2015 21ST ANNUAL SINGLE STACK CLASSIC May 6-9, 2015 / PASA Park, Barry, IL USA PRODUCED BY THE Welcome to the 21st Annual 1911 Society Single Stack Classic and the 2015 USPSA Single Stack Division National Championship; presented by Springfield Amory. This is the eleventh year Springfield Armory has partnered with the 1911 Society to present the foremost Model 1911 Single Stack competition in the entire world. It is the eighth year USPSA has designated the Single Stack Classic as an official U.S. National Championship. Today you will challenge yourself against the finest M1911 shooters on the planet—all of you shooting the same basic gun: John Browning’s classic and venerable Government Model of 1911. Fourteen tough Stages will test your basic skill with the basic firearm. It will not be a test of how much money has been spent to trick the gun out or hang accessories on it. Open sights, plain muzzles, standard-capacity magazines—all the way! Please thank the volunteer Match Staff and support team. Without them there would be no Single Stack Classic or USPSA Nationals. And remember to thank and support all the sponsors who underwrite the match, and the fine pistolsmiths who donate their labor to create the prize guns. We wish everyone a safe and rewarding Match. Have fun and enjoy the camaraderie of competition. SHOOT WELL, AND SHOOT SAFE! GOOD LUCK!! Staff: Mandatory Staff Meeting: 7:00pm Tuesday, May 5 at the Match Hotel (Quality Inn & Suites, 201 South 3rd Street, Quincy, IL). Final Stage Preparation & Staff Shoot Match: 7:30am Wednesday, May 6 at PASA Park. Staff Shooter Prize Table: 5:00pm Wednesday, May 6 at S&W Hall at PASA Park. Thursday Shooters: Check In & Prize Table: 4:00pm to 7:00pm Wednesday, May 6 in S&W Hall at PASA Park. Mandatory Shooter’s Meeting 7:30am Thursday morning at S&W Hall. Shooting begins immediately thereafter. Friday Shooters: Check In & Prize Table: 4:00pm to 7:00pm Thursday, May 7, in S&W Hall at PASA Park. Mandatory Shooter’s Meeting 7:30am Friday morning at S&W Hall. Shooting begins immediately thereafter. Saturday Shooters: Check In & Prize Table: 4:00pm to 7:00pm on Friday, May 8 in S&W Hall at PASA Park. Mandatory Shooter’s Meeting 7:30am Saturday morning at S&W Hall. Shooting begins immediately thereafter. YOU MUST CHECK IN PERSONALLY! MATCH WAIVER MUST BE SIGNED AND WITNESSED! USPSA EQUIPMENT SURVEY SHEET MUST BE COMPLETED! After completing the Waiver & Survey, you will receive a Matchbook containing the Squad Schedule and Stage descriptions; also your scorecard labels, Match Gift, and a Match giveaways bag. When check-in is complete, competitors will pull a random-draw prize ticket and immediately visit the Prize Tables. The Match has 14 Stages; minimum round count is 239 not including Chrono. Competitors are responsible for conforming to all USPSA equipment requirements. Please verify your information on the competitor list posted on the Match website or at Check-In. You must have a current USPSA Membership to shoot this match. ANY CORRECTIONS NEEDED, IMMEDIATELY CONTACT THE MATCH REGISTRAR. HERE’S HOW IT WILL WORK— Designated top prizes for top winners (including firearms) will be awarded at end of the Single Stack Match on Saturday. Any top winner who shot on a previous day and went home will have his/her designated prize(s) shipped to him/her. All firearms will be shipped, unless the winner has a current face-to-face transfer FFL in his/her possession. ALL OTHER PRIZES will be distributed by random drawing at Match check-in for each day. All competitors will receive prizes. Match check-in will be in S&W Hall at PASA Park the afternoon/evening before your shooting day. (See Check-In page for schedule & times). Prizes will be divided into equal value quantities for each shooting day, and sorted into numbered "prize bags" for as many shooters as are entered each day. Some numbered prizes will obviously have higher value than others (i.e., firearms). When a competitor checks in, he/she will draw a numbered ticket from the “Lottery Bucket,” then go to the Prize Table and retrieve the prize with the matching number. Totally random; untouched by human hands. If every shooter checks in, the last shooter in the door will get the last bag on the table. Repeat each day of the match. If there are no-shows (there are always no-shows), leftover tickets will remain in the bucket to be added to the next day’s tickets; the leftover prize bags will be added to the next day’s table. All noshow prize bags left over at the end of the match, after all competitors have drawn, will be distributed to the non-shooting Match Staff by similar random drawing. A win-win-win for everybody. PLEASE THANK THE MATCH SPONSORS! SPONSOR EMAIL ADDRESSES ARE LISTED ON THE SPONSOR PAGES IN THIS MATCHBOOK. Competitors are expected to be familiar with the contents of the current USPSA Rulebook (2014 edition). Competitors are required to read and understand the contents of this Matchbook. For the purposes of the Match, this Matchbook has the same Force & Effect as the USPSA Rulebook. **************************** Cold Range: The entire PASA park facility is a cold range. Firearms may only be handled in designated Safety Areas or under the supervision of an Range Officer. Set Steel and Tape Targets: To maintain match efficiency, your squad is expected to stay together and help set steel and tape targets on all Stages. Walls and Vision Barriers: Unless otherwise specified, all walls and vision barriers are Hard Cover, and go from the ground to the height built. Scheduling: Your squad has assigned times. If a Stages is clear & your full squad is ready, you may start early with the Stage CRO’s permission. Please keep the match moving by immediately turning in Score Sheets. Go to the Stats Room for lost stickers. Calibration: If a popper fails to fall when hit, you must challenge the popper during scoring. If the popper fails and requires recalibration, a reshoot will be required for the Stage. Arbitrations: Arbitrations are initiated with the presentation of a $100 cash fee and completed arbitration form to the Match Director or a Range Master. Forms are available from the Range Masters. Chronograph: Report to the Chronograph station between Stage 8 & 9. If you don’t, you won’t receive a score for the match. Eye & Ear Protection: Mandatory for competitors & staff on all ranges. Eye protection is mandatory for spectators at all ranges. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. NAME SCORING “Side Winder” Comstock “Awkward” Comstock “Illinois Star” Virginia Count “Mags Out Please” Comstock “The Slot” Comstock “Lowdown” Comstock “Double Max” Comstock “Right” Comstock “Left” Comstock “Near Dark” Virginia Count “Hard Cover Standards” Fixed Time “All Steel” Comstock “Window Warrior” Comstock “Both Sides Now” Comstock TOTAL: ROUNDS 22 12 10 16 12 14 21 12 12 16 24 22 24 22 239 POINTS 110 60 50 80 60 70 105 60 60 80 120 110 120 110 1195 RANGE LAYOUT THURSDAY 8:00 8:40 9:20 10:00 10:40 11:20 12:00 12:40 1:20 2:00 2:40 3:20 4:00 4:40 Stage 1 1 13 12 11 10 9 8 LUNCH 7 6 5 4 3 2 Stage 2-3 2 1 13 12 11 10 9 LUNCH 8 7 6 5 4 3 Stage 4 3 2 1 13 12 11 10 LUNCH 9 8 7 6 5 4 Stage 5-6 4 3 2 1 13 12 11 LUNCH 10 9 8 7 6 5 Stage 7 5 4 3 2 1 13 12 LUNCH 11 10 9 8 7 6 Chrono 6 5 4 3 2 1 13 LUNCH 12 11 10 9 8 7 Stage 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LUNCH 13 12 11 10 9 8 Stage 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 LUNCH 1 13 12 11 10 9 Stage 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 LUNCH 2 1 13 12 11 10 Stage 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 LUNCH 3 2 1 13 12 11 Stage 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 LUNCH 4 3 2 1 13 12 Stage 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 LUNCH 5 4 3 2 1 13 Stage 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 LUNCH 6 5 4 3 2 1 FRIDAY 8:00 8:40 9:20 10:00 10:40 11:20 12:00 12:40 1:20 2:00 2:40 3:20 4:00 4:40 Stage 1 14 26 25 24 23 22 21 LUNCH 20 19 18 17 16 15 Stage 2-3 15 14 26 25 24 23 22 LUNCH 21 20 19 18 17 16 Stage 4 16 15 14 26 25 24 23 LUNCH 22 21 20 19 18 17 Stage 5-6 17 16 15 14 26 25 24 LUNCH 23 22 21 20 19 18 Stage 7 18 17 16 15 14 26 25 LUNCH 24 23 22 21 20 19 Chrono 19 18 17 16 15 14 26 LUNCH 25 24 23 22 21 20 Stage 8 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 LUNCH 26 25 24 23 22 21 Stage 9 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 LUNCH 14 26 25 24 23 22 Stage 10 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 LUNCH 15 14 26 25 24 23 Stage 11 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 LUNCH 16 15 14 26 25 24 Stage 12 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 LUNCH 17 16 15 14 26 25 Stage 13 25 24 23 22 21 20 129 LUNCH 18 17 16 15 14 26 Stage 14 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 LUNCH 19 18 17 16 15 14 SATURDAY 8:00 8:40 9:20 10:00 10:40 11:20 12:00 12:40 1:20 2:00 2:40 3:20 4:00 4:40 Stage 1 27 39 38 37 36 35 34 LUNCH 33 32 31 30 29 28 Stage 2-3 28 27 39 38 37 36 35 LUNCH 34 33 32 31 30 29 Stage 4 29 28 27 39 38 37 36 LUNCH 35 34 33 32 31 30 Stage 5-6 30 29 28 27 39 38 37 LUNCH 36 35 34 33 32 31 Stage 7 31 30 29 28 27 39 38 LUNCH 37 36 35 34 33 32 Chrono 32 31 30 29 28 27 39 LUNCH 38 37 36 35 34 33 Stage 8 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 LUNCH 39 38 37 36 35 34 Stage 9 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 LUNCH 27 39 38 37 36 35 Stage 10 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 LUNCH 28 27 39 38 37 36 Stage 11 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 LUNCH 29 28 27 39 38 37 Stage 12 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 LUNCH 30 29 28 27 39 38 Stage 13 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 LUNCH 31 30 29 28 27 39 Stage 14 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 LUNCH 32 31 30 29 28 27 MATCH DIRECTOR: Richard Heinie RANGE MASTERS: Jay Worden Ray Hirst REGISTRATION & CHECK-IN: Kathy Lumley Tina Moyer STATS OFFICE: Dirk Root Kyle Prenevost Bill Davis/Chief Deborah Hanna Carol Tracey Nanette Schwartz MATCH COURIER: Deb Hawkins QUARTERMASTERS: Eric Griggs Tony Hawkins Tom Drazy SHOOTER ASSISTANCE: Marcia Clift PRIZE DISTRIBUTION: Lee Edwards Doug Alexander Luke Reninger COURSE DESIGN TEAM: Ray Hirst Jay Worden STAGE 1: STAGE 2: CRO: Nancy Huspek RO: Jon Huspek RO: Carl Provan CRO: Bob Clift RO: David Dirksmeyer STAGE 3: STAGE 4: CRO: Chris Thomas RO: Dwayne Terry CRO: Paul Brenkman RO: Austin Cisna RO: Butch Earel STAGE 5: STAGE 6: CRO: Mitch Welte RO: Dan Royalty CRO: Paul Hernandez RO: Kim Brenkman RO: Art Brown STAGE 7: STAGE 8: CRO: Jen VanZieleghem RO: Rodney May RO: Gary Johnson CRO: Frank Thompson RO: Diane Royalty RO: Jim Davidson STAGE 9: STAGE 10: CRO: Paul Kurtz RO: Bryan Miller RO: Ben Royalty CRO: Brian Royalty RO: Mike Nobis RO: Tony Hyatt STAGE 11: STAGE 12: CRO: Gary Stevens RO: Tom Skuse RO: Rick Hamann RO: Steven Lauff CRO: Duane Eggers RO: Ed Anderson RO: Lyndell Jarrett RO: Jason Klinner STAGE 13: STAGE 14: CRO: Troy McManus RO: Jeff Hicks RO: Betty Wilson CRO: Gavin Ford RO: Chris Ford RO: John Baier CHRONO STATION: FUNCTION RANGE: Chrono Officer: Ken Skeeters RO: Brian Hanna CRO: Ron Chimka RO: Martin Wood 2015 USPSA SINGLE STACK NATIONALS Stage 1 Side Winder Course Designer: Ray Hirst Start Position: Procedure: Scoring: Targets: Scored Hits: Start - Stop: Penalties: MP1 MP2 Sitting on bench feet on ground gun loaded and holstered. Upon start signal, engage all targets as visible, from the area indicated. Comstock, 22 rounds, 110 points 9 Metric, 4 Mini poppers Best 2/paper, Steel: 1 KD = 1 “A” Audible - Last Shot Per current edition of USPSA Rule Book. T3 T7 MP3 MP4 T5 T4 T1 T6 T2 T8 SPONSORED BY T9 2015 USPSA SINGLE STACK NATIONALS Stage 2 Awkward Course Designer: Jay Worden Start Position: Procedure: Scoring: Targets: Scored Hits: Start - Stop: Penalties: T1 PP1 Sitting in chair hands on knees gun unloaded on the table. Spare ammo may be placed on table or left on belt. Upon start signal engage either T3-5 or T1-2 & PP1-PP2, make a mandatory reload and engage the other array. Comstock Speed Shoot, 12 rounds, 60 points 5 Metric, 2 Poppers Best 2/paper, Steel--1 KD = 1 “A” Audible - Last Shot Per current edition of USPSA Rule Book. T3 T4 T5 SPONSORED BY PP2 T2 2015 USPSA SINGLE STACK NATIONALS Stage 3 Illinois Star Course Designer: Jay Worden Start Position: Standing facing down range wrists above respective shoulders. Handgun is loaded and holstered. Procedure: Upon start signal engage T1-5 with one round each make a mandatory reload and reengage T1-5 with one round each. Scoring: Virginia count, 10 rounds, 50 points Targets: 5 Metric Scored Hits: Best 2/paper. Start - Stop: Audible - Last Shot Penalties: Per current edition of USPSA Rule Book. T4 T2 T1 T5 T3 SPONSORED BY 2015 USPSA SINGLE STACK NATIONALS Stage 4 Mags Out Please III Course Designer: Ray Hirst Start Position: Sitting in chair hands on knees loaded gun and all ammo on table. Upon start signal, engage all targets as visible, from the area indicated. Comstock, 16 rounds, 80 points 7 Metric, 2 Poppers Best 2/paper, Steel: 1 KD = 1 “A” Audible - Last Shot Per current edition of USPSA Rule Book. PP1 activates Gravity turner T6, which disappears. Procedure: Scoring: Targets: Scored Hits: Start - Stop: Penalties: Notes: T3 T6 T4 T5 T2 T1 SPONSORED BY Rich Dettlehauser Drop Turner PP1 T7 PP2 2015 USPSA SINGLE STACK NATIONALS Stage 5 The Slot Course Designer: Jay Worden Start Position: Procedure: Scoring: Targets: Scored Hits: Start - Stop: Penalties: Hands on either set of marks gun loaded and holstered. Upon start signal engage all targets as visible, from the area indicated . Comstock, 12 rounds, 60 points 6 Metric Best 2/paper. Audible - Last Shot Per current edition of USPSA Rule Book. T5 T2 T6 T3 T4 T1 SPONSORED BY 2015 USPSA SINGLE STACK NATIONALS Stage 6 Lowdown Course Designer: Jay Worden Start Position: Procedure: Scoring: Targets: Scored Hits: Start - Stop: Penalties: PP1 Heels on marks gun loaded and holstered. Upon start signal, engage all targets as visible, from the area indicated . Comstock, 14 rounds, 70 points 6 Metric, 2 Poppers Best 2/paper, Steel--1 KD = 1 “A” Audible - Last Shot Per current edition of USPSA Rule Book. PP2 T2 T6 T3 T1 T4 T5 SPONSORED BY Jon Tank 2015 USPSA SINGLE STACK NATIONALS Stage 7 Double Max Course Designer: Ray Hirst Start Position: Strong hand on doorknob weak hand naturally at side, gun loaded and holstered in ready condition. Procedure: Upon start signal engage all targets as visible from the area indicated . Scoring: Comstock, 21 rounds, 105 points Targets: 9 Metric, 3 Poppers Scored Hits: Best 2/paper, Steel--1 KD = 1 “A” Start - Stop: Audible - Last Shot Penalties: Per current edition of USPSA Rule Book. Notes: Door activates Max trap T3, PP2 activates Max trap T6. PP2 PP3 T7 T6 T9 T5 T3 T4 PP1 T2 T1 SPONSORED BY T8 2015 USPSA SINGLE STACK NATIONALS Stage 8 Right Course Designer: Ray Hirst Start Position: Hands on X’s, head centered between X’s, gun loaded in ready condition and holstered. Upon start signal, engage all targets as visible Procedure: from the area indicated . . Scoring: Comstock, 12 rounds, 60 points Targets: 5 Metric, 2 PP Scored Hits: Best 2/paper, Steel: 1 KD = 1 “A” Start - Stop: Audible - Last Shot Penalties: Per current edition of USPSA Rule Book. T3 PP2 PP1 T2 T1 T4 T5 SPONSORED BY 2015 USPSA SINGLE STACK NATIONALS Stage 9 Left Course Designer: Ray Hirst Start Position: Hands on X’s, head centered between X’s, gun loaded in ready condition and holstered. Upon start signal, engage all targets as Procedure: visible, from the area indicated . . Scoring: Comstock, 12 rounds, 60 points Targets: 5 Metric, 2 PP Scored Hits: Best 2/paper, Steel: 1 KD = 1 “A” Start - Stop: Audible - Last Shot Penalties: Per current edition of USPSA Rule Book. T3 PP2 PP1 T2 T1 T4 T5 SPONSORED BY 2015 USPSA SINGLE STACK NATIONALS Stage 10 Near Dark Course Designer: Jay Worden Start Position: Procedure: Scoring: Targets: Scored Hits: Start - Stop: Penalties: Standing facing down range wrists above respective shoulders. Handgun and all ammo for the stage on on table. Upon start signal engage T1-4 with 2 rounds each, make a mandatory reload and an reengage T1-4 with 2 rounds each. Virginia count, 16 rounds, 80 points 4 Metric Best 4/paper. Audible - Last Shot Per Current Edition of USPSA Rule Book. T2 T1 SPONSORED BY T3 T4 2015 USPSA SINGLE STACK NATIONALS Stage 11 Hardcover Standards Course Designer: Jay Worden Start Position: Procedure: Scoring: Targets: Scored Hits: Start - Stop: Penalties: Standing facing down range wrists above respective shoulders. Handgun is loaded and holstered. String 1; Upon start signal engage T1-3 with 2 rounds each, make a mandatory reload and reengage T1-3 with 2 rounds each freestyle (35 yards). String 2; Upon start signal engage T1-3 with 2 rounds each strong hand o only (15 yards). String 3; Upon start signal engage T1-3 with 2 rounds each weak hand only (15 yards). Fixed Time 8 seconds, 24 rounds, 120 points 3 Metric Best 8/paper. Visual Per current edition of USPSA Rule Book. T1 T2 15 Yards 35 Yards SPONSORED BY T3 2015 USPSA SINGLE STACK NATIONALS Stage 12 All Steel Course Designer: Ray Hirst Start Position: Procedure: Scoring: Targets: Scored Hits: Start - Stop: Penalties: Laying on bed d, gun loaded on shelf at window. Upon start signal engage all targets as visible, from the area indicated . . Comstock, 22 rounds, 110 points 22 Poppers Steel--1 KD = 1 “A” Audible - Last Shot Per current edition of USPSA Rule Book. PP12 PP13 PP10 PP14 PP15 PP16 PP18 PP19 PP11 PP20 PP8 PP9 PP7 PP6 PP5 PP4 PP3 PP2 PP1 SPONSORED BY PP17 PP22 PP21 2015 USPSA SINGLE STACK NATIONALS Stage 13 Window Warrior Course Designer: Ray Hirst Start Position: Procedure: Scoring: Targets: Scored Hits: Start - Stop: Penalties: Notes: Seated at stool elbows on bar top, gun loaded and placed on bar top. Upon start signal engage all targets as visible from the area indicated . Comstock, 24 rounds, 120 points 10 Metric, 4 Poppers Best 2/paper, Steel--1 KD = 1 “A” Audible - Last Shot Per current edition of USPSA Rule Book. PP3 activates Swinger T7. PP3 T8 T4 T7 T9 T6 PP1 Swinger PP2 PP4 T5 T3 T2 T1 SPONSORED BY T10 2015 USPSA SINGLE STACK NATIONALS Stage 14 Both Sides Now Course Designer: Ray Hirst Strong hand on door knob, weak hand flat on door, handgun loaded and holstered. Upon start signal engage all targets as visible, from the area indicated . . Comstock, 22 rounds, 110 points 9 Metric, 4 Poppers Best 2/paper, Steel--1 KD = 1 “A” Audible - Last Shot Per current edition of USPSA Rule Book. Start Position: Procedure: Scoring: Targets: Scored Hits: Start - Stop: Penalties: T4 T5 T3 PP3 PP4 T9 T8 PP1 T7 PP2 T6 T2 T1 SPONSORED BY SEND THEM AN EMAIL! EXPRESS YOUR THANKS!! MATCH PRESENTING SPONSOR: SPRINGFIELD ARMORY Deb Williams: debw@springfield-armory.com www.springfield-armory.com GOLD SPONSORS: Caspian Arms Gary Smith: gary@caspianarms.com www.caspianarms.com Nighthawk Custom Mark Stone: mark@nighthawkcustom.com www.nighthawkcustom.com Smith & Wesson Paul Pluff: ppluff@smith-wesson.com www.smith-wesson.com SILVER SPONSORS: Comp-Tac Victory Gear Randi Rogers: randi.rogers@comp-tac.com www.comp-tac.com Hogue Inc. Pat Hogue: pat@hogueinc.com www.hogueinc.com Remington Arms Company Jessica Kallam: Jessica.Kallam@Remingon.com www.remington.com Springfield Custom Dave Williams: davew@springfield-armory.com www.springfield-armory.com/custom/ Taurus USA Tim Brandt: timothy.brandt@taurusholdingsinc.com www.taurususa.com BRONZE SPONSORS: Cerakote Rob Griffin: Rob@nicindustries.com www.cerakoteguncoatings.com/ Canyon Creek Custom (PistolSmith) Richard Dettlehauser: riiid@mchsi.com http://canyoncreekcustom.com/ Cylinder & Slide, Inc. (PistolSmith) Jon Tank: john@cylinder-slide.com http://www.cylinder-slide.com/ DPM Systems Technologies Dimitrios Mantas: service@dpmsystems.com http://www.dpmsystems.com/ Heinie Specialty Products Richard Heinie: rheinie@heinie.com www.heinie.com/ Hornady Manufacturing Neal Emery: nemery@hornady.com www.hornady.com Tactical Performance Center Ken Nelson: ken@tacticalperformancecenter.com www.tacticalperformancecenter.com/ STAGE SPONSORS: 1911 Society Board of Directors: info@1911ssc.com http://1911ssc.com Brownells, Inc. Roy Hill: roy.hill@brownells.com www.brownells.com Browning Arms Scott Grange: scottg@browning.com www.browning.com Colt Firearms Joyce Rubino: jrubino@colt.com www.colt.com Comp-Tac Victory Gear Randi Rogers: randi.rogers@comp-tac.com www.comp-tac.com Heinie Specialty Products (PistolSmith) Richard Heinie: rheinie@heinie.com www.heinie.com/ Montana Gold Bullets Norm Bjelland: bullets@montanagoldbullet.com www.montanagoldbullet.com PASA Park Board Of Directors: pasainfo@pasapark.com www.pasapark.com Safariland, LTD. Scott Carnahan: scott.carnahan@safariland.com http://www.safariland.com/holsters/competition-holsters/ Sig-Sauer Aisling Meehan: aisling.meehan@sigsauer.com http://www.sigsauer.com/ Tactical Performance Center Ken Nelson: ken@tacticalperformancecenter.com www.tacticalperformancecenter.com/ Warren Tactical Series Scott Warren: symtac@aol.com www.warrentactical.com/ DONOR SPONSORS: Sierra Bullets Carroll Pilant: carroll@sierrabullets.com www.sierrabullets.com Steve Yeater: steve.yeater@gmail.com STURM, RUGER & COMPANY, INC. Ken Jorgensen: kjorgensen@ruger.com www.ruger.com Competitive Edge Dynamics (CED) Charles Hardy: hardy@cedhk.com www.cedhk.com/ SHOOTERS CONNECTION Mike Foley: mikef@shootersconnection.com www.shootersconnectionstore.com S&W EXTREME OPS DESERT HANDLE BLACK DROP POINT BLADE 2015 CLASSIC NATIONALS ENGRAVED COMMEMORATIVE KNIFE www.tacticalperformancecenter.com ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ http://1911ssc.com SHAWN ARMSTRONG NIGHTHAWK CUSTOM shawn@nighthawkcustom.com www.nighthawkcustom.com JASON CHAMBLISS SPRINGFIELD CUSTOM jasonc@springfield-armory.com www.springfield-armory.com RICH DETTLEHAUSER CANYON CREEK CUSTOM riiid@mchsi.com http://canyoncreekcustom.com/ RICHARD HEINIE HEINIE SPECIALTY PRODUCTS rheinie@heinie.com www.heinie.com/ JON TANK CYLINDER & SLIDE john@cylinder-slide.com http://www.cylinder-slide.com/ DAVE WILLIAMS SPRINGFIELD CUSTOM davew@springfield-armory.com www.springfield-armory.com SPONSORED BY RUGER FIREARMS FIREARMS & TROPHIES WILL BE AWARDED TO: AGGREGATE CHAMPION AGGREGATE HIGH LADY AGGREGATE HIGH JUNIOR AGGREGATE HIGH SENIOR AGGREGATE HIGH SUPER SENIOR AGGREGATE TOP GM AGGREGATE TOP M CLASS AGGREGATE TOP A CLASS AGGREGATE TOP B CLASS AGGREGATE TOP C CLASS AGGREGATE TOP D CLASS AGGREGATE CLASS PERCENTAGES Grand Master (95.0% to 100%) A Class (75.0% to 84.9%) C Class (40.0% to 59.9%) Master (85.0% to 94.9%) B Class (60.0% to 74.9%) D Class (2.0% to 39.9%) The Classic Nationals Aggregate Class is determined by averaging each competitor’s current USPSA Revolver Division & Single Stack Division classification percentages. Unclassified shooters will receive an Aggregate Classification based on their percentage finish in the Match(s) for which they are not currently classified. This is NOT an official USPSA Classification. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
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