Click here - RFID Conference 2015 — By RFID i Danmark

RFID i Danmark presents:
RFID Conference
International RFID Conference in Copenhagen May 21’st
Probably the largest RFID Events in Scandinavia in 2015
We are very pleased to invite to what is probably the largest RFID Event in Scandinavia in 2015.
Following up on the successful conferences in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, RFID i Danmark and partners are
organizing this Conference with international keynote speakers, exhibition, networking and a number of
actual end-user case study presentations.
IT-University of Copenhagen · Rued Langgaards Vej 7 · DK-2300 Copenhagen S
The RAIN Alliance was founded
in 2014 to promote, educate and
increase awareness of UHF RFID
to businesses and consumers
worldwide. AIM Global, Impinj
and Smarttrac were not very
surprising as organisations
behind the initiative but on the
list were as well Intel and Google.
For the first time the RAIN Alliance will be properly introduced
to Scandinavian companies and
organizations and with the help
from AIM Denmark.
Efficiency increase by RFID in
tool-making and toolmanagement. In tool-making and
tool-management it is required to
identify each individual component whenever a tool is moved,
installed or maintained. Identification is usually enabled by code
engraved or printed on a surface
or by an attached ID plate. This
kind of identification, as well as
paper instructions, is prone to
mechanical defects and mistakes
due to its manual read-out.
Pervasive RFID! Keynote presentation by Pankaj Shukla, Director,
Global RFID Market Development
at Zebra Technologies
Over the last decade, RFID has
established itself as a technology
of immense value because of its
high accuracy, speed of use and
ability to solve variety of use cases
in multiple verticals.
New Danish RFID case in manufacturing – Hilding Anders
Hilding Anders has been helping
people get a good night’s sleep
since 1939; “We are proud to
deliver beds and mattresses for all
needs – from the most basic, to
the most exclusive. Over the last
decade, Hilding Anders has acted
as a consolidator in the European
bedding industry. 14 acquisitions
in ten years have made Hilding
Anders the undisputed leader in
their core geographies: Europe
and Asia..
RFID i Danmark 2015 Conference
Increased efficiency and competitiveness
through tracking and tracing
Implementation of tracking and tracing technologies
– typically by the use of radio waves – have already increased efficiency and competitiveness for a number of
companies, in Denmark and around the world.
But, most companies – private as well as public – haven’t
even started yet.
At the annual RFID i Danmark conference, a number of
leading Danish and international companies will share
their experiences;
• Why did they implement tracking and tracing
• Have significant advantages been achieved?
• How could they justify the initial investment?
• What Lessons learned during the implementation of
tracking and tracing?
• What to do different, if they were to start from scratch
• Future plans with more tracking and tracing?
You can meet representatives from companies using
RFID in their production, logistics, retail business, service
maintenance history, localisation of employees and assets – along with representatives from both manufacturers of RFID equipment and tags as well as providers of
RFID based solutions.
We will have high level visionary key note presentations
in plenum and we will again this year go into smaller
groups in parallel tracks.
This year we have decided upon two tracks: A Management Track and a Technology Track. In the Management
Track focus will not be on the technologies, but rather
on how companies achieve advantages through the use
of the technologies. In the Technology Track you will
have the opportunity to catch the latest news about the
To learn more about current solutions and products you
get this unique opportunity to explore our RFID exhibition. Where suppliers will be ready to explain, demonstrate and answer your questions.
Henrik B. Granau
Founder of RFID i Danmark
The conference offers
· Insight in innovative RFID solutions
· Insight into RFID cost / benefit
· Inspiration for your own business
· Networking and knowledge sharing
IT-Universitetet, Copenhagen
The IT University of Copenhagen is the youngest university in
Denmark (established in 1999). The IT University strives to create
value with IT and deliver top quality research and education within
a wide range of information technology subjects; from e.g. design
and games development to business and computer science.
Approximately 2,500 students are enrolled at the university, and it
has a staff close to 500, among them 50 PhD’s and 70 tenured faculty. More than half of the latter are from abroad. Most researchers
participate in collaborative projects with private companies, public
institutions and foreign researchers.
Contact: Jørgen Staunstrup,
Main sponsor:
Platin sponsor:
Premium sponsor:
Granau IT
RFID i Danmark
It is the intention that on a non-profit basis the network is to be the gathering of all RFID activities in Denmark
and the purpose is to create opportunities and enhance competitiveness of both public and private companies
in Denmark through usages of RFID technology.
The network, which is organised as an association, works to reach its goals through exchange of experience,
construction of a public accessible knowledge database about RFID, newsletters and hosting of events.
Key-note Presentations in Plenum
Plenum in Auditorium 1
Arrival and registration Welcome by Jørgen Staunstrup, IT University
Introduction to RFID i Danmark 2015 by Henrik B. Granau, RFID i Danmark
Highlights from RFID Journal Live 2015 in San Diego by Henrik B. Granau
Pervasive RFID! by Pankaj Shukla, , Director, Global RFID Market Development at Zebra Technologies
Over the last decade, RFID has established itself as a technology of immense value because of its high accuracy, speed
of use and ability to solve variety of use cases in multiple verticals.In this presentation, we will take a closer look at why
RFID has so much appeal, the current trends in various industries and RFID technology itself; RFID’s use cases and benefits and lessons it has offered on this journey from a gee-whiz technology to a matured operational technology.
The RAIN Alliance and why Google was a co-founder by Dr. Frank Honore,
System Architect at Google [x], Life Sciences
The RAIN Alliance was founded in 2014 to promote, educate and increase awareness of UHF RFID to businesses and
consumers worldwide.AIM Global, Impinj and Smarttrac were not very surprising as organisations behind the initiative
but on the list were as well Intel and Google (!)For the first time the RAIN Alliance will be properly introduced to Scandinavian companies and organizations and with the help from AIM Denmark we are proud to present to you both the
RAIN Alliance – and why your organizations should consider joining the alliance – and Google’s own explanation on
why they was a co-founder on the initiative.
ITU om Beacons
Parallel Tracks and Workshops in separate rooms
Lunch and Exhibition
Italy solves its Waste Problem Sfregola Materie Plastiche (SMP)
Many End Users around the world already adopted CAEN RFID technology for different applications like Fashion & Retail,
Waste Management, Access Control, Logistics and Industrial Manufacturing. Today anyone better than CAEN RFID can
describe the Italian UHF RFID scenario providing an overview of interesting and huge installations developed by its customers.
Retail challenges on Omni-channel and demand for complete transparancy …. By GS1
Wrap-up and Closing Remarks by Henrik B. Granau, RFID i Danmark
Coffee and Exhibition
Parallel Tracks and Workshops in separate rooms
Coffee and Exhibition
RFID in Healthcare
HealthCare Workshop
Hvilke sporbarhedsteknologier er bedst egnet til hvilke
formål på et hospital? Hvilke standarder er de rigtige,
at basere sine installationer på? Findes der dokumenterede business cases, eller er RFID bare ’hype’? Hvor
er der eksempler på at RFID-teknologien rulles ud,
efter at være blevet afprøvet ?
Teknologier, der kan anvendes til sporing, identifikation og opsamling af data er særdeles interessante for de
danske hospitaler. De massive investeringer i nyt hospitalsbyggeri i Danmark har for alvor bragt RFID i fokus,
som en teknologi, der potentielt kan anvendes til at skabe
overblik og bidrage til de løbende effektiviseringskrav
på hospitalerne. Da vi står over for noget der er meget
vigtigt og som bliver stort for healthcare området i årene
fremover er der dog fortsat mange uafklarede spørgsmål
i forhold til løsningerne og deres implementering.
’RFID’ dækker over mange forskellige teknologier, som er
baseret på forskellige internationale standarder, forskellige frekvenser, og er af forskellig konkret udformning
(med/uden batterier osv.) Det er med andre ord let at tabe
overblikket over de mange muligheder og kravene forbundet med dem, og det medfører et behov for
erfaringsudveksling og vidensdeling på området - det
vil vi skabe her!
Workshoppen er opdelt i to sessioner;
Workshoppens første del (11:30 – 12:40) har fokus på
de konkrete erfaringer fra en række udvalgte projekter i
Danmark med fokus på sporing og lokalisering på
hospitalerne. Vi får eksempelvis præsenteret status fra
Region Midtjylland – der er længst fremme i sporet - og
nogle af deres vigtigste leverandører.
Workshoppens anden del (13:40 – 14:50) vil under
overskriften “Internationale og nationale standarder og
hvad kan med fordel løses i fællesskab nationalt og/eller
fælles-regionalt” forsøge at komme tættere på de vigtige
beslutninger der allerede er truffet og som skal træffes.
En Road Map for beslutninger, Fælles teknologivalg?,
Nationalt implantatregister? Osv.
Vi håber at anden del bliver meget interaktiv og at vi vil
have deltagere fra alle regioner og andre relevante
organisationer og styrelser – og at de vil blande sig i
Mere detaljeret agenda følger.
Workshoppen afholdes som en del af RFID i Danmark’s,
5. årlige konference den 21. maj på IT Universitetet i
Læs mere om konferencen på
hvor man også kan tilmelde sig.
Workshoppen arrangeres af AIM Denmark, GS1 Denmark
og RFID i Danmark.
Udvikling skal baseres på standarder
GS1 Standarder er et fælles sprog for unik identifikation, automatiseret
datafangst - fx via RFID - og datadeling. Det fælles sprog skal til for at
understøtte alle anvendelser af RFID fra Business-to-Business til Business-toConsumer.
GS1s standard for RFID hedder Electronic Product Code (EPC). EPC er en unik
produktidentifikation, der indkodes i en RFID-tag, og er baseret på de allerede
eksisterende identifikationsnøgler som fx GTIN, GLN og SSCC.
Hvem er GS1 Denmark?
GS1 er en global not-for-profit organisation, som udvikler standarder,
der effektiviserer forsyningskæder. GS1 Standarderne giver unik
produktidentifikation, automatiseret datafangst (stregkoder/RFID) og
datadeling. Benefits inkluderer gennemsigtighed i forsyningskæden, bedre
sporbarhed og høj datakvalitet.
Hvad kan vi hjælpe jer med? Kontakt os på telefon 39 27 85 27 eller eller besø
The Alexandra
Innovation network for IT
InfinIT is a Danish network for innovative utilization of IT. Our goal is to convert the infinite possibilities that IT offers into concrete collaborations
between research and industry.
The Alexandra Institute helps public and private
organisations develop innovative, IT-based products
and services based on cutting-edge IT research.
We are a non-profit company with a mission to
create value, growth and welfare in society.
Our team of specialists design novel, innovative
IT-based products and services. We apply our skills
in software, user involvement and innovation
methods to create technological solutions of
commercial relevance with the aim of helping
companies boost their business.
InfinIT invites researchers and enterprises working with process or product innovation with IT
to participate in collaboration projects and the
exchange of knowledge, thus creating a forum
where we can work together to generate exactly
the knowledge that Danish industry and society
InfinIT are continually involved in cooperations
with various domains e.g. Smart City, Lifestyle,
Internet of Things, Intelligent Buildings,
Wearables, Intelligent Transport Systems etc.
· We help you identify how IT can develop and
support your organisation and business
· We provide knowledge about the latest trends within our areas of expertise
· We develop and optimise software
· We perform reviews of software and architecture
· We provide effectiveness evaluations, benefits realisation analyses and best practice guidance
The Alexandra Institute also bring this knowledge
into play in our consultancy services and our
innovation networks. In this way, we contributes to
improving the innovation processes in organisations and to enhancing their competitive position.
The tracking & positioning interest group
One of InfinIT’s eight interest groups focus on
developing new services based upon tracking- &
positioning technologies. This group is co-organizer off The RFID i Danmark 2015 Conference.
The membership af InfinIT and the tracking &
positioning interest group is free.
Contact: Tejs Scharling, Lab Manager,
Contact: Ole Lehrmann Madsen, CEO, ole.l.madsen@
AIM Denmark
Industry association for suppliers of automatic identification and data mobility
AIM Denmark works to promote the future markets
and technologies for automatic identification and data
mobility to benefit the members of the association.
AIM Denmark is a non-profit organisation and is a
part of the international AIM Global network.
The purpose of AIM Denmark is
- To be the natural community for suppliers of
solutions and products using automatic identifi cation and data mobility.
To increase usages of automatic identification and
data mobility.
To give potential users of the technology the reas
surance of the suppliers being a parts of a global professional ethical trade community.
To be the common voice of the industry and by that influence the political scene.
To be the natural contact for the media regarding automatic identification and data mobility.
RFID i Danmark
Join RFID i Danmark as a member
RFID i Danmark focus on strengthening the opportunities
for exchanging experiences – especially between companies, who has practical experience in the shared fields of
interest. It could be logistics, traceability, production, retail,
health care etc.
Community building today can happen effectively even
though all activity happens on the internet. A great supplement to this is still meeting in person, seminars, company
visits etc. At RFID i Danmark we work with a combination of
virtual and physical networking.
As a member of RFID i Danmark you get access to webinars
and other information for only kr. 300 per year.
If you want to be a member of the more extensive networking activities there are the following options
· For companies with more than 9 employees the annual fee is kr. 6.400 ex. VAT and includes that 2 persons from the company can participate in the networking meetings.
· For companies with less than 10 employees the annual fee is kr. 3.200 ex. VAT and includes that 1 person from the company can participate in the networking meetings.
· For private persons wanting to participate in networking meetings the annual fee is kr. 1.800 ex. VAT.
Your challenges as starting point at
the networking meetings
The members chooses the agenda themselves, hence the
debate is always based on your current challenges. Exchange of experience is the keyword.
The RFID i Danmark secretariat has an extensive experience regarding RFID applications and the technologies put
knowledge and international relations at the disposal of the
· Presentation on every meeting from RFID i Danmark about development and experiences – national and inter
· A confidential forum for discussions and exchange of knowledge.
· A possibility to present your own projects and get feed
back from the rest of the group.
· 2-3 meeting pr. year a 3 hours (mostly 13-16) visiting members of the group.
· Networking dinner associated with the yearly RFID i Dan
mark conference.
RFID i Danmark will take care of the practical matter. So all
you have to do is concentrate on your outcome.
Join RFID i Danmark by doing one of the following
Send an e-mail to with your name, company, e-mail, address, phone number and which of the four
options above you want. Then we will contact you.
Or visit our website at and register
by filling out the form. Then we will contact you.
If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to contact
Henrik Granau at 21 823 835 or visit us at our exhibition
stand at the conference.
OBID i-scan®
OBID i-scan®
Blade Handheld Reader
Wireless HF handheld reader for inventory processes in
libraries, laundries and logistical applications.
ID ISC.PRH200 offers
Powerful “Boost Mode” up to 4W
Seamless work integration
Long operating times (up to 16h)
Integrated antenna & WLAN module
FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH · Lange Straße 4 · D-35781 Weilburg
Phone.: +49 6471 3109-0 · Fax: -99 · E-mail: ·
3448_AZ_iscan_PRH200_173x247_en_RZ_th.indd 1
13.05.14 14:19
Main sponsor:
Granau IT
Platin sponsor:
Premium sponsor:
Granau IT
Granau IT
secure open