L I O N S C L U B S I N T E R N AT I O N A L D I S T R I C T 2 0 1 V 5 I N C . V I C . A U S T R A L I A NewsLetter DISTRICT GOVERNOR: DG Alan Fluck (Roslyn), Unit 2/6 Randolf Court Lower Templestowe 3107 (H) 03 9850 6999 (M) 0468 607 485 dg201V5@lionsclubs201V5.org (Vermont) CABINET SECRETARY: Ivan Kayne OAM (Annette), 3 Leon Court Donvale Vic 3111 (H) 03 9842 2701 (M) 0411 717 810 cabsec201v5@lionsclubs201v5.org (Donvale) CABINET TREASURER: Lin Byron, 5 Strickland Drive Wheelers Hill Vic 3150 (H) 03 9561 5486 (W) 03 9807 2255 Email lbyron@ljbyron.com.au NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Ron Smith (Laurel), 26 Duff Street Sandringham 3191 (H) 03 9598 4162 Email ronaldsmith3@bigpond.com (Sandringham) 66 147 266 469 Inc. No. A0044463B 201V5 ABN 201V5 Lions Website http://201v5.lions.org.au Registered by Australia Post – P/P No. 799999999 Volume 38 Issue 10 - May 2015 Young people and Lions . . . Fellow Lions, Lionesses Leos and Friends: I HAD the pleasure in presenting a Lions International Young Leaders in Service Gold Award to William Smith at the Lions Club of Eltham club rooms on 13th April, 2015. William has been an Honorary Lion for 13 years. He undertook this honour with the understanding that he would attend two Club Meetings and two projects each year, which he has done. Last year in 2014, he achieved over 118 hours of community service while doing his VCE and Ventures as well as coaching gymnastics. Now that William has turned 18 years, I will have great pleasure in inducting him into Lions on the 18th May, 2015. YOTY District Final AT the V5 District Final of Youth of the Year Quest we saw Bronwyn Kealy win our District Final and go onto the State Final which was held at Ballarat on Saturday, 11th April, 2015. Bronwyn went on to win the Public Speaking segment of the State Final. Bronwyn is 17 years old and attends Eltham College, she was sponsored by the Lions Club of Warrandyte. I would like to see more Lions Clubs become involved in the Youth of the Year project. It is a great opportunity for your Club to associate itself with local secondary schools and meet with their students. DG Alan Fluck with William Smith and Peter Talbot, President Lions Club of Eltham. Start of a new Leo Club CONGRATULATIONS to the Lions Club of Wheelers Hill for beginning the new Leo Club of Wheelers Hill. Our Second Vice District Governor Brian Buchanan did an excellent job in inducting these young people into the Leo’s program. On Wednesday, 25th March, 2015 I inducted Tom Xu and Carl Xing as Remote Leos to the Lions Club of Forest Hill. Their obligation is to attend at least one Leo meeting per year and will work with the Forest Hill Lions Club at Club projects. Remember our young people of today are our leaders of the future. Strategic Plan IN THE first week of May, each of our Member Clubs will receive a copy of the 201 V5 Strategic Plan 2014-2019 for Club members to read. Over the past five years this Strategic Plan has been developed from ideas received from members of our District. Each year it is revised and updated by the Committee from ideas received. After reading this document, and you would further like to contribute, please contact Lindsay Champion Chairman on email at lindsay@winovate.com.au . An electronic copy will also be forwarded to the Secretary of your Club. Cheers, DG Alan DG Thought for the Month – Getting together is the Beginning Staying together is Progress Working together is Success – Henry Ford ANZAC Day 2015 . . . In a recent speech Dr Brendan Nelson said: young Australians are increasingly finding relevance in Anzac Day, not because they are enamoured with the madness of war but because the virtues forged at Gallipoli and in other theatres give them a sense of what it means to be Australian. The centenary of the 1915 Gallipoli campaign, he says, has more to do with the nation’s future than its past. Dr Nelson, the director of the Australian War Memorial, says young Australians are looking for and finding meaning in the values demonstrated by the men and women who had served the nation’s armed forces. In terms of shaping who we are as Australians, I don’t think there’s any group of Australians that have worked harder nor given more to do that, than the two million men and women who wear and have worn the uniform of our three services. – At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. – Lest we forget. Lions District 201 V5 Newsletter / District Website: Http://201v5.Lions.Org.Au/ MAY 2015 page 2 Information from the Cabinet Secretary Correspondence to: Cabinet Secreatry Ivan Kayne OAM 3 Leon Court, Donvale, Vic., 3111 (H) 03 9842 2701 (M) 0411 717 810 Email: cabsec201v5@lionsclubs201v5.org Newcastle – PU101 – BY the time you read this, the MD Newcastle Convention will have concluded, for Clubs whose Delegates attended, I am sure you all enjoyed the experience. A number of important decisions were made which I’ll be reporting on next month. ALL Clubs have returned the PU101 (Incoming Officer Returns) for the upcoming year I would like to thank all Secretaries for their assistance. District Changeover – THIS year the District Changeover will be held on the 18th July at the Venuto Club, 191 Bulleen Road, Bulleen at a cost of $40 per head, bookings can be made by contacting the Changeover Chairman Trish Hayward athpeh@outlook.com . Payments can be paid into the District account directly BSB 033 316, Account 372 316 (see advert in this issue), HOWEVER please notify Trish Hayward you have made the payment so your booking can be confirmed. MMR and Activity Reports – MOST Clubs are filling in their MMR Reports on a monthly basis; however there are some that still do not comply. MMR Reports are to be filled in every month by ALL CLUBS. Activity reports also need to be submitted regularly, some Clubs have not reported Activities for 12 months. Incoming Officer Training – THIS year the Club Officer Training will be held on 17th May in Seymour at the Seymour Secondary College Community Arts Centre, 29 Stewart Street, Seymour; and on the 31st May at the East Doncaster Secondary College, 20 George Street, Doncaster East. The times for both venues is 9 am to 3 pm. All Incoming Officers are invited to attend. Membership Details – I WOULD remind all Lions if you have a change in details such as Phone Numbers, Address or Email please contact your Secretary so that he can update the International MyLCI website. We are still getting a number of Lions Magazines returned to Newcastle because of INCORRECT mailing addresses. – Regards, Ivan MAY– Zone 1 Lions Fellowship Night – NOW FRIDAY, 1st May, 2015 at Shepparton Harness Racing Club. Racing Complex, Kialla, Vic. 3630. Clarinda Art and Craft Market – Saturday, May 23rd, 10 am - 2 pm at the Clarinda Community Centre, cnr Viney and Bourke Roads, Clarinda. Melway 78-J-7. Free entry, air-conditioned hall. Veeda 9544 1161. Mothers’ Day – Sunday, 10th May. Incoming Officer Training – Rural –Sunday, 17th May, 10 am - 3 pm – Seymour High School Performing Arts Centre. Cost $15 each. Strategic Planning Committee Meeting – Friday, 29th May – 6.45pm for 7 pm sharp at Bendigo Bank Boardroom, 62 Railway Avenue, Ringwood East, 3135. Incoming Officer Training – Metro 31st May 9 am - 2 pm – East Doncaster Secondary College. Cost $15 each. JULY – Strategic Planning Committee Meeting – Thursday, 9th July, 6.45 pm for 7 pm sharp at Bendigo Bank Boardroom, 62 Railway Avenue, Ringwood East, 3135. The District Changeover will be held on Saturday, 18th July at the Venuto Club, 191 Bulleen Road, Bulleen. AUGUST – Media Training – Facilitators Alec Owen and Georgina Kazenwadel – August 23rd 9 am - 2 pm – Cost $10 each – Ringwood East Bank Community Centre. THE elections are over and now Clubs are preparing for the year which lies ahead. Shortly we will be holding seminars for incoming officers where they will be instructed on their duties. This is a very important part of the training for new Club Officers who will be leading their Clubs for the year ahead. The main thrust will no doubt be in advice to incoming Presidents, Treasurers, Secretaries and Membership Chairmen. It is in the Secretarial group which I comment. What is a Secretary, and just what are his or her duties as far as a Lions Club is concerned? Well, first of all, apart from the President, they are probably the hardest worked Club Members, if they take their duties seriously. They are the main contact between the Club and the District and are responsible for the supply of information between District and the Club. This action is designed to keep Club Members informed about what is happening at District level and to keep District Officials informed about the things happening at Club level. Unfortunately there are times when the system breaks down and things don’t always work out the way they should. Club Secretaries do not always keep District informed or in some cases, they may be late in sending in required information. The reason is usually pressure of daily work but while this is a reasonable situation, we get back to the old saying, if you feel you do not have time to do the job, then give serious thought to what effect your effort will cause further up the line. The District has its Secretary too and nothing can be more frustrating than lack of information from Clubs or lack of “ontime replies”. We are all volunteers, doing the best we can, but the Club Secretary deserves our support and if necessary our assistance if our Club is to be regarded favorably as worthwhile to our community and our District. – Harry Taylor Would you kindly note the deadline for copy and pictures for June Issue is Friday, 15th May. Thank you to all contributors. Lions District 201 V5 Newsletter / District Website: Http://201v5.Lions.Org.Au/ MAY 2015 page 3 NEW MEMBERS: District Governor Alan and Members of Lions District 201 V5 have much pleasure in welcoming the following new Members to the District – CLUB NEW MEMBER SPONSOR Dandenong Jeanette Adaman Malcolm Adaman Warwick Meerwald Sherwin Meerwald Eildon Linda Goode Peter Lyttle Lyndurst & District Ruban Malarajan Malik Zaveer Rowville Reginald Draper Robert McGregor Tatura Michael Curtis Glenda McLeod Toolamba Amanda Sibio Sally Moseley Waverley Jane Vegh Keith Irwin Nunawading Lions visit Nagambie FOR over 30 years the Nunawading Lions Club has held an annual “Away Weekend” where we visit a different part of the country - and not always in Victoria. This year was no exception and on Friday, 10th April seventeen Lions and their partners left Melbourne and journeyed to the Nagambie Lakes Leisure Park which was to be their base for the next three nights. On Saturday they climbed aboard a bus for a guided tour of the district which included a short trip on a boat in the Tahbilk wetlands. Our tour guide, Jamie, certainly knew his district and its history and provided an interesting and humorous commentary. Lunch was served at a reserve on Nagambie lakeside and afternoon tea at Nagambie Wier. Catering was provided by Fiona, Jamie’s partner, and very good it was too. Sunday we embarked on the Goulburn Explore for a trip round the lake then up the Goulburn to Mitchelton Winery for the almost compulsory wine tasting, not that the assembled Lions required much urging. On the return trip down the river we called in at Tahbilk Winery before ending back at the park in time for nibbles and pre-dinner drinks on the river bank. Both a cut lunch and afternoon tea was provided on the boat by Fiona. Sunday evening joined the Nagambie District Lions Club for an excellent BBQ meal (catered for by Nagambie Lions) for an evening of inter-club fellowship in the Mechanics Institute Hall. Sue from Seymour Lions Club was also present and reminded us all of the V5 Convention to be held in Seymour in October. Part of the tradition of the Away Weekend is to meet with the local Lions Club at some time over the weekend, preferably over a meal, and thus get to learn about local projects and activities Victorian Lions Foundation LET’S start with the bad news. The Victorian Lions Foundation is ‘our’ Foundation – yes, yours and mine. Our research scientists are equal to any in the world and that is where they will most likely end up working (overseas) because there they can get access to all the latest equipment. YET, ONLY SIX V5 Clubs donated to the VLF last year. They donated a total of $3,250 to our projects and a Leo Club in V6 – yes, one Leo Club raised and donated $620. Doesn’t that make you feel embarrassed? I know I do. For example, how many of your Club members have diabetes? Yet only two Clubs donated to Baker IDI through the VLF. How many of you have rheumatism or arthritis? Only one Club in all the ‘V’ Districts donated to that. Three Clubs donated to Neurobionics. I rest my case! At the AGM in February the following positions were filled: Chairman, John Beale (V6); Secretary, John Mitchell (V2); Treasurer, Colin Dyason (V3); Vice Chairman, Bill Hughes (V2); Minute Secretary, Veeda Oakley (V5). Administration Committee: Membership Records, Veeda Oakley; Finance Committee: Colin Dyason, John Beale, John Mitchell, Rod Jackson, Alf Hawken, David Oakley. PR and Marketing: David Oakley, Eric Gittins, Ivan Kayne and Veeda Oakley. Guest speaker at the AGM was Dr. Wesley Thevathasan, who is our inaugural Neurobionics Fellow. Dr. Thevathasan presented an extremely clear and informative talk on Deep Brain Stimulation and their research into using this process to help manage illnesses such as Epilepsy, Dystoria and other psychiatric disorders. Mind-blowing. Every Club is contacted during the year and every Club is sent a full-colour brochure outlining our projects. Please ask your Club to help our research fellows stay in Australia and not be lost overseas. The Victorian Lions Foundation is OUR Foundation and we should be supporting them. – David Oakley, V5 VLF Representative Thank You, Mother ~Anon~ Once upon a memory Someone wiped away a tear Held me close and loved me, Thank you, Mother dear. Lions District 201 V5 Newsletter / District Website: Http://201v5.Lions.Org.Au/ Vale Lion George Crouch 16.10.1924 - 01.04.2015 LION George was a member of the Whittlesea Lions Club for 16 years. During his time as a Lion, George served as a Director for several years. He really enjoyed his time looking after the Lions Park and helping at the monthly street BBQ’s, the Whittlesea Show and preparation of our Santas, he was upset when he was no longer able to continue with these activities. A true gentleman who will be sadly missed. – John Leaford Vale Lion Alan Bonnett ALAN joined Lions in February, 1986 he was an electrician by trade. Alan at this time was also deeply involved with his partner in Girl Guilds throughout the Goulburn Valley and Shepparton in particular. Alan undertook many projects at Club level including Youth Exchange, Licola Camps. In 1995, Alan became Club President and later Licola Chairman and Lion Tamer. Due to health restrictions in later years he involved himself in any area he could assist. Alan was a "club man" through and through and many younger Lions came under his wing for advice and his philosophy on life in general. His happy smile will be sadly missed by those that knew him. – Terry Collison Vale Lion Peter Stevens 29.5.1929 - 29.3.2015 PETER was a Lions Member of the City of Caulfield Lions Club, he joined following the closure of the “old” Brighton Lions Club many years ago. He held the roles of President and Secretary. He was a volunteer at the Lions Licola Village during the summer camps on many occasions where he assisted with running of the day-to-day routine for the children. Peter was a valued member of the Brighton Life Saving Club for some 34 years and spent much of his time during summer months there as a trainer and mentor to many young aspiring lifesavers. A very private man, never married and spent most of his life helping others in the community. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him. Rest in Peace Lion Peter. – Andrew Powell Vale Lion Sherine Vanderputt MAY 2015 page 4 1951-2015 THERE has been great sadness with the passing, on 29th March, of Sherine Vanderputt, after a four-year illness. Sherine has been a member of the Lions Club of Moorabbin since 2006, serving as President in 2010-2011. The several hundred mourners who attended her funeral in East Bentleigh showed how she was a much loved person who had touched the lives of so many people in many walks of life, had formed many strong, enduring friendships, and was adored by her family. Sherine was born in Sri Lanka, where she lived until the age of 19. During this time she showed a great passion and talent for the performing arts: dance including ballet; singing even performing in a band and duets with her sister: two beautiful harmonising voices, a pianist, and appearing in films. Sherine then moved to England, where she lived in London, initially working as the Personal Assistant to the well-known media proprietor and impresario Lew Grade. During her 20 years in the UK, which she loved, her first son Mark was born. After emigrating to Melbourne in 1989 her son Paul was born. Sherine’s most recent career position was as a Human Services Case Manager for Kingston Council, which, with her compassionate, caring nature suited her well. In March 2006 Sherine was inducted into the Lions Club of Moorabbin, and despite being in full-time work she was a tireless worker for the Club. Besides her term as President she was also on the Social Committee, Almoner, and 1st and 2nd Vice President. Sherine was instrumental in establishing a Facebook page for “Sri Lankan Food Lovers” and continued this passion. Despite her long illness, Sherine strove to live life to the full, whenever she was able. Her family and many close friends have supported her throughout her illness, and throughout this time Sherine always showed more concern for others than herself. She demonstrated immense courage and an inner strength, and will be greatly missed. – Gillian Lelah Vale Lion Tom James 1941 - 2015 MAJOR Thomas James R.F.D. died on 8th April, 2015 after a battle with cancer. Tom joined the Moorabbin Lions Club in January, 2008 and in June, 2014 transferred to the Mordialloc-Mentone Lions. At Moorabbin he served: • Six years on Constitution, By-Laws and History Committee; • Six years on Meeting and Social Programs Committee. In 2014 Tom developed the Club’s By-Laws. Tom was always willing to put his hand up to assist with any of the Club’s activities. He had a quiet, easy going manner. Tom grew up in Ballarat, in a very nice comfortable house near the Town Centre. He had a lifelong interest in the military, joining the Ballarat High School Cadet Brigade at the age of 16. Tom worked at various jobs until he joined the Army, where he rose to the rank of Major: his dedication and loyalty were exemplary. On his retirement from the Army Reserve in 1988 Tom was second in charge of the 4/19th Wales Light Horse Armoured Regiment. He served more than 30 years in both the infantry and armoured corps. Tom’s dedication and hard work proved valuable again when he retired from the Army and proceeded to complete a nine-year legal course, and his career move as a solicitor. At the time of his death Tom was the President of the Cheltenham-Moorabbin RSL Sub Branch. During his presidency of the RSL he conducted Anzac Day and Remembrance Day commemorations. On formal occasions he mixed with international guests and Australian leaders because of respect shown to him throughout his Army career and in retirement. Tom had many interests and loves, the first being his wife: Sandra, and his sons and extended family, his mother, the family home in Ballarat, and his “hide-away” property in the bush. Lion Charlie Smith of the Moorabbin Lions remembers that, on occasions, when Tom was upset, he would say: “Go and get your tank Tom. That will fix the problem.” This always raised a laugh from Tom. Tom’s time at Mordialloc-Mentone was short but when he was well enough he attended meetings and assisted in Fundraising events and Projects. – We will miss you Tom, God Bless. Lions District 201 V5 Newsletter / District Website: Http://201v5.Lions.Org.Au/ DISTRICT FINAL LIONS YOUTH OF THE YEAR QUEST 2015 THE District Final of the Youth of the Year was held on Saturday, 28th March, 2015 at the Quality Inn, Wantirna. Fifty-six people attended the event. Four Contestants participated: Grace Boscetti sponsored by Moorabbin LC from Kilvington Grammar School; Sarah Bresnehan sponsored by Blackburn North LC from The Knox School; Alex Cox sponsored by the Tatura LC from Goulburn Valley Grammar School; Bronwyn Kealy sponsored by Warrandyte LC from Eltham College. They spent the afternoon being interviewed by five Judges. The night was run by Waverley Lions Club with John Coulson the MC. He made the night run smoothly and put the students at ease when they were at the podium. All the speeches were different and were delivered with great finesse. DG Alan Fluck gave out the awards to all the Contestants. The Public Speaker Award went to Alex Cox with the overall winner going to Bronwyn Kealy. They all received a present along with certificates for participating. I would like to thank the Waverley Lions Club and President Diane Stockdale for putting on a great show. At the State Final held Saturday, 11th April, 2015 Bronwyn Kealy won the Public Speaking Award; Emma Wiggins representing the Mt Eliza Lions Club (V3) won the Overall Prize and went forward to represent Victoria at the Multiple District Convention. – Monica McQuatters, District Youth of the Year Chairman MAY 2015 page 5 2015 AGM and Convention Seymour – May Update – 10th - 11th October 2015 Coo-ee Calling All Lions WE are having a Display Competition at our Convention, so for all the Chairmen who have displays, you need to register your stall with Carol Smith 5799 1970 or email at cpsmith@ mcmedia.com.au . Keep your registrations coming in, don’t leave it to the last minute, fill in the form NOW and send it to us along with your $20 deposit or payment in full if you prefer. You can pay by cheque or direct deposit into our bank account. Remember to use your name as the notation at the bank or on-line and then forward us your form or email it to us on 2015lionsconvention@gmail. com Registration forms, accommodation lists and local tourist information can be downloaded from our website at www.lionsconvention2015.com . Stamp Recycling Bronwyn Kealy winner of the District V5 YOTY Final, sponsored by Warrandyte LC representing Eltham College. Alex Cox winner of the Public Speaking segment of District YOTY V5 Final, sponsored by Tatura LC and representing Goulburn Valley Grammar School. Bronwyn Kealy being presented the certificate by DG Alan. TO all Clubs that support stamp recycling – thank you! You will be delighted to know we have had another magnificent year with the used stamp project and already have accumulated $8,500 to pass on to the Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation, with another three months yet to go! We are now receiving collections, covers, post office packs and even foreign coin collections to sell and these are adding to the 300/400 kilo of stamps that have come to us. The majority of stamps we receive are sold at the NSW Philatelic Society auctions (Philas) held three times a year and some of the more valuable items are also being offered and sold on eBay. The eBay site is registered as lisc41. – Veeda Oakley, Clarinda Lions Lions District 201 V5 Newsletter / District Website: Http://201v5.Lions.Org.Au/ MAY 2015 page 6 DEAR LIONS, as Chairman of your Lions Clubs Communities benefit from Club projects and support from ALF THE number of Grants is increasing all the time as Clubs look to support projects. Support from Dick Smith assisted this Grant to help a needy grandmother in V5. Thanks to the Lions Club of Greater Dandenong for their assistance in making this possible. Change of Postal Address For the short term, please note that all correspondence for the Australian Lions Foundation should be directed to Acting Secretary – Lion David Triffett – PO Box 465 Glenorchy, Tasmania 7010. If Clubs and Districts are planning on making awards to members, please do not leave it to the last minute. Download the current Awards Application Form from the ALF. Make sure you leave sufficient time for production. International Foundation (LCIF), I have the privilege of travelling the globe to see the amazing work Lions are doing. Every day, you provide disaster relief, empower our young people and serve our communities. You also remain committed to saving sight. Whether you are conducting vision screenings, providing eyeglasses or medicine, you are giving the gift of sight. Together with LCIF and partners like The Carter Center, Lions have helped to restore sight to 7.7 million people through cataract surgeries; prevented serious vision loss for more than 30 million; provided over 271 million IPIP Barry with Lion Jimmy Carter treatments for river blindness; built or expanded 660 former President USA. eye care hospitals and clinics; and trained 681,000 eye care specialists and eye health workers. Congratulations, Lions! As we celebrate these achievements, know that there is still much work to be done. With your contribution, LCIF will be able to support Lions all over the world who continue making a positive impact in the lives of people who are blind or visually impaired. Thank you for commitment to saving and restoring sight. Sincerely, Barry J. Palmer, Chairman, Lions Clubs International Foundation Leo Club of Wheelers Hill formed WHEELERS HILL President Chester Allan (centre right) presenting the Certificate of Organisation to Leo President Mark Allan and the new Leos. Chester commented, “the Lions were excited and looking forward to supporting a group of creative and enthusiastic young people who would be helping others in need”. ALF Website The Website is undergoing upgrade. We appreciate the assistance of MD Assistant Webmaster Lion John Wenham who is working with us on the upgrade and changes. ALF Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Australian Lions Foundation will be held at the Multiple District Convention in Newcastle at the Saturday Lunch interval. We welcome representatives from all Clubs to attend as this is YOUR Foundation and your input is welcomed. A special event was held on 24 March to celebrate the formation of the Leo Club of Wheelers Hill and to install club officers and induct 15 new Leos. It was a great occasion hosted by the sponsoring Lions Club of Wheelers Hill. Installing officer was 2ndVDG Brian Buchanan and there were presentations from VDG Ann Eldridge, Saarah Ozeer and PDG/ Leo State Coordinator Les Harrison. V5 Trustee Contact Information CLARINDA Lions had a full bus again this year when they popped up to Tocumwal/ Cobram for the weekend. Perfect weather was a plus, this photo was taken on the way home at Nagambie (along with about 200 bikies) for afternoon tea – men looked at the bikes while the girls strolled up see the statue of Black Caviar. The trip’s raffle proceeds are headed to the Monash Children’s Hospital. PCC Tony Benbow (Sue) 22 Minchinbury Dr. Vermont South Vic 3133 (H)03-9801-2772 (M)0419 592 003 alf.promotions@lions.org.au Year End Awards/Recognitions The end of the Lions year is getting closer and many Clubs will look to acknowledge the service of their members and those in their Community. Don’t leave the ordering of your Awards to the last minute. They take time to produce and dispatch. You can go on-line to obtain them and send to the Awards Chairman to ensure your order is delivered in time. Another big turn-out for the Clarinda border trip Newsletter / District Website: Http://201v5.Lions.Org.Au/ Lions District 201 V5 Zone 6 Supports Midnight Basketball OVER the period from 14th February to 28th March, a project designed at helping youth at risk in the Knox District has been conducted at the Boronia Basketball Stadium by a team of over 50 volunteers supported by staff from The Winning Team – Knox Council. the Light Blue Buzzer Beaters. The Midnight Basketball project involves conducting a basketball tournament for those young people at risk and incorporates forming teams from the young folk attending the program, assigning each team a coach, providing each player with a uniform and then having them play in a round-robin series of basketball matches. Each night, basketball is preceded by dinner, where the youngsters are provided with a meal. After their meals, they proceed to the tournament and workshops. The concept is quite simple but it is also very effective. We witnessed an amazing transformation in the growth and development in some of the young people who have come along and involved themselves in the program. This, in itself, makes the whole experience worthwhile from a volunteers’ perspective. It is been hard work, but it is also quite worthwhile, especially where one can see the smiles on the faces of the youngsters at the end of the evening. At the conclusion of the evening’s activities, the young folk are bussed home to their front doors. Home by midnight – hence ‘Midnight Basketball’. We witnessed an exciting Grand Final night on the 28th March with the winning team being the Light Blue Buzzer Beaters. Laurie Cooper, Zone 6 Chairman MAY 2015 page 7 STILL WATERS RUN DEEP Kamal Deep Singh, PDG Terry and President Tara Collison THE Lions Club of Shepparton presented an Australian Lions Foundation Community Service Award to Kamal Deep Singh for his generous support and giving to his local community. For some time now, Kamal has supplied free breakfasts to children who attend the local St Georges Road Primary School and other needy local residents down on their luck. He does this as a gift of giving and his own way of supporting his community. When the Lions Club of Shepparton became aware of this it decided that Kamal should be the inaugural recipient of the Australian Lions Foundation Community Service Award which the Club intends to present each year in Shepparton. President Tara said, “in presenting this award to Kamal, it is our way of thanking him and those who work, mostly unseen in our local community”. Lions Club of Croydon Inc. 2015-2016 Club Changeover Dinner Monies raised will go to the Licola camp, a Lions Club initiative to help disadvantaged children Monday, 15th of June, 2015 at the Dorset Gardens Hotel 7 pm for 7.30 pm start 335 Dorset Road, Croydon 3136 Investiture of the President and Board of Directors by Installing Officer Zone Chairman Laurie Cooper Lounge Suit/Smart Casual Two-Course Meal $35.00 per head – Drinks at bar prices Dinner and Dessert Menu (choice of three) RSVP Ian Atkinson 0432 546 717 by Friday, 5th June Includes Admission,Three Course Meal,Racebook and Complimentary Tea & Coffee Lions District 201 V5 Newsletter / District Website: Http://201v5.Lions.Org.Au/ 201V5 District Changeover Dinner •Y You are invited to the District Changeover Dinner. • Date: 18th of July 2015 • Time: 6.30 p.m. for 7.00 p.m. start • Venue: Venuto Club 191 Bulleen Rd Bulleen • Dress: Dinner Suit Attire • 3 course meal and music entertainment • $40.00 per head. Please deposit money into 033065 372316 and place your surname in as identification • Please RSVP to Trish Hayward athpeh@outlook.com or mobile 0418936239 by 6th of July 2015 MAY 2015 page 8 Lions Australia has joined hands with beyondblue in Sandringham to raise awareness and understanding about depression and anxiety What: An open public Lions Club meeting to help educate residents in and around Sandringham as part of beyondblue’s and Lions Australia’s Joining Hands campaign.All Clubs invited to attend. Time: 6.30pm Date: Tuesday, 19th May, 2015 Location: The Sandringham Club,corner Beach Road and Bamfield Street, Sandringham Cost: $25.00 PP (two-course meal) – Drinks at Bar Prices Contact: Roger Vial 0411 422 905 by 15th May, 2015 Jim Moore Speaker: is a semi retired businessman. He establishedTheCoachingConnectionin2001toassistbusinessowners and managers in leading more balancedandfulfillinglives. Jim is a volunteer speaker for beyondblue, a national organisationthatworkstoraise awareness about anxiety and depression, reduce associated stigma and encourage people togethelp. Lions Australia has partnered with beyondblue to help people across Australia look after their mental health and tackle depression and anxiety. Supporting the Lions Cord Blood Foundation and Lions projects Invites you to a night of fun and laughter (Adults Only) (This is a ticket only event ) Saturday 14th November, 2015 – 7:00 - 11:15pm Dress: Ladies - after 5 (hats optional) – Guys Smart Casual. Venue: Trackside, Kilmore Racecourse, East Street, Kilmore 3764 Tickets: Glenys 0409 891267 or Leigh 0419 518 879 $35.00 per head - Tables of 10 limited Finger food (Advise dietary requirements when purchasing tickets) Complimentary drinks and gifts on arrival Drinks available throughout the evening at Bar prices. & Silent Auctions Live Simulated Horse racing event Door Prizes Lucky envelopes Toss the Coin Balloons Afloat Lucky spots Fashions on the Field and MORE LADIES SPECIAL OFFER : See ticket attachment for special savings when looking for that special outfit to wear to the Fashions on the Field event on the night. Entry to Fashions on the field $5... Entry can be purchased with tickets or on the night of the event. Remember to bring your tickets to the event to be in the draw for the Lucky Door Prize • EFTPOS facilities will be available CASH WITHDRAWALS.....Withdrawals of cash on the night available only at Trackside facility (cash withdrawal limits will apply due to Gaming Facility regulations) Wandong-Wallan Lions Club The 2015 Lions Spring Fundraising Carnival Tickets now on sale Band: Cold Fusion SATURDAY 30TH MAY 2015 Waydon Builders Pty. Ltd BPA Print Group, 2 McIntyre Street, Burwood 3125 Ph: (03) 8831 2000 Email: sales.vic@bpaprintgroup.com.au
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