Brisbane to host largest annual Buddha`s Birthday Festival in the world

ABN: 80 139 338 819
Nan Tien Institute CRICOS: 03233C
24 April 2015
Brisbane to host largest annual Buddha’s Birthday Festival in the world
Buddhist celebration recognised with Queensland’s most prestigious cultural event
Brisbane will host a large multicultural community
celebration next weekend, Friday 1 May – Sunday 3 May. A
vibrant spectacle of activities – including a fireworks display
Friday 1 May – Sunday 3 May
– will celebrate the most significant event in the worldwide
9:00am-9:00pm daily
Buddhist calendar, Buddha’s Birthday. This – Brisbane’s 19th
Buddha Birth Day Festival – will be a culturally-diverse,
multi-faith event that will be held throughout various
locations throughout The South Bank Parklands precinct.
Entry is free and all are welcome.
Riverside Fireworks Spectacular (Sunday evening)
Cultural Harmony Parade
Bathing Buddha Ceremony
Buddhist-style vegetarian Vegelicious Food Fair
This will be the third in a round of Buddha’s Birthday
Nightly Food Markets
celebrations held throughout Australia during April & May.
No Boundaries – diversity handprint global event
The celebration, held by the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order,
Dragon Boat Regatta
will follow on from the recent national Fo Guang Shan
Chinese Lion Dances
celebration – the official opening of a landmark tertiary
Baby Blessing Ceremony
education campus, cultural centre and art gallery, Nan Tien
Candle Light Offering
Institute Wollongong Campus, south of Sydney – which
Celebrity Cooking Displays
many Western Australian locals and Buddhists attended,
Queensland Police Services Pipes and Drum Band
along with around 5,000 people from around the world.
Youth performances
The Hon Tony Abbott MP, Prime Minister of Australia;
Grand Master Hsing Yun, Founder of Fo Guang Shan, Nan
Tien Temple and NTI; and other Australian and
Lumbini Gardens
Meditation sessions
Buddhist talks
Children cultural arts – face painting, origami,
international dignitaries participated in the official
ceremonies, and noted the significant place of Buddhism in
Australia’s multicultural society.
percussion workshops
Traditional Chinese Tea Ceremony
The Southbank Parklands, Brisbane
180 Berkeley Road Berkeley NSW 2506 Australia
PO Box 1336 Unanderra NSW 2526 Australia
Tel: +61 (2) 4272 0618
Fax: +61 (2) 4271 7862
Brisbane to host largest annual Buddha’s Birthday Festival in the world continued…
Reflecting this growth of Buddhism in Australia, and the growing Queensland multicultural and multi-faith
communities, the popularity of Queensland’s Buddha’s Birthday and Multicultural Festival is globally
Since 1997 this Buddha Birth Day Festival has grown into Queensland’s largest muliticultural festival, and an
iconic state event. This signature event of Brisbane consists of over 180 activities, and attracts in excess of
200,000 visitors and 1,000 volunteers. It is now recognised as the largest annual celebration of Buddha’s
Birthday in the world.
Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike have the opportunity to experience Buddhist culture and gain new
experiences. Areas throughout the greater South Bank precinct – ranging from The Courier-Mail Piazza, QCon
Lawn, Rainforest Greet and Brisbane River, to the Cultural Forecoart, Gallery of Modern Art, Liana Launge and
Queensland Conservatorium – will buzz with activities, including market stands and cultural performances.
The event is jointly organised by the Chung Tian Temple of Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order and Buddha’s Light
International Association of Queensland (BLIAQ), and supported by Brisbane City Council, the Queensland
Government, YFG Shopping Centres, South Bank Parklands, and many local businesses.
Members of the BLIAQ and volunteers will be on-site hosting
stalls and activities to make people’s visits memorable,
authentic, educational and exciting. Significantly, the Festival
also runs as an accredited Climate Friendly event.
Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Australia, Venerable Man Ko
explains, “The festival offers opportunities to learn about other
cultures, observe ceremonies and rituals or just relax and enjoy
music, dance and food from around the world. A diverse range of exciting performances, events and fun
activities have been scheduled, and various ceremonies and making of offerings are open for participation by
Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike to receive blessings of peace and wisdom.
“Whether you are a Buddhist who wants to come and celebrate and share the joy of Buddha’s Birthday;
someone who is interested in experiencing and learning more about Buddhism; or just want a great family day
out that educates about a different culture, these celebrations will be a wonderful and enriching experience
for you,” Abbess said. The Buddha’s Birthday celebrations will then move on to Sydney’s Darling Harbour and
finish in Melbourne.
If you would like any information on any of this event please contact Ralph Smith, Festival Marketing Director,
on 0410 002 266 or email
Instagram - @buddhabirthdayfestival.qld
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Brisbane to host largest annual Buddha’s Birthday Festival in the world continued…
3 May 2015
Chatswood, Sydney, NSW
9-10 May 2015 (Sat-Sun)
Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW
16-17 May 2015 (Sat-Sun)
Federation Square, Melbourne, VIC
About Nan Tien Institute
Nan Tien Institute (NTI) is Australia’s first tertiary institution grounded in Applied Buddhist wisdom and values.
NTI is a government accredited higher education provider that offers postgraduate Masters, Graduate Diploma and
Graduate Certificate programs in Applied Buddhist Studies and Health and Social Wellbeing; special interest subjects for
professional and personal development; and an English Language Centre that operates in NTI’s Campus in the Sydney
NTI’s tertiary education program commenced in 2011, and NTI already has a number of students who have graduated
with a Masters, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate in Applied Buddhist Studies. NTI also recently opened its new
landmark tertiary campus, cultural centre and art gallery building in Wollongong (south of Sydney), which provides
students with state-of-the-art learning facilities.
NTI’s vision is to support and inspire learning and the pursuit of research and creative practice that provides the local
region with a place for the exchange of culture and arts, and contributes to the advancement and integration of
knowledge, culture and ethical understanding for the benefit of humanity in an increasingly complex and globally
interdependent world.
To support this vision, NTI will continue to grow, developing programs in business, management and information
technology; undergraduate programs in humanities and social sciences; and higher degree research programs.
It aims to be recognised internationally for its outstanding location, unique teaching program, world-renowned lecturers
and researchers, and inspiring students.
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