Leadership in Accreditation_4_16

Adap%ve Leadership Training to Advance Effec%ve Evidenced-­‐Based and Innova%ve Decision Making Marilee Bresciani Ludvik, Ph.D. San Diego State University Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. What Brought you to this Session? Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Session Overview Context SeCng A PotenEal SoluEon The Methodology The Science The Response QuesEons Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Change is Constant Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. InnovaEon Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. What are your InnovaEve SoluEons? How are you EvaluaEng Them? How have they been Received? Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. “We can’t solve
problems by using the
same kind of thinking
that created them.”
- Einstein Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. A Pre-­‐Cursor to InnovaEon We transform organizaEons by transforming quality of aSenEon & clarity of intenEon. -­‐ OSo Scharmer Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Bresciani Ludvik, M.J.
Bresciani Ludvik, M.J.
Bresciani Ludvik, M.J.
Bresciani Ludvik, M.J.
How do we Transform Thinking? -­‐ OSo Scharmer By suspending: – the inner voice that comes from habituated thinking – old ways of seeing – condiEoned tendencies in how we see, in what we pay aSenEon to, and in how we respond Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. By training: ASenEon EmoEon, and CogniEve RegulaEon Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. The Evidence Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Bresciani Ludvik, M.J.
Bresciani Ludvik, M.J.
SIYLI Process •  Stop A'en*on/Awareness •  Breathe Inten*on •  No*ce A'en*on/Meta-­‐A'en*on •  Reflect Emo*on Regula*on •  Respond Cogni*ve Regula*on Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Bresciani Ludvik, M.J.
Bresciani Ludvik, M.J.
Bresciani Ludvik, M.J.
Train the Interior for “Clear Thinking” “The success of an intervenEon depends on the interior condiEon of the intervener.” -­‐ Bill O’Brien Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. How might this methodology be received on your campus? Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Ideas, Thoughts, QuesEons Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Just Some Examples Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Conscious Choice-Making
Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. (2015)
Who am I?
Do I also choose the potenEal consequences of this choice? Which choice will be the most loving for me, while also serving the “greater good”? Who am I
In relationship
to “this” in this
Own the
How do I
feel about
this in this
What are the opEons (within my locus of control) What is my role in how that I have to feel beSer in this moment? I feel? Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Journal Prompts •  What pracEces may be of value to you in your work place? •  Who might you partner with to integrate these pracEces into the day-­‐to-­‐day? •  What quesEons do you have? Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Neuroscience of Learning and Development From Stylus Publishing Fall 2015 hSps://sty.presswarehouse.com/
productID=435156 Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Marilee Bresciani Ludvik, Ph.D. mbrescia@mail.sdsu.edu Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Integrative Inquiry (INIQ) Logic Model
Inputs Ac*vi*es Measures FoundaEon Support Focused Breathing and Movement Exercises; MBSR; task-­‐switching Summa*ve: Pre-­‐ and Post-­‐: CPECTDI, MAAS, TMMS, SCS, Beck, PSS, Resiliency, Neff SCS, Compassion Scale Interdisciplinary Research Team NeuroplasEcity ASenEon, EmoEon, and CogniEve RegulaEon Self-­‐Inquiry, Journaling, Group Dialogue Applied Community Service Project Via Online Modules and PracEce App Forma*ve: Pre-­‐ and Post-­‐ Test survey, -­‐AAC&U Rubrics applied to journal analysis, assignment analysis, and applied project analysis Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Outcomes Truthseeking, Open-­‐mindedness, AnalyEcity, SystemaEcity, Confidence in Reasoning, InquisiEveness and Maturity of Judgment Increased aSenEon, emoEon, and cogniEve regulaEon Increased compassion Impacts Increased criEcal thinking disposiEons Increased opEmizaEon/
producEvity Decreased stress and anxiety Increased Resiliency At Your Service Marilee Bresciani Ludvik, Ph.D. mbrescia@mail.sdsu.edu 619-­‐733-­‐3278 Lindsey Kugel, SIYLI lindsey@siyli.org 510-­‐506-­‐3242 Bresciani Ludvik, M.J. Key Strategies •  You as a leader must hold the container for thinking to transform •  Prepare for “push=back” •  Prepare for producEvity decline Bresciani Ludvik, M.J.