We are excited you have decided to use HCG Homeopathic Drops. Countless
numbers of individuals have had their lives changed as they shed excess pounds
and inches and have regained better health. We know it almost seems too good to
be true, but many have found that HCG is one of the keys that helped enhance
their health and quality of life. In this manual you’ll learn about the diet plan and
how to be successful. It is important that you read the entire manual before
Persons age 16 and over who are not pregnant or nursing a baby. Men can also do
this diet plan. As with any diet, check with your doctor first. A person should not
take Homeopathic HCG drops if they have:
 Cancer, tumors or large uterine fibroids
 Gallbladder, Colic issues
*Resolve dietary issues and stop the gallbladder attacks first.
 Heart disease
*Heart needs to be stable. A clear ECG for a minimum of three months is
needed prior to starting drops. You should obtain approval from your
cardiologist before and during the time you follow this plan.
 Fractures that are healing
o Wait until healed to start.
DISCLAIMER: The Keys to Life, Inc. is a distribution company only and offers
no medical advice. We are not and do not profess or imply to be medical doctors
or medical professionals. The products and the claims made about specific
products we offer have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not approved to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. You should always speak with a
healthcare professional before taking or using any dietary, nutritional, herbal
supplement or any other products.
Phase 1: Minimum: 23 Days
Maximum: 45 days
This depends on how much weight you want to lose. You can stop this phase
anytime after you have completed 23 days, not to exceed 45 days.
Phase 2: Maintenance Phase: 21 Days
This is the transition phase where you add fats back into your diet. The restrictions
are NO Sugar or Starch. See the Maintenance Phase to see exactly what you can
Phase 3: End of diet
You can now add all other foods into your diet, just weigh yourself EVERY DAY.
If you still desire to lose more weight you can start Phase 1 again after completing
the Maintenance Phase. When re-starting the drops you will only have 1 binge
Day 1 and 2: Take 15 Homeopathic HCG drops in the morning and evening (12
hours apart). Make sure not to take within 15 minutes of eating or drinking
anything. Place them under your tongue and hold 1 minute before swallowing.
You will eat as much as you want, especially foods that are high in fat. It’s
important to binge these 2 days so that your fat reserves will be full before adding
the low calorie eating plan. You must follow the diet plan as prescribed to be
successful. The foods allowed are listed. No others can be substituted. Do not eat
past 7:00 p.m.
Day 3 until you reach your goal weight: (Max: 45 days at a time) Continue
HCG drops and begin the low calorie diet plan. You will weigh yourself each
morning and measure yourself at least every 4 days. You will be very excited to
see the pounds and inches lost.
Options for Adults:
• 15 drops, 2 times a day, 12 hours apart (Most popular)
• 10 drops, 3 times a day
• 5 drops, 6 times a day (experiment to see what helps most with hunger
*HCG does not need to be refrigerated, but keep out of direct sunlight.
*Warnings: Do not use if the seal is broken or missing.
You must commit to at least 23 days in order to do this diet. This includes the 2
binge days and 21 days of following the low calorie diet while taking the HCG
drops. If you reach your goal weight before 21 days, you will add additional
protein and vegetables until you have taken HCG for 23 days. Completing each
phase correctly will reset your Hypothalamus.
After you complete the 23 days you will stop the drops while continuing the low
calorie diet for another 3 days. It takes 3 days for the HCG to completely leave
your body. Then you will follow the Maintenance Phase for another 21 days.
The most successful people on this diet stuff themselves full of high-fat foods
during the first two days. To some this sounds exciting, but to others it may seem
counter-productive. After all, who ever heard of bingeing on the first couple of
days on any other diet?
As we eat foods high in fat our body actually stores the extra fat like a mini
storage unit. Dr. Simeons found that when he injected his patients with HCG that
the garage doors to those storage units would open their doors and release the fat.
While a person continued to receive the HCG it kept the garage doors open. With
the release of the extra fat, a person is receiving around 3,000 calories or more
each day that are usable. This causes a person to feel quite content on the low
calorie and healthy eating plan. This causes individuals to lose up to 1 or 2
pounds per day.
BREAKFAST: Drink any amount of a non-caloric beverage. This includes
caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee. If you work out, you can eat a few egg
whites that day. You may choose to have a piece of fruit and Ezekiel bread.
LUNCH: A protein & vegetable
DINNER: A protein & vegetable
SNACKS: Two portions of fruit (If you eat fruit for breakfast, you get 1 other
piece of fruit that day)
NOTE: While organic products generally lead to maximum weight loss results,
they are not absolutely necessary.
 You should eat 3.5 oz. of protein twice daily for lunch and dinner. Choose
lean meats only. Remove fat and weigh your proteins prior to cooking.
Portions are about the size of a makeup compact. If you are a serious
weightlifter you can increase your protein 3.5 ounces on the day you lift
 Veal or steak, 93% lean hamburger (grill or drain the fat)
 Fresh white fish: halibut, cod, flounder, monkfish, perch, pike, pollock,
snapper, sole, whiting, crab meat, lobster, tilapia, grouper, shrimp, scallops,
and albacore tuna only (canned is acceptable)
 Chicken or turkey (breast only without skin)
 Eggs – 1 egg with 3 egg whites
Not Allowed: Salmon, eel, herring, tuna, dried, pickled or smoked fish or any
other protein not listed above.
 You should eat 3.5 oz. selected vegetables twice daily (lunch and dinner)
 Fresh or frozen vegetables are allowed. Organic is always best, but not
 Spinach, chard, chicory, beet-greens, green salad (lettuce), tomatoes, celery,
fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli,
cauliflower, zucchini, bell peppers, mushrooms
 Eat one type of vegetable per meal; however, it is acceptable to put small
portions of several different vegetables on a salad
Not Allowed: Pumpkin, beet-root, potatoes (white or sweet), carrots, green beans,
peas, corn or other vegetable not listed above.
 2 portions per day of fruit, at least 6 hours apart
 Apple, strawberries (6 large), orange, plum, peach, grapefruit
 10 glasses (2 liters) of water MINIMUM (Soda water, mineral water or filtered
 Tea, coffee
 1 piece of Ezekiel bread, grissini, melba toast or a serving size of low
sodium V8 juice (If you have this for breakfast this counts as your daily
 One tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil or coconut oil
 One tablespoon of fat-free milk
 Condiments: ketchup or mustard without sugar
 Seasonings: McCormick’s Montreal Seasonings, sea salt, pepper, vinegar,
mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram, salsa, and
other spices are freely allowed if they do not contain sugar
 Juice from 1 lemon
 Sugar-free mints and gum, there are many with xylitol that are very good
PLEASE NOTE: The food options listed, along with the daily extras are the
ONLY choices available for Phase 1! You should read the entire HCG
Homeopathic Manual before starting the diet plan.
 Take Calcium and a Multi-Vitamin
 Take Potassium or drink a low-sodium V-8 Juice to help prevent leg
cramps. (If you drink the V-8 juice you will not eat the bread choice)
 Take a sublingual B-12 as this will help with food cravings, hunger and
increased energy (We have Prescription strength available) Do not take
past noon or you may have a difficult time sleeping.
 Fats and oils (except for 1 Tb. coconut or extra virgin olive oil)
o This includes: fat soluble vitamins like fish oil capsules, margarine,
butter, skin lotions, sun-screen, and makeup. (See manual for more
 Absolutely NO SUGAR (Stevia, Truvia and Xylitol are acceptable in
 NO breads or starches (except for 1 piece of Ezekiel bread, grissini or
melba toast)
NOTE: Make sure you stay away from products with oil or lanolin based lotions
as they can cause weight gain through absorption of the skin.
 Coconut oil, plain mineral oil (most baby oils
are mineral oils) or try lotions/moisturizers
with a mineral oil base. (If you are not sure,
use it and if you are still losing weight you
can continue)
 Stay away from oil based foundations
o You can use mineral powders or
Loreal Quick Stick
 Most of our clients didn’t change their hair
care products as it didn’t seem to make a
 If tanning, use an oil-free sunscreen
After the first day of bingeing you may feel stuffed
and have a hard time bingeing as much on day 2.
This is normal. Just do the best you can. The first
week people have reported losing up to 18 pounds.
You will probably lose several inches & you will
notice your body changing.
You should lose weight on most days, however,
there may be some days that you do not see a
change on the scale. DO NOT be alarmed as this happens sometimes. Take your
measurements every 3-4 days because you may just be losing inches. If you do
not notice a difference on the scale, look to see what you ate and drank to see if
there is a reason. Make sure you are drinking enough water. If you are doing
everything right and you still do not notice a difference on the scale after a few
days refer to the plateau breakers on pages 9 and 10.
Note: Occasionally individuals may experience a mild headache or feel lethargic
the first few days as their body starts detoxifying. You may use an OTC pain
Q. What happens if I reach my goal weight before day 21?
A. If this happens, keep taking the drops as you need to take them for a minimum
of 23 days. This includes the 2 binge days and 21 days of following the low
calorie diet. After you complete the 23 days you will stop the drops while
continuing the low calorie diet for another 3 days. It takes 3 days for the HCG to
get out of your body. Then you will follow the Maintenance Phase for another 21
days. (More info below)
PLEASE NOTE: As soon as you have lost all your abnormal fat, you will begin
to feel very hungry in spite of taking HCG. This is because HCG only puts
abnormal fat into circulation and cannot liberate normal fat deposits. When this
happens it is important to increase your protein by 5.5 ounces per day until you
reach 21 days on the low calorie diet, plus the 3 days following. You can also have
more vegetables.
Q. What do I do once I reach my goal weight after I’ve been on HCG and the
low calorie diet for 21 days?
A. When you reach your goal weight after being on HCG for 21 days, you stop
taking the HCG drops. For three days you will continue on the low calorie diet
before entering Phase 2, also known as the Maintenance Phase.
Q. What do I do if I want to lose more weight after 21 days?
A. Continue taking the HCG while following the calorie diet until you reach your
goal weight up to a maximum of 45 days.
Q. What do I do if I still want to lose weight after being on HCG for 45 days?
A. After completing the 45 days you must go through the maintenance phase for
21 days or the HCG will lose its effectiveness. If you still need to lose more
weight, you can go back on HCG again after following the maintenance phase for
3 weeks. This time you only need to do 1 binge day. Start the HCG drops on the
binge day. The next day begin the low calorie diet until you reach your weight
loss goal or up to 45 days maximum. After 45 days you need to stop HCG and go
into the maintenance phase for 21 days again.
1) Follow the diet as instructed. If you eat something not on the diet, you will gain
the next day. If you find an option you would like to try, but are not sure it is
acceptable, go ahead and try it. If there is no weight gain, you may have this food.
2) You will lose faster if you:
• Eat a grapefruit each day
• Use apple cider vinegar on salads
• Add fresh lemon in your water or iced tea
• Use hot sauce as this increases your metabolism and enhances weight loss
3) Many are eating 1 piece of sprouted Ezekiel bread a day.
4) It’s important to keep a daily food diary and weight loss list
5) Buy a digital scale that will measure by the ounce (Some days you may lose 0.2
or 0.8 of a pound, but the next days you may lose 1-2 pounds)
6) Be prepared by cooking food ahead of time
7) Have several varieties of wonderful apples nearby for a snack
8) Make salads every day as this gives you fiber and will leave you with a feeling
of fullness
9) Do not eat the same protein, fruit or vegetable more than once a day
10) Eat protein at lunch and dinner even if you are not hungry
11) Drink at least a gallon of water so your kidneys do not get overloaded with
toxins as you detoxify
Cooking Suggestions
1) Grill or bake meats for several meals and freeze until needed
2) For indoor grilling try a George Foreman grill
 Frozen shrimp and fish can be cooked in just a few minutes
3) Experiment with different spices: garlic (fresh), onion (any kind), pepper (both
black and cayenne), rosemary, dill weed, oregano, basil, lemon, and vinegar or
apple cider vinegar (Check the labels to ensure they do not have sugar)
Going out to Eat
If you have a choice, try to pick a restaurant that has really good salads or better
yet, a salad bar. Depending on the restaurant or buffet, you can have baked or
grilled chicken, shrimp, or fish and you can always order steamed broccoli or
another vegetable. Request that butter not be added. For dessert, try 6 large
strawberries, an apple, an orange, sliced peaches or a grapefruit. Otherwise save
your fruit for a snack later.
Going to the movies
Try eating before you go to the movie. Popcorn is not on this diet. Think ahead
and bring a healthy snack with you. Dip a sliced apple in lemon juice or bring
your Xylitol gum.
Salad dressings
You can bring your own, or use a very small amount of "fat free" dressing or "fat
free" balsamic vinaigrette. However, "fat free" is not always fat free. Many of the
dressings have sugar, so be careful and use sparingly. Some places like Pizza Hut
and Whole Foods have vinegar by the salad bar.
Regular Eliminations
Dr. Simeons says that it is perfectly satisfactory and normal to
have an evacuation of the bowel only once every 3 to 4 days
due to the low calorie diet. As long as you are taking plenty of
fluids, this should not lead to any disturbance. If, however,
there is not an evacuation of the bowel at least every 4 days you
may want to use a laxative or a suppository. Smooth move tea
is a good option. Many have found that using the approved
sweetener Xylitol in their tea or coffee has helped keep them
If you have a weight gain of more than 1-2 pounds, first of all
re-evaluate what you ate and drank the day before. Then try
these solutions:
• Increase water intake to 2 - 3 quarts per day
• Try increasing your protein by .5 ounces
• Stop mixing vegetables
• Do not eat grissini, Ezekiel bread or melba toast
• Include 2 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar daily
• Cut beef down or out
• If you have not lost weight for 3 days try eating ONLY 6 apples in one
• If an apple day does not work, see the Maintenance Phase on page 10.
• Keep a food diary and go over what you ate the day before
• Check your condiments for any form of sugar (Example: garlic salt and
seasoning salts may list sugar as an ingredient)
• Make sure there are no additives in chicken or other protein sources –
many times these are injected with some form of sugar, even in the grocery
• For women, your cycle may be coming in to play- just wait a couple of
days and you will start losing again (Some women do not lose weight
during their cycle)
• Have you changed or started one or more medications
o Changes in medication may cause a few days delay as your body
adjusts (Consult with your physician regarding this)
• Consider adding a brisk walk, or 15 minute of cardio activities a few
times a week (Excessive exercise will cause you to be hungry, so increase
your protein and vegetables on those days)
• Get adequate rest (When not getting enough sleep, many individuals
report that the scale does not register a loss in weight until later in the day)
When you stop taking the HCG, you need to continue the low calorie diet for 3
more days. Then for 21 days you can add other foods back into your diet, except
for sugars and starches like bread, corn, potatoes, cakes and pies. During the entire
Maintenance Phase small quantities of alcohol, such as a glass of wine with meals,
should be fine. With adding alcohol, be sure to watch the scale the next day to
make sure you do not gain weight. This is important because it is during this
period that your weight stabilizes. You will most likely continue to lose inches and
pounds during this stage. After 21 days you may begin to add other foods which
you have not had during your weight loss plan. We recommend that you continue
to weigh yourself every day.
Here are some examples of foods you can add during the entire Maintenance
• All fruits and vegetables except for starches (like potatoes or peas)
• Larger amounts of animal protein
• Nuts (A few have experienced stomach upset after adding nuts)
• Cheeses, milk products & soy products
• Butter and fats
• Diet drinks (Diet sodas or teas)
• Yogurt
• Salmon and fatty fishes
• Blue corn chips and guacamole
• Sugar-free ice cream
• Sugar-free and carb-free almond cookies (Found at some Trader Joes)
• Sugar-free milk & dark chocolate covered almonds (Trader Joes)
Weight gain of more than 2 lb. in one day during Phase 2
If you have a weight gain of more than 1-2 pounds, re-evaluate what you ate and
drank the day before. As long as your weight stays within 2 pounds of the weight
reached on the day of the last HCG drops, you should take no notice of any
increase. But the moment the scale goes above two pounds (even if this is only a
few ounces) you must on that same day entirely skip breakfast and lunch. Drink
about half the normal liquid. In the evening, eat a huge steak and 1 apple or 1 raw
tomato – nothing else. The other option would be to only eat 6 apples during the
day. It is extremely important that this is done on the day the scale goes above 2
pounds and not postponed until the following day. Please note, if you do not do a
steak or apple day when you notice the scale goes above 2 pounds, several days of
strict dieting may be necessary to correct the situation. Most people do not need to
do this. If they keep their weight at the point reached at the end of the treatment,
even a heavy dinner does not bring about an increase of two pounds on the next
morning. You may be surprised at how small your appetite becomes and how
much you can get away with eating and not gaining a pound! You will find that
you are much more satisfied with less food to eat! In fact, many people are usually
disappointed that they cannot manage to eat as much at their first normal meal!
Beware of over-enthusiasm
After Phase 1 has ended, most people are afraid to begin adding foods back into
their diets. If you do not begin to add more foods the opposite may actually occur,
causing your body to gain weight.
Now that you have completed phases 1 and 2, you will most likely continue to lose
inches and pounds during this stage. Now you may begin to add other foods which
you have not had during the first two phases. We recommend that you continue to
weigh yourself every day. Now go and enjoy! You will notice that you are not as
hungry as you were before and that some of the foods you ate before just do not
appeal to you anymore. You can allow your body to tell you what is good for you
and what is not. Now that your hypothalamus has been re-set you will find that
your metabolism burns the fat and calories faster than before. You will enjoy a lot
more energy because of how your body is burning the calories. If you find that
you are gaining weight, try not to have sugar and starch in the same meal until
your body gets used to these foods again. Everyone is different, so continue to
step on the scale to see how your body is adjusting to the new foods.
Q. Is it safe to use HCG?
A. YES. HCG is an all natural hormone, also known as a protein polypeptide.
HCG is in all living tissue both male and female.
Q. How does HCG work?
A. Most calorie counters know that one pound of fat is equivalent to 3500
calories. Many Americans work out regularly and burn calories but can not seem to
eliminate the weight. Why is that? It is because they are burning the wrong calories!
Abnormal fat and excessive accumulations are fixed deposits of fats throughout the
body. They cause obesity and the body cannot access the abnormal fat accumulations.
When exercising or restricting food intake, the body relies on and consumes the “normal”
fat reserves. The use of HCG releases abnormal fat deposits and makes the fat available
for consumption by the body.
Q. Will I eliminate exactly one pound every day while on the program?
A. No. Most individuals tend to eliminate about a pound of fat a day on average.
The weight elimination does not always happen evenly. Some may notice a “lull” or a
span of a few days where little or no weight loss occurs. Most individuals notice quick
weight elimination after a lull period. Even when a lull may occur, individuals seem to
eliminate inches. If you do not lose weight after a few days, look at the plateau breakers
on page 9.
Q. Do I have to exercise while on this program?
A. No, exercise is not needed. However, if you choose to exercise, cardio
routines are best and could enhance your results.
Q. Why can a person only be on HCG for 45 days at a time?
A. The reason for limiting a course to 45 days is that some individuals may begin
to show signs of HCG immunity. After a Maintenance Phase of 3 weeks if you still are
desiring to lose weight you can go back on the drops.
Q. Where does the HCG come from?
A. HCG is a human hormone, and like most hormones it is obtained from human
sources. HCG can come from pregnant women’s urine or from the placenta. It is then
crystallized and purified before being sent out.
Q. What if I do not eliminate weight? Will I receive a refund?
A. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee results of the program. Much of the success
of the program is based on your willingness to follow the strict protocol. By taking days
off or cutting corners on meals or cheating, the effectiveness of the program is greatly
reduced. We encourage you to follow the protocol with strict heed, however, each body is
unique and the program offers no guarantee. The good thing is that if you follow the
protocol, you will be successful!
Q. Can I still take my medications while on HCG?
A. Yes, we recommend that you stay on all of your medications while on HCG.
We are not doctors and do not give medical advice. Never discontinue medicine, unless
directed by your physician.
Q. How does HCG affect cholesterol levels?
A. Many people report that cholesterol levels have dropped and improved. While
some say that their cholesterol levels fluctuated while on the HCG program.
Q. Will I be able to stop using my anti-diabetes medications after I complete the
HCG diet plan?
A. While discontinuance of diabetes medication may be possible, it should not be
expected as a result of this program. Often it depends on how long you’ve been diabetic,
how many medications you are currently using, your fasting blood sugar levels, your
blood sugar range, etc. Always consult your physician first and follow their
recommendations as we are not doctors and do not give medical advice.
Q. Will HCG help my high blood pressure?
A. Many clients have experienced a decrease in blood pressure. Some individuals
have been able to stop taking their medications, but this should not be done without
medical advice. Again, follow the recommendations of your physician.
Q. What are the side effects of the HCG program?
A. Most of the side effects of taking HCG are positive. The biggest effect that you
will notice is that your clothes will no longer fit so you can then either go
"shopping in your closet" or you'll have to buy new clothes. We have reports from
customers that HCG has helped them with:
o Andropause, losing weight and inches, better sleep and an increase of
energy, re-setting their hypothalamus, reducing hunger and food cravings,
alleviating menopausal symptoms, balancing hormones, eliminating
prostate issues, improving their singing voice, re-sculpting their body by
eliminating unwanted fat, reversing steroid abuse symptoms
Fortunately, very few negative side effects have been noticed or reported.
Occasionally we will have reports from patients that they are hungry or
experience constipation. We recommend you take B-12 while on the program as
this will help you with hunger and cravings while increasing your energy. If you
experience constipation, try using GNC Fiber Chews, Fiber wafers, Smooth Move
tea, any Laxative you want to use (as long as it doesn’t contain sugar) and/or
increase fluid intake.
Q. If I am on my menstrual cycle, why can’t I receive the HCG?
A. Women who are menstruating produce a small amount of HCG.
Q. What do I do during my menstrual period?
A. During menstruation NO HCG dosage is to be taken for 2 days, but the diet is
continued and causes no hardship. As soon as the menstruation is over, individuals
become extremely hungry unless the HCG is resumed at once. While on the question of
menstruation it must be added that in teen-aged girls the period, in some rare cases, may
be delayed and exceptionally stop altogether.
Q. Will I be hungry if I do not take the HCG while on my period?
A. This varies; some women report they are hungrier when on their menstrual
cycle and not taking HCG and most have reported that they are unaffected. Add back in
the skipped days at the end of your program.
Q. Is it okay to take cold medicine?
A. Yes, as long as it does not contain sugar.
Q. If I am really hungry while on HCG can I use an appetite suppressant? For
instance a natural herb called Hoodia?
A. Yes, check the ingredients for sugar. HCG will suppress your appetite so you
should not need it.
Q. Won’t I starve by eating a low calorie diet?
A. No. The HCG releases your stored fat reserves which your body begins to
“consume”. This acts as a source of energy in place of food taken through the mouth. In
essence, you burn about a pound of fat each day (one pound is about 3000 to 3500
Q. What makes this diet plan different from everything else that’s offered?
A. There are three things this HCG program does that others do not:
1) It adjusts your metabolism so that you should not gain the weight back
after completion. (You must limit white sugar and white flour and adjust
your eating habits to maintain the weight loss).
2) It targets the reserve “trouble” spots or abnormal fat and releases them
to be burned.
3) Many people have found that their skin retracted, even after losing large
amounts of fat.
There are more questions and answers on the FAQ page on our website: After looking at those if you still have questions, please
email us at
How to Measure Yourself
1. Bust - Measure the fullest point with tape measure straight across back.
2. Chest - Measure at the underarm above the breasts.
3. Diaphragm - Measure around the ribcage, halfway between bust and waist.
4. Waist - Tie string around waist - leave in place for remaining measurements - measure
waist at string level.
5. High Hip - Measure 2" to 4" below the string at the top of the hip bones - record both
circumference and distance from waist.
6. Full Hip - Measure the fullest part of hip - record both circumference and distance
from waist.
7. Thigh Bulge - With feet together, measure the circumference around both legs at the
fullest part of the upper thigh, also record distance from waist.
8. Circumference of Thigh - Measure the leg at the fullest part of the thigh.
9. Circumference Knee - Measure the leg at the fullest part of the knee - also record
distance from waist.
10. Circumference of Calf - Measure the leg at the fullest part of the calf - also record
distance from waist.
11. Circumference of the Instep - Measure from the top of the foot around heel.
12. Neck - Measure the circumference at fullest part.
13. Front Neck to Waist - Measure from the base of the neck (hollow between collar
bones) to waist string at center front.
14. Bust Point - Measure from bust point to waist string and from bust point to bust point.
Right Arm
Left Arm
Right thigh
Left thigh
Right knee
Left knee
Right calf
Left calf
Other – (ex.
Rolls 1 &
DAY 1: Breakfast:
DAY 2: Breakfast:
DAY 3: Breakfast:
DAY 4: Breakfast:
DAY 5: Breakfast:
DAY 6: Breakfast:
DAY 7: Breakfast:
Tea (any time)
Coffee (any time)
Little Extras:
Tea (any time)
Coffee (any time)
Little Extras:
Tea (any time)
Coffee (any time)
Little Extras:
Tea (any time)
Coffee (any time)
Little Extras:
Tea (any time)
Coffee (any time)
Little Extras:
Tea (any time)
Coffee (any time)
Little Extras:
Tea (any time)
Coffee (any time)
Little Extras:
1 Tbsp. Oil
1 Tbsp Milk:
Ezek. Bread/Grissini/Melba Toast:
1 Tbsp. Oil
1 Tbsp Milk:
Ezek. Bread/Grissini/Melba Toast:
1 Tbsp. Oil
1 Tbsp Milk:
Ezek. Bread/Grissini/Melba Toast:
1 Tbsp. Oil
1 Tbsp Milk:
Ezek. Bread/Grissini/Melba Toast:
1 Tbsp. Oil
1 Tbsp Milk:
Ezek. Bread/Grissini/Melba Toast:
1 Tbsp. Oil
1 Tbsp Milk:
Ezek. Bread/Grissini/Melba Toast:
1 Tbsp. Oil
1 Tbsp Milk:
Ezek. Bread/Grissini/Melba Toast:
Strawberry Lemonade Slushie
3-4 Strawberries (fresh or frozen)
Juice from half of one lemon
Crushed Ice and Water
Stevia, xylitol or truvia
*Mix in blender
(Option: Use only one fruit)
1 liter water
Juice of 1 lemon
Stevia or xylitol
Frozen Cappuccino
5 Drops of peppermint stevia
5 Drops of chocolate stevia
5 Drops of Valencia orange
1 Cup of coffee
1 Cup ice
*Mix in blender
Orange Julius
1/2 orange
4 drops of vanilla stevia
Ice & seltzer
*Mix in blender
(Option: ½ grapefruit for orange)
Sparkling Apple Pie
One apple
Pinch of nutmeg
Mineral water or seltzer
Stevia or Xylitol
*Mix in blender.
Apple Sauce
Baked apple
Stevia or xylitol
*Mash apple and mix in
cinnamon and sweetener.
Orange Fennel Salad
1 Bulb fennel, trimmed and sliced
2 Oranges with rinds removed, sliced into rounds
2 Tablespoon red wine vinegar
1 Teaspoon poppy seeds
2 Bunches arugula - rinsed, dried and chopped
*Place fennel and orange in bowl.
Drizzle with olive oil and vinegar.
Sprinkle poppy seeds & salt.
Chill and serve over arugula.
Strawberry Flower
4 Large or 6 small strawberries
1 Tablespoon cinnamon
1 Packet stevia or xylitol
*Slice strawberries and place on
plate shaped like a flower.
Mix cinnamon and sweetener.
Sprinkle over strawberries.
Baked apple
1 Tablespoon cinnamon
1 Tablespoon water
1 Packet stevia or xylitol
*Cut apple core almost through. Mix cinnamon,
water and sweetener. Place apple on sheet of
foil and mold foil to cup apple. Pour cinnamon
and sweetener mixture in apple core and
tighten foil securely around apple. Bake 45
minutes at 350. Serve in shallow dish and
sprinkle cinnamon over apple.
Jamaican Grapefruit
1⁄2 grapefruit
1-2 Packet stevia or xylitol
*Using a serrated edge knife,
cut grapefruit in half and place
on oven safe dish. Bake 2
minutes. Cut around center
core, rind, and partitions.
Sprinkle with cinnamon and
Apple Cobbler Dessert
1 Sliced apple
1/8 Tablespoon cinnamon
1 Packet stevia, truvia or xylitol
*Toss ingredients and arrange on
microwave safe plate.
4 Grissini bread sticks
1 tablespoon cinnamon
Stevia, truvia or xylitol to taste
*Sprinkle apples with crumbled grissini,
cinnamon, and choice of sweetener.
Heat in microwave for 2 minutes.
Apples With Strawberry
1⁄2 Jonathan apple
3 Strawberries
3 Drops vanilla creme stevia
*Slice apple and arrange on
plate. Mash strawberries with
fork and add vanilla creme
stevia to make sauce. Pour over
apple slices
Frozen Dessert (Almost like
ice cream)
Blend an apple, grapefruit,
strawberries, or orange
Add desired stevia and water
Whip and freeze
Cinnamon Toast
1 Slice Ezekiel bread
I Tablespoon coconut oil
Xylitol or stevia
*Toast bread. Spread with coconut oil. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sweetener.
Shrimp Cocktail Sauce
Tomato paste
Horse radish
Use in quantities to taste
Mustard Steak Sauce
3.5 Ounces steak
1 Cup beef broth (approx)
1-2 Tablespoon sugar free mustard
1/2 Teaspoon ground mustard powder
2 Tablespoon chopped onion
*Pour 1/4 cup beef broth and both
mustards in bowl. Mix until smooth.
Pour into sauté pan and add steak and
onions, coating both with sauce. Cook
until steak is desired doneness and add
just enough broth to keep the sauce a
gravy type consistency. The sauce will
thicken a bit more once it cools. Add
steamed asparagus or broccoli over the top.
Orange Ginger Dressing
1/2 -1 Cup white wine or champagne vinegar
2 Tablespoons minced or grated ginger
1 Tablespoon garlic
Juice of one orange
Strawberry white balsamic vinaigrette
Puree 2-3 large strawberries
1/2 cup white balsamic vinegar (or other white
vinegar-white wine or champagne)
1/2 tablespoon minced garlic
1 Packet stevia or xylitol
*Place all ingredients in mason jar. Allow to sit
8 hours. Try on spinach and cucumbers.
Balsalmic Vinigarette With Apple Cider
1/3 Cup organic balsalmic vinegar
1/4 Cup organic apple cider vinegar
1 Tablespoon water
2 Teaspoon prepared mustard
2 Tablespoon lemon ice or orange juice
*Combine ingredients
Cucumber Salad Dressing
1 English cucumber
1/2 Teaspoon dry mustard
1/2 Teaspoon cumin
Juice of one lemon
2-4 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
Cilantro to taste
1 Packet stevia or xylitol
*Puree in blender.
Cucumber Salsa Wrap
1 Medium diced seeded cucumbers
1/4 Chopped cilantro
1 Small serrano pepper diced
1 lime, juiced
*Mix ingredients. Serve with ground
turkey/chicken/beef in a lettuce leaf
Vinaigrette Dressing
1⁄4 Cup apple cider vinegar
1⁄2 Cup water
1/4 Teaspoon celery salt
¼ Teaspoon onion salt
¼ Teaspoon ground pepper
3 Packets stevia or xylitol
Balsamic Vinaigrette
1/3 Cup balsamic vinegar
2 Tablespoon water
2 Tablespoon dried thyme
1⁄4 Teaspoon salt
1⁄4 Teaspoon pepper
1 Tablespoon dried basil
1⁄4 Teaspoon garlic powder
*Blend in mixer
Citrus Dressing
1⁄4 Cup apple cider vinegar
1 Cup water
1 Tablespoon lemon
1 Packet stevia or xylitol
1⁄4 Teaspoon garlic powder
Pico De Gallo
4 Vine-ripe tomatoes, chopped
1/2 Medium red onion, chopped
2 Green onions, white and green parts, sliced
1 Serrano chile, minced
1 Handful fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
3 Garlic cloves, minced
2 Lime, juiced
1 Teaspoon kosher salt
*Combine all ingredients. Toss thoroughly.
Let sit for 15 minutes, up to an hour.
Ketchup – No Sugar
3 Ounces tomato paste
3 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
1/4 Teaspoon celery salt
1/2 Teaspoon paprika
1/4 Teaspoon mustard powder
Pinch of nutmeg and clove
Pinch of black pepper
1/4 Teaspoon onion powder
1/4 Teaspoon garlic powder
Stevia or xylitol (to taste)
*Dissolve spices in vinegar and lemon
juice. Add tomato paste and mix thoroughly.
Add additional lemon juice, vinegar or a little
water until desired consistency is reached.
Mojo Sauce
4 Garlic cloves, minced
1 Jalapeno, minced
1 handful fresh cilantro leaves, finely chopped
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 Limes, juiced
1 Orange, juiced
2 Tablespoons white vinegar
1/2 Cup broth
*In a mortar and pestle or bowl, mash together
the garlic, jalapeno, cilantro, salt, and pepper to
make a paste. Put paste in glass jar or plastic
container. Add lime juice, orange juice, vinegar,
and oil. Shake well. (Marinade: Cover meat with
Mojo. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate 1 to
8 hours.) Best if grilled.
Chicken Lettuce Wraps
3.5 Ounces minced Chicken
½ Inch piece fresh ginger, minced
Minced fresh garlic
Minced green onion
Vegetable broth to cover bottom of pan
Braise (medium heat) ginger, garlic and
onion till soft. Add chicken. Cook until
no longer pink.
1 Teaspoon Asian Red Chile Sauce
½ - 1 Teaspoon Chinese 5 spice
1 Tablespoon rice wine vinegar
1 Tablespoon wheat free Tamari sauce
*Cook about 5 minutes more, stirring over
low heat to reduce liquid. Remove from heat,
spoon into whole lettuce leafs and roll. Bibb
lettuce and Boston lettuce works well. May
substitute Braggs for Tamari for less
Chinese taste.
Oriental Or Taco Lettuce Wraps
3.5 Ounces Ground turkey
2 Celery Stalks minced fine
1 Clove garlic, minced
Small amount onion, minced
Ginger, minced
*Sauté ingredients. Wrap in lettuce.
Options: Omit ginger, add chili powder,
cayenne pepper and cumin.
Serve in lettuce with squeeze of lime
Moo Shu Chicken Spicy
3.5 Ounces chicken, chopped
into small pieces
Cayenne, salt, paprika, garlic,
seasonings to taste
2” Onion pieces
1 Tomato
*In frying pan (bottom covered
with water and lemon juice)
cook chicken with 2" onion
pieces. Chop tomato into small
pieces and add to mostly cooked
chicken and continue cooking
until chicken is cooked through
and tomatoes are to desired
consistency. (Add hot sauce or
taco seasoning for Mexican
Tarragon Chicken
3.5 Ounces chicken breast
Tarragon, chopped
Tarragon vinegar
1/4 Cup chicken broth
4 Onions, sliced thin
Salt and pepper
*Salt and pepper both sides of
chicken. In a square pan put
slices of onion down. Place
chicken on top of onions. Pour
tarragon vinegar over chicken.
Pour broth in pan, but not on
chicken. Sprinkle top of
chicken with tarragon leaves.
Let marinade for 20-30 minutes.
Cook in 350 oven for 20-30
minutes until done.
Moo Shu Chicken
Braggs Amino Acid in the spritz bottle
Green Cabbage
Chicken Broth
*In a covered pan, wilt green cabbage
in some chicken broth spritzed with
Braggs Amino Acids. Toss in raw
chicken that has been julienne sliced, (easier to do when frozen) and spritzed with Braggs
Amino Acid. Saute until chicken is cooked.
Crunchy Sweet Apple Chicken Salad
3.5 Ounces chicken cooked and diced
1 Apple diced
3 Stalks celery diced
3 Tablespoons lemon juice
1/8 Teaspoon cinnamon
Dash of nutmeg
Dash of cardamom
Dash of salt
Stevia or xylitol
Wedge of lemon
*Mix ingredients. Sprinkle sweetener and cinnamon.
Chill for 20 minutes. Serve with lemon wedge.
Tomato Basil Chicken
3.5 Ounces chicken, cubed
1 Cup chopped tomato
¼ Cup water or chicken broth
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
2 Tablespoons chopped onion
1-2 Cloves garlic sliced
3 Leaves basil rolled and sliced
1/8 Teaspoon oregano fresh or dried
¼ Teaspoon garlic powder
¼ teaspoon onion powder
Cayenne to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
*Lightly brown chicken in small saucepan with
lemon juice. Add garlic, onion, spices and water.
After chicken is cooked, add fresh tomatoes and
basil. Cook 5-10 Minutes. Salt and pepper.
Garnish with fresh basil.
Bun-less Chicken Burger
3.5 Ounces of ground chicken breast
1⁄4 Teaspoon pepper
1⁄4 Teaspoon Onion salt
1⁄4 Teaspoon Onion powder
1 Teaspoon garlic powder
1⁄4 Teaspoon dry mustard
2 Tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 Cups spinach
*Mix all ingredients into the ground
chicken breast and mold into a small
patty. Grill or broil and
serve with spinach and balsamic
Mock Egg Roll
3.5 Ounces of Chicken
2-3 Big cabbage leaves
1 Cup shredded cabbage
1/8 Tablespoon onion salt
1/8 Tablespoon garlic powder
1/8 Asian spices
1⁄2 Packet stevia or xylitol
*Steam big cabbage leaves for 5
minutes. Move leaves over to side of
steamer to make room for shredded
cabbage. Steam both for 5 minutes.
Remove shredded cabbage to mixing
bowl. Add chopped chicken or shrimp
and spices. Mix and then wrap in big
cabbage leaf.
Mock Fried Chicken (Baked Or Fried)
3.5 Ounces chicken
1 pkg. Grissini crumbled into a fine powder
Egg whites
Seasoning and herbs of choice - paprika,
poultry seasoning, cayenne, garlic powder,
dried thyme, oregano, dry mustard, salt and pepper, etc.
1-2 tbsp broth (for baking)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil (for frying)
*Mix grissini, seasonings and herbs in shallow bowl.
Coat chicken with egg whites and roll in mixture.
FOR BAKING: 20–30 minutes in 350 degree oven.
Finish under broiler about 5 minutes.
Option: Spray broth on chicken during cooking.
FOR FRYING: Place tablespoon olive oil in nonstick
frying pan. Add chicken. Cook on both sides until
golden and done.
Chicken Or Steak Fajitas - 2 Servings
7 Ounces chicken or beef, sliced in strips
1 Onion, sliced into rings
1 Bell pepper sliced
2 Cloves garlic
Taco/mexican seasoning
1/2 Cup chicken broth
Salt and pepper
*Add broth, onion and pepper to a non stick skillet and cook on medium heat. When they
start to wilt slightly, add salt and pepper. Cook 5-7 minutes. Add chicken or beef strips
and garlic. Cook 5 minutes more or until the meat is almost cooked through. Add
taco/mexican seasoning and cook until liquid is almost gone. Salt and pepper to taste.
Balsamic Chicken Wraps
3.5 Ounces chicken
2 Medium green cabbage leaves
2 Medium red cabbage leaves
1 Garlic clove
3 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1⁄4 Teaspoon Onion powder
1⁄4 Tablespoons sea salt
1⁄4 Tablespoons pepper
1 Tablespoons fresh ginger
*Mix together finely grated ginger, garlic, onion powder, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper
and chicken pieces. Cook until chicken is done. Add red cabbage and cook slightly.
Place mixture on 2 green cabbage leaves and roll.
8 Ounces ground turkey or beef
1 15 Ounce can tomatoes
1/2 Onion
1/8 -1/4 Teaspoon chili powder
1 Cup water
*Puree 1/2 of tomatoes. Saute meat
and onions until done. Add all tomatoes,
chili powder, and water and simmer at
least 15 minutes.
Mock Hamburgers
3.5 Ounces ground beef
1 Teaspoon ketchup
1 Teaspoon mustard
Chopped dill pickles
Chopped onion
Diced tomato
Small amount chopped lettuce
Salt and pepper
Garlic powder (or fresh, crushed)
Braggs Liquid Aminos or Worcestershire
*Cook beef scrambled. Rinse off fat.
Add all ingredients. Simmer until done.
Balsamic Mustard Crusted Steak
3.5 Ounces filet or London broil
1 Teaspoon mustard powder
2 Teaspoon balsamic
1⁄4 Teaspoon salt
1/2 Teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 Garlic cloves (minced)
*Mix all seasoning in mixing bowl.
Line a broiler pan with foil and place steak
on top. Coat evenly with mustard mixture
and let stand 10 minutes. Broil steak to
desired doneness, 3 to 4 minutes per side
for medium-rare. Let stand 5 minutes. Slice
and serve.
Marinated London Broil Steak And
3.5 Ounces london broil
1/3 Cup balsamic vinegar
2 Tablespoon Dried Oregano
3 Tablespoon garlic powder
1⁄4 Teaspoon salt
1⁄4 Teaspoon pepper
2 Cups diced tomatoes
*Marinate London broil with all
seasonings for 1 hour. Add seasoning
to diced tomatoes and place 1⁄2 of
mixture in plate. Broil or grill steak.
Place on salsa mixture top with
remainder salsa.
Beef And Cabbage Soup
3.5 Ounces lean ground beef
I cup cabbage-chopped into chunks
Tomato sauce or fresh tomato
*Brown beef and rinse fat. Add
vegetables, tomato sauce, and water to
cover all. Simmer until cabbage is
done. Add salt and spices: sea salt,
celery salt, garlic powder or garlic salt,
dash of pepper.
Garlic Ginger Beef
3.5 Ounces lean beef, cubed
1 Clove garlic, minced
1 Inch ginger, minced or sliced thin
Your choice of vegetable: onions,
cabbage, celery, or green pepper.
*Place small amount water into pan.
Add garlic, ginger, vegetables, and stir
fry until soft. Add beef and cook until
Tuna Salad - 2 Servings
6 Ounces albacore tuna in water
2 Tablespoons cottage cheese
2 Boiled egg whites
Mustard to taste
2-3 Tablespoons Dill pickle - minced
1 Tablespoon Dill pickle juice
*Serve on a large romaine lettuce leaf
with diced tomatoes on top.
Tuna Fish Cakes
6 Ounces albacore tuna
Dash hot sauce
1 Teaspoon lemon juice
2 Teaspoon dry onion
1 Tablespoon worcestershire sauce
1 Tablespoon milk
*Add a little water, if needed. Mix all
ingredients and make into patties.
Sprinkle top and bottom with paprika.
Bake 15 minutes at 400 degrees.
Turn after 7 minutes.
Lemon Lime Tilapia
3.5 Ounces tilapia or any white fish
1⁄2 Lemon slice
1⁄2 Lime slice
1 Garlic clove, minced
1⁄4 Tablespoon sea salt
1⁄4 Tablespoon black pepper
1⁄2 Teaspoon dry dill
1⁄2 Cup water
*Mix lemon juice, lime juice, garlic,
salt, pepper, and dill. Marinate fish in
seasonings for 10 minutes and place
in non-stick pan with water and cover
and steam for 10 minutes.
Spicy Lemon Cod
3.5 Ounces cod Filet
1/4 Cup chicken stock.
(Can add stock if pan sticks while cooking)
Saute cod in stock until cod is opaque.
1/4 Teaspoon cayenne pepper
Salt and pepper
*Heat & serve with small amount
lemon zest over the fish.
3.5 Ounces frozen shrimp, peeled &
¼ Cup chicken broth
*Place frozen shrimp into broth. Saute in
skillet. Add garlic last minute of cooking.
Shrimp With Garlic And Lemon
3.5 Ounces Shrimp, peeled & deveined
2 Tablespoon broth
1 Garlic clove, minced
1/2 Grissini, crumbled
3 Tablespoon chopped parsley
1/2 Lemon
Salt and pepper
*Combine broth, garlic, grissini and
parsley in bowl. Place shrimp in baking
dish. Top with grissini mixture. Season
with salt and pepper. Bake uncovered for
10 minutes at 450. Remove and squeeze
lemon juice over shrimp.
Scrambled Eggs
1 Egg
3 Egg whites
2 Tablespoon chopped onions
Tomatoes/green chili/salsa TO TASTE
Garlic or garlic salt
1 Tablespoon fat free/low fat cottage cheese/milk (very optional)
*Sauté onion & garlic in a little water. Mix other ingredients in bowl together and add to
onions, scramble, top with more salsa, tomatoes and/or green chili. Sprinkle with salt.
Savory Chicken Soup
3.5 Ounces chicken breast, cubed
1-2 Cups chopped celery – or tomatoes
2 Cups chicken broth (may substitute 1 cup water for 1 cup broth)
1 Tablespoon minced onion
2 Cloves garlic, crushed and sliced
1 Bay leaf
1/2 Teaspoon poultry spice blend
Cayenne pepper to taste
Salt and black pepper to taste
*Bring chicken stock to a boil. Add onion, garlic and spices. Add chicken and vegetables
and simmer on low heat for 20 minutes or more until chicken and celery are tender and
fully cooked. Serve hot. Sprinkle with chives or parsley if desired.
French Onion And Beef Soup
Whole onion, thinly sliced
Roasted garlic
3.5 Ounces beef, thinly sliced
1/2 Grissini
Salt and pepper
*Place onions in oven-proof saucepan. Add enough broth to cover half onions. Cook until
onions are tender. Salt and pepper. Preheat broiler. Add beef to onions. Top with mashed
roasted garlic and grissini. Broil 5 minutes until grissini/garlic mixture starts to brown.