District 201C1 April 2015 PRIDE DG Rosemary Wenham Contents Golden Grove Lions p.2 Pt Augusta Lions p.3 Pt. Lincoln Lions p.3 Angle Vale Lions p.4 Mallala & District Lions p.4 Cleve Lions p.4 Lions saved my life—Lyn Gratton p.5 Pt. Pirie Convention p.5 Years of Service p.6 Norwood Lions p.6 New Lions p.7 Vale p.7 Pt. Pirie Lions p.7 Minlaton Lions p.8 Stansbury Lions p.8 I can’t believe it is April already! This wonderful year has really flown by. Our District has achieved a lot in this time but we still have a lot to do. The Adelaide Hills information meeting at Stirling went well last month. We have a few potential local Lions and are about to take it to the next stage and form a Club branch. If you know of any potential new members from that area then please ASK them if they would like to become involved. I would like to congratulate the Athelstone Lions Club for taking the initiative and organising an interactive public meeting with Beyond Blue. It was a very well run, informative and well attended meeting, Mary Joe Fisher was the speaker for Beyond Blue and gave us an interesting insight into her life and struggles with bipolar. We set out to raise Community awareness about Anxiety and Depression by empowering all Australians, at any life-stage, to understand these conditions and seek help. I believe that we achieved our aim on this occasion. I attended a very well attended Zone Meeting held in Crystal Brook with just over 40 members there. It was a great turnout, with a lovely meal provided by the local RSL and lots of active reporting from all the clubs in attendance. Please make an effort to attend Zone meetings in your area, they are informative and a good way to pass ideas and information around. The Zone Chairman is my representative in your area and I try to get to as many meetings as I can. Unfortunately this is not always possible, please pass any concerns or ideas if I am not there to the Zone Chairman. The Inaugural Lions Picnic Day was held on the 15th of March. To those clubs that participated I hope you had a great time celebrating being a Lion and sharing the fellowship with your fellow Lions. My own Club put on a wine and cheese afternoon which was a nice and informal way to celebrate Lionism and a fun social event. Congratulations to the 2014/15 Peace Poster Grand Prize Winner Wei Jin Qian a 13 year old girl from China and to the Essay Contest Grand Prize Winner, Jalen Ballard a 12 year old girl from Ohio USA. The theme of the 2015-16 Peace Poster Contest is "Share Peace." Students, ages 11, 12 or 13, are eligible to participate. The judging for this year’s competition will once again be held at our District Convention in Port Pirie, judged by the attendees. It was wonderful to see the calibre of the art at last year’s Convention. I wish I could paint half as well as these very talented young people. C1 Youth of the Year finals will once again be judged at the Convention this year. This will no doubt be one of the many highlights of the Convention, watching our future leaders show us how it is done! 20 Million people have already benefited from the Centennial Service Challenge, 7.5 million in Youth, 4 million in Vision, 3.5 million in Hunger and 5 million in Environment. We are well on our way to the 100 million challenge. We can only hope we can over achieve as well as we did with Past International President Wing-Kun Tamħ’s challenge, planting trees. Well over 2 million trees were planted and the number is still increasing. Remember to report through MyLCI Service Activity Report to keep track and to receive credit towards the Centennial Banner Patches. International President Joe Preston Our Website http://201c1.lions.org.au/ Our Youth Our Future Issue 10 April 1 This month is Leo Club Awareness Month, what can your Club do to become more Leo aware? Can you start a Leo’s Club in your area? Consider sponsoring a Leo club in your community to engage youth and get the next generation of Lions ready to serve. We have all the resources you need to help you, it could be the most rewarding achievement of your year. Having met many Leos, I never cease to be amazed at their enthusiasm and what they achieve. These are our future! A new award that some of you may be interested in is the Syd Packham Award. It is awarded annually for the best public relations/publicity program undertaken in Australia and Papua New Guinea. The award is named in honour of one of Australia's leading Lions, PDG Syd Packham and is presented at the annual national convention. The aim of the award is to encourage and create a greater public awareness of the work of Lions. I realise that it is too late to enter this year but it could be something to work towards next year. Finally don’t forget that the Club Leadership Forum (old Incoming Club Officers training) being held in Elizabeth, Clare, Adelaide and Port Lincoln in May/ June. You should have selected your next year’s executives by now. I encourage you all to go to this new and updated training, even if you believe you know it, we have new ideas that you will all benefit from, even the experienced people! Until next month, take care. Rosemary Wenham District Governor. Golden Grove Lions Councillor Paula Luethen - Pedare Ward of The City of Tea Tree Gully proudly became a member of the Lions Club International at parliament house. On Wednesday 18th. March. Above from left— John Gardiner MHR for Morialta, Paula Luethen, Meg Butler GMT District Coordinator, Peter Panagaris (President of Golden Grove Lions) and John Dawkins MLC Over 30 Golden Grove Lions and their guests welcomed Paula at the dinner held in the Speaker’s Room of SA’s Parliament House. After the formalities of the meeting, the Golden Grove Lions were conducted on a tour of both Houses of Parliament and Old Parliament House. The Golden Grove Lions were welcomed by Steven Wade MLC, ,John Gardiner MHR for Morialta and John Dawkins MLC Just for fun "Why do Scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats?" "If they fell forwards, they'd still be in the boat" A woman goes into a sporting goods store to buy a rifle. "It's for my husband," she tells the clerk. "Did he tell you what gauge to get?" asked the clerk. "Are you kidding?" she says. "He doesn't even know that I'm going to shoot him!" How come it takes so little time for a child who is afraid of the dark to become a teenager who wants to stay out all night If you don't have a sense of humour, you probably don't have any sense at all Our Website http://201c1.lions.org.au/ Issue 10 April 2 Our Youth Our Future Port Augusta Lions Port Lincoln Lions Thanks from the Editor The Facebook page has now been established for the Port Augusta Lions Club. This can be found in Facebook by searching for Port Augusta Lions Club. So far the Facebook page has reached 131 people through friends lists , with hopes that this will expand in time. Dates of meetings are posted on the site as well as events which the Port Augusta Lions Club have been a part . Port Lincoln Lions have a great facility that other Lions Clubs could support in many ways. Many thanks to all those who made my job easier by sending in articles early. Fifteen Disabled riders will be riding across Australia on 13 March 2015 (forward trip) and 29 & 30 March 2015 (return trip). A request has been made for support and meals. This will be supported by the Port Augusta Lions Club with meals provided on both occasions It would make a great venue for a club looking for a social week . A good base for a lot of activities available in the district. Clubs could let school groups and other organisations know about the venue. North Shields is only a short distance north of Port Lincoln. Below is a recent list of charges and it can be seen that these are very reasonable. While I was in Myanmar, internet coverage was not reliable and so I had to wait until we got back to Australia. Some Lions are a bit worried about the file size of the newest cameras. If you cannot edit them yourself, please send them to me one or two at a time with captions. Some internet providers may only allow large files to go one at a time. I would rather get your photos and edit them than not get them at all. A BBQ was held on the Eastside foreshore for Uniting Care Wesley Country SA, Dads Day on the afternoon of Saturday the 21st. There were 7 Lions members who served their community well and got to see guest of the day, Angry Anderson, who met and talked with people on a very hot day. The president, Lion Barry, thanks to all the helpers and the organizer. President Barry Flynn Our Website http://201c1.lions.org.au/ Our Youth Our Future Issue 10 April 3 Angle Vale Lions The Lions Club of Angle Vale were contracted to cook a BBQ lunch for the Settlers Farm Primary School sports day on Friday 13th March 2015 President Dorothy Lewtas, Charlie Morgan, Charlie Richter, Georgie Richter, Adam Box, Margaret Peterson and Beth Huggins all members of Angle Vale Lions, as well as Dorothy’s brother Terry cooked and served about 45kg of sausages for the sports day. The Mallala & District Lions Club News At the Mallala Lions Club works meeting in February seven members from the newly chartered Angle Vale Lions Club invited by Lion Mick King (liaison officer with Angle Vale) were welcomed by the President of Mallala Lion Peter Kirvan. Angle Vale members welcomed the opportunity to witness the way Mallala members conducted their works meeting and will be able to convey their experience back to their next Angle Vale Club meeting. During our meeting break members and visitors were offered Lions Gourmet fruitcake supplied by Lion Alan Helps who declared “Christmas in February” as the theme. After light refreshments and fellowship the meeting continued, finishing at 9.30 pm Charlie Morgan The Mallala members were pleased to share their meeting and to explain to our visitors many of our on-going activities plus plans for future projects. Lion Marg Slater Publicity Officer Cleve Lions Our first project for 2015 was to give Centenary Park a once over in preparation for the Australia Day Breakfast. As usual John Nolan and Reg had the Park in good condition. Members finished adding bark chips, trimmed the diosmas and raked up the area. Thanks Mary for providing a delicious morning tea. The damage that white ants have done to the wheel house floor at the weir was more extensive than initially thought. The council have engaged Tom Brennan to treat them. He has cut several holes in the floor and says that he has done the best he can in a difficult situation. We now have the job of replacing the damaged boards . Alan Spriggs has fixed the rusted roof on the toilets storeroom at the weir and kept the ants there under control. John Nolan, Beth, Lorraine and Raelee have spent quite a bit of time at the cemetery checking the official records against the info on the headstones. Quotes are being obtained for row markers made out of recycled plastic for the cemetery. We will need to get another notice board to take the map of the cemetery layout or have a map painted. We need to make an effort and complete this project. Settlers Farm Primary School BBQ workers Our Website http://201c1.lions.org.au/ Issue 10 April 4 Our Youth Our Future LIONS SAVED MY LIFE The Edinburgh Branch of Elizabeth Playford Lions Club had organised their annual Show & Shine on the Gumeracha oval. A number of wonderful Lions clubs participated on the day and a group of dedicated medical professionals donated their time to conduct a free Lions Health Screening in the club room at the oval. As I wandered into the room, wondering what was happening, I noticed a wellknown Lion, who is also a doctor, assisting with the tests and decided to wait in line for him to check me out. As I took my seat in front of him little did I realise I was about to embark on another extraordinary journey of my life. His diligent examination of my blood pressure and diabetes levels & carefully listening to me with his trusty stethoscope, it showed a distinct possibility of a problem with my heart. With a frown on his forehead he wrote on his little piece of paper indicating that an urgent appointment with my local doctor was required. This began a chain of events that would not have happened but for the free Lions Health Screening. Much to my Lions doctor’s dismay when he phoned me on New Year’s Eve, expecting me to have been operated on and on the road to recovery, I had not been able to get a cardiac specialist appointment until the end of January. Needless to say from there on things moved quickly. The echocardiograph showed a damaged aortic valve that needed to be urgently replaced. The subsequent angiogram on Friday, showed three blocked arteries with blockages ranging from 60% to 100% blockages. The cardiac team’s concern was so great that I was booked into hospital on the following Monday for the valve replacement and triple by-pass surgery on Wednesday. During the operation it was discovered that I needed a quadruple bypass which was performed by my brilliant cardiac team at the Calvary Wakefield Hospital. gifts, phone calls, visits & messages were so appreciated! I am so grateful to you all & consider myself so lucky to be your friend & a member of the wonderful Lions family! Thank you Lions! Keep up the health screenings! It saved my life! Your very grateful Lions partner, Lyn Gratton Port Pirie Convention Friday 16th – Sunday 18th October 2015 There have been a couple of stories that because of the upgrading of the smelters at Port Pirie, accommodation is not available in Port Pirie during the proposed convention. This is not the case. There is plenty of accommodation, but do not wait till the last thing. So book now. Why don’t you consider coming Thursday 15th? There will be a Happy Hour somewhere in the Port Pirie Beach Caravan Park, next to the Cabin Park, just as there will be on Sunday evening. So make the most of a great weekend and also increase your chances of a booking by staying 3 or more nights. There may even be an informal relaxed golf comp on Monday. And of course there will be first class sessions/speakers including IPIP Barry Palmer plus a still to be confirmed national identity that will see the Convention Centre fill as soon as his name is announced. Add to that a number of workshops run by the Global Leadership Team, YoTY District Final and panel sessions it will be both entertaining and informative. Some of the many Accommodation options available follow: Port Pirie Beach Caravan Park – Beach Rd Port Pirie. Ph. 8632 4275 www.portpiriebeachcaravanpark.com .au Flinders Range Motor Inn – 151 Main Road Port Pirie Ph.: 8632 3555 – www.theflinders.com.au Range View Caravan Park - Highway One phone 86344221 PO Box 867 Port Pirie.– cabins variety of double/single beds. powered sites and unpowered sites. John Pirie Motel/restaurant Ph 86324200, email Andrew@johnpiriemotorinn.com.au Minimum of 30 rooms at this time at$109.00 each swimming pool good motel Port Pirie Travelway Motel/restaurant 149 Gertrude street .phone 86322222 email sales@travelwaymotel.com good place already have some lions bookings, at least 15 spare units International Hotel/Motel 40 Ellen street phone 86322422 email internationalhotel@bigpond.com.au motel units and 15 hotel rooms, good set up City Centre Motel - 46/48 Florence street phone 85326356 email reception@motelcitycentre.com.au If these fill up, options are available at nearby Pt Broughton, Crystal Brook and Pt Germein, all only 20-30 minutes away from Pt Pirie. DGE Rob Royal with input from the Pt Pirie Convention Committee Cyclone Pam Dear District Governors and LCIF District Co-ordinators Due to the continuing problems of feeding and providing fresh water to the people of Vanuatu, LCIF has given a US$100,000 Major Catastrophe grant to assist the Lions of Vanuatu with both immediate and long-term relief efforts following Cyclone Pam. Please can this latest assistance from LCIF to the Lions of Vanuatu be included in your next monthly newsletter sent to your Clubs. LCIF and the Lions of Vanuatu and their communities are very grateful for the immediate help and generous donations provided by the Lions Family of Australia The following Friday week, after a most uncomfortable stay of 11 days in hospital, my bags were packed ready for home. Although a little apprehensive, my progress has been as expected & now a month later I’m feeling better each day. Powered sites, Unpowered sites, Cabins Bentleys Cabin Park, 137 Main Rd PH 8633 2666 bookings@cabinpark.com.au Kind Regards I must sincerely thank everyone who has been so concerned & supportive during this time. My beautiful cards, flowers, Many Cabins from Standard to Deluxe Spa cabins See photo p.6 MDC Nigel Jeny, LCIF MD201 Co-ordinator Our Website http://201c1.lions.org.au/ Our Youth Our Future Issue 10 April 5 Norwood Lions Club Years of Service Lions Club Surname PrefName Joined Years Gilles Plains Inc Garvin Stewart March 35 Glenside Inc Spangler Bruce March 35 Adelaide Italian Inc Viscione Joe March 30 Golden Grove Inc Lamming Robyn March 30 Tumby Bay & Districts Inc Zwar Noel March 25 Unley Inc Patterson Janet March 20 Cummins & District Inc Laube Nick March 15 Kadina Inc Partridge Colin March 15 Modbury Inc Wilson Gwen March 15 Prospect - Blair Athol Inc Netter Bob March 15 Glenside Inc Birse Alastair March 10 Port Lincoln Inc Petty Jim March 10 Torrens Valley Inc Dennis Phillip March 10 Orroroo & District Inc Price Hilda March 5 Port Augusta Inc Coles Roger March 5 Port Augusta Inc Nicholls Debi March 5 Port Augusta Inc Scott David March 5 Adelaide Italian Inc Lanfranchi Franco March 5 Onkaparinga Inc Howard Lynn March 5 Golden Grove Inc Fortanier Tony March 5 Tea Tree Gully Inc Taylor Geoff March 5 On Monday 16th Feb 2015, Norwood Lions' Charter Member Charlie Adam was honoured as recipient of a Helen Keller Award for recognition of his dedication and service to volunteering. Lion Charlie’s volunteering efforts spread far and wide as he subscribes to various charitable organisations to lend his hand. Within the Norwood Club alone, he has largely been the sole crusader for the Lions Recycle for Sight Program providing members with regular updates on his collections. Since 2010, Lion Charlie has collected over 3000 pairs of used spectacles from various collection points around the Norwood area to package and post to the headquarters in Qld to be further distributed where needed. One of the quieter members of the Club, Lion Charlie is a man of action rather than words, and has lent his hand to multiple Club activities as often as his busy volunteering schedule will allow. He was presented his Helen Keller Commemorative plaque and pin in the esteemed company of our District Governor Rosemary Wenham, and Norwood Councillor Christel Mex. As you can see from the photos below, he was one very proud recipient. Congratulations Lion Charlie, on your very well deserved recognition. Photo left Pictured in photo from left to right: Carmen Samy, Vice President; Norwood Councillor Christel Mex, Helen Keller Award recipient Lion Charlie Adam, and District Governor Rosemary Wenham Photo above Cyclone Pam see story p.5 Our Website http://201c1.lions.org.au/ Issue 10 April 6 Our Youth Our Future New Lions February 2015 Club Port Pirie Lions New Lion Angle Vale Sponsor Adam Blok Charles Morgan Georginia Richter Vanessa Owen Charles Richter Vanessa Owen Clare District Inc David Kleinig Greg Pulford Elizabeth Playford Inc Heather Gauci Marion Jenkin Paralowie Inc Shirley McRae Dot Lewtas Port Lincoln Inc Ryan Chadbourne Peter Milczarek Kelvin Mickan Gavin Roberts Quorn Inc Michael Abfalter Wally Strupeit Rocky River Inc Graeme Eberhard Tim Zander Rostrevor Inc Patricia Durdin Ross Smith Torrens Valley Inc Peter Milsom Phil Bowman Former Club Angle Vale Lion Adelaide Italian Inc Mr Donato Vignogna Tea Tree Gully Inc Mr Kenneth (Ken) Filmer Whyalla Mount Laura Inc Mr John McKeough Torrens Valley Ted Crispin Kadina Bob Turnbull Golden Grove Ron Jones The Club will be holding a Bingo night on the 27th of March at the Savoy Soccer Club, eyes down at 8pm. The Lion’s District Zone meeting was held at Crystal Brook 26th February at 6.30 pm. The beach cricket game between Orroroo Lions Club and the Port Pirie Club was held at the Port Germien beach on the 1st of March. This year, the workers from the Orana workshop took part in a three way play off. The boys were the ultimate winners on the day, and took home the trophy to be contested again next year. A total of 36 Adults and 6 children took part in the games and enjoyed the BBQ that was supplied as well. VALE Club Lions guest speaker, Mayoress, Karen Rhode was our speaker February, she spoke on her career in teaching and also about her family. The Club had to cancel the two BBQ’s at Cheap as Chips on account of 40 degree temperatures. The weather also affected attendance at the February Producer’s Market. The Cheap as Chips BBQ’s were well attended on Saturdays the 7th and 14th of March as well as the Producers market on the 8th of March. Guest speaker Jenny Lewis spoke 0n Victims of Crime for the March dinner meeting. She made the members aware of the different age groups who are victims and the counselling and what is available for the Victims of Crime. The guest speaker for April will be the Mayor of Port Pirie, John Rohde A new member Jeremy Lambert was inducted into the Port Pirie Lions Club at the Club’s dinner meeting on the 17th of March.—Barry McGree The cricketers (above) and induction of Jeremy Lambert (right) Our Website http://201c1.lions.org.au/ Our Youth Our Future Issue 10 April 7 Minlaton Lions MINLATON CLUB PEACE POSTER WINNERS Minlaton District School—Nikki Hoyle with Chairman Lion Tom Martin Curramulka Primary School—Isla Hickman Stansbury Lions Australia Day Breakfast The weather may well have been mild but our band of Lions has been hot on the job. Australia Day breakfast was (despite the weather) a great success. Every year it seems to come together with less fuss (once the tent is up). The numbers were down due to being the day before school returned and caravan holidaymakers having returned home, but everyone was fed and watered with military precision. Once again another worthy recipient was found in our midst as our Citizen of the Year. Congratulations Carrol Roberts. Unfortunately we farewelled a previous Stansbury Citizen of the Year award winner and a true gentleman Alex Daniell last Friday. Although Alex wasn’t a Lions member his humility and compassion for his fellow man epitomises the standard we as Lions try to live by. We were asked by Bet to cater on the day and Margaret with her legion of cooks and helpers put on a great spread. There was a contingent of non-Lions members that willingly gave us their support which helped spread the work load – a sincere thank you to all Life’s Lighter Moments Bob had shingles. Those of us who spend much time in a doctor's office should appreciate this. Here's what happened to Bob: Bob walked into a doctor's office and the receptionist asked him what he had. Bob said: 'Shingles.' So she wrote down his name, address, medical insurance number and told him to have a seat. Fifteen minutes later a nurse's aide came out and asked Bob what he had... Bob said, 'Shingles.' So she wrote down his height, weight, a complete medical history and told Bob to wait in the examining room. A half hour later a nurse came in and asked Bob what he had. Bob said, 'Shingles.' So the nurse gave Bob a blood test, a blood pressure test, an electrocardiogram, and told Bob to take off all his clothes and wait for the doctor. An hour later the doctor came in and found Bob sitting patiently in the nude and asked Bob what he had. Bob said, 'Shingles.' The doctor asked, 'Where?' Bob said, 'Outside on the truck. Where do Warooka Primary School Emily Ramsay you want me to unload 'em ? Please ensure that all articles are submitted no later than 14th. of each month toBulletin editor, Harry Webb (e) hlwebb@bigpond.com or post to PO Box 7, St Agnes, 509. Pictures to be in jpeg (less than 100kb) format if possible. Any opinions expressed in this bulletin are those of the individuals providing the information and/or the editor and do not necessarily represent the view of Lions Clubs International Lions Australia Website: http://lionsclubs.org.au/ District Website http://201c1.lions.org.au/ Our Website http://201c1.lions.org.au/ Issue 10 April 8 Our Youth Our Future
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