Consu mer Fr eedom Strength in Numbers We leverage the strength of numbers to help you save time and money. With tens of thousands of members nationwide, we have the group clout to negotiate valuable savings. Consumer Freedom Introduction The Alliance for Affordable Services leverages the strength of numbers to help you save time and money. Alliance Members have access to benefits to help them save money for themselves and their families. Take a moment to review the benefits available and learn how the strength of numbers can work for you. Membership The Alliance stands strong with tens of thousands of members across the nation. With the ability to unite individuals and families, the Alliance has created a group with the clout to negotiate valuable savings. Benefits Providing a variety of personal and health care benefits to members is the purpose of the Alliance for Affordable Services. Helping members save money by providing access to valuable benefits at substantial savings is what the Alliance is all about. Advocacy Representing members’ voices in Washington, D.C., the Alliance helps advocate for legislative change to help improve the lives of individuals and their families. The Alliance informs and empowers consumers to get involved and make a difference. Table of Contents ■■ Consumer Freedom Top Benefits 3 ■■ Get Started How much money can you save? 4 Benefits included in your cost of membership 6 New member checklist 7 Legislative advocacy 8 ■■ Health Benefits Top Health Benefits 9 Spotlight Health Benefits 10 Additional Health Benefits 14 ■■ Upgrade Options 17 ■■ Personal Benefits Top Personal Benefits 21 Spotlight Personal Benefits 22 Additional Personal Benefits 25 ■■ Forms Assist America description of benefits 29 Assist America membership cards 31 Link to Alliance membership application 33 Link to Alliance membership referral cards 34 GoTo Links guide 35 Get Started Health Upgrade Options Value of Membership How much money can you save? Did you know that your Consumer Freedom benefits can save you almost $20,000* a year? These savings are possible because the Alliance for Affordable Services leverages the strength of numbers to help you save time and money. It won’t take long to see that your Alliance Consumer Freedom Membership will pay for itself over and over again! Take advantage of the products and services that are available, and keep your money in your pocket. There are so many savings possibilities that we could not list them all here, but this is how much you can save with just a sampling of Alliance Consumer Freedom Benefits: Personal Benefit Potential Savings* Potential Savings* $3,125 •• Burns Graphics, Inc. $213 •• Members Only Real Estate (MORE) •• Debt Review and Consolidation $130 •• North American® Van Lines $750 •• Emergency Roadside Assistance $101 •• Online Shopping Discounts by Working Advantage $50 •• ID Theft Resolution Personal Benefit $1,200 •• Jones International University® $210 •• Legal Club of America® — Family Plan $144 4 Alliance Member Services n 1-800-733-2242 •• Online Tax Advice $110 •• Real Estate Transactions $900 •• TributeDirectTM $120 Get Started Value of Membership Health Benefit Potential Savings* Benefit Potential Savings* •• 1-800 CONTACTS® $72 •• ExtraCare® Health Card •• Accidental Death Benefit $80 •• Global Emergency Services •• AllRad Direct $445 •• Heart Attack Benefit •• Association Rx Card† $603 •• Careington Discount Dental Plan $143 •• Hospital Confinement and Emergency Room Benefits •• Customized Vitamins $59 $220 $360 $61 $1,122 •• MEDPro $443 •• Neighborhood Pharmacy Card •• TelaDoc TM Health •• Careington HealthWise Advantage Card† $100 $48 $256 Total potential savings: Upgrade Options $19,470* *Additional potential benefit savings of $8,405 not shown. Potential Member Savings are based on a pricing study. The potential member savings are annual and represent the sum of commonly used benefits available to Alliance Members. For more information, please visit Benefit availability is dependent upon state of residence, member level and package option, and may be subject to change. † Upgrade options; additional purchase required. “ Gas prices, electric bills, and the costs of health insurance are taking their toll on us just like everyone. The ” Personal additional savings I have with my Alliance Benefits help a lot. There is a wide variety that meets the needs of every family. — Diane P., TX 5 Get Started Value of Membership Valuable member benefits that are included in the cost of your membership* Personal ■■ ID Theft Resolution ■■ Emergency Roadside Assistance ■■ Legal Club of America® — Family Plan ■■ Grocery Coupon Order Book ■■ Online Tax Advice ■■ Hotel Access Card Health Upgrade Options ■■ Alliance ConsumerClub Rewards Health ■■ Accidental Death Benefit ■■ Emergency Room Benefit ■■ Ambulance Benefit ■■ Global Emergency Services ■■ Careington Discount Dental ■■ Heart Attack Benefit ■■ Critical Illness ■■ Hospital Confinement Benefits ■■ CVS Caremark Neighborhood Pharmacy Card ■■ Life Insurance ■■ Emergency Helicopter ■■ TelaDocTM And additional savings... •• Careington HealthWise Advantage Card† 20% to 45% savings •• Debt Review and Consolidation 40% discount •• Direct Labs Up to 80% savings Personal •• Hewlett-Packard® Up to 10% savings •• Hospital Advantage Card† 57% average savings •• Imaging Services 20% to 60% savings •• Jones International 10% savings University® •• North American® Van Lines •• Portable Storage (PODS®) 10% savings •• Printing Services Up to 30% savings •• Rental Cars Up to 20% savings •• School, Educational and Home Supplies Up to 40% off •• Travel and Entertainment 5% to 30% savings •• TributeDirectTM 40% to 70% savings •• Vision Discount Plan Up to 40% savings ••™ Up to 75% savings At least 50% savings *The benefits explained herein are offered at the sole discretion of the Alliance and may vary by availability, package option, vendor and state of residence. Vendors reserve the right to withdraw or change their offers without notice. † Upgrade options; additional purchase required. 6 Alliance Member Services n 1-800-733-2242 Get Started Health Advocacy The power of your voice The primary objectives of the Alliance Legislative Advocacy Program are to provide Alliance Members with tools to contact their legislators and the opportunity to voice their opinions. Our members’ concerns about what is happening in our nation’s capital are our concerns. The Alliance is focused on keeping our members informed. Below are a few of the activities that the Alliance undertakes on behalf of our members: •• Ongoing legislative tracking and analysis of poll results to determine issues vital to Alliance Members on a national level. •• Meeting face-to-face with staff and members of Congress from key committees of interest. •• Providing a one-on-one setting for Alliance Members to discuss important topics with their legislative officials. •• Procuring e-newsletter and magazine editorials written by members of Congress and other elected officials specifically for Alliance Members. •• Discussing the views of Alliance Members towards tax alleviation policies with legislative affairs staff and key policy makers. The strength of numbers is a critical element in making change happen. Thanks to the valuable input and support we have received from members like you, the Alliance is building an effective and influential legislative advocacy program. To learn more about how you can get involved, visit Personal Upgrade Options GoTo: Advocacy “It is always a privilege to meet with members of the Alliance for Affordable Services who share a vision for establishing pro-growth policies and improving the affordability and accessibility of quality health care in our country. “Small businesses form the backbone of our national economy, and especially in these tough economic times, it is essential that we put forward policies that will foster growth and continued success of our local businesses. I value the continued input of Alliance Members on issues affecting small businesses and look forward to working with them into the future.” – U.S. Representative Mary Bono-Mack (R-CA 45th) “At this critical moment in the health care debate, the Alliance has been incredibly influential in bringing people together in the battle of ideas. Getting health care reform right is the only option we have, and the Alliance Members share our enthusiasm for putting patients at the center of the system. We look forward to continued engagement with Alliance Members in the Atlanta area and across the country as we continue to pursue positive, patient-centered health reform.” – U.S. Representative Tom Price, M.D. (R-GA 6th) Congressman Price addresses Alliance Members in Atlanta. * 8 Alliance Member Services n 1-800-733-2242 Get Started Top Benefits* Because health matters. ■■ Careington Discount Dental ■■ Critical Illness Benefit Health ■■ Access to Health Insurance ■■ Emergency Helicopter Transportation ■■ Global Emergency Services Whether it’s a medical emergency or Alliance Benefits can help you get the most for your health care dollars. Access to health insurance and ■■ Hospital Confinement and Emergency Room Benefits ■■ Life Insurance ■■ TelaDocTM Upgrade Options simply preventive health care, your ■■ Heart Attack Benefit numerous other health benefits help give you peace-of-mind. Personal *The benefits explained herein are offered at the sole discretion of the Alliance and may vary by availability, package option, vendor and state of residence. Vendors reserve the right to withdraw or change their offers without notice. Get Started Health Benefits Benefits for your health and security ■■ Global Emergency Services* When traveling more than 100 miles from home, emergency help is never more than a phone call away with Assist America. This program is included in the cost of your membership. Health Services include: •• Medical consultation •• Emergency medical evacuation •• Medical repatriation •• Prescription assistance •• Compassionate visit and more! If you experience a medical emergency while traveling 100 miles or more away from home, call Assist America at 1-800-909-5868, or call collect at 1-609-683-5868 from outside the U.S. Have your member number available to verify eligibility. All services must be arranged and provided by Assist America. No claims for reimbursement will be accepted. For additional details or to download and print your Assist America membership cards, visit Your Assist America membership cards are also located in the back of this catalog. *Limitations and exclusions may apply. GoTo: Assist Upgrade Options ■■ Life Insurance Group Term Life Insurance Coverage Your Alliance Membership provides you with Member Group Term Life Insurance Coverage from Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife) included in the cost of your membership. Member Term Life Insurance Coverage: •• Primary Member $25,000 •• Spouse $10,000 A 30-day waiting period from date of joining the Alliance is required. At age 60 group life insurance benefits reduce 75% and then cancel at age 65. In certain circumstances a conversion privilege to an individual policy may apply (subject to changes from group coverage in terms and conditions including changes in premium costs). Members may designate a beneficiary for their life insurance benefits by filling out and returning a Beneficiary Designation Form. To obtain a copy of the form, visit or call Alliance Member Services. For additional questions or information on how to file a claim, please call Crescent Insurance Services at 1-800-656-6267, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. EST on Friday. Be sure to have your Alliance Member number available. Personal Like most group life insurance policies, MetLife group policies contain certain exclusions, limitations, terms and conditions for keeping them in force. Please visit or contact Alliance for Affordable Services Member Services to obtain a copy of the policy. Coverage is provided through a group life insurance policy issued by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, N.Y. (MetLife) to the Alliance for Affordable Services, Group Policy (Form GPNP99-ASSN) sitused in the District of Columbia, with certificates of insurance (Form GCERT2000) issued to each insured Member. Life insurance coverage of members in other states will be subject to any applicable legal requirements of such states. Not available in Washington. GoTo: Life Insurance 10 Alliance Member Services n 1-800-733-2242 Get Started Health Benefits ■■ Automatic Protection Rest easier knowing you have protection included in the cost of your membership. These benefits are payable directly to you or your beneficiary. For more information, a claim form or copy of the Policy, contact Alliance Member Services or visit For information on an existing claim, please call 1-877-202-8187. Primary Member Spouse Max. days/ year Common Carrier Accidental Death Emergency Room (fractures & dislocations only) Heart Attack Benefit** $20,000 $30,000 $1,000 $5,000 No coverage $10,000 $15,000 $1,000 $5,000 No coverage $5,000 $10,000 $1,000 No coverage n/a n/a Any ER visit Once per lifetime Hospital Confinement Illness & Illness ICU*† $500/day $500/day $500/day ICU $350/day $350/day ICU $250/day $250/day ICU 180 days 10 days ICU $500/day ICU 10 days 10 days ICU Benefit begins 1st consecutive day§ 2nd consecutive day§ n/a n/a Upon ER admission 3rd consecutive day**§ GoTo: Accident Illness AD&D CCAD&D ER Heart Health Dependent children Accidental Death and Dismemberment Hospital Confinement Accident & Accident ICU† If you meet all of the qualifications for Confinement and Confinement-ICU, you will receive payment for each benefit as outlined. § Upgrade Options *Illness or disease which is diagnosed or treated after the effective date of coverage under this Policy. Benefit does not cover pre-existing illness or disease which is diagnosed or treated by a Physician prior to the effective date of coverage. Day(s) of Confinement means a day of Hospital Confinement as an Inpatient. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) means a specifically designated facility of the Hospital that provides the highest level of medical care and that is restricted to those patients who are critically ill or injured. Such facilities must be separate and apart from the surgical recovery room and from rooms, beds, and wards customarily used for patient confinement. The ICU must be permanently equipped with special lifesaving equipment for the care of the critically ill or injured, and the patients must be under constant and continual observation by nursing staffs assigned exclusively to the ICU on a full-time basis. These units must be listed as Intensive Care Units in the current edition of the American Hospital Association Guide or be eligible to be listed therein. This guide lists three types of facilities that meet this definition: (1) Intensive Care Units, (2) Cardiac Intensive Care Units, and (3) Infant (neonatal) Intensive Care Units. † Personal **Definitions: • “Heart Attack” means the death of a portion of the heart muscle as a result of inadequate cardiac blood supply to the relevant area. • Diagnostic Requirements: Payment of Benefits is subject to the following: 1) the Insured Person is hospitalized for 3 consecutive days as a result of a heart attack‡; 2) the Insured Person survives for at least 15 days after the date the Heart Attack is Diagnosed‡; 3) the diagnosis is made while the Insured Person’s coverage is in force under this Policy; and 4) the Insured Person has not, before or during the first 30 days of coverage, been medically advised that he/she has been diagnosed with, or has received any medication or treatment for any myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, coronary thrombosis or a cerebral vascular incident. ‡ The 3 consecutive days of hospitalization and 15-day survival period do not apply to Residents of the State of Washington who joined prior to 7/1/2008. NOTE: The preceding is only meant to be a brief summary and is not a contract. Coverage Underwritten By: National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., a Pennsylvania insurance company with its principal place of business at 175 Water Street, New York, NY 10038. The Policy contains certain limitations, reductions and exclusions. If there are any conflicts between this document and the Policy, the Policy shall govern. Please refer to the Policy for complete coverage details. To obtain a copy of the Policy, contact Alliance Member Services or visit May not be available in all states. Not available in WA to members joining on or after 7/1/2008. 11 Get Started Health Benefits ■■ Careington Discount Dental Plan*= Save 15% to 60% on virtually all dental procedures with this discount program, administered by Careington International. This program is included in the cost of your membership. Alliance Members have unlimited access to dental care at over 115,000 credentialed dental provider locations nationwide. There are no limits on the number of visits permitted and services are available to both adults and children. Your dental program materials will be sent separately. To locate a provider, visit or contact Careington International at 800-290-0523. Please note: The Careington Discount Dental Plan is not available in Montana and Vermont. *Percentage of savings may vary by location and procedure. Health = See Disclosures on page 19. GoTo: Dental ■■ CVS Caremark® Neighborhood Pharmacy Card* Personal Upgrade Options Receive the lowest pricing on prescription drugs when presenting your pharmacy card with your prescription to participating pharmacies such as CVS/pharmacy®, Rite Aid® Pharmacy, Target® Pharmacy, and Wal-Mart Pharmacy. Included in the cost of membership, this program offers discounted prices on prescription drugs. Present your pharmacy card when you fill your prescriptions. Your pharmacy card will arrive with your Alliance Welcome Packet. To order replacement cards, please contact Alliance Member Services at 800-733-2242. To view participating pharmacies and check drug costs, register online at or call CVS Caremark toll-free at 877-348-0578. *T HIS IS A DISCOUNT PROGRAM AND IS NOT INSURANCE. DISCOUNTED FEES ARE DUE AT TIME OF SERVICE. DISCOUNTS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE FROM PARTICIPATING PHARMACIES. Administered by CVS Caremark, Inc., 7034 Alamo Downs Parkway, San Antonio, TX 78238. GoTo: Pharmacy using my dental “Bydiscount program, I saved over $1,200.” — Patrick D., CA 12 Alliance Member Services n 1-800-733-2242 ■■ Critical Illness Benefit Included in the cost of membership! This benefit helps your family and business by providing some financial assistance in the event that you or your spouse suffers one of the following conditions: certain cancer-related conditions, certain heart-related conditions and certain other conditions. Receive payment of up to $5,000 in each of three different categories. Get Started Health Benefits If you or your spouse experiences one of the covered conditions within any category and meet all the group and certificate requirements, you will receive a lump-sum benefit payment that you can use as you see fit. The payment can be used on anything from co-pays and deductibles to utility bills and rehabilitation. Category 1 Cancer-Related Category 3 Other Conditions Health Full Benefit Cancer Partial Benefit Cancer* Bone Marrow Transplant Category 2 Heart-Related Heart Attack Stroke† Major Organ Transplant (other than bone marrow and heart) Coronary Artery Bypass Graft* Kidney Failure Heart Transplant Visit or contact Alliance Member Services for more information or for a copy of the policy. These terms will be defined by an insurance policy. The policy contains definitions of coverage, limitations, and exclusions. The preceding is only meant to be a brief summary and is not a contract. Not available in all states. Please visit for list of states available. Upgrade Options *For some types of cancer and a coronary artery bypass graft, you will receive 25% of the category benefit amount. The remaining 75% is available within that category should the covered individual experience another one of the covered conditions in that category while the certificate is in force. In certain states, the condition is severe stroke. † MetLife Critical Illness Insurance (CII) is a limited group policy. Like most group accident and health insurance policies, MetLife’s CII policies contain certain exclusions, limitations and terms for keeping them in force. Product features and availability vary by state. In most states, there is a 30-90 day waiting period after the effective date of coverage and a preexisting condition exclusion. In some states there is a benefit suspension period between covered conditions in different categories or a limit on the total benefit payments per calendar year. A more detailed description of the benefits, limitations, and exclusions applicable to you can be found in the Disclosure Document or Outline of Coverage. Please contact MetLife for more information. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, NY. L0610111943[exp0611][xGU,MP,PR] GoTo: Critical Personal 13 Get Started Additional Health Benefits ■■ Emergency Helicopter Transportation Reimbursement up to $4,000 per occurrence, per person in the event of a Certified Life Threatening Injury as a result of an accident that requires Emergency Medical Transportation by helicopter in accordance with local EMS protocols. This service is included in the cost of your membership. This benefit also covers your spouse and dependents. For information, a claim form or a copy of the Policy, contact Alliance Member Services or visit For information on an existing claim, call 1-877-202-8187. Health Coverage Underwritten By: National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., a Pennsylvania insurance company, with its principal place of business at 175 Water Street, New York, NY 10038. The Policy contains certain limitations, reductions and exclusions. If there are any conflicts between this document and the Policy, the Policy shall govern. Please refer to the Policy for complete coverage details. May not be available in all states. Not available in WA to members joining on or after 7/1/2008. GoTo: Helicopter ■■ 1-800 CONTACTS® The world’s largest contact lens store delivers the same contact lenses that your doctor prescribed to your door. •• Authorized retailer with Bausch & Lomb, CIBA Vision, CooperVision, and Johnson & Johnson Personal Upgrade Options •• Unbeatable Price Guarantee - Find a lower price online and they’ll match it!* •• 100% Guarantee - If you are not pleased, they’ll make it right and even exchange unopened boxes of lenses if your prescription changes For more information or to place an order, call 1-800 CONTACTS (1-800-266-8228) or visit *Limitations and restrictions apply. GoTo: Contacts ■■ Ambulance Benefit* Receive up to $200 reimbursement for actual expenses incurred using ground ambulance services to or from a hospital as a result of an accident or illness. Coverage is for the primary member only; one trip per year, and is included in the cost of your membership. For additional information, a copy of the Policy or a claim form, contact Alliance Member Services or visit For more information on an existing claim, please call 1-800-656-6267. *Some restrictions may apply. GoTo: Ambulance 14 Alliance Member Services n 1-800-733-2242 ■■ Direct Labs* Save up to 80% off retail prices on high-quality, low-cost laboratory services at more than 4,000 provider locations. Order your test now by calling 1-800-908-0000 and mentioning promo code “AAS.” *Not available in NY, NJ, or RI. Payment will be requested over the phone and must be completed prior to referral to a Patient Service Center. May not coordinate with other benefits. GoTo: Labs ■■ EPIC Hearing Service Plan (HSP) Provides services such as hearing diagnostics and evaluations for the entire family. Save 20% to 60% on manufacturer brand products. For information, call 1-866-956-5400. To enroll, call 1-888-249-9002; identify yourself as an Alliance Member. GoTo: Hearing ■■ ExtraCare® Health Card Save 20% to 40% as compared to a national brand when using the ExtraCare® Health Card to purchase the already low priced CVS/pharmacy® brand healthrelated products. The CVS/pharmacy brands are of the same quality as national brands, but cost much less. For more information or to replace a lost card, call CVS Caremark® at 1-888-543-5938. GoTo: ExtraCare ■■ Ideal HealthTM — Customized Vitamins® Special discounts on in-home testing to determine and provide specific vitamins your body needs. Call 1-866-801-3457 for information; identify yourself as an Alliance Member. GoTo: Ideal Health Imaging Services ■■ AllRad Direct To schedule a procedure, locate a provider or submit a referral contact AllRad Direct at 1-800-767-6747 available 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. EST. Be sure to mention your Alliance Membership. Click here to search for a provider in your area. GoTo: AllRad ■■ One Call Medical Save 25% - 50% on MRI, CT or PET scans, for you and your family, at over 3,000 imaging centers nationwide.* One Call Medical provides the solution for ensuring access to high quality tests at low costs: •• National network of highly credentialed providers •• Unique scheduling services to assist patients with access to providers THIS IS A DISCOUNT PROGRAM AND NOT INSURANCE. You are responsible for paying all fees at the time of service. Administered by CVS Caremark, Inc., 7034 Alamo Downs Parkway, San Antonio, TX 78238. GoTo: Mail Rx ■■ MEDPro* Individuals and families who qualify receive prescription assistance services and access to more than 4,000 brand name and generic medications. Medications are purchased in a 30- or 90-day supply. MEDPro’s processing department will order your refills, remind you when to renew your application, and stay current on trends and changes in available programs and how they affect your situation. Qualification is based on income. Approval process takes up to 48 hours. Once approved, enrollment process is four to eight weeks. Charges include only a one-time $25 setup fee (75% off the regular fee) and a monthly administrative fee of $20 per medication. Re-enrollment and income verification are required every 12 months. To apply or get more information, call MEDPro at 1-888-715-0556 and mention your Alliance membership, or visit and complete an online Medication Access Evaluation Form. *This is not an insurance program. MEDPro is an administrative services company only. Information provided is utilized for these programs only. GoTo: MEDPro Personal For more information, or to locate a provider and schedule a procedure, contact One Call Medical at 1-877-814-2461, available 8 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. EST. Be sure to mention your Alliance membership. *Percentage of savings will vary by service and location. All fees will be collected by One Call Medical at the time of scheduling of appointment based upon provider selected by member. May not coordinate with other benefits. GoTo: One Call Upgrade Options *The fee structure in each state differs based on fee schedules and local usual, customary, and reasonable charges (UCR). All fees will be collected by AllRad Direct/dba Porteck Health Networks prior to examination. Services may not be available in all states. May not coordinate with other benefits. Enjoy the convenience and safety of having prescriptions delivered right to your door. Save money on 90-day supplies of your maintenance prescription medications. Access to this program is available at no additional cost. For more information, have your member number ready and call CVS Caremark® at 1-877-348-0578 or visit Health AllRad Direct offers negotiated fees on radiology and testing procedures through its national network of more than 2,500 radiology facilities. Save approximately 20% to 60% on procedures such as:* •• Open and closed MRIs •• Bone scans •• EMGs and NCVs •• CT scans •• Sonograms and X-rays •• Nuclear medicine ■■ Mail Service Pharmacy Get Started Additional Health Benefits 15 Get Started Health Additional Health Benefits ■■ TelaDoc™* ■■ Vision Discount Plan Enjoy unlimited access 24-hours-a-day, 365-daysa-year to a national network of board certified physicians providing cross coverage consultations included in the cost of your membership. TelaDoc™ physicians use electronic health records and telephone consultations to diagnose, recommend treatment and write short-term prescriptions. For more information, call 1-800-TelaDoc (835-2362) or to register online visit to obtain your access codes and sign up online. If you register with TelaDoc via telephone, there is a $12 fee. *TelaDoc Medical Services: TelaDoc does not replace the primary care physician. TelaDoc is not available in Oklahoma. TelaDoc does not guarantee that a prescription will be written, and operates subject to state regulations. TelaDoc does not prescribe DEA controlled substances. TelaDoc physicians reserve the right to deny care for potential misuse of services. TelaDoc, Inc.© 2002 - 2010 Save up to 40% on all your eye care needs including eye exams, frames, lenses and lens options. Save 15% off retail prices on conventional contact lenses and LASIK PRK at participating providers. Nationwide service providers include Sears Optical®, Target Optical®, JCPenney® and some Pearle Vision® Centers. To locate a provider, please call 1-866-7230391 and mention your Alliance Membership or visit Use plan #9233024. To locate a LASIK provider, call 1-877-552-7376. THIS IS A DISCOUNT PROGRAM AND IS NOT INSURANCE. DISCOUNTED FEES DUE AT TIME OF SERVICE. Administered by EyeMed Vision Care, LLC, 4000 Luxottica Place, Mason, OH 45040. GoTo: Vision ■■™ GoTo: TelaDoc Save up to 75% on retail prices on vitamins and supplements. To order, visit Upgrade Options GoTo: Vitamins The number one requested benefit ■■ Access to Health Insurance As the number one need for individuals and families without benefits, Alliance provides access to portable health and other valuable benefits. These plans feature: •• Flexibility to allow you to design your own plan •• A dedicated field force to explain the coverage face-to-face with members •• Supplemental plans like dental and vision Personal Your Licensed Insurance Agent can provide more details on the insurance coverage available in your state and help you tailor a plan that is right for you. Association membership requirements vary by state. Association group plans, where available, require membership. These plans are underwritten by health insurance companies that have issued a group master policy to the Alliance for Affordable Services. Insurance plan availability will vary by state. GoTo: Health Insurance 16 Alliance Member Services n 1-800-733-2242 Get Started Upgrade Options* Everyone deserves the best health possible. ■■ Careington Advantage Card Plans ■■ Hospital Advantage Card Health ■■ Association Rx Card We know that everyone is different. health care needs, we offer additional, personalized options to help you save on prescription medications, hospitalization and more. Upgrade Options Recognizing the wide variety of Personal *The benefits explained herein are offered at the sole discretion of the Alliance and may vary by availability, package option, vendor and state of residence. Vendors reserve the right to withdraw or change their offers without notice. Get Started Upgrade Options ■■ Careington Advantage Card Plans*✝ Reduce your health care costs with a Careington Advantage Card. Choose one of the plans listed below: Advantage Card Physician Access Program — only $15 per month Save 20% to 45% on medical services, imaging services and much more at a participating provider’s office through the PHCS network. Search for a provider at Upgrade Options Health GoTo: Advantage Card HealthWise Advantage Card — only $25 per month This unique program provides you access to savings on the following services: •• Physician Access Program - Save 20% to 45% on medical services, imaging services and much more on office visits through the PHCS network with providers nationwide •• Chiropractic Care – Save 10% to 40% on most treatments at over 14,000 chiropractors nationwide •• Prescription Eyewear – Save 20% to 40% on eyeglasses, lenses, contacts and more at over 40,000 eye care professionals nationwide •• Ophthalmology Services – Save 15% off retail price or 5% off promotion price on LASIK/PRK procedures; whichever is the greater discount •• Diabetic Care – Save 20% to 40% on disposable medical supplies and durable medical equipment •• Alternative Medicine – Save 10% to 40% at over 22,000 alternative health care providers •• Vitamins – Save 25% on vitamins and nutritional supplements •• Hearing Services – Save approximately 25% on hearing aids, as well as discounts on hearing exams, services, batteries, and repairs •• Long Term Care – Save 5% to 30% at nearly 5,000 providers •• Child Care and Elder Care – Unlimited access to telephone consultations with expert counselors to identify solutions, provide educational resources and referrals •• Emergency Medical Information - Provides a critical link to expediting medical information to health care professionals •• Wellness Program - Online, interactive health and wellness programs and much more For more information or to join, please contact Alliance Member Services. After joining the program, you will receive two membership identification cards and a detailed information booklet on how to maximize your health care savings. If you need any assistance with the services, please refer to the information booklet for the appropriate phone numbers. *Percentage of savings may vary by location and procedure. The Careington Advantage Card Physician Access Program and HealthWise Advantage Card are not available in Massachusetts, Montana, and Vermont. = See Disclosures on page 19. Personal GoTo: HealthWise “I have always been very pleased when using my benefits. I have been able to save hundreds of dollars from the benefits I have used. 18 Alliance Member Services n 1-800-733-2242 ” - Terry T., GA = Disclosures THIS PLAN IS NOT INSURANCE. THIS IS NOT A MEDICARE PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLAN.* This plan does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under M.G.L. c. 111M and 956 CMR 5.00. The plan provides discounts at certain health care providers for medical services. The range of discounts will vary depending on the type of provider and service. The plan does not make payments directly to the providers of medical services. Plan members are obligated to pay for all health care services but will receive a discount from those health care providers who have contracted with the discount medical plan organization. You may access a list of participating health care providers online. For the Careington Discount Dental Plan, please visit For the Careington Advantage Card Physician Access Program, please visit For the HealthWise Advantage Card, please visit Upon request, the plan will make available a written list of participating health care providers. You have the right to cancel within the first 30 days after receipt of membership materials and receive a full refund, less a nominal processing fee (nominal fee for MD residents is $5). Discount Medical Plan Organization and administrator: Careington International Corporation, 7400 Gaylord Parkway, Frisco, Texas 75034; phone 800-441-0380. Health The program and its administrators have no liability for providing or guaranteeing service by providers or the quality of service rendered by providers. The Careington Discount Dental Plan is not available in Montana and Vermont. The Careington Advantage Card Physician Access Program and HealthWise Advantage Card are not available in Massachusetts, Montana, and Vermont. *Medicare statement applies to MD residents when pharmacy discounts are part of program. Get Started Upgrade Options ■■ Hospital Advantage Card= Alliance Members saved an average of 57% in 2009* at hospitals located throughout the U.S. Contact Alliance Member Services to join for only $15 per month. After signing up, the Hospital Advantage Card materials will be sent separately. Hospitalization is negotiated on a case-by-case basis, and savings will vary by procedure and location. Savings are not guaranteed on services rendered prior to obtaining a Referral. = Disclosures THIS IS NOT INSURANCE. This is a hospital negotiation service. This plan does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under M.G.L. c. 111M and 956 CMR 5.00. Fees must be negotiated in advance. Payment arrangements must be paid in advance to the Negotiation Service. Please do not make payments directly to the hospital. This plan is administered by Careington International Corporation, 7400 Gaylord Parkway, Frisco, TX 75034, phone 800-441-0380. Not available in all states. Not available in Massachusetts, Montana, Vermont, Maryland, and West Virginia. GoTo: Hospital Card Upgrade Options *Average savings figures based on all cases adjudicated from January through June 2009. Personal 19 Get Started Health Upgrade Options ■■ Association Rx Card* The Association Rx Card is accepted at more than 55,000 pharmacies throughout the U.S. for both brand name and generic medications. Choose from two plans: •• Individual — $13.95 per month •• Family — $23.95 per month This program offers four tiers of savings: •• Tier I — Preferred Generic Drugs – up to $10 payment •• Tier II — Preferred Brand Name and Generic Drugs – up to $20 payment •• Tier III — Preferred Brand Name and Generic Drugs – up to $50 payment •• Tier IV — Brand Name Drugs with Special Network Pricing Visit* for more details on tier drug pricing. For more information or to sign up for the Association Rx Card, contact Alliance Member Services. After signing up, your Association Rx materials will be sent separately. *T HIS IS A SAVINGS PROGRAM AND IS NOT INSURANCE. FEES ARE DUE AT TIME OF SERVICE. Administered by Rx Options, Inc., 2181 E. Aurora Road, Suite 201, Twinsburg, OH 44087. Pricing is subject to change without notice. Pricing is only for quantities stated; additional quantities may incur higher cost. May not be available in all states. Upgrade Options GoTo: Rx Card The Association Rx Card helped “ me tremendously as a graduate student. When my coverage ran out this year, I joined Alliance. Alliance has allowed me to continue taking all my necessary medications at an affordable rate ” Personal . - Kristen S., OH 20 Alliance Member Services n 1-800-733-2242 Get Started Top Benefits* There is more to life than just work; Alliance is still with you. When you need help on the road of life, you can count on the Alliance to be there. ■■ Emergency Roadside Assistance ■■ Hotel Discount Programs ■■ ID Theft Resolution ■■ Legal Club of America® — Family Plan ■■ Online Tax Advice ■■ Real Estate ■ Transactions Discounts ■■ Rental Car Savings ■■ Special Rates for Home and Auto Insurance Upgrade Options when you are out of the office, the ■■ Alliance Scholarship Program Health Get more out of life. ■■ Alliance ConsumerClub Rewards Personal *The benefits explained herein are offered at the sole discretion of the Alliance and may vary by availability, package option, vendor and state of residence. Vendors reserve the right to withdraw or change their offers without notice. Get Started Personal Benefits Get more out of life ■■ Emergency Roadside Assistance Included in the cost of your membership! As an Alliance Member, you have unlimited access to emergency roadside service. Roadside assistance is just a phone call away and includes: •• 24-hour service with toll-free access anywhere in the U.S. and Canada •• Trip planning services Upgrade Options Health This service follows you, no matter where you travel or what vehicle you are driving. In addition to coverage for your personal and business needs, this plan also services motorcycles, motor homes and RVs. Emergency Road Service* provides sign & go coverage and/or reimbursement up to $125 per event if your vehicle becomes disabled and services are performed by a commercial garage, locksmith or wrecker. Reimbursable and sign & go services include: •• Towing or winching out a vehicle •• Fuel delivery and tire change •• Lockout service •• Jump start •• Delivery/installation of parts at the disablement site Contact Emergency Roadside Assistance at 1-800-523-4582 for more information. Emergency Roadside Assistance is also available to your immediate family members at no additional cost. Call 1-800-523-4582 to activate coverage for your spouse and/or dependent children. When you need service, call Emergency Roadside Assistance at 1-800-567-5015; have your membership ID number ready or mention your Alliance Membership. *The Emergency Roadside Assistance benefit does not provide for the cost of a tire, battery, parts or gasoline. Road service for truck-sized needs is limited to single rear-axle trucks. Services are for vehicles designed for public highway use. GoTo: Roadside ■■ ID Theft Resolution Personal Identity theft can have a devastating impact on victims. But if it ever happens to you, Identity Theft 911® knows exactly what to do to help you solve your problem. Consumer Freedom Members have access to Identity Theft 911 included in the cost of your membership. From the first call you make to report the identity theft until the crisis is resolved, a personal advocate will work with you. Identity Theft 911 will notify the appropriate agencies and businesses, help you file all crucial reports properly, clear up fraudulent activities from your credit file, create a comprehensive case file for claims handling and law enforcement, and much more. This benefit also covers your spouse and dependents up to age 21 who live at home or are full-time students. If you believe your identity has been compromised, call 1-888-249-9002 and identify yourself as an Alliance Member to be referred immediately to a fraud specialist from Identity Theft 911. GoTo: ID Theft 22 Alliance Member Services n 1-800-733-2242 ■■ Legal Club of America ® — Family Plan* As an Alliance Consumer Freedom Member you have access to a nationwide network of pre-qualified attorneys included in the cost of your membership, a retail value of $144. Health Members enjoy numerous free services, including: •• Unlimited phone and face-to-face consultations for new legal matters •• Attorney review of legal documents (six-page maximum per new matter) •• Free Living Will and Simple Will preparation for you and your family •• When appropriate, Plan Attorneys will make initial phone calls and write initial letters on your behalf •• Plus: FREE online initial consultations with plan attorneys! •• Discounted hourly rate of $125 for any extended legal care Get Started Personal Benefits Membership also includes your spouse, dependents up to 25-years-of-age and any relatives living with and financially dependent upon you. To find out more or request service, contact Legal Club of America® at 1-800-305-6816 and identify yourself as an Alliance Member to receive free services and discounted rates. *This program is not insurance coverage. May not be available in all states. GoTo: Legal Family Upgrade Options Since we live in Wyoming and the [legal] issue was in New Hampshire “ where we lived previously, being able to access a New Hampshire attorney through Legal Club of America saved us ” a great deal of time, aggravation and money. Personal — Frederic O., WY 23 Get Started Personal Benefits ■■ Alliance ConsumerClub Rewards Get rewarded just for being a member! New Alliance Members receive $250 in Rewards Cash in your online account. An additional $50 will be deposited each month you remain an active member. Use your ConsumerClub Rewards to: •• Save up to 40% on over 13,000 hotels worldwide •• Save 20% to 50% at over 76,000 restaurants •• Save up to 60% on over 100 popular magazine titles •• Save up to 60% on over 2,800 DVD selections Health •• Save up to 78% on over 70 software titles •• Save an average of 10% on retail, dining and travel gift cards •• Save on jewelry, electronics, cruises, flights and more Members must register before using Rewards Cash. For more information or to register, visit GoTo: Rewards Upgrade Options ■■ Alliance Scholarship Program In 2009, the Alliance Scholarship Program awarded $288,000 to 201 dependents of Alliance Members. The Alliance awards hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to high school graduates and continuing college students and has given more than $1.4 million since the program’s inception. •• Open to legal dependents of Alliance Members, ages 16-28 •• Both high school graduates and current college students may apply •• Renewal scholarships are available for up to three consecutive years. Renewal candidates must maintain a 3.5 GPA •• Annual deadline for both first-time applications and renewal requests is June 15 Download an application or renewal instructions from, apply online at, or contact Alliance Member Services and request Benefit #1422. GoTo: Scholarship award has been “The scholarship fantastic; our daughter received 2,000 $ 1,000 last year and $ Personal this year. A phenomenal benefit, with the soaring costs of college! ” 24 Alliance Member Services n 1-800-733-2242 — Karen T., WA ■■ ® Save 15% on flowers and gifts. Call 1-888-755-7474 and reference account #130040531. Or order online at GoTo: Flowers ■■ 1-800-PetMeds GoTo: PetMeds ■■ 24PetWatch Pet q Insurance Programs* *Coverage is not available in AK. GoTo: PetCare ■■ Alliance Advance E-Letter Monthly news about your Alliance Benefits, legislative updates and chances to win great prizes. To receive your copy at no additional charge, set up an Alliance Web Account and register your e-mail address. GoTo: E-Letter Your complimentary member magazine posted quarterly. GoTo: Magazine Save on amusement park tickets nationwide. Contact Alliance Member Services or order online at GoTo: Parks ■■ Auto Coupon Book More than $1,000 in discounts on parts, tires, brakes, repairs, batteries and more. To order your coupon book for only $8, contact Alliance Member Services and request Benefit #1961 or order online at GoTo: Auto Coupons ■■ Auto Insurance* Special program rates from Travelers. Save more when you combine your coverage with Home Insurance. Call 1-800-842-5936 and mention your Alliance Membership or visit *Some limitations and exclusions may apply. May not be available in all states. GoTo: Auto Insurance ■■ Budget ® Rent-A-Car Save up to 20% every time you rent with Budget®. Plus, you can always count on the great products and services that make Budget such a smart choice, including Fastbreak® paperless rental service, e-ReceiptsTM, GPS and electronic toll tags. Call 1-800-455-2848 and mention promo code “BCD #V672903.” For discount coupons, contact Alliance Member Services or visit GoTo: Budget 25 Personal ■■ Alliance Guidance ■■ Amusement Park Discounts Upgrade Options 10% off accident and illness coverage for cats and dogs. For a quote or to enroll, call 1-866-275-7387 or visit Use promo code “BR 1039-287.” Access the latest information from the Alliance, including descriptive information on your benefits, resources to answer your questions and tools to help you live better, save more. You can also have quick access to all your benefits by entering the GoTo keywords at Health America's largest and most trusted pet pharmacy delivers prescription and non-prescription medications, vitamins and supplements, and pet supplies to more than one million customers nationwide. 1-800-PetMeds not only guarantees the lowest prices, but also offers free shipping on orders valued at $39 or more (not including refrigerated items) as well as a money-back satisfaction guarantee. For more information or to place an order, visit and be sure to view the Daily Specials for featured discounts. ■■ Alliance Website Get Started Additional Personal Benefits Get Started Additional Personal Benefits ■■ Debt Review and Consolidation Save 40% on creation of a custom-designed repayment plan. Call 1-877-332-8722 and mention your Alliance Membership to receive this discount. GoTo: Debt Health ■■ Discount Movie Tickets Save money on movie tickets you can use at theaters nationwide.* Contact Alliance Member Services or order online at •• AMC Theatres $6.00 Benefit #118 •• Regal Entertainment $6.50 Benefit #910 *Minimum of 10 tickets per theater plus $4 shipping. GoTo: Movie ■■ Enterprise Rent-A-Car Upgrade Options Save up to 10%* on the standard daily rates. Call 1-800-593-0505 or visit, and refer to the Alliance Corporate Account #09A6281 and PIN#ALL. *Some restrictions may apply. GoTo: Enterprise ■■ Expedia ® Receive discounts on flights, hotels, cars, cruises and much more. •• Save an average of $220 when you book your hotel with your flight •• Up to 50% off hotels •• Up to 30% off vacation packages! Personal Expedia®, the nation’s #1 online travel agency, is committed to helping you create and enjoy the best trip possible. Book your trip online at GoTo: Expedia 26 Alliance Member Services n 1-800-733-2242 ■■ Golf Discount Directory Discounts on green fees and/or golf accessories. To order your National Golfers Network (NGN) directory for only $2.99, contact Alliance Member Services and request Benefit #1410 or order online at GoTo: Golf ■■ Grocery Coupon Order Book Save up to $1,000 or more with coupons for namebrand products. To receive your complimentary Grocery Coupon Order Book, contact Alliance Member Services and request Benefit #1543, or order online at Additional books are available for $4.95 each; request Benefit #1549. GoTo: Grocery ■■ Hertz ® Save up to 15% on daily, standard daily, weekly and weekend rates. Call 1-800-654-2200 or visit and mention CDP #1217645. To receive your discount coupons or apply online for the Hertz® #1 Club Gold® (fee waived), visit GoTo: Hertz ■■ Hewlett-Packard ® Save up to 10% on HP products. Call 1-866-433-2018 and mention promo code “EP6958,” or visit GoTo: HP ■■ Home Insurance* Special program rates from Travelers. Save more when you combine your coverage with Auto Insurance. Call 1-800-842-5936 and mention your Alliance Membership or visit *Some limitations and exclusions may apply. May not be available in all states. GoTo: Home Insurance ■■ Hotel Access Card GoTo: Hotel Access ■■ Hotel Discount Program GoTo: JIU ■■ Members Only Real Estate (MORE) Enjoy discounts on real estate commissions through Century 21® Mike Bowman offices. Members will also save with discounted title services, mortgage services, home insurance and warranty programs. Please contact a MORE representative today at 1-800-848-2384 and identify yourself as an Alliance Member to receive your discounts. GoTo: MORE ■■ North American® Van Lines* Save at least 50% on your interstate move. Call 1-800-873-2673, ext. 155. Mention your Alliance Membership and promo code “ALSV.” Upgrade Options Take an additional 10% off the “Best Available Rate”* at almost 7,000 participating hotels throughout the world. To receive your discount, mention promo code #62042 at time of reservation. •• Baymont Inn & Suites® 1-800-996-2087 •• Days Inn® 1-800-268-2195 1-800-221-5816 •• Hawthorne Suites® •• Howard Johnson® 1-800-769-0939 •• Knights Inn® 1-800-682-1071 •• Microtel Inn & Suites® 1-800-330-8712 •• Ramada Worldwide® 1-800-462-8035 1-800-889-9706 •• Super 8® •• Travelodge® 1-800-545-5545 •• Wingate by Wyndham® 1-877-202-8814 •• Wyndham Hotels 1-866-854-1604 & Resorts® Save 10% on tuition for a one-of-a-kind online learning experience that suits every individual’s needs. Call 1-800-811-5663 and identify yourself as an Alliance Member to receive your discount or visit Health Save up to 50% on hotels with your complimentary hotel directory and card, contact Alliance Member Services and request Benefit #1147. Additional directories available for $6.95 each; request Benefit #337. Or order online at ■■ Jones International University® (JIU®) Get Started Additional Personal Benefits *Some restrictions may apply. GoTo: Moving ■■ Online Shopping Discounts q by Working Advantage Members receive complimentary access to this premier online savings portal that provides a simple way to purchase discounted products and services at hundreds of retail partners. Members can save up to 60% on entertainment, travel, sporting events, Broadway tickets, appliances, gifts and more. To access your savings, visit GoTo: Shopping Personal *Limitations & Exclusions may apply. GoTo: Hotel Discount 27 Get Started Health Additional Personal Benefits ■■ Online Tax Advice Get unlimited advice from Certified Public Accountants on all your tax questions at no additional charge. To submit questions, visit and receive an answer within two business days. Receive a 20% rebate* off real estate commission costs. Other discount moving services are available as well. Visit or call 1-800-540-6251 and identify yourself as an Alliance Member. NOTE: The Online Tax Consultant available on the Alliance Web site provides financial and business information pertinent to individuals, small-business owners and entrepreneurs through Allen & Robertson, LLP Certified Public Accountants and is not operated by, nor is the information furnished by, the Alliance. It is not intended to replace the role of the tax professional. It is recommended and important that users consult with their own professionals for advice regarding their specific facts and circumstances. *Rebates are subject to state law and changes do occur. Most states allow rebates. Please check with Member Benefit Services for current status. Rebate qualification is contingent on contacting Member Benefit Services prior to contacting an agent. Alliance Members choose from a wide selection of qualified agents. GoTo: Tax Advice Upgrade Options ■■ Penny-Wise Products Up to 40% off list prices on over 40,000 items including school and educational supplies, computer and media accessories, and home office products. Call 1-800-942-3311 or visit and use promo code “AAH.” Use coupon code “PW09” and take $30 off your first order of $100 or more! Order online for an additional 3% savings. GoTo: Penny-Wise ■■ PODS®* Save 10% on your initial delivery and first month of storage. Call 1-866-846-0900 and mention promo code “ALL3,” or visit *Some restrictions may apply. GoTo: PODS ■■ Printing Services at q Burns Graphics, Inc. Personal ■■ Save on Real Estate Transactions Save up to 30% on printing services and promotional products. Call 1-888-805-3000 and mention your Alliance Membership to receive your discount, or visit GoTo: Printing 28 Alliance Member Services n 1-800-733-2242 GoTo: Real Estate ■■ Telcorp International Affordable telecommunications rates and services. To receive a quote, e-mail Be sure to include information on the services you require. Or call 1-888-835-2677 and identify yourself as an Alliance Member. GoTo: Telcorp ■■ TributeDirect™ Pay a one-time fee to save 40% to 70% on funeral products, monuments and planning services. Call 1-866-823-7774 and mention your Alliance Membership. GoTo: TributeDirect ■■ TurboTax® Online Save 15% on this #1 online tax preparation program. Visit for more information. GoTo: TurboTax
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