Official Newsletter of Georgia Junior Cattlemen’s

Newsletter of
Georgia Junior
Winter 2012 - 2013
Volume 1 Issue 3
Georgia Junior Cattlemen’s Association,
100 Cattlemen’s Drive, Macon, GA. 31221
Cattle Queen
GJCA Quarterly Roundup
Different Beef in the Meat
Taco Ring Recipe
Visit us on Facebook!
Cattle Queen
By Merritt Daniels, GJCA Field Day coordinator
When someone thinks of Miss Georgia or even pageants in
general, cow shows don’t normally come to mind. But recently I had the
privilege to participate in our local Young Farmers Pageant and be
crowned Miss Young Farmers. The pageant was judged by agriculture
agents and was mainly centered on agricultural knowledge as well as
normal pageant criteria.
This experience led me to think about cattle shows and pageants.
Are they really that different? I surely don’t think so!
Looking at simple pageant itinerary, a participant first undergoes
an interview with the judges telling them about herself and answering any
questions the judges might have to the best of her abilities. This goes for
showmanship as well. In showmanship the judge is focused on the
Please see Queen on page 2
Putting More In Means More for You
By Walt Lipham, GJCA chapter relations officer
Lipham, far right, volunteering at the
Georgia National Fair Beef Story
exhibit in October
The mission of Georgia Junior Cattlemen's Association is to prepare
the members of the junior association for membership and leadership in
Georgia Cattlemen's Association, and to offer educational opportunities to
prepare them to become industry leaders. Our mission statement says it
all! GJCA is an awesome organization to be a part of and I learned that the
more you put into it, the more you're going to get out of it.
It's easy to pay your dues and be a member. However, there is a
difference between being a member and being a part of our organization.
If you're seeking a job in Georgia’s agriculture industry, there is absolutely
no better organization to be a part of. You get to meet many of our state's
industry leaders who can help by giving you advice and guidance. With
Please see GJCA on page 5
GJCA Quarterly Roundup
By Callie Akins, GJCA chairwoman
It is hard to believe it's already January. It
seems like just yesterday, we were loading up and
heading to the Georgia National Fair. What an
exciting fall it was for Georgia Junior Cattlemen's
Association. The fall kicked off with the fair and
Taste of Atlanta all in one weekend.
I would like to personally thank all the
juniors that helped at both events. The adults
were very appreciative and impressed with the
eagerness of GJCA members. It is such a wonderful
opportunity for the adults and juniors to come
together and educate the public on the great
product we have to offer, BEEF! Along the same
lines, the GCA staff and GJCA officers attended the
Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie. I would also like to
thank those members who came out and
volunteered there as well.
GJCA has some very exciting things planned
for this upcoming year. After an officer planning
meeting last week, I left very excited about the
plans for the 2013 Convention. As most of you
already know, GJCA started a new award to
recognize an outstanding junior: Junior of the
Year. This award will be presented at the
Cattlemen's Ball during Convention. We received
nominations for the award in November and the
idea of an Junior of the Year was definitely a big
hit. We had 10 outstanding juniors nominated for
this award, and I would like to thank everyone
that sent in a nomination. Be sure to come to the
Cattlemen's Ball and see the GJCA Junior of the
Along with the Junior of the Year award,
GJCA has other new exciting plans for Convention.
The video contest is new to Convention this year.
This contest was inspired by the Peterson Farm
Brothers and their parodies that are taking
YouTube by storm. Get your friends together and
turn your favorite song into a message about
Make sure your email address (or your
parents'!) is in the membership database so you'll
be up-to-date on contest deadlines and rules. You
can also stay updated by following us on Facebook
and Twitter. Don't forget to RSVP to events on
Facebook as well. We hope to see you at our
events this year!
Queen from page 1
showman, not necessarily the project itself. The
judge observers how the showman works with
an animal and ask them questions to test how
well she knows her project. Next would be the
onstage portion, where the pageant contestant is
judged on appearance, walk form and dress. The
same thing occurs in the actual show classes. The
animal is placed in the class that it's best suited
for and then is shown according to those classes.
In these divisions, the projects are judged
according to the way they walk, their mass,
muscle capacity and other criteria. They may be
looking for different things, but the overall view
of the two are very similar.
Just look at the preparation process! Just
as a contestant does her hair and makeup, the
cattle endure the same thing! Washing, blow-drying,
fitting (makeup) and clipping (hair) are all steps to
achieving a certain “look.” I know it is a very strange
comparison to grasp, but surprisingly the two have a
lot in common. People are often taken aback that I
enjoy both, but I do. I am at home in both settings.
My youth minister’s wife often asks me if I have
been away at my own pageant, or at a “cow
pageant.” Maybe the two aren’t so different after
Daniels, right, was crowned Miss
Young Farmer 2012 during a
pageant this fall in Mitchell County.
Featured Juniors: Chandler and Callie Akins
By Gibson Priest, GJCA chapter relations officer
Note: Have a junior to feature? Send their name and contact
information to!
Agriculture: The science, art and business of
cultivating soil, producing crops and raising
livestock. This term defines Callie and Chandler
Akins. I talked with Callie and Chandler about their
operation and their love of agriculture. We
discussed how their family farm encompasses some
1,000 acres in and around Nashville, Ga. They grow
cotton, peanuts, corn, hay and pasture land. On the
pasture they run about 40 head of cattle with the
balance being brood cows and replacement heifers.
The Akins develop their own bulls and
replacements and sell bulls to local commercial
cattlemen. Their herd is primarily Angus and
SimAngus-based. With the addition of more grazing
land and higher calf prices Callie and Chandler are
planning to increase their herd by 10 percent.
Chandler started showing in 4-H program in
2002 and graduated in 2009. He left the operation
for a few years to attend Butler Community College
in El Dorado, Kan. After obtaining his associates
degree he returned to Georgia and is presently on
the livestock evaluation team at the University of
Georgia. Callie is a senior homeschool student and
plans to pursue a degree in agriculture.
The two have enjoyed much success in
the show ring as well as other livestock activities.
The Akins attribute their success to their parents,
Parrish and Sara Akins. Other individuals they
would like to recognize for their contributions are
Todd and Holly Alford and Randy and Beth
Callie and Chandler Akins are known in
and around the show ring as not only being great
competitors, but great stewards of agriculture.
When asked what growing up in
agriculture meant to them they were quick to
reply, “The livestock industry has provided us
with numerous opportunities that have helped us
become the people we are today. The friendships
and contacts we have made with people across
the country, who share our same passion for
agriculture, are truly priceless. Growing up on
our family farming operation has given us both
great appreciation for the importance of
production agriculture and a genuine respect for
the people who are part of it.”
Callie and Chandler
Akins run their own
beef cattle operation
outside of Nashville,
A city man was tooling down a country road when his car
sputtered to a complete stop near a field filled with cows. The
driver, getting out to see what was the matter, noticed one of the
cows looking at him.
"I believe it's your radiator," the cow said.
The man nearly jumped right out of his city slicker britches! He ran
to the nearest farmhouse and knocked on the door.
"A cow just gave me advice about my car!" he shouted, waving his
arms frantically back toward the field.
The farmer nonchalantly leaned out beyond the door frame to
glance down the field.
"The cow with two big black spots on it?" the farmer asked slowly.
"Yes! Yes! That's the one!" the excited man replied.
"Oh. Well, that's Ethel," the farmer said, turning back to the man.
"Don't pay any attention to her. She doesn't know a thing about
<-- Keep an eye out in
upcoming issues of Georgia
Cattleman magazine for more
details on GJCA Convention
contests, including a NEW
YouTube video contest, team
marketing and the poster and
photo contests for CASH prizes!
Will you be at Winter
Classic or State Show?
RSVP to these events on
Chewin' the Cud
By Ben Hicks, GJCA chapter relations officer
Have you ever seen a cow standing in a
pasture somewhere just smacking her jaws? To us
it may appear as bad manners, but that is the way
cows eat.
Having four stomachs compared to
humans' one, when cows bite the grass off at the
ground they then swallow it and bring it back up
to begin further chewing the “cud” for digestive
purposes. As cattle are ruminants, they're fed one
of two diets, a grass and mineral diet or a grainsupplemented diet. Humans are omnivores and
can eat a variety of roughage and protein sources.
A cow on a grass and mineral diet is one
that is fulltime grazing on pasture land and that
receives a bag, block or tub mineral to supply their
mineral needs. A cow on a grass and mineral diet
may receive hay during winter months to
compensate for lack of grass.
A cow on a grain-fed diet is one that may
be in a feedlot setting where hundreds of cattle
GJCA from page 1
more than 600 junior cattlemen, new members get
to meet a lot of people and catch up with friends
from showing.
We offer many fun activities that give
juniors the opportunity to grow their knowledge
and gain valuable experiences that can help make
them successful leaders.
Events such the stockman's quizzes, team
marketing, Field Day, Convention and Beef
Ambassador are held throughout the year. My
favorite event this year was the Cattlemen's
summer conference this July. With spending the
weekend with so many members who live to share
their knowledge to aspiring youth, you're bound to
learn something!
are fed and maintained on a minimal amount of
land. In a grass diet the cow is eating material that
has not been processed, while a cow on a grain diet
consumes basic processed items such as kernel and
ground corn, corn gluten, cotton seed hulls, cotton
seed mill, oats and various minerals. These
ingredients give the cattle adequate protein and fat
intake to maintain and possibly gain weight.
Although humans consume many of the
same products that cattle do, most human food goes
through more processing stages than cattle feed.
And some cattle’s diets contain no processing
whatsoever. So next time you see that big ol’ cow
just smacking away they aren’t being rude they and
just chewing up the “cud.”
Different Beef in the Meat
By Gibson Priest, GJCA chapter relations
With so many opportunities in the meat
case questions arise in consumers’ minds which
beef they should choose. Some of these
differences are labels that read conventional,
certified organic, grass-finished and several
branded beef products. These are all US
Department of Agriculture certified statements
that can overlap in some cases.
The majority of beef is conventional, being
grass raised and grain-finished. All cattle spend
most of their lives in the pasture with their
mothers, yet conventional or grain-finished cattle
enter a confinement operation between the ages
of 7 and 15 months. Once in confinement they
are fed a high calorie diet that mainly consists of
corn to complete the fattening process. Grainfinished beef, on average, has the most marbling - the amount and distribution of fat in the meat.
The main difference in grain- and grassfinished beef is how it is raised and its taste.
Grass-finished cattle consume grasses their entire
lives. Some grass-finished cattle are placed into
Please see Beef on page 9
Goin' Showin' is a new feature each month in the Georgia Cattleman magazine! Make sure
your local show results get printed by sending results to!
Recipe: Taco Ring
1 lb. Lean Ground Beef
1 (1 1/4 ounce) package of Taco Seasoning
1 cup shredded cheese
2 TBSP water
2 (8 ounce) package crescent rolls
1 medium bell pepper
1 cup salsa
3 cups lettuce, shredded
1 medium tomato
1/4 cup onion (optional)
sour cream (optional)
black olives (optional)
Cook ground beef in large skillet over medium heat 7-9
minutes or until beef is no longer pink; drain. Remove
pan from heat. Stir in taco seasoning, cheese, and water.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Unroll crescent rolls,
separate into triangles. Arrange triangles in a circle on
Classic Round Pizza Stone with wide ends overlapping in
center and points toward outside. (There should be a 5
inch diameter opening in center.). Scoop meat mixture
evenly onto widest end of each triangles up over filling
and tuck under wide ends of dough at center of ring.
(Filling will not be completely covered). Bake 20-25 min.
or until golden brown. Shred lettuce and chop tomato,
onion, olives, and bell pepper (if desired). Add your
toppings to top of ring and finish with more shredded
cheese and sour cream.
Georgia Junior Cattlemen’s
100 Cattlemen’s Drive
PO Box 27990
Macon, GA 31221
Beef from page 4
confinement for the last stages of fattening, but
they are only fed roughages. There are minute
differences in the nutrition of grass-finished beef
verses grain-finished beef, but the other big
difference is the taste. Because grass-finished
beef usually doesn’t have as much marbling it has
a distinctly different taste. This taste is better
fitted for some people’s palettes then others.
To be certified organic beef has had to be
produced from gate to plate organically. Grain
and grass-finished beef can both qualify for
organic status, but they must have only been fed
organic forages or grains to have the USDA seal of
approval. Organic beef cannot have received
antibiotics or growth regulators. Farmers and
ranchers will give animal antibiotics only if an
animal needs it and then that animal will not be
harvested as organic.
In addition, companies can brand their
products to market specialty items. These
businesses usually have just a couple of products
so they can take care to ensure the products are
up to their strict standards. Branded beef
companies that come to mind might have
prepackaged beef that is easy to prepare or
possibly beef with extra marbling for excellent
taste. These brands are usually a great way for
cattle producers to get paid premiums for their
specialty products.
When maneuvering the meat case and
trying to find the right product you're craving, it's
important not only to consider the production
method of cattle, but also nutrient content.
Different cuts of beef contain different amounts
of fat, so be sure to shop for lean cuts if you want
something with less fat. Also think about cooking
methods -- different cuts of beef are better suited
for grilling, broiling or even cooking in a slow
For further explanation of cooking principles and
nutritional guidelines, visit the Georgia Beef Board
website at