CHARLESTOWN FOUNDER'S DAY PRINCE AND PRINCESS PAGEANT Rules and Regulations 1. Entry fee is $25.00 Make checks payable to: Charlestown Beautification Committee 2. Each contestant must be between the ages of 4 and 6 on the day of the pageant and reside in Clark County, Indiana. 3. Contestants will be judged on personality from the stage. 4. Attire should be dressy. Girls will be in dresses and boys can wear a dress shirt and pants or a dressy short outfit. These do not need to be expensive outfits. The children will be wearing them in the parade. 5. The pageant will be held at: Charlestown Arts & Enrichment Center - 999 Water Street – Charlestown June 6, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. (Note: Contestants must arrive by 9:30 a.m.) 6. Each contestant will talk briefly with the Emcee. They will be asked simple questions such as the name of their favorite pet or their favorite color. It will be something fun for the contestant. 7. Pageant contestants will participate in the Founder’s Day Parade. Each contestant should arrive at Charlestown High School parking lot by 9:30 am on Saturday, June 27, 2015. 8. The winners will receive a $50.00 gift certificate from Toys-R-Us. Each contestant will receive a small award. 9. Deadline for entries is Friday, May 29, 2015. Only the first 20 applications will be accepted for each category (boys / girls). 10. Images of the contestants may be used in promotional materials (including Facebook). Photos will not be returned. For more information call Heather Mick (812) 256-7126 or via email at This event is sponsored by the Charlestown Beautification Committee CHARLESTOWN FOUNDER’S DAY 2015 PRINCE & PRINCESS PAGEANT Official Entry Form – Entry Fee $25.00 NAME _____________________________________________________________ AGE _________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE ________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS __________________________________ PARENT(S) ________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL ____________________________________________________ GRADE ______________ BROTHERS / SISTERS ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ PETS ____________________________________________________________________________ HAIR COLOR _________________________________ EYE COLOR __________________________ PLEASE TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT WHAT YOUR CHILD LIKES: _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ SPONSOR(S) _____________________________________________________________________ I understand that all correspondence associated with the pageant will be provided via email. Failure to provide an email address may result in a delay in receipt of pageant information. I also understand the Rules and Regulations (available for review at for the pageant and by signing below agree to abide by them. ___________________________________________ Signature Please return entry form, photo and check to: Charlestown Beautification Committee 304 Main Cross Street – Charlestown, IN 47111 Registration Deadline: Friday, May 29 Make checks to: Charlestown Beautification Committee For more information call: Heather Mick at (812) 256-7126 via email at This event is sponsored by the Charlestown Beautification Committee
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