/km2) 44/34 Distributions of PPCPs in 37 Japanese Major Rivers Concentration of Detected PPCPs in Influent Outline of Survey Conventional Activated Sludge Process (8 Plant): 5,000-120,00m3/d Oxidation Ditch Process (4 Plant): 220-1,000m3/d Selected PPCPs: 92 PPCPs Spot Sampling: Influent and Final Effluent We detected 86 PPCPs at WWTPs’ influent. 35 substances was detected over 10ng/L. Ketoprofen Enrofloxacin Ciprofloxacin Norfloxacin Furosemide Ceftiofur Dipyridamole Levofloxacin Chloramphenicol Tylosin Diclofenac Oxytetracycline Tetracycline Naproxen Nalidixicacid Sulfapyridine Ifenprodil Propranolol Sulfamerazine Indomethacin Roxithromycin Sulfathiazole Sulfadimizine Clenbuterol Griseofulvin Azithromycin Mefenamicacid Fenoprofen photolysis rate constant [hr⁻¹] Photolysis 10 1 Bar;average Error bar;SD quinolone antibiotics tetracycline antibiotics 0,1 ・ 18 out of 57 PPCPs degraded more than 20% in average ・ The quinolone antibiotics, tetracycline antibiotics, ketoprofen and furosemide, showed higher photodegradability Number of PPCPs * determined in the Yodo river system High Photolabile Persistent 19 ketoprofen furosemide 9 diclofenac etc. carbamazepine crotamiton quinolones etc. tetracycline 2 1 6 acetaminophen 6 ifenprodil dypiridamol e Ibuprofen caffeine etc. High biodegradability* 0 sulpiride etc. 9 diltiazem disopyramide Macrolides etc. High adsoptivity* 48 49 Occurrence of Anti-influenza Drug during Influenza Out Bread 50 Time-dependent Dynamics of OC 51 Feminization of Wild Fish and its Causation in UK Rivers Sexual Disruption in Wild Roach (Rutilus rutilus) in English Rivers Synopsis of findings ……… Percentage of sexually disrupted males at survey sites Intersex present at 44 (86%) of 51 sites 0% 1–20% 21 – 40% Overall incidence of intersex in ‘males’ of 23% 41 – 60% 61 – 80% 81–100% Feminized reproductive duct North East Oocytes in the testis Jobling,S., Williams, R., Johnson, A., Taylor, A., Gross-Sorokin, M., Nolan, M., Tyler, C.R., van Aerle, R.,Santos, E.M.,and Brighty, G. (2006). Environ Health Perspectives 114: 32-29 Midlands Anglian Thames Southern Induction of Feminizing Effects by Controlled Effluent Exposures (UK-Japan) Identification of Estrogenic Compounds in Sewage Effluent IO N T R AC E . M a x.S c a n = 1 3 0 9 # 3 0 :0 2 .4 2 . T o ta l Io n C u rre n t. M a x.In t.= 1 8 6 .5 9 8 8 5 . 1 0 0 % In t.= 1 8 6 .5 9 8 8 5 . 100 In te n s ity (% a g e ) 80 Bile NP NP1EO NP2EO 60 NP3EO 40 NP4EO 20 0 Determination of the estrogenic activity of the test effluents 4 :0 0 6 :0 0 8 :0 0 1 0 :0 0 1 2 :0 0 1 4 :0 0 1 6 :0 0 1 8 :0 0 2 0 :0 0 R e te n tio n T im e Identification of (anti)estrogenic compounds and their metabolites (enzymatic hydrolysis–RPHPLC, yeast Ty screens, LC-NMRMS/GC-MSMS HO DHQ E2 EE2 E1 3.0 NP + NPnEO (n=1-4) 2.5 Absorbance (ABS) Exposure of fish to effluent OH 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 T im e (m inutes) E2 2.5 E1 Absorbance (ABS) E2 2.5 Absorbance (ABS) 2.0 1.5 E1 Control 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 T im e (m inutes) 0.5 Gibson etal., 2005 Tyler et al., Environ. Sci. Technol., 2009. Tyler et al., 2005 EE2: 17a-ethinylestradiol, NP: nonylphenol, 17b-Equ: 17b-dihydroequilenine 0.0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 T im e (m inutes) 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 59 Long-term Effects of EE2 on Gonadal Development Exposure of roach from fertilization until two years of age to environmental concentrations of EE2 EE2 exposure 0 100 200 dph Depuration Phase 120 200 300 400 500 dph Proportion of males and females collected between 250 – 720 dph 120 100 ovary n = 54 testes n = 54 ovotestes n = 59 n = 58 n = 47 33 % of males 80 percentage n = 96 100 60 percentage 120 80 60 40 40 20 20 0 control 0 control 0.3 ng/L 4.0 ng/L exposure concentration during early life Exposure to 4 ng/L EE2 for resulted in an ALL-FEMALE population Lange et al., Environ. Sci. Technol., 2009. ovary 0.3 ng/L 4.0 ng/L testes ovotestes Does Life Long Exposure to Estrogenic Effluent Compromise Breeding Capabilities of Male Roach? 100 % Effluent exposure 0 0.5 1.0 control fish Scenario 1 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.5 years Breeding 100 % effluent fish Scenario 2 3.0 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 3 males X X 3 females Breeding 6 males 3 females 3 males X X 6 males No Breeding 3 females 3 males 3 females Breeding 3 males Breeding Breeding groups of 9 fish (3 females & 6 males) 4 different combinations of control and effluent-exposed fish (each in duplicate) All fish were fin-clipped for parentage analysis Fish were allowed to breed naturally Tanks were checked once a weeks and fertilised eggs transported to Exeter Sampling of fry at 4 dph for parentage assignment Microsatellites Lange et al., Environ. Sci. Technol., 2011. Population Effects of Ethinylestradiol on Fathead Minnow in Lake 260 in Canada Whole lake exposure of environmentally relevant concentration of EE2 (5 ng/L) Fish population effects Estimate estrogen effects on fresh water fish Close to UK river situation 3 Depth 14 m Area– 34 ha 3 In flow Fish species Lake trout White sucker Fathead minnow Pearl dace Lake chub Finescale dace Slimy sculpin Out flow •Exposure 2001-2003 •EE2 exposure: 3 times/week, 20-21 weeks •EE2 measurement: 5 points/week (RIA and GC/MS/MS) • Concentration: 5 ng/L • Mean concentrations: 4.8 to 6.1 ng/L (2001 – 2003) Experimental Plan Recovery? Effects on individual and population EE2 exposure Basic data 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Data from Control Lake 2005 2006 Fathead minnow Lake 260 - Fall +EE2 +EE2 +EE2 ・Population decrease by ・Reduction of spermatogenesis and testis-ova ・undeveloped ovaries ・Predator fish also declined ・Population has been recovered when stopped EE2 exposure Effects on Human? May, 2001 June, 2008 3. Framework for Assessment of Potential EDCs SPEED ’98 (1998-2005), ExTEND2005 (2005-2010), EXTEND2010 (2010-2015) Framework has been established for assessment of the environmental risk of endocrine disrupting effects of chemicals and to take appropriate management measures. → Needs establishment of assessment methodologies and implementation of assessment. • It gives priority to ecological effects, and also consider risks to human health caused by chemicals in the environment. • It further enhances international collaboration. • Conceptual Framework for Testing and Assessment of EDCs • Framework for Assessment of Potential EDCs in EXTEND2010 • Developments of these Test Methods have been supported by MOE through, Basic Study, UK-Japan Research Collaboration, US-Japan Bilateral Cooperation, LRI etc. Collaboration with NIES (Dr. Tatarazako), WatchFrog, Idea Co. (Dr. 62 Onishi) and JANUS (Dr. Kawashima). Conceptual Overview of Actions in EXTEND2010 1) Promotion of Research for the Biological Observation of Wildlife and Fundamental Studies Grasping of changes and mechanisms in wildlife 2) Development of Test Methods and Establishment of Assessment Framework 4) Implementation of Actions and Effects Assessment ・Selection of chemicals to be considered ・Reliability evaluation of literature ・Test implementation 7) Promotion of International Cooperation ・OECD ・Japan-UK joint research ・Japan-US partnership ・Regions including Asia Acceleration Utilization for selection of test chemicals 3) Survey on Environmental Concentrations and Exposure Assessment ・Utilization of Environmental Survey and Monitoring of Chemicals 4) Hazard Assessment × 3) Exposure Assessment Acceleration 5) Risk Assessment 5) Risk Management 6) Promotion of Information Sharing ・ Websites ・ Opportunities including research presentation OECD Conceptual Framework for Testing and Assessment of EDCs Mammalian and Non-mammalian toxicology Level 1 Existing data and non-test information Physical & chemical properties Available dataAvailable Chemical categories, QSAR, in silico Physical &(eco)toxicological chemical properties, (eco)toxicological data, Read across Read across Chemical categories, QSAR, in silico,ADME ADMEmodel modelpredictions predictions Level 2 In vitro assays: selected endocrine mechanisms/pathways Estrogen, androgen receptor binding Estrogen & androgen receptor binding, ER transactivation, ER transactivation OECD TG455-TG457AR, THR, Steroidogenesis OECD TG455-TG457 AR, THR Transactivation Transactivation OECD TG456 Steroidogenesis OECD TG456 Level 3 In vivo assays: selected endocrine mechanisms/pathways Uterotrophic (TG 440) Hershberger (TG 441) Amphibian metamorphosis assay (OECD TG 231) Xenopus embryonic thyroid signaling assay (XETA) Fish reproductive screening assay (OECD TG 229) Fish screening assay (OECD TG 230) Androgenized female stickleback screen (GD 140) Level 4 In vivo assays: adverse effects on endocrine relevant endpoints OECD TG407, 408, 415, 414, 451, 426 etc. Fish sexual development test (OECD TG234) Larval amphibian growth & development assay (LAGDA) Daphnia reproduction test (with male induction) (OECD TG 211) Chironomid toxicity test, Mollusc partial lifecycle assay, Earthworm reproduction test, etc. Avian reproduction assay (OECD TG 206) Level 5 In vivo assays: more comprehensive data on endocrine relevant endpoints, life cycle of the organisms Extended one-generation reproductive toxicity study (TG 443) 2-Generation reproduction toxicity study (TG 416) Medaka extended one generation reproduction test Daphnia multigeneration assay Avian 2-generation reproductive toxicity assay Mysid life cycle toxicity test Copepod reproduction and development test Mollusc full life cycle assays 64 Current Status of Testing Methods in EXTEND2010 Effects OECD Level 2 Tier 1 In Vitro Screening Assay Level 3 Tier 1 In Vivo Screening Assay Level 4, 5 Tier 2 Definitive Testing Estrogenic effects Anti-estrogenic effects Medaka estrogen receptor a transactivation assay Medaka reproductive screening assay (OECD TG 229) Fish screening assay (OECD TG 230) ○Medaka extended one generation reproduction test Androgenic effects Medaka androgen receptor b transactivation assay Medaka reproductive screening assay (OECD TG 229) Fish screening assay (OECD TG 230) ○Medaka extended one generation reproduction test Anti-androgenic effects Medaka androgen receptor b transactivation assay ○Juvenile medaka anti-androgen assay ○Medaka extended one generation reproduction test Thyroid hormone-like effects Anti-thyroid hormonelike effects Xenopus tropicalis thyroid hormone receptor b transactivation assay △Xenopus embryo thyroid signaling assay (XETA) Amphibian metamorphosis assay (TG 231) ○Larval amphibian growth and development assay (LAGDA) Juvenile hormone-like effects △Daphnia juvenile hormone receptor transactivation assay ○Daphnia juvenile hormone receptor twohybirid assay ○Daphnia short-term juvenile hormone-like effect screening assay Daphnia reproduction test (with male induction) (OECD TG 211) ○Daphnia multigeneration test Ecdysone-like effects ○Daphnia ecdyone receptor transactivaion assay △Daphnia short-term ecdysonelike effect screening assay ○Daphnia multigeneration test 65 Flowchart of Tiered Assessment in Japan Tier 1 (to assess actions to endocrine systems) OECD Level Candidates for testing on endocrine disruption Re-evaluation of knowledge obtained through the reliability evaluation 1 In vitro assay 2, 3 Monitoring Data: identification in the Japanese Environment 10 or more literatures Literature evaluations Prioritization for in vivo testing Reporter gene assays (receptor-based) ER, AR, TR, EcR, JHR In vivo tests Tier 1 assessment TG230 (VTG) or TG229? Transgenic frog (XETA) Short-term anti-andorngen Daphnia TG211 pending Tier 2 (to characterize adverse effects) In vivo tests 4, 5 Hazard Assessment Daphnia EcR, JHR Medaka Medaka Extended One generation T LAGDA or Metamorphosis TG231 Daphnia Multigeneration test? pending To risk assessment framework African clawed frog ER, AR TR Reliability Evaluation of the Existing Knowledge Obtained from the Literature • Chemicals detected in the aquatic environment in the national monitoring programs have been nominated for the testing and assessment under the EXTEND2010. • Reliability evaluation of existing knowledge obtained from the literature is conducted focusing on the following information. – Results of in vitro assays which suggest chemical binding to hormone receptors (such as estrogen, androgen, aromatase or thyroid hormone) – Results of in vivo assays or epidemiological survey which suggest direct effects to endocrine system (such as genital organs, thyroid or pituitary gland), reproduction or development, or effects to immune or nervous system via endocrine system • Identification of “candidate chemicals for testing” has been carried out based on: – whether results mentioned in the literature is evaluated as reliable or not, and – whether the positive results could be caused by endocrine disruption or not. • Selected chemicals have been named as “chemicals that can be 67 subjected to tests for endocrine disrupting effects”. Evaluation of Literature Reliability Chemicals detected by the Environmental Monitoring: 328 Literature survey >10 publications: 114 Evaluation of literatures: 79 Selected for in vitro testing: 40 (18) • Assessment of ecotoxicological effects should be conducted, focusing on organisms whose test methods have already been developed. • The following three effects caused by endocrine disruption will be targeted. – Reproduction – (anti)estrogen, (anti)androgen (Oryzias latipes) – Development (metamorphosis) – (anti)thyroid hormone (Xenopus laevis) – Growth – ecdysone, juvenile hormone (Daphnia magna) • Framework for conducting ecotoxicity testing should be developed for ecological risk assessment caused by endocrine disruptors. Following two actions/effects should be evaluated. – Identification of actions in the endocrine system – Characterization of adverse effects on organisms • For conducting assessment efficiently, – In vitro assays should be conducted to prioritize candidate chemicals68for in vivo assays. Development of Two-Tier Framework for Testing and Assessment • Tier 1 – Chemical actions on endocrine system should be identified. – “Chemicals that can be subjected to tests for endocrine disrupting effects” identified through the reliability evaluation of existing knowledge should be examined. – Tier 1 assays should be comprised of in vitro assays and short-term in vivo assays. – Tier 1 assessment should be conducted based on the existing knowledge and test results. • Tier 2 – Adverse effects caused by endocrine disrupting effects should be characterized. – Chemicals whose actions to endocrine system were recognized in the Tier 1 assessment should be candidates for Tier 2 in vivo testing. – Ecological risk assessment should be conducted. 69 4. Tier 1 In Vitro Assays Dual-Luciferase® Reporter Assay System Test Chemicals Hormone receptor vector Transiently co-transfected Mammalian cell (HEK293, HepG2) Hormone receptor binding cofactor Hormone response-element Firefly luciferase gene Experimental reporter vector Transcription Firefly luciferase beetle luciferin (substrate) Translation Luminescence the effect of specific experimental conditions Renilla luciferase gene Transcription Control reporter vector Translation Renilla luciferase Luminescence coelenterate-luciferin (substrate) internal control that serves as the baseline response 70 Development of Test Methods Developments of Tier 1 In Vitro Assays • Estrogenic and anti-estrogenic activities Medaka (Oryzias latipes) estrogen receptor a (ERa) reporter gene assay. • Androgenic and anti-androgenic activity Medaka androgen receptor b (ARb) reporter gene assay. (Validity for detection of anti-androgen activity should be examined.) • Thyroid and anti-thyroid activities Xenopus tropicalis thyroid hormone receptor b (TRb) reporter gene assay. • Juvenile hormone activity Daphna magna juvenile hormone receptor (JHR) reporter gene assay (under development) • Ecdysone activity Daphnia magna ecdysone receptor (EcR) reporter gene 71 assay Evolution of Estrogen Receptors ERa, ERb1, ERb2 3 subtypes of ERs in teleost fish after two genome duplications Roach Zebrafish Carp Gar (a, b) Bowfin Rainbow trout (a1, a2, b1, b2) Arowana Stickleback Eel Sturgeon (a1, a2, b, ...) Bichir X Ascidian ER/PR/CR Lamprey Shark (b) Rayfish WGD (whole genome duplication) ER/SR Amphioxus ER→ERa, ERb AcsER→ER, SR Medaka ERa→ERa1, ERa2? ERb→ERb1, ERb2 ERa, ERb Lungfish (a, b), Coelacanth Amphibians, Amniota Evolution of Estrogen Receptors ERa, ERb1, ERb2 Roach Zebrafish Carp Gar (a, b) Bowfin Arowana Rainbow trout (a1, a2, b1, b2) Medaka Stickleback Eel ERa ERb1 Sturgeon (a1, a2, b, ) ERb2 Bichir X Ascidian ER/PR/CR Lamprey Shark (b) Rayfish ER/SR Amphioxus ER→ERa, ERb AcsER→ER, SR WGD ERa→ERa1, ERa2? ERb→ERb1, ERb2 ERa, ERb Lungfish (a, b), Coelacanth Amphibians, Amniota Responses to chemicals of each ER subtype differed between fish species. Miyagawa et al. Environ. Sci. Technol., 48, 5254-5236, 2014. Evolution of Androgen Receptors Androgen receptor (AR) AR duplication NTD hinge LBD DBD ARα, ARβ Appearance of AR AR Ogino et al. Endocrinology, 150, 5415-5427, 2009. Ogino et al. Evol. Dev., 13, 315-324, 2011. Priority-setting for Tier 1 In Vivo Testing • Provisional priority-setting for Tier 1 in vivo assays based on results of Tier 1 in vitro assays – Priority 1: Substances whose activities were detected in the in vitro assays conducted in this program – Priority 2: Substances whose activities were suggested in the existing literature but were NOT detected in the in vitro assays conducted in this program – Priority 3: Substances whose activities were NOT suggested in the existing literature and were NOT detected in the in vitro assays in this program • Remaining issue for the priority-setting – How to deal with substances whose actions and effects cannot or will not be detected by the reporter gene assays. 75 Characteristics of Daphnia magna as an Experimental Animal 1 mm (Daphnia magna) OECD TG211 21 day Reproduction test (Fecundity) Acute Toxicity test Water quality, Chemical toxicity 1. Easy to breed 2. High breeder (mature ca. 5 days after birth and lay eggs every 3 days) 3. Parthenogenesis (easy to obtain genetically clone individuals) 4. Translucent (easy to observe internal organs without dissection) 5. In vitro development is possible (developmental process can be observed under the microscope) 6. ESTs and Genome database can be used 7. Established RNAi and TALEN 8. Cloned ecdysone receptor and juvenile hormone receptor Ecdysteroids and Ecdysone Receptor (EcR) ・Major hormone ・development ・molting ・metamorphosis ・Reproduction 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) Ponasterone A (PoA) ・Act through EcR ・Nuclear receptor superfamily ・Heterodimer with ultraspiracle (USP) ← essential for ligand-dependent gene activation Kato et al., J. Endocrinol., 193, 183-194, 2007. Sex Differentiation Model in Daphnids Maturation Oocytes Growth ♀ - JH ? + JH dsx1↑ JHR In the ovary ♂ Critical Period: Develop in the brood chamber 7-8 h before ovulation PLoS Genet , 7, e1001345, 2011. 4, 1856, 2013. Juvenile Hormone Receptor Met SRC Miyakawa et al., Nature Communications, 2013. JH synthesizing cells are unknown Farnesoic acid Both Met and SRC are grouped in the family of bHLH-PAS nuclear transcription factors. Target cells OH JHAMT MF MF MF JH epoxide hydrolase Met or JH III JH III ? Met SRC SRC Met MF SRC Met MF: methyl farnesoate JHIII: juvenile hormone III Met: methoprene-tolerant SRC: steroid receptor coactivator MF MF SRC Met JHRE ? ? Juvenile Hormone Receptor Two-hybrid Assay Daphnia pulex Daphnia magna Juvenoids bind to Met and form heterodimer of Met and SRC RNAi :Dapma-Met と Dapma-SRC Experimental Design of TG229 Pre-exposure 1 2 Chemical exposure period (days) 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Checking fecundity Selection of fish Daily observation (general endopoints, fecundity) Checking test conditions (Water temp, chemical conc., etc.) Initiation of exposure Termination of exposure Endpoint measurements Daily observation ► Survival ► Abnormal response (appearance, behavior, feeding) ► Egg production and Fertility Endpoints at exposure termination ► VTG (hepatic) ► Secondary sex characteristics (Anal fin papillae) ► Gonad-histology (option) • 2014 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, 4-nonylphenol, 4-t-octylphenol, bisphenol-A 81 Establishment of Anti-Androgen Detection Test using Juvenile Medaka 83 Secondary Sex Characters (Papillary Processes) in the Anal Fin of Male Medaka ♀ ♂ amplexus Papillary processes Androgen Induces Papillary Processes in the Anal Fin of Female Medaka Anal fin 10 days Control ♀ Androgen (MT) Papillary processes Androgen activates the Lef1/b-catenin signaling, which might contribute to the proliferation of mesenchymal cells surrounding the bone nodule. Outgrowth Lef1/b-catenin Cell proliferation ARs Androgen Bone Bmp7 deposition Osteoblast Differentiation Androgen-induced Bmp7 expression promotes the bone deposition. Ogino et al. Endocrinology, 159, 449-462, 2014. Transgenesis Spiggin 1 (4.2Kb)-eGFP Medaka Oryzias latipes Anthony Sébillot 1200 injected eggs with Spg1 300 eggs GFP positive on mesoderm and yolk Three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus 73 ALIVE FOR SCREENING GFP expression in Kidneys with MT 10-6 M Sébillot et al., Environ. Sci. Technol., 48, 10919-10928, 2014. 88 Exemples of Anti-androgenic pollutants Fungicide Procymidon Fenitrothion Insecticide Herbicide Vinclozolin Linuron Flutamide p,p’-DDE Pharmaceutical molecule Spg1.22-gfp transgenic medaka Spiggin Fry exposed to Evian head kidneys tail GFP Fry exposed to the reference hormone : 17α-methyltestosterone head kidneys tail Androgenic specificity of the spiggin1.22-gfp line DHT 29 mg/L Anastorozole DHT + Flutamide 17 MT 3 mg/L Anti-androgen detection assays with 17MT Estradiol MT + Flutamide MT + Fenitrothion MT + Limuron MT + Vinclozolin Human and Amphibian Thyroid System Hypothalamus CRH Pituitary SYNTHESIS - TSH IThyroid Gland Blood Vessels Tg TPO HT-TT DEIODINASE METABOLISM OF THYROID HORMONES TRANSPORT Free TH TH Target Cells TH TR TR RECEPTORS INTERACTIONS MODULATED GENE EXPRESSION GFP TH/bZIP ISAREN 2014 OECD RING TEST : XETA 92 Human and Amphibian Thyroid System Hypothalamus CRH Pituitary SYNTHESIS - TSH IThyroid Gland Blood Vessels Tg TPO HT-TT TRANSPORT Thyroid Disruption DEIODINASE METABOLISM OF THYROID HORMONES Free TH TH Target Cells TH TR TR RECEPTORS INTERACTIONS MODULATE GENE EXPRESSION GFP TH/bZIP ISAREN 2014 OECD RING TEST : XETA 93 XETA : an Ethical alternative to AMA test ENDOGENEOUS FEEDING (autotrophic) EXOGENEOUS FEEDING (heterotrophic) Maturation resorption of yolk sac Fertilisation Hatching Egg (unfertilised Oocyte) Embryo Metamorphosis Eleutheroembryo EMBRYONIC STAGES LARVA JUVENILE ADULT Laboratory animal-Protected animal Non laboratory animal-Not protected stage XETA Ethical Alternative Animal Welfare Secondary sexual characteristics free swimming and feeding larva AMA To be replaced/ reduced/ refined 94 Xenopus Embryonic Thyroid Assay (XETA) With thyroid hormone activity, tadpole show fluorescence. The transgenic Xenopus can detect (anti-)thyroid hormone activity In 5 days. Selection of the biomarker : THbZIP 100 Arbituary Units 80 60 40 20 T3 0 55 60 63 THbZIP : •Protein transcription factor. •Gene expression directly modulated by thyroid hormones during metamorphosis. 66 stages Leloup and Buscaglia, 1977 The Xenopus transgenic model THbZIP-GFP Tadpole exposed to reference hormone Triiodothyronine (T3) Tadpole exposed to FETAX medium head head tail tail OECD RING TEST : XETA 97 Normalised mean fluorescence (Arbituary units) T3 Dose Response OECD RING TEST : XETA 100 An OECD Ring test for the validation of the XETA OECD RING TEST : XETA 101 OECD TG211 Daphnia magna Reproduction Test Endpoint: number of offspring in 21 days Male offspring production M4 medium 21±1℃ 16L:8D Detection Method for Chemicals with Male Induction Activity In A Week Abe et al., J. Appl. Toxicol., 35, 75-82, 2015. 104 105 5. Developments of Tier 2 In Vivo Assays • Estrogenic, anti-estrogenic, androgenic and anti-androgenic activities Medaka Extended One Generation Reproduction Test (MEOGRT) (sent to OECD) • Thyroid hormone and anti-thyroid hormone activities Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay (TG231) or Larval Amphibian Growth and Development Assay (LAGDA) (under development). • Juvenile hormone activity Daphnia magna reproduction test (OECD TG211) ANNEX 7; Multi-generation assay using daphnids. (under development) • Ecdysone activity Multi-generation assay using daphnids. (under development) 106 Exposure and Measurement Endpoint Timelines for the MEOGRT (Medaka Extended One Generation Reproduction Test) MEOGRT Exposure and Endpoint Timeline F0 1 2 3 4 F1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 Study 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Week Lifestage Key Embryo Larvae Juvenile Subadult Adult Endpoints Experimental design has 7 groups of replicates Fertility F1 F0 o 5 for test substance treatments Hatch F0 F1 o 2 for control treatments (4 if Survival F1 F1 F1 solvent is used) Within-group design Growth F1 F1 F0 o 12 replicates for reproduction, Vitellogeni F1 adult pathology and SSC n (Wks 10 thru 18) SSC F1 F1 o 6 replicates for hatch, survival, Histopathol Vtg; and - subadult SSC and F1 ogy growth (Wks 1 thru 9) SSC: secondary sex characters; Wks: Study weeks; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Week Vtg: vitellogenin Fecundity F0 F1 107 Nakamura et al., J. Appl. Toxicol., 35, 11-23, 2015. 108 Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay OECD TG231 • Exposure of X. laevis tadpoles (stage 51 to 66) for total 21 days • 6 replicates per test group (20 tadpoles) • Exposure in a flow-through system • Multiple Endpoints Hind Limb Morphological criterias Whole Body Weight Snout-Vent 2 mm Lengths Developmental Stage Histological criteria 2.0 mm Thyroid Gland Histology / diameter 109 Life-cycle Test for Amphibian in Japan Mar. 2009 ADGRA SPSF (OECD WNT) Jan. 2010 6th bilateral meeting Initiation of ADGRA (EE2) in Japan Apr. 2010 Nov. 2010 Feb. 2011 Apr. 2011 Sep. 2011 Jul. 2011 Feb. 2012 Jul. 2012 May. 2013 Revised protocol (LAGDA) from US End of ADGRA (40 weeks) 7th bilateral meeting Latest Revised protocol, LAGDA, from US MED meeting in Duluth Benzophenone-2 (BP2) and EE2 LAGDA 8th bilateral meeting Tamoxifen citrate (TC) LAGDA Integrated Summary Report (ISR) from US 110 Larval Amphibian Growth and Development Assay (LAGDA) Experimental Design • Test species: Xenopus laevis • Test duration: ~16-20 weeks – NF8 embryo to 10 weeks post-NF62 in control • Dosing: 4 concentrations and control • Replication: 8 control and 4 for each conc. – Total test vessels: 24 111 LAGDA Experimental Design N.F. stage 8 Life cycle LAGDA Gonadal differentiation Male, female maturation 66 6-7 w 0d NF 8 exposure NF 62 Cull after NF66 5-6 w 10 w Test termination 16 w (10 weeks post metamorphosis) Larval sub-sampling st66 culling Juvenile sampling X. laevis Endpoints - Mortality - Body Mass/Length - Vitellogenin -T4, TSH -Time to NF stage 62 -Thyroid Histology - Liver Somatic Index - Nuptial Pads - Gonad Histology - Sex Phenotype/Genotype -Liver histology 112 Test timeline NF62 sub-sample •HPT axis assessment •n = 5 (randomized block) •1 of every 4 that reach NF62 Exposure start NF8 embryo Gonadal differentiation Cull to 10 per tank ~6 weeks ~8 weeks ~10 weeks Test termination ~16 weeks n = 20/tank NF66: completion of metamorphosis HPG axis assessment 3/20/2015 113 Overt toxicity endpoints Apical Endpoints Mortality Clinical signs of disease and/or toxicities Growth (weight and snout-vent length) Liver-somatic index (LSI) Liver histology Kidney histology Daily Stage 62 Test Termination x x x x x x x Thyroid (HPT) endpoints Endpoint Daily Time to NF stage 62 Thyroid histopathology Stage 62 Test Termination x x Reproduction (HPG) endpoints Endpoints Daily Stage 62 Genetic/histological sex comparison Gonad histopathology Reproductive duct histopathology Endpoints removed: Plasma T4, vitellogenin, nuptual pads Test Termination x x x 114 Inter-laboratory validation studies • Prochloraz (aromatase inhibitor; AR antagonist) – 4 labs (EPA/MED + 3 other U.S. labs) • 4-tert-octylphenol (ER agonist) – 3 labs (EPA/MED + 2 other U.S. labs) • 17-β trenbolone (AR agonist) – 1 lab (EPA/MED) • Benzophenone-2 (ER agonist; TPO inhibitor) – 1 lab (Japan) 115 How to design the test procedure ? • Just repeat the general reproduction test? – Most of multi-generation experiments were conducted by repetition of the general reproduction test (OECD TG 212) (Sánchez et al., 2004; Brennan et al, 2006; Péry et al., 2008). • How to ensure enough number of neonates for the second generation test? • How to compare the results from 1st generation and 2nd generation? – Need to consider the variation in test organisms used in 1st generation and 2nd generation. F1 Control Exposed F2 ? ? 116 Summary • Two-tier framework of testing and assessment of EDCs on aquatic organisms. • Progress in development of testing protocols – Reporter gene assays using receptors of fish, amphibian and daphnids. – Medaka Short-term Reproduction Assay (OECD TG229) – Medaka Extended One Generation Reproduction Test (MEOGRT) and Larval Amphibian Growth and Development Assay (LAGDA) : developed in cooperation with US EPA have submitted to submission to OECD Test Guideline Programme. – Medaka short term assay for detection of (anti)androgenic activities is now under development, and establishing transgenic medaka and Xenopus for (anti) androgenic activities and (anti) thyroid hormone activities • Progress of testing and assessment (number of substances) total: 328 – Selection of chemical substances for literature review: 114 – Reliability evaluation of existing literature is finished: 79 (candidate substances for testing: 51) – Tier 1 in vitro assays: 40 (18) 118 – Tier 1 in vivo assays: 10 (6) 6. Future Needs • Establishment of testing protocols to be used in two-tier framework of testing and assessment. – Tier 1 in vitro assays – In vivo assays using medaka, amphibians and daphnids • Implementation of two-tier framework for testing and assessment – Tier 1 assessment for selecting candidates for Tier 2 testing – Implementation of Tier 2 in vivo tests as definitive ones – Tier 2 assessment • Re-evaluation of the substances identified as endocrine disrupting substances under the previous program: SPEED’98 – Nonylphenol, octylphenol and bisphenol-A • Effective selection of target substances [bilateral collaboration] – New tools such as high-throughput screening methods • Advanced studies [bilateral collaboration] – Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP) • Accelerated implementation of testing and assessment 119 • Regulatory actions for risk management of endocrine disruptors Maternal Prenatal Exposure to Phthalates on Child IQ December 10, 2014 intelligence quotient (IQ) Maternal prenatal urinary metabolite concentrations measured in late pregnancy of DnBP (di-n-butyl phthalate) and DiBP (diisobutyl phthalate) are associated with deficits in children’s intellectual development at age 7 years. Eco & Child 2011-2032 2014: ca US$ 51 million Over 100,000 pregnant women (103,106) from 2011-2013. In pregnancy: blood, urine At parturition: umbilical cord blood, blood from parents, dried blood spot One month: breast milk, hair of baby Six months: questionnaire, interview, up to 12 years old Chemical measurements Analyses Evaluation 121
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